4 minute read
“The greatest leaders are those who lead with their hearts, not just their heads.” – John Maxwell
A few months ago, I attended a meeting with two sales associates extremely interested in selling me their product. After a few minutes of formalities, they displayed their sales materials, reviewing the assets and benefits of their products without a pause to breathe or the opportunity to answer questions. After quite the sales narrative, I was asked for my feedback. As I responded, one of the associates proceeded to answer texts and emails on his mobile phone. Are you surprised he did not earn the sale?
Psychologist Daniel Goleman is the author of Emotional Intelligence. Goleman’s book focuses on twelve key Emotional Intelligence (EI) competencies: emotional self-awareness, control, adaptability, achievement orientation, positive outlook, empathy, organizational awareness, influence, coaching and mentoring, conflict management, teamwork, and inspirational leadership. Understanding these competencies and the effect of your actions and words on other people is one of the key steps to leadership prowess. Let’s review four of the twelve EI keys below.
Self-Awareness: What are YOU Leaving in Your “Wake”?
I grew up waterskiing – absolutely love salt water, sunshine, fresh air and navigating the waves. The powerboat would leave a wake and depending on the size – the waves were easy or difficult to manage.
What are YOU leaving in YOUR “Wake”? When people leave a conversation or interaction with you, do they depart inspired and invigorated or tired, anxious, and defeated? Your words, tone and body language can make or break another person’s day. Why not aim for positive? Do you want to be a person that others avoid when you enter a room or a person they gravitate toward?
Teamwork: Motivation in Action
When you are visibly motivated, you inspire others to do the same by setting ambitious standards, fostering inclusion, providing meaningful feedback, and celebrating progress as your team strives for excellence. Motivation leads to growth and innovation. It will assist you in managing change and completing both group and individual goals. Motivation towards achieving your goals puts a spring in your step! It builds team and fosters camaraderie. Envision the best results for your project, team and yourself – then create the game plan to achieve them!
Push-Pull Leadership: Influence in Place
Trust takes time. The people who most often see your “best self” in the workplace are your clients. It is our colleagues who are with us throughout the day who discern our true nature.
You may work with people who put their best self forward for the external customer and treat the internal customer (co-workers and colleagues) with disrespect. No matter what your position is in your company, you should not take any of your relationships for granted. Avoid burning bridges – you never know when you will be walking back over them!
There are two types of leadership – personal and positional. Think of them as the concept of “push-pull.” In the case of positional leadership, you are the boss and people have to answer to you. You, as a leader are “pushed” upon them. With personal leadership, people gravitate towards you - they want to work with you. They feel appreciated through your action and words. You “pull” them toward you.
Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Heart
Impactful and beloved leaders build relationships. They do their best to understand the emotions of others. They foster connection and productivity through attentive listening skills, genuine concern, and empathy. Excellent leaders continually work on improving communication skills. They “pull” people toward them versus “push” themselves on others.
Leading with your heart, guided by Emotional Intelligence, goes beyond a leadership style to a personal philosophy prioritizing human connection, respect, and authenticity. Self-Awareness, empathy, and genuine concern for others become your superpowers. With these “powers” – no title is necessary. You are viewed as a leader centered on the best outcome for all. In the words of Superman – “There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” It is time to channel your inner Clark Kent and don your cape. #LeadWithHeart
Gail Lowney Alofsin is the Director of Corporate Partnership for the Newport International Boat Show, a division of Newport Restaurant Group. She serves on five boards focused on food insecurity, education and business. An author and inspirational speaker, Gail is an Adjunct Professor at the University of RI, Salve Regina University, Western Connecticut State University. Gail can be reached: gail@gailspeaks.com or 401-640-4418.