IFATCA The Controller - 2nd Quarter 1981

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In this


Issue: What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You Proficiency checking for ATCO's East Africa ~chool of Aviation


2nd QUARTER 1981


SFrs 5.-

All thingsconsidered,is it so remarkablethat Irelandalsorunsa ratherenjoyableairline?

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THE CONTROLLER Bern, Switzerland, June 1981

Volume 20

No. 2

Publisher: International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations. P.O.B. 196.CH-1215 Geneva 15 Airport. Switzerland. Officers of IFATCA: H. H. Henschler. President. Daniel Oudin. Vice-President (Technical). A. Avgoustis. V1cePres1dent (Professional). Pat O'Doherty. Vice-President (Administration). H Wenger. Treasurer. E. Bradshaw, Executive Secretary. Secretariat: 6 Langlands Park. Ayr KA? 4RJ Ayrshire. Scotland. Unned Kingdom Tel· 0292 42114


Editor: A Avgoust1s 5 Athens Str. Ayios Dhometios Nicosia. Cyprus Tel· (021) 4 87 86 Publishing Company and Production Service also Advertising Sales Office: 'Der Bund'. Verlag und Druckere1AG. 3001 Bern. Effingerstrasse 1. Switzerland. Telephone (03 1) 25 66 55 Printed by: 'Der Bund'. Verlag und Druckere1AG. Bern. Switzerland Advertising Sales Office: THE CONTROLLER. 5 Athens st .. Ay1os Ohome11os,Nicosia, Cyprus. Telephone (02 1) 48 78 6 THE CONTROLLER. 'Der Bund'. Verlag und Druckerei AG (Address as for Publishing Co.) Subscriptions and Advertising Payments to: Account No: PK 72 892-9. Swiss Credit Bank. Balexen Agency. av. Louis Casai 27. CH-12 1 1 Geneva 2 8. Switzerland.

The ATC Tower at Joma Kenyatta Airport (Kenya). In the foreground the VIP lounge

Subscription Rate: SFrs 8.- per annum for members of IFATCA: SFrs 20.- per annum Jar non-members (Postage will be charged extra). Contributors are expressing their personal points of view and opinions. which may not necessarily co1nc1dewith those of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Assoc1at1ons(IFATCA). IFATCA does not assume respons1b1lityfor statements made and opInIons expressed. it does only accept respons,b1l1tyfor publ,sh,ng these contribut,ans. Contributions are welcome as are comments and cnt1cIsm. No payment can be made for manuscripts submitted for publication in 'The Controller'. The Editor reserves the right to make any editorial changes in manuscripts. wh,ch he beheves will improve the material without altering the intended meaning. Written permissron by the Editor 1s necessary for reprinting any part of this Journal.

Advertizers in this issue: Aer Lingus. Selenia. AEG-Telefunken. Ferranti Computer Systems. ThomsonCSF. Philips (2).


CONTENTS Annual Report of the Executive Board Simultaneous Parallel ILS Approaches Increased Eye-Power For Tower Controllers What You Don't Know Can Hurt You The Proficiency Chee.king of Air Traffic Controllers Simulated Target Generation for ATC Systems Testing Refresher Training for Air Traffic Controllers ROCATCA- First Annual Conference Navaids in Norway East African School of Aviation Pilot/Controller Co-operation in the Automated Era IFALPA '81

3 6 9 12 20 26 30 32 38 41 44 45

advanced digital ate display The DDS-80 Digital ATC Display is one of the most advanced display ever designed. The display is very fast, and is able to give a flickerfree presentation of both synihetic and raw radar video. Each display is equipped wiih the Selenia NDC-160 16-bit minicomputer and 3 micro-pro.cessors in order to obtain maximum flexibility and best interface possibilities. The built-in computer will take over a number of tedious tasks formerly performed by the controller using key-boards and track-ball.






Annual Report of the Executive Board to the Cairo Conference

It is not my ambition to be perfectly correct with my annual prediction of continued problems in the international air traffic control environment in the board's report to the annual conference. As a matter of fact. I would much prefer for once. to be proven wrong. However. based on the display of intransigence of various employers and their ignorance - which after conclusions of the meeting of experts on air traffic control at the International Labour Office can only be termed 'deliberate' - predictions of future problems in our profession are ridiculously easy to make with a guarantee of being right. The past twelve months have seen government employers dismiss controllers who were fighting in the name of their national controllers· organization. for the profession and their fellow controllers. They have seen controllers ·mobilized'. i.e. put under military jurisdiction and law. and military controllers being introduced into a normally civilian system as either replacement or threat of that possibility. This federation unreservedly condemns such gestures of government intimidation of air traffic controllers. they serve no purpose other than to decrease aviation safety. Controllers forced to work operationally under such additional conditions of stress. cannot possibly perform their duties with the degree of safety our profes-

sion demands. It is interesting. in a morbid way, to speculate what the findings of an impartial court of law would be should an aviation accident attributable to human error occur under such circumstances. We are convinced that blame. or at least a major portion of it, would have to be laid at the feet of the employer. the government. as the deliberate creator of this additional stress. What makes us sad. on top of the aforementioned degradation of aviation safety, the stress and aggravation to our members. is the fact that those who will suffer almost exclusively from these government-created and perpetrated situations of confrontation over inadequate air traffic control equipment. working conditions, and relationship. are the airlines and general aviation - our customers - and the passengers and users - their customers. The· government employers. wilfully disregard the conclusions of the ILO meeting of experts. agreed upon by both government and controller representatives. and the solutions contained therein. These governments are jeopardizing untold sums of money in national income and the profits of their national, and. in many cases. of international air carriers. Governments must be aware. one hopes. of the money invested in training air traffic controllers. There· are two reasons

The Executive Board (left to right): H.H. Henschler. H. Wenger. D. Oudin. A. Avgoustis and E. Bradshaw. (P. o·ooherty not present)

one can imagine for governments· irrational behaviour: 1. They realize the vast economic impact of our profession but they are not willing to accept the ensuing consequences as recognized by the ILO meeting of experts, and 2. They do not. directly. suffer the economic consequences of lost income. For both of these reasons. they wish to affirm their use of the civil service straitjacket. The impact of our profession, of our membership, on international economics cannot be overestimated. Just imagine. if you can. what even a 24 hour period in the life of this planet without civil aviation would mean. I cannot even guess at the amount of lost income to all facets of all economic endeavours - there are few. if any. groups of people who could have such impact. To be fair. there are government employers who have acted on the ILO conclusions. where the profession receives proper recognition. These. together with the airlines who tangibly support the efforts of the federation. deserve our recognition and appreciation. It is our hope that the federation may be able to also. tangibly. show our recognition. ADMINISTRATION General The Executive Board has continued the policy of reduced involvement. except for cases of benefit to IFATCA, with outside agencies and organizations. Rather. the board put the emphasis on attending regional meetings. meeting of member associations. and of standing committees. To carry out this objective, we again had the assistance of the national authorities. reluctant in some cases. of Canada. Cyprus, France and Ireland. We also had the assistance of a number of airlines to whom we wish to express our appreciation. Last year finally saw the major amendment to our constitution and bye laws completed and included in the manual. The technical and professional policy statements and papers were incorporated in the manual in a new format. It is hoped that the new layout will enable all member associations to make greater use of the information and guidance material available. The board received many requests for assistance. not all of which could be attended to in the way the board would have wished. Limits of time and money unfortunately lay boundaries to the activities of the Executive Board. A number of short notice visits were made but as always travel cost presents a problem. Many member associations are successful when requesting assistance from their governments for the provision of travel facilities to the Executive Board. Many others are regrettably hampered by the attitudes of the airlines. Executive Board· Due to the relatively late dates of IFATCA ·so. the Executive Board decided to forego the normal June Board Meeting rather than schedule it for July or August inasmuch as such dates would have been impossible. or at least very difficult. owing to the summer holiday period in the nor3

them hemisphere. The Autumn Board Meeting. scheduled for early November. had been agreed upon at IFATCA '80 with the Egypt ATCA to be held in Cairo to inspect conference facilities and preparations for IFATCA '81. Only very few days before commencement of this meeting. the Egyptian ATCA advised the board that our presence was not desirable in Cairo at the time. and the meeting was re-scheduled. at very short notice. to be held in London. England. Member associations should ·consider all requirements before inviting a board meeting - the various aspects. such as time off. travel. etc .. of re-scheduling at very short notice the venue and dates are forbidding. The February. 1981. Board Meeting was held. on invitation of the Venezuela ATCA. near Caracas at the site of that member associat1on·s annual convention in September. 1981.

Member associations must remember that this is their federation - its output can only be as good as their input. In addition to meetings with member associations of countries where executive board meetings and regional meetings were held. members of the board met with:

Regions and Regional Meetings: It is gratifying to see that almost all lFATCA regions have become very active. In last year·s report. I mentioned that there existed grey areas with regard to the latitudes of Regional Vice-Presidents - I regret to report that these problems persist. It Is our hope that during the meeting of the Executive Council prior to IFATCA '81. these problems may be solved. Regrettably, Regional Vice-Presidents in two of our regions did not complete the full term of office and the board acted in the interests of the federation in both cases. The board continued its policy of attending. whenever possible. regional meetings. It was represented at the following regional meetings:

Members of the Board attended the following Standing Committee Meetings:

Pacific: Western Europe:

President Vice-President Technical. Treasurer Africa East/West: Vice-President Administration. Vice-President Professional. Vice-President Technical. Treasurer. and Executive Secretary. North and Central America/ South America: President

At one of these meetings criticism in principle was aimed at the Executive Board. The board. as an elected body is open to criticism by the electorate but we would prefer such criticism to occur at Annual Conference where the Directors are assembled and where all members of the board attend and are thus able to answer all detailed questions. There were no regional meetings in Central Europe. Middle East. Far East, Caribbean Regions. Members of the board met with the Regional Vice-Presidents of Pacific. North and Central America and South America in addition to attending regional meetings. Member Associations: As always. the Executive Board assisted member associations as requested. The long-standing problem of lack of communication where questionnaires. requests for information. etc .. are concerned. remains. 4

Canada USA Belgium

President President Vice-President Administration ROCATCA (Taipei) President. Executive Secretary Vice-President United Kingdom Administration Vice-President Greece Professional President Mexico Hong Kong Executive Secretary Standing Committees:

SC. I . SC. II SC. Ill SC. IV


meeting: Vice-President Technical one meeting: Treasurer two meetings: Treasurer two meetings: Vice-President Professional. Vice-President Administration no formal meeting one meeting: President no formal meetings

The cost/effectiveness of standing committees and their inherent limitations are a matter of study by the Executive Board. The Secretariat: The efficiency of the secretariat. to which all member associations can attest. continues to be a great asset to the Federation. The Executive Board has commenced a gradual program of modernizing the equipment in the secretariat. 'The Controller' With issue 1 /81. the pnntIng of the Journal has been moved to Bern. Switzerland. The arrangement was put on sound contractual footing by the signing of an initial three-year agreement with the printing house. The move also eliminates the requirement to have a managing editor in Frankfurt. Horst Guddat. who held the office. is in the final stages of handing over all responsibilities and material to the editor. The federation owes Mr. Guddat a debt of appreciation for his long-term involvement in the production of 'The Controller'. Finances: With the continued affiliation of new member associations and an increase in the number of corporate members. as well as the Executive Board's ongoing policy of spending restraints. the financial situation is approaching a more sound footing. We are. however. still a long way away from the 'Manual Budget' which incorporated all our financial obligations. and which was submitted to conference previously. The 'Manual Budget' is. of course. related to the ongoing question of a subscription increase. Due to long-term financial commitments. such as the contract with the printing house. and the secretariat. the Execu-

tive Board decided to increase the amount held in the reserve funds. Annual Conferences: As many may have surmised. the road to IFATCA '81 was not without rocks and curves. Complete absence of information from the organizing committee on conference details such as registration. travel. hotels. etc .. left the Executive Board unable to answer the increasing number of requests for such information. An inordinate amount of time was spent by members of the board attempting to open lines of communication by cables. letters. telephone calls and finally. and in vain in one case. travel to establish usable information in person. This procedure is not an acceptable one. the board does not have the time and manpower resources to collect all required conference information; all this is the responsibility of the host association. Corporate Members: As the time of writing and since the last conference. the following have been accepted as corporate members: Sanders Associates Inc. Schmid Telecommunication

(USA) (Swiss)

The board was pleased to be able to send out a number of special newsletters to corporate members with regard to equipment requirements of various countries based on information provided by member associations. The board wishes to express its appreciation to the corporate members co-ordinator. Mr. Peter Jorgensen. for taking on. most efficiently, the duties of this. sometimes thankless. office. Nonmember Associations: Contacts continue with nonmember associations in an attempt to bring about their affiliation. It must be recognized that. in some countries. affiliation is most difficult or impossible. Other organizations. however. could affiliate and with them, contacts will be reduced or discontinued. An organization which could affiliate will not receive our services. information. and advice free - the price is affiliation. Relations with International Organizations: As indicated previously. contacts with outside organizations have been selectively reduced with regard to their cost/efficiency. Nevertheless. contacts with certain organizations were maintained and enhanced. namely: - International Transport Workers· Federation (ITF). (Civil Aviation Conference) International Aerospace Conference - International Labour Organization (ILO) - International Federation of Airlines Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) - Western European Association of Aviation Psychology (WEAAP) - International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) - European Civil Aviation Conference - International Civil Airports Association (ICAA) - International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA)

TECHNICAL Activity in the technical area has continued at a high level. The work programme of the technical standing committee has been completed. In addition. speeches and papers for the benefit of IFATCA delegates to conferences and meetings were prepared. Under the supervision of the Vice-President. technical. input was made to various ICAO groups. The main areas of attention were: The RTF (radio telephony study group). EARC (elimination of ambiguity in RTF call signs). EANPG-BORG (basic operational requirements). The federation's attitudes to automated conflict alert, VFR operations, beacon collision avoidance systems and helicopter operations were examined and will be reported on to conference. Active participation continues in the IFALPA/ATS study group. The IFACTA liaison officer to ICAO, under the direction of the Vice-President. technical, has made a review of the federation's input to ICAO and he represented IFATCA in the surface movement guidance control systems study group (SMGCS). In its concern to maintain the technical involvements of the federation and to enhance the professional skills of the air traffic controller, the Executive Board has agreed to participate in the following meetings. the VPO panel (SC. I); the aerodrome, air routes and ground aids divisional meeting (AGA divisional); the aeronautical speech circuit switching and signalling study group (ASCSS). In Europe flow control continues to attract attention and the problem has been divided by ICAO into flow control west (FLOW) and flow control east (FLOE). IFATCA has been represented by the regional Vice-President EUR at FLOW and by the Austrian association at FLOE. IFATCA has also participated in the Radar applications specialist panel (RASP) of Eurocontrol. The subject of air traffic flow management is expected to continue as a matter for continued input both by standing committee I and by the Vice-President technical. The views of the federation were presented by the Vice-President, technical. at the 25th anniversary of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). The workload has continued to increase in the technical area, and the Executive Board hereby expresses its appreciation to those individuals and member associations who make our input to various international organisations possible. With such input. the professional image of the federation and of air traffic·controllers is in safe hands.

ferent countries with extensive experience in labour relations. On the legal aspects of the profession very little is foreseen to be achieved but activity is being maintained. both through the ICAO legal commission and the ILO. to establish some definite protection in favour of the controller. Standing Committee IV continues to be concerned with human and environmental factors. but this concern does not seem to be shared by those member associations who fail to make adequate input to the information handbook.

CONCLUSION The Executive Board is reasonably satisfied with developments within the federation. The continued increase in the number of member associations testifies to the respect in which IFATCA is being held and to our organization· s viability. However. the federation must not be complacent. The member associations must ensure that they are fully representative and fulfil their obligations. New initiatives and ideas will be submitted by the board to this conference. Input on changes. policies. the growth of the federation is expected from others as well. We are satisfied that such submissions are a healthy indicator of the changes that a fast-growing international body such as ours must undergo in order to remain viable. There is no question. either. that the international aviation community has accepted IFATCA as the only voice of the air traffic controller. This acceptance places the responsibility of countinued and increased involvement in most aspects of international aviation on the federation. Although we are satisfied with internal developments the outlook for developments in national air traffic control systems is not at all encouraging. Member associations are working hard to achieve proper national recognition of the profession in accordance with the conclusions of the ILO meeting of experts. The previous conferences have recognized the degradation of aviation safety under certain circumstances and decided on reactions by IFATCA and its members to these situations. The coming year may well be a very turbulent one. This conference in Cairo. our first in this part of the world. again brings together representatives from all branches of the aviation industry. Let us take this opportunity to further identify IFATCA's concerns and aims, to strive for greater understanding of each other's problems and to communicate to the world our requirements.

PROFESSIONAL In the professional field status recognition remained top on the list of the problems of a number of member associations and non-member associations. The ILO resolutions had to be pushed forward to the various administrations, in particular, in countries where controllers do not enjoy even fundamental rights. To further this aim the Executive Board decided on the appointment of an ad hoe committee whose members come from dif-

SC IV Library Members are reminded that SC IV Library which is run by the Netherlands Guild is established for their use and may bollow literature upon request.

Safety Information (US NTSB) On January 10, 1980. N3839M, a Piper Arrow aircraft. crashed into a mountain alter departing the Kalispell City Airport. Kalispell. Montana. All three persons aboard were killed. The Safety Board's investigation disclosed that the pilot, who was employed at the Kalispell City Airport as an instrument flight instructor. had been issued. before take-off. an IFR clearance to the Calgary Airport via direct to the Kalispell VOR. direct to the Calgary VOR. The clearance. issued by the Salt Lake City Air Route Traffic Control Center, ;ncluded a climb to 14,000 feet and a transponder code. Alter acknowledging the clearance. the pilot asked. 'Are we going to get vectors northbound?' The controller replied. ·1 could vector you to the Canadian border; after that 1• m not sure if Canada can·. The pilot answered. 'We'll be receiving Lethbridge by that point'. As the aircraft reached the Kalispell VOR. the controller said 'radar contact' and requested the aircraft's altitude. Alter the pilot reported leaving 'five point five·, the controller made the following transmission: 'Three niner mike roger Lethbridge (unintelligible) bearing (unintelligible) five report reaching one four thousand.' About 1 minute later. the pilot asked the center •... to let us know coming up on some high terrain if you would.' The controller replied, •... are you in the clouds now7' The pilot said that they were. There were no more transmissions from N3839M. The Kalispell Airport has no published instrument approach procedures and thus. no published IFR departure procedures. An approach by visual reference to the terrain is the only means of access to this airport. However, there are no procedures which prohibit a pilot from filing an IFR flight plan and receiving an IFR clearance for departure from this airport or other airports not having published instrument departure procedures. Normally, a pilot files a route that may include a published Minimum En Route Altitude (MEA). a Standard Instrument Departure (SID}. a Standard Arrival Route (STAR). a published IFR Departure Procedure for small airports. or a published Instrument Approach Procedure, all of which provide sufficient altitude obstruction clearance. However, a departure clearance from an airport, such as the Kalispell Municipal. does not provide obstruction clearance. In fact. paragraph (5) (c). Instrument Departures. Obstruction Clearance During Departure. of the Airman's Information Manual. states: ... At airports where instrument approach procedures have not been published, hence no published departure procedure. determine what action will be necessary and take such action that will assure a safe departure·. Thus in IFR conditions. such departures involve a hazard because the pilot does not have available any published procedures for instrument flight. Furthermore. he cannot

Continued on page 36 5

Simultaneous Parallel I LS Approaches (Study presented at !FA TCA Cairo Conference)


The use of parallel ILS approaches is now common practice at many of the major airports in the world. Many of the procedures used for parallel approaches in different locations are surprisingly similar. However. it would be desirable to standardize the Air Traffic Control procedures which govern the use of Simultaneous Parallel ILS Approaches. In order to make any recommendations on this subject. it is necessary to make an in-depth study of many factors. It will be necessary to deal with these matters rather briefly in this paper. Some of the main points to be considered are. defining protected areas and developing procedures. an analysis of the reactions of both controller and pilot. identifying airborne and ground equipment requirements. establishing weather limits and guidelines for missed approaches. and identifying the communications requirements. The background material for this paper was drawn from several sources. The majority of the information is taken from a study authorized by the Canadian Government in 19 7 4. The procedures in use at Los Angeles and Chicago were used as a guideline. A radar survey conducted at the Canadian airports of Toronto and Winnipeg was studied. Information was also taken from a 197 2 study conducted for the FAA by Resalab. Incorporated of Dallas. Texas. The experience gained in the use of these procedures for the last year at Toronto International Airport has also been incorporated.


The concept of parallel ILS approaches is similar to that applied at Heathrow and several US airports at which simultaneous approaches are authorized. Aircraft approach the airport in two streams separated by the normal radar or vertical separation. Each stream is directed to a separate final approach course on which a 'Glide Path Intercept' (GPI) fix is established. Each stream of aircraft remains vertically separated until successive aircraft are established on their respective final


approach courses and reach the glide slope. One or two controllers monitor on a discrete radar display the final approach area between the 'GPI' fixes and the airport to ensure safe lateral separation. This system allows independent aircraft operations to parallel runways A 'Normal Operating Zone' (NOZ) is established to contain normal lateral deviations of aircraft from centreline. between the GPI fix and each runway threshold. The airspace between the two NOZ's is called the 'No Transgression Zone· (NTZ). and must be sufficiently large to allow for corrective action should one aircraft leave the NOZ. No longitudinal separation is assumed between aircraft on adjacent approaches. Normal in-trail separation as appropriate to type of radar. wake turbulence requirements. etc .. is maintained between aircraft in the same stream. Track Monitor

The safe conduct of parallel approaches is dependent on a number of inter-related factors such as Normal Operating Zone. No Transgression Zone. flight equipment and procedures. radar monitoring system. communications. publications and charting. and control procedures. The paper deals only with a parallel approach system using ILS front or back courses. The dimensions of the NOZ depend on the various parameters of the system and allow for normal detection. delay and correction of an aircraft to maintain a required miss distance. In order to determine dimensions of this zone. several factors were considered. Navigation accuracy involves deviations due to instruments. pilotage and wind. Track monitoring capability depends on radar accuracy and location. update interval. display size. communications and controller attentiveness and experience. Vectoring technique and its impact were considered. The intuitive impression that aircraft deviations would be greatest during turn on were borne out by three surveys. A brief summary of the results is important. The 1972 FAA study indicated that an NOZ that would incorporate 9 5% of the aircraft deviations would be just under 11 00 feet each side of centreline. within

5 n.m. of touchdown. This included CAT II ILS front course. CAT I front course and back course ILS approaches. A survey conduct at Toronto showed a maximum lateral deviation of 900 feet. The mean for all approaches combined at 9 n.m. from the threshold was 214 feet off centreline. Most aircraft were still closing on centreline during turn-on. thus accounting for the large deviation values. From the point of interception in. all aircraft remained within 200 feet of centreline. Two Concepts

Similar results were obtained in a study conducted at Winnipeg. The largest deviation recorded was 1 600 feet. during turn-on. After initial interception the maximum recorded deviation was 500 feet. This points out two important concepts. Aircraft using simultaneous approaches should be vectored to intercept the localizer at least 2 n.m. (3 km) prior to glide path interception so that altitude separation is maintained while the aircraft are in the area of greatest lateral deviation. Aircraft using these procedures should not leave their last assigned altitude before intercepting the glide slope. The NOZ width is a function of the equipment used and the NOZ length. For practical purposes. the NOZ width should be linear. It must extend to at least the outer glide path intercept point. and therefore its width to some degree depends on the height of the aircraft at the intercept point. The NOZ dimensions were determined after consideration of the cumulative effects of all the variables. It is recommended that the NOZ should be set at 450 metres from localizer centreline. Experience has shown this to be conservative. A controller should be required to monitor each aircraft from the point of initial descent to at least 2 km from the threshold. Within 2 km. non-radar separation exists between the protected airspace for the two approaches. Following establishment of the NOZ. it is necessary to consider the lateral airspace required to accommodate an aircraft which leaves the NOZ. The No Transgression Zone (NTZ) must be wide enough to allow sufficient time for the controller to issue instructions to bring the aircraft back into the NOZ or at least parallel to the track of the aircraft on the adjacent approach path. Should the deviating aircraft not respond. instructions may be necessary to turn the adjacent aircraft. Time factors must be considered for recognition of NTZ entry. communication. pilot reaction and aircraft response. It is also necessary to allow for possible azimuth or range errors of the radar system. Factors considered in analyzing aircraft deviations

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or 'blunders' include depc:irture angle (up to 50 degrees). radar range accuracy. radar azimuth accuracy. radar update delay, aircraft velocities. aircraft bank angles. pilot/aircraft reaction times and communication times. A 2000 foot value has been used by the UK. the US. and Canada and has proven adequate. A metric equivalent of 600 metres should be acceptable. Navigation equipment requirements should be limited to that required to make an approach and. if necessary. carry out the missed approach procedure. The major equipment requirements should relate to ATC radar monitoring and communications. Only one frequency need be used by the aircraft at any given point during approach/ missed approach. provided a suitable ATC equipment system is used. The essential requirement relating to simultaneous parallel approaches is the capability for the monitor controller to intervene immediately and effectively whenever an aircraft appears about to enter the No Transgression Zone. This necessitates DCPC by the monitor controller. This may be best accomplished by different methods at different locations as long as the above criteria are met. In addition the monitor controller should have direct communication with the other concerned controllers. i.e. the arrival. departure and tower controllers. Radar Map

For the purpose of monitoring simultaneous approaches, airport surveillance radar is a basic requirement. A discrete radar display must be available for use by the monitor controller. The display must include a radar map showing glide path intercept fixes and the normal operating zone each side of each parallel runway extended centreline (localizer course). The size of the radar display is a governing factor in the controller's ability to detect deviations. A PPI indicator or nonconverted display is considered the most suitable for ·monitoring purposes. Displayed range should be a maximum of 25 km or 15 n.m. offset to provide maximum expansion. Larger scan converted displays could be used. but are less desirable because of factors such as trail time accumulation. 'blooming' of targets and focus capabilities. These procedures provide adequate separation under I FR conditions. During initiation of new procedures at an airport. it is desirable to limit their use to VFR weather for a trial period. Missed approach procedures should be developed to provide a divergence of 30 degrees between their respective nominal missed approach tracks. This is to be a minimum and may be greater 8

when required by a country's regulations. Pilot notification would be necessary to inform individual pilots whenever parallel ILS approaches were in progress. Several procedures on existing approach charts are not applicable to parallel ILS approaches. These include procedure turns. non-radar transitions. circling procedures and use of ADF for azimuth guidance. Existing charts can be modified by addition of information concerning GPI location, altitude and navaids on which the GPl's are based. Notes should include direction to pilots not to descend from the last assigned altitude prior to glide path interception. They should also contain any special equipment requirements and to notify ATC should the pilot not have minimum equipment or not desire a parallel I LS approach. An ideal means of informing individual pilots that simultaneous parallel I LS approaches are in progress is by an addition on an ATIS message. Conclusions

1 . It is concluded that it is possible to make recommendations concerning the safe use of parallel I LS approaches. 2. It is concluded that the normal operating zone should be set at 450 metres from localizer centreline. 3. It is concluded that the dimensions of the No Transgression Zone should specify a minimum width of 600 metres. 4. It is concluded that certain basic equipment requirements are necessary to safely conduct parallel ILS approaches These include ILS front or back course approaches, and airborne equipment to fly both the approach and the specified missed approach. ATC equipment would include a monitor position. giving the monitor controller the capability to intervene immediately and effectively whenever required. The position must consist of a discrete radar display for use by the monitor controller. communications permitting immediate controller pilot communication and direct communication with other involved control sectors. 5. It is concluded that the minimum runway spacing should be 1 500 metres. centreline to centreline. This incorporates two normal operating zones of 450 metres each and a no transgression zone of 600 metres. These zones together with the extended runway centreline should be displayed on the monitor controller's radar display. 6. It is concluded that it is necessary to make pilots aware when parallel ILS approaches are in use. Information must be provided on approach plates showing glide path intercept fixes. and

equipment required to carry out the ILS approach and published missed approach. Direction should be included to advise pilots to maintain the last assigned altitude until intercepting the glide path. 7. It is concluded that ATC procedures for the use of parallel ILS approaches should include specific instructions on vectoring technique. This should include the requirement to intercept the localizer at least two miles prior to glide path interception. and to maintain altitude separation until the aircraft intercept the glide path. An intercept angle of 30 degrees or less should be specified. Missed approach procedures should provide a divergence of 30 degrees between the missed approach tracks.

Sperry Univac Awarded FAA Contract Sperry Univac Defense Systems has been awarded a $ 43 million contract by the Federal Aviation Administration to upgrade existing ARTS-Ill (Automated Radar Terminal System) air traffic control systems to enhanced ARTS-IIIA configurations at 32 US airports. The contract also calls for Sperry Univac to deliver additional computer equipment to 30 US airports which previously had installed ARTS-II IA systems. The contract calls for installation to be completed by July, 1983, bringing to 62 the number of domestic commercial airports to have installed enhanced air traffic control systems. ARTS-IIIA product enhancement will be built by Sperry Univac operations in St. Paul and Clearwater. Fla. The original computer-based ARTS-Ill system. first introduced by Sperry Univac in 1971. provides a continuous alphanumeric display of aircraft identity. altitude and speed. which relieves air traffic controllers from repetitive and time-consuming tasks and results in reduced air holding time during arrivals at large airports, improved airspace use and increased air safety in the terminal area. The ARTS-IIIA system is an enhancement to the basic ARTS-Ill system made necessary by increased air traffic in airport -terminal airspace. Stemming from extensive research and development efforts between the FAA and Sperry Univac in the mid to late 1970s. ARTS-IIIA offers primary radar tracking of aircraft not equipped with onboard transponders. multiprocessing, continuous data recording and editing, capacity for additional radar displays, automatic overload sensing and protection. and automatic failure detection. reconfiguration and recovery in the event of a component failure. Under earlier contracts from the FAA. Sperry Univac began upgrading the highest traffic density ARTS-I I I sites to ARTS-I I IA installations in 1976. The latest contract will complete installation of air traffic control system enhancements at all ARTS-Ill equipped airports in the United States.


H. B. Bergman Manager Display Systems

J.J. Murphy Director of Programmes Radar, /FF! SSR, Displays

Increased Eye-Power For Tower Controllers* With BRANDS Bright Radar Alpha Numeric Display System Throughout the world, the US National Airspace System is recognized as the best solution for the problems associated with expanding airport capacity and controlling air traffic in a safe and efficient manner. The ultimate airspace system must be able to make air transportation competitive with surface modes and still respond to the demands of the system user and the general public. Over the past three decades, the air traffic control system has met these challenges with steadily increasing degrees of automation and new generations of air terminal equipment. To increase the quantity and quality of information presented to the air traffic controller, Cardion Electronics, a unit of General Signal Corporation, has developed the BRAN OS, Bright Radar Alpha Numeric Display System. BRANDS. which was designed and developed under the sponsorship and guidance of the US Naval Electronic Systems Command. combines primary and secondary radar information, alpha numerics. and map data on a high contrast television-type display for viewing in daylight conditions. The BRANDS

~ Information furnished by CARD/ON Electronics, Woodbury, N. Y (USA).

Clear, unambiguous, dependable display of traffic provides the controller more time for decisions and enhances his ability to control and sequence traffic.


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Figure 7. Early BRITE system contained PP! unit and TV camera to convert radar video data for tower display. 9

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... Figure 2. BRANDS solid state design incorporates all functions in one rack unit. Display is a high-brightness, high contrast television display with simple mounting bracket.

equipment consists of three US Navynomenclatured units (Fig. 2) - Signal Data Processor, Control Data Processors, and Video Indicators.

the television camera was unreliable, had poor stability, and lacked control over the decay or persistence of the radar data. Daily maintenance was required because of the non-solid-state analog nature of the circuitry, and the low reliability of this type of hardware. While it was still more useful than a PPI, the BRITE tower display still tended to wash out in the high ambient light conditions.

Early BRITE System

BRITE Upgraded

Since the early beginnings of air traffic control, the tower controller has always been responsible for handling arriving, departing, and taxiing traffic in a timely and orderly manner. Originally he had to rely entirely on his own eyes, aided by binoculars. Later, an electronic aid called the BRITE (Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment) system (Fig. 1) was introduced to provide the tower controller with a display of the primary radar situation in the terminal area. Using a PPI display and TV camera to provide a display that could be viewed in the tower without a hood, the radar video data was converted to television format. The BRITE system was adequate until traffic density increased to the point where tower controllers needed more information to make the vital decisions necessary for aircraft guidance. The system displayed only primary radar, with no capability to display aircraft identity and altitude data. Additionally,

The next step in upgrading the tower display was an evolutionary add-on approach. This approach is often dictated by economic considerations although it frequently results in adding many new problems while solving some old ones. To expand the capability of displaying beacon target symbols, identity, and altitude data on the tower display. a second TV camera was added, together with an alpha numeric generator and display (Fig. 3). The outputs of the two cameras were combined to generate the BRITE picture. This combined system provided the tower BRITE display with aircraft beacon position, identity, and altitude data in alpha numeric format superimposed on the primary radar paints. But the other disadvantages of the BRITE system, which included low reliability, frequent maintenance. and lack of a highcontrast display, were compounded with the addition of a second set of equipment. Also, it was difficult to ob-

tain accurate registration between the primary radar target paint and its corresponding beacon target symbol. The two TV cameras and two analog CRT displays had . to be perfectly aligned, and this alignment had to be maintained in order to keep the required registration. Without perfect registration, the system created ambiguities that the controller had to resolve.

BRANDS Improvements


BRANDS solves these problems by providing a reliable, low-maintenance system for the tower controller to have all the information required to make effective air traffic control decisions. The conversion of input radar and beacon data into a television format is made in a completely solid-state digital equipment that provides essentially perfect registration while requiring no adjustments. Instead of a cathode-ray tube (CRT) and TV camera, the BRANDS employs an integrated-circuit digital memory for high reliability. All functions are performed in a 1¾-cubic-foot box, replacing two full racks of equipment in previous BRITE systems. The newly developed BRANDS display, is a highbrightness. high-contrast television display. Based on CRT phosphor and optical filtering technology originally developed by Cardion for cockpit displays, it delivers effective viewing in a brightlylighted control tower with no washout. The BRANDS displays the primary radar data combined with target sym-

bols. identity codes. and altitudes for all aircraft responding to beacon interrogations. In installations that have an existing map generator, a map is electronically overlaid with the other data and range rings are provided. The format for beacon target symbols. identities. and altitudes is the familiar AN/TPX-42 format (Fig. 4). Other formats can be furnished. Microprocessor control makes it easy to customize the BRANDS for specific applications.


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I I I I Controller options The controller has many options to I modify the data through the flexibility of the control functions. He can select I display range and off-centering. range mark spacing. persistence of primary video. size of symbols. display of I allradartargets. only selected targets. or only within a selected altitude band. I those He can change the position of formats with respect to target symbols. Also. he I can independently set the intensity of the primary radar picture. alpha nuI merics and symbols. and the the map. He select trail symbols for both primaI can ry radar and beacon data, and he can


Figure 3. Upgraded BRITE system contains additional TV camera, alpha numeric generator and display.

set the range of transition from MTI to normal video. A low-altitude alerting feature (LAAS). customized for each site, provides a visual and audible warning when a mode C altitude report indicates that the aircraft is below the minimum altitude established for that location. Civilian and military emergencies. communications failure. and hijack warnings are also included. Because the BRANDS is so versatile. its applications and expansion capabilities are virtually unlimited. Some additional BRANDS applications currently being studied include: •

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Figure 4. BRANDS display format combines radar data with target symbols. identity codes. and altitudes.

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Remoting of primary radar and/or beacon data from high-density airports to satellite airfields, relieving them of the acquisition and maintenance of their own radar equipment; Presentation of Precision Approach Radar (PAR) on the BRANDS television display to centralize operations in the tower. especially at off. peak periods; Addition of a target generator to use the BRANDS for controller training; Multi-color display.

BRANDS is now being tested and evaluated by the US Navy at Patuxent River. Maryland. and Moffatt Field. California. and shows signs of enthusiastic acceptance by participating tower controllers. 11

What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You! It can hurt naturally, operationally, technically, organizationally and economically depending on what your position is in the air transportation system. by Frank W Fischer air navigation seNices consultant Advisory Group -Air Navigation SeNices Inc. (ANSA) An !FA TCA Corporate Member

These are the considerations of an air traffic controller. who now serves his 25th year in air traffic control and was 'hurt' many times by accidents. operational incidents. system malfunctions and legal aspects in actual operations. in system evaluation and planning. I hope that the readers of this article will be air navigation services personnel. engaged in actual operations. facility and operations management personnel as well as system planners, airspace user management personnel and aircrews. manufacturers and a lot of passengers. Perhaps, you are a passenger and blindly believe that everything is being done for your safe and orderly flight with the fee and tax that you pay; perhaps. you are a pilot and lost faith in that good old ATC-System. because your controller cousin already retired at 43. medically unfit. and you cannot look upward. downward and backward. while you fly forward with 482 knots true and in IMC; perhaps. you are a controller and tired of praying that 'nothing· happens. while 'you· are on duty: perhaps. you are an ATC system planner and fear that the manufacturers offer you something. which sounds good technically. you don't understand fully, and which will possibly not fulfil a real operational requirement, but cost double in the long run: perhaps, you are an airline manager and want to be assured that the user charges. which you pay are really used to make your operations safer. more efficient and more economic; perhaps. you are a total layman in air navigation and just cannot believe all these stories, which you read in INTERAVIA; perhaps, you are an ATC supervisor and doubt that you can rest assured forever that all the blame on a system malfunction will be put onto the controller at the working position. again and again; but perhaps, you are not one of all of these and think you do know about the shortcomings and requirements of the air navigation system and just don't dare to admit that you are of the same opinion; then take the oportunity of this journal to express your feeling. fear. opinion and idea for discussion with others operating and/ or using this transportation system. 12

It. for instance. will hurt 'you· naturally, when you hit another airplane. because conflict solution did not work. for whatever reason of air navigation services system malfunction; will hurt 'you· operationally, when you experience too many infringements of separation minima resulting in near-miss reports, for wheatever reason of operational air navigation services system shortcomings; will hurt 'you· technically, when you experience system degradations caused by equipment malfunctions due to low numbers of MTBF and insufficient subsystem configuration precluding recovery; will hurt ·you· organizationally. when you experience social actions of the controllers, because authority does not match responsibility delegated to them. or if you have to face air traffic services personnel's disinterest. resulting in loss of proficiency; will hurt 'you· economically. when you experience flow control restrictions enroute, resulting in holding. delay and additional fuel consumption. because airspace sector capacity does not match with the traffic demand, and so on.

System Safety For the reasons explained in this article I wish my readers to understand that old operational requirements. modern tools and corresponding new air navigation services system functions. their necessity and operational value must be 'known' to avoid that their possible implementation results in loss of safety. capability. capacity and efficiency, which would 'hurt' naturally, economically, operationally. technically and organizationally. Now. what is my objective? I want to tell you. that the reason for some of the air navigation services system shortcomings stem from inadequate safety and operational system philosophy; that the present configuration of air navigation services systems is not very efficient and economic in respect to data handling; that not all of the presently available 'modern tools' in ATC fulfil an operational requirement. and that only a few new operational system functions really do serve to increase safety.

capability, capacity, efficiency and economy. Since the present system configuration is not efficient enough the controller should know the shortcomings to avoid being hurt or to be made responsible. To declare a transportation system operation as safe or unsafe. we normally compare the number of accidents against the number of passenger/kilometers flown. For the determination of a safe or unsafe operation of an air navigation services system this comparison is senseless. We should rather compare the number of 'incidents' against the number of 'flights'. To make this comparison meaningful we should define 'incident' as 'all accidents and every abnormal case of operation. which results in infringement of separation minima, procedural and/or radar. all air (near) miss cases and malfunctions of the air navigation services system or its components. parts. units. etc.·. This would allow much more realistic determination of required overall system safety, resulting in MTBF and MTTR figures as well as air traffic services personnel proficiency requirements. The system would become more transparent and it would impose changes for increase of safety standards. something which is not yet guaranteed. Organizations often claim to increase safety. despite the fact that the required level of safety in any system has not been reached yet. This must be of interest to the airspace users. operators as well as passengers. So. what do we want? Separation Assurance Since we have to adapt to changing airspace user requirements resulting in different types or higher amounts of traffic. we do have to increase system capacity to cope with increased traffic. we do have to maintain or increase the present level of safety. i.e. count the number of 'incidents' compared to flight movements. since some incidents are in fact 'system kills'. which only God avoided. In doing so. we would be able to find out more causes of system malfunctions and shortcomings. Did you know that procedurally applied lateral separation along parallel routes served by navigational aids is no longer assured. when your radar goes off, unless the routes

... concerned are laterally spaced by 18 NM distance? If not. read !CAO annex 11. which explains why. Interestingly. flight technical error and so-called pilot error are included in collision risk calculations. but not ground system error or the so-called controller error' Did you know that some organizations apply 5 NM minimum separation between analog and/or synthetic radar target symbols and others 6. 8 and 10. but using the same type of radars? Even national organizations of ICAO member states apply different radar separation assurance calculations. Air traffic control is applied worldwide. but how? I will believe you. when you say 'In my country one meter measures gg centimeters·. Isn't it ridiculous that the international flight. even through ICAO member-states often faces as many differences in rules. regulations. procedures and separation minima as he overflies countries? But already now host-to-host interfacing of neighbouring systems in different countries began. Many professionals in today·s air navigation services system organizations do 'know· about these problems and controversial policies. but fear to speak up. because it would then become clear that the causes of many system shortcomings are not of a technical nature. but ones of wrong operational philosophy. based on administrative non-professional attitudes and mentality of 'ATC operations laymen· in managerial positions without responsibility of corresponding consequences. i.e. where the authority is. but not the responsibility. A way out of this problem could be the implementation of regular operational eva-

luations In the air navigation services system and education and delegation of authority to practising operations personnel in the planning. design and specification of systems. subsystems. components. parts and procedures. Such regular operational evaluations with their results made public seem to be a requirement for air navigation services facilities worldwide. Only a very few organizations do perform such evaluations to the required extent. except for the checking of navigational aids. The airspace users. however. do have a requirement and the right to 'know· how save and efficient the system Is. and how proficient its personnel. Such a procedure would also influence public opinion on controller 'industrial' actions. as well as airline complaints. Nowadays only a few comments relate to the real causes. resulting in such reactions. This is why air navigation services personnel is hurt. especially air traffic controllers. despite the fact that all personnel of the ground system is involved. The trend certainly seems to be that pilots get paid for everything and controllers get blamed for anything. If this trend is not stopped the consequences will certainly hurt in one way or another. The Objective of the System

To begin with it seems to be appropriate to emphasize what the air navigation services system is supposed to do. I understand that any civil or military air navigation services system shall produce information. advise. clearances and •instructions· to airspace users before and during flight for a safe.

Air Navigation Services System operational subsystem configuration diagram Subsystem versus Operational Tasks (Diagram 2) orderly and expeditious conduct of their operations. be they commercial or noncommercial. scheduled or non-scheduled. civil or military. The system must therefore perform prediction. detection and solution of traffic conflicts. i.e. produce separation between flights and obstructions. whereas the subsystems support this task. The whole air navigation services system exists to ·serve· the airspace users. All air navigation services subsystems of the overall system exist to ·support' the personnel subsystem in the provision of •air traffic services· to the airspace users. All other facilities. personnel and services exist to ·assist' the airspace user directly or the air traffic services personnel. Depending on air navigation services system generation. traffic demand and complexity. normally the following subsystems are available to fulfil airspace user requirements: PER (personnel. training and simulation) COM (voice and data communication) NAV {navigation) NOTAM {notices to airmen) FPP {flight plan and progress data) RADAR (primary and secondary radar data) - D/F {direction finder) - MET {meteorological data and severe weather) SMC {system monitoring and control) - LOG (logistics) 13

Normally missing is the: - AID (aeronautical information data) subsystem. . All air navigation services subsystems in performing support functions must coo_perate. From this it follows that their operations should become more efficient and economic than they are. But this overall efficiency and economy also depends largely on the type and operation of the subsystems and their configuration (see diagram 2). Why Change? Fulfilment of new requirements calls for new tools. functions and procedures in the system. Such new requirements are for instance the increase of ANS/ ATS system capacity. increase of the present level of system safety. improvement of environmental and working conditions. optimum use of the available airspace and adaptation to new user requirements. . You might ask. 'why can't we continue to operate our ANS-Systems as they are?' . Everything changes and so do the requirements of the commercial. private and military airspace users resulting from their types of aircraft and operations, the defense concept. feasibility considerations and the traffic demand. These requirements face general political constraints resulting from safety matters. international commitments and the defense requirements of a country. What do these requirements stand for? The increase of system capacity stands for better distribution of traffic and its regulation respectively de-regulation. in other words 'air traffic management and flow control'. the reduction of control load. improved techniques and the change of organizational and procedural processes. The increase of the present level of system safety stands for a more efficient provision of air traffic services. especially flight information service. and maintenance of separation between flights. in other words fulfilment of OFIs· requirements and conflict prediction. detection (alert} and solution. i.e. improved prediction and detection. reduction of technical outages and the control of additional flights. which presently cannot be served. The improvement of environmental and working conditions stands for implementation of better data presentation and displays. anthropotechnical working position layouts. improved information monitors. processing and presentation and easier controller to system interactions. in other words more durable and high resolution monitors. participation of operations personnel in equipment and layout evaluation. and takeover of routine operational functions by automatic data processing machinery. The optimum use of available airspace stands for the performance of airspace management. air traffic flow control and long term traffic planning and coordination. in other words for ·active' air traffic flow control and efficient civil/military coordination for common use of the available airspace. These operational requirements must be transformed into technical specifications. • Operational Flight Information Service 14

because many organizations and manufacturers just put black boxes together and then call them a ·system'. It is important to know. which rules must be observed in order to do that.

What Should 'Know'?






Once we have decided to implement a new system. subsystem. component. unit. part. element. procedure and the like. we should determine subject. matter. problem. intention respectively objective. constraints and technical as well as operational requirements. For an air navigation services system the determination of the operational matter normally means the type. amount. mixture and complexity of air traffic. the operational problem means the number of traffic conflicts. the intention means the reduction and solution of traffic conflict problems. the constraints are weather. geography. topography. technology (machine. present technological limits in the field of technical hardware and software possibilities). capacity (man and machine. machine capacity and capability limitations. where the high amount of data and calculations to be handled result in an unsatisfactory speed of the system/throughout times}. capability (man and machine}. knowledge proficiency and motivation (man). The operational requirements involve the determination of resulting limits of automation to be applied in the system. the determination of necessary levels of automation to be applied. the capacity of subsystems. the number and location of equipment. the establishment of units and facilities. the type of services to be provided. the system configuration and the specification of rules, laws and regulations (operationally and technically). Once we have established such steps we should basically apply them in planning for every subordinate function. procedure. subsystem, component. unit. facility. equipment and so on. If these steps would always have been taken into consideration. many mishaps. misinterpretations. problems and system shortcomings could have been avoided. Experience shows that many incidents start here. Hardware, Software, Liveware We should realize that the air navigation services system like any other ·system· consists of hardware. software and liveware. where hardware stands for metalware or articles and any mechanical. electrical or electronic computer equipment. software stands for the program and programming support necessary to put a. computer through its assigned tasks. as distinguished from the actual machine respectively any aspect of an apparatus not specifically connected with its hardware. and liveware stands for people and procedures directly engaged in the operation of a system. where they instruct and control the system by overriding or making decisions. which the system either has not made or are unsatisfactory.

From this it follows that we must always consider hardware. software and liveware aspects. when we design or modify. extend respectively upgrade a system. Hardware, software and liveware capacities and capabilities must match. Many times they do not. because software is made to fit hardware, and liveware cannot be made to fit hardware and software. It must be the other way around. But it will take some time uAtil this ideal will be recognized by authorities as well as industry. Many firms produce only parts of systems and often call these a 'system·. Meanwhile. air navigation services personnel has to fill the gaps in daily operations. The application of ·system validation· techniques could help to solve this problem and probably save you a million dollars. The relationship of savings and losses due to non-application is about one to ten. Instead of spending one million on system validation some organizations lost ten million for cumbersome. and time consuming debugging of operational specifications. Many organizations pretend to have limited budgets not allowing application of such procedure. Due to the fact that they have to pay for the inefficient result anyhow, this seems to be nonsense. because of the a.m. relation. Above that damage often cannot be avoided and repaired afterwards. The system then will have to live with whatever shortcomings resulted. It therefore seems to be advisable to make man and machine capacities and capabilities match during conceptual design. specification and construction. where man stands for liveware. data for software and machine for hardware. as foll(!ws: laws. rules and regulations should match with technological possibilities. man functions with machine functions. operational tasks with system functions. air navigation services system methods and procedures with technical methods and procedures. standards and recommended practices to be followed by man with those to be performed by machines. air navigation and air traffic services to be provided with supporting machine subsystems. types of air traffic services to be provided with air traffic services units to be established. types of man's work with types of the machine's routines. man's working position duties with working position characteristics. job descriptions of air traffic services personnel with job descriptions of machines and subsystem operators. man's work performance with the machine's work performance and - fulfilment of operational tasks with the performance of machine (system} functions. Otherwise. it could 'hurt' you! The product of such a system is information. advise. clearances and instructions of command and control nature. resulting in separation between flights by conflict prediction. detection and solution. It can be stated that a system cannot produce the required results. if the consequences of these steps are not considered.

Thebetteryouareat collecting, processing anddisplayingdata, theclearertheATCpicture. You need the capability of Ferranti. We are not in the data acquisition business but we will take data from whoever has it- from civil or military or from the country next door if need be. Data doesn't have to be on the spot. It can be extracted and fed over large distances and then co-ordinateci with the data from your own sensors. In desi~g equipment for processing and displaying the data


we've used our experience both of ATC and air defence. If the data is not available, we can synthesize display information from flight plans and position reports. . We can also do the other kind of simulation- for trainini. validation. and evaluation - something we have been doing for many years. Ifyou are in the air traffic management business Ferranti can help. And the people who pay your

route charges will almost certainly l appreciate your using us. ( 1 Ask yourself, are you using the data available to the best advan~ge? Contact: ___-Ferranti Computer Syster:ns Limited, Bra_!;kpel.l Division, Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG121RA Telephone: 0344 3232' •



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ComputerSystems CS02l23103t


Do's and Don'ts in System Development

Any new system development or present system extension must be user oriented (airspace user as well as air traffic services personnel). The system must have evolutionary potential. Generalized multiprocessing. modular software and failsoft routines will take care of this potential. Changes must be accomplished in small steps and in' cooperation with air navigation services personnel. We should not increase controller workload to learn how to use new functions and provide ample training periods prior to deployment. Simultaneous system operation must be provided {change-over). This requires checkout of new systems releases in the field and changeover during sufficient period of time to fall back to the old system. Controller workload must be reduced: automate accounting activities in RDP and FOP introduce simple man/machine interfaces introduce new functions. which save work (conflict prediction. active air traffic flow control, flight plan probe) implement new equipment capabilities (increase radar scope capacity. POV with MC) (implement VDUs for flight progress data presentation) (implement AID subsystem) Instill controller confidence: accuracy of data timeliness of data system reliability system availability system maintainability manual override Who Manages this System?

For the air transportation system it seems to become necessary to define who is manager. the pilot or the controller? In my opinion many shortcomings in the operation of present air navigation services systems stem from the wrong conclusion

that an air navigation services system only provides services. and that therefore all air traffic services personnel, but especially air traffic controllers. are subordinate servants. with the pilots managing in the system and the controllers trying to support them and to fulfil whatever requests these have made and requirements they have set. This cannot be true. when you look at the system's products. which are 'clearances· and 'instructions'. Especially the instructions. which must be followed. make clear that the air navigation services system is similar to a command control system. The operator. who produces these commands in the form of instructions. is the air traffic controller. He therefore becomes the system· s manager! Managing in air traffic control can be put as a command. control and coordination function. Now. what does the controller manage? He manages 'time·. the activity of himself and other people in the system wit.hin the available time budgets. ·material'. the data available to him and 'people'. the personnel around him forming his or neighbouring teams. Except in cases of emergency the pilot becomes the executive of the controller in following his instructions on routes. speeds. altitudes. courses and so on. Due to the fact that in today's air navigation services systems all available information. data. instructions and clearances have to be exchanged between pilots and controllers by voice. the air traffic services personnel needs information in a reliable. fast and conclusive way. In considering the controller to be the system manager. we must put him in the centre of the system, because all information and data must be made available to him in an efficient and economic way. This puts the voice and data communication subsystem around him to interface with all the other supporting subsystems. Some Conclusions

The air traffic controller is the heart of the system. he is no typist and no computer operator. but the system's manager!

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The task of the controller with the highest priority is to command. control and separate aircraft. He. therefore. must have authority. be motivated and have clearly defined objectives and a very definite job description. Split responsibilities are unsafe and cost money. They also increase legal problems. Control responsibility must be equal to authority. The controller's interest must be maintained and underutilization of controller skills causes non-recovery from system failures. Air traffic control is a command and control system. The organization must help the controller to enable him to manage the system. And remember. it's a 'man' system. If not. what? Many shortcomings and inadequacies in the system. worldwide. stem from ignorance of these facts. Human Factors

This headline relates to an often used expression. which normally includes professional and social problems. But besides pay rises and social aspects. human factors play an important role in the daily work environment and at the working position. Human factors. which must be considered in extending or automating air navigation services systems are job satisfaction and motivation. the man/machine interface and failure mode operation. Under job satisfaction and motivation the following aspects have individual importance and consequences. These are. achievement and work alignment. recognition. responsibility, control authority. utilization of perceived skills. challenge and discretionary flexibility and interest. Disregard of these facts normally results in dissatisfaction of the personnel and pave the way to more trouble. Many countries spend a lot of money for their national airline fleets. but forget the poor guy on the ground running this system: the controller. If recognition of their profession would already be an achievement. what can we expect of such administrations for the consideration of these factors? Under man/machine interface the following aspects again have their own importance and resulting consequences. These are vigilance. stress. intricacy. restrictiveness. rigidity and decision making. Under failure mode operation the aspects of failure recognition. recovery and operations have to be considered when determining the required operational and technical system safety. Operational Requirements

The tasks and responsibilities of air traffic services personnel require certain steps to be followed in system planning. design and specification. What are the major operational requirements in air traffic control to be fulfilled in system upgrading and extension. which could increase system safety, capability and capacity. and at the same time make system operation more economic? ATS - ROUTE ◄ Fix Calculation Block (Diagram 3)


Let us have a brief look at some of these requirements from an operational point of view. It is not the objective of this article to elaborate on all operational aspects of modern tools in ATC. but to mention a few typical ones. which have an effect on the future operation of the system. All these tools. however. must be differentiated by system functions. equipment and supporting tools and should be valued according to their effect and importance to the controller. to the technical environment and to the organization (see diagram 4). Acceleration of the Coordination Process The present process of coordination in most of the systems is too slow. since it is determined by the speed and decision of the operators. who exchange progress and control data and changes thereto by voice from man to man. working position to working position. unit to unit and system to system. This slow process of updating requires a lot effort and it is time consuming. It also does not allow air traffic services units to predict fast enough with accurate data. In order to solve this problem it is required to bypass the operator and send revisions in parallel to all units concerned in future. This again requires to interface the radar data processing subsystem with the flight plan and progress data processing subsystem for automatic updating of relatively incorrect current flight plan (CPL) track data by sufficiently accurate radar data. Most benefit would be derived by air traffic flow control units. which then would have sufficiently accurate data available for prediction of traffic congestions. Active Air Traffic Flow Control The present method of performing air traffic flow control must be called 'passive·. since flow control units are not permitted to exercise •control' over flights. Also. their flow 'control' measures are mostly based on the fact that there 'was· a congestion problem and not that there 'will be' one. since updates do not reach the flow control units early enough to permit accurate prediction of future traffic situations along routes. at strategic crossing points and at airports for arrivals. How long will it take to implement such function? How can we cope with the existing problems? The automatic updating of current flight plan data by radar track data would also permit flow control units to make predictions on the basis of correct data. •Active· flow control with overriding authority over area control centres for traffic. which will come under their jurisdiction then seems to become possible. Delays hurt you operationally and economically. The faith in flow control is lost. if this problem remains unsolved. Introduction of a Flexible Route System The key word to this requirement is area navigation (RNAV). which has two aspects. an air navigation services system aspect and an airspace user aspect.

The air navigation services system presently has to provide navigational aids serving air traffic services routes. whereas organizations want to save money for these aids and would prefer an application of area navigation for a more flexible establishment of predetermined routes in determining RNAV waypoints instead of installing navigational aids at required route turning points. The airspace users prefer to be allowed to fly off-route direct from any present position along predetermined ATS - Routes 'direct' to a next waypoint to save time and fuel. They would also like to be cleared to bypass congested routes on parallel RNAV tracks for the same reason. Both are valid requirements. but are of controversial nature. Present accuracy of area navigation systems. especially INS with radio updates and similar systems. seems to be sufficient to fulfil the air navigation services system requirement. but the system cannot safely operate without predetermined routes. Therefore. this would involve only savings on the number of navigational aids required (radio updates). Despite sufficient accuracy of RNAV systems. fulfilment of the airspace user requirement still poses a problem in respect to other traffic on parallel routes. because insufficient numbers of data have been collected on RNAV track keeping accuracy yet. Even in a radar environment at present such parallel tracks would still have to be laterally spaced on VOR accuracy criteria between 8 and 18 NM depending on the distance between the navigational aids. In most cases there is not enough airspace available to do this. All the ongoing discussions reflect that no international (ICAO) procedure has been established yet. RNAV equipped aircraft fly in a conservative ANS-System with one not exactly knowing what the other is doing and expecting from him. It is high time that authorities establish standards for area navigation in order to use airspace more efficiently. Otherwise it might happen that we navigate by INS in a Concorde over countries transmitting instructions by smoke signals. Functional Units of Planning and Executive Control In an efficient system planning and executive controllers must man an airspace sector functional working position unit together. Physical separation of these functions is not efficient. costs time and money and can infringe safety. No functional unit should be manned by only one controller for safety reasons (incapacitation or death) at any time. The manning of a functional unit with two controllers for sector planning and executive control increases airspace sector capacity. because functional unit working position duties can be shared. Units. where this theory is not accepted. may run into operational problems in pratical operations. It seems that separation of these functions is a great 'theoretical' idea of people having authority. but no responsibility. Operations personnel will experience very quickly. where this split responsibility leads to. It leads into legal ATC no-man's-

land and will immediately hurt. when something goes wrong. Obeyance of the Unity of Control Principle All controlled flights within a given block of airspace should be controlled by only one functional unit of a single air traffic control unit at any given time. Disobeyance of this required principle results in infringements of safety due to a parallel and often uncoordinated operation of two or more traffic control units within one given block of airspace (civil/ military coordination). Today· s air traffic control world is full of incidents. which are caused by disregard of this fundamental principle. Clear distinction between responsibilities in a commonly used block of airspace is required for traffic control units. It otherwise will hurt in the form of collisions or near-collisions. Automatic Conflict Prediction What does it mean? To the controller it sounds like a dream to become true. Outsiders might get the impression that controllers have become ·monitors·. once this function is implemented. But. what is really involved in conflict prediction? Conflict prediction should be performed automatically on the basis of predicting future current flight plan track conflict points to assist controllers. decrease workload and increase safety. An effective performance of this function requires CPL- track updating by radar data. This will not be inexpensive. but enhance safety and increase system capacity. Both. the acceleration of the coordination process and the performance of automatic conflict prediction will require implementation of visual display units at the planning control and coordination working position. The question on monochrome versus color data presentation will automatically be raised. It seems that limited use of color on VDUs for this purpose is unavoidable. Contrary to the radar traffic situation display (PDV). where the use of an additional color seems only meaningful. when VDUs and PDVs are interfaced for add11ionaloperational system functions. Automatic Conflict Alert Automatic conflict alert. another dream or only a premature promise? Well. many things are possible with today's technology. but how can conflict alert assist you? Conflict alert can be performed automatically on the basis of radar data in presenting the radar controller a warning on the PDV. whenever two tracks come closer to one another than the predetermined minimum. e.g. 5 NM. Conflict alert is also a controversial matter. due to the many possible false alarms and interference into the controller's domain of authority and responsibility. Conflict _alert is not a real operational requirement. because proficient radar controllers in a properly laid-out system do not require this function. It must be considered as an additional means of warning in case someone's attention got lost. Also then. the 17

warning must be recognized. To become meaningful. the conflict alert parameter should be set higher than the radar separation minimum of 5 NM. e.g. up to 8 NM. Controllers. however. are urged to apply 5 NM whenever possible. aiming for the minimum continuously! Take-over of Routine Operational Functions by ADP Machinery There are a lot of routine functions. like the process of revising and forwarding of flight progress data revisions. which could be taken over by automatic data processing machinery. One of the foremost functions. with a great potential of savings is the automatic combination. correlation. distribution and presentation of information data in the system. Ideally. the data communication subsystem(s) could become the •communication motor· of the whole system. serving all other subsystems (see diagram 2). All these operational requirements are supposed to reduce controller workload. improve working conditions and increase safety. resulting in greater system capacity. capability and efficiency. This could lead to better motivation of system personnel as well as to a reduction of possibilities to get hurt by too many routine functions. As stated before. such takeover must be performed in a proper way. Fix Calculation Blocks Present flight plan processing systems are normally route and point. but not area oriented. This philosophy produces problems for flights. which either do not proceed along these routes or do not touch these predetermined points. In cases of radar data and flight plan and progress data processing subsystems for correlation of tracks the problem of deviation from intended tracks becomes evident. In order to allow also flights from any offroute point to any other off-route point in the area the implementation of fix calculation blocks could be a solution for radar and flight plan track correlation and calculation of estimated times of predetermined route crossing or passing in the vicinity of other conflict points. Conflict points (CP) are normally created by route crossings. To facilitate accurate navigation route crossing points are generally served by navigational aids (VOR/NOB). Major crossing points are called strategic conflict points (SCP). For these points flight progress strips are being prepared. In the control of air traffic by provision of separation between flights over these points controllers in applying separation minima have to take into account navigational inaccuracies (e.g. VOR +- 5°. NOB +- 8°). These inaccuracies as are relevant from ground aids and airborne navigation systems are to be added. The combined inaccuracy areas are then called strategic conflict point areas (SCPA). if applied in the horizontal plane only. When neighbouring SCPAs are being extended to touch each other. the resulting areas. when also extended in the vertical plane. are called 'fix calculation blocks· (FCB) (see diagram 3).





Their boundaries are determined by geographical coordinates. which system internally for flight progress data and radar processing must also be defined in system X and Y coordinates. It is a requirement of operations personnel to be able to present these boundaries on visual display units and radar displays (POV). since they are not normally displayed. FCB constitutes a new tool in air traffic control and will form the basis for radar data and flight progress data correlation. flight progress strip replacement by VDUs and the closing of the air traffic control functional loop. FCB boundaries must also be known to air defense units. in case where air defense and air navigation services organizations perform uncoordinated air operations within the same airspace. The size of an individual FCB is determined by the inaccuracy areas of conflict points within it. Its form depends on the characteristics of the route segments. their courses and length. An airspace sector is formed by at least one and by a maximum of four such FCBs. The radar and flight plan and progress data subsystems must have all FCB boundary coordinates stored. Filed flight plan tracks traversing these boundaries produce boundary crossing points. which have to be made known to flight progress data processing elements, are required for calculation of estimated times over reporting points and conflict prediction logics. Such an airspace sector is normally controlled by one air traffic services functional unit team. comprised of an executive air traffic (radar) controller. a coordinator and a flight data assistant. The functional unit comprising these three working positions constitutes an area control centre sector. It is equipped with a flight progress board (or visual display unit). a radar and an information data display. Minimum Safe Altitude Warning Why do we need such a warning? It seems that accidents caused implementation of this additional function. This opera-

Operational requirements (Diagram 4)

tional function has legal consequences. since it allows to shift responsibility from the pilot to the controller. This tool being based on secondary surveillance radar mode C returns to the radar subsystem shifts responsibility from the pilot to the controller. The pilot is responsible for terrain avoidance. Therefore ground proximity warning systems (GPWS) are to be favoured before MSAW. Also MSAW would interfere with GPWS. if data link systems would allow to climb an aircraft automatically. when it reaches minimum obstacle clearance altitudes or minimum IFR cruising levels. MSAW is installed in the United States of America and was implemented following a fatal accident. where pilots ran an airliner into the ground during approach to an airfield. Military systems do favour GPWS for obvious reasons. Viewdata Viewdata application for presentation of aeronautical information data of airspace user and air navigation services facilities is being considered by a number of civil aviation authorities and operators. Despite many attractive features of viewdata. such as existing telephone network. cheap television displays allowing dual use and existing commercial television systems. only restricted use will probably be made of viewdata because of present television screen limitations. Wherever operational application is required at airspace user and air navigation services facilities. real benefit can normally be derived only by at least a presentation of alpha-numerics and graphics in monochrome. Additional benefits in respect to safety can be added by limited use of color. For applicatiqn at airspace user facilities in which time is not such a stringent requirement and where preflight planning and flight preparation do not require consultance to a great variety of data and graphics in a very large geographical area. a viewdata

application might prove to be sufficient. This application will therefore relate mainly to private flying activities of aero-clubs and individual private aircraft owners, operating at random non-scheduled and non-commercial. If small landing site operations will fall under the same possible category of application seems to be doubtful and must be checked carefully. Certain types of general and specific preflight information. such as notices to airmen and weather messages surely can be handled through viewdata systems in sufficient speed and quality. It must. however. be considered that even for such an application an aeronautical information data subsystem data base must exist. Since most of the air navigation services systems of the world do not operate such an AID-Subsystem yet, this problem should be given a higher priority to begin with. Among the countries. who consider viewdata application for the presentation of information data are for instance the FRG. the UK. the USA. France and Switzerland. System Configuration

You certainly know that improper technical air navigation services system configuration results in operational inadequacies, inefficient performance of system functions and unnecessary expense of money. Did you know that many organizations still do not consider the controller as a manager and as the heart of the system. at least from a point of system philosophy? Since the controller still is the only part of the system to either make or override command and control decisions. and to communicate these to the pilot, all subsystems must assist him in an efficient way. This, however. is often not the case today. Diagram (2) shows a typical configuration of present air navigation services systems with the only difference of the communication subsystem in a future role as communication motor of the whole system. In order to fulfil the operational requirements subsystems must be interfaced in future to combine and/ or correlate operational data. The diagram resembles all the required subsystems such as PER Personnel (Training and Simulation) COM Voice and Data Communication NAV Navigation NOTAM Notices to Airmen AID Aeronautical Information Data FPP Flight Plan and Progress Data RADAR Primary and Secondary Radar D/F Direction Finding MET Weather SMC System Monitoring and Control LOG Logistics with the personnel subsystem fulfilling the operational tasks of alerting, informing, advising. controlling and coordinating. The weather. notices to airmen, aeronautical information data and flight plan and progress data subsystems also fulfil operational tasks in serving airspace users before flight for preflight briefing and flight planning purposes. Whenever one of the subsystems produces data in support of fulfilment of these

tasks a dot indicates which task is concerned. It seems to be advisable to continue future discussion on an effective and therefore economic role of the communication subsystem and overall system configuration along these lines. My Request

Please do not forget that disobeyance of a majority of these requirements and the principles involved in them will not only 'hurt·. but possibly 'kill' you one dayI We do not 'know' all the required answers. but suggest that everyone •concerned' gets together and discusses possible answers. before hardware is specified and produced. and money is spent on something. which later on turns out to be redundant or insufficient. hurting us naturally, operationally, technically, organizationally and economically. Therefore, discuss. simulate. evaluate and correct more. before you implement and before we run out of tax payer's moneyl And finally. employers and suppliers, please come and talk to the operations people. who can help you both in determining. what is really needed and what not! You can save money in doing so. IFATCA might be the right tool to do just that.

Increased ICAO Activity in the Next Three Years Delegates from the 1 46 Contracting States of the International Civil Aviation Organization met in Montreal, 1 6 September-7 October. for the 23rd session of the !CAO Assembly. They adopted the work programme of the Organization and budget for 1981 /82/83 and elected States to be represented on an enlarged 33-member Council. The following member states were elected for three years: Australia. Brazil. Canada. Federal Republic of Germany. France, Italy, Japan, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. United Kingdom and United States of America. Argentina, China. Denmark. Egypt, India, Lebanon. Mexico, Netherlands. Nigeria, Spain, Venezuela, Algeria, Colombia. Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. El Salvador. Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica. Madegascar. Pakistan, Senegal, Uganda. United Republic of Cameroon. The Assembly endorsed various recommendations of the Second Air Transport Conference, held earlier this year, calling for a multilateral approach to international fares and freight rates problems and to the regulation of air service capacity. The future availability of aviation fuel and the need for more efficient use of fuel was another major item for consideration. following publication of an ICAO report requested by the last session of the Assembly.

This report analyzes the future fuel situation for civil aviation to the year 2000 against the background of soaring oil prices, the overall demand for energy, the growth of air transport and the measures taken, and likely to be taken. to achieve greater efficiency in the use of aircraft fuel. In the technical field of air navigation. ICAO·s Air Navigation Commission will continue its consideration of proposed amendments to existing Standards and Recommended Practices (SAR PS) and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) which provide the basis for the standardization of equipment and practices essential to the safe, regular and efficient conduct of international air transport. In the legal field. the Assembly was asked to approve a draft amendment to the Chicago Convention concerning lease. charter and interchange of aircraft in international operations. The Assembly also examined the question of unlawful interference with international civil aviation. A major area of growth in ICAO's work programme which came before the Assembly is Technical Assistance. The implemented programme totalled $ 4 1. 5 million in 197 9 and is expected to reach S 51 million in 1980 with funds made available to ICAO from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Trust Funds (under which individual governments finance in whole or in part the cost), Cost-Sharing (a combination of UNDP and government funding) and the Civil Aviation Purchasing Service (a facility provided to developing countries for the purchase of major equipment). Since the last report to the Assembly. 50 large-scale projects have been either started or extended, each representing a financial input of at least $ 500.000 excluding the recipient State's contribution. New national training centres have been established in Jordan, Mozambique, Pakistan. Zaire and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and many training centres, including those serving regional needs. have been expanded. Assistance to improve civil aviation facilites, including airports, was provided to some 1 5 countries while several other developing countries received help to strengthen their civil aviation administrations. Even so, considering world-wide needs. the Assembly again drew attention to the important role civil aviation plays in overall economic development and to the need for civil aviation projects to be given a higher priority by the planning authorities of National Administrations, the UNDP as well as by other financing agencies and prospective donor countries. 79

The Proficiency Checking of Air Traffic Controllers The following article is based on a working paper presented at the 20th annual Conference of !FA TCA by standing Committee V (SCV) which is responsible for studies dealing with the training of the controller. Methods of checking the proficiency of an air traffic controller are desirable today. The sophistication of modern equipment. the complexity of air traffic and airspace structure and the volume of air traffic demand that a controller exercise his skills to the highest standards at all times if safety is to be preserved. At the time of check-out a controller has demonstrated his proficiency to carry out his tasks at that time. He quickly gains in confidence and experience. But. it is also possible that. almost unnoticed, a casual manner of working, a 'slick' use of procedures and slang phraseology become the hallmark of the 'ace' controller. An ATC unit may be able to absorb one or two of these 'aces' through the professionalism of the other controllers but if on the other hand these 'ace' controllers are regarded as the trend-setters and have much influence over the trainees then a casual manner of working becomes the norm for that unit. Proficiency checks should be designed to detect and correct (through suitable training) work styles and even procedures which could lead to unsafe situations developing. Human Aspects of Control Systems The introduction of a system of proficiency checks will not be without its problems. Such a system could basically be categorised as a control system since, as was previously mentioned, it is introduced in order to maintain the defined standards of the ATC unit and the individual controller. It is important to realise that it is people and their performances who will become the subject of a control system and this human element invariably produces problems. These problems will be an emotional response by those being controlled to the control system. Very often management's approach to the implementation of control sys20

terns is based on the following assumptions about people: (I) the average person dislikes work and will avoid it where possible, (II) because of this dislike for work people have to be threatened in order to achieve any productivity. (Ill) the average person wishes to avoid responsibility, has little ambition and just wants job security. Perhaps an oversimplification or too much of a generalisation but it requires only a few people who are not motivated for management to regard the remainder in a negative aspect. As a result many control systems have, to a great extent. been structured or administered in a negative sense. Either consciously or unconsciously they have exerted pressure on people as a basis for discipline and as a measure for forcing compliance with externally imposed standards. Depending on the extent and degree that the above situation exists the people will display some or all of the following reactions: (I) widespread antagonism to the control system and to those who administer it. (II) resistance and non-compliance (which can occur at all levels) and (II I) unreliable performance information which will invalidate the control system. Such negative results are not necessarily the inevitable results of introducing a control system. The key to a successful system lies in HOW it is administered. If people feel, for whatever reason. that the control system represents a threat to their overall security. they will adopt a pattern of behaviour which in their estimation will cause some damage or even defeat the system thus reducing or eliminating the perceived threat. Such preceived threat is prevalent where: - punishment is emphasized instead of giving help and support. - trust is lacking in the relationships involved and - feedback adversely affects the individual in terms of his job relationship and career expectations. The emphasis of a control system should be on the objectives to be achieved rather than proportioning blame to individuals.

There are four important guidelines to consider if a control system is to be administered effectively. Communication management must discuss and gain the highest possible degree of commitment among the staff to their obJectives (e.g. safety of aircraft). People who are thus motivat.ed have a high level job performance and are more likely to self-direct and control their own performance. Education - management must ensure that everyone understands the reasons and fuctioning of a control system. It must be made clear that the purpose of a control system is not to find out who has made mistakes and who should be punished but that it is a tool to help the individual controller and the ATC unit to perform at maximum proficiency. Support - a climate of help and support must be established. Here. action not words is required. as no amount of talking will convince people about management's concern. Review - people involvement. The control system needs to be continually reviewed with the individual. the total work group and management. looking particularly at the progress and status of achievement toward the objectives. This means getting the ideas of the staff as to the problems and difficulties being encountered, taking note of alternative courses of action suggested and jointly developing plans for action. To help make a control system work requires that the people affected understand the purpose of the control system. that they work in a climate of help and support and that they receive continual constructive feedback. Strong Objections Regular and formal checks on the proficiency of qualified air traffic controllers is not at present a widely accepted practice. Professional associations have quite strong objections to such checks. Many. though. have taken the opposite point of view and feel that proficiency checks are desirable in the profession of air traffic control. What would appear to be a basis for dispute is the form that such checks would take and above all a guaranteed confidentiality of the results of these checks. A questionnaire issued by IFATCA (SCV) to all MAs to determine (I) whether any countries already had a system of proficiency checks. (II) what forms these checks took and (II I) were they acceptable. Twenty four replies were received. Various terms are used to describe the system whereby the standard of a qualified controller's work is checked at regular intervals throughout his opera-

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aircat The safety and the economics of air transportation require that the air traffic control system keep pace with current aircraft capabilities and traffic volumes.




Over the last twenty years THOMSON-CSF has designed, built and installed more than 100 ATC systems to meet the most varied needs, from an individual airport to a complete nationwide network. Building on this experience, AIRCAT is a family of modular systems integrating the detection, transmission, processing and display equipment and software developped in-house.

There is an AIRCAT system for every requirement: from purely manual operation of a single radar in a daylight environment to coverage of a vast area using several radars, with automatic multi-radar tracking,

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tional career. (e.g. proficiency checks. competency checks. performance development program. etc.). Where such systems are in use the air traffic controllers· associations have. in general. agreed with their management on certain procedures to be followed. Result of Questionnaire: Is any form of proficiency checking carried out? YES: 8. Do you consider such checks desirable? YES: 12; NO: 3 (1 no comment). One of the associations which replied NO stated that their supervisors are continually checking the controllers and that this system works very well. Why do we need such a system of checks? to maintain the standards of (I) the controller (II) the ATC unit (Ill) the ATC system as a whole and to provide each individual controller with guidance and information as to his professional performance. Arguments against checks: fear of loss of job abuse by management dangerous to social security why change from present system? There are no doubt more reasons why controllers come out against proficiency checks. Having qualified as a controller it is easy to get into a familiar working pattern and sometimes drift into 'bad' habits. The controller's experience usually covers up procedures which may not be entirely safe. A system of regular checks should work for the controller and not against him and protect him from unsafe procedures and habits. The objectives of proficiency checks may be stated as: (I) to preserve safety in the ATC system by monitoring a controller· s performance to confirm that he can adequately perform his duties. (II) to identify and examine any areas of controller performance that should be improved and make recommendations which will assist in preparing a developmental programme. (DoT Canada) Such objectives must be supported by a set of ground rules to be observed by both controllers and management. Since these checks so directly affect the controller it is mandatory that there should be a high degree of controller involvement in the evaluation and implementation stages. The employer must provide assurances regarding career aspects especially ·second career' prospects for the older controller. Some associations felt that it was sufficient that the supervisor checked his staff. It cannot be denied that this is one of the tasks of a supervisor and where a small number of staff are involved it probably works reasonably 22

well. However. the larger the staff, the more remote becomes the supervisor from close contact with his controllers when at their working positions and consequently the requirement for a specialist. (Hereafter referred to as a proficiency check officer, PCO.) The Proficiency Check Officer A person selected for this task of PCO must be currently rated on at least the sector or sectors on which the check is to be conducted. It is not necessary that a controller is checked on every sector he works but that the sector chosen represents a fair cross-section of the traffic complexity and number of aircraft expected to be normally handled by the controller. The PCO will not necessarily be the man considered to be the 'best' controller nor should he be expected to handle high traffic peaks. It has to be remembered that although the PCO holds a valid rating because of his job of checking others he cannot be expected to put in as many operational hours controlling aircraft as the other controllers. It can be anticipated that the PCO devotes a minimum of five working days per month to the maintenance of his own proficiency. As a general rule the level of competency required by PCO's should compare with the average controller in the following way: - knowledge. coordination, procedures - the PCO should have the advantage. - general proficiency, estimating accuracy, use of equipment - the PCO should be on a par. - skill - because of infrequent practice the PCO may be slightly slower. He will probably control more cautiously. Ideally the conducting of proficiency checks and the implementation of further training. where necessary. would be the sole task of a PCO. neither would he be included in the •operations' establishment of controllers required to staff a unit. Training must be provided to those controllers selected as PCOs so as to achieve a common standard. Relationship with the supervisor the day-to-day operation of the unit and the monitoring of controller functions will still be the responsibility of the supervisor. By attending debriefing sessions in an observer capacity supervisors could be kept informed of controller capabilities. Supervisors would still be responsible for completing annual appraisals. Everyday performance would still be the basis for these assessments and not the proficiency check. PCOs would have to closely coordinate their activities with the

supervisor as shift management is the supervisor's responsibility. The Proficiency Check Confidentiality is the key word. Only in the most drastic cases e.g. criminal negligence, should reports be passed on to higher authorities. The report on a proficiency check remains confidential to the PCO and the individual concerned. Such reports would not be available for the preparation of a controller's annual assessment. The controller is advised well in advance when his check is to take place. There should be no question of catching people out with spot-checks. The check itself should put emphasis on ihe practical abilities of the controller rather than on knowledge rarely used e.g. management of equipment. application of procedures. phraseology. coordination, etc. It must also be relevant to the job normally performed by a particular controller. After the check there should be a full debrief and exchange of views. The supervisor may act as observer during the debrief and/ or evaluation. It is important that the controller is fully aware of the report which will be made and in fact he should countersign it. The check could take the form of an on-the-job evaluation (twice yearly), monitoring of the RTF tape (annually), a knowledge test (annually) and simulation exercise (annual). It would not be necessary to take all the tests at the same period. The checks would be an on-going process throughout the year. Follow-up Action Part of the job of the PCO will be to arrange for further recurrent training and assess the competency of the individual after retraining. When. after such recurrent training and reassessment. it is determined by the PCO that a controller is unable to qualify to the unit standard. the PCO may recommend to the eh ief of the ATC unit that the controller be removed from further active control duties in that unit. Should the controller wisli to appeal against this decision. he alone may authorise the opening of his file to his representatives and the appropriate aviation/ employer authorities. Evaluation and Implementation of Proficiency Checks Controller participation in conducting sector or position task analysis. developing check lists, compiling material for open book examinations and assisting in the development of simulated exercises will greatly help toward con-

troller acceptance. The standards which are to be achieved must be clearly defined so that all personnel are aware of the performance that they are expected to attain. The standard thus defined for a sector or position will be the qualification standard and the minimum level for checked-out personnel. A number of controllers will be selected to conduct a task analysis of the control positions and determine the level of proficiency required for each task. A check list of tasks to be assessed during on-the-job evaluation will be prepared. Practice evaluations using the staff who assisted in the task analysis followed by discussions will revise and verify the system so that an agreed valid check list can be produced. The position standard and check list will be published so that all personnel are aware of the performance level required and of those items that will be ·assessed during the proficiency check. On-the-job evaluations and briefings must be carried out objectively and fairly and the results considered as confidential. Conclusions

(a) A system of proficiency checks carried out objectively and fairly and above all treated confidentially is seen as being desirable by many Member Associations. (b) Proficiency checks would preserve safety in the ATC system by monitoring a controller's performance and identify and examine any areas of his performance that should be improved. (c) Controllers selected for the task of Proficiency Check Officer (PCO) will: (I) have to be currently rated. (11)have to undergo special training, (Ill) not be considered as part of the operational personnel for staffing purposes. (IV) be responsible for the organisation of retraining as required. (d) The check could take the form of: (I) OJT evaluation (11)tape monitoring (Ill) knowledge verification (IV) simulated exercises and be carried out twice a year. (e) The standards to be achieved and the check list of items to be evaluated will be made available to all controllers. (f) Full debriefing and exchange of views will follow each evaluation. Supervisors may attend as observers. (g) Full controller participation is necessary at all stages in the evaluation and implementation of a system of proficiency checks. (h) The results of proficiency checks must be considered as confidential information between the PCO and the controller.

Top Earnings for McDonnell McDonnell Douglas Corporation earned $ 144.6 million or $ 3.65 per share fully diluted on sales of $ 6,066.3 million in 1980.

The previous year McDonnell Douglas earned s 199.1 million or$ 5.06 per share on sales of$ 5.278.5 million. The 1980 earnings included S 4.3 million or 1 1 cents per share from a sale of securities in the fourth quarter and S 15.5 million or 39 cents per share from a previously reported real estate transaction. The year's sales included 41 per cent commercial and 59 per cent government business. The corporation's earnings for the fourth quarter of 1980 were $ 45.8 million or s 1.15 per share on sales of s 1,503.3 million. In the comparable period of 1979 earnings were S 51. 7 million or S 1.31 per share on sales of s 1.330.1 million. Firm backlog on December 31. 1980 was $ 8.815.5 million. compared with· s 6.981. 7 million at the end of 1979. This backlog. made up of 34 per cent commercial and 66 per cent government business. excludes order.snot yet funded to the corporation. orders being negotiated as continuations of authorized programmes. and commercial orders subject to contingencies. Total backlog. including these additional amounts but excluding options. was approximately $ 13.777.8 million on December 31. 1980 and included 27 per cent commercail and 73 per cent government business. A year earlier the total backlog was approximately$ 10.877.9 million. Employment at the end of 1980 was 82.550 compared with 82.736 a year earlier.

1980 Lower Sales for 1980 were higher in all major lines of business but increased most in the commercial and military aircraft areas. The primary sources of backlog growth were now orders for military aircraft. notably the selection of the F-1 BA Hornet by Canada at the conclusion of the first foreign competition in which the aircraft was entered. Earnings for 1980 were lower in all product lines. but the primary factor in the overall decline was a pre-tax loss on commercial aircraft of $ 144 million. compared with 1979's commercial aircraft loss of s 56 million. The corporation's commercial aircraft loss increased substantially in 1980 because development and production costs associated with introduction of the new DC-9 Super 80 were much higher than anticipated. During 1980 we achieved good cost performance in connection with DC-10 production and made good progress in the amortization of DC-10 deferred production costs. The 40 DC-10s delivered in 1980 absorbed $ 31 2 million of deferred tooling and production costs. The firm orders now on hand are considered adequate to absorb the programme·s remaining deferred costs. New orders for DC-9s and DC-10s were received at a comparatively slow rate

throughout 1 980 as general economic conditions worsened and the airline industry incurred substantial losses. Because of this. deliveries of the DC-10 will occur at a lower rate In 1981 than in the year just ended. Some DC-9 deliveries orginally planned for 1980 were delayed beyond the end of the year; DC-g deliveries are expected to occur at a higher rate throughout much of 1981 as the delayed aircraft are readied for service and we complete the manufacture of aircraft ordered before the 1980 recession. A slowing of DC-9 deliveries in 1982 now appears likely. Military aircraft sales increased substantially in 1980 as work accelerated on the F18A Hornet and AV-8B programmes. Military aircraft earnings declined because these programmes. both still in early stages. have lower margins than the mature programmes that dominated the corporation· s military aircraft work in recent years. Earnings were adversely affected also be further increases in estimated total costs of developing and producing the six DC-10 extender tanker-cargo aircraft ordered by the US Air Force. The total military aircraft backlog was s 8.943. 7 million on December 31. 1980. Approximately 55 per cent of it involved aircraft In development of early stages of production. An additional cause of 1980's earnings decline was the fact that the corporation had substantially decreased interest income and increased interest expense in 1980 compared with 1979. As of December 31. 1980. McDonnell Douglas had firm orders for 364 DC-10 airliners and conditional orders and options for 25 orthers. bringing the overall total to 389 aircraft of which 339 had been delivered. At year-end the corporation had firm orders for 1.061 DC-9s and conditional orders and options for 23 others. bringing the overall total to 1,084 aircraft of which 955 had been delivered.

DATA SYSTEMS GOODWOOD LTD.. announced the award of a contract for an AFTN Switching System by the Federal Air Traffic Control Authority of Yugoslavia. This contract is valued at nearly $ 2 million and provides a 128channel capacity system for the routing and processing of Aeronautical Telecommunications data. This system is part of the overall series of Flight Information System offered by Goodwood on the international market. The majority of the technology being offered was first developed for Canada by use in its own Civil Aviation System. 23

AEROPP.En-route toan integrated telecommunicatio • serv.t.ce.

AEROPP, Philips data switching and data handling system for aeronautical operation, permits gradual, economic growth: from a small installation, routing low volumes of AFI'N traffic, to a powerful multi-facility centre providing a complete range of aeronautical telecommunications services. For example, an AEROPP system may be initially configured to switch AFI'N message traffic, then extended in steps to perform collection, sorting and


distribution of METEO, flight plan, NOTAM,flight safety and ATA/ IATA messages. AEROPP equipped AFrN centres can serve their low traffic subscribers by interfacing the system to telex or public data networks - connections which also provide for network fallback. Aeronautical information files, also, may be maintained on AEROPP to allow Aeronautical Information Service briefing offices,Flight Information

Centres, Airline Operations Centres and Air Traffic Control units, rapid and convenient access to this data. In addition, Flight Information Centres and Aeronautical Radio Stations may utilize the system for efficient distribution of information such as VOLMET's, AIREP's, position reports and air-filed flight plans. AEROPP, moreover, can be enhanced to provide switching for the Common ICAO Data Interchange Network. In short, AEROPP is capable of

AirportSurfaceDetectionEquipment, ASDE, from Signaal utilizes a Ku-band system (with an antenna turning speed of 60 r.p.m. for enhanced reliability) housed in a 5.8mtr high radom, to detect a 3m2 moving target within a range of 10km. Even in adverse weather - a 15mm/hr rainfall for example - detection range is 5km. Range discrimination is approx. 7mtr with an angular discrimination of 0,25°. Digital scan conve1ters, DISCO's, are used to supply synthetic video information for bright display purposes: each DISCO accommodating up to six display consoles. A display luminance of 35cd/m2 enables viewing under high ambient light conditions.

formingthe backboneand connectionsfor flight plan, radar,and informationprocessing subsystems- an integratedtelecommunicationsservice. AEROPP is just one exampleof the high stateof-the-artof Philips equipment,systemsand services foraviation.Here are some more.

·voice logging. Frankfmt International

Totalcapabilityfromthe ground up. By Airpo1t is one of the man.y ai11Jo1tsin West combining the know-how of our specialist Germany using Philips' multi-channel corn· companies we can offer a closely integramunications recorders to provide tee! programme of equipment, systems continuous logging of all ATCvoice cornmu• and services to the Airpmt Authority. The nications. Available with 11,22, 33 and 44 programme includes: specialised lighting track recording facilities. their exceptionally systems 'for taxiing, take-off, apron posihigh quality is reflected in the fact that tioning and mnway approach, as well as they have so far been installed in no less indoor and outdoor terminal lighting; than 120 major aiqJ01ts the world over. navigational aids such as ILS, DME and VOR: HF/VHF/UHF and microwave radio communications; computer-based lfvou want to know more, radar for air traffic control and airpo1t the book ·Philips in surface movement (ASDE); terminal Aviation· is,vours fonhc asking. Just send your sonorisation and security systems, and a business card or name range of services extending from advance and address to: Philips study and evaluation of airpo1t requireIndustries C.M.S.D.. ments to airport constmction and commisMarketing Communication Av. VOp. Room sioning. From equipment design, supply 22, Eindhoven, Holland. ._.M.l/~. and installation to the supervision and training of operational and technical staff.


Simulated Target Generation for ATC Systems Testing by W M. Schmidt (Sperry Univac. Defense Systems Division A TC Systems Engrneenng)


Sperry Univac has over 17 years of experience in simulating detected aircraft during testing of automated air traffic control systems. The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has benefited tremendously from Sperry Univac·s extensive use of target generator programs to simulate aircraft detected by the primary radar and secondary surveillance radar subsystems. The current enhanced target generator (ETG) has evolved from a simple program that was used to merely generate prestored reports. The ETG is used for program debugging. accept· ance testing. and FAA personnel training. It provides the controller trainer. trainee. or the system test engineer with an efficient means of supplying the system with a wide range of user-defined simulated targets. These simulated target inputs are considered by the system to be live. and except for training targets. which


are sent to only training mode displays. are processed exactly as if they were real targets. Yet none of the complexities. uncertainties. or frustrations of using live 'targets of opportunity' are introduced. Control is the primary advantage of the ETG. By manipulating target data. a simulated aircraft can be made to perform flight patterns that would be impractical. if not actually dangerous. for live aircraft. For training purposes one or more display consoles can be designated as controller trainee positions. while other display positions are designated as pilot positions that fly the simulated aircraft in response to trainee controller commands. At the same time. the display positions not designated for training may be used to control live aircraft operations.

Radar Terminal System (ARTS) at Atlanta. Georgia. the system testing was accomplished by using the following different testing techniques: 1. Test procedure script. using uncontrolled targets of opportunity at the site. 2. FAA test aircraft flying prearranged flight patterns. 3. Prestored target data to test special functions such as emergency beacon codes. In a subsequent project for final approach spacing for ARTS (FASA). it was recognized that none of the three techniques would provide adequate test data for the complex approach-spacing function. A controllable target generation program was needed. and a simple target generator. that could be controlled by an operator making keyboard entries was designed. The parameters that could be changed were beacon code. heading, speed, and altitude. All entered parameters were attained at a fixed rate of change. A total of 1 2 target reports (simulated aircraft) could be generated. For Common IFR Room (CIFRR) project at New York. system acceptance testing was performed using a target generator that was essentially the same as that used for the FASA project. Later Sperry Univac was contracted to expand the capability of the target generator into a target training simulator (TTS) for controller training at the CIFRR. For the TTS project the following new capabilities which are discussed in detail below.


In the initial air traffic control (ATC) project with the FAA the Automated

Controllers system.





• • • • • • • • •

Automatic glideslope intercept Navigation fix maneuvering Holding pattern Wind Freeze mode Sensor definition Training display assignment Scenario generation and control Increased target capacity (to 32).

When Sperry Univac was awarded the ARTS 111contract for the installation of automated ATC systems at 62 major airports in the US systems testing required a more sophisticated target generator. Since target detection was done by the software instead of digitizer hardware, the target generator was changed to generate target replies rather than target reports. Target replies were generated on a sweep-bysweep (radar interrogation) basis; a hit or miss could be specified for each sweep (up to 45 sweeps). With this approach the target generator could be used to test the target detection software as well as the tracking functions. Another enhancement was that the rates of change to parameters could be specified (e.g., turn rate. rate of climb/ descent. and rate of velocity change). Also, the mode C altitude validity and mode 31 A beacon code validity could be specified. This version of the target generator could simulate up to six targets. For ARTS Ill the target generator program had to be recoded for a different processor. The next FAA project was for a Minimum Safe Altitude Warning System (MSAW) for all ARTS Ill-equipped airports. MSAW provides warning signals to air traffic controllers when controlled aircraft are threatened with becoming

•controlled flight into terrain'. Testing MSAW required extensive simulation because of the need for a carefully controlled environment and the impracticality of using targets of opportunity or test aircraft to create low altitude situations. The use of scenarios was important because the situation could be replayed identically each time with no need for operator keyboard entries. Adjustments of system parameters and input data could be made until optimum test conditions were obtained. The automatic glideslope intercept function was also used extensively to test approach path monitoring warnings. For demonstration of metering and spacing for the ARTS 111system. the target generator program was further expanded to provide several functions, including the following: • • • • •

Fix navigation Metering and spacing controller I LS capture Fast time Command feedback Error simulation.

The first three functions will be described later; however. command feedback and error simulation are unique to metering and spacing. Command feedback provides a means of associating target generator commands with metering and spacing commands so that the simulated aircraft can be controlled without operator intervention. Error simulation creates a more realistic testing environment by allowing for the failure of targets to report a certain percentage of the time on a scan-to-scan basis. called blip-scan error and to allow targets to simulate performance

errors. which live aircraft may make when performing maneuvers. The Conflict Alert project provides for controllers to be alerted of predictions of aircraft potentially coming too close to other controlled aircraft. For the Conflict Alert system acceptance testing. the scenario generation and control capability was used extensively because of the difficulty in using live aircraft to create conflict situations. No additional functions had to be added to the target generator program for this test. In 1976 Sperry Univac began work on an ATC systems project to implement the following: •

CDR - Addition of a continuous data-recording capability at all ARTS-II I-equipped airports • EARTS - An enroute system at Anchorage. Honolulu. Nellis AFB. and San Juan • ARTS IIIA - Installation of enhanced version· s of the ARTS 111system at 2 9 airports • New York TRACON - Replacement for, and expansion of. the Common I FR Room for controlling traffic at JFK. La Guardia, Newark. !slip and Westchester airports. The target generator and scenario generator software were used in essentially their current evolved state of enhancement. combining the functions developed for many of the previous projects. The scenario generator was modified to include all operational keyboard commands rather than Just target generator-related commands as originally designed. The New York TRAC0N ATC system required the most extensive target simulation. In addition to its use during a very complex and lengthy acceptance test. the target generator is an integral part of the operational software. It is used for controller training purposes and for subsequent software baseline testing as the operational functions are expanded. The capacity test for the New York TRACON system presented a unique problem. Because the system receives input from four radars. and the required capacity for each sensor was 300 tracks. the large volume of data could not be generated in real-time or stored in the available memory. A special version of the target generator was developed to generate the data off-line and to store it on a disc pack, then to read the data from the disc during the capacity test. For a military ATC system the target generator was once again extensively


modified. It was recoded to operate in a different processor. and the capability to simulate a precision-approach radar, as well as the air suNeillance radar, was added. Elaboration

Each of the functions in the current target generator software is described below. Keyboard Entry Commands Target Initiation - Creates a target upon receipt of an entry defining the initial target position. Position may be specified by slewing to a point on the display with the trackball or by entE:ring a range and azimuth at the keyboard. Target Termination - Stops generation of data for a specified target. Heading - Changes the target head~ ing. Turn will be to the left or right as specified in the entry, or if not specified, the shortest turn is taken. A turn rate in degrees per second may be entered. If no rate is entered, a turn rate dependent upon current target velocity is used. If a new target is initiated without a heading specified. the target will be headed toward the center of the display. Transponder Code - Enters or changes the target's transponder code to the four digit octal code entered. A transponder code validity value and a special pulse indicator (identification) may also be entered. Altitude - Controls the target modeC response. including validity and change rate. The initial or new altitude is entered in hundreds of feet. Validity and rate entries are optional; if validity is not entered, the highest validity valve is used. If rate of climb or descent is not entered, a rate of 7 50 feet per minute is assumed. An instantaneous altitude change may also be entered. Velocity - Assigns a speed and acceleration to the target. An acceleration or instantaneous speed change is optional. If no initial speed is entered. a ground speed of zero is assumed. If no acceleration is entered when the speed is changed. a value of 45 knots per minute is used. Sensor Control - In a multisensor system this entry selects the primary radar/secondary radar system that is to be simulated. Sensor Selection - Specifies the type of report to be generated for each target, i.e. primary radar only, secondary radar only, or primary and secondary radar. Duplicate Targets - Duplicates a specified target up to seven times. The range of each target is decremented by two nautical miles: otherwise. the targets are identical. The duplicated targets are not individually controllable.


Realistic air traffic situations can be presented to the controller trainee.

Ring - Creates a ring of 2 n targets (n = 1 to 5) equally spaced in azimuth over 360 degrees. For example, with n = 5. 32 targets are created 11.25 degrees apart in azimuth. Ring targets are controllable after initiution. Duplicate and ring targets are used for capacity testing. Target Inhibit - Inhibits target report generation on a selected target for a specified number of scans. Primary radar reports. secondary radar reports. or both primary and secondary reports may be inhibited. This function is used primarily during testing to verify the operational program's response to missing reports. Positional Deviation - Allows noise to be added to the target's positions in range and azimuth. The amount of deviation may be specified in hundredths of nautical miles in range and in hundredths of a degree in azimuth. If not specified. standard deviations of 0. 10 nautical miles and 0.33 degrees are applied. Blip/scan Ratio - Defines and initiates a secondary and a primary radar blip/scan ratio. For example, an entry of 7 5 for secondary radar reports and 50 for primary reports requests all secondary radar targets to be reported 7 5% of the time and primary radar targets 50% of the time. Automatic Glidescope Intercept Automatically generates the necessary flight pattern to land the simulated aircraft at a specified runway. Navigation Fix Maneuvering - Automatically directs the simulated aircraft to the specified one of several predefined geographical navigational fixes.

Hold - Flies the simulated aircraft in a prestored holding pattern with a specified turn rate and direction. No Gyro Turn - Places the simulated aircraft in a turn until directed to stop. The direction of turn and the turn rate are optional. Wind - Defines the wind velocities and headings at specified altitudes. Wind altitude entries. in thousands of feet, represent wind factors 500 feet above and below the specified altitude. Wind data for a given altitude may be deleted by entering the altitude with a velocity of zero. Wind effects are incorporated into all target generator target's course of flight at all altitudes. Freeze Mode - When the display freeze entry is made, all data for all simulated aircraft remain displayed at their last updated positions until the freeze is deactivated. The function is for training displays only; it has no effect on the •live· displays. Fast Time Mode - Enables the target generator to operate in a faster than real-time mode, with simulated target only. The command specifies the ratio between normal and fast time. Training Display Assignment - Prior to activating a training display, all active tracks assigned to a display controller must be dropped or reassigned to 'live· positions. Then. on an individual basis. any display can be designated as a training display. A similar command returns the display to live status. Scenario Generation and Control

Scenario Generator - The scenario generator program was developed for






16 16K



command. Each subsequent scenario command is executed sequentially. The entire scenario can be repeated at any time. or a different scenario can be initiated. In addition to the target generatorrelated commands. scenarios may also contain operational keyboard commands. In this manner a scenario can simulate an entire air traffic control situation. including flight plan input and inter-facility messages.





















test situations that required a large volume of air traffic or involved flying intricate or dangerous flight patterns. such as low altitude. conflict status crossovers. metering and spacing, and capacity test. Some of the advantages of scenarios are: • • • •

Exact repeatability each time test is run. Eliminates operator error. More precise control of input data. especially timing. Faster than manual keyboard entries.

The scenario generator is an off-line program whose purpose is to record a sequence of operator commands on magnetic tape or disc from punched cards. These commands are later read from tape or disc during testing or training excercises. The scenario commands are essentially the same as commands made by operator keyboard en-

try. One difference is that range and azimuth are specified in the command to the nearest hundredth nautical mile or degree rather than by a slew entry at the display. Also. each scenario command contains the time at which it is to be executed to the nearest second. Therefore. a much higher degree of accuracy and more precise timing can be obtained with scenarios than can be obtained by operator entries. Up to 100 scenario files can be recorded per tape. and 255 can be recoded per disc. Each file contains one compJete scenario excercise. Scenario Control - Scenarios are controlled by keyboard entries. which are made to input scenario files from magnetic tape or disc. The command causes the specified scenario to be read and stored in computer memory for program execution. Other keyboard commands initiate the execution of the scenario starting at the first scenario

The target generator has been used extensively by Sperry Univac in acceptance testing of ATC systems. It has been modified and expanded throughout the past 1 4 years to suit various computers and for different ATC system applications. Its use has considerably lowered the cost of testing by eliminating the need for flying test aircraft and by speeding up the test activities. Moreover. software is more reliable because test conditions have been induced that are more difficult than the live situation. Most test procedures were written so they could be run with targets of opportunity or with simulated aircraft. Since most tests are conducted during periods of minimum air traffic. it was difficult to find the desired mix of targets to follow the procedures. Accordingly. the target generator's use increased until it was almost always used during the test activities. Special functions such as MSAW. capacity tests. conflict alert. tracking evaluation. emergency transponder codes. and metering and spacing made the use of the target generator a necessity. The scenario generation capability is invaluable for automated testing. In those cases where a test must be repeated several times. as in baseline testing. or where the same ATC system is to be implemented at several airports. considerable time and manpower can be saved by using test procedures that have been recorded on magnetic tape or disc as scenarios. Manual and scenario commands can be mixed and time delays inserted between scenario commands to allow for operator intervention. The FAA is continually upgrading the operational program for the ARTS 111 system. and each update must be thoroughly tested against a baseline before being used operationally. Automated testing has been estimated to cut their testing time by 70% to 80%. In addition to speeding up the test entries. chances for erroneous entries are eliminated. which further reduces the time required to conduct each test. 29

Refresher Training for Air Traffic Controllers by Adrian Enright


It is established IFATCA policy that air traffic controllers should undergo periodic refresher training (Lyon 1976). A few administrations do provide some form of refresher training for their staff but there appears to be a requirement to re-emphasize this need for refresher training and once more bring it to the attention of ATC administrations. This paper puts forward a model outlining the format and content upon which a refresher training course for operational air traffic controllers could be based. Discussion

The far sighted administration or organization will have implemented a staff training scheme for its employees. Staff will naturally have to be trained for the tasks for which they were recruited and other staff will have to receive further, specialist training to enable them to continue their careers in the organisation. An organisation can only survive and profit if it adopts a forward looking policy with the interests of its employees at heart. It is people who make organisations - any organisation. An organisation with well motivated and well trained staff who are encouraged to take an active interest in their work will profit. Thus there is a third area of training to be considered and which should concern the majority of staff - refresher training. (In the context of this paper the term •refresher training· refers to a re-acquaintance with previously learned facts. a re-assessment of skills and an awareness of current specialist developments). In air traffic control today spectacular advances are being made both in the 'tools of the trade' and in the associated procedures which must keep up with the crowded airspaces. We can identify three types of controller depending on the environment: (I) the one brought up on the procedural system of controlling and who must now adapt to a radar and later a semiautomated system. (11)the one trained in procedural and radar but who is now faced with the introduction of automation and (Ill) the ·new generation· who has been directly introduced to automation with little or no other experience. 30

The question of how to maintain a high standard of operational efficiency among controllers at ATC units has long been of concern to many administrations. Another aspect of this problem Is that an operational controller may perform his tasks satisfactorily for many years without ever being faced with an emergency situation and thus not be fully· aware of the correct procedures to apply quickly should such a situation develop. Controllers need also ·to be aware of the limited service that can be provided by a modern computor-generated synthetic radar display when such a system is degraded through technical failure. Or. in less sophisticated systems. what action does the controller take in the event of a radar failure? The following is an example of how a refresher course might be planned. Obiectives. which could be more suitably detailed. should reflect the aim of the refresher training and be clearly understood by all those attending the course. Define the controller background i.e. non-radar. radar or automated. Course population: controllers with about five years· experience. The numbers will depend on the simulator facilities available. Course objectives: (I) to revise the standard procedures· associated with the ATC unit and in particular to clarify any areas of misunderstanding, differences with ICAO Standards and Recommendations. etc. (Checking knowledge and understanding) (11)to control a specified number of aircraft simultaneously whilst maintaining the correct separation standards between them, some of which will be involved in unusual occurrences. (Checking skills. Use of suitable simulator) (111) apply correct RTF phraseology (IV) apply correct procedures to the practical exercises in (II) (V) have a better understanding of ... (the specific subjects requested by the controller e.g. Air Traffic Flow Management, Incident Investigation, aircraft emergency procedures. pilot problems in crowded airspace. automation in ATC. etc. Course duration: Two weeks ( 10 working days) Course structure: The first few days

are devoted to a revision of basic theory and procedures. Course participants are encouraged to do their own research (reference materials provided) and the instructor guides the discussions going into detail when and where required in order to clarify misunderstanding and to show a relationship between theory and practice. Practical exercises. following a classroom briefing. will give the participants the opportunity to practise their operational techniques under set conditions. Exercises can be precisely designed so that basic skills and more complex situations can equally well be practised. Classroom debriefings and exercise analysis will follow each period in the simulator. During the second week. whilst the practical exercises concentrate more on the unusual occurrences. the classroom presentations focus on specific subiects of topical interest given by experts. The refresher course is not designed so much as a teaching course but more as a platfor61 for discussion. It is important that an exchange of ideas and airing of points of view be allowed to take place so as to clarify misconceptions and areas of ambiguity which often exist between interpretation of the rules and practical application. Controllers. skilled in their day-to-day tasks. should be kept informed of new developments within ATC and aviation and have an awareness of the hidden dangers inherent in a casual manner of working and the use of non-standard RTF phraseology. The course should not be used to test the proficiency of the controller. The practical exercises should be designed so that the controller again becomes familiar with. for example. primary radar progressing through unprocessed secondary radar to synthetic radar displays with data blocks. He practises his skills in unusual situations e.g. radio communication failure. radar failure. aircraft emergencies. etc. Tape recording of RTF during exercises and then discussing the playback can be very useful. The role of the instructor is to help the controller to identify his problem areas. clarify ·grey· areas and to encourage the controller to take a new interest in his job. It is important that controllers who attend refresher courses are aware of the course objectives and course content if the maximum benefit is to be obtained. Pre-conceived ideas which do not relate to reality are likely to be a cause of de-motivation among those attending the course. A regular programme of refresher training should be introduced for all controllers on the basis. for example. of a two week course (along the lines as

4. Controllers need to be fully aware of and able to apply quickly the correct procedures to be used in emergency and unusual situations. 5. The refresher course should be designed as a platform for discussion and exchanges of ideas encouraged in order to clarify ambiguity. 6. Practical exercises should be based on the controllers· own area. 7. Course objectives need to be carefully stated and understood by all before the course starts. 8. Subjects relating to ATC and aviation developments need to be included in the refresher course in order to increase the contrdllers· knowledge and understanding of the environment in which they work. 9. Refresher courses are not designed to test the proficiency of the controller.

proposed above) every five years and a one week or three day course every two years which would concentrate on new developments in aviation. An example of a course programme is seen below.

Conclusions 1. Refresher training should be regularly undertaken by all operational air traffic controllers. 2. It is to the benefit of any organisation or administration to maintain the necessary level of knowledge and skill among its staff. 3. Refresher training. in the context of this paper. refers to a re-acquaintance of previously learnt facts. a re-assessment of every-day skills and an awareness of current specialist developments.

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An Open Letter to Mr. Lee E. Paul Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration NAFEC Atlantic City/ N.J. 08405

USA via the /FA TCA Journal Editor

Subiect: Your Article How can we learn from our mistakes tf we never admit we make any? Dear Mr. Paul. telling the truth must not necessarily mean to receive congratulations because they are many. who either do not welcome truth or don't want to admit mistake. Civil aviation authorities are among them. and rather seem to be willing to waste more millions than to admit. But money is becoming rare nowadays. Being with air traffic control for a quarter century now and a system. equipment and procedures evaluator and a tax payer myself. I can only thank you for your comments. The question. however. is 'Which way out?'. Among insiders there are apparent answers to that. One answer for instance is provided by the availability of ADP program structured ·system validation· methods for the validation of technical system specifications. For an answer to system operational concept and specification validation you have made some suggestions in your paper. but this problem is the most difficult one to solve. Even when authorities are willing to have operational personnel actively participate in the conceptual design and planning of systems. subsystems and procedures another problem remains unsolved. That is the lack of training and education. which air traffic services personnel should receive beforehand to be able to fulfil such task. Here is an answer on how to solve that probleml Authorities must spend money on education for their personnel to learn new techniques and technologies - other systems operations - new hardware available - new functions (technical and operational) - neighbouring countries/systems considerations and approaches to the same problems In order to become capable to cope with such tasks and to participate accordingly. This seems to be the cheaper way. sometimes cheaper by millions. With my congratulations to you for telling it and sincerely yours. Frank W. Fisher Advisory Group Air Navigation Services. Inc. 31

ROCATCA First Annual Conference (Taipei, Taiwan - 14th to 17th January, 1981) by R. Soar

When ROCATCA joined IFATCA at the Toronto Conference in 1980, their delegates promised that their association would be active in international affairs. True to their promise they have been at the forefront of their Regional activities and attended the Pacific Regional Meeting as observers. When ROCATCA planned to hold their First Annual Conference and to invite overseas guests none of us anticipated such overwhelming hospitality, superb organisation and the degree of cooperation from both government and airlines.

Travel. the nightmare of any association organising a conference. was made possible by the airlines serving Taipei. primarily China Airlines but with assistance from Singapore Airlines. Cathey Pacific and SSA. China Airlines· service impressed even our most jaded travellers and set a new level for comparison. By the evening of the 14th January the majority of the international visitors had assembled at the Taipei Regency. a tastefully impressive hotel. The IFATCA representation was the largest and consisted of the President. the Executive Secretary. and the Regional Vice-Presi-

Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport 32

dent Pacific. Other guests included representatives of CATCA, the UK Guild. PATCO the South African Association. and APCA. The total group of sixteen were on this first evening treated to a dinner hosted by the President of ROCATCA. Harley Liu. This evening had the air of a family reunion as colleagues met again and renewed friendships spawned at earlier conferences. In the 'family atmosphere· of this first official dinner the international guests were introduced to the delights of the Fukien cuisine and had a chance to hone their skills with chopsticks. By the end of the week all were experts

and had developed a palate evermore appreciative of the delectable dishes presented to us. The conference itself was a one day fixture and was held in the ideal venue of the International Conference Room of the CAA Building at the Sungshan Airport. Taipei. The international guests attended the morning session. the afternoon session concerned domestic topics and was to take the form of open discussion. The conference was formally opened by the President of ROCATCA and was then addressed by the Deputy Minister of Communications who was deputising for the Min-

ister who unfortunately was delayed by matters of State which prevented him attending as had been planned. During his speech the Deputy Minister referred to the aims of his administration to make the controllers of Taiwan models, of skill and efficiency and looked to ROCATCA to inspire its members to achieve this aim. In reference to IFATCA, the Deputy Minister paid tribute to the federations integrity and impartiality in persuing its aims of the development of the highest standards in international aviation. Speaking on behalf of IFATCA and the international guests, the President of iFATCA. Mr. H. Harri Henschler. thanked ROCATCA for their hospitality and also thanked the CAA and China Airlines for their assistance in making the attendance of the visitors possible. The I FATCA President spoke of the problems facing IFATCA. not only in respect of technical problems but also in the area of salaries and working conditions. Progress in this area was essen• tial to the development of a safe and efficient ATC system. The provisions of the Report of the Meeting of Experts on ATC produced by the ILO had provided a yardstick and IFATCA was proud of its connection with the setting up of this meeting. Lt. General Mao, the much respect• ed Director General of the CCAA. spoke of the controllers part in the program• me to set up an efficient civil aviation organisation. He reminded the delegates that progress is unending and that he hoped the controllers would continue to set the highest of standards. General Mao said how much they appreciated the attendance of the international visitors and hoped that ROCATCA would always be one of the strongest members of IFATCA.

The second half of the mornings work was a presentation describing progress with CCAA's 'Air Traffic Control System Ten Year Master Plan·. Devided into four stages, stage four is due for completion in 1991. Although it was said that plan is slightly behind schedule at the moment the assurance was given that the plan would be completed on time. Such was the efficiency shown both at this stage and during later visits. the international visitors had little doubt that this promise would be kept. Observers who listened to the description of this 'Ten Year Plan' were not only impressed by the determination to have the best of equipment but also with the enlightened view taken by the CCAA in anticipating demand. All too often ATC 'planning' reacts to a need which has become evident in the system rather than anticipating that need. How refreshing it was to see the ideal of ATC Planning. During the afternoon of the 1 5 January the guests were shown the facilities of the CAA Building to which controllers had access. A modern gymnasium, sauna. medical facilities and social lounge were contained in the base· ment which would make a member of a 'country club' jealous never mind the average controller. A visit to the National Palace Museum where the wonders of Chinese art held the guests spell-bound, served to remind most of us just how ancient is Chinese culture and how advanced it was when Western cultures were a dist• ant dream. The whole of the 1 6th was taken up with a visit to the scenic Taroko Gorge. The tour by bus started from Hualien on the East coast. A brief flight enable the

visitors to make the journey from Taipei to Hualien in the shortest time and in comfort. Lunch was taken at the head of the gorge at the village of Tien. Hsiang. The Taroko Gorge is a very narrow passage cut through limestone rock by a fast flowing river. By herculean effort and ingenious engineering the road has been threaded through the gorge. At times clinging to the cliff face and elsewhere when even that tenuous foothold is too small burrowing into the precipice to form tunnels. the road spectacularly winds its way through the mountains. The final day of the visit to Taipei by the international delegation was taken up with a visit to the Taipei ACC and Chiang Kai Shek International Airport where both terminal and ATC facilities were viewed. The ATC facilities reflect· ed the forward planning typified by the Ten Year ATC Plan. There can be few fears that the technical equipment used by the members of ROCATCA is the best quality. For those of us who are used to the 'make do' and 'wait and see· attitude so often encountered both in equipping ATC and in providing facilities at airports. the CKS International Airport is an example which can have few parallels anywhere in the World. Planning is again the most impressive aspect. Centralised control of the airport facilities enables the controlling authority to manage all systems from security to power supplies. The centralised control was not only in the administrative sense but also physically. One central control room acts as nerve centre for the whole airport facilities.

The opening ceremony at the International Conference Room - CAA Building 33

The busy days of visiting facilities were a delight which were complemented by an equally delightful social programme in the evenings. Each evening a special dinner was organised and our hosts were H. M. Yang. Director of Air Navigation. CCAA and China Airlines. However. the highlight must have been the dinner which concluded the day of the Annual Conference. At this dinner the 'Outstanding Controller of the Year Awards' were made by the CCAA. Made in the presence of General Mao these awards showed that effort in promoting efficiency in the ATC system does not go unrewarded and unrecognised: at least not in Taipei. This innovative system of recognition has great potential for encouraging junior controllers to perfect their professionalism. Leaving Taipei was. for all of us. a sad time. Inevitably one wished to dally and savour the new experiences and friendships. All of us were impressed by the efficiency with which modern civil aviation plan has been implemented and although there are problems to be overcome particularly in relation to working conditions for controllers. it is hoped that ROCATCA's affiliation with IFATCA will bear fruit for them and help them overcome any difficulties. In the words of General Mao. 'Progress. however. is unending . • Such truths have the corollary; there will always be work to be done by associations like ROCATCA and their international federation IFATCA.

Inspecting Taipei ACC

compliments, and the expression of my hope that I may have other occasions in the future to enjoy the service. Ladies and Gentlemen. it is slightly less than a year since ROCATCA was elected to full professional membership in IFATCA, which now has 58 member associations and well over 40 corporate members from the equipment manufacturing sector. In this period of time ROCATCA has shown that it is a well organised and determined organ-

H. Harri Henschler's speech to ROCATCA's 1st Annual Meeting Mr. Deputy Minister, the Honourable Mr. Chu. Director General, General Mao. ROCATCA President Liu, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers· Associations may I first express my appreciation. and I am sure I can speak for all the overseas visitors by our Member Association, the ROCATCA to attend this, their first annual conference. I wish to also express sincere appreciation for the support and assistance provided by the authorities in making our attendance easily possible and the help and effort shown by China Airlines in providing transportation. Speaking personally , may I say that if the service provided to me by all the staff of the Airline. and in particular the staff at San Francisco. is an indication of China Airlines· efficiency. and I have no doubt that it is, then your Airline is one of the most competently run and most pleasant to travel on I have encountered anywhere in the world. Please accept my 34

Mr. Harri Henschler

isation. I have no doubt that ROCATCA will play a very viable role in the federation and encourage their participation in aspects of IFATCA's affairs. We have previously heard very kind words with regard to IFATCA's standing in the international aviation community. These words are much appreciated. they address a subject we are very proud of. IFATCA's achievements in all matters relating to air traffic control. As you know, the federation is deeply involved in the technical questions facing our profession. We are in constant contact with international bodies such as ICAO. we are constantly submitting our solutions to air traffic control problems and, I am glad to say. our solutions are accepted thereby setting standards which air traffic controllers worldwide are using to perform their duties safely and efficiently. Air traffic control, of course. is a system which incorporates many components. One major component is the availability of equipment adequate for the type and density of air traffic in a given area. I am happy to say that. based on the information provided by our colleagues of the ROCATCA the air traffic control equipment they are working with. the radars and communication facilities, is adequate and more advanced than equipment found in many areas of the world. I congratulate the Civil Aeronautics Administration on their long range equipment planning and acquisition. The other. and more important. component of any air traffic control system is the individual controller. It is he or she who makes any system work. In

this context I would like to quote from a position paper of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to the Science and Technology Committee of the Council of Europe which stated: . it is essential that we should recognize the critical part played by the people involved in air safety ... the air traffic controllers. No system. with or without automation in the present state of the art. can operate satisfactorily without a competent interface with the related human factors. It is clearly a fundamental pre-requisite to any ATC system that there must be a sufficient number of well trained and experienced controllers at all the necessary centres and that their working environment should be such as to enable them to function efficiently.· And again from IATA in an address to the Middle East Civil Aviation Conference: . Air traffic controllers need to have high professional skills and bear a heavy burden of responsibility for human life. All traffic controllers are paid on a clerical salary scale which in some cases borders on the poverty line. In my view. governments need to recognize this central problem and create new categories of salaries and other conditions for the civil aviation arm of their public service. We not only need to train more people but we must keep them in our industry through attractive career prospects.· These quotes from IATA. an organisation which IFATCA does not always see eye-to-eye with. indicate very concisely some of the problems which caused us to seek to hold. at the International Labour Office (ILO) at Geneva. Switzerland. a meeting of experts on problems concerning air traffic controllers in May 1979. At this meeting experts from both the governments and working controller levels jointly agreed on fifty-two conclusions with regard to working conditions. These conclusions range from the right to establish representational organisations. industrial relations. social and labour aspects. hours of work. remuneration. retirement. occupational safety and health. legal liabilities. manpower and career planning. training and re-training. to employment security. The report of this meeting and the conclusions are highly recommended reading to all agencies. private or government. who employ air traffic controllers. and here I must say that private agency employers seem to better be able to appreciate. and compensate. the operational responsibility of the air traffic controller; they do not have to worry about the civil service straightjacket of comparability. Most control-

lers did not enter the profession in order to be civil servants; they are civil servants because it is the only avenue to be an air traffic controller. We have heard that General Mao has devoted himself to upgrading the controllers· salaries and benefits. His efforts must be supported to the greatest extent. To train a controller properly is an expensive undertaking and to ensure that this investment is not lost. proper remuneration will contribute to the controller continuing in the profession rather than use his or her training to find a better paying career outside of air traffic control. The conclusion of the ILO on the subject was that 'to ensure that the ATCO's remuneration is commensurate with their responsibilities. it should be noted that one of the professions in which the responsibilities assumed closely resemble that of the ATCO is that of the professional pilot. In fact. in at least one country. the controller· s remuneration has been compared and linked to that of the airline captain'. Proper working conditions such as hours of work. which the federation feels should be no more than 30 hours per week. ensure that the controller is at his best at all times. Further. both IFATCA and the ILO Meeting agree that provisions must be made for controllers. in a profession which has consistently been called a young man's world. to retire at an earlier age in recognition of its peculiarity and in the interest of air safety. There is further agreement on the requirement of an employersponsored loss-of-licence insurance

scheme and employer-sposored second career programme. The training aspect is a very important one and I am happy to say that. based on information from ROCATCA. this requirement is being fully satisfied . The ongoing programme of familiarisation flights and visits to Honolulu ATC facilities is most valuable and. we hope. will be continued. Since under several legal systems the ATCO's civil liability may be invoked separately and independently from the vicarious civil liability of his employer. the ATCO may be sued on both criminal and civil grounds independently from his employer. Air traffic controllers have gone to jail for making a wrong decision and we agree with the ILO conclusion that: 'Governments should pass legislation to abolish such independent civil liabilities of ATCOs and provide them with adequate legal protection and counsel in those areas where this does not exist at present.· Our direct counterpart. the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations. with whom we closely co-ordinate our technical efforts. said the following in an editorial in their monthly News Bulletin: •Airline pilots' contracts vary considerably from one airline to another. but Is probable that there are even greater variations in terms and conditions available to air traffic controllers. In some countries. controllers work in good conditions. use modern equipment and are able to negotiate their contracts like other groups of workers. In other countries the controllers are employed by

'Tommy· Tomkins of South Africa A TCA presents a gift to ROCA TCA·s President H. Liu. To the left J. Wang. 35

the State and are not able to withdraw their labour. Even worse is the lot of the controller in those countries which use the expedient of using a military ATC system which presumably has the "advantage" of enabling a controller to be court-martialled (and shot?) if he is found in breach of regulations or is absent from duty, or complains about duty hours or salary. 'One of the most remarkable items to be learned from a long experience of IFALPA is that there are more similarities between the living standards of airline pilots around the world than there are dissimilarities, and if an apparently great difference exists between the conditions enjoyed by the pilots of countries A and B there is frequently some other compensatory factor elsewhere in the contract. Another interesting point is that an examination of the relative pay of captains, co-pilots and flight engineers reveals another· extraordinary similarity in the different countries. Where the Captain is on scale 100. the senior co-pilot may be on 75 - 70 and the senior flight engineer may be on approximately 6 5. 'This leads to the perhaps harmless speculation that in the year 2000 the air traffic controllers may have achieved their own appropriate relativity to the flight crews. It is to be hoped that this relativity will be found before the civil air transport industry suffers the inevitable reaction of the frustrated passengers who decide to stay at home rather than endure the joys of spending 20% of their annual holiday waiting for a much delayed aircraft to depart.· The foregoing clearly recognizes the immense impact air traffic controllers have on the economy of any country. This federation will not accept the deadline of the year 2000. which IFALPA. not seriously. talks about. We will bring about the required changes well before that. It certainly appears. I am pleased to say. that here our colleagues of ROCATCA are well on the way of achieving proper recognition of the profession in the very near future. Any assistance the federation can provide them in this endeavour will be forthcoming. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to see the excellent attendance from all parts of the aviation industry at this opening session. We are pleased to be here. We offer our expertise. and I offer our very best wishes to our IFATCA Member Association. the ROCATCA on the occasion of their first annual conference. I am confident that this will be only the first one of many such very successful occasions. May I thank you for your attention and interest and express my confidence that our profession will be properly re36

Continued from page 5

get radar vectors until the aircraft climbs to the minimum vectoring altitude (MVA). The ATC issuance of an IFR clearance for the portion of a flight before it reaches •protected airspace· or airspace that insures terrain avoidance. gives the pilot implied permission to fly under actual IFR conditions via the IFR flight plan in an area where the flight can only be accomplished safely under VFR. The Safety Board believes that. in order to assure terrain clearance. a departure of this nature must be conducted visually and that the controller-issued IFR clearance should begin only at a point that provides separation from the terrain. During its investigation. the Safety Board interviewed pilots who said that they expect the controller to be able to issue radar vectors after saying •radar contact'. The ATC handbook prohibits vectoring aircraft below the MVA. Pilots have no access to MVA information because it is contained in documents in individual ATC facilities. These are not given general distribution. During the investigation. the controller stated that the MVA for the flight was 1 2.500 feet. that radar contact was established as the aircraft left 5. 500 feet. that the target was non-mode C and that the bearing to Lethbridge was an 'information only' item. The Safety Board believes that. in this accident. based on the controller's transmission. the pilot expected radar vectors and was not aware that the controller had no terrain information and therefore was unable to issue vectors until the aircraft was above the MVA. Because this misconception apparently is shared by many pilots. we believe a change in procedure is warranted. Therefore. the National Transportation Safety Board recommends that the Federal Aviation Administration: •Amend Air Traffic Control Handbook 711 0. 65 B so that the term "radar contact". when used in communicat,ons with pilots. means that the target is identified and that the controller is able to vector the aircraft. and to require that. if there is an operational advantage to either the controller or pilot for the controller to state "radar contact" when vectors cannot be provided. the pilot should be expressly informed that vectors cannot be provided. (Class 11.Priority Action) (A-80- 108). Amend Air Traffic Control Handbook 71-10.65B. paragraph 350 to require that when a pilot requests an IFR clearance from an airport with no published instrument departure procedures. the contr::>ller-issued IFR clearance shall orginate only from some point in space that insures terrain separation and that the pilot shall be instructed to remain VFR reaching that point. {Class II. Priority Action) (A-80- 109). •

cognized, in all aspects. before too long. As a clinical psychologist, who studied air traffic control in great depth. stated: 'The occupation of air traffic control is. in the true sense of the word. unique and there is no other occupation with which it can be reasonably compared.'

Visual Flight up for Review by R. Mathieu (!TA) Controllers and pilots will no longer be the only parties to question VFR operations, for !CAO experts are to review visual flight. To fly visually first of all means looking after your own safety and that of others on the basis of the ·see-and-avoid concept'; it also means choosing your route more freely. but the difficult coexistence of VFR and IFR traffic in congested zones has in some cases affected this freedom. as some controlled airspace has become impervious to flights operated under VFR. A more serious development is that since 1960 it has not always been possible to ·see and avoid'. even in regulation VFR meteorological conditions. Although the pilot's sight has avoided many dangerous situations. we cannot always rely entirely on it: the approach speed of two jet aircraft flying in opposite directions does not always give the pilot sufficient time to react. visibility conditions in fine weather may not be good for the pilot flying into the sun at the end of the day. etc. New rules (for example 'special' VFR) and control policies differing from those which were very simply defined - 'non-controlled VFR flights. only IFR flights controlled' - have been implemented in various regions. with the result that some VFR flights are controlled or banned in certain zones (positive control). It has been to the advantage of safety. but equipment requirements have been imposed on flights which by definition should not have been subjected to them. Flying across Europe under VFR with many stops at many aerodromes is not a simple exercise for the average private pilot The ICAO Secretariat. which has examined the need to review the basic principles of VFR operation. has studied in particular the national regulations in this area. It concluded that it was in fact essential to conduct an •extremely wide and complex· study involving a fundamental reappraisal of the principles. rules and procedures for VFR operation; it proposed that such a study should be carried out by a panel of experts from the Air Navigation Commission. After being informed of the work by the Secretariat. the ICAO Air Navigation Commission decided in April 1980 to set up this panel known as the Visual Flight Rules Operations Panel VFOP). The panel's terms of reference will be to make any changes which might prove necessary to the standards and recommended practices. In particular its job will be: - to define what constitutes a visual flight and what constitutes flight under visual flight rules; - to examine the validity of the ·see-andavoid' concept as a means of avoiding collisions in the various environments

(aircraft characteristics and performance. flight phases. crew workload. type of airspace. and type of air traffic seNice provided. etc): - to examine the conditions under which this concept may be applied as the sole means of avoiding collision; - to examine the effectiveness of complementary manual and automated groundbased or airborne collision avoidance information and its application in the •seeand-avoid' concept. The second and third tasks stated above raise the basic issues which the authorities have refused so far to tackle squarely. The answers given will have important effects on the organization of air traffic control. But before studying them thoroughly. the experts will have to try to determine the operational limits to visual flight.

Speed Are the present meteorology and distance-to-cloud standards still valid? Should they be adapted to the performance categories (speed. handling qualities. etc.) of the various aircraft types and to the types of airspace? There are already at least two types of airspace for which the standards differ: controlled airspace and non-controlled airspace. But at present there is also space in which speed is limited. As speed is an important parameter in implementing the ·seeand-avoid' concept. could meteorological minima for visual flight be reduced in such space? The many combinations of factors concerning the environment in which flights of different types are operated by pilots with different training backgrounds will make the VFOP panel's job a difficult one. Airborne equipment and pilot training problems are also included in its work programme. It is not known when the panel will file its conclusions. We should wish them all the best. for their job is complex and important. Until the results are obtained. let us hope that nobody will lose sight of the fact that regulations are worthwhile only if they are observed. The more accessible they are, i.e. the simpler and the more clearly presented they are. the more they will be respected. The panel's first task should be, as we see it. to define clear and coherent objectives for the overhaul of visual flight rules. Have greater collision risks been observed? Can these risks be in fact reduced by reviewing visual flight rules? Has it been found that current visual flight rules were too big an obstacle to the freedom of air traffic and is it possible to ease up on them without increasing collision risks? Has it been found that current rules are not properly obseNed7 If so. should the objective of the review be to adapt regulations to VFR piloting ability. or to increase penalties and define a training programme to improve this ability? It is difficult to do everything at the same time.

AACC 35th Meeting The 35th AACC meeting was held in Cairo on January 12, 1981, under the chairmanship of Mr. Thomas Raffety, Director of Aviation, San Antonio International Airport. It was hosted by Mr. Kamal Mohamady, Director General of Cairo Airport Authority.

Airport economics and operations. were the key issues discussed. The Council approved several position papers for presentation at the April 198 1 ICAO Aerodromes. Air Routes and Ground Aids (AGA) Divisional Meeting. These will focus on aerodrome reference code. short instrument runways. taxiway characteristics. runway end safety areas. declared distances. runway braking action. surface movement. guidance and control. and obstacle limitation surfaces. They will include proposed amendments to ICAO Annex 14 (Aerodromes) based on current operational experience. AACC will also present a wide range of position papers at the May 1981 ICAO Conference on Airport and Route Facility Economics (CARFE). These will review the general economic situation of international airports and deal specifically with topics such as the financing of airport security and noise alleviation measures. principles relating to user payment at international airports. fuel throughout charges. passenger service charges. and the ICAO experimental, collection of airport financial statistics. Pointing to the current realities of airport economics and public policy. AACC will call upon ICAO to encourage States to adopt economic policies centered on full cost recovery based upon an equitable allocation of costs. ICAO Programms The Council heard reports on AACC participation in the 23rd Session of the ICAO Assembly and the ICAO Panel on regulation of air transported services. held last October and December. respectively. At the former forum AACC had expounded its views on the economic situation of airports. aircraft noise. regulation of capacity and aviation security. At the latter. it was successful in making the Panel recognize the need to match traffic with airport capacity. and to protect the environment from air and noise pollution. Numerous other topics connected with ICAO's current airport- related work programs were dealt with by AACC. which decided to participate in several forthcoming ICAO regional seminars and workshops dealing with aviation security and aviation forecasting and economic planning.

The Council expressed satisfaction with the constant intensification of relations between AACC and IATA as evidenced by the annual meetings of the AACC/ IATA Contact Committee. designed to center on global policy matters. It also reviewed the recent activities of the various joint AACC/IATA expert groups. dealing with traffic peaks at airports: curfews and operational restrictions at airports; aviation security; facilitation; and ground handling operations. The major activities of these groups included the drafting of guidelines for airport capacity demand and management. intended to improve airport capacity utilization; an attempt to formulate a joint airport/ airline approach to combat curfews; the study of various practical aviation security problems: the establishment of common facilitation practices in order to improve the facility of service to air transport users; and the development of programs to enhance ramp safety at airports. The Aims of the AACC Finally, AACC reviewed its relations with a number of other international aviation organizations. such as IFALPA and IFATCA. and took several decisions regarding its representation and input in their annual general meetings. AACC was established in December 1970 by the Airport Operators Council International (AOCI). the International Civil Airports Association (ICAA) and the Western European Airports Association (WEAA). The aims of AACC are to further cooperation among its Constituent Associations. to develop policies approved by them. and to present these policies to ICAO and other International Organizations dealing with topics of mutual interest. AACC has Observer Status with ICAO and Consultative Status with the UN/ECOSOC. Currently. the AACC Constituent Associations· membership consists of over 330 airports. airport authorities and national airport associations in some 90 States. which serve approximately 80% of the international air passengers and handle th·e same share of the world's air cargo.


are widerspread in particular dealing with operations to a number of offshore. installations.

mission over the newly-created public data line network to more than forty terminals.

Navigational facilities

Navaid suppliers

All trunk route airports are equipped with ILS's with 10 of the busiest airports being equipped with two cat. 1 ILS's conforming with ICAO requirements. STOL airports are equipped with ILS localizer and DME, except for two airports which rely generally on NDB's. A total of 2 3 VOR stations provide for complete airway coverage. Two of these VOR stations are of the Doppler type provided by Plessey. A large number of NDB's also serve air navigation both in the en-route and terminal areas. A total of 25 DME systems by FACE Standard are co-located with ILS's for landing purposes and with VOR's for en-route. It is planned that in the coming years the number of ILS's will in-. crease while the number of VOR's and DME's will be doubled to enable the authorities withdraw some of the NDB's.

The manufacture of Norwegian ILS's started in 1967 based on the development work conducted by the research establishment ELAB. Manufacturers NERA began deliveries first and continues development efforts. When finally NERA merged with Elektrik Bureau, the company Norsk Marconi continued to manufacture ILS making the ILS exports of the country to cover all versions of glide slope and localizer antenna systems, including two-frequency systems. Special mention must here be made of the wide apperture glide slope antenna, for which only about 50 meters of flat terrain should suffice. Presently a two-frequency localizer antenna system with 24 antennas is under development. A newly constructed glide slope antenna mast of fibreglass reinforced by plastic will meet the long sought requirement for a frangible construction. This mast is now in operation at Oslo Airport Fornebu. Recent orders for deliveries of Norsk Marconi ILS to airports in the United Kingdom and Germany has lead to great optimism for larger international orders. The concept of logperiodic localizer antennas, which were first introduced on Norwegian ILS, has now won general acceptance in the USA and United Kingdom. Another company. Delcom Elektra. has recently delivered the first equipment of its newly developed OM E to the Norwegian authorities. It is completely transistorized 1 kW output power version - and is based on modern microprocessor technology for monitoring and control. Delcom Elektra has previously delivered its NOB-monitor receiver DC-450 to several countries. including to UK NATS. The latter delivery also comprised the Navaid morse code IDENT monitor DC-455F. All Norwegian NDB's are equipped with DC-450 for remote monitoring. Delcom is presently developing an automatic digital measurement and control system for navaids, radars and communication stations. This real time integrated monitor system will provide the technicians with comprehensive data for improved maintenance and operation of the various systems. Delcom Elektra, together with ELAB and the German Navaid company Standard Elektrik Lorenz. are presently studying the application of the German DAS for off-shore operations. (DAS = DME based azimuth system. which is

Navaids in Norway by JA. Stenstadvolden (chief engineer Aeronautical Services, Norway)

Aviation plays a most important role in Norwegian domestic and international communications. This may be due to the large distances over rugged terrain and extreme climatic conditions which are challenging the means of transport. A total of 46 airports throughout Norway serve scheduled airline services of which 21 serve trunk routes with a runway length of 1 600 meters or more; the remaining are generally STOL airports with a runway length of 800 meters. The main airline operators are Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) and Braathens SAFE on trunk routes. Wyder0e·s Flyveselskap is operating STOL services with Norving and Nordsi0fly on commuter services. Helicopter services

Air traffic control In the field of air traffic control a large programme has been adopted by which it will provide primc1ry and secondary radar coverage throughout most of the country. A terminal radar at Stavanger is now nearing completion and radar work at Bremen is expected to be completed soon. A completely new AFTN system, developed by Norsk Data and Siemens is expected to be installed in 1982. This system is based on a central computer data store with high-speed digital trans-

Fornebu Conventional VOR with special antenna with dome for snow protection. 38

The company Nortech is presently studying the application of remote monitoring for M LS.


A new VHF! UHF DF at Oslo Airport, Fornebu.

developed according to an ICAO recommendation to supplement the ICAO MLS). DAS seems to offer several interesting features which can be advantageous to off-shore operations. Another Norwegian company, Nortech, is manufacturing portable DOMmeters for ILS ground check, as well as remote monitors for I LS and VO Rs. Remote monitor for OM E is under development. Deliveries have been made to Denmark, Sweden, Faroes and Greenland. A programme to equip all Norwegian ILS and VOR installations with remote monitor systems is anticipated. The addition of remote monitors to the navaids will eventually reduce dependance on flight calibration. One other company, Tjostheim, antenna manufacturer specializing on HF and VHF immunization antennas, ILS and VOR monitor antennas, NOB transmitter and monitor receive antennas. The company, Norwegian Electronics, is manufacturing an ILS distortion meter and a combined ILS precision modulation meter and LF wave analyzer. This company has also supplied a noise monitoring system to Oslo Airport, Fornebu. The company Eikatronic is manufacturing frequency monitors for navaids. For a long time the most successfull Norwegian exporter in the field of aviation has been the company NERION, which supplies the GAREX control tower communication integration system, as well as Jotron VHF radio for ground-air communications.

M LS activities Norway has up to now been active in several aspects of MLS. In 1972 the research establishment ELAB played a

major role in the NATO/NIAG MLS evaluation programme. In 197 6 the Directorate of Civil Aviation led a testing programme for various interim MLStypes, such as TALAR, Coscan and Sydac. In 1977178 the two major ICAO MLS contenders were tested at Kristiansand airport on the challenging runway 2 2. (This runway is now equipped with ILS.)

The Norwegian Aeronautical Services established a training centre for maintenance engineers at Fornebu. providing training in the various systems and disciplines. Several training courses in theory and practical are available on: ILS, VOR, DME, NOB, VHF radio, control tower systems and voice recorder. In addition to the above, equipment related courses, that is, several courses of more general nature are available on: digital technics and antenna; instrument and measurement technics; soldering and repair. A course in microprocessor techniques is under preparation. Also available is an advanced ILS theory course, which provides knowledge to adjust the most complicated systems. Instruction books are available for all courses, and a small number is also available in English. Training courses are also arranged upon request in_English. Students from all our neighbouring countries including Faroes and Greenland are attending courses and training has also been arranged for students from other countries such as Greece. Libya and Vietnam.

New /LS Capture effect glide slope at Oslo Airport, Fornebu. The fibreglass reinforced mast is seen. 39


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21 st ANNUAL


MAY 3 - 8




East African School of Aviation Introduction The Directorate of Civil Aviation. a department of the Ministry of Transport & Communications of the Republic of Kenya was formed in 1946. It administers and organises the Air Traffic Services. Aeronautical Communications and radio/radar navigational aid networks in Kenya. It advises the Government of Kenya on the construction and development of aerodromes and on the suitability of Air Routes. It licenses the crew of aircraft, carries out the investigation of aircraft accidents, including search and rescue for lost aeroplanes. and interpretes civil air navigation legislation. It also issues certificates of airworthiness to all aircraft registered in Kenya and arranges the technical examinations for aircrew and ground engineers. All this the Directorate does to keep aircraft in the air. and to ensure to the utmost of its ability the safety of the flying public. To accomplish this aim the Directorate recruits. trains and employs Air Traffic Control Officers. Telecommunication Officers. Operations Officers. Radio Engineers, Air Traffic Control Assistants. Briefing Officers and Licensing Officers. Basic training is normally undertaken at the East African School of Aviation. Wilson Aerodrome. Nairobi. and formal periods at the School are interspersed by phases of on-the-job training at various locations. The School is adequately equipped to conduct courses in all aspects of Air Traffic Control and Telecommunications Op-

Joma Kenyatta Terminal Building T

erations and Tels. Engineering. Some of the specialised courses required by the department are undertaken overseas.

The School The School of Aviation was established in 1954 to provide training in telegraphy and teleprinter operation both to recruits and to serving staff. It was located at Eastleigh Airport. The first expansion took place between 1960 and 1 9 6 2 with the addition of courses for Telecommunications Engineering Officers and Air Traffic Control Officers. The School was shifted to Wilson Airport in 1960. Further expansion of the School was accomplished in 1 964 and 1965. with the addition of more training facilities such as various technical laboratories, workshops. a new cinema room. and a modern language laboratory. During the period 1954 to 1962 the School was wholly in the DCA hands and was known as DCA Training School. In 1 963 the operation of the School of Aviation was entrusted to the training mission of the International Civil Aviation Organization of the UN. From the time ICAO team took over the School was known as EACSO School of Aviation. It had a UN Project Manager as the officer in charge and 3 experts one each for ATC. Radio Engineering and Com-Ops Sections. DCA handed over the management of the School into the hands of ICAO training mission in July 1963. In April 1967 an agreement was signed between the UN and the former East African Community for UN to provide funds and equipment and assistance in the training of national staff un-

der Special Fund Programme of the United Nations Development Programme. The executing agency was still the International Civil Aviation Organization. This was to be for 5 ½ years from April 1967 to June 1972. Under this programme more UN expert instructors were sent to the School. By June 1969 ATC Section had 4 experts, Engineering Section had 3 and Com-Ops Section 1. One Visual Aids Designer and the Projet Manager. The United Nations expert staff came to 10 instead of the original 4. Under the new arrangement the name of the School was changed from EACSO School of Aviation to East African School of Aviation. Under this special fund programme the East African Community had to appoint National counterparts to understudy the UN experts and eventually take over. A project Co-Manager was appointed in March 1967 to understudy the Project Manager. As time went by 4 Africans were recruited for Com-Ops Section one of which was to be Chief Instructor. 5 were appointed for Engineering Section and 3 for ATS Section. It was also found necessary to recruit a counterpart for the Visual Aids Designer. and a language instructor to replace the British VSO who had been recruited to undertake the Aviation language teaching. All these appointments took place between March 1967 and January 1971. During the period of the Special Fund, the bulk of Administrative work rapidly increased. and whereas the administrative staff in January 196 7 consisted of only four people made up of an Executive Officer. a Telephonist/ Copy typist. and two office messengers. the staff grew to 18 members by January 19 71. The Administrative staff has a strength of 30 in 1980. With the increase in the quantity of training equipment, it was found necessary to have maintenance staff whose duty would be to service the equipment and keep it in good running order for the whole School. By January 197 1. the School had two qualified laboratory technicians for that job. As stated above the main work of the ICAO team was to expedite the training of African Officers for the jobs originally held by expatriates as well as to train counterpart teaching staff who would eventually take over. after June 197 2. Part of the training of the counterparts was to be done in Overseas countries mainly USA and UK on UN Fellowships. This was to give the counterparts an opportunity to see how Aviation is taught in those countries. to widen their Aviation knowledge, and also attend courses on the teaching methods. This programme went on very well. and by July 1970. one Section. 41

the Com-Ops Section was all Africanised. On 1st January 1971, the· project Co-Manager became the Principal and took over the Administration of the School from the Project Manager. On 30th June 1977 the EA. Community collapsed. From 1st July 1977 the Directorate of Civil Aviation and its School of Aviation came under the Ministry of Power and Communications of the Republic of Kenya. The present site of the School was found unsuitable for building a modern School and so a new site of 8 7 acres was selected near Jomo Kenyatta International Airport where the new School is to be built. The building of the new School started on 15th March 1979 and it is to be completed by end of December 1981. It Is hoped to move into the new School 1nJanuary 1982. In a period of 10 years from 1967 to 1977 (at the collapse of the EA Community), the School of Aviation had already trained approximately 1. 500 officers of various specialities to work for the Civil Aviation Departments in Eastern and Central Africa. 1. The Air Traffic Controller

He forms the most vital cog in the wheel of Civil Aviation. Air Traffic Controllers are men who prevent chaos in the airways and terminal areas. now becoming crowded with increasing numbers of aircraft. They are in constant touch with pilots by radio-telephone. To keep air traffic separate and orderly. control is divided into three main sections. aerodrome control. approach/ radar control and area/airways control. The aerodrome controller works in a Control Tower and has to achieve a safe. orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic on and in the vicinity of an aerodrome. The main object being to prevent any collision between aircraft flying around the aerodrome or maneuvering on the ground or when landing and taking off. He must also ensure that aircraft do not come into collision with any vehicles or obstructions on the ground. The approach controller is responsible for the safe control aircraft approaching or departing from an aerodrome under Instrument Flight Rules. His area of jurisdiction may extend outwards to about 100 miles from an aerodrome and its upper limit may or may not be limited. The radar controller works in conJunction with the approach controllers. He keeps track of the visual presentation of the exact geographic positions of aircraft in flight. The radar equipment enables the radar controller to keep aircraft separated or direct them to an airport or along a desired track. 42

The area/ airways controller is responsible for maintaining separations between aircraft that are flying along air traffic services routes. Other posts in the Air Traffic Services Division include briefing officers and air traffic control assistants. All Air traffic controllers have to obtain licenses and ratings before they can carry out jobs without supervision.

2. The Telecommunications Operator

His job is to pass and receive information to or from stations on the ground and aircraft in flight. This is done by means of morse code. teleprinter or radio-telephony. Morse code is used for communicating with the smaller aerodromes within the Republic where the amount of signal traffic is not large. The same system is used to communicate with foreign International Airports where other type of communications is not available. Good morse code operators can communicate with one another at a rate of 2 3 to 2 7 words a minute. Teleprinters are typewriters which can be electrically operated either along telephone wired or by means of special radio transmitters and receivers. The messages can be received either in typed form or in a code of dots punched in paper tapes or both. Messages can also be prepared in tape form and then transmitted at the speed of 5 5 words a minute. Communicators pass messages by voice to pilots when they are flying en route between aerodromes. They use HF radio telephones and must use a standardised procedure which is understood by all pilots of International Airlines regardless of their language and nationality.

H.M. Openda, the Principal of the School of Aviation

He ,s also the

Assistant Director of Civil Aviation in charge of training

affairs In the Directorate of Civil Aviation. He 101nedthe Directorate of C1v1IAviation at the beginning of 1967 as the School Pro1ec1 Co-Manager to the ICAO Pro1ec1 Manager He understudied the ICAO Pro1ect Manager for 4 years and took over the headship of the School of Aviation In January 19 7 1. Pnor to 1oinrngthe Directorate of Civil Av1at1onMr Openda had worked as an Assistant Secretary In the Ministries of Natural Resources and Agnculture and as a

lecturer at Kenyatta College where he was the head of Biology Department. When Mr Dpenda 1oined the management of the School of Av1a11on,the Directorate of C1v1IAviation did not have qualified c1t1zens of East Afnca to take over Jobs held by departing expatriates. He had to initiate a crash programme of training Air traffic controllers and engineering technicians were required 1n large numbers and urgently In order to do this and at the same time main-

tain high 1nternat1onalstandards. he had 10 pay vIsIts to the United Kingdom and the Unued States of America to learn selection methods and the teaching techniques used in those countries. This helped him to establish a very high professional standard of student output and at the same time avoid wastage by failures. He ms1sted on

the 1nstallat1onof the most modern teaching equipment at the School by the UN/Special Fund. He made sure that before the UN experts departed he had a highly qual1f1edand trained teaching staff made of cI11zensof East Africa. Having been a teacher himself. he keeps a close watch on his teaching staff to see that they keep a high standard of efficiency. Mr. Openda Is a graduate of Makerere University: Oberlin College. Ohio: and the University of Chicago. Illinois USA. where he graduated with Diploma in Educa11on. BA., and M.Sc. degrees respectively. After obtaining his MSc degree at the Un1vers11yof Chicago on Fulbright Scholarship he enrolled for Ph.D programme at the Michigan State University East Lansing. but was recalled to Kenya by the colonial government before he completed his Doctorate.

3. The Radio Technician

The field of 'Electronics· has now grown so large that it is not possible in this booklet to describe all the different maintenance jobs which are called for in Civil Aviation. They include the maintenance of different types of radio beacons which guide pilots when they cannot see the ground and when they are landing in poor visibility. They also include the maintenance of transmitters and receivers used for radio-telephony, teleprinters and morse code. New types of electronic equipment are constantly coming into use and the radio maintenance technician can never claim that he knows it all. The School provides the basic knowledge required by the technician to start in the field of radio maintenance.

Apart from the courses given at the School. the Directorate of Civil Aviation also provides opportunities for technical staff in other categories. 4. Operations Officers

Candidates for operations officers posts are normally selected from qualified air traffic control officers who must be at least of Grade 11standard. Selected candidates will be given additional training in flight operations and government operatons including personnel licensing. The period of training will depend on the ability of the individual officers but would normally be six months.

3. Special Approach Course No. 4: 8 weeks from June 1 980 to 9th August 1980 4. Radar Course No. 14: 10 weeks from 1st September 1980 to 8th November 1980. 5. Area/Airways Course No. 15: 8 weeks from 2nd February 1981 to 28th March 1981. 6. Radar Course No. 15: 10 weeks from 27th April 1981 to 4th July 1981. 7. Aviation Security Course No. 5: 3 weeks from 1 1 th August 1.980 to 30th August 1980 8. Aviation Security Course No. 6: 3 weeks from 2nd March 1981 to 21stMarch 1981. Simulated Flight Section:

... Candidats with experience as pilots or navigators may also be considered for appointment as operations officers. The type of further training will depend on previous experience gained. A limited number of vacancies occur from time to time for science University graduates preferably with physics as one of their principal subjects. Selected candidates are recruited as pupil operations officers and their training includes pilot training. air traffic control and course on airworthiness. air transport economics. etc. When these posts occur. they will be advertised in the local papers. 5. Airworthiness Surveyor

A limited intake occurs from time to time for airworthiness surveyor trainees. They are trained to the standard of aircraft engineers licence in category 'A' and 'C'. Candidates already possessing aircraft maintenance enginers licence category •A' and 'C' or equivalent qualifications may enter directly. All candidates selected are given further practical training. Aeronautical engineering graduates are also considered. 6. Licensing Officer

The candidate for this post possesses an East African Certificate of Education or its equivalent with a credit in English language. Preference is given to those with some aviation experience. The initial training is done on the job. working alongside qualified staff and undergoing periodical written and oral examinations to determine his progress.

Nairobi Approach next to ACC Special training in government operations and personnel_ licensing is done overseas. The duties of a licensing officer include attendance at the public counter. issue. renewal and valdidation of air crew licences. aerodrome licences and issue of certificates of registration and of maintenance schedules. The officer is also responsible for the sale of aviation documents. the production of quarterly Register of Civil Aircraft. pilots. routine correspondence and invigilation of technical examinations. Available courses Air Traffic Services Section: 1 . ATC Course No. 2 5 for foreign students only (a) Induction: 4 weeks from 8th October to 3 rd November 19 7 9 (b) Short familiarisation OJT: 8 weeks from 5th November to 29th December 1979 (c) Basic and Aerodrome: 23 weeks; from 7th January 1980 to 14th June 1980 (d) Approach: 8 weeks; from 23rd June 1980 to 1 6th August 1980 2. ATC Course No. 26 (a) Induction: 4 weeks from 2nd February 1981 to 28th February 1981 (b) On the Job Training: 24 weeks from 2nd March 1981 to 15th August 1981 (c) Basic and Aerodrome: 23 weeks from 1 7th August 1981 to 19th December 1981 and from 28th December 1981 to 30th January 1982. (d) Approach: 8 weeks from 1st February 1982 to 27th March 1982.

1. Link Trainer Instructors Course No. 2: 16 weeks from 4th August 1 980 to 22nd November 1980. 2. Link Trainer Instructors Course No. 3: 16 weeks from 12th January 1981 to 2nd May 1981 Radio Engineering Section: 1 . Radio Maintenance Course No. 15: Phase 4: 24 weeks from 5th January 1981 to 19thJune 1981. 2. Radio Maintenance Course No. 16: (a) Phase 2: 4 2 weeks from 4 th February 1980 to 6th December 1980 (b) Phase 3: 4 2 weeks from 2 nd February 1981 to 5th December 1981 3. Radio Maintenance Course No. 17: Phase 1: 42 weeks from 2nd February 1981 to 5th December 1981. Telecommunications Operations Section: 1. Aeronautical Fixed Services Phase 3 (Final Phase): (AFS) Course No. A 1 7: 12 weeks from 22nd September 1980 to 13th December 1980. 2. AFS Course No. A 18: (a) Phase 1: 1 2 weeks from 1 2th January 1981 to4thApril 1981. (b) Phase 2: 1 2 weeks from 13th April 1981 to 4th July 1981. (c) OJT: 1 2 weeks from 6th July 1981 to 26th September 1981. (d) Phase 3: 1 2 weeks from 28th September 1981 to 19th December 1981. 3. Aeronautical Mobile Service (AMS) Course No. S 11: 22 weeks from 2nd March 1981 to 1st August 1981. 43

Pilot/ Controller Co-operation in the Automated Era (Presented by Captain H. E. Fugl-Svendson) (IATA RTD SEAi PAC)

Safe and efficient air traffic control is undoubtedly enhanced when there is a good understanding and co-operation between the pilot in the air and the controller on the ground. To assist in this understanding the airlines continually offer familiarization flights to air traffic controllers so that they can get a better comprehension of the problems on the flight deck. Likewise pilots are encouraged to visit the air traffic control centres whenever practicable so that they also may become aware of the problems facing the controllers. During the past decade automation has been making its appearance to an ever increasing degree not only on the flight decks of our airliners. but also on the consoles of the air traffic controllers. The years ahead will probably bring an escalation in the use of even more automatic systems by both pilots and controllers. In this new environment an understanding of each others problems becomes even more essential if we are to maintain the sound pilot/ controller relationship that is so necessary for a safe and efficient flight operation.

hout knowing their weak spots and the limits of their capabilities. Mistakes often occur. and will continue to occur. due to misunderstandings between the man and the machine. They are fully explainable human-engineering wise. but they should nevertheless not occur unless there is a breakdown of the normal routine. What is disturbing is that we tend to defend ourselves by blaming the system (which is only a contributing factor) and considering it legitimate to trust the technique and change our otherwise sacred instrument scanning routine. Another way to describe the problem is that we tend to fall out of the 'loop'. We have a problem of complacency and we as individuals may not be aware of it. The problem is not the person but more so our lack of understanding of the mechanism that creates the problem and also the lack of intelligent means to train people into the concept of integration with a competing machine. We are. of course. also aware of the fact that our installations. though at the top of the state-of-the art. may not always be optimized in their function to serve the man.

Automatic Complacency

Combatting the Problem

In an environment that provides technology to do the work for us automatically but not always intelligently. and sometimes without qualified interface between the individual systems. we have a problem. We are faced with a man-machine interface problem that we might call ·automatic complacency·. To combat the problem. it must always be borne in mind that the machine. be it even the most complex computer. is but a tool. designed to aid the man in performing certain specific tasks. The machine cannot think for us. it cannot work outside its rigidly defined performance envelope - it cannot even be complacent. Consequently. there is every reason for the man not to let these tools work on their own and wit-

We do not know all the factors that create the problem and. consequently. we cannot give a recipe that totally eliminates the problem. We can. however. suggest some sound and concrete rules that. if followed. will keep us virtually out of the problem. But first there is a need to clarify what the machine. the black box in our case. is really supposed to do for the pilot and controller. We apparently make a big mistake if we believe that the machine has entered our environment for the sake of our convenience only.



These are the realities: 1 . The machine does not relieve the pilot or the controller of their responsibilities.

2. The machine does not reduce the workload of the pilot or controller as regards their expected achievement. But

3. The machine increases the total capacity. 4. The added capacity serves to improve safety to balance the workload to improve accuracy to improve regularity to reduce costs. In this world of realities. the pilot's and controller's managing role in the man-machine teamwork can be condensed into this sequence of actions: plan - program - confirm - monitor correct - reject if necessary. And with these facts in mind you may agree that when you leave it to the automatic systems: - don't change your standard priorities; be aware of the system limitations; - be highly suspicious; - make clear beforehand what the system is supposed to do; check what it's doing; - don't hesitate to reject the aid of an inferior system; - don't accept a system performance that you yourself under the circumstances could do safer or better: - don't make the use of an automatic system an end in itself. Utilization of resources

Having learnt to master the many modern systems that have been put at the disposal of our pilots and controllers. we should also learn to utilize them to the maximum extent. Aircraft equiped with self contained navigation systems are capable of flying random routes with great accuracy. Controllers need to be aware of this capability and should route such aircraft on the most direct tracks thereby saving fuel and increasing the flexibility of the system. Computer systems on many aircraft now assist in determining the most economical climb and descent paths. Controllers need to know the most efficient climb and descent profiles for the various aircraft types if they are to assist in utilizing these resources. Auto-land systems on many aircraft are capable of landing the aircraft under fairly extreme weather conditions. These systems need compatible ground installations which are all too often not installed. or not in operation. These are just a few of the areas where pilot/ controller co-operation is essentiel if we are to ensure a better utilization of the available resources now and in the future.

36th Annual Conference of IFALPA by D.A. Oudin and H.H. Henschler

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations (I FALPA) held its 36th Annual Conference in the ICAO Headquarters. Montreal. Canada. 1924 March 1981. The then-Vice-President. technical. Daniel Oudin. attended the conference on behalf of IFATCA, President Harri Henschler attended the last two days.

Opening Plenary

The President of the Council of ICAO. Dr. A. Kotaite. opened the conference and gave a resume of ICAO' s current and future activities. Excerpts of his address are quoted here as ICAO's programmes have a direct impact on the air traffic control profession worldwide. Dr. Kotaite said: It is great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to address this 36th Annual Conference of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots· Associations. I am. of course. particularly pleased that you have chosen the site of the ICAO headquarters for your conference. It speaks well for the long-standing spirit of cooperation between ICAO and IFALPA and of the mutuality of the common goals we share in the improvement of civil aviation - particularly in flight safety matters. In declaring the conference open. I extend to all of you a most cordial welcome from ICAO. I hope that you will take the opportunity afforded by your meeting to become even better acquainted with our organization. Over the years. IFALPA has made many important contributions to the work of ICAO. A closer acquaintance and an even better understanding of the current ICAO organization should yield even greater cooperative achievements in the future. With this thought in mind I would like to discuss briefly the nature of ICAO"s current activity in the further development of international ciyil aviation.

The Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago in December 1 944. which remains virtually unchanged after 36 years. contains 96 articles which establish a 'charter' of public international air law and also the constitutional provisions of ICAO. They provide for the adoption of international standards and recommended practices for regulating air navigation; they foresee the installation by States of air navigation facilities; they suggest the facilitation of air transport by the reduction of customs and immigration formalities. The convention also accepts the principle that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory and provides that no international air service may operate over or into the territory of a contracting State without its previous consent. The Annexes A vital aspect of the convention is the provision for the adoption. by the council of ICAO. of standards and recommended practices. which. for convenience. are designated as annexes to the convention. The seventeen annexes which have been adopted over ICAO's lifespan contain the standards and recommended practices. commonly referred to as SARPs. which provide the standardization and unification necessary for the conduct of international civil aviation operations. They are. of course. of primary interest to IFALPA members since they affect almost every aspect of your day-to-day flight operations. The convention on International Civil Aviation has stood the test of time. This. primarily. is due to the fact that it contains only the principles and elements of policy direction that are appropriate to a multilateral convention. At the same time. its more detailed annexes make it flexible enough to bend without breaking and to accommodate the dynamic changes which have marked the course of civil aviation. Nevertheless. the major element in the success of international aviation is the willingness of States and interested parties. such as IFALPA, to contribute and cooperate in the formulation and implementation of the specifications contained in the several annexes.

ICAO's history has taught us that States are only willing to agree to SARPs for which a real need is understood to exist and about which they have had ample opportunity to consider and to comment upon. For this reason. deliberate and sometimes painstaking procedures are followed in the preparation and processing of SARPs. During the time since the Chicago Convention was drafted. aviation has undergone tremendous technological change. Aviation has progressed rapidly from the DC-3 to the SST; from manually flown low frequency range approaches to fully automatic ILS approaches and landings; from the bubble sextant celestial navigation to automatic laser gyro inertial reference systems; the danger of hijackings was not even contemplated in the drafting of the Chicago Convention; engine emission problems did not exist and if the noise problem existed at all it was a matter of occasionally upsetting a few chickens. The carriage of dangerous goods at the time of the Chicago Conference was considered only in terms of munitions or war and the need for strong tie-downs; air traffic was a mere trickle compared to the large streams of today. Although the consistent aim of ICAO throughout this era of rapid change has been to promote the safe. orderly and economic operation of air service. the rapid growth and advancing technology of aviation have caused a steady and somewhat subtle change to the character of ICAO"s work. In the early years of the organization. emphasis was placed on getting SARPs in the annexes. Material was considered 'mature· for discussion within ICAO and for inclusion in one of the annexes only if the handful of leading aviation States had already worked out most of the details and were using more or less the same type of equipment or following similar procedures. However. as the number of States engaged in international aviation grew and as traffic increased. the complexity and cost of ground and airborne systems. including aeroplanes. increased at an amazing rate. As a consequence. the role of ICAO changed. Costs and complexities of modern air navigation systems and procedures are simply too great in most cases for individual States or small groups of States to strike out in different directions. only later to be faced with the prospects of readjustment to some new international standard which could require prohibitively expensive retrofits. Thus. ICAO increasingly is more involved in the formative stages of the development of systems and procedures which have international implications. Looking Ahead An increasing amount of ICAO's effort is now being devoted to looking ahead in an attempt to anticipate and act appropriately on international aviation requirements and potential problems. However. I must hasten to emphasize that a great deal of effort is devoted also to working out solutions to unforeseen or unavoidable problems which already have developed. We also expend great effort seeking ways in which the organization can assist the large number of developing States in improving their ability 45

to comply with ICAO specifications which already are in the annexes. Examples of ongoing initiatives to meet future requirements or to avoid future problems can be seen in our effort concerning the microwave landing system. collision avoida nee systems. the control of aircraft engine emissions and the development of standard criteria for the determination of operating minima. As many of you will be aware. the technical specifications on the MLS are well advanced and it is expected that initial use of the new system will begin during the latter part of this decade. The consideration of international requirements for collision avoidance systems are in the very early stages of discussion and it will be a topic on the agenda of the world-wide communications divisional meeting to be held here later this month. It is hoped that the divisional meeting will focus on the potential for international problems. if any. associated with the introduction of collision avoidance systems. We also hope that these discussions will be of assistance to the organization in determining the most effective role it can play in developing international applicability and use of the systems. ICAO's work in developing SARPs for the control of aircraft engine emissions falls into a different category. In a sense. it is a case of finding a solution to a problem before it occurs. Although aviation is an extremely small contributor to pollutants in the atmosphere. it was considered prudent several years ago. in keeping with the general concern for the environment and in light of the difficulty already encountered in respect of aircraft noise. to take positive steps for the future Accordingly. proposed SARPs have been developed which. if adopted. would specify upper limits for pollutant emissions both for certification and operation of all new turbine engine designs. These SARPs are in the final stages of review and it is expected council adoption will take place during 1981. Another area in which ICAO is working to forestall future problems is the development by the operations panel of definitive criteria for establishing operating minima. In consideration of the technological advances in the last few years permitting the possibility of widespread categories 11and 111operations. concern has been expressed that the basis for operational approvals of such operations is ill-defined or totally lacking. It is felt that the complexity of very low minima operations at busy major international airports make it imperative that common standards be followed by all States in granting operational approvals concerning weather minima. It is hoped that when this work is completed. possibly early next year. the resultant criteria and associated guidance material will facilitate the acceptance by all States of an operator qualified for low minima operations in one State. As I mentioned earlier. ICAO devotes a considerable amount of effort to solving problems which are either newly recognized or inadequately addressed in the existing annexes. A good example of this kind of activity has been the very difficult problem of dealing with aircraft noise. Had States and ICAO perceived the magnitude of this problem earlier. the solution would have been simpler and far less costly. 46

The lack of standard radiotelephony phraseology is another problem in this category which currently is under review. It is felt that this problem is not satisfactorily addressed in current !CAO documents. As you pilots can well appreciate. many difficulties may be attributable to unclear or ambiguous phrases used by both pilots and ground personnel.

Annex 18 A new annex is in the final stages of development. This annex. on the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. is designed to solve a problem which has been around for a long time. Because of a lack of standard and detailed regulations which all States were willing to adhere to. shipments of important materials often are being frustrated and in other instances are being handled and shipped in a manner which poses a threat to air safety. The development of the proposed new ICAO specifications ·on dangerous goods has been very difficult. It would have been much easier if the work had started many years ago before there were a variety of different national and industry regulations. In any event. it is hoped that the new annex will be adopted this year and that. as a result. the problems I have mentioned will be greatly reduced - if not eliminated. In my address to your 34th Annual Conference in Amsterdam in 1979. I said that the threat posed by criminal acts against international civil aviation had been the subject of great attention by ICAO. The most recent occurence has confirmed that this problem continues to be of grave concern. Resolutions adopted by different sessions of the ICAO Assembly and. most recently. by the 23rd Session. with regard to The Hague and Montreal Conventions and closure of airports. as well as !CAO Council decisions. reflect the commitments of ICAO to the safeguarding of international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference - ICAO will continue to monitor closely all aspects of air transport security. A third major area of ICAO's work involves efforts to help developing aviation States to meet their obligations imposed by the convention and its associated annexes. This is a most difficult and complex problem with no easy or short-term solutions in sight. For many countries. there is a critical shortage of capital to meet the costs of establishing and operating an aviation infrastructure. Added to this. in many regions of the world. is the shortage of skilled manpower and the inability to retain manpower once they are trained. The inability to retain trained manpower stems not only from a lack of funds but also from a lack of recognition of the fact that employment conditions must be elevated to be compatible with the high technology and sophistication of modern aviation. The recently completed ICAO study of areonautical communications in Africa. which was commented on in your February IFALPA Monthly News Bulletin. is a basis for aviation infrastructure planning and investment in that region of the world. Other efforts !CAO has launched to aid developing countries include: the 1980

world-wide programme of PANS-OPS workshops for instrument procedure designers; the preparation of organizational and operational manuals for the guidance of national authorities; the encouragement of regional cooperation for the training of personnel: and the establishment of joint maintenance facilities. All of these are initiatives which ICAO has taken to help States improve their abilities to comply with minimum international aviation standards. The United Nations Development Programme. trust funds. and other funding sources are making a significant contribution - now totalling over 60 million dollars annually for technical assistance projects executed by ICAO. to help developing States with their aviation needs. It is expected that funding availability for this form of aviation assistance will significantly increase over the next few years. reaching 100 million dollars annually by the middle of this decade. I have presented a brief overview of what ICAO is and what it is doing on behalf of international civil aviation. May I again remind you of the importance we in ICAO attach to the support that IFALPA has provided to us over the years. Without the benefit of your federation· s interest and the professional dedication of your many representatives. !CAO could not have done its work nearly as well. You have contributed greatly to the work of ICAO study groups. panels. committees. regional activities. world-wide air navigation meetings and our assembly sessions. Without your contribution to the deliberations of the Air Navigation Commission the organization would surely be in danger of losing its touch with current operational practices. We know that a keen understanding of operating practices and problems is essential for the satisfactory cor:iduct of our work. Before closing. I wish to pay tribute to Captain Derry Pearce for his devotion and tireless efforts in serving as president of IFALPA during the last four years. Nobody knows better than I the kind of delicate and complex problems he has faced. I have always admired his well-balanced judgment. his personal integrity. and his courage. Both of us addressed the Special Political Committee of the 3 2 nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York in October 1977 in very critical circumstances. We have worked in close cooperation in dealing with delicate matters related to the safety and security of civil aviation. I wish to thank him most sincerely. We look forward to IFALPA·s continuing support and cooperation as we venture forth together into the future. It remains for me now to wish you every success in your 36th Annual Conference.

IFATCA joins Dr. Kotaite in the sentiments he expressed on out-going IFALPA President. Captain Derry Pearce. During his term of office our federations have developped genuine good and close relationships on areas of mutual interest and common concern. relations we are certain will continue for the benefit of all.

Captain Pearce then gave his 'State of the Federation· address. outlining concerns. difficulties. achievements. and future projects. He concluded: •I FALPA will continue to be under enormous pressure to sacrifice its arguments for safety in the face of forecasts of economic doom and ruin. This federation. in order to remain true to the profession. must always remain highly pragmatic yet resist any temptation to sacrifice safety for industrial purposes.·

Council of ICAO. and Mr. Y. Lambert. Secretary General of ICAO, and the IFATCA President and Vice-President. technical. This was an occasion for the federation to elaborate on its aims. and to emphasize the importance of ensuring controller involvement in activities such as ICAO's. thus contributing to the development and improvement of all aspects of international civil aviation.

Committees As it is the major field of common interest for IFATCA and IFALPA (because of the good and ongoing relationship between IFATCA standing committee I and the IFALPA ATS study group). the Vice-President. technical. participated in the conference committee dealing with items such as minimum navigational performance specification (MNPS). composite separation. simultaneous operations of intersecting runways, cruise climb. Particular attention from I FATCA was devoted to such subjects as collision avoidance broadcasts. navigation. VFR operations, wind shear. standard instrument departure and arrival routes (SIDs and STARs). IFATCA did not participate in the work of the other four conference committees, however. it was noted that long discussions took place concerning the crew complement (2 or 3 crew members). the legal status of the aircraft commander. and the subject of hijacked aircraft. Decisions and Elections Amongst the many resolutions passed during conference. it was proposed and provisionally accepted that the next meetings of the ATS study group (in which IFATCA participates through SCI) would take place in Toronto. Canada (July. 1 981 ). Three new member associations were accepted: Cyprus. Malta. Suriname. The 37the IFALPA Conference will take place in Portugal in 1982. Captain Robert Tweedy (Ireland). previously an officer of the Europilot Organization, was elected as President. Our best wishes go to Captain Tweedy as he takes on this very challenging and often difficult office.

Meeting with ICAO Taking advantage of our presence in Montreal. a meeting had been arranged by our Liaison Committee to ICAO between Dr. A. Kotaite. President of the

Election of the New IATA President Pierre Giraudet. Chairman of Air France. was elected President of IATA at the 3 6th Annual General Meeting of the Association which was held in Montreal from 2 7 to 30 October last. Mr. Giraudet took over from Mr. Claude Taylor. President and Chief Executive of Air Canada. The discussions at this Annual General Meeting mainly concerned some of the main questions with which airlines will be confronted in the coming decade. with particular reference to uncertainties concerning regulation. the need to rationalize - for financial reasons air traffic control and air routes in certain parts of the world, the supply and the price of fuel. and other financial problems. The AGM also noted a report prepared by a specialized committee responsible for determining the needs of airlines in developing countries. The report by this committee chaired by Brigadier General Enos Haimbe. Managing director of Zambia Airways, demanded new training plans and programmes. joint projects and an adjustment of IATA activities to meet their special needs. The AGM decided to implement this programme which will be financed initially out of IATA's current budget pending the award of funds from other sources. The resolutions adopted by the AGM included the request to the Director General of IATA. Knut HammarskJbld. to stress to Governments and governmental groups the importance of drawing up international passenger and cargo tariffs on the basis of existing multilateral machinery. IATA also elected a new member to the Executive Committee: Felipe Cons Gostorola. President and Chief Executive of Iberia. The next AGM will be held in Cannes on 2 6 to 2 9 October 19 81 at the invitation of Air France.

Philips Awarded with FAA NADIN Contract The Communications System division of the North American Philips Corporation (NAPC) has obtained an order from the American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) worth 13.6 million dollars. The order involves the delivery and installation of a new network. the national Airspace Data Interchange Network (NADI N). for the interchange of data concerning national airspace. so NAPC's Communications System division informs us. The highly advanced equipment necessary for this network will be delivered by Philips' Telecommunicatie lndustrie B.V. in the Netherlands. The network will initially comprise two main switching nodes in Atlanta and Salt Lake City. and twenty-one secondary concentration nodes at all major Air Traffic Control centres in the United States. The latest generation of the DS-71 4 switching system will be one of the systems used for the project. It is not the first time that Philips· Telecommunicatie lndustrie supplies this type of equipment to the FAA. Earlier versions of the OS-714 were installed in the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network and the meteorological report switching centre in Kansas City. The system. which will integrate some thirteen different data services presently provided by the FAA. is expected to become operational in late 1982.

EUROCONTROL's 8th Member A Protocol amending the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960 was signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the EUROCONTROL Member States at a Diplomatic Conference in Brussels on 12 February 1981. The Portuguese Republic was also a Signatory State to this Protocol and will. once the Protocol is ratified and enters into force in 1 983. become the eighth Member State of the Organisation. At the same Diplomatic Conference a new Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges was signed by the EUROCONTROL Member States plus Austria. Portugal. Spain and Switzerland. The implications and principal effects of these new le.gal instruments are explained in a series of ·questions and answers which EUROCONTROL had published.







List of Hotels granting discounts to IFATCA members upon production of their valid membership card AUSTRIA Parkhotel. Graz Hotel Maria Theresia. Innsbruck Hotel Europa. Innsbruck Hotel Tyrol and Touringhaus. Innsbruck Holiday Inn. Innsbruck Hotel Tourotel. Linz Hotel Sportklause Niederau-Wildschonau. Tirol CYPRUS Amathus Beach Hotel. Limassol Appolonia Hotel. Limassol Paphos Beach Hotel. Paphos Dionyssos Hotel. Paphos





LUXEMBOURG Holiday Inn. Luxembourg Hotel Empire. Luxembourg

CANADA Seaway Hotels: Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa. Halifax. Kingston Hyatt Regency: Montreal. Vancouver. Vancouver Airport Hilton Canada: The Queen Elizabeth Montreal. Airport Hilton Montreal. Toronto Airport. Harbour Castle Hilton Toronto. Quebec Hilton. Vancouver Hilton Hotel Loews La Cite. Montreal

MEXICO Hotel Las Hamacas. Acapulco Acapulco Imperial

DENMARK Hotel Mercur. Copenhagen Hotel Richmond. Copenhagen Hotel Du Nord Greena. Greena

NEW ZEALAND Hotel Chateaux Commodore. Christchurch Colonial Inn Motel. Christchurch Ambassador Travel Hotel. Wellington South Pacific Motor Inn. Lower Hutt The City Hotel. Dunedin Angus Inn Motor Hotel. Hastings Bungalow Tourist Hotel. Rotorua Travelodge Australia Ltd all Travelodges and Parkroyals throughout the South Pacific

ENGLAND The Churchill. London The London Ryan Hotel FIJI Fiji Mocambo Hotel. Nadi lnt'I Airport FRANCE Holiday Inns: Paris Orly Airport. Roissy Airport. Avignon. Lille Lesquin. Lille Macq en Baroeul. Lyon. Strasbourg HOLLAND Hotel Krasnapolsky. Amsterdam Hotel Ibis. Amsterdam-Airport ICELAND Loftleidir Hotel. Reykjavik IRELAND International Airport Hotel. Dublin The Gresham Hotel. Dublin Blooms Hotel. Dublin The Killarney Ryan Hotel The Limerick Ryan Hotel The Galway Ryan Hotel The Yeats Country Ryan Hotel The Westport Ryan Hotel KENYA Hotels & Lodges of African Tours and Hotels Ltd. South Coast Hotels Two Fishes & Trade Winds North Coast Hotels Mombasa Beach. Mnarani Hotel. Whispering Palms Safari Lodges Kilaguni. Ngulia. Voi. Meru Mulika. Mountain Lodge. Marsabit. Hunters Lodge Milimani Hotel. Nairobi Grosvenor Hotel. Nairobi Sunset Hotel. Lake Victoria Tea Hotel. Kericho Mt. Elgon Lodge

NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Holiday Beach Hotel. Curacao NEW CALEDONIA Hotel le Nouvata. Noumea Noumea Hotel. Noumea

PERU Hotel Crillon. Lima PORTUGAL Lisboa Penta Hotel. Lisboa Balaia Penta Hotel. Albufeira. Algarve SEYCHELLES Reff Hotel. Mahe SPAIN Penta Club. Ibiza Sun Club Bungalows. Playa del Ingles & Maspalomas SRI LANKA Hotel Lanka. Oberoi. Colombo SWITZERLAND Hotel d'Auteuil. Geneva Holiday Inn. Zurich-Airport Holiday Inn. Zurich-Regensdorf TUNISIA Hotel Les Orangers. Hammamet TOGO Hotel De la Paix. Lome USA International 6 Motel. Disneyland Anaheim Detailed information as to rates and hotel addresses are available at the IFATCA Secretariat and will be provided to interested members on request.

Corporate Members of IFATCA AEG-Telefunken. Frankfurt a. M .. Germany AMECON Division. Litton Systems. College Park. USA ANSA. Advisory Group Air Navigation Services, Westerngrund. Germany Cable & Wireless Ltd., London, England CAE Electronics Ltd .. Montreal. Quebec, Canada Cardion Electronics, Woodbury, N.Y.. USA Computer Sciences Europe SA, Brussels, Belgium Cossor Radar and Electronics Ltd .. Harlow. England Dansk lmpulsfysik A.S., Holte, Denmark Datasaab AB, Jarfalla. Sweden Decca Software Sciences Limited. London, England Dictaphone Corporation, USA ELECMA Divisions Electronique de la SNECMA, Suresnes, France E-Systems, Montek Division, USA Ferranti Limited, Bracknell. Berks., England Goodwood Data Systems Ltd., Ontario Canada Ground Aid Group, Esbjerg, Denmark International Aeradio Ltd .. Southall, England International Air Carrier Association, Geneva, Switzerland ITT Gilfillan. USA Jeppesen & Co. GmbH .. Frankfurt, Germany Lockheed Aircraft Service Company. Ontario, California 91 761. USA Lockheed Electronics Company, Inc .. Plainfield. N.J .. USA The Marconi Radar Systems Ltd .. Chelmsford, England M.B.L.E., Brussels, Belgium The Mitre Corporation. McLean, Virginia, USA N.V. Hollandse Signaalapparaten. Hengelo. Netherlands N.V. Philips Division ELA, Eindhoven, Netherlands Philips Telecommunicatie lndustrie B.V.. Hilversum, Netherlands The Plessey Company Limited. Weybridge, Surrey, England Racal Recorders Limited, Southampton. England Raytheon Canada Ltd., Canada Gustav A. Ring A/S, Oslo, Norway Sanders Associates, Inc., Nashua, USA Schmid Telecommunication, Switzerland Selenia - lndustrie Elettroniche Associate S.p.A., Rome. Italy SEL - Standard Elektrik Lorenz, Stuttgart 70, Germany Societe Artistique Franc;:aise,Paris, France Societe d'Etudes & d'Entreprises Electriques, lssy Les Moulineaux, France Sodern, Limeil Brevannes, France Sofreavia. Paris, France Software Sciences Ltd .. Farnborough. England Sperry Univac, Sulzbach/Ts .. Germany & St.Paul. Minnesota. USA TERMA Elektronik AS. Lystrup, Denmark Thomson - CSF. Paris. F·rance Ulmer Aeronautique: Clichy. France VWK - Ryborsch GmbH. Germany Westinghouse Electric Corporation, USA

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers· Associations would like to invite all corporations. organizations. and institutions interested in and concerned with the maintenance and promotion of safety in air traffic to join their organization as Corporate Members. Corporate Members support the aims of the Federation by supplying the Federation with technical information and by means of an annual subscription. The Federation's international journal 'The Controller· is offered as a platform for the discussion of technical and procedural developments in the field of air traffic control.


Watch supervisor,

trying to decipher recently arrived

flight plan

Preparing flight

NOTAMs METrc.·port~


pro~res:-strips (strip printer)

Bridin/.\ desk with -A!l'&NOTAMs

ATC centre in the old daysl-Of

course not-it's

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No reason.

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