4 minute read




It’s that time of year again: conference time! The dust has settled and the conference is a memory. And now that the conference is behind us, what might we have done to make it a better experience? This guide will highlight some of the best ways to ensure that one gets the most out of a conference. Many conferences turn out to be not as useful because we failed to plan adequately in advance, or we planned the trip, not realizing the stopover that would delay our arrival until the wee hours, when getting ground transportation might be a problem. Perhaps we have no strategy or plan for the conference and completely forgot to bring enough or any business cards. Such pitfalls are easy to avoid. Here are some suggestions that can help make conference attendance more rewarding and useful.

Advance Preparation

  • Review the Conference Program and schedule, and identify relevant sessions, speakers and networking opportunities.

  • Set goals and objectives – what do you want to achieve or get out of this conference? Set specific networking, learning, and professional development goals. Rather than “Network with experts”, make it “Connect with 5 industry experts.”

  • Leave time and space for unexpected connections – chance meetings in an elevator or coffee bar can be productive.

  • Plan the Trip

  • Research flights or other modes of transportation most convenient.

  • Choose your accommodation based on price vs. convenience. The conference hotel may not be the best choice. Explore alternative accommodation options.

  • Check with the conference to see if they recommend accommodation, restaurants, and things to do and see outside of the conference.

  • Packing essentials is important:

  • Identification documents – passport, other ID as required

  • Stationery – Pens, highlighters, notebook, BUSINESS CARDS!

  • Laptop with charging cord (and cords for other devices like cell phone)

  • Business and casual attire

  • Comfortable shoes

  • Personal care items – medications, tissues, breath mints, hand sanitizer, pain relievers

  • Backpack for conference materials

  • Umbrella, sunglasses, plugin adapters


  • Prepare an elevator pitch – in 25 words or less - who you are, what you do, and what value you can bring. Be prepared to revise as needed.

  • Connecting with fellow attendees - Begin conversations by commenting on the event, the speaker, or the venue. Asking open-ended questions encourages discussion. Listen attentively to the other person and ask follow-up questions. Never interrupt a conversation or try to dominate a conversation.

  • Participate in as many group activities, workshops, or discussion sessions as possible. Contribute to the discussions, share insights, and ask questions.

a. Take notes, record salient points, record contact data.

Avoid Burnout

  • Create a personal schedule

  • Leave time between sessions to assimilate what you have learned.

  • Allow for breaks during the day for rest or a coffee break.

  • Get enough sleep, maintain your exercise routine if possible and get out into the fresh air periodically to clear your mind

  • Post Conference Follow-up

  • Consolidate your notes and takeaways from the conference

  • Consider sharing them on social media

  • Follow-up on any connections made during the conference via email or phone

  • Assess the value of the conference to you.

Conferences are a necessary part of doing business in today’s world. Connections made at conferences can help everyone improve their own particular field of endeavor and ensure that one can keep current with modern trends. Information gleaned can educate and elucidate what we do; people we meet can become valued colleagues, mentors or even future employers. Happy conferencing!

Robert Baird is President of BAM! Baird Artists Management Consulting in Toronto, Canada and an acknowledged expert in international touring including visas, withholding and taxation. He offers free advice to artists, agents, managers and venues and has an international clientele. He served for many years on the Executive Board of Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO) and is a former Vice-President of that organization. He can be reached at: P: 1-800-867-3281 E: robert@bairdartists.com or for more information go to: www.bairdartists.com

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