IFATCA - The Controller - 3rd Quarter 1986

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ISSN 0010-8073





IFATCA ' 86 Report on the Silver Jubilee Confer ence


3rd QUARTER 1986



SFrs 5 .-


IFATCA '87 Nairobi, Kenya, 27th-30th

April 1987.

NAIROBI The green city in the sun.







Sixeighty Hotel - Five minutes walking distance from the Conference Centre.

200 Rooms reserved:

Please confirm reservation before 1st February 1987.


Kenya shillings 1700 - (equivalent US $ 100). Registration desk will open at the Sixeighty Hotel from 26th April 1987.


Kenya Airways is the main conference carrier and has agreed to grant to conference participants and accompanying persons, 50% rebate on full fares for those staying for less than 14 days and the same rebate on excursion fares for those staying for more than 14/ 45 days applicable from 20th April 1987. Details of other airlines which have agreed to grant rebate facilities will be made available in due course.


In addition to the general social activities in which accompanying persons will participate, a diversified programme has been arranged for_the accompanying persons. Tours to Wildlife Parks have been included.

Experience the African traditions, beaches and wildlife. I FATCA Membership card is recognized by 14 hotels well distributed in the country. Make IFATCA '87 your IFATCA history year.


THE CONTROLLER Vo lu me 2 5 · No . 3

Bern, Swi t zerland , September , 1986

Publisher : Internat ional Federat ion of Air Traffic Control lers· Associations. P.O . Box 196. CH-1 21 5 Geneva 1 5 Airport . Swi tzerland

In this issue

Off icers of IFATCA : E.F. Sermijn . President and Chief Execut ive Ottice r. H.H. Henschler. Past President . Lex Hendriks. Exec utive Vice- Presiden t Technica l. U . Windt. Exec utive Vice-President Adminis tration. T. Gustav sson. Execut ive Vice-President Finance. P. o·Doherty . Exec utive Sec retary

Silver J ubilee Conference



Editor ad interim : H. Harri Hensch ler. Past Presiden t 1998 Glenmor e Avenue. Sherwo od Park. Alb erta. Canada. T8A OX8 Telephone (403) 467-6826 M anagement and Advertising Sales Off ice: The Contro ller. P.O . Box 196 . CH-1 21 5 Geneva 1 5 Airpo r1. Switzer land H.U. Heim. Subscriptions and Publicity. Tel. (022) 82 26 79 M . Henchoz. Acco unting . Tel. (022 ) 92 56 82 B. Laydeva nt. Sales Promotion. Tel. (022) 82 79 83 Product ion · Der Bund ·. Verlag und Druckerei AG Effingerstrasse 1. CH-300 1 Bern. Telephone (03 1) 25 66 55 · Subscript ions and Advert ising Paymen t s to : IFATCA / The Controller. Union de Banques Suisses P.O . Box 237 CH-12 1 5 Geneva Airport . Switz erland Acc . No . 602 254 .M D L

Subscription Rate: SFrs. 20 .- per annum (4 issues). plus postag e and package . Surlacem ail : Europe and Mediterran ean countries SFrs. 4 .20. ot her count ries SFrs. 5 .4 0 . Airmai l: Europe and Mediterran ean co untrie s SFrs. 6.20 . ot her countrie s SFrs. 10 .6 0 . Special subscripti on rate for Air Traffic Controll ers. C_ontributors are expressing their personal points of view and opinions. w hich may not necessarily coincide w ith tho se of the Intern atio nal Federation of A ir Traffic Contro llers· Assoc iation s (IFATCA). IFATCA does not assume responsi bility for statements made and opinions expressed. it does only acce pt responsibi lity for pub lishing th ese cont ribut ions . Cont ributions are welcome as are comments and criticism . No payment ca n be made for manu script s subm itte d for publi cation in 'The Controller' . The Edito r reserves th e right to make any edito rial changes in manuscripts. whic h he believes w ill impro ve the material w ith ou t altering th e int ended meaning . Written permission by th e Editor is necessary for reprint ing any part of thi s Journal .

Advertisers in this issue: KA TCA, Ferranti . Thomson CSF. Skytalk . Air Canada. Marconi . Seleni a

Exec ut ive Board Report


Good Wi shes

page 23

Book Review

page 23

The Executive Board

page 24

Board Meet ing in Finland

page 26

System for Psycho logica l Select ion of Controller s

page 27


Hampton University Air ways Science Program page 32

Words of Welcome to Participants at IFA TCA '86 from Luis Alberto Monge Presidente de la Republic a de Costa Rica

011 be.fuJf o[ the. §01J e.'tn.m.,e.11t ando[ the. p.e.ople. o( Co £ta d?i.c.a., a.n.d 011my own &e.fuJf, '.[/co~ia.lly we.fc.ome. all the. <fu.tin g u.i£he.d p.a.'tticip.a.nb. to1the ~~<V C!.on(E.'I.E.nce. o( dfu ocia.tio11£ o( dti.'t'J'l.a.f(ic C!.011t'to /lE.u, .[/ g'I.E.e.t a.ff o( y ou.with £in ce.'U!a.fip.'1.E.cia.tion and fno( ound g=ti.t....k (o't th.£.imp.o'tta.nt wo'tk you. do. 'Jl'zank you (o,. hDno'ting ~ with. you.'t P,'I.E.~ru:e. . .[/ a.m p./E.a.£e.dto of{E.'I.you. the. a.f{e.dion a.nd ho£p.iia/ity o( the. C!.o£ta. d?ica.n p.e.op./E. , a.p.e.op.[,;,o( £imp.{E.cw.to~ and(and o( common good , th.a.t E.x.pe.cb.E.llE. 'l.ythi.n.g de'l.i!le.d{-r,om wo'tk andp.e.a.cE.. 'Jfz.~ i~ a. p.e.a.ce.(u.fcou.nt'I.Y p.a.'te.xce.!le.nce., ne.u.t,.J in the wa.dike. co11[li.ct!.,th.a.t37 ye.au &a.ck P,'tohi.&ite.d,/;y co~titu.tion , the e.x.i£te.ru:e. o( a.n a.'l.mya.£ a.p.E.'tma.ne.11t wtitu.tio11 a.n.dtfz.a.t£pe.n.k 30% o( th e. pu./;/i.c.(u.n.k in e.dw:a.tio11. C o£ta .:Rica., the pu.'te.£t a.11dmo£t ~ta&!e. de.moc'ta.C!Jin .£a.tin c:lhu.wa. , ne.a.tiy a. ce.ntu.'ty old, g'I.E.a.tfy

Photos: H . Tade . SITECNA. FATCA

a.dmi.'I.E.£ you.'!.e.(fo'l.t~, whi.c.h'1.E.£pondto the. n.e.e.d£o( the common. good a.nd to a. high. £1!.n~e.o( duty . '1/ou.a.u: h.e.'te. to te.~tl{y you.,. con(u/.zn.c.e.in the. c"UUUille. powe.'t o( ma.n, to 'I.E.a.f(i,.m yo,n will o( pu(e.ction. a.nd to umind IWl!.'t!:/Ol'U! tha.t WE owe. loyalty andfew! to a.ff the. hu.ma.n 'I.ace. . .[/a.rn£U.'tl!. you.'t e.xulle.n.t

Cartoons: ANACNA

unolla.tion e.f{o'tt£ will be. lll!.'t!I {-r,u.it(u.f he.'tl!. , £n th~ pe.a.ce.(u.ffa.n.d o( opUmi.~m andhope., op.e.nto allthe. cu.'tu:n.b. o( thought andthi.uty o( P,'togu:44 .


IFATCA 1986 The Silver Jubilee Conference by H. Ham Henschler

There must be, somewhere in the world, places as beautiful as Costa Rica . There must also be, somewhere in the w orld , people who are as friendly an d hospitable as are the Costa Ricans . And, there must be countries, which are as justifiabl y and quietly proud as is Costa Rica of its high literacy rate, hea lth care system, democracy and neutrality. All these qualities exist somew here, but Costa Rica is one of the rare places where they all come together. Those who were fo rtunate enough to have been to Costa Rica before the Jubilee An nual Conference had relayed their favorable impressions of the country and its peop le and thus, one can safely assume, contr ibu ted to the very high, and close to reco rd, number of M embe r A ssoc iations present at San Jose as wel l as nonMember Associat ions and othe r organizations. IFATCA '86 was a confere nce of many unique, orig in al and env iab le aspects. It was the Fede ration's firstever conference to be held in Lat in America, it was suppo rted by the close cooperation of SITECNA, our Costa Rica Members Association, the Government and all it branches, industry, in part icu lar LACSA, the Costa Rica f lag airl ine, and tourism interests. All these d ive rse organizations and individuals poole d their expertise and efforts to bring abo ut a con ference which, from the ve ry beginning. held the pos it ive prom ise of success This very beg inning on 2 1 April, the opening ce remony and plenary, took place in t he Teatro Nacional, the National Theate r. one of the most beautiful and historical bui ldings in ' Costa Rica . The Federation was honored by the presence of the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Don Luis Alberto Monge , who had per sona lly met twice over the years with member s of the IFACTA Execu 2

tive Board and of the Organizing Committee of IFATCA '86, in preparation for this conference. Also in attendance at the opening ceremony were representatives of the Government, its departments and authorities, the diplomatic corps, the airline and aviation industries, and the various media in the country. Hugo Esquivel A., on whose shou lders , as chairman of the Organizing Comittee, the load of coordinating and directing the preparation and ongoing work rested, gave his opening address: Senor Presidente de la Republica, Do n Luis Alberto Monge Alvarez; Senor Ministro de Obras Public as y Transporte s, Lie . Hernan Azofeifa V .; Senor Dire ctor de Aviacion Civil, Don Manuel Emilio Garcia Delgado; Senor Presidente de la Federacion Internacional de Asociaciones de Controladores de Transito Aereo, Don Harri Hen sch ler ; Senores y Senoras Es para nuestro Sindicato un orgullo el est ar hoy inaugurando en nuestro pais y par primera vez en lat ino america, la mas importante reunion de profesionales en control de trans ito aereo . Oui siera en primer lugar , agradecer al Senor President e de la Repu bli ca su gentileza et acompanarnos esta manana, asim 1smo expresarle nue stro ag radec imiento par la ayuda que nos dio para la organizac ion de esta conferenc ia . El Sindicato de Tecn icos en Navegac ion Aere a se fundio en 1974 co ma una asoc iacion dedicada principa lmente a promover la seguridad en las operac iones aereas en nue stro pafs, a elevar el nivel profesional del co ntrolador de transito aereo y a pro mocionar la coo pera cion y el inter ca mbio de co nocimiento s y experien c ias ent re sus asoc iado s. Despue s de 12 anos de existen c ia , podemos sentirno s complac idos de

haber alcanzado nuestrol objetivos Hoy estamos iniciando una nueva etapa en IFATCA, la Federac ion ha llegado a los 25 anos de existencia y esta importante reunion se esta realizando par primera vez en un pais en vias de desarrollo. Es una muestra de que la Federacion ha alcanzado la madurez cuando la Federacion decidio proyestarse a los paises pequenos y pobres y alentarlos a la participacion , discusion y resolucion de los problemas que se presentan en nuestra profesion, es as[ mismo muy intere sante el saber que nuestro sindicato ha abiert_o la brecha para que otras organ1zac1ones de pafses hermanos se sientan motivados para hacer mas efect1va su participacion en el seno de la Federacion. Si observamos el emblema que escogimos para nuestra reunion, la vieja Torre de la Sabana, notaremos que sus ventanas son pequenas y la observacion desde la misma es dificil eso es lo que fue el pasado, ahora e~ una torre de control encontramos que tiene grandes ventanales que permiten la observacion sin obstaculos en los 3 60 grados, ese es el presente y la puerta del futuro que debemos forjar a proyectar hacia la ma s clara y nitida de la formas del comportamiento, organizacion y profesionalismo del controlador de tran sito aereo coma miembro de una soc iedad que progressa ace lerad amente en todo s los campos, pero que a la vez esta perdiendo mucho de sus mejores valores morales y espirituales, esa es nue stra meta y el mejor leg ado que podemos dejar a nuestro s hijo s.

Hugo Esquivel A. . Chairman Organizing Committee . IFATCA '86 .


A los distinguidos colegas que nos visit an . les deseamos queen su corta estadfa en nuestro pafs obtengas las mejores impresiones de un pueblo que los recibe con los brazos ab1ertos y que esta dispuesto a entregarles lo mejor que se puede dar ; una am1stad sincera y una bella tierra para que la disfruten. Hugo's speech was followed b_y the opening addres s of I FATCA President H. Harri Henschler (1978-1986) who reflected on the Federation ' s past and the upcoming conference: It is safe to state that none of the participants at IFATCA_'s Firs_ t Annual Conference in 1962 in Pans would have con sidered the possibility that our Silver Anniversary conference would be celebrated in Costa Rica. Central America. The fact that we have convened. for the first time , the world-wide conference in Latin America is a valid indication of the change and growth IFATCA has experienced since its early days when it was founded by twelve determined and far-sighted Controllers · Associations in Europe. It is only fitting that we should take the opportunity of this conference to honor and put on record our appreciation for the initiative s taken by the Founder Members. . Their dream has taken on solid substance and form . and we are ever more on track arid on our way to achieving. as the applications for full member ship before this conference show , th e goal of becoming the truly world-wide Federation the founders of IFATCA imagined . . It is particularly fitting that our first Latin American Conference should be held here in San Jo se. in Costa Rica . Your country has an enviable reputation and record of democracy . openmindedness and progres s in all human and social field s which , coupled with the traditional determined desire of being in the forefront of development. assured th at Costa Rica maint ains its leading position among st nation s in this area . Our Federation has a long- standing intere st and involvement in the positi ve development of civil aviation in thi s coun try. SITECNA. from the moment of its joining the Federatio n in 19 7 7 has played a much apprec iat ed and active role in IFATCA. It has also ma de use of its member ship by requ esting advice, information _and assist ance from the Federati on in _its effort s to ac hieve proper recogn1t1on of our profes sion and to acqu1~eth e tool s w hic h allow Costa Rica s Air Traffi c Cont rollers t o maint ain av1at1on THE CONTROLLER/ SEPTEM BER 198 6

· ft)- E S r i·n (VP Prof. ) L. Hendriks (VP. Tech .). H. Esquivel. Opening Cehremo(;Yl:AT71FA~~JJ'~n;._ t~o~g e·A (Pr!s'!:t~nt Republic;, Cos ta Rica). H. Azofe ifa (M inister of H. H. Hense res, en . E. Garc,a · -~ (D. ,rector . Public Works /er and Tra nsport) o iv, A viation) - Vice President Adm in . and Exec utiv e Secretary not shown .

,·c· "/


much ap prec iated suppo rt er and col safety and efficiency of such high standard as to make it the envy and labor ator in the org anizing work for JFATCA ' 86 . Manuel Emi lio Garc ia goal of other air traffic control said : authorities . There is no question th at the Ai r t raff ic co ntr o l is toda y an understanding and enlighte _n_ed atti acti vity tha t supp ort s th e most seriou s tude of the Costa Rica author1t1es have respon sibility in as m uch as 1t refer s to greatly contributed to enhancing the th e sec urity and eff ici ency of the air understanding . both of the contri oper ati ons t hat every day commun ibution of the air traffic controllers to cate and sho rten the d istance s in the national economy , and of the every part of t he wor ld . In our co unt ry assurance of aviation safety and its w e know abo ut th is and that is wh y we positive impact on all who _fly for are concerned that our service s in t his plea sure or bu siness. While air traffi c field be imp roved con st antl y and our control in other parts of the Ameri cas co ntrolle rs w ill overcome every d iffimay be at a lowe r level th an som e culty . years ago . Costa Rica can _proudl y W e also know that IFATCA. t he claim th at its air traffi c control is on th e wor ld organization wi t h hig hest authhighe st level ever in all aspects. ority in this fi eld has injected t o ou r The Federation is pleased that ,Assoc iation of Controller s th e needed Costa Rica offered and w as accept ed energ y in order t o achieve th is as the ho st association for our 1986 im provement, giving us pre_s t1ge 1n this Annual Conferen ce. M any of us have nob le and modern profession that we already been able to enjoy the m any have acquir ed . The Cost.a Rica Civil plea sures the country has to offer . and ,Aviat ion is very proud th at IFATCA man y oth ers are planning t o stay on hold s its Annua l Conference coincid after IFATCA · 86 in ord er t o get to ing w it h its Silver Anni versary, and to know Costa Rica and its deli ghtf ul be t he fir st Lat in-America n host fo r this people and scenery. We are ind eed event. . fortunate to have received w holeM any profession al and te c hnical hearted supp ort from th e Cost a Rica aspe cts w ill be dealt w it h during th is 5 Governm ent and Admini strati on, the days of the Conference. This 1s a great nation al and oth er airli nes operating into and w ithin th e co untry , and many deal of wor k t hat aw ait s us, and we are sure it will lead us t o sat isfac t ory and other org anization s and indi vid uals. In parti c ular , of co urse, we are inde bted def init e conc lusions and to agree to our fri ends and co lleagu es of impo rtant resoluti ons that w ill benef it SITECNA fo r th eir invitat ion , their hard in on e way or anoth er th ose who can w ork and dedicat ion to t he Feder- ta ke adva ntage of air transportation . I thank all of yo u for your presence ation . and fo r making all of us feel as if here - it is a great hon or for us to have co min g t o Costa Rica w as comi ng so many professiona ls from air traffic home aga in . co ntrol from all cont inents who are visiting us. and I really wish you suc Af te r t he I FATCA President' s cess in this conference and a very addre ss t he large audience listen_ed to happy stay in this small country of the speech by the Director of Civil Avi- ours, wh ic h is also your s during t hese at ion . w ho had been a st aunch and few days . 3

Following Sr. Garica the Minister for Public Works and Transport. Lie. Hernan Azofeifa V .. another longstanding supporter of SITECNA' s conference efforts said: Thank you for com ing and we lcome to Costa Rica. Thank you also for holding here the 25th conference. It is actually a little like a dream. About 14 months ago. Hugo Esquive l adv ised me that it was the intention of SITECNA to host this conference. It was to be the first t im e for IFATCA in Latin America and now that dream has today become a reality. Thanks to all of the part icipants from different parts of the wor ld. It is very important for us to have yo u here. It is so important for the Government. for the airline compan ies. for the aut hor ities of the Government. Yo u know that your responsibility as air tr aff ic controllers is very important indee d in order to guarantee the safety of the passengers and the aircraft . and in ord er to ensure that flights arrive at thei r destinat ion in complete safety your importance in this area is great . We are ple ased to have you here and we hope that you are comfortab le in o ur c ountry. If you need any assista nce dur ing your stay . our Governm ent off ic ials wi ll be avai lable to you please co unt on us . M ay I offer you our hospita lity from th e co unt ry and hope that you enjoy yo ur stay here. and I w ish you t he best of success for your meeting. The last speec h of th e Opening Cerem o ny was given to the appr ec iative par t ic ipant s by th e President of Cost a Rica: O n behalf of t he Governm ent and the peop le Qf Costa Rica. and o n my own beha lf . I g ive t he mo st w arm welcome to all t he di sti ng uished pa rti c ipants of th e 25th co nfer ence of the Internat io na I Feder ati o n of Air Traff ic Cont ro llers¡ Assoc iat ion s I gr eet you all wi th since re esteem and full of grat it ud e for th e important t ask w hic h yo u ca rry out . Thank you very mu c h for hono ring us w it h yo ur presen ce . I am very p leased t o off er you the w armth and hosp itality of t he Cost a Rican peop le. a peop le of simpl e c ust oms and love rs of righ teo usness. who place all t heir expectat ions on w or k and on peace Thi s is a peacef ul co unt ry. par exce llence. w hic h has remai ned neutra l in wa r conf lict s. w hic h 3 7 years ago co nsti t ut io nally pro hib ited t he existe nce of an army as a permane nt institut ion and which spends 30% of its public funds on education Costa Rica. the purest and most stab le 4

President Monge addressing the Opening Plenary .

democracy in Lat in Am erica - a democracy almost 100 years old. regards yo ur efforts. wh ich respond to the demands of the com mon good and to a high sense of duty . with profound solidarity. You are here to bear w itne ss to you r co nfidence in the creati ve power of man . to reaffirm you r willingness towards impr oveme nt and to remember that we owe loyalty and love to all humanity. Given its internationa l scope and nobl e purpo ses. I att ribute great importance to this event. It gives me plea sure to empha size the seriou sness . regularity and co herence which dist ingui shes the act ivities organized by IFATCA. This ce lebrat ion of its 25th conference co rrobo rates yo ur nobl e effort in the im provement of air traffi c cont rol system s. I wou ld like to point out furthermore that this is the first t ime th at a conf erence of thi s kind has been held in a Latin -American cou ntry . From any standpo int . this is very satisfying for us. The present hour demand s us to broaden and improve scient ific and tec hnologica l research since thi s is deci sive in the buildin g of that better wor ld which we all dream of. Science and techno logi cal advanc ement mu st serve to defeat the blind for ces of nature and cure the w ound s of hum anity . You. with your outl oo k and obj ective s. are contributing to th e triumph of the demands of t ruth and effi ciency in order that tech no logi ca l developm ent does not dehumaniz e mankind. We offe r yo u our home for th is conference . moved by a since re wi sh: that air sec urit y may be ben efitt ed by th e experiences and rec omm endation s arising from thi s con ference. W e w ould like t o contribute to th e

success of human ac tivity in all fields of peace. the only ones w hich serve life . It is releva nt also for the Costa Rica n people to understand the value and import ance of the ta sk which yo u carry out in every part of the world. You are witnessing the civilizing feat of man. you renew faith in the perfectability of hum an creations and rem ind us wit h your examp le that one of the highest forms of love t owards one ' s neighbor is one's consec rat ion to the public good. I give you my best wishes for th e success of th e 2 5th co nf erence of IFATCA. co nfident th at the praisewort hy effort s of improvem ent which you are making here w ill be very fruitful . in this land of optimism and ho pe. alw ays thirsty for progress and always wi lling to impl ant love. the love of life. W arm app lause th anked President M onge for his since re words of we lcome and for his unders t and ing and app rec iatio n of our profession . it s effort s. and it s responsibilities . I FATCA President Hensc hler. on behalf of the Feder ation . expressed thank s and apprec iation to President Monge thr oug h an insc rib ed commemorative plaque w hich . it is hoped. wil l serve as a pleasant rem inder to Sr. Monge of the I FATCA conference held in his country . After a short recess . during wh ich the official guest s w ho had other commitments were ab le to leave the National Theate r. th e conference par ti cipants reconve ned for the first plenary session. It wa s established that a quorum existed . a total of 4 1 Member A ssoci ati ons were in attendan ce during IFATCA ' 86 TH E CONTROLLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

Antigua and Barb uda. Austria . Bahamas. Belgium. Brasil. Canada . Costa Rica. Cyprus. Denmark. El Salvador. Egypt. EGATS. Finland . Germany. Greece. Hondura s. Hong Kong. Hungary . Ice land . Ireland. Israe l. Italy . Jamai ca. J apan. Kenya. Me xico . Moro cco. The Netherland s. Nether lands Anti lles. New Zealand . Nicaragu a. Norwa y. Portugal . ROCATCA (Taiwan). Suriname. Sweden. Switzerland. Tanzania. Trinidad and Tobago. United Kingdom . Yugoslavia. In addit ion . nine valid Proxy Vote s had been declared and accepted . A record number of seven applications for full membership in the Federation was before the plenary. to be discussed and recommended on in Committee A. They were: Austra lia. Barbados. Cenamer. Ecuador . Panama. St. Kitts and Nevis. Senega l. After the report of the 24th Annual Conf erence had been unanimously accepted. the I FATCA President submitted . as at every Annual Conference . the :

Presidents's Report

The Exec utive Board became involved as requested. and we must reiterate the requi rement to keep the Board and the Federation fully informed even when no action by IFATCA. other than act ive monitoring . is needed . The Executive Board. on the occasion of the wo rld-w ide celeb rat ion of the 25th anniversary of IFATCA's founding. made a major effort to have maximum representation at the various Reg iona l Meetings. It was most grat ifying to observe the positive developments in the Regions visited . the cohesiveness of the respective Member Associations. and the unquestioning acceptance by nat ional and international authorities and organ izations of the value of regional IFATCA policies and of the expertise of the Member Associations with regard to regiona l problems.

trailers . and in only one is the system alleged to have been a contributing factor . National air traffic control shortcomings are. more and more . identified through various source s and the Execut ive Board w ill attempt to assist in overcoming these shortcomings either through d irect approache s or through making our concerns public. In most cases shortcomings in st affing and equipment are caused not by a deliberate attempt of policymakers to reduce maximum aviat io n safety but by a lack of understanding of the contribution of air traffic controllers to the national and international econom ies and their crucial role in ensuring that aircraft and their passengers will travel in safety. The Executive Board has ca rried out all applicable IFATCA '8 5

Executive Board

As we are preparing to celebrate our Si lver Anni ve rsary conference . our 25th. th e Federation and its Members ca n look back with satisfaction on the achievements since IFATCA's founding . and with comfor t on the time period since our 24th Annual Confer ence last year in Athen s. Th e past twel ve months or so have been a period of continued conso lidation . of increased acceptance of IFATCA . in new fie lds such as the international aviat ion leg al. as the one authoritative vo ice of the wo rld 's air tr affic co ntrollers. The Exec utive Board report s with plea sure th at tie s to othe r int ernat ion al bodie s have been strengthened as w itn ess the recent ly concluded meeting between the IFATCA Exec uti ve Board and Principa l Officer s of IFALPA . A lmo st all deve lopments in intern ationa l c ivil aviation. be they indu st rial act ion. unlawful interference w ith aircraft. or introduction of redu ced sepa rat ion minim a have an impact on more than one group of participants and it is thu s essen ti al th at all invo lved in int ernat ional c ivil aviation are able to co mmun icate to exchange points of view and expe rience s. All the fo regoing is. of co urse. not mea nt to indicate that prob lems did not occ ur since the Ath ens co nference. A number of Member Assoc iat ion s fe lt co mpelled to take actio n to ac hieve long-standing demands or to prevent det rime nta l developments. THE CONTROLLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

Particip ants at the Opening Ceremony in the National Theater .

Aviation . internation ally. has recorded the highe st ever number of aircraft passenger lives lost in a twelve months ' period . a tr agic development which should give all tho se in position s of respon sibility and decisionmaking pause to contemp lat e common factor s or intr oduct ion of .polic ies. such as possibly total deregulation . which may now show result s. It may be too early to point th e fi nger at any one reason. indeed . there may not be one. or two . or even three unique reasons. but w heneve r a radical cha nge to a hist orica lly safe system is intr od uced. all possible ramifications mu st be co ntem plated . partisan poli ti cs. of whatever co lor. must take second place to aviat ion safety. It is small co nso latio n t o the victim s of c ivil aviat ion disaste rs and thei r fam ili es th at in none of the tragedie s wh ic h occ urred since I FATCA 1985 there appea rs to be a crucia l contribution to their ca use by air traffic con-

decisions and resolutions and offers the following breakdown of ongoing concerns : Administration

Th e Exec utive Board has in the past year kept up a high profi le and the members of the Board have participated. eith er individua lly or co llectively. in many activit ies. The Executive Board has put the greatest emphas is on attending Regiona l Meetings wherever possible. We have continued the involvement with other international organizations in the effort to promote aviation safety and efficiency. Our appreciation goes to the num ber of air lines who provided us with assistance either directly or by government request . The Board also wishes to express its thanks and appreciation to the Admini strat ions of Begium . Canada . Germany . Irelan d and The Netherlands . 5

Executive Board Meetings Executive Board Meetings were held without any difficulties as regards venues or dates. On the invitation of the Austrian ATCA the June meeting was held in Vienna. The November Board Meeting was held in Nairobi. the site of the 1987 Conference. The Board Meeting in February took place in the United Kingdom to coincide with a meeting of the Executive Board and IFALPA Officers. Regions and Regional Meetings Activity in some of the Regions was at its usual high level but the Board must state with some regret that in some areas there has been minimal contact between the Board and the Regional Vice-Presidents. The Board was represented at the following Regional Meetings: EUC/EUW President. V.-P. Technical. V.-P. Administration PAC/ ASI President. Executive Secretary V.-P. Professional. AFE Executive Secretary V.-P. Professional. AFN Treasurer V.-P. Technical CAR President. V .-P. NCA Administration Individual me!T)bers of the Executive Board have met with a great number of Member Associations and/ or their representatives from all IFATCA Regions during the course of the period since IFATCA '85. Secretariat The Secretariat has continued to expand its range of activities in the past year. The Executive Board. after much consideration. has provided a small computer for both the Secretariat and the Treasurer and this will facilitate the transfer of information between the two. All Secretariat equipment is now less than 3 years old. with the exception of our IBM typewriter. which is 7 years old. The photocopier is scheduled for replacement later this year or early in 1987. The Board will continue its policy of regularly updating the equipment. commensurate with the availability of funds. Our in-house publication. 'The Circular'. continues in quarterly publication. Input from the Member Associations. the Executive Council. Standing Committees and the Corporate Members is welcome at any time. 6

Postage and telephone costs have increased substantially in the past year. having been relatively static for some time. Further increases in these costs are not expected in the current year. Finances Spring 1985 saw a high value for the US$ compared to other currencies. For some time. this has been of some concern to the Executive Board. as all conference budgets (delegations and Federation) were somewhat hit by the expenses met in Athens. and translated in national currencies. Because of the devaluation of some foreign currencies in relation to the Swiss franc. the subscriptions of almost all our Member Associations have been increased considerably over the past year. This fact. however. has been considered both by the Standing Committee Ill and the Executive Board. as a major factor for not presenting any proposal dealing with an increase in our subscription rates to this conference. The good value of the Swiss currency. together with the fact that most of the Federation· s funds are spent abroad. has helped to maintain the constant expansion of the Federation· s activities. Our sound financial reserves not only increased our 'interest' income. but also allowed for some major projects to be put on the rails. The foreseen transition from manual to computerized systems should allow the Executive Board to be even more active and ~fficient both on the correspondence and accounting levels. The value of the Federation's input on the international scene is more and more evident year after year. The number of invitations accepted to all kinds of various international meetings had to be limited by the Executive Board. with all of our engagements being met in spite of restricted manpower and finances.

Corporate Members. Our particular thanks go to those who generously supported the IFATCA video tape production and to the Corporate Members Coordinator, W.P. Canty. who was not only instrumental in coordinating the video tape support. but also very active in ensuring that this Conference in Costa Rica will be a success for the participating Corporate Members.

Technical 1985 has seen a heavy workload continue in the technical field. Standing Committee I, our group of operational and technical experts. has had a number of unexpected and tragic setbacks. First the former Chairman of SCI, our good friend John Saker. who after his retirement still worked in SCI as Secretary. died while abroad on holiday. Then. shortly after conference his successor as Chairman. Bill Pye. left the UK CAA to work in the USA. With this in mind. the Executive Board expresses its appreciation for the effort David Martin. SCl's new Chairman. and the other SCI members have given to complete the work program. Contacts with other international organizations further improved. A number of liaison visits were made to the RAC/ SAR (Rules of the Air. Air Traffic Control and Search and Res·Cue) section of ICAO in Montreal. In this respect we would like to acknowledge the support IFATCA is getting from ICAO staff. and Mr. J. Gaustad (Chief RAC/ SAR) in particular. Further contacts have been made with ICAO' s Regional Offices in Paris and Nairobi. After one year of absence from IFALPA's Annual Conference. the Board has been able to represent itself at IFALPA's 1985 conference in Montreal. Besides participation in IFALPA's Technical Committee. this event was also used to establish contacts with the newly-elected IFALPA Board. under President Capt. Reg Member Associations Smith. As a follow-up. the IFALPA and It has been most gratifying to note IFATCA Presidents met in order to disthat. again. Member Associations cuss items of mutual concern and to either individually or collectively have set up a meeting between both come to the aid of others in less desir- Executive Boards. able circumstances. Such willingness Two meetings were held with the to help and to share may well be Executive Vice-President of the Interanother feature unique to the controlnational Airline Passengers· Associlers· community. and it enables those ation. Dr. Krakauer. with problems either to continue as For detailed information on IFATfull members or even to join the Fed- CA' s activities in International Comeration to enjoy the benefits mittees/ Panels and Working Groups associated with membership. we refer to the relevant conference documents. Corporate Members The Executive Board wishes to The Executive Board takes great express its appreciation to all who pleasure to again express the made the work in this technical area appreciation of the Federation to our possible. THE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER 19B6


During the last yea r. the Federation¡ s act ivitie s in the professional field continued at a high level. Standing Committee IV . as always very active. succeeded in finalizing the brand new Information Handbook . w hich w ill be available very soon to all Member Associations. and continued it s work on training and scholarships. and medical aspects of our profession. Standing Committee VII was active doing the difficult work of looking at the leg al ramifications of air traffic control. w hich became more and more important as technology used grow s more and more sophisticated. A ve ry positive development during the last year was the strengthening of our liaison with ICAO . which was up to 1985 rather limited to the technical offices. In April and December 1985. liaison visits by the Vice-President Professional and I FATCA Liaison Officer to ICAO (Legal) to the Legal Bureau and Technical Assistance Bureau of ICAO. as well as to the Secretary of the PELT(Personnel , Licensing and Training) panel. resulted in a very interesting exchange of views on such items as legal liability of the individual air traffic controller, training and licensing, scholarships, etc. The Federation is confident that such good relationship will continue in the future . The already well established liaison with the I LO continued and both the Vice-President Professional and Liaison Officer to International Organization s in Gene va met with ILO officials at several occasion s during last year. One regressi ve development which the Federation will have to watch very closely, is the tendency of governments to reduce the resources , both in term s of finances and manpower , made available to authorities respon sible for air traffic control. Such policy w ill certainly not help to make the service s provided by air traffic control, already suffering in many countries from a lack of the necessary equipment and manpower. the way the tra ve lling public is rightly expecting them to be. Conclusion

Now that we are about to ce lebrate another fir st in Federation history , our premier Annual Confer ence in Latin America. we have many reasons to face the future with increased confidence. Figure s of both air passenger numbers and aircraft movements are aga in higher than a year ago. stretch ing the air traffic contro l systems. not yet to the lim it in most cases, but indi THE CONTROLLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

President Monge accepts Plaque of Apprec iatio n.

eating that reduction or stagnation in air traffic control are , at the very best. short-term savings which mean longterm additional costs while the system plays catch-up. Positive number s in passengers and movements will enable Member Assoc1at1ons to impress on their administrations that in a dynamic system such as avIatIon and air traffic control we must attempt to, if not get ahead of developments , at least stay abreast with them. The financial position of the Federation is more secure than ever before , allowing us now to consider making future use of funds, which wo uld have automatically gone into the R_eserves, in the day-to-day operation s of IFATCA. The applications for full member~ ship by again more controllers associations fills us with the sat 1sf1ed sense of being in the process_ of achieving the aims of the profession , and getting closer yet to one of IFATCA' s major obJect1ves- the establishment of a Federation of Air Traffic Controller s' Associa tion s w hich. encompasses all controllers world-wide . No doubt. our 1986 Annual Confer ence will contribute to our con tinu ed growth in import ance, understa nding , and numbers, and we will be ab le to look back on our Sliver Anniversary co nference w ith sat isfaction and a sense of achievement.

Regrett ably absent from IFATCA ' 86 due to ill health was the outgoing Treasure r, Bern ard Grezet. He was later sent . on behalf of the confer ence , a ¡ telegram exp ressing best wishes for a speedy recovery. Following the Board Report, wh ich was to be discussed in detail in the Conference Comm ittees, Captain C. Den ke. representing the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associat ions spoke as follows: Mr . President. Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an honor and privilege to addre ss on behalf of the Intern ational Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations this Silver Jubilee An nual Conference of IFATCA . In many ways the history and development of IFATCA paral lels the development of I FALPA . A larg e part of IFALPA' s investment in administration , research and policy crea tion and prosecution is aimed at providing so luti ons to the many technical and safety problems faced by airline pilots engaged in internat ion al operations. Just as airline pilots recognized the need of a co ncerted voice to campaign for the maximum level of air safety, including the rectification of many deficiencies in the essential facilities and services throughout the world on which aviation depends , the air traffic controllers recognized the international nature of air transport and the resultant need to establish an International Federation of National Controllers Associations . IFATCAwas founded in 1961 and is now celebrating its 25th confer ence. 7

IFALPA was founded in 1948 and has developed vigorously since , and now compr ises more than 58 ,000 airlin e pilots organized into 63 Pilot's Assoc iat ions throughout the wor ld . Especiall y during the more recent years, there has been close cooperati on bet w een IFALPA and IFATCA. This development of relations co incide s w ith IFATCA's increasing cred ibil ity and importance on the int ernat iona l scene. Also. you might compare the 路age路 difference of 13 years wi th human age relations : At the end of the sixties - 8 and 21 - chil d and young man. Some years lat er- youngster and twenties . Nowage 25 and 38 - tw o grown-ups of about t he same generation . IFALPA ap preci at es the IFATCA participa t ion in its ATS Committee very mu c h . We reco g nize your tr avel problems and wi ll try to off er some assistance altho ug h in the present ec onomic climate th is m ay not be po ssible in all cas es. W e w ill, how ever . do w hat w e can. At the same time we be lieve th at ove r the years the I FA LPA c ontribution to IFATCA thro ugh Standing Commit tee I has been of va lue. At the te ch nica l level we f ind no prob lem wit h areas wh ere our tw o organizations have f unda m ent al disagreements. These are bo und to occur and must be face d . Here and now I wo uld like to emphasize the importa nce of t he persons. or should I say pe rso nalitie s. that rep resent ou r Federa ti o n . There has been som e fl uctua ti on dur ing the past years. but I do not hesitat e t o state that all pe rsons I was dea ling with always gave me th e im pressio n that I was who lehea rted ly we lco m e t o participate in your deliberat ion s. Fo r that I wa nt t o tha nk yo u sincerely and pe rsona lly. In the top -level ranks, t he last yea r has seen the co incidence that IFATCA' s and IFALPA's pres ide nts we re both Canad ians. Capta in Reg Smi th has asked me to extend his perso nal co ngratu lat io ns on acco unt of t his Si lver J ubilee conference - to all of yo u and in addit ion specifica lly to Harri Hensch ler. Capta in Sm ith pa rt ic ularly reg rets that he is unab le to attend t his con ference in perso n . as he is awa re of the upcom ing change in leadership of IFATCA. W e all of I FA LPA, however . are co nf ident that the good relat ions between the Federations wil l be maintained in the futu re. After appointment of the usual Conference Committees - A Admin 8

istration . B: Techn ica l, C: Profess iona l - to conduct their respective Agenda items and to present their Report and Rec ommendations the appointments to t he Chairs were made: Committee A : Miss L. Austin, UK Guild Committee B: Mr . E.G.H. Green , UK Guild Committee C: Mr. P R.V. Dom aga la, Eurocontro l Guild Th en fo llowed another 'f irst' in Federation history, a ceremony to honor the Founder Member Associations present and repre sent ed at IFATCA '86. the 25th Annual Conference. The representatives of Austria, Belgium (who also represented Luxembourg), Denma rk, Finland , Germany, Ice land, Ireland , Netherlands. Norway , and Switzerland were called on by the IFATCA President to come forward and rece ive a com memorative plaque on the occas ion of their Quarter Century of membership .

On the other hand , a reputed man in my country who knows mu c h more about history than I do has said he who does not know the past will never understand the present. So there is perhaps some merit in looking back occasionally to assess what has been, what has not been achieved, and w hat co uld be done better in the future. 25 years is a con vien ient period of time to do so. I leave it to you to judg e whe th er we sta rted off on the w rong foot or whether this 'profess ional organ izat ion of amateurs路 did , afte r all , achieve someth ing wort h the effort. Persona lly I think this is the case. It was not only the first Member Associations that created IFATCA; individual people who had ideas, aims and ideals th ey wanted to realize were the motor of it all . The Associations ju st provided the infra structure to star t off . It is, therefore, very approp riate, at this time. to mention some of the persons who did the bulk of the work; the first wo rking group who prepared the

Representa tives of the Founder Me mber Associa tions displa y their Commemora tive Plaqu es.

Bernard Ruth y, sign atory on beha lf of Sw iss ATCA of th e origin al IFATCA Charter, addre ssed the Plenary on behalf of all th e Member A ssoc iation s hono red : As yo u know th ere is nothing so boring for young er peop le as being t old w hat th e past was like, what prob lems had t o be overcom e. w hat effo rt was necessa ry to ac hieve w hat has bee n ac hieved . They wa nt t o look ahead. bring th eir ow n. obvio usly muc h bright er and bett er, ideas int o being and for th e futur e as th ey see it .

Convent ion and the Constitution that w ere signed and accepted in Am ster dam in October 1961 , and mo st of w hom 路vo lunteered' to t ake respon sibi lity in the fir st Board of Offi cers Tek Tekstr a. Neth erland s. President . Hans Thau , Germ any , Ho norary Sec ret ary. M auri ce Cerf , France. First VicePresident. Roger Sadet. Belgium . Seco nd Vice President . Henning Thrane, Denma rk, Treas urer . THE CONTRO LLER / SEPTEMBER 1986


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Report of Committee A by Lesley Au st in. UK Guild

Bernard Ruthy addresses the audience on behalf of the Founder Member Association s.

They really did the hard wo rk and should be honored today. There are many other names that sho uld be mentioned here . but I trust that yo u have read them in the last few issues of the 路co ntro ller路 or wi ll do so afte r this conference. On the ir behalf as well as on behalf of t he Founder Member Associations . I shou ld like to thank you for being honored today . especially for this nice presen t we received. We will cherish it. but it w ill be no reason fo r us to rest on our laurels. A s all other parts of thi s syst em cal led Aviat ion or Air Navigation. our profession is in a contin uous evo lution . It might - in t he future - get even more important or it m ight. as many other professions. be made redundant by techn ical prog ress. It is. therefore . very imp ortant that knowing the past - we look ahead. help to find so lutions that best suit the requirements. M y persona l opin ion is that man wi ll con t inue to play the decis ive role . It wi ll take a lot of work. thinking and c reative power to shape that future in the best inte rest of all concerned. Let us attack the next 2 5 years. I do hope that the re is a young controller sitting somewhere in thi s audience who. in the year 20 11. will tell the Annua l Confe rence: 路we have worke d hard. and it was worth the effort.路 Af ter Mr . Ruthy' s speech the three origin al Corporate Member s. Cossor Electronic s Ltd .. M arco ni Radar Syste ms and N .V. Holl andse Signaalapparaten were called on to accept their commemorative plaque The Plenary Session then adjourned and the Conference Committees began their Workin g Sessions . 10

Thi s year. as usual . Committe e A had a long age nd a. but that didn ' t deter the delegate s. They set to with their usual enthusiasm and worked through the agenda items diligently . completing their ta sk in time to attend the party at the Charrara resort on Thur sday afternoon. One of the most plea sant tasks the Committee had to perform was the election into the IFATCA fam ily of seven new Member Associations. All of the prospective MAs addre ssed the meeting but the one that impressed the Committee most was Senegal . As the Secretary General of th e Senegalese Assoc iation raised his hands to heaven in an impass ioned address. all the lights went out. plunging the Committee room into total darkness . We were most impre ssed - if a little confused . When order was restored some thirty minutes late r in a new room . the Committee was anxious to welcome such an influential new MA to the fold .

th e aims of IFATCA. Barbado s too. was keen to participate in th e wo rk of the Federation for the good of th eir colleagues . This conference saw some changes in the Exec utive Board : we elected a new President. Erik Sermijn of Belgium has now stepped in'to Harri Henschler's shoe s. Erik is well known in IFATCA. of course. as he has been Vice-President Professional for the last four years. He has worked hard for the Federation and is we ll-liked around the wor ld . The Committee didn't have an easy t ask in making its recommendation as Erik wasn ' t the only nominee . Edge Green of the UK Guild was also nominated. Edge. too . is we ll known in the Federation and was supported by many MAs . But in thi s contest there were no losers only a winner - IFATCA. Erik now has the difficult job of following Harri . w ho has set a high sta ndard for his suc cesso r but Erik is w illing and able to meet the

Committee A Chair (left to right) : E. Chu. L. Au stin. M. Guinn.

Of co urse. all the new MA s have specia l talents to bring to IFATCA. St.Kitt s and Nevis showed particul ar skill on t he football field despite th e rathe r large numbe r of opponent s. We we re al l pleased to see the Au stralian A ssociation rejoin IFATCA. it's not so lo ng since th ey left that we have forgo tt en the co ntribution they can make. It was particu larly grat ifying that holding t he co nference in Latin Am erica encouraged new MA s from the area to join . Although sma ll. the Associations from Panama. Ecuad or and CENAMER wi ll all help to further

c hallenge. We w ish him every success and pledge him our support. Erik's elevati on to the Presiden cy left th e pos iti on of Vice -President Profess iona I vacan t . Unfortun ately for IFATCA th ere we re no nom ination s for thi s post and so th e Exec uti ve Board wi ll assume the t asks of VP Professiona l until next year's conferen ce. Durin g th e inter vening mont hs it is hoped th at MA s w ill make an effo rt to find a suit ab le nominee to fill thi s important pos ition on the Board. One of the most important items on the Committee 's Agen da is to THE CONTROLLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

examine the Accounts for the previo us year and to recommend to Final Plenary accept ance of th e Budget for the coming year. Thi s year. MAs were hea rtened to find that the Federation's f inance s are in good shape. Mu c h of this is due to the hard work and dedicat ion of Bernar d Grezet . o ur outgoing Treasurer. The Committe e was disappoi nted th at Bernard was not goi ng to continue as Treasurer for another term b ut th is very importa nt position has been fi lled. Tard Gustavsso n of Sweden has t aken on the responsible ta sk of keeping the Federation 's finances in o rder - we w ish him every success! Without a sol id financial basis IFATCA canno t maintain its represen t at ion of cont roller s· interests in int erna t io nal aviat ion matte rs. Unfortunately . Berna rd Grezet was unable to be at conference due t o ill-health . the Committee sent a telex wis hing him a speedy recovery and thanking him for excellent management of the Feder ation 's finances during his term as Treasurer. In recent years th e Regions of IFATCA have played an inc reasingly active role . The reports of Region al Vice-President s presented to confer ence reflected thi s. Altho ugh not all Reg ions are able to be as active as they would like. more and more are finding that by becoming better organized w ith in their areas a Region ca n provide a grea t deal of help and adv ice to its MA s. Severa l new RVPs we re elected thi s yea r - S.K. M woria of Tanzania for Africa East. Abou El Seo ud El Karimy of Egypt for Afri ca North and Philippe Dom agala of EGATS for Europe We st. Carlos Olmo s of Me xico was re-elected as RVP North and Central America and R.M . Salazar for Americ a South . There was no nominee for RVP Pacif ic and Robin Soar ag reed t o co ntinue in a ca ret aker capac ity for the tim e being . A subj ect of g reat interest to all MA s is the ven ues fo r futur e confere nces. At last yea r's co nference . Kenya was con firmed as th e venue for the 1987 co nference and thi s year the Kenyan A ssocia ti on report ed to Committee A on the progre ss of their organ izat ion. Arrangement s are well in hand and the Kenyan Assoc iat ion looks for ward to we lcom ing de legates from al l MA s to Nairob i next year . There were two offers to host the 1988 co nfer ence - Brazil and Germany. Both Assoc iation s gave very wel l presented and det ailed inform ation to the Committ ee for their co nsiderat ion but Brazil ju st pipped German y to the post. I th in k there must be a lot of coffee lovers in IFATCA. firs t Costa Rica . then Kenya. now Brazil! THE CON TROL LER/S EPTEMBER 1986

Exec uti ve Board M embers in Committee A (left To right ): L. Hendriks (VP. Tech.). H. H. Henschler (President ). U Windr (VP. Admin .).

Undi smayed. Germany now hope to be able to host the · 89 Conference . perhaps they ' ll offer somet hing stronger than coffee! This was IFATCA's Silver Anniversary. twenty five years of work ing to better the standin g and influe nce of controllers. So it was particularly approp riate that this year we should honor someone who has been wo rking to furth er the Federation· s aims for all of tho se twenty five years - Bernard Ruthy of Switzerla nd . He has always been active in one function or another for I FATCA including attending all the co nferenc es! So it was unanimou sly and with great pleasure that t he Committee was able to recommend to Final Plenary that Bernard be awarded the IFATCA Scroll of Honor . This has to be j ust a small token of the thanks we owe him for his co mmitm ent to IFATCA. Although I have only reported in deta il the highlight s of the sessions of Committee A . there were many hours spent dealing w ith th e more routine matt ers of th e Federation ; amendments and c hanges to t he Constitution and administrative po licy. care-

fully prepared by Standing Committee VI . manned by Canada ; the financial pol icy prepared by Standing Com mittee Ill . ma nned by Switzerland; the management and producti on of 'The Controller ·. etc. Not so routine are M ember Associat ions · problems. Here. I believe. is one of the main strengths of I FATCA that it can provide a forum where MA s can discuss their prob lems. seek adv ice and help from t heir fe llows and even find solutions. To finish on a personal note . I was very honored to be given the privilege of being the first woman to chair an IFATCA Committ ee. especially in this the Federation ·s Silver Anni versary . If I was successful . it was due to several fa ctors ; the cheerful and friendly support of Committee delegates ; the advice and guidance of the Executive Board . the UK Gui ld and Canada ; the unfailing efficiency of the Secretary. Ma ria Qu inn . even when her papers got airbone (!) and not least that I served my apprenticeship under some pretty mean exponents of the art of cha irm ansh ip! All this and the warm and fr iend ly country of Costa Rica too! See you in Nairobi!

E. Green. Chairman Committee B. accept s the gavel.


and the subject has been ret ained on the SC 1 Work Program.


B Report

by Steve Hall. UK Guild

The Chairman of Committee · B · was Edge Green from the UK Guild and he w as supported by Canadian Art Caut y (Sec retary) and the Regiona l Vice President Africa-West . Devine Klaye (Vice Chairman). David Martin . the Chairman of St and ing Committee I (SCI) wa s present as one of the UK dele gates. Proceedings were opened by the Chairman welcoming observers from various bodies including ICAO. I FALPA. Corporate Members and Non-Members Associations who were inv ited to take full part in al l discussions . In technical matters IFATCA would be much poorer witho ut the contribut ion s of. in particula r. ICAO . Christian Denke of I FALPA and Bernard Ruth y of Radio Sui sse . A major part of this Committee's Age nda consists of reports of the As socia tion ·s acti vities both internal and on t he internation al scene. Papers from the Executi ve Board. Chairm an of SCI and the ICAO Liaison Offi cer were prese nted and . w ith minimal discussion. were acc epted . The only recommendation resulting from this was that the Exec uti ve Board should consider t he nom ination of an alternat ive representative w hen th e IFATCA nominee is un ab le t o attend ICAO and other intern at iona l meetings. I FATCA is direct ly associated with seve n of ICAO 's technical panels and g ro ups and th e repor ts of the year ·s activit ies provoked more than the usual response The Canadian representati ves spoke forcibly against some of the c urrent thinking in ICAO and exp ressed som e co nce rns about IFATCA' s invo lvemen t in this work. We we re reminded that many M ember Associations (MA s) lack w hat the soca lled deve lop ed co untrie s would think to be basic fac ilit ies and mu st co nsider proposals such as sate llite surve illance wit h m uch skept ic ism It was po inted o ut. however. that I FATCA has the opport unit y to influence t he fu t ure and that. in a rapidly automa ting wo rld . such input is impo rtant. The seven ICAO groups of interest are Surface M ovement Guidance and Contro l Systems Group (SMGCS ): Eiimination of Ambiguity in RTF Callsign s Study Group (EARC ): Visua l 12

Fligh t Oper at ion s Panel (VFOP): Helicopter Operations Panel (HELIOPS): SSR Impro veme nts and Collisions Avoidance Systems Pane l (SICASP): Simult aneous Operational and Parallel Instrument Runways Study Group (SO IR) and the Special Committee on Future Navigat ion Systems (FANS). W e are also represented on the I FALPA Air Traffi c Services Committee . After accept ing the reports . I FALPA were thanked for their efforts to ass ist the tra vel arrange ments of the SCI delegates to meetings. Having fini shed the relat ively routine part of t he Agenda. Committee B mo ved on to consider th e papers resulting from SCI Work Stu d ies wh ic h we re com mi ssion ed at th e Athens Conference.

2. Alpha-Numeric Callsigns At the Athens Conference it was agreed that IFATCA Pol icy should support the inc lusion in ICAO documentat ion of an Alpha-Numeric opt ion for an aircraft's ca llsign. A yea r's reflection on this decision had persuaded delegates that it was not yet app ropri ate for the Federation to have such a policy and that th e matter should be reconsidered by SCI. Accordingly th e existing policy was deleted and a new input is awa it ed for the 2 6th confe ren ce. ' 3. Air Traffic Flow Management A long series of reco mmend at ion s on the impro veme nt of ATC Systems was accepted and when delegates were offered the AFTM paper. the relevance of that paper's co nc lusion became appar ent. Although based largel y on experience gained in th e Europ ean Region . conference considered th at the new policy has wor ldw ide app lication.

Committee 8 Chair (left to right): A. Cauty. E. Green. L. Hendriks. D. Klaye.

Work Studies 1. Review of New ICAO RTF Phr aseologies Desp ite oppos iti on from Canada and IFA LPA. it wa s agreed th at I FATCA policy should incorporate a recommendat ion that the ph rase ·Go Ahead' shou ld be rep laced w ith · Pass Your Me ssage·. The Canadian view was that the adm itted dangers in use of the phra se ' Go Ahead' co uld be overcome by better tr aining of airfie ld user s. Others argu ed that although ' Pass Your M essage· is not elegant. safety con siderations should prevail . The progre ss achieved in the internat iona l implementat ion of the new phraseo log ies needs to be monit ored

4. Lateral/ Longitudinal


Thi s part icu lar sub Jec t has provoked so me lively discussions in the past. and did not d issapo int us thi s year A late paper. c ircu lated and pre sented by the Israe li deleg ates. seemed to so me MA s to advocate a reversal of po licy de cis ions made at th e Athens Confer ence The Feder ations· s concerns of 1985 resulted in a strong ly worded memorandum being transm itted to ICAO reque sting urgent review of no n-radar separa tion minima. SCI had been asked to con tinue the ir de liberations wit h the aim of THE CONTROLLER/ SEPTEMBER 1986



AHEAD IN YOURFIELD. We've been getting new air traffic control systems off the ground for over thirty years. And for the last twenty we've been among the leading suppliers of ATC systems in the world market and No. l manufacturer of ILS (600 sold to date). Our systems really can put you ahead, too.AtLugano airport in Switzerland , for example, since Thomson-CSF installed an IL S 38 1 - Lu ga no Airpo 1-t. advanced ILS, landings are possible the whole year round. Resulting in a considerable increase in the number of passengers using the airport - and in a considerably happier airport manager. At Thomson -CSF our commitm ent to and investment in research and developm ent is design ed t o keep us in

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defining those separation standards of particular concern. The SCI working paper showed that the concerns of previous conferences were still valid and it highlighted areas in the ICAO documentation which need expansion. The Israeli paper maintained that the higher accuracy of modern navigation aids should lead to a reduction in the values of some separation standards. Whilst there was clearly some merit in the Israeli paper. the majority C?fdeleg~tes seemed to be taking the line that 1tcontradicted the policy and. by mutual consent. the paper was withdrawn. Although the subject of separation standards has not been put on the 1986 SCI work program. it seems sure to be raised again in the future.

TheCourseteachersandtrainers(in fact, everyone concerned withair communication safety)havebeenwaitingfor: *Helpsthosewhosefirstlanguage is not English to develop theirair trafficcommunication skills.

* Emphasis oncorrect useof

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5. Review of ICAO ATS Planning Manual SCI. helped by EGATS (the Eurocontrol Guild) had reviewed this document and they came to the following conclusion: 'The manual is a well written readable resume of existing guidance material supplemented by relevant additional material. If its provisions were fully implemented. even the more technically advanced air traffic systems would benefit. It should be required reading for all concerned with planning and providing air traffic services.·

*Allmaterialis authentic,carefully checkedandup-to-date.

*Compiledwiththe assistance of the UK CivilAviationAuthority and NationalAirTrafficServices.

*Recordedmaterialincludesrealistic communication andactual exchanges. Usersthenpracticethe terminology anduseit in role-play.

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6. Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems This somewhat unlikely title provided the stage for one of the most animated discussions in Committee B. It became apparent that the UK is almost unique in it's application of the ICAO definitions of 'Apron' and 'Maneuvering Area·. In many parts of the world. parts of the airfield where ICAO require licensed ATC staff to provide a service. that service is provided by ·Apron Control'. The Antiguan delegate gave an alarming (and amusing) account of a!rcraft g_ivingway to passengers lugging their baggage across taxiways and one was left with the distinct impression that adherence to the ICAO terminology would make life much easier. Canada. with considerable support. stated that they are against the whole concept of ·separation on taxiways· as proposed by SMGCS. The delegation has promised a paper on the subject for the next conference. It should be very interesting. THE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER1986

7. Provision of ATS by Independent Authorities In the absence of any input to SCI by any other agency during the year, no progress had been made on this topic . SCI does not have the necessary expertise on this subject and new material was not availab le, hence it was not discussed.

Unfo rtunate ly, budgetary constra ints prevented IFATCA participation in any of the ICAO Informal Flow meetings or in the Seventh European Regional Air Transport Conference (EUR RAN 7). The UK dele_gation expressed its concern that a meeting w ith the importance of a RAN shou ld have been missed.

8. Necessity of ATC at Standing Committee I Aerodromes For what is believed to be the first New I FATCA policy was agreed to time ever, Committee B went into the effect that ATC should be provided closed session before the appointat all aerodromes which have com- ment of SCI members for the coming mercial air transport movements and/ year. Norway felt that they could not or have published IFR approach pro- stand again for election and thanks cedures. Conference also rec- were expressed for their valuabl e conommended that the relevant con- tributions to SCI over the years . The trolled airspace sho uld be established new Committee consists of Netherwhe reve r an ATC service is provided . lands, Denmark and UK, with UK The next item on the Committee B holding executive responsibility . Agenda was · Regional Technical Matters·. The Regional Vice-President had not subm itted any working papers and so the discussion centered on Work Program I FATCA attendance at regional ICAO and Euro contro l meetings. The FedIn addition to the usual particieration makes a va lued input within pation in internation al groups, SC 1 the Euro pean Region and RVP EUR was charged by conference with the was thanked by conference for his following Work Studies: efforts. Philippe Domagala (the new RVP EUR) is sure to continue the tra1. RTF Phraseology Implementation dition. (This is a monitoring role only) ;

We Canadians have a refreshing approach to life o We're enterprising. Enthusiastic. Energetic o And we bring these attitudes to our airline o We look at every aspect of the business of business travel. From check-in to check-out o And where we can, we do things a different, better way o We're succeeding too. We've just won Air Transport World's Pasenger Service Award o

2. Alpha-numeric Callsign Policy Review; 3. Surface Mo vement Guid ance and Control Systems (Policy Develop ment ); 4. Criteria and Use of Visual Appro ach Procedures ( Policy Deve lopment ); 5. ACAS and Airborne Traffic Monitor (Policy Development); 6 . Unification of Transition Altitudes (Policy Development); 7. Review of the ATC Aspect s of the Interception of Civil A ircraft, 8 . SSR Operat io ns- Procedure s and Code Allocation ; 3 . Use of Data Entry Devices at an ATC Position.

David Martin accepted the work program on behalf on the new SCI and he thanked Netherlands and Denm ark for their commitment to the Committee. On several subjects input is requested from other states not represented on SCI. Realizing the problems which this could make, David stated that papers in any · commonly used ' language would be welcome. Volunteers who are fluent in Hebrew, Arab ic and Serbo-Cr oat are invited to contact David on ... !

We believe that airline travel needs a fresh approach. So when you have the option, opt for Air Canada o We think you'll enjoy the breath of fresh air we're bringing to flying.



Proceedings of Committee C by E. F. Serm1jn, Vice-President Professional ( 7982-

The proceedings of Committee C were chai red by Mr. P.R.V. Domagala of EGATS. ably assisted by his ViceChairman. Mr. R.A. Soar, Regional Vice-President. Pacific. and the Committee Secretary. Mr. J. Kalvik of Norway. The Committee discussed and accepted the Reports of the releva nt Standing Committees, Sub-Committees. and Liaison Officers and expressed appreciation for the w ork and progress achieved since I FATCA '86. The delegates then proceeded with a greatly appreciated and w elcomed number of observers from internat ional organizations and nonMember Associations in attendance. to the discussion and decision on the Working Papers before it . Again. the quality of the papers presented was very high and a number of them triggered interesting and live ly discussion which often was continued after the formal committee sessions w ere ove r. Input and participation from the observe rs was so ught and offered both in and outside the Committee. As always. the Working Pape rs in Committee C addre ssed a wide range of subjects and matters of co ncern to air t raffic cont roller s, their Associ ations and Administrat ions . in the medical. legal and wor k environment fields . Sub -Committee 'Medical' pre sented their follo w- up pape r on their 'Study on Night Shift Para lysis' wh ich wa s conducted in co njun ction with the Un iversity of Sussex in the UK and wh ich has now succes sful ly been completed. Another paper of medical concern add ressed the ' Use of Visual Display Units'. d isc ussing past researc h.. psycho logica I aspects. ocu lar disease. and the ongoing coope ration 1n further stud ies between the International Labo ur Organi sation and IFATCA into this matter . Th e Committee adopted a Fede ration Pol icy. arising from the Joint Asia/ Pacif ic Reg ion al Me eting in Octobe r 1985 on Stress Redu ct ion controller is inv o lved in an ATC incident / acci-


dent a full psychological counselling service shou ld be made available to him / her if the cont roller so chooses. 2. Coun selling sho uld be made avai lab le to any air tr affic cont roller suff ering from socia lly related prob lem s suc h as alcohol/ drug abuse or fami ly problems. 3. The Fede rat ion stre sses the import ance of co unselling and recommends th at co ntroller s sho uld be provided w ith the oppo rtuni ty to receive at regu lar int erva ls tuition in the w hole subj ect of 'st ress management' . The Sub-Committee 路 Rec ruitment and Training' offered a stud y on th e prov 1s1on of scho larship s w hic h intends to match training fac iliti es availab le in one cou ntry w ith the training needs in ano th er The Committee app lauded t he fac t that real progress in thi s crucial field is made and discussed the possibility of creating a Foundation in order that necessary fund s can be made availab le to finance sc hol arships. This confe rence also saw the birth of a complete new Informat ion Handbook. contain ing information on 75 % of the membership. The Liaison Officer to the ILO introduced a very

interest ing update report on how the Member Associations had made use of th e Conclusions of the 1979 ILO M eeting on Problem s in Air Traff ic Control. Th e delegates in Committee C gave in-dept h cons ideration t o a w ide range of often difficult Wor king Papers on legal m atte rs 1n ATC. They inc lud ed a great variet y of subj ect s such as路 Lega l Liab ilit y of Controllers路. 路 Lega l Liabi lity When Airborne Collision Avo idan ce Systems (ACAS) Are Implement ed'. a Draft Convention ' Limit ation of Civil Liab ilit y for Aviation Authoritie s and their Technical Perso nnel' . 'In surance agai nst Legal Liabilit y'. and a repo rt from the Italian Member Association on the expanded respo nsibilit y air tr affi c controllers now should er as a result of the Sardinia air acc iden t and subseq uent sent enc ing to prison of the rada r co ntroller on duty at the time. Another topic which starte d lively discussions was the Implement ation of Air Safety Reporting Syste m s and Voluntary Repor ting Systems, as we ll as a very comp rehen sive and appreciated Paper prepared by Canada on Inc iden t/ Accident Investi gation w hic h resulted in IFATCA Draft Po licy w hic h wi ll be submi tted to IFATCA

'87. Aft er the formal disposition of all Working Pape rs th e observers we re g iven th e oppo rtunit y to address the Comm itt ee on other matt ers, and th e releva nt Standing Committees IV and VII were thanked aga in for their hard work . The delegates then expressed their appreciation to the Commi tt ee Officer s. and th anked the out-going Vice-President Professiona l. Erik Sermijn. for his devoted work during his term of office.

1. Wh en an air traffic



C Chair (le ft to right) . J. Kalvik. P. Domagala . H Soar .







• ess1ons



l l

At the lrazu Volcano.

lrazu Main Crater.

While th e Directors, Deputy Director s, and Delegate s discu ssed and decided , inside and out of the Com mittee Session, other s w ere fortunate enough t o be able to attend the Accompan ying Persons Program. The Organ izing Com mitt ee had made every effo rt to offe r a most attr act ive var iety of tri ps, visits. excu rsions and opport uniti es to get to know Costa Rica. w hose attr action s rang e from trop ical paradise on th e Pacific and Caribb ean Coasts to the sub-tropica l plateau wi th its mode rat e c limat e aro und San J ose and th e coo l envi ronme nt of the high -elevati on coffee plantati ons and acti ve (not very) vo lcanoes. The accompanying persons found on thei r prog ram . apart from th e offi c ial recep ti ons and gatherings. t he c hance to shop in San Jose for hand icraft. artifact s. and loca l prod ucts. a visit t o Punt a Leo ne - a trop ical beac h resort on th e Pacific coast, a trip 0 11 a j ung le tr ain to see fauna and flora , a jo urney to t he lrazu volcano w here. from an elevation of 3600 meters both the Pac if ic and Atl antic (Caribbean) Ocea ns can be seen on a c lear day. Finally, a visit t o Cost a Rica 's National Mu seums was on the program for the Friday morn ing , t he last day of th e co nference Th ursday afte rnoo n, howev er. brought a dep art ure from th e routine sch edule of previous co nferenc es The Committees adiourned the ir

sessions ju st afte r noon. and the delegat ions met w ith the accompan ying persons, after a most sce nic bus ride throu gh lushly green but rugged and st eep terra in, at Charrara Nationa l Resort for a typ ical party . The weather gods contributed a hot . sunny afternoon w ith an occasiona l heavy cumu lus and CB in the distance. Traditiona l Costa Rican food, much of it of the barbecued var-


iety, as w ell as the national drin k. cola - w hich was at times mixed with a drop of Ron Rico -. was abundantly availa ble. A highlight of the afternoon was a soccer / football match of Costa Rica cont rol lers against the· rest of the wo rld ' . The game ended in a one-one draw. most probab ly because the ' rest of the wo rld ' seemed to have 50 % mo re players on the field at most time s.

'Typical Party · at Charrara Nar,onal Resort.


Friday morning brough t the delegations back into session to finalize their Comm itt ee minutes and prov ide th e Conference Secretariat wi th the ready -to-print Commi ttee Repo rt material.

Final Plenary The Final Plenary of the 25th Annual Conference was dec lared open by IFATCA President Henschler at 1700 hours on 25 April. The rollcall by the Execut ive Sec retary P. O ' Doherty established that the required quorum existed. Philippe Domagala, Chairman of Committee C. presented the report and thanked his Secretary, John Kalvik, for his contribution After th e report had been adopted, Mr. Domagala paid tribute to the Vice Chairman, Regional Vice- President, Pacific . Robin So ar, who had indicated this would be his last year in office. Mr. Domag ala said, in part. 'Robin has been in IFATCA affai rs for 1 2 years and Regi onal Vice- President since 19 7 8. He has always taken t he side of the small A ssoc iations. not only in words. Robin's patience an d effective work have solved many a crisis in the past. He has a quality that is becoming rare nowadays - he knows how to listen to people. The vote on the re-accep tance of Au st ralia into the Federation is part ly the work of Robin. using patience . co nvicti on and being ve ry effective. The delegates will miss Robin . but most of all th e Feder at ion is losing one of its mo st important assets Robin, in the name of Erik Sermijn, Vice- President , Profe ssional, all the Committee C Deleg ates and myself, thank yo u for everything. On behalf of the Executive Board the President then asked Robin Soar to step fo rward and accept a plaque inscribed ' In appreciation of long and merito rio us service to the Fede ration·. Edge Green , Chairman of Committee B. presented the Committee Repo rt and thanked his Vice Chairman, Dev Klaye, Regional Vice- President, Afr ica West, and his Secretary , Mr. A. Cauty, for t heir work, as well as the representatives of the inter national organizat ions fo r the ir participat ion Af ter the Report had been accepted and as he had been a can d idate for the IFATCA Presiden cy, Edge Green thanked all his suppo rters 18

Here, th anks and sati sfaction w ith the wo rking and timely efforts. including very late hours, of the Secretariat staff shou ld be recorded. Their contribution , as the Executive Secretary of IFATCA stat ed, cannot be undere st imated .

Mr. Sermijn add ressed the Plenary:

'First of all I wo uld like to th ank yo u for the co nfid ence show n by electing me as President of our Federation . I realiz e that to step into the footprint s of Harr i Hen sc hler, who has been Preside nt fo r 8 years , w ill be a very difficult if not impossible ta sk. How ever , a certain amount of footprint s form a track, and this track , lead ing to th e ultim ate goal of materalizing all th e objectives of the Federat ion . as defined 25 years ago, I ce rtainly intend fo follow. · I also wo uld like to say that in this election for the presidenc y, there have and pledged his full support to Mr. E. been no w inne rs or losers. If some Sermijn who had been propo sed to body is w illing to devote his energy Final Plenary for election. and spa re time to the profession of ai r Lesley Au stin, the first fem ale con- traffic control , and our Federation , he troller ever as Chairman of a Confer- can be no loser. ence Committee, presented the Com'We are now celebrating our 25th mittee A Repo rt w ith th e exc eption of anrnversary and can look back w ith Reso lution s pertaining to Elect ion of pride and confidence. Howe ver, at the the Exec uti ve Board , Election of new end of thi s co nference , we sho uld M ember Association s, Suspensions start loo king at the future and I wo uld and Expulsions from M embe rship. like to refer to the wo rds of Hugo After having presented the Repo rt, Esqu ivel, the Secretary General of M iss Austin thanked her Vice Chair- SITECNA, who said during the Openman. Mr . Eddy Chu, Regio nal Viceing Plenary that we sta rted so many President, As ia, and t he Committee years ago wit h a to wer wi th sma ll w inSecreta ry. Mi ss M aria Ouinn. The do ws and limited vision ; we now have report was accep ted wh ich me ant the big wi ndo ws w ith a 360 ° visio n. 1 re-elections or elect ions to th e off ice wo uld say - let us open these w inof Regiona l Vice-Preside nts we re dow s and exchange our know-how conf irmed: R. Soar, Pac ific; C. Olmo s, expe rience and so lid arit y . · North and Centr al America ; 'To end, I wou ld like to th ank the SK. M wo ria, Afri ca East; Cost a Rica cont roller s for th eir ho spiP.R.V. Domaga la, Europe West; t alit y . When the go ds created ParaR.M . Salazar, South Amer ica; A. El di se, they looked for a name and Seoud El Karimi, Africa North , and it ca lled it Costa Rica.' was decided that the 198 8 confe rThe Plenary accepted Recence venue w ill be Brazil. ommendat ion A-5 9 : The Plenary proceeded to Election s 'Th at th e po sition of Exec uti ve to the Exec utive Board. Canada pro- Vic e-President Professiona l rema in posed, seconded by the Unit ed King- vacant for one yea r and th at th e dom: Exec uti ve Board sho uld act in a ca retaker capaci ty for the period .' The 'That Mr . E.F. Serm ijn of Belgium Reso lut ion was accep ted un anibe elected as President and Chief mo usly, having been proposed by Exec ut ive Officer .· Carried unani- Belgium and seco nded by Au St ria. Norway proposed. Germ any mo usly. seconded : d Gustavsson f 'Th M Tor . o at r. d as Execut ive Vic eSweden be elec te , carried un aniPres ide nt Fin anc e. mous ly. sson th anked the M Gust av d . r. th eir supp ort an con f1Dir ecto rs for dg ed to do his be st to I dence an~t ee IFATCA finances in managde e with the confere nce accor anc

Incoming Plenary.


E. Sermijn



dec isions ber of cont ro ller· A record num . s . . ns had app lied fo r affi liorgan 1za110 ati o n at IFATCA '8 6. th e sam e reco rd number we re elected . W ith the app rova l and cong ratul ation s of th e Plenary they are Au stralia . Barbado s, THE CONTROLLER/ SEPTEMBER 1986

St. Kitts and Nevis, Senegal, Ecuador , Panama, and CENAMER. They all received their Certificate of Membership and add ressed the Final Plenary Assembl y pledging full support and invol vement to IFATCA and its M ember Assoc iations. Presiden t Hensc hler presented on behalf of th e Federati on the IFATCA Scroll of Ho no r to Bernard Ruthy of . Switzerland for having been an act ive pa rti c ipant in the Fede rat ion from the time the very idea of having a Federat ion was co nce ived. Bern ard had been work ing for I FATCA in man y capacit ies and his invo lveme nt is cont in uin g. Bern ard expressed his thanks for the ho nor and said th at Elspeth , his wife. shou ld be included in recognition of her patience and support. Th e outgoing Corporate Members Coordinator. Mr . Bill Canty, presented on behalf of the Corporate Member s to President Hensc hler , to mark the end of eight yea rs at the helm, a typica l Costa Rica ox cart, yet to be assemb led . Harri Hensch ler expressed his thanks to Bill and the Corporate M embe rs for this much app rec iat ed gift .

J van Muralt. /LO.

Mr. Jurg en van Mur alt , Chief, Basic Indu str ies and Transport Branch, Internationa l Labour Organ isat ion add ressed th e Plenary: I am very pleased indeed to have the opportun ity to addres s thi s 25th I FATCA co nference wh ich is now coming to a c lose. A s usual it was mo st intere stin g for us from the ILO to fo llow the de liberat io ns in the different Committees . part icu larly Comm itt ee C wh ich dealt w ith matters of direct relevance to th e I LO' s own wo rk. But before commen ting o n t he acti viti es wh ic h lie ahe ad , al low me, Mr . Chairman to make a few remark s regarding the past co llaborat ion between our two organizat ion s. ILO 's act ivit ies in the field of air traffi c con tro l and its co llaborati on THE CONTROL LER/ SEPTEMBER 1986

wi th IFATCA bega n 25 years ago. They started with a shor t article on air traffic cont ro llers published in the Internat ion al Labo ur Review in 1963 . on the basis of contrib ution s from several professional bodies, among w hic h was IFATCA. ILO 's co llaborat ion wit h I FATCA received a further imp et us in the prep aration of a st udy on Conditions of Emplo yment and Service of Air Traff ic Controllers. produced by the I LO wit h the assistance of ICAO and published in 197 2. Here again, IFATCA made a signif icant contr ibutio n by providing information on work ing cond it ions of cont roller s in several count ries . Inten sive efforts by I FATCA had finall y resulted in th e 1979 ILO Me eting of Expe rts on prob lems concerning air traffic con tr ol lers. As you all know. the meeting adopted 52 concl usions on all the major to pics affect ing the wo rking cond iti ons of air t raffic control lers. Again IFATCA played a dec isive role in gu idin g t he air traffi c contro ller's expert s and prepa ring their pos ition s. I emphasize that these co nc lusions constit ute the fir st int ernationally agreed document on the cond itions of employment and service of air tr aff ic con tr o llers. I draw yo ur attent ion to the fact th at these co nclu sio ns can be used by control lers in negotiating their wo rking cond iti ons w ith the ir government s. Your Fede ration has disseminated the meeting's conclu sion s, and inco rporated several of them into IFATCA po licy. Espec ially note worthy are it s effort s to encourage the use and im plementat ion of the conc lusions by air traffic controllers all ove r th e wor ld . In fact we think th at it is an im portant task for IFATCA and its M ember Association s to continue efforts in promoting th e application of the princ iples embodi ed in the conc lusions. In thi s co nt ext we app rec iate part ic ularly th e effort s which went into the prepar ation of the paper presented here to Committ ee C in w hic h the follow up given to t hese con c lusion s is summ arized. This paper is also of g reat value t o the ILO itself since it allows to mon itor the usef ulness and th e imp act of t he meeting's recommendation s. We express the hope that it w ill be possib le to co m plete the information prov ided there in and thus have even a fu ller picture of the resu lts. Our thanks are due to your relat io ns off ice r in Geneva, Philip pe Rahm and his col leagues for t his exce llent work. On its part t he ILO is ready to help and assist w ithin its poss ibilities. You have already recommended to the ILO to undertake a stud y on condit ions of work of co ntro llers in deve lop ing

countries. I must stress. however , that the success of such an undertak ing will depend to a large ext ent upon the informat ion which you, the air traffic contro llers. wo uld be able to provide to the ILO . Ma y I also mention that there are stil l other possibilities for direc t ILO assistance to air traff ic controllers in developing countries in the implementation of the meeting 's conclu sion s w ithin national ATC systems. as it w as done a few years ago in Peru. I FATCA has now completed its first quarter of a century and on behalf of our Director General and our own we w ish it a successful future . I am confident that the close, and I may say friendly. relationship wi ll continue and even grow stronger to the benefit of both organization s and still more so for the benefit of the air traffic controllers. Befor e concluding I should like to put on record our appreciat ion and than ks to the outgoing President Mr. Harri Henschler with whom we had a very cordial relationship. No doubt this will cont inu e under the new President Mr. Eric Sermijn to whom we extend our most sincere congratulation s for his election. Last, but not least we want to thank ou r hosts, the air traffic controllers of Costa Rica who made our stay a most enjoyable one . It was a very appropriate decision to hold the Silver Jubilee Conference in this beautiful country which has fully deserved to have been the site of the first I FATCA conference on Latin- Am erican soil. The IFATCA President thanked Mr. van M uralt for his kind and appreciated words, and acknowledged the presence of other organizations and their input, the Civil Aviat ion Workers Uni on of the USSR , the Institute of Professional Civil Servants-UK. the International Civil Aviation Organiza tion, the Airport s Auth or it ies Coordi nating Coun ci l, the International Labo ur Org anisation, the International Federation of Air Traff ic Safety Electronic Associations, as well as representat ives of t he Kenyatta Inter nati ona l Conference Centre in Nairobi . Kenya . On behalf of the Organizing Committee of IFATCA '8 7 and the Kenya Ai r Traffic Controllers Association , Mr . Peter Nehonda invited all to attend the 26th Annual Conference in Nairob i and assured the Delegation s that IFATCA '87 will be a great success. This conc luded the business before the Final Plenary which was then addressed by the outgoing President, Harri Henschler: Our Silver Jubilee Conference is coming to a close and I am sure that 19

many of us wish it could continue fo r some time because it has been suc h an enjoyable experience. Howeve r. the work is done. the Conference Committees worked we ll and w itho ut undue delay or wast e. and our 25th Annual Conference wi ll soon be history. It will. certainly. be one of the very pleasant expe riences to be entered into the I FATCA Annals . It has been a conference of many firsts. The Federation路 s first quarter century and our first conference in Latin America. to name only the most important ones. Our profession and the Assoc;ations who represent air traffic controlle rs in this area have received first rate and much app rec iated recognition and understanding. both from the authorities. and we recall wi th pleasure the presence at the conference opening of the President of the Republic of Costa Rica. and of the public through the various news media. Our hosts this year. our friends of the Costa Rica Controllers路 Association. have been successful in making this conference one of the mos t memorable ever. Its success is proo f . 1f indeed proof was required. that Costa Rica is more than able in addition to its beauty and hospit~l ity. to fulf1II any requirements an organization such as ours may have. Our sincere thanks go to the Organizing Committee and all the individuals and organizations who contributed so much to making this event that it will forever be in our memory. a great pleasure to look back to. For myself. on a personal note. thi s conference is anothe r first. It is the one where I did not stand for re-election. After 8 years in the Presidency. I feel that I have made my con tribution to the profession and the Federation. and that the time has come to hand over the reins. The Federation is fortunate that two eminent ly qualified candidates were available for the office. and I am sure that your new President. Erik Sermi jn . w ill find the same cooperation and support I enJoyed I am happy to hand back to you and over to Erik a Federat ion which has never been in better shape. Gone are the day s w hen the Executive Boar d had to b_e concerned how to pay tomorrow s postage. or when we did not even own a typewriter. Financially. I FATCA is on an extreme ly sound footing. we are self-sufficient in equipment . and in the past 8 years the Executive Boa rd has held meetings and co nduct ed visits to a great numbe r of co untri es and Member Associ ations Our reputation and prestige in the internat ional arena is now such 20


fie contro llers on all cont inents. Peop le w ho are not air traffi c con trollers. 路 or invol ved in I FATCA. wou ld not be ab le to unde rsta nd if I said t hat if Margaret and I think of ou r best friends. we are thinking of peop le in Ireland. Belgium. Mexico. Germ any. New Zealand. Japan. Yugoslavia. Australia. Tunisia. as we ll as many. many other cou ntri es. and most certainly here in Costa Rica. as we ll as peop le w ithin our home env ironment. If I were not in th is position myself. I wo uld be envious of those who are. and it is one of the great pleasures of being involved in IFATCA. When I was first elected President. I said that there was no greate r honor or privilege to a contro ller than to head IFATCA and now . as I am stepp ing dow n. I can assure you that statement was co rrect. I canno t conceive of any othe r hobby. alt hough at times it became almost a full-time j ob. w hich co uld have affo rded me as much invo lvement and satisfaction. Th e suppo rt I rece ived from my emp loyer. Transport Canada. great ly cont ributed However. untold cred it for any success in my efforts mu st go to my wife. M arga ret. w hose unfailing patience and support enab led me to tack le and accep t the wo rkload. absences . tr avel. uncertaintie s. telephone ca lls in th e ear ly morning hours . sudden and last-minute change of plans. and all the other fru stration s for such a length of time and I am. also on your behalf. tru ly gratefu l to her. I am sure that many of you fee l as I do. being an air traffi c co ntroller w ithin I FATCA is being part of a large. and yet very close. fam ily. There are occas iona l disagreements. there m ay be. as anywhe re. t he occasional black sheep. th ere may be some who are not abso lutely sincere in th eir commitment to the profession's and th e Federat ion's aim s and idea ls Th ey are. I am happy to say. an exceed ingly smal l number. albeit a nuisance. but never a thre at to our success. It has been one of the most reward ing features of my Presidency to wa t ch commitment to IFATCA. both in Member Assoc 1at 1ons and in individua ls. deve lop and grow to the ext ent w here thi s commitment takes on a major ro le. if not the major role . in one's life. It is th at comm itment. th at w illingness to sac rifi ce. wh ich makes IFATCA the unique organ ization it is. The spirit of togetherness . of sha ring. of assist ing those in need. of attempting to he lp overcome prob lems one路s brother s and sisters face. very much sets air tra ff ic co ntrollers apart from others in the interna tional scene. and if I have been able to contribute to the development and

Sheraton Herradt The outqoing Presiden t giving h,s Farewell Address.

that any matter invo lving air tr aff ic contro l automa ti ca lly means th at IFATCA's partic ipat ion is sought. At this conference alone we increased our member ship. aga in. by more than 10%. I can assure you that it is indeed a very pleasant feeling to see so many new app licants at th e last con ference at w hich I am Presiden t. It is also a pleasant feeling to see that very conference held in a Region whe re I was the fi rst Reg iona l VicePresident. and w here we had no Member Associations in Centr al America until 19 7 7 w hen SITECNA joined. Today it is indeed a different story. much to the credit of hard workers such as Carlos Olmos. Hu go Esquivel. Eduardo Lopez. and many others. The Costa Rica Association. in many ways. is exemp lary of how. w ith IFATCA's help. to become successf ul. It has always been my bel ief that it is most important to assist others to help t hem selves rathe r than att emp t direct assistance from th e outside. A s the old proverb says. if you g ive someone who is hung ry a loaf of bread or a f ish you wi ll help him for one day; if you he lp him to learn to grow gra in or how to f ish you w ill have helped him for a lifetime. Th e Federation is in no position. as some ce rtain ly we ll-mean ing peop le wou ld have it. to interfere and assist directly in most nat iona l prob lems. even if the respective M embe r Assoc iation s would want us to do so. We are. however. in th e pos it ion to offer advice. information and experience regarding most problem s Mem ber Associations are likely to encounter. During my ten years on the Executive Bo ard. I was priv ileged to meet hundreds. if not thousands. of air traf -


* * * * * *

2-beam antenna with lightweight carbon fibre reflector. Simple magnetron transmitter has solid-state modulator. 3-channel adaptive processor sees small targets in heavy weather. Three temporal threshold systems ensure very low constant false alarm rate. Dual diversity system for failsoft operation. Single channel range exceeds 65 miles on 2m 2 target. Associated ASTRID display system with comprehensive ATC data processing facilities.



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furthering of that spirit, th en 8 years will have been w ell spent. As I said before. IFATCA has become syno nymous with the controll ers¡ family. and I certainly think of all of you. and of our absent friends. as my family. I don't want to overstay my wel come. but as it is my last address to you as your President. allow me to share one more tho ug ht w ith yo u . A not very well-known personality by the name of Harry Emer son Fosdick once defined success as follows: "To laugh often and much; to wi n respect of int elligen t people and the affection of children; to earn t he apprec iation of honest cr it ics and endure the betraya l of f alse fr iend s; to appreciate beauty ; to find the best in others; to leave the wo rld a bit bette r. whether by a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easie r because you lived. This is to have succeeded.'' With your help. friends. I am pro ud to say that I have, and I thank you.

Some of the Closing Plenary audience.

The conference was forma lly closed by Hugo Esquival. Chairman of the Organiz ing Committee. We air traffic controllers of Costa Rica. on behalf of SITECNA. wou ld like to give to you our sincere apprec iation for being with us in this 25th IFATCA conference. It has been a real pleasure for us to have all of you beautiful people in our country for these past days. We hope yo u have enjoyed this peaceful country along with our hospitality. that it will be something to talk about in years to come. with nice thoughts to being back home. We hope that in 25 more years we will all get together again in Costa Rica to celebrate IFATCA 20 11. our Golden Anniver sary. Thank s. Goodbye to all of you. I now declare the 2 5th IFATCA Conference closed By all accounts IFATCA ' 86 was one of the most successful and enjoyable confe rence s ever. Its success was brought about by the limitle ss ent hu siasm. determination and effort . the desire to help and to accommodate. t he will to overcome all obstacles which the members of the Organiz ing Committee. under the leader ship of Hugo Esqu ivel. and. in the Conference Secretariat of Eduardo Lope z. all displayed Many participants . after the co nferen ce and the overwhe lming Closing Banquet and Ball at the incomparab le


IFA TCA '86 is closed

Costa Rica Country Club. felt th ey we re not q uit e ready to leave this bea ut iful and hosp itab le place and people. Many will. ce rta inly, ret urn to Costa Rica for anoth er visit and a holiday. The app reciat ion of t he participants at IFATCA '86 go to all w ho cont ributed to its success. m uch isimas gracias - we' ll return. With happy memor ies of Costa Rica we are looking forwa rd w ith warm anticipat ion to IFATCA '87. 27-30 April. in Nairobi. Kenya. Our thanks and app reciat ion go to the IFATCA 1986 Silver Jubil ee Organising Committee



Hugo Esquive l A lfar o. Chair m an ; Edgar Sequ eira Lepiz. Vice-Chairman; Ronald Vill alobos Leiva. Treasurer; Eduardo Lopez Jim enez. Secretary; Gerardo Jim enez M ari n. Fisca l . Committees

Rona ld Vi llalobos Leiva; A lva ro Salas Navarro. Finances; Doug las Chaco n Sand i. Transportat ion: Osvaldo Vil legas Gonzalez. Reg ist ratio n; Gera rdo J imenez M arin . Tec hnica l Exhib ition; Edgar Sequeira Lepiz. Social Events; Eduardo Lopez Ji menez , Conference Sec retariat; Cristina Leon. Accompany ing Perso ns Program; Hugo Esqu ivel A lfaro, Pub lic Re lations. THE CONTRO LLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

Good Wishes While the hope of the present Executive Board, to bring together old friends and colleagues to whom the Federation owes a debt of gratitude did not materialize, some were nevertheless able to be in Costa Rica, and the feelings and regrets of those who were not able to attend are summarized in the following Messages From Past Board Members

L.N. Tekstra The Silver Jubilee of IFATCA of course does not come as a surprise to me! I am indeed grateful for your invitation to attend the 25th Annual Conference. Due to a number of personal reasons I am sorry to have to decline your invitation. Although I am reasonably healthy and quit work last July, it would be too much of a strain to travel to Costa Rica and doctor's orders have to be complied with if I wish to stay around a little longer! I wish to thank you for sending me 'The Controller· all these years. Bernhard Ruthy' s articles bring back a lot of memories of the old days. many of which had slipped my mind completely. Bernhard must be the man with the longest associations with the Federation that was his idea in the first place. as far as I know. My sincere congratulations to the Executive Board Members at this memorable occasion and my very best wishes for a successful Silver Jubilee Conference and for the next 25 years. Yours sincerely, L.N. Tekstra (Mr. L.N. Tekstra was the first President of the Federation. his term of office spanned from 1961 to 1967.)

Maurice Cerf Thank you for your kind invitation. I very much regret not being able to attend this quarter century conference of IFATCAwhich means much to me. I would also have been pleased to spend a few hours in the world of air traffic control. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. the President and the Board for sending me 'The Controller' and the News Letters which enable me to keep in touch with aviation in general and air traffic control in particular. Since ATC cannot be practised as a hobby I have. in the sunny hills of ProTHE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER


vence. switched to completely different fields of activity: history and archeology. I am a board member of different organizations devoted to research in Haute-Provence. a region whose ground and underground contain a wealth of remains of all archeological and historical ages. Please accept my best wishes for a successful conference to which I send a very cordial salute. A special mention for those wonderful individuals who created IFATCA and to whom I was. by pure accident. associated for ten years.

Please convey my personal regards to the President and the Executive Board of the Federation together with my best wishes for a prosperous and fruitful conference. Yours sincerely. Daniel Oudin (Mr. Daniel Oudin. was Vice-President Technical. of the Federation. 1979 to 1980.)

Book Review

Yours kindly. Maurice Cerf P. S. I very much regretted the decision of APCA. the French Association. to part from IFATCA. (Mr. Maurice Cerf was the second President of the Federation. 19 68 / 19 6 9. Previously he had served as Vice-President Technical. then First Vice-President. from 1961 to 1966.)

Gunnar Atterholm What a nice idea to go to Costa Rica in April and meet all the old friends! Unfortunately. I have not attended IFATCA Conferences for many years now but every time I read about them in 'The Controller'. I recall nice memories from the 60s and 70s. But reality is cruel. Both the long travel distance and my own work program for the end of April will in fact prevent me from any planning on a delightful 'IFATCA holiday·. So sadly I have to stay at home this time. keeping the hope of being able to travel to another conference in the future. Will you please convey my best regards to all controller friends from past and present and my best wishes for a successful Silver Jubilee Conference. Yours sincerely, Gunnar Atterholm (Mr. Gunnar Atterholm was VicePresident Professional. then designated Second Vice-President. of the Federation. 1968 to 1971.)

Daniel Oudin Thank you very much for your kind invitation to attend the 25th Annual Conference in San Jose. Costa Rica. It would have been a great pleasure for me to be able to meet colleagues from the real world of ATC again and enjoy the friendship of the Federation. Unfortunately, the program of activities of the Paris Office is very heavy at the time of the conference and my personal commitments here do not cater for any chance of attendance. which I regret very much.



Henry W. Cole

Harry Cole. well known in IFATCA Circles and a former IFATCA Corporate Members Coordinator. has written this book with the user. in particular the air traffic control community. in mind. The work explores and explains in very understandable language this fascinating technology while offering detailed explanations to those whose interest is deep enough to want to understand the exact 'why' and 'how·. This is a book which will be welcomed by air traffic controllers. their authorities. and training institutes where instructors will be able to make use of the complete range of subjects relating to radar. its working and use. Harry Cole does away with the magic. 'black-box·. mystique of radar and covers subjects such as matters common to primary and secondary radar. electromagnetic radiation. noise. sidelobe problems. propagation and anomalous propagation. power output and distribution. moving target indicators (MTI). SSR. mode interlacing. fruit. Mode ·s·. and the various types and capabilities of displays. A list of references is included for those who wish to study the subject matter in even more depth. For most who use radar on a daily basis Harry Cole's book will answer any questions they might have thought up. and then some. It fills in a gap. in a concentrated and complete manner. and offers sound explanations to questions and problems which have puzzled radar users for a long time. Instead of having to go to many different sources for answers. Harry Cole now offers to the interested user a compilation which. come to think of it. was long overdue. H. Harri Henschler

Coming event Eighth General Assembly of IFATSEA(lnternational Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations) with exhibition of air navigation equipment: 20-24 October 1986. Hotel Penta. Geneva. Switzerland. For inquiries contact: IFATSEA. Au Pelard 15. CH-1197 Prangins. Switzerland.


The Executive Board after

IFATCA '86 President and Chi ef Executive Officer Bo rn in Ghent (Belgium) in 1943. Erik F. Sermijn started his ATC ca reer in 1965 as t rainer controller wo rking for th e Belgian Airport and Airways Age ncy at Brussels A rea Cont rol Center. wh ere he is sti ll working nowadays as a radar controlle r. He became a member of the boa rd of the Belgian Guild of A ir Traffic Controllers in 1968 and w as elected President of that Guild in 19 7 4. a post he kept until 1982. As Chairman of the Organ izing Committee . he was in charge of the IFATCA ¡ 79 Brussel s conference.

The firs t IFATCA confer ence he attended was IFATCA ' 68 in Munich and w ith tw o or three exceptions . he attended all subsequent IFATCA confe rences. as w ell as several European Reg ion al Meeting s. In 1982 . he was elected VicePresident Prof ession al of our Federat io n and held this offic e until his elec tion as President and Chief Exec uti ve Officer during th e last conferen ce at San Jo se.

Executive Vice-President, Administration Ulr ic h Win dt was born in Bielefeld . Germa ny. in 1946 . He served w it h the Germa n Air Force from 1966 t o 197 3 and it was the re that he st arted his ATC career as a proce dur al and radar contr oller. Ul li joined the Bund esanstalt fur Flugsiche run g (Civil Aviati on Administrat io n) in 19 7 3 and w or ks in th e Brem en Reg io nal Aviatio n Service Unit. holdi ng ratin gs as Area Radar Contro ller as we ll as Ap proach and Towe r Contr o ller for Bremen Airp ort. He has bee n an adviso r on profe ssiona l and soc ial matt ers t o th e

Executive Vice -Pre sident , Finance Tard Gustavsson was born in Sweden in 1946 . He sta rted with air t raff ic contro l as a trai nee at t he Swedish ATS Ac ademy in 196 7 In 1970 Tard was licensed as an Area Contro ller at Torslanda Airp ort . Gothenborg. In 1977 a new airport was ope ned o utside Gothenborg and he now works t here as Ap proach and Tower Cont ro ller Tard has been invo lved with the Swed ish Air Traffic Cont roll ers Association for the past twe lve years. since 19 79 as their Treasurer 24

Board of Dir ector s of the German Air Traffic Controll ers A ssoc iation (VdF) for the past fo ur yea rs and the M anaging Direct or of the Vd F since 19 8 1. Ulli att ended his first IFATCA Co nference at Cairo in 1981 . was Chairman of SC IV (Hum an and Environment al Facto rs in Air Traffi c Co ntr o l) fr om 1982 to 198 5 . and was elec t ed t o his present offi ce at IFATCA ¡3 5 in Ath ens.

IFATCA '86 was Tord's fifth confe rence and it was th ere th at he was elected to his present position.


Executive Vice-President, Technical Alexander (Lex) W .F. Hendr iks was born in Amsterdam. The Netherlands. in 1951 . After high school he joined the Netherlands Civil Aviation Dep artme nt (Rijksluchtvaartdienst) as a trainee controller. In 1973 he qualified as Area Procedura l Controller at Amsterdam ACC and subsequently received his radar rating in 1976 . In 1975 he became a member of the Board of the Netherlands Guild of Air Traffic Controllers. responsible for Technic al Affairs as we ll as Press and Publi c Relation s. He held that office until 1982 .

Past President H . Harri Hensch ler was born in Kassel. Germany , in 1940 . He qualified as Area Procedu ral Controller at Hanno ver ACC in 1962 , as Radar Controller in 1965. Harri joined the Canadian Ministry of Transport in 1967 and wo rked at the Edm onton Municipal and International Airport Control Towers as we ll as the Calgary International Tower. Since 19 70 he works in the Edmonton Area Control Centre, since 1973 as operational superv isor. Harri was Chairman of the Edmonton Branch of the Canadian Air Traffic Control Association (CATCA), then a

Regional Director for the We stern Region , followed by a two-year term as National Vice-President. . He served IFATCA as Regional Vice-President, North and Central America, was elected Vice-President Profession al in 1976 and held the office of IFATCA President from 1978 to 1986 .

Executive Secretary Patr ick J. O' Doh erty was born in Ireland in October 1942. He joined the Irish Air Traff ic Control as an A ssist ant/ Cadet at Shannon Airport in 1960. Pat qualified as a controller in Sh annon in 1965 and tran sferred to Dublin the same year. He holds Tower, Approach, Area Control, Surveillance Radar Approach, and Prec ision Approach Radar Ratings in Dublin. From 1969 to 19 74 he was Tower Instructor, from 1977 to 1981 Radar Instructor. He is cu rrently operational contro ller at Dublin ACC. Pat was a Founder Member of the Irish Air Traffic Control Assistant s' Association and became its Gene ral Secretary in 1964 . Thi s Assoc iation was ama lgamated into the Irish Air Traffi c Contro l Association in 1965. He was an act ive Dublin Branch member of IACTA from 1968 to 1979 , serving as President of IATCA from 1974 to 1979. He attended the 1972 IFATCA conference in Du blin and assisted with t he con ference secre tariat He THE CONTROLLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

Lex is a ful ly qualified commercial pilot w ith multi-engine and instrument ratings. At IFATCA '81 in Cairo Lex was elected to his present office, he is now in his third term.

has attended all conferences since 1976 and served as Secretary to Comm ittee C in 1977 , 1978 , 1979. Patrick was elected to the office of Vice-President Administration , 1n 1979 and re-elected in 1981. Following the death of Ted Bradshaw he accepted appointment to his present position of Executive Secretary.


Executive Board Meets in Finland by H. Ham Henschler

On the invitation of Suomen Lennonjohta j ien Yhdistys Ry. the Finnish Member Association. the members of the IFATCA Executiv e Board held their first meeting following IFATCA '86 in early June in Helsinki. The Board was able to dispense with all routine and other business before it in a timely fashion, altho ugh late sessions were required. The Finnish Association had put together a most comprehensive and wideranging program of meetings and presentations. Finland is located between 60° N and 70 ° N. 20 ° E to 31 ° E. The climate ranges . as can be expected. from hot summer days to extreme cold temperatures in the - 50 ° C vicinity during the middle of the winter . with all in herent problems to aviation of such extremes. 4. 9 million people live on a land area of 33 7 OOO square kilometers (app roximately 118000 sq.mls.) of vast wooded stretches dotted with inumerous lakes. Finland is divided into two FIRs. Rovaniemi (EFRO) north of 64 ° N, and Tampere (EFES) to the sout h, which in 1985 handled 85 % of all controlled flights ·in Finnish airspace . a total of 117 307. Finn ish Area Cont rol Centers are responsible for coordinating and directing Search and Rescue (SAR) operations which. particular ly in the sparsely sett led areas. is often a

very difficult task. all the more so as a great number of the SAR operations involve other than aviat ion incidents. All Finnish con troller s are covered by a comprehensive loss of licen se insuran ce . Benefits decrease as age goes up and the cove rage expires at the age of 55 . the retirement age. In the evening of the first day of the Board Meeting. Finnair , th e Flag ca rrier . offered a dinner preceded by a most interesting presentation of icing problems expe rien ced by aircraft wh ic h have taken-on super-coo led fuel in the Arctic and then t rave l south to moist and milder cond ition s. Thi s topic w ill be addressed in more detail in a future issue of 'The Controller ' . The next day saw a lunchttime reception hosted by th e Ma yo r of Helsink i. Mr . R. ll askivi. at the impre ssive city hall of this beautiful. park-dotted cap ital . Follow ing the afternoon session the Board visited t he headquarters of NESTE Oy. the nation al oil company. and was treat ed to a presentation on its activities arranged by its chief helicopter pilot . Day number three had a morning meeting with the M inister of Transport. Mr . M . Luttin en, whe re IFATCA President E. Sermijn used th e opportunity to appra ise the Minister of IFATCA's history and act iviti es and the very act ive role the Finnish ATCA plays in the Fede rat ion . After this meeting

IFATCA Exec uti ve Board with representat ives of FATCA and of the NBA Training Center.


the Board departed the c ity to visit the beautifully located National Board of Aviation and A ir Traffic Control Training Center. near Helsinki -Vant aa Airport. At the tra ining center visit the Board was tre ated to a very intere sting presentation of co ntroll er training and traffic loading in Finla nd by o ne of the instru ctor s, Mr. J. Virtanen. M.S c .. and then met th e Dir ector Gener al of the National Board of Aviation. Mr . C.E. Calas. Follow ing lun c h the Board travelled to the imposing Finni sh House of Parliament to meet with the Mini ster of Soc ial and Health Affairs. Mr. M . Puhakka. During t his cordial m eet ing variou s matt ers of inter est to the Ministry were addressed. in particular the I LO Meeting of Expe rts. pensions plans. early retirement for co ntroller s. medical and related topi cs . Th e following morning brought th e departure of four Bo ard members for hom e and of the President and Past Presiden t. on behalf of the Board. for Rova niemi . on the Arctic Circle. On arriva l there. a briefing on and visit to the Rova niemi ACC and Control Towe r awa ited . together w ith a historical review of the to wn and airport w hich we re almost co mpletel y destroyed during the Second World War . The city of Rovanie mi hosted a lun c h w hic h was followed by a visit to the exact Arctic Circle. a lin e w hic h one might cross. depending on the runway-in-use. o n tou c hing down at 'Santa Claus Airport'-Rovaniemi . Preced ing a typi ca l and most enj oyab le Finnish supper of salm on and reindeer was an int eresting present at ion by Mr . K. Kalliomaki of MOBIRA Oy. a com muni ca tion s company of wo rld-w ide dimensions whic h designed and installed the rad io and int ercom systems at Rova ni em i. wh ile Cardion. a Corporate M ember of I FATCA. provided SSR. Data Processing and Disp lay systems. Part of the evening 's package was a traditional Finni sh sau na. comp lete w ith freshly c ut birch branches. and a last look at the sun at m id nig ht, we ll above the horizon. Finni sh ATCA , it s Exec ut ive - in particular Tapio Moi lanen and J aakko Al aku lppi - and all FATCA member s the Board met dur ing its stay must be congra tul ated on organiz ing a most product ive and interest ing meeting alth o ugh they d id not comp let ely succeed in conv inc ing the Board member s to fully adopt the apparent Finnis h summertime habit of never sleeping wh ile the sun is up . The two Board representat ives left Rovaniem i on 12 Jun e; the next sunset t here. after the magic al midsummer night per iod . would happen on 8 Jul y. Thank you . friend s. kiitos THE CONTROLLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

System developed for Psychological Selection of Air Traffic Controllers Already in limited use in the Soviet civil aviation system, full implementation before the end of the decade is expected to provide a number of positive results . .. (This article was published in the October 1985 issue of the '/CAO Bulletin and is reprinted here with the kind permission of the editor. (HHH)

by Mrs. E.N. Zaitseva, Member of the Scientific. Research & Experimental Center for the Automation of Civil Aviation Air Traffic Control (USSR) and V.F. Tokarev, Chief Medical and Sanitation Department, Ministry of Civil Aviation (USSR)

Today· s air traffic control systems are based on very intricate combinations of men and machines. System operational reliability. therefore. requires the dependability of technical facilities and the reliability of human operators who, despite the accelerated introduction of ATC automation, continue to play a prominent and decisive role. The reliability of the human operator depends. in turn. on a whole series of individual factors - such as capabilities. acquired and natural skills and vocational aptitude. which are all rooted in the level of development of vocationally important psychological qualities. It is a well-known fact that air traffic control is one of the most complex types of control function which makes very high specific demands on the psychic qualities of the person who engages in this function. The evergrowing traffic density and speeds of aircraft are adding significantly to the intensity and complexity of the controller's task. In this situation, the automation of ATC processes. which relieves the controller of a number of 'routine· operations. does not generally ease the load on his psychic qualities. but makes fresh demands to them. An underdeveloped level of vocationally oriented psychological qualities is a cause of serious errors in air traffic control. dissatisfaction of the controller with his work and an elevTHE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER


ated sickness rate due to prolonged over-stress on the job. The same factor underlies the number of failures among trainees in the ATC sections of training establishments consequent upon poor progress. All this has motivated the development and introduction into civil aviation practice of a system for vocational psychological selection of AT controllers.

What is Involved? Vocational psychological selection (VPS) in general constitutes a system of measures for identifying individuals whose personal and psycho-physiological qualities make them ideal candidates for training and career activities in their chosen profession. The VPS system for AT controllers was developed along conventional lines for such studies, in the following stages: study of the training and career activities of ATC trainees and controllers; compilation of an ATC job profile, including those personality traits and psychical functions of ATC trainees and specialists which are important in the career, as a basis for framing the psycho-physiological and psychological requirements of the specialist; selection of informative and reliable psychological techniques (tests) for assessing the vocationally important qualities (VIQ) of AT controllers; creation of a set of the most informative techniques (a battery of tests); development of formal rules and criteria for determining a trainee· s vocational aptitude for psychological data; evaluation of the predictive effectiveness of the battery of tests so developed; development of organizational,

technical and recruitment measures for the VPS system; trial application of the VPS system; and evaluation of the effectiveness of the system and its refinement. A psychological study of AT controllers' activities made it possible to pinpoint such vocationally important psychological qualities as the ability to divide and switch attention easily without loss of concentration; good syllogistic reasoning; a large capacity for short-term recall; developed spatial patterns and « time sense»; and a whole series of character-related personality traits, including resolution, self-control, sens of responsibility and ability to work in a team.

How Are VIQs Assessed? To arrive at valid and informative methods of assessing vocationally important qualities, a large sample of trainees and career controllers was investigated; subjects were divided into 'best' and 'worst' groups, according to their training progress and career records. The composition of these groups were determined by specialist rating techniques. Altogether about 50 psychological and psycho-physiological techniques (question-and-answer and laboratory) were tried out. The results of the investigation of the groups of ATC trainees and controllers were used to assess the predictive value of the techniques in accordance with Pearson's criterion (X 2 ) for a level of significance p<0.05. This assessment of the predictive value of the techniques yielded 14 most informative tests for appraising the level of development of vocationally important qualities. consisting of 27 indicators. These were incorporated in the original ( 1980) version of the system of vocational psychological selection of AT controllers. The procedure for final determination of professional aptitude was based on application of the mathematical apparatus of Wald's successive multivariate statistical analysis. . The AT-controller VPS system incorporated two diagnostic tables for assessing vocationally important qua!ities which made individual pred1ct1ons of training achievement and career-activity achievement. For each candidate investigated, these tables yielded two individual predictions (training achievement and careeractivity achievement) on the basis of which the final decision about his suitability for acceptance in a training institution was made in accordance with a special developed procedure. 27

Psychological tests and vocationally important qualities (VIQ) for assessment of AT controllers. Test Title

Assessed Psychological Qualities


Recent (short term) recall

Directional Heading Tests

Spatial patterns, speed of mental processes, ease in adjusting skills, distraction tolerance


Writing speed and short term recall

Black-Red Table

Stability and division of attention, short term recall

The evaluation of the predictive efficiency of the new battery of tests was revealing. The differentiating capacity of the method was lower 73%, which is the natural consequence of reducing the number of test indices. However, the method's predictive efficiency remained virtually the same - 91 %, and the prediction error was even slightly lower - 9% (i.e., the confidence level increased).

Time Reflex

Ability to appreciate the duration of phenomena ('sense of time')

Achievement Predictable

Scanning Test

Scope and span of attention, ability to switch attention and level of efficiency

Quantitative Relations

Capacity for syllogistic reasoning


General rate of psychical activity, short term recall, rate of skill adjustment

Tangled Lines

Concentration and attention span

• • • • • • •

• DHT. 8.8. Cobb and T.T. Mathews. 1973.

The above system possessed a good capacity for differentiation (approximately 90% ), a fairly high predictive effectiveness (85-90%) with an acceptable prediction error rate slightly in excess of the theoretical (10--15%). At the same time, the overall procedure for final determination of the candidates' vocational aptitude was rather complex and cumbersome; in isolated cases, it caused some difficulties to the clinical psychologists. As a consequence, it was decided that the VPS system should be refined by curtailing the number of parametric indices in vocational selection and simplifying the final determination p~ocedure without degrading the pred1ct1veefficiency of the method.

A Major Study Performed _ A l?rg~-scale psycho-physiological ~nvest1gat1onof AT controllers involving approximately, 3000 people in all was conducted in 1980. The study yielded very valuable information concerning the psychological peculiarities, level of professional proficiency and state of health of the AT controllers. From these data, a new VPS system was developed, incorporating only one diagnostic table. The new diagnostic table for assessing vocationally important qualities in controllers comprises only nine highly informative indices of psychological techniques (p<0.01 }, which permit vocational aptitude to be reliably predicted. These tests are listed in the accompanying table. The new battery of tests is based on the principle of analytical construction - i.e .. each test assesses a separate characteristic of AT controllers activity (or group of such characteristics) and 28

the assessment of each vocationally important quality is overlapped by two or three test indices that do not intercorrelate. Altogether, the investigation procedure with the nine tests takes approximately two hours (instead of four in the old system), including a 15-minute break in the middle of the procedure. From the results of the study, each candidate can be classified in one of three groups in accordance with the level of development of his VIO. Group I - High level of V/O development. Individuals in this group usually succeed in mastering the vocation of AT controller according to schedule and perform the prescribed ATC duties competently thereafter. They are given preferential recommendation for training and employment in air traffic control. Group /I-Intermediate level of V/O development. Individuals in thi_sgro~p experience certain difficulties in tra1~ing. In ATC work, they may commit unimportant errors which afterwards, when adequate professional supervision and experience have been accumulated, can be completely eliminated. These individuals are recommended as second-priority candidates for training and ATC work (in the event of personnel shortage). Group Ill - Low level of V/O development. In the great majority of cases, these individuals are unable to master ATC skills in the time prescribed and may commit serious mistakes in air traffic management, to the point of jeopardizing flight safety. Candidates in this group are not recommended for admission to training establishments.

The new method of assessing vocationally important qualities enables both the candidate's career achievement and training achievement to be predicted to a high level of reliability. Analysis of the trainees' and graduates' results shows a direct link between the level of development of candidates' VIOs and their training achievement. The rate of discrepancy in this connection was only 12%. This method has served as the basis for the system of vocational psychological selection of candidates for AT controllers careers adopted and implemented in civil aviation here since 1982. A preliminary evaluation reflects a fairly high system efficiency (figures 1 and 2). Figure 1 clearly demonstrates the relationship between the level of VIQ development in trainee-controllers and their training achievement, according to the data for the sample of trainees investigated (n = 150 persons) prior to implementation of the vocational selection system. It is clear from the graphs that individuals in Group I are successfully assimilating the ATC material in training at the institution, where all of them are achieving good or excellent grades in the theoretical core subjects and simulator exercises. Among the low level (Group Ill) trainees, almost twothirds (63%) are experiencing s~rious difficulties in training and ass1milat1ng the core theoretical subjects very poorly; moreover, nearly 40% in this group are failing to acquire vocational skills at the requisite level. As regards the training progress of members of Group II, all the indices show that !hey occupy an intermediate pos1t1on between the members of Groups I and 111. The graphs in Figure 2 demonstrate the connection between the level of development of vocationally important qualities and the actual vocational achievements of young controllers (graduates from training institutions in 1980--1981, n=50 persons). The data clearly show that the overwhelming majority (91 %) of individuals with a high level of develTHE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER


Figure 1. Effectiveness of VPS method - as shown by academic progress of ATC trainees.

Success in Core Sub1ecls



22% 63%

CJ Excellenl


CJ Good

45% 62% 33%

Masleryof Protessoonal Skills (Simulalor exerc1&es)


D Sa1istae1ory


38% 75%

78% 50%








Figure 2. Effectiveness of VPS method -as shown by young AT controllers' achievement in mastering professional duties.

Level ot Vocaloonal Proficiency (accordinglo

Vocational Proficiency

,..~ -5%-


CJ High

suoerv1sor evaluationby lhe ATCservice adm1n1slrali0n)


opment of vocationally important qualities became competent professionals after three or four years work in ATC. A diametrically opposite result is evident in Group 111.Not a single individual in this group succeeded in achieving the required level of proficiency. By comparison, two-thirds (67%) of trainees in Group II managed to become professional in the period indicated. Accordingly. the preliminary assessment data of the predictive effectiveness of the newly developed selection method indicate good results and suggest that its implementation will make a considerable socio-economical impact in the near future.

Some Problems Still Exist At the same time. the mere introduction of the VPS system will not resolve all the problems connected with the 'human路 factor in today's ATC system. Such problem exist and the principal one relates to the fact that employees in the ATC services today include a number of persons that were not subjected to vocational selection. whose level of VIO does not completely satisfy the essential requireTHE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER 1986

Stage I - Career counselling. Particular importance has been 路attached in the last few years to questions of career orientation for young people in the USSR. A wide network of careercounselling panels is helping young students to find their way in the multiplicity of existing professions and make the right choice of their future career. This stage is receiving special attention in civil aviation at the present time for those who are psychologically well adapted to it because carefully organized career counselling will help to increase the flow of applicants for employment as AT controllers and promote the selection of individuals with a high ongoing motivation to enter this career field.

CJ lntennediale

Stage II - VPS. For candidates taking up careers as controllers. this stage is fully developed and already CJ Low put into practice. However. to further refine the existing VPS method. special attention has been devoted in I II Ill the last few years to studying neuropsychical stability (NPS) as an aspect of human psychic make-up and to ments-or does not satisfy them at all. developing methods of assessing it. However. the need to husband manNeuro-psychical stability is underpower resources. and particularly stood to mean a combination of traits career ATC personnel. in our country in a normal. harmonious personality. does not permit these people to be of which the defensive and comremoved from the civil ATC services. pensatory potential ensures successStudies of the state of health of AT ful adjustment and good emotional controllers have shown that indi- control in stress conditions. As a rule. viduals with inadequate VIQ levels and individuals with a fair level of VIO are good output records are more often able to support the heavy neuroprone to sicknesses. which in all likeli- emotional overloads which charachood are linked to nervous-emotional terize the AT controller's career. stress (hypertension. ulcers. etc.). Persons with symptoms of neuroThere is also the problem of the psychical instability (NPI) are prone to rate of turnover in ATC teams stem- frequent disruptions of nerv_ous ming. in some cases. from the separ- activity as consequence of even minor ation from service of people who find it onsets of tension in a stress situation difficult to integrate of ATC work due and to the appearance of quasi-neurto insufficient compatibility between otic disturbances that can lead to their psychological capabilities and errors on the job and non-adaptive the requirements of the vocation. behavior in the social micro-environTo find an effective solution to all ment. these problems. a so-called system of This method of assessing neuro路extended vocational psychological psychical stability was tested in selection路 of ATC personnel has been 1983184 and will be integrated into developed in the last few years. By the current VPS system commencing extended VPS. we mean a series of in 1986. measures aimed at assessing and accounting for the VIQ level of candiStage Ill - Application of trainee dates taking up a career in ATC at VIOs. The main thrust in this stage every stage of their working activity. consists in the individualization of the from the moment they enter the traintraining process in accordance with ing institution to the moment they the psychological features of the qualify as professional controllers. trainees (primarily with reference to


VIO Group

Broadly speaking. the extended VPS system comprises the following four main stages. which are in various phases of development and implementation. A block diagram of the overall system is shown in Figure 3.



Career counselling measures



~ .---------'---------, Selection of high-school graduates for careers in ATC

Positive counter-indications

Medical assessment


l Psychologicalinvestigation

NPS rating

VIC rating

VIC level below reQuirement Positiveevidence of NPI Papers returned


Competitive examinations


Separation from service

J Training process Individualizedinstruction VIC development

Progressnot up to reQuirements VIC level insufficient

Recommendationsfor rational assignmentof graduates

Psychologicalexpertise Recommendationsfor national assignment of AT controllers

VIC level below reQuirements Low professional proficiency

Separation fromdirect ATC duties

of service. Under this approach. individuals with inadequate VIQ levels will be monitored permanently by the civil aviation psychology department. During their institutional training they will be given particular attention by psychologists and classroom instructors. It is hoped that the individual training process specially prepared for them will foster the development of a number of vocationally important psychological qualities. improve their academic results and create a solid base of professional skills. When the time comes to assign these people to ATC duties on graduation. they will be sent to lower category airports and ATC units where the workload is small. Controllers with inadequate VIQ levels who are already working in ATC will be placed under the special observation of psychologists from the aviation offices and senior ATC staff. If necessary. they may be transferred to ATC units where the workload is less complicated. Completed implementation of the new system. we believe. will promote a more rational use of ATC personnel. greater stability of ATC teams. increased flight safety and a more sustained level of health among air traffic controllers.


Figure 3. General diagram for 'extended VPS' of AT controllers.

individuals with Group II VIOs). This stage is still in an early phase of development. It is anticipated that from the results of the psychological study made in the course of VPS a ·student psychological characteristics chart· will be compiled for each student which. together with the data on his psychological traits. will contain information on his achievement record in core subjects. success in mastering professional skills during simulator practice. his stage of health. etc. On the basis of these data. practical recommendations will be developed for organizing the training process in such a way as to guard against negative and help develop positive qualities in the student. The finalization of this stage and its inclusion in the established practice of training institutions are planned for 1988 to 1990 time frame. 30

Stage IV -Assignment and use of ATC graduate. Here. we have the rational utilization of ATC specialists. with due regard to their level of VIOs. professional proficiency and state of health. Based on the VIQ level. professional proficiency and state of health of the ATC graduate or controller. specific recommendations will be made for their assignment or continued employment at points of varying air traffic density and complexity. This stage is now fully worked out. The system of AT-controller allocation was given a trial run in 1983 / 84 and good results were obtained. This system will become operational in 1986. Generally speaking. the extended VPS system can encompass virtually the entire establishment of ATC workers. both those who are just entering establishments to train as controllers and those controllers who have already completed a long period

While there is no documented evidence of drug abuse in the air traffic control profession on record. recent concerns expressed in the United States make the following item of interest. (Ed.)

Marijuana: Unexpected Long-Lasting Effects Recent train and plane crashes have been blamed on crewmen's use of marijuana on the day before. In this laboratory test. 24 hours after smoking one marijuana cigarette. license~ pilots felt no lasting effects on their mood or alertness. but their ability to perform complex flight tasks was still significantly impaired. These findings have important implications for any marijuana user who performs complex tasks. the authors note. (J .A. Yesavage et al. in ·American Journal of Psychiatry· 142:1325. Nov. 1985). (Reprinted with permission from 'Medical Abstracts Newsletter·. Box 2170. Teaneck. NJ 07666. USA.) THE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER 1986

SHORTS A Seer in Massachusetts Trans World Airlines (TWA) started a contest 30 years ago during its 30th anniversary. The airline asked its passengers to describe commercial aviation in 1985. There now is a winner. Helen Thomas. a resident of Cambridge. Mass .. won $50,000 for her foresight 30 years ago. And what a winner. Actually, she is sort of a ringer. Come on, who could better predict the flow of future than the first woman to receive a doctorate in the history of science, a woman who wrote about aviation for the 'Christian Science Monitor' starting in the 1920s and started flying in 1929 with her husband. an aeronautics teacher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later employee of United Aircraft. Although her entry has a few flaws, she got it mostly right. Consider 'bypass jets' in 1955. Remember, the advanced airplane on the TWA contest blank is a Connie - not even a Super Connie. Here is what she wrote. ¡ Most of the world's passengers and goods will be carried by aircraft. There will be an increase in the number of special purpose aircraft, such as cargo. passenger and emergency. 'Commercial aircraft of all types will have ranges of about 5.000 miles and will cruise at about 700 mph. They will be powered by bypass jets since atomic energy will probably not be available for commercial aviation in 1985. although it will begin to come into use by then. Passenger ships will carry about 300 people on long trips and cargo ships will haul about 200.000-lbs. pay load. ¡Airports and factories will be located in places which now are uninhabited waste space and the long. tedious ride to board the plane will be eliminated by helicopter shuttle service between the airport and the business and residential districts of any town. Heavy cargo can probably be handled by truck after being landed at the airport. The business man may land on the roof of the building in which he has an appointment and the patient who has flown for emergency treatment may land on the roof of the hospital. 'To spend the week-end in Hawaii, Australia or in Rome or Cairo will be no problem and TWA will take the lead in making it possible.' Well. sure she missed the atomic power thing. but in 1955 that stuff was going to save the world, remember? 'Air Transport World' 4/86 THE CONTROLLER/SEPTEMBER 1986

Wi+l.iotAtWov-ds New Findings on Lightning Strikes According to an article in the February 1986 edition of 'Science Digest'. a NASA research program on lightning strikes has revealed new information for pilots. Using an instrumented F-106 fighter aircraft. NASA pilots have been seeking out thunderstorms for lightning strikes. Initial flights proved unsuccessful. revealing that it is not that easy to be struck by lightning. Using ground-based UHF radar. the success rate rose dramatically and the F-106 has been hit as many as nine times in a one minute period. and has recorded 7 2 strikes in one flight. The author of 'The Lightning Hunters'. Patrick Huyghe. learned that assumptions on how to avoid lightning have been disproven by the NASA research program. The F-106 has usually been struck by lightning in light or negligible precipitation. and light turbulence. Although lightning strikes at lower altitudes seem to be more powerful. frequency rates are higher

Disegno di: U. Mannu

at the top of the thunderstorm. 25 OOO feet and above. This contradicts the traditional view that lightning is most severe in a narrow altitude range around the freezing level. accompanied by severe turbulence and heavy precipitation. . Low altitude lightning strikes on aircraft often occur without thunderstorms present. a fact which is still not entirely understood. Further research on this aspect is required according to NASA officials. Pilots and engineers associated with the Lightning Hunter research program still recommend that pilots give thunderstorms a wide berth. The data gathered from the program are expected to influence the design of future aircraft. Some recent developments such as the use of composite materials and the installation of digital avionics pose additional problems since composite materials resist electrical currents. and electronic cockpit displays use low voltage power which make them more susceptible to electrical overload. 31

The Hampton University Airway Science Program by Her bert B. A rmstrong. Coor di nat or . Airw ay Scienc e Program . Hampton University

In the wak e of the American Civi l War. the Federal Freedmen s· Bureau set about the task of assisting former sla ves thro ug hout the South in preparing themse lves for the responsibilities of freedom . In Hampton . Vir ginia. Genera l Samue l Chapman Armstrong established a school for Freedmen on the grounds of a former plantation overlooking t he Hampton River. That seed. planted in th e shade on an elm tree was old when the fir st Europeans landed a few miles away. has grown over the ensuing cen tur y into Hampton Un ive rsity. one of the most respected historica lly black universities in the United States One of the hallmarks of Hampton Un iversity ' s growth has been · Educating for Life'. an emphasis on prog rams of st udy wh ich prepare st udent s to assume roles of responsibility a nd significance. That phi losophy was reflec;;ted in the 1930s. wh en Hampton became one of six black institutions selected to partic ipate in the Civilian Pilot Training Prog ram . After World War II. Hampton·s involvement in aviat ion waned fo r four decades. In 1982. the Federal Aviation Administration . in conjunction with the Uni versity Aviation A ssoc iation. developed the Airway Sc ience curriculum to educate future profess ionals in all aspects of the aviation industry. Thi s is a four-year program of st udy leading to a bachelor of sc ience degree w it h fi ve concentrations: Airway Sc ience Management . Airway Computer Science . Airway Electronic System s. Aircraft Systems Management. and Aviation Mainten ance Management. Th e fol lowing year. the FAA an nounced the ava ilabi lity of grants to be awa rd ed to col leges and universities to encourage the development of Air way Scien ce program s. Ham pton Univers ity responded and. in October of 1984 . the FAA awarde d t he sc hool a five -year. $ 2 . 2 5 million grant. Hampton was back in aviat ion. Hampto n ·s program offers three of the five concentrat ions. Adm in istrat ion (Management) . Computer 32

Scie nce . and Electronic System s. drawing on exist ing Uni versity resources in the respec ti ve areas. supplemented by Air way Sc ience courses in aerona uti cs. flight safet y. air tran spo rt at ion. airport manag ement. air traffic co ntr o l. and the nat ional airspace system. The program is desig ned to expand the opportunities of st udents in an area in w hic h there is a growing need for tr ained professionals and in whic h minoritie s are und errepre sented. The Uni versity is ideall y located for such an undertaking . The Hampton Roads area is a transportation hub for the so uthea stern Unit ed State s. Located nearby are two major civil airport s. Norfolk International and Pat ric k Henry Int ernational in Newpo rt New s. Lang ley A ir Force Base and the NASA Lang ley Resea rch Center . the Ar my's Transpo rtat ion Center at Fort Eust is. and the Norfolk Naval Base. home port of the airc raft carriers of the Atlantic Fleet. Grant fund s are being used to provide fac ilit ies and eq uipmen t . inc ludin g a con tr ibut ion to the construction of a new sc ience and technology cen t er sc heduled for co mpletion this sum mer. Over 8000 square feet of thi s fac ilit y w ill be used by th~ Airway Science Prog ram for faculty offi ces. c lassroom and admini strative space. and two labo rato ries. The first is a

comp ut er-based instru cti on lab w hi ch w ill use intera ct ive video programs for supplemental and remedial instruction in each of the Airway Science courses. The second lab. the ce nterpiece of Hampton ·s fa c ilit y. w ill be an ATC radar simulation lab utilizing a Dire ct or ITS simulator from Scicon . Ltd. of Great Britain. Thi s facility will be used to teach the fund ame nt al concepts and procedure s of radar air traffic control to student s who will enter all field s in the aviation industry. Sin ce ATC is the lifeblood of the indu str y. a deeper under standing of the system is crucial to its users . This understanding has in the past been sadly lacking. Pilots often do not under stand ho w th ey can best fit into an d use the system: airport manager s make decisions . such as noise abatement procedures. based on political factors with limited appreciation for how those deci sio ns will affect the flow of air traffic in and around their airport and . indeed. how it m ay affect the makeup of th at traffic. Hampton Univer sity· s Airway Science Program hopes to address these and similar problems by te aching ATC in such a way as to impart to th e student s. the future professionals who w ill populate the indu st ry. the under standing that the indu str y is a system . and deci sion s and policies in any part of th at syste m aff ec t th e operations of all the other parts. Eventually . advanced courses in ATC may be developed for tho se stud ent s w ho plan to beco me controllers . and technique s developed in the program may come to affect how controllers are trained in the field . Whil e awaiting the co mpletion of these new fac ilities . the Progr am has alread y gotten off to a flying st art . The fir st co urses we re offered last Septemb er. and thirty -three student s have elected t o major in Air way Science. An expansion into the rem aining two areas of conce ntration is being planned and they should be added within the next year. In ad dition . th e Univer sity has initi ated the formation of a co nso rtium of minorit y sc hool s in Air way Sc ience to m ake it s extensive and uniqu e resou rces avai lable to more student s. Hampton Uni ve rsity has t rave lled fa r since its co ncept ion in 186 8. But th e basic tenet s of General Armstrong still infuse th e ca mpu s wit h the for wa rd lo ok ing attitud e that keeps it movi ng into new areas and new app roac hes to edu cat ion. Th at sp irit is appare nt in the new ly est ab lished Airway Sc ience Program and wi ll serve to make that prog ram a n innovat ive force in the f uture of ATC and av iat ion. THE CON TROLLER / SEPTEMBER 1986

Corporate Members of IFATCA AEG Aktiengesellschaft, Ulm, FRG Ansafone Electronic s.p.a., Pomezia, Italy Cardion Electronics, Woodbury, USA CAE Electronics Ltd., Saint-Laurent, Canada Cecsa Systemas Electronicos SA, Madrid, Spain Cossor Electronics Ltd., Harlow, UK Dictaphone Corporation, Rye, USA Eaton Corporation, AIL Division, Farmingdale, USA International Advisory Group Air Navigation Services, Stallwang, FRG Ericsson Radio SystemsAB, Stockholm, Sweden Ferranti Computer Systems Ltd., Cwmbran, UK Hollandse Signaalapparaten B.V., Hengelo, Netherlands EB TeleCom, Nesbru, Norway Jeppesen & Co. GmbH, Frankfurt, FRG Litton Communications Switching Systems, Frei burg i. Br., FRG Marconi Radar Systems Ltd., Chelmsford, UK Mitre Corporation, Mclean, USA Philips Telecommunicatie en Data Systemen Nederland B.V., Hilversum, Netherlands Plessey Displays Ltd., Weybridge, UK Racal Avionics Ltd., New Malden, UK Racal Recorders Ltd., Southampton, UK Raytheon Canada Ltd., Waterloo, Canada Schmid Telecommunication, Zurich, Switzerland SCICON Ltd., London, UK Selenia lndustrie Elettroniche, Rome, Italy SEL-Standard Elektrik Lorenz, Stuttgart, FRG Societe d'Etude et d'Entreprises electriques, lssy-les-Moulineaux, France Sofreavia, Paris, France Software Sciences Ltd., Farnborough, UK Thomson-CSF, Meudon, France Westinghouse Electric Corp., Baltimore, USA

The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations would like to invite all corporations, organizations, and institutions interested in and concerned with the maintenance and promotion of safety in air traffic to join their organization as Corporate Members. Corporate Members support the aims of the Federation by supplying the Federation with technical information and by means of an annual subscription. The Federation's international journal 'The Controller' is offered as a platform for the discussion of technical and procedural developments in the field of air traffic control.



Evolution of Adaptive Radars


The ATCR-22D, ATCR-33D and ATCR-44D ADAPTIVE Air Traffic Control Radars are specially designed for unmanned operation in a Modem ATC environment with fully automatic radar data processing and tracking. This class of radars incorporates all the newest technology and development in adaptive radar techniques such as ADAPTIVE MOVING TARGET DETECTION, ADAPTIVE LINEAR PROCESSING, PLOT EXTRACTION by pattern analysis and INTERACTIVE CONTROL FEED-BACKLOOPS through the radar system The radar includes Built-in-Test Equipment and Full remote control.



Via Tiburtina Km 12,400, 00131 ROME, ITALY Telex 613690 SELROM I, Phone 06-43601


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