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7 Strategies for Embracing Gratitude

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. – Aesop

In a world of “always on” and “busy being busy”- we may overlook the reasons we have to be grateful. We are bombarded with demands, expectations, and deadlines, distracting us from the beauty of the “little” things in life.  

Cultivating a spirit of gratitude can be a transformative practice that leads to greater happiness, contentment, and a more positive outlook. Gratitude is not only a source of joy but also a strategy for managing life’s challenges and uncertainties.

Scientific research has shown that practicing gratitude can lead to numerous physical, emotional, and psychological benefits. People who cultivate gratitude tend to experience improved mental health, reduced stress, increased resilience, and stronger relationships. So, let’s get started with 7 strategies for embracing gratitude.


Being grateful for the “little” things starts with presence; taking time to notice and appreciate small details in your life. For example -  the taste of your morning coffee, running water from your faucet, the fact that you woke up today and the colors of the autumn trees – your presence will assist you in connecting with the world on a deeper level.

Reflect and Record

Whether in the notes section on your phone or a physical journal, jot a few things that you are thankful for – every day.  You can do this in the morning, evening, or both. Reflect on the things in life you tend to take for granted including the gift of your family, spirituality, friends, career, and talents. 

Share Joy, Live Joy

Doing something impactful for someone else is a gesture of goodwill that evokes gratitude both from the person benefiting and the warm feeling in your heart. Hold the door for the person behind you, visit an older friend, assist a colleague at work, smile at strangers. Practice kindness daily. 

Celebrate Progress

We chastise ourselves for what we do not complete. Take an inventory of your personal achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Whether it is completing a project at work, learning a new skill, or taking a step toward a personal goal, give yourself credit and be grateful for the progress you have made.

“Get To” Mindset

Remind yourself of the aspects of your life for which you are grateful. We work in the event and experiential marketing industry – does it get better than that? By focusing on what you “get to” do versus “have to” do, your lens on life shifts dramatically.

Express Your Appreciation

Our late Aunt Joan professed “Write a thank you note for a thank you note!” While she did not mean this literally, she would remind us to express our appreciation for people who make a difference in our life. Telling your loved ones how much you value them, or expressing thanks to colleagues and mentors, strengthens your relationships and deepens your sense of gratitude.

Look Beyond Yourself

Contributing to the well-being of others and making a positive impact on your community will evoke appreciation. When you witness the positive change you bring to the lives of others, it reinforces your own gratitude for the ability to make a difference.

Incorporating more appreciation in your life will shift your perspective. Don’t dwell on disappointments, learn from negative situations, and appreciate the lessons these experiences offer. The larger challenges in life can teach us the most.

Take several moments each day to be grateful for the blessings in your life. Your gratitude will enhance your attitude, your smile, and your life. There are no “little” things. LIVE EVERY HEARTBEAT!

Gail Lowney Alofsin is the Director of Corporate Partnership & Community Relations for the Newport International Boat Show, a division of Newport Restaurant Group. An adjunct professor at the University of RI, Salve Regina University, Western Connecticut State University, author, speaker and board member (5 boards?), Gail lives in Newport, Rhode Island. Gail can be reached: gail@gailspeaks.com or 401-640-4418. For more information: gailspeaks.com or gailalofsin.com

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