Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave Vol. 3 No. 3 | November 2012 |
Welcome Welcome to Staying in Touch, the e-newsletter for members on maternity, adoption or parental leave.
IN THIS EDITION: • Catholic Sector Update • Anglican Sector Update • PMSA Update • Job Share Info Session • Wage Increase - Early Childhood Sector • Save 10% on Your Membership by Paying in Full before 18 December
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Special Update - Collective Bargaining Stay Involved Whilst on Leave Vote in Your Agreement Catholic negotiations conclude – Agreement goes to ballot Negotiations for a new Collective Agreement in the Catholic sector have concluded and the process of balloting is about to commence across Queensland Catholic schools. Major changes in the Agreement have seen improvements in family friendly provisions amongst other enhancements. Below is a summary of the significant changes. Wage matters * 2.7% per annum for the next 3 years * Back pay from 1 May for school officers and services staff and from 1 July for teachers Non wage matters Changes to the Hours of Duty clause has provided a clear definition of the use of preparation, planning and correction time for primary teachers. Also, under the proposed agreement this time is to be provided in user friendly blocks of no less than 30 minutes for both primary and secondary teachers. Family friendly provisions Enhancements to the current breastfeeding and expressing facilities provision were negotiated, in terms of encouraging and initiating dialogue between the woman and the Principal ahead of her return to work as to the specific considerations needed to support breastfeeding and mother and baby health and well-being. Paid parental leave Improvements to the provision include: access to the second or subsequent periods of paid parental leave without requirement to return to work for any period; leave can now be paid at half pay for double the period of time; and dads or partners are provided with early access to the period of paid spousal leave, in cases of demonstrated need (for example, travel to a birthing facility or caring for other children where complete bed rest for pregnant partner is prescribed).
Are you interested in reading about breastfeeding and your return to work? Find a series of articles available for you to download from our website at Want to ask us a question? Send an email to IEUA-QNT Organiser Susan O’Leary at The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch
Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave
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Job share quota This can be varied from the current 1 job share per 7 full time staff where necessary or desirable.
Ballot Quick Facts
Long service leave
* These are conducted by your employer and will be held at your school on 22 and 23 November
Can now be accessed in a minimum period of one week – with ability to access a minimum period of one day in certain circumstance. Employees can also cash out some of their long service leave accruals
* Employers should make their best efforts to contact staff on leave to inform them of the processes for voting
Domestic violence leave
* All staff who are covered by this Collective Agreement are entitled to vote
This new provision sees an additional 5 days per year special paid leave for those affected. Special responsibility leave
* If you wish to know more, please make contact with your Principal
Change to the provisions, such that time taken can be used to provide care and support to members of immediate family or household when they are affected by illness, injury or an unexpected emergency. Deferred salary scheme Employees who have completed three consecutive years full time service can apply for the scheme. Over a five year period, the employee elects to receive 80% of salary for the first four years, then take the fifth year off as special leave at 80% salary. Flexible working arrangements - RELIGIOUS INSITUTE SCHOOLS ONLY A new clause enables full time employees to apply for flexible working arrangements (flexible hours, job share, part time) where they have personal responsibilities including caring for elderly parents, care of grandchildren, care of children and transition to retirement. Visit our website at for Fast Fact summaries, links to key clauses and full copies of the proposed Catholic sector agreements.
Anglican Schools’ Collective Agreement to go to ballot Negotiations in the Anglican sector have concluded with a ballot of employees to be held at your school on 29 and 30 November. For more information on the voting process and to access a copy of the new Agreement, please get in touch with your employer. Chapter Briefings and fact sheets outlining more detail are available via our website at See below a list of key changes contained in the proposed agreement. Wages * 2.7% per annum for the next 2 years. The wage increases for the 3 year cycle are 4% in 2012, 2.7% in 2013 and 2.7% in 2014. * Accomplished Classroom Teacher progression has also been agreed which will attract an allowance of $88,922 for 2013 and $91,501 for 2014 Non wage matters * A Boarding Schools’ Schedule has been developed which will give clarity to the working conditions of boarding supervisors. This does not include a review of wages as this was rejected by employers. * A Joint Working Party to Review the Teachers Wage Spine will be established to review the current classifications * A Joint Working Party will review the provision of professional development for school officers in terms of movement through their classification and wage scales * Agreement was reached to refer the issue of assessment and reporting demands to Consultative Committees in response to the onerous demands these place on teachers. Family friendly provisions * A review of Family Leave provisions to ensure that the National Employment Standards are the minimum and where the Agreement has improved standards, this will remain. * Employers were NOT prepared to lift paid maternity leave to 14 weeks (current entitlement in EQ) so it remains at 12 weeks
Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave
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PMSA - Preparations for Negotiations Underway Preparations are underway for negotiations in 2013 for a replacement Collective Agreement in the PMSA sector. If you have work related issues that you would like to be considered for the employee Log of Claims, please get in touch with your Chapter Executive as a matter of urgency. Alternatively, email our union office at with PMSA Log of Claims 2013 as your subject line.
The Benefits of Job Share Earlier this year, our union hosted a Job Share Information Session to help inform members who were intending to undertake, or wanted to know more about job share. The session provided attendees with a broad scope of knowledge about planning and implementing a job share arrangement in their schools. IEUA-QNT Assistant General Secretary Ros McLennan said it is beneficial for the employer to embrace the job share environment. “Job share arrangement allow students to experience the wealth of knowledge and learning environment with two teachers which can be very beneficial rather than viewing this as a negative aspect,” she said. Job share arrangements can also help to reduce absenteeism and stress issues for new mothers.
Ros said it is important to thoroughly plan your job share proposal by: * Consulting policy documents applicable to your school and considering how you can include this policy * Seeking assistance from our union in planning job share and having the conversation with your employer * Thinking about key criteria for successful job share and proposing how you will meet this * Including a well considered rationale in addition to your proposal * Including specific dates that the arrangement would take place in * Mapping out a collaborative arrangement with your job share partner IEUA-QNT members Nicole Cooper and Lauren Wann (pictured above) participated in the session to improve their understanding of job share arrangements.
For further information about IEUA-QNT training and events, visit or speak with your Organiser.
For more information about returning to work, please visit our union’s website
Staying in Touch The e-newsletter for members on parental leave
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Benefits of Membership Members on maternity leave can still access free, confidential and professional advice on any workplace matter - even from home. There is a special membership rate of $90 (or $3.30 per fortnight) for members to receive all our membership benefits while at home with baby. There are a number of reasons members should remain union members while on maternity leave, including: 1. Professional advice on workplace matters Common inquiries can include job share, teacher registration, continuing professional development, accessing paid parental leave, notice periods for resignation and others. 2. Legal assistance 3. Saving money on goods and services Make great savings on goods and services by using your Union Shopper. Call 1800 368 117 or visit for your next bargain.
News Flash - Early Childhood Sector Are you due a wage increase?
Wage increases of 2.7% will apply in state schools in 2012, 2013 and 2014 with most kindergartens committed to matching these increases. Some kindergartens will apply the increases from 1 July or 1 September. You should check your kindergarten’s agreement for details relating to your workplace. If you any issues relating to wages increases, please contact our union for support at or 1800 177 938.
Save on Your Membership! ARE YOU ON MATERNITY LEAVE NEXT YEAR TOO? PAY YOUR 2013 MEMBERSHIP FEES IN FULL BY 18 DECEMBER 2012 and receive a 10% DISCOUNT $81 for a full year of IEUA-QNT membership
Email for more information.
4. Improved wages and conditions 5. Strong voice on professional issues 6. Advocacy through professional bodies 7. Staying in Touch e-zine
Useful Contacts Pregnancy, Birth & Baby Helpline - for support during the first 12 months of parenting. Paid Parental Leave scheme National Breastfeeding Helpline Postnatal Depression
Contact our Membership Department on 1800 177 938 or (07) 3839 7020 to ask to be converted to our special discounted ‘Maternity Leave rate’ for the time you are away from paid work.
1800 882 436 Service operates 24 hours a day. 1800 MUM2MUM (1800 686 2 686) - 1300 224 636
Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277
Domestic Violence - Womensline 1800 811 811, Mensline 1800 600 636
Immunise Australia Program
1800 671 811
Raising Children’s Network
Members on Parental Leave
Union Shopper
The Independent Education Union of Australia - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch