Checklist for selecting IT-Systems (Software) for ophthalmic clinics Yes
1. Company -
Does the company have at least 5 (10) years of experience in the area of ophthalmic software? Does the company provide financial profiles (e.g. public company, published financial reports)? Does the company offer a transparent license and contract platform? Has the company had a user base of at least 500 (1000) users in ophthalmology for 5 (10) years? Does the company offer reference sites (international market)? Does the company have an international reputation (international IT projects, cooperation with academies etc.)? Does the company participate in international ophthalmic meetings (AAO, ASCRS, ARVO, SOE, ESCRS etc.)?
2. Software -
Is the software based on a solid data model (specialized in ophthalmology)? Does the software offer structured data fields for all optometric and ophthalmic data sets (refraction, visual acuity, IOP etc.)? Does the software provide structured codes and terms for all relevant categories (findings, diagnoses, medical general terms, therapies etc.)? Does the software offer log-in and log-off functions (legal requirements for digital medical documentation)? Does the software offer features for ophthalmic data mining (structural queries)? Does the software support quality assurance support distributed environments (multiple clinic structures, satellite offices etc.)? Does the software offer remote functionalities (tele-medicine, web based scheduler, web based records etc.)?
3. Customization -
Does the software allow creating individual user interfaces (GUI)? Does the software allow defining different workflows for reception, pre-screening, examination, administration etc.? Does the software support different specialties in ophthalmology? o Cataract Surgery o Refractive Surgery o Retina o Glaucoma o Cornea o Orthoptics o Others
IOTA – International Ophthalmic Technology Association
Does the company offer international (multilingual) service and support? Does the support team provide consultation and training on site? Does the support team offer teleconference and video-conference services? Does the company offer international service level agreements (SLA)? Does the company offer peer-to-peer services for instruments and interfaces (direct communication between IT-partner and producer of ophthalmic equipment)? Does the company offer regular software updates (new software generations, continuous improvements etc.) Does the company offer international user meetings (e.g. during international congresses like AAO etc.)?
Does the software support the creation of individually designed digital patient records (order, fonts, columns, graphics etc.)? Does the software generate automated reports (letters) with standard formats (WORD, PDF etc.)?
4. Interfaces -
Does the company guarantee the connectivity for interfaces to all systems of major vendors of ophthalmic diagnosis systems? Does the company offer (and guarantee) interfaces to all devices of Zeiss Meditec AG? Does the company offer (and guarantee) interfaces to all devices of Heidelberg Engineering GmbH? Does the company offer (and guarantee) interfaces to all devices of Oculus GmbH? Does the company offer (and guarantee) interfaces to all devices of Topcon Inc.? Does the company offer (and guarantee) interfaces to all devices of Nidek Inc.? Does the software integrate all relevant ophthalmic image systems?
5. Medical IT standards -
Does the software support the IHE frameworks in ophthalmology (promoted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology/AAO)? Does the software offer HL7 functionality (e.g. interface to HIS)? Does the software offer DICOM functionality (e.g. interface to PAX)? Is the software SNOMED compatible (Integrated Eye Care Environments)?
6. Service and support -
IOTA – International Ophthalmic Technology Association