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Partnerships & Advocacy
Strong partnerships are essential parts of advocacy, and throughout 2021 IF’s strong connections were demonstrated through collaborative projects. In June IF contributed two speakers to the EDF workshop on access to health. Furthermore, in November, IF coorganised a side event for the European Public Health Conference entitled “Advocacy for Sexuality Education for Children and Young People with Disabilities”. At the workshop IF policy officer contributed as a speaker and gave a presentation on IF’s work with youth with SBH on sexuality. In December IF participated in a roundtable discussion at the Online Awareness Raising Event – Challenges and Good Practice Supporting Older People with Disabilities, which was organised by the European Platform for Rehabilitation.

IF continued to advocate on key issues within the EU by participating in stakeholder meetings, contributing to public consultations and bringing awareness to the actions being taken, or not being taken on the EU level through social media activity.
In addition, IF became a member of the Disability Platform. This platform is one of the key initiatives outlined in the ESRPD. It is chaired by the European Commission and its members include representatives from the EU Member States and a selection of key civil society organisations, including IF.
The purpose of the platform is to discuss and shape EU policies relevant to disability rights.