3 minute read
May I Help You?
With Florence May
Are you struggling right now with the Coronacoaster? The ups and downs of this year have been frustrating for many. And I am not immune to the gut wrenching turns. Personally, I’m struggling with everything about 2020.
• I’m struggling with too many Zoom calls, conferences, workshops and recovery sessions.
• I’m struggling with planning followed immediately by changes that make the planning obsolete.
• I’m struggling with adapting to masks, social distancing and missing hugs.
• I’m struggling with the politization of tough health and civil rights issues.
• I’m struggling with the reality of tough health and civil rights issues.
• I’m struggling with the rioting that caused so much damage to beautiful downtown Indianapolis.
• I’m struggling watching events industry professionals trying to get creative with all the challenges.
• But most of all, I’m struggling with the uncertainty of 2020 and our future.
And this, my friends, makes writing an uplifting column tough. Yes, I’m late submitting my column because while staring at the computer screen the past three weeks there was simply no inspiration.
Fourth of July Celebrations were largely cancelled, and our Field of Honor was heavily on my mind.
On July 2nd, my Indianapolis suburban community normally puts up a display of 500-800 American Flags with lights. It is simple with the intent to honor our veterans, military, police and first responders. The Field of Honor is always beautiful especially at dawn and dusk.
The major challenge for the Exchange Club, the team of older suburbanites who normally manages the set-up and tear-down, was the higher risk for COVID-19 with their volunteers. And this year it appeared we simply weren’t going to have enough volunteers to make this display happen.
After the protests and the rioting, this effort seemed even more daunting. We talked about the need for collaboration and a last-minute call for help to multiple organizations went out.
None of us were surprised when there was little response to our request. We were simply too late to build collaborations on a holiday week. I arrived at the honor field feeling the scorching sun on my face and sweat running down my back. My concern was growing about the ability of such a small group to complete the time-consuming work. Deflated, I stared at the hundreds of pieces of rebar and rolled flags waiting to be unloaded.
Within minutes, several cars and vans pulled up behind me. I turned to see the Lawrence Youth Corps with kids of all ages piling out of their vehicles. Seriously, there may have been tears of joy.
The teen leaders organized the kids into work groups. The rebar and flags were installed in record time. I would say the Lawrence Youth Corps worked side-by-side with the Exchange Volunteers but at some point, the corps simply took over the field and installation with their enthusiasm and youthful energy. It was heartwarming watching them laugh and joyfully unroll the Stars and Stripes.
Yes, our country, our events and our volunteers are still on the Coronacoaster. But maybe this is an opportunity to try new approaches. Some approaches won’t work, but this collaboration of black, brown, white, young and more mature brought a new energy and excitement to the entire Honor Flag project. Maybe there are new opportunities for all of us to explore.
Am I still struggling? Yes. But on the week that the Declaration of Independence was signed, our community came together to honor those who serve us. May you bring people together safely and with shared passion for our communities, even as we work through these challenging times.
Florence May is the Founder and President of TRS Volunteer Solutions. Her company provides myTRS Software for hundreds of Festivals, Conventions, Non-Profits, corporations and Sports Commissions. Among these support for 26 Final Fours, 5 Super Bowls, 2 Republican National Conventions, 2 Democratic National Conventions, 18 F1 Races, 12 Special Olympic Organizations, Indy 500 Events and so many others. Flory is a national Speaker, Author and Workshop Leader on Volunteer Management Trends. You may contact Flory with volunteer management questions at fmay@my-trs.com or 317.966.6919. And there is a library of volunteer management resources at www.my-trs.com/articles.