Catalogue International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011

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MANY HAPPY RETURNS The International Film Festival Rotterdam is celebrating its fortieth birthday. And we want to be first in line to congratulate it. De Volkskrant has been the main sponsor of this leading festival for thirty years now. We’re very proud of that. We also sponsor other major film festivals in the Netherlands: • Nederlands Film Festival • Cinekid

• International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam.

De Volkskrant, the best informed on film:


2 3 6 8 12 14 18 20 21

Using the Catalogue Catalogue & Festival Staff Introduction Rutger Wolfson The Supportive Festival Thanks to Partners & Sponsors Jury Tiger Awards Competition Jury Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films Jury New Arrivals

23 Tiger Awards Competition 39 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 51 Return of the Tiger 59 Bright Future 101 Spectrum 139 Spectrum Shorts 229 239 249 261 273 299 311 325 341

Signals: Nathaniel Dorsky Signals: F.J. Ossang Signals: AgustĂ­ Villaronga Signals: Raiding Africa Signals: Out of Fashion Signals: Red Westerns Signals: Water Tiger Inn Signals: Regained Signals: Not Kidding

345 XL 357 Rotterdam Shorts 361 Industry Services & Facilities 368 372 376 380 390 414

Film List by Country List of Premieres Index Directors Index Films & Compilation Programmes Programme Day by Day Maps






Awards for the new generation. Fifteen young filmmakers compete with their first or second film for three equal Tiger Awards.



Twenty-eight films shorter than 60 minutes have been selected for the Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films, in which three equal awards can be won.



A special selection of recent films by former Tiger Award candidates, celebrating the 40th edition of the festival.



Fresh blood. First or second films by filmmakers from whom the festival expects a lot in the future.



Rotterdam at it broadest. The festival selects topical, powerful and innovative work from all corners of the world, from veterans to less well-known directors.



Short but sharp. Films less than 60 minutes long from all corners of the world. Screened before feature films or together in compilations.



Retrospective on the work of Nathaniel Dorksy, one of the ‘classic’ American avant-garde filmmakers.



Retrospective on the expressive films of F.J. Ossang, French post-punk filmmaker, writer and musician.



Retrospective on the work of Agustí Villaronga, Spanish auteur exploring the roots of evil in his compact and sometimes controversial ouevre.



Inspired by the growing influence of China in Africa, the IFFR asked seven African filmmakers to make films in China. These films will premiere at the festival, along with a contextual film programme.



This themed programme shows how fashion houses and designers are using film to realise, distribute and sell their designs and visions.



The first ever sizeable overview of Red Westerns. These Communist versions of the Western genre were extremely popular in the former Eastern Bloc.



This programme combines wuxia (Chinese martial arts) films and a themed festival location, the Water Tiger Inn tavern.



A dive into film history, with pearls from the treasure trove of cinema.

SIGNALS: NOT kIddING A place and a programme for film as an attraction, for adults as well as children. With a fully functioning daycare facility.

xL 40 locations, buildings or institutions in the city of Rotterdam become festival locations, to celebrate the IFFR’s 40th anniversary.

rOTTErdAm SHOrTS Short films with recognisable Rotterdam elements by Rotterdam production teams; a project initiated by the Rotterdam Media Fund (RMF).






Prod = Producer • Prod Comp = Production Company • Sc = Scenario • Cam = Camera • Ed = Editor • Prod Des = Production Design • Sound Des = Sound Design • With = The most important actors and actresses * = compilation programme • DGZ = Doelen Grote Zaal • DWBZ = Doelen Willem Burger Zaal • DJZ = Doelen Jurriaanse Zaal • SGZ = Schouwburg Grote Zaal • PA1 - PA7 = Pathé 1 - 7 • CI1 - CI7 = Cinerama 1 - 7 • LV1 - LV6 = LantarenVenster 1 - 6 • LUX = Oude Luxor • UN = De Unie All films are subtitled in English, except for the films marked: [d.s.] = Dutch subtitles Films are ordered by the director’s family name in the following sections: TG, RT, SP, BF On, you’ll find biographies, filmographies and programmer’s notes (for selected titles only). The films being screened at the festival can be found in the catalogue listed under the programme sections. Filmmakers from China, Japan and Korea (following the tradition) are listed with their family name first, followed by their given name.

CATALOGUE Editors in Chief Saskia Gravelijn, Lot Piscaer Editor Tanja Vlieger Copy Editors Mariska Graveland, Pauline Kleijer, Sasja Koetsier, Mark Mallon, Femke Sleegers (Dutch); Mark Baker, Jane Bemont, Christine Gardner, Daniel Hayward (English) Contributors Niels Bakker, Leo Bankersen, Nicole Brenez, Joost Broeren, Sacha Bronwasser, Edwin Carels, Quim Casas, Ludmila Cvikova, Iwana Chronis, Anton Damen, KEES Driessen, Jan Pieter Ekker, Marit van den Elshout, Mariska Graveland, Erwin van ‘t Hart, Peter van Hoof, Chinlin Hsieh, Juliette Jansen, Wendy Koops, Inge de Leeuw, Li Cheuk-to, Sietse Meijer, Maricke Nieuwdorp, Olaf Möller, Po Fung, Ronald Rovers, Nicole Santé, Rada Sesic, Gerwin Tamsma, Peter Taylor, André Waardenburg, Rutger Wolfson, Theus Zwakhals, Gertjan Zuilhof

Translators Martin Cleaver, Titus Verheijen (English); Corina Blank, Dimitri Frenkel Frank (French/Spanish); Sjaan de Bruijn, Leo Reijnen (Dutch) Photo Editor Summer Wood Production Marieke Berkhout, Afke Duinkerken Programme Chris Schouten Cover design 75B Design & typesetting Publish Print Veenman Drukkers

© 2011 International Film Festival Rotterdam Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, stored in an automated retrieval system or made public in print, photocopy, microfilm or in any other way without prior written permission from the publisher. For inclusion of any part(s) of this publication in anthologies, readers and other compiled works, one should contact the publisher. ISSN 1873-8362





festival Staff 40th International Film Festival Rotterdam PO Box 21696 3001 AR Rotterdam The Netherlands tel: +31 10 890 9090 fax: +31 10 890 9091 Board Melle Daamen, Mart Dominicus,

Frans van Gestel, Francine Houben, Rudy Stroink, Hans van der Vlist Festival Director Rutger Wolfson Managing Director Janneke Staarink Management Team Chris Schouten, Marit van den Elshout, Juul Veenboer, Eva de Jong Programmers Edwin Carels, Ludmila Cvikova, Inge de Leeuw, Peter van Hoof, Chinlin Hsieh, Gerwin Tamsma, Gertjan Zuilhof, (short films:) Peter van Hoof, Sacha Bronwasser, Erwin van ’t Hart, Juliette Jansen, Rada Sesic, Peter Taylor, Theus Zwakhals Programme Advisors Mary Davies, Christiane Gruen, Aihara Hiromi, Intishal al Timimi, Irma Dulmers, Giovanna Fulvi, Robert Gray, Alberto Iannuzzi, Shelly Kraicer, Miryam van Lier, Ralph McKay, Dicky Parlevliet, Olivier Pierre, Agnés Poirier, Diana Sanchez, Rada Sesic, Miroljub Vickovic, Grace Winter Programme Department Chris Schouten, Pim Kipp, Robert de Rek, Melissa van der Schoor, Erik Tijman Press Bert-Jan Zoet, Gert-Jan Bleeker, Edwige Leblay, Nancy van Oorschot, Tim Vijgen Communication & Marketing

Afke Duinkerken, Marieke Bergsma, Marieke Berkhout, Tahnee Siahaya Sponsoring & Fundraising

Barbara Korpershoek, Hedwig Hupkes, Valerie Wouters CineMart Marit van den Elshout, Fay Breeman, Loes Knape, Nienke Poelsma, Jacobine van der Vloed, (consultants/ matchmakers:) Maegene Fabias, Lucie Kalmar, David Pope, Lucas Rosant Hubert Bals Fund Iwana Chronis, Miguel Gamez Herrera, Janneke Langelaan, Stien Meesters General Editors Anton Damen, Saskia Gravelijn, Elsbeth Jongsma, Lot Piscaer Website Lotte Kroese, Dylan Daimin Photo Editor Summer Wood Film Office Jolinde den Haas, Dana Duijn, Nikolas Montaldi, (industry consultants:) Hayet Benkara, Mary Davies, Jannie Langbroek, Orly Ravid, Rik Vermeulen Video Library Rob Duyser, Samanta Telleri


Juliette Jansen, Lyudmila

Genkova Education

Cindy Beck, Kimberley

de Bruin Finance & Human Resources Eva de Jong, Mariska Korff, Karin Zuijderwijk Office Helma Haak, Miriam Benschop, Krista Wigbout, (assistant to Rutger Wolfson:) Mirjam Klootwijk Production Juul Veenboer, Rembrandt Boswijk, Marie-Louise Calame, Rob van Doggenaar, Wahid El Solh, Ngoc Lan Luong, Joel Paalvast, Joost Trines, Paul Westerweel, Veronique ter Wolbeek Guest Department & Hospitality

Susanne van Doorn, Renske Meertens, Eva von der Assen, Mercedes MartínezAbarca, Saskia Pique, Niloufar Siasi Vishkaei Jury Support Jeroen Achterberg, Gert-Jan Bleeker, Alexandra Mientjes Information & Communication Technology Cornell den Broeder, Victor Verheij Volunteers Coordination Adam Verhaar, Thomas van der Zel Box Office Andrée van den Berg, Kris van de Geer, Marco Oudewortel Projection Technique Martin van Broekhoven, Dick Moesker Electronic Subtitling Els van der Meer Print Control Joop van Langen, Hilde Zieleman Car Service Joeri Franken, Eline Kunz Q&A & Translators Marije Kaashoek, Stefanie Vermeiren Talkshows Mieke van der Linden, Farid Tabarki Horeca Remco Ris Audience Award Inke van Loocke CineMart International Advisory Board

Ido Abram, David Atlan-Jackson, Dora Bouchoucha, Georges Goldenstern, Juan Gordon, Keith Griffiths, Claudia Landsberger, Scott Macaulay, Jeremy Nathan, Chris Paton, Lorna Tee International Liaison Lucius Barre Hubert Bals Fund Selection Committee

Iwana Chronis, Ludmila Cvikova, Jan Pieter Ekker, Marit van den Elshout, Emile Fallaux, Simon Field, Peter van Hoof, Erwin Houtenbrink, Ilse Hughan, Juliette Jansen, Jannie Langbroek, Janneke Langelaan, Dicky Parlevliet, Rada Sesic, Ineke Smits, Gerwin Tamsma, Jacobine van der Vloed, Rutger Wolfson, Gertjan Zuilhof Festival Groningen Janet Baas, Peter Bon, Gerben ter Haar, Hanneke van den Hoogen, Lisa Klompe, Marlies Molema, Nienke Noordenbos, Henk Klein Wassink



iffr: xl festival rutger wolfson

This year, the International Film Festival Rotterdam marks an important milestone: its 40th anniversary. The man who founded the festival in 1972, Huub Bals (1937-1988), comes across in his biography Que le tigre danse as someone who believed in his heart of hearts that film could change the world, but was simply too down-to-earth to say so out loud. The book paints a vivid picture of the tireless efforts put in by Bals and his team and the turbulent development of the festival, which all too often balanced on the edge of the abyss: certainly in the beginning. Reading about the festival’s early days, what really stands out is that the IFFR has always remained faithful to its artistic principles; today’s programme is just as uncompromising and dedicated to exceptional, independent artistic cinema as it was back then.

© Daniel Baggerman



The most important difference from the early years is the scale of the festival. With hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, the IFFR is now one of the most prominent international film festivals, and the largest public event in the Netherlands. There is a persistent preconception that large-scale operations by definition go hand-in-hand with superficiality. In particular, the mass media and politicians seem to believe that you need to dumb down, in order to scale up. In the quest for more viewers, readers and/or voters, people compromise all too readily, with even more shallowness as a consequence. Even in the cultural sector, people are far too quick to assume that a large-scale event and artistic depth are mutually exclusive. Can there, in fact, be ‘museum block-busters’ without big names? Are large festivals not always about show business and star power? The reverse is also a persistent preconception: that depth, by definition, needs to be small-scale. This festival is proof that depth and a large scale really can go together. Over the past 40 years, the IFFR has become an important platform for talent, providing filmmakers from all over the world with many different forms of support. The festival not only owes its great international reputation to this, but this is precisely the reason why loyal film-lovers visit the festival every year in such large numbers. In fact, the IFFR’s audience is extremely eager to discover original and unusual films and unknown talent – its visitors are open to film-related art, and particularly to the questions, subjects and oeuvres the festival puts on the agenda. In short, they are receptive to all the things a large audience is not supposed to be interested in. The relevance of this cannot be underestimated in the current climate. The XL in the motto of this year’s festival not only refers to our fortieth anniversary (XL = 40 in Roman numerals), and the 40 extra festival locations for this jubilee programme, it is primarily intended to express the idea that scale and depth most certainly do go together. Even better, in order to actively combat superficiality in the mass media, politics and even the cultural arena, depth alone is not enough. Size is also fundamentally important. And if we can succeed in creating such large-scale events, it could even be possible to change the world with art, after all. On behalf of Managing Director Janneke Staarink and the Festival Staff, I would like to wish you all a fantastic 40th International Film Festival Rotterdam. On a final note, we naturally cannot celebrate our 40th anniversary without providing our whole-hearted support to the courageous, recalcitrant filmmakers who have been silenced for 20 years: Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi and filmmaker and producer Mohammad Rasoulof.



the supportive festival The IFFR actively supports independent filmmaking from around the globe. The festival is a recognized international platform in Europe for launching new films and talent from Asia, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. CineMart, IFFR’s co-production market for small and medium-sized film projects, takes place at the festival from January 30 to February 2, 2011. The festival’s Hubert Bals Fund contributes financially to film projects from developing countries. Each year, the festival programme contains a rich harvest of Hubert Bals Fund supported films. IFFR promotes training and talent development within its Rotterdam Lab for young film producers and the IFFR Trainee Project for Young Film Critics. Within the Netherlands, the IFFR’s DVD label Tiger Releases publishes some twenty films annually supported by the Hubert Bals Fund. And finally, this year’s festival marks the world premiere of two films funded by the Cinema Reloaded Project – the festival’s innovative crowd-funding platform. hubert bAls fund

The Hubert Bals Fund is designed to bring remarkable, socially relevant and important feature films by innovative and talented filmmakers from developing countries closer to completion. The HBF provides grants that often turn out to play a crucial role in enabling these filmmakers to realise their projects. Since the Fund started in 1988, more than 900 projects from independent filmmakers in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe have received support. Every year, completed films supported by the Hubert Bals Fund screen at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. This year, the IFFR proudly presents a total of 27 films supported by the HBF in various programme sections, including three HBF-supported films nominated for the Tiger Awards Competition. Besides Rotterdam, many international film festivals keep a close eye on completed HBF-supported films and select them for their programmes. Each year, HBF-supported films are screened at, among others, the Cannes, Venice, Locarno, Toronto and Pusan film festivals. The Hubert Bals Fund aims to support feature-length fiction projects that are original, authentic and rooted in the culture of the applicant’s country. Annually, the HBF has close to € 1 million at its disposal and is able to make individual grants in various categories. The Hubert Bals Fund Plus programme is a scheme set up for Dutch producers, which aims to facilitate access to artistically interesting co-productions. Those projects that have been granted financial support from the HBF for script and project development are eligible. Every year, HBF Plus can support four projects with € 50,000 each, thanks to a contribution from The Netherlands Film Fund. The Hubert Bals Fund is proud to present this year’s HBF Harvest at the 40th anniversary of the International Film Festival Rotterdam.



Hubert Bals Fund Harvest 2011: Tiger Awards Competition

Eternity, Sivaroj Kongsakul (Thailand); Flying Fish, Sanjeewa Pushpakumara (Sri Lanka); The Image Threads, Vipin Vijay (India) Return of the Tiger

If the Seed Doesn’t Die, Sinisa Dragin (Romania); The Year Without a Summer, Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia) Bright Future

Autumn, Aamir Bashir (India); Black Blood, Zhang Miaoyan (China); Gesher, Vahid Vakilifar (Iran); Jean Gentil, Laura Amelia Guzmán and Israel Cárdenas (Dominican Republic/Mexico); The Joy, Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande (Brazil); Lucía, Niles Atallah (Chile); Las marimbas del infierno, Julio Hernandez Cordo (Guatemala); Ocaso, Théo Court (Chile/Dominican Republic); The Old Donkey, Li Ruijun (China); Paraísos artificiales, Yulene Olaizola (Mexico); Qarantina, Oday Rashee (Iraq); Soul of Sand, Sidharth Srinivasan (India); Tilva Rosh, Nikola Lezaic (Serbia); La vida útil, Federico Veiroj (Uruguay); Zephyr, Belma Bas (Turkey) Spectrum

Hawi, Ibrahim El-Batout (Egypt); Kommander Kulas, Khavn De La Cruz (Philippines); My Joy, Sergey Loznitsa (Ukraine); Post Mortem, Pablo Larraín (Chile); Verano de Goliat, Nicolás Pereda (Mexico); Virgin Goat, Murali Nair (India); Winter Vacation, Li Hongqi (China) CinemArt

The 40th International Film Festival Rotterdam marks the 28th edition of its international co-production market, CineMart. This was the first platform of its kind to offer filmmakers the opportunity to launch their ideas to the international film industry and to find the right connections to get their projects financed. Launching some 35 new projects in need of additional financing, CineMart also heralds an important start of the ‘film year’. Every year, CineMart invites a select number of directors/producers to present their film projects to co-producers, funds, sales agents, distributors, TV stations and other potential financiers. The CineMart staff organise the CineMart meetings prior to the event. After the project selection is completed, the CineMart staff draw up a dossier with information on the selected projects. Attending professionals then inform the CineMart on their interests and a master meeting schedule is set-up. Upon arrival in Rotterdam, all guests receive their personal meeting schedule. During CineMart 2010, there were some 5,500 meetings between project representatives and potential financiers. One of CineMart’s trademarks is the highly productive, yet informal atmosphere. In order to maintain such an environment, the number of projects is kept to around35 and the invitation process is selective. The four-day event takes place during the IFFR and shares its location with the Festival Center, de Doelen, in the heart of Rotterdam.



Eight films previously selected for CineMart will be presented at this year’s festival: Return of the Tiger

22nd of May, Koen Mortier (Belgium); If the Seed Doesn’t Die, Sinisa Dragin (Romania/Serbia/Austria) Bright Future

Fleurs du mal, David Dusa (France); Zephyr, Belma Bas (Turkey) Spectrum

Aurora, Cristi Puiu (Romania); My Joy, Sergei Loznitsa (Germany/ Ukraine); Surviving Life, Jan Svankmajer (Czech Republic/Slovakia); Tuesday, After Christmas, Radu Muntean (Romania) rotterdAm lAb

The CineMart staff also organises Rotterdam Lab, a five-day training workshop for young and emerging producers designed to build up their international network and their experience at an international festival and market. Participation in the Rotterdam Lab provides producers with the confidence and skills to navigate the festival circuit and meet professionals who can help finance their projects. Panel discussions are organised on different topics such as development, financing, post-production, (digital) distribution, VOD, and sales. In these panels, experts from the industry give the producers tools with which to present their project and build up an international network. Complimentary to the panels, participants take part in ‘speed-dating’ sessions, during which they have time to meet personally with industry delegates and receive advice on their projects. In addition to the organised programme, it is important that the producers take the chance to participate in all other CineMart events, such as networking lunches, cocktails and other panels. Over the past few years, the Rotterdam Lab has expanded steadily, with more producers from more regions participating every year. The Lab has already resulted in many producers returning to CineMart, and films by producers who have attended the Lab have been screened in the official Festival Programme. By bringing together a mix of producers from around Europe and the rest of the world, the Rotterdam Lab has also generated many alluring international co-productions. the iffr trAinee proJeCt for young film CritiCs

Recognizing the important role of film criticism for the perception of independent cinema, the Rotterdam film festival organizes a trainee project for young film critics. This is a talent development programme that offers up to six young (under 30 years), motivated and talented professional film critics from outside the Netherlands a chance to travel abroad to cover a major international film festival, to get acquainted with the IFFR in particular and the broad range of independent cinema it offers. The project was created in 1998, motivated by the fact that young and upcoming film critics get less opportunities to explore and sharpen their knowledge and views on independent and experimental cinema – and the festivals, such as the International Film Festival Rotterdam, that present it.



The programme of the Trainee Project includes taking part in the Rotterdam FIPRESCI Jury meetings; exploring an assigned part of the festival; publishing a blog on the IFFR website and writing up to three contributions for the festival’s newspaper, The Daily Tiger; taking part in expert meetings; reporting on the festival for own affiliation(s). For this year’s edition, the film festival welcomes trainee film critics from the United Kingdom, Argentina, Hong Kong, Russia, USA and Costa Rica. distribution

The IFFR is very active in the field of distribution; for years, the festival has organised the distribution of its own HBF films and often also the Tiger Award winners in the Netherlands. In this way the festival contributes to the artistic film climate which is always vulnerable, particularly as far as non-Western cinema is concerned. Moreover, it is important to every maker for their work to be screened also outside the festival circuit. In the field of distribution, the IFFR pays a great deal of attention to digital developments. A lot has been achieved recently, particularly online. A YouTube channel has been set up which provides short film programmes and feature films from the Bright Future section. expands the cooperation with a VOD (Video On Demand) page on the IFFR site, which means the general public can now also stream festival hits such as Festen (1998) and A Single Man (2009) there at a reasonable price. During the anniversary edition of the festival, the VOD platforms of the NVS, EYE and Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid (working title: Filmotech) will also feature twenty Tiger releases. The IFFR also wishes to play a mediating role for filmmakers by participating in Festivalscope, a new website where sales agents, programmers and other professionals can view art films. Furthermore, during the festival there will be presentations by Instant Cinema and, two recent VOD initiatives managed by filmmakers. The anniversary boxed set constitutes the highlight of the Tiger Releases DVD label: 25 gems from forty years of festival history and a compilation of award-winning short films on 10 DVDs. CinemA reloAded

In December 2009, the IFFR set off on a digital adventure with Cinema Reloaded – a pioneering crowd-funding scheme. Building on the unique relationship the festival enjoys with both filmmakers and its own committed and passionate audience, the project enables festival-goers and other film-lovers to become coproducers by buying ‘coins’ for the selected projects. The festival has asked filmmakers with whom it has worked before and who represent the kind of filmmaking it has championed, to participate in Cinema Reloaded. On a specially created web platform, coproducers and filmmakers form a digital community, with updates from the filmmakers and forums. Hundreds of co-producers have contributed to the projects. This year, the festival is proud to present the two finished films funded by Cinema Reloaded: Alexis dos Santos’ Random Strangers and Ho Yuhang’s No One Is Illegal.



thAnks to

The International Film Festival Rotterdam would like to thank:

Ahmed Aboutaleb Tikoy Aguiluz Sitora Alieva Yu-Lan van Alphen Thom Andersen Emily Ansenk Isabel Arrate agnès b. Marline Bakker Amra Baksic Camo Esther Bannenberg Annamaria Basa Violeta Bava Jana Bebrova Sandra Beerends Danielle Bélanger Julie Bergeron Nicole Bettonviel Guus Beumer Birgit Beumers Marianne Bhalotra Aleksandra Biernacka Ronald de Boom Doreen Boonekamp Ger Bouma Han Bouman Filip Braams Paulo Branco Mark Brosamer Rémi Burah Peter van Bueren Danielle Burg Chang Ting Philip Cheah Zoë Chen Chung-jung Bede Cheng Peggy Chiao Natalia Chertova Simona Chiappa Simon Corsèl Claudia Curio Matthieu Darras Costas Daskalakis Jan De Clercq Roman Dekhtiar

Peter Delpeut Dany Delvoie

Christian De Schutter Erik Diks David Dixon Christine Dollhofer Ellis Driessen Nelleke Driessen Kathleen Drumm René Dutrieux Mai Elmar Basak Emre Jos Engelbert Adriana Esmeijer Hawa Essuman Ivo M. Ferreira

Gertrude Flentge

Gahité Fofana Raisa Fomina Alan Fountain Eric Franssen Francois-Xavier Frantz Andre Freyssen Otto Friebel Saskia Frinking Angelique van Gasteren Dan Geesin


Ronan Girre Tudor Giurgiu Mihai Gligor Jacob van der Goot Myra Groenink Michael Gubbins Yevgeny Gusyatinsky Roman Gutek Bregtje van der Haak Sandra den Hamer Erica Happe Safar Haqdodov Shanty Harmayn Eric den Hartigh Silvia van der Heiden Jacques van Heijningen Sonja Heinen Steffie Henderson Dominique Henskens Diederik Hoekstra Tessa Hoenekamp Linda Holleman Natascha van der Horst Rogier van der Horst Alexander Horvath Pascal van Houten Erwin Houtenbrink Sunny Hu Teresa Huang Christoph Huber Brigitte Hubmann Heleen Hulshof Hwarng Wern-ying Peter Inklaar Jennifer Jao Else de Jonge Floortje Jongkoen Vojtech Kabath Saskia Kagchèl Jaromír Kallista Pavla Kallistová Marit Kapla Olga Karavaeva

Ida de Kat

Ali Khamraev Kim Dong-Ho Eve-Marie Kuijstermans Pieter Kunz Joanna Lapinska Zeka Laplaine Nina Lath Gupta Stefan Laudyn Sergey Lazaruk Margriet Leemhuis Jeanette Leete-Bijl Alice LeFlohic Lin Ching-yi Lin Sheun-Long Liu Oi-leng Jan Loorbach Ma Ran Louis Machado Alexander Mamontov Lucrecia Martel Raya Martin Dorleta Martin San Venancio Cigdem Mater Rob van der Meer Frank Meinster Nathalie Mierop Patrick van Mil Jan Minkiewicz Jyoti Mistry Johan Moerman Olaf Möller

Nashen Moodley Kaj Mook Cristian Mungiu Celina Murga Nakayama Hiroki Mark Neirynck Lauge Nielsen Roberto Olla Sherman Ong Stef Oosterloo Paul van Paaschen Michiel Pannekoek Park Ki-Yong Arnaud Pasquali Bruno Paulet Onno Paymans Frank Peijnenburg Simon Perry Anya Pieroen Adina Pintilie Petra Prins Roland van Putten Marten Rabarts Alessandro Raja Lee Ranaldo Dominique van Ratingen Michel Reilhac Nick Roddick Alexander Rodnyansky Peter Rorvik Ruan Liang-cheng Aukje Rypma Larisa Sadilova Wisit Sasanatieng Christiaan van Schermbeek Katriel Schory Martin Schweighofer Karen Shakhnazarov Shan Dong-bing Ekaterina Shneyderova Janine van der Sluis Alessandra Speciale Anocha Suwichakornpong Bianca Taal Tan Chui Mui Fiona Tan Meiske Taurisia José Teunissen Gulbara Tolomushova Sophie Toporkoff Tina Trapp Tsai Jing-fang Menno Tummers Melany van Twuijver Wilbert van Twuijver Chalida Uebumrungjit Andrei Ujica Esther Urlus André Vaughan Jacqueline Veenendaal David Verbeek Frank Verhagen Mélanie de Vocht Anita Voorham Rogier Vlaming Christine Vroom Christine Wagner Wang Mumu Michaela van Wassenaer Jordi Wientjes Manon Wilbrink-Lommen Wong Tuck Cheong Ying Liang Gamila Ylstra Zhang Xian-min Zhu Rikun


thAnks to

Anna-Nicole Ziesche At Zweers ABC - Cinemien Abu Dhabi Film Festival Academiegalerie BLAAK10 A-Film Distribution Alliance Française Rotterdam All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), Department of Russian and Soviet cinema studies Amakula Kampala International Film Festival Amstelfilm Arte France Cinéma Ateliers du Cinéma Européen Austrian Film Museum Benelux Film Distributors Bilderberg Parkhotel Binger Filmlab Bless Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente (BAFICI) Carthage Film Festival Catalan Films Centrum Beeldende Kunst Chabot Museum Chief Marketing Office CinDi Cinéart Netherlands Cinefondation - Résidence du Festival Cinema Digital Seoul Film Festival Cinemanila International Film Festival Cinémathèque de Toulouse Cine Qua Non Film Bookshop CPH-DOX Creative Scotland Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz CUCOSA Rotterdam Cultuur & Ondernemen Danish Film Institute Doha Film Institute DS+V Dubai International Film Festival Durban Filmmart Durban International Film Festival EAVE Ecrans Noirs Festival Cameroun Elise Mathilde Fonds Embassy of India Embassy of Poland Era New Horizons International Film Festival Ethiopian International Film Festival EXiS EYE Film Instituut Nederland FESPACO Festival Cinema Africano, Asia, America Latina Festival del Film Locarno Festival du Film de Dakar Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia Festival International du Film de Cannes Film Bazaar Filmfreak Distributie Les Films de l’Elysee Filmstiftung NordrheinWestfalen Fitness First

Flanders Audiovisual Fund Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie Fundacion TyPA Gemeentearchief Rotterdam Gerrit Rietveld Academie Glamcult Golden Apricot Film Festival Göteborg International Film Festival Groot Handelsgebouw HAF – Hong Kong Asia Film Financing Forum Hilton Hotel HIVOS Cultuurfonds Holland Subtitling Hotel New York IDFA Independent Filmmaker Project ING Car Lease Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin International Film Festival Bratislava Irish Film Board Israel Film Fund Jakarta International Film Festival Jameson Kenya International Film Festival KODAK KOFIC - Korean Film Council Kunsthal Rotterdam Laurens Antonius Binnenweg Li Xianting Film Fund Li Xianting Film School Maison Martin Margiela The Manhattan Hotel Marché du Film-Producers Network Maritiem Museum Rotterdam MEDIA Desk Nederland MEDIA International MEDIA Programme of the European Commission Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg MghO Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Ministerie van OCW Mondriaan Stichting Mosfilm Cinema Concern Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum National Film Development Corporation India Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam NCDO Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (NAI) Nederlands Filmfonds Nederlands Fotomuseum Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst/Montevideo NETPAC New Orleans New Zealand Film Commission Norwegian Film Institute NS Fietsenstalling NTR (Korte Film Online) Ontwikkelings Bedrijf Rotterdam Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam OV-fiets Pakhuismeesteren

Paradiso Filmed Entertainment Parfum de BoemBoem Paris Cinéma ParOvisie Piet Zwart Instituut Premsela, Dutch Platform for Design and Fashion Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prins Claus Fund Prinses Theater PrintRoom Proimagenes Colombia Pusan International Film Festival Quintessence International Film Festival of Ouidah Rialto Rio Film Commission Ro Theater Rotterdam Festivals Rotterdam Marketing Rotterdam Media Commission Rotterdam Media Fund Rotterdamse Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur Rotterdamse Schouwburg Rot(t)terdam Royal Film Commission Jordan Rwanda Film Festival San Sebastian International Film Festival Sarajevo Film Festival – CineLink Het Schieblock Screen Australia Secretaria de Estado de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro ShanghART Showroom MAMA Singapore Film Commission Singapore International Film Festival SNS Reaal Fonds The people from Songzhuang Sovexportfilm Stichting China Festivals Rotterdam Stichting Dioraphte Stichting Doen Stichting van Leeuwen van Lignac Studio Media Madness Sub Urban Video Lounge Swedish Film Institute Telefilm Canada TENT Theater Zuidplein Tsjechisch Centrum Rotterdam UMedia De Unie Unifrance Film Union of Russian Filmmakers UPC V2_Institute for the Unstable Media VHCZC Viennale de Volkskrant VPRO VSBfonds Wallonie Bruxelles Images Warner Bros. Pictures Holland Willem de Kooning Academie WORM(.filmwerkplaats) Your Space Zadkine Zanzibar International Film Festival Zimbabwe International Film Festival









Elise Stich



Bruynzeel-sakura • Cinerama Filmtheater • Commes des Garçons • de Doelen • Festival Rotterdamse Schouwburg • Stoker • Vertical Vision



Elise Mathilde Fonds • Erasmusstichting • Fonds Podiumkunsten • Prins Claus Fonds • Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht • Stichting van Leeuwen van Lignac




ACE • Binger Filmlab • Cinéfondation/Résidence du Festival • CineLink, Sarajevo Film Festival • Creative Scotland • DigiSPAA • Durban FilmMart • EAVE • EYE Film Institute Netherlands • Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen • Flanders Audiovisual Fund • Fundacion TyPA • Holland Film Meeting • Holland Subtitling • Hong Kong-Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) • IFP • Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin • Irish Film Board • Israel Film Fund • Kodak • KOFIC • Marché du Film Cannes • MEDIA Desk Nederland • Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg • National Film Development Corporation India • New Zealand Film Commission • Paris Cinéma/ Paris Project • Proimagenes Colombia • Rio de Janeiro State Secratariat • Rotterdam Media Fund • Rotterdam Media Commission • Screen Australia • Telefilm Canada • The Royal Jordan Film Commission • Wallonie Bruxelles Images


Poolse Ambassade • Roodkapje • Rumänska kulturinstitutet • Shi Nian Theatre • Taiyan Puppet Theatre Company

TIGER BUSINESS LOUNGE • ABN AMRO Bank NV • Argos Oil • Bilderberg Park Hotel Rotterdam • Center for Strategy and Leadership • Dijkstra Voermans • Dubois & Co • Dura Vermeer Bouw Rotterdam • EDBR • Ernst & Young • Freeland Corporate Advisors • Groot Handelsgebouw • Hogeschool Inholland Rotterdam • Houthoff Buruma • ING Rotterdam • Intermax • Matrans Holding BV • MK2 • Nassau Verzekeringen • Nationale Nederlanden • Nauta Dutilh • Nedspice Sourcing BV • Ontwikkelingsbedrijf Rotterdam (OBR) • Organise to Learn • PriceWaterhouseCoopers NV • Robeco • Rotterdam Media Fonds • Smit Internationale • Syntrus Achmea • Stadshavens Rotterdam • Veenman Drukkers • Vestia Groep • Virtual Affairs

Campagnebeeld 2011 Concept en ontwerp: 75B Festivaltrailer Concept en ontwerp: 75B • Muziek en Productie: Rnul Interactive • Distribution: Jean Mineur en Gofilex

Distributeurs ABC - Cinemien • A-Film Distribution • Amstelfilm • Benelux Film Distributors • Cinéart Netherlands • EYE Film Institute Netherlands • Filmfreak Distributie • Mokum Film • Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst - NIMk • Paradiso Filmed Entertainment (NL) • Warner Bros. Pictures Holland



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Te zien vr. 18 feb. t/m vr. 20 mei 2011 in diverse theaters Di. 22 feb. t/m vr. 25 feb. in de Rotterdamse Schouwburg 40TH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM

T. 010-4142414 // //


Jury tiger Awards Competition The Tiger Awards Competition was established by the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 1995. Having been a noncompetitive event until then, the idea of the competition was to discover, to highlight and to support emerging film talents in world cinema. Every year, the jury of the Tiger Awards Competition names three equal winners. Since its inception, some 250 filmmakers have competed with a first or second feature film.

sAndrA den hAmer studied Film and

Theatre Sciences at the University of Utrecht. She began her career at the IFFR in 1986, working as CineMart coordinator. In 2000 she was appointed as director of the festival, initially together with Simon Field and since 2004 as sole director. Sandra den Hamer has actively participated in various international panels, seminars and co-production workshops over the last 20 years, and has been a member of several juries. In 2007 she became director of the Filmmuseum in Amsterdam, which in 2010 merged with Holland Film, the Netherlands Institute for Film Education and Filmbank into EYE Film Institute Netherlands.

Born in the north of Argentina, luCreCiA mArtel studied Communication at the

University of Buenos Aires and Animation at AVEX (Avellaneda Experimental). She has developed workshops on Dialogues and Sound in South America. She has made several short films (for example the award-winning Dead King from 1995), a children’s television programme and various documentaries. Her features The Swamp (2000), The Holy Girl (2004) and The Headless Woman (2008) received international acclaim at festivals like the Berlinale and Cannes, and were also awarded in her homeland Argentina. Â



lee rAnAldo is a musician, visual artist, writer, and co-founder of the New York City group Sonic Youth. Besides their extensive output Ranaldo has also produced various solo albums. In 2004 Rolling Stone magazine ranked him the 33rd Greatest Guitarist of All Time. Together with his wife and experimental artist Leah Singer, he has worked on several films, installations and books. Ranaldo’s drawings, prints and videos were recently exhibited in the solo show A Random Collection of Cells. Ranaldo has written several books with travel stories and poems. His latest collection of poems is Against Refusing (2010).

After training at Silpakorn University, Bangkok’s most important art school, wisit sAsAnAtieng worked as a commercials director. He wrote scripts for his friend and colleague Nonzee Nimibutr. His feature debut Tears of the Black Tiger (2000) is the first Thai film ever officially selected for the Cannes Film Festival. The film marked the beginning of a ‘new wave’ movement in the Thai film industry. Sasanatieng’s films have been screened in Rotterdam, as will his latest feature The Red Eagle (2010). Andrei uJiCA is a Romanian scriptwriter and director. With a background in literature, in 1990 he decided to devote himself to cinema. His film Out of the Present (1995), about cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev who spent ten months aboard the space station Mir, is famous for being one of the most recognised non-fictional films of the 1990s. Besides his trilogy dedicated to the end of communism, he has made two works commissioned by Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain. Ujica founded ZKM Film Institute in 2002 and teaches at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design.



Jury rotterdam tiger Awards Competition for short films In the IFFR section Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films, twenty-eight films of up to 60 minutes in length will be presented to an international jury. The winners of the three Tiger Awards for Short Films, each with a cash prize of 3,000 euros, will be announced on Monday January 31st at 22:00 in the Kleine Zaal in the Rotterdamse Schouwburg. thom Andersen was born in Chicago. He currently teaches film history and directing at the California Institute of the Arts. He collaborated with noted documentarian Noël Burch on the book Les Communistes de Hollywood: Autre chose que des martyrs (1994) and the video Red Hollywood (1995), both of which examine the history of the Hollywood blacklist. Andersen’s other films include Melting (1965), Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer (1974) and the award-winning Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003). Get Out of the Car (2010), alongside some older work, will be screened at the IFFR in 2011.

Director and scriptwriter AnoChA suwiChAkornpong, also known as ‘Mai’,

was born in Thailand and studied in the UK and the US. Her thesis film, Graceland, became the first Thai short to be officially selected by Cannes Film Festival (Cinefondation). Suwichakornpong‘s feature debut Mundane History has won multiple awards, including the IFFR 2010 Tiger Award. With her feature-length script The White Room she attended the Script Clinic at the Berlinale 2006. She is currently working on her next feature project By the Time It Gets Dark. fionA tAn was born in Indonesia, grew up in Australia and lives and works in Amsterdam. She was educated at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and at the Rijksakademie voor beeldende kunsten. In 2001 Tan was awarded the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship for one year in Berlin. Her film and video installations and photographic works have gained international acclaim over the past ten years. And have been exhibited all over the world.


At the IFFR, the jury of the Rotterdam Tiger Awards for Short Films will nominate one European film to enter the competition for the European Short Film Award. The members of the European Film Academy will vote for the overall winner, which will be presented at the European Film Awards Ceremony in December.



Jury new Arrivals Who will be the winner of the New Arrivals 2010? New Arrivals, an initiative of NTR and the IFFR, has shown short films online since January 2006. Submissions come from all over the world. For seven months each year, the editors make a selection of short films and a jury chooses the monthly winner. These monthly winners get a special screening at the IFFR. The New Arrivals Jury will award one film with a prize of 1,000 euros. sAndrA beerends is a script editor and

guest lecturer. She worked with an array of screenwriters/directors/producers strengthening the narrative structure of their script and film. Working at the drama department of the public broadcaster NTR she was responsible for various awarded series and participated in several successful feature films, family films and documentaries. In addition, she has been contributed to many projects for new talents.

dAn geesin studied in Nottingham and Amsterdam. He observes the everyday; people and situations from chaotic urban lives to quiet rural ones. Geesin draws, creates installations and films (The Garden, Flood) and composes music. His work has been exhibited at, among others, the Tate Modern and MOMA New York and has been screened at the Cannes Film Festival and the Berlinale. His latest short film Elephant Feet will be screened at the 2011 IFFR. Dan Geesin lives and works in Amsterdam.

AdinA pintilie studied film at the National University of Drama and Film in Bucharest. Her prize winning short films and documentaries have been screened around the world. She made her first long documentary Don’t Get Me Wrong (2008) as a student. Oxygen, her first short film had its world premiere at the IFFR in 2010 and was part of the Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films. Her first feature film Touch Me Not has been selected for IFFR 2011’s CineMart.



Het Mediafonds feliciteert het IFFR met zijn 40e editie! Dutch Cultural Media Fund salutes IFFR on the occasion of its 40th anniversary!

En viert dit met ... And is celebrating this with ... Raúl Ruiz, Wim Wenders, Abbas Kiarostami, Michael Haneke, Abderrahmane Sissako, Jim Jarmusch & Apichatpong Weerasethakul in Frank Scheffer’s VPRO documentary

TIGER EYES premiere Sunday 30 January – 21:00 hrs Pathé 5 22


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tiger AwArds Competition supported by prins bernhArd Cultuurfonds



Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Fasl-e baran-haye moosemi rainy seasons

Majid Barzegar Sina is a 16-year-old boy with a sleepy look in Teheran who has the apartment of his divorcing parents all to himself. He only has to look on sulkily as his mother comes to clear up the mess and his father fills the fridge. Now he can do what he likes, but he seems above all to feel insecure. His studies bore him. He prefers to listen to hard rock and hangs around in the street with dubious friends at night. Above all, he is pursued by a stupid act that will cost him a lot of money. Drastic measures seem inevitable. The only one he can confide in is a female student looking for a roof over her head. Majid Barzegar (1972) studied graphic design and literature and has made several short films with the scriptwriter Hamed Rajabi. Rainy Seasons also started with an idea for a short film about the problems of a teenager in a big city. The subject however turned out to provide enough material for a first full-length feature. What is striking is the resolute way in which Barzegar shakes off the traditional characteristics of Iranian film. There is no veiled political criticism or tendency to symbolism. If you ignore the headscarves of the girls, you see bored youth and inquisitive teenagers as they can be found all over the world. A universal feeling for life captured beautifully with a hand-held camera.

eUropeAn premiere

Iran, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 86 min, Farsi Prod: Manouchehr Shahsavari | Prod Comp: Iranian Independents | Sc: Hamed Rajabi, Majid Barzegar | Cam: Amin Jafari | Ed: Javad Emami | Prod. design: Leila Naghdi Pari | Sound Des: Mehran Malakouti | With: Navid Layeghi Moghadam, Marzieh Khoshtarash, Alireza Bagheri, Mehran Khodaie | Print/Sales: Iranian Independents | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 15:30 PA7 Mon 31-1 13:15 PA6 Wed 2-2 13:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 22:15 PA6


Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 09:30 DJZ


Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

o céu sobre os ombros The sky Above

Sérgio Borges In their hometown of Belo Horizonte, an enthusiastic group of young people founded the audiovisual collective Teia in 2003. The IFFR has already shown several of Teia’s special documentaries, such as Accident (Pablo Lobato) and Like Water Through Stone (Marilia Rocha). Another founder, Sérgio Borges, made The Sky Above. He follows three men aged about 30 who live several days of their own lives in front of the camera. Everlyn Barbin graduated from university, but since this transsexual started taking hormones and dressing as a woman, she hasn’t managed to find a job. She says that she fulfils her need for love from her work as a street prostitute. Lwei is half Angolan and half Portuguese and says he is suicidal, and has a spastic little son. Even though he has many plans for novels, he has never worked in his life and is supported by his second wife. Finally, Murari Krishna is a football supporter, a celibate Hare Krishna, telephone marketer and graffiti artist. The Sky Above is a beautifully shot portrait filled with subdued drama about complex, paradoxical identities in the 21st-century city. The editor, Ricardo Pretti, forged it into a poetic and spiritual unit that often feels like a feature film. That also makes it a meditation about real and unreal and about the effect of cinema itself. inTernATionAL premiere

Brazil, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 72 min, Portuguese Prod: Helvécio Marins Jr., Felipe Duarte, Luana Melgaço | Prod Comp: TEIA Filmes | Sc: Manuela Dias, Sérgio Borges | Cam: Ivo Lopes Araújo | Ed: Ricardo Pretti | Prod. design: Helvécio Marins Jr., Luana Melgaço, Felipe Duarte | Sound Des: Gustavo Fioravante | With: Everlyn Barbin, Lwei Bakongo, Murari Krishna | Print/Sales: FiGa Films | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 15:30 PA7 Wed 2-2 12:30 PA7 Fri 4-2 10:15 PA6 Sat 5-2 10:30 PA4

Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 09:30 DJZ



Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Finisterrae Sergio Caballero Sergio Caballero is co-director of the famous SONAR Festival in Barcelona for ‘Advanced Music and Multimedia Art’, where he is responsible for the visual side. His first full-length film also emerged from that side. Only later was the scenario created. In the visuals, shot by cameraman Eduard Grau – who again performed miracles, just as in Honor de cavalleria (Albert Serra) and A Single Man (Tom Ford) – we see two ghosts seeking their way in a variety of spectacular landscapes, lost and roaming along the pilgrim path to Santiago de Compostela and then on to Finisterre, at the end of the world. The ghosts wear the familiar white robes (which slowly get dirtier) with eyeholes cut out, and together they have one horse. From the Russian dialogues we can conclude that they recently died and have to get used to their new status. On the way, they find themselves in surrealistic situations. A major source of inspiration for Finisterrae is Philippe Garrel’s classic The Inner Scar (1972). The oracle that leads the ghosts bears the name of Garrel. And on the hypnotic soundtrack you can hear Suicide but also Garrel’s muze, the singer Nico. The fact that this road movie with its haughty tones and subject is so amusing is partly thanks to the maker’s captivating, unique sense of humour.

inTernATionAL premiere

Spain, 2010 | colour, video, 80 min, Catalan/Russian Prod: Ventura Barba, Luis Miñarro | Prod Comp: Sónar / Advanced Music and Multimedia Art, Eddie Saeta SA | Sc: Sergio Caballero | Cam: Eduard Grau | Ed: Martí Roca | Prod. design: Sergio Caballero | Sound Des: Jonathan Darch, Jordi Juncadella | Music: Jimi Tenor, Sergio Caballero | With: Pau Nubiola, Pavel Lukiyanov, Santí Serra, Yuri Mykhaylychenko | Print: Eddie Saeta SA | Sales: Film Sharks | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 16:30 PA4 Wed 2-2 22:30 PA4 Thu 3-2 13:15 PA6 Sat 5-2 12:15 PA3


Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 12:00 DWBZ


Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Tee-rak eternity

Sivaroj Kongsakul It is often said that a certain film is atmospheric, but in this case it is more than apt. Eternity is atmospheric, but also poetic and philosophical, or maybe better: spiritual. Life, life after this life and memories of life flow together. Past and present go hand-in-hand like passionate lovers. The film is made up more or less of three parts and starts with the present. Wit (Wanlop Rungkamjad), a man who recently died – and hence a ghost – is looking for his house in order to follow the footsteps of his life. It is an important act for dead Thais to make sure they can contact loved ones in the afterlife. The present flows almost imperceptibly into the youth of the deceased, the time when Wit was in love with the young teacher Koi (Namfon Udomlertlak). Koi initially has her doubts about whether she wants to spend the rest of her life in the countryside, but soon notices how great Wit’s love for her is. It’s a love which she realises will last forever and will continue after this life. The final section shows an elderly Koi with her children. She has just been widowed and is preparing for a temporary life without her great love. The filmmaker has stated that he was greatly inspired for Eternity by his own youth and the relationship of his parents. He sees the film as a meditation about the death of a loved one. Paying homage. eUropeAn premiere

Thailand, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 105 min, Thai Prod: Aditya Assarat, Umpornpol Yugula, Soros Sukhum | Prod Comp: Pop Pictures Co. Ltd. | Sc: Sivaroj Kongsakul | Cam: Umpornpol Yugala | Ed: Nuttorn Kungwanklai | Prod. design: Rasiguet Sookkarn | Sound Des: Paisit Panpruegsachart | Music: Qong Mongkon | With: Wanlop Rungkamjad, Namfon Udomlertlak, Pattraporn Jaturanrassmee, Prapas Amnuay | Sales: Pop Pictures Co. Ltd. | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:30 PA4 Mon 31-1 16:15 PA6 Tue 1-2 22:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 13:15 PA6

Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 22:30 DWBZ



Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

gromozeka Vladimir Kott Gromozeka is the name of a band set up by three best friends in their youth. In the present day, these friends are in their forties and live in Moscow, but lost track of one another. Gromozeka is also a figure from the animation film one of them – the police officer – still seems to enjoy. Maybe because he can identify with Gromozeka’s words: ‘I am so unlucky in life!’ He is stuck in a rut with his work, his wife doesn’t really care about him and his adult son cares even less. The officer’s friends, a taxi driver and a surgeon, are no happier. The former finds out about the secret life of his only daughter, and thinks up a peculiar plan to deal with this. The latter, not being able to decide between his wife and his lover, finds out that the lover has taken destiny in her own hands, but later life has even more unpleasant suprises to spring. The lives of these three old friends pass by in parallel, occasionally crossing over in sophisticated ways. This is the second film by one of the most talented Russian directors of his generation, following the international success of The Fly (2008). It’s mature, excellently acted and directed; it’s about men fighting the banality of everyday life, with its betrayals, love and aging. And about an ordinary man lost in the anonymity of a big city. worLd premiere

Russia, 2011 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 104 min, Russian Prod: Yevgeny Gindilis | Prod Comp: TVINDIE Film Production | Sc: Vladimir Kott | Cam: Ruslan Gerasimenkov, Grigory Volodin | Ed: Olga Grinshpun | Prod. design: Igor Kotsarev | With: Nikolay Dobrynin, Boris Kamorzin, Leonid Gromov, Yevgeniya Dobrovolskaya, Polina Filonenko, Darya Semyonova | Print/Sales: TVINDIE Film Production | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 15:30 PA7 Tue 1-2 10:15 PA6 Fri 4-2 09:30 PA7 Sat 5-2 13:30 PA4


Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 12:00 DWBZ


Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Vete más lejos, Alicia Alicia, go Yonder

Elisa Miller The young Mexican Elisa Miller, winner of a Golden Palm for her short film Watching It Rain, was working on what was intended to be her first feature – a project supported by the Hubert Bals Fund – when another impulsive idea matured earlier to become a real film. The subject was: leaving the parental home. Miller shared diary notes about the emotions that can be involved – loneliness, alienation, a feeling of emptiness – with the actress Sofia Espinosa and camerawoman María José Secco (also responsible for the photography of Cold Water of the Sea, which was a Tiger Award winner last year). And before she knew it, 300 hours of film material (HDV and Super-8) had been collected. The stylish Alicia, Go Yonder came about in this unusual way and the maker is sure that it is ‘undoubtedly an initiation rite, both for the character and for everyone who was involved with the film ’. It’s about 19-year-old Alicia, who leaves Mexico for Buenos Aires with the ambition of becoming a trapeze artist. Wrestling with herself, she will continue, to the end of the world, in southern Argentina. With her first full-length film, Miller displays her visual-emotional talent. Her gripping and dreamy film is about universal emotions, familiar to anyone who ever left home or is thinking about it.

inTernATionAL premiere

Mexico, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 67 min, Spanish Prod: Christian Valdelièvre | Prod Comp: Cine Pantera | Sc: Elisa Miller | Cam: María José Secco | Ed: Ares Botanch | Sound Des: Sergio Diáz, Arturo Zárate | Music: Juan Pablo Ramírez | With: Sofía Espinosa, Martín Piroyansky, Sofía Palomino, Sofía Celi, Fran Capra, Juan Palomino | Print/Sales: Funny Balloons Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 16:30 PA4 Mon 31-1 13:30 PA4 Wed 2-2 19:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 19:15 PA3

Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 14:00 DJZ



Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Todos tus muertos All Your dead ones

Carlos Moreno Carlos Moreno, who portrayed the overheated and violent absurdity of Colombian urban machismo a couple of years ago in Dog Eat Dog, situated his second film in the Colombian countryside. The story is gruesomely simple: a simple farmer finds an enormous pile of corpses early one Sunday morning in his corn field. Shocked and furious, he reports it to the local authorities, but they have good reasons not to want to acknowledge the affair. You see: it’s election day. Afraid that a national scandal could take place in their backyard, one that could disrupt the elections, the mayor and the police chief try to deny the affair and shrug it off. But a mountain of corpses doesn’t disappear of its own accord, even in Colombia. And news like that is not easy to keep secret. Moreno uses this brilliant idea for a worrying allegory about the situation in the countryside of Colombia, which is still plagued by a lengthy civil war. But the lesson can also be applied to many other places where poverty, violence, lawlessness and power politics go hand-in-hand. The aptly surreal and satirical tone, audible on the expressive soundtrack and visible in the beautiful visual inventions, does not get in the way of the thrills. On the contrary.

eUropeAn premiere

Colombia, 2011 | colour, video, 90 min, Spanish Prod: Diego Ramirez | Prod Comp: 64-A Films | Sc: Alonso Torres, Carlos Moreno | Cam: Diego Jiménez | Ed: Andrés Porras, Carlos Moreno | Prod. design: Hernán García | Sound Des: Carlos Trujillo | Music: José Garrido | With: Alvaro Rodríguez, Jorge Herrera, Martha Márquez, Harold De Vasten, John Alex Castillo | Print/Sales: 64-A Films | Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 16:30 PA4 Thu 3-2 21:15 PA3 Fri 4-2 19:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 09:45 PA3


Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 18:00 DWBZ


Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

wasted Youth Argyris Papadimitropoulos, Jan Vogel It is a scorching summer in Athens. The two main characters in Wasted Youth begin an ordinary day. One of them, 16-year-old Haris, is a teenage skateboarder typical of boys of his age and like many of his friends. He spends his day hanging around, arguing with his dad, visiting his mother in hospital and partying in the evening. The other protagonist, policeman Vasilis, is going through a difficult period in his life, and seems to get more tense as every minute of the day goes by. Not only does it look like he is experiencing a midlife crisis, he is also frustrated with his work and family life. This film is about the city of Athens: Vasilis is like this city, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The paths of these two characters are destined to cross in quite an unfortunate way. Formally, Wasted Youth is highly modern, young, dynamic cinema full of enjoyable modern music, and represents a true enrichment of contemporary European cinema. Inspired by true events, the authors have succeeded in recreating the atmosphere of the city: its unrest and tension, its colours, its heat. A fascinating portrait of Athens and its inhabitants, and a society in crisis.

worLd premiere

Greece, 2011 | colour, video, 98 min, Greek Prod: Federico Pietra, George Karnavas, Konstantinos Kontovrakis | Prod Comp: Stefi Productions | Sc: Argyris Papadimitropoulos, Jan Vogel | Cam: Jan Vogel, Manu Tilinski | Ed: Yiannis Chalkiadakis | Prod. design: Yiannis Xintaras | Sound Des: Leandros Ntounis | Music: Fabrika | With: Harris Markou, Ieronimos Kaletsanos, Arthouros Kiviliof, Jason Wastor, Syllas Tzoumerkas, Maria Kirozi, Maria Skoula, Marissa Triantafillidou, Yiannis Tsortekis, Yiannis Ekonomides | Print/Sales: Oxymoron Films Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:30 PA4 Sun 30-1 22:00 PA4 Fri 4-2 10:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 19:30 PA4

Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 14:15 DWBZ



Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

musan il-gy The Journals of musan

Park Jung-Bum North Korean ‘defectors’ who survived their flight to South Korea and are seeking a place in society remain recognisable for employers and authorities because their registration number starts with 125. As a result, it is difficult for them to get a good job. The introvert Jeon Seung-Chul, played by the director Park JungBum himself, also ends up stuck in the middle. He tries to earn his living as honestly as possible on the fringes of the capitalist society and on the outskirts of the mega city Seoul – first sticking up posters, a job in which competition and territorial claims are murderous. His only comfort is a beautiful white stray dog he cares for. When he also starts working at night in a karaoke bar, he seems to be acquiring more perspectives, both economically and romantically. But he remains an outsider. His attempts to improve his position in some way are not without their down side. In 2008, Park made the successful short film 125 Jeon Seung-Chul, which would form the basis for The Journals of Musan. In between, he worked as assistant to Lee Chang-Dong on his Poetry. Park’s first full-length feature, which has already won prizes at its world premiere at the Festival of Pusan, is profound, realistically shot and moving.

eUropeAn premiere

South Korea, 2010 | colour, video, 127 min, Korean Prod: Park Jung-Bum | Sc: Park Jung-Bum | Cam: Kim Jong-Sun | Ed: Jo Hyun-Joo | Prod. design: Eun Hee-Sang | Sound Des: Moon Jun-Young | With: Park Jung-Bum, Jin Yong-Uk, Kang Eun-Jin, Park Young-Deok | Print/Sales: Finecut Co., Ltd.

Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 21:30 PA6 Thu 3-2 13:30 PA4 Fri 4-2 22:00 PA4 Sat 5-2 16:30 PA4


Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 11:15 DWBZ


Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

igillena maluwo Flying Fish

Sanjeewa Pushpakumara Through three parallel stories, this excellently directed and daring debut deals with economic and even greater spiritual decay as the result of a civil war lasting more than two decades. A beautiful village girl falls in love with a soldier. Her father, 45-year-old Muthubanda, finds them making love. When his daughter falls pregnant, Muthubanda is harassed and humiliated by soldiers. He commits suicide and the girl escapes the village. Her guilt and rage push her to do the least expected. A middle-aged widow takes care of her eight children in a village filled with tension between the army and the Tamil Tigers. She has an affair with a local. Her son catches them in the act. His frustration drives him to something that will change all his siblings overnight. A thirteen-year-old Tamil girl lives in a village where the battle between the Tamil Tigers and the army is extremely intensive. Tamil forces are conducting active war propaganda in local schools. One night, they break into the girl’s house and demand a huge ransom for her. She chooses to escape. With few words, this visually highly potent drama touches the core of the war tragedy and the desperate attempts of ordinary people to lead a normal life. But the physical and emotional terror violates human dignity and submerges the society in despondency. worLd premiere

Sri Lanka, 2011 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 125 min, Sinhalees/Tamil Prod: Sanjeewa Pushpakumara | Prod Comp: Sapushpa Expressions Ltd. | Sc: Sanjeewa Pushpakumara, Chinthana Dharmadasa | Cam: Vishvajith Karunarathna | Ed: Ajith Ramanayake | Prod. design: Bimal Dushmantha | Sound Des: Sanjeewa Pushpakumara, Aruna Priyantha Kaluarchchi, W.G. Podirathna | Music: Tharindu Priyankara De Silva | With: Chaminda Sampath Jayaweera, Rathnayaka Marasinghe, Siththi Mariyam, Sanjeewa Dissanayake, Sumathy Sivamohan | Sales: Asia Digital Entertainment Ltd. | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 15:30 PA7 Sat 29-1 22:15 PA6 Sun 30-1 10:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 16:15 PA6

Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 17:30 DJZ



Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Headshots Lawrence Tooley Lawrence Tooley is not a German, but did make a very special German film. Tooley, who grew up in Texas, studied in Germany and adopted the German language and culture in his very own way. But he may also have maintained the gaze of an outsider. The way in which he sketches the unusual environment of artistic thirtysomethings in Berlin has a subtle and ironic distance to it. The film is told in a special way and only reveals its drama in small doses, in occasionally disjointed fragments. The editing is often surprising and the music can also suddenly turn up very loud and disappear again. The film focuses more or less on Marianne (Loretta Pflaum). She is a photographer and occasionally takes on commercial commissions. And like many people in her surroundings, she is fanatically involved with her career, but that changes when she finds out she is pregnant. It puts her in a confused and melancholy state. Headshots is certainly also a psychological drama; Marianne’s issues are illuminated in all their complexity. In addition, the film is also a humourous social sketch. With a great feeling for detail, the lifestyle of a certain generation in a certain class in today’s Berlin is examined.

inTernATionAL premiere

Germany/Austria, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 92 min, German Prod: Lawrence Tooley | Prod Comp: AskimAskim Film | Sc: Lawrence Tooley, Loretta Pflaum | Cam: Emre Erkmen | Ed: Lawrence Tooley | Prod. design: Lawrence Tooley | Sound Des: Daniel Iribarren | Music: Lorenz Dangel | With: Loretta Pflaum, Samuel Finzi, Laura Tonke, Karlheinz Hackl, Pascale Schiller | Print/Sales: AskimAskim Film Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 18:30 PA7 Sat 29-1 10:15 PA6 Sun 30-1 22:15 PA6 Sat 5-2 19:15 PA6


Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 11:45 DJZ


Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Fuyu no kemono Love Addiction

Uchida Nobuteru In his second feature, Uchida Nobuteru asks a lot of his four actors. They are left to their fierce emotions, with not much narrative to cling on to – it’s as if they have been left alone with each other and the camera. The characters all work for the same company, but we follow them outside working hours, in their small apartments, on their way to work or in the corridors of the metro. Yukako has a relationship with her colleague Shigehisa. There are tensions in the relationship and Yukako suspects Shigehisa of having another relationship. This makes Yukako confused and unstable. One day she faints in a metro station. She is helped by Noboru, another colleague. Noboru is infatuated with the new temp Saeko, but she does not reciprocate his feelings. Saeko is in fact the secret love of Shigehisa. The story seems like it could be a soap opera or even a comedy, but the acting and staging look so realistic that we could be witnessing heated therapy sessions. According to the film maker, love is not always something beautiful or even something you have under control. Personalities and situations are too different to find a harmonious solution. That doesn’t mean that people give up their attempts to love, because it is indeed addictive.

inTernATionAL premiere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 92 min, Japanese Prod: Saito Aya | Prod Comp: Eizo Kobo NOBU | Sc: Uchida Nobuteru, Kato Megumi, Sato Hiroyuki, Takaki Kosuke, Maekawa Momoko | Cam: Uchida Nobuteru, Saito Aya | Ed: Uchida Nobuteru | Sound Des: Uchida Nobuteru | With: Kato Megumi, Sato Hiroyuki, Takaki Kosuke, Maekawa Momoko | Print/Sales: Eizo Kobo NOBU Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 19:15 PA6 Wed 2-2 10:15 PA6 Thu 3-2 22:15 PA6 Fri 4-2 19:15 PA6

Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 16:00 DWBZ



Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

Chitra sutram The image Threads

Vipin Vijay The enfant terrible of Indian cinema, Vipin Vijay, winner of a Tiger Award for Short Films in 2007 for Video Game, is now having his feature debut with a film that enchants, provokes and intrigues. This surrealist tale is a symphony of several parallel threads, a visual exploration of the virtual world evolving around an IT professor named Hari, whose philosophical contemplations are interchanged with on-line conversations with a mysterious, femalelike cyber creature. Like goddess Tara, the beautiful Ramani struggles to deny the body to get more in touch with the spiritual. The third main character is Hari’s black magician grandfather, who sporadically appears in his memories. Interweaving computer science, Indian mythology, numerology and personal symbolism, the author takes us on a contemplative journey. Exploring the virtual reality and the conscious world, the film enables us to make our own wild interpretations of signs and signals and build a personal micromemory, yet preserves a genuine Indian sensitivity. The brilliantly conceived sound design determines the rhythm and often assists in decoding the images. This talented Malayali film maker from Kerala, still too little recognized at home, could be considered an Indian successor to Sergei Parajanov. eUropeAn premiere

India, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 104 min, Malayalam Prod: Altaf Mazid | Prod Comp: Unknown Film | Sc: Vipin Vijay | Cam: Shehnad Jalal | Ed: Devkamal Ganguly | With: Raghoothaman, Sandeep Chatterjee, Athira, Aadarsh Kumar, Gopalan | Print/Sales: Unknown Film

Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 15:30 PA7 Sun 30-1 10:15 PA6 Fri 4-2 22:15 PA6 Sat 5-2 10:15 PA6


Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 11:45 DJZ


Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion

pasuggun Bleak night

Yoon Sung-Hyun It had already been tackled in Korean Cinema: the suppressed aggression and explosive relations among older pupils in the often strict and repressive school system. But the murky complexities of power, pecking order, friendship, loyalty and physical fury have seldom been examined as closely as in Bleak Night, the feature debut by Yoon Sung-Hyun. His film starts as a whodunit. A schoolchild at a boys’ school, Ki-Tae, has died. The father, who realises all too well how absent he was in bringing up his son, wonders what happened. He has conversations with Ki-Tae’s friends, but they do not seem eager to say very much. The fragile Hee-June, who to avoid conflict has gone to another school, advises him to look for Dong-Yoon, who has known Ki-Tae from childhood. But Dong-Yoon has disappeared without trace. The film slowly reveals how the friendship broke down – and how mutual relationships were not as expected. Bleak Night, with several of the most talented young Korean film actors playing the lead, is Yoon’s final exam film from the Korean Film Academy, KAFA. Yet in everything it’s a mature film, gripping and impressively told, with complete concentration on his subject: the microcosm of schoolchildren in which adults are suspiciously absent. inTernATionAL premiere

South Korea, 2010 | colour, video, 116 min, Korean Prod: Yoon Sung-Hyun, Byun Bong-Sun | Sc: Yoon Sung-Hyun | Cam: Byun BongSun | Ed: Yoon Sung-Hyun | Prod. design: Kang Young-Soo | Sound Des: Kim Soo-Hyun | Music: Park Min-June | With: Lee Je-Hoon, Seo Jun-Young, Park Jung-Min, Bae Je-Kee, Lee Cho-Hee | Print/Sales: CJ Entertainment Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:15 PA6 Sun 30-1 13:30 PA4 Mon 31-1 22:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 21:45 PA4

Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 13:30 DWBZ



Het Mediafonds feliciteert het IFFR met zijn 40e editie! Dutch Cultural Media Fund salutes IFFR on the occasion of its 40th anniversary!

En viert dit met ... And is celebrating this with ... Raúl Ruiz, Wim Wenders, Abbas Kiarostami, Michael Haneke, Abderrahmane Sissako, Jim Jarmusch & Apichatpong Weerasethakul in Frank Scheffer’s VPRO documentary

TIGER EYES premiere Sunday 30 January – 21:00 hrs Pathé 5

roTTerdAm Tiger AwArds CompeTiTion for shorT films

RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

Rotterdam tiger awards Competition for short films 1 SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 15:45 LV1 Fri 28-1 14:00 LV2

lesser apes Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby

Experimental story of a primatologist who lives with a captive colony of bonobos. She falls in love with Meema, the matriarch of the colony. This funny, irreverent and smart video examines our notions of perversity. Meema seizes her chance of a heroic role. Also screens in Short Profile: Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby. woRld pRemieRe

Canada, 2011 | colour, video, 19 min, English Prod: Emily Vey Duke | Prod Comp: Duke and Battersby | Sc: Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby | Print/Sales: Duke and Battersby |

otolith iii The Otolith Group

Written in 1967, The Alien would have been the first science fiction film to be set in contemporary India. Otolith III returns to 1967 to propose an alternative trajectory in which the fictional protagonists of The Alien attempt to seize the means of production in order to create the conditions for their existence as images. (OG) The Otolith Group is an artist collective founded by Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun and was nominated for the 2010 Turner Prize. United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 49 min, English Prod | Sc | Cam | Ed: The Otolith Group | Print/Sales: LUX

stardust Nicolas Provost

The inhabitants of Las Vegas and its visitors unwittingly act as the leading characters and extras in Stardust. Nicholas Provost filmed everyday life in Sin City with a hidden camera, making use of Hollywood’s cinematic and narrative codes to edit the footage into a fiction film. Without realising it, a couple of real Hollywood stars, including Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson, even have cameo roles. Belgium, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 20 min, English Prod: Nicolas Provost | Sc: Nicolas Provost | Cam: Nicolas Provost | Ed: Nico Leunen, Nicolas Provost, Nathalie Cools | Sales: Nicolas Provost | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk |



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

Rotterdam tiger awards Competition for short films 2 SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 19:45 LV1 Fri 28-1 12:00 LV2

end transmission James T. Hong, Chen Yin-Ju

... we were here before you ... A decoded, alien environmental message, structured as a hypnotic experimental film, forcefully and poetically warns us of the aliens’ return and planet Earth’s re-colonisation. According to Stephen Hawking, ‘if aliens ever visit us, the outcome will be much as when Christopher Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.’ Who are the real natives? inteRnational pRemieRe

Taiwan/Netherlands/Germany, 2010 | b&w, video, 17 min, no dialogue Prod: James T. Hong, Chen Yin-Ju | Sc: Chen Yin-Ju, James T. Hong | Cam: Chen Yin-Ju, James T. Hong | Ed: Chen Yin-Ju, James T. Hong | Prod Des: Chen Yin-Ju, James T. Hong | Sound Des: Chen Yin-Ju, James T. Hong | Print/Sales: Chen Yin-Ju |

Beyond-ism Sun Xun

In an ancient Chinese legend, Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, sent Xufu – accompanied by 3,000 girls and boys – on a ship to the magic lands in the East in search of everlasting life. Ultimately the boat reaches Japan. In Sun Xun’s magical world, which mixes up references to Mao’s poetry, ancient China and tales from Japan, it is the magician who rules the world. inteRnational pRemieRe

China, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, no dialogue Prod: Sun Xun | Prod Comp: Pi Animation Studio | Sc: Sun Xun | Ed: Xu Chong, Sun Xun | Sound Des: Jin Shan | Print/Sales: Pi Animation Studio |

after empire Herman Asselberghs

9/11 marked the start of the 21st century. Asselberghs wonders: why start with such a destructive image? Why not pick 15 February 2003, the day on which 30 million people demonstrated against the US’s decision to start a ‘preventive’ war in Iraq? Somewhere between poetry and politics, he invites us to contemplate the effect of media images on society and to imagine the opportunities provided by an alternative media landscape. woRld pRemieRe

Belgium, 2011 | colour, video, 52 min, English Prod: Marie Logie | Prod Comp: Auguste Orts | Sc: Herman Asselberghs, Dieter Lesage | Cam: Fairuz | Ed: Fairuz | Sound Des: Boris Debackere | Music: Els Viaene | Print/ Sales: Auguste Orts |



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

immortal woman Jakrawal Nilthamrong

The filmmaker was inspired by Dutch attitudes towards (and legislation concerning) euthanasia. Nilthamrong attended the Rijksacademie from 20072008 and not only came into contact with the Dutch art world, but also with social and political attitudes very different from those in Thailand. The sole lead in this minimal film is a 200-year-old woman who wishes to end her eternal life. eURopean pRemieRe

Thailand, 2010 | colour, video, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Jakrawal Nilthamrong | Prod Comp: Mit Out Sound Films | Sc: Jakrawal Nilthamrong | Cam: Jakrawal Nilthamrong | Ed: Jakrawal Nilthamrong | Print/Sales: Mit Out Sound Films

Rotterdam tiger awards Competition for short films 3 SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 15:45 LV1 Sat 29-1 14:00 LV2

Versions Oliver Laric

Placed in a historical perspective, this copyright manifesto goes back as far as the Classics and sixteenth-century iconoclasm. The film brings up numerous examples of reuse, such as classical literature and its followers, copies of classical sculptures, cam movies, Photoshopped news photos, and reuse of the same scenes in various animation films, to demonstrate that reuse is nothing new. Consistently maintaining this position, Laric has made various versions of this film. Germany/North Korea, 2010 | colour, video, 9 min, English Prod: Oliver Laric | Sales: Oliver Laric | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk |

Jan Villa Natasha Mendonca

Natasha Mendonca returns to Mumbai, the city of her birth, after the devastating floods of 2005. Alongside all the silent witnesses to nature’s violence, she primarily records the personal consequences of this destruction and the way the disaster undermined the security of hearth and home. Jan Villa is not a linear narrative, but an impressive associative essay whereby the images seem sucked inwards, as if in a vortex. Also screens in South Asian Shorts: Inhabited Spaces. USA/India, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 20 min, English Prod: Natasha Mendonca | Sc: Natasha Mendonca | Cam: Natasha Mendonca | Ed: Natasha Mendonca | Print/Sales: Natasha Mendonca |



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

i lupi

the wolves Alberto De Michele

Dark images, headlights, fog and a father’s off-screen voice describe what revolves around a robbery. The process was long and complex and, as the artist was an infiltrator, his father was the only possible assistant. The actual criminal act is never documented as it is not the most important issue; this is the anthropological aspect, the way of thinking and acting, and the ability to take on a role. woRld pRemieRe

Italy, 2011 | colour, video, 17 min, Italian Prod: Alberto De Michele | Sc: Alberto De Michele | Cam: Alberto De Michele | Ed: Alberto De Michele | Prod Des: Alberto De Michele | Print/Sales: Alberto De Michele |

tse out

Roee Rosen

The crucial scene between dominant character Yoana and the submissive Ela takes place in an ordinary living room. Initially, Ela only responds to the blows with light moans. As the pain increases, she spits out her lines. Is this a forced confession or a form of exorcism in which the devil speaks? The words prove to be quotes from Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s extreme right-wing Minister of Foreign Affairs. Israel, 2010 | colour, video, 34 min, Hebrew/Russian Prod: Roee Rosen | Sc: Roee Rosen | Cam: Avner Shahaf | Ed: Max Lomberg | Prod Des: Roee Rosen | Sound Des: Binya Reches | With: Yoana Gonen, Ela Shapira | Print/Sales: Roee Rosen

Rotterdam tiger awards Competition for short films 4 SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:45 LV1 Sat 29-1 12:00 LV6

pastourelle Nathaniel Dorsky

Devotional Cinema. A pastourelle and an aubade are two different forms of courtship songs from the Troubadour tradition. In this case, the film Pastourelle, a sister film to Aubade, is in the more tumultuous key of spring. (ND) Also screens in Signals: Nathaniel Dorsky. eURopean pRemieRe

USA, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 16 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

mercúrio mercury

Sandro Aguilar

An autumnal film, trees shedding leaves, birds singing whilst blissfully unaware of the drama unfolding below. The unrelenting gaze of the camera, storytelling captured in minute gestures and reflections. And as masterfully as the scene is set, time shifts again, leaving us with only a memory. With two magnificent films in 2010 (Voodoo screens in Sandro Aguilar’s short profile programme), there’s plenty more yet to come. Portugal, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 18 min, Portuguese Prod: Sandro Aguilar, Luís Urbano | Prod Comp: O Som e a Fúria | Sc: Sandro Aguilar | Cam: Rui Xavier | Ed: Sandro Aguilar | Sound Des: Marco Leão, Tiago Matos | With: Isabel Abreu, Albano Jerónimo, Eduardo Aguilar | Print/Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency

it, heat, hit Laure Prouvost

It, Heat, Hit has everything: snow, frogs, love, violence, drums, skidding cars, pointing fingers, playful semantics and silent audience participation. There’s enough ideas here to fuel dynasty upon dynasty of violent dictators and more than enough molten, burning, seismic energy to rupture a continental plate. And all this in just seven minutes. You’ll be seduced, you’ll be entertained and you’ll want it all over again. United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 6 min, English Prod: Laure Prouvost | Sc: Laure Prouvost | Cam: Laure Prouvost | Ed: Laure Prouvost | Print/Sales: MOT International |

slow action Ben Rivers

Slow Action considers the possible future Utopias evolving in isolated environments, and takes maker Ben Rivers to four islands: Lanzarote – one of the world’s driest; Japan’s ruinous concrete-packed Gunkanjima; Polynesian Tuvalu, which only just scrapes above sea level; and the fictional Somerset – post-apocalyptic remnants of the former British Isles. Beautifully filmed, gloriously soundtracked, this is biogeography at its lushest. woRld pRemieRe

United Kingdom, 2011 | colour/b&w, 16mm, 1:2.35, 45 min, English Prod: Ben Rivers | Cam: Ben Rivers | Ed: Ben Rivers | Print/Sales: LUX |



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

Rotterdam tiger awards Competition for short films 5 SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 15:45 LV1 Sun 30-1 14:00 LV2

a short film about war Jon Thomson, Alison Craighead

Photographs and videos from various war zones found on Flickr are brought to life by reports from bloggers and strung together by Google Earth. Parallel to this dramatic report, the origins of these images, blog excerpts and GPS locations are shown as a plain text file. Artist duo Thomson & Craighead critically examine the mediated information surrounding us and, quite rightly, call the results a film. United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 10 min, English/Hebrew/Arabic/French Prod: Jon Thomson, Alison Craighead | Sc: Steve Rushton, Jon Thomson, Alison Craighead | Print/Sales: Jon Thomson |

lubaben Eva Pervolovici

Documentary and fiction create a precarious balance in this well-crafted experiment. The actors – the young, vulnerable immigrant and the homeless man – met for the first time during their first take together. The raw documentary footage from Belarus intercut with the story make Lubaben ‘a fiction composed of different layers of documentary’, as director Eva Pervolovici writes in her director’s notes. woRld pRemieRe

France/Romania, 2011 | colour, video, 30 min, French/English Prod: Anita Draghici | Sc: Eva Pervolovici | Cam: Zara Popovici | Ed: Eva Pervolovici | Prod Des: Filip Muresan | Sound Des: Felix Blume, Filip Muresan | With: Luba Zhuromskaya, Benjamin Frizon de Lamotte | Print/Sales: Anita Draghici |

the story of elfranko wessels Erik Moskowitz, Amanda Trager

This is an immigrant story where the stammering interviewee relates his struggles with addiction, homelessness and unemployment as he breaks away from his pro-Apartheid Afrikaner family to move to the US. Unexpectedly, it’s a story told in song, with an intriguing use of dubbing and back projections. It expands to include the voices of the directors, who share in the testimony and with whom we finally walk off into the sunset. woRld pRemieRe

USA/Canada, 2011 | colour, video, 16 min, English Prod: Erik Moskowitz, Amanda Trager | Prod Comp: American Trance | With: Erik Moskowitz, Amanda Trager, Elfranko Wessels | Print/Sales: American Trance |



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

a history of mutual Respect Gabriel Abrantes, Daniel Schmidt

With Gabriel Abrantes’s prodigious Rotterdam 2010 entry Visionary Iraq, we asked whether things could get any more wrong? The good news is that they do. Playing the ludicrously selfconfident protagonists of their film, Abrantes & Schmidt head for the jungle. It’s a work of great imagination, biting chunks from the rule-book, pitching cliché against cliché and with an opening that couples the sublime Iguazu Falls with the husky wisdom of Nina Simone. Mesmerising! Portugal, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 23 min, English/Portuguese/Spanish/French Prod: Gabriel Abrantes, Natxo Checa, João Trabulo | Prod Comp: A Mutual Respect, Periferia Filmes | Sc: Gabriel Abrantes, Daniel Schmidt | Cam: Natxo Checa | Ed: Gabriel Abrantes, Daniel Schmidt | Prod Des: Gabriel Abrantes, Natxo Checa | Sound Des: François Loubeyre, Daniel Schmidt, Hugo Leitão | Music: Daniel Gdula | With: Gabriel Abrantes, Daniel Schmidt, Alcina Abrantes, Joana Nascimento | Print: Periferia Filmes | Sales: A Mutual Respect |

Rotterdam tiger awards Competition for short films 6 SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:45 LV1 Sun 30-1 12:00 LV2

mirages Emanuel Licha

Mirages focuses on a mock Iraqi village in the middle of the Mojave desert in California. The village is used not only to train soldiers for combat, but also as a device to guide their gaze. It familiarises them with the ‘reality’ of Iraq, as it is fictionalized by the Army and Hollywood. Soldiers are trained to differentiate the ‘good people’ from the terrorists and taught that every Iraqi is a potential enemy. Canada/France, 2010 | colour, video, 22 min, English/French Prod | Sc | Cam | Ed: Emanuel Licha | Print/Sales: Emanuel



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

domashnyee Kino home movie John Price

Domashnyee Kino is a home movie which gloriously outdoes ordinary home endeavours with its unexpected colours and textures. Price spent four years filming in and around his house with his big Russian 35mm camera, using a collection of old film stock, ‘ripened’ in his cellar. He playfully observes his two growing children and his private surroundings, applying the same fascination to the glowing light in the rooms and outside in the park. Canada, 2010 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:2.35, 27 min, no dialogue Prod: Lea Carlson | Cam: John Price | Ed: John Price | Sound Des: John Price, Daniel Pellerin, Matthew Chan | With: Charlie Price, Estelle Price, Tabitha Munday | Print/Sales: John Price |

these hammers don’t hurt Us Michael Robinson

Tired of underworld and overworld alike, Isis escorts her favourite son on their final curtain call down the Nile, leaving a neon wake of shattered tombs and sparkling sarcophagi. (MR) Ancient Egypt re-created in a witty re-edit in which Cleopatra and The King of Pop meet each other. A stunning play with imagination and a refined criticism of the way popular culture interprets emotion and authenticity. eURopean pRemieRe

USA, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 13 min, English Prod | Sc | Cam | Ed: Michael Robinson | Print/Sales: Michael

maska Brothers Quay

What seems to be an innocent – if somewhat dark – love story soon morphs into a horror film when Countess Duenna’s true intentions come to light: to mercilessly track down her prince and murder him. Although she is programmed to kill, something akin to a conscience seems to surface in her unscrupulous character. It is this friction between the soul and the machine that keeps us suspended between belief and disbelief. Poland, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 24 min, Polish Prod: Marlena Lukasiak, Zbigniew Zmudzki | Prod Comp: Polish Cultural Institute, Se-Ma-For Film Production | Sc: Brothers Quay, based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem | Cam: Brothers Quay | Ed: Janusz Czubak | Prod Des: Justyna Rucinska | Sound Des: Piotr Knop, Michal Kosterkiewicz | Music: Krzysztof Penderecki | Print/Sales: Se-Ma-For Film Production



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

Rotterdam tiger awards Competition for short films 7 SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:45 LV1 Mon 31-1 12:00 LV2

Khleb dlya pticy Bread for Bird

Aleksandra Strelyanaya

She is old now, almost blind and all she has left are memories. The sweet thoughts of her first love Borya, the smell of the hay, the parties, her wedding. But also the suffering: the eight years imprisoned under the Stalin regime, only to be deported to Siberia. A colourful life in stories, old photographs and songs, still vivid in her memory. Does it mean the end of a generation? Russia, 2010 | colour, video, 26 min, Russian Prod: Aleksey Telnov | Prod Comp: Saint-Petersburg Documentary Film Studio | Sc: Aleksandra Strelyanaya | Cam: Aleksandr Demyanenko | Ed: Aleksandra Strelyanaya | Sound Des: Aleksandr Laneev | Music: Aleksandr Laneev | Print/Sales: Saint-Petersburg Documentary Film Studio |

1989 (den gang jeg var fem år gammel)

1989 (when i was five Years old) Thor Ochsner

The maker’s traumatic childhood experience subtly recreated using captivating light-animated drawings. Ochsner’s mind conjures up images of the fatal car accident (in which his father died) as flashes of light and afterimages. Strong debut by young maker who, among other things, used his own childhood drawings: ‘All the things I could see and hear that night are reconstructed with simple drawings and sounds.’ Denmark, 2010 | colour, video, 11 min, Danish Prod: Jacob Jarek | Sc: Thor Ochsner | Cam: Thor Ochsner | Ed: Thor Ochsner | Prod Des: Thor Ochsner | Sound Des: Oskar Skriver | With: Thor Ochsner | Print/Sales: Jacob Jarek |

players Pilvi Takala

Six poker professionals in Bangkok use probability theory – the fundamental theory of poker – to ensure that they treat each other justly and that everyone contributes equally. The systematic and analysed way these poker players look at everyday life may seem absurd, and their lifestyle is easy to judge, but the shock might be more about the way they are ignoring their original society than the way they have built their own. Finland/Netherlands, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, English Prod | Sc | Cam | Ed: Pilvi Takala | Print/Sales: Mikko Mällinen



RotteRdam tigeR awaRds Competition foR shoRt films

la dame au chien the lady with the dog Damien Manivel

Returning from the pool on a hot summer’s afternoon, a young man finds a dog in the park and returns it to its owner. Tension rises in this unusual meeting between three creatures from seemingly different planets. The dog seems to be the most at ease and provides crucial instructions. Director Damien Manivel, a professional dancer and the maker of Viril, which was selected in 2008, honours his physical background. France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 16 min, French Prod: Marie-Anne Campos | Prod Comp: G.R.E.C. Groupe de recherches et d’essais cinématographiques | Sc: Damien Manivel, Rémi Esterle | Cam: Julien Guillery | Ed: Erika Haglund | Prod Des: Jannick Guillou | Sound Des: Jérôme Petit | With: Elsa Wolliaston, Rémi Taffanel, Stiki | Print/Sales: G.R.E.C. Groupe de recherches et d’essais cinématographiques |

maria theresia und ihre 16 Kinder

maria theresia and her 16 Children

Roland Rauschmeier, Ulu Braun

‘It is the year 2010. Austria has developed into one of the EU’s leading nations by purposefully engaging in science and research, art and culture and Empress Maria Theresia’s non-military marriage politics.’ A never-ending rush of images from films, children’s series, nature documentaries, commercials, scientific experiments and sports are used to convincingly support this hypothesis. inteRnational pRemieRe

Austria/Germany, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 30 min, English Prod | Sc | Cam | Ed: Roland Rauschmeier, Ulu Braun | Prod Des: Ulu Braun, Roland Rauschmeier | Sound Des: Ulu Braun, Roland Rauschmeier, Martin Maleßa | Music: Les Lapislazuli | With: Lotte Poelstra, Anne Juren, Theo Seidel, Milan Braun, Stella Braun, Niina Braun | Print/Sales: Roland Rauschmeier



reTurn of The Tiger

RetuRn of the tigeR

When Love Comes Chang Tso-chi

Taiwan, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 107 min, Mandarin/Taiwanese Prod: Chang Tso-chi | Prod Comp: Chang Tso-Chi Film Studio | Sc: Chang Tso-Chi, Hsieh Hui-Ching | Cam: Chang Chan | Ed: Chang Tso-Chi | Prod. design: Peng Wei-min | Sound Des: Chang Chan | Music: Wu Ruei-ran | With: Li Yi-jie, Gao Meng-jie, Lu Xue-feng, Lin Yu-shun, He Zi-hua | Print/ Sales: Chang Tso-Chi Film Studio Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 13:30 PA4 Sat 29-1 15:30 PA2 Sun 30-1 14:45 CI6 Sat 5-2 13:00 PA1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 20:30 CI3

Dark Face has moved with his family from the small island of Kinmen off the coast of China to the suburbs of the Taiwanese capital Taipei, in order to open a modest restaurant there. It’s an unusual family, because Dark Face is polygamous. When his first wife, Xue Feng, turned out to be infertile, he also married his former lover Zhihua. Together, they had two daughters, Laichun and Lairi, and there is now also a newly born son. Laichun is herself already an adult and also pregnant. When one of the relatives dies, family secrets that have been hidden for years float to the surface. It’s the women who dominate in this warm, layered family drama, already dubbed the best film by Chang Tso-chi (nominated for a Tiger Award in 1997 with Ah Chung). When Love Comes is not only an ode to the power of women, but also an intense drama about the spiritual maturity of Laichun and about bridging generational conflicts. Aptly enough, Chang starts and finishes his film with the birth of a child.

Ako zrno ne umre if the Seed Doesn’t Die Sinisa Dragin

euRoPeAn PReMieRe

Romania/Serbia/Austria, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 115 min, Romanian/ Serbian/German/English Prod: Sinisa Dragin, Veit Heiduschka | Prod Comp: Mrakonia Film, WegaFilmproduktionsgesellschaft | Sc: Sinisa Dragin | Cam: Dusan Joksimovic | Ed: Petar Markovic, Sinisa Dragin | Prod. design: Dan Toader | Sound Des: Viorel Dobre | Music: Dragos Alexandru | With: Mustafa Nadarevic, Dan Condurache, Franz Buchrieser | Sales: Insomnia World Sales | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 16:45 SGZ Wed 2-2 12:30 PA2 Thu 3-2 19:15 PA6

Romania about 200 years ago. Peasants drag a wooden church across a frozen lake to their village. They’re not allowed to build one, because they are Orthodox Christians. The Balkan region in the post-communist era. A Serbian man is looking for the body of his son, who died in a car crash in Romania. A Romanian man wants to find his daughter, who was forced to work in a brothel in Kosovo. They meet by the illegal border crossing on the River Danube. What follows is a depressing, black tragicomedy in which there is plenty of drinking and prostitution, corpses are sold for a thousand euros and corruption flourishes. All against the background of the turbulent political history of the Balkans with continually fragmented nation-states and a Babylonian mix of languages. That the region has always been the site of fierce and often bloody conflicts is made clear by Sinisa Dragin (Tiger Award winner in 2002 with Every Day God Kisses Us on the Mouth) in this incomparable succession of absurd dramatic situations.

Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 12:15 DWBZ



RetuRn of the tigeR

Los labios

the Lips Iván Fund, Santiago Loza

Argentina, 2010 | colour, video, 100 min, Spanish Prod: Iván Eibuszyc, Santiago Loza | Prod comp: Morocha Films | Sc: Santiago Loza, Iván Fund | Cam: María Laura Collasso | Ed: Lorena Moriconi | Prod. design: Adrián Suárez | Sound Des: Leandro de Loredo, Alejandro Seba | Music: Ivan Fund, Lisandro Rodríguez | With: Victoria Raposo, Eva Bianco, Adela Sánchez, Raul Lagger | Print/Sales: Latinofusion Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 17:00 LUX Wed 2-2 10:30 PA4 Fri 4-2 11:30 LV3

Three women at an Argentine bus station. They don’t know each other, but take a night bus to a deserted hospital in the tropical north of the country. This will be their base to offer health care; Coca, Luchi and Noe visit inhabitants of remote villages who are plagued by poverty, hunger and dengue fever. We see a mother with six kids, an unemployed man looking for two small children, a 78-year-old man suffering malnutrition and a teenage girl who is pregnant for the second time – probably by her father. The patients are ‘played’ by people from the local population. Integrating documentary elements in a fiction film has been used in several recent Argentine films; Santiago Loza (Tiger Award winner in 2003 with Extraño) and Iván Fund use it most emphatically use in this dignified, very human drama. When Coca, Luchi and Noe do each other’s hair and lipstick in hospital, it’s obviously set up. It forms a shrill and sad contrast with the harsh reality they meet on their missions of care.

oki-eui younghwa oki’s Movie Hong Sang-Soo

South Korea, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 80 min, Korean Prod: Kim Kyoung-Hee | Prod Comp: Jeonwonsa | Sc: Hong SangSoo | Cam: Park Hong-Yeol, Jee Yune-Jeong | Ed: Hahm Sung-Won | Sound Des: Kim Mir | Music: We Zong-Yun | With: Lee Sun-Kyun, Jung Yu-Mi, Moon Sung-Keun | Print/Sales: Finecut Co., Ltd. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:30 CI5 Sat 29-1 21:15 PA3 Sun 30-1 20:15 CI4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 22:00 CI3

Hong, who won a Tiger award in 1997 with his feature debut The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well, has for years made films about men wrestling with themselves. Here it is in the playful form of a comicromantic four-part story about making a film, set around a Korean film school with all its machinations and gossiping. While Professor Song has declared film dead as art, Jingu – a thoughtful, dipsomaniac filmmaker in crisis – tries to stay on his feet in a three-cornered relationship with female student Oki. Despite financial problems, Jingu manages to make a short film, after which he is thrown to the lions in a hilariously embarrassing Q&A in the cinema. Apart from being a successful comedy, Oki’s Movie is also a plea to regard film as art and to throw overboard such restrictions as having a theme. Most memorable is the scene in a classroom where Jingu and Oki bombard the professor with questions: ‘Am I a good person?’ and ‘What do you most want to do in life?’



RetuRn of the tigeR

genpin Naomi Kawase

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 92 min, Japanese Prod: Naito Yuko | Prod Comp: Kumie Inc. | Sc: Naomi Kawase | Cam: Naomi Kawase | Ed: Kaneko Yusuke | Sound Des: Kikuchi Nobuyuki | Music: Rocket Matsu | With: Yoshimura Tadashi | Print/ Sales: Kumie Inc. | Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 21:15 PA3 Fri 28-1 09:15 CI1 Thu 3-2 09:15 CI1

In her short film Tarachime, Kawase Naomi (Fipresci winner in 1997 with the Tiger Award candidate Suzaku) reflects on the birth of her son. She bore him the natural way, hence without medication or operative intervention. In the spiritual documentary Genpin, Kawase follows gynaecologist Yoshimura Tadashi, who has already helped more than 20,000 women give birth naturally in his clinic in the middle of a forest. To prepare for the birth, Yoshimura makes them move a lot – chopping wood, ploughing the land, cleaning – and gives mental help in group sessions. And their births are strikingly pleasant and satisfying. Kawase records it with her characteristic physical, elegant camera style, that creates a lot of intimacy with the women. Genpin is the primeval experience of being pregnant and the inextricable bond between mother and child. It is the documentary counterpart of Kawase’s successful The Mourning Forest, also about the relationship between people and Mother Earth and between life and death.

Robinson in Ruins Patrick Keiller

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 101 min, English Prod: Patrick Keiller | Sc: Patrick Keiller | Cam: Patrick Keiller | Ed: Patrick Keiller, Larry Sider, Shewring Chu-Li | Sound Des: Larry Sider, Shewring Chu-Li | Print/ Sales: HanWay Films | uk/distribution/robinson_in_ruins Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 12:00 CI5 Tue 1-2 09:45 LV2 Sat 5-2 22:30 CI2


‘After a man named Robinson was released from Edgecote prison, he found his way to the closest city and looked for somewhere to stay.’ After London (1993) aand Robinson in Space (Tiger Award winner in 1997), British director Patrick Keiller is presenting his third film essay about the eccentric, mysterious Robinson. His character never appears on screen, but is repeatedly evoked in the interplay of images and sound. Keiller filmed landscapes in the south of England, in the year when the bank bubble burst. Many locations also refer to the rise of capitalism since the 16th century. The ironic voice-over by Vanessa Redgrave, who took over the role from the late lamented Paul Scofield, mentions the deepening financial crisis, but also climate change, philosophy, architecture, art, science and politics. The result is a two-sided portrait: the English landscape has long been the backdrop for industries and infrastructure projects, but its inhabitants still regard it as picturesque countryside.


RetuRn of the tigeR

22 mei

22nd of May Koen Mortier

Belgium, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 88 min, Dutch Prod: Eurydice Gysel, Koen Mortier | Prod Comp: Epidemic, IJswater Films BV, Revolver | Sc: Koen Mortier | Cam: Glynn Speeckaert | Ed: Nico Leunen | Prod. design: Geert Paredis | Sound Des: Lars Ginzel | Music: Michael Gallagher | With: Sam Louwyck, Titus de Voogdt, Wim Willaert, Norman Baert, Jan Hammenecker | Sales: Epidemic | Distr. NL: Cinéart Netherlands | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:30* LUX Wed 2-2 18:30 PA7 Thu 3-2 16:30 LV5 Sat 5-2 14:15 LV5

Sam works as a security guard in a shopping centre. The 22nd of May looks as if it’s going to be a day like any other: the forty-something drags himself to work; he shows someone the way and throws out a tramp. But when he stands outside smoking a cigarette, fate strikes. In the shopping centre, a boy with a rucksack blows himself up. And Sam didn’t notice. Or did he? The Flemish Koen Mortier made a spectacular debut four years ago with Ex Drummer, based on work by Herman Brusselmans and included in the Tiger Award competition. 22nd of May, partly shot in Rotterdam, is both radical and idiosyncratic, yet totally different in many ways. The camera stays close to Sam, as if Mortier wants to get inside his head, and the music by Michael Gallagher is moody and effective. Slowly but surely, Sam loses his grip on reality, overwhelmed by guilt feelings. And the viewer loses it along with him. 22nd of May is at once an impressive drama and a moving character study.

Meek’s Cutoff Kelly Reichardt

USA, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 104 min, English Prod: Anish Savjani, Neil Kopp, Elizabeth Cuthrell, David Urrutia | Prod Comp: filmscience, Evenstar Films | Sc: Jon Raymond | Cam: Christopher Blauvelt | Ed: Kelly Reichardt | Prod. design: David Doernberg | Sound Des: Leslie Shatz | Music: Jeff Grace | With: Michelle Williams, Bruce Greenwood, Will Patton, Zoe Kazan, Paul Dano, Shirley Henderson, Neal Huff, Tommy Nelson, Rod Rondeaux | Print/Sales: Cinetic Media Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 12:30 PA7 Sun 30-1 09:15 PA3 Mon 31-1 19:45 LV5 Wed 2-2 12:30 CI4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 18:45 CI3

This minimalist historic Western stays closer to Reichardt’s previous work than would first appear. Like Old Joy (which won a Tiger Award in 2006) and Wendy and Lucy (2008), Meek’s Cutoff is an existential road movie with a major role for the Pacific Northwest landscape, in this case the Oregon desert. The reckless mountain guide Stephen Meek got lost there in 1845 with a group of three pioneering families. Reichardt’s regular scriptwriter Jon Raymond based his work partly on the diaries of the women in the company. That female perspective is unusual in a Western, as is the calm narrative tempo, the narrow 1.37 format, the trance-like silence (accentuated by creaking wagons) and the focus on everyday tasks. The filmmakers do not deny that an allegorical parallel can be drawn with the Bush era. The colonists have to choose between their unreliable white leader and a coloured outsider: a Native American who could be seen as a terrorist or as President Obama.



RetuRn of the tigeR

Pulsar Alex Stockman

Belgium, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 94 min, Dutch/French Prod: Kaat Camerlynck | Prod Comp: Corridor | Sc: Alex Stockman | Cam: Sebastien Koeppel | Ed: Nico Leunen | Prod. design: Jeff Otte | Sound Des: Senjan Jansen | Music: Guy Van Nueten | With: Matthias Schoenaerts, Tine Van den Wyngaert, Nico Sturm, Sien Eggers, Vincent Lecuyer | Print/Sales: Corridor | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:15 PA6 Sat 29-1 22:30 CI6 Thu 3-2 19:45 DJZ Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 14:45 DWBZ

In Pulsar, the second feature by Alex Stockman, the ‘wireless fidelity’ of two lovers is put to the test by a mysterious hacker. Stockman, who competed for a Tiger Award in 2000 with I Know I’ll See Your Face Again, claustrophobically shows how communication technology dominates our lives. The global hot spot seems to increasingly make us impatient and vulnerable. That is discovered by Samuel, who stays behind in Brussels when his girlfriend Mireille leaves for work experience in New York. Several days later, Sam’s computer is hacked. From then on he regularly sees ‘connection lost’ on his screen. The hacker manages to upset Samuel’s life completely. Falling into a state of paranoia, he puts all his hope in wifi-blocking paint. The devil wears digital in Pulsar; the modem as creeping poison. Apart from being a technological thriller, Pulsar is secretly also a tribute to analogue and comprehensible information bearers such as the vinyl record, the Polaroid photo, Super-8 film and the handwritten letter.

Year Without a Summer Tan Chui Mui

euRoPeAn PReMieRe

Malaysia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 90 min, Malay Prod: Liew Seng Tat | Prod Comp: Da Huang Pictures | Sc: Tan Chui Mui | Cam: Teoh Gay Hian | Ed: Tan Chui Mui | Sound Des: Pete Teo | Music: Azmyl Yunor | With: Azman Hassan, Mislina Mustaffa, Nam Ron | Sales: Da Huang Pictures | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | www. Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 18:30 PA7 Tue 1-2 19:45 DJZ Fri 4-2 14:00 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 09:30 CI3


The first part of Year Without a Summer is set largely in the moonlight. On the evening when the singer Azam returns to the village he was so eager to flee as a little boy, he goes fishing in a boat with his friend Ali and his friend’s wife Minah. They bob around in a boat as they tell each other old myths. When Minah shows she can hold her breath for three minutes and Azam does the same later, the camera waits calmly with the others until the time has passed. But for Azam that starts to last a very long time. Tiger-Award winner Tan Chui Mui (Love Conquers All, 2007) uses many long shots in a style that alternates between realistic and mystical. The second part of the film is a retrospective look at the childhood of the two friends. For Azam, that time was spent waiting to grow older. Patience and desire are the main themes in this cinematographic poem in which fantasy and reality, present and past, become intertwined.


RetuRn of the tigeR

tres semanas después three Weeks Later José Luis Torres Leiva

Chile, 2010 | colour, video, 60 min, no dialogue Prod: José Luis Torres Leiva | Sc: Jose Luis Torres Leiva | Cam: Jose Luis Torres Leiva | Ed: Jose Luis Torres Leiva | Sound Des: Roberto Espinoza | Music: Diego Noguera | Print/ Sales: José Luis Torres Leiva Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:45 CI1 Sun 30-1 17:15* PA2 Fri 4-2 12:15* PA2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 11:30 CI2

On 27 February 2010, an earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale hit the central coastline of Chile. 500 people died, 500,000 buildings were flattened. Three weeks later, when the initial shock was over, José Luis Torres Leiva travelled to the devastated area to shoot a documentary in eight days. Not a journalistic reportage, but a visual meditation on the after-effects of the disaster. Just as he did in The Sky, the Earth and the Rain, selected in 2008 for the Tiger Award Competition, Torres Leiva reveals his unique poetic eye for natural landscapes and urban surroundings. He filmed the collapsed roads, demolished houses and shovels clearing rubble in the distance as stil llifes. The message is clear: this country has become uninhabitable. And reconstruction starts with further destruction: clearing away rubble before new infrastructure can emerge. In the horror, both melancholy and hope can be found.



Pablo Trapero

Argentina/France/South Korea/ Chile, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 107 min, Spanish Prod: Pablo Trapero | Prod Comp: Matanza Cine Srl. | Sc: Alejandro Fadel, Martin Mauregui, Santiago Mitre, Pablo Trapero | Cam: Julian Apezteguia | Ed: Ezequiel Borovinsky, Pablo Trapero | Prod. design: Mercedes Alfonsin | Sound Des: Federico Esquerro | With: Ricardo Darin, Martina Gusman | Print/Sales: Finecut Co., Ltd. | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 13:00 PA1 Mon 31-1 21:45 PA5 Tue 1-2 22:30 LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 18:15 CI3

Former Tiger Award winner Pablo Trapero (Crane World, 2000) wanted to make an Argentine film noir with Carancho. Not the classic detective story, but a love story set in the darkness – in a war zone, as Trapero himself calls it. In this case, the war zone is the shady world of insurance claims and car crashes, in which victims are urged by clever lawyers to try and earn money by seeking weak points in the law. Sosa is such a lawyer who visits firstaid posts every evening, foisting his visiting cards on victims. One evening, he meets the young doctor Luján and from that moment, an unlikely romance blossoms between a woman who tries to save lives and the man who tries to earn money from the accidents. The title of the film refers to the vultures that live on the Argentine pampas, resulting in a recent law in Argentina against such legal practices being referred to as the ‘anti-carancho law’.



RetuRn of the tigeR

Club Zeus David Verbeek


Netherlands/China, 2011 | colour, video, 75 min, Mandarin Prod: Raymond van der Kaaij | Prod Comp: Revolver | Sc: David Verbeek | Cam: Chou Shu-Hao | Ed: Sander Vos, David Verbeek | Prod Des: Jun Yao | Sound Des: Ranko Paukovic | Music: Martijn de Wit | With: Ray Zhao, Qi Zheng | Print/Sales: Revolver Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:30 PA4 Tue 1-2 16:15 PA6 Sat 5-2 11:45 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 21:00 CI2


After the Tiger Award-nominated Shanghai Trance, but before the film R U There, that was shot in Taipei, David Verbeek shot Club Zeus in 2008. The film shows a phenomenon we hardly know in the West: a club with ‘host boys’ who pamper rich women by taking on any desired personality. Mysterious, sexy, interested and if necessary willing to go to bed with their clients. Club Zeus fulfils fantasies for women from the economic top layer in Shanghai and the host boys are paid per bottle of champagne sold. Neatly dressed and with the adopted names of Western film stars, they play their roles in the hope of earning more than the others every night. Because in the megacity of Shanghai, everything is a contest. Verbeek shows the glamour of night life as a cocoon, closed off from the outside world. It’s an enormous contrast with the bare apartments of the boys, where they hardly spend any time. ‘The electricity meter must be broken,’ says a landlord. ‘Because you don’t seem to use any power.’


brighT fuTure

Bright Future

New Jerusalem R. Alverson

WOrLD PreMiere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 92 min, English Prod: R. Alverson, Courtney Bowles | Prod Comp: Made Bed Productions | Sc: R. Alverson, Colm O’Leary | Cam: R. Alverson | Ed: R. Alverson | Sound Des: Andrew Uvarov | Music: Robert Donne, Champ Bennett | With: Will Oldham, Colm O’Leary | Print/ Sales: Made Bed Productions | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 18:15 PA3 Tue 1-2 11:45 CI1 Wed 2-2 13:15 PA6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 16:00 CI2

Musician R. Alverson, well-known from the band Spokane, made this meditative, observing film about friendship and vulnerability after making The Builder. Sean and Ike work at a tyre centre – one is wrestling with himself while the other has found solace in the Lord. The Irish immigrant Sean is coming to terms with a war trauma he got in Afghanistan. The evangelical Ike (singer Will Oldham, aka Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy) tries to persuade him to choose God in this confusing period. Sean cannot bear the chaos of the world around him any more and is inclined to embrace a clearcut religious image of the world. In the local diner, they talk about the end of the world and the comfort of believing in something, even if it is only an obvious reassurance. In this character study, Alverson used many calm close-ups to give the men time to reflect on their lives.

en el futuro in the Future Mauro Andrizzi

Argentina, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 62 min, Spanish Prod: Mauro Andrizzi | Prod Comp: Mono Films | Sc: Mauro Andrizzi | Cam: Emiliano Cativa | Ed: Francisco J. Vazquez Murillo | Prod Des: Mauro Andrizzi | Sound Des: Celeste Palma | Music: Pontiak | With: Luis Machin, Sergio Boris, Lorena Damonte, Carlos Defeo, Debora Dejtiar, Andres Irusta, Felix Quadros, Jazmin Antar, Gabriel Lima | Print/Sales: Mono Films Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 21:30* PA2 Sat 29-1 09:15* CI1 Thu 3-2 22:30* PA4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 14:30 CI2


En el futuro opens with lengthy shots of couples kissing. Each of the nine love stories tackled in this daring experimental film look at the past as seen from the present. The future, according to director Mauro Andrizzi, is just as uncertain as life itself. And the hope for a beautiful future is an illusion that keep us waiting expectantly. The melancholy stories are also characterised by fragments of memory and suggestions of what could have been. All is described by a ghost carrying the voice of Andrizzi himself. Due to the fact that one of the relationships takes place between two men, the film was able to win the Queer Lion at the Venice Film Festival, the award for the best film with a homosexual theme or character. But the interest of En el futuro is not exclusively gay. It’s about love and relationships in general, and how they can be experienced in such different ways.


Bright Future


Outbound Bogdan George Apetri

Romania, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 87 min, Romanian Prod: Alexandru Teodorescu, Josef Aichholzer | Prod Comp: Saga Film, Aichholzer Film Produktion | Sc: Bogdan George Apetri, Tudor Voican, Cristian Mungiu, Ioana Uricaru | Cam: Marius Panduru | Ed: Eugen Kelemen | Prod Des: Constantin Petrescu | Sound Des: Bruno Pisek | With: Ana Ularu, Mimi Branescu, Andi Vasluianu, Ioana Flora, Timotei Duma | Print/Sales: MK2 Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:45 DJZ Mon 31-1 12:15 PA3 Tue 1-2 11:45 LV5 Wed 2-2 10:15 PA1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 12:00 DWBZ

She’s briefly allowed out of jail. She has been given 24 hours’ leave to attend the funeral of her mother. But Matilda, hard and unapproachable, is not planning to serve the rest of her sentence. She wants to flee Romania. Before that time comes, Matilda has some business to attend to. She visits her brother and the ex-boyfriend/pimp who still owes her some money. In the end she has to go looking for the most important man in her life: a precocious, traumatised boy, aged eight. The scenario of Outbound is based on a story by Cristian Mungiu and Ioana Uricaru, two Romanian filmmakers who have had the requisite success. The director, Bogdan George Apetri, also seems destined for a magnificent career. His feature debut is secure and harrowing, with a beautiful leading role by Ana Ularu. There doesn’t seem to be any end to the flood of film talent emerging from Romania; the punchy Outbound proves the Romanian New Wave is alive and kicking.


Lucia Niles Atallah

Chile, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 80 min, Spanish Prod: Niles Atallah, Francisco Albornoz | Prod Comp: Diluvio, Lupita Films | Sc: Niles Atallah | Cam: Niles Atallah | Ed: José Luis Torres Leiva, Andrea Chignoli | Prod Des: Fernanda Montesi | Sound Des: Roberto Espinoza | With: Gabriela Aguilera, Gregory Cohen, Eduardo Barril, Esperanza Silva, Francisca Bernardi, Andres Kalawski, Cristina Gomez | Sales: RAMONDAParis | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 15:15* PA3 Mon 31-1 13:00* PA1 Wed 2-2 09:30* CI1

In his first feature, Niles Atallah sketches a sensitive portrait of Lucía, a young seamstress who lives with her father Luis in an old house in the Chilean capital, Santiago. The film focuses on the relationship with her unemployed, physically degenerating father. It’s important to know it is set in December 2006, in the period between the funeral of the former dictator Pinochet and Christmas. In the reporting on Pinochet, we learn about an acquaintance of Lucía and Luis, a doctor who is suspected of torture during the dictatorship. A gift that Lucía gets for Christmas takes her back to her childhood, when she was still unconcerned and her father was more alive. The film subtly shows how powerfully the past affects the lives of Lucía and Luis and just how much Chilean history is interwoven with the present. Atallah occasionally uses the stop-motion animation techniques he previously used in short animation films.



Bright Future

Off the Beaten track Dieter Auner

Ireland/Romania, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 93 min, Romanian Prod: Siun Ni Raghallaigh, Dieter Auner, Cristian Mungiu | Prod Comp: Ikandi Productions, Mobra Film | Sc: Dieter Auner | Cam: Nora Agapi, Alex Brendea, Dieter Auner | Ed: Catalin Cristutiu, Roxana Malaroiu, Alex Radu | Sound Des: Frank Ilfman | Music: Eugen Nucu Pandrea | Print/ Sales: EastWest Filmdistribution GmbH | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 20:15 CI6 Tue 1-2 20:00 CI6 Thu 3-2 17:30 CI4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 14:00 CI3

‘Why do we still keep sheep?’ The shepherds in the meticulous, loving documentary Off the Beaten Track repeatedly ask themselves this. They are continuously involved with the animals, but the work no longer brings in as much as it used to: the price for lamb, wool and sheep’s cheese has dropped dramatically in recent years. The Romanian filmmaker Dieter Auner spent more than a year in a small village in Transylvania, in the northwest of Romania. The whole community still lives from sheep farming, but that won’t last very long. Since Romania joined the European Union, another opportunity has opened up for the shepherds. There’s a lot more to be earned in Germany. Apparently without difficulty, Auner manages to penetrate deeply into the everyday life of the shepherds. Without a voice-over or any other intervention, he has made a melancholy and sober portrait of a lifestyle that is about to disappear.

roozi ke man napadid shodam the Day i Disappeared Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi

WOrLD PreMiere

Iran/Netherlands, 2011 colour/b&w, video, 61 min, Persian/Dutch Prod: Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi | Prod Comp: A Bandeh | Sc: A Bandeh Ghiasabadi | Cam: Saieed Pooresmaili | Ed: Albert Eling | Sound Des: Huibert Boon | With: Helia Bandeh, Fatemeh Raisi | Print/Sales: A Bandeh Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 11:45* CI1 Mon 31-1 09:30* CI7 Tue 1-2 17:15* LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 3-2 20:00 CI2


The Day I Disappeared is a film essay based on the personal story of the filmmaker, who fled from Iran and travelled through what was a completely new and unknown world for her: Europe. It is also an effort to shed light on an internal process of alienation, an individualisation of the term ‘refugee’ or ‘asylum-seeker’. The unconventional narrative uses the patterns of Persian poetry, with visual metaphors and rhymes and rhythms between the scenes. A lot of the material is found 16mm and 8mm footage that mirrors the director’s memories of her own trip through Europe more than twenty years ago. The images of the main character’s dance also reflect on the alienation of the individual. The combination of all these creative approaches evokes a special world between reality and fairytale.


Bright Future



Zephyr Belma Bas

Turkey, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 93 min, Turkish Prod: Birol Akbaba, Seyhan Kaya | Prod Comp: FC Istanbul | Sc: Belma Bas | Cam: Mehmet Y. Zengin | Ed: Berke Bas | Prod Des: Canan Cayir | Sound Des: Ismail Karadas | With: Seyma Uzunlar, Vahide Gordum, Sevinc Bas, O. Rustu Bas, Fatma Uzunlar, Harun Uzunlar | Print: FC Istanbul | Sales: Medit GmbH | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 22:30 PA4 Sun 30-1 22:30 CI4 Mon 31-1 09:45 CI6 Tue 1-2 14:00 PA1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 14:00 CI3

This minimalistic, beautifully photographed debut tries to fathom the actions of the 11-year-old Turkish girl Zephyr. Her globe-trotting mother has been away for years and this has deeply damaged Zephyr emotionally. She lives with her grandparents in a beautiful hilly area, where she is especially interested in the dead animals that she respectfully buries. The fact that her mother keeps leaving has made her suspicious. She does not bond, because this only leads to saying farewell. Her grandparents lead a simple, self-sufficient life, with mushrooms and berries they pick themselves and fresh milk. Snails and spiders surround them and it looks as if Zephyr feels more at home with the animals than in the world of adult people. The soundtrack meanwhile heralds the approaching disaster. Together with Bas’ short-film debut Poyraz, the film Zephyr, made with an almost entirely non-professional cast, forms the start of the film series The Heroine’s Journey Beyond Winds.


Autumn Aamir Bashir

India, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 99 min, Urdu Prod: Aamir Bashir, Shanker Raman | Prod Comp: Chasing Tales | Sc: Aamir Bashir, Shanker Raman, Mahmood Farooqui | Cam: Shanker Raman | Ed: Shan Mohammed | Prod Des: Rakesh Yadav | Sound Des: Nakul Kamte | Music: Benedict Taylor, Naren Chandavarkar, Suhas Ahuja | With: Reza Naji, Shahnawaz Bhat, Shamim Basharat, Salma Ashai, Mudassir Khan | Sales: Chasing Tales | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 20:15 CI4 Sat 29-1 09:30 PA7 Sun 30-1 09:15 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 14:00 CI3

Aamir Bashir was previously known as an actor, but in his debut film he gives us a revealing picture of everyday life in Kashmir, where the Indian army has been battling rebels wanting independence for decades. The protagonist is Rafiq, whose brother has been missing for four years, probably – as so often – kidnapped by the Indian army in an attempt to suppress the rebellion. Rafiq doesn’t know what to do. He’s no good at protesting, the jobs he does do not offer much perspective. While his mother tries desperately to get her missing son back, his father is close to a nervous breakdown. Rafiq’s life seems to acquire some meaning when he finds his brother’s camera and decides to start taking photographs. In a calm tempo, Bashir tells an oppressive story set in a place where violence forms a continuous threat. The tension is tangible, and for kids like Rafiq it’s difficult to see any future.



Bright Future

A alegria

the Joy Felipe Bragança, Marina Meliande

Brazil, 2009 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 100 min, Portuguese Prod: Felipe Bragança, Lara Frigotto, Marina Meliande | Prod Comp: Duas Mariola Filmes, Arissas Multimidia | Sc: Felipe Bragança | Cam: Andrea Capella | Ed: Marina Meliande | Prod Des: Lara Frigotto | Sound Des: Virginia Flores, Marina Meliande | Music: Lucas Marcier | With: Tainá Medina, Flora Dias, Rikle Miranda, Cesar Cardadeiro | Sales: FiGa Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 15:15 PA3 Wed 2-2 22:30 CI6 Sat 5-2 15:15 PA3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 09:45 DWBZ

‘A superhero film’ is the subtitle of The Joy, the second part of a trilogy on present day Brazilian teenagers. With their juvenile energy and optimism, they emphatically resist the fatalism of older generations, who can see the end of the world approaching. Luiza (Tainá Medina, at 16 years of age a real discovery) is at the centre of a group of schoolchildren, and tackles the evil outside world with a vivid imagination and the secret powers this brings. Luiza believes that, with enough willpower, she can walk through a wall. Her cousin João, who hides in her house after shooting himself in the foot, acts as a kind of ghostly apparition. Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande also resist the older generation; they’ve had enough of the realism and the penchant for 1960s ideals in Brazilian cinema. The Joy was largely made with young amateur actors and emerged from a series of workshops and rehearsals.

Desassossego (filme das maravilhas) Neverquiet (Film of Wonders) Various directors

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Brazil, 2010 | colour, video, 65 min, Portuguese Dir: Felipe Bragança, Marina Meliande, Karim Aïnouz, Ivo Lopes Araujo, Gustavo Bragança, Helvécio Marins Jr., Clarissa Campolina, Caetano Gotardo, Raphael Mesquita, Leonardo Levis, Carolina Durão, Andrea Capella, Marco Dutra, Juliana Rojas | Prod: Felipe Bragança, Marina Meliande | Prod Comp: Duas Mariola Filmes | Sc: Felipe Bragança | Cam: Andrea Capella | Ed: Marina Meliande | Sound Des: Fernando Henna | Music: Lucas Marcier | With: Flora Dias, Carolina Lavigne, Morgana Bravo | Print: Duas Mariola Filmes | Sales: Vitrine Filmes Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 18:15* PA3 Thu 3-2 22:00 CI5 Fri 4-2 12:00* CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 18:00 CI2


An experimental collective film lasting little more than an hour, compiled from 10 episodes by a total of 14 different young Brazilian filmmakers. They include Karim Aïnouz, Raphael Mesquita & Leonardo Levis and Caetano Gotardo. The project was an initiative of the directing duo Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande, who sent a ‘letter of concern’ to inspire the participants. In it, a 16-year-old girl wrote about her dreams that have been translated by the directors into films about love, youth and the possibilities of cinema. The final result is a frenzied crossover of styles filmed in Super-8, VHS, HD and mini-DV. Pure poetry, a joy to see and balsam for the soul. Neverquiet (Film of Wonders) is the final part of the trilogy Hearts on Fire by Bragança and Meliande, of which the middle part The Joy can be seen this year in Rotterdam.


Bright Future

Primordial ties Otto Buj

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Canada, 2010 | colour, video, 90 min, English Prod: Otto Buj | Prod Comp: Systematic Pictures Inc. | Sc: Otto Buj | Cam: Otto Buj | Ed: Otto Buj | Prod Des: Otto Buj | Sound Des: Otto Buj, Kevin Couvillon, Stefan Cvetkovic | Music: Gene McDaniel, The Bells, Roxy Music | With: Stephanie Sobocan, Mark Lefebvre, Oliver Georgiou, Michelle Segal, Tom Primeau, Oneil Dass, Michelle Mainwaring | Print/ Sales: Systematic Pictures Inc. | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:45 CI1 Thu 3-2 21:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 19:30 LUX

Marjorie Ely is a stunning yet unworldly 19-year-old girl possessed by only an abstracted sense of who she is or where she came from. Now alone and living with distant relatives, she imagines that she was born motherless, created through extraordinary, magical means by her mysterious and long-dead father. She increasingly shuts herself off from the banalities of the world around her, filled with gossiping girlfriends, jobs on automatic pilot and a clumsy budding sexuality. Instead, she surrenders to her night-time reality, in which an attractive yet unusual figure in a black leather jacket lures her back to her imagined origins and her fate. Otto Buj says he was inspired by the 1960s pop song ‘Hundred Pounds of Clay’ by Gene McDaniels and by Paul Wegener’s horror film Der Golem (1915). The result is an idiosyncratic and alienating love story between a father and daughter.

Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 22:30 CI2

Parked Darragh Byrne

Ireland/Finland, 2011 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 90 min, English Prod: Dominic Wright, Jacqueline Kerrin, Aleksi Bardy | Prod Comp: Ripple World Pictures Limited, Helsinki Filmi Oy | Sc: Ciaran Creagh | Cam: John Conroy | Ed: Guy Montgomery | Prod Des: Owen Power | Sound Des: Kirka Sainio | Music: Niall Byrne | With: Colm Meaney, Colin Morgan, Milka Ahlroth | Print/Sales: The Yellow Affair Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 16:15 PA6 Mon 31-1 19:45 DJZ Wed 2-2 11:45 LV5 Sat 5-2 18:30 PA7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 14:15 DWBZ

People who no longer have a house but live permanently in their car – in America there are now so many of them that a term has been invented: ‘mobile homeless’. It is also apparently an increasingly common phenomenon in Europe, even though there are no official figures. The Irish feature debut Parked is about one such homeless man. Fred Daly (a rare leading role for supporting actor Colm Meaney) lives in his nondescript car in a car park by the coast. He is shut off from the world, until the ever-positive drug addict Cathal parks his little yellow car beside Fred’s. Under the influence of Cathal, Fred slowly emerges from his shell: he decorates his car like a real house and cautiously makes overtures to the attractive music teacher Juliana. But Cathal is overtaken at speed by his drug use. Finally, both men get stuck in their lives without being able to find either forward or reverse gear.



Bright Future

You Are here Daniel Cockburn

Canada, 2010 | colour, video, 78 min, English Prod: Dan Bekerman, Daniel Cockburn | Prod Comp: zeroFunction Productions, Scythia Films | Sc: Daniel Cockburn | Cam: Cabot McNenly | Ed: Duff Smith | Prod Des: Nazgol Goshtasbpour | Sound Des: Fred Brennan | Music: Rick Hyslop | With: Tracy Wright, R.D. Reid, Anand Rajaram, Nadia Litz, Scott Anderson | Print: Scythia Films | Sales: zeroFunction Productions | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 18:30* PA2 Wed 2-2 17:00* CI7 Fri 4-2 15:15* PA3 Sat 5-2 17:00 CI7

With good reason, the subtitle of this film is A Meta Detective Story, a story focusing on the quest to understand the unknowable – a film about the puzzles of life, brought together in a virtuoso Borgesian thought experiment. At the centre of this narrative labyrinth is a reclusive woman who searches for meaning in the mysterious documents that keep appearing to her. In all these documents, people are hidden and they all try to understand the world. Her apartment changes into an archive, and she is the archivist. Knowledge is a thought trap, is what the archivist discovers. People look for an explanation but conclusions cannot be drawn – passwords and keys get lost. The importance of a thought experiment is that you can think about it, according to the novice Cockburn, who had previously made a name for himself as maker of short films and as a video artist. He plays a lightfooted game with high stakes: the essence of life itself.


Nine Days Enrique Collar

Paraguay/Netherlands, 2010 colour, video, 96 min, Guarani Prod: Enrique Collar, André Schreuders | Prod Comp: AreachikaCine, AS Film | Sc: Enrique Collar | Cam: Christian Núñez | Ed: André Schreuders | Prod Des: Nelson Silva | With: Juan de Dios Collar, Teodora Gonzalez, Bernardino Ojeda, Bonifacia Ortega | Print/Sales: AreachikaCine | Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 12:15 PA3 Wed 2-2 09:30 LV6 Fri 4-2 16:30 CI5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 18:00 CI2


Painter and director Enrique Collar returned for his film Novena to his village of birth in Paraguay. After having previously recorded Paraguayan city life in his feature debut, Collar now follows rural culture. With long shots and meticulous lighting that refers to painting, he records a way of life that is about to disappear. The villagers play themselves or characters they know well in this docu-fiction. The protagonist is Juan (55), played by the director’s uncle. He’s a poet who cuts up car tyres to make drinking troughs for cattle. He barters them on the market for food. The harsh life in the countryside has hardened the gaze in his eyes. Yet some men still have something to dream about. When they sell pigs, they imagine buying an airline ticket to Argentina or a pair of football boots. Juan is meanwhile in novena, nine days of prayer, because his mother has died. Before the novena is over, he will have to break out of his passive attitude.


Bright Future

tyrannosaur Paddy Considine

eurOPeAN PreMiere

United Kingdom, 2011 | colour, video, 91 min, English Prod: Paddy Considine | Prod Comp: Warp X | Sc: Paddy Considine | Cam: Erik Wilson | Ed: Pia Di Ciaula | Prod Des: Simon Rogers | Sound Des: Chris Sheedy | Music: John Boughtwood | With: Peter Mullan, Olivia Colman, Eddie Marsan, Paul Popplewell, Ned Dennehy | Print/ Sales: Protagonist Pictures Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 20:00 PA5 Fri 28-1 22:15 LUX Mon 31-1 09:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 12:00 LUX Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 12:15 CI2

Joseph (Peter Mullan) drinks too much and has an explosive character and, since the death of his dog, selfdestruction seems to be his only aim. Until one day he flees into the charity shop of the Christian Hannah (Olivia Colman). Although she has every reason to be afraid of him, Hannah seems determined to save Joseph from ruin. The hard and tragic Tyrannosaur is the feature debut by the British actor Paddy Considine (My Summer of Love, The Bourne Ultimatum). He had already made a short film about the characters Joseph and Hannah – with the same actors – entitled Dog Altogether, and in 2007 he won both the BAFTA and a Silver Lion in Venice with this. Tyrannosaur continues where Dog Altogether stopped. It slowly becomes clear that the film focuses especially on Hannah, who may be in even bigger trouble than Joseph. In the best tradition of British kitchen-sink realism, Considine paints a pitch black story in which there seems very little space for redemption.

Ocaso Decline Théo Court

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Chile/Dominican Republic, 2010 | colour, video, 80 min, Spanish Prod: Laura Amelia Guzmán, Israel Cárdenas, Oscar Bustamante | Prod Comp: Aurora Dominicana, Bustamante Producciones | Sc: Théo Court | Cam: Mauro Herce | Ed: Manolo Muñoz | Prod Des: Oscar Bustamante | Sound Des: Carlos Garcia | With: Rafael Vázquez, Álvaro Bustamante, Nano Vázquez | Sales: Aurora Dominicana | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 15:15 PA3 Wed 2-2 14:30 CI5 Thu 3-2 09:30 CI5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 15:00 CI2

A butler in the mansion on a large estate tries to maintain the old days of glory by clinging to his daily routine. Earth, fire, water and air are the elements with which the old Rafael fills his life. He tends the earth, fills the water bottle, collects firewood and breathes life into the fire. No single action is emphasised or more important than any other. In the meantime, building workers have appeared in the house; they talk softly in the background about the painting they have to do. Little by little, building materials are dragged into the house, heralding the approaching end of Rafael’s old life. Memory is all that remains in this empty space. With calm, occasionally literally misty images, the Chilean director Théo Court, who grew up in Spain, shows how this man becomes a shadow in his own house and is forced to move. At the end of his life, he faces the start of an uncertain journey.



Bright Future

Morgen Marian Crisan

Romania/France/Hungary, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 100 min, Romanian/Hungarian Prod: Anca Puiu | Prod Comp: Mandragora | Sc: Marian Crisan | Cam: Tudor Mircea | Ed: Tudor Pojoni | Prod Des: Róbert Köteles | Sound Des: Calin Potcoava | With: András Hatházi, Yilmaz Yalcin, Elvira Rîmbu, Dorin C. Zachei, Molnar Levente, Razvan Vicoveanu | Print/Sales: Les Films du Losange | www.filmsdulosange. fr/inter/uk_morgen.html Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 19:15 SGZ Fri 28-1 14:45 CI6 Sun 30-1 14:15 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 16:15 CI3

After the Golden Palm for Marian Crisan’s short film Megatron in 2008, his feature debut was eagerly expected. Less than two years later, we have the disarming Morgen. Mild in tone and with almost hidden slapstick, the film tells the story of ageing supermarket guard Nelu, who finds a Turkish refugee when he goes fishing in the morning. The Turk has found himself in the northwest of Romania on his way to Germany and asks Nelu for help. Most people would leave the man to his fate, but Nelu is a nice guy. He hides the incomprehensible Behran in his cellar. He has to wait for an opportunity to smuggle him over the border. The matter-of-fact way in which the Romanian helps the unknown traveller expresses the absurd fierceness with which borders are guarded in Europe and challenges the prevailing ideology that foreigners are enemies. Crisan’s calm camera work and the natural light serve to create a friendly atmosphere in which Nelu’s consideration is almost matter-offact.

PangPang Bröder, 53 scener från en barndom twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from a Childhood

Axel Danielson

WOrLD PreMiere

Sweden/Denmark, 2011 | colour, video, 85 min, Swedish Prod: Axel Danielson | Prod Comp: Plattform Produktion | Sc: Axel Danielson | Cam: Axel Danielson | Ed: Mikel Cee Karlsson, Niels Pagh | Sound Des: Jan Alvermark | Music: Holme Torstensson | With: Oskar Eriksson, Gustaf Eriksson | Print/ Sales: Plattform Produktion Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 14:15* CI1 Thu 3-2 17:00* LUX Sat 5-2 15:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 3-2 09:15 CI2


The Swedish twin brothers Oskar and Gustav are in the same class at school and have the same blond hair. Yet they are not easy to get mixed up: Oskar suffers from achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. Axel Danielson, the uncle of the twins, followed Oskar and Gustav for no less than 10 years for this documentary – from the age of eight until 18. The long period of shooting, together with the family bond, provides us with an incomparably intimate portrait, in which we experience the whole process of growing up from very close by. Very openly, the brothers reveal their first drunken adventure and talk about their feelings when their parents split up. Oskar compensates for his small stature with an outspoken character and develops into a rebellious hardrock lover. The timid Gustav, with a preference for the piano, looked rather pale in comparison at first. The more independent of two brothers become, the more they inevitably grow apart.


Bright Future


Father José Maria de Orbe

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Spain, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 85 min, Spanish/Basque Prod: Luis Miñarro | Prod Comp: Eddie Saeta SA | Sc: José Maria de Orbe | Cam: Jimmy Gimferrer | Ed: Cristóbal Fernández | Prod Des: Juan Carlos Bravo | Sound Des: Eva Valiño, Alejandro Castillo, Ricard Casals | With: Luis Pescador, Mikel Goenaga, Sebastián Lasa, Asier Izaguirre, Jesús Tapia | Print/Sales: Film Sharks | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 17:15 CI6 Thu 3-2 14:45 CI6 Fri 4-2 17:30 CI4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 09:30 CI3

The history of an old empty house in the Basque village of Astigarraga, dating back to the Middle Ages, is hidden in its nooks and crannies. Memories even linger in the dusty corners. They are illuminated in the second part of this observational film almost without dialogue, thanks to the old films projected on the walls. The grain of the celluloid fills the holes in the weathered walls. Light plays a key role in Aitá, made without a script and inspired by the paintings of Mark Rothko. Each day, the caretaker allows the light in so the house comes to life. Visitors come and go. The woodworm remains. At the end of the day, he closes the house and leaves it behind in silence. Light is also essential to cameraman Jimmy Gimferrer, winner of a Gaudí Award for El cant dels ocells in 2008. José Maria de Orbe previously made installations with oxidised copper and the abstract expressionist commercial Crossroads.

Les amours imaginaires



heartbeats Xavier Dolan

Canada, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 95 min, French Prod: Xavier Dolan, Carole Mondello, Daniel Morin | Prod Comp: Mifilifilms, Alliance Atlantis Vivafilm | Sc: Xavier Dolan | Cam: Stéphanie Anne Weber Biron | Ed: Xavier Dolan | Sound Des: Sylvain Brassard | With: Monia Chokri, Niels Schneider, Xavier Dolan | Sales: Rezo | Distr. NL: ABC – Cinemien | www. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 16:30 PA4 [d.s.] Fri 28-1 21:45 SGZ [d.s.] Sat 29-1 14:15 LV5 [d.s.] Fri 4-2 22:15 LV5 [d.s.]

The young, multitalented Xavier Dolan (director, scriptwriter and actor) has been deemed very promising since his debut I Killed My Mother. With this sequel, he confirms his reputation. While his raw, semi-autobiographical debut was occasionally vicious, in this romantic comedy Dolan reveals a milder side of his character. Marie and her best friend Francis (played by the director himself) both fall for the young god Nicolas. However, they categorically deny to each other that they have any feelings for him whatsoever. In the meantime, they secretly sabotage each other’s chances. In a cheerful way, Dolan portrays the long-suffering love of twentysomethings, accompanied by an eclectic soundtrack. Using colour filters and slow motion, he exaggerates the skirmishes so much that they become laughable. Less over the top, but just as funny are the intermezzos with short interviews in which friends of Francis and Marie chat about their love lives.



Bright Future

Color perro que huye Color runaway Dog Andrés Duque

WOrLD PreMiere

Spain, 2011 | colour, video, 70 min, Spanish Prod: Andrés Duque, Diana Hernandez | Prod Comp: Andrés Duque | Sc: Andrés Duque | Cam: Andrés Duque | Ed: Andrés Duque | Print/Sales: Andrés Duque | Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 17:00 CI5 Thu 3-2 14:30 CI7 Fri 4-2 20:00 LV2

A fragmentary and associative diary and travel essay, loosely based on Heronimus Bosch. When an accident during filming means he is bed-bound, Andrés Duque starts digging in his archives. These are not film reels or videotapes, but digital ones and zeros on his hard disk: pictures of his friends in Spain, strolls through Barcelona and a journey back to his home country of Venezuela. The images are real and, according to an opening title, ‘ordered and shown in all honesty’. But, the maker warns immediately afterwards, ‘it’s not the truth’. Duque stirs up the narrative by omission, suggestion and manipulation. And he comments on the whole thing with reflections in subtitles about life and everyday reality in Spain. ‘It’s my life in these images,’ Duque argues, ‘and this is the most honest way to show it.’

Fleurs du mal Flowers of evil David Dusa

France, 2010 | colour, video, 100 min, French/Farsi Prod: Emilie Blézat | Prod Comp: Sciapode | Sc: David Dusa | Cam: Armin Franzen | Ed: Yannick Coutheron, Nicolas Houver | Sound Des: Carole Verner | With: Rachid Youcef, Alice Bélaïdi | Print/Sales: Sciapode | Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 17:00 CI1 Thu 3-2 10:15* PA1 Fri 4-2 14:15* CI1 Sat 5-2 14:15 CI1


Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and YouTube play a crucial role in this sparkling, urgent debut about a kid who does free running on the streets of Paris and a young Iranian woman in exile who follows the news of her homeland from Paris with increasing concern. The Green Revolution reaches the rest of the world through the social media, and the reports are harrowing. For instance, a certain Marjane_lime twitters: ‘Don’t know when I’ll have internet they took 1 of us, they’ll torture, get names, must move fast.’ Internet appeals ensure organised traffic jams in Teheran and close down the power supply. The high spirits of the two young lovers Gecko and Anahita run parallel to the energy emerging in Iran and being oppressed with increasing cruelty. The shot is regularly interrupted by a Twitter message, so phrases such as ‘What’s new’ and ‘less than 5 seconds ago’ form an organic part of the film, just as they are the lifeline of Gecko and Anahita.


Bright Future


Nainsukh Amit Dutta

India/Switzerland, 2010 | colour, video, 75 min, Hindi/ Punjabi (Panjabi) Prod: Eberhard Fischer | Prod Comp: Rietberg Museum | Sc: Amit Dutta, Eberhard Fischer, Ayswarya Sankaranarayanan | Cam: Mrinal Desai | Ed: Amit Dutta, Eberhard Fischer | Prod Des: Manish Soni, Eberhard Fischer | Sound Des: Ajit Singh Rathor | With: Manish Soni, Nitin Goel, K. Rajesh, Srinivas Joshi, Sat Salarwi, Mohan Singh, Alpana Vajpeyi, Srishthi Gupta | Print/Sales: Rietberg Museum Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 12:30 CI5 Wed 2-2 10:00 PA5 Thu 3-2 12:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 18:00 CI2

After making several memorable, multiple-award-winning films, one of the most intriguing experimental filmmakers of the Indian subcontinent depicts in a very delicate manner the spirit of the art of a great miniature painter of the Mughal time, Nainsukh. Inspired by the amazing work of the painter and his biography, the story evolves around the master’s passions and devotions. After leaving his father’s workshop, Nainsukh becomes an official court artist of the Rajput Princes of Jasrota. Recreated images of the artist’s miniatures depicting daily life at the splendid palace perfectly blend with the gorgeous landscapes of the locations in Jammu and Kashmir, where this 18th-century artist also lived. The meditative spirit of the film is deeply rooted in Indian traditions and philosophy. The actors are locals, while Nainsukh is played by Manish Soni, himself a renowned miniature painter.

Small town Murder Songs Ed Gass-Donnelly

Canada, 2010 | colour, video, 75 min, English Prod: Ed Gass-Donnelly, Kim Lee | Prod Comp: 3 Legged Dog Films Ltd. | Sc: Ed Gass-Donnelly | Cam: Brendan Steacy | Ed: Ed Gass-Donnelly | Prod Des: Rachel Ford | Sound Des: J.R. Fountain | Music: Bruce Peninsula | With: Peter Stormare, Martha Plimpton, Jill Hennessy, Aaron Poole | Print/Sales: Visit Films Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 17:30 PA5 Fri 28-1 21:45 PA5 Sat 29-1 14:30 LUX

Village life in a Mennonite community in Ontario, Canada, is turned upside down by the murder of an unknown woman. Walter, the local cop, has never had anything to do with a crime like this before. In unravelling the murder, many secrets of the now respectable and converted policeman are revealed. Walter’s tranquil life with his gentle girlfriend has not always been in such calm backwaters, this much becomes apparent. In chapters with biblical titles such as God meets us where we’re at, an intriguing and rather bizarre portrait is sketched of a rural community. Small Town Murder Songs is not an ordinary police thriller or a classic whodunnit, but a character study; a story about striking family bonds and religious village busybodies. With a crazy score by Bruce Peninsula, who uses a rock choir behind key scenes in slow motion. An unusual and rather sombre glimpse of a Canadian subculture and the experience of a mysterious man.



Bright Future

Simon Werner a disparu...

France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 87 min, French Prod: Xavier Rigault, Marc-Antoine Robert | Prod Comp: 2.4.7 Films | Sc: Fabrice Gobert | Cam: Agnès Godard | Ed: Peggy Koretzky | Prod Des: Frédérique Lapierre | Sound Des: Julien Bourdeau, Vincent Montrobert | Music: Sonic Youth | With: Jules Pélissier, Ana Girardot, Audrey Bastien, Selma El Mouissi, Arthur Mazet, Serge Riaboukine | Sales: TF1 International | Distr. NL: Benelux Film Distributors Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 21:30 PA7 [d.s.] Sat 5-2 22:30 CI6 [d.s.]

Lights Out Fabrice Gobert Simon Werner, a pupil at a school near Paris, does not turn up to lessons one day. It is March 1992. His classmates find bloodstains in their classroom and rumours and theories are soon rampant. Has he been murdered? Run away? Been kidnapped? Everyone seems suspicious. Then a second pupil also disappears without trace. From the perspective of four characters, the mystery is slowly unravelled. In the meantime, the confusing life of teenagers goes on as usual, filled with bullying, alternative rock music, betrayal and romances. Fabrice Gobert’s feature debut skirts around several film genres and in its form bears similarities to Gus Van Sant’s highschool drama Elephant, with a similar fragmented structure and frequent use of lengthy Steadycam shots. Gobert makes use of excellent, unknown young actors and the always reliable Serge Riaboukine (9mm). The original soundtrack was aptly completed by Sonic Youth, with powerful ballads and minimalist guitar, augmented by tracks from the likes of The Cure and Tom Waits.

gravity Was everywhere Back then Brent Green

eurOPeAN PreMiere

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 72 min, English Prod: Brent Green | Prod Comp: Nervous Films | Sc: Brent Green, Michael McGinley, Donna K. | Cam: Brent Green, Jem Cohen, Pete Sillen, Jake Sillen, Holli Hopkins | Ed: Brent Green | Prod Des: Brent Green | Sound Des: Donna K. | Music: Brent Green, Michael McGinley, Jim Becker, Alan Scalpone | With: Michael McGinley, Donna K. | Print/Sales: Nervous Films | www. gravitywaseverywherebackthen. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 16:15 PA6 Fri 28-1 10:15 PA6 Mon 31-1 12:45* PA5

An ode to tinkerers, romantics and the power of faith, made by a tinkerer, romantic and atheist. In his first full-length feature, animator Brent Green tells the true story of eccentric Leonard Wood and his great love, Mary, who meet each through a car crash. When she becomes severely ill, he builds a grand and complex house for her – a ‘healing machine’ – with a tower that must bring miracles. Wood is a man after Green’s spirit, a great admirer of inventors such as Thomas Edison. He recreated the house on his own property and shot his film in it. The result is a completely idiosyncratic combination of animation, stop motion and live action. The filmmaker structured the narrative through the guidance of a voice-over, which not only pushes the plot forward and comments on it, but also reflects upon the important things of life: belief, love – and electricity.

Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 16:30 CI2



Bright Future

i Am Jesus Valerie Gudenus, Heloisa Sartorato

Italy, 2010 | colour, video, 75 min, Russian/Portuguese/English Prod: Payami Babak | Prod Comp: Fabrica | Sc: Valerie Gudenus, Heloisa Sartorato | Cam: Valerie Gudenus, Heloisa Sartorato | Ed: Pablo Pastor | Prod Des: Valerie Gudenus, Heloisa Sartorato | Sound Des: Matteo Bernacchi | Music: Francesco Novara | Print/Sales: Fabrica | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 18:45 PA5 Tue 1-2 09:30 LV1 Thu 3-2 14:15 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 11:30 CI2

Do we have to keep waiting for the Messiah, or is he already back on Earth? There are at least three people who are convinced they are Jesus; that much is apparent from this documentary. In Siberia, there is a religious community of farmers surrounding the charismatic yet introverted Vissarion, who wants to teach his followers how they should survive in a barren future. A well-known phenomenon in Brazil is INRI Cristo, who is often seen on television and has many female followers. The third Jesus is the British David Shayler, a former secret agent who is now part of a group of anti-capitalist squatters. Shayler confesses that it is very strange for him to realise that he is Christ. Valerie Gudenus and Heloisa Sartorato portray the three selfconfessed messiahs with some irony, but also pose questions about the need for leadership and the desire to belong to a community.

el invierno de los raros


the Winter of the Odd Ones Out Rodrigo Guerrero

WOrLD PreMiere

Argentina, 2011 | colour, video, 112 min, Spanish Prod: Lorena Quevedo | Prod Comp: Twins Latin Films | Sc: Rodrigo Guerrero | Cam: Marcos Rostagno | Ed: Rodrigo Guerrero, Antonio Pitta | Prod Des: Lorena Quevedo | Sound Des: Guillermo Sempronii | Music: Santiago Candegabe | With: Luis Machin, Lautaro Delgado, Paula Lussi, Maitén Laguna, Elisa Gagliano, Fanny Cittadinni | Print/ Sales: Twins Latin Films Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 15:30 PA2 Fri 28-1 19:45 CI1 Wed 2-2 22:45 LUX Sat 5-2 22:15 CI5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 15:30 CI2

A sleepy, scruffy provincial town in the Argentinean countryside, in the middle of a cold winter. Most of the inhabitants live according to a fixed routine in which the days pass by almost unnoticed. Each new day is like any other. But then for six people, originally without them noticing, something really starts to change. They wrestle with conflicts that result from personal problems from the past, such as love affairs, family quarrels, difficult friendships and other emotional stresses. We follow them for three days in a meandering storyline in which their lives cross at various moments. The young and promising Argentine director Rodrigo Guerrero chooses the popular mosaic structure, but also integrates new media into his work. The soundtrack, with its restrained ambient pop, covers the film like an iPod blanket. The metallic blue images are dreamy and soft at the beginning, but in the course of the film the mood gets darker and grimmer.



Bright Future

Jean gentil Laura Amelia Guzmán, Israel Cárdenas

Dominican Republic/Mexico/ Germany, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 84 min, Spanish Prod: Laura Amelia Guzmán, Israel Cárdenas, Pablo Cruz | Prod Comp: Aurora Dominicana, Canana Films | Sc, Cam: Israel Cárdenas, Laura Amelia Guzmán | Ed: Israel Cárdenas | Prod Des: Sylvia Conde, Eduardo Guzmán | Sound Des: Alejandro de Icaza | With: Jean Remy Genty, Paul Henri Presume, Yanmarco King Encarnacion, Nadal Walcot | Sales: Aurora Dominicana | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 19:15 PA6 Fri 28-1 12:15 CI6 Mon 31-1 14:45 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 14:00 CI3

After he is dismissed as a French teacher, middle-aged Haitian man Jean Gentil embarks on a desperate quest for work in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. He sets out with a large shopping bag looking for a place in the world and a reason to carry on. During his journey on foot, he passes a building site where he can start work, but he would rather do something that is more intellectually demanding. Jean Gentil, played by Jean Remy Genty, is given all the room he needs to make the transition from the large and continually growing city to the peace of the countryside. The changing surroundings are like a character in themselves. Just as in their feature debut Cochochi, which won the Discovery Award at the Toronto Film Festival in 2007 and was also screened in Rotterdam, the Dominican Laura Amelia Guzmán and the Mexican Israel Cárdenas make use of non-professional actors. The beauty of the island is not able to mask the worries of the inhabitants.

Sensation Tom Hall

Ireland/Netherlands, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 107 min, English Prod: Katie Holly, Herman Slagter | Prod Comp: Blinder Films Ltd., Riverpark | Sc: Tom Hall | Cam: Benito Strangio | Ed: Nathan Nugent | Prod Des: Tamara Conboy | Sound Des: Ranko Paukovic | Music: John Carney | With: Domhnall Gleeson, Luanne Gordon, Patrick Ryan, Kelly Campbell, Owen Roe, Eleanor Methven | Print: Blinder Films Ltd. | Sales: Shoreline Entertainment | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:15 SGZ Mon 31-1 22:15 DJZ Wed 2-2 22:30 LV2 Sat 5-2 21:30 PA2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 20:30 CI3


The 26-year-old farmer’s son Donal Duggan yearns for sex, but will have to make do with a pile of porn mags he buried beside his meadow. There he masturbates regularly and in secret, with a view of the sheep. However, when his invalid father suddenly dies, this gives him an opportunity to sell the cattle and reorganise his life. Starting with his deflowering. And that’s how he comes into contact with the prostitute Kim. ‘It’s not Pretty Woman,’ she comments dryly, and that figures. But what starts as a functional transaction also turns into a real relationship. And a business partnership, when Kim sets up her own escort service with Donal’s money. But of course things soon go wrong when money is involved. In this way, Tom Hall touches on a very topical theme in Irish and European life: the corrupting effect of money and power on someone who hasn’t come across them before.


Bright Future

Las marimbas del infierno Marimbas from hell Julio Hernández Cordón

Guatemala/France/ Mexico, 2010 | colour, video, 73 min, Spanish Prod: Julio Hernández Cordón, Pamela Guinea, Cyriac Auriol | Prod Comp: Melindrosa Films, Axolote Cine, Les Films du requin | Sc: Julio Hernández Cordón | Cam: María Secco | Ed: Lenz Claure | Prod Des: Julio Hernández Cordón | Sound Des: Antoine Brochu, Olivier Peria | Music: Guerreros del Metal, Bacteria Sound System | With: Alfonso Tunché, Blacko González, Víctor Hugo Monterroso | Sales: RAMONDAParis | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 18:45* PA5 Mon 31-1 12:30* PA2 Wed 2-2 19:45* CI1

A marimba player in a black metal band: it’s an unlikely combination that turns out to work well. The band Marimbas from Hell has given the generally cheerful yet old-fashioned instrument from Guatemala a completely new image. The resounding marimba combines startlingly well with satanic texts such as ‘A den of demons, mutilated beings, disgusting beings’. The reason why marimba player Alfonso joined the band is another story. After he was blackmailed, he had to sell his house and leave his family. He spends the nights on a hard armchair and now hopes to earn some money with the band. Director Julio Hernández Cordón met Alfonso in 2007, when his debut film Gasolina, but the sequence with him remained on the cutting-room floor. Later he looked him up again for this docu-fiction, using the motto: ‘This is a tribute to the people I know who develop projects that are unthinkable in a country such as mine.’

My Perestroika Robin Hessman

USA/United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 87 min, Russian Prod: Robin Hessman, Rachel Wexler | Prod Comp: Red Square Productions, Bungalow Town Productions | Cam: Robin Hessman | Ed: Alla Kovgan, Garret Savage | Sound Des: Peter Levin | Music: Lev (Ljova) Zhurbin | Print/ Sales: Roco Films International | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 17:00 CI1 Sun 30-1 09:30 CI7 Sat 5-2 12:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 22:00 DWBZ

History is constantly being rewritten in Russia. ‘In Russia, it’s the past that is unpredictable,’ is a well-known proverb. The two history teachers we hear in the documentary My Perestroika know all about this. In their late 30s, Borya and Lyuba Meyerson now teach their students a completely different version of history from the one they learned when they were at school. Together with three classmates from back then, they reminisce about the unusual times in which they grew up. Their sheltered childhood, in which they sang the national anthem in front of the TV, is mentioned in passing, as is the collapse of the Soviet Union while they were teenagers. They are children of a world that has disappeared. Hungry for information, they consumed piles of books, but political confusion makes the soul feel empty. What remains of their fatherland? Without leaning on experts or voiceover, Hessman, who lived in Russia for eight years, colours in history with their personal stories and rare Super-8 material.



Bright Future

Pinoy Sunday Ho Wi-ding

Taiwan/Philippines/Japan/ France, 2009 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 85 min, Filipino/Mandarin Prod: Ho Wi-ding, Natacha Devillers | Prod Comp: Changhe Films, Les Petites Lumières | Sc: Ajay Balakrishnan, Ho Wi Ding | Cam: Jake Pollock | Ed: Hsu Wei Yao | Prod Des: Li Tian Jue, Lee Yu Fang | Sound Des: Chih Tu Duu | Music: Tsai Yao Hen | With: Epy Quizon, Bayani Agbayani, Alessandra De Rossi, Meryll Soriano, Nor Domingo | Print: Changhe Films | Sales: Good Films Workshop | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 17:15 CI6 Sat 29-1 20:15 CI6 Tue 1-2 12:15 CI6 Thu 3-2 22:30 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 16:15 CI3

Wouldn’t it be beautiful, Manuel muses, if there were a sofa on the roof garden of his apartment. Then he could have a beer after work under the moonlight together with his friend Dado, or even better, with the beautiful, unattainable Celia. Manuel and Dado are Filipino guest workers in Taipei. They work six days a week; they only have time off to enjoy themselves on Sundays. They usually go to church, after which Dado visits his girlfriend Anna and Manuel makes vain attempts to seduce a girl. In Pinoy Sunday, their day off takes an unusual turn when the friends see a brand-new and bright red sofa standing in the street – the sofa of Manuel’s dreams. This moving, secure comedy is the feature debut by Ho Wi-ding. Themes such as migrant workers, being uprooted and homesickness are close to Ho’s heart: he grew up in Malaysia, studied in New York and lives and works in Taiwan.

La BM du Seigneur the Lord’s ride Jean-Charles Hue

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

France, 2010 | colour, video, 84 min, French Prod: Axel Guyot | Prod Comp: Les films d’Avalon | Sc: JeanCharles Hue | Cam: Chloé Robert | Ed: Isabelle Proust | Sound Des: Benjamin Le Loch | With: Fred Dorkel, Jo Dorkel, Joseph Dorkel, Michaël Dauber, Moïse Dorkel | Print/Sales: Capricci Films Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:45* CI1 Sun 30-1 18:45* PA5 Thu 3-2 09:45* PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 18:00 CI2


The coarse inhabitants of a trailer park in Beauvais, to the north of Paris, play themselves in this docufiction with unexpectedly surrealistic moments. The everyday life of Fred Dorkel and his friends is made up of racing between the caravans, making bonfires and stealing BMWs. All of this changes drastically when one day Fred finds a white dog in a caravan. From then on, he is no longer the old Fred. He regards the mysterious dog – and the religious revelation he experiences – as an opportunity to change his life. To the total confusion of his friends, he can no longer steal,. They don’t accept such ‘strange’ behaviour. Just as in his short No More Bones to Pick, and with stupefying camera work, Hue (who also has gypsy blood) underlines the spiralling violence and the uncertain future of this enlightened man who dares to break with his community. Hue makes use of many unusual camera angles and bright back-lighting to portray Fred’s skewed point of view.


Bright Future

Behind the red Motel Door TheWorldFamous Ike

WOrLD PreMiere

USA/Mexico, 2011 | colour, video, 92 min, English Prod: TheWorldFamous Ike, Evel Natanas, Susan Johnston | Prod Comp: Worldfamous Entertainment | Sc: TheWorldFamous Ike | Cam: Evel Natanas | Ed: Evel Natanas | Prod Des: TWF Ike & Evel Natanas | Sound Des: Evel Natanas | Music: Jonny Eads | With: Kenneth Sears, Satoshi Matsuoka, Alfredo Maduro, Teryl Brouillette, Michael Kearns | Print/ Sales: Worldfamous Entertainment Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 18:15 PA3 Fri 28-1 12:15 PA3 Wed 2-2 14:15 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 11:30 CI2

A respectable family drives along Route 66 toward Disneyland. They decide to spend the night in a budget motel and to hide the children to save money. The father and his wife look pretty out of place in these surroundings, despite their respectability. You see, most clients here pay by the hour. A choice selection of colourful types earn their money in dubious ways. Drugs, sex and violence rule here, and an illegal dentist also plies his trade. Behind the Red Motel Door is a homage to Rope (Alfred Hitchcock, 1948), the classic film set in real time and one location. The result is a black comedy shot with 38 actors in a period of only two days. Cast and crew worked with few resources but plenty of artistic freedom. This musical ‘sneak peek’ behind closed doors is also a film experiment by the makers, through the use of small, digital cameras that could reach all the dark corners of the hotel.

Karma Prasanna Jayakody

eurOPeAN PreMiere

Sri Lanka, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 88 min, Sinhalees Prod: Rasitha Jinasena | Prod Comp: SKY Entertainers (Pvt) Ltd | Sc: Prasanna Jayakody, Jagath Manuwarna | Cam: Palitha Perera | Ed: Bathiya Dunusinghe, Rangana Singharage, Sudesh Kumarasinghe | Prod Des: Asoka Athaudahetti | Sound Des: Lionel Gunarathne | Music: Nadeeka Guruge, Sumudu Guruge | With: Jagath Manuwarna, Micheal Herft, Nadeeka Guruge | Print/Sales: SKY Entertainers (Pvt) Ltd | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 20:15 CI6 Sun 30-1 20:00 DWBZ Sat 5-2 10:15 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 11:45 CI3

After presenting the memorable film Sankara at the IFFR, the young Sri Lankan cineaste appears with his second film Karma. Applying the same cinematic time-flow, the director uses consistent slow and long shots to establish a certain meditative mood. The film opens with very slow camera movements in a house, while off-screen there are sounds of heavy breathing. A mother is dying in pain in a huge bed, her son beside her. He is passively present and seems numb, bothered by guilt. His thoughts are with the girl next door. He longs for warmth, uneasy with his sexual drive. This introspective minimalist human drama of a young man’s encounter with death, but lust and joy as well, poses many questions. Approached and handled with the sophistication of delicate embroidery, Karma magically turns the spectator towards his own self.



Bright Future

Jim-seung ui kkut end of Animal Jo Sung-Hee

South Korea, 2010 | colour, video, 114 min, Korean Prod: Huh Eun-Kyoung | Prod Comp: KAFA – The Korean Academy of Film Arts | Sc: Jo Sung-Hee | Cam: Baik Moon-Su | Ed: Jo Sung-Hee | Prod Des: Park Ye-Chun | Sound Des: Kong Tae-Won | With: Lee Min-Ji, Park Hae-Il, Yoo Sung-Bok, Park Sae-Jong, Kim Yeong-Ho | Print/ Sales: CJ Entertainment Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 14:30 LUX Wed 2-2 20:00 LV2 Fri 4-2 09:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 22:00 CI1

Just as in his previous, short film, Don’t Step out of the House!, in his low-budget feature debut Jo Sung-Hee investigates human vulnerability and the fear of intruders. For the pregnant Sun-Young, a taxi ride to her birthplace, Taeryong, takes a bizarre turn when a passenger gets in who seems to know everything about her and the driver. He starts counting down and when he reaches zero, everything goes black. When Sun-Young wakes up on her own in the car, her phone doesn’t work. The only sign of life is a note from the driver. Injured and exhausted, she tries to find out what happened and the identity of the mysterious fellow passenger. In the meantime, she keeps a diary for her unborn child. In this barren, post-apocalyptic world, no one can be trusted. Walkie-talkies and notes left behind are the scant forms of communication. Growling sounds are the precursor to something greater than Sun-Young herself.

Je suis un No Man’s Land unplugged Thierry Jousse

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

France, 2011 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 92 min, French Prod: Laetitia Fevre | Prod Comp: Les films Hatari | Sc: Thierry Jousse, Jérôme Larcher, Camille Taboulay | Cam: Olivier Chambon | Ed: Albane Peñaranda | Prod Des: Samuel Bordet | Sound Des: Cédric Deloche, Sébastien Noiré | Music: Philippe Katerine, Pierre Bondu (Daven Keller) | With: Philippe Katerine, Julie Depardieu, Aurore Clément, Jackie Berroyer | Print/Sales: Les films Hatari Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 16:45 SGZ Tue 1-2 12:30 PA7 Wed 2-2 17:15 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 18:30 DWBZ


This second feature by the French director Thierry Jousse is a comic and romantic adventure on several levels; it is also a touching family drama and a crazy farce about the cult of fame. Fantastic elements and cheerful musical songs turn it into a pleasantly absurd film. Jousse and his protagonist, the musician Philippe Katerine, have cooperated on several occasions on previous productions. After a concert in his home village and a terrifying encounter with a groupie, Philippe is surprised to find himself back at the farm of his parents, whom he hasn’t seen for many years. As soon as he puts on his old boyhood clothes, he finds himself in the 1970s, the era of his youth. It turns out to be difficult to return to his present life: every time he tries to drive away, he is thrown back to the village, where former acquaintances and relatives demand his attention. In the meantime, he becomes fascinated by a mysterious lady who studies the behaviour of birds.


Bright Future

Adrienn Pál Ágnes Kocsis

Hungary/Netherlands/France/ Austria, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 136 min, Hungarian Prod: Ferenc Pusztai | Prod Comp: KMH Film Production Ltd. | Sc: Ágnes Kocsis, Andrea Roberti | Cam: Ádám Fillenz | Ed: Tamás Kollányi | Prod Des: Alexandra Maringer | Sound Des: Herman Pieete | With: Eva Gabor, Izabella Hegyi, Istvan Znamenak, Lia Pokorny, Akos Horvath | Sales: Elle Driver | Distr. NL: Filmfreak Distribution | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 13:00 PA1 Tue 1-2 19:30 PA4 Fri 4-2 19:00 LV5 Sat 5-2 09:30 PA7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 14:15 DWBZ

After Fresh Air from 2006, the style of the Hungarian film maker Ágnes Kocsis was a little too easily compared with the tragic absurdism of Aki Kaurismaki, even though there are clearly similarities. Just like the characters in Kaurismaki’s films, in the highly stylised Adrienn Pál, the nurse Piroska lives her life with a deadpan face. But Kocsis’s stories are softer and dive more deeply into the psychology of the characters. When the ageing Adrienn Pál arrives in the hospital ward for the terminally ill where Piroska works, something starts changing in her. Pál has gone again next day, but his name evokes forgotten memories with Piroska. She embarks on a quest that puts her back in touch with someone she lost sight of long ago. Quietly and in a calm tempo, Kocsis makes it clear how intangible the past is and how easily time flies by during our everyday activities.

imagine, the Sky Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky

WOrLD PreMiere

Switzerland/Sierra Leone, 2011 | colour, video, 80 min, English Prod: Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky | Prod Comp: MagpieDreamPictures | Sc: Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky | Cam: Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky | Ed: Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky | Sound Des: Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky | Music: Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky | With: Matilda Bangs, Mussu Suray, John Mangura, Hawa Momoh, Regina Sesay, John George | Print/ Sales: MagpieDreamPictures | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 10:00* PA2 Tue 1-2 15:00* LV3 Thu 3-2 19:00* LV6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 09:15 CI2

Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky has made several films in recent years in civilwar-torn Sierra Leone, often about the institutions that help victims. She also helps these through the organisation she co-founded: A Grain of Change. Her latest film Imagine, the Sky is a philosophical and observational documentary portrait of the pupils at the Milton Margai School for the Blind in Freetown, Sierra Leone. An improvised court in the school forms the heart of the film. An impulsive blind judge questions the teenagers from the school about their alleged crimes. Food turns out to play a leading role, and whether or not the pupils possess a spoon is the main thread in the story. Who ordered the forbidden chewing gum? How did someone give his lunch to a friend? The schoolgirls in addition tell their allegorical stories, in which a spider may have a central role in a creation story and a baboon is the personification of evil.



Bright Future

hinter diesen Bergen Beyond these Mountains Michael Krummenacher

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Switzerland/Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 76 min, German Prod: Michael Krummenacher, Peter Baranowski, Judith Fülle | Prod Comp: Passanten Filmproduktion | Sc: Silvia Wolkan, Michael Krummenacher | Cam: Jakob Wiessner | Ed: Stine Sonne Munch | Sound Des: Kwinten Van Laethem | Music: Björn Magnusson | With: Vera Bommer, Lucy Wirth, Andreas Matti, Stefan Camenzind, Mario Fuchs, Maria Krummenacher-Frank | Print/ Sales: Passanten Filmproduktion Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 17:00* CI1 Sun 30-1 12:45* PA5 Sat 5-2 09:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 20:15 CI2

A suffocating blanket of boredom hangs over the Swiss town where the friends Heidi and Milena live. After the summer holidays, Heidi wants to study medicine; Milena is more of an adventurer. For her, the future is a question mark. Milena only seems to want to stay close to Heidi. When their plan to live together is cancelled at the last moment, their safe world starts to reveal some cracks. The tension between the two becomes increasingly difficult to define. Is it friendship, infatuation or love? Beyond These Mountains finds a storm of emotions behind the respectable Swiss facade. In the small town, everything may be neatly arranged, but that says nothing about the underlying desires of its inhabitants. That there are no wolves in Switzerland as alleged in the fairytale of the old shepherd is a story for the gullible. Because sheep certainly do disappear, the shepherd concludes. But the relationship between Heidi and Milena is not that simple. They have to discover for themselves where their friendship will take them.

till det som är vackert Pure Lisa Langseth

Sweden, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 98 min, Swedish Prod: Helen Ahlsson | Prod Comp: Tre Vänner Produktion AB | Sc: Lisa Langseth | Cam: Simon Pramsten | Ed: Malin Lindström | Prod Des: Lena Selander | Sound Des: Henrik Ohlin | Music: Per-Erik Winberg | With: Alicia Vikander, Samuel Fröler | Print: The Swedish Film Institute | Sales: TrustNordisk Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 17:15 DJZ Mon 31-1 22:15 PA7 Tue 1-2 09:15 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 16:15 DJZ


Katarina (20) fears she will end up like her mother: unemployed, broke and too often drunk. Prospects in the poor outer suburbs of Gothenburg are sombre and Katarina’s untrained jobs only last briefly. Her discovery of Mozart’s Requiem on YouTube offers a ray of light. ‘Since then, they haven’t been able to get at me anymore,’ she says. The classical piece represents the happiness she so desires. When she is able to get a job as a receptionist at the city concert hall, she does not hesitate. She sucks up all the new experiences like a sponge. Another and better life beckons; certainly when the married conductor seems to believe in her intellectual capacities. Langseth makes his debut as a feature director with this sensitive quest for identity, with a protagonist who acts naturally, whose beautiful face reveals a wide variety of emotions. Especially when she listens to compositions by Mozart, Bach and Beethoven, performed by the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra. The classical music is subtly juxtaposed with the score by Per-Erik Winberg.


Bright Future


Le grand’tour Jérôme le Maire

WOrLD PreMiere

Belgium, 2011 | colour, video, 98 min, French Prod: Philippe Kauffman | Prod Comp: La Parti Production | Sc: Jérôme le Maire, Vincent Solheid, Benjamine De Cloedt | Cam: Jérôme le Maire | Ed: Jérôme le Maire | Prod Des: Benjamine De Cloedt | Sound Des: Olivier Philippart | With: Vincent Solheid, Christian Henarard, Denis Burton, Pierre Fontaine, Emmanuel Lawarée, Renaud Quirin | Print/ Sales: La Parti Production Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 18:30 PA2 Thu 3-2 15:45 PA5 Fri 4-2 19:30 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 11:00 CI2


Ten men, most of them married and in their forties, go to the ten-yearly carnival in Stavelot. Dressed in red medieval robes, drinking alcohol and singing carnival songs, they roam the Belgian Ardennes for four days. This drunken procession gives them a taste for more. At the initiative of the leader Vincent, they march from one village party to another. It’s a real test of their mutual relationships, certainly when the charismatic and selfish Vincent decides to stop drinking and taking drugs. Slowly, the festive mood gives way to deeper emotions. Some give up, and one of them, a sturdy trucker, even realises that he is secretly in love. The realistic reporting and interviews suggest a documentary. No chance. Le Grand’Tour is pure fiction, which Jérôme le Maire balances cleverly between absurd farce and serious drama. An alienating parody of survival weekends in the Ardennes, but also of reality shows like Survivor.

Julien Gaël Lépingle

France, 2010 | colour, video, 80 min, French Prod: Nicolas Anthomé, Charlotte Vincent | Prod Comp: Bathysphere Productions, Aurora Films | Sc: Gaël Lépingle | Cam: Wilfried Jude | Ed: Benoît Quinon | Sound Des: Emmanuel Bonnat | Print/Sales: Bathysphere Productions Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 14:15* CI1 Sun 30-1 09:15* CI1 Sat 5-2 17:30 LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 16:30 DWBZ

A small French village somewhere below Orléans. Julien and most of his friends have just turned 18 and live in the phase between childhood and adulthood. For a whole summer, time seems to stand still. Where will they go when the new school year starts? What will they do? Gaël Lépingle set this documentary in that ‘dissonant period’ of youth, the interval when other rules apply, in which everything is still possible even if only in theory. The style in which Lépingle records this last summer is completely idiosyncratic. The youths, who in a certain sense are all called Julien, are hardly heard, but show themselves in casual moments. The camera sees and serenades the bravura and insecurity of their adolescence, the stubbornness and hunger for the unknown. Beneath all their brashness, they realise that the world is not waiting for them. And yet the summer will come to an end.



Bright Future

tilva ros tilva rosh Nikola Lezaic

Serbia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 102 min, Serbian Prod: Uros Tomic, Mina Djukic, Nikola Lezaic | Prod Comp: Kiselo Dete | Sc: Nikola Le aic | Cam: Milo Jacimovic | Ed: Nikola Le aic | Prod Des: Nikola Bercek | Sound Des: Danijel Daka Milo evic | With: Marko Todorovic, Stefan Djordjevic, Dunja Kovacevic, Marko Milenkovic, Nenad Stanisavljevic, Nenad Ivanovic | Sales: Visit Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 22:00 PA7 Mon 31-1 17:15 CI6 Thu 3-2 15:00 LV3 Sat 5-2 19:45 LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 18:15 CI3

For his feature debut, Nikola Lezaic returns to his birthplace of Bor, a decaying industrial city in Serbia. For the enjoyable and energetic Tilva Rosh, he was inspired by Eggleston’s landscape photographs and by films such as Gummo, My Own Private Idaho and Thumbsucker, but above all by the infectious energy of the Kolos skating team. The founders of Kolos are also the protagonists in this film about friendship on the brink of adulthood. Toda and Stefan spend their holiday skating, having fun, drinking and making Jackass-like videos around the old local copper mine, now the largest hole in Europe. After the summer, Stefan is going to university, but that is not an option for Toda, even if he had the money. Their friendship is put to the test when they are rivals for the affections of a girl. At the Sarajevo Film Festival, Tilva Rosh earned two Heart of Sarajevo Awards, one for best film and one for best actor.

Jiao dai tape Li Ning

eurOPeAN PreMiere

China, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 168 min, Mandarin Prod: Li Ning, Zhao Jing-jie | Prod Comp: Made in J Town | Sc: Li Ning | Ed: Li Ning | With: Li Ning | Print: Made in J Town | Sales: dGenerate Films Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 13:30 CI7 Wed 2-2 12:00 LV6 Fri 4-2 16:00 LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 3-2 16:00 CI2


‘A person is nothing more than a series of undertakings’, said Jean-Paul Sartre, and this statement is very apt for the Chinese dancer and performance artist Li Ning. Not only at his avant-garde performances but also in his private situation, where he wrestles with two ‘families’: his wife, his son and his mother who accuse him of earning too little money for them and his guerrilla dance group, which is enthusiastic but not very well organised. In the almost three-hour long Tape, Li records five years from his own life, balancing between harsh reality and his artistic pretensions, between pathos and insight and between perseverance and self-pity. He uses a motley collection of cinematographic techniques: observing images, self-reflective confessions, and written voice-over, as well as digital special effects. This story has a jumpy chronology, in which some scenes are repeated. Tape is a recalcitrant, confrontational ego document in which Li succeeds in revealing his own soul in all its nakedness.


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Bright Future

Lao lu tou the Old Donkey Li Ruijun

eurOPeAN PreMiere

China, 2010 | colour, video, 112 min, Chinese Prod: Zeng Wenwen, Zhang Xianmin, Cui Zi’en | Prod Comp: Li Ruijun Film Studio, Indie Workshop | Sc: Li Ruijun | Cam: Yang Jin | Ed: Zhang Jun, Li Ruijun | Prod Des: Zeng Wenwen, Zhang Xianmin, Cui Zi’en | Sound Des: Lou Kun | Music: Li Ruijun | With: Ma Xinchun, Zhang Min | Sales: Li Ruijun Film Studio | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 19:45 CI1 Wed 2-2 11:45 CI1 Fri 4-2 11:45 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 20:00 CI2

It is winter in the northern Chinese province of Dansu. In order to build a chemical factory, poor farmers in the village of Gaotai are driven off their land by a local businessman and the party bosses of the Communist village council. But 84-year-old Ma, nicknamed ‘the old donkey’, refuses to leave his field. And he just happens to have a crucial piece of land. In the face of all the jubilant stories about the wealth China is acquiring thanks to capitalism, young director Li Ruijun strikes a critical note. The transition from deeply rooted Communism, with its omnipotent village councils, to the free market is anything but flawless, according to the maker. The film is not very optimistic about the resistance the farmers can offer. In an apparently pointless battle, Ma tries to prevent the advancing desert from consuming the graves of his parents. The camerawork by Yang Jin puts the characters in the desolate and threatening, yet also beautiful, landscapes around Gaotai, the birthplace of the director.

the Crab Rona Mark

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 102 min, English Prod: Rona Mark, Craig Schober | Prod Comp: Tridango Inc. | Sc: Rona Mark | Cam: Gregg Conde | Ed: Rona Mark | Prod Des: Simone Duff | Sound Des: Tyson Dai | Music: Collin Couvillion | With: Guy Whitney, Kelly B. Dwye, Cass Bugge, Jonathan Wilde | Print/Sales: Tridango Inc. | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 15:45 PA5 Sat 29-1 17:00 CI5 Sun 30-1 13:15 PA6 Fri 4-2 21:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 09:45 DWBZ

Levi is a cynical creep who manages to get up everyone’s nose with his snide remarks. Since dropping out of college, he lives as an unemployed, self-destructive drunkard, treats his girlfriend as a doormat and invites beatings from total strangers. He hates himself and above all his ‘lobster hands’, a birth defect. But it isn’t his malformed hands that scare people off, but his monstrous behaviour. When the new girlfriend of his only friend is not impressed by Levi’s torrent of abuse, he immediately falls for her. Highbrow meets low culture in this intelligent, verbal comedy about a melancholy anti-hero with a heart of gold. Just like Strange Girls, Rona Marks’ bizarre debut film about the vicissitudes of a creepy set of twins, this American independent is clever, slightly absurd and hilarious, thanks to dialogues like whiplashes and a protagonist who is perfectly cast. The ultimate anti-romantic comedy.



Bright Future

illégal Olivier Masset-Depasse

Belgium/Luxembourg/France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 90 min, French/Russian/English Prod: Jacques-Henri Bronckart | Prod Comp: Versus Production | Sc: Olivier Masset-Depasse | Cam: Tommaso Fiorilli | Ed: Damien Keyeux | Sound Des: Marc Bastien | Music: André Dziezuk, Marc Mergen | With: Anne Coesens, Alexandre Golntcharov, Esse Lawson | Sales: Versus Production | Distr. NL: Amstelfilm | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 19:15 SGZ Tue 1-2 14:30 LV1 Fri 4-2 14:30 PA2 Sat 5-2 21:30 PA7

Tania has moved from Belarus to Belgium in the hope of finding a better future for her 13-year-old son Ivan. The two of them have already been in Belgium for eight years, speak the language and are well integrated. However, they have no papers. An application for a permanent residence permit has been refused. One unfortunate day, Tania is picked up during a routine check. She is put in a closed refugee centre, but Ivan manages to escape just in time. The sober and indignant Illégal is the second feature by Wallonian director Olivier Masset-Depasse, following Cages (2006). He looked around in refugee centres, spoke to guards and refugees and was touched by the inhuman story of the real Tania, who is fighting for her son and is treated like a criminal. She is beautifully portrayed by Anne Coesens; the camera does not stray for a second from the stiff yet very optimistic Tania, despite her lack of faith in everything and everyone. The quintessential message of this powerful political drama is that it is not she who is illegal, but the system.

Animal Kingdom David Michôd

Australia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 113 min, English Prod: Liz Watts | Prod Comp: Porchlight Films Pty. Ltd. | Sc: David Michôd | Cam: Adam Arkapaw | Ed: Luke Doolan | Prod Des: Josephine Ford | Sound Des: Sam Petty | Music: Antony Partos | With: Ben Mendelsohn, Joel Edgerton, Guy Pearce, Luke Ford, Jacki Weaver, Sullivan Stapleton, James Frecheville | Sales: Maximum Films International | Distr. NL: Paradiso Filmed Entertainment | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:30 LV5 Thu 3-2 16:00 PA1 Fri 4-2 19:15 SGZ Sat 5-2 19:00 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 17:30 DWBZ


When his mother dies from an overdose of heroin, 17-year-old Joshua ‘J’ Cody moves in with his grandma and her three criminal sons. Andrew ‘Pope’ tries to keep out of the hands of a team of detectives, while Craig successfully deals drugs. Darren does his best to follow in the footsteps of his big brothers. But then one of them is shot by a cop, precisely at the moment when Andrew’s business partner Barry Brown announces he wants to retire. What follows is a fierce sequence of reprisals between the Mafiosi and the police. Despite the explosive violence, in his ambitious feature debut the Australian director David Michôd focuses on the human drama behind the criminal. A star cast including Ben Mendelsohn, Jacki Weaver, Guy Pearce and James Frecheville communicates deep and complex emotions through subtle acting. Each twist in the plot comes as a surprise in this layered, dark crime drama.


Bright Future

Bad Posture Malcolm Murray

WOrLD PreMiere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 93 min, English Prod: Lucy Bickerton, Neda Armian | Prod Comp: THIS, Armian Pictures | Sc: Florian Brozek | Cam: Malcolm Murray | Ed: Malcolm Murray | Prod Des: Rich Watts | Sound Des: Phil Perkins | With: Florian Brozek, Trey Cole, Tabatha Shaun | Print/Sales: THIS Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 21:30 PA2 Sat 29-1 10:30 PA4 Tue 1-2 09:15 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 3-2 11:30 CI2

The sleepy town of Albuquerque, encircled by high mountains and dusty deserts, in a suffocating summer: the perfect backdrop for this raw, realistic American indie western. Two young men go off the straight and narrow when they steal a car. Flo, who has just lost his job, feels more and more guilty about it. Certainly because he has an eye on car’s owner, the sexy and provocative Marisa. Unlike the husky Trey, he is pretty clumsy with women. Should he stay loyal to his friend or choose love? Malcolm Murray grew up in Albuquerque and could have been one of the characters in the sultry Bad Posture. He depicts Flo, Marisa and Trey, played by non-professional actors, with great empathy in an observational style that clearly reveals he started his career as a documentary maker. With a relaxed and nonchalant soundtrack, Murray has made a visually powerful and very self-confident feature debut.

Seishun hakaba

hot as hell: the Deadbeat March Okuda Yosuke

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 75 min, Japanese Prod: Kojima Yoshinari | Prod Comp: namamo | Sc: Okuda Yosuke | Cam: Kobayashi Gaku | Ed: Onodera Takuya | Prod Des: Kojima Yoshinari | Sound Des: Nemoto Asuka | With: Itabashi Syunya, Katakura Waki, Tamura Kensaku, Iida Kaoru, Okuda Yosuke, Kameyama Kumiko Su-Zan | Print/Sales: PIA Film Festival Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 22:15* CI5 Sun 30-1 22:15* CI1 Wed 2-2 22:15* CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 21:00 DWBZ

Hong Kong director Johnny To personally gave Okuda Yosuke an award at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival for his energetic, low-budget gangster comedy Hot as Hell: The Deadbeat March. Johnny To then took an interest in this young filmmaker (born in 1986), who played the role of a heavyweight gangster in his own film. The Deadbeat March is the third part of Okuda’s Hot as Hell trilogy and is about two hysterical drug dealers, Tetsuo and Sabura, who surreptitiously adulterate cocaine with protein. They are part of the not-very-well-organised crime scene, are caught by undercover cops, meet a childhood sweetheart and finally end up in a literal bloodbath. The film, dedicated to Tarantino, gives the verbal and visual jokes a tragic undertone. The desolate locations reveal a Japan that is not often shown. Okuda, who graduated from the Kawaguchi Art School in 2007, is one of the few independent filmmakers in Japan.



Bright Future

Paraísos artificiales Artificial Paradises Yulene Olaizola

WOrLD PreMiere

Mexico, 2011 | colour, video, 90 min, Spanish Prod: Sandra Gómez, Maximiliano Cruz, Yulene Olaizola | Prod Comp: Interior13 Cine | Sc: Fernando del Razo, Yulene Olaizola | Cam: Lisa Tillinger | Ed: Rubén Imaz | Prod Des: Sandra Gómez | Sound Des: Federico González Jordán | Music: Emiliano Motta, Emiliano González de León | With: Luisa Pardo, Salomón Hernández | Sales: Interior13 Cine | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 15:45 PA5 Thu 3-2 17:00 CI1 Fri 4-2 15:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 09:30 LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 09:30 DWBZ

Luisa – 25 and addicted to ‘chiva’ (heroin) – retires to the hotel by the sea near Veracruz on the Gulf of Mexico. During her stay – for more than a week – she meets the old, mysterious, heavy-duty cannabis user Salomon, in whom she thinks she recognises a fellow soul. A bond develops between the two of them. Artificial Paradises, named after an anthology by the French poet Baudelaire from 1860, is a melodrama imbued with drugs and drink. Not much is explained: dialogues are scarce (although there is a bit of singing). The young Mexican director Yulene Olaizola, who previously made short films and documentaries, tells her story through very atmospheric images. The photography is beautiful, although the landscape is not the Veracruz of holiday folders. The film was completed with a contribution from the Hubert Bals Fund.

Dasi taeernago sipfiryo, Anyangae Anyang, Paradise City Park Chan-Kyong

WOrLD PreMiere

South Korea, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 102 min, Korean Prod: Kim Min-Kyung | Sc: Park Chan-Kyong, Kim Young-Gle | Cam: Jee Yune-Jeong, Che OneJoon, Park Chan-Kyong | Ed: Yoo Sung-Yup, Park Chan-Kyong | Prod Des: Park Chan-Kyong | Sound Des: Kim Chang-Hoon, Song Young-Ho | Music: Kang Min-Suk | With: Kim Yeri, Park Min-Young, Kim Jong-Gu, Um Tae-Gu, Park ChanKyong, citizens of Anyang | Print: Kim Min-Kyung | Sales: Kim Min-Chul Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:30 CI5 Wed 2-2 12:00 CI7 Thu 3-2 09:30 LV6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 14:00 CI2


During the Olympic Games in Seoul in 1988, 22 female workers were killed in a fire in Anyang. They were locked in a dormitory by their boss and caught like rats in a trap. Hardly anyone remembers this event. The glorious past of Anyang (a Buddhist term for ‘Paradise’) is likewise not commemorated by many. A thousand years ago there was an enormous temple at Anyang. During his investigation into Buddhism and the history of Anyang, Park follows the temple excavations, searches for the 500-year-old ‘grandma tree’ and listens to what the stones can tell us. The future puts in an appearance in the form of mayoral elections. This first full-length feature by visual artist Park was made for the community of Anyang and commissioned by the city itself. He travels back and forth between paradise and hell, with the quest forming part of the film: the camera hunts, rests, plays and dances with the city.


Bright Future


A Little Closer Matthew Petock

WOrLD PreMiere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 72 min, English Prod: Matthew Petock | Prod Comp: A Little Closer LLC | Sc: Matthew Petock | Cam: Daniel Patrick Carbone | Ed: Matthew Petock | Prod Des: Holly Clarke | Sound Des: Christopher Foster | With: Sayra Player, Parker Lutz, Eric Baskerville | Print/ Sales: A Little Closer LLC Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 18:15* PA3 Sat 29-1 11:45* CI1 Tue 1-2 14:45* LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 13:00 CI2

In his visually powerful debut film, the young American director Matthew Petock intercuts three stories about members of a family on the edge of society wrestling with the cruelty of love. The single mother Sheryl is desperately looking for a new man who can be a father to her two sons. She visits a weekly dating evening in the hope of meeting her dream prince. Sheryl’s eldest son Marc (16) is still a virgin and gets sexual advice from the older boy Don. When he asks 15-year-old Joanna for a date and she says yes, he decides to do everything possible to have sex with her. And then there’s the youngest son Stephen (12), who falls in love with the teacher everybody hates. As a result, he really puts the loyalty of his classmates to the test. The family members have similar problems, but that does not bring them closer together – Petock cleverly makes the distance between them tangible.

A Small town Called Descent Jahmil XT Qubeka

South Africa, 2010 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:2.35, 106 min, English Prod: Faith Isiakpere, Firdoze Bulbulia | Prod Comp: Moments Entertainment | Sc: Jahmil XT Qubeka | Cam: Jahmil XT Qubeka | Ed: Faith Isiakper | Prod Des: Mnandi Brighton | Sound Des: Alun Richards | Music: Zim Ngqawana | With: Vusi Kunene, John Savage, Hlubi Mboya, Paul Buckby, Vuyo Dabula, Lindani Nkosi, Fana Mokoena | Print: Moments Entertainment | Sales: Videovision Entertainment Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 18:15 PA3 Thu 3-2 20:00 CI6 Fri 4-2 09:45 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 11:45 CI3

After a young Zimbabwean man is murdered gruesomely just over the South African border, three officers of the Scorpions Investigating Unit arrive in the village of Descent. According to the local police commander, the murder is revenge for a sex crime, but the Scorpions soon discover that there is more behind it. In addition, the three men turn out to be less innocent than they try to seem. First time South African director Jahmil XT Qubeka sardonically sketches the problems that are the scourge of South Africa. Poverty, violence, xenophobia and widespread corruption have paralysed both democratisation and reconciliation since the apartheid system was abolished 20 years ago. Newsreel footage of the indictments for rape and corruption against President Jacob Zuma lift the story to a national level. Qubeka‘s melancholy about the tragic fate of South Africa can be seen in the grand images and the intense colours with which the filmmaker records the South African landscape.



Bright Future

un poison violent Love Like Poison Katell Quillévéré

France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 92 min, French Prod: Justin Taurand | Prod Comp: Les Films du Bélier | Sc: Katell Quillévéré | Cam: Tom Harari | Ed: Thomas Marchand | Prod Des: Anna Falguères | Sound Des: Florent Klockenbring | Music: Olivier Mellano | With: Clara Augarde, Lio, Michel Galabru | Sales: Films Distribution Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 16:00 PA1 Wed 2-2 17:00 LUX Fri 4-2 16:45 SGZ Sat 5-2 17:45 CI3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 11:45 DJZ

In her previous short films, two of which have also been screened in Rotterdam, Quillévéré showed her commitment to children and teenagers. This first full-length feature is a sensitive study of the budding sexuality of a 14-year-old girl in the countryside of Catholic France. When Anna returns from boarding school during the summer holiday, a lot has changed at home. Her father has run away and her mother is flirting with the young village priest. She herself is about to receive the sacrament of confirmation in the church, but her doubts are growing. Should she heed the stern warnings of the bishop or succumb to her own confused feelings and the approaches of an infatuated childhood friend? Even her grandfather, of whom she is very fond, turns out to have an unknown side. The newcomer Clara Augarde makes a great impression with her modest and convincing role as Anna. Love Like Poison won the Jean Vigo Award for independent authors in Cannes.

Qarantina Oday Rasheed

eurOPeAN PreMiere

Iraq/Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 90 min, Arabic Prod: Furat al Jamil | Prod Comp: Enlil Film & Art | Sc: Oday Rasheed | Cam: Osama Rasheed | Ed: Salwan Kamil | Prod Des: Ali Ismail | Sound Des: Ansgar Frerich | Music: Dureed Al-Khafaji | With: Asaad Abdul Majeed, Alaa Najem, Hattam Auda, Hayder Munather, Sajad Ali, Rawan Abdullah | Sales: Enlil Film & Art | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:30 PA4 Sat 29-1 22:15 CI1 Mon 31-1 10:15 PA1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 12:00 PA4


In today’s Iraq, a hitman and a family are condemned to each other by circumstance. He looks down from above on the courtyard where the family’s difficult life largely takes place. The wife deceives her husband with a much younger housemate, but finds out that the two men are barely different. Both vent their frustrations using violence. Her husband feels humiliated by the intruder, the disgust his much younger wife feels towards him, and his daughter’s unwanted pregnancy. The hitman is quite sympathetic but goes off the rails slowly when he has to liquidate one of his old student friends, all of whom are now doctors or professors. All the characters stand for the situation in which Iraq finds itself. Images of street life in Baghdad, all shot from within a tank, make it clear that the occupier is equally imprisoned. A subtle, beautifully shot drama that leaves viewers not without hope of a better future.


Bright Future

Ja tebya lublu i Love You

Alexander Rastorguev, Pavel Kostomarov

WOrLD PreMiere

Russia, 2011 | colour, video, 72 min, Russian Prod: Alexander Rodnyansky, Sergey Melkumov | Prod Comp: Non-Stop Production | Sc: Pavel Kostomarov, Alexander Rastorguev | Ed: Pavel Kostomarov, Alexander Rastorguev | Sound Des: Georgiy Ermolenko | With: Vladislav Kuzmenko, Stanislav Cherkasov, Alexander Glotov | Print/Sales: Non-Stop Production Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 20:00 CI5 Sat 29-1 11:00 LV1 Fri 4-2 12:15 PA3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 09:15 CI2

Two young, dynamic voices from Russian film: that of D.O.P and director Pavel Kostomarov and that of documentary director Alexander Rastorguov are united in this modern experiment, in search of a new film language and new methods. There are three stories of three young male friends from Rostov-on-Don. The authors cast from fifty open-minded non-professionals who would not be scared to use a camera themselves and who could record their lives while being totally natural. The directors have chosen those real life stories of people interlinked with one another and built up a mosaic of their life episodes, with love as the leitmotief. The result is a fascinating melodramatic story using the dynamics and language of YouTube. It also is an inexpensive movie of the collegial authorship that marks the contemporary era. According to the authors, this project is a key point in their creative careers. They are continuing to study the potential of this method in a new project, under the title You Too.

el Sicario room 164 Gianfranco Rosi

France, 2010 | colour, video, 84 min, Spanish Prod: Serge Lalou | Prod Comp: Les Films d’Ici | Sc: Charles Bowden, Gianfranco Rosi | Cam: Gianfranco Rosi | Ed: Jacopo Quadri | Sound Des: Dominique Vieillard | Music: Abraham Spector | Print/ Sales: Doc & Film International Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:45 CI1 Tue 1-2 09:30 PA2 Thu 3-2 19:30* LUX Sat 5-2 18:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 18:45 DWBZ

In room 164 of a grubby hotel near the Mexican-American border, a huge guy dressed in black puts a black cloth over his head to make himself unrecognisable. Then he sits down and starts talking about the life he has lived. For 20 years the man worked for a Mexican drugs baron. He provides detailed descriptions of how he kidnapped people, how he made them talk and how thoroughly corrupt the Mexican and American authorities are. In the meantime, he uses a black markerpen to make sketches in a notepad, page after page. There is not much more to be seen in the documentary El Sicario Room 164 – and yet the terrifying story gets under your skin. Gianfranco Rosi (directing, camera and production) based his hazardous undertaking El Sicario (‘ the hit man’) on an article by the American investigative journalist Charles Bowden. In the titles, it is stated that the ‘sicario’ fled in 2007 from the Mexican murder capital Ciudad Juárez and that since then a reward of $250,000 has been offered for him.



Bright Future

Aardvark Kitao Sakurai

USA/Argentina, 2010 | colour, video, 80 min, English Prod: Andrew Barchilon | Prod Comp: Naked Faces | Sc: Kitao Sakurai | Cam: Aaron Kovalchik | Ed: Luke Lynch | Prod Des: Ana Cambre | Sound Des: Jason Candler | Music: Fall On Your Sword | With: Larry L. Lewis Jr., Darren Branch, Jessica Elizabeth Cole | Print/Sales: FiGa Films | Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 12:45 PA5 Fri 4-2 19:30 CI5 Sat 5-2 21:15 PA3

As he puts it himself, Larry Lewis is ‘your true to life blind drunk’. Blind since birth, he has recently started trying to stop drinking. In his attempts to rebuild a normal life, he becomes fascinated by the Japanese art of selfdefence known as jiujitsu. He soon makes friends with Darren, his jiujitsu teacher. Up to that point, the story of Aardvark is based on the real life of the protagonist Lewis, an acquaintance of young Japanese-American director Kitao Sakurai. But this unusual docudrama soon starts shifting towards pure fiction. A seductive girl turns up, along with a shady criminal client and a murder. Sakurai links realism to film noir, and American revenge drama to Eastern explosiveness. A strikingly poetic, hybrid film is the result, with a protagonist who easily attracts all the attention. Just like Zatoichi, the legendary blind Japanese sword fighter, Larry Lewis is not easily defeated: ‘Never underestimate a blind guy.’

the Last Buffalo hunt Lee Anne Schmitt

WOrLD PreMiere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 76 min, English Prod: Lee Lynch | Cam: Lee Anne Schmitt, Lee Lynch, David Fenster, James Laxton | Ed: Lee Anne Schmitt | Sound Des: Ben Huff | Print/Sales: Lee Anne Schmitt Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:15 PA6 Fri 28-1 22:15 CI6 Wed 2-2 22:15 CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 13:45 CI2


One of the last herds of wild buffalo still grazes close to Hanksville, Utah. Every year, the animals are hunted and this is known locally as ‘Utah’s Lottery’. For this observational film essay, Lee Anne Schmitt and Lee Lynch followed the hunt for five years. In Schmitt’s typically unpolished style, the cowboys, history and landscape are more important than the occasionally shocking buffalo hunt. Confronting the myth of the free landscape, they posit images of rifles, monstrous casinos, plastic tepees and fake hunters pushing their wares in a department store. Schmitt and Lynch question the authenticity of the myths surrounding the Wild West and the individualism on which American ideology is based. Just as in her California Company Town (2008), about ghost towns in California, Schmitt shows that history always leaves its tracks in the landscape. The everyday activities of the cowboys are cultural rituals on the verge of extinction.


Bright Future

Belkibolang Agung Sentausa, Ifa Isfansyah, Tumpal Christian Tampubolon, Rico Marpaung, Anggun Priambodo, Azhar Lubis, Wisnu Surya Pratama, Edwin, Sidi Saleh

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Indonesia, 2010 | colour, video, 87 min, Indonesian Prod: Meiske Taurisia | Prod Comp: babibutafilm | Sc: Titien Wattimena | Sound Des: Wahyu Tri Purnomo | Print/Sales: babibutafilm Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 22:15 CI7 Thu 3-2 12:00 LV6 Sat 5-2 20:15 CI2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 22:15 CI2


It’s almost New Year’s Eve, and life in the bustling Indonesian capital of Jakarta goes on all night. The portmanteau film Belkibolang is the calling card of a new generation of Indonesian filmmakers. Nine short stories by the same scriptwriter, filmed by nine different directors. The story starts with a little girl with an umbrella and a man in the rain, together searching the streets, and ends as day breaks and a taxi driver tries in vain to inform his wife he wants a divorce. In between: a colourful, poetic and occasionally ironic mosaic with all the moving, acidic and lightfooted sides of life. Each episode gives an impression of modern Indonesia, but each time with an imaginative twist. The best-known of the filmmakers taking part is Edwin, whose Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly was released in the Netherlands in 2009 after being screened at the IFFR.


Shelter Dragomir Sholev

Bulgaria, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 88 min, Bulgarian Prod: Rossitsa Valkanova | Prod Comp: Klas Film | Sc: Razvan Radulescu, Melissa de Raaf, Dragomir Sholev | Cam: Krum Rodriguez | Ed: Kevork Aslanyan | Prod Des: Vanina Geleva | Sound Des: Petko Manchev | Music: Vassil Gurov | With: Cvetan Daskalov, Yanina Kasheva, Kaloyan Siriiski, Irena Hristoskova, Silvia Gerina | Print/Sales: Klas Film | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 21:30 PA7 Wed 2-2 15:30 PA2 Thu 3-2 12:15 CI6 Sat 5-2 12:15 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 18:00 CI3

The Bulgarian Dragomir Shelev, a former swimming champion, is a pretty good coach for a water polo team. During the journey back from a game, his wife calls to say that their 12-year-old son Radostin has not come home. The couple panics and calls the police, but when they get home, the grumpy adolescent turns out to be sitting in his room. He has brought a couple of new friends from the punk scene with him: an older boy and a girl. Dragomir is horrified to see them behave as if they are at home. Radostin’s mother is more than happy that her son has been found and puts herself out to please everyone. The film takes place on one day and largely in the oppressive apartment of the Shelev family. It seems inevitable that the parents will lose their grip on Radostan; there is an unbridgeable chasm between them and his anarchist friends. The events are carried along by a striking soundtrack that integrates sounds from everyday life, such as the bleeps made by Skype, in the music.



Bright Future

el agua del fin del mundo

the Water at the end of the World Paula Siero

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Argentina, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 84 min, Spanish Prod: Juan Pablo Gugliotta | Prod Comp: Magma Cine | Sc: Paula Siero, Nora Mazzitelli | Cam: Daniel Sebastián Ortega | Ed: Leandro Aste | Prod Des: Julieta Dolinsky | Sound Des: Martin Grignasch | Music: Chango Spaciuk | With: Facundo Arana, Guadalupe Docampo, Diana Lamas | Print/ Sales: Primer Plano Film Group Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 18:30 PA7 Wed 2-2 16:45 SGZ Fri 4-2 22:15 CI5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 09:45 DWBZ

Paula Siero makes her feature debut with a story that could easily go off the rails into melodramatic sentiment. But The Water at the End of the World does everything but this. Powerfully and energetically acted by the whole cast and with effective camerawork, the result is a convincing psychological drama in which love, disgust, anger and understanding flow together into one emotion. Laura and Adriana are sisters. They live together in a poor neighbourhood in Buenos Aires where everyone has trouble keeping their heads above water. The twenty-something Laura (Guadalupe Docampo) works in a pizza restaurant and maintains her slightly older and very ill sister (Diana Lamas). When Laura and Adriana get bad news about the course of Adriana’s incurable disease, they decide to make a journey. First, Laura has to get enough money for the journey and, on her quest, she meets the alcoholic accordionist Martin, to whom she feels attracted. When Martin also meets Adriana, a conflict arises between the sisters.

ha’Meshotet the Wanderer Avishai Sivan

Israel, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 86 min, Hebrew Prod: Daphna Olinsky | Prod Comp: The Mouth Agape | Sc: Avishai Sivan | Cam: Shai Goldman | Ed: Nili Feller, Avishai Sivan | Prod Des: Yang Yuval, Lin Baru | Sound Des: Alex Claude | With: Omri Fuhrer, Ali Nassar, Ronit Peled, Shani Ben Haim | Print/ Sales: Rendez-Vous Pictures Intl. | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 17:30 CI4 Mon 31-1 20:15 CI4 Tue 1-2 12:30 CI4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 22:30 CI3


His shoes are too tight, but that is not the only problem faced by the taciturn orthodox Jewish student Isaac. He can’t concentrate on his studies and prayer no longer means anything to him. In this intriguing feature debut, Avishai Sivan sketches the spiritual crisis of a young man who does not feel at home anywhere. Not with his parents, who were converted in old age, nor with his fellow students, while his approach to approaching women is brusque and clumsy. Even his body lets him down. Between the pain of an attack of kidney stones and a looming diagnosis of infertility, he undertakes long and increasingly desperate peregrinations through the city at night, searching in vain for liberation from his loneliness and doubt. The tightly composed form with largely static frames, little dialogue and sparing yet effective use of close-ups, serves to emphasise the feeling of claustrophobia. The Wanderer had its premiere in Cannes, where the film was selected for the Quinzaine des réalisateurs.


Bright Future

Characters Son Kwang-Ju


WOrLD PreMiere

South Korea, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 99 min, Korean Prod: Son Kwang-Ju | Sc: Son Kwang-Ju | Cam: Lee HyeongBin | Ed: Son Kwang-Ju | Prod Des: Geena Jung | Sound Des: Moon Jang-Hyeok | With: Kim Soo-Hyeon, Lee Hwan, Anastasia Kim | Print/Sales: Son Kwang-Ju | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 16:30 PA4 Tue 1-2 20:00 LV2 Thu 3-2 19:30 LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 16:00 CI2 Tue 1-2 16:00 CI2

Son Kwang-ju’s debut film offers an intelligent mix between reality and fiction – a story about crippled dreams and ambitions. Son, former artist in residence at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, plays subtly with the identity of the various characters and at the same time ridicules the film industry from a suitably ironic distance. Soo-Yeon, once a promising female writer, works as an assistant scriptwriter for the arrogant director Moh, who is only interested in making blockbusters. For his next film, he has already bought his suit for the premiere in Cannes, because he won’t go for anything less. ‘Screenplays have to be understandable to 12-year-olds,’ is his credo. Soo-Yeon however wants things different and more realistic. And she repeatedly tries to give cardboard characters more relief; in vain. Their constant quarrelling exhausts both of them. Her ambitious scenario for The Epistle of Life doesn’t have much hope as a result. Her desires are rejected as ‘female vanity’.

Pairon talle Soul of Sand Sidharth Srinivasan

eurOPeAN PreMiere

India, 2010 | colour, video, 99 min, Hindi Prod: Sidharth Srinivasan | Prod Comp: Reel Illusion Films | Sc: Sidharth Srinivasan | Cam: S. Nalla Muthu | Ed: Sameera Jain | Prod Des: B. Nagar | Sound Des: Nihar Ranjan Samal | Music: Jona Kompa | With: Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Saba Joshi, Avtar Sahni | Sales: Reel Illusion Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 14:15 CI1 Mon 31-1 09:30 CI5 Tue 1-2 19:45 LV6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 13:45 CI2

In his ambitious second feature, Sidharth Srinivasan provides the viewer with an exciting, dramatic story that also makes it possible for him to comment on social abuses in India. The story starts with Bhanu, the guard at a deserted quartz mine. He submissively tolerates the grumpiness of his boss, who even appropriates Bhanu’s wife at regular intervals. Their lives take a dramatic turn when two young lovers look for a hiding place in the mine. One of them turns out to be the daughter of Bhanu’s boss, who is escaping from an arranged marriage. Srinivasan sharply reveals how different social classes are related and how tragic forced marriages can turn out. This timeless story, rooted in the ageold Indian caste system, has been filmed in a modern way, in a direct, frank style that looks more Western than Indian.



Bright Future

grande hotel Lotte Stoops

WOrLD PreMiere

Belgium, 2011 | colour/ b&w, video, 67 min, Portuguese/English Prod: Ellen De Waele | Prod Comp: Serendipity Films | Sc: Lotte Stoops | Cam: Joao Ribeiro | Ed: Dieter Diependaele, Katarina Türler | Sound Des: Gabriel Mondlane, Yves Demey | Music: Lula Pena, Red Gjeci, Tom Vanhecke | Print/Sales: Serendipity Films Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 16:30* PA4 Sun 30-1 15:45* PA5 Fri 4-2 17:00 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 19:30 CI2

It was once a five-star hotel with 110 spacious rooms, an Olympic swimming pool and a luxury restaurant. It was a ‘Grande Hotel’ designed as an undulating cake, situated in Beira on the coast of Mozambique and, in all its pomp and circumstance, it represented the haughtiness of colonialism. Today it is a grey ruin. Over 3,500 Mozambiquans have sought refuge between its wide corridors and imposing staircases. Everything of value in the building has been removed and sold; only the concrete frame remains. Without water or electricity, the inhabitants make the best of the situation. Small enterprises blossom, but there’s also violence and danger. Lotte Stoops portrayed several of the present inhabitants of the Grande Hotel and in Portugal visited a former guest who still has fond memories of her time in Mozambique. A harrowing yet also fascinating and impressive story of a dream doomed to become a nightmare.

Water hands Vladimir Todorovic

WOrLD PreMiere

Singapore/Serbia/Montenegro, 2011 | b&w, video, 96 min, Cantonese/Mandarin/Serbian Prod: Vladimir Todorovic | Prod Comp: tadar studios | Sc: Vladimir Todorovic | Cam: Vladimir Todorovic | Ed: Vladimir Todorovic | Prod Des: Vladimir Todorovic | Sound Des: Brian O’Reilly | Music: Brian O’Reilly | With: Sara Yang, Lam Fung, Marko Skoric, Tatjana Todorovic, Goran Andrejin, Nadja Todorovic | Print/Sales: tadar studios Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 17:00 CI5 Sat 29-1 12:00 CI7 Thu 3-2 19:45 CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 15:00 CI2


The Serbian-born director Vladimir Todorovic now lives and works in Singapore. The sailor who is the protagonist in his feature debut made the same journey in the opposite direction and is now a foreigner in the Serbian hinterland. While the mathematically framed black-and-white images show the stunning Balkan landscapes where he is travelling, he describes in a voice-over the folk tales he has heard there. A calculated and disruptive soundtrack completes the ambiance, which emphasises the eerie feelings of the sailor: he is more and more concerned by the everyday reality waiting for him back home. We see this in the second part of Todorovic’s narrative: a woman answers the concerns of the sailor with practical calls for his return; she’ll treat him like a mother, a lover, a homeland, while gleaming skyscrapers and busy roads dominate the images, which nevertheless remain tranquil.


Bright Future

Attenberg Athina Rachel Tsangari

Greece, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 95 min, Greek Prod: Athina Rachel Tsangari, Iraklis Mavroidis, Angelos Venetis, Yorgos Lanthimos, Maria Hatzakou | Prod Comp: Haos Films, Boo Productions, Faliro House Productions, Stefi Productions | Sc: Athina Rachel Tsangari | Cam: Thimios Bakatatakis | Ed: Sandrine Cheyrol, Matthew Johnson | Prod Des: Dafni Kalogianni | Sound Des: Leandros Ntounis | With: Ariane Labed, Giorgos Lanthimos, Vangelis Mourikis, Evangelia Randou | Sales: The Match Factory GmbH | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 20:00* DJZ [d.s.] Sun 30-1 09:30* PA7 [d.s.] Thu 3-2 18:30* PA2 [d.s.] Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 11:45 CI3 [e.s.]

Attenberg, the second feature by Athina Rachel Tsangari, opens with the picture of two women French kissing – or at least trying to. Marina (23) is not experienced in the art of love and wants to know from her girlfriend Bella how it works. The lesson does not manage to persuade Marina that people do something so disgusting for fun. In scenes that are occasionally hilarious, occasionally painful, sometimes moving, we see how Marina slowly learns more about love and sexuality. And about other girls, whom she studies the way David Attenborough looks at animals. In the meantime, she has to come to terms with the approaching death of her terminally ill father. With a powerful leading role by Ariane Labed, who won the award for best actress in Venice, Attenberg is a surprising coming-of-age drama that reveals a similarity in tone and style with the film Dogtooth, screened last year, in which Tsangari was involved as producer.

Septien Michael Tully

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 79 min, English Prod: Brooke Bernard, Ryan Zacarias | Prod Comp: Nomadic Independence Pictures | Sc: Michael Tully | Cam: Jeremy Saulnier | Ed: Marc Vives | Prod Des: Bart Mangrum | Sound Des: Gene Park | Music: Michael Montes | With: Michael Tully, Robert Longstreet, Onur Tukel, Rachel Korine, John Maringouin, Mark Darby Robinson, Jim Willingham | Print/Sales: Michael Tully Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:15 PA6 Wed 2-2 12:00 CI5 Thu 3-2 17:00 CI5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 09:15 CI2

Eighteen years after his sudden disappearance, neglected sporting talent Cornelius Rawlings (played by the director Michael Tully himself, with a large tramp’s beard) returns to his parents’ farm in the American countryside. His parents are long dead, but he does find his brothers, Ezra and Amos, and the lethargic help Wilbur. Ezra has taken over the role of mother in the house, while in the barn Amos makes perturbing paintings filled with sportsmen, their limbs torn off, and satanic symbols. When the plumber Red Rooster comes to clear the toilet, the past also enters the brothers’ house. All three have their own demons to fight. Tully was inspired by an eccentric mixture of sources. His film is a childish and feverish dream, an unpretentious and humorous art film, a horror film without any splattering blood, a Southern Gothic story, an unusual sport film and an honest look at the way men suppress their feelings. And all this in the nostalgic style of a TV film from the early 1980s.



Bright Future

gesher Vahid Vakilifar

Iran, 2010 | colour, video, 84 min, Farsi Prod: Mohammad Rassoulof | Prod Comp: Shargh Tamasha Media | Sc: Vahid Vakilifar | Cam: Mohammad-Reza Jahanpanah | Ed: Vahid Vakilifar | Prod Des: Saeed Assadi | Sound Des: Hossein Mahdavi | With: Hossein Farzizadeh, Ghobad Rahmaninassab, Abdolrassoul Daryapeyma | Sales: DreamLab Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | www. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 18:45 PA5 Tue 1-2 09:45 PA5 Wed 2-2 15:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 21:45 PA5

Three men travel to the south of Iran, where petroleum and gas fields offer employment prospects. They don’t earn much and, like many colleagues, they sleep in empty pipes by the sea. The taxi driver Jahan dreams about a handsome well-dressed version of himself; Ghobad sends money home in cuddly toys; and Nezam tries to maintain his dignity while he clears blockages in filthy toilets. In this truly rich industry, workers have a thankless and even invisible role. Vakilifar decided to make this film about migrant workers when he discovered how the poverty-stricken men in the region still managed to form a remarkable and friendly community. Despite the tragic situation, Vakilifar’s story also offers empathy, warmth and humour. The shots are well-balanced and patient, with a major role for the roaring, alien surroundings filled with rusty constructions, screaming sirens and pipes from which flames shoot up several metres into the sky.

La vida útil A useful Life Federico Veiroj

Uruguay/Spain, 2010 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.85, 61 min, Spanish Prod: Federico Veiroj | Prod Comp: Cinekdoque | Sc: Inés Bortagary, Arauco Hernández, Gonzalo Delgado, Federico Veiroj | Cam: Arauco Hernández | Ed: Arauco Hernández, Federico Veiroj | Prod Des: Emilia Carlevaro | Sound Des: Raúl Locatelli, Daniel Yafalián | Music: Leo Masliah, Macunaima, Eduardo Fabini | With: Jorge Jellinek, Manuel Martinez Carril, Paola Venditto | Sales: FiGa Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 16:15* PA6 Mon 31-1 15:30* PA2 Wed 2-2 21:15* PA3 Fri 4-2 12:00 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 16:15 CI3


The life expectancy of a product in Spanish is called ‘la vida útil’. The film title refers to the career of Jorge, who seems to have reached his sell-by date. He’s worked for 25 years as a programmer and projectionist for the Uruguayan Cinémathèque. He selects the films and sits beside the projector every day to translate the films during screening. In his weekly film column on the radio, he recommends the Manoel de Oliveira retrospective and hopes to fill seats with the slogan: ‘You need the Cinémathèque and the Cinémathèque needs you.’ It doesn’t help, and the Cinémathèque is closed because it is losing money. Jorge roams the streets to a soundtrack of exotic film music. Director Federico Veiroj himself worked at the Cinémathèque and, after his dry and humorous teenage portrait Acne (2008), this time he follows a man without a future who is saved by cinema – and by love. A Don Quichote who embarks on a new adventure.


Bright Future

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Wang Jing, Anocha Suwichakornpong, Kaz Cai

eurOPeAN PreMiere

Singapore, 2010 | colour, video, 87 min, Thai/Mandarin/ Cantonese/Teochew/English Prod: Tay Bee Pin | Prod Comp: Wormwood Films | Sc: Wang Jing, Anocha Suwichakornpong, Kaz Cai | Cam: Han Yan, Wang Sanshang, M.R. Umpornpol Yugala, Morgan Peline | Ed: Wang Jing, Lee Chatametikool | Sound Des: Akritchalerm Kalayanamitr | Music: Leslie Low | With: Wang Pin, Kamolluk Piyavittayanon, Beatrice Chien | Print/Sales: Wormwood Films Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 13:30 PA4 Sun 30-1 19:15 PA6 Fri 4-2 12:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 18:00 CI2

This film trilogy by female Asian directors focuses on love. The stories from China (Wang), Thailand (Suwichakornpong) and Singapore (Cai) are varied in tone, but all concentrate on mealtimes. Also, all the female protagonists are called Mei, we keep hearing ‘Who wants to marry me?’ and in the background we hear the news of the murder of Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan. A young woman and her boyfriend have breakfast. She is visiting him in Nanjing. While they roam around, they discuss their mutual past and the future. The lunch is lighter in tone: two teenagers discuss life and love, bored as only teenagers can be. The dinner is in Singapore. In this melancholy story, a man looks for love and a lonely old woman reflects on her past. The stories reflect the complexity and beauty of love, seen from various Asian perspectives. Restrained, controlled and sensitive.

Fortune teller Xu Tong

eurOPeAN PreMiere

China, 2010 | colour, video, 157 min, Mandarin Prod: Xu Tong | Cam: Xu Tong | Ed: Xu Tong | Prod Des: Xu Tong | Sound Des: Xu Tong | Print/Sales: Xu Tong Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 10:00 CI7 Tue 1-2 10:30 CI7 Fri 4-2 12:45 CI5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 19:30 CI2

For four seasons, this confrontational documentary follows Li Baicheng, a traditional Chinese soothsayer, and his deaf and dumb, mentally and physically handicapped wife Little Pearl. In a village not far from Beijing, Li predicts the future for his clientele, which primarily seems to consist of prostitutes. When the police starts clamping down on both the sex industry and illegal soothsayers, he feels forced to return with Little Pearl to his home village. The narrative is structured in chapters, referring in form to the popular fiction of the Qing dynasty. After having documented the double life of a young prostitute in Wheat Harvest, Xu Tong again portrays outsiders in Chinese society. In tackling those who cannot profit from the extreme modernisation of the country, or expect any help from the Chinese state, he has created a film both unprecedentedly intimate and socially committed.



Bright Future


Speak Yes! That’s Us

iNterNAtiONAL PreMiere

Uganda/South Africa, 2010 | colour, video, 85 min, English/Luganda Prod: Donald Mugisha, James Tayler | Prod Comp: DEDDAC, Switch Media | Sc: Donald Mugisha, James Tayler, Alex Ireeta | Cam: James Tayler, Donald Mugisha | Ed: Donald Mugisha | Prod Des: Ireeta Alex | Music: Swangz Avenue, Roadblock | With: Cleopatra Koheirwe, Mark Bugembe, Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, Helen Lukoma, Olot Bonny | Print/Sales: DEDDAC Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 14:30* CI7 Fri 4-2 14:45* LV2 Sat 5-2 14:30 CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 09:15 CI2

It’s no accident that passers-by in the street in the Ugandan capital Kampala regularly look in the camera. The directors of the African guerilla filmmaking collective ‘Yes! That’s Us’ conceived a story, collected cast and crew and set out into the street with a camera. No extras, dollies or artificial lighting; just camera on and action. After a shocking event concerning which the viewer is left ignorant for a long time, the deaf and dumb Hope moves from her home village to Kampala, to visit her younger sister G. But G. is not interested in the responsibilities that caring for her sister would involve. After yet another conflict, Hope leaves the house and disappears into the maze of streets and alleyways in the capital. There she learns the dangers of life on the street the hard way. Unlike the melodramatic acting in the Nigerian Nollywood films so loved in Central Africa, this low-budget guerrilla drama is striking for its restrained style.

Cogunluk Majority Seren Yüce

Turkey, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 102 min, Turkish Prod: Sevil Demirci, Önder Çakar | Prod Comp: Yeni Sinemacilik | Sc: Seren Yüce | Cam: Baris Özbicer | Ed: Mary Stephen | Prod Des: Meral Efe | Sound Des: Mustafa Bölükbasi | Music: Gokce Akcelik | With: Bartu Kücükcaglayan, Settar Tanriögen, Nihal Koldas, Esme Madra | Print/ Sales: The Match Factory GmbH Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 20:15 CI4 Wed 2-2 16:15 PA6 Thu 3-2 17:00 SGZ Fri 4-2 12:30 PA7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 11:45 CI3


Mertkan (21) is a passive young man who still lives with his parents and works in the office of his father’s building company. In his spare time, he hangs round with friends and visits clubs in Istanbul. His life is stable but empty, until he meets the Kurdish Gül. His dominant, uncompromising father is very negative about Kurds and opposes their relationship. The question is whether Mertkan can shake off all expectations and make his own decision. In this powerful debut, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival where it won the Lion of the Future, Seren Yüce examines Turkish taboos in a delicate manner, using a complex father-son relationship, growing up, and the position of women in a society dominated by men. There’s an important role in Majority for the architecture of the city, as a metaphor for the complexities of life. Yüce regards his film drama as selfcriticism, criticism of Turkish society, of which he is himself a part.


Bright Future

the Piano in a Factory Zhang Meng

eurOPeAN PreMiere

China, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 105 min, Mandarin Prod: Jessica Kam-Engle, Choi Gwang-suk | Prod Comp: Etoile Pictures | Sc: Zhang Meng | Cam: Chou Shu | Ed: Gao Bo | Sound Des: Lee Sang-yu | Music: Oh Young-mook | With: Wang Qian-yuan, Qin Hai-lu, Jang Shin-yeong | Print/ Sales: Golden Network Asia Ltd. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:00 PA1 Sun 30-1 09:45 CI6 Fri 4-2 17:15 LV2 Sat 5-2 09:45 CI4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 17:00 DWBZ

Musical intermezzos emphasise the resilience of the Chinese worker in this comic musical with an implicit social commentary. Chen hears that his wife wants to divorce him. Their daughter only wants to live with her father if he gives her a piano. In the battle for the favours of his daughter, Chen and his friends build a metal piano for her in a deserted factory. The deplorable economic situation is permanently present in the background of this film, set in light keys, Zhang indirectly shows the transition from the industrial era to modern capitalism. It’s the early 1990s, and the resilience of the working class is put to the test every day because steel factories making a loss have to close. Chen’s untiring attempts to build a piano from scratch are therefore also larger than life.

Black Blood Zhang Miaoyan

WOrLD PreMiere

China/France, 2011 | colour/ b&w, video, 128 min, Mandarin Prod: Zhang Miaoyan, Guillaume de Seille | Prod Comp: Rice Production, Arizona Films | Sc: Zhang Miaoyan, Yang Zhihong | Cam: Zhang Miaoyan | Ed: Zhang Miaoyan | Sound Des: Jin Juhong | With: Mao Danhui, Liu Mengjuan, Yingying | Sales: Arizona Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 15:45 PA5 Wed 2-2 16:45 LV5 Thu 3-2 22:00 LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 22:15 CI2

In a remote mountain village in the northwest of China, close to a nuclear test zone, the povertystricken Xiaolin sells his blood to pay his daughter’s school fees. Together with his wife Xiaojuan, he tries to set up a business. At first, this seems very lucrative, but then fate strikes: it turns out that both Xiaolin and Xiaojuan are infected with HIV. Just like thousands of other poor people, who illegally sell their blood to be able to buy something as essential as water. Black Blood, supported by the Hubert Bals Fund, tells a small and personal story against the background of an ecological disaster. In the valley where the film was shot, there is also in reality no water anymore. ‘Water is more valuable than blood and many villages have already been deserted,’ says Zhang Miaoyan. Zhang films the poor odd-jobbers for more than two hours in hypnotic black-and-white and – very briefly – in equally stunning colours.



Bright Future

Xun huan zuo le the high Life Zhao Dayong

China/Hong Kong, 2010 | colour, video, 96 min, Mandarin/Cantonese Prod: David Bandurski | Prod Comp: Lantern Films China Co. Ltd. | Sc: Zhao Dayong | Cam: Xue Gang | Ed: Zhao Dayong, Wei Chunyi | Prod Des: Wang Jian | Sound Des: Wei Chunyi | Music: Wei Chunyi | With: Qiu Hong, Liu Yanfei, Shen Shaoqiu, Su Qingyi, Diao Lei | Print/ Sales: Lantern Films China Co. Ltd. Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 14:15 CI1 Tue 1-2 11:45 LV1 Sat 5-2 17:30 CI2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 14:15 DWBZ


In this feature debut, Zhao Dayong portrays the often desolate life of several people in the metropolis of Guangzhou. For instance, there is Jian Ming, a petty conman who rips off newcomers to the city. The optimistic Xiao Ya is one of his victims. Jian’s surreptitious affair with a woman who is not really available is in danger after he helps a young country girl find work in a shady massage parlour. And then there is Dian Qiu, a prison guard and writer of ‘trash poetry’. His work is essential reading for the prisoners, because if someone doesn’t want to listen, solitary confinement awaits. This film, granted the FIPRESCI Award at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, reveals Zhao’s background as a documentary maker. City life is portrayed without commentary in a cinéma-vérité style, with the ubiquitous bustle of the street as an apt soundtrack. In its substance and style, The High Life can be compared with the work of Sixth Generation filmmakers such as Jia Zhangke.




chassis Adolfo B. Alix Jr.

eurOpeAN premIere

Philippines, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 73 min, Filipino Prod: Avelino Relucio, Jonas Antonio Gaffud, Doc Gamboa | Prod Comp: Happy Gilmore Productions | Sc: Adolfo Alix Jr. | Cam: Gabriel Bagnas | Ed: Adolfo Alix Jr. | Prod Des: Rolando Rubenecia | Sound Des: Ditoy Aguila, Junel Valencia, Joseph Santos | With: Jodi Sta. Maria,Evelyn Vargas, Angeli Bayani, Lemuel Pelayo | Print/ Sales: Bicycle Pictures Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 22:15* CI7 Wed 2-2 09:30* CI7 Fri 4-2 19:45* CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 18:15 CI2

Making realistic, socially committed films that can move, entertain and convince used to be the sole preserve of Italians. For some years now, the Philippines has also got very good at it. Making films that open our eyes to social evils, without being pedantic or patronising. As exciting as life itself. Adolfo Alix is young but already has a series of films under his belt (his Presa also screens at IFFR). His approach is both experienced and youthful. This film focuses on single mother Nora, who lives under a truck (hence the title of the film), surreptitiously supported by truck drivers. She has a young daughter for whom she wants a better life. She will do anything to achieve this, including selling her body. The filmmaker sees the story as a family story – virtually all Filipino films tell family stories. This story is based on true-life events – the car park really exists, as does the life of the homeless people there.

presa Adolfo B. Alix Jr.

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Philippines, 2010 | colour, video, 86 min, Filipino Prod: Nestor Clarin, Marisol Bernardo, Ding Buenaventura | Prod Comp: Astral Productions | Sc: Agnes de Guzman, Adolfo Alix, Jr. | Cam: Albert Banzon | Ed: Aleks Castaneda | Prod Des: Roland Rubenecia, Jerome Zamora | Sound Des: Ditoy Aguila, Junel Valencia | Music: Teresa Barrozo | With: Anita Linda, Rosanna Roces, Jodi Sta. Maria, Perla Bautista, Daria Ramirez, Tetchie Agbayani, Liza Lorena, Ina Feleo, Angeli Bayani | Print/Sales: Bicycle Pictures Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 22:15 CI1 Wed 2-2 21:45 LV6 Fri 4-2 22:15 CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 20:15 CI2


Presa is a prison drama by explosive young Filipino film talent Adolfo Alix Jr. This description may catch you off guard, however. It is above all the scale of Alix’ production that is explosive – he has directed 16 films in the past four years, and written even more. As a prison film set in a women’s prison, with well-known Filipino actresses in the leading roles, Presa is one of the most amiable of its genre. We only gradually discover the personal dramas that lie hidden behind the almost documentary portrayal of everyday life that calmly passes by, though jealousy and silent revenge also find a place. There is sorrow about the death of a beloved prisoner, a female police officer sentenced for murder wants to see her daughter again, and then there is the perky 85-year-old (Anita Linda steals our hearts) who was once a film star, before being sentenced for drug-trafficking. She hopes to be pardoned at Christmas.



L’illusion comique Mathieu Amalric

INterNAtIONAL premIere

France, 2010 | colour, video, 88 min, French Prod: Olivier Pierre | Prod Comp: Les Films de Pierre | Sc: Mathieu Amalric based on the play by Pierre Corneille | Cam: Isabelle Razavet | Ed: Annette Dutertre | Prod Des: Olivier Guerbois | Sound Des: Séverin Favriau | Music: Martin Wheeler | With: Muriel Mayette, Jean-Baptiste Malartre, Denis Podalydes | Print/Sales: Le Pacte Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:30* LUX Sat 29-1 12:45 PA5 Tue 1-2 17:15 LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 16:30 DWBZ

In the eight years that Mathieu Amalric had to wait to complete Tournée (Best Director at Cannes 2010), the actor/director was commissioned by the Comédie Française to make this adaptation of Pierre Corneille’s 1635 play. A tour de force considering the alexandrines in which Corneille wrote the story, maintained in the new version. L’illusion comique, part of a series of contemporary theatre films by the Comédie, tells the story of a father looking for a son who left home years before. In order to find out what he’s doing, the father hires a magician: the concierge of a hotel, where a room with security cameras replaces the old magic crystal ball. Travelling back and forth in time, the video shots reveal the son’s large, tragicomic life. The continuous play of watching and being watched, fiction and reality, turn L’illusion comique into a homage to the playwright and theatrical illusion.

Kochegar A Stoker Alexey Balabanov

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Russia, 2010 | colour, video, 80 min, Russian Prod: Sergey Selyanov | Prod comp: Ctb Production | Sc: Alexey Balabanov | Cam: Alexandr Simonov | Prod Des: Anastasiya Karimulina | With: Mikhail Skryabin, Yuri Matveyev, Alexander Mosin, Aida Tumutova | Print/Sales: Intercinema Agency | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:00 PA1 Sun 30-1 11:45 CI1 Tue 1-2 19:45 DWBZ Sat 5-2 19:45 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 11:45 PA4

The stoker is a veteran of the Afghan war: a retired major and hero of the USSR who spends his life in an old boiler room, writing a book and shovelling coal into the boiler. Every now and then, an old veteran friend pays him a visit, to burn something other than coal. These things seem to be human bodies, but the stoker doesn’t seem to care. His friend tells they were bad people. His beautiful daughter, who stays in her father’s flat, comes to the boiler room only to ask for money. The only people really interested in the stoker’s work and writings are two little girls who visit and ask curious questions. The boiler is a symbol present in all houses, and fire destroys everything in the end. Having made a film about the 1970s (Cargo 200), Alexei Balabanov this time evokes the atmosphere of St. Petersburg in the early 1990s. He does so in a straightforward yet uncompromising and unsettling way, whereby gangland liquidations seem like the most common thing in the world.




127 Hours Danny Boyle

USA, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1.85:1, 94 min, English Prod: Christian Colson, Danny Boyle, John Smithson | Prod Comp: Cloud Eight Films, Darlow Smithson Productions | Sc: Danny Boyle, Simon Beaufoy, based on a novel by Aron Ralston | Cam: Enrique Chediak | Ed: Jon Harris | Prod Des: Suttirat Anne Larlarb | Sound Des: Glenn Freemantle | Music: A.R. Rahman | With: James Franco, Kate Mara, Amber Tamblyn | Sales: Pathé Pictures International (UK) | Distr. NL: Warner Bros. Pictures Holland | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 22:15 LV5 Sat 29-1 21:15 SGZ Fri 4-2 19:45 LV1

In this real-life drama, Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) looks at the most horrific days in the life of mountain climber Aron Ralston, played powerfully by James Franco. In 2003, Ralston got stuck in a very remote mountain landscape in Utah. After a falling rock jammed his arm, loner Ralston had to spend 127 hours fighting terrible weather conditions, incredible pain and the real chance of going totally insane. He also had to make an almost inconceivable decision to save his own life. Despite his difficult situation, the American turns out to possess a very dry sense of humour, saying farewell to his parents by making occasionally hilarious recordings of himself and conceiving comic radio shows indicating that he is beginning to learn the hard way that his selfish life has been his downfall. In such a small space and with just one actor, Boyle cleverly constructs a highly dynamic, blood-curdling film that has now been nominated for three Golden Globes.

La belle endormie the Sleeping Beauty Catherine Breillat

France, 2010 | colour, video, 82 min, French Prod: Jean-François Lepetit, Sylvette Frydman | Prod Comp: Flach Film Production | Sc: Catherine Breillat | Cam: Denis Lenoir | Ed: Pascale Chavance | Prod Des: FrançoisRenaud Labarthe | Sound Des: Yves Osmu, Sébastien Noiré, Emmanuel Croset | With: Carla Besnaïnou, Julia Artamonov, Kérian Mayan, David Chausse | Print/ Sales: Pyramide International Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 12:45 PA5 Sun 30-1 09:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 14:30 LUX


The Sleeping Beauty, according to director Catherine Breillat, is the tomboy-like Princess Anastasia, who has a predilection for clocks and dictionaries. Unlike her fairytale namesake, the princess dies at the age of six and wakes up 100 years later at the age of 16 (‘childhood lasts too long,’ according to one of the good fairies). During her sleep, Anastasia has a dream life in which she meets her proverbial prince and immediately loses him to the Snow Queen. On her quest for Peter, she has adventures with a xenophobic dwarf, a royal albino family and a sorceress in a tepee while she also makes friends with a murderous gypsy girl. Sleeping Beauty reflects in colourful, stylised, fairytale images and dialogues on childhood and puberty – a time that cannot pass quickly enough for those who experience it – and on the confusing period of budding sexuality.



Silent Sonata Janez Burger

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Slovenia/Ireland/Finland/ Sweden, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 75 min, no dialogue Prod: Jozko Rutar, Petra Basin, Morgan Bushe | Prod Comp: Staragara Production, Isabella Films, Propeler Film | Sc: Janez Burger | Cam: Divis Marek | Ed: Milos Kalusek | Prod Des: Vasja Kokalj | Sound Des: Robert Flanagan | Music: Drago Ivanusa | With: Leon Lucev, Ravil Sultanov, Pauliina Räsänen, René Bazinet, Daniel Rovai | Print/Sales: Fortissimo Films Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:15* SGZ Wed 2-2 22:15* DJZ Thu 3-2 10:00* LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 22:30 DWBZ

In a location that remains anonymous, somewhere in the countryside, it is war. Stevo rediscovers his house destroyed. His wife has been killed and his children are frightened. Then a strange caravan arrives: not enemies, but a colourful troupe of artists who have come together as the Circus Fantasticus. A special bond develops, after some initial suspicion, between the traumatised family and the collection of strange characters. The communication is without words, but clear as day, with gestures, glances and music. The circus does its name proud: not only are the acts fantastic, the members of the large circus family turn out to have supernatural powers. In this magic-realistic fairytale, the deceased mother turns up to offer solace, acrobats dance with a tank and the last moments of the old circus director are filled with a wonderful performance. Silent Sonata is an ode to courage, compassion and beauty in barren reality.

Blue Valentine Derek Cianfrance

USA, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 114 min, English Prod: Jamie Patricof, Alex Orlovsky, Lynette Howell | Prod Comp: Hunting Lane Films, Silverwood Films | Sc: Derek Cianfrance, Joey Curtis, Cami Delavigne | Cam: Andrij Parekh | Ed: Jim Helton, Ron Patane | Prod Des: Inbal Weinberg, Chris Potter | Sound Des: Dan Flosdorf | Music: Joe Rudge | With: Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams, Mike Vogel, Reila Aphrodite | Sales: Hyde Park International | Distr. NL: Paradiso Filmed Entertainment | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:30 LV5 Mon 31-1 22:00 LV5 Fri 4-2 13:30 PA4 Sat 5-2 22:00 PA1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 17:00 DJZ

Their love was once hopeful and passionate. But the years have passed and their fiery relationship has been extinguished like a candle. Yet Cindy and Dean make one last attempt to bring together the broken pieces of their marriage: they book a hotel room together and there they look back on their love life. Where did they go wrong? For two hours, both partners find themselves on an emotional roller coaster, and the viewer can watch as a fly on the wall. This American independent was shot on various formats in order to reflect different periods in their relationship. Based on a powerful scenario as a backbone, ditto dialogues and impressive acting by both Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, the bitter-sweet love drama shifts smoothly between present and past, forming an intimate portrait of an ‘amour-désamour’. Blue Valentine, the second feature by Derek Cianfrance, had its world premiere in the Un Certain Regard programme at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival.




Somewhere Sofia Coppola

USA, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 98 min, English Prod: Roman Mac Brown, Sofia Coppola, Roman Coppola | Prod Comp: American Zoetrope | Sc: Sofia Coppola | Cam: Harris Savides | Ed: Sarah Flack | Prod Des: Anne Ross | Sound Des: Richard Beggs | Music: Phoenix | With: Stephen Dorff, Elle Fanning, Michelle Monaghan | Sales: Focus Features International | Distr. NL: A-Film Distribution Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 17:00 LUX Mon 31-1 10:00 LV5 Fri 4-2 15:30 PA7 Sat 5-2 20:00 CI3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 16:30 DWBZ

In Somewhere, Stephen Dorff (Blade, Public Enemies) plays the dissolute Hollywood star Johnny Marco, who spends his days in the luxurious Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood. He drinks, swallows boat-loads of medicine and has brief adventures with women who are perfect strangers, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy life much. Then his ex-wife dumps their 11-year-old daughter Cleo (Elle Fanning) outside. When he takes her on a promotional tour to Milan, he slowly wakes up and starts to become aware of the emptiness of his life. Sofia Coppola (The Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation, Marie-Antoinette) makes the apathy and aimlessness tangible with long shots in which Johnny gazes in boredom at pole dancers or drives around the block in his Ferrari. The well-chosen music – her other trademark – is by Foo Fighters, The Strokes, KISS, The Police and by Phoenix, Coppola’s husband Thomas Mars’ band. At the last Venice Film Festival, Coppola won the Golden Lion. She was the first American woman to win this prestigious award.

curling Denis Côté

Canada, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 92 min, French Prod: Stéphanie Morissette | Prod Comp: Nihilproductions | Sc: Denis Côté | Cam: Josée Deshaies | Ed: Nicolas Roy | Prod Des: Marjorie Rhéaume | Sound Des: Frédéric Cloutier | With: Emmanuel Bilodeau, Philomène Bilodeau, Roc Lafortune, Sophie Desmarais | Print/Sales: Doc & Film International | Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:30 PA4 Fri 28-1 18:30* SGZ Thu 3-2 11:30* LV1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 09:30 DJZ


‘That’s none of your business.’ And: ‘That’s our problem.’ Even before the opening credits, Jean-Jacques has already slammed the door twice on the outside world. He regards contact with others above all as a necessary evil. He anxiously keeps his twelve-year-old daughter Julievonne at home and doesn’t even let her go to school, convinced that in doing so he is acting in her best interests. Several mysterious events that have been hushed up (a few corpses found in the forest, the disappearance of a little boy, an unexpected encounter with a tiger) start to shift their harmonious yet monotonous life. An invitation to join in with curling (the rather sleepy Olympic ice-sport with two participants wielding brooms), evokes happy dreams for Jean-Jacques that make him realise just how much he has missed human warmth. While the daughter experiences a similar development, the raw winter landscape in which this tragicomic and sparse film is set suddenly seems much less uninviting and empty.



La fille de montréal A montreal Girl Jeanne Crépeau

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Canada, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 92 min, French Prod: Jeanne Crépeau | Prod Comp: Productions Bâbord | Sc: Jeanne Crépeau | Cam: Sylvaine Dufaux, Mark Morgenstern | Ed: Louise Dugal | Prod Des: Joëlle Péloquin | Sound Des: Claude Beaugrand | Music: Marc Pérusse | With: Amélie Grenier, Marie-Hélène Montpetit, Jean Turcotte, Marika Lhoumeau, Réal Bossé, Catherine Bégin, Paul Savoie | Print/ Sales: Box Film | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 21:15 PA3 Wed 2-2 15:00 CI4 Fri 4-2 16:15 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 11:45 CI3

Having lived at the same address in Montreal for about 25 years, Ariane’s landlord has now asked her to leave. Ever since her time as a student, she has built up a life there and is now nearing 50; her life is piled up in the many overfull cupboards and boxes. She has grown accustomed to her spot and her surroundings and the bad news causes great panic. She has to find a new place within six months, but the rents in this popular district have become extortionate. While she arranges the coming move with her friends – and they help her with the inevitable packing and sorting – her French boyfriend in Paris follows events from a distance. Ariane has decided to film these eventful months. This French-Canadian feature has been shot warmly and stylishly by Crepéau, who learnt film with Jacques Doillon and Chantal Akerman, among others. Despite Crépeau’s humorous approach, Ariane’s farewell – heralding a new phase of life – also has a sad undertone.

Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère

I Live in the Dream of my mother Jan Willem van Dam

WOrLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 150 min, various languages Prod: Jan Willem van Dam | Prod Comp: Geen Dank Produkties | Sc: Jan Willem van Dam | Cam: Nico Bunnik, Hein van Liempd, Jan Willem van Dam | Ed: Andre Bijma, Jan Willem van Dam | Sound Des: Jan Willem van Dam, Nico Bunnik | Music: Alice Is Back, Caroline Slegers, Fat Beavers | With: Chanoah Jap Ngie, Meneer Zaterdag, Quame Inderson | Print/ Sales: Geen Dank Produkties Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 19:30 PA4 Tue 1-2 22:00 CI5 Thu 3-2 12:00 LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 11:30 CI7

The latest film from IFFR regular Jan Willem van Dam has the structure of a dream about a filmmaker’s life, dreamt by a mother (played by the filmmaker’s own mother). ‘In your mother’s dream, you do as she says.’ Comments on current affairs and personal reveries go hand-in-hand with observations on film, filmmaking and the life of a filmmaker. The dream has epic proportions: it is a travelogue passing through many European countries, then finally Asia and ‘the island of honest actors’. To understand the world, it is necessary to travel it, the mother says – and this is what the young filmmaker does. With an adult voice-over, he is played by tenyear-old Chanoah Jap Ngie. The film’s reflective, improvised docu-realism is interrupted by a stylised short film, La soif sans precedent pour la liberté du soldat Leroy Blanche, which ‘bubbles to the surface’ when the young filmmaker receives an sms from his producer reminding him to make a film.




Butterfly L’Attesa Butterfly Waiting Tonino De Bernardi

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Italy, 2010 | colour, video, 97 min, Italian Prod: Tonino De Bernardi | Prod Comp: Lontane Province Film | Sc: Tonino De Bernardi | Cam: Tonino De Bernardi | Ed: Silvia Palermo | Prod Des: Tonino De Bernardi | Music: Giacomo Puccini, Madama Butterfly | With: Manuela Giacomini, Alessandra Dell’Atti, Walter Riccarelli, Amin Donato, Chiara Pauluzzi | Print/ Sales: Lontane Province Film Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 13:15 PA6 Sat 29-1 09:30 CI5 Fri 4-2 14:30 CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 22:15 CI2

Tonino De Bernardi previously filmed Greek tragedies by Sophocles (Elettra, 1987) and by Euripides (Medea Miracle, 2007). Butterfly Waiting is a free-thinking adaptation of Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly, shot in and around his own house in the Italian region of Piemonte. In the words of the director, it is quest for the identity of the mysterious Madame Butterfly. While the farmers till the land, she waits in distress for her American love Pinkerton, who promised to be reunited with her. De Bernardi’s cinematographic language is very unconventional, as in all his films. There’s hardly a plot and the acting looks unnatural. Instead, De Bernardi creates an exciting musical universe in which Madame Butterfly sings an aria by Puccini – ‘One fine day we will see’ – and villagers listen to opera music while enjoying a snack. The old experimental master continues to push back frontiers.

Kommander Kulas Khavn De La Cruz

WOrLD premIere

Philippines, 2011 | colour, video, 80 min, Tagalog Prod: Khavn De La Cruz | Prod Comp: Kamias Road | Sc: Khavn De La Cruz | Cam: Albert Banzon | Ed: Lawrence S. Ang | Prod Des: Mei Bastes, Leonardo De La Cruz | Sound Des: Lawrence S. Ang | Music: Kundiman | With: Celino Caluag, Emmanuel Dela Cruz, Milos Curameng, Sue Prado, Felbert Go | Sales: Kamias Road | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 17:00 CI7 Thu 3-2 09:45 LV2 Fri 4-2 11:45 LV6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 19:30 CI2


Mythological love story by Filipino multi-talent Khavn De La Cruz. Kommander Kulas has a restless night, in which he dreams that he is a giant cockroach. Upon waking, Kulas finds a number of stitches in his chest: his heart seems to have been stolen. With his destitute friend Carabao, Kulas sets off on an adventure that leads the two wandering souls all over the country in search of Kulas’ heart. On the way, they meet various mythological characters. As ever, De La Cruz – who has now made more than 70 short films and some 30 features – shot this film on video, but deviates from his typical experimental style, completely unaffected by film conventions. Kommander Kulas is more controlled than De La Cruz’ previous films. Nevertheless, the absurdism the maker himself compares to the films of Chilean cult director Alejandro Jodorowsky is still present. The principal role is played by an itinerant piano.



Son of God Khavn De La Cruz, Michael Noer

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Philippines/Denmark, 2010 | colour, video, 70 min, Tagalog/English Prod: Khavn De La Cruz, Michael Noer | Prod Comp: Kamias Road, Noer Films | Sc: Khavn De La Cruz, Michael Noer | Cam: Michael Noer, Jet Leyco, Lawrence S. Ang, Khavn De La Cruz, Razsil Zuasola | Ed: Lawrence S. Ang | Prod Des: Mei Bastes | Sound Des: Lawrence S. Ang, Arvie Bartolome | Music: Khavn De La Cruz | With: Ali Doron, Michael Noer, Kristine Kintana, Moises Santos, Joey Vilareal | Print/Sales: Kamias Road Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 17:00 CI7 Thu 3-2 17:30 LV6 Fri 4-2 09:30 LV3

This film was made as part of the Dox:Lab workshop, an international co-operation in which filmmakers from Scandinavian countries (in this case Danish former Tiger Award contender Michael Noer) were linked to filmmakers from developing countries (in this case the Philippines, where the film was shot). Memory and Chips & Liver Girls, in the Raiding Africa program, also came about in this way. Son of God was originally made as a documentary, but during the process the makers deliberately allowed their work to go off the rails and involve more and more fiction. The director also plays the protagonists. The Son of God of the title is a dwarf in a blonde wig, dressed as a bishop and worshipped like a returning Christ. Yet the tiny healer is not just a strange, implausible phenomenon: he has many followers and really does perform miracles. The two filmmakers made two versions of their film, of which this is the longer.

O estranho caso de Angélica

the Strange case of Angelica Manoel de Oliveira

Portugal/Spain/France/ Brazil, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 95 min, Portuguese Prod: Francois d’Artemare, Maria João Mayer, Luis Miñarro, Renata De Almeida, Leon Cakoff | Prod Comp: Filmes Do Tejo II, Les Films de l’Après-midi, Eddie Saeta SA, Sao Paulo Mostra Internacional de Cinema | Sc: Manoel de Oliveira | Cam: Sabine Lancelin | Ed: Valérie Loiseleux | Prod Des: Cristian Marti, José Pedro Penha | Sound Des: Henri Maikoff | With: Ricardo Trêpa, Pilar López de Ayala, Leonor Silveira, Luís Miguel Cintra, Ana Maria Magalhães, Isabel Ruth | Sales: Pyramide International | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands, Mokum Film Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 22:30 DJZ Sun 30-1 17:15 CI6 Wed 2-2 19:30 LV5 Sat 5-2 19:00 PA1

In the magic-realistic The Strange Case of Angelica, the Jewish photographer Isaac (played by Manoel de Oliveira’s grandson Ricardo Trêpa) is asked late one evening in the Douro Valley in the 1950s to take one last portrait of a young woman who died that afternoon, just after her marriage. His model then comes to life in front of the lens of the photographer. She blinks her eyes and smiles, only very briefly, but she smiles and Isaac becomes obsessed by her in a lighthearted, subtle and detailed fable about life, love and death. De Oliveira wrote this story in 1952. Last year the film, in which he experiments for the first time with digital effects, had its premiere at the Cannes Festival. De Oliveira is now 102 and he received a standing ovation. His career started in 1931 with the documentary Douro, faina fluvial. Since 1990, De Oliveira has directed 25 features; he is already working on his next film.




Hawi Ibrahim El Batout

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Egypt/Qatar, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 112 min, Arabic Prod: Hossam Elouan, Ibrahim El Batout | Prod Comp: Ein Shams Films | Sc: Ibrahim El Batout | Cam: Ibrahim El Batout | Ed: Perry Moataz | Prod Des: Emad Mabrouk | Sound Des: Alaa El Kashef | Music: Massar Egbari Music Band | With: Hanan Youssef, Mohamed El Sayed, Sherief El Desouky, Fady Eskandar, Rina Aref | Sales: Ein Shams Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 18:30 PA2 Tue 1-2 22:30 CI6 Wed 2-2 17:30 CI4 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 20:15 DWBZ

El Batout started his career as a documentary maker, and this is also visible in his third fiction film. He shot the film at existing locations in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, worked with an amateur cast and did not use a script. The story of Hawi, supported by the Hubert Bals Fonds, came about in improvisation. The structure is not straightforward, more of an organic mosaic. With characters who are linked, without knowing that about each other or actually even ever meeting. Youssef, Ibrahim and Fady spent 20 years in the same prison. Youssef has just been released in order to find several confidential documents. After 20 years, Ibrahim wants to see his daughter again. She is training with the musician Fady. Apart from that, there is an old horseman who hopes to cure his beloved red animal and a TV presenter who needs a guest for his show. They are all looking for someone or something in this kaleidoscopic portrait of loneliness and despair in today’s Egypt.

Quality control Kevin Jerome Everson

WOrLD premIere

USA, 2011 | b&w, video, 71 min, English Prod: Madeleine Molyneaux, Kevin Jerome Everson | Prod Comp: Picture Palace Pictures, Trich Arts | Sc: Kevin Jerome Everson | Cam: Kevin Jerome Everson | Ed: Kevin Jerome Everson | Prod Des: Solomon Hall | With: Shay White, Annette Speight | Print/ Sales: Picture Palace Pictures Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 17:00 CI5 Mon 31-1 12:00 CI7 Thu 3-2 14:15 LV6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 22:30 CI2


Fold, iron, hang. Fold, iron, hang. It goes on endlessly, the repetitive work at a dry cleaners in Alabama. Kevin Jerome Everson filmed there in the summer of 2010. The routines, the noise of the machines, the heat, the cheerful babbling, the breaks – in long uninterrupted takes, the director gives viewers enough time to take in all the details of the strenuous work. Shot in black-and-white on 16mm film, Quality Control almost seems to date from a different era. That feeling is strengthened by Everson’s approach, which makes the process of filmmaking visible and tangible. Over-exposure, flickering and vibrations in the image are part of the technique used to make the viewer conscious of the film material. Quality Control fits seamlessly in the extensive oeuvre of Everson, who has made countless short films and five features, the most important topic being the working-class culture of Afro-Americans.




Silent Souls Alexey Fedorchenko

Russia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 75 min, Russian Prod: Igor Mishin, Mary Nazari | Prod Comp: April MIG Pictures Film Company, Media Mir Foundation | Sc: Denis Osokin | Cam: Mikhail Krichman | Ed: Sergei Ivanov | Prod Des: Andrey Ponckratov, Aleksei Potapov | Sound Des: Kirill Vasilenko | Music: Andrei Karasyov | With: Yuliya Aug, Igor Sergeyev, Viktor Sukhorukov, Yuriy Tsurilo | Sales: Memento Films | Distr. NL: Cinéart Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 12:30 PA2 [d.s.] Wed 2-2 19:15 PA6 [d.s.] Thu 3-2 22:00 PA1 [d.s.] Sat 5-2 16:45 LV5 [d.s.]

Water and love are the two gods worshipped by the Meri. According to Aist, the narrator of Silent Souls, the age-old culture of the Meri – a folk of Finnish origin – still lives on in the part of Russia where they once settled. Aist, a factory worker with literary ambitions, is unsurprised when his boss asks him to take his dead wife to her last resting place. It’s the Meri way. With the body in the back of the car, the two men drive to the river where they will cremate her. Another typical Meri custom is ‘smoking’, in which the widower discusses his sex life with the deceased. The camera work by Mikhail Krichman, who also worked for Andrei Zvyagintsev (The Return, The Banishment), is enchanting. Alexei Fedorchenko knows his Russian classics but also strikes a very personal tone in this beautiful and fateful drama that swings between absurdism, anthropology and deepseated melancholy.

Over Your cities Grass Will Grow Sophie Fiennes

United Kingdom/Netherlands/ France, 2010 | colour, video, 94 min, French/German Prod: Sophie Fiennes, Kees Kasander, Emilie Blézat | Prod Comp: Amoeba Film Ltd, Kasander Film, Sciapode | Cam: Remko Schnorr | Ed: Ethel Shepherd | Sound Des: Bram Boers | Music: György Ligeti, György Widmann | Print: Office Sophie Fiennes | Sales: Doc & Film International | www. Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 17:00 CI1 Thu 3-2 18:15 PA3 Fri 4-2 17:00 PA2

For two and a half years, the British director Sophie Fiennes followed the admired and controversial German sculptor/painter Anselm Kiefer. With angelic patience and distance, she observes Kiefer at work in Barjac, a hamlet in the South of France where he has since 1993 transformed a silk factory on a large industrial site into a mega-artproject with roads, towers, tunnels, and amphitheatre, crypt, an underground lake, and more than 40 exhibition spaces in which he puts his sculptures, paintings and installations. With concrete mixers, digging machines, bulldozers, and with the assistance of several faithful and taciturn building labourers, Kiefer’s pièce de résistance emerges; a very miraculous haven, to which he said a final farewell soon after the documentary was completed. Fiennes’ film is a sober, impressive introduction to the work and the approach of Kiefer. ‘Before I saw the film, I knew that Kiefer was a great artist. After seeing the film, I now know why,’ a British critic wrote.





Hospitalité Fukada Koji

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 96 min, Japanese Prod: Sugino Kiki | Prod Comp: WA Entertainment Inc. | Sc: Koji Fukada | Cam: Kenichi Negishi | Ed: Koji Fukada | Prod Des: Kensuke Suzuki | Sound Des: Ippei Shingaki | Music: Kumiko Yabu | With: Kenji Yamauchi, Sugino Kiki, Kanji Furutachi | Print/ Sales: WA Entertainment Inc. Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 15:30 PA2 Wed 2-2 21:45 PA5 Fri 4-2 22:00 CI1 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 18:45 DWBZ

This winner of the prize for the best independent debut at the Tokyo International Film Festival tells the story of a small, hard-working family in Tokyo where the order and peace is disrupted by the arrival of a stranger. The disappearance of their house parrot is about the most exciting thing that happened to Kobayashi and his wife and daughter in recent times. Suddenly one day Kagawa appears from nowhere asking if he can move in. He alleges that his own family once provided financial assistance to Kobayashi’s company. In the small space of the apartment and Kobayashi’s print shop, the comings and goings of Kawaga’s strange guests then ensure that the orderly and comfortable life of his family slowly falls apart. Dark and comic drama shows the inevitable transformation of life under the influence of others and, just like Fukada’s film version of the play Human Comedy in Tokyo, it searches for the mystery of everyday life.

Film socialisme Jean-Luc Godard

France/Switzerland, 2010 | colour, video, 101 min, French Prod: Ruth Waldburger | Prod Comp: Vega Film | Sc: Jean-Luc Godard | Cam: Fabrice Aragno, Paul Grivas | Sound Des: Gabriel Hafner, François Musy | With: Catherine Tanvier, Christian Sinniger, Jean-Marc Stehlé, Patti Smith | Print/Sales: Wild Bunch Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 19:45 CI1 Fri 28-1 13:00 PA2 Thu 3-2 21:30 PA2 Fri 4-2 13:00 PA1


Film socialisme, the farewell of the old French master Jean Luc Godard, is an overwhelming iconoclasm about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, geometry and the shelf-life of Europe, about the Second World War and Hollywood, Islam and ancient Egypt, Franco, bullfighting and football. The setting is a cruise ship – society in a nutshell – where nobody speaks the same language. The subtitles are by Godard himself, using the English spoken by Indians in old westerns: ‘AIDS good for killing blacks’. And: ‘light because darkness’. Finally, we see the words NO COMMENT appear on the screen. At the last Cannes Festival, no film divided audiences as much as this one, on which Godard worked for four years with a budget of ‘only’ 600,000 euros. Some people found it humourless and unpoetic; at least as many others regarded it as a profound essay about how morally low Europe has fallen.



Songs of Love and Hate Katalin Gödrös

Switzerland, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 89 min, German Prod: Susann Rüdlinger | Prod Comp: Cobra Film AG | Sc: Katalin Gödrös, Lars Theuerkauff, Dagmar Gabler | Cam: Henner Besuch | Ed: Silke Botsch | Prod Des: Su Erdt | Sound Des: Peter von Siebenthal | Music: Pawel Kominek | With: Jeroen Willems, Ursina Lardi, Sarah Horvàth, Luisa Sappelt | Print/Sales: Cobra Film AG | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 18:15 PA3 Sun 30-1 22:00 PA1 Thu 3-2 17:15 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 14:15 DWBZ

It is summer and Rico, his wife and their two teenage daughters are helping out in the family vineyard, in the foothills of the beautiful Swiss Alps. Lilli (15) and her younger sister would prefer to do something else with their free time, however. Lilli in particular, who has just got her first boyfriend and is experimenting with her emerging sexuality, is behaving in a truly pubescent way. Once Rico’s ‘princess’, her father is shocked to see his eldest daughter becoming a woman. Lilli’s teenage rebelliousness takes on some quite extreme forms, and she is driving a wedge into this once so loving family. Gödrös’ familiy drama shows the power children can exert over their parents – and vice versa. A typical yet also universal story about breaking out of the safety of the family and about the mistakes that can be made growing up. The character of Lilli is particularly well developed in short, pithy scenes.

Biutiful Alejandro González Iñárritu

Spain/Mexico, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 148 min, Spanish Prod: Alejandro González Iñárritu, Fernando Bovaira | Prod Comp: Mod Producciones | Sc: Alejandro González Iñárritu | Cam: Rodrigo Prieto | Ed: Stephen Mirrione | Prod Des: Marina Pozanco | Sound Des: Martín Hernández | Music: Gustavo Santaolalla | With: Javier Bardem, Maricel Álvarez, Hanaa Bouchaib | Sales: Focus Features International | Distr. NL: A-Film Distribution Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:00 LUX [d.s.] Sat 29-1 12:00 PA7 [d.s.] Sat 5-2 13:30 SGZ [d.s.]

Uxbal (Javier Bardem with an earring and a ponytail) has a paranormal gift and metastasised prostate cancer and is doing his best to look after his two small children. He earns his living employing illegal Chinese workers in parts of Barcelona not shown on picture postcards: especially the El Raval district, where illegal immigrants from all over the world sell their goods, made in illegal workshops, while the police chase after them if they don’t pay enough protection money. ‘The Chinese are taking over,’ says a corrupt cop. ‘Soon they’ll be eating the best ham and we’ll be eating rice.’ The incomparable Biutiful is the sequel to Babel (best directing at Cannes 2006). The Mexican Alejandro González Iñárritu wrote the screenplay himself for this heartrending, pitch black and yet hopeful drama. At the latest Cannes Festival, Bardem was name Best Actor for his very convincing role.




Noir océan Black Ocean Marion Hänsel

Belgium/France/Germany, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 87 min, French Prod: Marion Hänsel | Prod Comp: Man’s Films Productions, Neue Pegasos | Sc: Marion Hänsel | Cam: Jan Vancaillie | Ed: Michèle Hubinont | Prod Des: Thierry Leproust | Sound Des: Henri Morelle | Music: René-Marc Bini | With: Adrien Jolivet, Nicolas Robin, Romain David | Sales: Doc & Film International | Distr. NL: Cinéart Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 22:15 DJZ [d.s.] Sun 30-1 11:45 LV5 [d.s.] Mon 31-1 12:15 LV5 [d.s.] Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 14:00 DJZ [e.s.]

The locations that Marion Hänsel (Dust, Sounds of Sand) chooses for her films often evoke a feeling of loneliness and isolation. Black Ocean is set on and around a naval vessel that is patrolling in the Pacific Ocean near Mururoa, awaiting one of the many controversial nuclear tests that France held there between 1966 and 1995. The tone of this stylised drama is different from what could be expected in view of the politically charged background. Introduced by a mysterious childhood memory, the action unfolds in a sluggish tempo as a melancholy and philosophically tinted study of male community. Two young sailors keep their distance from the macho games of the rest and become friends. Not much more seems to happen at first, until the psychological after-shock of the bomb brings to light the hidden despair of one of the young men. Based on two short stories by Hubert Mingarelli.

unter Dir die Stadt

the city Below Christoph Hochhäusler

Germany/France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 105 min, German Prod: Bettina Brokemper | Prod Comp: Heimat Film GmbH + Co KG | Sc: Ulrich Peltzer, Christoph Hochhäusler | Cam: Bernhard Keller | Ed: Stephan Stabenow | Prod Des: Tim Pannen | Sound Des: Rainer Heesch | Music: Benedikt Schiefer | With: Robert Hunger-Bühler, Nicolette Krebitz, Mark Waschke, Wolfgang Böck, Corinna Kirchhoff | Sales: The Match Factory GmbH | Distr. NL: ABC – Cinemien Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 14:15 LV5 [d.s.] Sat 29-1 19:45 DJZ [d.s.] Sun 30-1 16:00 PA1 [d.s.] Mon 31-1 14:15 LV5 [d.s.] Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 12:00 DWBZ [e.s.]


The bank crisis is still a long way off for the protagonist of The City Below. Roland Cordes is banker of the year. His misery does not stem from financial matters, but from his belly. The cigarette that Cordes surreptitiously shared with Svenja, the wife of one of his employees, awakens fiery sexual yearnings in him. Cordes is used to getting his way. In the affair that ensues, it’s not always clear who exactly is the boss. The extramarital affair threatens to destroy his meticulously constructed life. That Christoph Hochhäusler originally studied architecture is immediately obvious from The City Below. An important role in the film is reserved for the architecture of the financial centre of Frankfurt: plenty of glass, steel and skyscrapers. Bigwigs look down from their skyscrapers on the ordinary world far below them. The world of art is also prominently featured in the film, not so much to neutralise the harsh world of banking, but more as a cover for dirty deeds.



Kongen av Bastøy King of Devil’s Island Marius Holst

Norway/France/Poland, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 112 min, Norwegian Prod: Karin Julsrud | Prod Comp: 4 1/2 | Sc: Dennis Magnusson, based on an original story by Lars Saabye Christensen and Mette M. Bølstad | Cam: John Andreas Andersen | Ed: Michal Leszczylowski | Prod Des: Olivier Marcouiller | Sound Des: Gisle Tveito, Ad Stoop | Music: Johan Söderqvist | With: Stellan Skarsgård, Benjamin Helstad, Kristoffer Joner, Trond Nilssen | Print/ Sales: Les Films du Losange Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 22:15 LUX Wed 2-2 14:30 LUX Thu 3-2 09:30 PA7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 18:15 CI3

The boys sent to Bastøy, a reform institute on an island in the Oslo fjord, are between 11 and 18. Some are criminals, some only poor and rejected. The institute tries to force them into line with grim discipline and sadistic punishments. The aim is to teach them to be well-adjusted citizens who know their place: at the bottom of the social ladder. When Erling (17) arrives, he immediately makes an impression with his obstinate attitude. The other kids soon regard him as their leader. He gets under the skin of the director (Stellan Skarsgård). Erling’s only aim is to escape, but circumstances transform him into the leader of a violent rebellion. The fourth feature by Marius Holst is set in 1915 and is based on true events. With beautiful camerawork in tints of blue, grey and brown, and an impressive cast of young actors, King of Devil’s Island tells a composed, timeless story of courage and strength.

AuN – the Beginning and the end of All things Edgar Honetschläger

WOrLD premIere

Austria/Japan, 2011 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 100 min, Japanese/Portuguese Prod: Kudo Yukika, Edgar Honetschläger | Prod Comp: Ribo Ltd., Edoko Institute Vienna | Sc: Edgar Honetschläger, Reinhard Jud | Cam: Sanbongi Hisaki, Mizuno Hiroyuki | Ed: Hiruta Tomoko, Harimoto Seiji, Harald Aue | Prod Des: Etsuko Takeuchi, Ohono Yasuhi | Sound Des: Georg Mittermayr | Music: Christian Fennesz | With: Yuki Hiyori, Rosanne Mulholland, Yosuke Saitoh, William Ferreira | Print/Sales: Ribo Ltd. Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:00 PA1 Mon 31-1 12:30 CI4 Thu 3-2 12:30 PA7

According to the director, this is not an art film, but rather an artwork in the form of a film. AUN is a visualisation of elements of the philosophy of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Japanese Shinto, rejecting the artificial division between man and nature. The idea is that, owing to the Enlightenment and the banishing of religion, man is no longer able to feel, and can only believe in what can be seen. However, nature is the origin and creator of all, the film argues, and it would be beneficial to the continuance of the human race to strengthen our relationship with nature and spirituality. The film sees a future in which all life is purely sensual and suggests new rituals and mythologies with which to discover the presumed supernatural powers. The film has hardly any plot and the characters play a predominately symbolic role.

Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 14:30 DJZ




the King’s Speech Tom Hooper

United Kingdom/Australia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 111 min, English Prod: Emile Sherman, Iain Canning, Gareth Unwin | Prod Comp: See-Saw Films, Bedlam Productions | Sc: David Seidler | Cam: Danny Cohen | Ed: Tariq Anwar | Prod Des: Eve Stewart | Sound Des: Lee Walpole | Music: Alexandre Desplat | With: Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carrter, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Rush, Jennifer Ehle, Michael Gambon, Guy Pearce | Sales: FilmNation Entertainment | Distr. NL: Paradiso Filmed Entertainment Public SCREENING: Sat 5-2 21:00 DGZ

In this true story, the British queen’s younger son George (Colin Firth) has a serious stammer and is forced to work on it when his father dies. The successor to the throne, George’s older brother, has to abdicate, and the stutterer unexpectedly becomes king. Europe is on the brink of war, and the British are desperate for a charismatic leader who can address them reassuringly. Unfortunately, George can’t. His wife Elizabeth introduces him to the excentric speech therapist Lionel (Geoffrey Rush), who uses unorthodox methods. More than an historical costume drama, The King’s Speech is a visually strong psychological drama. With intelligent British dialogues, beautiful camerawork and brilliant performances from Firth and Rush. Both make believable individuals of the historical figures they play. Already nominated for various Golden Globes, and winner of the audience award at the Toronto Film Festival 2010.

Denjin Zaborgar Karate-robo Zaborgar Iguchi Noboru

WOrLD premIere

Japan, 2011 | colour, video, 101 min, Japanese Prod: Ikeda Shinichi, Chiba Yoshinori | Sc: Iguchi Noboru | Cam: Nagano Yasutaka | Ed: Wada Takeshi | Prod Des: Fukuda Nori | Sound Des: Eguchi Yasushi | Music: Fukuda Yasuhiko | With: Itao Itsuji, Furuhara Yasuhisa, Yamasaki Mami, Miyashita Yuya, Satsukawa Aimi, Kinoshita Houka, Watanabe Hiroyuki, Takenaka Naoto, Emoto Akira | Print/ Sales: Nikkatsu Corporation | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 22:30 CI1 Sat 29-1 09:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 17:00 LUX Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 15:00 CI7


Japanse retro science fiction, based on a TV series from 1974 about a futurist robot. Secret agent Yutaka Daimon sets out to fight the evil Dr Akunomiya and his gang, after they kill his father. To help defeat Akunomiya, his father left Yutaka a robot, Zaborger, which has the power to change into an engine (and was later the inspiration for Hasbro’s Transformers). Before they reach Akunomiya, an army of bizarre cyborgs and robots must be defeated, however. Iguchi rejects smooth, computer-generated sci-fi in order to pay homage to the original series, giving the film a retro appearance in which the plastic and cardboard is clearly visible. It’s obvious from KarateRobo Zaborgar that Iguchi has plenty of experience in horror, slasher and porn: fountains of blood, flying limbs and murderous breasts abound. Very cult. Genre lovers will remember Iguchi from the 2008 gore-fest The Machine Girl.



Hoy como ayer Bernie IJdis

WOrLD premIere

Netherlands/Argentina, 2011 | colour, video, 70 min, Spanish Prod: Bernie IJdis, Pablo Chernov | Prod Comp: Filmy Wiktora | Sc: Bernie IJdis | Cam: Fernando Lockett | Ed: Valeria Racioppi | Sound Des: Manuel de Andrés | With: Juan Carlos Godoy | Print/Sales: Bernie IJdis Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 17:00* CI1 Wed 2-2 10:00* PA2 Thu 3-2 20:15* LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 10:00 CI7

‘This is going to be a quiet film, isn’t it?’ Juan Carlos Godoy asks at the beginning of Hoy como ayer. The camera has been on him for nearly 10 minutes, and so far not a word has been spoken. Bernie IJdis calmly follows the 87-year-old tango singer while he prepares for a gig in a bar in his home city of Buenos Aires, as he does virtually every day. When Godoy has taken his place at the microphone, it becomes clear just how much he still remains a master of the art of singing. With great conviction, he presents tangos he has probably already sung a thousand times. After his previous films Jalan Raya Pos (The Great Post Road) and Riviera Hotel, IJdis was eager to make a film without financial backing and without the lengthy wait this always entailed. Hoy como ayer was put together and shot in a very brief period, in total freedom. The result is an authentic, loving and delicate portrait of the old maestro, Godoy – and of his city of Buenos Aires, where the tango is still a flourishing art form.

chantrapas Otar Iosseliani

France/Georgia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 122 min, Georgian/French Prod: Martine Marignac | Prod Comp: Pierre Grise Productions | Sc: Otar Iosseliani | Cam: Julie Grünebaum, Lionel Cousin | Ed: Emmanuelle Legendre, Otar Iosseliani | Prod Des: Emmanuel de Chauvigny | Sound Des: Jérôme Thiault | Music: Djardji Balantchivadze | With: Dato Tarielashvili, Nika Endeladze, Tamuna Karumidze, Fanny Gonin, Bulle Ogier, Pierre Etaix | Print/Sales: Les Films du Losange | www.filmsdulosange. fr/inter/uk_chantrapas.html Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 17:00 CI5 Fri 28-1 17:30 CI4 Sun 30-1 19:30 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 09:30 CI3

Nicolas is a young Georgian filmmaker whose poetry is misunderstood by the Soviet censors. His film – a fragment of it is from Iosseliani’s own early work – is banned, and Nicolas leaves for Paris. Wether he will have any more artistic freedom there remains to be seen. Basically, little has changed since his childhood, when Nicholas discovered the adventure of photography, only to be ticked off by the adults. The lighthearted and ironic observations, the melancholy tone and poetic terms are typical of Iosseliani. Even a mermaid becomes a possibility. Especially at the beginning, Chantrapas evokes the mood of the early Georgian films by this filmmaker, who moved to France just like Nicholas. However, Iosseliani does not want to describe it as autobiographical, if only because he was luckier than Nicholas. The title is a play on the French for ‘doesn’t sing’, which became a Russian word for layabout or outsider.




Imagens de uma cidade perdida Images of a Lost city Jon Jost

WOrLD premIere

USA/Portugal/South Korea, 2011 | colour, video, 92 min, Portuguese Prod: Jon Jost | Cam: Jon Jost | Ed: Jon Jost | Sound Des: Jon Jost | Music: Amalia, Carlos Paredes | Print/Sales: Jon Jost | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 14:30 CI5 Mon 31-1 14:30 CI7 Tue 1-2 22:15 LV6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 14:15 PA4

Jon Jost looks meticulously. At length. He trusts his skills as a cameraman and he trusts that what he sees and admires will also be admired by others. And if others don’t see it or don’t have the patience, then that’s just how it is. Jost is one of the most unconventional and free-thinking of filmmakers, radical in his views and approach. He was one of the first filmmakers of his generation to embrace the possibilities of digital video. It gave him an almost absolute freedom and he has not given up that freedom since. The shots in Portugal (especially of the Alfama district of Lisbon) date from more than a decade ago (199798). Personal circumstances probably made him set aside the material. This is not the place to discuss that. But the pause, be it enforced or not, gave the material an unreal and beautiful patina. That’s how fast the melancholy Portugal of the ‘saudade’ has disappeared. It’s beautiful that we can still see it here.

Asia no jun-shin pure Asia Katashima Ikki

Japan, 2009 | b&w, video, 108 min, Japanese Prod: Katashima Ikki | Prod Comp: DOGSUGAR | Sc: Inoue Junichi | Cam: Nabeshima Atsuhiro | Ed: Fukuda Kohei | Prod Des: Sasaki Fumitaka | Music: Ken Sato | With: Kan Hanae, Kasai Shige | Print/Sales: Pictures Dept. Co. Ltd. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 15:15 PA3 Fri 28-1 22:00 CI5 Sun 30-1 09:30 CI5


Who do you have to kill to achieve a better world? In this stylish blackand-white low-budget road movie, this question plagues a shy Japanese student who passively watched the murder of a Korean girl, but also her twin sister who is out for revenge. With bottles of mustard gas left over from the Second World War in their rucksacks, the teenage terrorists cross the country on bicycles looking for suitable victims. At that moment – the film is set in 2002 – Japan is in the grip of a political conflict with North Korea, one that is also exploited by fanatical Japanese nationalists. Is that their first target? Their paths cross that of a desperate contemporary who wonders whether he shouldn’t just release the poison gas in his parents’ bedroom. With the industrial landscapes of modern Japan in the background, this quest for meaning heads for a bizarre climax.



Autoreiji Outrage Kitano Takeshi

Japan, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 109 min, Japanese Prod: Kitano Takeshi, Mori Masayuki, Yoshida Takio | Prod Comp: Office Kitano Inc. | Sc: Kitano Takeshi | Cam: Yanagijima Katsumi | Ed: Kitano Takeshi, Ota Yoshinori | Prod Des: Isoda Norihiro | Sound Des: Horiuchi Senji | Music: Suzuki Kelichi | With: Beat Takeshi, Shiina Kippei, Kase Ryo, Miura Tomokazu, Kunimura Jun, Sugimoto Tetta, Tsukamoto Takashi, Nakano Hideo, Ishibashi Renji, Kohinata Fumiyo, Kitamura Soichiro | Print/Sales: Celluloid Dreams Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:45 LV5 Mon 31-1 21:45 SGZ Wed 2-2 22:45 CI4 Fri 4-2 10:30 PA1

With Outrage, the first part of a new trilogy, Kitano Takeshi makes a spectacular return to the yakuza genre, which he abandoned in 2001. This gives us an insight into the way in which criminal organisations in the Tokyo underworld work and the impression they leave on society. Director Kitano plays the leader of a smaller crime syndicate taking on a rival organisation at the behest of a big boss. Kitano takes the time to sketch the structures and relationships within these organisations exactly, showing clearly how this exceptional social environment is maintained by corruption, lies and purely cosmetic rituals – and how this permeates through to the rest of society. Kitano strips away all romance from life in the underworld, leaving just brutal violence, deep-rooted distrust and the very blackest humour.

Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 09:45 DWBZ

Haru tono tabi Haru’s Journey Kobayashi Masahiro

Japan, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 134 min, Japanese Prod: Kii Muneyuki, Kobayashi Naoko | Prod Comp: Amazonlaterna Co., Ltd., Monkey Town Productions | Sc: Kobayashi Masahiro | Cam: Takama Kenji | Ed: Kaneko Naoki | Prod Des: Yamazaki Teru | Sound Des: Sakuma Jumpei | Music: Sakuma Jumpei | With: Nakadai Tatsuya, Tokunaga Eri, Otaki Hideji, Awashima Chikage, Kagawa Teruyuki | Print/Sales: T-JOY Co., Ltd. Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 09:30 PA7 Thu 3-2 19:00 PA1 Sat 5-2 12:30 CI3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 16:15 CI3

Kobayashi Masahiro, in 2008 Filmmaker in Focus in Rotterdam, starts this Japanese family drama in the form of a road movie on the remote northern island of Hokkaido, one of his favourite locations. In a small fishing village, tensions rise between the rebellious 19-year-old Haru and her crippled grandfather, who she reluctantly looks after. In order to find a solution, the odd couple go looking for relatives who could care for the old man. It turns into an uneasy journey, filled with clashes and surprises, but it is also a journey on which Haru takes her responsibilities and revelations lead to new-found trust and understanding. Kobayashi, who regards himself as an outsider in Japan and does not shrink from a critical approach, investigates the meaning of ancient Japanese values such as acceptance and family responsibilities in Haru’s Journey in an uninhibited, ironic yet also moving way. An impressive leading role by the veteran Nakadai Tatsuya, once the star of many films by Kurosawa.




post mortem Pablo Larraín

Chile/Mexico, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 98 min, Spanish Prod: Juan de Dios Larraín | Prod Comp: Fabula Producciones | Sc: Pablo Larraín | Cam: Sergio Armstrong | Ed: Andre Chignoli | Prod Des: Polín Garbisu | Sound Des: Miguel Hormazábal | Music: Juan Cristóbal Meza | With: Alfredo Castro, Antonia Zegers, Amparo Noguera, Marcelo Alonso, Jaime Vadell | Sales: Funny Balloons | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 22:00 PA1 [d.s.] Sun 30-1 19:30 LV5 [d.s.] Thu 3-2 22:15 DJZ [d.s.] Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 14:00 CI3 [e.s.]

Tony Manero (2008) was especially successful at international film festivals for its Chilean director Pablo Larraín. In the sequel, Post Mortem, he also looks at the moral effects of the Pinochet dictatorship on average citizens. The leading role was again for Alfredo Castro, this time as the mortuary worker Mario with a deadpan face. It is 1973 and General Pinochet’s troops are overthrowing the democratic government of Salvador Allende. As a result of the fighting, bodies pile up in the mortuary. Anyone protesting at the way the corpses are treated is also regarded as an enemy. So Mario largely keeps his mouth shut. Instead, he tries to get closer to the lady across the street, the tacky nightclub dancer Nancy. She is however in danger because her father is an active supporter of Allende. Larraín records events in a reflective style, with long shots in tight frames.


poetry Lee Chang-Dong

South Korea, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 135 min, Korean Prod: Lee Jun-dong | Prod Comp: Pine House Film | Sc: Lee Chang-Dong | Cam: Kim Hyun-Seok | Ed: Kim Hyun | Prod Des: Sihn JeomHui | Sound Des: Lee Seung-Chui | With: Yun Jung-Hee, Lee David, Kim Hira | Sales: Finecut Co., Ltd. | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 22:00 PA1 Thu 3-2 12:45 LV5 Fri 4-2 19:30 LV3 Sat 5-2 15:30 PA7


Eccentric older lady Mija lives in a peaceful town with her grandson, a teenager whose main interests are the TV and his mobile phone. Goodnatured Mija also stoically looks after a grouchy elderly invalid. She hardly seems bothered when her doctor says she is showing the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. On an impulse, she signs up for a poetry course: her dream is to write a poem, just once in her life. She becomes so immersed in this new goal that the bitterly harsh reality of her grandson’s life seems to completely pass her by. In his fifth feature film, Lee ChangDong shows a milder side to his personality, choosing poetry above provocation. The film also marks the comeback, after a sixteen-year absence, of leading lady of Korean cinema Yun Jung-Hee; an actress capable of conveying the thoughts and feelings of her characters with nothing more than a glance. The unworldly character she plays here is the soul of this subtle melodrama.



Han jia

Winter Vacation Li Hongqi

China/Switzerland, 2010 | colour, video, 91 min, Mandarin Prod: Alex Chung, Ning Cai | Sc: Li Hongqi | Cam: Qin Yurul | Ed: Li Hongqi | Music: Zuoxiao Zuzhou, The Top Floor Circus | With: Ba Junjie, Zhang Naqi, Bai Jinfeng, Xie Ying, Wang Hui, Bao Lei | Sales: Capricci Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 18:30 PA2 Fri 28-1 09:45 PA5 Sat 29-1 21:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 18:30 PA2

With his third film, Winter Vacation, the poet, writer and film maker Li Hongqi won a Golden Leopard in Locarno. The film is largely set on the last day of the winter holiday in a dismal small industrial town in North China. To say that little happens is an understatement. A group of school children who are getting bored and hanging around aimlessly do not even have the energy to cause trouble. Generally fixed and distant camera angles are used by Li to record the slow, repetitive, boring existence of the villagers. Maybe the least enviable is Zhou Zhangxin, a boy who sits in a room with his depressed grandfather, who won’t let him play outside. When a girl asks him what he wants to be later, he says: ‘An orphan.’ The accumulation of boredom and hopeless misery becomes hilarious in a dry and comic way. Li Hongqi’s sober, modest style evokes comparisons with Jim Jarmusch, Aki Kaurismäki and Roy Andersson.

Schastye moye my Joy Sergei Loznitsa

Germany/Ukraine, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 127 min, Russian Prod: Heino Deckert, Oleg Kokhan | Prod Comp: Filmproduktions GmbH, Sota Cinema Group | Sc: Sergei Loznitsa | Cam: Oleg Mutu | Ed: Danielius Kokanauskis | Prod Des: Kirill Shuvalov | Sound Des: Vladimir Golovnitski | With: Viktor Nemets, Vlad Ivanov, Maria Varsami, Vladimir Golovin, Olga Shuvalova, Alexey Vertkov, Yuriv Sviridenko | Print/Sales: Fortissimo Films Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 16:30 LUX Sun 30-1 22:15 DJZ Wed 2-2 21:30 PA7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 11:30 DWBZ

The truck driver Georgy sets off with a freight-load of flour. On the way, he passes police checkpoints manned by crazy, completely corrupt officers and he gives a lift to a teenage whore who gets furious when he doesn’t want sex with her but only wants to help. He gets stranded in the labyrinthine countryside, where all the roads seem to be dead ends, and is attacked by vagabonds. Man is naturally a wolf to men, the gullible good guy discovers. He has to adapt quickly to survive. The dark, nihilist political allegory My Joy is the feature debut of Ukrainianborn German resident Sergei Loznitsa, whose documentaries have previously been screened at the IFFR. The impressive camerawork is by Romanian cameraman Oleg Mutu (4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days; The Death of Mr. Lazarescu). At the Cannes Film Festival, My Joy (co-produced by Dutch company Lemming Film) was the only debut in the Golden Palm competition.




La nostra vita Daniele Luchetti

France/Italy, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 98 min, Italian Prod: Gina Gardini, Riccardo Tozzi, Giovanni Stabilini, Marco Chimenz | Prod Comp: Cattleya | Sc: Daniele Luchetti, Sandro Petraglia, Stefano Rulli | Cam: Claudio Collepiccolo | Ed: Mirco Garrone | Prod Des: Giancarlo Basili | Sound Des: Bruno Pupparo | Music: Franco Piersanti | With: Elio Germano, Isabella Ragonese, Raoul Bova | Sales: Celluloid Dreams | Distr. NL: ABC – Cinemien Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 16:00 PA1 [d.s.] Sun 30-1 12:00 CI5 [d.s.] Fri 4-2 20:00 CI6 [d.s.] Sat 5-2 22:00 SGZ [d.s.]

In a modern and realistic style, La nostra vita tells the story of the indestructibility of family bonds and the resilience of individuals. At first, sympathetic macho Claudio has everything sorted out. He is happy with his wife Elena and their two sons; a third child is on the way. There is plenty of work for this building labourer: the northern suburbs of Rome are one big building site. But when fate strikes and Claudio also gets into trouble at work, he’s all on his own. With the aid of friends and family, he tries to stay on his feet in the lower echelons of society. With La nostra vita, Daniele Luchetti continues his successful cooperation with the scriptwriters of his previous film, Mio fratello è figlio unico. In his own country, the film earned him four Donatellos (the Italian Oscars). Perceptive viewers will recognise Elio Germano from Luchetti’s previous work. At the Cannes festival, for his role as Claudio, he shared the award for the best actor with Javier Bardem.

the mill and the cross Lech Majewski

eurOpeAN premIere

Poland/Sweden, 2011 | colour, video, 91 min, English Prod: Lech Majewski, Freddy Olsson | Prod Comp: Angelus Silesius, Bokomotiv Filmproduktion AB | Sc: Michael Francis Gibson, Lech Majewski | Cam: Adam Sikora | Ed: Eliot Ems, Norbert Rudzik | Prod Des: Katarzyna Sobanska | Sound Des: Zbigniew Malecki | Music: Lech Majewski, Józef Skrzek | With: Rutger Hauer, Michael York, Charlotte Rampling, Joanna Litwin | Print: Angelus Silesius | Sales: Wide Management | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:30* LUX Mon 31-1 09:15 CI1 Sat 5-2 12:30 PA2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 10:00 PA4


Polish director and multimedia artist Lech Majewski (Angelus, The Garden of Earthly Delights) and American scriptwriter/art connoisseur Michael Gibson were inspired by Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s painting Christ Carrying the Cross. As well as a mill and a cross, more than 500 people feature on this canvas from 1564: from Jesus, Mary and John the Baptist to several groups. Majewski and Gibson take 12 characters from the painting and combine their stories with that of the creation of the canvas. The Passion of Christ is interwoven with the oppression of the Flemish by the Spaniards in a refined film that meanders between the absurd and the metaphysical, the blasphemous and the aesthetic. Majewski painted the sets and uses the latest digital techniques to transfer the actors to the world of Bruegel. Rutger Hauer plays a wonderful Bruegel, Charlotte Rampling is Mary and Michael York plays art collector Nicholas Jonghelinck.



Dong feng po

merry-Go-round Mak Yan Yan, Clement Cheng

eurOpeAN premIere

Hong Kong, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 124 min, Cantonese Prod: Mak Yan Yan | Prod Comp: Dragonfly J Co. Ltd | Sc: Clement Cheng, Mak Yan Yan | Cam: Jason Kwan | Ed: Mak Yan Yan, Terence Yung, Stanley Tam | Prod Des: Mak Yan Yan | Sound Des: Cinidigit | Music: Ketchup, Harris Ho, Yu Yet-yiu | With: Teddy Robin, Nora Miao, Ella Koon, Lawrence Chou | Print/Sales: Dragonfly J Co. Ltd Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 19:00 PA1 Tue 1-2 21:45 SGZ Wed 2-2 20:00 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 14:00 DJZ


Four protagonists, two generations and two continents are interwoven in Merry-Go-Round, a grand yet intimate narrative about leaving and returning. It starts in San Francisco, where Eva works as a traditional Chinese doctor and young, roaming Merry hears that she has leukaemia. Both return to Hong Kong: Merry looks up Allen, with whom she had previously corresponded, and gets a job in the Tung-Wah guardhouse for coffins run by the grumpy Hill. Eva tries to prevent the same Allen, her cousin, from selling the family business. In the meantime, the older woman thinks back to an affair she had in the 1930s. Directors Mak Yan Yan and Clement Cheng cleverly bring together the various storylines in their beautifully illuminated film, supported by a soundtrack by HongKong folk pop band Ketchup.

this Is england ‘86 Shane Meadows, Tom Harper

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 185 min, English Prod: Mark Herbert, Derrin Schlesinger | Prod Comp: Warp Films | Sc: Shane Meadows, Jack Thorne | Cam: Danny Cohen | Ed: Mark Eckersley, Chris Wyatt | Prod Des: Lisa Marie Hall | Sound Des: Ben Squires | Music: Ludovico Einaudi | With: Thomas Turgoose, Vicky McClure, Joe Gilgun, Andrew Shim, Rosamund Hanson | Print: Warp Films | Sales: Studio Canal | programmes/this-is-england-86 Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:30 CI7 Fri 4-2 10:30 LV2

Shane Meadows directed a followup for British TV to This is England (2006), his raw, realistic portrait of a group of skinheads in Thatcher’s Britain, in which personal interests and radical political sentiments make for an explosive cocktail. In the follow-up for television, the extreme right-wing ideas have been dumped in favour of the search for work and the main character is no longer the young Shaun, but Lol: the first female lead role in a Meadows film. The tone has also changed. Although Meadows focuses on the dismal underbelly of British society in all his films, this is always offset by humour. Particularly in the second half, This Is England ‘86 descends into the dark atmosphere typical of Meadows’ work. According to the filmmaker, this is necessary as the situation in Great Britain in 1986 is very reminiscent of 2011. A bitter recession and the feeling that the world is at a crossroads, bringing great uncertainty to the lives of young people.




Jûsan-nin no shikaku 13 Assassins Miike Takashi

Japan, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 141 min, Japanese Prod: Minami Ichikawa, Tôichirô Shiraishi, Michihiko Yanagisawa | Sc: Kaneo Ikegami, Daisuke Tengan | Cam: Nobuyasu Kita | Ed: Kenji Yamashita | Prod Des: Yuji Hayashida | Music: Kôji Endô | With: Kôji Yakusho, Takayuki Yamada, Yûsuke Iseya | Sales: HanWay Films | Distr. NL: Cinéart Netherlands | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 22:45 CI4 Sun 30-1 22:15 CI6 Wed 2-2 19:30* LUX Fri 4-2 22:00 PA2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 18:45 DWBZ

With 13 Assassins, a remake of Kudo Eiichi’s film from 1963, Miike Takashi makes a very successful attempt to match up to the granddad of all samurai films, Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. Japan in 1844, the murderous urges of Lord Naritsugu, the brother of the feudal commander, start getting out of hand. In his sadistic excesses, he has for instance amputated all of a woman’s limbs and her tongue. The noble samurai Shinzaemon Shimada is hired to remove the Lord. This is not an easy task, because the target is protected by an equally merciless fighter. Shimada persuades 12 brave samurai to take on this suicide mission. Together with the inhabitants of a mountain village, they set one booby-trap after another. When Lord Naritsugu arrives unexpectedly with 300 men, it turns into a David against Goliath struggle: a heroic and bloody battle for life and death lasting no less than 45 minutes. The IFFR is showing the director’s cut of this film, with 25 minutes of extra footage, on wednesday 2-2.

Zebraman: Zebura city no gyakushuu

Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra city Miike Takashi

Japan, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 106 min, Japanese Prod: Takashi Hirano | Prod Comp: TBS Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc. | Sc: Kudo Kankuro | Cam: Tanaka Kazushige | Ed: Yamashita Kenji | Prod Des: Sakamoto Akira | Music: Ike Yoshihiro | With: Aikawa Sho, Naka Riisa, Taka Guadalcanal, Tanaka Naoki | Print/Sales: Toei Company, Ltd. | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 21:45 LV5 Sun 30-1 10:15 PA1 Tue 1-2 22:00 LV5 Sat 5-2 22:00 LUX Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 11:45 DJZ


In the year 2025, Tokyo is burdened under the regime of the Mayor, and especially his daughter Zebra Queen, a pop star like Lady Gaga. The city has been renamed Zebra City. Five minutes a day are Zebra Time, a period in which the Zebra police can arrest any suspects or unfortunate passersby and eliminate them. High time for our hero Zebraman to put in an appearance and take up arms against all this evil. In everyday life he is the insignificant teacher Ichikawa, and an unfortunate sideline is that Ichikawa has lost his memory after an attack by the Zebra police. He has forgotten his heroic deeds as Zebraman. Together with other rebels, he does his best to prevent Zebra Queen acquiring world domination. Zebraman 2 is a sequel as we would expect from Miike Takashi: different. It’s an exuberant parody of the superhero genre and the uniformity of the entertainment industry, including glossy music videos.




Szelid teremtes – A Frankenstein terv tender Son – the Frankenstein project

Kornél Mundruczó

Hungary/Germany/Austria, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 105 min, Hungarian Prod: Viktória Petrányi | Prod Comp: Proton Cinema Ltd. | Sc: Kornél Mundruczó, Yvette Bíró | Cam: Mátyás Erdély | Ed: Dávid Jancsó | Prod Des: Márton Ágh | Sound Des: Gábor Balázs | Music: Philip E. Kümpel, Andreas Moisa, György Kurtág, Péter Zombola, Kitty Csíkos | With: Kornél Mundruczó, Rudolf Frecska, Lili Monori, Kitty Csíkos | Sales: Coproduction Office | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 21:15 PA3 [d.s.] Sat 29-1 13:15 PA6 [d.s.] Wed 2-2 22:00 PA1 [d.s.]

Kornél Mundruczó directs and plays the filmmaker Viktor in Tender Son – The Frankenstein Project. During a casting session, he becomes intrigued by the young, inaccessible and maladjusted Rudi. This 19-year-old boy has just returned from a boarding school and is trying to live with his far-from-welcoming mother and stepfather. Another inhabitant of their house is Magda, a young girl who Rudi decides is the love of his life. And then we have Viktor, the father who deserted him and now wants to restore the bond. The feelings that come to the surface in this boy brought up without love turn out to be difficult for him to come to terms with. Mundruczó wrote the script, loosely based on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, for a stage play, with which he toured Hungary. Just like Frankenstein, Rudi turns out to be a monster formed by his creators, who finally become his victims. The film was screened in the official competition in Cannes.

marti, dupa craciun

tuesday, After christmas Radu Muntean


Romania, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 109 min, Romanian Prod: Dragos Vilcu | Prod Comp: Multimedia Est | Sc: Radu Muntean, Alexandru Baciu, Razvan Radulescu | Cam: Tudor Lucaciu | Ed: Alma Cazacu | Prod Des: Tudor Lucaciu | Sound Des: Electric Brother | Music: Electric Brother | Sales: Films Boutique | Distr. NL: Amstelfilm | www.amstelfilm. nl/tuesdayafterchristmas Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 15:30 PA7 [d.s.] Thu 3-2 16:30 PA4 [d.s.] Fri 4-2 22:00 LV2 [d.s.]

Radu Muntean’s fourth film once again focuses in on a microcosm: this time the world of married couple Adriana and Paul – who have an eight-year-old daughter – and Raluca, Paul’s mistress. Adriana and Paul are not happy together, but she is unaware of his long-term affair. It is only when the two women meet by chance, that Paul understands that he cannot go on like this. Shortly before the holidays, he tells his wife about the affair. This presents him with a dilemma: he must decide before Christmas whether he wants to stay with Adriana or carry on with Raluca. In long, considered shots Muntean shows, without commentary or passing judgment, how people get into morally perilous situations without making a conscious choice. And what kinds of dilemmas they face when a well-considered choice has to be made. A classical, true-tolife drama about love, lust, guilt and jealousy.




Laadli Laila Virgin Goat Murali Nair

eurOpeAN premIere

India, 2010 | colour, video, 87 min, Hindi Prod: Murali Nair, Philippe Avril | Prod Comp: Maya Films, Unlimited | Sc: Murali Nair, Jonathan Page | Cam: Sandeep Patil | Ed: Emiliano Battista | Prod Des: Preeya Nair | Sound Des: Madhu Apsara | Music: Fardin Khalatbari | With: Raghubir Yadav, Shiela Naidu, Saurab Gharipurikar, Purnima Maudgil, Archana Phadke | Sales: Unlimited | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund | www.flyingelephant. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 14:15 CI1 Mon 31-1 17:00 CI1 Fri 4-2 13:15 PA6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 11:00 CI2

One is enough – just one little lamb – and Kalyan Singh will be satisfied. It’s his greatest desire that his beloved goat Laila should be a mother. But, as the title of the film suggests, this goat does not feel horny. Her owner drags her to all kinds of miracle doctors, but he doesn’t have any success. Then, one day when the village is expecting a very important guest, Laila turns out to be on heat. Singh has to find a partner for her today of all days, despite all the police officers and traffic cops in his way. The journey turns into a surrealist tragedy in which Murali Nair beautiful portrays Singh’s blinding obsession with his goat. Nair, an experienced chronicler of Indian countryside life, has not only made an unusual love story with Virgin Goat – about the love between a man and his goat – but also a parable about the intransigence of the Indian middle classes and people’s inability to adapt to a changing world.

Ayashiki bungô kaidan Kaidan – Horror classics Ochiai Masayuki, Tsukamoto Shinya, Lee Sang-Il, Kore-Eda Hirokazu

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 163 min, Japanese Prod: Takahiro Hamano | Prod Comp: NHK Enterprises, Inc. | Sc: Kawabata Yasunari, Dazai Osamu, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Muro Saisei | With: Hirata Mitsuru, Asina Sei, Kawai Aoba, Tokunaga Eri, Kunimura Jun, Matsushige Yutaka, Igawa Haruka, Kase Ryo, Nakamura Yuri, Shibuya Takeru | Print/Sales: NHK Enterprises, Inc. | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 13:45 LUX Wed 2-2 18:00 PA5 Thu 3-2 22:00 LUX


Japanese national broadcaster NHK asked four Japanese directors to adapt the short stories from the horror classic Kaidan (1964) for TV. Kore-eda Hirokazu (Air Doll), Tsukamoto Shinya (Tetsuo), J-horror pioneer Ochiai Masayuki (Hypnosis) and Lee Sang-Il (Hula Girls) each direct one of the four stories. The result is not the horror of Ringu or the splatter and gore of The Machine Girl. Here, horror takes the form of jealousy, lust, shame, wrath and regret; emotions with which the characters above all tormet themselves. In The Whistler, a woman is jealous of her younger sister because of love letters she receives. The Nose is the story of a medieval monk who accidentally causes a boy’s death. In The Arm, an aging man becomes obsessed by a beautiful young woman, asking if he can borrow one of her arms for a night. In The Days After, a man and a woman are visited by their dead son. But is it really him?



chi ming yu chun kiu Love in a puff Pang Ho-cheung

Hong Kong, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 103 min, Cantonese Prod: Subi Liang | Prod Comp: Making Film Productions Limited | Sc: Pang Ho-cheung, Heiward Mak | Cam: Jason Kwan | Ed: Wenders Li | Prod Des: Man Lim Chung | Sound Des: Tu Duu-chih | Music: Alan Wong, Janet Yung | With: Miriam Yeung, Shawn Yue | Print/Sales: Media Asia Distribution Limited | www. Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 22:15 DWBZ Wed 2-2 12:15 PA3 Thu 3-2 13:00 PA1 Sat 5-2 10:00 PA2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 09:45 DWBZ


The best gossip, jokes and stories are passed on during cigarette breaks. Since a law banned smoking in all buildings in Hong Kong in 2007, nicotine addicts gather around public ashtrays that look like rubbish bins. It is round one of these ‘Hot Pots’ that cosmetics salesgirl Cherie meets her match in the cool Jimmy. After an exciting chat, they exchange telephone numbers. In the week that follows, they talk and text while enjoying dozens of ciggies, feel increasingly attracted to one another. Finally, a romance blossoms. Interviews in front of the camera about smoking habits and relationships and hilarious conversations around the Hot Pot are juxtaposed with this love story. Using naturalistic camerawork and relaxed lounge music, Pang Hocheung (Isabella) occasionally seems to approach the looseness of the French Nouvelle Vague, making Love in a Puff into a light-hearted, sparkling exception within his oeuvre.

O Barão the Baron Edgar Pera

WOrLD premIere

Portugal, 2011 | b&w, video, 94 min, Portuguese Prod: Ana Costa | Prod Comp: Cinemate | Sc: Edgar Pêra, Luísa Costa Gomes, based on the novel by Branquinho da Fonseca | Cam: Luís Branquinho | Ed: Edgar Pêra, Tiago Antunes, João Gomes | Prod Des: Fernando Areal | Sound Des: Tiago Raposinho | Music: Vozes da Rádio | With: Nuno Melo, Marcos Barbosa, Leonor Keil, Marina Albuquerque, Vitor Correia, Miguel Sermão | Print/Sales: Cinemate Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 17:00 CI1 Tue 1-2 19:45 CI7 Fri 4-2 18:45 PA5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 13:45 CI2

In Lisbon during WWII, a group of film makers began filming the unmistakeably Kafkaesque novel O Barão (The Baron) by Branquinho da Fonseca. However, the repressive Portuguese regime destroyed all the footage. In The Baron, director Pêra revives the project on the basis of the original script. A school inspector travels to the baron’s fiefdom to write a report on a heathen teacher. Having arrived, he is invited to stay with the baron, who makes predictions about women, horses and politics while the mysterious Idalina serves food and drink. The inspector becomes inextricably entangled in the baron’s world. Pêra uses expressionist studio settings à la James Whale, a musical score reminiscent of Angelo Badalamenti, theatrical make-up, classical shadow play and editing to achieve a superior mix of pre-war Russian cinema, German expressionism, silent movies and American gothic. And at least one dance number.




Verano de Goliat Summer of Goliath Nicolás Pereda

Mexico/Canada, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 76 min, Spanish Prod: Nicolás Pereda, Andres Castaneda | Prod Comp: En Chinga Films, Santas Producciones | Sc: Nicolás Pereda | Cam: Alejandro Coronado | Ed: Nicolás Pereda | Prod Des: Nicolás Pereda | Sound Des: Alejandro de Icaza | With: Teresa Sánchez, Gabino Rodríguez, Harold Torres, Oscar Miranda, Juana Rodríguez | Sales: FiGa Films | Distr. NL: Hubert Bals Fund Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 13:15 PA6 Sat 29-1 17:15 CI6 Tue 1-2 14:15 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 20:30 CI3

His real name is Oscar, but his friends call him Goliath because he is alleged to have killed his girlfriend. This is what Oscar and his little brother Nico tell an interviewer offscreen at the start of Summer of Goliath. This fifth film by Nicolás Pereda starts as a documentary, only later to change into a fiction film when we see the housewife Teresa trudge across a field with a heavy suitcase. She has just been deserted by her husband, Eduardo. With an intriguing mixture of fiction and documentary, Pereda sketches a portrait of a small rural town where it seems fairly common for husbands to desert their families (often to go and work in the United States); where there is little work and where soldiers stroll around and fight boredom by intimidating people. It’s a community where the outcast Oscar and a lonely Teresa have difficulty keeping their heads above water.

rose and Jasmine Michael Pilz

WOrLD premIere

Austria, 2011 | colour, video, 106 min, no dialogue Prod: Michael Pilz | Prod Comp: Michael Pilz Film | Sc: Michael Pilz | Cam: Michael Pilz | Ed: Michael Pilz | Prod Des: Michael Pilz | Sound Des: Michael Pilz | Music: Morton Feldman, John Tilbury, Mr. Behrang | With: Khosrow Sinai, Ursel Schröder, Ulrike Küppers-Dost, Hans-Bodo Thieme, Doris Thieme, Anneli Neumann, Barbara ProgschaWeiner | Print/Sales: Michael Pilz Film | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 14:30 CI5 Tue 1-2 12:15 LV2 Fri 4-2 09:30 LV6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 20:15 CI2


In ancient China, instead of sketching, an artist meditated. For days, months, years – as long as it took – he would gaze at the object of his inspiration. The distinction between observer and object disappeared; the artist himself became the object, with skin and hair, scent, colour and form. This is also how this reflective film seeks to reach its audience. This cinematographic poem was made by filmmaker Pilz during a journey to Iran in 2006 and 2007. A travelogue through the eyes of a passionate filmmaker, with shots of everyday life and music by expressionist composer Morton Feldman and occasional background sounds – streaming water, throbbing cars and chirping sparrows. But there is also silence. Peace. A chance to think and experience. This meditative film allows the viewer to float on a pleasant rhythm, dictated by the maker with his balanced images, sound design and editing.



Zohra: A moroccan Fairytale Barney Platts-Mills

WOrLD premIere

United Kingdom/Morocco, 2011 colour, video, 80 min, Arabic Prod: Rajita Shah | Prod Comp: Miraj Films | Sc: Barney Platts-Mills | Cam: Fulgencio Martinez | With: Touba Noro, Said Bekkeurrie | Print/Sales: Miraj Films | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 15:45 PA5 Sun 30-1 22:15 CI5 Fri 4-2 22:15 CI2 Sat 5-2 22:15 LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 20:30 DWBZ

Twenty-seven years after Hero, British filmmaker Barney PlattsMills tells a story of forbidden love – a Romeo & Juliet narrative set against the background of the harsh social and economic realities of the Moroccan countryside. In accordance with local tradition, Zohra (14) is to be married off to an affluent older man, but then she meets 17-year-old refugee Ibrahim. Hiding in the village, the young people wait for the right moment to take a boat to Spain; a continuous storm and their unexpected love force them both to ask themselves what they want from life. PlattsMills serenades the beauty of the Moroccan landscape, but also reveals age-old generational conflicts and indirectly shows the crushing consequences of modern migration. Every day, the dreams of young people clash with the harsh realities of country life, and no one emerges from the struggle unscathed.

peremiriye truce Svetlana Proskurina

Russia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 95 min, Russian Prod: Sabina Eremeeva | Prod Comp: Studio SLON | Sc: Dmitriy Sobolev | Cam: Oleg Lukichev | Ed: Sergey Ivanov | Prod Des: Dmitriy Onishchenko | Sound Des: Vladimir Persov | Music: Sergey Shnurov | With: Ivan Dobronravov, Yuriy Itskov, Sergey Shnurov, Nadezhda Tolubeyeva, Alexey Vertkov | Print/Sales: Studio SLON Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 16:45 SGZ Fri 4-2 18:30 PA7 Sat 5-2 12:30 PA7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 14:30 DJZ

In Svetlana Proskurina’s Truce, the Russian countryside is inhabited by eccentric characters After many peregrinations and adventures, the young truck driver Egor arrives in a village that is not marked on a single map. It could be the village where he was born. Was he supposed to stop here, or is he only passing through? In the background there is a long-drawnout conflict between the villagers and the workers in a local mine, but the cause never becomes clear. On the way, Egor meets his childhood friends, most of whom are deeply involved in illegal activities. He turns out to be looking for a bride. But when he meets the willing Katya, who belongs with the group of hostile miners, a new conflict might just result. Svetlana Proskurina shows the anonymous Russian countryside in loose sketches as a surrealistic world in which threat, conflict and violence are as much part of everyday life as preparing the evening meal.




Aurora Cristi Puiu

Romania/France/Switzerland/ Germany, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 179 min, Romanian Prod: Anca Puiu, Bobby Paunescu | Prod Comp: Mandragora | Sc: Cristi Puiu | Cam: Viorel Sergovici | Ed: Ion Ioachim Stroe | Prod Des: Vali Ighigheanu | Sound Des: André Rigaut | With: Cristi Puiu, Clara Voda, Catrinel Dumitrescu | Sales: Coproduction Office | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 16:00 PA1 [d.s.] Thu 3-2 11:00 LV3 [d.s.] Fri 4-2 19:00 DJZ [d.s.] Sat 5-2 21:45 CI4 [d.s.]

Aurora is the second film in Christi Puiu’s Six Stories from the Outskirts of Bucharest. Following the widely praised The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, about a man at the end of his life, Puiu focuses on Viorel, a 42-year-old divorced man without any apparent aim in life, frustrated by the circumstances in which he lives and the people around him. The director also plays the protagonist, who is followed for two days intensively during his mysterious wanderings around a dark and grey Bucharest. Puiu leaves plenty of room for us to form our own views on the impenetrable Viorel and what motivates him, purely by observing his actions and behaviour. Puiu does not provide any commentary, but challenges the viewer to consider his own expectations and prejudices. A reflection with pitch black humour on the intrinsic evil of mankind.

transeunte passerby Eryk Rocha

INterNAtIONAL premIere

Brazil, 2010 | b&w, 35mm, 1:2.35, 125 min, Portuguese Prod: Walter Salles, Mauricio Andrade Ramos | Prod Comp: Videofilmes | Sc: Manuela Dias | Cam: Miguel Vassy | Ed: Ava Rocha | Prod Des: Mauricio Andrade Ramos | Sound Des: Edson Secco | Music: Fernando Catatau | With: Fernando Bezerra | Print/Sales: Videofilmes Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:15 PA6 Sat 29-1 17:30 CI4 Wed 2-2 15:15 PA3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 22:30 CI3


An elderly man visits a cemetery and lays flowers on a grave. He then strolls through the city; from his balcony watches excavators churning up the ground, and listens to fado concerts on the street, singing about the pain of life. For almost two hours, we see what the man sees; for almost two hours, we hear what he hears. But what does he feel? What does he think? The man hardly acts, and has virtually no interaction with his environment. He is an outsider, an observer. He does not take part in life; life seems to pass him by. In this strikingly consistent fiction debut, filmed in black-and-white, Eryk Rocha gives only subtle hints as to his main character’s state of mind. The concerts are full of musings on love, and attractive young Brazilians drift across the screen. Passerby is a sweet memory, a melancholy look back. In a moderate, mild key – like the Brazilian songs of life.



Never Let me Go Mark Romanek

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 103 min, English Prod: Andrew Macdonald, Allon Reich, Alex Garland | Prod Comp: DNA Films | Sc: Alex Garland, based on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro | Cam: Adam Kimmel | Ed: Barney Pilling | Prod Des: Mark Digby | Sound Des: Glenn Freemantle | Music: Rachel Portman | With: Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield, Keira Knightley | Sales: Fox Searchlight Europe | Distr. NL: Warner Bros. Pictures Holland | www. Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 16:45 LV5 Mon 31-1 17:00 LUX Tue 1-2 12:30 LV3 Fri 4-2 21:15 PA3

As children, Ruth, Kathy and Tommy were taught at the seemingly idyllic and classical English boarding school, Hailsham. The friends are now young adults and have discovered that they are not only linked by their safe school years, feelings of love, jealousy and betrayal, but also by their horrific fate in a nightmare world. The screenplay by Alex Garland – who is a novelist (The Beach) and scriptwriter (28 Days Later) – is an adaptation of the bestselling novel by Japanese-English author Kazuo Ishiguro dating from 2005. Never Let Me Go is a modest, sober drama with science-fiction elements and promising young British actors playing the leads. For her role in this occasionally bizarre story, Carey Mulligan won the British Independent Film Award. Never Let Me Go is the third feature by Mark Romanek (One Hour Photo), best known for his visually-pleasing music videos for artists, including David Bowie, Madonna and R.E.M.

mistérios de Lisboa mysteries of Lisbon Raúl Ruiz

Portugal/France, 2010 | colour, video, 330 min, Portuguese/French Prod: Paulo Branco | Prod Comp: Clap Filmes | Sc: Carlos Saboga, based on the novel by Camilo Castelo Branco | Cam: André Szankowski | Ed: Valéria Sarmiento | Prod Des: Isabel Branco | Sound Des: Ricardo Leal | Music: Jorge Arriagada, Luís Freitas Branco | With: Adriano Luz, Maria João Bastos, Ricardo Pereira, Clotilde Hesme | Print: Clap Filmes | Sales: Alfama Films | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 18:00 PA2 Tue 1-2 10:30 PA4

Ageing Chilean master Raúl Ruiz previously created a mosaic labyrinthine narrative in his film version of Proust’s Le temps retrouvé (1999). The six hour, breathtaking Mysteries of Lisbon, announced by Ruiz himself as possibly his last film, is also based on a 19th-century epic novel, by Camilo Castelo Branco. The pivot of an ingenious plot is the bastard son Joao, who wants to know who his parents are. The priest who cares for him reunites him with his mother, a stunningly beautiful duchess. Then a spiral of narrative lines unravels in which countless characters pass by. Their fates come together, fall apart and flow back together again. All turn out to have a secret identity – even Joao is not who he seems. With the aid of majestic camerawork and opulent compositions of aristocratic interiors, Ruiz makes an imposing mammoth film, elegant costume drama and sparkling fairytale.




Nemuri yusurika Sleep Sakaguchi Katsumi

WOrLD premIere

Japan, 2011 | colour, video, 96 min, Japanese Prod: Atsuko Ochiai | Prod Comp: Supersaurus | Sc: Sakaguchi Katsumi | Cam: Sakaguchi Katsumi | Ed: Sakaguchi Katsumi | With: Mariko Hirano, Miyuki Komagata, Takushi Iwao, Aimi Kobayashi | Print: Supersaurus | Sales: Tiffcom Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 22:15 CI1 Tue 1-2 21:30 PA2 Sat 5-2 15:00 CI2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 3-2 22:15 CI2

At the age of 15, Kotono was raped. Natsume was born as a consequence. Seventeen years later, Kotono, her crippled father Kai and her daughter live a nomadic life in a van. Kotono, who no longer speaks, works as a masseuse. Natsume is present at each appointment, even if Kotono is hired for sex. With the money she earns, the three family members hire detectives to find the rapist. When they finally track him down, it turns out he is dying. Nemuri yusurika, the Japanese film title, means sleeping chironomid: a type of mosquito that can survive long periods of draught and extreme heat, known for its remarkable resilience and vitality: like young Natsume. The difficult life of this traumatised family at times seems perverse, but also loving. In spite of everything, they enjoy catching fish, a small hamster and their strong bond. Sakaguchi’s extensive experience in documentary is evident in the film’s detailed realism.

Blinding Steve Sanguedolce

WOrLD premIere

Canada, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 72 min, English Prod: Steve Sanguedolce | Prod Comp: Sweetblood Productions | Sc: Steve Sanguedolce | Cam: Steve Sanguedolce | Ed: Steve Sanguedolce, Jeffrey Paull | Sound Des: Steve Sanguedolce | Music: Steve Sanguedolce | With: Randall Smith, Anna Myszkowski, Jamie Watson | Print: Sweetblood Productions | Sales: Cinema Esperança International Inc. Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 19:45 CI7 Tue 1-2 09:30 LV6 Thu 3-2 15:00 LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 09:15 CI2


‘She lives in a house without being seen.’ Ryan is a writer. Twenty years ago, he began to lose his sight. This has given him a very different intimacy with his wife – one much more focused around the sense of touch. Ryan writes mostly about the beauty of observation; the two other characters in this docu-fiction would have preferred not to have seen so much. Lesbian Jackie spent ten years as a police officer in Toronto; as a pilot, daredevil Jamie dropped bombs on Sarajevo, Iraq and Rwanda. Both have been seriously traumatised by their work. Canadian experimental filmmaker Steve Sanguedolce started colouring his films by hand fifteen years ago – one way of visually representing emotions. In Blinding, parts of the image literally escape us – the images are scratched and grainy, overexposed or underexposed, or the colouring-in distorts the image. Blinding and overstimulated – like Ryan’s, Jackie’s and Jamie’s states of mind.



Insee Dang the red eagle Wisit Sasanatieng

eurOpeAN premIere

Thailand, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 130 min, Thai Prod: Aphiradee Iamphungphorn, Surachedh Assawaruenganun | Prod Comp: Five Star Productions, Kantana Group Co., Ltd. | Sc: Wisit Sasanatieng | Cam: Chookiat Narongrit, Suta Kwanthong | Ed: Sunit Asavinikul | Prod Des: Saksiri Jantarangsri | Sound Des: Vanilla Sky | Music: Wild At Heart | With: Ananda Everingha, Yarinda Boonnark | Sales: Five Star Productions | Distr. NL: Paradiso Filmed Entertainment (NL) | www. Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 22:00 PA1 Tue 1-2 12:30 PA2 Wed 2-2 21:45 SGZ Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 20:30 CI3

The year is 2016, three years after the massive electoral victory of the Liberal Party in Thailand. The initially inspired party leader Direk has turned into a ruler just as corrupt as his predecessors. There are demonstrations catalysed by the construction of a nuclear reactor. Intimidation, violence, blackmail and corruption are rife. Direk has two important opponents: his former fiancée Vasana and the mysterious Red Eagle, who kills members of the pro-government, influential Matulee organisation, one by one. The organisation starts hunting Red Eagle with the aid of the super villain The Black Demon, while the hero is also being chased by an ambitious duo of detectives. In the meantime, the life of Vasana, who leads the opposition, is also in danger. This action thriller by the maker of Tears of the Black Tiger is an ode to the Thai superhero Red Eagle, who played the lead in the 1960s in a series of immensely popular films.


Dad Vlado Skafar

Slovenia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 71 min, Slovene Prod: Frenk Celarc | Prod Comp: Gustav Film | Sc: Vlado kafar | Cam: Marko Brdar | Ed: Vlado kafar, Jure Mo kon | Prod Des: Zoran Grabarac | Sound Des: Kulij Zornik | With: Milivoj Miki Ro , Sandi alamon | Print: Nerina T. Kocjancic | Sales: Gustav Film Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 20:00 CI5 Fri 28-1 22:45 CI4 Sun 30-1 12:15 CI6 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 16:15 CI3

A father and a son. For the first time in ages, they spend the day together. It’s a beautiful autumn day and the countryside is gorgeous in this area of Slovenia, close to the Hungarian border. They cautiously start talking. About ordinary, everyday things such as homework. But also about things that fathers and sons don’t usually talk about so easily. The first fiction film by Vlado Skafar, whose documentary Letter to a Child was previously shown in Rotterdam, is close to documentary, but at the same time poetic, lyrical and dreamy. One scene merges slowly into the next – with enough time in between, says the maker, ‘to allow the soul of one image to mingle with that of the next’. The result is a fragile film about the clear yet indescribable love between father and child, about alienation and bonding. Skafar takes the viewer to a special place. It’s only towards the end of the film that the outside world makes an appearance – a cruel yet telling intrusion on this dreamy, hopeful day.




essential Killing Jerzy Skolimowski

Poland/Norway/Ireland/ Hungary, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 83 min, English/Arabic/Polish Prod: Ewa Piaskowska, Jerzy Skolimowski | Prod Comp: Skopia Film | Sc: Jerzy Skolimowski, Ewa Piaskowska | Cam: Adam Sikora | Ed: Réka Lemhényi | Prod Des: Joanna Kaczynska | Sound Des: Robert Flanagan | Music: Pawel Mykietyn | With: Vincent Gallo, Emmanuelle Seigner | Sales: HanWay Films | Distr. NL: Cinéart Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Wed 26-1 21:00 PA1 Wed 26-1 21:15 PA4 Sun 30-1 21:45 SGZ Wed 2-2 13:00 PA1 Fri 4-2 16:00 PA1

An oppressive thriller in which an Islamic fighter (whether he is a member of the Taliban or not is unclear) is captured by the Americans in Afghanistan, after he has killed three US soldiers. He is interrogated and tortured, and finally brought to an unidentified, inhospitable location in Europe. He manages to escape from his guards, and then undertakes a long, perilous journey through a cold, pitiless and hostile land, his persecutors forever snapping at his heels. Essential Killing won a Special Jury award at the Venice film festival last summer, and lead actor Vincent Gallo (who acts without speaking throughout the entire film) took the Best Actor award. Director Jerzy Skolimowski says he did not set out to make a political film: which explains why the Islamic fighter has no name, and the film’s locations also remain non-specific.

Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 16:30 DWBZ

tsumetai nettaigyo cold Fish Sono Sion

Japan, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 146 min, Japanese Prod: Chiba Yoshinori | Prod Comp: Nikkatsu Corporation | Sc: Sono Sion, Takahashi Yoshiki | Cam: Kimura Shinya | Ed: Ito Junichi | Prod Des: Matsuzuka Takashi | Sound Des: Komiya Hajime | Music: Harada Tomohide | With: Fukikoshi Mitsuru, Denden, Kurosawa Asuka, Kagurazaka Megumi, Kajiwara Hikari, Watanabe Tetsu | Print/Sales: Nikkatsu Corporation | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 22:00 PA4 Sat 29-1 22:15 LUX Fri 4-2 21:45 SGZ Sat 5-2 21:30 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 21:45 DWBZ


In the tropical aquarium shop owned by the jovial merchant Murata, small fish are fed to large predatory fish. Will something similar happen to the owner of a smaller shop whom Murata snares in his nets? Shamoto is a modest man with an ailing sex life and an angry teenage daughter. When she is caught shoplifting and Murata, who happens to be present, calms things down, Shamoto is ensnared in his trap. Murata turns out to be a maniac who does not shirk from gruesome crimes in this stylish thriller with horror effects in which the mood can suddenly become terrifying. Shamoto now faces a choice: be an accessory to the crime or surrender his wife and daughter to the shark in human disguise. Sono, a poet who began filming in 1990, is beginning to build up a formidable reputation, also internationally. His frenzied fourhour cult drama Love Exposure (2008) won the International Critics’ Prize in Berlin.



prezit svuj zivot Surviving Life Jan Svankmajer

Czech Republic/Slovakia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 105 min, Czech Prod: Jaromír Kallista | Prod Comp: Athanor – Film Production Company, Llc. | Sc: Jan Svankmajer | Cam: Jan Ru icka, Juraj Galvánek | Ed: Marie Zemanová | Prod Des: Jan Svankmajer | Sound Des: Ivo Spalj | With: Václav Hel us, Klára Issová, Zuzana Kronerová, Emília Do eková, Daniela Bakerová, Marcel Nemec, Jana Olhová, Pavel Nov , Karel Bro ek | Print/Sales: Athanor – Film Production Company, Llc. | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:30 PA1 Wed 2-2 14:15 LV5 Sat 5-2 09:30 LV5 Sat 5-2 15:30 PA2

At the beginning of Surviving Life, director Jan Svankmajer appears on screen. He didn’t have enough money for a completely live-action film, he says, so he occasionally added some animation. That’s a joke, of course, because the surrealist Svankmajer (1934) is world famous for his idiosyncratic mixture of animation and live action. This is where Terry Gilliam and the Brothers Quay found their inspiration. Svankmajer’s first film in five years, since the death of his wife and regular co-worker Eva Svankmajerova, takes a slightly biographical turn. The protagonist Eugene lives both in the real world and in his own, lucid world of dreams. Both worlds are characterised by Svankmajer’s unmistakable black humour and surrealistic settings. Eugene falls in love with a woman from his dreams and asks for help from a psychoanalyst, seated below the quarrelling figures of Freud and Jung.

cirkus columbia Danis Tanovic

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 113 min, Bosnian Prod: Cedomir Kolar, Marc Baschet, Amra Bak ic Camo, Mirsad Purivatra | Prod Comp: A.S.A.P. Films | Sc: Danis Tanovic, based on the novel by Ivica Dikic | Cam: Walther van den Ende | Ed: Petar Markovic | Prod Des: Dusko Milavec, Sanda Popovac | Sound Des: Samir Foco | With: Miki Manojlovic, Boris Ler, Mira Furlan, Jelena Stupljanin, Mario Knezovic, Milan Strljic | Sales: The Match Factory GmbH | Distr. NL: Cinéart Netherlands Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 22:15 PA6 [d.s.] Sat 29-1 10:15 PA1 [d.s.] Tue 1-2 10:00 CI4 [d.s.] Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 19:15 DWBZ [e.s.]

South Herzegovina, 1991. After the fall of Communism, the moment has arrived for Divko Buntic to return to the village he had to leave 20 years previously. The country has however now acquired a new democratic government, as a result of which everyone who made life difficult for Buntic under the Communist regime has suddenly been forgiven. He decides to take his revenge with small-scale harassment, assisted by his black cat, his girlfriend (who is 40 years younger) and the fortune he earned as an exile in Germany. At first things seem to go well, but then Buntic is overtaken by reality. Cirkus Columbia is set on the eve of the first Bosnian war, and Danis Tanovic (No Man’s Land) shows with flair and precision the struggle between the inhabitants, and their fiery characters. They give the country its unmistakable beauty and wealth, but also seem to shape its capricious history.





three Tom Tykwer

Germany, 2011 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:2.35, 119 min, German/English Prod: Stefan Arndt | Prod Comp: X-Filme Creative Pool | Sc: Tom Tykwer | Cam: Frank Griebe | Ed: Mathilde Bonnefoy | Prod Des: Uli Hanisch | Sound Des: Frank Kruse | Music: Reinhold Heil, Johnny Klimek, Gabriel Isaac Mounsey, Tom Tykwer | With: Sophie Rois, Sebastian Schipper, Devid Striesow | Sales: The Match Factory GmbH | Distr. NL: Benelux Film Distributors Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:15 LV5 [d.s.] Sat 5-2 10:15 PA1 [d.s.]

The latest film by Tom Tykwer, just like the François Truffaut classic Jules et Jim, is about a threeway relationship between two men and one woman. This time it’s a bisexual affair, situated in today’s Berlin. Hanna and Simon have for years had a happy relationship, until they both fall for the same man: the handsome and intelligent biologist Adam. For Hanna, her infatuation starts after a couple of chance encounters; for Simon, it’s a surprise that he feels attracted to a man. All three of them try to keep their affairs secret from the others, but this starts getting difficult when Hanna turns out to be pregnant. Three provides a playful and uninhibited look at sexuality. The erotic scenes are shown explicitly – also those between Simon and Adam. Stylistically, in this intelligent comedy, Tykwer returns to the visual bravura of his modern classic Run Lola Run. With many split screens, very sharp, clean images and a catchy soundtrack with cult-pop classics.

Autobiografia lui Nicolae ceausescu the Autobiography of Nicolae ceausescu

Andrei Ujica

Romania, 2010 | colour/ b&w, 35mm, 1:1.85, 180 min, Romanian Prod: Velvet Moraru | Prod Comp: Icon Production | Sc: Andrei Ujica | Ed: Dana Bunescu | Sound Des: Dana Bunescu | Sales: Mandragora International | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 18:30 PA7 Mon 31-1 19:30* LUX Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 18:15 CI3


The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu starts with the familiar, grainy and juddering shoulder-held images of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena just before their execution. What follows is beautiful archival footage of state visits, party congresses, visits to crowded stores. In the course of the film – the subdued and radical masterpiece lasts more than three hours – the manifestations show increasing signs of megalomania; people sing and clap for Ceausescu, his name is chanted during endless parades. There are beautiful colour shots of Ceausescu joining in a volleyball match. He stands by the net and with one hand he keeps pulling it down a little to try and get the ball over with his other hand. No one dares say a word. There is no narration or music and the most basic information (who, what, where, when) is also absent. The viewer has to decide at which moment Ceausescu finally loses all contact with reality: the moment when the idealist turned into a monster.



Incendies Denis Villeneuve

Canada, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 130 min, French/Arabic Prod: Luc Déry | Prod Comp: micro_scope | Sc: Denis Villeneuve, based on the play by Wajdi Mouawad | Cam: André Turpin | Ed: Monique Dartonne | Prod Des: André-Line Beauparlant | Sound Des: Sylvain Bellemare | Music: Grégoire Hetzel | With: Lubna Azabal, Mélissa DésormeauxPoulin, Maxim Gaudette, Rémy Girard, Abdelghafour Elaaziz | Sales: Entertainment One | Distr. NL: Cinéart Netherlands | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 18:30 PA7 [d.s.] Sun 30-1 21:45 LV5 [d.s.] Wed 2-2 19:30 DJZ [d.s.] Sat 5-2 16:45 SGZ [d.s.]

After the death of their mother, her last will has several surprises in store for twins Jeanne and Simon. They each have to deliver a sealed envelope: Jeanne to her father and Simon to his brother. However, their father has been dead for years and Simon and Jeanne had never heard of a brother. Jeanne leaves for the Middle East in the hope of unravelling these mysteries from her mother’s past, but is met by much opposition. Relatives and eyewitnesses would rather leave the painful past, ravaged by war, in peace. Incendies is a drama of fate, but also a gripping thriller: after various turns in the story, the denouement arrives as a hammer blow. The film by the Canadian Villeneuve (Maelström) is based on the play by the writer Wajdi Mouawad. The Dutch Ro Theater company was highly praised in 2010 with Branden, an adaptation of the play.

the tiger Factory Woo Ming Jin


Malaysia/Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 84 min, Mandarin/ Cantonese/Bahasa Prod: Woo Ming Jin, Edmund Yeo, Ando Kohei | Prod Comp: Greenlight Pictures, Kohei Ando Laboratory | Sc: Woo Ming Jin, Edmund Yeo | Cam: Wan Chun Hung | Ed: Edmund Yeo, Kenny Chua Kuang Eng | Prod Des: Bee Seow Wei | Sound Des: Cheong Pau San | Music: Kenny Chua Kuang Eng | With: Lai Fooi Mun, Pearlly Chua, Susan Lee | Print/Sales: Greenlight Pictures | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 13:15 PA6 Thu 3-2 18:45 PA5 Sat 5-2 14:45 CI5

Following on from the impressive Woman on Fire Looks for Water, for his next film Malaysian filmmaker Woo Ming Jin takes on the insufferable circumstances of nineteen-year-old Ping Ping. For Woo, economic factors are often decisive. Whereas in his last film a major role was set aside for love, in The Tiger Factory – filmed in a documentary style – such emotions are completely absent. Under the watchful gaze of her aunt Tien, Ping Ping works herself into the ground with several simultaneous jobs, in order to pay human traffickers to take her to Japan. Another of her ways to make some money is to become pregnant as a surrogate mother. But immediately following the birth, she is told that the baby is dead. Nevertheless, Ping Ping wants to escape her miserable existence at any price. She asks her aunt, who runs an illegal trade in babies, to arrange for her to become pregnant again.




Studien zum untergang des Abendlands

Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 80 min, no dialogue Prod: Klaus Wyborny | Prod Comp: Typee Film Hamburg | Sc: Klaus Wyborny | Cam: Klaus Wyborny | Ed: Klaus Wyborny | Music: Klaus Wyborny | Print/Sales: Typee Film Hamburg | Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:30 CI7 Sat 29-1 18:00 LV2 Fri 4-2 17:00 CI7


Studies for the Decay of the West Klaus Wyborny This experimental music film refers to Oswald Spengler’s world-famous philosophical work Der Untergang des Abendslandes (The Decay of the West, 1918). Culture pessimist Spengler argues that progress is an illusion and that the modern era brings little good. People are no longer able to understand the rationality of the world. Wyborny did not set out to make a film version of Spengler’s theories, but rather a visual reflection on the modern age; a stroboscopic journey in five parts to industrial, natural and urban landscapes. He uses 6,299 shots, edited directly in a Super-8 camera. Each piano note and violin vibrato evokes a new image: demolished buildings, rubble, destruction and nature, all shot between 1979 and 2010 in locations such as New York, the Ruhr, Hamburg, East Africa and Rimini. This film forms a counterpart to Wyborny’s previous films series Eine andere Welt. Lieder der Erde II (2004/2005).


speCTrum shorTs

Spectrum ShortS

(un)covered If you have a voice, you should use it. Two intriguing documentaries about democracy’s mysterious ways. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 13:45 LV3 Fri 28-1 10:00 LV2

Votul meu my Vote

Monica Lazurean-Gorgan

Amusing documentary about elections in a Romanian village. The incumbent mayor announces his umpteenth candidacy and tries to convince people to vote for him. A fascinating insight into a young democracy in which manipulation and deception are employed. europeAN premIere

Romania, 2010 | colour, video, 41 min, Romanian Prod: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan | Prod Comp: 4 Proof Film | Sc: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan | Cam: Radu Ionescu | Ed: Andrei Gorgan | Print/Sales: 4 Proof Film |

Nasha gazeta our Newspaper Eline Flipse

In Our Newspaper, reporter Andrej Shkolni does not write about what is being decided in faraway Moscow and impractical plans, but he does discuss the village that has had no water for three months, the farmer who found his dog by barking and the village doctor who cycles many kilometres a day at -26 C to visit her patients. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 58 min, Russian Prod: Eline Flipse | Prod Comp: Elifli Film | Sc: Eline Flipse | Cam: Erik van Empel | Ed: Puck Goossen | Sound Des: Paul Gies | Music: Maurice Horsthuis | Print/Sales: Elifli Film | Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 21:15 CI2



Spectrum ShortS

Africa Blue Whether you want to stay in Africa or would prefer to leave, there’s no easy way. Melancholy. Blues. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 12:00 LV4 Mon 31-1 09:45 LV3

o salão azul the Blue Salon Luciana Hees

The Blue Salon calmly, and without commentary, observes everyday activities at a hairdressing salon in Maputo and listens to the radio with the lead. A film replete with sensitively observed details and small visual and sound surprises. Mozambique, 2010 | colour, video, 19 min, Portuguese Prod: Luciana Hees | Cam: Luciana Hees | Ed: Luciana Hees | Sound Des: Luciana Hees, Manuel Jesus, Mambucho | Print/Sales: Luciana Hees

Kengere Peter Muhumuza Tukei

This story, innovatively told using puppets, relates an event whereby soldiers locked 69 people in a train and set fire to it. Later on, a cyclist returns to his village to look for a cassette tape that contains the voices of the victims. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Uganda, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 23 min, Luganda Prod: Abbie Heffelfinger | Prod Comp: Rural | Sc: Peter Muhumuza Tukei | Cam: Peter Muhumuza Tukei | Ed: Sunna Peter | Prod Des: Peter Muhumuza Tukei | Sound Des: Sunna Peter | Music: Sunna Peter | With: Nabuyondo Nightingale | Print/Sales: Rural

Zedcrew Noah Pink

The filmmaker travelled to Zambia to shoot a documentary for an NGO. In his spare time he wrote a story about a hip hop artist and his friends who want to emigrate to America illegally. Zambia/Canada, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 45 min, English Prod: Noah Pink, Christopher Porter | Prod Comp: I Like You Productions Inc. | Sc: Noah Pink | Cam: Christopher Porter | Ed: Christopher Cooper | Prod Des: Noah Pink, Christopher Porter | Sound Des: Noah Pink | Music: Alvin Fungo aka The Lyricist | With: Alvin Fungo, Starn Ng’andu, Dexter Siwingwa, Medalia Banda | Print: I Like You Productions Inc. | Sales: BOGEYDOM licensing | Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 16:15 CI3



Spectrum ShortS

Apart together Sometimes we can’t live with them, but even more often we can’t live without our loved ones, family or fellow humans. About the fragility of mankind, relationships and existence. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 21:45 LV3 Mon 31-1 13:45 LV3

Juanita Nina Yuen

Nina Yuen does not distinguish between her sources, between fact and fiction, but mixes them, almost haphazardly. Personal stories from her childhood and other people’s experiences, literary sources and other information are combined. Her work is like leafing through a secret diary. WorLD premIere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 5 min, English Prod: Nina Yuen | Sc: Nina Yuen | Cam: Nina Yuen | Ed: Nina Yuen | Prod Des: Nina Yuen | Sound Des: Nina Yuen | Music: Nina Yuen | With: Nina Yuen | Sales: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk

herna Josef Dabernig

Stylishly shot drama about gambling addiction. A man loses his sense of time and place gambling, while his wife and child wait in the car. The soundtrack, a radio play by Bruno Pellandini, provides an oddly dramatic counterbalance. On life and death, possessions and loss. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Austria, 2010 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.37, 17 min, German Prod: Josef Dabernig | Sc: Bruno Pellandini, Josef Dabernig | Cam: Christian Giesser | Ed: Josef Dabernig | Sound Des: Michael Palm | With: Filip Cenek, Josef Dabernig, Prokop Holoubek, Barbora Sedivá, Ruben Helia | Print/Sales: sixpackfilm |

A Dream L.A. Raeven, Daan Appels

Dutch artist twins L.A. Raeven have been making controversial works on western standards of beauty and their position as twins in that framework for 10 years. This short, poignant work visualises a dream Angelique had after breaking her hip. Her calls will haunt you. Netherlands, 2010 | b&w, video, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: L.A. Raeven, Daan Appels | Sc: L.A. Raeven, Daan Appels | Cam: Daan Appels | Ed: Daan Appels | Sound Des: Daan Appels | With: L.A. Raeven | Print/Sales: Ellen de Bruijne Projects |



Spectrum ShortS

on the Way to the Sea Gu Tao

Filmmaker returns to Wenchuan where he was born and which was hit by the most devastating earthquake in Chinese history with 70,000 deaths, 375,000 seriously injured and over 17,000 people missing. His parents survived, but lost everything. How does an artist deal with this much suffering? europeAN premIere

Canada/China, 2010 | b&w, video, 20 min, Mandarin Prod: Gu Tao | Prod Comp: GreenGround Productions | Sc: Gu Tao | Cam: Yu Xun, Pan Feng | Ed: Gu Tao | Prod Des: Gu Tao | Sound Des: Gu Tao | Music: Francis Dhomont, Robert Normandeau, Nicolas Bernier, Delphine Measroch | With: Gu Chuan-shu, Li Yungen | Print/Sales: GreenGround Productions |

Il giardino della speranza the Garden of hope Antonello Faretta

The diagnosis multiple sclerosis was a shock. We see how he subsequently fills his days with treatments and fights to get back on his feet again. We are party to the hope and despair, the courage and dignity, and his love of life. WorLD premIere

Italy, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 23 min, Italian Prod: Antonello Faretta | Prod Comp: Noeltan Film Studio | Sc: Antonello Faretta | Cam: Antonello Faretta | Ed: Antonello Faretta | Prod Des: Adriana Bruno | Sound Des: Antonello Faretta | Music: Alan Vega, This Mortal Coil | With: Marco Lopomo | Print/Sales: Noeltan Film Studio |



Spectrum ShortS

Blind Spots A feast for the eyes, but nothing else in this programme is what it initially seems. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 14:00 LV6 Sun 30-1 14:00 LV6

Get out of the car Thom Andersen

Although L.A. has appeared in more films than any other city, Thom Andersen believes that it has not been well served by these films. He became gradually obsessed with making a proper L.A. city symphony film, concentrating on small fragments of the cityscape: billboards, advertising signs, wall paintings, music fragments, building facades. USA, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 34 min, English/Spanish Prod: Thom Andersen | Cam: Madison Brookshire, Adam R. Levine | Ed: Adam R. Levine | Sound Des: Craig Smith | With: Thom Andersen | Print/Sales: LUX

trypps #7 (Badlands) Ben Russell

‘Concerned with notions of the romantic sublime, phenomenological experience and secular spiritualism, Trypps #7 continues (2010 Tiger Award Nominee) Russell’s unique investigation into the possibilities of cinema as a site for transcendence.’ Michael Green – Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago USA, 2010 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Ben Russell | Cam: Ben Russell | Ed: Ben Russell | Sound Des: Ben Russell | With: Ruth Gruca | Print/Sales: Ben Russell |

possessed Fred Worden

In his films, Fred Worden plays with the conventions of cinematic illusion like a magician. In Possessed he uses an excerpt of a train passing from the 1932 feature film of the same name. Doubling and flipping the images creates contrary illusionary movements. europeAN premIere

USA, 2010 | b&w, video, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Fred Worden | Sc: Fred Worden | Music: Michael Schumacher | With: Joan Crawford | Print/Sales: Fred Worden |



Spectrum ShortS

coming Attractions Peter Tscherkassky

Austrian master Peter Tscherkassky’s latest epic is a sly comedy that excavates the relationship between early cinema and the avant-garde by way of advertising. With references to Méliès, les Lumières, Cocteau and Fernand Léger, Coming Attractions playfully explores cinema’s subliminal possibilities. Austria, 2010 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.37, 25 min, no dialogue Prod: Peter Tscherkassky | Sc: Peter Tscherkassky | Cam: Peter Tscherkassky | Ed: Peter Tscherkassky | Prod Des: Peter Tscherkassky | Sound Des: Dirk Schaefer | Print/Sales: sixpackfilm |



Spectrum ShortS

cinema reloaded The results of the Cinema Reloaded project: two young directors made a short film aided by a few hundred co-producers. Public SCREENING: Sun 30-1 18:15 PA3

No one Is Illegal Ho Yuhang

The filmmaker has many friends in Jakarta, knows the place and the people, has a soft spot for Indonesia. It is hard for him to understand that people live there who hate him and his home country of Malaysia and would love to declare war on it. So he asked them why. Also screens in the compilation programme Loaded and Reloaded on Mon 31 Jan and before Tiger Eyes on Thu 3 Feb. WorLD premIere

Malaysia/Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 25 min, Indonesian Prod: Lorna Tee, Amanda Marahimin | Prod Comp: Paperheart Sdn. Bhd. | Cam: Rhino Ariefiansyah, Tumpal Cristian Tampubolon, Rey Saroso, Soo Mun Thye | Ed: Soo Mun Thye, Ho Yuhang | Music: Dave Lumenta | Sales: Paperheart Sdn. Bhd. | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam EXTRA SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 16:15* LV2 Thu 3-2 17:15* LV2

random Strangers Alexis Dos Santos

Two people on opposite sides of the world enter into a relationship in a virtual world. Lulu and Rocky live in Buenos Aires and Berlin respectively. Their daily lives are very different to the exciting, fun virtual world they create for each other. Also screens before Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then on Mon 31 Jan and before Tiger Eyes on Tue 1 Feb. WorLD premIere

United Kingdom/Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 25 min, English/German/Spanish Prod: Valentina Brazzini, Soledad Gatti-Pascual | Prod Comp: The Bureau Film Company | Sc: Laurence Coriat, Alexis Dos Santos | Cam: Alexis Dos Santos, Flora Lau | Ed: Saskia Kievits, Alexis Dos Santos | Prod Des: Elisa Miller | Sound Des: Evelien van der Molen | Music: Flor Braier, Samy Challah, Alexis Dos Santos, Roi Erez, Robin Todd | With: Inès Efron, Samy Challah | Sales: The Bureau Film Company | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam EXTRA SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 12:45* PA5 Tue 1-2 12:15* PA3



Spectrum ShortS

crisis? What crisis? Hasn’t the crisis finished yet? Six ways to beat the credit crunch, including a dubious lesson in neoliberalism. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 20:00 LV6 Mon 31-1 22:15 LV6

In ictu oculi Greta Alfaro

‘In ictu oculi (In the blink of an eye) is a work about the vulnerability of life on the appearance of absolute control that we are trying to create around us, and on violence as something perpetually dormant but always perceived as something extraordinary or extraneous.’ (GA) Spain, 2009 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Greta Alfaro | Sc: Greta Alfaro | Print/Sales: Greta Alfaro |

Babel Hendrick Dusollier

Director Dusollier portrays contemporary China in photographs, films and animation like some futuristic show box. A young man and a girl travel from the mountains to Shanghai’s skyscrapers. She is looking for prosperity; he is looking for her. Their opportunities diverge in this hallucinogenic allegory. France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 15 min, no dialogue Prod: Hendrick Dusollier | Prod Comp: StudioHdk Productions | Sc: Hendrick Dusollier | Cam: Hendrick Dusollier | Ed: Hendrick Dusollier | Prod Des: Hendrick Dusollier | Music: Jean-François Viguié | With: Xiao Peng, Tian Chao, Zhang Chi | Print/Sales: StudioHdk Productions

the Anarchist Banker Jan Peter Hammer

Insightfully updated version of a short story by poet Fernando Pessoa from 1922. The setting is a talk show immediately after the credit crunch. The guest a banker without remorse. Eloquently he entraps us and takes us through the incontrovertible logic of high finance. Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 29 min, English Prod: Jan Peter Hammer | Sc: Ana Teixeira Pinto | Cam: Ingolf Rech, Martin Hoffmann | Ed: Jan Peter Hammer | Prod Des: Jan Peter Hammer | Sound Des: Christian Schossig | Music: Niels Lorenz | With: John Quincy Long, Tomas Spencer | Print/Sales: Supportico Lopez |



Spectrum ShortS

populus tremula Benj Gerdes, Jennifer Hayashida

How the economy’s all-encompassing nature resounds in something as small as a match. Beautiful word and image experiment developed from research into the ‘match king’ Ivar Kreuger (1880-1932), the inventor of short-term capital and monopolism. His Swedish Match factories operate to this day. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Sweden/USA, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 9 min, silent Prod: Benj Gerdes, Jennifer Hayashida | Sc: Benj Gerdes, Jennifer Hayashida | Cam: Benj Gerdes, Jennifer Hayashida | Ed: Benj Gerdes, Jennifer Hayashida | Print: Benj Gerdes | Sales: Goran Petrovic |

crises of capitalism RSA

Radical sociologist David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that really could be responsible, just, and humane? Based on a Royal Society for the Arts lecture, this is just one in a series of brilliantly cogent RSA Animate videos. WorLD premIere

United Kingdom, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 12 min, English Prod: Andrew Park | Prod Comp: Cognitive Media | Print/ Sales: RSA |

Wasteland Kathleen Quillian

Through stop-motion animation, Wasteland follows the path of the industrial food system from field to table and back. It shows how the industry operates at the expense of the health of the society it was designed to nourish. Inspired by Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma. europeAN premIere

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Kathleen Quillian | Cam: Kathleen Quillian | Ed: Kathleen Quillian | Prod Des: Kathleen Quillian | Sound Des: Kathleen Quillian | Print/Sales: Kathleen Quillian |



Spectrum ShortS

Farewell A farewell can be final and forever. It can also be temporary. Yet the latter can be equally dramatic. Equally cinematic. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 14:00 LV4 Sun 30-1 11:45 LV3

Sakerareru koto exhalation

Edmund Yeo

A young woman returns to her birthplace for an ex-classmate’s funeral. She and a friend lose themselves in melancholy. The director is Malaysian which may explain the attention paid to the Japanese aspects of the place and the atmosphere. Nonetheless, it is a film with a universal message about loss. europeAN premIere

Japan/Malaysia, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 22 min, Japanese Prod: Itagaki Maiko, Sugino Kiki | Prod Comp: Kohei Ando Laboratory, WA Entertainment Inc. | Sc: Edmund Yeo, Maiko Itagaki | Cam: Shin Hayasaka | Ed: Edmund Yeo | Sound Des: Sota Torigoe | Music: Wong Woan Foong | With: Sugino Kiki, Tomoe Shinohara | Print/Sales: Edmund Yeo |

Fatiha Margaret Bong

The filmmaker’s synopsis consisted of four words: ‘Last ride with mama’. She clearly did not want to give anything away, so why should we? WorLD premIere

Malaysia, 2011 | colour, video, 23 min, Bahasa Prod: Margaret Bong | Prod Comp: Joonloo Studio Sdn Bhd | Sc: Margaret Bong, Leonard Selva | Cam: Wong Chun Leong | Ed: Kok Kai Foong | Prod Des: Marge Jen | Sound Des: Christopher Higgis | Music: Epip Nagro | Print/Sales: Finas

When the end of Winter Is Almost Spring Sherman Ong

It seems like an ordinary household with a father, his new wife and his son, but jealousy plays a bigger role than usual, as do passion, seduction and all the other emotions which can derail a relationship. A dancing family. Literally. europeAN premIere

Singapore, 2010 | colour, video, 20 min, Mandarin Prod: Sherman Ong | Prod Comp: Studio Shermano | Sc: Sherman Ong | Cam: Looi Wan Ping | Ed: Kent Chan | Prod Des: Looi Wan Ping | Sound Des: Brenda Zheng, Sherman Ong | Music: Brenda Zheng | With: Kuik Swee Boon, Xiao Jing, Vincent Yong | Print/Sales: 13 Little Pictures |



Spectrum ShortS

Film travel Thirteen distributors of experimental film and video art each selected a short film from their collection. Public SCREENING: Sun 30-1 20:00 LV6

Los orígenes del marketing

the origins of marketing León Siminiani

León Siminiani takes us to India on a road trip that combines improvisational elements from shooting a nonfiction film with sharp commentary, suspenseful narrative and visual twists, challenging the limits of fiction and nonfiction filmmaking and giving us a peek into the process of creation. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Spain, 2010 | colour, video, 6 min, Spanish Prod: Elías León Siminiani | Prod Comp: Centre de cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) | Sc: León Siminiani | Cam: León Siminiani | Ed: León Siminiani | Print/Sales: HAMACA, Media & Video Art Distribution from Spain |

Après le feu After the Fire

Jacques Perconte

A train journey through a rough mountain terrain taking the experimentation with colour and digital aesthetics to an effectual fragmented deconstruction of the vista into its building blocks. The railway line splits the ground and cuts through the image in perpetual motion as it struggles to reach the vanishing point ahead. France, 2010 | colour, video, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Charles Habib-Drouot | Prod Comp: Triptyque Films | Sc: Jacques Perconte | Cam: Jacques Perconte | Ed: Jacques Perconte | Prod Des: Jacques Perconte | Sound Des: Jacques Perconte | Music: Arnaud Castagne | Print/Sales: Collectif Jeune Cinéma |

o quam tristis o how Sad Maite Abella

A meditation on the generational tension between a mother and daughter, captured during a harmonious stroll to the beach – a prelude to the wrestling sequence. In the increasing disarray of their intermingled bodies, a touching poignancy resurfaces. Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Maite Abella | Sc: Maite Abella | Cam: Maite Abella | Print/Sales: Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art e.V.



Spectrum ShortS

münchen-Berlin Wanderung

Walking from munich to Berlin Oskar Fischinger

In 1927, motivated by a longing for freedom, Fischinger set off on a walking trip from Munich to Berlin. Covering the distance in nearly four weeks, he captured the country’s hidden beauty. His voyage serves as a symbolical transition and underlines a belief that people are the same everywhere. Germany, 1927 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 5 min, silent Prod: Oskar Fischinger | Cam: Oskar Fischinger | Ed: Oskar Fischinger | Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

travelogue Jani Ruscica

Travelogue points at two historically popular forms of travel entertainment: the moving panorama and the travelogue film. A meditation between space and time, it highlights the gap between idea and experience and the difficulties inherent in creating representations of a place. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Finland/United Kingdom, 2010 | b&w, video, 8 min, English Prod: Jani Ruscica, Ben Roberts | Cam: Anu Keränen | Print/Sales: AVarkki ry |

La voûte the roof

Philippe Rouy

A boat trip under a bridge – an etude that experiments with the interplay of light, focus, depth of field, motion and projection. There and back from the reverse to the return, the light is throbbing, penetrating the senses. France, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, silent Prod: Philippe Rouy | Sc: Philippe Rouy | Cam: Philippe Rouy | Ed: Philippe Rouy | Prod Des: Philippe Rouy | Sound Des: Philippe Rouy | Music: Philippe Rouy | Print/Sales: Heure Exquise!

route 666 George Kuchar

Somewhere beyond nowhere, a kaleidoscope of nature depicted in various weather conditions turns into a video ode to landscape imagery and a diary to Kuchar’s masterful, yet playful, rendering of nature on paper via crayon drawings and puppet mastery. USA, 1994 | colour, video, 8 min, English Prod: George Kuchar | Sc: George Kuchar | Cam: George Kuchar | Ed: George Kuchar | Print/Sales: Video Data Bank |



Spectrum ShortS

Film ist mehr als Film Film Is more than Film Gustav Deutsch

24 terms associated with cinema in 60 seconds. Deutsch assembles formulas and slogans about film accompanied by 24 2-second ‘quotes’ from film soundtracks, interrupted by 24 frames of eye movement, framed by the phrase Film Is More Than Film. Austria, 1996 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 1 min, no dialogue Prod: Gustav Deutsch | Sc: Gustav Deutsch | Cam: Gustav Deutsch | Sound Des: Dietmar Schipek | Print/Sales: sixpackfilm

Sa, 29. Juni/Arctic circle Sat., 29th of June/Arctic circle Gustav Deutsch

Sourced from found footage, Deutsch puts together the home video of two couples on a trip from Vienna to the North Cape and achieves the creation of an original experimental film. On Saturday 29 June, the couples reach the polar circle and stop in front of a sign that says ‘Arctic Circle’. Austria, 1990 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Gustav Deutsch | Sc: Gustav Deutsch | Ed: Gustav Deutsch | Print/Sales: sixpackfilm

three poems By Spoon Jackson #1 Michel Wenzer

Moving and poetic, Potbelly Stove is part one of the Three Poems By Spoon Jackson and is interlaced with recordings of Jackson’s telephone conversations from prison. Jackson’s verses blend with imagery and music that capture an emotionally tormented landscape and a political disparity. Sweden, 2003 | colour, video, 5 min, English Prod: Michel Wenzer | Prod Comp: Michel Wenzer Production | Sc: Michel Wenzer | Cam: Michel Wenzer | Ed: Michel Wenzer | Prod Des: Michel Wenzer | Sound Des: Michel Wenzer | With: voice of Spoon Jackson | Print/Sales: Filmform

horizontal Intimacy Cho Seoungho

Located at a busy airport terminal, the viewer is exposed to various fields of vision that alternate the images shot from above and below, restricting but also expanding the perspective. The images are only partly recognisable and so they provide us with insufficient context to detect a possible equilibrium. WorLD premIere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 8 min, no dialogue Prod: Cho Seoungho | Sc: Cho Seoungho | Cam: Cho Seoungho | Ed: Cho Seoungho | Prod Des: Cho Seoungho | Sound Des: Cho Seoungho | Sales: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk



Spectrum ShortS

the Boat Marco Pando

From the shores of the Dutch sea, as a metaphor for the discoverer’s journey and the journey of those who were discovered, ten immigrants perform a walk in the shape of a boat through the city of Amsterdam and back to the sea. The narrow streets and main squares of Amsterdam represent the historical stage of past and present. Netherlands, 2009 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Marco Pando | Sc: Marco Pando | Cam: Rolf Dekens, Luuk Zonnenberg | Ed: Michiel de Wit | With: Marcone da Cruz Pereira, Pulo Noe Chavez Cisneros, Bruno Cesar Jamil Ismail, Van Canh Vo, Adrian Ayala Sierra | Sales: Marco Pando | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands

Japan tapes Dan Asher

Japan Tapes is a collection of brief videotaped encounters recorded during Asher’s travels to Japan. More poetic than ethnographic, the works playfully read the surfaces of Japanese modern life as it reacts to its American visitor. USA/Japan, 1997 | colour, video, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Dan Asher | Cam: Dan Asher | Print/Sales: Electronic Arts Intermix |

the cave Helen Haig-Brown

The Cave follows the fantastical journey of a bear hunter on horseback who accidentally discovers a portal to the afterlife. It was inspired by an audio recorded narration of Haig-Brown’s great-uncle telling a true Tsilhqot’in tale. Canada, 2009 | colour, video, 10 min, Tsilhqot’in Prod: Helen Haig-Brown | Sc: Helen Haig-Brown | Cam: Randy Che | Ed: Luis Almazan, Alec MacNeill Richardson | With: Edmund Lulua | Print/Sales: V Tape



Spectrum ShortS

Films & performances 1 To end the day, an exceptional combination of film and one-off live performances. Public SCREENING: Fri 28-1 22:30 LV1

traject Edward Luyken

‘Let me enlighten your soul and drive out demons’, is the assignment Edward Luyken set himself for his new film. We see an animated series of paintings and sculptures. His latest gain is a 16mm editing desk. Chess once again plays a prominent role as does the canoe. And a friend dies. Performed with a live soundtrack. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, 16mm, 14 min, no dialogue Prod: Thomas Luyken, Lucas Luyken | Prod Comp: Stichting Celvast | Print/Sales: Stichting Celvast

charlemagne 3: pastrami recordings Pip Chodorov

City Symphony avant-garde filmmaker Pip Chodorov always has his Super-8 and 16mm cameras with him. The images he shot over the past few years in New York constitute the basis for this small urban symphony. Soundtrack by another New Yorker now residing in Europe: minimalist composer Charlemagne Palestine. France/USA, 2009 | colour/b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 32 min, no dialogue Prod: Pip Chodorov | Cam: Pip Chodorov | Ed: Pip Chodorov | Sound Des: Charlemagne Palestine | Music: Charlemagne Palestine | Print/Sales: Pip Chodorov

performance coolhaven Using all the technology currently available and a human voice, Coolhaven searches for the most essential sound possible with maximum effectiveness. The audience are taken in by their alienating performances, which are extremely direct, mysterious and sometimes also very vague.

Coolhaven is: Peter Fengler, Hajo Doorn, Lukas Simonis and Donkey Hare Joe Performance | 40 min



Spectrum ShortS

Films & performances 2 To end the day, an exceptional combination of film and one-off live performances. Public SCREENING: Sun 30-1 22:30 LV1

think About Wood, think About metal Manon de Boer

Poetic portrait of Robyn Schulkowsky, who has worked with John Cage, Karlheinz Stochhausen, John Zorn and Christian Wolff. Her percussion improvisations occupy a large part in the film. Rhythm and the non-linear structuring of time play a major part, with the focus also on more abstract notions such as memory, history and life. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Belgium/Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 48 min, English Prod: Marie Logie | Prod Comp: Auguste Orts | Sc: Manon de Boer | Cam: SĂŠbastien Koeppel | Ed: Manon de Boer | Sound Des: George van Dam | Music: Robyn Schulkowsky | With: Robyn Schulkowsky | Print/Sales: Auguste Orts |

Lichenometry The European premiere of the first live cinema project by abstract filmmaker Joost Rekveld. Fluid forms and organic textures that have a basis in biological models of symbiosis. Live images: Joost Rekveld Live music: Yannis Kyriakides and Andy Moor (The Ex) Performance | 50 min



Spectrum ShortS

the Future Is history A searing abstraction of J.M.W. Turner, materialist studies of London’s East End and a European premiere from 2009’s Tiger Shorts Award winner Beatrice Gibson. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:00 LV2 Sat 29-1 12:00 LV2

A Walk with Nigel Louis Henderson

A Walk with Nigel is a video essay that constructs a dialogue between two artists from two different times, between movement and stillness, between speech and silence. An archaeological study of a community, reawakening the archive in the present. A materialist study of streets and social relations. (LH) United Kingdom, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 22 min, English Prod: Louis Henderson | Cam: Louis Henderson | Ed: Louis Henderson | Sound Des: Louis Henderson, Pierre-Alexandre Simoes | Print/Sales: Louis Henderson

Slave Ship T. Marie

A searing abstraction with a hot palette updates a classic scene in reference to today’s skewed social hierarchy. The apocalyptic sublime of J.M.W. Turner’s 1840 masterpiece The Slave Ship is the source for T. Marie’s timebased pixel painting-film Slave Ship. europeAN premIere

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 6 min, no dialogue Prod: T. Marie | Sc: T. Marie | Cam: T. Marie | Ed: T. Marie | Print/Sales: T. Marie |

the Future’s Getting old Like the rest of us Beatrice Gibson

Born in Rotterdam where Tiger Shorts Award winner Beatrice Gibson met writer George Clark, the film, set in an old people’s home, was conceived in the format of a TV play featuring eight simultaneous monologues and was edited employing the logic of a musical score. Vigorous work! europeAN premIere

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 48 min, English Prod: Beatrice Gibson | Sc: Beatrice Gibson | With: Roger Booth, Corinne Skinner Carter, Janet Henfrey, Ram John Holder, Anne Firbank, John Tilbury, William Hoyland, Jane Wood | Print/Sales: LUX



Spectrum ShortS

Get a Life Life takes many unexpected turns. There is no point in running away but reconsidering decisions does help sometimes. What this leads to is never certain. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 20:00 LV6 Fri 28-1 12:00 LV6

Groeien Grow

Johan Rijpma

Grow is a study of control, form and movement. The film shows us natural forms, formations and movements becoming gradually more controlled and artificial. In this way, the filmmaker studies his unpredictable environment. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Johan Rijpma | Sc: Johan Rijpma | Cam: Johan Rijpma | Ed: Johan Rijpma | Sales: EYE Film Institute Netherlands | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands |

Det kan vi ikke gjøre lenger

that We can No Longer Do Matias Rygh, Mathias Eriksen

Oskar attempts to articulate his emotions to a woman, while the images of his last moments with his older brother return to him. Experienced through the memories of a younger brother, a tragic event is explained but cannot be fully comprehended. What can we expect of our own demise? INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Norway, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 5 min, Norwegian Prod: Matias Rygh, Mathias Eriksen | Prod Comp: Disorder Films | Sc: Matias Rygh, Mathias Eriksen | Cam: Matias Rygh | Ed: Matias Rygh, Mathias Eriksen | With: Oskar Pask, Henrik Pask, Ingunn Jørstad | Print/Sales: Disorder Films

Ja vec jesam sve ono sto zelim da imam

I Already Am everything I Want to have

Dane Komljen

After arguing with his girlfriend, Daniël calls on his sister. Both of them are a little down in the dumps. The maker uses penetrating camera work and gets in close to the main characters for an impressive portrait of an apparently directionless generation. Serbia, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 35 min, Serbian Prod: Dusan Miceta | Prod Comp: Faculty of Dramatic Arts | Sc: Dane Komljen | Cam: Relja Ilic | Ed: Jelena Maksimovic | Prod Des: Ivana Karisik, Dusko Ruljevic | Sound Des: Jakov Munizaba | Music: Danilo Nikodinovski | Print/Sales: Dane Komljen



Spectrum ShortS

Aliki Richard Wiebe

An encounter with a flamingo at an ancient salt lake in Cyprus. For centuries, Cyprus has seen the arrival of visitors and invaders. Today a visiting man sings: Pharmacist, oh pharmacist / I want medicine for myself / My heart, my heart, my heart is beating like this / My heart is afflicted because of you. USA, 2010 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Richard Wiebe | Cam: Richard Wiebe | Ed: Richard Wiebe | Sound Des: Richard Wiebe | Print/Sales: Richard Wiebe

All that Sheltering emptiness Gina Carducci, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore

Fragments from the life of a New York call boy. Whilst the camera makes a detailed observation of the hotel environments his escapades take place in – elevators, the receptionist, hundred dollar bills, the bathroom – he paints a disarming picture of his work. europeAN premIere

USA, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 7 min, English Prod: Gina Carducci | Sc: Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore | Cam: Gina Carducci | Ed: Gina Carducci | Sound Des: Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore | Print: Gina Carducci | Sales: Canyon Cinema

Beyond enchantment Lawrence Jordan

Lawrence Jordan went to school with Brakhage, worked with Joseph Cornell and was one of Canyon Cinema’s founding directors. Moreover, since 1952 he has brought forth an extraordinary body of handcrafted cinema. ‘His content is subtle, his technique is perfect, his personal style unmistakable.’ ( Jonas Mekas) USA, 2010 | colour/b&w, 16mm, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Lawrence Jordan | Sc: Lawrence Jordan | Cam: Lawrence Jordan | Ed: Lawrence Jordan | Print/Sales: LUX |



Spectrum ShortS

All Flowers in time Jonathan Caouette

‘I am not from this place,’ declares a French cowboy. An old man asks, ‘Do you know why you’re here?’ These shape-shifting personalities infect young women and children with an evil signal in the form of a Dutch TV show, which makes them believe they can transform into other beings. Bizarre horror from Caouette (Tarnation). USA/Canada, 2010 | colour, video, 13 min, English/Dutch Prod: Jonathan Caouette, Phoebe Greenberg | Prod Comp: Tarnation Films, Phi Group Inc | Sc: Jonathan Caouette | Cam: Sean Kirby | Ed: Jessica Brunetto | Prod Des: Jonathan Caouette | Sound Des: Scott Hirsch | Music: Buffy Sainte-Marie, Gustav Mahler | With: Chloë Sevigny, Chandler Frantz, Adolph Davis, Joshua Caouette, David Logan Rankin | Print/Sales: Phi Group Inc |

homecoming You can still come home in Thailand. Everyone grew up in a green village and loves to return home from the hectic city or the front. But did anyone wait for you? Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 11:45 LV3 Fri 28-1 20:00 LV2

All that remains Wichanon Somumjarn

This short film’s story is a fragment which will one day be incorporated into a feature film. For the latter, the filmmaker scours his memory for forgotten anecdotes. The process of remembering becomes a model for the film to be made. A collection of excerpts. A memory machine. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Thailand, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, Thai Prod: Anocha Suwichakornpong | Prod Comp: Electric Eel Films Co, ltd | Sc: Wichanon Somumjarn | Cam: Wichanon Somumjarn | Ed: Wichanon Somumjarn | Prod Des: Wichanon Somumjarn | Sound Des: Wichanon Somumjarn | With: Kasempong Seepunchart, Muneesin Somumjarn, Khwanta Loosuke | Print/Sales: Electric Eel Films Co, ltd



Spectrum ShortS


my Father Pimpaka Towira

Everything seems peaceful in the lush village, but a local railwayman is in conflict with his bosses. He continues to fight for his rights even though his family suffers. All the way to Bangkok. But he will return disappointed. The powers that be are not easy to conquer. europeAN premIere

Thailand, 2010 | colour, video, 22 min, Thai Prod: Chatchai Chaiyon | Prod Comp: Extra Virgin Co., Ltd. | Sc: Pimpaka Towira | Cam: Phuttipong Aroonpheng | Ed: Benjamaporn Rattanaraungdetch | Sound Des: Akritchalerm Kalayamit | With: Thongchai Heaughome, Nattakarn Apaiwong, Sawinee Yawnprasert | Print/Sales: Extra Virgin Co., Ltd. |


terribly happy Pimpaka Towira

Being a soldier in Thailand is a hard job as they are often used against their own people, in the Muslim south, for example. Soldiers get leave just once a year. This film follows a soldier back to his village where he makes the bitter discovery that his girl didn’t wait for him. WorLD premIere

Thailand, 2011 | colour, video, 30 min, Thai Prod: Chatchai Chaiyon | Prod Comp: Extra Virgin Co., Ltd. | Sc: Pimpaka Towira | Cam: Phuttipong Aroonpheng | Ed: Chaloemkiat Saeyong, Thanet Tatanakul | Prod Des: Vikrom Janpanus | Sound Des: Akritchalerm Kalayamit | With: Nopavat Onsee-tha, Chontida Praton, Yanee Kongnakoo | Print/Sales: Extra Virgin Co., Ltd. |

cherie pen look krueng Korean cherie Is Korean-thai

Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit

Made for ActionAid, an NGO that combats poverty. The filmmaker hasfound a witty angle for recording the tough lives of female building labourers in Thailand. A diva-like actress interviews the builders whilst ‘preparing for a role’. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Thailand, 2010 | colour, video, 19 min, Thai Prod: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit | Prod Comp: N/A | Sc: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit | Cam: Saran Srisingchai | Ed: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit | Prod Des: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit | Sound Des: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit | Music: Rutt Saardying | With: Siriporn Arunsangsuree, Sumana Junkoses, Sungwien Chumnan, Sutthiket Kongthaworn | Print/Sales: N/A |



Spectrum ShortS

human condition The world is no longer the same, but Weltschmerz has changed accordingly. Stop-motion, vintage computer animation, where YouTube and Second Life are used to address existential problems. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 20:00 LV6 Sat 29-1 18:00 LV6

remisequenz Xenia Lesniewski

Remisequenz guides the audience through a seemingly recognisable world, which repeatedly slips into obscurity. The viewers determine what they see or want to see, and the experience is reinforced by the slightly disturbing soundtrack. Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Xenia Lesniewski | Prod Comp: Supersensibel Production | Sc: Xenia Lesniewski | Cam: Xenia Lesniewski | Ed: Xenia Lesniewski | Prod Des: Xenia Lesniewski | Sound Des: Xenia Lesniewski | Music: Xenia Lesniewski | Print/ Sales: Supersensibel Production |

Insideout Tonje Alice Madsen

24 hours set the frame for a journey into the dark depths of the YouTube jungle, far from slapstick humour and teenage vlogs. The characters reveal their thoughts, dilemmas and crises as if they were in a confession box. We are led to wonder what makes them open up so intimately and who they are really addressing. europeAN premIere

Denmark, 2010 | colour, video, 25 min, English Prod: Tonje Alice Madsen | Ed: Tonje Alice Madsen | Print/Sales: Tonje Alice Madsen

the Ascent of man Tommy Hartung

The title ‘The Ascent of Man’ is adapted from the 1973 BBC documentary of the same name on humanity’s ascent from proto-ape to modern man. Mixing elements of original footage with stop motion animation, Hartung investigates common mythmaking and storytelling tropes employed to entertain public television audiences. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

USA, 2009 | colour, video, 15 min, English Prod: Tommy Hartung | Sc: Tommy Hartung | Cam: Tommy Hartung | Ed: Tommy Hartung | Print/Sales: Tommy Hartung |



Spectrum ShortS

cities of Gold and mirrors Cyprien Gaillard

The Mexican city of Cancún, founded in 1970, offers a landscape infused with a spirit of anachronism and ruin. While hedonistic young American tourists invoke a contemporary discourse of decadence and decay, the glass-and-steel hotels built upon the physical ruins of the mighty Mayan Empire articulate a historicised vision. United Kingdom/Mexico/Germany, 2009 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Laura Bartlett | Prod Comp: Laura Bartlett Gallery | Sc: Cyprien Gaillard | Cam: Cyprien Gaillard | Ed: Cyprien Gaillard | Print/Sales: Laura Bartlett Gallery |

thalé Barry Doupé

Barry Doupé makes animations in an archaic computer style. Thalé represents a series of botanical fantasies accompanied by a synthesizer soundtrack, as if WikiLeaks had published a catalogue of alien life forms from the 1970s. Canada, 2009 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Barry Doupé | Sc: Barry Doupé | Cam: Barry Doupé | Ed: Barry Doupé | Prod Des: Barry Doupé | Sound Des: Barry Doupé | Music: Barry Doupé | Print/Sales: Barry Doupé |

prim Limit eteam

If second lives have grown into the landscape of social network space and avatars engage a full range of human emotions and experience, it follows that they would eventually encounter existential questions. Artist duo eteam traces this fascinating unexpected trajectory with Prim Limit. USA, 2009 | colour, video, 32 min, English Prod: eteam | Sc: eteam | Print/Sales: Video Data Bank |



Spectrum ShortS

Kino climates Vital film making and performance from some of Europe’s most unique cinemas including a very special, very bloody Rotterdam world premiere. Public SCREENING: Mon 31-1 19:45 LV6

Beep Matthew Fleming

‘A response to the problem of making sound on film for the ‘amateur’ – I had a eureka moment realising that the audience all carry music-making devices. The film also stems from a desire to rebel against the nagging instructions at the start of every film screening.’ (MF) United Kingdom, 2007 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Matthew Fleming | Sc: Mat Fleming | Cam: Mat Fleming | Ed: Mat Fleming | With: Noah Fisher | Print/Sales: Matthew Fleming

collide-o-scope Naren Wilks

Collide-o-scope was created with one person, one take and one shot. Using four Super-8 cameras, a man in a white room replicates himself. He and his clones have three minutes until the cartridges in the cameras run out and before they disappear back into the ether. United Kingdom, 2010 | b&w, video, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Naren Wilks | Print/Sales: Naren Wilks |

Beijing Double happiness Sergio Ponzio, Cristina Nisticò

Double Happiness, shuangxi, is a ligature of two Chinese characters (xi, ‘joy’) associated with weddings and mutual love. And the film itself was shot by two lovers over 10 days in Beijing. ranElettriKe is a Rome-based collective, mining the edge between experimental film and visual art. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Italy, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 13 min, English Prod: Sergio Ponzio, Cristina Nisticò | Prod Comp: ranElettriKe | Sc: Sergio Ponzio, Cristina Nisticò | Cam: Cristina Nisticò, Sergio Ponzio | Ed: Sergio Ponzio | Prod Des: ranElettriKe | Sound Des: ranElettriKe | Music: ranElettriKe | Print/Sales: ranElettriKe



Spectrum ShortS

etrange étranger Strange outsider

Jean-Philippe Dauphin

Everywhere I am, I’m left with the feeling of being an outsider. Nationality is an abstraction for me, just as it is for gitans; ‘glue’ as Cioran says. I’ve travelled in Africa, Japan, India and Europe and this film is a cartography of fragments, trying to create a new image of identity. WorLD premIere

Belgium, 2011 | colour, video, 13 min, French Prod: Jean-Philippe Dauphin | Prod Comp: AJC! Production | Cam: Jean-Philippe Dauphin | Ed: Sébastien Demeffe | Sound Des: Sabrina Calmels | Print/Sales: Ateliers Graphoui

sun moon stars rain Leslie Supnet

sun moon stars rain was made for the One Take Super-8 event held annually at the WNDX Festival. Leslie Supnet animated colourful transparencies on an overhead projector, creating a psychedelic collage. Supnet is a visual artist from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Canada, 2010 | colour, video, 4 min, no dialogue Prod: Leslie Supnet | Print/Sales: Leslie Supnet |

Verdenskvinne Woman of the World Ane Lan

A video performance where we meet six different female ethnic characters, each of them singing the same naive song in a hoarse falsetto voice and questioning their name, origin and image of themselves. Challenges the notion of identity. Norway, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, Norwegian Prod: Ane Lan | Print/Sales: Ane Lan

Birmingham ornament (Fragments 37, 38, 43, 44) Andrey Silvestrov, Yuri Leiderman

Overall, political invectives should begin to be perceived solely as poetic invectives. And geopolitics should be spread across geology and poetry. Like a question-Eskimo, dancing and waving his ribbons in the air, turns and transforms on his pillar into a question-Holocaust. Russia, 2010 | colour, video, 7 min, Russian Prod: Andrey Silvestrov, Yuri Leiderman | Prod Comp: Cine Fantom Club | Print/Sales: Cine Fantom Club



Spectrum ShortS

Interieur Olivier Dutel

Interieur was made entirely in the filmmakers’ own lab (Gran Lux) with the raw image material coming from VHS, Super-8 and whatever they could lay their hands on. The end result is a performance with two superimposed 16mm projections. France, 2010 | colour/b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: GaÍlle Joly, Olivier Dutel | Prod Comp: Ornamental Films | Print/Sales: Ornamental Films

ctrL ALt eSc from rotterdam Worm collective

Against the background of a city ruled by murder and corruption, a community art film project is taken hostage by a director. His perverted inner life gradually overwhelms the film. The crew are sucked in too. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 45 min, English/Dutch Prod: Esther Urlus | Prod Comp: WORM.filmwerkplaats | Sc: Hajo Doorn, Demetri Estdelacropolis | Cam: Demetri Estdelacropolis | Ed: Arthur Bueno | Sound Des: Matt Kemp | Music: Hajo Doorn, Henk Bakker, Arthur Bueno | With: Joep van Lieshout, Dennis de Bel, Frankie & Alice, Demetri Estdelacropolis, Florian Cramer, Peter Fengler | Print/Sales: WORM.filmwerkplaats |



Spectrum ShortS

Loaded and reloaded The new Ho Yuhang made with your support and our support (Reloaded). Loan sharks and gangsters too (Loaded). Major small films for small change. Public SCREENING: Mon 31-1 16:15 LV2

one Day I Forgot and used my hands Charles Lim Yi Yong

The filmmaker accidentally reinvented filmmaking by using a camera without a lens and shooting with his hands blocking everything but a small gap. Camera obscura. Where photography started. Pure experiment which looks like a classic experimental film. WorLD premIere

Singapore, 2011 | colour, video, 4 min, no dialogue Prod: Wee Li Lin | Prod Comp: Bobbing Buoy Films | Cam: Charles Lim Yi Yong | Ed: Charles Lim Yi Yong, SyaFiq | Sound Des: Zai Kunning | Music: Zai Kunning | With: Ethan Chia | Print/Sales: Bobbing Buoy Films

Kan shen me niao ni Famous Last Words Ho Yuhang

Black comedy. Lai lives with his sister. Lai is no hero and his sister loves to remind him of this. One day, he summons up all his courage and ventures out to play the hero. He comes back with a tall tale. WorLD premIere

Malaysia, 2011 | b&w, video, 10 min, Cantonese Prod: Lorna Tee | Prod Comp: Paperheart Sdn. Bhd. | Sc: Ho Yuhang | Cam: Soo Mun Thye, Ho Yuhang | Ed: Soo Mun Thye | Sound Des: Mo Sound | Music: Albert Law | With: Yeo Yann Yann, Chua Lin Chyn, Ken Wong | Print/Sales: Paperheart Sdn. Bhd.



Spectrum ShortS

No one Is Illegal Ho Yuhang

The filmmaker has many friends in Jakarta, knows the place and the people, has a soft spot for Indonesia. It is hard for him to understand that people live there who hate him and his home country of Malaysia and would love to declare war on it. So he asked them why. Also screens in the compilation programme Cinema Reloaded on Sun 30 Jan and screens before Tiger Eyes on Thu 3 Feb. WorLD premIere

Malaysia/Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 25 min, Indonesian Prod: Lorna Tee, Amanda Marahimin | Prod Comp: Paperheart Sdn. Bhd. | Cam: Rhino Ariefiansyah, Tumpal Cristian Tampubolon, Rey Saroso, Soo Mun Thye | Ed: Soo Mun Thye, Ho Yuhang | Music: Dave Lumenta | Sales: Paperheart Sdn. Bhd. | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam EXTRA SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 18:15* PA3 Thu 3-2 17:15* LV2

Jin cha yo shi the police Game Lai Meng-Jie

A shy insurance agent sometimes hides his insecurity by wearing a uniform. One day, he ventures out dressed as a policeman setting off an insane chain of events. Playful, satirical film that references other films featuring gangsters and femmes fatales. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Taiwan, 2009 | colour, video, 26 min, Mandarin/Taiwanese Prod: Lai Meng-Jie | Prod Comp: Bonjour Pictures Studio | Sc: Lai MengJie | Cam: Huang Han-We | Ed: Lai Meng-Jie | With: Roc Chen, Hannah Lin | Print: Bonjour Pictures Studio | Sales: Public Television Service Foundation



Spectrum ShortS

Lost We are giants and the world is ours. What could possibly go wrong? Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 19:45 LV3 Fri 28-1 22:00 LV2

the orange Nick Fox-Gieg

Surprising animation with a megalomaniac orange in the leading role. Idiosyncratic animator Nick Fox-Gieg humorously depicts the consequences of absolute power suddenly being lodged with a citrus fruit. After a story by Benjamin Rosenbaum. europeAN premIere

Canada, 2009 | colour, video, 3 min, English Prod: Nick Fox-Gieg | Prod Comp: Nick Fox-Gieg Animation | Sc: Benjamin Rosenbaum | Cam: Nick Fox-Gieg | Ed: Nick Fox-Gieg | Prod Des: Nick Fox-Gieg | Sound Des: Nick FoxGieg | With: Nick Fox-Gieg | Print/Sales: Nick Fox-Gieg Animation |

Self Improvement Clint Enns

Self-help is a trend and has been for quite some time. Self Improvement is an ultrashort found footage video that manages to present a contentious message rapidly and extremely convincingly. Spiritual growth flourishes in an archaic design. europeAN premIere

Canada, 2010 | colour, video, 3 min, English Prod: Clint Enns | Ed: Clint Enns | Sound Des: Clint Enns | Print/Sales: Clint Enns

Where Is my Dog? Miguel Llansó, Yohannes Feleke

The search for a dog provides an exceptional insight into Ethiopia’s capital. Friends, street kids and a film crew go in search of ‘Leman’ who is missing in a city full of stray dogs. Do we believe what we see? Shot in ten days with the help of the local population. Ethiopia, 2010 | colour, video, 28 min, Amharic/English Prod: Miguel Llansó, Yohannes Feleke | Sc: Yohannes Feleke, Miguel Llansó | Cam: Israel Seoane | Ed: Israel Seoane | Prod Des: Meseret Argaw | Sound Des: Samuel Tesfaye | Music: Sileshi Demisse, Atomizador, Biko | With: Adamu Aschalew, Endale Legesse, Samuel Tesfaye, Shimeles Girma, Tekola Tekleabe | Print/Sales: Miguel Llansó



Spectrum ShortS

A time Shared unlimited Zachary Epcar

The simple pleasures in a near future nearly passed. Moments in time shared, spared, or spent alone; a little something for everyone, from the stay-at-homers to the always-on-the-goers. Czech Republic/USA, 2010 | colour, video, 10 min, English Prod: Zachary Epcar | Prod Comp: FAMU | Sc: Zachary Epcar | Cam: Zachary Epcar, Jose Luis Arriaga | Ed: Zachary Epcar | Sound Des: Zachary Epcar | With: Annagret Sachse, Brian Lye, Christina Fort Ros, David Djambazov, Dominik Jerabek, Eva Kozderkova, Georgios Zafiris, Jose Luis Arriaga | Print/Sales: Zachary Epcar

DoLLS VS. DIctAtorS Martha Colburn

Martha Colburn has been creating an impressive oeuvre on important events in modern history. Here she constructs a science fiction-like landscape in which the Museum of Moving Image’s puppet collection slaughters the last remaining dictators on the planet. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

USA/Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: Martha Colburn | Sc: Martha Anne Colburn | Cam: Martha Anne Colburn | Ed: Martha Anne Colburn | Prod Des: Martha Anne Colburn | Sound Des: Greg Saunier, Martha Anne Colburn | Music: Greg Saunier, Michael Evans | Sales: EYE Film Institute Netherlands | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands |

Bust chance Stephanie Barber

Found footage film with a Chinese circus. The audience embraces the spectacular, theatrical elements. The appreciation is clearly mutual. Suggestive editing, inspired by avant-garde master Bruce Conner, makes the spectacle even more focused. europeAN premIere

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 7 min, English Prod: Stephanie Barber | Print/Sales: Stephanie Barber |

the external World David OReilly

David OReilly’s characteristically warped humour and witty animation style have given him a lot of international fans who will not be disappointed by The External World. In a universe in which anything is possible, a boy attempts to learn to play the piano. Explosive material. Germany, 2010 | b&w, video, 15 min, English Prod: Henning Kamm, David OReilly | Prod Comp: DETAiLFILM Gasmia & Kamm GbR | Sc: David OReilly, Vernon Chatman | Ed: David OReilly | Prod Des: David OReilly | Sound Des: Bram Meindersma | Music: Bram Meindersma | Animation: Tobias Von Burkersroda, Jim Levasseur, Max Stöhr | Print/ Sales: DETAiLFILM Gasmia & Kamm GbR |



Spectrum ShortS

memory and Loss Memories of a time when life was simple and there was more between heaven and earth than the naked eye could see. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 14:00 LV4 Sat 29-1 20:00 LV4


A tale of heaven Phuttiphong Aroonpheng

A delicate touching film from Thailand. Forest, spirit and fantasy motives in a Super-8 miniature that reconstructs a memory of death. ‘My mother dreamed that my late father came back home to see her. She strongly believes that it wasn’t a dream.’ (PA) Thailand/Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 6 min, Thai Prod: Kaoru Nishitani | Sc: Phuttiphong Aroonpheng | Cam: Phuttiphong Aroonpheng | Ed: Phuttiphong Aroonpheng | With: Ken Westmoreland, Somlim Aroonpheng | Print/Sales: Mit Out Sound Films

tame time Stina Wirfelt

Tame Time looks at Glasgow’s Dalmarnock in the process of its makeover for the 2014 Commonwealth Games . But it’s also a tale of dog days with Rosa, affecting character development and Google street view. Welcome to Stina from Rotterdam! INterNAtIoNAL premIere

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, English Prod: Stina Wirfelt | Sc: Stina Wirfelt | Cam: Stina Wirfelt | Ed: Stina Wirfelt | Sound Des: Emit Audible Design | With: Patricia Preston | Print/Sales: Stina Wirfelt |

hotel Nachtclub hotel Nightclub Arianne Olthaar

The larger, luxury hotels built during the 1970s not only had a restaurant, a hair salon, a souvenir shop and a bar, but usually also a nightclub in the cellar, generally indicated by an arrow at the stairs pointing down. Almost all these have since been closed or renovated. Arianne Olthaar sought out the few remaining locations. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Arianne Olthaar | Sc: Arianne Olthaar | Cam: Arianne Olthaar | Ed: Arianne Olthaar, André Bijma | Sound Des: Fester del Hagua | Print/Sales: Arianne Olthaar



Spectrum ShortS

Insert Filipa César, Marco Martins

Insert was conceived within César’s Memograma, an installation dealing with the history of Castro Marim, an Algarve village known for its salt production but less so as a location of banishment and forced labour. Insert allows the landscape of this place to become a setting for the announcement of a forbidden encounter. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Portugal, 2010 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.66, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Mónia Lima | Sc: Marco Martins | Cam: Marco Martins | Ed: Filipa César | Prod Des: Mónica Lima | With: Joana Barrios, Mónica Calle | Print/Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency

milk for Lambs Almagul Menlibayeva

Today’s Kazakhstan is home to remnants of Tengriism: the worship of the sky deity Tengri and his favourite wife Umai, the earth goddess. In this colourful report on steppe life, documentary and contemporary myth are intertwined by shamanic artist Menlibayeva. Kazakhstan, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 11 min, Russian Prod: Almagul Menlibayeva | Sc: Almagul Menlibayeva | Cam: Almagul Menlibayeva | Ed: Almagul Menlibayeva | Music: OMFO | Print/Sales: Priska C. Juschka Fine Art

tai ping chuan Hai Bo

Classic, atmospheric documentary about rural China. Life ambles along in three chapters. Harvesting maize, after which a single rocket is let off in celebration, is one of the few things that happens in the film. The maker takes it slow without dialogue or a voice-over. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

China, 2010 | colour, video, 28 min, Chinese Prod: Yu Shuyuan | Prod Comp: Haibo Studio | Cam: Fu Yutang, Xue Li, Yang Baoyi | Ed: Yu Shuyuan | Print/Sales: Haibo Studio



Spectrum ShortS

Neverending Stories Telling a good story is high art – three proficiency tests from Cairo, Turkey and the ancient world – or was it Berlin? Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 20:00 LV3 Mon 31-1 22:00 LV2

tal al-nesyaan

mount of Forgetfulness Hala Elkoussy

Hala Elkoussy immerses us in the Egyptian tradition of storytelling with musical accompaniment in a series of colourful, imaginative tableaux. Rawi, who has a gift for storytelling, discovers that air pollution is killing off small stories. He saves them, reanimating them in contemporary Cairo. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Egypt, 2010 | colour, video, 27 min, Arabic Prod: Hala Elkoussy | Sc: Hala Elkoussy | Cam: Abdel Salam Moussa | Ed: Hala Elkoussy | Prod Des: Solafa Abdel Ghaffar | Sound Des: Mostafa Ramadan | Music: Mohamed Antar | With: Mohamed Adel, Ramadan Khater, Arfa Abdel Rasoul | Print/Sales: Hala Elkoussy

NYX Claire Hooper

In your face, metropolitan fairy tale which won Claire Hooper the Baloise Art Prize. Berlin’s metro is the domain of Nyx, the goddess of the night. On his way home, a Kurdish boy intoxicated by drugs stumbles into a shadowy world of disco girls, amazons, unreliable friends and a goat. United Kingdom/Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 22 min, German Prod: Claire Hooper | Sc: Claire Hooper | Cam: Paul Simon Richards | Ed: Claire Hooper | Prod Des: Claire Hooper | Sound Des: Garip Özdem | Music: Beatrice Dillon, MC Rex & Eray Kaya | With: Furat Mohammad, Deniz Karagoz, Maria loboda, Lisa Jugert, Aleksander Wawrzyniak, Cidem Topbas, Eray Kaya, Ozan Aksu, Pau Lee Mildner, Andreas Schäfer, Garip Özdem, Danielle Marie Shillingford | Print/Sales: Hollybush Gardens |

ebedi dönüs eternal return

Sander Breure, Witte van Hulzen

In this odd mix of Turkish soaps and poetry, Baroque music and modern video art, the roles are played by actors from well-known TV series and films. They have been removed from their usual context and placed in an abstract space consisting of grey blocks which further emphasises their acting. Turkey/Netherlands, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 34 min, Turkish Prod: Sander Breure, Witte van Hulzen | Sc: Sander Breure, Witte van Hulzen | Cam: Witte van Hulzen | Ed: Sander Breure, Witte van Hulzen | Prod Des: Sander Breure, Witte van Hulzen | Sound Des: Hugo Verweij | Music: Sander Breure | With: Hatice Aslan, Nihan Asli Elmas, Ipek Bilgin, Ahmet Mümtaz Taylan, Müge Sarioglu, Selen Seyven, Kaan Urgancioglu | Sales: Sander Breure | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk



Spectrum ShortS

New Arrivals New Arrivals, an NTR Korte Film Online and IFFR cooperation, has been showing short films submitted to it online since January 2006. Nine monthly winners, selected by the editors of New Arrivals, are screened during the festival and could win 1,000 euros. The winner of the audience prize (voted for online) will also be screened. Public SCREENING: Sun 30-1 15:45 LV3

Vanishing point Hosogane Takuya

A graphic essay on the fluidity of perspectives and interconnectivity of dimensions. The infinite metamorphosis of the vanishing point is transformed by the creation of geometric forms and landscapes, playfully connecting the dots of various grids. Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Hosogane Takuya | Sc: Hosogane Takuya | Music: Cubesato | Print/Sales: Hosogane Takuya |

First Snow Evgeny Abyzov

On the first winter’s day in Moscow, Evgeny Abyzov looks out though the upper floor window with his camera and surveys the playful activities outside his apartment. The interactive atmosphere on the street is heightened by the accelerated speed of the action. WorLD premIere

Russia, 2011 | colour, video, 1 min, no dialogue Prod: Evgeny Abyzov | Cam: Evgeny Abyzov | Ed: Evgeny Abyzov | Print/Sales: Evgeny Abyzov |

Ghost of Icarus Amos Mulder

A dialectic journey that intersects the mythical fable of Icarus with a tale of urbanism and anonymity. The shadow of existence where the interaction with nature has been replaced by solitary living in urban dwellings is heightened by the fast-paced montage, the rhythmic ambient sound and a voice-over narration. Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 15 min, English Prod: Amos Mulder | Prod Comp: Amos Mulder, HKU | Sc: Amos Mulder | Cam: Amos Mulder | Ed: Amos Mulder | Music: Maarten van der Meiden | With: Rafi Metz (voice-over) | Print/Sales: Amos Mulder |



Spectrum ShortS

Battery cage Studio Smack

Short animation inspired by scientific findings that confined chickens are happier than free range ones living in perpetual fear of predators. It playfully depicts chickens exhibiting anthropomorphic behaviour and forming complicated social structures in a battery cage resembling an apartment building. Netherlands, 2009 | b&w, video, 4 min, no dialogue Prod Comp: Studio Smack | Sc: Studio Smack | Cam: Studio Smack | Ed: Studio Smack | Prod Des: Studio Smack | Sound Des: Julian Edwardes | Music: Julian Edwardes | Print/Sales: Studio Smack |

Aurore Jean-Julien Pous, Denis Huneau

A short created for the Louis Vuitton Journey Awards, Aurore depicts a man who travels through his senses and journeys through a human body to discover his own. It is a monochromatic experiment with shapes and human forms. A series of questions examines our motivation for our journey through life. Netherlands, 2009 | b&w, video, 2 min, English Prod: Raymond van der Kaaij, Dijana Olcay-Hot | Prod Comp: Revolver | Sc: JeanJulien Pous, Denis Huneau | Cam: Gregg Telussa | Ed: Jean-Julien Pous, Denis Huneau | Prod Des: Jean-Julien Pous, Denis Huneau | Sound Des: JeanJulien Pous | Music: Jean-Julien Pous | With: Kim Captein, Sam Azami | Print: Revolver | Sales: Jean-Julien Pous |

Silent things Rob Brown

Silent Things is a short film about an autistic young man and his girlfriend who undergo a turbulent test of character after his friendship with a teenage girl comes between them. Set on the windy coastline during a kite-flying session, it explores issues of freedom, trust and friendship. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

United Kingdom, 2011 | colour, video, 12 min, English Prod: Adam Merrifield | Prod Comp: White Lantern Film | Sc: Rob Brown, Edward Jackson | Cam: Justin Brown | Ed: David Wigram | Prod Des: Scarlet Oliver | Sound Des: John Bowen | Music: John Bowen | With: Andrew Scott, Antonia CampbellHughes, Georgia Groome | Print: Rob Brown | Sales: Shorts International



Spectrum ShortS

Landscape, Semi-surround Eriko Sonoda

By capturing his train trip in Germany and mounting stills of the moving train window’s point of view on 16 screens on a wall, Sonoda animates the landscape into a multi-screen visual journey deconstructing the singular screen, the linearity of the moving image and our persistence of vision. europeAN premIere

Japan, 2009 | colour, video, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Eriko Sonoda | Sc: Eriko Sonoda | Cam: Eriko Sonoda | Ed: Eriko Sonoda | Sound Des: Eriko Sonoda | Music: Eriko Sonoda | Print/ Sales: Eriko Sonoda |

Sta ik

Do I Stand Lisa Maduro

An elderly man on a bench watches mostly young people moving with ease. Can he still stand up? Short fiction about heavy-heartedness and the way the young take things for granted in contrast to the wariness and insecurity of life’s final phase. Life hesitantly bids farewell. Netherlands, 2010 | colour, video, 12 min, Dutch Prod: Lisa Maduro | Prod Comp: Stofwind | Sc: Lisa Maduro | Cam: Sven Schaepkens | Ed: Sven Schaepkens, Lisa Maduro | Prod Des: Charlotte Schultz, Lisa Maduro | Sound Des: Sven Schaepkens, Lisa Maduro | Music: Sarah Way | With: Wim Arts, Sarah Way, Charlotte Schultz, Richard Coppoolse, Simone IJzerman | Print/Sales: Stofwind

plank Billy Pols

Plank is a short documentary that follows the life of Nassim, a 15-year-old Dutch Moroccan. He is a skateboarder with big dreams. Even though he is aware that Moroccans are traditionally supposed to like football or kickboxing, he continues to pursue his interest in becoming a professional skateboarder. Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 15 min, Dutch/Arabic Prod: Maarten Kuit | Sc: Liedewij Theisens, Billy Pols | Cam: Daniel Bouquet | Ed: Govert Janse, Brian Ent | Sound Des: Jaap Hermans | With: Nassim Guammaz | Print: Liedewij Theisens | Sales: Maarten Kuit |



Spectrum ShortS

NL International When Dutch short films have already been seen at a festival elsewhere in the country, they are not allowed to take part in the IFFR. The Netherlands Institute for Media Art and EYE Film Institute have lined up the most interesting ones. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:00 LV2 Mon 31-1 18:00 LV2

everytime Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács

This re-interpretation of ‘Everytime’, a pop song released in 2004 by Britney Spears, is a tragic ballad about love and loss. The artists address issues of identity, virtualisation and mediatisation. One simple shot of a static, alienating, virtual Britney: extremely unnatural and unnerving at the same time. Netherlands, 2010 | colour, video, 4 min, English Prod: Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács | Sales: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk

the origin of creatures Floris Kaayk

The Origin of Creatures is inspired by the biblical story of the Tower of Babel and is set in an imaginary future where the world is hit by a catastrophe. Among the remains of a devastated city lives what is left of humanity. They are trying to build a nest in the rubble of destroyed buildings. Netherlands, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: Marc Thelosen | Prod Comp: seriousFilm | Sc: Floris Kaayk | Cam: Reinier van Brummelen | Ed: Floris Kaayk | Prod Des: Gijs Kaayk | Sound Des: Bart Jilesen | Music: Lennert Busch | Sales: NPO Sales | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands

city of progress Justin Bennett

Bennett traces the growth of an imaginary city. Organic urban growth is soon curbed by laws and regulations, reshaped by project developers or armed conflicts. The creative act of drawing, and of founding a city, comes under scrutiny. The film embodies our quest for utopia, while attesting to the difficulty of attaining it. Netherlands, 2009 | b&w, video, 11 min, English Prod: Justin Bennett | Print/Sales: Justin Bennett |



Spectrum ShortS

Flashings in the mirror Jasper Elings

This short photo animation features images of people who have photographed themselves with a camera and flash in front of a mirror, and consists of material the maker found on the internet. Jasper Elings graduated from the St. Joost Academie in Breda in 2005 and is one of the new, highly inventive generation of young animators. Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Jasper Elings | Sc: Jasper Elings | Ed: Jasper Elings | Music: Christiaan Overal | Sales: Jasper Elings | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands

Birth of a Nation Daya Cahen

At a military academy school in Moscow (the only one of its kind in the world), girls aged 11 to 17 are trained to be ideal citizens. They learn to sew, march, cook, sing, shoot, use make-up and plan military actions. They are trained not just to be ideal patriots, but also ideal women. Netherlands, 2010 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Daya Cahen | Sc: Daya Cahen | Cam: Daya Cahen | Ed: Daya Cahen | Sound Des: Daya Cahen | Sales: Daya Cahen | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands

Dawn Erwin Olaf

Dawn portrays a lily-white Russian family in radiant shades of white that are only disturbed by the almost transparent pinkish colour of the protagonists’ skin. Olaf created an almost suffocating atmosphere and an extreme degree of artificiality, in which the characters are hiding behind a façade of suppressed emotions. Netherlands, 2010 | colour, video, 5 min, Russian Prod: Erwin Olaf | Prod Comp: Erwin Olaf BV | Sales: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk

majesteit majesty eddie d

In Majesty eddie d deals with a special example of political ostentation and ritual in the Netherlands: ‘Prinsjesdag’, the day the monarch presents the government’s policies for the forthcoming year to Parliament. The pompous rituals around this special day are exposed and reduced to their very essence by means of canny editing. Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 2 min, Dutch Prod: eddie d | Sc: eddie d | Cam: eddie d | Ed: eddie d | Prod Des: eddie d | Sound Des: eddie d | Music: eddie d | Sales: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk



Spectrum ShortS

Liquidator Karel Doing

The original film shows Haarlem through straightforward images and camera movements. Decay of the film stock means the images have changed dramatically. This adaptation of Willy Mullens’ archive film Haarlem (1922) zooms in on these effects using digital techniques such as ‘optical flow’ and ‘morphing’. Netherlands, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 8 min, no dialogue Prod: Karel Doing | Sc: Karel Doing | Cam: Karel Doing | Ed: Karel Doing | Sound Des: Michal Osowski | Sales: Karel Doing | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands

Brothers of metal Arno Coenen

A combination of homage, wink and parody of heavy metal subculture in Coenen’s typical 3D animation style: glossy, techno, edgy and exuberant. In a more sober colour palette than usual, the artist matches the grouchy and dark character of metal and happily mixes a variety of symbols in an unorthodox manner. Netherlands, 2010 | colour, video, 13 min, English Prod: Arno Coenen | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk |

No expiration Date Making virtuoso films as only celluloid allows. With grainy Super-8 blowups, off-line editing to the power of ten and captivating telecine techniques. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 14:00 LV6 Sat 29-1 22:00 LV6

Variationen Variations

Helga Fanderl

Fanderl’s Super-8 films, edited in-camera, are akin to brief correspondences and contrasts to reality. Contains blow-ups of: Vögel am Checkpoint Charlie, Ostberlin, Tunnel, Aus dem Empire State Building, Tortelloni, Wilde Wasser and Eisbär. Germany, 2010 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 15 min, no dialogue Prod: Helga Fanderl | Cam: Helga Fanderl | Ed: Helga Fanderl | Prod Des: Helga Fanderl | Print/Sales: Helga Fanderl



Spectrum ShortS

Shibuya – tokyo Tomonari Nishikawa

As a following sequence to Tokyo – Ebisu, this film shows the views around the exits of 20 stations on JR Yamanote Line, from Shibuya to Tokyo clockwise. The images captured by the masking and multiple exposure techniques show the movements of people and vehicles on the street, and signs of train stations as backgrounds. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Tomonari Nishikawa | Cam: Tomonari Nishikawa | Ed: Tomonari Nishikawa | Sound Des: Tomonari Nishikawa | Print/ Sales: Tomonari Nishikawa |

rien d’extraordinaire Nothing Special Rose Lowder

Rien d’extraordinaire consists of spontaneously shot impressions edited entirely in the camera. Just a glimpse of this beautiful spot around the Hôtel-Pension Beau-Site in Chemin sur Martigny, Switzerland, which is situated in a hamlet surrounded by snow-capped mountains. (RL) France, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.33, 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Rose Lowder | Cam: Rose Lowder | Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

Jardin du soleil Rose Lowder

Beginning with natural light, an element that played a major role in cinematographic development, the subject of the film evolves around solar panels in France and Italy. We find ourselves in the middle of sparkling light and exposed to the wind, like the butterflies, the bees and the little clouds. (RL) France, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.33, 2 min, silent Prod: Rose Lowder | Sc: Rose Lowder | Cam: Rose Lowder | Ed: Rose Lowder | Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

Shrimp Boat Log David Gatten

Footage of a logbook of shrimp boat names and the boats in question at the mouth of the Edisto river on the east coast of the US, edited into 300, 29-frame shots on 16mm. Edited in line with Leonardo da Vinci’s instruction number 918 in which he subdivided an hour into 3,000 equal sections. europeAN premIere

USA, 2010 | colour/b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 6 min, silent Prod: David Gatten | Sc: David Gatten | Cam: David Gatten | Ed: David Gatten | Print/Sales: David Gatten |



Spectrum ShortS

...these Blazeing Starrs! Deborah Stratman

…These Blazeing Starrs juxtaposes an empirical desire to probe and measure with older methods, when stargazers interpreted the sky more intuitively. Comets, once regarded as messengers bearing tidings of human folly, are now seen as time capsules harbouring elemental information about our solar system. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

USA, 2011 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 14 min, English Prod: Deborah Stratman | Prod Comp: Pythagoras Film | Cam: Deborah Stratman | Ed: Deborah Stratman | Sound Des: Deborah Stratman | Music: Disinformation, John Duncan, Max Springer, Ikeda Ryoji | Print/Sales: Pythagoras Film

tokyo – ebisu Tomonari Nishikawa

Tokyo – Ebisu is an ingenious, metrical, in-camera patchwork constructed from multiple viewpoints on the platforms of Tokyo’s busiest metro line, Yamanote, and uses a masking technique which exposes 1/30th of a frame 30 times in order to capture an image of spectral apparitions. europeAN premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Tomonari Nishikawa | Cam: Tomonari Nishikawa | Ed: Tomonari Nishikawa | Sound Des: Tomonari Nishikawa | Print/ Sales: Tomonari Nishikawa |

Inter View Makino Takashi

Makino Takashi was honoured with a Short Profile at 2008’s IFFR. His universe of hallucinatory, immersive films is steadily expanding. Working in various film formats, with various telecine techniques and in close cooperation with like-minded musicians, he creates experiences that affect the eye and ear like drones. europeAN premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 25 min, no dialogue Prod: Makino Takashi | Sc: Makino Takashi | Cam: Makino Takashi | Ed: Makino Takashi | Prod Des: Makino Takashi | Sound Des: Tara Jane O’neil | Music: Tara Jane O’nei, Brian Mumford | Print/Sales: Makino Takashi |



Spectrum ShortS

pictures of Light Super-8, 16mm and 35mm: these filmmakers all know how to conjure up something special in their chosen medium. All there is, is Light. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:00 LV6 Mon 31-1 12:00 LV6

ouverture overture

Christopher Becks

Sunlight enters an old shed in Normandy through cracks and chinks. The camera greedily absorbs the light, does not show what is going on outside but looks inwards instead. The shed’s few square metres turn into a sacred space. europeAN premIere

France/Canada, 2010 | b&w, 35mm, 1:2.35, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Christopher Becks | Cam: Christopher Becks | Ed: Christopher Becks | Sales: Christopher Becks |

Garden Ryohei Shimada

Brief shots of grasses, trees and flowers in a winter garden, created using 8, 16 and 35mm film. In a single-frame edit, the images merge into a new constellation. The layered music reinforcing everything is by Japanese experimental jazz band the Samurai Jazz Quintet. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Ryohei Shimada | Sc: Ryohei Shimada | Cam: Ryohei Shimada | Ed: Ryohei Shimada | Prod Des: Ryohei Shimada | Music: SJQ | Print/ Sales: Ryohei Shimada |

this Is Not Dying Nova Paul

This Is Not Dying is based on filmed studies of daily life around Nova Paul’s marae (tribal meeting place). Utilising three-colour separation in the printing of the film, she produces prismatic, multilayered images where perceived reality takes a strange shift into a more unfamiliar realm. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

New Zealand, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 20 min, no dialogue Prod: Nova Paul | Prod Comp: Waiatarau Ltd | Sc: Nova Paul | Cam: Jac Fitzgerald, Greg Wood | Ed: Nova Paul | Sound Des: Karl Steven | Music: Ben Tawhiti | Print/Sales: Waiatarau Ltd



Spectrum ShortS

Ville marie Alexandre Larose

Ville Marie was created by throwing Super-8 cameras off high-rise buildings and then optically printing the footage and blowing it up into abstraction. It was inspired by a recurrent dream during which I experienced an endless free fall from the roof of a skyscraper, facing upwards. (AL) Canada, 2010 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:1.37, 12 min, no dialogue Prod: Alexandre Larose | Sc: Alexandre Larose | Cam: Alexandre Larose | Ed: Alexandre Larose | Prod Des: Alexandre Larose | Sound Des: Alexandre Larose | Music: Alexandre Larose | With: Alexandre Larose | Print/Sales: Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

In the Absence of Light, Darkness prevails Fern Silva

Subtle, spectacular cinema in which cosmopolitan filmmaker Fern Silva creates a convincing, eclectic hotpot from various images. The fruits of life desiccate in front of our very eyes in a civilisation out of step with the rhythm of the cosmos. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Brazil/USA, 2010 | colour/b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 13 min, English Prod: Fern Silva | Cam: Fern Silva | Ed: Fern Silva | Sound Des: Fern Silva | Music: Alisa Clements, Sergei Tcherepnin | Print/Sales: Fern Silva

rayning Robert Todd

Layered, double-exposure images in high contrast black-and-white: 16mm maestro Robert Todd gives the film material itself more space in Rayning, yet still uses his camera with great sensitivity. ‘Light rayns-rains-reigns across a dream of tranquility that thickens, darkens and evaporates.’ (RT) WorLD premIere

USA, 2011 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Robert Todd | Cam: Robert Todd | Ed: Robert Todd | Prod Des: Robert Todd | Sound Des: Robert Todd | With: Eli and Deb Todd Wheeler | Print/Sales: Robert Todd |



Spectrum ShortS

Shutter Alexi Manis

Shutter is a formal exploration of the phenomenon of the sun eclipsing objects in the natural world. Inspired by footage from a friend and amateur astronomer’s 16mm record of the 1980 total solar eclipse, this work captures the beauty, complexity and terror of the shifting light that precedes and accompanies a solar eclipse. (AM) Canada, 2009 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 8 min, no dialogue Prod: Alexi Manis | Cam: Alexi Manis | Ed: Alexi Manis | Sound Des: Alexi Manis | Music: The Dirty Three | Print/Sales: Alexi Manis

Llora cuando te pase cry When It happens Laida Lertxundi

A kind of uplifting melancholy permeates Cry When It Happens. A visual voyage of discovery is coloured by love’s haze. The small portable television with its subdued overcast skies functions as a recurring theme in an emotionally charged landscape. May it never end. europeAN premIere

Spain/USA, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 14 min, no dialogue Prod: Laida Lertxundi | Cam: Laida Lertxundi | Ed: Laida Lertxundi | Sound Des: Ezra Buchla, Laida Lertxundi | Music: Beethoven, Black Velvet, The Blue Rondos, Laura Steenberge | With: Lindsey Hoffmann, Beau Johnson, Laura Merando, Albert Ortega, Tanya Rubbak, Laura Steenberge | Print/Sales: Laida Lertxundi



Spectrum ShortS

preludes 1 Short films screened before a variety of feature length films during the festival. Now together in one programme. Public SCREENING: Thu 27-1 12:00 LV2

casus belli Yorgos Zois

Casus belli is a Latin expression, best interpreted as infringements of a nation’s sovereignty that in turn justify acts of war. But Yorgos Zois’s debut short film is a call to stand firm, to stand together, but above all, a generously measured slice of superlatively choreographed cinema. Screens before Attenberg. Greece, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: Maria Drandaki | Prod Comp: Pan Entertainment | Sc: Yorgos Zois | Cam: Yiannis Kanakis | Ed: Ioannis Chalkiadakis | Prod Des: Pinelopi Valti | Sound Des: Novi_sad, Ioannis Chalkiadakis | With: Marisha Triantafyllidou, Tzeni Theona, Iris Ponkena, Ilias Goyiannos, Alekos Vassilatos | Print: The Greek Film Centre | Sales: Pan Entertainment | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Fri 28-1 20:00* DJZ Sun 30-1 09:30* PA7 Thu 3-2 18:30* PA2

threesome Johannes Dullin

Ann-Kristin gets cosy on her couch. ‘Some company wouldn’t do any harm’, she considers and thinks of Stefan. Stefan asks Paul to join him. Ann-Kristin is happy about the visit. Gradually they get closer to one another on the couch… Threesome is the first collaboration between Banality Dreams and Authentic Boys. Screens before Flowers of Evil. Germany/Norway/Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Signe Holtzmark | Prod Comp: Banality Dreams / Authentic Boys | Sc: Banality Dreams, Authentic Boys | Cam: Boris van Hoof, Aaike Stuart | Ed: Aaike Stuart | Prod Des: Raliza Nikolowa | Sound Des: Bart Jilesen | With: Signe Holtsmark, Jorma Spitz, Franz Rogowski | Print/Sales: Banality Dreams / Authentic Boys | Public SCREENING (before a feature film): Fri 4-2 14:15* CI1



Spectrum ShortS

mina Eva Pervolovici

This chronicle of an foreshadowed farewell bathes love’s odd twists in a beautiful light. If tears must be shed, then this is the way to do it. Mina pulls herself together, gets dressed, finds the right parting gift and sees her former lover one last time. Words cannot express the feeling. Screens before In the Future. WorLD premIere

France/Romania, 2011 | colour, video, 14 min, French Prod: Anita Draghici | Sc: Eva Pervolovici, Monica Stan, Madalina Constantin | Cam: Ari Allansson | Ed: Eva Pervolovici | Prod Des: Zara Popovici | Sound Des: Yohann Angelvy | With: Madalina Constantin, Nadir Nini, Khaled Benaissa | Print/Sales: Anita Draghici | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Fri 28-1 21:30* PA2 Sat 29-1 09:15* CI1 Thu 3-2 22:30* PA4

Fuglene vet the Birds Know Petter Napstad

Very charming, fresh student film about a boy who uses large dream birds to elevate his life to a higher, more idyllic plain, which includes his ideal woman and a lake. The beautiful, subtle soundtrack contributes immensely to the strange atmosphere in this ode to the imagination. Screens before Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from a Childhood. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Norway, 2010 | , video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Petter Napstad | Sc: Petter Napstad | Cam: Thomas Balmbra, Petter Napstad | Ed: Petter Napstad | Sound Des: Espen Lomsdalen, Linda Lerseth, Petter Napstad | Music: Pia Møller Johansen, Egil Ursin | With: Erlend Smidt Lysaker, Thali M. Liberman | Print: Norwegian Film Institute | Sales: Petter Napstad Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Tue 1-2 14:15* CI1 Thu 3-2 17:00* LUX



Spectrum ShortS

en espera on hold

Gabriela Calvache

Short from Ecuador about hidden modern forms of slavery. A girl waits for the pickup truck that will transport her to the city. Once there, amidst a never-ending row of walls and fences, she peeks into the entrance to a school. Lined up and in uniform, those girls are not the ones Carmen will join. Screens before Marimbas from Hell. WorLD premIere

Ecuador, 2011 | colour, video, 14 min, Spanish Prod: Gabriela Calvache | Prod Comp: El Otro Lado Films | Sc: Gabriela Calvache Velasco | Cam: Armando Salazar | Ed: Amaia Merino Unzueta | Prod Des: Gabriela Calvache Velasco | Sound Des: Juan José Luzuriaga | With: María Sol Barragán | Print: El Otro Lado Films | Sales: Escalon Films Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Sat 29-1 18:45* PA5 Mon 31-1 12:30* PA2 Wed 2-2 19:45* CI1

mouse palace Harald Hund, Paul Horn

For Mouse Palace, a 1:10 scale model of an apartment was built with edible furniture, which the mice immediately started nibbling. An absurd relationship drama in the Living Space series by Hund and Horn which includes Dropping Furniture, about human life under bizarre circumstances. Screens before Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then. Austria, 2010 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Harald Hund | Sc: Harald Hund, Paul Horn | Cam: Harald Hund, Paul Horn | Ed: Harald Hund, Paul Horn | Sound Des: Harald Hund, Paul Horn | Print/Sales: sixpackfilm | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Tue 1-2 18:30* PA2 Wed 2-2 17:00* CI7 Fri 4-2 15:15* PA3

rosa rose

Mónica Lairana

In the silent confines of her home, Rosa bathes, cooks, eats and watches TV. She seeks company in vain. A monument to the lonely older woman with affection to spare. The final scene, where she sits and smokes at the table, naked, could be a Hopper painting, without being coquettish in any way. Screens before Hoy como ayer. Argentina, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 10 min, Spanish Prod: Liliana Amate | Prod Comp: INCAA | Sc: Mónica Lairana | Cam: Flavio Dragoset | Ed: Karina Kracoff | Prod Des: Micaela Tuffano | Sound Des: Damián Turkieh | With: Norma Argentina | Print/Sales: Mónica Lairana | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Tue 1-2 17:00* CI1 Wed 2-2 10:00* PA2 Thu 3-2 20:15* LV3



Spectrum ShortS


A Gesture Gastón Solnicki

A Gesture contains a face, some music and a few questions: what becomes of the ability to listen when one is admiring the face of someone listening? Put another way: how do you look Maurice Ravel’s La Valse straight in the face? Festival trailer produced for Bafici, Buenos Aires. Screens before Hoy como ayer. Argentina, 2010 | colour, video, 1 min, no dialogue Prod: Pablo Chernov | Prod Comp: Filmy Wiktora | Cam: Diego Poleri | Ed: Leandro Tolchinsky | Music: Maurice Ravel | Print/Sales: Filmy Wiktora | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Tue 1-2 17:00* CI1 Wed 2-2 10:00* PA2 Thu 3-2 20:15* LV3

estação Station

Márcia Faria

Subtle, beautifully shot fiction about a young girl who dreams of becoming an actress. She moves to São Paolo to be a soap extra. However, she has nowhere to stay and sleeps at a large bus station where she tries to feel at home. Cannes Competition 2010. Screens before Three Weeks Later. Brazil/Brazil, 2010 | colour, video, 15 min, Portuguese Prod: Fabiano Gullane, Caio Gullane | Prod Comp: Gullane Filmes | Sc: Márcia Faria, Leda Cartum | Cam: Heloísa Passos | Ed: Jair Peres | Prod Des: Marcos Pedroso | Sound Des: Luiz Adelmo | Music: Claudia Dorey | With: Caroline Abras, Denise Weimberg | Print/Sales: Gullane Filmes Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Sun 30-1 17:15* PA2 Fri 4-2 12:15* PA2



Spectrum ShortS

preludes 2 Short films screened before a variety of feature-length films during the festival. Now together in one programme. Public SCREENING: Thu 27-1 14:00 LV2

olifantenvoeten elephant Feet Dan Geesin

The night shift petrol station attendant (well played by comedian Josh Meyers) is a naive, honest and, of course, tragic figure. He wants to do the right thing, but what is the wisest course to take? The Dutch are perfectly characterised in this absurdist fiction from artist/composer Dan Geesin. Screens before Curling. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 13 min, Dutch Prod: Esther Rots, Hugo Rots | Prod Comp: Rots Filmwerk | Sc: Dan Geesin | Cam: Mick van Danzig | Ed: Esther Rots | Prod Des: Gwedoline Pluim | Sound Des: Dan Geesin | Music: Dan Geesin | With: Josh Meyers, Mike Lebanon, Guido Pollemans, Bart Klever, Gepke Witteveen | Print/Sales: Rots Filmwerk | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Fri 28-1 18:30* SGZ Thu 3-2 11:30* LV1

Kumurskanyn booru pencil Against Ants Mirlan Abdykalykov

A Kyrgyz village where tradition is all-important is trying to find a wife for an odd young man. He may be slightly simple, but he has other plans. Rich, symbolic metaphors in this beautifully shot short fiction by Mirlan, Aktan Abdykalykov’s son (The Chimp, The Light Thief ). Screens before Lucia. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Kyrgyzstan, 2010 | colour, video, 20 min, Kirghiz Prod: Altynai Koichumanova, Ulan Isakbekov | Prod Comp: Oy Art, Cinema Development Fund | Sc: Aktan Arym Kubat, Gaziz Nasyrov | Cam: Talant Akynbekov | Ed: Evgeniy Krokhmalenko | Prod Des: Ulan Japarov | Sound Des: Murat Ajiev | Music: Murzali Jeenbaev | With: Maksat Mamyrkanov, Kenesh Kurmanalieva, Sairagul Esenbaeva, Rysbek Djumabaev, Nuriza Burkhanova, Salima Aitbekova | Print/Sales: Oy Art Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Fri 28-1 15:15* PA3 Wed 2-2 09:30* CI1



Spectrum ShortS

Los teleféricos the cable cars Federico Actis

Lucas is a young, not very successful, estate agent who often visits his ill grandpa. With his mother, he devises a plan to get grandpa out of the home he is in and give him a surprise. Charming, fresh animation/fiction about escaping dull everyday life. Screens before Silent Sonata. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Argentina, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 14 min, Spanish Prod: María Elia Rodríguez | Sc: Federico Actis | Cam: Lucas Pérez | Ed: Lucio Garcia | Prod Des: Roxana Bordione, Fernanda Taleb | Sound Des: Santiago Zecca | Music: Alexis Perepelycia | With: Juan Nemirovsky, Mirko Buchín, Claudia Cantero, Miguel Franchi, Guillermo Peñalvez | Print/Sales: Federico Actis Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Tue 1-2 19:15* SGZ Wed 2-2 22:15* DJZ Thu 3-2 10:00* LV5

tre ore

three hours Annarita Zambrano

A day in Rome. A convicted murderer gets three hours’ leave from prison. He meets his daughter for an honest conversation. He briefly tries to act like a father. Understated, remarkably-acted poignant short fiction on family ties. Screened as part of Cannes Quinzaine 2010. Screens before A Little Closer at the IFFR in 2011. France/Italy, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 12 min, Italian Prod: Stéphanie Douet | Prod Comp: Sensito Films | Sc: Annarita Zambrano | Cam: Maura Morales Bergmann | Ed: Annalisa Schillaci | Sound Des: Brando Mosca | Music: Virgile Van Ginneken | With: Rolando Ravello, Sofia Ravello | Print/Sales: Sensito Films Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Fri 28-1 18:15* PA3 Sat 29-1 11:45* CI1 Tue 1-2 14:45* LV2

etrangère Stranger

Christophe Hermans

Other than training, a female bodybuilder leads a pretty mundane existence. She tries to get a job at a carwash. Beautifully stylised observations away from the hectic competitions which are never shown. Walking through the market she is an attraction, but also a freak. Screens before Chassis. Belgium, 2010 | b&w, video, 13 min, French Prod: Marie Besson | Prod Comp: Eklektik Productions | Sc: Christophe Hermans | Cam: Romain Ferrand | Ed: Joel Mann | Sound Des: Yves Bemelmans | Music: the walkmen | With: Sophie | Print/Sales: Eklektik Productions | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Mon 31-1 22:15* CI7 Wed 2-2 09:30* CI7 Fri 4-2 19:45* CI7



Spectrum ShortS

Ámár Isabel Herguera

Inés travels to exotic India to visit her friend Ámár who has spent recent years in an asylum. She reminisces about the last few days they spent together and her promise to return. However, the memories have little to do with the reality of the situation in this Basque animation. Screens before Beyond These Mountains. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Spain, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 8 min, Spanish Prod: Isabel Herguera | Sc: Isabel Herguera | Cam: Eduardo Elosegi | Ed: Eduardo Elosegi, Isabel Herguera | Prod Des: Isabel Herguera | Sound Des: Xabier Erkizia | Music: Xabier Erkizia | Print/Sales: Kimuak | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Sat 29-1 17:00* CI1 Sun 30-1 12:45* PA5

crosscuts Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer

Combining photography and video, Crosscuts throws the conventional cinematic approach to time and place overboard, replacing our routinely functional and straightforward way of looking at things with an associative and multiplex view. Screens before Neverquiet (Film of Wonders). WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 4 min, no dialogue Prod: Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer | Sc: Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer | Cam: Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer | Ed: Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer | Prod Des: Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer | Sound Des: Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer | Music: Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer | With: Walter Bart, Thomas Hauer, Simon Kelaita, Taatske Pieterson, Maaike Gouwenberg | Sales: EYE Film Institute Netherlands | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Wed 2-2 18:15* PA3 Fri 4-2 12:00* CI7

rough Boy Fred Kigozi

Two sisters in Kampala have a hard life. It will be difficult to hang on to the little house with the beautiful garden. The young son of one of the sisters is mentally handicapped and unpredictable. Rough Boy was developed during a workshop organised by Maisha Lab which was set up by Mira Nair. Screens before Speak. europeAN premIere

Uganda, 2010 | colour, video, 9 min, English Prod: Magdalena Chmielewska | Prod Comp: Maisha Film Lab | Sc: Fred Kigozi | Cam: Fred Kigozi | Print/Sales: Maisha Film Lab Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Wed 2-2 14:30* CI7 Fri 4-2 14:45* LV2



Spectrum ShortS

preludes 3 Short films screened before a variety of feature length films during the festival. Now together in one programme. Public SCREENING: Thu 27-1 16:00 LV2

Les voisins Neighbours Jules Zingg

All the neighbours have a garden they look after with great pride. A newcomer would like to fit in, but it’s hard. The real inhabitants – insects, invertebrates and watchdogs – observe the scene. An unusual point of view transforms the audience into curious spies of the neighbours’ grass. Which is definitely not greener. Screens before Julien. France, 2010 | colour, video, 11 min, French Prod: Jules Zingg | Prod Comp: Les films du chaperon jaune | Sc: Jules Zingg, Laurent Papot | Cam: Jules Zingg | Ed: Gabriel Humeau | Sound Des: Nikolas Javelle | With: Laurent Papot, Tigrane Boccara | Print/Sales: Les films du chaperon jaune Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Fri 28-1 14:15* CI1 Sun 30-1 09:15* CI1

maya Pedro Pío Martín Pérez

Cuban documentary about the relationship between a dog and its owner. For three days, the camera records the preparations for dogfights and the amount of aggression lurking in these ponderous animals becomes clear. A man needs a hobby. Maya was screened as part of the 2010 Cannes Shorts competition. Screens before The Lord’s Ride at the IFFR in 2011. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Cuba, 2010 | colour, video, 13 min, Spanish Prod: Victoria Paz | Prod Comp: EICTV | Sc: Pedro Pío | Cam: Isabel Arís | Ed: Juan Manuel Gamazo | Prod Des: Victoria Paz | Sound Des: Glaydson Mendes | With: Maya | Print/Sales: EICTV Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Sat 29-1 19:45* CI1 Sun 30-1 18:45* PA5 Thu 3-2 09:45* PA5



Spectrum ShortS

tiong Bahru Christine Molloy, Joe Lawlor

Tiong Bahru (Singapore) is the latest thoughtful short in the Desperate Optimists’ series Civic Life that explores the relationship between people and their environment. Three very different characters reveal their hopes and desires to their loved ones in a shopping mall over the course of a day. Screens before Grande Hotel. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

United Kingdom/Singapore, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 20 min, Mandarin Prod: Christine Molloy, Joe Lawlor | Prod Comp: Desperate Optimists | Sc: Christine Molloy, Joe Lawlor | Cam: Daniel Low | Ed: Christine Molloy | Prod Des: James Page | Sound Des: Fonic | Music: Kavin Hoo | With: Madam Lim, Veronica Patricia Rio, Leo Mak, Andrea Kwan, Cherilyn Chia, Tan Shzr Ee | Print/Sales: Desperate Optimists | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Sat 29-1 16:30* PA4 Sun 30-1 15:45* PA5

toujours moins Less and Less Luc Moullet

Comical short film by IFFR regular Moullet on the loss of human interaction in transactions and the rise of terminals and machines in the modern era. A drily humourous statement on efficiency and society’s increasingly business-like nature. Screens before A Useful Life. France, 2010 | colour, video, 14 min, French Prod: Frederic Papon, Françoise Buraux | Prod Comp: Le Fresnoy, Les Films d’Ici | Sc: Luc Moullet | Cam: Pierre Stoeber | Ed: Anthony Verpoort | With: Marion Billy, Nicolette Picheral, Hugo Hernandez, Zoltan Jakubiak, Giacomo Abbruzzese, Balthazar Auxietre | Print/Sales: Le Fresnoy | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Sat 29-1 16:15* PA6 Mon 31-1 15:30* PA2 Wed 2-2 21:15* PA3


the earrings Nargiza Mamatkulova

In Kyrgyz courting tradition, men give women a pair of earrings as a token of their love. In this film there is a meeting between an adolescent boy and girl and their mothers, who are friends. The director uses metaphors from national poetry to reflect on the meeting instead of words. Bright colours abound, especially red. Screens before The Day I Disappeared. europeAN premIere

Kyrgyzstan, 2010 | colour, video, 15 min, Kirghiz Prod: Artykpai Suiundukov, Nargiza Mamatkulova | Prod Comp: KTMU, Filmstudio Kyrgyzfilm | Sc: Nargiza Mamatkulova | Cam: Almaz Supataev | Ed: Nargiza Mamatkulova | Prod Des: Orozbai Absattarov | Sound Des: Ali Ahmadeev | With: Meerim Turarova, Argen Kenesh | Print/Sales: KTMU Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Fri 28-1 11:45* CI1 Mon 31-1 09:30* CI7 Tue 1-2 17:15* LV3



Spectrum ShortS

Drexciya Akosua Adoma Owusu

Based on a myth about an undersea continent as told in music by the Detroit band Drexciya. The primarily visual images are related to an experimental film tradition of observation. The result is an intense look at a piece of Africa with a visible colonial past. Screens before Imagine, the Sky. WorLD premIere

Ghana/USA, 2011 | colour, video, 12 min, no dialogue Prod: Akosua Adoma Owusu | Prod Comp: Obibini Pictures | Sc: Akosua Adoma Owusu | Cam: Dustin Thompson, Akosua Adoma Owusu | Ed: Dustin Thompson | Prod Des: Akosua Adoma Owusu | Sound Des: Nathan Ruyle | Music: John Hawk, Gordon Kurowski | Print/Sales: Obibini Pictures Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Mon 31-1 10:00* PA2 Tue 1-2 15:00* LV3 Thu 3-2 19:00* LV6

Varfix Tanaka Kotaro

Not music to accompany a film, but a film to accompany music. A music video, not in the MTV mould, but a short, cartoon work of art. Animation, but not your run-of-the-mill type, as it has no plot and the images solely ‘speak’ through the music. Screens before Hot as Hell: The Deadbeat March. Japan, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 8 min, no dialogue Prod: Tanaka Kotaro | Sc: Tanaka Kotaro | Ed: Tanaka Kotaro | Music: Fujii Kensuke | Print/Sales: Tanaka Kotaro | Public SCREENINGS (before a feature film): Sat 29-1 22:15* CI5 Sun 30-1 22:15* CI1 Wed 2-2 22:15* CI1



Spectrum ShortS

re-constructions Enthralling re- and de-constructions taking on no less weighty subjects than Damon Albarn, Marxism, the Summer of 1977, Greco-Classical Antiquity and Zionism. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 15:45 LV3 Fri 28-1 11:45 LV3

marxism today (prologue) Phil Collins

The world changed when the wall came down. In marxism today, a number of Marxism-Leninism teachers and a sportswoman from the DDR who saw their professional lives change radically or even end after ‘Die Wende’ take a disconcerted look back. Virtuoso interpolation of exceptional archival material. Germany, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 35 min, German Prod: Phil Collins, Sinisa Mitrovic | Sc: Phil Collins | Cam: Matthias Schellenberg | Ed: Cristóvão A. dos Reis | Sound Des: Jochen Jezussek | Music: Lætitia Sadier & Nick Powell | With: Petra Mgoza-Zeckay, Andrea Ferber, Marianne Klotz | Print/Sales: Shady Lane Productions

the Voyagers Penny Lane

In the summer of 1977, NASA sent Voyager 1 & 2 on an epic journey into space. Together and alone, they will travel to the end of the universe. Each spacecraft carries a golden record album. While working on it, Sagan fell madly in love with Annie Druyan. The record became their love letter to humankind and each other. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 16 min, English Prod: Penny Lane | Sc: Penny Lane | Cam: Ashley Connor | Ed: Penny Lane | Sound Des: Jesse Stiles | Print/Sales: V Tape |

reconstructing Damon Albarn in Kinshasa Jeanne Faust

Jeanne Faust showcases the simulation of an image in expounding the re-narration and re-enactment of that image. Here mimesis is evident in the behaviour of the film’s actors, leading both to the fictive recounting and the physical emulation of a prototype. Conceptual forms of image analysis form the topos of her work. Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 9 min, French/English Prod: Jeanne Faust | Sc: Jeanne Faust | Cam: Thomas Oswald | Ed: Jeanne Faust | Sound Des: Joern Zehe | With: Lou Castel, JeanChristophe Folly | Print/Sales: Jeanne Faust |



Spectrum ShortS

Forgotten column Zhou Xiao-hu

Like a colony of ants, a group of workers overpowers their prey, a classical Greek torso. With only the occasional sign of life to be observed, the unfair battle is soon settled and the booty is used for a higher purpose. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

China, 2010 | colour, video, 6 min, no dialogue Prod: Zhou Xiao-hu | Sc: Zhou Xiao-hu | Cam: Zhou Xiao-hu | Ed: Zhou Xiaohu | Print/Sales: Long March Space |

mur i wieza Wall and tower Yael Bartana

Yael Bartana continues her research into her fatherland. In Wall and Tower, Jews return to Poland to rapidly build settlements according to the Wall and Tower method used in the 1930s. Bartana makes inventive use of the style of Zionist propaganda films, thereby causing confusion. Poland/Israel/Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 15 min, Hebrew/Polish Prod: Naama Pyritz | Sc: Yael Bartana | Cam: Yael Bartana | Ed: Yael Bartana | Prod Des: Naama Pyritz | Sound Des: Daniel Meir | Print/Sales: Annet Gelink Gallery



Spectrum ShortS

reprise Films from the compilation programme Films & Performances 1 & 2 will be screened once again, now as a single programme. Public SCREENING: Sat 29-1 18:00 LV4

charlemagne 3: pastrami recordings Pip Chodorov

City Symphony avant-garde filmmaker Pip Chodorov always has his Super-8 and 16mm cameras with him. The images he shot over the past few years in New York constitute the basis for this small urban symphony. Soundtrack by another New Yorker now residing in Europe: minimalist composer Charlemagne Palestine. France/USA, 2009 | colour/b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 32 min, no dialogue Prod: Pip Chodorov | Cam: Pip Chodorov | Ed: Pip Chodorov | Sound Des: Charlemagne Palestine | Music: Charlemagne Palestine | Print/Sales: Pip Chodorov

think About Wood, think About metal Manon de Boer

Poetic portrait of Robyn Schulkowsky, who has worked with John Cage, Karlheinz Stochhausen, John Zorn and Christian Wolff. Her percussion improvisations occupy a large part in the film. Rhythm and the non-linear structuring of time play a major part, with the focus also on more abstract notions such as memory, history and life. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Belgium/Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 48 min, English Prod: Marie Logie | Prod Comp: Auguste Orts | Sc: Manon de Boer | Cam: Sébastien Koeppel | Ed: Manon de Boer | Sound Des: George van Dam | Music: Robyn Schulkowsky | With: Robyn Schulkowsky | Print/Sales: Auguste Orts |



Spectrum ShortS

Short profile: Sandro Aguilar Sandro Aguilar’s film making is powerful, precise and emotive. Almost wordlessly, his films master an alchemy that succeeds in shifting cinematic time. Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 16:00 LV2 Mon 31-1 20:00 LV2

Sem movimento motionless

Sandro Aguilar

The rules are quite simple: a shopping mall, a car and four passengers. The last one to leave the car gets to keep it. Inside, the same lack of comfort, the same twisted bodies, the same kind of solitude. Off the road. Portugal, 2000 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 17 min, Portuguese Prod: Sandro Aguilar | Prod Comp: O Som e a Fúria | Sc: Sandro Aguilar | Cam: Paulo Ares | Ed: Sandro Aguilar | Sound Des: Luis Botelho | With: Isabel Abreu, António Pedroso, Dinarte Branco, Ricardo Gross | Print/Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency

remains Sandro Aguilar

Everything threatens to crack and yet this devouring march happened long ago in the past. There is no moaning in the room next door, the wind has stopped blowing on the stairs, the air particles throw themselves against each other, but it’s only void against void. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Portugal, 2002 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 12 min, no dialogue Prod: Sandro Aguilar | Prod Comp: O Som e a Fúria | Sc: Sandro Aguilar | Cam: Sandro Aguilar | Ed: Sandro Aguilar | Sound Des: Miguel Martins, Sandro Aguilar | Print/Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency

Arquivo Archive

Sandro Aguilar

Clearly, they are all natural phenomena. The tide turns in cycles. Meteors can fall anytime, anywhere. Fish die if they stay out of the water for too long. This process takes time and when it ends there’s no turning back. When one of these things does not take place something fundamental has changed. That’s when miracles happen. Portugal, 2007 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 16 min, Portuguese Prod: Sandro Aguilar | Prod Comp: O Som e a Fúria | Sc: Sandro Aguilar | Cam: Paulo Ares | Ed: Sandro Aguilar | Prod Des: Sandro Aguilar, Luis Urbano | Sound Des: Miguel Martins | Music: Man or Astroman? | Print/Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency



Spectrum ShortS

Voodoo Sandro Aguilar

Sympathetic magic is based upon two principles: the Law of Similarity, which says that ‘like produces like,’ or that an effect resembles its cause, and the Law of Contact or Contagion, which says that things which have once been in contact continue to act on each other at a distance even after physical contact has been severed. Portugal, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 30 min, Portuguese Prod: Sandro Aguilar, Luís Urbano | Prod Comp: O Som e a Fúria | Sc: Sandro Aguilar | Cam: Rui Xavier | Ed: Sandro Aguilar | Sound Des: Pedro Melo | With: Albano Jerónimo, Filipe Duarte, Isabel Abreu | Print/Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency

Short profile: emily Vey Duke & cooper Battersby The episodic work of Canadian artist duo Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby reflects on the human condition with humour and empathy and involves the animal kingdom as well. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 16:00 LV2 Mon 31-1 11:45 LV3

Being Fucked up Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby

‘I have no mission or strong conviction. It seems like everything I find beautiful is crying about this hopelessness, and about the irreducibility of being alone. I wish I was a pervert with something inside me that burned and could never be made manifest. My secrets are so boring...’ (The Robot in ‘Monologue for Robots’) Canada, 2001 | , video, 10 min, English Prod: Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby | Print/Sales: V Tape |

Bad Ideas for paradise Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby

‘Self-esteem as a construct is illogical and contradictory, so its frequent deployment as the lynch-pin of New Age discourse seems to me satisfyingly appropriate. I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t have frequent bouts of self-loathing. There is something truly monstrous about the self-righteous...’ (Steve Reinke) Canada, 2002 | colour, video, 20 min, English Prod: Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby | Print/Sales: V Tape |



Spectrum ShortS

Beauty plus pity Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby

Beauty Plus Pity considers the potential for goodness amidst the troubled relations between God, humanity, animals, parents and children. A cast of animal ‘spirit guides’ quotes Philip Larkin and implores us to ‘get out as early as you can’ from life and our parents’ grasp, a hunter dreams of lying next to tranquilised animals. Canada, 2010 | , video, 14 min, English Prod: Emily Vey Duke | Print/Sales: V Tape |

Lesser Apes Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby

Experimental story of a primatologist who lives with a captive colony of bonobos. She falls in love with Meema, the matriarch of the colony. This funny, irreverent and smart video examines our notions of perversity. Meema seizes her chance of a heroic role. Also screens in Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 1. WorLD premIere

Canada, 2011 | , video, 19 min, English Prod: Emily Vey Duke | Sc: Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby | Print/ Sales: Duke and Battersby |



Spectrum ShortS

Short Stories: Animal magnetism Sometimes we are more like animals than we think. Four films about love and how to use our instincts in this respect. Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 13:45 LV3 Mon 31-1 19:45 LV3

Love, Jealousy and Wanting to Be in two places at once Gregg Smith

A young man recounts his story of love gone wrong, whilst going through the motions of a dance partner swapping scenario in the tango salons of Buenos Aires. This is his wife’s extravagant solution to rekindle their lost passion. By the IFFR regular Gregg Smith (e.g. Underexposed, IFFR Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films, 2010). WorLD premIere

Argentina/France, 2011 | colour, video, 12 min, English Prod: Gregg Smith | Sc: Gregg Smith | Cam: Sebastian Diaz Morales | Ed: Gregg Smith | Sound Des: Mikael Barre | With: Gregg Smith, Mercedez Dorta | Print/Sales: Gregg Smith |

pro-trusion Antonio Tibaldi

One snowy winter’s day in New York City, a teenage boy on his way back from school stops to help an ailing 90-yearold man home. But is their meeting really a coincidence? And who’s the woman sitting by the fire? Reminiscences of Roald Dahl in this carefully crafted short. WorLD premIere

USA, 2011 | colour, video, 25 min, English Prod: Antonio Tibaldi | Prod Comp: No Permits Produktions | Sc: Ryan Brown, Antonio Tibaldi | Cam: Antonio Tibaldi | Ed: Antonio Tibaldi | Prod Des: Antonio Tibaldi, John Doyel | Sound Des: Craig Carter | Music: Craig Carter | With: John Doyel, Sara Colangelo, Alec Tibaldi | Print/Sales: No Permits Produktions



Spectrum ShortS

Nulepsy Jessica Sarah Rinland

An elderly man’s voice-over, a life story characterised by the rare, exceptional disease he suffers from: nulepsy. A combination of epilepsy, narcolepsy and nudism. Sometimes it was inconvenient. A warm, humorous argument in favour of deviants. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 8 min, English Prod: Jessica Sarah Rinland | Prod Comp: Astauto ltd | Sc: Jessica Sarah Rinland | Cam: Jessica Sarah Rinland | Ed: Jessica Sarah Rinland | Prod Des: Jessica Sarah Rinland | Sound Des: Jessica Sarah Rinland | Music: Joe Campbell, Bill Stafford, The Pluz | With: Giles Oldershaw, Oscar Oldershaw, Alina Reitz, Oliver Clement, voice of Richard Burleigh | Print/Sales: Astauto ltd |

Where the Boys Are Bertrand Bonello

New, short film by Bertrand Bonello (Tiresia, le pornograph, Cindy, the Doll Is Mine). Teenage girls live, chat, smoke and drink together. Across the road, good-looking builders are working on Gennevilliers’ mosque. The girls are waiting for adulthood, cheeky and simultaneously terribly insecure. France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 22 min, French Prod: Justin Taurand | Prod Comp: Les Films du Bélier | Sc: Bertrand Bonello | Cam: Josée Deshaies | Ed: Fabrice Rouaud | Prod Des: Justin Taurand | Sound Des: Laurent Benaim | With: Esther Garrel, Pauline Etienne, Justine Dhouailly, P’tissem Ayata | Print: Unifrance International Film | Sales: Les Films du Bélier



Spectrum ShortS

Short Stories: Funny Games Various flavours of powerplay: by youths, the police, an artist or extremely odd people in the woods. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 20:00 LV2 Mon 31-1 10:00 LV2

mauvaise graine Bad Seed

Bénédicte Pagnot

Intimate portrait of a father and his teenage son. When the son plays truant and does not come home, Bruno tracks him down and tries to get through to Maxime and his friends. This seems to work and they go home with him. The great acting makes the climax even more intense. France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 20 min, French Prod: Gilles Padovani | Prod Comp: Mille et Une Films | Sc: Bénédicte Pagnot | Cam: Fabien Lamotte | Ed: Denis Le Paven | Sound Des: Corinne Gigon | Music: Mathieu Tiger | With: Jean-Marc Talbot, Maxime Hébert | Print/ Sales: Mille et Une Films |

el juego the Game

Benjamin Naishtat

A group of armed men are wandering in the jungle, tracking each other. Some move in pairs, some move alone, some wear military uniforms and some don’t. Like in any sort of game, rivalries and internal conflicts do not take long to emerge, drawing a line between the strong and the weak. France/Argentina, 2010 | colour, video, 20 min, Spanish Prod: Natalia Trebik | Prod Comp: Le Fresnoy | Sc: Benjamin Naishtat | Cam: José María Gómez | Ed: Benjamin Naishtat | Prod Des: Marina Raggio | Sound Des: Ronny Trocker | Music: El mató a un policía motorizado | With: Marcelo Pompei, Christian Villalba, Gonzalo Muruzeta, Franco Lovisolo | Print/Sales: Le Fresnoy

Glukhota Deafness

Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi

A boarding school for the deaf and dumb in Kiev’s suburbs. The police come to make inquiries and single out a boy. The real-time interrogation which follows is tense and ruthless. Director Slaboshpytskiy is developing a feature film project about the same school and receives financing from the Hubert Bals Fund for this purpose. Ukraine, 2010 | colour, video, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: Volodymyr Tykhiy | Prod Comp: Arthouse Traffic | Sc: Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy | Cam: Dmytro Sannykov | Ed: Coffee Post | Prod Des: Elena Slaboshpitskaya | Sound Des: Sergiy Stepanskiy | With: Dmytro Sokol, Oleksand Fomichov, Sergiy Gavryluk, Oleksand Semyshkur | Print/Sales: Arthouse Traffic |



Spectrum ShortS

mijn inbreker en ik my Burglar and I Kaweh Modiri

Dutch-Iranian writer/filmmaker Modiri’s laptop was stolen in September 2009. The burglar was caught and Modiri’s laptop was returned including a self-portrait of the perpetrator, a Moroccan rapper/columnist. Modiri decides to stalk him. Smart, funny Rietveld Academie graduation film. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 16 min, Dutch Prod: Kaweh Modiri, Sohrab Bayat, Steven Alexander Bos | Prod Comp: Marlon Productions | Sc: Kaweh Modiri | Cam: Kaweh Modiri, Mustafa Heravi, Sohrab Bayat | Ed: Kaweh Modiri, Steven Bos | Prod Des: Steven Bos | With: Kaweh Modiri, Ome Omar, Caroline Ruigrok, Wouter Klein Velderman, Tamara Gladys | Sales: Kaweh Modiri | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk |

Short Stories: make Believe Magic as in the song ‘It’s Only a Paper Moon’: ‘Say, it’s only a paper moon, sailing over a cardboard sea, but it wouldn’t be make-believe if you believed in me’. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 20:00 LV2 Sat 29-1 22:00 LV2

Na escola At School

Jorge Cramez

Bored primary school children escape into the wilderness surrounding the building. There they meet strange animals and have fun playing together. There is no plot or text but it is great story-telling imaginatively expressed in soft, fresh colours. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Portugal, 2010 | colour, video, 21 min, no dialogue Prod: Sandro Aguilar, Luís Urbano | Prod Comp: O Som e a Fúria | Sc: Edmundo Cordeiro, Jorge Cramez | Cam: João Pedro Plácido | Sound Des: Carlos Mota | With: André Morais, Marta Mateus, Simão Bárcia, Tomás Ferreira de Almeida, Valéria Brites | Print/Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency



Spectrum ShortS

Yoshido (Les autres vies) Yoshido (the other Life) Sébastien Betbeder

A director decides to finish the film he previously had to stop working on. Yoshido (The Other Life) really is the follow-up to La vie lointaine (IFFR 2009) and has the same casually supernatural feel. A bear becomes involved and the woods are home to a ghost. A must for Murakami fans. WorLD premIere

France, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 53 min, French/Japanese Prod: Sylvie Pialat | Prod Comp: Les Films du Worso | Sc: Sébastien Betbeder | Cam: Sébastien Betbeder | Ed: François Quiqueré | Prod Des: Les films du worso | Sound Des: Roman Dymny | Music: Winter Family | With: Gen Shimaoka, Clémentine Poidatz, Manuel Vallade | Print/Sales: Les Films du Worso

Short Stories: oh Stranger Four slightly melancholy wanderings and meetings somewhere between the past and the present, in Portugal, Macau and Switzerland. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 10:00 LV2 Sun 30-1 20:00 LV2

o estrangeiro the Foreigner Ivo M. Ferreira

A lost friend, reconstituted in flights of imagination from postcards, is newly traced in the present, creating remnants of a new absence. Ferreira is a mentor in Rotterdam’s Raiding Africa project, and The Foreigner was edited by 2011’s Short Profile director, Sandro Aguilar. Portugal, 2010 | colour, video, 18 min, Cantonese Prod: Ivo M. Ferreira | Sc: Ivo M. Ferreira, Edgar Medina | Cam: Márcio Loureiro, Susana Gomes | Ed: Sandro Aguilar | Sound Des: Ricardo Ceitil | Music: Picolê-António Pedro, Sandro Aguilar | With: Albert Chu, Bowie, DJ Kit Leong, Sioun Chong | Print/ Sales: Agencia – Portuguese Short Film Agency |



Spectrum ShortS

mak Géraldine Zosso

Moldavian Ilinka has been living in Switzerland with her aunt and mother for a year. She is fourteen and has just given birth to a baby boy, Mak. Her mother has heard about a baby counter and they travel there together. Heartbreaking, consummately acted fiction about motherhood. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Switzerland, 2010 | colour, video, 18 min, Moldavian/French Prod: Filippo Bonacci | Prod Comp: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste | Sc: Géraldine Zosso | Cam: Carlotta Steinemann | Ed: Tirza Bossardt | Prod Des: Noémi Fauconnet, Marion Pingoud | Sound Des: Gregg Skreman | With: Roxane Delcroix, Ina Tosca, Nora Seiwerth | Print/Sales: Géraldine Zosso

Lisboa-província Lisbon-province Susana Nobre

A death unfolds in Lisbon and Maria do Céu, the patient’s carer and nurse returns to the countryside of Alentejo. A sober, stationary camera observes, its quiet sympathy punctured by a powerful musical finale. Susana Nobre is co-founder of Portuguese production house Terratreme. europeAN premIere

Portugal, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 17 min, Portuguese Prod: João Matos | Prod Comp: Terratreme Filmes | Sc: Susana Nobre | Cam: Pedro Pinho | Ed: Luís Miguel Correia | Prod Des: Cypress Cook | Sound Des: Nuno Mourão | With: Maria do Céu Nobre, Susana Nobre, Brites Borralho, Joana Borralho, Marta Borralho | Print/Sales: Terratreme Filmes |

Angela David Maye

Excellent actor Manuel Vallade (from Sébastien Betbeder’s films) plays a young teacher who has everything on track with a job, a girlfriend and an apartment. His drug addict ex turns up and disrupts things for him. He is fascinated and gets sucked in. Impressive Swiss student film. europeAN premIere

Switzerland, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 22 min, French Prod: Lionel Baier | Prod Comp: ECAL | Sc: David Maye | Cam: Joakim Chardonnens | Ed: Lilian Corbeille | Sound Des: Samuel Aïchoun | Music: The Black Atlantic, Houses, Henri Almond | With: Manuel Vallade, Nina Langensand | Print/Sales: ECAL



Spectrum ShortS

Short Stories: Sea of Desire How ordinary happiness can be or is there a catch? Desire in Paris, a delightful everyday routine in Brazil and hanging out in the streets of Russia. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:00 LV3 Fri 28-1 15:45 LV3

um par A couple Lara Lima

She works days, he works nights. In between, they see each other briefly and are happy. Graduation film loosely based on Italo Calvino’s short story The Adventure of a Husband and a Wife about time and space, the basics of film grammar. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Brazil, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 8 min, Portuguese Prod: Lara Lima | Prod Comp: Lira Cinematografica | Sc: Lara Lima | Cam: Patricia Pastorello | Ed: Marcelo Lima, Renato Coelho | Prod Des: Thais Almeida | Sound Des: Guile Martins | Music: Eduardo Lima, Fabio Goes | With: Djin Sganzerla, Andre Guerreiro Lopes | Print/Sales: Lira Cinematografica

petit tailleur Little tailor Louis Garrel

Exuberant, vital short film that goes far beyond a simple stylistic exercise (Nouvelle Vague). Salutes its heritage with an amour fou, a femme fatale and Paris in glorious, perfectly-lit black-and-white. Lea Seydoux is irresistibly beautiful in the story of the young tailor stricken by indecision. France, 2010 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.85, 44 min, French Prod: Mathieu Bompoint | Prod Comp: Mezzanine Films | Sc: Louis Garrel | Cam: Louis Garrel | Ed: Marie-Julie Maille, Boris Chapelle | With: Arthur Igual, Léa Seydoux, Albert Igual, Evelyne Lequesne, Gilbert Beugniot | Print: MK2 | Sales: Mezzanine Films

more zhelaniy Sea of Desires

Shota Gamisonia

A team of Ukrainian synchronised swimmers is training on an imaginary Moscow beach – two friends should really go and watch. Or will they stay in the shade after all or go for a picnic in the mountains? Too many choices. Their mild intoxication proves catching in this slightly absurdist dream. WorLD premIere

Russia, 2011 | colour, video, 28 min, Russian Prod: Ivan Lopatin | Prod Comp: Leevandia-entertainment | Sc: Shota Gamisonia | Cam: Andrei Debabov | Ed: Timur Guzairov | Music: Anton Fyodorov | With: Elgudzhu Burduli | Print/Sales: Leevandia-entertainment



Spectrum ShortS

Short Stories: Sons & Daughters Warm, loving, but also painful, cruel ties between parents and children in these four short sensitive fictions. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 15:45 LV3 Sun 30-1 10:00 LV2

Am anderen ende At the other end Philipp Doering

In a memorable role, actress Ursula Werner portrays a monument to all understanding mothers. She plays Marianne who works nights for a telephone help line, but refuses to admit she could use some help herself. Her pain is almost tangible. Germany, 2009 | colour, video, 24 min, German Prod: Teymour Tehrani | Prod Comp: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg | Sc: Katharina Kress | Cam: Leonard Lehmann | Ed: Sven Kulik | Prod Des: Mari Liis Tigasson | Sound Des: Miriam Voth | Music: J.S. Bach | With: Ursula Werner, Dorothea Arnold | Print/Sales: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg |

choke Michelle Latimer

When Jimmy leaves his northern First Nations reservation to live in the city, he quickly realises that urban life is not what he’d imagined. Inspired by the late First Nation artist Kyle Morrisseau, Choke uses stop motion animation to explore themes of urban isolation and the search for identity. WorLD premIere

Canada, 2011 | colour, video, 5 min, English Prod: David Miller | Sc: Michelle Latimer | Ed: Cam McLauchlin, David Caporale | Sound Des: Tattersall Sound & Picture | Music: Nathan Hilton | Print: Kristine Estorninos | Sales: Michelle Latimer

onda vidim tanju then I See tanja Juraj Lerotic

Understated still-photo film about a sensitive teenager who has to get by at home with his little brother when their mother is hospitalised. He starts working as a funeral videographer and falls hopelessly in love. Exceptional form adds to the atmosphere of this rite of passage from Croatia. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Croatia, 2010 | colour, video, 33 min, Croatian Prod: Olinka Vi tica, Dana Budisavljevic | Prod Comp: Hulahop Film and Art Production | Sc: Juraj Lerotic | Cam: Jakov Lerotic | Ed: Marko Ferkovic | Prod Des: Olinka Vistica, Dana Budisavljevic | Sound Des: Hrvoje Stefotic | Music: Christian Biegai | With: Marin Radman, Ena Masic, Niko GamulinVilogorac, Mirjana Rogina | Print/Sales: Hulahop Film and Art Production



Spectrum ShortS

mokhtar Halima Ouardiri

A boy comes home with a deformed young owl. His father locks him up for days because, according to tradition, owls are cursed. The desperate boy makes a decision. Featuring the inhabitants of a desolate, rural area in Morocco which lends the drama a documentary feel. Canada, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 16 min, Berber Prod: Halima Ouardiri, Mila Aung-Thwin | Prod Comp: EyeSteelFilm, EyeSteelFilm | Sc: Halima Ouardiri | Cam: Duraid Munajim | Ed: Hélène Girard | Prod Des: Brahim Batta | Sound Des: Bruno Pucella | Music: Radwan Moumneh | With: Abdellah Ichiki, Omar Belarbi, S’fia Moussa | Print/Sales: EyeSteelFilm |

Short Stories: teens and trabbis Teens messing about in former East Germany and an exceptional friendship in freezing Finland have the survival instinct in common. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 22:00 LV4 Mon 31-1 15:45 LV3

Gömböc Ulrike Vahl

Ronny and Paul are friends. Their daily activities consist of picking up Trabant cars, fishing for eels and sitting around grandma’s kitchen table. The stock car race and its fireworks finale are the highlights of the year. What the villagers have in common is that they get up again after falling down. Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 21 min, German Prod: Anne Krueger | Prod Comp: HFF Konrad Wolf | Sc: Ulrike Vahl | Cam: Till Girke | Ed: Ben Laser | Sound Des: Benedikt Gaussling | Music: Atzenmusik | With: Knut Berger, Leonard Proxauf, Milena Dreissig, Franziska Grosspietsch | Print/Sales: HFF Konrad Wolf

taulukauppiaat the painting Sellers Juho Kuosmanen

A few days before Christmas, a father and son try to sell paintings belonging to their travelling companion, an ill woman, which is proving difficult. The car has broken down and it is very cold. A friendship develops between the boy and the woman. Tender coming-of-age drama, winner of the Cannes student competition. Finland, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 59 min, Finnish Prod: Jussi Rantamäki, Auli Mantila | Prod Comp: Aamu Filmcompany ltd. | Sc: J-P Passi | Cam: J-P Passi | Ed: Jussi Rautaniemi | Sound Des: Pietu Korhonen | With: Teppo Manner, Auli Mantila, Tuomas Airola | Print/ Sales: Aamu Filmcompany ltd. | Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 14:00 CI3




Spectrum ShortS

Sliding past The use and abuse of the past is a bottomless well of information and inspiration; but the past also lies, misleads, shifts and remains impossible to pin down. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 22:00 LV4 Sun 30-1 22:00 LV6

In Free Fall Hito Steyerl

In Free Fall incorporates a trio of works: Before the Crash, After the Crash and Crash. Through intertwined narratives of people, planes and places, Steyerl reveals cycles of capitalism incorporating and adapting to the changing status of the commodity, but also points at a horizon beyond this endless repetition. Germany/Austria, 2010 | colour, video, 32 min, English Prod: Hito Steyerl | Cam: Kevan Jenson, Christoph Manz | Ed: Cristovao dos Reis | With: Imri Kahn, Kevan Jenson, Mike Potter | Print/Sales: Hito Steyerl

the tent Elizabeth Price

Exploiting both the idealised ambitions and apocalyptic urgency contained in the original Systems 1973 publication, Price’s film reformulates these into white light and motion graphics creating a kind of space – an ideological and imaginative enclosure – expressed as a futuristic tent. United Kingdom, 2010 | b&w, video, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Elizabeth Price | Sc: Elizabeth Price | Print/Sales: LUX

Gibellina Vecchia Raphaël Zarka

A film document for a monument. Raphael Zarka records the artwork Alberto Burri created in 1981 on the ruins of the Italian town of Gibellina, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1968. The past is a motionless, almost threatening presence in every shot. Humans are accidental interlopers. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

France, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: Raphaël Zarka | Sc: Raphaël Zarka | Cam: Raphaël Zarka | Ed: Raphaël Zarka | Print/Sales: Motive Gallery |



Spectrum ShortS

theta rhythm Bojan Fajfric

24 September 1987, the eighth Central Committee Congress of the Serbian Communist Party at which Slobodan Milosevic seized power. During the special TV broadcast, a cameraman caught one of the party members nodding off. A meticulous reconstruction of what happened that day. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2010 | colour, video, 17 min, Serbian Prod: Lidija Zelovic | Prod Comp: Zelovic Productions | Sc: Bojan Fajric | Sales: EYE Film Institute Netherlands | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands

mastering Bambi Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács

Bambi is famous for its protagonists – cute animals with human traits – and its obvious nature theme. An often overlooked character in the film is nature itself: untrammelled wilderness, full of deceptive realism and harmony in which man is the only enemy. The makers strip the forest of its inhabitants and focus on nature’s role. WorLD premIere

Netherlands/USA, 2011 | colour, video, 13 min, no dialogue Prod: Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács | Prod Comp: Broersen & Lukács | Sc: Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács | Cam: Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács | Ed: Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács | Prod Des: Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács | Sales: Broersen & Lukács | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk |



Spectrum ShortS

South Asian Shorts: Inhabited Spaces In South Asian experimental films we often see a playful use of cinema language and the distinctive cultural roots of the authors. Juggling between mythology and personal symbolism, the filmmakers develop their unique and authentic style. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 20:00 LV4 Sun 30-1 12:00 LV6

I Am micro Shumona Goel, Shai Heredia

The camera finds its way through the corridors of deserted film laboratories, dilapidated cinemas and a low-budget film crew’s set. Digital technology is replacing conventional film techniques and equipment at an amazing rate in India, resulting in a substantial part of the cinematic heritage being lost. WorLD premIere

India, 2011 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 14 min, English Prod: Shumona Goel, Shai Heredia | Prod Comp: FutureEast, experimenta india | Ed: Shai Heredia, Shumona Goel | Sound Des: Shai Heredia, Shumona Goel | Music: Shai Heredia, Shumona Goel | Print: FutureEast | Sales: experimenta india

the Furnished room Priyanka Chhabra

A young man ends up in a town he does not know. Is he searching for something? Or is he lost? The story is told in three side-by-side images. These show the various main characters from continually changing perspectives. The mystery slowly unravels. India, 2008 | colour, video, 8 min, Hindi Prod: Priyanka Chhabra | Prod Comp: National Institute of Design | Sc: Priyanka Chhabra | Cam: Prahalad Gopakumar | Ed: Priyanka Chhabra | Music: Troyvasanth C | With: Angshuman Phukan, Sakri Ben | Print/Sales: Priyanka Chhabra

Jan Villa Natasha Mendonca

Natasha Mendonca returns to Mumbai, the city of her birth, after the devastating floods of 2005. Alongside all the silent witnesses to nature’s violence, she primarily records the personal consequences of this destruction and the way the disaster undermined the security of hearth and home. Jan Villa is not a linear narrative, but an impressive associative essay whereby the images seem sucked inwards as if in a whirlpool. Also screens in Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competion for Short Films 3. USA/India, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 20 min, English Prod | Sc | Cam | Ed | Print/Sales: Natasha Mendonca |



Spectrum ShortS


Dissolution Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni

Nachiket is a young architect. He sees how the city has changed in recent years. Everything seems to accelerate when his grandmother dies suddenly. An ancient culture seems to die along with her. He not only witnesses, but is also part of this decay. India, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 13 min, no dialogue Prod: Pankaj Raag | Prod Comp: Film and Television Institute of India | Sc: Satee Bhave, Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni | Cam: Nitika Bhagat | Ed: Abhijeet Deshpande | Sound Des: Chandrashekhar Sagde | With: Omkar Gowardhan, Minakshi Karekar | Print/Sales: Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni

720 Degrees Ishtiaque Zico

One uncut shot of a journey taken to discover the various layers of the relationship between man and nature and the different perceptions. The storytelling technique exploits sound elements and explores the freedom of framing. Bangladesh, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Ashique Mostafa | Prod Comp: Era Motion Pictures | Sc: Ishtiaque Zico | Cam: Samiran Datta | Prod Des: Kazi Arefin Shashi | Sound Des: Tapan Bhattacharya | With: Ashique Mostafa, Rubaiyat Hossain, Sujan Mahmud, Naiful Islam, Aslam, Chhoton | Print/Sales: Era Motion Pictures |

Vakratunda Swaha Ashish Avikunthak

This puzzling film opens and closes with Girish Dahiwale, the filmmaker’s friend who died in 1998, performing a ritual for the god Ganesha. In between, we see the maker shaving his head three times as a symbol of grief and dedication to the gods. India, 2010 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:1.37, 22 min, Hindi Prod: Ashish Avikunthak | Prod Comp: Ashish Avikunthak Productions | Sc: Ashish Avikunthak | Cam: Setu, Manoj Peter, Indranil Mukherjee, Lalit Tiwari, Praveen K. Bangari, Arindam Bhattacharjee, Anirudh Garbyal | Ed: Pankaj Rishi Kumar | Sound Des: Preetam Das | With: Girish Dahiwale, Debu Pramanik, Ashish Avikunthak,Swapan Pramanik, Radhika Apte | Print/Sales: Ashish Avikunthak Productions |



Spectrum ShortS

South Asian Shorts: real and Surreal Documentaries in South Asia have a strong tradition and are often part of a social and political struggle. These two films bring compelling stories while having a strong cinematic appeal. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 12:00 LV6 Sat 29-1 11:45 LV3

At the Stairs Rajesh S. Jala

According to Hindu tradition, when a husband dies, the wife breaks her bangles and exchanges her colourful sari for a white one. Many of them end up in Vrindavan, the city of widows and Radha followers. This powerful cinéma-vérité observes their silence, sadness and endurance. WorLD premIere

India, 2011 | colour, video, 30 min, Hindi Prod: Rajesh S. Jala | Prod Comp: The Elements | Cam: Rajesh S. Jala, Rajkishore, Giriraj Sharma | Ed: Vijay Sharma, Sheetal Koul | Sound Des: Rajkishore, Giriraj Sharma, Vijay Sharma, Sheetal Koul | Print/Sales: The Elements |

out of thin Air Samreen Farooqui, Shabani Hassanwalia

The Ladakh Vision Group is shooting a new film: Las-Del (Karmic Connection). The film director is a Buddhist monk while local housewives, policemen and taxi drivers play heroes and villains. This intriguing and charming documentary brings an appealing story about a thriving film industry in breathtaking Tibet. India, 2010 | colour, video, 50 min, Hindi Prod: Samreen Farooqui, Shabani Hassanwalia | Prod Comp: Hit and Run Films | Sc: Shabani Hassanwalia, Samreen Farooqui | Cam: Shabani Hassanwalia, Samreen Farooqui | Ed: Shabani Hassanwalia, Samreen Farooqui | Prod Des: Shabani Hassanwalia, Samreen Farooqui | Sound Des: Shabani Hassanwalia, Samreen Farooqui | Music: Ashhar Farooqui | Print/Sales: Hit and Run Films | Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 13:15 CI2



Spectrum ShortS

South Asian Shorts: Solance of Loneliness On the Asian Subcontinent since there are no specific funds for shorts and only a few platforms to present them. The film schools, on the other hand, have all the necessary facilities, and final exam films are still made on 35mm. A compilation of strong independent works. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:00 LV4 Sat 29-1 16:00 LV4

Stasis Ashwin Bhaskaran

Dynamic camerawork, a specific night atmosphere, the busy streets of Indian metropolises Mumbai and Bengaluru and a rickshaw driver’s dubious encounters, counterpointed with a multilayered soundtrack: the ingredients for an intriguing diploma film in which the filmmaker delivers a personal discourse on the cityscape. WorLD premIere

India, 2011 | colour, video, 15 min, Kannada/Hindi Prod: Ashwin Bhaskaran | Sc: Ashwin Bhaskaran | Cam: Vinay Ghodgeri | Ed: Ashwin Bhaskaran | Prod Des: Ashwin Bhaskaran | Sound Des: Ashwin Bhaskaran | Music: Ashwin Bhaskaran | With: Santosh, Vivek Chocalingam, Vidha Sowmya, Ragavendra Rao | Print/Sales: Ashwin Bhaskaran |

... Just that Sort of a Day Abhay Kumar

A very distinguished cinematic blend of animation and fictional elements, created within a narrative that concerns a personal search for deeper meaning within various activities throughout a day. A great sense of cinematic rhythm, a lucid narrative line and appealing visual style. europeAN premIere

India, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 14 min, English Prod: Abhay Kumar | Prod Comp: | Sc: Abhay Kumar | Cam: Abhay Kumar | Ed: Abhay Kumar | Prod Des: Abhay Kumar | Sound Des: Shane Mendonsa | Music: Shane Mendonsa | Print/Sales:



Spectrum ShortS

Six Strands Chaitanya Tamhane

An ironic tale about a nameless woman who produces the most expensive tea in the world was shot on breathtaking locations in Darjeeling. The Moonlight Thurston tea triggers exciting sensations, memories, even love and passion. Visually rich and layered, Six Strands emanates a mystical quality. europeAN premIere

India, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 16 min, Nepali Prod: Chaitanya Tamhane | Prod Comp: Sleightly Frivolous Films | Sc: Chaitanya Tamhane | Cam: Deepti Gupta | Ed: Baiju Kurup | Prod Des: Vivek Jadhav | Sound Des: Niraj Gera | Music: Pankaj Awasthi | With: Sushama Deshpande, voice of Puja Sarup | Print/Sales: Sleightly Frivolous Films

Shadows of Silence Pradeepan Raveendran

With his film nominated for Berlin’s Golden Bear and selected at Cannes, this young Paris-based Sri Lankan director is one of the most intriguing upcoming talents from South Asia. His films deal mostly with the feelings and destinies of people affected by the war. France/Sri Lanka, 2010 | colour, video, 11 min, Tamil Prod: Pradeepan Raveendran | Prod Comp: EXIL IMAGE | Sc: Pradeepan Raveendran | Cam: Krishna Nagan Pillai | Ed: Muthusakshmi Varadhan | Prod Des: Nagaluxmy Sivasamboo | Sound Des: Anand Krishnamoorthi | With: Krishna Subramaniaunitha, Ananda Kumar | Print/Sales: EXIL IMAGE |

poshak Facade

Iram Parveen Bilal

Beautiful blend of mystic dance and poetry shapes the story of an artist who tries to retreat deeper within herself. Cinematically compelling and contemplative, it represents a roar from within a Pakistani artist who yearns to liberate herself from all inhibitions and facades. WorLD premIere

Pakistan, 2011 | colour, video, 14 min, Urdu/English Prod: Iram Parveen Bilal, Saad Bin Mujeeb | Prod Comp: Parveen Shah Productions, Twenty Nine Dash One Productions | Sc: Iram Parveen Bilal | Cam: Junaid Malik | Ed: Billy McMillin, Iram Parveen Bilal | Prod Des: Aisha Rahman, Naeem ur Rahman | Sound Des: Iram Parveen Bilal | Music: Andrew Gross | With: Sheema Kermani, Joshinder Chaggar, Mohsin Babar, Shakeel Rana | Print/Sales: Parveen Shah Productions |



Spectrum ShortS

Doctor, Nurse and the patients Angshuman Barkakoty

Strong and ironic drama of the absurd situated in a hospital room where a terminally ill patient feels abandoned in his bed. He gets claustrophobic fears, especially after observing the seduction game between his doctor and the nurse. Second-year film from the prestigious SRFTI Kolkata. India, 2009 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.66, 11 min, Hindi Prod: Shankar Mohan | Prod Comp: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute | Sc: Angshuman Barkakoty | Cam: Siddharth Diwan | Ed: Amit Lamzel Sarki | Prod Des: Siddharth Diwan | Sound Des: Binil Cammakadu | Music: Nadaprem | With: Dilip Shankar, Adil Hussain, Bidita Bag, Pratik Ghaisas | Print/Sales: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute

South Asian Shorts: SrFtI Kolkata Recent works from one of the most interesting film schools in India, SRFTI in Kolkata. Named after one of India’s supreme filmmakers Satyajit Ray, the Institute nourishes a free spirit and openness of expression. Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 22:00 LV2 Mon 31-1 14:00 LV2

pocha apel

the rotten Apple Ravulapalli Srinath

A mentally challenged woman lives on the streets of Kolkata. One day a man appears in her life. Do they have any future? An appealing diploma work shot on 35mm, which uses strong visuals within a minimalist storytelling style. It won an award at the Bonjour India Festival. India, 2009 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 27 min, Bengali Prod: Shankar Mohan | Prod Comp: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute | Sc: Srinath Ravulapalli | Cam: Arindam Bhatacharya | Ed: Apratim Chakraborty | Sound Des: Nairit Dey | With: Rohan, Malini Sengupta | Print/Sales: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute



Spectrum ShortS

Germ Snehal Nair

A boy becomes obsessed with black-andwhite passport photographs discarded on streets and railway platforms. They lead him on a journey that recollects previous life in a city. An associative, surrealist work dwelling on the presence of death. The film won several awards at international festivals. India, 2009 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.66, 26 min, Hindi Prod: Shankar Mohan | Prod Comp: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute | Sc: Snehal Nair | Cam: Snehal Nair | Ed: Snehal Nair | Sound Des: Ayan Bhattacharya | With: Aniruddha Dasgupta,Siddhartha Dutta,Aryan Goenka, Siddharth Singh | Print/Sales: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute

Doyam Shakeel Mohammed

Without any words, this visually refined diploma film deals with a boxer’s struggle to come to terms with his father’s death and his fear of defeat in the ring, shutting himself off from his wife in the process. The film was selected at several international festivals. India, 2009 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 24 min, Hindi Prod: Shankar Mohan | Prod Comp: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute | Sc: Shakeel Mohammed | Cam: Rukma Reddy Petlolla | Ed: Atanu Mukherjee | Prod Des: Shayantan Mondal, Shantanu Bose | Sound Des: Sudipto Mukhopadhyay | Print/Sales: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute

Windows 4:3 Angsuman Barkakorty

With the eye of an investigator and a poet, the filmmaker observes old Indian metropolis Kolkata focusing on unusual places, buildings and shapes. A meditative cinematic ode to life that slips away from reality and remains only carved in people’s memories. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

India, 2009 | colour, video, 28 min, Assamese Prod: Shankar Mohan | Prod Comp: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute | Sc: Angshuman Barkakoty | Cam: Siddharth Diwan | Ed: Amyth Lamzel Sarki | Sound Des: Binil Cammakadu | Print/Sales: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute



Spectrum ShortS

Strange messengers Sometimes it’s about the message, sometimes the messenger is the message. Now and then, the two don’t see eye to eye. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:45 LV3 Sun 30-1 22:00 LV3

positive Tan Tan

Nothing is what it seems in this cleverly designed, hypnotising, associative series of images. Every event has its consequences which, ultimately, seem to leave us further from our goal. The question is: where will it all end? INterNAtIoNAL premIere

China, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Tan Tan | Prod Comp: Tan Tan Studio | Sc: Tan Tan | Cam: Tan Tan | Ed: Tan Tan | Prod Des: Tan Tan | Sound Des: Tan Tan | Music: Anton Lustig | Print/Sales: Tan Tan Studio

Six easy pieces Reynold Reynolds

Insight into the wonderful world of physics through the fantastic eyes of Reynold Reynolds and his refined use of stop-motion and live-action animation. Based on the book Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics by Richard P. Feynman. WorLD premIere

Germany, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Saskia Lutter | Cam: Carlos Vasquez | Ed: Reynold Reynolds | Prod Des: Merle Vorwald | Sound Des: Martin Backes | With: Helga Wretman, Sanela Hasanovic, Pirnes Steante, Ana Bellido, Francesca Pellanda | Print: Saskia Lutter | Sales: Reynold Reynolds |

royaume du o Kingdom of o Joaquin Breton

Maybe Kingdom of O is the story of history, the mythology of an empire. Amidst the hum of the city, two people tell the story, a man and a woman. Between empire and kingdom, spaces fluctuate according to the dynamics of expansion, towards a possible union? (JB) INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Belgium, 2010 | colour, video, 23 min, German Prod: Anthony Rey | Prod Comp: Hélicotronc SPRL | Sc: Joaquin Breton, Facundo Gaëte | Cam: Joaquin Breton | Ed: Joaquin Breton | Sound Des: Arnaud Calvar | Music: Ismael Colombani | With: Cosima Jentzsch, Michael Furchbrich | Print/Sales: Hélicotronc SPRL |



Spectrum ShortS

horse Glue Stephen Irwin

A murderous babe in the wood meets a shell-shocked soldier amidst layer upon layer of texture, crackle and hiss and bewildering hand-drawn animation. It’s a fresh-from-the-box Stephen Irwin film, and a more than fitting sequel to his The Black Dog’s Progress, Rotterdam Tiger Award Competition for Short Film 2009. europeAN premIere

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Stephen Irwin | Prod Comp: Small Time Inc | Sc: Stephen Irwin | Ed: Stephen Irwin | Sound Des: Stephen Irwin | Music: Sorenious Bonk | Print/Sales: Small Time Inc |

De ongekende vrijheidsdrang van soldaat L.B.

the unprecedented thirst for Freedom of private L.B. Chanoah Jap Ngie

Soldier Leroy Blanche landed in Normandy during World War II. After the war, battling for a world without nationalities, he soon found himself in trouble. From liberator to illegal alien. A little political pressure, a coughing fit and the right therapy allow a lot of misery to be forgotten. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 14 min, French | Prod Comp: borstzak/ vestzak produkties | Cam: Praveen Bangari, Setu Pandey, Manoj Peter, Lalit Tiwari | Ed: Pankaj Rishi Kumar | With: Radhika Apte, Ashish Avikunthak, Girish Dahiwale | Print/Sales: borstzak/vestzak produkties

the Voice of God Bernd Lüetzeler

If God came down to earth and tried to earn a living in Mumbai, most probably he would quickly become successful as a voice-over artist, lending his voice to thousands of Hindi movies and even more documentaries and Indian public service films. WorLD premIere

India/Germany, 2011 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 9 min, English Prod: Bernd Lüetzeler | Sc: Bernd Lützeler | Cam: Bernd Lützeler | Ed: Bernd Lützeler | Sound Des: Bernd Lützeler | With: Harish Bhimani | Print/Sales: Bernd Lüetzeler



Spectrum ShortS

trans transformations Our perception is geared towards change. A collection about beauty, transcience, movement and how we perceive them. Nothing stays the same. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 22:00 LV6 Mon 31-1 14:00 LV6

haru no shikumi

the mechanism of Spring Atsushi Wada

The Mechanism of Spring is full of small twists which touch on universal interconnection. Atsushi Wada links his doodle-based characters into an animation which spells the Japanese word ‘ma’: exciting moments that can be applied to movement, speech, space or time. Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 4 min, no dialogue Prod: Atsushi Wada | Sc: Atsushi Wada | Ed: Atsushi Wada | Prod Des: Atsushi Wada | Sound Des: Atsushi Wada | Print/Sales: Atsushi Wada

Imperceptihole Robert Todd, Lori Felker

Imperceptihole is a high-contrast correspondence film and a science nonfiction fairy tale. Things are never as polarised as they appear. Circling and searching, falling and landing, entering and exiting: actuality lies between seasons, states, planes and worlds. (LF & RT) WorLD premIere

USA, 2011 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 15 min, no dialogue Prod: Lori Felker | Cam: Robert Todd, Lori Felker | Ed: Robert Todd, Lori Felker | Sound Des: Robert Todd, Lori Felker | With: Robert Todd, Lori Felker | Print/ Sales: Robert Todd |,

triband Sebastian Buerkner

Buerkner places three separate scenes or objects in quick succession, to generate an image that depends on the perceptive ability of a viewer to create a ‘subjective’ fourth or ‘true’ image. In doing so, his animation assimilates the character of multiple personalities, emphasising the blurring of truth and reality. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

United Kingdom, 2009 | colour, video, 4 min, no dialogue Prod: Sebastian Buerkner | Print: LUX | Sales: Sebastian Buerkner |



Spectrum ShortS

through a Fine Screen Zachary Formwalt

Through a Fine Screen starts with a grainy image from 1880 of an American shantytown and is viewed as the first undoctored news photograph to be published. The origin and location of the photograph are however obscure. A reflection on media archaeology and historical falsification. Netherlands/Portugal, 2010 | colour, video, 21 min, English Prod: Zachary Formwalt | Prod Comp: Casco – Office for Art, Design and Theory, Fundação de Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea | Print/Sales: Zachary Formwalt

endeavour Johann Lurf

Two journeys into space on board the Endeavour’s thrusters. A brief, but awe-inspiring space journey, from every imaginable angle, created using the six cameras attached to the rockets and a single, direct sound recording. With the only difference being day or night. INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Austria, 2010 | colour, video, 16 min, no dialogue Prod: Johann Lurf | Ed: Johann Lurf | Sound Des: Nils Kirchhoff | Print/Sales: sixpackfilm

trans trans (transformers transformed) Bradley Eros, Tim Geraghty

Hard edits from testosterone action film The Transformers, hybridised with fragments from Futurist Manifesto, which serve as stimulating mantras, and supported by Einstürzende Neubauten’s explosive industrial soundtrack. The end result is more than the sum of its parts. europeAN premIere

USA, 2009 | colour, video, 12 min, English/German Prod: Bradley Eros | Sc: Bradley Eros | Ed: Bradley Eros, Tim Geraghty | Prod Des: Bradley Eros | Sound Des: Bradley Eros | Music: Bayle, Zappa, Fox, Fennesz, Einsturzende Neubauten | With: DeceptIcons, AutoBots | Print/Sales: Bradley Eros



Spectrum ShortS

underworlds In most countries, animation is just for kids and so is Alice in Wonderland. But in Japan this is very different. A dark Alice and animation for Goths and all the others who continue to ove dark fantasy. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 21:45 LV3 Sat 29-1 11:30 LV4

Alice ga ochita ana no naka: Dark märchen Show!!

Alice in the underworld: the Dark märchen Show!! Terashima Mari

Alice in a dark, subterranean wonderland. The film was made with Rose de Reficul et Guiggles, a theatre group dedicated entirely to the gothic genre. The film appears animated, but the gothic characters are as real as can be. Japan, 2009 | colour, video, 58 min, Japanese Prod: Takashi Echigoya | Prod Comp: Aichi Arts Center | Sc: Rose de Reficul et Guiggles, Terashima Mari | Cam: Kurihara Mie, Terashima Mari | Ed: Terashima Mari | Prod Des: Rose de Reficul et Guiggles, Terashima Mari | Sound Des: Terashima Mari | Music: Watahiki Kotaro | With: Rose de Reficul et Guiggles, Yamada Mame | Print/Sales: Terashima Mari |

midori-ko Kurosaka Keita

Kurosaka Keita is clearly a ‘professor’ of animation. The very best in classic, hand-drawn animation. At a hidden laboratory, scientists are searching for a new type of food that will – in time – save the planet. They are aided by a force from the universe. europeAN premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 56 min, Japanese Prod: Mizuyoshi Akira | Prod Comp: Mistral Japan | Sc: Kurosaka Keita | Cam: Kurosaka Keita | Ed: Kurosaka Keita | Prod Des: Kurosaka Keita | Sound Des: Sakamoto Hiromichi | Music: Sakamoto Hiromichi | With: Sayaka Suzuki (voice) , Rina Yuki (voice) , Chicapan (voice) | Print/Sales: Mistral Japan |



Spectrum ShortS

utopia How architects intentionally or unintentionally leave a deep impression. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:45 LV3 Sat 29-1 13:45 LV3

the Future Will Not Be capitalist Sasha Pirker

There was still a future then, at the end of the 1960s, when Oskar Niemeyer designed the French Communist Party’s head office. Sasha Pirker’s film studies the relationship between this futuristic building and contemporary economic practices, political visions and aesthetic points of view. Austria, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 19 min, English Prod: Sasha Pirker | Sc: Sasha Pirker | Cam: Johannes Hammel | Ed: Sasha Pirker | Sound Des: Stephan Roth | Print/Sales: sixpackfilm

oh Anouk De Clercq

Oh seeks to reanimate the utopian spirit of renegade architect Etienne-Louis Boullée (1728-1799). He is probably best remembered today for one unrealised project in particular: the design for a gigantic spherical shrine dedicated to one of the founding fathers of modern science, Isaac Newton (1784). INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Belgium/France, 2010 | b&w, video, 8 min, no dialogue Prod: Marie Logie | Prod Comp: Auguste Orts | Sc: Anouk De Clercq | Cam: Tom Kluyskens | Ed: Anouk De Clercq, Tom Kluyskens | Sound Des: Anton Aeki | Sales: Auguste Orts | Distr. NL: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst – NIMk |

triptiek – Beelden van een koninkrijk

triptych – Images of a Kingdom Paul van den Wildenberg, Jan Ketelaars

The desire for economic growth, dreams bigger than we can ever hope to achieve and the intoxication of the masses: each of the triptych’s locations has an extreme, monomaniac focus on living, working or recreation. WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 59 min, Dutch Prod: Ronald Groenink | Prod Comp: Terrain Vague Film | Sc: Jan Ketelaars, Paul van den Wildenberg | Cam: Willem Heshusius | Ed: Jan Ketelaars, Paul van den Wildenberg | Sound Des: Marc Lizier | Print/Sales: Terrain Vague Film | Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 22:30 CI2




Teta, alf marra

Grandma, a Thousand Times Mahmoud Kaabour

Mahmoud Kaabour has chosen to dig into his own grandmother’s memories about his grandfather, a famous Arab musician. In this way, the personal and cultural heritage of the country melt into each other. What’s more, the grandma has plenty to say and she does it with special humour. A warm personal documentary gem from the Middle East. Will be screened together with 1001 Irans. EUROPEAN PREMIERE

United Arab Emirates/Qatar/Lebanon, 2010 | colour/ b&w, video, 48 min, Arabic/English Prod: Eva Star Sayre | Prod Comp: Veritas Films | Sc: Mahmoud Kaabour | Cam: Muriel Aboulrouss | Ed: Patricia Heneine | Sound Des: Ahmad Ghannoum | Music: Nabil Amarshi | With: Teta Fatima | Print/Sales: Veritas Films | Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 13:00* CI2

1001 Irans Firouzeh Khosrovani

A personal account by the director, originally from Iran but living in Italy, showing the opinions of a wide range of people in the West about her fatherland: opinions generally formed by images from contemporary news. How little we know about this vast country with 70 million inhabitants hidden behind the curtain of political Islam. Will be screened together with Grandma, a Thousand Times. Iran/Spain/Italy, 2010 | colour, video, 42 min, English/Italian/Spanish/French Prod: Firouzeh Khosrovani | Sc: Firouzeh Khosrovani | Cam: Paolo Guglielmo Sulpasso | Ed: Babak Karimi | Prod Des: Firouzeh Khosrovani | Sound Des: Bibi Film | Music: Mohammad Reza Mortazavi | Print/Sales: Firouzeh Khosrovani Press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 13:00* CI2

Upload Cinema Every month, Upload Cinema brings the most inspiring and entertaining internet videos to the big screen in a fresh thematic programme. Anyone can upload a web film and a editorial team picks the best ones to compile a programme of around 90 minutes, which is screened in cinemas and at special locations. Upload Cinema celebrates its world premiere at the IFFR in February and inventive web films have been specially selected for the occasion. No happy endings here: the films can be about anything at all, as long as they end really miserably and dramatically. Guest curator for ‘Bad Endings’ is NRC film critic Coen van Zwol. 90 min Public SCREENING: Fri 4-2 22:00 LV6



Spectrum ShortS

Ishii Yuya Short Film collection Ishii Yuya

INterNAtIoNAL premIere

Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 68 min, Japanese Prod: Ishii Yuya | Print/ Sales: Breath inc.Chavez Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 17:45 LV3 Wed 2-2 17:30 LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 27-1 10:45 CI2

Ishii Yuya is not known as a maker of short films, not yet in any case, but he makes just as many of them as he makes longer films. They just are not screened as often and that is why this small collection constitutes a good introduction. An initial introduction because it is far from comprehensive. More a selection compiled by the maker. It is a mix of new, unscreened films and films which, with a view to the maker’s age, belong to his early career. The oldest titles are Jelly-like Clouds Drift in Tokyo Sky and Great Britain, even though they are less than five years old. The remaining three titles, Sachiko and Her Homely Angels, Song of 198x and Keep on Dreaming, Hotty are more or less recent. The corny and sometimes black humour characteristic of his featurelength films is also present in these short films even though the camera work is more nonchalant and the stories are even more absurd. Exceptional silliness.

tiger eyes Frank Scheffer

WorLD premIere

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 53 min, English/ German/French/Farsi Prod: Pieter van Huystee | Prod Comp: Pieter van Huystee Film & TV | Sc: Frank Scheffer, Harry Hosman | Cam: Melle van Essen | Ed: Riekje Ziengs | Sound Des: Menno Euwe, Richard Fleming, Nils Kirchhoff | Print/ Sales: Pieter van Huystee Film & TV Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 21:00 PA5 Tue 1-2 12:15* PA3 Thu 3-2 17:15* LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Mon 31-1 16:00 CI2

Director of essay-like films, Frank Scheffer created the film Tiger Eyes especially for the IFFR’s anniversary edition. It is a mosaic based on a number of portraits of international filmmakers (largely selected by the IFFR’s directors) who are representative of the past four decades of the festival. With: Jim Jarmusch, already present at the festival in 1980 with his debut film Permanent Vacation; Wim Wenders, longtime festival attendant and fan; Abbas Kiarostami, international award-winning director; Michael Haneke, Filmmaker in Focus in 1993 and Golden Palm winner with Das weisse Band; Abderrahmane Sissako, Filmmaker in Focus in 2007 and maker of the gamechanging Bamako; Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Golden Palm winner with Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives and HBF celebrity.



Spectrum - ShortS

DINAmo p&I Screenings DINAMO (Distribution Network of Artists’ Moving image Organizations) is a network of independent distributors of video art and experimental film from the United States, Canada and Europe. The IFFR presents four Press & Industry programme slots in which 12 of the DINAMO distributors will show recently acquired work. These titles can also be seen in the festival video library. The film descriptions can be found on the IFFR website.

DINAmo p&I Screenings 1 Fri 28-1 10:00 LV6

the canadian Filmmakers Distribution centre See/Saw

Charles Egleston

Nederlands Instituut voor mediakunst DEEPHORIZON


Austria, 2010 | colour, video, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: UBERMORGEN.COM Print/Sales: NIMK


Julika Rudelius

USA, 2011 | colour, video 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Julika Rudelius Print/Sales: NIMK

Cuore eddie d

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: eddie d Print/Sales: NIMK

The Procrastinators 11: Cindy Hoetmer Lernert & Sander

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 8 min, Dutch Prod: Wendela Scheltema Print/Sales: NIMK


Kinestasis John Kneller

Canada, 2009 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 13 min, English Prod: John Kneller Print/Sales: CFMDC

Even Flowers Wake Up in the Morning Tara Khalili

Canada, 2009 | b&w, video 6 min, Farsi Prod: Tara Khalili Print/Sales: CFMDC

DINAmo p&I Screenings 2 Sat 29-1 10:00 LV6 electronic Arts Intermix Caroline Golum As Andrew Lampert

USA, 2010 | colour, video 9 min, English Prod: Andrew Lampert Print/Sales: EAI

Selected Works

Burquita roja

Cynthia Maughan

Valeriano López

Spain, 2011 | colour, video, 5 min, Arabic/French Prod: Valeriano López Print/Sales: HAMACA, Media & Video Art Distribution from Spain

Amanar Tamasheq Lluís Escartín

Spain, 2010 | colour, video, 15 min, no dialogue Prod: Lluís Escartín Print/Sales: HAMACA, Media & Video Art Distribution from Spain

Estado de cambio David Bestué-Vives, Marc Bestué-Vives

Spain, 2011 | colour, video, 6 min, no dialogue Prod: David Bestué-Vives, Marc Bestué-Vives Print/Sales: Galeria Estrany de la Mota


Canada, 2010 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.37, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Charles Egleston Print/Sales: CFMDC

USA, 2011 | b&w, video 10 min, English Prod: Cynthia Maughan Print/Sales: EAI

sixpackfilm Machination 84 lia

Austria, 2011 | colour, video, 6 min, no dialogue Prod: lia Print/Sales: sixpackfilm

...a car...

Carola Dertnig

Austria, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, no dialogue Prod: Carola Dertnig Print/Sales: sixpackfilm


Spectrum - ShortS

Hohe blaue Gebirge, Flüsse und goldene Ebenen

Light cone Distribution

Austria/Bulgaria, 2009 | colour, video, 11 min, Bulgarian Prod: Borjana Ventzislavova Print/Sales: sixpackfilm

Cédric Gaul-Berrard

Borjana Ventzislavova

V tape

France, 2010 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Cédric Gaul-Berrard Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

Prelude 02, 03, 06, 07

Road Movie – Slow Emergency Elle Flanders, Tamira Sawatzky

Canada, 2009 | colour, video 4 min, no dialogue Prod: Elle Flanders, Tamira Sawatzky Print/Sales: V Tape

The Fire Theft

Maria Kourkouta

France, 2009-2010 | b&w, video, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Maria Kourkouta Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

Relrap erdnetne suov ed edalam dner em aç Yves-Marie Mahé

Isabelle Hayeur

Canada, 2010 | video, 9 min Prod: Isabelle Hayeur Print/Sales: V Tape

File Under Miscellaneous Jeff Barnaby

Canada, 2010 | video, 7 min Prod: Jeff Barnaby Print/Sales: V Tape

Sahara Sahara Geoffrey Pugen

Canada, 2010 | video, 6 min Prod: Geoffrey Pugen Print/Sales: V Tape

8th Avenue Paul Wong

Canada, 2010 | video, 3 min Prod: Paul Wong Print/Sales: V Tape

DINAmo p&I Screenings 3 Sun 30-1 10:00 LV6 Video Data Bank Hearts Are Trumps Again Dani Leventhal

USA, 2010 | colour, video 14 min, English Prod: Dani Leventhal Print/Sales: VDB

Anne Truitt, Working Jem Cohen

Hand Work

USA, 2009 | colour/b&w, video, 13 min, English Prod: Jem Cohen Print/Sales: VDB

France, 2010 | b&w, video 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Yves-Marie Mahé Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

Las Vegas Shadows Christophe Guérin

France, 2009 | b&w, video 4 min, no dialogue Prod: Christophe Guérin Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

Black Trip #2

Aldo Tambellini

USA, 1967 | b&w, 16mm 1:1.37, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Aldo Tambellini Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution


Christina von Greve

Germany, 2010 | colour, video, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Christina von Greve Print/Sales: Light Cone Distribution

Filmform Casting

Åsa Ersmark

Sweden, 2010 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Åsa Ersmark Print/Sales: Filmform

När vi döda vaknar Johan Svenson

Sweden, 2010 | colour, video, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Johan Svenson Print/Sales: Filmform


Elin Magnusson

Sweden, 2010 | coulour, video, 15 min, Swedish Prod: Elin Magnusson Print/Sales: Filmform

Weights of Sorrow Ninja Miori

Sweden, 2009 | b&w, video 3 min, English Prod: Ninja Miori Print/Sales: Filmform



DINAmo p&I Screenings 4 mon 31-1 10:00 LV6 LuX

heure exquise! Et voilà le travail (That’s It!) Florette Eymenier

France, 2009 | video, 16 min Print/Sales: Heure Exquise!

Les barbares


Clare Gasson United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 7 min, English Prod: Clare Gasson Print/Sales: LUX

Album Matter

Sebastian Buerkner

United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Sebastian Buerkner Print/Sales: LUX

Jean-Gabriel Périot

France, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Ron Dyens, Aurélia Prévieu Print/Sales: Heure Exquise!

Mapping Journey Bouchra Khalili

France, 2008 | colour, video 8 min, Arabic Print/Sales: Heure Exquise!

Pulmo Marina

Aurélien Froment

United Kingdom, 2010 | video, 5 min Print/Sales: LUX

The Last Days of British Honduras

Catherine Sullivan, Farhad Shamini

USA, 2010 | video, 6 min Print/Sales: LUX

This Quality

Rosalind Nashashibi

Egypt, 2010 | video, 5 min Print/Sales: LUX

eYe Film Institute Netherlands Tegels

Johan Rijdma

Netherlands, 2009 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue Prod: Johan Rijdma Sales: Johan Rijdma Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands


Jérôme Schlomoff

Netherlands, 2010 | b&w, video, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: Jérôme Schlomoff Sales: Jérôme Schlomoff Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands


André Schreuders

Netherlands, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 15 min, Dutch Prod: André Schreuders Sales: AS Film Print: EYE Film Institute Netherlands



signals nathaniel Dorsky

signals: nathaniel Dorsky

nathaniel dorsky: Variations and Theme Erwin van ’t hart

Nathaniel Dorsky’s work is familiar to those at the IFFR. The festival has regularly screened his pure films, which allow the audience to be afloat. Interest in Dorsky and his work has increased substantially in recent years. With Dorsky present as a guide, IFFR 2011 will therefore be presenting almost his entire filmography. Signals: Nathaniel Dorsky provides the first opportunity on this scale for the public outside the US to become acquainted with Dorsky’s work. The festival is therefore looking forward to his arrival and the elucidation of his films which are increasingly receiving proper appreciation. Over the past few years, a number of his films have been purchased by major museums (MoMA, Pacific Film Archive, Centre Pompidou) and his work has also featured in the influential magazine Artforum. This renewed interest is certainly justified, as Dorsky’s films live and breathe in cinemas, and in cinemas alone. What’s more, they are only available on 16mm which means screenings are still exceptional events. The layered images and delicate structures are difficult to translate into another medium and do not lend themselves to digital, postage stamp-sized presentation. They are best enjoyed in a darkened cinema, away from reality. Under ‘perfect’ conditions, one of the purest cinematic experiences possible is created: as clear as crystal and as invigorating as the freshest sea breeze. In a sense, Dorsky (1943) is a member of the ‘classic’ American avantgarde, though he blossomed relatively late. He made his first real films in New York in the 1960s and these reveal a filmmaker struggling with his identity and searching for a vocabulary of his own. After his departure for San Francisco, he did not take up film again until the early 1980s when he edited works together from material

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signals: nathaniel Dorsky

he had shot during the 1960s and 1970s. Hours for Jerome (1966-1982) represents a giant leap forwards in his development and sowed the seeds for the pure cinematic language which was later to become his signature style. Dorsky confirmed his dedication to the 16mm format and deepened his technical knowledge of film as a material with four, more formalist but definitely lyrical works created between 1983 and 1987. This provided him in his later work with total control of the opportunities afforded to him by the medium. The 1990s marked the beginning of a highly productive period for Dorsky, which continues to this day. In Triste (1974-1996) he was still using material shot during the preceding years, yet seemed to find his definitive form as far as editing and rhythm were concerned. In his next film, Variations (1992-1998), he truly hit his stride. Dorsky took up the camera again to shoot new footage. He made a fresh start with an extremely multi-faceted work using clear, balanced imagery, which pointed the way for a series of films that continues right up to his most recent work Pastourelle (2010). The master had found his language, which he has since managed to further nuance and expand. Dorsky’s films are almost all projected at eighteen frames per second: ‘sacred speed’ as he refers to it. The slight decrease in speed creates gentler light intensity and lends the films a calming pulse. After his first few films, he never again used sound. Everything is screened in silence to concentrate full attention on the image. The absence of sound creates space to be alone and makes you more conscious of the fact that what you see on the screen is a highly individual experience. Which, incidentally, is why Dorsky refers to audience members as the true stars. The beautifully shot, hushed, layered footage is remarkable, but the true refinement lies in the form it has been moulded into. Dorsky utilises ‘polyvalent editing’, organising the shots and rhythms in such a way that the associations ‘resonate’ and slot into place a few frames later. The images do not refer to subjects we as viewers have to learn something about; they do not define reality, but stand purely on their own. ‘The montage that I am talking about moves from shot to shot outside any other necessities, except of course the accumulation of being. It has no external obligations. It is the place of film.’ In 2004, Dorsky published the book Devotional Cinema which explains his influences (Dreyer, Ozu, Antonioni, Markopoulos, Brakhage) and his philosophy. ‘When cinema can make the internalized Medieval and externalized Renaissance ways of seeing unite and transcend


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signals: nathaniel Dorsky

themselves, it can achieve a transcendental balance. This balance point unveils the transparency of our earthly experience. We are afloat. It is a balance that is neither our vision nor the belief in exterior objectivity; it belongs to no one and, strangely enough, exists nowhere. It is within this balance that the potential for profound cinema takes place.’ Nathaniel Dorsky’s films are definitely not isolationist; on the contrary, they promote an entirely new form of observation, an open form. They reveal the world below the surface and touch on something very universal, thereby rising above their initial manifestation. The programme Signals: Nathaniel Dorsky will screen sixteen films by Nathaniel Dorsky in five collections, which will be programmed horizontally with daily screenings at 16:00 in Auditorium 6 of the new LantarenVenster, except for the final screening which will be on Sat 5 February at 10:30. The Dorsky programmes will provide a tranquil place for reflection to experience the ‘intimate poignancy of aloneness’, as he describes it himself. Dorsky will be present at the first five screenings. The film ‘Pastourelle’ will also be screened as part of the Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films. The book ‘Devotional Cinema’ will be available for €10 after the Signals: Nathaniel Dorsky screenings and at the festival shop in de Doelen. Special thanks to Mark McElhatten, Friedl vom Gröller, Emmanuel Lefrant and Christophe Bichon.

© Friedl vom Gröller

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signals: nathaniel Dorsky

Dorsky: two sides of light Three rich films as an introduction. The fabulous Variations contains the iconic image of a plastic bag wafting upwards. The abstract film Pneuma contains no images whatsoever. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 16:00 LV6 Tue 1-2 16:00 LV6

Variations Nathaniel Dorsky

Variations blossomed forth while shooting additional material for Triste. What tender chaos, what current of luminous rhymes might cinema reveal unbridled from the daytime world? During the Bronze Age, a variety of holy places of healing were built. One of the most important activities was transformational sleep. This cut refers back to that tradition. (ND) USA, 1998 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 24 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

Pneuma Nathaniel Dorsky

In Stoic philosophy, ‘pneuma’ is the ‘soul’ or fiery wind permeating the body, and at death survives the body but as impersonal energy. The images in this film come from an extensive collection of outdated raw stock that has been processed without being exposed, and sometimes rephotographed in closer format. Each pattern of grain takes on its own emotional life, an evocation of different aspects of our own being. A world is revealed that is alive with the organic deterioration of film itself, the essence of cinema in its before-image, preconceptual purity. (ND) USA, 1983 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 27 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

love’s refrain Nathaniel Dorsky

Perhaps the most delicately tactile in the series of four cinematic songs, Love’s Refrain rests moment to moment on its own surface. It is a coda in twilight, a soft-spoken conclusion to a set of four cinematic songs. (ND) USA, 2001 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 22 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky


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signals: nathaniel Dorsky

Dorsky: songs of the earth Three films that can be considered starting points: personal origins, basic elements of film images and earth, and originality. Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 16:00 LV6 Wed 2-2 16:00 LV6

a Fall trip home Nathaniel Dorsky

The second in a trilogy, it is less a psychodrama and more a sad sweet song of youth and death, of boyhood and manhood and our tender earth. (ND) Forgetting its ‘psychological plot’, this film is a fine exponent of the intrinsic magical power of cinema. Its images, which evolve in a rather unmagical, sober suburb, are continually transcended and manipulated into a kind of epic haiku of superimpositions and textural weavings. (Jerome Hiler) USA, 1964 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Canyon Cinema | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

alaya Nathaniel Dorsky

Sand, wind, and light intermingle with the emulsions. ‘Alaya manages a perfection of ‘musical’ light across a space of time greater in length than would seem possible ... and with minimal means of line and tone. ... After about three minutes, I began to be aware of the subtlety of rhythm, within each shot and shot-to-shot, which carried each cut, causing each new image to sit in-the-light of those several previous ... a little sort of a miracle. Bravo!’ (Stan Brakhage) USA, 1987 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 28 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

arbor Vitae Nathaniel Dorsky

Arbor Vitae is a gesture towards a cinema of pure being. Its atmosphere is haunted by the period in which it was shot, the year 1999. Although the cuts are open and numerous in their intent, the underlying motivation is the delicate reveal of the transparency of presence; our tender mystery midst the inevitable unfolding of the tree of life. (ND) USA, 2000 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 28 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky



signals: nathaniel Dorsky

Dorsky: songs in another time Four spiritual films, in which Dorsky’s mastery reaches astounding heights and he shows what is perhaps his most sacred side. Devotional Cinema. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 16:00 LV6 Sat 5-2 10:30 LV1

song and solitude Nathaniel Dorsky

Song and Solitude was conceived and photographed with the kind and generous help of Susan Vigil during the last year of her life. Its balance is more toward an expression of inner landscape, or what it feels like to be, rather than an exploration of the external visual world as such. (ND) USA, 2006 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 21 min, silent Prod | Cam | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

Pastourelle Nathaniel Dorsky

Devotional Cinema. A pastourelle and an aubade are two different forms of courtship songs from the Troubadour tradition. In this case, the film Pastourelle, a sister film to Aubade, is in the more tumultuous key of spring. (ND) USA, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 16 min, silent Prod | Cam | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

threnody Nathaniel Dorsky

Threnody is the second of two devotional songs, the first being The Visitation. It is an offering to a friend who died. (ND) USA, 2004 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 25 min, silent Prod | Cam | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

the Visitation Nathaniel Dorsky

The Visitation is a gradual unfolding, an arrival so to speak. I felt the neccessity to describe an occurence, not one specifically of time and place, but one of revelation in one’s own psyche. The place of articulation is not so much in the realm of images as information, but in the response of the heart to the poignancy of the cuts. (ND) USA, 2002 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 18 min, silent Prod | Cam | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky



signals: nathaniel Dorsky

Dorsky: the late Quartet Three variations on a single theme. Insights develop through concentration and by changing perspective. Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 16:00 LV6 Fri 4-2 16:00 LV6

sarabande Nathaniel Dorsky

Dark and stately is the warm, graceful tenderness of the Sarabande. (ND) USA, 2008 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 15 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

Compline Nathaniel Dorsky

Compline is a night devotion or prayer, the last of the canonical hours, the final act in a cycle. This film is also the last film I will be able to shoot on Kodachrome, a film stock I have shot on since I was ten years old. It is a loving duet with and a fond farewell to this noble emulsion. (ND) USA, 2009 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 19 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

aubade Nathaniel Dorsky

An aubade is a poem or morning song evoking the first rays of the sun at daybreak. Often, it includes the atmosphere of lovers parting. This film is my first venture into shooting in color negative after having spent a lifetime shooting Kodachrome. In some sense, it is a new beginning for me. (ND) USA, 2010 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 12 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

Winter Nathaniel Dorsky

San Francisco’s winter is a season unto itself. Fleeting, rain-soaked, verdant, a brief period of shadows and renewal. (ND) USA, 2007 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 22 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky



signals: nathaniel Dorsky

Dorsky: the hours and the Days Two films which shaped the director and are firmly established as benchmarks in Dorsky’s filmography. Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 16:00 LV6 Thu 3-2 16:00 LV6

triste Nathaniel Dorsky

Triste is an indication of the level of cinema language that I have been working towards. By delicately shifting the weight and solidity of the images, and bringing together subject matter not ordinarily associated, a deeper sense of impermanence and mystery can open. The images are as much pure-energy objects as representations of verbal understanding and the screen itself is transformed into a ‘speaking’ character. The ‘sadness’ referred to in the title is more the struggle of the film itself to become a film as such, rather than some pervasive mood. (ND) USA, 1996 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 19 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Light Cone Distribution | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky

hours for Jerome Nathaniel Dorsky

This footage was shot from 1966 to 1970 and edited over a two-year period ending in July 1982. Hours for Jerome (as in A Book of Hours) is an arrangement of images, energies, and illuminations from daily life. These fragments of light revolve around the four seasons. (ND) USA, 1982 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 45 min, silent Prod: Nathaniel Dorsky | Cam: Nathaniel Dorsky | Ed: Nathaniel Dorsky | Print: Canyon Cinema | Sales: Nathaniel Dorsky



from Pastourelle to Eternity w w w. f e s t i v a l t i c ke t s . n l FestivalTickets bv werkt met activetickets

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signals F.J. ossang

signals: F.J. ossang

F.J. ossang: The Grand insurrectionary Style nicole brenez

Cinematographer, writer, singer, messenger: F.J. Ossang, born in the Cantal on 7 August 1956. Practises poetry in all its forms. He makes music – nine albums with his band MKB (Messageros Killer Boys) Fraction Provisoire; he writes prose – twenty-odd books, among which De la destruction pure (1977), Corpus d’octobre (1980), Descente aux tombeaux (1992), Unité 101 (2006) and the emblematic Génération néant (1993); he makes film – 10 films and as many visual poems, if poetry means a violent outburst of vitality. Ossang pretends not to concern himself with painting and drawing, but he created sublimely beautiful tones of grey in Silencio and has always given carte blanche to his outstanding cameramen: Darius Khondji for Le trésor des îles chiennes, Remi Chevrin for Docteur Chance and Gleb Teleshov for Dharma Guns, making it possible for them to create radiant images without equal on any silver screen in the world. Joe Strummer said that Ossang is the only cinematographer he would immediately work with again. His work belongs to the grand insurrectionary style that runs throughout the history of anti-art, from Richard Huelsenbeck to the films of Holger Meins. Ossang’s aesthetic has the singular capacity to display his expressive, narrative and rhythmic inventions in the context of an iconography of the most popular kind, in such a way that their poetic intensity transforms archetypes (bad guys, social groups, femmes fatales, warriors) back into prototypes and transforms facile effigies into fascinating creatures distraught with love, feelings, flux and space. Ossang is a great cinematographer of adventure: bold shooting and scenarios in the form of expressive epic poems, the psychological vicissitudes of characters who move from rapture to ecstasy until they evaporate in the upper

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signals: F.J. ossang

atmosphere because they can never again descend – for instance at the end of Docteur Chance. The story doesn’t present events in the dreary manner of the average film but allows room for visual developments, like Jean Epstein or the Soviet masters (including Kalatozov of Soy Cuba). Instead of showing the chase or the race, Ossang films the world that produces the velocity and plunges into the substance of colours and the experience of sensations. Whatever the story may be, it springs from a love of words: not so much the dialogue, but the formulation, the insert, the slogan, the point – giving rise to the monumental handwriting that so characterises his work. But most of all, it has to do with bringing back epic gestures to popular visual culture, tearing things apart until they become inconceivably beautiful. In Dharma Guns, Ossang creates a poetry of the final images, fits of giddiness and psychological accountsettling that invade our brains as death approaches – the gleams and flashes he still has to extract from his much-loved silver film. GEnERATion noThinG. AbouT poETRy in A ConTRoLLEd SoCiETy

The best introduction to the spirit of Ossang is the film portrait by Gérard Courant in his Cinématon. It is portrait 52: ‘made in Perpignan on 10 April 1975, at three o’clock in the afternoon.’ At that time, Ossang was presented as follows: ‘Profession: singer, writer, publisher.’ He was living in Toulouse, where he had started the magazine CEE, and hadn’t made any films yet. Anyone who has seen Cinématon is familiar with the principle: a fixed camera position, one roll of film, complete freedom for the subject. F.J. Ossang chooses to move nearer and nearer to the camera and, when he shouts into the camera, he is so close that it seems as if he is going to swallow it, like in James Williamson’s famous film The Big Swallow (1901). He then takes hold of the camera and runs away with it, changing Gérard Courant’s quiet setup into a visual and gymnastic outburst. This gargantuan appetite for cinema also comes to the fore in his first published texts. Issue number 7 of the magazine CEE, which was published by Christian Bourgois and whose contributors included W.S. Burroughs, Pierre Molinier, André Masson, Bernard Noël, Christian Prigent, Claude Pélieu and a key figure in Ossang’s universe, poet Stanislas Rodanski (a meteor from the twilight days of surrealism) contains the text ‘Video scripts & Chant tribal’, a wild mix of manifesto, diary, screenplay, meditation and pamphlet, which in retrospect reveals itself as an aesthetic platform for his films still in the making. In this we can read, with the manoeuvres of a global civil war as background music and punctuated frames as visual montage, like so many photograms and future film inserts (including one borrowed from Raoul Haussmann): ‘Moreover, there has never been art, only an incessant war of abuses against social time, in favour of the diversity of the real. There are only – and especially – actions to liberate what is always open!’ Following the example of his riotous prose, Ossang’s romantic, apocalyptic punk films are part of a guerrilla ethos in which


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everything serves as a weapon: an exclamation mark, a capital letter, an iris, a fade out, a homage to Murnau’s Sunrise, the description of an unconditional love. So many salvos in the thick electronic fog that makes up the world. For Ossang, everything is a struggle: the raging energy of an endless and futile battle against the order of things. As soon as he embarks on directing La dernière énigme, loosely based on Gianfranco Sanguinetti’s situationist treatise On Terrorism and the State, which had just been published in French, Ossang combines the strength of constructivism (the poetry of the factory), Gil Wolman (he parodies L’Anticoncept) and W.S. Burroughs (the freedom of the montage). A film has to be an attack: against common sense, against sadness, against all forms of control, such as allocation and identification. ‘Dada Rock ‘n’ Roll Guerrillas. The driving force of the guerrilla is the absolute rejection of a demarcated battleground. For the mental guerrilla, it is absolute rejection of any fixed cultural register.’ Some great poets, such as Jean Epstein or José Val del Omar, were of the opinion that cinema – an intelligent machine – had the power to reveal the harmonies according to which the world is structured. In contrast, a film by the musician F.J. Ossang lays claim to chaos, intoxication, pure and inescapable disorder. He doesn’t handle anything, especially not the emotions of some drummed-up viewer; he doesn’t tell a story, he only shows how we are at the mercy of history and bombards us with sensations and splendour. He sets himself up like a conspiracy, and to survive it no one should understand anything, he invents a different language and other codes like a secret society or unflinching prisoners preparing their escape; he creates an explosion in the course of the world, an illuminated opening through which one can perhaps escape or die, probably both at once. SpEEd

In such an undertaking, speed becomes the crucial element. Here, nothing happens the way it does in the normal course of the world, nothing conforms to the usual order of things. The diction of the actors, as singular and autonomous as that invented by Robert Bresson, inclines towards the complementary and feverish register of the agitato; the gestures of the characters, whose bodies are changed by speed; the sequence of actions which, instead of quietly articulating cause and effect, are caught up in a vortex; the images’ relationship to their present which, instead of providing simple reflection, searches for the secrets of the future among earlier icons (often Expressionist), as if the truth of their collective history lies hidden in files that we know should be made public in the next century, but which by then will have probably already been falsified or destroyed. ‘Cinema is the last chance, it is unitarian and collective art. Cinema is the great critical force of other forms of expression, it reinterprets literature. I think that in the twentieth century cinema has disrupted literature, that the silent film was the upheaval of storytelling by means of a network that rises above a linear storyline. Specific to cinema is not travelling outside of time,

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but the creation of a kind of disruption between time and space that corresponds to the acceleration of time in society. We can jump forward and then back again, though memory only works relatively. Going back results in a loss of time, and in the end about the only thing left to remember is the light – to create a future.’ (F.J. Ossang, La Gazette des scénaristes, Nr. 15, Winter 2001) Lux FECiT

F.J. Ossang, black light of intelligence and love. F.J. Ossang’s heroes are called Ezra Pound, Roger-Gilbert Lecomte, Josef von Sternberg, Orson Welles, Glauber Rocha or Georg Trakl. In passing, we also discover that, in his eyes, the French geniuses are Arthur Cravan, Jacques Vaché, Jacques Rigaut and Guy Debord. Yet it is Hegel, the great inventor of negation, who provides the formula for the vertiginous routes to the unbounded embarked upon by Ossang’s characters, and for the passionate spirit that runs through this body of work: ‘Being free is nothing, becoming free is everything.’ Other publications by F.J. Ossang: Le Berlinterne (1976), Revue CEE (1977-79), Alcôve clinique (1981), L’Ode à Pronto Rushtonsky (1994), Au bord de l’aurore (1994), les 59 jours, (1999), Landscape et silence (2000), Tasman Orient (2001), Ténèbre sur les planètes (2006), WS Burroughs/Formule mort (2007) Most influential MKB Fraction Provisoire albums: Terminal Toxique (1982), L’affaire des divisions Morituri (1984), Hôtel du Labrador (1988), Le Trésor des îles chiennes (soundtrack, 1991), Docteur Chance 93 (1993), Feu! (1994), Frenchies Bad Indians White Trash (1994), M.K.B. – Live (1996), Docteur Chance (soundtrack, 1998), Baader Meinhof Wagen! (2006)

Docteur Chance


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l’affaire des divisions Morituri

the Case of the Morituri Divisions F.J. Ossang

France, 1984 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:1.33, 81 min, French Prod: F.J. Ossang | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Maurice Ferlet | Ed: F.J. Ossang | Music: MKB Fraction Provisoire, Cabaret Voltaire, Tuxedomoon, Throbbing Grisle, Lucrate Milk, Esplendor Geometrico | With: Gina Lola Benzina, Lionel Tua, Frankie Tavezzano, Philippe Sfez, Elno | Print/Sales: UMedia | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 18:00* LV6 Wed 2-2 11:15* LV1

‘A story of gladiators against the background of the German question. The men sell their life rather than let themselves waste away in a territory controlled by the European middle class. One of them has become a star to the underworld, but eventually cracks up. There is but one way out: spill the beans to the press…’ (F.J. Ossang) Played as a futuristic epic, The Case of the Morituri Divisions concerns the rebellion brewing amongst European youth after members of the Red Army Faction, most of whom were filmmakers, died in prison. The imagery harks back to the original revolt by Spartacus, but suddenly the black and white curtain is torn down and we are faced with the naked oppression of ‘sensory deprivation’ and State crimes. A mythical soundtrack consists of musical fragments from the most radical bands of the time: MKB Fraction Provisiore, Cabaret Voltaire, Tuxedomoon, Throbbing Grisle, Lucrate Milk. An emblem of French punk cinema.

le trésor des îles chiennes

treasure of the Bitch islands F.J. Ossang

France/Portugal, 1990 | b&w, 35mm, 1:2.35, 109 min, French Prod: F.J. Ossang, Oskar Leventon, Paulo Branco | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Darius Khondji | Ed: Natalie Perrey | Music: Messageros Killers Boys | With: Stéphane Ferrara, Michel Albertini, Mapi Galan, Diogo Doria, Serge Avedikian, Clovis Cornillac | Print/ Sales: UMedia | Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 15:00 CI4 Wed 2-2 22:15 PA6 Sat 5-2 19:30 CI4


The soundtrack to Treasure of the Bitch Islands has memorable songs like Pièces du sommeil, Descente sur la Cisteria, Désastre des escorte , Passe des destitués, Le chant des hyènes or the original Soleil trahi. They accelerate the psychological journey of characters lost in hallucinations full of intrigue. Against contemporary consumerism are posed the expressive wealth, pugnacious energy and experimental sincerity of Ossang’s island inhabitants. Against a backdrop of ash and ancient lava, they flee for the darkness in their jeeps, and perpetuate the art of drug use: a legacy from centuries of black romanticism. This is their real treasure, gathered by poets addicted to their craft. Their arsenal is not so much Kalashnikovs, but ‘le prince cutter’ (as F.J. will later sing in Claude Pélieu was here). That is to say, the strength to cut beyond the dotted lines, the instinct to avoid all deterrents to abandonment in intoxication.


signals: F.J. ossang

Docteur Chance Doctor Chance F.J. Ossang


France/Chile, 1997 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 97 min, English Prod: Jacky Ouaknine | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Rémy Chevrin | Ed: Thierry Rouden | Music: Messagero Killer Boy | With: Pedro Hestnes, Elvire, Joe Strummer, Marisa Paredes, Stéphane Ferrara, Lionel Tua, Fedor Atkine | Print/Sales: UMedia | Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 19:15 LV6 Thu 3-2 20:15 CI4 Fri 4-2 16:15 PA6

Before finding several rolls of colour film about the German army, and realising twenty minutes of pure chromatic genius in Ivan the Terrible, Sergei Eisenstein had dedicated pages to colour in film. In a story about fugitive lovers, Doctor Chance, the first colour film by an expert in black-and-white cinema, issues from the same experimental excitement: How do you bring a film to the level of the chromatic initiatives of painting, like in certain medieval altarpieces, engravings by William Blake or paintings by Asger Jorn? In his Notes de travail (1996), F.J. Ossang elucidates: ‘This film should have the razor-sharp and vaguely coloured purity of a poem by Georg Trakl – no to a cinema more miserable than misery, more sexual than sex, heavier than the lead it paraphrases. Detail: a black-andwhite close-up doesn’t have the same effect as a close-up in colour (why). Why do the scripts of contemporary films seem ‘comatised’ by emanations? Defilement of colour by structures. Deterritorialization.’

Dharma guns F.J. Ossang

France/Portugal, 2010 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:1.85, 93 min, French Prod: F.J. Ossang | Prod Comp: OSS/100 Films & Documents | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Gleb Teleshov | Ed: F.J. Ossang, J.C. Sanchez | Prod Des: F.J. Ossang | Sound Des: F.J. Ossang, Stéphane Brunclair | Music: Jack Belsen, Little Drake, MKB Fraction Provisoire | With: Guy Mc Knight, Elvire, Lionel Tua, Diogo Doria | Print/ Sales: UMedia | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:30* LUX Sun 30-1 15:00 CI4 Mon 31-1 09:30 PA7 Tue 1-2 16:45 LV5 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 11:45 CI3

The fable: a young man – poet, scriptwriter and warrior – dies. How do you reconstruct the images in his brain? What do we see in our moment of death? Can the spirit understand the causes of death and clear a path for itself to another life? In what kind of form manifest these final images? Will they dazzle? A feast of lights? An invasion? As memories, hypotheses, assumptions? The magisterial expressiveness of Dharma Guns allows you to experience the impulses of optical nerves and synapses. F.J. Ossang has grafted the film onto the central nervous system, the very place where mental images are born. ‘My eyes have drunk,’ one hears in this worthy treatment of Antonin Artaud’s expectations of cinema. Dharma Guns is constantly airborne, buzzing, pushing its way towards the isle of the dead. A masterpiece that slowly moves before our eyes, in the staggering slowmotion of certainty, into the company of Nosferatu and Vampyr.



signals: F.J. ossang

ossang: tryptique du paysage Three short films from the dark, expressive oeuvre of Filmmaker in Focus F.J. Ossang constitute this triptych. SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:45 LV1 Thu 3-2 10:00 LV1

silencio silence

F.J. Ossang

Silence, Vladivostok en Sky’s Black Out!: Three silver pearls that together form the Trilogie du paysage. The visual poem Silence follows in the tradition of documentary elegies that began with the films of Rudy Burckhardt and Charles Sheeler. But in the era of Throbbing Gristle, poetry must measure itself against industrial disasters, an optical meditation, an overwhelming array of black and white tones, a progression of dim phantoms in the terrifying caverns of hope… strike. France/Portugal, 2007 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.85, 21 min, French Prod: Serge Catoire, F.J. Ossang | Prod Comp: OSS/100 Films & Documents | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Denis Gaubert | Ed: F.J. Ossang | Music: Throbbing Gristle | With: Elvire, Antonio Camara | Print/Sales: UMedia |

Vladivostok F.J. Ossang

‘Between word and worlds, teeming with mysteries,’ wrote the psychedelic poet Claude Pélieu about Ossang. The fragmentary Vladivostok cultivates the wealth of such inbetween places. A concentration of Ossangian poetry, the outcome of the happy collaboration with director of photography Gleb Teleschov. France, 2008 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.85, 4 min, French Prod: F.J. Ossang | Prod Comp: OSS/100 Films & Documents | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Denis Gaubert | Ed: F.J. Ossang, J.C. Sanchez | Music: Throbbing Gristle | With: Elvire, Antonio Camara | Print/Sales: UMedia |

Ciel éteint!

sky’s Black out! F.J. Ossang

Before this time, films by F.J. Ossang were not comparable to other films. But Ciel éteint! calls to mind films from the 1970s by Philippe Garrel (Marie pour mémoire, Le révélateur), closely related to anarchist filmmaker Jean-Pierre Lajournade. The mythological everydayness of the young; destitute lovers Philémon and Baucis in their cottage (made of reed in Ovid, made of wood in Ossang’s version). At the end of the credits one finds the most beautiful visual declaration of love ever. France/Russia, 2008 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:1.85, 23 min, French Prod: Alexandr Doluda, Pascal Metge | Prod Comp: OSS/100 Films & Documents | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Gleb Telestsjov | Ed: F.J. Ossang, J.C. Sanchez | Music: The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster, Jack Belsen | With: Elvire, Guy McKnight | Print/Sales: UMedia |



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Preludes Two short films by F.J. Ossang screened as a prelude.

Zona inquinata F.J. Ossang

La Zone – the poor, dangerous quarters of Paris (George Lacombe, 1928); the administrative zone where Orpheus looks for his lost Eurydice (Jean Cocteau, 1950); Interzone – the working title for Naked Lunch (W.S. Burroughs, 1959). In 1983, Ossang created a synthesis of all these territories of unrest under a banner of dead colours. Screens before Tryptique du paysage. France, 1983 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.33, 21 min, French Prod: F.J. Ossang | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: Pascale Ferran, Serge Ellenstein | Ed: F.J. Ossang | Music: MKB Fraction Provisoire, Cabaret Voltaire, Tuxedomoon | With: Robert Cordier, Philippe Sfez, Leslie Stiles, Lionel Tua | Print/Sales: La Cinémathèque de Toulouse | Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 19:45 LV1 Thu 3-2 10:00 LV1

la dernière énigme F.J. Ossang

In-between essay and fiction, La dernière énigme established Ossang’s formal territory: a contemporary mythology. Inspired by the book On Terrorism and the State by Gianfranco Sanguinetti, it evokes visual echoes of political events, where a generation forfeits all revolutionary aspirations due to state terrorism. Shot using two cans of Kodak XX 16mm film. Screens before L’affaire des divisions Morituri. France, 1982 | b&w, 16mm, 1:1.33, 13 min, French Prod: F.J. Ossang | Sc: F.J. Ossang | Cam: F.J. Ossang | Ed: F.J. Ossang | Music: MKB Fraction Provisoire, Tuxedomoon, Cabaret Voltaire, Esplendor Geometrico | With: Robert Cordier, Gina Lola Benzina, Leslie Stiles | Print/ Sales: La Cinémathèque de Toulouse | SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 18:00* LV6 Wed 2-2 11:15* LV1



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13-12-2010 22:43:27

signals agustĂ­ Villaronga


20/12/2010 10:34:43



nl 13-12-2010 22:43:27

signals: agustí Villaronga

Agustí Villaronga: The Roots of Evil Quim Casas

In Presence of Mind (El celo, 1999), an adaptation by Antonio Aloy of Henry James’s famous novella The Turn of the Screw, Agustí Villaronga plays the role of Fosc, a character more felt than seen; a transient presence, like a ghost or someone outside the actual story being told. In The Uninvited Guest (El habitante incierto, 2005) by Guillem Morales, Villaronga plays the mysterious character who introduces himself into a man’s house and becomes part of this; another presence more felt than seen, a kind of parasite who starts to feed on the emotions of the house’s owner. These two brief performances as actor – or rather non-actor – might serve to summarize Villaronga’s work and what this represents in the context of contemporary Spanish and Catalan cinema: an evasive cinema, unclassifiable, with just such a transient presence. With only seven feature films in twenty-five years, from Tras el cristal (1986) to Pa negre (2010), Villaronga is an actor who appears and disappears, like those two phantasmal characters he plays, in the margin of his own work behind the camera; performing as an actor, but without allowing himself to be filmed. Bursting onto the scene with a first film (Tras el cristal) that generated great expectations – as well as controversy – had its positive aspects, but also sowed the seeds of doubt. Much was expected from the director, born in Majorca in 1953: so much, in fact, that the commercial failure of his second feature film, El niño de la luna (1989) – made for a much higher budget and with the clear ambition of uniting authorship with commercial success – gave short shrift to, or at least diminished, the salutary role Villaronga could have played in Spanish cinema at the end of the 1980s. El niño de la luna is an exploration/elaboration of the mythical,

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almost atavistic worlds Villaronga had already developed in two of his three shorts, Anta mujer (1976) and Al-Mayurka (1980). The third of these, Laberint (1980), is an essentially evocative, sensory experiment; the choreographic adaptation of a painting by Antoni Tapies that is transformed into a canvas in motion. El niño de la luna clearly, albeit perhaps not effectively, shows the register Villaronga aimed to strike in contemporary cinema. His vocation was to unite cinéma d’auteur with genre cinema, and it is to this mission – riskier than it seems at first sight, and one at which many producers have failed – that he has devoted himself ever since, with results that have been at times as disconcerting as they have been fascinating. Tras el cristal contains all the essentials of Villaronga’s cinematography. The elements that characterize his style and themes permeate every pore of this film. The story of the relationship between a homosexual former Nazi torturer and one of his young victims, inspired in equal parts by the sadistic personality of Gilles de Rais, Joan of Arc’s Field Marshal during the Hundred Years’ War, and by Nazi barbarism generally, gives Villaronga an opportunity to express the main tenets of his cinematographic world with unusual maturity (considering his inexperience and the many problems that occurred during the making of the film): the desecration of the innocence of youth; a certain poetics of cruelty; an apparent moral ambiguity; the blending of good and evil without a clear demarcation of where one begins and the other ends, and the idea that evil is cyclical – that it feeds on itself and always resurfaces. Tras el cristal is a vampire story centered on the idea of a man – the former Nazi imprisoned in his iron lung – who is unable to live life by himself, after having enjoyed its dark side: torture, rape, injecting gasoline straight into people’s hearts... In El niño de la luna, this dark side was mitigated by the more evocative and mythical imagery, but the film’s poor reception provoked a change of course in the career of the director, who was firmly set on venturing in the two opposite directions of classicism and radicalism. Without being either one or the other, Tras el cristal presents an extreme experience by means of an unhurried, almost orthodox mise en scène. Villaronga remained true to his calling up to the completion of El mar (2000), his new exploration of the roots of evil, and again a discourse on an almost atavistic kind of violence (the murder and suicide at the beginning, perpetrated by children on children, takes place in a deep cesspool inside a cave that has nothing Platonic about it whatsoever). But unlike his latest film, Black Bread, both El pasajero clandestino (1995) and 99.9 (1997) are undertakings Villaronga was unable to raise to the desired level. The first is an adaptation of the novella of the same title by Georges Simenon, which takes place in one of the Belgian author’s favourite geographical locations, Tahiti; a place where people go to look for peace before dying. The result steers a middle course between an almost literal transcription of the original and a few personal touches by the director –, the way of telling the tragic love



signals: agustí Villaronga

story between a young telegrapher and a prostitute included – in a forced manner. The second is a lurid thriller with elements of occultism and ancestral rites, though far removed from the almost anthropological vocation with which, in his first shorts, Villaronga filmed some of the folkloric rituals of his native Majorca. These two examples of genre films have cancelled out the credit Villaronga garnered as a director committed to ideas deviating from the dominant orthodoxy in Spanish cinema at the time, as well as to a mise en scène in accordance with these ideas. Like the characters from Presence of Mind and The Uninvited Guest, the more personal Villaronga appears and disappears. In 99.9, we see nothing of this director committed to a different and personal form of cinematography. In Aro Tolbukhin – In the Mind of a Killer (Aro Tolbukhin – En la mente del asesino) (2002), the complete opposite is the case. In this film (co-directed with Lydia Zimmermann and Isaac P. Racine), several styles collide: documentary; fake documentary; fiction; reportage; entertainment – as do formats: Super-8; 16 mm; 35 mm; video; colour; black-andwhite – to tell the supposed story of a Hungarian merchant seaman executed in Guatemala for having burned seven people alive in an infirmary. Another example of the evil that always resurfaces in Villaronga’s cinema. Fiction and (fake) documentary go hand-in-hand in a conceptual experiment in which Villaronga’s hallmark is clearly visible in the section shot in black-and-white, which reconstructs – or simply imagines – the relationship between Tolbukhin and his sister during childhood and adolescence. The uniqueness of Aro Tolbukhin – En la mente del asesino consists of its combination of formats and its renewal of the possibilities of non-fiction. On the other hand, the interest of El Mar and Pa negre resides in the acceptance on the part of Villaronga of certain elements specific to post-war Spanish cinema situated in a rural setting (almost a genre in itself), then converting these and placing them against a simple backdrop – such as Nazism in Tras el cristal – in order to cross the fragile boundary between good and evil. Both films feature similar concepts. The tuberculosis sanatorium, which in fact is a kind of prison for those who are different – and not just because it concerns those vanquished during the conflict – confirms the morbid impulse that informs each of the director’s stories and categorically shows how it is possible to make cinéma d’auteur in the context of a politics of industrial cinema.

Pa negre

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tras el cristal in a glass Cage Agustí Villaronga

Spain, 1987 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 110 min, Spanish Prod: Teresa Enrich | Prod Comp: T.E.M. Productores S.A. | Sc: Agustí Villaronga | Cam: Jaume Peracaula | Ed: Raúl Román | Prod Des: Cesc Candini | Sound Des: Ricard Casals | Music: Javier Navarrete | With: Günter Meisner, David Sust, Marisa Paredes, Gisèle Echevarría, Inma Colomer | Print: Cult Epics | Sales: Filmax Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 21:30 PA7 Mon 31-1 22:30 CI6 Fri 4-2 22:15 LV3 Press & Industry SCREENING: Tue 1-2 21:00 CI3

Klaus did many unspeakable things to children during his days as a doctor in a Nazi death camp – all ending in murder, normally en masse. When the 1000 Year Reich is killed before reaching adolescence, Klaus flees for Spain where the caudillo’s cohorts hide him and his kin. Here, in the quiet of a mansion by the sea, he continues to live his ‘passions’, until... he ends up in an iron lung. Then Angélo appears on the doorstep offering his services to take care of Klaus. But who is Angélo? The first feature and first masterpiece of Villaronga; one of the – crypto-canonical – key films of the 1980s. Back then, In a Glass Cage was fêted and feared as a taboobreaker, a ‘shock movie’. Today it stands out as one of the very few films that ever dared to look deep into the eyes of fascism – not just the intellectual dynamics, but its very emotional essence and soul.

el niño de la luna Moon Child Agustí Villaronga

Spain, 1989 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 118 min, Spanish Prod: Julián Mateos | Prod Comp: Ganesh Producciones Cinematográficas | Sc: Agustí Villaronga | Cam: Jaime Peracaula | Ed: Raúl Román | Prod Des: Francesc Candini | Sound Des: José Lumbreras | Music: Dead Can Dance | With: Maribel Martín, Lisa Gerrard, Lucia Bosé, Enrique Saldaña, David Sust | Print/ Sales: Instituto de Cine (ICAA) Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 22:30 CI6 Tue 1-2 14:30 CI6 Sat 5-2 19:45 CI6

The success/notoriety of In a Glass Cage enabled Villaronga to raise the budget for a far more ambitious project. His sole essay in fantasy, Moon Child is a visually sumptuous fairy tale for enlightened and open-minded adults. It features a blue-eyed boy with paranormal powers, a secret sect of fascist occultists hidden in a weird villa, and a journey of self-realisation towards an Africa that is a very real and present but also mythical mindscape. One could also say: Moon Child is a most astonish- and disturbing mix of Marvel Comics (think X-Men) and Aleister Crowley – the film’s title is actually derived from a 1917 novel by last century’s most influential Satanist; which, again, lends the dedication ‘A mi padre’ a certain salaciously ambiguous je ne sais quoi...



signals: agustí Villaronga

el passatger clandestí el pasajero clandestino Agustí Villaronga

France/Spain, 1995 | colour, video, 96 min, Catalan Prod: Agustí Villaronga | Sc: Agustí Villaronga, André Graill, Pierre Javaux, based on the novel by Georges Simenon | Cam: Carles Gusi | Ed: Amat Carreras, Thierry Dorval | Prod Des: Llorenç Miquel | Sound Des: Gabriel Haoa, André Rigaut | Music: Béatrice Thiriet | With: Simon Callow, Bruno Todeschini, Mercè Pons, Frédéric Yrondi, Rosa Novell, Alexandre Zloto | Print/ Sales: Massa d’Or Produccions Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 19:00 PA2 Mon 31-1 10:00 CI4

Moon Child sadly failed at the box office, turning Villaronga overnight from boy wonder into unemployable auteur maudit. Several attempted projects during the first half of the 1990s – e.g. adaptations of novels by Mercè Rodoreda (La mort i la primavera, 1986) and Hanns Heinz Ewers (Der Zauberlehrling oder Die Teufelsjäger, 1909) – had proved unrealisable. To keep on working, he accepted this commission and did a decent craftsman’s job with Simenon’s Le passager clandestin, a 1947 mystery set in part on a South Sea island. From this story about the death of a movie distribution magnate, the aftermath was inevitable. Yet Villaronga had to accept what he was handed (plot was never Simenon’s strength). The direction, on the other hand, shows a master at play, especially when there’s no dialogue to deal with and everything depends on visual storytelling or just sheer pictorial splendour.

99.9 Agustí Villaronga

Spain, 1997 | colour, 35mm, 106 min, Spanish Prod: Antonio Guillén Rey, Marta Murube | Prod Comp: Impala Producciones, Origen Producciones Cinematográficas | Sc: Lourdes Iglesias, Jesús Regueira, Agustí Villaronga | Cam: Javier Aguirresarobe | Ed: Pablo Blanco | Prod Des: Francesc Candini | Sound Des: Alfonso Pino | Music: Javier Navarrete | With: María Barranco, Terele Pávez, Ruth Gabriel, Angel de Andrés López | Print/ Sales: Video Mercury Films, S.A. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 14:45 CI6 Fri 4-2 22:45 CI4


Villaronga’s second stint as a director-for-hire. It was the film’s star, María Barranco, who did the recruiting, even allowing him a say in the screenplay. Which shows! 99.9 might be more of a straightshooting thrills-and-shocks, sexand-violence genre exercise than his other classification-defying masterpieces, but it’s nevertheless very much a Villaronga film. Not to mention a mighty fun one at that. The story is loosely based on a well-documented true event, the Bélmez Faces. On August 23rd 1971, pale faces appeared in the cement floor of 5 calle Real, in the Andalusian backwater of Bélmez de la Moraleda. In this version, Lara, the hostess of a radio show dealing in the paranormal, encounters similar happenings – and worse – which seem to be connected with the strange death of her former lover Victor. Here’s a hint: turn the title’s numbers upside down...


signals: agustí Villaronga


el mar

the sea Agustí Villaronga

Spain, 2000 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 107 min, Spanish/Catalan Prod: Paulo Branco, Lluís Ferrando Miralles, Isona Passola | Prod Comp: Massa d’Or Produccions | Sc: Antoni Aloy, Biel Mesquida, Agustí Villaronga. Based on the novel by Blai Bonet | Cam: Jaume Peracaula | Ed: Raúl Román | Prod Des: Francesc Candini | Sound Des: Edgar Vidal | Music: Javier Navarrete | With: Roger Casamajor, Bruno Bergonzini, Antonia Torrens, Hernán González, Juli Mira | Print: Instituto de Cine (ICAA) | Sales: Massa d’Or Produccions Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 20:00 CI6 Tue 1-2 22:45 CI4 Sat 5-2 17:15 CI6

We are all children of the war, Andreu says to himself as much as the audience. Like every village in the country, his was torn between fronts and ideologies. Falangists and Republicans live door to door, at the ready. Andreu and his friends Francisca, Manuel and Pau witness a mass execution under cover of night. Next morning, they decide to dispense some justice of their own. Whilst punishing one shooter’s son by force-feeding him a laxative, Pau smashes the child’s head in a fit of rage. Shocked, he kills himself. The shadows of this day’s horrors shall hang over the survivor’s lives – innocence lost once again. The Sea is a vibrant masterpiece; morbid, violent at heart and unflinching in its gaze. It is inspired in equal parts by Bernanos, Schnitzler and Cela, with some choice splashes of Spanish Surrealism, the crasser variety.

aro tolbukhin – en la mente del asesino aro tolbukhin – in the Mind of a killer

Agustí Villaronga, Lydia Zimmermann, Isaac Pierre Racine

Spain/Mexico, 2002 | colour/ b&w, 35mm, 1:1.66, 98 min, Spanish/Catalan/Hungarian Prod: Antonio Chavarrías, Gustavo Montiel Pages | Prod Comp: Oberon Cinematográfica, Altavista Films | Sc: Agustí Villaronga, Lydia Zimmermann, Isaac Pierre Racine | Cam: Guillermo Granillo | Ed: Ernest Blasi | Prod Des: Margalida Obrador, Lorenza Manrique | Sound Des: Xavier Palou, Gabriel Coll | Music: José Manuel Pagán | With: Daniel Jiménez Cacho, Xhévdet Bajrat, Carmen Beato, Margarita Ferrán, Zóltán Józan | Print: Instituto de Cine (ICAA) | Sales: Imagina International Sales Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 21:30 PA2 Tue 1-2 20:15 CI4 Sat 5-2 14:45 CI6

Aro Tolbukhin, one of the most notorious serial killers of the 20th century, was reportedly born in Hungary and is soon to face a firing squad in Guatemala. Shortly before the execution, he grants an interview to two journalists, who discover that some facts don’t add up. Aro Tolbukhin – In the Mind of a Killer is a bewitching essay in meta-cinema and deconstruction, in which all documentary footage is fake while the story, if not untrue, is certainly free of any factual basis – enter the grey zone. Fittingly, the different temperaments, textures and temperatures of small gauge formats, video, digital and the celestial 35mm fuse into an ambiguously sensual whole. After every cinelinguistic trope is turned inside out, Aro Tolbukhin – In the Mind of a Killer finally reveals itself: as one long and heady death-trip, one man’s delirium about himself.



signals: agustí Villaronga

Després de la pluja after the rain Agustí Villaronga

Spain, 2006 | colour, video, 94 min, Catalan Prod: Albert Sagalés, Julio Casal, Cruz Rodríguez, Chusi Riveira | Prod Comp: Diagonal Televisió, Ficción Producciones, Televisió de Catalunya, Televisión de Galicia | Sc: Miquel Obiols, based on the play by Sergi Belbel | Cam: Xavier Gil | Prod Des: Lluisa Gascón | Music: Toni Martínez | With: Olalla Escribano, Marina Gatell, Vicenta N’Dongo, Marisa Paredes, Candela Peña, | Print/ Sales: Diagonal Televisió Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 14:30* CI5 Sun 30-1 14:30* CI5

An odd workout in an œuvre that, for all its thematic and visual consistency, is made up of exceptions more than rules, departures and explorations rather than clear-cut paths and certainties. Maybe it’s simply a look at things from a somewhat unexpected vantage point. After the Rain – based on a 1993 piece by Sergi Belbel – is Villaronga’s first feature set primarily in an unheimlich urban and eerily contemporary universe. In an up-scale office high-rise, smack in a city where it hasn’t rained for two years, a man jumps to his death. What follows is a multi-character fresco showing a world where things such as these happen. Which sounds more dour than After the Rain actually is. The tone of this piece for ten ordinarily depressed souls is often frantic, cheeky, slightly crazy, somewhat screwball(sy) and finally even magical.

Pa negre Black Bread Agustí Villaronga

Spain, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 108 min, Spanish/Catalan Prod: Isona Passola | Prod Comp: Massa d’Or Produccions, Televisió de Catalunya | Sc: Agustí Villaronga, based on the novel by Emili Teixidor | Cam: Antonio Riestra | Ed: Raúl Román | Prod Des: Ana Alvargonzalez | Sound Des: Dani Fontrodona, Fernando Novillo, Ricard Casals | Music: José Manuel Pagan | With: Fransesc Colomer, Marina Comas, Nora Navas, Roger Casamajor, LLuïsa Castell, Mercé Arànega, Marina Gatell, Elisa Crehuet | Print/Sales: Beta Cinema Public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 19:00 PA1 Sat 29-1 13:30 LV1 Mon 31-1 12:30 PA7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 14:00 CI3


Villaronga’s latest is an adaptation of the eponymous 2003 novel by Emili Teixidor, discretely augmented by elements from two 1979 works, Retrat d’un assassí d’ocells and Sic transit Gloria Swanson. It marks a return to the psycho-geography of El mar – again, it takes place in a Spain marked by the barely closed wounds of the Civil War; again, it’s set in a rural, almost pastoral, universe; again, skulls are smashed; again, it tells of the loss of innocence. Only this time around it’s but one boy, force-fed a wisdom he never asked for. Andreu (he even has the same name as El mar’s main character) finds two bodies in a forest: a man and his son. ‘As you sow so you shall reap’, an elderly man mumbles upon hearing the news. The Guardia Civil soon arrests Andreu’s father. In the end, Pa negre turns out to be a story not only about family, but also class relations. A mature masterpiece.


SignalS: aguStí Villaronga

Villaronga: Early Film Works Three short films as a fascinating introduction to Villaronga’s oeuvre, and a longer, commissioned work. This screening is free due to the technical quality of the material. public SCREENING: Fri 28-1 17:00 CI7

anta mujer Agustí Villaronga

A scarlet creature reveals the secrets of the sea to a young woman who soon finds herself brimming with extraordinary powers – just like a sorceress. An allegorical narrative full of allusions to Christian iconography as well as pagan rites. A choreography in primary colours set with rare intelligence to the glorious music of Carl Orff. A first essay in cineMagick that feels as inspired by Kenneth Anger as by Nemesio M. Sobrevila. Spain, 1976 | colour, video, 23 min, Spanish prod: José María Forn | prod Comp: Teide P.C. | Sc: Agustí Villaronga | Cam: Jaume Peracaula | Ed: Raúl Román | Music: Carl Orff | With: Mar Targarona, Mercedes Molina, Muntsa Alcañiz, Maria Jesùs Andany, Lala Goma

al-Mayurka (Fragments) Agustí Villaronga

Al-Mayurka was conceived as Villaronga’s feature debut but due to production circumstances it became just a short – hence (Fragments). However, anyone not aware of this background wouldn’t notice. Despite its many different tones, the work is well-rounded and finely calibrated between allegory and realist narrative. In that respect, Al-Mayurka (Fragments) harks back to Anta mujer but also foreshadows El mar and Pa negre with their tales of innocence corrupted. Spain, 1980 | colour, video, 23 min, Mallorquí prod: Agustí Villaronga | prod Comp: Anta Films | Sc: Agustí Villaronga | Cam: Jaume Peracaula | Ed: Raúl Román | Music: o.a. Maria del Mar Bonet | With: Montserrat Fontoba, Toni Buades, Arantxa Holinaga, Xisco Cabrerizo



SignalS: aguStí Villaronga

laberint Agustí Villaronga

An interpretation of the eponymous painting by Antoni Tàpies featuring dancers from the Heura-company and a minimalist score composed by a modern musical phenomenon, the incomparable Carles Santos. The painting was recreated as a stage set in which the dancers wearing grey and coloured costumes perform their often acrobatic choreography. Something like an albeit modestly scaled celebration of Catalan Modernism. Spain, 1980 | colour, video, 11 min, Spanish prod: Xisco Rullan | prod Comp: Anta Films | Sc: Agustí Villaronga | Cam: Jaume Peracaula | Ed: Raúl Román | Music: Carles Santos | With: Elisa Huertas, Alicia Pérez Cabrero, Isabel Ribas

al-andalus: las artes islámicas en España

al-andalus: the art of islamic Spain Agustí Villaronga

A commissioned work created as part of the exhibition Al-Andalus: the Art of Islamic Spain mounted in 1992 by the Alhambra, Granada and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Which Villaronga turned into yet another strange, multifaceted creation. A mix between cool, almost dour pedagogical presentations of facts and a fancy, sometimes flighty evocation of the world from which the exhibits originated. Spain, 1992 | colour, video, 57 min, Spanish prod: Agustí Villaronga | Sc: Jerrilyn Dodds, Pablo Romero | Cam: Jaume Peracaula | Ed: Toti Rovira | Music: Luis Delgado | print/Sales: Video Mercury Films, S.A.



SignalS: aguStí Villaronga

Villaronga: applied Poetics A music video, a portrait of a poet and a miniature feature film. Hidden gems which condense Villaronga’s unique mastery. public SCREENING: Fri 4-2 15:00 CI2

El drac de na Coca Agustí Villaronga

Villaronga does Mallorquí lore. Tales of old have it that in the 17th century a dragon haunted Palma. During the day he hid in the city’s sewer, only to rise at night and eat whatsoever crossed his path. One evening, the creature chanced upon his master, Bartomeu Coch. In town to serenade his beloved, this knight gave the promptly slain beast as a gift. The mummified dragon can still be admired at a museum in Palma. Spain, 1990 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue prod: Agustí Villaronga | Music: Maria del Mar Bonet | print/Sales: Ovideo TV sa

Miquel Bauçà: poeta invisible

Miquel Bauçà: the invisible Poet Agustí Villaronga

A counterpart to Aro Tolbukhin – In the Mind of a Killer, this is a documentary about a true and also real-life poète maudit directed essentially like a fiction film featuring an actor as Bauçà’s ‘double’. Again like Aro Tolbukhin – In the Mind of a Killer, the aesthetic is wilfully self-contradictory, playfully jarred and edgy. Identity here, as ever with Villaronga, can never add up – there’s always an inexplicable surplus. The side work as key to an œuvre. Spain, 2005 | colour/b&w, video, 56 min, Catalan prod: Albert Sagalés, Jordi Ambrós | prod Comp: Diagonal Televisió, Televisió de Catalunya | Sc: Jordo Coca, Miquel Obiols, Agustí Villaronga | Cam: Xavi Gil | Ed: Carles Romeu | Sound Des: Natxo Ortúzar, Javier Clara, Aritz Sanjurjo | Music: Toni Martí | With: Pep Tosar | print/Sales: Diagonal Televisió



SignalS: aguStí Villaronga

Pedagogía aplicada Agustí Villaronga

Cròniques de la veritat oculta is a fine case of high concept television. 13 featurettes by 13 Catalan directors based on stories from Pere Calders’ eponymous 1954 collection, a popular classic back home. Villaronga’s series opener, Pedagogía aplicada, takes off from the most typical of Calder situations, half-fantasy half-comedy. Someone’s peace is disrupted... Another craftsman’s job done with the true auteur’s aplomb. Spain, 1997 | colour, video, 29 min, Catalan prod: Agustí Villaronga | Sc: David Fernandez, Jordi Vera, Maite Vieta, Agustí Villaronga based on a story by Pere Calders | Cam: Jesús Escosa | Ed: Jorge Puig | prod Des: Txema Botines | Music: Javier Navarrete | With: Nilo Mur, Rosa Novell, Julieta Serrano, Pep Molina | print/Sales: Televisió de Catalunya

Prelude public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 14:30* CI5 Sun 30-1 14:30* CI5

Fuck them all Agustí Villaronga

A prime case of double authorship, Fuck Them All is as much a return to the opalescent Surrealism of Villaronga’s first shorts (think Anta mujer) as to the world of early Mylène Farmer music videos, with their narratives and symbols. Again we have the artist and her double, soulless landscapes covered in snow, lots of crows with some sinister Martial Leiter scarecrows that look like ragged monster-birds. Scary stuff. Screens before Després de la pluja. France, 2005 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue prod: Anouk Nora | prod Comp: by alternative pictures | prod Des: Martial Leiter | Music: Mylène Farmer | print/Sales: by alternative pictures



SignalS raiDing aFriCa

SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

Raiding Africa Gertjan Zuilhof

‘China has embarked on a lengthy structural presence in Africa, which will change the shape of the world in the coming century.’ (David van Reybrouck, Congo, a History, 2010) For this project, because it is more a project than a programme, I have invited, on behalf of the Festival, seven African filmmakers to make a (short) film in China. Why? And why China? Let’s return to last year. Then, for the Forget Africa project, twelve international filmmakers were invited to make a film in Africa. At the same time, they helped to track down new African talent there. The present project is basically a kind of reversal of last year. Because this time, those who were visited (and sought) are themselves the visitors to another continent. Last year it turned out to be an inspiring experience for the international filmmakers to go to Africa for the first time; the thought behind this project was that an international experience like this could also be inspiring for the young African filmmakers. The idea of going to China grew slowly during my journey through Africa. It is of course well known that China is very active in Africa in an economic sense, but the scale and also the way in which it is happening is difficult to conceive. It was only when I saw the many buses with Chinese prisoners on the way to their building sites, when I was with the artist/filmmaker Ella Raidel in Mozambique, that I realised what an enormous effect this must have on the local population – an effect that extends further than the economy. Those who are not directly convinced of the fact that China some time ago nested in Africa like a baby cuckoo, should look around the website of the World Bank for half an hour; a staggering

Congolese filmmaker Amour Sauveur posing with his crew in China.

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experience for anyone not used to thinking in terms of sums of money of hundreds of billions. The cuckoo is already gigantic and there is little space for other chicks in the nest. And it hasn’t stopped growing yet. When I asked the filmmakers to go with me on an adventure, they did not really ask many questions. They certainly didn’t ask why we needed to go to China. For them that was evident. There were two obvious problems: language and visas. And above all the latter turned out to be an enormous obstacle. I occasionally wondered how crazy I had to be to try and get seven Africans into China. In the end we did manage, even though in one specific case it took six months to arrange the paperwork. In order to help the African filmmakers with the language problems but also with filmmaking, I had asked several Chinese or Chinese-speaking Asian filmmakers to stand by the Africans as mentors. In retrospect, that was one of the best ideas of this project. The pairs of African filmmakers and Asian mentors formed the natural cores of small low-budget crews that could work quickly and efficiently. A project like this costs the Festival a lot more than putting together a programme, but for each individual film, the budget was very modest. That brings me to the second reason to take African filmmakers to China. Like their colleagues elsewhere in Asia, independent Chinese filmmakers have a lot of experience making low-budget films, partly thanks to the use of cheap digital video equipment. I am convinced that this way of working is much more relevant for African filmmakers than the professional and above all expensive approach in Europe. None of the African filmmakers had ever been to Asia before. Not one was able to eat with chopsticks (but they all could by the time they left) and they all thought of an excuse to film the Great Wall, but apart from that they quickly found their own way. They were all charmed by Songzhuang, a rule rural suburb of Beijing, with the incredible number of 4000 artists living there (much in China is incredible by definition). It also houses the film school with which we cooperated. Apart from the fact that they had to work with a small budget, and so shooting could not be too far away from Songzhuang, there were no restrictions. Neither in format or style, nor in the choice of fiction or documentary. I only encouraged them to keep it as personal as possible. And basically, money wasn’t a problem either, thanks to the generosity of the film school. It was obvious that most people in our ‘village’, as we lovingly described Songzhuang, had never seen an African in the flesh, but apart from unashamed staring, that did not provide any problems. Many film students offered their services for nothing or for very little. They were also often very surprised about the improvisational and often unstructured approach of the Africans. Maybe they even learned something from that themselves. In the


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Rwandese filmmaker Yves Montand Niyongabo in the Beijing Airport.

descriptions of the individual projects, I shall take a deeper look at the various shooting experiences of the African filmmakers in China. Several experienced Chinese filmmakers were fascinated by the project, and therefore the concept should possibly be turned around once more, with Chinese filmmakers recording the story of the conquest of Africa on the spot. This article has my name on it, but I developed and completed this project together with my colleague programmer Inge de Leeuw. We were very lucky to find a good partner in China in the form of the independent Li Xianting Film School and its artistic director Zhu Rikun. Just like us, Rikun was convinced of the point of this project. One of the aims is to introduce African filmmakers to an international circuit. That is why it is of great value that two international partners were involved with the project from the beginning, providing concrete support: Marit Kapla, director of the Gรถteborg International Film Festival and Alessandra Speciale, director of the Festival del Cinema Africano di Milano. Raiding Africa also received generous help from the following institutions: Hivos Culture Fund, Hubert Bals Fund, Prince Claus Fund and the Elise Mathilde Fund.





SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

Fire Fly Caroline Kamya

WorlD PrEMiErE

Uganda/China, 2011 | colour, video, 10 min, Mandarin prod: Caroline Kamya | prod Comp: iVAD Productions ltd | Sc: Caroline Kamya | Cam: Qun Chao (Chris) | Ed: Caroline Kamya | Sound Des: Tan Mo (Momo) | Music: Wang Chang-feng | With: Peng Liu-wei, Peng Hui-ian | Sales: iVAD Productions ltd | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam | public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 21:45* LV3 Sat 5-2 10:15* CI2

For the director, just like the other filmmakers in this project, it was her first visit to China. That is why she chose a kind of fairytale, since for her a fairytale has universal elements that bridge cultural differences. The film is relatively improvised, occasionally using documentary techniques, yet it turns out to be an distinctive piece of fiction. The protagonist of the story is the nineyear-old boy Peng Lui Wei. He is the firefly. Luckily, this character was written for the real Peng Lui Wei, so he could play himself. The firefly was a kind of action hero who had to perform tasks and asked different people for advice. In this way, the crew could follow him to all nooks and crannies of the artist village Songzhuang, where the film was shot. The filmmaker took advantage of the opportunity to experiment with several cameras, including the muchtalked about Canon 5D, but also using old-fashioned 8mm material. Screens in Raiding Africa 1.

Zut Amour Sauveur Memy

WorlD PrEMiErE

Congo-Brazzaville/China, 2011 | colour, video, 17 min, Mandarin prod: Amour Sauveur Memy | Sc: Amour Sauveur Memy | Cam: Qun Chao | Ed: Amour Sauveur Memy | Sales: Amour Sauveur Memy | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 21:45* LV3 Sat 5-2 10:15* CI2

‘Zut’ is a swear word for Francophones and also for the Congolese. Street talk, but not the very worst kind. You could say ‘zut’ instead of another much worse word – the difference between f*** with and without asterisks. Lou, the protagonist of the film, has applied for a new job. To complete his file, he must be tested for HIV. The idea of doing the test does not appeal. So he asks his girlfriend to lend him a baby to pass as his own, and provide evidence that he is not infected. But Lou and his girlfriend do not reckon on the fact that someone might recognise the child at his new job. The boss of the company turns out to be the baby’s uncle. A strange story, but the filmmaker has made a specialty of satirical comedies. The Chinese cast and crew found the story very original and completely un-Chinese, and thoroughly enjoyed working on the film. It looks like a Chinese feature, but the essence remains African. Screens in Raiding Africa 1.





SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

li Xia’s Salon Omelga Mthiyane

WorlD PrEMiErE

South Africa/China, 2011 | colour, video, 26 min, Mandarin prod: Omelga Mthiyane | prod Comp: O Films | Sc: Omelga Mthiyane | Cam: Omelga Mthiyane, Tan Mo | Ed: Riaan Hendricks | With: Li Xia | Sales: O Films | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 21:45* LV3 Sat 5-2 10:15* CI2

Omelga Mthiyane had little personal experience with the Chinese, and the Chinese she met in China had no experience whatsoever with Africans. However, before arriving in the country, she was convinced that this lack of acquaintance could be the starting point for her film. Her idea was simple but effective. She would step into a hairdressing salon in China and ask if they could do her hair. Her African hair. She correctly thought that this would help break the ice with local people. In this way, she got to know Li Xia, who owns a small hairdressing salon in Songzhuang, a village populated by farmers and artists, on the edge of Beijing. Li Xia turned out to be an artist too, using the salon to make ends meet financially. It was this other life that gained the interest of the filmmaker, and through Li Xia, other artists also put in an appearance. Mthiyane worked with a small crew of recently-graduated local film students. Screens in Raiding Africa 1.

Depuis l’autre cosmos the trip Yves Montand Niyongabo

WorlD PrEMiErE

Rwanda/China, 2011 | colour, video, 45 min, French/Mandarin prod: Yves Montand Niyongabo | prod Comp: Almond Tree FilmsRwanda | Sc: Yves Montand Niyongabo | Cam: Yves Montand Niyongabo | Ed: Jean Bosco Nshimiyimana | prod Des: Bruce Zhengkhuo | Sound Des: Bruce Zhengkhuo | With: Ying Lian, Bruce Zhenghkuo | Sales: Almond Tree FilmsRwanda | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 21:45* LV3 Sat 5-2 10:15* CI2


The young Rwandan filmmaker set to work in China by carefully feeling his way. He occasionally asked difficult questions that were not easy to answer. For instance, he wondered how the onechild policy and abortion worked. But people were not willing to talk about it. He wanted to make an experimental essay. Searching for substance, but also for form. The Chinese film students in his team could not always follow his hesitancy. Anyhow, they had to learn the difference between inefficiency and thoughtfulness. Niyongabo calls the film a meditation. An observation of Chinese culture and society. The gaze of a foreigner, observing from a distance. Since he was based there, he focused on the town of Songzhuang, a village-like part of Beijing where many artists live. He talked to these people, but also to others he happened to meet. He summarises his experiences in two extensive monologues that are recited in elegant Mandarin. Screens in Raiding Africa 1.


SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

ndolo seka Chopsticks love Born of Chopsticks Emile-Aime Chah Yibain

WorlD PrEMiErE

Cameroon/China, 2011 | colour, video, 26 min, Mandarin prod: Emile-Aime Chah Yibain | prod Comp: Y-Colony Pictures | Sc: EmileAime Chah Yibain | Cam: EmileAime Chah Yibain | Ed: Emile-Aime Chah Yibain | prod Des: Emile-Aime Chah Yibain | Sound Des: Nyambi Edwin | Music: Nyambi Edwin | With: Lei Jian Mei | Sales: Y-Colony Pictures | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 17:45* LV3 Sat 5-2 12:45* CI2


An allegorical story about a Chinese peasant girl Chûn Meí who dreams of distant journeys outside the country, and the African Tim Chia, a filmmaker on his first trip to China. They meet in a comic and romantic story and therefore represent the often far-from-romantic encounter between two cultures. Few Africans have learnt to eat with chopsticks, providing a subject for humour and satire. Though such minor everyday things, the filmmaker makes it clear just how commonplace the major differences are. Of the seven African filmmakers who went to China for the project Raiding Africa, Ancestor (the artist/hip-hop name of the director here) was the last. That was not his choice, but due to an enormous battle with bureaucracy for a visa. One of the consequences was that he had to film in China during the winter. He didn’t complain about this, perhaps with the contrasts he was looking for further heightened. Screens in Raiding Africa 2.

Snake Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’

WorlD PrEMiErE

Uganda/China, 2011 | colour, video, 56 min, Mandarin prod: Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’ | Sc: Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’ | Cam: Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’ | Ed: Ceril Ducotte | prod Des: Sherman Ong | Sound Des: Ceril Ducotte, Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’, Lamara Sam | Music: Yu Chuan, Lan Tian, Jiao Xiao-wei | With: Peng Liu-wei, Liu Yu, Yang Zhi-chao | Sales: Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’ | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam | public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 17:45* LV3 Sat 5-2 12:45* CI2

Xenson is no ordinary filmmaker. He has a background as a visual artist. He is a painter and a fashion designer with an urban line of clothing for a young public. He has close connections to those creating hip-hop music and himself makes music videos. This experience, this background, can be found in the film he made in China. For it, he adopted an improvised and experimental style. He chose the image of the snake for his film. A ‘Musota’, an African snake, visits Beijing. He enjoys himself, causes an occasional disturbance and focuses especially on two small friends, Peng Liu Wei and Liu Yu, who he finds at the market in Songzhuang. He discovers messages from diaries written during the Cultural Revolution, as collected by the performance artist Yang Zhichao. The life of the snake would never be the same again. Screens in Raiding Africa 2.



SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

Moamba Chinesa Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’

WorlD PrEMiErE

Angola/China, 2011 | colour, video, 20 min, Mandarin/ Cantonese/Portuguese prod: Ivo M. Ferreira | Sales: Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ | Distr. NL: International Film Festival Rotterdam public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 11:30* PA4 Tue 1-2 18:00* LV6 press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 22:30* CI2

Henrique ‘Dito’ Narciso was not alone aboard the plane to China. Many of his compatriots flew in the same direction, but only a few as far as Beijing. Almost all of them disembarked in Guangzhou. This harbour city, close to Hong Kong, was the first place where China experimented with capitalism – the communist way. It’s also a city where African traders can do business, since they are not really welcome in the rest of China. Once in Beijing, Dito decided to return to Guangzhou. He realised that he had already found his subject on the plane. Yet he still took the chance to look around Beijing. There, he filmed the CCTV Tower designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas. It has already become almost as big an attraction as the Great Wall, thereby giving useful symbols to the filmmaker for old and new China.

Elmina Emmanuel Apea Jr.

intErnational PrEMiErE

United Kingdom/Ghana, 2010 | colour, video, 104 min, English/Twi prod: Doug Fishbone | prod Comp: Flatbush Films | Sc: Emmanuel Apea Jr., John Apea | Cam: Kofi Asante | Ed: Enoch Sarpong | prod Des: Julia Apea | Sound Des: Claus Ansa Acquah | Music: Claus Ansa Acquah | With: Doug Fishbone, Kofi Bucknor, Akofa Asiedu, John Apea, Kojo Dadson, Uju Okeke, Redeemer A. Mensah, Fred Amugi, Ama K. Abebrese, Kofi Middleton Mends, Collins Agyemang Sarpong | print/Sales: Flatbush Films public SCREENINGS: Thu 3-2 19:30* CI5 Fri 4-2 10:00* CI5 Sat 5-2 15:30* CI3 press & Industry SCREENING: Wed 2-2 17:15 CI2


A confusing film. It looks like a soapy Ghanaian feature – true in a way – but it also comes across as a work by the Western artist Douglas Fishbone. Is the film the work of this Fishbone or of the Ghanaian director Emmanuel Apea Jr? In this the makers are deliberately unclear. The white American artist Fishbone, who works in London, plays a role as Ato, a local inhabitant in the small Ghanaian harbour town of Elmina. His race is prohibited in an absurd and confusing way. In his dialogues, Ato assumes that he is a black Ghanaian, but his presentation does not hide the fact that he is a white Westerner. The effect is comic, but the humour is dry and more absurd than funny. Elmina could be the first African coastal town from which Europeans started their colonisation of the continent. The corrupt tribal chief of the town wants to persuade the population to sell their country to a Chinese oil company. The Chinese take over the former role of the Europeans.


SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

When China Met africa Nick Francis, Marc Francis

United Kingdom/France, 2010 | colour, video, 75 min, English/Mandarin prod: Nick Francis, Marc Francis, Miriana Bojic Walter | prod Comp: Speak-it Films, Zeta Productions | Cam: Marc Francis | Ed: Hugh Williams | Sound Des: Nick Francis, Jerome Wiciak | Music: Florencia Di Concilio | print/Sales: Speak-it Films | public SCREENING: Wed 2-2 10:30 Doelen

Van Capellen Zaal

The Francis brothers are sound documentary makers. They do their research and travel at length to map out a subject. In this case, the journey took them to Zambia, a former British colony that now receives attention from the Chinese. Why? Zambia has copper. The film follows three different characters, highlighting different sides of Chinese activities in this poor African country. There is Liu, a real entrepreneur who buys one farm after another. You can guess what will happen to local agriculture if this process continues for long. Then we have Li, through whom we witness a major Chinese building concern. Finally, the Zambian Minister of Trade is followed during a mission to beg for funds in China. The film concentrates on Zambia, but it is obvious that this country represents the whole of Africa. The Francis brothers further make it clear that this development has an effect on a world level. Through Africa, China is developing into quite some world power. Only screens on Raiding Africa Day.

imani Caroline Kamya

Uganda/Sweden, 2010 | colour, video, 78 min, English prod: Caroline Kamya | prod Comp: iVAD Productions ltd | Sc: Agnes Kamya | Cam: Andrew Coppin | Ed: Caroline Kamya | prod Des: Andrew Coppin | Sound Des: Mikael | Music: Ragnar Grippe | With: Philip Buyi, Rehema Nanfuka, Stephen Ocen | print/ Sales: iVAD Productions ltd | public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 21:45* PA5 Wed 2-2 22:15* LV3 Sat 5-2 10:00* CI5

The story of the film takes place on one day in the present, following three different characters in Uganda. A Uganda that is trying to recover from traumatic times, such as those of dictator Idi Amin and the later civil war that was notorious for the LRA’s (Lord’s Resistance Army) use of child soldiers. One of the three characters was indeed a child soldier, the other two a household help and a hip-hop dancer. Set in the capital Kampala and the province of Gulu, the three protagonists do not meet each other, but their stories show what is involved in order to survive in a country like Uganda. The word Imani means ‘faith’ and that is one of the things that you need, according to the female filmmaker. Kamya made an ambitious film that is unusual within the present African cinematic climate thanks to its cinematographic and narrative level. It was shot using an advanced Red Digital camera.



SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

Jia Yuan

My Father’s House Zhao Dayong

WorlD PrEMiErE

China/Hong Kong, 2011 | colour, video, 63 min, English/Mandarin prod: David Bandurski | prod Comp: Lantern Films China Co. Ltd. | Cam: Zhao Dayong | Ed: Zhao Dayong | Music: Wei Chun-yi | print/ Sales: Lantern Films China Co. Ltd. | public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 21:30* PA2 Tue 1-2 12:45* PA5 Fri 4-2 14:00* LV3 press & Industry SCREENING: Thu 3-2 14:00 CI2

The Chinese government has a tortuous relationship with religion. But for the Africans who work and trade in the Chinese harbour town of Guangzhou, religion is an important part of their life. The African community in Guangzhou – the only city in China where they are allowed to work in this way – has set up more than one church. The filmmaker concentrates on that of Daniel Michael Enyeribe, a Nigerian missionary. My Father’s House has a personal and political side that is characteristic of today’s younger generation of Chinese documentary makers. Zhao Dayong shows not only the family life of a young African preacher, his Chinese wife and their child, but also the historic police raids on the churches of Guangzhou. The filmmaker does not restrict his activities to the religious life of the Chinese Africans, but also takes a look at the successful African soccer club in Guangzhou.

lobi (hier/demain)

lobi (Yesterday/tomorrow) Kristin Rogghe, Pierre Kigoma, Mekhar Azari, Tocha Zaventen, Amourabinto Lukoji, Rek Kandol, Eric Biansueki, Androa Mindre, Matthias De Groof

In Lingala, ‘Lobi’ means both yesterday and tomorrow. This playful and experimental film looks at both the era of Belgian domination as well as future expectations of the young Congolese. It was made to mark the 50th anniversary of Congo’s independence. Screens in Raiding Africa in Context 1. EuroPEan PrEMiErE

Congo-Kinshasa/Belgium, 2010 | colour, video, 38 min, French/Lingala prod | Sc | prod Des | With: Kristin Rogghe, Pierre Kigoma, Mekhar Azari, Tocha Zaventen, Amourabinto Lukoji, Rek Kandol, Eric Biansueki, Androa Mindre, Matthias De Groof | Cam: Mekhar Azari, Amourabinto Lukoji, Kristin Rogghe, Matthias De Groof | Ed: Kristin Rogghe, Matthias De Groof | Sound: Kristin Rogghe, Matthias De Groof, Pierre Kigoma, Mekhar Azari, Tocha Zaventen, Amourabinto Lukoji, Rek Kandol, Eric Biansueki, Androa Mindre | Music: Bhelly Bompolonga, Café Dodo, Maître Tshamala, Mike Squatterback | print/Sales: Flanders Image | public SCREENINGS Tue 1-2 11:30* LV6 Wed 2-2 19:45* LV3



SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

Chips and liver girls Caroline Kamya, Boris Bertram

The film was made in a workshop organised by the Danish DOX:LAB. In this workshop, a filmmaker from Europe (Scandinavia) and a filmmaker from the developing world (in this case Africa) were linked together. The film Memory in this programme was also made during DOX:LAB. Screens in Raiding Africa in Context 2. intErnational PrEMiErE

Denmark/Uganda, 2010 | colour, video, 31 min, English prod: Emil Bernild Ferslev | prod Comp: Dead People’s Choice Film | Sc: Boris Bertram, Caroline Kamya | Cam: Boris Bertram | Ed: Signe Rebekka Kaufmann | Sound Des: Morten Wille | Music: Sara Savery, Tobias Wilner Bertram, Ghost Society | print/Sales: Dead People’s Choice Film public SCREENINGS Tue 1-2 14:00* LV6 Sat 5-2 12:30* CI5

Memory (work in progress) Yves Montand Niyongabo, Iris Olsson

A documentary in which the filmmakers patiently look around present day Rwanda. The images and the people speak for themselves. The past has not been forgotten, but life also goes on. Just like Chips and Liver Girls, this film was made during the Danish workshop DOX:LAB. Screens in Raiding Africa in Context 2. Rwanda/Finland/Denmark, 2011 | colour, video, 48 min, English prod: Iris Olsson | prod Comp: CPH:DOX - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival | Sc: Iris Olsson, Yves Montand Niyongabo | Cam: Iris Olsson | Ed: Oskari Korenius | Sound Des: Kimmo Vänttinen, Toni Teivaala | print/ Sales: CPH:DOX - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival public SCREENINGS Tue 1-2 14:00* LV6 Sat 5-2 12:30* CI5

Subverses Ella Raidel

Raidel may be Austrian, but she has lived in Taiwan for a long time and therefore speaks Chinese. She could make direct contact with the Chinese entrepreneurs who are changing Africa so much. She spoke to the workers in the building sites and to slam poets, critical hip-hop poets. Screens in Raiding Africa in Context 1. WorlD PrEMiErE

Mozambique/Austria, 2011 | colour, video, 45 min, Mandarin/Portuguese prod: Ella Raidel | Sc: Ella Raidel | Cam: Ella Raidel | Ed: Ella Raidel, Thomas Schneider | prod Des: Ella Raidel | Music: Matchume Zango | With: Mestre Tchaka, Pha Teca-Teca, Raimundo | print/Sales: Ella Raidel public SCREENINGS Tue 1-2 11:30* LV6 Wed 2-2 19:45* LV3 40TH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM


SignalS: raiDing aFriCa

o imigrante the immigrant

Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’

It’s commonplace for a European filmmaker to go to Africa to look at poverty and abuse. It’s less common for African filmmakers to record the difficulties of a foreign community living in wealthy Holland. A Portuguese-spoken African film about the Cape Verde community in Rotterdam. WorlD PrEMiErE

Angola, 2011 | colour, video, 60 min, Portuguese/Dutch prod: Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ | print/Sales: Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ public SCREENINGS Mon 31-1 11:30 PA4 Tue 1-2 18:00 LV6 press & Industry SCREENING: Sun 30-1 22:30 CI2

namo amitofo

Homage to the Buddha - of africa Nicole Schafer

This is a fragment of a film, or a preliminary study for a longer work, about a Buddhist orphanage in Malawi run by Chinese. The Chinese give the orphans housing, food and education. Just as in many Christian institutions, the children also receive a religious education. And they receive lessons in noble martial arts. Screens in Raiding Africa in Context 1. WorlD PrEMiErE

Malawi/South Africa, 2011 | colour, video, 13 min, Mandarin/English prod: Nicole Schafer | prod Comp: Thinking Strings Media | print/Sales: Thinking Strings Media public SCREENINGS Tue 1-2 11:30* LV6 Wed 2-2 19:45* LV3

raiding africa Day In addition to the film screenings from the corresponding Signals programme Raiding Africa, there is also room for conversation and debate and the chance to relax with drinks and music. No ticket required, but places are limited. Programme Wed 2 Feb 10:30 Doelen Van Cappellen Zaal

10:30 12:30 14:30 16:30 17:30 19:30 21:30 23.00 272

Screening When China Met Africa followed by a conversation with filmmakers Nick & Marc Francis Screening Fire Fly, ZUT, Li Xia’s Salon, The Trip and one episode of Les Boulistes (saison 2) followed by a conversation with African filmmakers and mentors Screening Love Born of Chopsticks, Snake and one episode of Les Boulistes (saison 2) followed by a conversation with African filmmakers and mentors Discussion Film Commissioning & Workshops in Africa Drinks & African music Screening O imigrante & Moamba Chinesa followed by a conversation with Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ Screening My Father’s House followed by a conversation with Zhao Dayong Fin 40TH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM

SignalS out oF FaSHion

SignalS: out oF FaSHion

out of Fashion inge de Leeuw

The cross-fertilisation between young design talent, established fashion houses and independent filmmakers is the central theme of the special programme Out of Fashion, which consists of a film programme, an exhibition and interviews with experts about the relationship between fashion and film. When you think about fashion, you generally think about just the collections and the catwalks. But fashion is much more than these end results alone. Topicality, the concept and the atmosphere are perhaps even more important than the actual collections. To bring these aspects into the limelight, the fashion world has entered into dialogue with various media and disciplines. Not just with representative media, such as film and photography, but also the visual arts, interior design and architecture, literature and music. The Internet has brought about a far-reaching change in the way fashion deploys moving images. Not only are there more fashion films being made than ever before, the way in which designers make use of them has changed. Many of these films rise above the traditional advertising film and can certainly be considered as autonomous video works. The motivation behind this development can be brought back to two inherent characteristics of fashion: the urge for topicality and exclusivity. Fashion is all about the current moment. Designers don’t wish to just follow what’s going on now; they would prefer to determine it themselves. You can see this expressed in the choice of subject and the use of up-to-date media. The film on Internet is a good example of an extremely topical form of expression. Designers are not the only people who have embraced film and video – other image makers from the sector, such as fashion photographers, magazine publishers and stylists are focusing more and more on moving images. Certainly in recent years, we have also been witness to a fascinating cross-fertilisation between fashion and film – independent filmmakers work increasingly often with fashion labels. The reverse is also true: fashion designers make autonomous, independent films.

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SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Exclusivity is essential to the positioning of a label. The accessibility of YouTube has led to an enormous democratisation in brand visibility. In the past, moving images could only be seen on TV and in the cinema, but since the arrival of YouTube everyone can access these images whenever it suits them. As a result, people in the fashion industry are faced with a contradiction: YouTube is a topical medium the fashion world is delighted to make use of, but its open character is at odds with the express desire for exclusivity. The position of designers in the fashion world can be recognised in the way they use film. Large fashion houses prefer to work with renowned filmmakers. By awarding open commissions, they stand out and emphasise their actuality and exclusivity. The resulting films are used successfully as an online marketing tool. Examples are First Spring by Yang Fudong for Prada and Wonderwood by the Brothers Quay for Comme des Garçons. In the avant-garde corner of the fashion industry, film is primarily a means to further develop the concept of the collection. Films such as GilApple by Jun Takahashi and Anaesthetics by Hussein Chalayan can often be seen only in galleries and not on Internet. The exclusivity and the almost inviolable market position enjoyed by the large fashion houses are precisely what make it so difficult for young designers to conquer a prominent place within this world. Dissemination of films via the Internet is increasingly important for this new generation as a means to express and present themselves. So YouTube functions as the shop-window of the 21st century. All these developments come together in the Out of Fashion film programme and exhibition. The core of the programme has been made in a special form: the films are presented as a digital fashion magazine. After all, fashion magazines are indispensable to the presentation of the designers. The innumerable weblogs, the increasing production of moving images and the introduction of the iPad have dramatically changed the position of fashion magazines. The film programme responds to this development with the screening of a number of digital Out of Fashion magazines – short film programmes constructed like an analogue fashion


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SignalS: out oF FaSHion

magazine with moving covers (a new trend in the world of magazines), advertising films and a digital editorial that goes into a specific theme in more depth. But there is plenty more to see in the cinemas: Maison Martin Margiela and agnès b. take a central position in Out of Fashion due to the special relationship they both have with independent cinema. They have put together a film programme of their own work especially for the IFFR. There are also several full-length films being screened that illustrate the collaboration between fashion and film in another field: a documentary about the visual artist Pyuupiru and the feature film Black Swan, in which the protagonist’s character changes are illustrated by Rodarte’s costume design. A special event in the cinema is the Fashion Film Competition. Who are the designers of the future? At the beginning of 2010, fashion students and recently graduated fashion designers were challenged to represent their ideas and fashion concepts in film and to send the results in to the Fashion Film Competition. The best entries will be presented during this event. The Out of Fashion exhibition provides a background to several of the fashion films in the programme and explores the relationship between fashion and film. Maison Martin Margiela and agnès b. present an exclusive installation, the creative fashion films made by BLESS are on display, and Anna-Nicole Ziesche and Todd Cole are showing the storyboards of their films.

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SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Deeper exploration and consideration of the phenomenon ‘fashion and film’ is provided by the component The Perfect Cut: Reflections on Film and Fashion. Four experts shed light on the phenomenon from different perspectives: filmmaker Zach Gold, photographer Dino Dinco, Alexander Fury, the director of SHOWstudio, a digital platform that specialises in fashion film, and art director Marc Ascoli, who worked for fashion houses including Jil Sander, Chloe and Yohji Yamamoto. Two of the interviews take place in the auditorium before the screening; the other two are carried out in De Unie. The Out of Fashion programme will be officially opened on Thursday 27 January in cultural supermarket Rot(t)terdam and will include a performance by Pyuupiru. Out of Fashion is a collaboration between the IFFR, Premsela and Glamcult Independent Style Paper. With the support of the SNS Reaal Fund and cultural supermarket Rot(t)terdam. Special thanks are due to my colleague Edwin Carels for coming up with the title of the programme.


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SignalS: out oF FaSHion

out of Fashion Magazine: Conceptual Spaces Concepts can be detailed in collections, but definitely also in film. This programme shows us concepts in demarcated spaces and vast landscapes. public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 20:00 CI5 Sat 5-2 17:00 CI5

Painted Series Elle Verhagen, Carmen Freudenthal

The designers of ‘Painted’ base their collection on the concept of invisible hands that dress and undress people. That was also the starting point for this film, made by the artistic duo Carmen Freudenthal and Elle Verhagen. A poetic work in which very unexpected things occasionally pass by. Netherlands, 2008 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue prod: Elle Verhagen, Carmen Freudenthal | prod Comp: Freudenthal Verhagen | Sc: Carmen Freudenthal, Elle Verhagen | Cam: Carmen Freudenthal, Elle Verhagen | Ed: Carmen Freudenthal, Elle Verhagen | prod Des: Carmen Freudenthal, Elle Verhagen | Music: Martin Butler | print/Sales: Freudenthal Verhagen |

Flight Gene Doe

The Canadian fashion brand Mono was inspired for its Flight collection by lightness and transparency: a model who is so light that she seems to fly away; light clothing that seems to dissolve into the background. A poetic film made by Gene Doe, which translates fashion concepts into moving images. intErnational PrEMiErE

Canada, 2010 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue prod: Gene Doe | Sc: Gene Doe | Cam: Gene Doe | Ed: Gene Doe | prod Des: Gene Doe, Mono Clothing | Sound Des: Erik Weissler | Music: Erik Weissler | With: Tiffany Tregarthen | print/Sales: Gene Doe |



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

My logical Private Parts Park Hasisi

Park Hasisi cooperated with the Korean label Centaur on this creative video, to present the collection called My Logical Private Parts. It is a visually powerful work that investigates the contradiction between being naked and covering parts of the body. intErnational PrEMiErE

South Korea, 2009 | colour, video, 4 min, no dialogue prod: Ye Ran Ji | prod Comp: The Centaur | Sc: Park Hasisi | Cam: Park Hasisi | Ed: Park Hasisi | prod Des: Park Hasisi | Sound Des: Park Hasisi | Music: Tibet Folk Music/ Animal Collective | With: Lee Sun | print/Sales: Hasisi Film |

naquid Mote Sinabel Aoki

Naquid is an exciting work that is set entirely in a white room. The title is a combination of the words naked and liquid. The short film was made for the 2011 collection by the young Japanese designer Aguri Sagimori. She combines conceptual designs with edgy details. Japan, 2010 | colour, video, 6 min, no dialogue prod: Kudo Yukika | prod Comp: Ribo Ltd. | Cam: Mote Sinabel Aoki | prod Des: Guillame Lecam | With: Alisa, Anastasia | print/Sales: Ribo Ltd.

Childhood Storage Anna-Nicole Ziesche

In Childhood Storage, filmmaker and fashion designer Anna-Nicole Ziesche goes back to her childhood. In a replica of her old room, she poses questions about just how far people are shaped by events from their youth. This is done in a mixture of performance and spoken word. United Kingdom, 2009 | colour, video, 6 min, English prod: Anna-Nicole Ziesche | Sc: Anna-Nicole Ziesche | Cam: Anna-Nicole Ziesche, Diensen Pamben, Matthew James Day | Ed: Anna-Nicole Ziesche, Matthew James Day | prod Des: Anna-Nicole Ziesche | Sound Des: Jason Thomas | With: Anna-Nicole Ziesche, FionĂŤ-Minna Ziesche Pacarada | print: Anna-Nicole Ziesche | Sales: H+F Fashion on the Edge |



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Shooting Stars never return Julie Barranger

The Japanese brand KINO (a Japanese woman’s name and the German word for cinema) is known for its simple and refined collections. The designer Tomoe Ishikawa cooperated with her stylist to elaborate on the theme of ‘expanding’. A man and a woman share a special moment and then each go their own way. That way, they broaden their horizons. WorlD PrEMiErE

Japan/France, 2011 | colour, video, 10 min, Japanese prod: Kudo Yukika | prod Comp: Ribo Ltd. | Sc: Tomoe Ishikawa, Julie Barranger | Cam: Hisaki Sanbongi | Ed: Delphine Sanchez | prod Des: KINO | With: Wataru Miyazaki, Chihiro Niuya | print/Sales: Ribo Ltd.

temporal Meditations Hussein Chalayan

This first film by designer Hussein Chalayan translates the concept of his collection Temporal Meditations into movement, space and sound. The transmission of cultural symbols through travel and the question of identity are the focus of this stylish work, with various narrative layers. Italy/Greece, 2003 | colour, 35mm, 21 min, no dialogue prod: Hussein Chalayan | Sc: Hussein Chalayan | Cam: Hussein Chalayan | Ed: Fani Ziozia | prod Des: Llias Ledakis | Music: Mercan Dede, Jean Paul Dessy, Band of Susans, Kudsi Erguner | With: Mark Segal, Sophia Hill, Yannis Spanos | print/Sales: Galerist |

anaesthetics Hussein Chalayan

In eleven chapters, the designer Hussein Chalayan shows how violent our society really is. This violence is institutionalised through rituals, codes of behaviour and artificial anaesthesia. An unusual work that is occasionally rather lugubrious, but which confronts us with our own customs. Turkey, 2004 | colour, video, 22 min, no dialogue prod: Asu Sipsak, Tunay Vural | prod Comp: PTT film | Sc: Hussein Chalayan | Cam: Gökhan Atilmis | Ed: Aylin Zoi Tinel | prod Des: Hussein Chalayan | Music: Jean Paul Dessy | With: Bennu Gerede | print/Sales: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

out of Fashion Magazine: Fairytales Freak Me out Fashion often opts for fairytale presentation. Fairytales are not always sweet and beautiful, there is always some unavoidable darkness there. public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 20:00 CI5 Tue 1-2 14:30 CI5

gilapple Jun Takahashi

GilApple is an animated fairytale, enchanting and mysterious, in which an apple and a fluffy creature meet. Because apples and fluffy creatures are a focal point in the work of designer Jun Takahashi, founder of the Japanese brand UNDERCOVER. He made the dolls himself from old teddy bears. Japan/Hong Kong, 2009 | colour, video, 6 min, no dialogue prod: TK Mak | prod Comp: Silly Thing Visuals | Sc: Jun Takahashi | Ed: Silly Thing Visuals | prod Des: Silly Thing Visuals | Sound Des: Kan Takagi | print/Sales: Under Cover Co., Ltd

l’inconciliabilità dell’amore

the impossibility to Concilate love Michela Buttignol, Gianluca Maria Contaldi The Italian brand Moi Multiple was founded in 2008. It stands for the individuality of women. For its collections, Moi Multiple often uses surprising details. In this poetic animation – made with a variety of animation techniques – the originality and love for detail hits you in the eye. intErnational PrEMiErE

Italy, 2010 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue prod: Anna Francesca Ceccon | prod Comp: Sonobe SRL | Sc: Anna Francesca Ceccon | Cam: Gianluca Contaldi, Michela Buttignol | Ed: Andrea De Andrea | prod Des: Gianluca Contaldi | Sound Des: Cromazoo | Music: Seaglòpur, Sigur Ròs | print/Sales: Sonobe SRL |

Wonderwood Brothers Quay

The Japanese fashion house Comme des Garçons asked the Brothers Quay to portray its latest perfume Wonderwood in their typical animation style. This beautiful, sensual film, with a taste of darkness, will definitely stimulate the senses. United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 3 min, no dialogue prod: Pierre Guguen | prod Comp: Antonio Puig S.A. | Sc: Brothers Quay | Cam: Brothers Quay | Music: Timothy Nelson | print/Sales: Antonio Puig S.A.



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

ansokunobasyo Masataka Ohta

The Japanese designer Ohta Masataka wanted to make a film that portrayed the process of ‘being at home’. The unusual mix between live action and animation evokes a feeling of nostalgia. A warm desire for house and home is produced. Japan, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 3 min, German prod: Masataka Ohta | Sc: Masataka Ohta | Cam: Jyunpei Kagawa | Ed: Akinori Okada | prod Des: Masataka Ohta | Sound Des: Takahide Higuthi | Music: Takahide Higuthi | print/Sales: Masataka Ohta |

les petites sorcières the little Witches agnès b.

agnès b. loves to make up stories. For Les petites sorcières, a girl and a postcard provide her with the necessary inspiration. Shot and edited by herself in three days, this imaginative film is filled with witches and aliens. All is kept close to home, with her back garden as the set and the creatures dressed in agnès b. intErnational PrEMiErE

France, 2000 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue prod: agnès b. | prod Comp: Love Streams agnès b. Productions | Sc: Agnès Troublé | Cam: Agnès Troublé | Ed: Jeff Nicorosi | prod Des: Agnès Troublé | print/Sales: Love Streams agnès b. Productions

String theory Zach Gold

Zach Gold made a surrealist film for the Belgian label A.F. Vandevorst, about a young girl who seeks out the boundaries of reality. String Theory is a beautifully designed fairytale with a dark edge, in which the frontiers between dream and reality become very vague indeed. USA, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 11 min, no dialogue prod: Zach Gold | prod Comp: Copperwind Produtions | Cam: Steve Romano | Ed: Michael Sturgeon, Marc Beroza | prod Des: Michael Sturgeon | With: Evelina Mambetova | print/Sales: Copperwind Produtions |



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

la vitesse et la pierre Igor Zimmermann, Frode Fjerdingstad, Marcus Palmqvist

This film was also an adventure for the directors themselves: in its process, they made an exhausting journey of 3000 kilometres. In a combination of stills and audio, they investigate the boundaries between film and photography. A poetic journey made for the Swedish fashion brand Whyred. Morocco/Sweden/Norway/Libya, 2009 | colour/b&w, video, 12 min, French prod: Martin Ronström | prod Comp: B-Reel | Sc: Igor Zimmermann, Marcus Palmqvist, Frode Fjerdingstad | Cam: Frode Fjerdingstad, Marcus Palmqvist, Igor Zimmermann | Ed: Igor Zimmermann, Frode Fjerdingstad | prod Des: Malin Gabriella Nordin | Sound Des: Mattias Eklund | Music: Yourhighness | With: Tilda Dahlgren, Bernhard | Narrator: Philippe Cordonnier | print/Sales: Frode Fjerdingstad

rabbit Hole Gudmundur Hallgrimsson

Inspired by stories from the far north, the Icelandic designer and artist Mundi Vondi made this surrealist fairytale. Rabbit Hole is set in the expansive Icelandic landscape. A young girl meets bizarre creatures during her journey through this dreamy world. Iceland, 2010 | colour, video, 18 min, no dialogue prod: Hrefna Hagalín, Kristín Bára | prod Comp: Krúnk Productions | Sc: Gudmundur Hallgrímsson | Cam: Bjarni Felix Bjarnason | Ed: Steffí Thors | prod Des: Kristín Bára & Hrefna Hagalín | Sound Des: Halldór Á. Björnsson | Music: Mr. Silla | With: Brynja Jónbjarnardóttir, Snorri Ásmundsson, Hrafnkell Flóki Kaktus, Stefán Finnbogason, Karl Ingi Karlsson, Vigfús Gunnarsson, Eva Katrín Baldursdóttir | print/Sales: Mundi Design ehf. |

the lost Explorer Tim Walker

A dying explorer stimulates Evelyn’s fantasy with his stories about Africa, as beautifully portrayed by Vogue photographer Tim Walker. A minor drama about letting go of your fantasies in order to grow up. Based on a short story by Patrick McGrath. United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 20 min, English prod: Ben Pugh | prod Comp: Between the Eyes | Sc: Tim Walker, Kit Hesketh-Harvey | Cam: Robbie Ryan | Ed: Valerio Bonelli | prod Des: Shona Heath | With: Richard Bremmer, Dexter Fletcher, Olympia Campbell, Julia Davis, Jessica Hynes, Toby Stephens | print/Sales: Missing in Action Films |



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

out of Fashion Magazine: iconic inspiration Fashion designers often have iconic status, but they are also ordinary people looking for inspiration, sometimes insecure. This programme sheds light on the people behind the brands in a number of exceptional documentaries. public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 17:00 CI5 Thu 3-2 14:30 CI5

raf’s army Pierre Debusschere

A tough film based on the aesthetics of the army. Filmmaker Pierre Debusschere often works with designer Raf Simons. It was therefore no surprise that he was asked to make a film for the 15th anniversary of Simons’ brand. Created for the pioneering digital magazine Dazed & Confused. Belgium/United Kingdom, 2010 | colour, video, 4 min, English prod: Pierre Debusschere | prod Comp: 254forest, Dazed & Confused | Sc: Pierre Debusschere | Cam: Pierre Debusschere | Ed: Pierre Debusschere | prod Des: Pierre Debusschere | Sound Des: Frédéric Ameel | Music: Frédéric Ameel | print/Sales: 254forest |

Missoni Kenneth Anger

The experimental filmmaker Kenneth Anger is known for his many cult classics from the 1960s and 1970s. In this work for the Italian fashion house Missoni, his psychedelic signature is clearly recognisable. Hypnotic and alienating, this short film takes you right back to the 1960s. USA/Italy, 2010 | colour, video, 3 min, no dialogue prod: Brian Butler | Cam: Paolo Bellan | Ed: Paul Marchand | prod Des: Vanessa Reid | Music: Koudlam | With: Jennifer Missoni, Margherita Missoni, Francesco Maccapni Missoni, Vittorio Missoni | print/Sales: Brian Butler



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Hedi Who... Joost Vandebrug

When Kris Van Assche succeeded Hedi Slimane at Dior Homme, all potentially critical eyes were focused on him. He persevered and made Dior Homme even more successful. Three years later, Vandebrug looked him up and made this short portrait, in which Van Assche talks openly about his work and the difficulties he first had. United Kingdom, 2010 | b&w, video, 5 min, English prod: Manja Otten | prod Comp: Manja Otten Personal Management | Sc: Joost Vandebrug | Cam: Joost Vandebrug | Ed: Joost Vandebrug | prod Des: Joost Vandebrug | print/Sales: Manja Otten Personal Management

Dissertation on Permeation: Harmony versus Convergence Nakamura Hiroki

Designer Nakamura Hiroki of the Japanese fashion brand Visvim sets off on a road trip in the USA. He researches patterns and materials which act as inspiration for his designs. At the same time, the film reports on his investigation into cultural symbols that are used in a different context. Japan/Italy/USA, 2010 | colour, video, 25 min, English/Japanese prod: Nakamura Hiroki | prod Comp: Cubism Inc. | Cam: Noriaki Saito | Ed: John Wate | Sound Des: Michael Komagata | Music: Jan Tilman Schade | print/Sales: Cubism Inc. |

Bible Black Tao Nørager

The controversial designer Andrew Mackenzie was, for a time, not allowed to use his name as a brand. Nørager, who had previously filmed shows by Mackenzie, was the right person to follow him in the last stressed days before his comeback show. Roadmovie meets fashion. WorlD PrEMiErE

Denmark, 2011 | colour, video, 39 min, English/Italian prod: Wiebe van der Vliet – van Trotsenburg | prod Comp: Roaddox | Cam: Tao Nørager | Ed: Wiebe van der Vliet-van Trotsenburg | Sound Des: Kaspar ArdenkjærHusted | print/Sales: Roaddox |



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

out of Fashion Magazine: living on the Edge Brands often present themselves as exciting and challenging, and that makes subcultures very interesting to them. Various subcultures on camera, from American tattooists to young people in Tibet. public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 10:15 PA6 Sat 5-2 20:00 CI5

Flashback Joost Vandebrug

Flashback is a poetic short by photographer Joost Vandebrug in collaboration with Volt magazine and fashion editor Cynthia Lawrence John. In this film Vandebrug shows the classic beauty of top model Alice Dellal as well as the grim tragedy that lies beneath. See also Vandebrug’s films East Fifteen and Hedi who.... WorlD PrEMiErE

United Kingdom, 2011 | colour, video, 2 min, no dialogue prod: Manja Otten | prod Comp: Manja Otten Personal Management | Sc: Joost Vandebrug | Cam: Joost Vandebrug | Ed: Joost Vandebrug | prod Des: Joost Vandebrug | print/Sales: Manja Otten Personal Management

act da Fool Harmony Korine

When Korine was approached to cooperate with Proenza Schouler, he didn’t hesitate for a second. He found the worst delinquents in Nashville and filmed them in a typical, poetic style. You could call it a paradox, showing trashy people in such expensive clothes. Korine regards it as a religious film. intErnational PrEMiErE

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 4 min, English prod: Charles-Marie Anthonioz, Scott Pierce | Sc: Harmony Korine | Cam: Harmony Korine | Ed: Adam Robinson | Music: Brian Kotzur | With: Michelrica Hughes, Miileah Morrison, Elizabeth Smith, Kiara Smith, Rashani Wilson | print: Adam Robinson | Sales: Proenza



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Dressed for Dinner Adam Kimmel, Bob Talbot

The American designer Adam Kimmel likes to present his collection in a challenging way, as previously demonstrated in Claremont. For this latest film he asked the illusionist David Blaine to free himself from a difficult spot, full of hungry sharks. A David Blaine well dressed in Adam Kimmel, that is. intErnational PrEMiErE

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 5 min, English prod: Neville Wakefield | prod Comp: Neville Wakefield | Sc: Adam Kimmel | Cam: Bob Talbot | Ed: Adam Kimmel | With: David Blaine | print/Sales: Adam Kimmel

alexanderplatz Nicolas Trembley

BLESS is a French/German brand that strays from the beaten track in its presentation of fashion. Alexanderplatz was commissioned by the Berlin Biennale in 1999. Alongside a recording of Alexanderplatz where all the passers-by surreptitiously wear BLESS, the short film also provides a beautiful portrait of Berlin in the 1990s. Germany, 1999 | b&w, video, 7 min, no dialogue prod: Nicolas Trembley | prod Comp: bdv (bureau des vidĂŠos) | print/Sales: BLESS

East Fifteen Joost Vandebrug

This raw documentary was made by the Dutch (fashion) photographer Joost Vandebrug. It focuses on the hopes and dreams of young people in the suburbs of England. Vandebrug shows their beauty and freedom as they slowly walk through their neighbourhood. WorlD PrEMiErE

United Kingdom/Netherlands, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 10 min, English prod: Manja Otten | prod Comp: Manja Otten Personal Management | Sc: Joost Vandebrug | Cam: Joost Vandebrug | Ed: Joost Vandebrug | print/ Sales: Manja Otten Personal Management |

no Way Back Ari Marcopoulos

An intimate documentary about the American tattoo artist Mark Mahoney. We follow him and his customers during his work. The film is a cooperation between Yves Saint Laurent and director Ari Marcopoulous, who is known for his striking portraits of subcultures. Also the director of Claremont. USA, 2010 | colour, video, 8 min, English prod: Rassa Montaser | Sc: Ari Marcopoulos | Cam: Dave Seoane | Ed: Colin Blackshear | print/Sales: Yves Saint Laurent



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Skateistan: to live and Skate Kabul Orlando von Einsiedel

Diesel cherishes the interests of less affluent young people. In Kabul, the fashion brand initiated the project Skateistan, a school where boys (and girls too!) can learn to skateboard. A beautifully shot documentary, that shows children finding something positive to cling onto in bleak surroundings. United Kingdom/Afghanistan, 2010 | colour, video, 9 min, Dari/English prod: Orlando von Einsiedel | Cam: Franklin Dow | Ed: Petra Ridley | Music: Patrick Jonsson, Hiatus | print/Sales: Orlando von Einsiedel |

Claremont Ari Marcopoulos

Claremont is a cooperation between the American designer Adam Kimmel and director Ari Marcopoulos. Two young skaters film each other as they roll down a slope at high speed. They only have one camera that is handed from one to the other. Of course they do have to show off their Adam Kimmel suits. USA, 2008 | colour, video, 10 min, English prod: Neville Wakefield | prod Comp: Neville Wakefield | Sc: Ari Marcopoulos | Cam: Ari Marcopoulos | Ed: Colin Blackshear | prod Des: Ari Marcopoulos | Sound Des: Ari Marcopoulos | With: Noah Sakamoto, Patrick Rizzo | print/Sales: Adam Kimmel |

Seeds Tenzin Dazel

The Olympic Games of 2008 provided the perfect opportunity for young Tibetans to protest against Chinese oppression. Fashion designer Dazel, himself with a Tibetan background, follows several young people on the day before the Games start. Intimate and without any prejudice, he created this exceptional film. France, 2009 | colour/b&w, video, 28 min, Tibetan prod: Tenzin Dazel | Sc: Tenzin Dazel | Cam: Tenzin Dhakpa | Ed: Thomas Delebecque | prod Des: Bastien PrĂŠvoteau | Sound Des: Thomas Delebecque | Music: Sami Chidiac, Tenzin Tsundu, Jji brothers | With: Tenzin Dhargye, Sonam Normbu, Tenzin Chokey, Towo Gyaltsen, Tenzin Khenrab Nawa, Tenzin Yeshi | print/Sales: Tenzin Dazel |



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

out of Fashion: Maison Martin Margiela - Film as Presentation Each season, Maison Martin Margiela normally presents its collection to the international press and buyers via a fashion show. Yet on several occasions, they opted to present their collection using other means than a fashion show. public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 21:15 pA3 Wed 2-2 19:30 CI5

Women’s Show Fall/ Winter 1993-’94 Maison Martin Margiela

To mark its tenth season, Maison Martin Margiela decided to create an unusual fashion show to present its collection. Seven women of different ages, nationalities and professions were shot on Super-8 at home or in settings from their everyday lives. Small groups of press and buyers were invited to the showroom to view the film. France, 1993 | b&w, video, 13 min, no dialogue prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela

Women’s Show Spring/Summer 1997 Maison Martin Margiela

The video showed two women wearing the collection whilst walking through the streets and metro adjacent to the showroom, and was intercut with segments showing the production of the pieces. It was prepared the week before international press and buyers arrived in Paris. France, 1997 | b&w, video, 11 min, no dialogue prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela



SignalS: Out Of faShiOn

Women’s Show – Spring/Summer 1998 Maison Martin Margiela

At the presentation, 20 men of varying ages entered the space pushing five racks of clothes towards the towers. Ten outfits of the collection were presented by ten segments of film and ten segments of music, each featuring a high shrill voice. Between each film a text describing the clothes just shown appeared on the tower. France, 1998 | colour, video, 16 min, English/French Prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | Prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | Print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela

Women’s Show fall/ Winter 1998-’99 (Extract) Maison Martin Margiela

Maison Martin Margiela chose three artists to present their vision on the collection using their own professional discipline. Mark Borthwick’s project included a two-part video shot in New York, and a book entitled ‘2000-1’. The video featured a verbal interaction between three women wearing garments of the collection. France, 1999 | colour, video, 12 min, no dialogue Prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | Prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | Print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela

Woman’s Show fall/ Winter 1999-2000 Maison Martin Margiela

All visitors to the showroom (press and boutique owners) were invited to attend a screening of a video on the collection. Martin Margiela directed the film, shot two weeks earlier. It featured two women wearing clothes and accessories from the collection backed by an instrumental version of an old hit. France, 2000 | colour, video, 7 min, no dialogue Prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | Prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | Print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Woman’s Show Spring/ Summer 2002 Maison Martin Margiela

Maison Martin Margiela enlisted the help of London-based creative agency Intro to dress a blank digital figure. Director Julian Gibbs used 2-D elements to give primitive qualities, with test patterns and simple graphic elements creating a minimalist, almost Bauhaus tone. The video looks practically colourless with the garments’ textures still holding potently against the flat backgrounds. France, 2002 | colour, video, 5 min, no dialogue prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela

Men’s Presentation Spring/Summer 2002 Maison Martin Margiela

For the first time in its seven seasons, the wardrobe for men was presented in a video shot by Maison Martin Margiela, June 2001. Five men were chosen to present the collection, and were interviewed in the Margiela offices, and on the streets of Paris. It was screened on a television set for the international press. France, 2002 | colour, video, 9 min, no dialogue prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela

Women’s Show Fall/ Winter 2004-’05 Maison Martin Margiela

In March 2004, nineteen Parisian cafés hosted a film presentation of the collection. Maison Martin Margiela commissioned Nigel Bennett, a Paris-based British photographer, to shoot a film based on still images. An independent network of radio transmitters allowed the cafés to screen the film at precisely the same moment. France, 2004 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Men’s Presentation Fall/Winter 2005-’06 Maison Martin Margiela

For this presentation, the Maison opted for a series of videos to illustrate the menswear collection. Six films were shot, presenting garments linked to different musical genres: chanson, crooner, glam, gothic, pop and rock. The videos, directed by Arnaud Bigeard, Arnaud Pyvka, Gauthier Ravilly & Sébastien Drhey, were presented in a makeshift screening room at the headquarters of the Maison Martin Margiela. France, 2005 | colour, video, 15 min, no dialogue prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela

Men’s Presentation Spring/Summer 2011 Maison Martin Margiela

The Maison presented a collection using a cinematic trompe l’oeil. A film against a white backdrop showed models during a fictional photo shoot in Paris. A voice instructed them to ‘turn right’ or ‘turn around’. The same model then walked live on stage and responded to the commands in unison with his screen projection. France, 2011 | colour, video, 10 min, English prod Comp: Maison Martin Margiela | Sc: Maison Martin Margiela | Cam: Maison Martin Margiela | Ed: Maison Martin Margiela | prod Des: Maison Martin Margiela | print/Sales: Maison Martin Margiela

une sorte de journal vidéo Une sorte de journal vidéo

agnès b. is a fashion designer who has also made films for twenty years. Not only fashion films that she shows in her shop, but also video diaries. She put this film together especially for the IFFR from her archive. It is a film that talks about agnès b. as designer and person. About her sources of inspiration and views on life. WorlD PrEMiErE

France, 2011 | colour, video, 50 min, French prod: agnès b. | prod Comp: Love Streams agnès b. Productions | Sc: Agnès

Trouble | Cam: Agnès Trouble | Ed: Jeff Nicorosi | prod Des: Agnès Trouble | print/Sales: Love Streams agnès b. Productions public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 12:00* CI5 Wed 2-2 22:00* CI5



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Black Swan Darren Aronofsky

USA, 2010 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 103 min, English prod: Scott Franklin, Mike Medavoy, Arnold Messer, Brian Oliver | prod Comp: Protozoa Pictures, Phoenix Pictures, Cross Creek Pictures | Sc: Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz, John McLaughlin | Cam: Matthew Libatique | Ed: Andrew Weisblum | prod Des: Thérèse DePrez | Sound Des: Craig Henighan | Music: Clint Mansell | With: Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder | Sales: Fox Searchlight Europe | Distr. NL: Warner Bros. Pictures Holland | http://www. public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 18:30* PA2 Sat 29-1 16:45 LV5 Fri 4-2 19:00 PA1

In 2010, Aronofsky presented his latest film, Black Swan, at the Venice Film Festival, where he had won the Golden Lion two years previously with The Wrestler. According to the director, these were companion films about self-destructive obsessions in upper- and lower-class culture. After Oscar nominations for Ellen Burstyn (Requiem for a Dream, 2000) and for Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei (The Wrestler), Aronofsky now pushes Natalie Portman to great heights as a ballet dancer who has the ambition of playing a double leading role in Swan Lake in New York’s Lincoln Centre at the cost of her predecessor (Winona Ryder) and competitor (Mila Kunis). She is already technically perfect as the White Swan and, spurred on by her choreographer (the French actor Vincent Cassel), she goes looking for the darker sexuality of the Black Swan. What starts as a ballet thriller turns into a psychological horror film. The virtuoso and dislocating camerawork is accompanied by film music based on Tchaikovsky’s music.

Pyuupiru 2001-2008 Matsunaga Daishi

Japan, 2009 | colour, video, 93 min, Japanese prod: Matsunaga Daishi | prod Comp: Dreamkid Inc. | Sc: Matsunaga Daishi | Cam: Matsunaga Daishi, Kondo Ryuto | Ed: Matsunaga Daishi | Music: Shigeno Masamichi | print/Sales: Dreamkid Inc. | public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 15:30 PA2 Tue 1-2 17:00 CI5 Fri 4-2 17:00 PA4

A beautiful and enchanting female face is given make-up. It’s the Japanese artist Pyuupiru: neither man nor woman – and both at once. Pyuupiru’s handmade creations, that he/she sketches intuitively yet acurately, are becoming known in art circles. People are impressed by Pyuupiru’s manga-like pink giants and beautiful but confrontational selfportraits about identity. Yet behind this talented (wo)man is a sometimes deeply unhappy soul. Pyuupiru’s hormone therapy and a major sexchange operation are responsible for an emotional rollercoaster, and the quest for love is difficult. Matsunaga followed his friend Pyuupiru for eight years. Shots of theatrical creations are juxtaposed with intimate moments. For instance, when Pyuupiru’s heart is broken. And when he/she realises he/she is being taken seriously as an artist. Matsunaga lovingly follows the transformation of an artist and a person.



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Preludes Two short films from the Out of Fashion programme screened as a prelude.

aanteni Todd Cole

A love for the horror film is what Cole shares with the designer duo Rodarte. Therefore, the choice to approach this genre was quickly taken. The three gave the film a contemporary twist: Aanteni focuses on the looming danger of increased technology in our society. Beautiful. Screens before Black Swan. intErnational PrEMiErE

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 9 min, no dialogue prod: Rebecca Rose Perkins | prod Comp: The Directors Bureau | Sc: Todd

Cole | Cam: Shawn Kim | Ed: Michael Mees | prod Des: Chime Day Serra | Sound Des: Brent Kiser | Music: No Age | With: Guinevere Van Seenus | print/Sales: The Directors Bureau | public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 18:30* PA2

First Spring Yang Fudong

Shanghai in the 1930s. Several welldressed men meet a group of very special people. Yang Fudong takes inspiration from the Chinese proverb: ‘a good year is determined by its spring’. The result is a beautiful, dreamlike film, made to exhibit male fashion from Prada. Screens before Une sorte de journal vidéo. Italy, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 10 min, no dialogue prod: Miuccia Prada, Yang Fudong | Sc: Yang Fudong | Cam: Zhou Shuhao | Ed: Huang

Bingrong | prod Des: Lu Tianhang | Sound Des: Huang Xun | Music: Huang Xun | With: Geng Le, Ji Lili, Jacob Coupe, Adrien Sahores, Zhao Lei, | print: ShanghART Gallery | Sales: Prada public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 12:00* CI5 Wed 2-2 22:00* CI5



SignalS: Out Of faShiOn

Out of fashion: fashion film Competition

Young designers were asked to depict the concepts of their collections on film. Dutch and international fashion students and designers participated. This is the shortlist of the participating designers (and filmmakers). A professional jury selects the winners that will be screened in the cinema. A Film by Victoria Hare - Victoria Hare Adam - Eve Keskinen Ascension - Evie Hoonings, Jelle ’t Hart, Christiaan Kanis, Marion Visser, Jiske de Haan, Daniëlle Dentener, Dorien Boekhout, Nienke Stadig, Machella v.d. Eerenbeemt Changes - Tim van Helsdingen, Ilona Putkaradze, Lola Khodjaeva, Yakima Poulus, Dana Verbaan, Elles Dekker, Yun-Feng Fu Collection 01 - Hektor Piotr Kowalski Decisions - Paul Bellaart Definite - Anouk Krijgsman, Madeleine van Nattem, Roy Kersten, Jelke Landman, Metin Fennema, Paul van Rijckevorsel, Vincent Kars Demons Christmassuit - Eret Kuusk Différance - Jasper de Bruin, Bart Voorbergen Encounters - Ana Rajcevic f 3 - Bram Loogman Fashion Disseized - Dascha Lemechtchouk, Morayema van Loon, Rick Steuns Fashion for Dizzy People - Nathalie de Koning Innera - Alexa Sokol Int3rsection - Michel van den Burg, Sophie den Hartog, Marith Buijs, Raoel Amier, Nikki Beulen, Katinka Feijs Kaleidoscope Eyes - Romy Tielman Patch Up Pull Over - Niek Pulles Stereopsis - Pauline van Dongen The Elbow Room - Danielle Frick Under Cover - Michelle Aimée van Tongerloo Waiting - Zara Zerny Public SCREENING: Sun 30-1 16:15* PA3



SignalS: out oF FaSHion

Out of Fashion Exhibition Inge de Leeuw

A special exhibition will be held in Rot(t)terdam, focusing on the making of a number of the fashion films featuring in the festival programme, and with a number of installations that demonstrate the relationship between fashion designers and cinema. The aim of the exhibition is to provide background to the film programme; an aim also reflected in the design of the exhibition. Two of the installations will be created by agnès b. and Maison Martin Margiela. agnès b. is a French fashion designer who has a particular link to independent cinema. In order to stimulate independent film in a more concrete way, in 1997 she set up her own film production company, Love Streams agnès b. Productions. Her collections and fashion films are an homage to cinema; her love for black & white films and the casual elegance of the New Wave are clearly visible in her work. Not a lot of people realise that agnès b. is also a fervent filmmaker, however, with an archive covering twenty years of productions. She has made a large number of fashion films, most of which are shown in her shops, as well as shooting tapes full of video diaries. agnès b. has selected four personal video diaries to make up the installation Quelques films. These four films have never before been screened and give an impression of agnès b. as a person and as a designer: a glimpse of her sources of inspiration and her vision for life. agnès b. also compiled the cinema film Une sorte journal de vidéo from her archive material. The following works will be screened in the Quelques films exhibition: La pierre sous la vague. This film was shot by agnès b. from her hotel room in Biarritz. She sees the stone and the water in this film as a metaphor for life. agnès b. rue du jour 1977. agnès b. was already interested in film as a young designer. In this film, she re-enacts an interview, together with her friend Francois Pain (using a Beauviala camera called ‘la paluche’) and the journalist Alain Rappoport. A Walk in the Garden. Filmed using a very small Harinezumi camera. Aurore. In 1986, agnès b. had a Super-8 camera (a Beaulieu) and filmed her daughter Aurore: a conversation with an angel. Specially for the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Maison Martin Margiela presents a selection of twenty years of film and video work in a single installation. The team, from Paris,

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SignalS: out oF FaSHion

seem to present the work themselves, in a humorous way. For the exhibition, four film programmes have been compiled from films from the Maison’s archives. These four programmes include films that deal with a range of themes: fashion shows, production processes, artistic presentations and humorous variations. The full film programmes will be announced during the exhibition. For this installation, Maison Martin Margiela has made use not only of the interior, but also the exterior space. Rotterdam shopping street De Meent has been set up as a living room, from where you can watch a film programme in ‘shop windows’. These trompe-l’oeil techniques allow Maison to welcome the public into its conceptual, imaginative and inventive universe. For the cinema, Maison has put together a special film programme consisting of films made for the presentation of the collection – or which even replaced the presentations completely. This cinema programme also includes exceptional context materials (see: Out of Fashion: Maison Martin Margiela). For everyone who always wanted to know how the final film actually came about, we are also displaying a number of storyboards. For Childhood Storage, Anna-Nicole Ziesche created a storyboard consisting of photos and drawings. The maquette that formed the basis for the set design is also on show. Fashion photographer Todd Cole made the film Aanteni with designer duo Rodarte. In the exhibition, he shows the original storyboard and stills from the film. BLESS is a German/French fashion label that often organises original performances instead of traditional fashion shows. An interesting example of this can be seen in the cinema here, and we are showing an overview of BLESS’s videos in the exhibition. Then there is also the special Workout Computer, which allows you to do a demanding workout after watching all those films. Location: Rot(t)terdam, Cultural supermarket Meent 125, Rotterdam Opening hours: 27 Jan 18:00 (Opening) 28 Jan - 5 Feb 12.00 - 20.00 hours



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SignalS rED WEStErnS

SignalS: rED WEStErnS

Red Westerns Strike Again Ludmila Cvikova

We all know what a Western is. We’ve probably seen countless American Westerns, know about the Italian Spaghetti Westerns and might even be familiar with the Gazpacho Westerns from Spain. But Red Westerns, Easterns, or Sauerkraut Westerns are mostly less known – or even unknown. And that’s a pity. This special programme is your chance to see some of the films that officially carry one of these banners. We decided to put them all under one common umbrella: Red Westerns. If one starts looking in academic literature for these terms, one can find some simple explanations: ‘Red Westerns’ are Westerns made during Soviet times; they form the communist answer to the American Western – a ‘decadent’ genre that was perceived as the embodiment of ruthless capitalism. ‘Easterns’ are Westerns made in Eastern Europe, and ‘Sauerkraut Westerns’ are Westerns made in the former GDR (German Democratic Republic). There are even more versions and terms. Needless to say, all of them were politically tinted and their makers were actually forced by the communist authorities to employ the ‘right’ heroes and enemies. Their main goal was to attract and amuse large audiences by using the generic conventions of action and Western films. The history of this phenomenon has its own phases and ups and downs, but I shall leave it to film scholars to analyse and identify them. The mission to create something very popular in the gray times of the so-called socialist-realism genre was certainly fulfilled. The Soviet Red Westerns were enormously popular in their own region and gained millions of viewers, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. But the genre also crossed the Soviet borders and re-emerged in its specific version in the various countries of Eastern Europe. Along with our own official version of the Western, we, the

The Thirteen

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SignalS: rED WEStErnS

generations of happy communist youth, were even allowed to see some true American Westerns! The choice of the censors was not always clear to us, but one of the greatest Westerns imported to both the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe was John Sturges’ The Magnificent Seven (1960). This was during the 1960s, and we should bear in mind that it must have been a result of the political thaw, especially in Czechoslovakia were I was growing up. Shortly after, another cult film appeared in my country, the unforgettable Czechoslovakian film Lemonade Joe (1964). This was a very atypical Western, actually a parody of it, with famous actors and great sixties music. These two films were and still are repeated on national TV in both of the (now separated) republics and left a lasting impression, a shared cultural consciousness. For instance, one should not be surprised to come across people from both the Czech and Slovak republics who still can quote verbatim from Lemonade Joe. Growing up as I did with the idea that this film was ‘ours’ and only very popular at home in Czechoslovakia, it really took me by surprise when some years ago I heard the Russian film critic Sergey Lavrentyev talk about its great popularity in the USSR. That said, we started to dig up further memories: the Serbian athlete Gojko Mitic and his representation of American Indians in the ‘Indianerfilme’ from East Germany (but mostly shot in Yugoslavia); West German adaptations of the Karl May books about Winnetou and Old Shatterhand; and the Soviet Westerns. Lavrentyev unveiled a new territory of film culture for me, and I was eager to see those entirely forgotten genre films from the USSR, some of whom I heard about for the first time. But how? The best solution would be to compile a special programme. Easier said than done. We forgot about it for a few years. Until I came across Sergey Lavrentyev at a festival two years ago, and he passed me a white book with on its cover a bleak black-and-white photo of a Soviet cowboy, a handsome man with a cowboy hat and a pistol in his hand (Nikita Mikhalkov in his directorial debut At Home Among Strangers). I had a look and read in Russian: Krasnyj Western (Red Western). So he did it! Sergey made his dream come true and put all his Red Western memories in this book. When I presented the idea of making a special Red Western programme to my colleagues at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, their reaction was almost as enthusiastic as mine was a few years ago, when I (re)discovered the film memories I had in common with Sergey Lavrentyev. The Red Western programme idea was born; we made a selection of films and then came the time to find the existing prints of those beautiful, but largely forgotten films. Honestly, I had no idea what lay ahead of me.… It is one thing to select films on paper; another to find the prints in the labyrinth of the post-Soviet anarchy of non-existing prints or copyright holders of some of the ex-Soviet Republic films. Of course they do exist in the treasuries of the Gosfilmofond, but nobody could give us the right key to open the doors of that colossal institution. With a little bit of luck and a little bit of



SignalS: rED WEStErnS

goodwill, four new prints were especially made for us by the Mosfilm Cinema Concern in Moscow. The rest of the Soviet masterpieces had to be imported from various countries of the world, and some are dubbed in English or German. The films in our Red Westerns programme are based on memories and talks with colleagues. We selected the best titles and/or those films that were enormous national hits. We hope this selection will give you an idea about the times that we (and the directors) lived in. I am very happy to share these wonderful cinematographic memories with you. The opening of the Red Westerns programme would not have been possible without the support of the Metropole Orchestra, Muziekinstituut MultiMedia and Performing Arts Fund NL.

The closing film of this special programme is Lev Kuleshov’s film By the Law (1926), recently restored by the Austrian Film Museum who generously offered its international premiere to IFFR with a new score by Franz Reisecker. You can read more about the films in a special Red Westerns booklet that has been published with the generous support of the following film festivals: Göteborg International Film Festival (Sweden), Crossing Europe (Linz, Austria), Era New Horizons (Wroclaw, Poland), IFF Bratislava (Slovakia). On behalf of the IFFR I would like to thank Cristina Corciovescu, Emily Hillhouse, Vance Kepley Jr., Sergey Lavrentyev, Bojidar Manov, Ewa Mazierska Kerr, Natalia Riabchikova, Peter Rollberg, Gulbara Tolomushova, Eva Vzentekova, Miroljub Vuckovic, André Waardenburg and Barbara Wurm for their contribution to the Red Westerns programme and booklet.

The Seventh Bullet

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SignalS: rED WEStErnS

neobychainye priklyucheniya mistera Vesta v strane bolshevikov the Extraordinary adventures of Mr. West in the land of the Bolsheviks Lev Kuleshov

USSR, 1924 | b&w, 35mm, 86 min, silent prod Comp: Goskino | Sc: Nikolai Aseyev, Vsevolod Pudovkin | Cam: Aleksandr Levitsky | Ed: Aleksandr Levitsky | prod Des: Vsevolod Pudovkin | With: Porfiry Podobed, Alexandra Khokhlova, Boris Barnet, Vsevolod Pudovkin, Sergei Komarov | print/ Sales: Mosfilm Cinema Concern public SCREENING: Sat 29-1 20:00 DGZ

Lev Kuleshov’s first feature film pays homage to Hollywood films and film techniques in a number of ways. The title character Mr. West resembles Harold Lloyd, and the acrobatic cowboy Jeddy, Mr. West’s bodyguard, is based on Douglas Fairbanks, both of whom were quite popular with Russian audiences. The film is a political comedy, but it draws on other genres that Kuleshov identified with Hollywood, including Westerns, actionadventure films and slapstick. The film’s main comic target was the political divide between Soviet Russia and the United States. Although many Americans in the 1920s may have feared the intentions of Revolutionary Russia, Kuleshov saw around him a Russian population that embraced America’s cultural exports, especially its movies. It is telling that Kuleshov applied an American model of film making to a Soviet film that he hoped might bridge the political gap between the United States and the USSR.

Po zakonu By the law Lev Kuleshov

USSR, 1926 | b&w, video, 80 min, Russian prod Comp: Goskino | Sc: Viktor Shklovsky, Lev Kuleshov (adapted from the story The Unexpected by Jack London) | Cam: Konstantin Kuznetsov | prod Des: Isaak Makhlis | With: Alexandra Khokhlova, Sergei Komarov, Vladimir Fogel, Pyotr Galadzhev, Porfiri Podobed | print: Österreichisches Filmmuseum public SCREENING: Sat 5-2 17:00 CI1

Three men, one couple, one dog; all searching for gold on the banks of the Yukon in Alaska, the home of the gold rush. Everything runs smoothly at first, then Dennin suddenly shoots two of the prospectors. And then there were three. Nelson and his wife Edith (Alexandra Khokhlova) subdue the murderer. The corpses are taken away and buried; Dennin is tied up in the cabin and kept under constant guard. None can leave, as the ice and snow have begun to melt, flooding the Klondike Fields. By the Law is an absolute masterpiece, the greatness of which stems from its very minimalism. One can label By the Law a formalist action film, a Western psychodrama or an experimental study in bigotry. There is as much of the silent Westerns of John Ford as there is of Erich von Stroheim’s Greed and Charles Chaplin’s The Gold Rush in By the Law.



SignalS: rED WEStErnS


the thirteen Mikhail Romm

USSR, 1936 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.37, 87 min, Russian prod Comp: Mosfilm Cinema Concern | Sc: Iosif Prut, Mikhail Romm | Cam: Boris Volchek | Ed: Tatyana Likhachyova | prod Des: Vladimir Egorov, Mikhail Karyakin, Andrei Nikulin | Music: Anatoly Aleksandrov | With: Ivan Novoseltsev, Elena Kuzmina, Aleksandr Chistyakov, Andrei Fait | print/ Sales: Mosfilm Cinema Concern public SCREENING: Mon 31-1 17:30 CI4

Red Army commander Ivan Zhuravlev accompanies ten honourably discharged soldiers on their way to the city. In the middle of the Karakum Desert they stumble upon a hidden well located near an ancient tomb. They also find brand-new weapons belonging to Shirmat Khan and his anti-Bolshevik bandits, the so-called basmachi. Zhuravlev gives orders to wait for Shirmat Khan and fight him until regular Red Army troops arrive. The Thirteen is one of the most remarkable Civil War thrillers in Soviet cinema. Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Red Army, its story was inspired by John Ford’s The Lost Patrol (1934). The film’s well-paced adventure plot and psychological plausibility meet the highest international standards. The heroism in Romm’s film is of an unspectacular kind – no wounds are shown, no cries are heard. This understated pathos is unusual for Soviet cinema in the 1930s and has secured the film’s freshness and enduring appeal.

niekas nenorejo mirti no one Wanted to Die Vitautas Zalakiavichus

USSR, 1966 | b&w, 35mm, 1:1.66, 107 min, Lithuanian prod Comp: Lietuvos Kino Studija | Sc: Vitautas Zalakiavichus | Cam: Jonas Gritsius | Ed: Izabele Pinaityte | prod Des: Algirdas Nichius, Vitautas Kalinauskas | Music: Algimantas Apanavicius | With: Regimantas Adomaitis, Juozas Budraitis, Algimantas Masiulis, Donatas Banionis | print/ Sales: Lietuvos Kino Studija public SCREENING: Sun 30-1 21:15 PA3


At the end of 1965, the young Lithuanian director Vitautas Zalakiavichus came to Moscow with his new film No One Wanted to Die. Everybody knew that Zalakiavichus’ film would be about the ‘Forest Brothers’, the anti-communist partisans who operated in Lithuania (and other Baltic states) during and after World War II. But no one expected an anti-Soviet film. At first sight No One Wanted to Die is a typical Soviet film. Communists and peasants are good; Forest Brothers are bad. The plot is about the revenge of the sons of a village chairman, who is killed by guerrillas. But the main miracle of this film is the choice to make it as a Western, which allowed Zalakiavichus to tell the truth about the Forest Brothers. The film’s title states a perfectly clear message, given to the audience with typical Western landscapes and brutal masculine protagonists.


SignalS: rED WEStErnS

neulovimye mstiteli

the Elusive avengers Edmond Keosayan

USSR, 1967 | colour, 35mm, 78 min, Russian prod Comp: Mosfilm Cinema Concern | Sc: Sergei Yermolinsky, Edmond Keosayan | Cam: Feodor Dobronravov | Ed: Lyudmila Yelyan | prod Des: Vitaly Gladnikov | Sound Des: Boris Mokrousov | Music: Artashes Vanitsian | With: Viktor Kosykh, Mikhail Metyolkin, Vasili Vasilyev, Valentina Kurdyukova, Yefim Kopelyan, Vladimir Treshchalov, Boris Sichkin | print/ Sales: Mosfilm Cinema Concern public SCREENINGS: Thu 3-2 12:30 CI4 Sat 5-2 12:15 CI4


The Elusive Avengers was released in the Soviet Union at the time of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. Its success was enormous, not only because of the box office potential of the film itself, but also because it was a remake (in colour and widescreen) of the silent Soviet hit Little Red Devils (1924), a film remembered and adored by many. Tom, the black circus boy from the original film, was replaced by the picturesque gypsy Yashka, with the bright and clever Valerka as his friend, to show Soviet audiences that the intelligentsia now had permission to take a small part in the new Communist life. Upon its release, the film faced criticism for trying to copy American Westerns, especially The Magnificent Seven (John Sturges, 1960), a film that was very popular in the Soviet Union.

Vstrecha u staroy mecheti Meeting at the old Mosque Sukhbat Khamidov

USSR, 1969 | b&w, 35mm, 87 min, German prod Comp: Tadshikfilm | Sc: Oleg Osetinsky | Cam: Zavur Dakhte | prod Des: Vladimir Serebrovsky, G. Mirzakhanov | Sound Des: Grigori Elbert | Music: Eduard Artemiev | With: Khodzhadurdy Narliev, Roman Khomyatov, Alexandra Zavyalova, Anvar Turaev | print: Progress Filmverleih GmbH | Sales: Gosfilmofond public SCREENING: Thu 3-2 22:00 LV5

Meeting at the Old Mosque by the Tajik director Sukhbat Khamidov was made in 1969. Not only is that the date of production; it’s also what the film is about. The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 showed everybody that the hopeful time of romanticism, faith in the future and attempts to reform the Communist state was over. The action of the film takes place at the beginning of the thirties, just after the Civil War in Central Asia between the Red Army and the Turkish basmachi (bandits) ended. The main character is Viktor, a Civil War hero who now is the party boss in a small Tajik town. He has to fight a small band of enemies who went to his town in the hope of finding gold and who are hiding at the old mosque. Viktor throws away paper and pen and takes up the gun once more.



SignalS: rED WEStErnS

Beloye solntse pustyni White Sun of the Desert Vladimir Motyl

USSR, 1969 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 85 min, Russian prod Comp: Lenfilm Studios, Mosfilm Cinema Concern | Sc: Valentin Yezhov, Rustam Ibragimbekov, Mark Zakharov | Cam: Eduard Rozovsky | prod Des: Valery Kostrin, B.Manevich | Music: Isaak Schwarz | With: Raisa Kurkina, Anatoly Kuznetsov, Spartak Mishulin, Pavel Luspekaev, Kakhi Kavsadze, Tatiana Fedotova | print/ Sales: Mosfilm Cinema Concern public SCREENING: Sun 30-1 12:00 CI4

White Sun of the Desert was to be the Soviet answer to the popular Western. Yet, while clearly drawing on Western cinematic tropes, the film undoubtedly spoke to Soviet audiences regarding issues of nation and empire, since it promulgates the nationalist ideals of a Russian-dominated Central Asia. Since the film’s release, however, screenwriter Rustam Ibragimbekov has vehemently denied such intentions. Indeed, looking closely at how director Vladimir Motyl visually constructs the film, it becomes clear that he emphasizes the incompatibility of Soviet and Central Asian cultures, plus the failure of the Soviet project in the East. This was an interesting cinematic stand to take at a time when the idea of the ‘brotherhood of nations’ was still very much alive in Soviet rhetoric. Ultimately we are led to consider the possibility that Russia’s presence in Central Asia not only endangers Russian purity, but also destroys an engaging, exotic, traditional Eastern culture.

alye maki issyk-Kulya the red Poppies of issyk-Kul B. Shamshiev

USSR, 1972 | b&w, 35mm, 99 min, Russian prod Comp: Filmstudio Kyrgyzfilm | Sc: Yuryi Sokol, Vasilyi Sokol, based on a short novel by Aleksandr Sytin | Cam: Viktor Osennikov | prod Des: Aleksei Makarov | Music: Mikhael Marutaev | With: Suimenkul Chokmolov, Sovetbek Dzhumadylov, Eleubai Umurzakov | print: Cineteca di Bologna – Archivio Film | Sales: Gosfilmofond public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 19:45 CI7 Fri 4-2 09:30 CI7


Somewhere in Kyrgyzstan in the 1920s, the pro-Soviet guard Karabalta (‘Black Axe’) detects secret paths in the mountains used by smugglers to transport opium across the Soviet border. Meanwhile, a strange man named ‘Golden Mouth’ offers to accompany a patrol unit led by the Russian commander Kondraty, promising to help find these smugglers and their camp. A mission to find the opium cache is complicated by kidnappers and other disasters. Bolotbek Shamshiev’s thriller has a plot that follows the basic formula of the Red Western: a larger-than-life Bolshevik Superman fights a violent native gang operating under the leadership of a cunning and ruthless criminal patriarch. In The Red Poppies of Issyk-Kul, an ascetic, quiet Superman – as usual – embodies the film’s positive moral core. The film is distinguished by superb camera work, praising the beauty of Kyrgyzstan’s wild nature in lavish widescreen images.


SignalS: rED WEStErnS


Sedmaya pulya the Seventh Bullet Ali Khamraev

USSR, 1972 | colour, 35mm, 84 min, Russian prod Comp: Uzbekfilm | Sc: Fridrik Gorenstein, Andrei Konchalovsky | Cam: Aleksandr Pann | Ed: V. Makarova | prod Des: Emonuel Kalantarov | Music: Rumil Vildanov | With: Suimenkul Chokmorov, Dilorom Kambarova, Khamza Umarov, Bolot Beishenaliev | Sales: Gosfilmofond public SCREENINGS: Thu 3-2 22:15 CI1 Fri 4-2 19:30 PA2

Uzbekistan in the 1920s: Bolshevik commander Maksumov returns to the Uchkurgan settlement after spending a few days in the regional capital. He finds the place devastated and depopulated. His opponent, Hayrullah, a leader of the anti-Soviet bandits known as basmachi, has not only defeated the Red Army troops but also convinced more than a hundred of them to switch sides. Maksumov decides to go to the lion’s den on his own in order to confront the enemy. Among the film’s strengths is a credible evocation of impending doom during the opening episodes, created by Aleksandr Pann’s camera – with wide, dust-filled vistas of devastation and hopelessness. The film, as with many other Red Westerns, uses the exotic nature of Central Asia to impressive visual effect. The chase and fight scenes are staged in a professional manner. Interestingly, both the habits and rituals of the native population are depicted with similar degrees of authenticity and respect.

Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzoy sredi svoikh


at Home among Strangers, a Stranger at Home Nikita Mikhalkov

USSR, 1974 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:1.37, 98 min, Russian prod Comp: Mosfilm Cinema Concern | Sc: Eduard Volodarvski, Nikita Mikhalkov | Cam: Pavel Lebeshev | Ed: Lyudmila Yelyan | prod Des: Aleksandr Adabashian | Music: Eduard Artemiev | With: Yuri Bogatyryov, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Sergei Shakurov, Aleksandr Porokhorshchikov, Nikolai Pastukhov, Aleksandr Kaidanovsky, Nikita Mikhalkov | print/Sales: Russian Cinema Council public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 22:00 LV5 Thu 3-2 15:00 CI4

The directorial debut of actor Nikita Mikhalkov arguably represents the most successful marriage of the traditional Soviet genre of the Red Western with its equally traditional American prototype. Mikhalkov took the most basic conventions of the Western and Red Western; he then combined and contrasted them. In At Home Among Strangers the ‘iron’ communists of the 1920s are remarkably similar to the lonesome heroes of classic Westerns. There are horseback chase sequences, train robberies, shoot-outs, brooding silences and moments of comic relief. While it is true that the money is dutifully dispatched to Moscow – to help with famine relief – and all the main characters are staunch members of the Communist Party, there is talk here of both Marx and God – very daring for its time. A genre exercise is transformed into a bold parable and a striking credo that friendship trumps political alliances, personal needs and even the needs of the state.



SignalS: rED WEStErnS

Prawo i piesc

the law and the Fist Jerzy Hoffman, Edward Skórzewski

Poland, 1964 | b&w, 35mm, 93 min, Polish prod Comp: Kamera Film Unit | Sc: Jozef Hen | Cam: Jerzy Lipman | Ed: Ludmila Godziaszwili | prod Des: Andrzei Plocki | Sound Des: Jerzy Szawlowski | Music: Krzysztof Komeda | With: Gustaw Holoubek, Zofia Mrozowska, Hanna Skarzanka, Wieslaw Golas | print/ Sales: Polish National Film Archive/ Filmoteka Narodowa public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 22:45 CI4 Wed 2-2 12:15 CI6

Andrzej Kenig arrives in this new part of Poland following his release from a concentration camp. He would like to start a new life here and looks for a job. Eventually he is allowed to join a group of men, led by a ‘Doctor’, who are given the task of ensuring that the goods left behind by the Germans are passed to the new authorities in a proper state so that Polish repatriates from the East can take possession of them. It turns out, however, that Kenig’s comrades, some of them brutalised by the misery of war, regard this as an opportunity to enrich themselves. Kenig has to stand up to them in an unequal battle, reminiscent of High Noon (1952) by Fred Zinnemann. However, the two directors of this Polish Western do not chose ‘high noon’ as its setting, but darkness, in line with the tradition of German Expressionism and films such as Andrzej Wajda’s Kanal (1957).

limonádovy Joe aneb Konská opera lemonade Joe Oldrich Lipsky

Czechoslovakia, 1964 | b&w, 35mm, 1:2.35, 98 min, Czech prod Comp: Barrandov Studios | Sc: Jiri Brdecka, Oldrich Lipsky | Cam: Vladimir Novotny | Ed: Miroslav Hajek, Jitka Sulcova | prod Des: Karel Skvor | Sound Des: Josef Vlcek | Music: Vlastimil Hala, Jan Rychlik | With: Karel Fiala, Milos Kopecky, Kveta Fialova, Olga Schoberova | print/Sales: Prague National Film Archive public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 14:15 SGZ Tue 1-2 15:00 CI4


Lemonade Joe was made in 1964, during the exuberant period in Czechoslovakia filled with the hope that society was breaking free of the ideological grip of the 1950s and heading towards more freedom. The very choice of the Western and of satirical comedy was in itself already a step in opposition to the official presentation of the Western as ‘a fallen and damaging genre’. In a typical main street of a small town in the far West, a fight takes place between the handsome hero, Joe, and an ugly scoundrel. Joe is an agent for a company that produces the soft drink ‘Kolaloka’ and is trying to enforce the prohibition of alcohol. The value of the film does not lie in its story; and five decades later, its slightly oppositionist undertone has disappeared. But its charm, bravura and humour ensured it 4.5 million viewers and the film is still regularly shown on Czech and Slovak TV stations.


SignalS: rED WEStErnS

Die Söhne der großen Bärin

the Sons of great Bear Josef Mach

DDR, 1966 | colour, 35mm, 98 min, German prod Comp: DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme | Sc: Liselotte WelskopfHenrich | Cam: Jaroslav Tuzar | Ed: Ilse Peters | prod Des: Paul Lehmann | Sound Des: Bernd Gerwien | Music: Wilhelm Neef | With: Gojko Mitic, Jiri Vrstala, Rolf Römer, Hans Hardt-Hardtloff, Gerhard Rachold | print/ Sales: Progress Filmverleih GmbH public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 17:30 CI4 Fri 4-2 17:15 CI6

After the success of West Germany’s Karl May adaptations, like Winnetou (Harald Reinl, 1963), the East German film studio DEFA decided to make Westerns, meant to be shown only to audiences in the Soviet bloc. Because Winnetou was made in Yugoslavia, DEFA also went there to shoot their Westerns. The first one was made in 1966 by Czech director Josef Mach and starred the former athlete Gojko Mitic in his first acting role – he became the biggest star in the history of East German cinema. In The Sons of Great Bear he plays Tokei-ihto, the son of an Indian chief who was killed by the ruthless ‘Red Fox’ Clark, who symbolically stands for all capitalist white men. The Sons of Great Bear is a film about the unrelenting fight for freedom of the Dakota Indian tribe at a time when almost every other Indian tribe has yielded to the white man.

Chingachgook, die große Schlange

Chingachgook, the great Snake Richard Groschopp

DDR, 1967 | colour, 35mm, 91 min, German prod Comp: DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme | Sc: Wolfgang Ebeling, Richard Groschopp | Cam: Otto Hanisch | Ed: Helga Krause | prod Des: Paul Lehmann | Music: Wilhelm Neef | With: Gojko Mitic, Rolf Römer, Lilo Grahn, Helmut Schreiber, Jürgen Frohriep | print/ Sales: Progress Filmverleih GmbH public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 14:15 SGZ Thu 3-2 17:30 LV3

The East German ‘Sauerkraut’ Western Chingachgook, the Great Snake is based on the ‘politically acceptable’ novel The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper. The film is situated in the period of the discovery (read: conquest) of the Wild West. This Western was shot on location in former Yugoslavia and stars the Serbian athlete Gojko Mitic as the Indian Chingachgook. It depicts redskins struggling against transcontinental conquerors. In that sense, the local white folks are not such bad guys and the natives are still lofty: pristine folk in pristine land. They are innocent but not naive and they suffer at the hands of the English and the French, but also from inter-tribal strife. Director Richard Groschopp dramatically points out that survival against an overbearing enemy requires firm unity and an ability to act in unison. Actually, Chingachgook, the Great Snake can be seen as a ‘manifesto’ made by the Eastern Bloc on the necessity of forming a bloc.



SignalS: rED WEStErnS

osmiyat the Eighth Zako Heskiya

Bulgaria, 1969 | b&w, 35mm, 107 min, Bulgarian prod Comp: Studio for Feature Films-Sofia | Sc: Petar HristovVedrin, Todor Monov | Cam: Georgi Georgiev | Ed: Ventzeslava Karanesheva Nadezhda Stancheva | prod Des: Milko Marinov | Sound Des: Mikhael Karidov | Music: Milcho Leviev | With: Georgi Georgiev, Nikola Anastasov, Meglena Karalambova, Stoycho Mazgalov | print: Bulgarian National Film Archive | Sales: Bulgarian National Film Center public SCREENINGS: Fri 4-2 14:45 CI6 Sat 5-2 14:15 CI4

The Eighth is a Bulgarian adventure drama, based on the true story of a partisan unit’s formation and its heroic operations in the area of Stara Zagora. A group of anti-fascists return to Bulgaria, parachuting from a Soviet aircraft. Number Eight in the drop lands in the middle of a village, shoots his way out, escapes a series of ambushes and finally joins his buddies. Together with his contact, Vena, he goes to a secret appointment. The police are waiting for him at the rendezvous but, readily grasping the situation, he quick-wittedly pretends to be a plainclothes cop and ‘arrests’ his suspicious companion. A partisan unit soon starts operations in the neighbourhood, with The Eighth as its commander. The partisans are surrounded by troops but The Eighth leads them out of the encirclement. The charming Georgi Georgiev, one of the most successful Bulgarian actors, contributes a lot to the success of this Bulgarian Red Western.

artista, dolarii si ardelenii the actress, the Dollars and the transylvanians Mircea Veroiu

Romania, 1979 | colour, 35mm, 97 min, Romanian/English prod: Nicolae Mitican | prod Comp: Casa de Filme Trei, Centrul de Productie Cinematografica Bucuresti | Sc: Titus Popovici | Cam: Calin Ghibu | Ed: Yolanda Mintulescu | prod Des: Nicolae Dragan, Nicolae Schiopu | Music: Adrian Enescu | With: Ilarion Ciobanu, Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan, Mircea Diaconu, Tania Filip, Rodica Tapalaga | print: CNC – Cinemateca Romana public SCREENINGS: Fri 4-2 22:30 CI6 Sat 5-2 10:00 CI3


The 1970s were an extremely beneficial period for Romanian cinema. At that time a generation of young film makers appeared. They brought something new to a pretty obsolete cinema that used Soviet film classics as its models. At the beginning of the decade, these young people also benefited from some relaxation on a political level. The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians is the second part of a trilogy that began with The Prophet, the Gold and the Transylvanians (1977) by Dan Pita, who also directed the third part – The Oil, the Baby and the Transylvanians (1980). The trilogy combined the iconography specific to the American Western with topics imposed by the domestic film industry: duty to one’s native country, calming down interethnic conflicts, the bad influence of religious beliefs. The film is about two brothers who go to America to persuade another brother who lives there to come back to Romania.



SignalS WatEr tigEr inn

SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

Water Tiger inn 水虎客棧 Chinlin hsieh

Dragon Gate Inn

A new wuxia* hype is raging in Asia, unleashed by the commercial success of Wilson Yip’s Yip Man in 2008. Numerous commercial productions have followed – both movies and TV series – and many auteur filmmakers have also embarked on the adventure of wuxia and kungfu: Hou Hsiao-hsien has finally started production on Nie-Yin Niang, a long awaited wuxia project based on a notorious Tang dynasty short story. Three high-profile wuxia were in Venice last Autumn, including Reign of Assassins by Su Chaopin and John Woo. With Flying Armour of Dragon Gate, Tsui Hark has just embarked on the first ever 3D wuxia, following on from the tremendous commercial success in China of his 2010 Venice competition entry, Detective Dee. Wong Kar-wai’s interest in Yip Man, Bruce Lee’s legendary initiation master, has also resulted in The Grandmasters, due on screen anytime soon. Lively and contemporary, wuxia seems to be the ultimate genre for all filmmakers within Chinese culture – and always has been: Ding Jun Shan (Conquering Jun Mountain), the first motion picture made in China (in 1905) was technically a filmed Beijing Opera play of the same title, featuring astounding acrobatic numbers. Long before cinema ever set foot in China, however, wuxia had been a popular basis for both classical and folk art, from music to opera, from storytelling to theatre and comic books. All of these, including cinema, share a common root in Chinese literature. More than just a genre for entertainment, to the Chinese wuxia is a spirit; a place for the expression of fundamental values and perspectives that are sometimes impenetrable to the rest of the world. The purpose of this programme is therefore to provide an overview of the development of wuxia, from its cinematic beginnings, as well as to emphasize the lineage of wuxia through an interactive installation called Water Tiger Inn, which gathers together multiple art forms predating cinema to offer an immersive wuxia experience. *The term “wuxia” is used here in its broadest sense, before the mid 1970s, when ‘ kung fu’ was not yet a genre.

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SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

The two sections of the programme – the films and the Water Tiger Inn installation – are designed to echo one another, either literally or thematically. The storyboard of the climactic sequence from Raining in the Mountain (revealed to the public for the first time in the book accompanying the program, Water Tiger – The Secret Book of Wuxia), shows how King Hu drew great inspiration from the Chinese Opera, proving once again that wuxia cinema is intimately connected to its artistic predecessors. ThE FiLmS

20 films are included in the program, tracing the development of the genre from silent wuxia to the most recent works, through the 1940s and 1950s, when Communism chased production out to Hong Kong and Taiwan, to the ‘new school’ of the 1960s initiated by the Shaw Bros., and the kungfu films of the 1970s, which paved the way for the global success and influence of Hong Kong cinema. With such a limited number of films to represent such a colossal corpus, our selection can only strive to present the highlights of the highlights; hopefully striking a fair balance between must-see landmarks and (re)discoveries for the Rotterdam audience. Detailed information on the films can be found both in the festival catalogue and the book accompanying the program, Water Tiger – The Secret Book of Wuxia. Worth highlighting here are a few rarities, including a brand new 35mm print for Dragon Gate Inn and Legend of the Mountain in a director’s cut, some important archive films from Hong Kong such as The Story of Wong Fei Hung by Wu Pang (1949), The Ghost with Six Fingers: Part One by Chan Lit-ban (1965), and two silent films (accompanied by live music) from the Shanghai studios of the 1920 and 1930s: Red Heroine and The Swordswoman of Huangjiang. ThE WATER TiGER inn inSTALLATion

Obviously inspired by Dragon Gate Inn by King Hu – who made the tavern an institution in wuxia movies, the way the saloon is in the Western – the name Water Tiger Inn reflects both the IFFR logo and Rotterdam’s geographical situation, while sharing the same pronunciation in Chinese as Water Margin, one of the four great classic novels in Chinese literature which set the prototype for wuxia in the 14th century. The Water Tiger Inn venue is inside Festival Center de Doelen. It functions as a real tavern, with commercial activities, and a place where audiences can come and rest, chat, drink or snack, the way characters do in the films: the drinks and food served in the tavern are the same as those found in the movies. The installation’s basic concept consists of allowing fiction and reality – as well as times and spaces – to collide, on several levels. There are no static exhibitions or on-stage shows. Instead, the inn operates as a space where all the arts blend in naturally, with a fictional play to contextualize their presence. Three times a day, five artists with different specialties (storytelling, Beijing Opera, Nan Guan, puppet show and martial arts) collectively perform a play in the Water Tiger Inn. The plot of the play is as


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SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

Water Tiger Inn, designed by Lin Shueng-long

typical for the genre as can be, evolving from one day to the next: characters with great martial arts capabilities have come from afar to retrieve a treasure hidden in the Water Tiger Inn. Between performances of the play, sporadic solo performances by the same artists can be expected. The schedule of these shows, however, is not announced to the public in advance; in real life, as well as in fiction, events are never predictable and chance encounters are always more exciting than scheduled rendezvous. If the audience is lucky, they will witness a solo show. If they are very lucky, they will be caught in a collective fight, featuring all five characters! The actors in the play are artists, in reality as well as in the fiction; the audience caught in the tavern at the time of a show is both client in reality and in the fiction; as a location, Water Tiger Inn is at the same time a festival venue and the setting for a fiction taking place in ancient China. Lastly, the plot of the play will evolve from one day to another, coming to a conclusion in the last show. Each episode will be videotaped, edited and shown on the festival website, similar to a TV series. While the performances at the inn mainly emphasize the physical experience of the audience, the web series aims to be narrative and character-driven, the way TV series usually are. In this 2011 XL edition, International Film Festival Rotterdam sets out to celebrate its 40th anniversary with a variety of jubilee programs. The Water Tiger Inn Installation is also part of the XL Program, joining the festival’s long and venerable tradition of discovering Asian cinema by embracing yet again the exuberant creativity of the Far East. While it is impossible to personally thank all the contributors, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to my colleagues for their support and productive criticism; to the five Taiwanese artists who have agreed to brave the harsh winter of Rotterdam, and to my advisors: Li Cheuk-to; Po Fung and Chang Ta-chun, who have helped me forge the programme in the best possible way. The play in the Water Tiger Inn will be in full swing when the lunar calendar’s year of the Tiger ends, on Feb 2nd. We cordially invite you all to celebrate the Chinese new year (of the Rabbit) with us, as well as 40 years of International Film Festival Rotterdam and its unstinting efforts to bring different cultures, in all their diversity, closer together.

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SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

Hong xia red Heroine Wen Yimin

China, 1929 | b&w, video, 95 min, silent Cam: Yao Shiquan | With: Fan Xuepeng, Shu Gohui, Wang Juqing, Wen Yimin, Sao Guanyu | print/ Sales: Chinese Film Archives public SCREENING: Sat 29-1 22:30 LV1

Following the runaway success of The Burning of the Red Lotus Temple in 1928, the Shanghai studios all competed to put out fantasy wuxia films of their own. Red Heroine is one of the few to have survived intact, and is a testament to the huge contributions the genre made to the development of special effects in Chinese cinema (visible in, for example, the Red Heroine’s ability to soar through the air, ride the wind, and appear and disappear in a puff of white smoke). The storyline is strange and erotic, including scenes in which the leader of the rebel army is surrounded by a group of young girls, dressed only in their underwear. Not only is the camerawork and pacing of Red Heroine remarkably fluid, but the two scenes in the first half also lend some poetic nuances to a film that basically catered to popular taste.

Huangjiang nuxia

the Swordswoman of Huangjiang Chen Kengran

China, 1930 | b&w, video, 80 min, silent Sc: Gu Mingdao | Cam: Yao Shiquan | With: He Zhigang, Xu Qingang | print/ Sales: Chinese Film Archives public SCREENINGS: Thu 3-2 19:45 CI1 Sat 5-2 15:00 LV3

There have been female warriors in Chinese martial arts films right from their very inception. The Swordswoman of Huangjiang was originally a popular novel, opening with the heroine’s decision to avenge her father’s death, leaving her hometown to roam around fighting in the name of justice. It was adapted into a series of thirteen films, although only the sixth episode survives today. Even in the earliest Chinese martial arts films, it is possible to see the assimilation of other cultures into the genre – there are traces of American cinema, for example, in the fighting techniques and the way the male lead uses a sword in The Swordswoman of Huangjiang. That said, in the ‘Strange Bird’ special effects – the camera pans out to a subjective, bird’s eye shot of the action – and the fight scene between the swordswoman and her female opponent, the intrinsically Chinese qualities of the film come very much to the fore.


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SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

Wong Fei-hung juen chi bin fung mit juk the Story of Wong Fei-hung, Part 1: Wong Fei-hung’s Whip that Smacks the Candle

Wu Pang

Hong Kong, 1949 | b&w, video, 72 min, Cantonese prod: Cheung Tsok-hong | With: Kwan Tak-hing, Walter Tso Tat-wah, Lee Laan, Simon Yuen Siu-tin, Sek Kin | Martial Arts Direction: Leung Wing-hang | print/ Sales: Hong Kong Film Archive public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 14:30 CI7 Thu 3-2 12:00 CI7

Wong Fei-hung started out as an ordinary martial arts instructor, before over one hundred films bearing his name raised him to legendary status. This is the first of these. In order to distinguish itself from the fantasy wuxia films popular at the time, the film makes great efforts to prove Wong’s authenticity: there is detailed narration of his training; performance of the ‘Hung Kuen Fist’ school of martial arts is firmly incorporated into the plot; the multiple fight scenes showing the master leaping from high places are made to look thrillingly real. These are the kind of features which marked this film out as a trailblazer for the martial arts films to come. In all his films, Wong retains his grassroots, spontaneous characteristics and burning desire to fight injustice at all costs, while his apprentices can be seen falling into brawls in brothels – this cinema prototype of Wong Fei-hung is far from the meek and forbearing Confucian knight errant, grand master status of the character’s later reincarnations.

liu zhi qin mo shangji

the ghost with Six Fingers: Part 1 Chan Lit-ban

Hong Kong, 1965 | b&w, video, 94 min, Cantonese prod: Hoh Lai-lai | prod Comp: Sin Hok Gong Luen | Sc: Leng Hon, Kong Yeung, Lau Tanchong, based on the novel by Ni Kuang | Cam: Leung Hong | Ed: Tsui Kit-fong | prod Des: Tong Pui-sun | Music: Poon Cheuk | With: Connie Chan Po-chu, Lee Gui-on, Sek Kin, Tam Chenghong, Kong Fu-seng | Martial Arts Direction: Kwan Chin-liang | print/ Sales: Hong Kong Film Archive public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 20:00 CI5 Tue 1-2 14:15 CI7


Part of the 1960s trend for adapting martial arts novels into Cantonese film series, The Ghost with Six Fingers: Part 1 was the most successful of the bunch, before the New Wave Mandarin series started to hit the scene. The film has an unusual opening: an itinerant husband and wife couple working as bodyguards are hired by a rich man to guard and deliver an empty box. Inevitably, they find themselves sucked ever deeper into a bitter and complex dispute. The viewer, in turn, is drawn deep into a vivid imaginary world, where the sound of a lute has the power to render men unconscious and an evil martial arts master takes on the form of Yama, King of Hell. At one point, the couple rise up as candles and turn the space around them into a sea of fire; this is the kind of bold cinematic effect not seen in Cantonese wuxia films other than those by Chan Lit-ban.


SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

longmen kezhan Dragon gate inn King Hu

Wong ndle

Taiwan, 1966 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 111 min, Mandarin prod: Sha Jung-Feng | prod Comp: Union Film Company | Sc: King Hu | Cam: Hua Hui-ying | Ed: Chen Hung Min | prod Des: Chou Chi-liang | Sound Des: Chang Hua | Music: Zhou Lanping | With: Shang Kuan, Shih Chun, Ying Bo, Jian Tsiao, Han Xue, Han Yingjie, Miao Tien | print/ Sales: Chinese Taipei Film Archive public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 18:45 SGZ Sat 5-2 19:30 SGZ


The epitome of a 1960s wuxia movie. The storyline and characters in Dragon Gate Inn are very simple, a triumph of Hu’s distinctive style. The action centres on the comings and goings of a small guesthouse, with particular attention paid to the props and set. As the film progresses, characters move in and out of the guesthouse and the fighting becomes increasingly intense. The scenes are precisely executed and varied, never once becoming repetitive, despite the close focus on the guesthouse. Hu was an expert in creating special effects to show feats of superhuman ability, producing some fast, fierce and truly jaw-dropping fight scenes. As a martial arts film, Dragon Gate Inn far surpassed anything else in its era, elevating the martial arts genre to a status far beyond what it had ever achieved before.

Jin yan zi


golden Swallow Chang Cheh

Hong Kong, 1968 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 108 min, Mandarin prod: Runme Shaw | prod Comp: Shaw Brothers | Sc: Chang Cheh, Tu Yun-chih | Cam: Pao Hsueh-li | Ed: Chiang Hsinglung | prod Des: Chen Chi-jui | Sound Des: Wang Yung-hwa | Music: Wang Fu-ling | With: Cheng Pei-pei, Lo Lieh and Jimmy Wangyu, Chao Hsin-yen | Martial Arts Direction: Liu Chia-liang, Tang Chia | print/Sales: Celestial Pictures public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 21:30 PA2 Fri 4-2 20:00 CI4

A landmark film for the development of the male figure in the martial arts. Following on from the success of One-Armed Swordsman, director Chang Cheh branched out into new territory with hard-hitting, macho protagonists. Continuing the technique of marking out a hero by dressing him in white (as seen in Peking Opera and cowboy Westerns), Chang has one of his leads, Silver Roc (Jimmy Wang Yu), wear white robes – although his arrogance and cold-blooded enthusiasm for murder are a long way from the warmth and virtue of previous heroes. Chang took bold risks with Golden Swallow, filming with roving cameras to add excitement to the fight scenes, instructing swordsmen to stand, authoritative and stock still, under a strip of large-character poetry, and never shying away from showing the full blood and guts of the violence. Chang ushered in a new generation of hero – a hero out for himself, first and foremost; the world of wuxia films would never be the same again.



SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

tianxia diyi quan King Boxer Jeong Chang-Hwa

Hong Kong, 1972 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.33, 97 min, Mandarin prod: Run Run Shaw | prod Comp: Shaw Brothers | Sc: Chiang Yang | Cam: Wang Yung-lung | Ed: Chiang Hsing-lung, Fan Kungwing | prod Des: Chen Chi-jui | Sound Des: Wang Yung-hua | Music: Chen Yu-yung | With: Lo Lieh, Wang Ping, Chao Hsiung, Wang Chin-feng, Fang Mien | print/Sales: Celestial Pictures public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 14:45 CI6 Sat 5-2 22:15 CI3

A 1970s kungfu movie packed full of eye-gouging, skull-cracking fight scenes. More violent than traditional wuxia films, kungfu films rapidly overtook these in the martial arts film market. King Boxer, a copy of the Hong Kong box-office smash The Bravest Revenge, went on to take the American and European markets by storm. The film sees traditional Chinese kungfu techniques exaggerated beyond the realms of human capability, creating scenes combining shocking violence with stunning feats of acrobatics. Each time the main character Chi Hao (Lo Lieh) uses his ‘iron fist power’, his hands glow red and the Ironside theme music starts to play – a tune so distinctive and atmospheric it came to be an integral part of the film’s overall success.

liu xing hu die jian Killer Clans Chu Yuan

Hong Kong, 1976 | colour, video, 103 min, Mandarin prod: Runme Shaw | prod Comp: Shaw Brothers | Sc: Ni Kuang | Cam: Huang Chieh | Ed: Chiang Hsing-loong | prod Des: Chen Ching-shen | Sound Des: Wang Yung-hua | With: Tsung Hua, Yueh Hua, Ching Li, Ku Feng, Chen Ping, Wang Chung | Martial Arts Direction: Tang Chia, Yuen Cheung-yan | print/Sales: Celestial Pictures public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 22:15 CI5 Fri 4-2 19:45 CI2


Based on the 1970s martial arts novel by well-known Taiwanese author Gu Long, the success of director Chu Yuan’s adaptation triggered a craze for bringing Gu’s works to the big screen. Gu effectively reinvented wuxia, injecting it with a new lease of life; in Killer Clans, The Godfather meets a romantic killer, against a backdrop of traditional martial arts chivalry. An ingenue falls for an assassin with a penchant for poetry, and the film follows the ups and downs of their fights and schemes. In building the set, Chu gave full reign to his artistic sensibilities – vicious fight sequences are set incongruously against his whimsical poetic scenery; such contrast brings an unprecedented sense of modernity to this ancient genre.


SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

Hong xi guan

Executioners from Shaolin Lau Kar-leung

Hong Kong, 1977 | colour, video, 100 min, Mandarin prod: Runme Shaw | prod Comp: Shaw Brothers | Sc: Ni Kuang | Cam: Lo Yun-cheng | Ed: Chiang Hsing-loong | prod Des: Johnson Tsao | Sound Des: Wang Yung-hua | With: Chen Kuan-tai, Lo Lieh, Wang Yu, Lily Li, Cheng Kangyeh | Martial Arts Direction: Liu Chia-liang (aka Lau Kar-leung) | print/Sales: Celestial Pictures public SCREENINGS: Fri 28-1 12:00 CI5 Thu 3-2 22:15 CI7

The Shaolin temple has been destroyed by the Daoist priest, Pai Mei. If Hong Xiguan and his son are to seek out Pai Mei and avenge their master, they must first locate the flaw in Pai Mei’s ‘Golden Bell Shield and Iron Cloth’ fighting technique. In Executioners from Shaolin, director Lau Kar-leung – himself a disciple of the ‘Hung Kuen Fist’ school – choreographs a unique blend of this technique with Crane and Tiger kungfu stunts. Pai Mei’s Golden Bell Shield ability to retract his private parts into his groin in battle is incredible enough, but Lau’s inclusion of Chinese medicinal concepts transforms the film into a truly stunning visual spectacle. Lau’s use of the ’Triangle stance’ from the Chinese martial art ‘Wing Chun’ to illustrate the relationship between Hong and his wife is another masterful touch, and an example of Lau’s remarkable ability to reflect the personalities and lifestyles of his characters in his kungfu routines.

Jui kuen

Drunken Master Yuen Woo-ping

Hong Kong, 1978 | colour, video, 110 min, Cantonese prod: Ng See-Yuen | prod Comp: Seasonal Film | Sc: Hsiao Lung, Ng See-yuen, Yeun Wooping | Cam: Chang Hui | Ed: Pan Hsiung | prod Des: Ting Yuentai | Sound Des: Erick Jolley | Music: Chou Fu-Liang | With: Jackie Chan, Simon Yuen, Hwang JangLee, Lam Kau, Fung Ging-man | print: Hong Kong Film Archive | Sales: Park Circus Limited public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 22:15 LUX Thu 3-2 16:15 PA6

The world of kungfu films sank into a stupor with the untimely death of Bruce Lee in 1973. In 1978, Jackie Chan starred in Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow and Drunken Master, bringing the genre back to life with the new style of comic kungfu films for which he would become famous. In Drunken Master, Chan plays Wong Fei Hung, a youngster set on mastering the ‘Drunken Boxing’ technique. Acrobatic feats of kungfu and moments of high comedy combine to create a beautifully choreographed and trend-setting masterpiece. Trained in Beijing Opera from a young age, Chan demonstrates a remarkable talent for physical expression, as well as almost superhuman stamina, keen precision of movement and an exceptional sense of rhythm. Likewise, the skill with which director Yuen Woo-ping mapped out the kungfu scenes can hardly be overstated.



SignalS: WatEr tigEr inn

Shan zhong chuanqi legend of the Mountain King Hu

Taiwan, 1979 | colour, video, 184 min, Mandarin prod: King Hu, Cheuk-Hon Wong | prod Comp: Feng Nian | Sc: King Hu | Cam: Henry Chan | Ed: King Hu | Music: King Ng-tai, Wu Tachiang | With: Shih Chun, Hsu Feng, Sylvia Chang | (M)other: Martial Arts Direction: Wu Ming-cai | print: Hong Kong Film Archive | Sales: First Distributors (H.K.) Ltd. public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 12:00 PA3 Sat 5-2 19:45 CI7

Legend of the Mountain saw director King Hu do away with the traditional trappings of a wuxia film: gone is the typical knight errant character; gone, even, are the musical action sequences featured in the film’s immediate predecessor, Raining in the Mountain. The film does, however, retain some of the flavour of A Touch of Zen. A solitary traveller, wandering in the mountains; a beautiful woman, backlit in flowing white robes; a deserted fortress – there is a static, tranquil beauty to Legend of the Mountain. On one level, it is the mysterious tale of a scholar colliding with a ghostly realm. On another, the film seems almost like a revelation of Hu’s innermost feelings: the scholar copying out scrolls is just like a filmmaker who, although assisted in his work by countless others, in the end sees these fall away, leaving him to rely on himself and his own talents.

Seng sei kuet Duel to the Death Ching Siu-tung

Hong Kong, 1983 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 86 min, Cantonese prod: Raymond Chow | prod Comp: Golden Harvest Entertainment Co. | Sc: Sing Siutung, David Lai, Manfred Wong | Cam: Liu Hung-kuan, Li Yu-tang | Ed: Peter Cheung | With: Norman Chu, Damian Lau, Flora Cheung, Eddie Ko | print/Sales: Fortune Star Entertaiment United public SCREENING: Tue 1-2 22:15 PA6


Once every ten years, a Japanese/ Chinese martial arts duel takes place – only this time, the two young finalists find themselves embroiled in dark conspiracies to rig the fight. This simple Gu Long-style storyline is merely an excuse for director Ching to bring the flamboyant action choreography of his wuxia television successes to the big screen. Using his characteristically inventive filming techniques (including metric montages, collision editing and wires suspending actors high in the air for the shooting of flying and leaping sequences), Ching makes even feats of superhuman ability and gravity-defying stunts seem utterly believable. The ninjas fly high into the air, plunge deep underground and ride kites through the sky, concluding with a final battle along the edge of a teetering seaside cliff – a scene soon hailed as a wuxia classic. The brilliance of the scene lies in its daring action and desolate atmosphere, conveying a pervading sense of regret rarely seen either before or since.


SignalS: Water tiger inn


Sun suk shan kim hap Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain Tsui Hark

Hong Kong, 1983 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 97 min, Cantonese Prod: Raymond Chow, Leonard Ho | Prod Comp: Golden Harvest Entertainment Co. | Sc: Shui Zhongyue | Cam: Bill Wong | Ed: Zhang Yaozong | Prod Des: William Chang | Music: Guan Shengyou | With: Brigitte Lin, Adam Cheng, Liu Songren, Samo Hung, Meng Hai | Martial Arts Direction: Corey Yuen, Feng Ke’an | Print/Sales: Fortune Star Entertaiment United Public SCREENING: Fri 4-2 21:30 PA7

In his first film, The Butterfly Murders, Tsui Hark applied a distinctive futuristic style to carving out a whole new era for wuxia films, backing up superhuman stunts with supposedly scientific explanations. Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain, however, works the other way round, combining pieces of animation, stopmotion, cutting-edge optical effects and incredible 360-degree circle wire stunts, unrivalled by anything else at the time. The film takes the mystical, supernatural world of wuxia and makes it lifelike. Inspired by the 1977 Star Wars, Tsui made it his mission to develop a Chinese brand of special effects, constructing a purely Eastern kind of fantasy genre. As a result, he caused an unprecedented leap forward in the quality of stunts and special effects in Chinese wuxia films, and trained a whole generation of special effects experts, laying the foundations for the 1980s golden age of Hong Kong cinema.

Kwan lung hei fung Pedicab Driver Sammo Hung

Hong Kong, 1989 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 95 min, Cantonese Prod: Sammo Hung | Prod Comp: Bojon Films | Sc: Barry Wong | With: Sammo Hung, Lau Kar-leung, Mok Siuchung, Mang Hoi, Chan Lung | Martial Arts Direction: Action Choreography: Mang Hoi, Yuen Chun-yeung | Print: Warner Bros Asia | Sales: Hollywood Classics / Altadena Films Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 20:15 CI4 Fri 4-2 12:30 CI2

Starting in the 1980s, Hong Kong action movies began to break with the tried-and-tested kungfu formula of training to beat an enemy; instead, they started to mix elements of romance, comedy and action together into a whole new hybrid genre. Pedicab Driver tells of the love affairs of two pedicab drivers, neatly blending romantic scenes with breathtaking action sequences. The Star Wars-esque lightsaber battles are hilarious, and the mad cap chases between cars and the tricycles truly thrilling. The most jawdropping scene of all, however, is the showdown between Sammo Hung and Lau Kar-leung: Lau, trained in the orthodox Southern school of martial arts, confronts Hung, with his background in Beijing Opera. Both are Hong Kong masters of choreography in their respective styles – their fighting ranges from fists to sticks, creating a powerful and supremely memorable visual spectacle.



SignalS: Water tiger inn

Shuang qi zhen dao ke the Swordsman in Double Flag town He Ping

China, 1991 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 91 min, English Prod: Zhao Wanmin | Prod Comp: Xi’an Film Studio | Sc: He Ping, Yang Zhengguan | Cam: Ma Deling | Ed: Hong Yuan | Music: Tao Long | With: Gao Wei, Zhao Mana, Chang Jiang, Sun Haiying, Wang Gang | Print: Chinese Film Archives | Sales: China West Film Group Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 16:15 SGZ Mon 31-1 12:15 CI6

Wuxia film production stopped on the Chinese mainland after 1949. In the wuxia blockbusters, made again on the mainland post-2000 (of which Zhang Yimou’s Hero is most wellknown), there’s often an emphasis on heroes compromising with the authorities, traditional chivalry having disappeared without a trace. The Swordsman in Double Flag Town stands unique among mainland wuxia films, and it is certainly no coincidence that it was produced right after the Tiananmen crackdown. The vast, desert quality of the landscape has more than a little of the American Western about it, and the dangerous duels in which a single stroke decides which participant will live or die brings to mind the atmosphere of a Japanese samurai film. The unique characters and minimal dialogue accompanying these suggest the cinematic style favoured by the Fifth Generation directors, while retaining the suspense and the drama of the wuxia genre.

Fong Sai Yuk Yuen Kwai

Hong Kong, 1993 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 100 min, Cantonese Prod: Jet Li | Prod Comp: Eastern Film Production | Sc: Jay On, Chung Chan Kin, Yung Tsai Kang | Cam: Jingle Ma | Ed: Cheung Yiu Chung | Prod Des: Ann Hui | Sound Des: Trip Brock | Music: James Wong, Romeo Diaz, Mark Lui | With: Jet Li, Josephine Siao Fong Fong, Michele Reis, Adam Cheng | Print: Hong Kong Film Archive | Sales: Eastern Film Production Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 13:00 PA1 Thu 3-2 21:45 SGZ


Jet Li may be better known for his role in Tsui Hark’s Once Upon a Time in China, but his humorous interpretation of another Shaolin legend, Fong Sai Yuk, brings out the best in him. Added into the mix is a superb performance by Josephine Siao, playing his modern and adorable mother, who is even prepared to cross-dress as a male kungfu master. Jeff Lau’s wizardry and amusing screenplay perfectly complement the powerful action sequences by director Corey Yuen. The result is a riotous profusion of images and visual spectacles, self-deprecating satirical humour complementing the serious, hardhitting storyline, creating a level of intensity rarely seen in Hong Kong cinema. Flashes of pathos, moments of intense grief and joy, blood and laughter co-exist throughout – features that can be traced back to the early works of Yuen and Sammo Hung.


SignalS: Water tiger inn

o ke

Dung che sai duk


ashes of time redux Wong Kar-wai

Hong Kong, 2008 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.85, 93 min, Cantonese/Mandarin Prod: Wong Kar-wai, Jeffrey Lau | Prod Comp: Jet Tone Productions | Sc: Wong Kar-wai, based on a novel by Louis Cha | Cam: Christopher Doyle | Ed: William Chang, Patrick Tam | Prod Des: William Chang | Music: Frankie Chan, Roel A. Garcia | With: Leslie Cheung, Brigitte Lin, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Carina Lau, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Charlie Young, Jacky Cheung, Bai Li, Collin Chou, Maggie Cheung | Martial Arts Direction: Sammo Hung | Sales: Fortissimo Films | Distr. NL: A-Film Distribution | Public SCREENINGS: Sun 30-1 12:30 PA7 Thu 3-2 22:15 LV3 Sat 5-2 11:45 LV5

Although sometimes described as Wong Kar-wai’s adaptation of the Jin Yong novel Legend of the Condor Heroes, it would probably be more accurate to call Ashes of Time the wuxia version of Days of Being Wild. Despite marking his first venture into wuxia, Ashes of Time saw Wong disregard the conventions of the genre in favour of probing into the lives of the three heroes, drawing out sentimental themes of love and loss. The use of voice over driving multiple plot lines, the monologue quality of the dialogues, the baroque quality of its music and the selfconscious lyricism of its images have all added to the defamiliarisation of wuxia conventions. Although the three major battle scenes are choreographed differently, each one does away with the traditional wuxia conventions of movements and battle arrays. Without a doubt, Ashes of Time is an auteur film that shows the wuxia genre in a whole new light.

Yip Man Wilson Yip

Hong Kong, 2008 | colour, 35mm, 1:2.35, 107 min, Cantonese Prod: Wong Bak-Ming | Prod Comp: Mandarin Films | Sc: Edmond Wong, Chan Tai-lee | Cam: O Sing-pui | Ed: Cheung Kafai | Prod Des: Kenneth Mak | Music: Kenji Kawai | With: Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Xiong Dai-lin, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Lam Ka-tung | Martial Arts Direction: Sammo Hung | Print/Sales: Mandarin Films | Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 23:15 SGZ Mon 31-1 16:45 LV5

Three years after their first collaboration in Kill Zone (aka S.P.L.) in 2005, Wilson Yip, Sammo Hung and Donnie Yen joined forces once again to make Yip Man, which tells the story of the celebrated Wing Chun master and mentor to Bruce Lee. Kungfu films stormed back into public favour as a result. Yip Man is not a biopic in the truest sense of the word – it barely touches on even the most definitive of the Wing Chun techniques, and Yen’s portrayal of Yip sets more score by the martial art code of honour than the actual practice of martial arts. Yip is idealised with a deep love for his family and his country and, throughout, there’s a resurgence of the long-neglected Confucian virtues. The combination of Yen’s indisputable acting talent with Hung’s gift for action choreography makes every action sequence thrillingly dynamic and articulate.



SignalS: Water tiger inn

Jian yu

reign of assassins Su Chao-pin, John Woo

China/Hong Kong/Taiwan, 2010 | colour, video, 120 min, Mandarin Prod: John Woo, Terence Chang | Prod Comp: Lion Rock Productions Limited | Sc: Su Chao-pin | Cam: Horace Wong | Ed: Cheung Ka-fai | Prod Des: Yang Baigui | Music: Peter Kam | With: Michelle Yeoh, Jung Woo Sung, Wang Xueqi, Barbie Hsu, Shawn Yue, Kelly Lin | Martial Arts Direction: Stephen Tung | Print/Sales: Fortissimo Films Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 20:00 PA4 Fri 28-1 22:00 PA1 Sat 5-2 16:00 PA1


Although Reign of Assassins is widely known as a John Woo production, it was written and directed by Taiwan’s Su Chao-pin. The film shifts the focus back onto human relationships, marking a return to the well-trodden path of oldstyle wuxia films. Su’s ambition to create a culmination of the genre is also clear, however, with numerous references to the plots and conventions of wuxia novels. It tells the story of a female assassin who decides to give up her old ways and return to a normal life, yet finds it simply impossible to break away. Michelle Yeoh’s outstanding performance proves her more than a match for the best of the wuxia heroines. Stephen Tung’s action choreography is also exceptional, succeeding in being both tough and gentle. The vivid world of the jianghu evoked in the film is set apart from history or politics – another characteristic of Mainland Chinese filmmaking today.


SignalS regaineD

SignalS: regaineD

Sodankylä ikuisesti Sodankylä Forever Peter von Bagh

WOrlD PreMiere

Finland, 2011 | colour/ b&w, video, 270 min, various languages Prod: Peter von Bagh, Mark Lwoff | Prod Comp: Nosferatu Oy, Bufo Film Production Company | Sc: Peter von Bagh | Cam: Arto Kaivanto | Ed: Petteri Evilampi | Sound Des: Martti Turunen | Print/Sales: Bufo Film Production Company Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 18:30 CI7 Sat 29-1 14:30 CI7 Press & Industry SCREENING: Fri 28-1 09:15 CI2

Sodankylä is a small town in Finland, close to the polar circle. For 25 years, it has been the venue for the famous Midnight Sun Film Festival. Festival director Peter von Bagh compiled this ode to cinema from hours of archive material. A fixed part of the festival is formed by long interviews with the visiting film makers. In this documentary, we often don’t see any more than a table, a microphone, a guest and a host – Von Bagh himself. It’s the guests and their answers that make the film so worthwhile. Von Bagh poses the same questions of everyone: What is the first film you saw? How did you become a director? This fixed format provides beautiful anecdotes. The film is primarily a moving tribute to the endless power of cinema. After 2.5 hours with this motley crew of directors, you are certain: Cinema will last for ever!

De stad die nooit rust

the City that never rests Andor von Barsy

Netherlands, 1928 | b&w, 35mm, 57 min, no dialogue Prod Comp: Transfilma | Cam: Andor von Barsy | Music: Charly van Rest, Pierre Bastien | Sales: Gemeentearchief Rotterdam | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENING: Thu 3-2 20:00 SGZ


The City That Never Rests was actually directed by Friedrich von Maydell, but is known as a film by Andor von Barsy, who was a very popular cameraman in the Dutch film world in the 1920s and 1930s. This industrial film was made to attract investors. With his dynamic camerawork, Von Barsy portrayed Rotterdam as an industrious city where life concentrated around the port. There are impressive shots – often from the air – of various Rotterdam docks and new harbour areas that had to put Rotterdam on the map. Von Barsy also aimed his camera at the historic inner city with its beautiful canals, warehouses, industrious activities on the quayside and bustling shopping streets. The City That Never Rests has been restored by the EYE Film Institute on the initiative of Rotterdam City Archives. The film has been given a soundtrack by Charly van Rest and Pierre Bastien and can now be seen virtually in its complete form.


SignalS: regaineD

Free radicals – a History of experimental Cinema Pip Chodorov

France, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 82 min, English/French Prod: Ron Dyens | Prod Comp: Sacrebleu Productions | Sc: Pip Chodorov, Lucy Allwood | Cam: Nicolas Rideau, Pip Chodorov, Ville Piippo | Ed: Nicolas Sarkissian, Jackie Raynal | Music: Slink Moss, Pip Chodorov | With: Hans Richter, Len Lye, Robert Breer, Jonas Mekas, Ken Jacobs, Peter Kubelka, Stan Brakhage, Stan Vanderbeek, Maurice Lemaitre, Michael Snow, Stephan Chodorov | Print/ Sales: Sacrebleu Productions Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 17:45 LV3 Fri 28-1 13:45 LV3 Sun 30-1 18:00 LV3


Son of a filmmaker, and a long term promotor and producer of experimental film himself, Pip Chodorov delivers a very personal introduction to the legacy of Stan Brakhage, Robert Breer, Jonas Mekas, Ken Jacobs, Peter Kubelka and other ‘heavyweights’ of avantgarde cinema. The approach is very direct, with lively interviews, lots of archival footage, and a perspective that goes back to the earliest years of the movement. Using a range of different film formats along the way, Chodorov sketches out the genealogy of avantgarde filmmaking in a playful, yet ultimately very accessible documentary that aims to transmit this legacy to a new audience. His respect for the masters is demonstrated by including entire films such as Robert Breer’s Recreation, Brakhage’s Existence is Song and the short film that gives the documentary its title: Len Lye’s Free Radicals.

Machete Maidens Unleashed! Mark Hartley

Australia, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 84 min, English Prod: Veronica Fury | Prod Comp: Fury Productions | Sc: Mark Hartley | Cam: Karl von Moller | Ed: Sara Edwards, Mark Hartley | Music: Jamie Blanks | Print: Fury Productions | Sales: ABC Commercial | www. Public SCREENINGS: Mon 31-1 11:45 CI1 Tue 1-2 10:00 LV3 Thu 3-2 12:00 CI5

After Not Quite Hollywood, an exploration of ‘ozploitation’ films, B-film chronicler Mark Hartley pointed his camera at the Philippines. Thanks to low production costs and the exotic climate, in the 1970s this became a favourite location for genre film makers such as Roger Corman and Joe Dante. Respected Filipino film makers like Eddie Romero and Gerry De Leon also took advantage of the American drive-in market. Cast and crew back then fondly remember the primitive working conditions, interspersed with many film excerpts. The country was burdened by the dictatorial regime of Ferdinand Marcos, but the B-film crews had a free hand. The theme of the caged woman was a favourite. Of course there was plenty of torture, severed genitals and nuns with machine guns. At the end of the decade, Francis Ford Coppola also discovered the advantages and disadvantages of the ‘Wild East’ as a film location, when he settled in the jungle to shoot Apocalypse Now.



SignalS: regaineD

Herz aus glas Heart of glass Werner Herzog

West Germany, 1976 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.66, 94 min, German Prod: Werner Herzog | Prod Comp: Werner Herzog Film Gmbh | Sc: Herbert Achternbusch, Werner Herzog | Cam: Jörg SchmidtReitwein | Ed: Beate MainkaJellinghaus | Prod Des: Cornelius Siegel, Henning von Gierke | Sound Des: Haymo Heyder, Peter van Anft | Music: Popol Vuh | With: Josef Bierbichler, Stefan Güttler, Clemens Scheitz, Volker Prechtel, Sonja Skiba | Print/ Sales: Werner Herzog Film Gmbh Public SCREENING: Thu 3-2 22:45 CI4

It may be strange to conclude that this film by Werner Herzog is an outsider in his imposing oeuvre, because is not every Herzog film unique? But Herz aus Glas (1976) is really very special – Herzog himself has stated that he also doesn’t exactly know how to describe this work, which is filled with sombre images borrowed from German Romanticism. He shot his variation on the genre of the German Heimatfilm on location in Bavaria, a few miles from his birthplace. The story concerns a village community where the chief glass-blower dies at the end of the nineteenth century and takes a secret to the grave: how to make ruby-red glass. The clairvoyant Hias has to find out the secret. When this seer announces the Apocalypse, the inhabitants panic. Herzog hypnotised most of his actors – with the exception of Josef Bierbichler (Hias) – before he shot their scenes.

Voulez-vous coucher avec god? Michael Hirsh, Jack Christie

internatiOnal PreMiere

Canada, 1972 | colour, video, 69 min, English Prod: Michael Hirsh | Prod Comp: Cookie Jar | Sc: Michael Hirsh, Jack Christie | Prod Des: Michael Hirsh, Jack Christie | With: Tuli Kupferberg, Abigail Rosen, Jason Rosen | Print/Sales: Films We Like Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 22:15 CI7 Sun 30-1 17:00 CI7


This Canadian cult film is a typical product of its time. Shooting started in the late 1960s, with counterculture on the rise and many protesting against the war in Vietnam, racism, sexism and the indolence of bourgeois culture. It was a time of student protests, drugs and free love. All of this can be found in the debut film by Michael Hirsh and Jack Christie, Voulez-vous couchez avec God? In it, the charismatic beat poet Tuli Kupferberg plays the (drugged) God, a bigoted Supreme Being who rules from ‘Hashish Seventh Heaven’ surrounded by his harem. He prefers punishing the world from his bath, such as sending the (literally) toothless George to earth as an intended presidential candidate. The cheerful chaos that follows combines clay animation, live action and exciting 1960s music. The scene in which Archangel Gabriel consumes an omelette-with-mouse perfectly illustrates the anarchic spirit of the makers.


SignalS: regaineD

a letter to elia

Kent Jones, Martin Scorsese

USA, 2010 | colour, video, 60 min, English Prod: Martin Scorsese, Emma Tillinger Koskoff | Prod Comp: Sikelia Productions | Sc: Kent Jones, Martin Scorsese | Cam: Mark Raker | Ed: Rachel Reichman | Sound Des: Bill Wander | Print: Sikelia Productions | Sales: WME Entertainment Public SCREENINGS: Wed 2-2 19:45 PA1 Thu 3-2 11:45 CI1 Fri 4-2 18:15 PA3


A Letter to Elia, Martin Scorsese’s highly personal homage to Elia Kazan (1909-2003), sketches a beautiful portrait that reveals just as much about Scorsese as about Kazan, whom he regard sas a kind of father. Just how much Kazan’s films meant to Scorsese as a boy is clear from this loving documentary. Scorsese, born of Italian parents, identified with Kazan, an Anatolian Greek who emigrated to America. Kazan later used this background in America, America (1963), his most personal film. Scorsese also talks about the characters from Kazan’s On the Waterfront (1954), people who come from a district just like the one where Scorsese lived (‘Little Italy’ in New York) and with whom he instinctively bonded. But Scorsese pays most attention to Kazan’s East of Eden (1955), in which James Dean plays his first leading role. This film about troubled family bonds reflects the complex emotions that Scorsese has with his own family.

the atomic Sublime Jesse Lerner

eUrOPean PreMiere

USA, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 72 min, English Prod: Jesse Lerner | Prod Comp: The American Egypt | Sc: Jesse Lerner | Cam: Jesse Lerner | Ed: Jesse Lerner | Prod Des: Jesse Lerner | Sound Des: Sara Harris | With: Marcel Duchamp, Thomas Hart Benton, William Rubin, Hans Hofmann, George C. Marshall, Nikita Khrushchev, Joseph Stalin, Joseph McCarthy | Print/ Sales: The American Egypt Public SCREENINGS: Thu 27-1 18:00 LV2 Fri 28-1 18:00 LV2 Press & Industry SCREENING: Sat 29-1 09:15 CI2

Using found footage, this essay focusses on the intersections between Cold War politics and the rise of New York school abstract expressionism. Whereas the Soviet Union only tolerated figurative painting, in opposition the USA started to promote abstraction as an emblem of capitalist democracy. The debate rarely addressed the artworks themselves: it provided a new arena to cultivate ideological differences. The film thus also resonates in contemporary debates between the state and the arts. The use of found footage as a strategy not only reveals a treasure of forgotten propaganda imagery, it is also recognises that other, very different American avant-garde from the West Coast. Teacherwriter-filmmaker Jesse Lerner (see his 2006 book F is for Phony) thus acknowledges a tradition he prefers to continue: the legacy of Bruce Conner and other Californian artists and filmmakers.



SignalS: regaineD

eika Katappa Werner Schroeter

Germany, 1969 | colour/b&w, 35mm, 1:1.33, 144 min, Italian/ English/Spanish/German Prod: Werner Schroeter | Sc: Werner Schroeter | Cam: Werner Schroeter, Robert van Ackeren | Ed: Werner Schroeter | Prod Des: Werner Schroeter | Music: Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner | With: Magdalena Montezuma, Gisela Trowe, Carla Aulaulu, Rita & Joachim Bauer, Ingo & Sigurd Salto, Rosa von Praunheim | Sales: Agentur M.A.R.S | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENING: Sat 5-2 16:30 CI4

The title of Werner Schroeter’s first full-length feature can be translated as ‘scattered images’ – a striking description of an associative and imaginative film, an experimental collage of image and sound without any clear coherence – that finally has to be formed in the spectator’s mind. Eika Katappa is a unique forging of elements from opera, theatre and film. Schroeter refers to all kinds of cultural archetypes and effortlessly mixes art and kitsch, facts and myths, high and low culture: for instance, on the soundtrack you can hear both opera diva Maria Callas and the popular vocalist Caterina Valente. His actors, including the regular Schroeter actress Magdalena Montezuma, purposely make no effort to lip sync to the songs: many opera arias, but also German schlager music. This ecstatic and stylised melodrama received the Josef von Sternberg Prize in 1969 for most original film at the Internationale Filmwoche Mannheim.

Der tod der Maria Malibran Werner Schroeter

Germany, 1972 | colour, 35mm, 1:1.37, 104 min, German Prod: Werner Schroeter | Sc: Werner Schroeter | Cam: Werner Schroeter | Ed: Werner Schroeter, Ila von Hasperg | Music: Johannes Brahms, Ludwig van Beethoven, Igor Stravinsky etc. | With: Magdalena Montezuma, Christine Kaufmann, Candy Darling, Manuela Riva, Ingrid Caven, Annette Tirier, Einar Hanfstängl | Sales: Agentur M.A.R.S | Distr. NL: EYE Film Institute Netherlands Public SCREENING: Fri 4-2 13:45 LV6


In his earliest work, German director Werner Schroeter was inspired by opera, and made several short 8mm films about the prima donna Maria Callas. This film focuses on Maria Malibran, a legendary Spanish-French opera singer who died in 1836 at the age of 28. She forms the starting point for a series of stylised tableaux introducing variations on different levels, including in the form of musical phrases. The spectator is thrown into fragments of stories that take place in a non-existent country, in which the characters do not have any clear identity and are mutually interchangeable. The film, a reflection on the 19th century cult for geniuses and divas, was regarded by Schroeter, who died last year, as his most important work. It focuses on acting, including that of Magdalena Montezuma (regular Schroeter actress), Candy Darling (from the Warhol stable) and Ingrid Caven. The film was at the fifth documenta in Kassel, in the section entitled Filmschau: Anderes Kino.


SignalS: regaineD

Once and Future Kodachrome

Colour, 60 min Print: EYE Film Institute Public SCREENINGS: Part 1: Mon 31-1 18:00 LV6 Part 2: Thu 3-2 22:00 LV6

This programme celebrates the peerless qualites of the Kodachrome film stock now that its manufacture and development have finally ceased. On 30 December 2010 the last film was developed at Dwayne’s Laboratory in Kansas, 75 years after the first rolls were threaded into 16mm cameras. Like the similarly deceased Technicolor, Kodachrome is a colour process that adds colour dyes to a black and white base. This is the foundation of its distinctive look as well as its impressive archival characteristics. In order to convey the true essence of Kodachrome this programme consists of outstanding original reversal films from private collections – shorts consisiting of amateur films and home movies such as Holland Somewhere, and industrial films such as Encartonnage des bobines Kodak. The programme has been assembled and is introduced by Guy Edmonds, Film Restorer at EYE Film Institute.



SignalS: regaineD

Fragments of Seeing One of two programmes of restored prints, curated by Mark Toscano (Academy Film Archive), will reveal some L.A. experimental work, with a particular focus on the incredibly productive period from 1966 to 1982. Public SCREENING: Fri 28-1 18:00 LV6

------ -------------(aka short line long line) Thom Andersen, Malcolm Brodwick

A documentary about rock’n’roll. Making, buying, selling. Radio, jukebox, scoptione, pinball, poolhall. Canned Heat, City Lights, Seeds of Time, LA Tymes. Llyn Foulkes, Charlie Watts, Chris & Craig, Duke of Earl. Seeburg, Wurlitzer. Standing, walking, jumping, singing, dancing, gesturing, surfing. [...] Documentary material organized by a predetermined structure. A sequence of picture-sound equations with randomly chosen terms. Vertically. --- ------- is completely structured; horizontally it is completely random. A pastiche of cinematography, a parody of montage (TA). USA, 1967 | colour, 16mm, 1:1.37, 11 min, English Prod: Thom Andersen | Ed: Thom Andersen, Malcolm Brodwick | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: Canyon Cinema

throbs Fred Worden

Found footage of circuses, fairgrounds and car crashes are repeated, distorted and layered, brought to the point of destruction and then back again, backed by a hypnotic, looping and crescendoing soundtrack. USA, 1972 | colour, 16mm, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Fred Worden | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive |

Bondage girl Chris Langdon

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. ‘Drugs are bad.’ (CL) USA, 1973 | colour, 16mm, 6 min, English | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive



SignalS: regaineD

evolution of the red Star Adam Beckett

Coloured pen-and-ink drawings grow and evolve from a red star. Once the master image is formed, this continuously throbbing, pulsating sight is used to ring changes based on years of optical work. Music (by Carl Stone) and picture work together to create a mood of ecstatic tranquility (AB). USA, 1973 | colour, 16mm, 7 min, no dialogue Prod: Adam Beckett | Music: Carl Stone | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: The iotaCenter

unc. Bruce Lane

A haunting, affecting three-minute epic constructed of memorable images and densely imagined narrative fragments. It is distilled to an essence that registers dread, dissolution, fear and despair, but also a bittersweet melancholy, both for an idealised past and a diseased present. USA, 1966 | colour, 16mm, 3 min, no dialogue Prod: Bruce Lane | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive

Bertha’s Children Roberta Friedman, Grahame Weinbren

‘My great-aunt Bertha had seven children. When I visited New York one winter, I asked each of them to be in a film and all of them agreed. When I returned the following winter, however, only David, Marty, Aaron, Bernie and Thelma would do it. Frieda, concerned about the crazy people who might see the film and then write her nasty anonymous letters, refused, and Sylvia was in Florida at the time.’ (RF) USA, 1976 | colour, 16mm, 7 min, English Prod: Roberta Friedman | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive

eclipse Predictions Diana Wilson

Diana Wilson’s mysteriously beautiful animated tableaux fluidly unfold before our eyes, a generous receptacle for the mournful, harrowing soundtrack, in which the filmmaker recounts a tragedy from her youth. USA, 1982 | colour, 16mm, 4 min, English Prod: Diana Wilson | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive



SignalS: regaineD

Venice Pier Gary Beydler

Shot spatially out of order on the Venice pier over the course of an entire year, Gary Beydler recomposed the footage in editing to make it proceed consistently forward in space, resulting in an intricate mixing up of chronology. Some cuts could represent a jump of months either forward or backward in time. The result is one of gauzy impressionism brought into vivid and breathtaking clarity. USA, 1976 | colour, 16mm, 16 min, no dialogue Prod: Gary Beydler | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: Canyon Cinema

the Death of the gorilla Peter Mays

A sight/sound combination of exotic imagery shot semi-randomly whilst superimposition on a TV and then cut to make a fast moving but extremely ambiguous ‘story’. The Death of the Gorilla moves through modern man’s mythical mind like a runaway train bursting at the seams. (PM) USA, 1966 | colour, 16mm, 16 min, English Prod: Peter Mays | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: Peter Mays

the Divine Miracle Daina Krumins

A surrealist take on Catholic devotional postcard imagery set in incredible motion. The Divine Miracle took two solid years of labour-intensive work to make, and features a hypnotic original soundtrack by composer Rhys Chatham. USA, 1973 | colour, 16mm, 6 min, no dialogue Prod: Daina Krumins | Music: Rhys Chatham | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: Canyon Cinema



SignalS: regaineD

rear View Mirror One of two programmes of restored prints, curated by Mark Toscano (Academy Film Archive), will reveal some L.A. experimental work, with a particular focus on the incredibly productive period from 1966 to 1982. Public SCREENING: Thu 27-1 14:00 LV6

By the Sea Pat O’Neill, Robert Abel

Muscle Beach is a fascinating location for people-watching in the L.A. area, and in 1963, its strangeness was much more pronounced than today. Pat O’Neill’s first film (made with Robert Abel) progresses from humorous, curious observation to energetic interaction with the sights and sounds of Santa Monica’s famed beach USA, 1963 | b&w, 16mm, 10 min, English Prod: Pat O’Neill | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: Canyon Cinema

Documentary Footage Morgan Fisher

In an inspired set-up, Morgan Fisher taps into the near-infinite nuance and complexity to be found in human performance. Unlike much narrative cinema, for which numerous takes are required for actors to unlock the ideal performance, any more than one take would have destroyed this film and rendered it impossible. USA, 1968 | colour, 16mm, 11 min, English Prod: Morgan Fisher | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive

Olivia’s Place Thom Andersen

Olivia may have felt no need to change, but the world around her was not bound by such an impractical sentiment. Olivia’s Place is gone. The site where it used to stand is now a sort of plaza between two large old wood-frame houses that were moved to their present location from elsewhere in the city. One of these houses is occupied by a restaurant, the other by the California Heritage Museum. USA, 1966 | colour, 16mm, 6 min, no dialogue Prod: Thom Andersen | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: Canyon Cinema



SignalS: regaineD

Hand Held Day Gary Beydler

Beydler’s Hand Held Day is his most unabashedly beautiful film. The approach is simple, yet incredibly rich with possibilities, as Beydler collapses the time and space of a full day in the Arizona desert via time-lapse photography and a carefully hand-held mirror reflecting the view behind his camera. USA, 1975 | colour, 16mm, 6 min, no dialogue Prod: Gary Beydler | Print: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive | Sales: Canyon Cinema

Future Perfect Roberta Friedman, Grahame Weinbren

Future Perfect is an early algorithmic film, based on a collection of decreasing mathematical series that produce visual and auditory rhythms beyond the control of the filmmakers. USA, 1978 | colour, 16mm, 11 min, English Prod: Roberta Friedman | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive

Venusville Chris Langdon, Fred Worden

No montage, no human subjects, minimal visual content, and the artists basically pissing on the fourth wall by calling attention in every way possible to the artifice of what they’re doing. An anti-film school film made at film school. USA, 1973 | colour, 16mm, 10 min, English Prod: Chris Langdon | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive

Mirror People Kathy Rose

A weird animation about weird people who make weird sounds. Kathy Rose drew the entire film upside down and lit the artwork from underneath instead of above, to achieve its subtle and strange appearance. USA, 1974 | colour, 16mm, 5 min, no dialogue Prod: Kathy Rose | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive



SignalS: regaineD

Dead reckoning David Wilson

A deceptively simple film, Dead Reckoning comprises three identical-length shots which subtly address a human tendency towards order, and the poignant failure inherent to such an impulse. The film presents us not only with a view of a filmed landscape, but also a map of the filmmaker’s own movements within this space. USA, 1980 | colour, 16mm, 9 min, no dialogue Prod: David Wilson | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive

7362 Pat O’Neill

A bilaterally symmetrical (west to east) fusion of human, biomorphic and mechanical shapes in motion. Has to do with the spontaneous generation of electrical energy. A fairly rare (forty years ago) demonstration of the Sabattier effect in motion. Numbered after the film stock of the same name. USA, 1967 | colour, 16mm, 11 min, no dialogue Prod: Pat O’Neill | Sound Des: Joseph Byrd, Michael Moore | Print/Sales: Motion Picture Academy Film Archive



SignalS: regaineD

Déjà vu, times two Two film essays each provide intriguing insights into the work of the cinematic masters Antonioni and Resnais. Public SCREENINGS: Sat 29-1 19:45 CI7 Sun 30-1 12:00 CI7

the Makes Eric Baudelaire

The starting point of this film is a book with unfilmed scripts by Antonioni: That Bowling Alley on the Tiber. Visual artist Baudelaire frequently makes use of photo-based video pieces and multimedia installations to evoke hypothetical films. This film essay is ‘acted out’ by the real-life critic Philippe Azoury, who plays a non-existent critic discussing these non-existent films from Antonioni’s non-existent ‘Japanese period’. WOrlD PreMiere

France, 2011 | colour, video, 26 min, French Prod: Eric Baudelaire | Sc: Eric Baudelaire | Cam: Patrick Ghiringhelli | Ed: Sara Rastegar | Prod Des: Eric Baudelaire | Sound Des: Philippe Welsh | With: Philippe Azoury | Print/Sales: Eric Baudelaire |

Souvenirs d’une année à Marienbad Françoise Spira

The actresss Spira made her own amateur film on the set of Alain Resnais’ classic. Shot on black-and-white Super-8, her footage was long considered lost. It documents the daily life of the actors and technicians on location in a castle near Munich. We never see, but sometimes we ‘hear’ the real film. The voice-over, both informative and moving, is by Volker Schlöndorff, who was Resnais’ assistant during the shoot. France, 2010 | b&w, video, 46 min, English Prod: Françoise Spira | Cam: Françoise Spira | Ed: Volker Schlöndorff | Print/Sales: IMEC



SignalS: regaineD

time and again A stroboscopic trainride along a jungle stream. Asian military men appear with their pith-helmets, keeping the ferns, trees, monkeys, natives in line. Public SCREENINGS: Tue 1-2 22:15 LV3 Fri 4-2 17:30 CI2

Finding the telepathic Cinema of Manchuria David Blair

Manchuria is the name of the modern nation engineered by the Japanese in the north-east of China, 1931. It was a country that lasted until the Soviets arrived in 1945. This short essay-film, a fictional documentary, offers a witty combination of found footage, and animation with a hypnotizing soundtrack, questioning our notion of (media) history. Part of the larger project The Lost Tribes that also includes an installation (see XL location nr. 11). France/United Kingdom, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 10 min, English Prod: David Blair | Prod Comp: Telepathic Movies | Sc: David Blair | Cam: David Blair | Ed: David Blair | Sound Des: David Blair | Music: Fabienne Stadelmann | Print/Sales: Telepathic Movies

night Mayor Guy Maddin

The master of vintage oddities evokes the story of an immigrant who gathers the power of the aurora borealis through a device called a ‘Telemelodium’. 1939: the inventor Nihad Ademi harnesses the waves and uses the power to broadcast images of Canada to its own citizens from coast to coast. His unregulated imagery angers the government. Made as a commission for the National Film Board’s 70th anniversary. Canada, 2010 | b&w, video, 13 min, English Prod: Joseph MacDonald, Lindsay Hamel | Ed: John Gurdebeke | Prod Des: Ricardo Alms | Music: Jason Staczek | Print/Sales: National Film Board of Canada



SignalS: regaineD

another Occupation Ken Jacobs

The master of the stroboscopic depth illusion changes territory, but applies his familiar strategy: a ghostly, flicking film takes us into a deep and ominous Asian past. A black-and-white train ride along a jungle stream shows us military men in their pith helmets, keeping the ferns, trees, monkeys and natives in line. Sparse intertitles trigger further thoughts about the war economy. WOrlD PreMiere

USA, 2011 | colour/b&w, video, 14 min, no dialogue Prod: Ken Jacobs | Ed: Ken Jacobs | Sound Des: Michael Schumacher | Print/Sales: Ken Jacobs

Where is the Black Beast Simon Lee, Algis Antanas Kizys

This darkly enchanting film offers an interpretation of Crow, by post-war/ pre-flower power poet Ted Hughes. It is made from animating hundreds of photographs, all amateur snapshots found in flea markets and junk shops. Lee diggs beneath their innocent, familiar surfaces to reveal an extremely dark view of the world and of humanity. With music by Algis Kizys (Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, Glenn Branca, etc.). USA, 2010 | colour/b&w, video, 35 min, English Prod: Simon Lee, Algis Antanas Kizys | Music: Algis Kizys | Print/Sales: Simon Lee



signals not Kidding

signals: not Kidding

not Kidding: Reverse pedagogy Edwin Carels

To mark the occasion of its 40th birthday, IFFR is launching the idea of a kindergarten. This should be seen not only as a practical service for parents having difficulties organising a babysitter, but also as an integral IFFR programme in its own right. With Not Kidding, the festival is for the first time experimenting with the typical IFFR experience in a context related to youth culture. In collaboration with Your Space/ROC Zadkine, IFFR is opening up to a new generation that can bring new insights. Focusing on our ‘future audiences’, we want to experiment with new ways of presenting film and visual culture. A real kindergarten in a very central location (next to the Hilton Hotel) will be operational during the most family friendly hours of the day and week. Kids and parents will enter an environment where all sorts of film-related events will be taking place: from casting sessions to animation workshops to cosplay parties, to traditional slapstick pie-throwing routines. This will also essentially be a programme that strives to reconnect cinema with its own youth: its roots in magic, vaudeville and the circus. As Norman Brosterman states in his book Inventing Kindergarten: Fröbel’s Kindergarten was not only the most successful system for teaching children about art, design, mathematics and natural history ever devised; it also changed the world. The pioneering minds of modern art (Kandinsky, Mondriaan, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Van Doesburg, etc.) were all intensively exposed to the Fröbel system during their earliest, most formative years. So, the future is shaped in kindergartens!

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signals: not Kidding

Not Kidding is not really conceived as an educational programme, however: rather, it is the opposite. The aim is to create an open space with a liberating atmosphere, where the tradition of cinema can enter into a dialogue with younger ideas and views. As audiovisual communications and media formats are constantly being renewed, we ask ourselves: What is innovative cinema? What is visual culture in 2010? How does a younger generation decode cinema? What can grown-ups learn from kids, and how do the young connect with the past? These questions are addressed both implicitly and explicitly, through an array of programme elements, in order to reach out to diverse age groups and audience categories. Both daytime and evening programs will of course also be open to the general festival audience, and every day will offer the visitor a fresh range of activities, turning the venue into an outsized living room; a displaced classroom with animated projections on digital whiteboards; a performance or dance hall; a movie set from the silent era, etc. Not Kidding thus attempts a translation and an update of the attitude that makes IFFR so special: daring to take radical positions, and very much open to a culture of change and a worldview in motion. The Signals: Not Kidding programme will move along a number of strands: WhiTEboARd JunGLE

Every day, the digital whiteboards in Your Space will be animated with slides, websites, artworks, photo reportages, short films and other audiovisual materials to enlighten, entertain and interact. These visual stimuli will relate to the various themes of Not Kidding. Gone are the days of chalk dust on blackboards! KidS in SpACE

After school and at weekends, the festival will offer film-loving parents the opportunity to drop their kids at our very special kindergarten. Age groups four-to-seven and eight-to-twelve will be welcomed in a playful environment with lots of cinematic distractions, and even the chance to actively engage in workshops. (In collaboration with Zadkine) KiTChEn SECRETS

Each day, a different type of workshop will be held, led by one of the visiting artists at the festival. During the first few days, an old-fashioned slapstick film will be shot, which will then première at the end of the festival. Kids and teenagers will be invited to physically get in touch with film materials, or join a collage party. TV dinnERS

Every visitor knows: the challenge is always to find decent food that is quick, healthy and affordable, and this in a comfortable setting within immediate proximity to the cinemas. Not Kidding will serve a daily choice of pre-prepared meals in a cosy, expanded living room setting, while nourishing the eyes with a daily dish of eye-popping specials.


343 19

signals: not Kidding


Plenty of pillows, ample space, but also some inspiring evening programming for those who haven’t lulled their inner child to sleep yet. Every evening will present a very diverse, yet always stimulating menu that also leaves room for improvisation and ad-hoc programming, not unlike the music hall/variety origins of cinema’s own childhood years. Signals: Not Kidding would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and expertise of Manon Wilbrink Lommen, the Your Space team and the support of both teachers and students of ROC Zadkine.

The first gift (balls), portrayed by the twelfth (sewing): toys typical of Fröbel’s pedagogic approach.

344 20



IFFR XL: A City Symphony Edwin Carels

To make its 40th birthday celebrations extra special, IFFR is issuing a special jubilee DVD box, presenting Frank Scheffer’s Tiger Eyes documentary, as well as organising an extra large event round town! Forty is written XL in Roman numerals, and we are translating this into 40 extra locations. So this year, IFFR has entered into dialogue with a great many different and diverse partners and organisations. We have had contact with some of these in the past, but this is our very first collaboration with many others. We hope that these exchanges will provoke new insights and inspire fresh approaches and ideas. A second reason to go XL is because the festival will be moving to a new site, on the other side of the River Meuse. The XL programme forms a route from the familiar Schouwburgplein to the Kop van Zuid district. The 40 locations along this route enable IFFR visitors to discover that, even without entering a cinema, they can still enjoy the diverse riches IFFR has to offer each year. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the large cultural circuit in Rotterdam, visitors will be able to experience film in every sense of the word: from film installations, video walls and graphic storyboards to 3D animations, live performances and many, many more variations on the theme of ‘cinema’. A change of location and setting can help visitors jettison their regular viewing habits and regain a higher level of alertness. Rotterdam is home to many cultural hotspots, from wellestablished names to brand new ones. Some of these have brought us ideas that blend extremely well with the spirit of the festival, while others allow us to complement their own programme and visitors; others have inspired the festival to make some daring selections. The challenge each time was to present the right film artist in the right setting. Fortunately, IFFR has more than a decade of experience of such undertakings. At the end of the 1990s, film projectors started being used seriously in museums, frequently transforming the white cube into a black box. The dialogue between the festival and the art world grew into a prominent, recurring programme section: the artist in focus. In addition to this, quite a few art organisations have contributed initiatives, leading to a Museum Mile-like trajectory through Rotterdam’s museum quarter, from Witte de Withstraat to the NAI and Kunsthal exhibition spaces. The formula has meanwhile been adopted by many other festivals, although Rotterdam’s intensity and professional presentation style remain undisputed. What remains crucial for IFFR, however, is the concept of ‘thinking out of the box.’ We have already projected films in concert halls, on high tower blocks, etc., etc. This year, however, we’re taking this quite a few steps further, as we enter into a dialogue between organisations and initiatives from outside the art world. IFFR doesn’t want only to showcase film products harvested from all corners of the world, but also to play an important role in the dynamics within its own biotope. After all, is dynamic motion not the essence of cinema? There is no time to sit still! This programme would not have been possible without the support of Rotterdam Festivals.




XL: 40 Locations


Rotterdamse Schouwburg:

Koen Theys – The Final Countdown

Koen Theys has processed more than 2000 YouTube clips, in each of which someone renders the opening notes of the famous song The Final Countdown. On the piano, violin, trumpet, harmonica, with a brass band, symphony orchestra or purely vocal, solo or with thousands of others in gigantic stadiums: we soon get an uneasy feeling at the sight of so many show-offs. At the same time, we can’t help but thoroughly enjoy a beautifully constructed, baroque piece of video art that gives a simple tune all the appeal of a Dionysian Greek choir. Schouwburgplein 25 Sat 29 - 1, Sun 30 -1, Sat 5 - 2 13:30 and 16:00


Schouwburgplein (starting point): Parfum d’IFFR

Parfum de BoemBoem goes IFFR! For five days during the festival, the team of Parfum de BoemBoem is organising a variety of cycle routes through the centre of Rotterdam. Each journey is a titillating voyage of discovery to various Rotterdam spots of cinematic interest. 20 people can participate in each cycle trip. Gather on the Schouwburgplein

Tickets can be collected from the Central Box office in de Doelen Mon 31 - 1 to Fri 4 - 2, 11:00 13:00 and 15:00


Piet Zwart Institute: Imagine an Audience

The production of artistic films is no longer dependent on traditional podiums such as cinema and television. Between YouTube films and big budget cinema, a new space has emerged where more and more filmmakers can be found: micro-cinemas and a variety of alternative systems on the Internet. Who are the spectators and what do these developments mean for today’s arts policy? During a two-day conference in the Piet Zwart Institute, these issues will be tackled from an artistic point of view. The speakers include: Paolo Davanzo and Lisa Marr, Mervin Espina, Luke Fowler, Michel Chevalier, Tommy Pallotta, Michel Reilhac and Paul Keller. Mauritsstraat 36 Mon 31 - 1 to Wed 2 - 2 12:00 – 18:00


de Doelen:

Cine Qua Non film store

Over a period of 30 years, the film bookshop Cine Qua Non has collected many treasures from the long and opulent history of film. The shop has the appeal of a small museum, with thousands of film books, posters, photographs and DVDs in its collection. Specialism: selling and renting experimental DVDs. Now that virtually everyone has made the move to the Internet, practically every film bookshop has disappeared. But at Cine Qua Non you can still touch the books, listen to the posters rustling; you’ll always find the unexpected there. Kruisplein 40 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 12:00 – 00:00





de Doelen:

Water Tiger Inn

Anyone who sees a kungfu fighter or a wuxia master showing their skills on the silver screen has to wonder: what is real and what is clever trickery? What is the origin of this martial art and how is such absolute physical control possible? In Water Tiger Inn you might find the answers. It’s an inn where you can sit, talk, have a bite to eat or drink, just like the characters in the film. With a bit luck, you’ll see a performance; with a lot of luck you’ll become involved in a real martial arts fight. Kruisplein 40 Fri 28 - 1 to Sat 5 - 2 2 pm – 10 pm (closed on Mon 31-1)


WORM & Fitness First: The

WORM Abnorminal Fitness Club

10 days of the IFFR can be pretty gruelling: unhealthy eating, too little sleep, lots of partying. WORM offers festival visitors a responsible programme which not only works on the mental but also and primarily on the physical aspects. With an XL pass, you have access to Fitness First, where WORM is organising an art, film and music programme during the workout. Fit & Greets, short films on TV and live music during the training and the group lessons. Our health coaches and personal trainers put your total programme together. Lijnbaan 45 Thu 27 -1, Fri 28 – 1 07:00 – 15:00 Sat 29 – 1 20:00 – 00:00 Sun 30 - 1 to Fri 4 – 2 07:00 – 15:00


VHCZC: Michael Hirsch –

Voulez-vous coucher avec God ?

This experimental film, a rare underground classic, combines 1960s rock with lots of nudity, clay animation and television images. A racist, sexist and bellicose God rules over the Seventh Hash Heaven and sends a choirboy to the Earth to be president. The re-release of this blasphemous drug film from 1972 will be screened in apt surroundings and the audience can come in hippy style. Kruiskade 26 Thu 3 - 2 20:30


Your Space: Not Kidding

The IFFR in collaboration with ROC Zadkine wants to allow children to have a taste of the unique festival atmosphere as well in the form of the experimental programme ‘Not Kidding’ – aimed at the future audience. From brunches for babies to cake throwing and pillow fights with a cinematic taste. No patronising here – it is much more a liberating programme that takes cinema back to its own youth, to be found in juggling, vaudeville and circus. Free admission for children under 13! Kruiskade 9 Wed 26-1 19:30 – 22:00 Thu 27-1, Fri 28-1 14:00 – 23:00 Sat 29-1, Sun 30-1 12:00 – 00:00 Mon 31-1 to Fri 4-2 14:00 – 23:00 Sat 5-2 12:00 – 00:00





Groot Handelsgebouw:

Peggy Ahwesh – The Ape of Nature

Just as in Werner Herzog’s Herz aus Glas, actors under hypnosis figure in Peggy Ahwesh’s video installation The Ape of Nature. They transform Herzog’s folk narrative into a reflection on today’s malaise in American post-industrial culture – an evocation of a restless dream. There is the quest for a recipe for glass, a code for existence, a pattern for the nature of things. This is based on a series of projections, monitors and also several glass objects. Weena 725 (entrance C) Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 12:00 – 20:00


Czech Centre Rotterdam:

Jan Svankmajer – Surviving Film

These recent collages by the Czech maestro comprise the countless photos the director staged for his latest film, Surviving Life. He brought them to life with the aid of cut-out and stop-motion animation. As more often the case with this artist, his visual work is greatly influenced by film, an interaction that also works the other way. Here the photographs of the cinematic characters acquire a new life and autonomous significance. The result looks like a psychoanalytic parody on the motion studies of Eadweard Muybridge. Westersingel 9 Tue 1-2 to Thu 3-2 15:00– 19:00 Fri 4-2 13:00 – 17:00


Alliance Française Rotterdam: David Blair – Movietalkers of the Manchurian Telepathic Cinema

With a short film, David Blair takes us back to the discovery of the telepathic cinema of Manchuria. Blair juggles archive footage, animation and live action to realise a pseudoscientific film in which he investigates the boundaries between fact and fiction, truth and invention. He doesn’t show that history is always a construction that repeatedly demands new interpretations. Blair also uses a whole series of paintings, assemblages and short animations from his immense archive. Westersingel 14 Thu 26-1 to Sat 5-2 Mon to Thu 09:00 – 17:00 Fri 09:00 – 15:00 Sat 09:00 – 13:00


Centrum Beeldende Kunst:

Guillaume Paris – Permanent Eternity

The video works of Guillaume Paris aspire to eternity. The simple images become sculptures, captured in monitors, that never stop. He uses short scenes from cartoons and allows them to continue cyclically without a start or finish. The fairytale falters and offers neither hope nor liberation. The dead, wooden Pinocchio does not come back to life, but continues to float eternally like driftwood. The universe around him does, however, follow the rhythm of the cosmos. Nieuwe Binnenweg 75 Thu 26-1 to Sat 5-2 Mon to Fri 10:00 – 17:00 Sat, Sun 12:00 – 17:00





Laurens Antonius Binnenweg:

Home Sweet Home Movie

Every year, Onno Petersen (of SuperSens) and Simona Monizza present the Home Movie Day in Amsterdam. Especially for the IFFR they are organising a special evening in the Antonius Binnenweg nursing home. Family films of the residents will be the central feature – images that are often forgotten in hidden boxes in the attic. The most important goal is the rediscovery of the beauty of private pictures, seen from a personal perspective filled with emotions and memories. Travelling together to the world of the past. Nieuwe Binnenweg 33 Sat 5 - 2 18:30- 20:00



Flip Collection

A flip book (also known as a folioscope or thumb cinema) is a booklet that briefly becomes a film. It’s a sequence of images that develop while you look at them, an object that has to be touched before it gives up its story. The flip book is a pocketbook and a pocket cinema, a series of images and a narrative line all at the same time – for decades a source of inspiration for artists. PrintRoom celebrates with an idiosyncratic selection, including the flip books from earlier IFFR editions. Schietbaanstraat 17 Thu 27-1 to Sat 29-1 13:00 – 17:00 Thu 3-2 to Sat 5-2 13:00 – 17:00


Huis Sonneveld / NAI: Juliana

Borinski – Liquid Crystal Displays

Juliana Borinski reconnoitres the boundaries of video, experimental cinema, photography and performance. In the face of contemporary technological complexity and aesthetics, she positions simple sensual experiences and direct observations. For her LCD projections, she uses sheets of glass augmented by liquid crystal in a carrousel slide projector. LCD literally shows the phenomenon of crystallisation. Without technological fuss, Borinski evokes the amazement of the age-old magic of optical equipment. Jongkindstraat 12 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Tue to Sat 10:00 – 17:00 Sun 11:00 – 17:00


Chabot Museum: Igor Kovalyov – Cruel to be Kind

Igor Kovalyov has been active for more than 20 years as designer, graphic artist and animation maker. Alongside commissioned work for the studio behind the Simpsons, he also steadily built up his own oeuvre over the years. His creations without words are intensely enigmatic and provide evidence of an unconventional, earthy sense of humour. They evoke the same psychic intensity as do, for instance, the characters of David Lynch. His stocky imperfect characters now also turn up in his autonomous drawing work. Museumpark 11 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Tue to Fri 11:00 – 16:30 Sat 11:00 – 17:00 Sun 12:00 – 17:00





Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen: Time Travel through Art

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen congratulates the IFFR on its 40th birthday and is therefore treating festival-goers to a free visit. Travel through time to see art from the Middle Ages up to today. Discover the masterpieces by Hieronymus Bosch, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Dalí. The artist Gabriel Lester, who has a solo exhibition in the Boijmans soon after the IFFR, is giving a foretaste with videos and a live one-man-band performance as part of the Not Kidding programme. Museumpark 18-20 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Tue to Sun 11:00 – 17:00


Kunsthal Rotterdam: Johan Kramer – Farewell Super8 film!

Recently in Kansas City, the very last roll of Super8 Kodachrome 40 ASA film was developed. Film maker Johan Kramer pays tribute to this format used for countless family films. With the last 25 boxes of film, he made portraits of eight-year-olds from all over the Netherlands; an unforgettable childhood memory. The films were developed at the very last moment and augmented with other surprising Super8 material. Bring your own Super8 films along and we shall transfer them to DVD. An ode to the most beautiful film material ever! Museumpark | Westzeedijk 341 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Tue to Sat 10:00 – 17:00 Sun 11:00 – 17:00


Natuurhistorisch Museum

Rotterdam: Leslie Thornton – (((((Binoculars)))))

In a beautiful series of monitor works, the film maker/artist Leslie Thornton fathoms a deeper layer of the sublime in nature and brings to the surface what was hidden or banished. The contrasts between beauty and ugliness, just as between good and evil, come together in a clash of contradictions: the combination of a documentary with a kaleidoscopic image. In the film ((((( ))))), the visitor to dioramas and natural history museums is the subject of an intriguing study. Museumpark | Westzeedijk 345 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Tue to Sat 10:00 – 17:00 Sun 11:00 – 17:00


V2_Institute for the Unstable Media: Maki Ueda – Palm Top Theatre

Maki Ueda thinks that small screens are just as interesting as gigantic cinema screens. V2_ presents a series of films and animations formatted to fit the palm of your hand. At the Palm Top Theatre exhibition, you can see a new 3D film experience on your iPhone or iPad. An international selection of renowned media artists and students were asked to create new work for this intimate 3D environment – a high-tech show box as a mini theatre. They focus on experiments with space and interaction. Eendrachtsstraat 10 Thu 27-1 to Sun 30-1 13:00 – 19:00 Tue 1-2 to Sat 5-2 13:00 – 19:00





TENT: Martin Arnold – Hypnagogic

Film maker Martin Arnold is especially interested in the interval, the darkness between images, where the viewer meets his dreams and demons. Intense repetition and subtle variations evoke surprising nuances from existing film material. Through a stroboscopic effect, in Shadow Cuts Mickey and Pluto seem to have become involved in a veritable flashing light relationship. Soft Palate makes us feel in the dark, fairly literally. A few documents and some media archaeological materials give the illusion a measure of fixed reference. Witte de Withstraat 50 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 11:00 – 18:00


Showroom MAMA:

Abner Preis – The Adventures of The Great Abnerio

The visual artist Abner Preis tells simple stories that have a positive, childlike narrative line. He tells his stories one to one, and for large groups. The childlike, interactive exhibition in MAMA focuses on the character of The Great Abnerio and his journey through the world. The Great Abnerio is the ‘strong man’ in his own travelling show, in which he tells about his adventures as a superhero, his friends and the magic he has learned on his travels. Witte de Withstraat 29-31 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 13:00 – 18:00


Ro Theater:

Teatro Cinematico

On four successive evenings, film pays homage to theatre. Come to Africa, Asia, Europe or America, for there are well-known filmmakers present from each continent and of course there is also the up-and-coming Rotterdam talent. They show their own work and discuss it. The audience can also join in, especially in the Teatro Cinematico show. Be Tarzan, James Bond or Bruce Lee! Meet filmmakers on a speed date. Enjoy exotic live music and snacks and dance till late to the world music of the Teatro DJs. William Boothlaan 8 Sat 29 - 1 to Tue 1 - 2 18:00 – 04:00


Academiegallerie BLAAK10:


With the distribution of film images via mobile phones and other media equipment, the viewing experience in the field of moving pictures is shifting from the cinema to various public and private spaces. These changes force contemporary image makers to redefine the traditional categories of moving and non-moving images: photography, film and animation. This exhibition presents recent work from the Piet Zwart Institute master course in Media Design and Communication: Lens-Based. Witte de Withstraat 7a Thu 27-1 to Fri 28-1 11:00 – 18:00 Tue 1-2 to Fri 4-2 11:00 – 18:00





MghO: Brothers Quay – The Black Drawings

The Brothers Quay have for years been at the very top as animation film makers. But they are also graphic artists who have designed sets for opera and theatre, for instance. In this exhibition, the Brothers Quay present their earliest drawings dating from the early 1970s. Some drawings have the appeal of an imaginary film poster. At the same time, this location, a clothing boutique, is also the ideal spot to screen their film Wonderwood, which the Quays made on commission for the new perfume from Comme des Garçons. Witte de Withstraat 5a Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Mon 13:00 – 18:00 Tue to Thu 10:00 – 18:00 Fri 10:00 – 09:00 Sat 10:00 – 18:00 Sun 13:00 – 17:00


Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam:

Werktank – Statics + Reverse Blinking

Wim Janssen and Ief Spincemaille present two optical illusions. In the most banal way possible, by placing a turning filter in front of thousands of pieces of polarisation filter, Janssen imitates television white noise with Statics. Working with an apparently inefficient method is also the strategy behind Spincemaille’s Reversed Blinking: imagine your head is imprisoned in a large film camera, in total darkness. It’s only when the shutter opens that you see a flash of the world – like a photo or a memory. Schiedamse Vest 160 Thu 27-1, Fri 28-1 09:00 – 17:00 Mon 31-1 to Fri 4-2 09:00 – 17:00


Maritiem Museum Rotterdam:

Hans op de Beeck – Sea of Tranquillity

Even if it has now become so predictable, for many people a cruise is still regarded as an ‘adventure’. Sea of Tranquillity is a project that refers thematically to history, utopia and the economy, characteristic of the predominant Western ideas about leisure time, work and consumption. Today’s cruise is just one large floating shopping centre – it no longer has any relation to the essence of travelling: being on the road and subjected to natural elements. Leuvehaven 1 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Tue to Sat 10:00 – 17:00, Sun 11:00 – 17:00


Nederlands Fotomuseum:

Andor Von Barsy – Photographer in Rotterdam

For the first time, a solo exhibition is being dedicated in the Netherlands to the photographs of Andor Von Barsy (1899-1965). Much of his work is devoted to pre-war Rotterdam. Von Barsy, best-known for his films, worked around 1930 on photo reportages in the Port of Rotterdam. These dynamic, almost abstract photographs of steel constructions and harbour activities on and around the River Meuse are now finally on show, 80 years later. During the festival, his recently restored film The City That Never Rests is being screened. Wilhelminakade 332 (Las Palmas Building) Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Tue to Fri 10:00 – 17:00 Sat, Sun 11:00 – 17:00






Telco Systems: 12_series

In a pitch-dark space, 12 monitors and 12 speakers form an audiovisual horizon. Here, 12 identical audiovisual generators are at work. Based on the principles of evolution, 12_Series generates audiovisual imitations, mutations and combinations. Simple algorithms lead to a fascinating complexity, of which ‘grid noise’ and rudimentary forms are the basis. Despite their identical digital DNA, these screens repeatedly surpass our imagination. Wilhelminakade 52-58 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 12:00 – 20:00


Hotel New York:

Ella Raidel – Hotel Africa

The Austrian video artist Ella Raidel made a film in Mozambique for the Forget Africa programme (IFFR 2010): Slam Video Maputo. This inspired her to make more works about the economic and cultural background of the Mozambican fusion of gangsta rap, hip-hop, poetry and traditional music. She used her countless recordings of so-called slam poets (poets who recite their work like rappers) to create an installation. Koninginnehoofd 1 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 08:00 – 00:00


New Orleans: Rosa Barba – Untitled (Maasvlakte 2)

Rosa Barba based her commissioned film for the Port of Rotterdam Authority and SKOR on interviews with many people involved in the reclamation projects for Maasvlakte 2. The artificial construction of the area evolves slowly into microscopically small scenes of people, all finding their own ‘nest’ within this project: a bee-keeper, a birdwatcher, a worker. Combined with many archive shots, they come together into a mechanical ballet of man and machine. A narrator suggests a dialogue between real facts and their imaginary consequences. Lobby of the New Orleans Building (alongside LantarenVenster) Antoine Platekade Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 12:00 – 20:00


Theater Zuidplein: Cinema Slam

On this special evening, three short films from the Spectrum Shorts selection of the IFFR will be shown. In addition, there are shorts on the programme lasting 40 seconds, made by young people from Rotterdam South. These young people have attended workshops in the run-up to the IFFR in which they learned to make films in an artistic yet accessible way with their mobile phones. A jury of experts will award prizes to the three best films. The evening will be concluded with an after-party in the theatre cafe. Zuidplein 60-64 Wed 2 - 2 20:00





Sub Urban Video Lounge: Valentin Stefanoff – The World Is Too Much with Us II

On his travels, the Bulgarian-French Valentin Stefanoff filmed panoramas of landscapes and cities. These visual layers slide past each other in an animationlike way in opposite, horizontal directions. Together with the opening images of endless tower blocks sliding vertically, the film seems to say something about the confrontation between man and nature. This image is augmented by an audio layer that is built up from field shots and an artificial sound like a heartbeat. Botersloot 44a Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 12:00 – 17:00


Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum: Beloff/Maddin/AMVK – Learning to Dream

Three professional daydreamers provide a glimpse of their creative process. Zoe Beloff shows a school notebook from the 1930s that was filled by a certain Albert Grass from Coney Island with hallucinogenic scenes – a colourful dream diary. Guy Maddin shows a selection of bizarre collages that were made in one night. The meditation by Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven on a classically painted diptych goes off the rails in a stream of associations that cut through art history. The message is to dare to daydream. Nieuwemarkt 1a Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 Mon to Fri 10:00 – 17:00 Sat, Sun 13:00 – 17:00



Out of Fashion

Several special fashion designers portray here, in a Rot(t)terdam run by Little Red Riding Hood, their inspiration behind the fashion films in the IFFR programme. For instance, Anna Nicole Ziesche has compiled a special storyboard of photos and drawings, we experience the inspiration of agnès b. in film, and we see an installation especially designed for the IFFR by Maison Martin Margiela, focusing on the age-old relationship with the cinema. Alongside these designers, countless other exciting brands and names turn up... Meent 125 27 - 1 from 18:00 28-1 to 5 - 2 12:00 – 20:00


West-Kruiskade: Chinese New Year

On 3 February 2011, the area around West-Kruiskade (the Chinatown of Rotterdam) celebrates Chinese New Year. After the special opening ceremony, where Lion and Dragon Dancers are brought to life, comes the traditional procession along local Rotterdam businesses. Evil spirits are chased out, while the traditional Lion Dance will bring happiness and prosperity to the businesses. The festival is concluded in the local park with a beautiful display of fireworks. West-Kruiskade Thu 3 - 2 12:00 – 18:15





Gemeentearchief Rotterdam: 40 years of IFFR

The most focused retrospective of 40 years of IFFR is formed by the 40 Festival posters. The municipal archive shows a selection. The very first poster is so rare that it still has not been acquired by the archives. Do you have this poster in your possession or are you the owner of other special festival souvenirs? During a once only ‘Cinema Antiques Roadshow’ session on 2 February in the Doelen, you can have it appraised. On 5 February, the archive is organising a special ‘40 years of the Film Festival’ event with guided tours and historic films. Hofdijk 651 Mon to Fri 09:00 – 17:00 Appraisal session Wed 2 - 2 in the Doelen, 16:00 – 20:00 40 years of IFFR in the Gemeentearchief /Municipal Archive Sat 5 - 2, 13:30 to 16:30. Tours start at 13:30, 14:15, 15:00 and 15:45


Het Schieblock:

Limboland – Limboland 3D

The alternative television website Limboland is a Gesamtkunstwerk by a large number of artists. With the 3D installation version in the Schieblock, Limboland offers an exciting mix of film, experimental Internet TV, media art, photography and live programming within one physical space. There is also a photo exhibition. Every day at 17:00 and 20:30, Kees Brienen or Joost Broeren informally receives guests from the IFFR in the Milkbar. On 28 January, there is a special Rotterdam edition of the legendary Lost and Found! Schiekade 189 Fri 28 - 1 07:00 – 02:00, Sat 29 - 1 10:00 – 02:00 Sun 30 - 1 to Thu 3 - 2 10:00– 01:00, Fri 4 - 2 10:00 – 02:00


CUCOSA Rotterdam:

Attraction of the Opposites

Attraction of the Opposites brings together 10 professional and international galleries in the building of the artists’ collective CUCOSA. A film programme alternates with seven video installations. All the works have been chosen based on intrinsic quality and also on their critical relevance to the theme of complementarity. They show two sides: introvert and extravert. Fame, voyeurism and showing yourself are just several of the recurring subjects. Raampoortstraat 16 Thu 27-1 to Sat 5-2 13:00 – 18:00


Prinses Theater: Cinema West – Ashes of Time Redux and Chungking Express

During Cinema West, an initiative by the former film journalist Mark Duursma, films are screened at a variety of locations in Rotterdam-West. Linked to the Water Tiger Inn Festival programme, Cinema West is presenting the Dutch cinema premiere of Ashes of Time Redux from 2009 in the old Prinses Theater. Hong-Kong maestro Wong Kar-wai made a new version of his martial arts classic from 1994 about a sword fighter suffering unrequited love in ancient China. First on the programme: Chungking Express, also by Wong Kar-wai. Schiedamseweg 19 Fri 28 - 1 17:00 – 23:00 Chungking Express 18:00 Ashes of Time Redux 20:00



RotteRdam ShoRtS

RotteRdam ShoRtS

Kort Rotterdams/ Rotterdam Shorts A project intiated by the Rotterdam Media Fund (RMF), which every year asks a number of production teams from Rotterdam to make a short film using recognisable elements from the city. Public SCREENINGS: Thu 3-2 12:00 PA4 Sat 5-2 10:00 CI1

donnie Willem Baptist

A short film about Donnie (11), who refuses to accept his mother’s emotional dependence on her boyfriend. Donnie tries to get the boyfriend to leave, but just when he seems to have succeeded, we see that things haven’t really changed that much for Donnie and his mother. WoRLd PRemIeRe

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 11 min, Dutch Prod: Mete Gümürhan | Prod Comp: Kaliber Film | Sc: Willem Baptist, Marko Martens | Cam: André Jäger | Ed: Joost van de Wetering | Prod Des: Eva van Geenen | Sound Des: Ranko Paukovic | Music: Han Otten | With: Twan van Tunen, Anke Engels, Juda Goslinga | Print/Sales: Kaliber Film

daklopers Roofwalkers

Ramaz Melashvilli

A short film about two men who have found a place where they can share their memories and desires. A place beyond physical reality, that offers them friendship, freedom and fantasy. WoRLd PRemIeRe

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 11 min, Dutch Prod: Karel Doing | Prod Comp: Studio één | Cam: Lex Brand | Ed: Maaki Nurmeots | Prod Des: Gosia Grubba | Sound Des: Erik Griekspoor | With: Gio Kadaria, Jaap Maarleveld | Print/Sales: Studio één



RotteRdam ShoRtS


Falling apart Jasper Wessels

Frank is facing a highly unfortunate situation. His centre of gravity is slipping away, and soon his social life will fall apart. Over time, the symptoms develop into something unimaginable. Doctors are stumped by this remarkable disease. There’s only one other case in the whole world. WoRLd PRemIeRe

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 11 min, Dutch Prod: Andre Freyssen | Prod Comp: CCCP – Rotterdam | Sc: Jasper Wessels | Cam: Gregg Telussa | Ed: Tim Roza | Prod Des: Jan Willem van der Schoot | Sound Des: Henk-Jelle de Groot | Music: Adam Wiltzie | With: Stijn Koomen , Thirsa van Til, Carlijn van Ramshorst, Rick Verstraten | Print/Sales: CCCP – Rotterdam

Vestiaire Martijn Kramp, Chantal Jongman

Klerk has lost his ability to establish organic relationships. His unique sense of smell gives him an opportunity to get into contact with the real world. Black coats in Klerk’s cloakroom reflect his usual mental state. A distinctive red coat, however, triggers his talent in a supernatural manner. WoRLd PRemIeRe

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 10 min, no dialogue Prod: Chiem van Houweninge Jr. | Prod Comp: Blue Dolphin Entertainment Group | Sc: Martijn J. Kramp, Chantal Jongman | Cam: Peterjan van der Burgh | Ed: Rutger Hesseling | Prod Des: Nicole van Houweninge P. | Music: Lex van der Schans | With: Alwin Pulinckx, Sarah Vink | Print/Sales: Blue Dolphin Entertainment Group

Je kom toch?

You’re Coming, Right? Gerard Meuldijk

Koos is a lonely man in his 50s living in Rotterdam. His best friend is his goldfish. He feels so at home in his favourite pub, he has recreated the bar in his living room. For his birthday, Koos invites all the regular customers – but will they come? WoRLd PRemIeRe

Netherlands, 2011 | colour, video, 11 min, Dutch Prod: Eva Barra | Prod Comp: Barra Productions | Sc: Gerard Meuldijk, Willemijn Schellekens | Cam: Kees Patijn | Ed: Tim Roza | Prod Des: Jan Willem van der Schoot | Sound Des: Henk-Jelle de Groot | Music: Ronald Kool | With: John Buijsman, Martin van Waardenberg, Eva van Welzenis, Fred van der Hilst | Print/Sales: Barra Productions



countless opportunities for creative enterprise Rotterdam gives creative entrepreneurs the opportunities and support they need. Sectors like design and media are booming in Rotterdam, while film makers discovered the city years ago. Rotterdam’s youthful multicultural character is reflected in its vibrant music, fashion and street culture. And in the world of international architecture, the city is a major trendsetter. Creative entrepreneurs with strong ambitions and solid plans should consider getting in touch with Rotterdam. Please contact us by sending an e-mail to:


Industry servIces & FacIlItIes




ACCREdiTATionS For the 2011 edition, the International Film Festival Rotterdam is providing four different types of accreditations. Accreditation assignment is at the discretion of the Festival. Badges and delegate bags can be collected at the Accreditation Desk on the third floor of Festival Center de Doelen. An administration fee or accreditation fee may be applicable. For more information, please visit the Accreditation Desk or Guest Desk. 1. CineMart accreditation

(for professionals taking part in CineMart) • Access to all CineMart events and CineMart Meeting Request Service • Access to all Festival and Industry activities and main events • Free admission to Public Screenings (ticket from Guest Box Office necessary) • Free admission to Press & Industry Screenings (ticket not necessary) • Use of the Video Library and other Film Office services • Listing in the Industry Manual • Access to the Sales & Industry Club (for those working in sales and distribution only)

4. press accreditation

(for journalists and media representatives seeking coverage of the Festival) • Access to all Festival and Industry activities and main events • Free admission to Public Screenings (ticket from Guest Box Office necessary) • Free admission to Press & Industry Screenings (ticket not necessary) • Use of the Video Library and Press Desk services

dESKS All desks are located on the third floor of de Doelen. The members of the different Desk teams will assist you finding your way through the Festival. Opening hours: Accreditation Desk

09:00-20:00, Wed 26 Jan – Sat 5 Feb CineMart Desk

09:00-20:00, Wed 26 Jan – Wed 2 Feb Guest Desk

09:00-20:00, Wed 26 Jan – Sat 5 Feb Press Desk

09:00-20:00, Wed 26 Jan – Wed 2 Feb 09:00-18:00, Thu 3 Feb – Sat 5 Feb


2. Guest-Industry accreditation

Press & Industry Screenings

(for professionals active in the international film industry) • Access to all Festival and Industry activities and main events • Free admission to Public Screenings (ticket from Guest Box Office necessary) • Free admission to Press & Industry Screenings (ticket not necessary) • Use of the Video Library and other Film Office services • Listing in the Industry Manual • Access to the Sales & Industry Club (for those working in sales and distribution only)

Accredited guests are welcome to attend the extensive programme of Press & Industry Screenings. As Public Screenings tend to be very busy and are often fully booked, we strongly advise you to schedule your personal programme around the Press & Industry Screenings. The Press & Industry Screenings take place from Thu 27 January through Fri 4 February, both day and evening in de Doelen, Cinerama and Pathé. All locations are within walking distance from each other. For access to the Press & Industry Screenings, badge holders do not have to get a ticket. At the entrance of the Press & Industry screening auditoriums, you must show your badge for scanning.

3. Guest accreditation

(for Festival relations and filmmakers with a film in the Festival) • Access to all Festival and Industry activities and main events • Free admission to Public Screenings (ticket from Guest Box Office necessary) • Free admission to Press & Industry Screenings (upon availability of seats)

362 34

SCREEninG SChEduLE The Press & Industry Screening Schedule is combined in this catalogue with the Public Screenings. Schedule changes are published in the Daily Tiger and on the Festival website. The latest print versions of



Schedule changes are also available at the Box Offices. Access to public Screenings

As of Wed 26 January, badge holders may go to the Guest Box Office or the Central Box Office in de Doelen to receive free tickets for Public Screenings. Tickets are only available for Public Screenings on the day before and the day of the screening up until two hours before the screening begins. Central Box Office

The Central Box Office is located on the ground floor of de Doelen (entrance Willem Burgerkwartier, Kruisplein 40). Open to the public and badge holders. Opening hours:

09:00-21:00, Tue 25 Jan – Wed 26 Jan 09:00-23:00, Thu 27 Jan – Fri 4 Feb 09:00-18:00, Sat 5 Feb From Sat 5 February 18:00, the Central Box Office will move to Pathé. Guest Box Office

The Guest Box Office is located on the ground floor of de Doelen (entrance Willem Burgerkwartier, Kruisplein 40). Open to badge holders only. Opening hours:

09:00-20:00, Wed 26 Jan – Fri 4 Feb 09:00-18:00, Sat 5 Feb

SERViCES & FACiLiTiES Film Office services

The Film Office offers information and advice to all attending filmmakers and industry guests, and lays out the best possible means of screening and promoting their films at the IFFR. It assists filmmakers and their representatives to make the most of their time in Rotterdam and help to facilitate networking between buyers and filmmakers/producers. Together with the Programme Department, the Film Office offers a range of possibilities and facilities to ensure that distributors and buyers are fully informed about and able to view the newly completed films in the festival programme. During the festival period itself the Film Office team can be found on the third floor of Festival Center de Doelen.

Contacts: Jolinde den Haas, Nikolas Montaldi, Dana Duijn E-mail: Industry Information

The Film Office is the first point of contact for the Press & Industry Screenings, coordinates the Video Library and the Sales & Industry Club, and distributes all relevant film and contact data to distributors, sales agents and producers worldwide. Available information includes the Rights List (overview of feature length films that are currently not represented by an international sales agent), Audience Award List, Sales & Print Source List, and Viewing Reports for the Video Library and Press & Industry Screenings. Contact: Dana Duijn E-mail: Video Library

Accredited industry guests are welcome to use the Video Library on the fourth floor of de Doelen to view festival titles. Please note that demand can be high, especially during CineMart (Sun 30 Jan – Wed 2 Feb), and certain restrictions may apply. Opening hours:

10:00-22:00, Thu 27 Jan – Fri 4 Feb 10:00-17:00, Sat 5 Feb 10:00-15:00, Sun 6 Feb Coordinator: Samanta Telleri E-mail: Consultancy Meetings & Panels

As part of the Film Office’s services, a time slot can be pre-booked with our Industry Consultants who will assist filmmakers and buyers in making the right contacts at the IFFR and can give information about the selected films, the attending industry guests, film market developments and the international festival circuit. The Film Office also sets up a number of industry panels aimed at filmmaker and industry guests. Information on these will be available separately. The meetings and panels take place on the fourth floor of Festival Center de Doelen in the Sales & Industry Club. Industry Consultants: Hayet Benkara, Mary Davies, Jannie Langbroek, Orly


363 35


Ravid, Rik Vermeulen Coordinator: Nikolas Montaldi Email: Sales & Industry Club

This year, we are pleased to once again invite buyers and sellers to capitalize on the Sales & Industry Club. This facility is exclusive for buyers, sellers (who will automatically have access) and invited guests and includes: • Comfortable, private meeting areas • Information stands • Reading table with industry periodicals • Coffee counter • Wi-Fi connection The Sales & Industry Club aims to be an efficient and relaxing work environment, centrally located on the fourth floor of Festival Center de Doelen, directly opposite the Video Library. Opening hours:

10:00-17:00, Wed 26 Jan – Sat 5 Feb E-mail: Mailboxes

Mailboxes are located behind the desks on the third floor. The Press mailboxes can be found behind the Press Desk, the Guest mailboxes behind the Guest Desk, and the CineMart mailboxes are located behind the CineMart Desk. You are kindly asked to regularly check and collect your mail. Please ask the staff behind the desks for assistance. Print Facilities

Professional guests will find print, photo copying and fax facilities to use at their own expense in de Doelen.


press office Contacts:

Bert-Jan Zoet, Head of Media Relations & International PR Nancy van Oorschot, Press Officer & Trainee Project Manager Edwige Leblay, Press Accreditations & Press Desk Manager Tim Vijgen, Press Office Intern E-mail:

364 36

Press Desk

The Press Desk team can answer questions about the attending guests and arrange interviews with them. As each of the members of the Press Desk is specialized in a group of festival titles and associated attending talent, please do not hesitate to ask for more information. interview requests and interpreters

Press badge holders are invited to contact the Press Desk for arranging their interview requests with attending talent. If possible, interviews take place on a ‘one-to-one’ basis; there is a possibility - in agreement with the filmmaker - of a photo call and an interview room. We ask for your understanding if the attendance period of talent does not allow for all interview requests to be honoured. For interview schedules with directors from films acquired for distribution within The Netherlands, the Press Desk collaborates with the distributor’s representatives. In case an interpreter is needed during the interview session, the Press Desk will arrange for this. During the Festival the Press Desk is reachable for any further information at press materials

Upon request, the Press Desk will provide additional information about feature films and documentaries within the Festival programme. Hi-res stills from films in the programme selection are also available for download on the press page of the Festival website: We advise all press to use the information available online. For the purpose of television broadcast, the Press Office provides free use of clips from a select number of 2011 titles on Betacam SP tapes. Please call the Press Desk first to ask if a DVD, EPK or Betacam tape is available. The tapes are available for copying at own cost and have to be returned to the Press Office the same day. The Festival does not provide copying or editing services. For copying



purposes, the Press Office Intern Tim Vijgen, can provide addresses and contact information of nearby Rotterdam based companies.

mERChAndiSE Festival T-shirts, bags, sweaters and other souvenirs can be purchased in the Festival Shops on the ground floor of de Doelen, Pathé Cinema and LantarenVenster, along with the catalogue and DVD’s from the Festival’s own Tiger Releases label. You can also purchase various products from the Festival’s webshop by visiting: webshop Opening hours de Doelen and Pathé Cinema: daily 09:00-22:00 Opening hours LantarenVenster: daily from 09:00 until fifteen minutes after the start of the last screening. pubLiCATionS/ SouRCES The following list comprises the main points of reference published in English by the Festival in print and/or online as well as official documents sent out to film representatives before and after the Festival. Festival Catalogue

The IFFR Catalogue is the complete and essential guide to all Festival films and events, including all industry, sales and print information. The catalogue is also a practical guide to the festival, it includes a concise programme overview and schedule. Festival Website

All practical information and the latest Festival news can be found on our website. There is a public part (in Dutch and English) for the general audience and a professional part (in English) for our international Industry and Press guests: Daily Tiger

The bilingual (Dutch and English) Festival newspaper, written by professionals, published daily, available at all festival locations and online, and containing the latest news, announcements, programme changes, interviews and more.

Daily Tiger Topics E-newsletter

During the Festival, a daily version of the monthly digital Tiger Topics newsletter is sent out to international relations of the Festival, informing them about festival highlights. Events List

An overview of all official Festival events, both those which are open to all badge holders as well as those events which are accessible by invitation only. Delegates List

The quick reference manual to all Festival and CineMart guests attending, including the dates of their stay and where to find them. Industry Manual

The quick reference guide to all Industry companies and representatives attending the CineMart and the Festival. There is an online version available prior and during the Festival for CineMart and Industry badge holders. Sales and Distribution Letter

The Sales Letter is sent out several times prior to the festival and available during the festival, details all feature length films not currently represented by an international sales agent. The Distributor Letter lists all feature films in the festival with full contact information. CineMart Dossier

The CineMart Dossier has detailed information for all CineMart projects including synopses, directors’ biographies and filmographies, production company background, budget and technical specifications, and more. The CineMart Dossier is also available online for all CineMart badge holders prior to and during the Festival. The printed version is distributed to CineMart guests upon arrival. Screening Report - Press & Industry Screenings

All accredited guests who attend a Press & Industry Screening will have their badge scanned. This data is compiled and sent out to the contact person for each film.


365 37


Screening Report - Video Library Viewings

The Video Library staff keeps detailed records of viewings in the Video Library and provides this information to the contact person for each film.

Screens: 7 Capacity: 205 - 760 Cinerama Filmtheater

Westblaak 18 Screens: 7 Capacity: 103 - 291 LantarenVenster


Otto Reuchlinweg 996 Screens: 5 Capacity: 91 - 240

Festival Center de Doelen

Kruisplein 40

Oude Luxor Theater

Screening Venues de Doelen

Kruiskade 10 Screens: 1 Capacity: 850

Kruisplein 40 Screens: 3 Capacity: 425 - 1516

De Unie

Rotterdamse Schouwburg

Schouwburgplein 25 Screens: 1 Capacity: 600 Pathé Schouwburgplein

Schouwburgplein 101

Mauritsweg 34-35 Screens: 1 Capacity: 80 Your Space

Kruiskade 9 Screens: 1 Capacity: 200

duTCh diSTRibuToRS

A-Film Distribution

Cinéart Netherlands

Postbus 37743 Meeuwenlaan 98-100 1030 BG, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 3445144 F: +31 20 3445145

Herengracht 328-III 1016 CE, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 5308848 F: +31 20 5308849

EYE Film Institute Netherlands

ABC - Cinemien

Amsteldijk 10 1074 HP, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 5776010 F: +31 20 5776029

Postbus 74782 1070 BT, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 5891400 F: +31 20 6833401


Filmfreak Distribution

Meeuwenlaan 100 1021 JL, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 4283025 F: +31 20 6268978

Schippersstraat 7 1011 AZ, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 4864940 F: +31 20 4864941

Benelux Film Distributors

De Poort 40 3991 DV, Houten Netherlands T: +31 30 6340660 F: +31 30 6381312

Hubert Bals Fund

P.O. Box 21696 3001 AR, Rotterdam Netherlands T: +31 10 8909090 F: +31 10 8909091

International Film Festival Rotterdam

Postbus 21696 3001 AR, Rotterdam Netherlands T: +31 10 8909090 F: +31 10 8909091

Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst - NIMk

Keizersgracht 264 1016 EV, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 6237101 F: +31 20 6244423

Paradiso Filmed Entertainment (NL)

Van Eeghenstraat 92 1071 GL, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 6159222 F: +31 20 6707538

Warner Bros. Pictures Holland

Postbus 59226 1040 KE, Amsterdam Netherlands T: +31 20 6802300 F: +31 20 6802306

366 38


Lists Indexes Programme Day by Day Maps

fiLm List by CoUntry


Skateistan: To Live and Skate Kabul Angola

O imigrante Moamba Chinesa Aardvark El agua del fin del mundo Carancho En el futuro Hoy como ayer El invierno de los raros El juego Los labios Love, Jealousy and Wanting to Be in Two Places at Once Rosa Los teleféricos Zhest Australia

Animal Kingdom The King’s Speech Machete Maidens Unleashed! Austria

Adrienn Pál AUN - The Beginning and the End of All Things Coming Attractions Endeavour Film ist mehr als Film The Future Will Not Be Capitalist Headshots Herna Hohe blaue Gebirge, Flüsse und goldene Ebenen If the Seed Doesn’t Die In Free Fall Machination 84 Maria Theresia und ihre 16 Kinder Mouse Palace Rose and Jasmine Sa, 29. Juni/Arctic Circle Subverses Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project Bangladesh

720 Degrees Belgium

22 mei After Empire Etrange étranger Etrangère Le Grand’Tour Grande Hotel Illégal Lobi (hier/demain) Noir océan Oh Pulsar Raf’s Army Royaume du O Stardust Think About Wood, Think About Metal

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cirkus Columbia

A Couple Estação O estranho caso de Angélica In the Absence of Light, Darkness Prevails The Joy Neverquiet (Film of Wonders) Passerby The Sky Above


The Eighth Hohe blaue Gebirge, Flüsse und goldene Ebenen Shelter Cameroon




Love Born of Chopsticks Canada

8th Avenue All Flowers in Time Les amours imaginaires Bad Ideas for Paradise Beauty Plus Pity Being Fucked Up Blinding Choke Curling Even Flowers Wake Up in the Morning File Under Miscellaneous La fille de Montréal The Fire Theft Flight Home Movie Incendies Kinestasis Lesser Apes Mirages Mokhtar Night Mayor On the Way to the Sea The Orange Ouverture Primordial Ties Road Movie - Slow Emergency Sahara Sahara See/Saw Self Improvement Shutter Small Town Murder Songs The Story of Elfranko Wessels sun moon stars rain Thalé The Cave Verano de Goliat Ville Marie Voulez-vous coucher avec God? You Are Here ZedCrew Chile

Carancho Docteur Chance Lucía Ocaso Post Mortem Tres semanas después China

Beyond-ism Black Blood Club Zeus Fire Fly Forgotten Column Fortune Teller The High Life Li Xia’s Salon Love Born of Chopsticks Moamba Chinesa My Father’s House The Old Donkey On the Way to the Sea The Piano in a Factory Positive Red Heroine Reign of Assassins Snake The Swordsman in Double Flag Town The Swordswoman of Huangjiang Tai ping chuan Tape The Trip Winter Vacation ZUT


Todos tus muertos


Les Boulistes (saison 2) ZUT Congo-Kinshasa

Lobi (hier/demain) Croatia

Then I See Tanja Cuba


Czech Republic

Surviving Life A Time Shared Unlimited Czechoslovakia

Lemonade Joe DDR

Chingachgook, die große Schlange Die Söhne der Großen Bärin Denmark

1989 (When I Was Five Years Old) Bible Black Chips and Liver Girls Insideout Memory (work in progress) Son of God Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from a Childhood Dominican Republic

Jean Gentil Ocaso Ecuador

En espera Egypt

Hawi Mount of Forgetfulness This Quality Ethiopia

Where Is My Dog? Finland

Memory (work in progress) The Painting Sellers Parked Players Silent Sonata Sodankylä Forever Travelogue France

Adrienn Pál L’affaire des divisions Morituri Après le feu Aurora Babel Les barbares La belle endormie Black Blood La BM du Seigneur Carancho Cercles Chantrapas Charlemagne 3: Pastrami Recordings Ciel éteint! La dame au chien La dernière énigme Dharma Guns Docteur Chance Duvet Coat O estranho caso de Angélica Et voilà le travail (That’s It!) Film socialisme Finding the Telepathic Cinema of Manchuria Fleurs du mal Free Radicals - A History of Experimental Cinema Fuck Them All Gibellina Vecchia Hand Work Illégal L’illusion comique Interieur








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fiLm List by CoUntry

Jardin du soleil Je suis un No Man’s Land El juego Julien King of Devil’s Island Las Vegas Shadows Love, Jealousy and Wanting to Be in Two Places at Once Lubaben The Makes Mapping Journey Las marimbas del infierno Mark Borthwick Video Autumn/Winter 1998-99 Mauvaise graine Men Presentation Interviews Mina Mirages Mistérios de Lisboa Morgen Music Noir océan La nostra vita Oh Ouverture Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow El passatger clandestí Petit tailleur Les petites sorcières Pinoy Sunday Un poison violent Prelude 02, 03, 06, 07 Projection + Live Models Spring/Summer 2011 Relrap erdnetne suov ed edalam dner em aç Rien d’extraordinaire Seeds Seven Women Shadows of Silence Shooting Stars Never Return Short Film About Women El Sicario Room 164 Silencio Simon Werner a disparu... Une sorte de journal vidéo Souvenirs d’une année à Marienbad Stockman Toujours moins Tre ore Le trésor des îles chiennes Unter Dir die Stadt Vladivostok Les voisins La voûte When China Met Africa Where the Boys Are Women’s Show Spring/ Summer 1998 Yoshido (Les autres vies) Zona inquinata Georgia

Chantrapas Germany

Alexanderplatz Am anderen Ende The Anarchist Banker Aurora Cities of Gold and Mirrors Drei Drift End Transmission The External World Gömböc Headshots Hinter diesen Bergen In Free Fall Jean Gentil Maria Theresia und ihre 16 Kinder marxism today (prologue) München-Berlin Wanderung My Joy

Noir océan NYX Qarantina Reconstructing Damon Albarn in Kinshasa Remisequenz Six Easy Pieces Studien zum Untergang des Abendlands Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project Threesome Der Tod der Maria Malibran Unter Dir die Stadt Variationen Versions The Voice of God


Drexciya Elmina Greece

Attenberg Casus belli Temporal Meditations Wasted Youth Guatemala

Las marimbas del infierno Hong Kong

Ashes of Time Redux Drunken Master Duel to the Death Executioners from Shaolin Fong Sai Yuk The Ghost with Six Fingers: Part 1 GilApple Golden Swallow The High Life Killer Clans King Boxer Love in a Puff Merry-Go-Round My Father’s House Pedicab Driver Reign of Assassins The Story of Wong Feihung, Part 1: Wong Fei-hung’s Whip That Smacks the Candle Yip Man Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain Hungary

Adrienn Pál Essential Killing Morgen Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project Iceland

Rabbit Hole India

... Just That Sort of a Day At the Stairs Autumn Dissolution Doctor, Nurse and the Patients Doyam The Furnished Room Germ I Am Micro The Image Threads Jan Villa Nainsukh Out of Thin Air The Rotten Apple Six Strands Soul of Sand Stasis Vakratunda Swaha Virgin Goat The Voice of God Windows 4:3 Indonesia



1001 Irans The Day I Disappeared Gesher Rainy Seasons Iraq

Qarantina Ireland

Essential Killing Off the Beaten Track Parked Sensation Silent Sonata Israel

Out Wall and Tower The Wanderer Italy

1001 Irans Beijing Double Happiness Butterfly L’Attesa Dissertation on Permeation: Harmony versus Convergence First Spring Il giardino della speranza I Am Jesus L’inconciliabilità dell’amore I lupi Missoni La nostra vita Temporal Meditations Tre ore Japan

13 Assassins Alice in the Underworld: The Dark Märchen Show!! Ansokunobasyo AUN - The Beginning and the End of All Things Cold Fish Dissertation on Permeation: Harmony versus Convergence Exhalation Garden Genpin GilApple Haru’s Journey Hospitalité Hot as Hell: The Deadbeat March Inter View Ishii Yuya Short Film Collection Japan Tapes Kaidan - Horror Classics Karate-Robo Zaborgar Landscape, Semi-surround Love Addiction The Mechanism of Spring Midori-ko Naquid Outrage Pinoy Sunday Pure Asia Pyuupiru 2001-2008 Shibuya - Tokyo Shooting Stars Never Return Sleep A Tale of Heaven The Tiger Factory Tokyo - Ebisu Vanishing Point Varfix Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City Kazakhstan

Milk for Lambs Kyrgyzstan

The Earrings Pencil Against Ants Lebanon

Grandma, a Thousand Times



fiLm List by CoUntry


La vitesse et la pierre Luxembourg



Homage to the Buddha - of Africa Malaysia

Exhalation Famous Last Words Fatiha No One Is Illegal The Tiger Factory Year Without a Summer Mexico

Tegels The Procrastinators 11: Cindy Hoetmer Theta Rhythm Think About Wood, Think About Metal Threesome Through a Fine Screen Tiger Eyes Traject Triptiek - Beelden van een koninkrijk Valdrift Vestiaire Wall and Tower


This Is Not Dying


Aro Tolbukhin - En la mente del asesino Behind the Red Motel Door Biutiful Cities of Gold and Mirrors Jean Gentil Las marimbas del infierno Paraísos artificiales Post Mortem Verano de Goliat Vete más lejos, Alicia

New Zealand

Water Hands


North Korea




The Birds Know Essential Killing King of Devil’s Island That We Can No Longer Do Threesome La vitesse et la pierre Woman of the World



La vitesse et la pierre Zohra: A Moroccan Fairytale Mozambique

O salão azul Subverses


Adrienn Pál Aurore Battery Cage Birth of a Nation The Boat Brothers of Metal City of Progress Club Zeus Crosscuts CTRL ALT ESC from Rotterdam Cuore Daklopers Dawn The Day I Disappeared DOLLS VS. DICTATORS Donnie A Dream East Fifteen Ebedi dönüs End Transmission Everytime Flashings in the Mirror Ghost of Icarus Groeien Hotel Nachtclub Hoy como ayer Je kom toch? Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère Liquidator Majesteit Marbre Mastering Bambi Mijn inbreker en ik No One Is Illegal Novena O quam tristis Olifantenvoeten De ongekende vrijheidsdrang van soldaat L.B. The Origin of Creatures Our Newspaper Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow Painted Series Plank Players Random Strangers Sensation Sta ik De stad die nooit rust





Birmingham Ornament (Fragments 37, 38, 43, 44) Bread for Bird Ciel éteint! First Snow Gromozeka I Love You Sea of Desires Silent Souls A Stoker Truce Rwanda

Memory (work in progress) The Trip I Already Am Everything I Want to Have If the Seed Doesn’t Die Tilva Rosh Water Hands Sierra Leone

Imagine, the Sky Singapore

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner One Day I Forgot and Used My Hands Tiong Bahru Water Hands When the End of Winter Is Almost Spring

Chassis Kommander Kulas Pinoy Sunday Presa Son of God


Essential Killing King of Devil’s Island The Law and the Fist Maska The Mill and the Cross Wall and Tower

Homage to the Buddha - of Africa Li Xia’s Salon A Small Town Called Descent Speak



Arquivo The Baron Dharma Guns O estrangeiro O estranho caso de Angélica A History of Mutual Respect Imagens de uma cidade perdida Insert Lisboa-Província Mercúrio Mistérios de Lisboa Na escola Remains Sem movimento Silencio Through a Fine Screen Le trésor des îles chiennes Voodoo Qatar

Grandma, a Thousand Times Hawi Romania

The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians Aurora The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu If the Seed Doesn’t Die Lubaben Mina Morgen My Vote Off the Beaten Track Outbound Tuesday, After Christmas

Surviving Life Slovenia

Dad Silent Sonata

South Africa

South Korea

Anyang, Paradise City Bleak Night Carancho Characters End of Animal Imagens de uma cidade perdida The Journals of Musan My Logical Private Parts Oki’s Movie Poetry Spain

1001 Irans 99.9 Aitá Al-Andalus: las artes islámicas en España Al-Mayurka (Fragments) Amanar Tamasheq Ámár Anta mujer Aro Tolbukhin - En la mente del asesino Biutiful Burquita Roja Color perro que huye Cry When It Happens Després de la pluja El drac de na Coca Estado de cambio O estranho caso de Angélica Finisterrae In ictu oculi Laberint El mar Miquel Bauçà: Poeta invisible El niño de la luna Los orígenes del marketing Pa negre El passatger clandestí Pedagogía aplicada Tras el cristal La vida útil







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fiLm List by CoUntry

Sri Lanka

Flying Fish Karma Shadows of Silence Sweden

Casting Holkis Imani The Mill and the Cross Populus tremula Pure Silent Sonata Three Poems By Spoon Jackson Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from a Childhood La vitesse et la pierre Weights of Sorrow When We Dead Awaken Switzerland

Angela Aurora Film socialisme Hinter diesen Bergen Imagine, the Sky Mak Nainsukh Songs of Love and Hate Winter Vacation Taiwan

Dragon Gate Inn End Transmission Legend of the Mountain Pinoy Sunday The Police Game Reign of Assassins When Love Comes Thailand

All That Remains Cherie Is Korean-Thai Eternity Immortal Woman My Father The Red Eagle A Tale of Heaven Terribly Happy Turkey

Anaesthetics Ebedi dönüs Majority Zephyr Uganda

Chips and Liver Girls Fire Fly Imani Kengere Rough Boy Snake Speak Ukraine

Deafness My Joy

United Arab Emirates

Grandma, a Thousand Times United Kingdom

7’ Album Matter Beep Childhood Storage Cities of Gold and Mirrors Collide-o-scope Crises of Capitalism East Fifteen Elmina Finding the Telepathic Cinema of Manchuria Flashback The Future’s Getting Old Like the Rest of Us Hedi Who... Horse Glue It, Heat, Hit The King’s Speech The Lost Explorer My Perestroika Never Let Me Go Nulepsy

NYX Otolith III Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow Pulmo Marina Raf’s Army Random Strangers Robinson in Ruins A Short Film About War Silent Things Skateistan: To Live and Skate Kabul Slow Action Tame Time The Tent This Is England ‘86 Tiong Bahru Travelogue Triband Tyrannosaur A Walk with Nigel When China Met Africa Wonderwood Zohra: A Moroccan Fairytale


La vida útil USA

--- ------- (aka short line long line) 127 Hours 7362 Aanteni Aardvark Act da Fool Alaya Aliki All Flowers in Time All That Sheltering Emptiness Anne Truitt, Working Another Occupation Arbor Vitae The Ascent of Man The Atomic Sublime Aubade Bad Posture Behind the Red Motel Door Bertha’s Children Beyond Enchantment Black Swan Black Trip #2 Blue Valentine Bondage Girl Bust Chance By the Sea Charlemagne 3: Pastrami Recordings Claremont Compline The Crab Cry When It Happens Dead Reckoning The Death of the Gorilla Dissertation on Permeation: Harmony versus Convergence The Divine Miracle Documentary Footage DOLLS VS. DICTATORS Dressage Dressed for Dinner Drexciya Eclipse Predictions Evolution of the Red Star A Fall Trip Home Future Perfect Get Out of the Car Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then Hand Held Day Hearts Are Trump Again Horizontal Intimacy Hours for Jerome Imagens de uma cidade perdida Imperceptihole In the Absence of Light, Darkness Prevails

Jan Villa Japan Tapes Juanita The Last Buffalo Hunt The Last Days of British Honduras A Letter to Elia A Little Closer Love’s Refrain Mastering Bambi Meek’s Cutoff Mirror People Missoni My Perestroika New Jerusalem No Way Back Olivia’s Place Pastourelle Pneuma Populus tremula Possessed Prim Limit Pro-Trusion Quality Control Rayning Route 666 Sarabande Selected Works Septien Shrimp Boat Log Slave Ship Somewhere Song and Solitude The Story of Elfranko Wessels String Theory ...These Blazeing Starrs! These Hammers Don’t Hurt Us Threnody Throbs A Time Shared Unlimited Trans Trans (Transformers Transformed) Triste Trypps #7 (Badlands) unc. Variations Venice Pier Venusville The Visitation The Voyagers Wasteland Where Is the Black Beast Winter


At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger at Home By the Law The Elusive Avengers The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks Meeting at the Old Mosque No One Wanted to Die The Red Poppies of Issyk-Kul The Seventh Bullet The Thirteen White Sun of the Desert West Germany

Eika Katappa Herz aus Glas Zambia




List of Premieres

featUre Length worLd Premiere Anyang, Paradise City

Park Chan-Kyong (South Korea)

AUN - The Beginning and the End of All Things

Edgar Honetschläger (Austria, Japan)

Bad Posture

Malcolm Murray (USA)

Wasted Youth

Argyris Papadimitropoulos, Jan Vogel (Greece)

Water Hands

Vladimir Todorovic (Singapore, Serbia, Montenegro)

Zohra: A Moroccan Fairytale

Barney Platts-Mills (United Kingdom, Morocco)

The Baron

Edgar Pera (Portugal)

internationaL Premiere

Behind the Red Motel Door

El agua del fin del mundo

TheWorldFamous Ike (USA, Mexico)

Paula Siero (Argentina)

Black Blood



Steve Sanguedolce (Canada)

Agung Sentausa, Ifa Isfansyah, Tumpal Christian Tampubolon, Rico Marpaung, Anggun Priambodo, Azhar Lubis, Wisnu Surya Pratama, Edwin, Sidi Saleh (Indonesia)


Bleak Night

Zhang Miaoyan (China, France)

Son Kwang-Ju (South Korea)

Club Zeus

David Verbeek (Netherlands, China)

Color perro que huye Andrés Duque (Spain)

Yoon Sung-Hyun (South Korea)

La BM du Seigneur

Jean-Charles Hue (France)

Butterfly L’Attesa

Tonino De Bernardi (Italy)

The Day I Disappeared

Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi (Iran, Netherlands)

Flying Fish

Sanjeewa Pushpakumara (Sri Lanka)

Le Grand’Tour


Emmanuel Apea Jr. (United Kingdom, Ghana)

La fille de Montréal

Jeanne Crépeau (Canada)


Jérôme le Maire (Belgium)

Sergio Caballero (Spain)

Grande Hotel


Lotte Stoops (Belgium)

Ibrahim El Batout (Egypt, Qatar)



Vladimir Kott (Russia)

Lawrence Tooley (Germany, Austria)

Hoy como ayer

Bernie IJdis (Netherlands, Argentina)

I Love You

Alexander Rastorguev, Pavel Kostomarov (Russia)

Imagens de uma cidade perdida Jon Jost (USA, Portugal, South Korea)

Imagine, the Sky

Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky (Switzerland, Sierra Leone)

O imigrante

Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ (Angola)

El invierno de los raros Rodrigo Guerrero (Argentina)

Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère Jan Willem van Dam (Netherlands)

Hinter diesen Bergen

Michael Krummenacher (Switzerland, Germany)


Fukada Koji (Japan)

Hot as Hell: The Deadbeat March Okuda Yosuke (Japan)

L’illusion comique

Mathieu Amalric (France)

Ishii Yuya Short Film Collection Ishii Yuya (Japan)

Je suis un No Man’s Land Thierry Jousse (France)

Kaidan - Horror Classics

Karate-Robo Zaborgar

Ochiai Masayuki, Tsukamoto Shinya, Lee Sang-Il, KoreEda Hirokazu (Japan)

Kommander Kulas

Uchida Nobuteru (Japan)

The Last Buffalo Hunt Matthew Petock (USA)

Felipe Bragança, Marina Meliande, Karim Aïnouz, Ivo Lopes Araujo, Gustavo Bragança, Helvécio Marins Jr., Clarissa Campolina, Caetano Gotardo, Raphael Mesquita, Leonardo Levis, Carolina Durão, Andrea Capella, Marco Dutra, Juliana Rojas (Brazil)

My Father’s House


Zhao Dayong (China, Hong Kong)

Théo Court (Chile, Dominican Republic)

New Jerusalem


R. Alverson (USA)

Eryk Rocha (Brazil)

Paraísos artificiales


Yulene Olaizola (Mexico)

Adolfo B. Alix Jr. (Philippines)

Quality Control

Primordial Ties

Kevin Jerome Everson (USA)

Otto Buj (Canada)

Rose and Jasmine


Michael Pilz (Austria)

Michael Tully (USA)


Silent Sonata

Sakaguchi Katsumi (Japan)

Janez Burger (Slovenia, Ireland, Finland, Sweden)

Sodankylä Forever

The Sky Above

Peter von Bagh (Finland)

Sérgio Borges (Brazil)

Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from a Childhood

Son of God

Iguchi Noboru (Japan)

Khavn De La Cruz (Philippines) Lee Anne Schmitt (USA)

A Little Closer

Love Addiction

Neverquiet (Film of Wonders)

Khavn De La Cruz, Michael Noer (Philippines, Denmark)

Axel Danielson (Sweden, Denmark)






List of Premieres

short Length worLd Premiere


Yes! That’s Us (Uganda, South Africa)

A Stoker

Alexey Balabanov (Russia)

Vete más lejos, Alicia Elisa Miller (Mexico)

Voulez-vous coucher avec God? Michael Hirsh, Jack Christie (Canada)

After Empire

Herman Asselberghs (Belgium)

Another Occupation Ken Jacobs (USA)

At the Stairs

Rajesh S. Jala (India)

Bible Black

Tao Nørager (Denmark)

eUroPean Premiere

Les Boulistes (saison 2)

The Atomic Sublime

Valeriano López (Spain)

Jesse Lerner (USA)

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Les Boulistes (Congo-Brazzaville)

Burquita roja

CTRL ALT ESC from Rotterdam Worm collective (Netherlands)

Wang Jing, Anocha Suwichakornpong, Kaz Cai (Singapore)



Crises of Capitalism

Adolfo B. Alix Jr. (Philippines)


Sivaroj Kongsakul (Thailand)

Fortune Teller

Michelle Latimer (Canada) RSA (United Kingdom)


Regina Kelaita, Tijmen Hauer (Netherlands)


Xu Tong (China)

Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then Brent Green (USA)

If the Seed Doesn’t Die

Sinisa Dragin (Romania, Serbia, Austria)

The Image Threads Vipin Vijay (India)

The Journals of Musan

Park Jung-Bum (South Korea)


Prasanna Jayakody (Sri Lanka)


Mak Yan Yan, Clement Cheng (Hong Kong)

The Mill and the Cross

Lech Majewski (Poland, Sweden)

The Old Donkey Li Ruijun (China)

The Piano in a Factory Zhang Meng (China)

eddie d (Netherlands)


Ramaz Melashvilli (Netherlands)


Willem Baptist (Netherlands)


Julika Rudelius (USA)


Akosua Adoma Owusu (Ghana, USA)

East Fifteen

Joost Vandebrug (United Kingdom, Netherlands)

En espera

Gabriela Calvache (Ecuador)

Estado de cambio

David Bestué, Marc Vives (Spain)

Etrange étranger

Jean-Philippe Dauphin (Belgium)


Iram Parveen Bilal (Pakistan)


Oday Rasheed (Iraq, Germany)

Rainy Seasons

Famous Last Words Ho Yuhang (Malaysia)


Majid Barzegar (Iran)

Margaret Bong (Malaysia)

The Red Eagle

Wisit Sasanatieng (Thailand)

Soul of Sand

Sidharth Srinivasan (India)


Fire Fly

Caroline Kamya (Uganda, China)

First Snow

Evgeny Abyzov (Russia)



Li Ning (China)


Carlos Moreno (Colombia)

Todos tus muertos Tyrannosaur

Paddy Considine (United Kingdom)

Virgin Goat

Joost Vandebrug (United Kingdom)

Il giardino della speranza Antonello Faretta (Italy)


Johan Rijpma (Netherlands)

Homage to the Buddha - of Africa

Murali Nair (India)

Year Without a Summer Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia)

Nicole Schafer (Malawi, South Africa)

Horizontal Intimacy Cho Seoungho (USA)

Hotel Nachtclub

Arianne Olthaar (Netherlands)

I Am Micro

Shumona Goel, Shai Heredia (India)


Robert Todd, Lori Felker (USA)

Je kom toch?

Gerard Meuldijk (Netherlands)


Nina Yuen (USA)




List of Premieres

Lesser Apes


Li Xia’s Salon

The Voice of God

Love Born of Chopsticks

When We Dead Awaken

Love, Jealousy and Wanting to Be in Two Places at Once

Yoshido (Les autres vies)


Amour Sauveur Memy (Congo-Brazzaville, China)

Emily Vey Duke, Cooper Battersby (Canada) Omelga Mthiyane (South Africa, China) Emile-Aime Chah Yibain (Cameroon, China)

Gregg Smith (Argentina, France)

Eva Pervolovici (France, Romania)

I lupi

Alberto De Michele (Italy)

Machination 84

Martijn Kramp, Chantal Jongman (Netherlands) Bernd Lüetzeler (India, Germany) Johan Svensson (Sweden)

Sébastien Betbeder (France)


internationaL Premiere ...These Blazeing Starrs!

Lia (Austria)

Deborah Stratman (USA)

The Makes


Eric Baudelaire (France)

Todd Cole (USA)

Mastering Bambi

Persijn Broersen, Margit Lukács (Netherlands, USA)

Mijn inbreker en ik

Kaweh Modiri (Netherlands)


Eva Pervolovici (France, Romania)

Moamba Chinesa

Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ (Angola, China)

No One Is Illegal

Ho Yuhang (Malaysia, Netherlands)


Act da Fool

Harmony Korine (USA)

All That Remains

Wichanon Somumjarn (Thailand)

Amanar Tamasheq Lluís Escartín (Spain)


Isabel Herguera (Spain)

The Ascent of Man Tommy Hartung (USA)

Beijing Double Happiness

Dan Geesin (Netherlands)

One Day I Forgot and Used My Hands Charles Lim Yi Yong (Singapore)

De ongekende vrijheidsdrang van soldaat L.B. Chanoah Jap Ngie (Netherlands)

Our Newspaper

Sergio Ponzio, Cristina Nisticò (Italy)


Sun Xun (China)

The Birds Know

Petter Napstad (Norway)

Cherie Is Korean-Thai

Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit (Thailand)

Eline Flipse (Netherlands)

Chips and Liver Girls


Caroline Kamya, Boris Bertram (Denmark, Uganda)

Antonio Tibaldi (USA)

A Couple

Random Strangers

Alexis Dos Santos (United Kingdom, Netherlands)


Lara Lima (Brazil)


Martha Colburn (USA, Netherlands)

Robert Todd (USA)

Dressed for Dinner

Sea of Desires

Adam Kimmel, Bob Talbot (USA)

Shota Gamisonia (Russia)

Shooting Stars Never Return

End Transmission

Julie Barranger (Japan, France)

James T. Hong, Chen Yin-Ju (Taiwan, Netherlands, Germany)

Six Easy Pieces


Reynold Reynolds (Germany)

Slow Action

Ben Rivers (United Kingdom)


Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’ (Uganda, China)

Une sorte de journal vidéo agnès b. (France)

Even Flowers Wake Up in the Morning Tara Khalili (Canada)

The Fire Theft

Isabelle Hayeur (Canada)


Gene Doe (Canada)


Forgotten Column

Ashwin Bhaskaran (India)

Zhou Xiao-hu (China)

The Story of Elfranko Wessels

Erik Moskowitz, Amanda Trager (USA, Canada)


Ella Raidel (Mozambique, Austria)

Terribly Happy


Ryohei Shimada (Japan)

Gibellina Vecchia Raphaël Zarka (France)


Pimpaka Towira (Thailand)

Josef Dabernig (Austria)

The Procrastinators 11: Cindy Hoetmer Lernert & Sander (Netherlands)

Theta Rhythm

Hohe blaue Gebirge, Flüsse und goldene Ebenen

Borjana Ventzislavova (Austria, Bulgaria)

Bojan Fajfric (Netherlands)


Tiger Eyes

Elin Magnusson (Sweden)

Frank Scheffer (Netherlands)


In the Absence of Light, Darkness Prevails Fern Silva, Fern Silva (Brazil, USA)

Edward Luyken (Netherlands)

The Trip

L’inconciliabilità dell’amore

Michela Buttignol, Gianluca Maria Contaldi (Italy)

Yves Montand Niyongabo (Rwanda, China)

Triptiek - Beelden van een koninkrijk

Paul van den Wildenberg, Jan Ketelaars (Netherlands)


Johann Lurf (Austria)


Filipa César, Marco Martins (Portugal)


Peter Muhumuza Tukei (Uganda)

Jasper Wessels (Netherlands)







List of Premieres


Cry When It Happens

Maria Theresia und ihre 16 Kinder

The Earrings



Mount of Forgetfulness

The Future’s Getting Old Like the Rest of Us

Géraldine Zosso (Switzerland) Roland Rauschmeier, Ulu Braun (Austria, Germany) Pedro Pío Martín Pérez (Cuba) Hala Elkoussy (Egypt)

My Logical Private Parts Park Hasisi (South Korea)

Laida Lertxundi (Spain, USA) Nargiza Mamatkulova (Kyrgyzstan) Edmund Yeo (Japan, Malaysia)

Beatrice Gibson (United Kingdom)

Grandma, a Thousand Times

Na escola

Jorge Cramez (Portugal)

Mahmoud Kaabour (United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Lebanon)


Hearts Are Trump Again

Jessica Sarah Rinland (United Kingdom)

Dani Leventhal (USA)


Horse Glue

Anouk De Clercq (Belgium, France)

Stephen Irwin (United Kingdom)

Los orígenes del marketing

Immortal Woman

Elías León Siminiani (Spain)

Jakrawal Nilthamrong (Thailand)

Pencil Against Ants


Mirlan Abdykalykov (Kyrgyzstan)

Tonje Alice Madsen (Denmark)

Les petites sorcières

Inter View

agnès b. (France)

Makino Takashi (Japan)

The Police Game


Lai Meng-Jie (Taiwan)

John Kneller (Canada)

Populus tremula

Landscape, Semi-surround

Benj Gerdes, Jennifer Hayashida (Sweden, USA)

Eriko Sonoda (Japan)



Tan Tan (China)

Susana Nobre (Portugal)


Lobi (hier/demain)

Royaume du O

Joaquin Breton (Belgium)

Kristin Rogghe, Pierre Kigoma, Mekhar Azari, Tocha Zaventen, Amourabinto Lukoji, Rek Kandol, Eric Biansueki, Androa Mindre, Matthias De Groof (CongoKinshasa, Belgium)



Sandro Aguilar (Portugal)

Charles Egleston (Canada)

Kurosaka Keita (Japan)

Shibuya - Tokyo

Tomonari Nishikawa (Japan)

Silent Things

Rob Brown (United Kingdom)

Tai ping chuan

My Father

Pimpaka Towira (Thailand)

My Vote

Monica Lazurean-Gorgan (Romania)

On the Way to the Sea

Hai Bo (China)

Gu Tao (Canada, China)

Tame Time

Stina Wirfelt (United Kingdom)

Los teleféricos

The Orange

Nick Fox-Gieg (Canada)


Federico Actis (Argentina)

Christopher Becks (France, Canada)

That We Can No Longer Do

Matias Rygh, Mathias Eriksen (Norway)

Then I See Tanja


Nathaniel Dorsky (USA)


Juraj Lerotic (Croatia)

Fred Worden (USA)

Think About Wood, Think About Metal Manon de Boer (Belgium, Netherlands)

This Is Not Dying

Road Movie - Slow Emergency Elle Flanders, Tamira Sawatzky (Canada)

Rough Boy

Nova Paul (New Zealand)

Fred Kigozi (Uganda)

Tiong Bahru

Christine Molloy, Joe Lawlor (United Kingdom, Singapore)


Jani Ruscica (Finland, United Kingdom)


Sebastian Buerkner (United Kingdom)

The Voyagers

Self Improvement Clint Enns (Canada)

Shrimp Boat Log David Gatten (USA)

Six Strands

Chaitanya Tamhane (India)

Slave Ship

T. Marie (USA)

Penny Lane (USA)

These Hammers Don’t Hurt Us

Windows 4:3

Angsuman Barkakorty (India)

eUroPean Premiere ... Just That Sort of a Day Abhay Kumar (India)

All That Sheltering Emptiness

Gina Carducci, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore (USA)


Michael Robinson (USA)

Tokyo - Ebisu

Tomonari Nishikawa (Japan)

Trans Trans (Transformers Transformed) Bradley Eros, Tim Geraghty (USA)


Kathleen Quillian (USA)

When the End of Winter Is Almost Spring Sherman Ong (Singapore)

David Maye (Switzerland)

Anne Truitt, Working Jem Cohen (USA)

Bust Chance

Stephanie Barber (USA)



index direCtors

A Mirlan Abdykalykov 188 Robert Abel 335 Maite Abella 150 Gabriel Abrantes 46 Evgeny Abyzov 173 Federico Actis 189 Sandro Aguilar 44, 197, 198 Karim Aïnouz 64 Greta Alfaro 147 Adolfo B. Alix Jr. 102 R. Alverson 60 Mathieu Amalric 103 Thom Andersen 144, 332, 335 Mauro Andrizzi 60 Kenneth Anger 284 Algis Antanas Kizys 340 Emmanuel Apea Jr. 268 Bogdan George Apetri 61 Daan Appels 142 Darren Aronofsky 293 Phuttiphong Aroonpheng 170 Dan Asher 153 Herman Asselberghs 41 Niles Atallah 61 Atsushi Wada 220 Dieter Auner 62 Ashish Avikunthak 212 Mekhar Azari 270

B agnès b. 282, 292 Peter von Bagh 326 Alexey Balabanov 103 Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi 62 Willem Baptist 358 Stephanie Barber 169 Angsuman Barkakorty 217 Angshuman Barkakoty 216 Jeff Barnaby 227 Julie Barranger 280 Andor von Barsy 326 Yael Bartana 195 Majid Barzegar 24 Belma Bas 63 Aamir Bashir 63 Cooper Battersby 40, 199, 198, 199 Eric Baudelaire 338 Adam Beckett 333 Christopher Becks 181 Justin Bennett 176 Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore 158 Boris Bertram 271 David Bestué 226 Sébastien Betbeder 204 Gary Beydler 334, 336 Ashwin Bhaskaran 214 Eric Biansueki 270 David Blair 339 Manon de Boer 155, 196 Bertrand Bonello 201 Margaret Bong 149 Sérgio Borges 25 Mark Borthwick 290 Danny Boyle 104 Felipe Bragança 64 Gustavo Bragança 64 Ulu Braun 49 Catherine Breillat 104 Joaquin Breton 218 Sander Breure 172 Malcolm Brodwick 332 Persijn Broersen 176, 210


Brothers Quay 47, 281 Rob Brown 174 Sebastian Buerkner 220, 228 Otto Buj 65 Janez Burger 105 Michela Buttignol 281 Darragh Byrne 65

C Sergio Caballero 26 Daya Cahen 177 Kaz Cai 97 Gabriela Calvache 186 Clarissa Campolina 64 Jonathan Caouette 159 Andrea Capella 64 Israel Cárdenas 74 Gina Carducci 158 Filipa César 171 Hussein Chalayan 280 Chan Lit-ban 316 Chang Cheh 317 Chang Tso-chi 52 Chen Kengran 315 Chen Yin-Ju 41 Clement Cheng 123 Priyanka Chhabra 211 Ching Siu-tung 320 Cho Seoungho 152 Pip Chodorov 154, 196, 327 Jack Christie 328 Chu Yuan 318 Derek Cianfrance 105 Daniel Cockburn 66 Arno Coenen 178 Jem Cohen 227 Martha Colburn 169 Todd Cole 294 Enrique Collar 66 Phil Collins 194 Paddy Considine 67 Gianluca Maria Contaldi 281 Sofia Coppola 106 Denis Côté 106 Théo Court 67 Alison Craighead 45 Jorge Cramez 203 Jeanne Crépeau 107 Marian Crisan 68

D eddie d 177, 226 Josef Dabernig 142 Jan Willem van Dam 107 Axel Danielson 68 Jean-Philippe Dauphin 164 Tenzin Dazel 288 Tonino De Bernardi 108 Anouk De Clercq 223 Matthias De Groof 270 Khavn De La Cruz 108, 109 Alberto De Michele 43 Manoel de Oliveira 109 José Maria de Orbe 69 Pierre Debusschere 284 Gustav Deutsch 152 Gene Doe 278 Philipp Doering 207 Karel Doing 178 Xavier Dolan 69 Nathaniel Dorsky 43, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 Alexis Dos Santos 146 Barry Doupé 162 Sinisa Dragin 52 Emily Vey Duke 40, 198, 199 Johannes Dullin 184 Andrés Duque 70

Carolina Durão 64 David Dusa 70 Hendrick Dusollier 147 Olivier Dutel 165 Marco Dutra 64 Amit Dutta 71

E Edwin 91 Charles Egleston 226 Orlando von Einsiedel 288 Ibrahim El Batout 110 Jasper Elings 177 Hala Elkoussy 172 Clint Enns 168 Zachary Epcar 169 Mathias Eriksen 157 Bradley Eros 221 Åsa Ersmark 227 Lluís Escartín 226 eteam 162 Kevin Jerome Everson 110 Florette Eymenier 228

F Bojan Fajfric 210 Helga Fanderl 178 Antonello Faretta 143 Márcia Faria 187 Samreen Farooqui 213 Jeanne Faust 194 Alexey Fedorchenko 111 Yohannes Feleke 168 Lori Felker 220 Ivo M. Ferreira 204 Sophie Fiennes 111 Oskar Fischinger 151 Morgan Fisher 335 Frode Fjerdingstad 283 Elle Flanders 227 Matthew Fleming 163 Eline Flipse 140 Zachary Formwalt 221

G Nick Fox-Gieg 168 Marc Francis 269 Nick Francis 269 Carmen Freudenthal 278 Roberta Friedman 333, 336 Aurélien Froment 228 Fukada Koji 112 Iván Fund 53 Cyprien Gaillard 162 Shota Gamisonia 206 Louis Garrel 206 Ed Gass-Donnelly 71 Clare Gasson 228 David Gatten 179 Cédric Gaul-Berrard 227 Dan Geesin 188 Tim Geraghty 221 Benj Gerdes 148 Beatrice Gibson 156 Fabrice Gobert 72 Jean-Luc Godard 112 Katalin Gödrös 113 Shumona Goel 211 Zach Gold 282 Alejandro González Iñárritu 113 Caetano Gotardo 64 Brent Green 72 Christina von Greve 227 Richard Groschopp 309 Gu Tao 143 Valerie Gudenus 73 Christophe Guérin 227 Rodrigo Guerrero 73 Laura Amelia Guzmán 74


index direCtors

H Hai Bo 171 Helen Haig-Brown 153 Tom Hall 74 Gudmundur Hallgrimsson 283 Jan Peter Hammer 147 Marion Hänsel 114 Tom Harper 123 Mark Hartley 327 Tommy Hartung 161 Shabani Hassanwalia 213 Tijmen Hauer 190 Jennifer Hayashida 148 Isabelle Hayeur 227 He Ping 322 Luciana Hees 141 Louis Henderson 156 Shai Heredia 211 Isabel Herguera 190 Christophe Hermans 189 Julio Hernández Cordón 75 Werner Herzog 328 Zako Heskiya 310 Robin Hessman 75 Michael Hirsh 328 Ho Wi-ding 76 Ho Yuhang 146, 166, 167 Christoph Hochhäusler 114 Jerzy Hoffman 308 Marius Holst 115 Edgar Honetschläger 115 Hong Sang-Soo 53 James T. Hong 41 Claire Hooper 172 Tom Hooper 116 Paul Horn 186 Hosogane Takuya 173 Jean-Charles Hue 76 Witte van Hulzen 172 Harald Hund 186 Denis Huneau 174 Sammo Hung 321 Iguchi Noboru 116

I Bernie IJdis 117 TheWorldFamous Ike 77 Otar Iosseliani 117 Stephen Irwin 219 Ifa Isfansyah 91 Ishii Yuya 225

J Ken Jacobs 340 Rajesh S. Jala 213 Chanoah Jap Ngie 219 Prasanna Jayakody 77 Jeong Chang-Hwa 318 Jo Sung-Hee 78 Kent Jones 329 Chantal Jongman 359 Lawrence Jordan 158 Jon Jost 118 Thierry Jousse 78

K Mahmoud Kaabour 224 Floris Kaayk 176 Caroline Kamya 265, 269, 271 Rek Kandol 270 Katashima Ikki 118 Naomi Kawase 54 Patrick Keiller 54 Regina Kelaita 190 Edmond Keosayan 305 Jan Ketelaars 223 Bouchra Khalili 228 Tara Khalili 226 Sukhbat Khamidov 305 Ali Khamraev 307

Firouzeh Khosrovani 224 Pierre Kigoma 270 Fred Kigozi 190 Adam Kimmel 287 King Hu 317, 320 Kitano Takeshi 119 John Kneller 226 Kobayashi Masahiro 119 Ágnes Kocsis 79 Dane Komljen 157 Sivaroj Kongsakul 27 Kore-Eda Hirokazu 126 Harmony Korine 286 Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky 79 Pavel Kostomarov 89 Vladimir Kott 28 Maria Kourkouta 227 Martijn Kramp 359 Daina Krumins 334 Michael Krummenacher 80 George Kuchar 151 Lev Kuleshov 303 Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni 212 Abhay Kumar 214 Juho Kuosmanen 208 Kurosaka Keita 222

L Lai Meng-Jie 167 Mónica Lairana 186 Ane Lan 164 Bruce Lane 333 Penny Lane 194 Chris Langdon 332, 336 Lisa Langseth 80 Oliver Laric 42 Alexandre Larose 182 Pablo Larraín 120 Michelle Latimer 207 Lau Kar-leung 319 Joe Lawlor 192 Monica LazureanGorgan 140 Jérôme le Maire 81 Lee Chang-Dong 120 Lee Sang-Il 126 Simon Lee 340 Yuri Leiderman 164 Gaël Lépingle 81 Jesse Lerner 329 Lernert & Sander 226 Juraj Lerotic 207 Laida Lertxundi 183 Xenia Lesniewski 161 Dani Leventhal 227 Leonardo Levis 64 Nikola Lezaic 82 Li Hongqi 121 Li Ning 82 Li Ruijun 83 Lia 226 Emanuel Licha 46 Charles Lim Yi Yong 166 Lara Lima 206 Oldrich Lipsky 308 Miguel Llansó 168 Ivo Lopes Araujo 64 Valeriano López 226 Rose Lowder 179 Santiago Loza 53 Sergei Loznitsa 121 Azhar Lubis 91 Daniele Luchetti 122 Bernd Lüetzeler 219 Margit Lukács 176, 210 Amourabinto Lukoji 270 Johann Lurf 221 Edward Luyken 154

M Josef Mach 309 Guy Maddin 339 Tonje Alice Madsen 161

Lisa Maduro 175 Elin Magnusson 227 Yves-Marie Mahé 227 Maison Martin Margiela 289, 290, 291, 292 Lech Majewski 122 Mak Yan Yan 123 Makino Takashi 180 Nargiza Mamatkulova 192 Alexi Manis 183 Damien Manivel 49 Ari Marcopoulos 287, 288 T. Marie 156 Helvécio Marins Jr. 64 Rona Mark 83 Rico Marpaung 91 Pedro Pío Martín Pérez 191 Marco Martins 171 Masataka Ohta 282 Olivier MassetDepasse 84 Matsunaga Daishi 293 Cynthia Maughan 226 David Maye 205 Peter Mays 334 Shane Meadows 123 Ramaz Melashvilli 358 Marina Meliande 64 Amour Sauveur Memy 265 Natasha Mendonca 42, 211, 211 Almagul Menlibayeva 171 Raphael Mesquita 64 Gerard Meuldijk 359 David Michôd 84 Miike Takashi 124 Nikita Mikhalkov 307 Elisa Miller 29 Androa Mindre 270 Ninja Miori 227 Kaweh Modiri 203 Shakeel Mohammed 217 Christine Molloy 192 Carlos Moreno 30 Koen Mortier 55 Erik Moskowitz 45 Mote Sinabel Aoki 279 Vladimir Motyl 306 Luc Moullet 192 Omelga Mthiyane 266 Peter Muhumuza Tukei 141 Amos Mulder 173 Kornél Mundruczó 125 Radu Muntean 125 Malcolm Murray 85

N Murali Nair 126 Snehal Nair 217 Benjamin Naishtat 202 Nakamura Hiroki 285 Petter Napstad 185 Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ 268, 272 Rosalind Nashashibi 228 Jakrawal Nilthamrong 42 Cristina Nisticò 163 Yves Montand Niyongabo 266, 271 Susana Nobre 205 Michael Noer 109 Tao Nørager 285 Pat O’Neill 335, 337

O Ochiai Masayuki 126 Thor Ochsner 48 Okuda Yosuke 85 Erwin Olaf 177 Yulene Olaizola 86 Iris Olsson 271 Arianne Olthaar 170 Sherman Ong 149 David OReilly 169



index direCtors

F.J. Ossang 244 -247 The Otolith Group 40 Halima Ouardiri 208 Akosua Adoma Owusu 193

P Bénédicte Pagnot 202 Marcus Palmqvist 283 Marco Pando 153 Pang Ho-cheung 127 Argyris Papadimitropoulos 31 Park Chan-Kyong 86 Park Hasisi 279 Park Jung-Bum 32 Iram Parveen Bilal 215 Nova Paul 181 Edgar Pera 127 Jacques Perconte 150 Nicolás Pereda 128 Jean-Gabriel Périot 228 Eva Pervolovici 45, 185 Matthew Petock 87 Michael Pilz 128 Noah Pink 141 Sasha Pirker 223 Barney Platts-Mills 129 Billy Pols 175 Sergio Ponzio 163 Jean-Julien Pous 174 Wisnu Surya Pratama 91 Anggun Priambodo 91 Elizabeth Price 209 John Price 47 Svetlana Proskurina 129 Laure Prouvost 44 Nicolas Provost 40 Geoffrey Pugen 227 Cristi Puiu 130 Sanjeewa Pushpakumara 33

Q Jahmil XT Qubeka 87 Katell Quillévéré 88 Kathleen Quillian 148

R Isaac Pierre Racine 255 Angelique Raeven 142 Ella Raidel 271 Oday Rasheed 88 Alexander Rastorguev 89 Roland Rauschmeier 49 Pradeepan Raveendran 215 Kelly Reichardt 55 Reynold Reynolds 218 Johan Rijpma 157, 228 Jessica Sarah Rinland 201 Ben Rivers 44 Michael Robinson 47 Eryk Rocha 130 Kristin Rogghe 270 Juliana Rojas 64 Mark Romanek 131 Mikhail Romm 304 Kathy Rose 336 Roee Rosen 43 Gianfranco Rosi 89 Philippe Rouy 151 RSA 148 Julika Rudelius 226 Raúl Ruiz 131 Jani Ruscica 151 Ben Russell 144 Matias Rygh 157

S Sakaguchi Katsumi 132 Kitao Sakurai 90 Sidi Saleh 91 Steve Sanguedolce 132


Heloisa Sartorato 73 Wisit Sasanatieng 133 Tamira Sawatzky 227 Nicole Schafer 272 Frank Scheffer 225 Jérôme Schlomoff 228 Daniel Schmidt 46 Lee Anne Schmitt 90 Werner Schroeter 330 Martin Scorsese 329 Agung Sentausa 91 Farhad Shamini 228 B. Shamshiev 306 Ryohei Shimada 181 Dragomir Sholev 91 Paula Siero 92 Fern Silva 182, Andrey Silvestrov 164 León Siminiani 150 Avishai Sivan 92 Vlado Skafar 133 Jerzy Skolimowski 134 Edward Skórzewski 308 Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi 202 Studio Smack 174 Gregg Smith 200 Gastón Solnicki 187 Wichanon Somumjarn 159 Son Kwang-Ju 93 Sono Sion 134 Eriko Sonoda 175 Françoise Spira 338 Ravulapalli Srinath 216 Sidharth Srinivasan 93 Samson Ssenkaaba ‘Xenson’ 267 Hito Steyerl 209 Alex Stockman 56 Lotte Stoops 94 Deborah Stratman 180 Aleksandra Strelyanaya 48 Su Chao-pin 324 Catherine Sullivan 228 Sun Xun 41 Leslie Supnet 164 Anocha Suwichakornpong 97 Jan Svankmajer 135 Johan Svensson 227

T Jun Takahashi 281 Pilvi Takala 48 Bob Talbot 287 Aldo Tambellini 227 Chaitanya Tamhane 215 Tumpal Christian Tampubolon 91 Tan Chui Mui 56 Tan Tan 218 Tanaka Kotaro 193 Danis Tanovic 135 Terashima Mari 222 Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit 160 Jon Thomson 45 Antonio Tibaldi 200 Robert Todd 182, 220 Vladimir Todorovic 94 Tomonari Nishikawa 179, 180 Lawrence Tooley 34 José Luis Torres Leiva 57 Pimpaka Towira 160 Amanda Trager 45 Pablo Trapero 57 Nicolas Trembley 287 Athina Rachel Tsangari 95 Peter Tscherkassky 145 Tsui Hark 321 Tsukamoto Shinya 126 Michael Tully 95 Tom Tykwer 136

U Uchida Nobuteru 35 Andrei Ujica 136

V Ulrike Vahl 208 Vahid Vakilifar 96 Joost Vandebrug 285, 286, 287 Federico Veiroj 96 Borjana Ventzislavova 227 David Verbeek 58 Elle Verhagen 278 Mircea Veroiu 310 Vipin Vijay 36 Agustí Villaronga 253 - 260 Denis Villeneuve 137 Marc Vives 226 Jan Vogel 31

W Tim Walker 283 Wang Jing 97 Grahame Weinbren 333, 336 Wen Yimin 315 Michel Wenzer 152 Jasper Wessels 359 Richard Wiebe 158 Paul van den Wildenberg 223 Naren Wilks 163 Wilson Yip 323 David Wilson 337 Diana Wilson 333 Stina Wirfelt 170 Wong Kar-wai 323 Paul Wong 227 Woo Ming Jin 137 John Woo 324 Fred Worden 144, 332, 336 Worm collective 165 Wu Pang 316 Klaus Wyborny 138

X Xu Tong 97

Y Yang Fudong 294 Edmund Yeo 149 Yes! That’s Us 98 Emile-Aime Chah Yibain 267 Yoon Sung-Hyun 37 Seren Yüce 98 Yuen Kwai 322 Yuen Woo-ping 319 Nina Yuen 142

Z Vitautas Zalakiavichus 304 Annarita Zambrano 189 Raphaël Zarka 209 Tocha Zaventen 270 Zhang Meng 99 Zhang Miaoyan 99 Zhao Dayong 100, 270 Zhou Xiao-hu 195 Ishtiaque Zico 212 Anna-Nicole Ziesche 279 Igor Zimmermann 283 Lydia Zimmermann 255 Jules Zingg 191 Yorgos Zois 184 Géraldine Zosso 205





Ampco FlAshlight feliciteert het internAtionAl Film FestivAl rotterdAm met haar 40-jArig bestaan

index fiLms & ComPiLation Programmes

-– (aka short line long line) 332 ... Just That Sort of a Day 214 ...These Blazeing Starrs! 180 (Un)covered 140


1001 Irans 224 127 Hours 104 13 Assassins 124 1989 (Den gang jeg var fem år gammel) 48 1989 (When I Was Five Years Old) 48 22 mei 55 22nd of May 55 7’ 228 720 Degrees 212 7362 337 8th Avenue 227 99.9 254


Aanteni 294 Aardvark 90 Act da Fool 286 The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians 310 Adrienn Pál 79 L’affaire des divisions Morituri 244 Africa Blue 141 After Empire 41 After the Fire 150 After the Rain 256 El agua del fin del mundo 92 Aitá 69 Ako zrno ne umre 52 Al-Andalus: las artes islámicas en España 258 Al-Andalus: The Art of Islamic Spain 258 Al-Mayurka (Fragments) 257 Alaya 234 Album Matter 228 A alegria 64 Alexanderplatz 287 Alice ga ochita ana no naka: Dark Märchen Show!! 222 Alice in the Underworld: The Dark Märchen Show!! 222 Alicia, Go Yonder 29 Aliki 158 All Flowers in Time 159 All That Remains 159 All That Sheltering Emptiness 158 All Your Dead Ones 30 Alye maki Issyk-Kulya 306 Am anderen Ende 207 Amanar Tamasheq 226 Ámár 190 Les amours imaginaires 69 Anaesthetics 280 The Anarchist Banker 147 Angela 205 Animal Kingdom 84 Anne Truitt, Working 227 Another Occupation 340 Ansokunobasyo 282 Anta mujer 257 Anyang, Paradise City 86 Apart Together 142 Après le feu 150 Arbor Vitae 234 Archive 197 Aro Tolbukhin - En la mente del asesino 255 Aro Tolbukhin - In the Mind of a Killer 255 Arquivo 197 Artificial Paradises 86 Artista, dolarii si ardelenii 310 The Ascent of Man 161 Ashes of Time Redux 323 Asia no jun-shin 118 At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger at Home 307 At School 203 At the Other End 207 At the Stairs 213 The Atomic Sublime 329 Attenberg 95 Aubade 236 AUN - The Beginning and the End of All Things 115 Aurora 130 Aurore 174


Autobiografia lui Nicolae Ceausescu 136 The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu 136 Autoreiji 119 Autumn 63 Ayashiki bungô kaidan 126


Babel 147 Bad Ideas for Paradise 198 Bad Posture 85 Bad Seed 202 O Barão 127 Les barbares 228 The Barbarians 228 The Baron 127 Battery Cage 174 Beauty Plus Pity 199 Beep 163 Behind the Red Motel Door 77 Beijing Double Happiness 163 Being Fucked Up 198 Belkibolang 91 La belle endormie 104 Beloye solntse pustyni 306 Bertha’s Children 333 Beyond Enchantment 158 Beyond These Mountains 80 Beyond-ism 41 Bible Black 285 The Birds Know 185 Birmingham Ornament (Fragments 37, 38, 43, 44) 164 Birth of a Nation 177 Biutiful 113 Black Blood 99 Black Bread 256 Black Ocean 114 Black Swan 293 Black Trip #2 227 Bleak Night 37 Blind Spots 144 Blinding 132 The Blue Salon 141 Blue Valentine 105 La BM du Seigneur 76 The Boat 153 Bondage Girl 332 Bread for Bird 48 Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 97 Brothers of Metal 178 Burquita roja 226 Bust Chance 169 Butterfly L’Attesa 108 Butterfly Waiting 108 By the Law 303 By the Sea 335


The Cable Cars 189 Carancho 57 The Case of the Morituri Divisions 244 Casting 227 Casus belli 184 The Cave 153 O céu sobre os ombros 25 Chantrapas 117 Characters 93 Charlemagne 3: Pastrami Recordings 154, 196 Chassis 102 Cherie Is Korean-Thai 160 Cherie pen look krueng Korean 160 Chi ming yu chun kiu 127 Childhood Storage 279 Chingachgook, die große Schlange 309 Chingachgook, the Great Snake 309 Chips and Liver Girls 271 Chitra sutram 36 Choke 207 Ciel éteint! 246 Cinema Reloaded 146 Cirkus Columbia 135 Cities of Gold and Mirrors 162 The City Below 114 City of Progress 176 The City That Never Rests 326 Claremont 288 Club Zeus 58 Cogunluk 98 Cold Fish 134


index fiLms & ComPiLation Programmes


Collide-o-scope 163 Color perro que huye 70 Color Runaway Dog 70 Coming Attractions 145 Compline 236 A Couple 206 The Crab 83 Crises of Capitalism 148 Crisis? What Crisis? 147 Crosscuts 190 Cry When It Happens 183 CTRL ALT ESC from Rotterdam 165 Cuore 226 Curling 106


Dad 133 Daklopers 358 La dame au chien 49 Dasi, taeernago sipfiryo Anyangae 86 Dawn 177 The Day I Disappeared 62 Dead Reckoning 337 Deafness 202 The Death of the Gorilla 334 Decline 67 Déjà vu, Times Two 338 Denjin Zaborgar 116 Depuis l’autre cosmos 266 La dernière énigme 247 Desassossego (filme das maravilhas) 64 Després de la pluja 256 Det kan vi ikke gjøre lenger 157 Dharma Guns 245 DINAMO P&I Screenings 226 Dissertation on Permeation: Harmony versus Convergence 285 Dissolution 212 The Divine Miracle 334 Do I Stand 175 Docteur Chance 245 Doctor Chance 245 Doctor, Nurse and the Patients 216 Documentary Footage 335 DOLLS VS. DICTATORS 169 Domashnyee kino 47 Dong feng po 123 Donnie 358 Dorsky: Two Sides of Light 233 Dorsky: Songs of the Earth 234 Dorsky: Songs in Another Time 235 Dorsky: The Late Quartet 236 Dorsky: The Hours and the Days 237 Doyam 217 El drac de na Coca 259 Dragon Gate Inn 317 A Dream 142 Drei 136 Dressage 226 Dressed for Dinner 287 Drexciya 193 Drift 227 Drunken Master 319 Duel to the Death 320 Dung che sai duk 323



The Earrings 192 East Fifteen 287 Ebedi dönüs 172 Eclipse Predictions 333 The Eighth 310 Eika Katappa 330 Elephant Feet 188 Elmina 268 The Elusive Avengers 305 En el futuro 60 En espera 186 End of Animal 78 End Transmission 41 Endeavour 221 Essential Killing 134 Estação 187 Estado de cambio 226 O estrangeiro 204 O estranho caso de Angélica 109 Et voilà le travail (That’s It!) 228 Eternal Return 172 Eternity 27

Etrange étranger 164 Etrangère 189 Even Flowers Wake Up in the Morning 226 Everytime 176 Evolution of the Red Star 333 Executioners from Shaolin 319 Exhalation 149 The External World 169 The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks 303


Facade 215 A Fall Trip Home 234 Falling Apart 359 Famous Last Words 166 Farewell 149 Fasl-e baran-haye moosemi 24 Father 69 Fatiha 149 File Under Miscellaneous 227 La fille de Montréal 107 Film Is More Than Film 152 Film ist mehr als Film 152 Film socialisme 112 Film Travel 150 Films & Performances 1 154 Films & Performances 2 155 Finding the Telepathic Cinema of Manchuria 339 Finisterrae 26 Fire Fly 265 The Fire Theft 227 First Snow 173 First Spring 294 Flashback 286 Flashings in the Mirror 177 Fleurs du mal 70 Flight 278 Flowers of Evil 70 Flying Fish 33 Fong Sai Yuk 322 The Foreigner 204 Forgotten Column 195 Fortune Teller 97 Fragments of Seeing 332 Free Radicals - A History of Experimental Cinema 327 Fuck Them All 260 Fuglene vet 185 The Furnished Room 211 The Future Is History 156 Future Perfect 336 The Future Will Not Be Capitalist 223 The Future’s Getting Old Like the Rest of Us 156 Fuyu no kemono 35


The Game 202 Garden 181 The Garden of Hope 143 Genpin 54 Germ 217 Gesher 96 A Gesture 187 Get a Life 157 Get Out of the Car 144 Ghost of Icarus 173 The Ghost with Six Fingers: Part 1 316 Il giardino della speranza 143 Gibellina Vecchia 209 GilApple 281 Glukhota 202 Golden Swallow 317 Gömböc 208 Le Grand’Tour 81 Grande Hotel 94 Grandma, a Thousand Times 224 Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then 72 Groeien 157 Gromozeka 28 Grow 157


Ha’Meshotet 92 Han jia 121 Hand Held Day 336 Hand Work 227 Haru no shikumi 220



index fiLms & ComPiLation Programmes

Haru tono tabi 119 Haru’s Journey 119 Harud 63 Hawi 110 Headshots 34 Heart of Glass 328 Heartbeats 69 Hearts Are Trump Again 227 Hedi Who... 285 Herna 142 Herz aus Glas 328 High Blue Mountains, Rivers and Golden Plains 227 The High Life 100 Hinter diesen Bergen 80 A History of Mutual Respect 46 Hohe blaue Gebirge, Flüsse und goldene Ebenen 227 Holkis 227 Homage to the Buddha - of Africa 272 Home Movie 47 Homecoming 159 Hong xi guan 319 Hong xia 315 Horizontal Intimacy 152 Horse Glue 219 Hospitalité 112 Hot as Hell: The Deadbeat March 85 Hotel Nachtclub 170 Hotel Nightclub 170 Hours for Jerome 237 Hoy como ayer 117 Huangjiang nuxia 315 Human Condition 161


I Already Am Everything I Want to Have 157 I Am Jesus 73 I Am Micro 211 I Live in the Dream of My Mother 107 I Love You 89 If the Seed Doesn’t Die 52 Igillena maluwo 33 Illégal 84 L’illusion comique 103 The Image Threads 36 Imagens de uma cidade perdida 118 Images of a Lost City 118 Imagine, the Sky 79 Imani 269 O imigrante 272 The Immigrant 272 Immortal Woman 42 Imperceptihole 220 The Impossibility to Concilate Love 281 In a Glass Cage 253 In Free Fall 209 In ictu oculi 147 In the Absence of Light, Darkness Prevails 182 In the Future 60 Incendies 137 L’inconciliabilità dell’amore 281 Insee Dang 133 Insert 171 Insideout 161 Inter View 180 Interieur 165 El invierno de los raros 73 Ishii Yuya Short Film Collection 225 It, Heat, Hit 44


Ja tebya lublu 89 Ja vec jesam sve ono sto zelim da imam 157 Jan Villa 42, 211 Japan Tapes 153 Jardin du soleil 179 Je kom toch? 359 Je suis un No Man’s Land 78 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère 107 Jean Gentil 74 Jia Yuan 270 Jian yu 324 Jiao dai 82 Jim-seung ui kkut 78 Jin cha yo shi 167 Jin yan zi 317 The Journals of Musan 32 The Joy 64 Juanita 142


El juego 202 Jui kuen 319 Julien 81 Jûsan-nin no shikaku 124


Kaidan - Horror Classics 126 Kan shen me niao ni 166 Kantai 112 Karate-Robo Zaborgar 116 Karma 77 Kengere 141 Khleb dlya pticy 48 Kids in Space 343 Killer Clans 318 Kinestasis 226 King Boxer 318 King of Devil’s Island 115 The King’s Speech 116 Kingdom of O 218 Kino Climates 163 Kitchen Secrets 343 Kochegar 103 Kommander Kulas 108 Kongen av Bastøy 115 Kort Rotterdams/Rotterdam Shorts 358 Kumurskanyn booru 188 Kwan lung hei fung 321


Laadli Laila 126 Laberint 258 Los labios 53 The Lady with the Dog 49 Landscape, Semi-surround 175 Lao lu tou 83 Las Vegas Shadows 227 The Last Buffalo Hunt 90 The Last Days of British Honduras 228 The Law and the Fist 308 Legend of the Mountain 320 Lemonade Joe 308 Less and Less 192 Lesser Apes 40, 199 A Letter to Elia 329 Li Xia’s Salon 266 Lichenometry 155 Lights Out 72 Limonádovy Joe aneb Konská opera 308 The Lips 53 Liquidator 178 Lisboa-Província 205 Lisbon-Province 205 A Little Closer 87 Little Red Burqa 226 Little Tailor 206 The Little Witches 282 Liu xing hu die jian 318 Liu zhi qin mo shangji 316 Llora cuando te pase 183 Loaded and Reloaded 166 Lobi (hier/demain) 270 Lobi (Yesterday/Tomorrow) 270 Longmen kezhan 317 The Lord’s Ride 76 Lost 168 The Lost Explorer 283 Love Addiction 35 Love Born of Chopsticks 267 Love in a Puff 127 Love Like Poison 88 Love, Jealousy and Wanting to Be in Two Places at Once 200 Love’s Refrain 233 Lubaben 45 Lucia 61 Lucía 61 I lupi 43


Machete Maidens Unleashed! 327 Machination 84 226 Majesteit 177 Majesty 177 Majority 98 Mak 205 The Makes 338 Mapping Journey 228


index fiLms & ComPiLation Programmes

El mar 255 Marbre 228 Maria Theresia and her 16 Children 49 Maria Theresia und ihre 16 Kinder 49 Las marimbas del infierno 75 Marimbas from Hell 75 Marti dupa Craciun 125 marxism today (prologue) 194 Maska 47 Mastering Bambi 210 Mauvaise graine 202 Maya 191 The Mechanism of Spring 220 Meek’s Cutoff 55 Meeting at the Old Mosque 305 Memory (work in progress) 271 Memory and Loss 170 Men’s Presentation - Fall/Winter 2005-06 292 Men’s Presentation - Spring/Summer 2002 291 Men’s Presentation - Spring/Summer 2011 292 Mercúrio 44 Mercury 44 Merry-Go-Round 123 Midori-ko 222 Mijn inbreker en ik 203 Milk for Lambs 171 The Mill and the Cross 122 Mina 185 Miquel Bauçà: poeta invisible 259 Miquel Bauçà: The Invisible Poet 259 Mirages 46 Mirror People 336 Missoni 284 Mistérios de Lisboa 131 Moamba Chinesa 268 Mokhtar 208 A Montreal Girl 107 Moon Child 253 More zhelaniy 206 Morgen 68 Motionless 197 Mount of Forgetfulness 172 Mouse Palace 186 München-Berlin Wanderung 151 Mur i wieza 195 Musan il-gy 32 My Burglar and I 203 My Father 160 My Father’s House 270 My Joy 121 My Logical Private Parts 279 My Perestroika 75 My Vote 140 Mysteries of Lisbon 131


Na escola 203 Nainsukh 71 Namo Amitofo 272 Naquid 279 När vi döda vaknar 227 Nasha gazeta 140 Ndolo seka Chopsticks 267 Neighbours 191 Nemuri yusurika 132 Neobychainye priklyucheniya mistera Vesta v strane bolshevikov 303 Neulovimye mstiteli 305 Never Let Me Go 131 Neverending Stories 172 Neverquiet (Film of Wonders) 64 New Arrivals 173 New Jerusalem 60 Niekas nenorejo mirti 304 Night Mayor 339 Nine Days 66 El niño de la luna 253 NL International 176 No Expiration Date 178 No One Is Illegal 146, 167 No One Wanted to Die 304 No Way Back 287 Noir océan 114 La nostra vita 122 Nothing Special 179 Novena 66 Nulepsy 201 NYX 172


O How Sad 150 O quam tristis 150 Oca 133 Ocaso 67 Off the Beaten Track 62 Oh 223 Oki-eui younghwa 53 Oki’s Movie 53 The Old Donkey 83 Olifantenvoeten 188 Olivia’s Place 335 On Hold 186 On the Way to the Sea 143 Once and Future Kodachrome 1 331 Onda vidim Tanju 207 One Day I Forgot and Used My Hands 166 De ongekende vrijheidsdrang van soldaat L.B. 219 The Orange 168 Los orígenes del marketing 150 The Origin of Creatures 176 The Origins of Marketing 150 Osmiyat 310 Ossang: Tryptique du paysage 246 Otolith III 40 Our Newspaper 140 Out 43 Out of Fashion Magazine: Conceptual Spaces 278 Out of Fashion Magazine: Fairytales Freak Me Out 281 Out of Fashion Magazine: Iconic Inspiration 284 Out of Fashion Magazine: Living on the Edge 286 Out of Fashion: Maison Martin Margiela - Film as Presentation 289 Out of Thin Air 213 Outbound 61 Outrage 119 Ouverture 181 Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow 111 Overture 181 Ovsyanki 111


Pa negre 256 Painted Series 278 The Painting Sellers 208 Pairon talle 93 PangPang Bröder 53 scener från en barndom 68 Um par 206 Paraísos artificiales 86 Parental Guidance 344 Parked 65 El pasajero clandestino 254 El passatger clandestí 254 Passerby 130 Pastourelle 43, 235 Pasuggun 37 Pedagogía aplicada 260 Pedicab Driver 321 Pencil Against Ants 188 Peremiriye 129 Performance Coolhaven 154 Periferic 61 Petit tailleur 206 Les petites sorcières 282 The Piano in a Factory 99 Pictures of Light 181 Pinoy Sunday 76 Plank 175 Players 48 Pneuma 233 Po zakonu 303 Pocha apel 216 Podslon 91 Poetry 120 Un poison violent 88 The Police Game 167 Populus tremula 148 Por 160 Poshak 215 Positive 218 Possessed 144 Post Mortem 120 Prawo i piesc 308 Prelude 02, 03, 06, 07 227



index fiLms & ComPiLation Programmes

Preludes 1 184 Preludes 2 188 Preludes 3 191 Presa 102 Prezit svuj zivot 135 Prim Limit 162 Primordial Ties 65 The Procrastinators 11: Cindy Hoetmer 226 Pro-Trusion 200 Pulmo Marina 228 Pulsar 56 Pure 80 Pure Asia 118 Pyuupiru 2001-2008 293


Qarantina 88 Quality Control 110


Rabbit Hole 283 Raf’s Army 284 Rainy Seasons 24 Random Strangers 146 Rayning 182 Re-constructions 194 Rear View Mirror 335 Reconstructing Damon Albarn in Kinshasa 194 The Red Eagle 133 Red Heroine 315 The Red Poppies of Issyk-Kul 306 Reign of Assassins 324 Relrap erdnetne suov ed edalam dner em aç 227 Remains 197 Remisequenz 161 Reprise 196 Rien d’extraordinaire 179 Road Movie - Slow Emergency 227 Robinson in Ruins 54 The Roof 151 Roofwalkers 358 Roozi ke man napadid shodam 62 Rosa 186 Rose 186 Rose and Jasmine 128 The Rotten Apple 216 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 1 40 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 2 41 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 3 42 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 4 43 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 5 45 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 6 46 Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films 7 48 Rough Boy 190 Route 666 151 Royaume du O 218


Sa, 29. Juni/Arctic Circle 152 Sahara Sahara 227 Sakerareru koto 149 O salão azul 141 Sarabande 236 Sat., 29th of June/Arctic Circle 152 Schastye moye 121 Sea of Desires 206 The Sea 255 Sedmaya pulya 307 See/Saw 226 Seeds 288 Seishun hakaba 85 Selected Works 226 Self Improvement 168 Sem movimento 197 Seng sei kuet 320 Sensation 74 Septien 95 The Seventh Bullet 307 Shadows of Silence 215 Shan zhong chuanqi 320 Shelter 91


Shi 120 Shibuya - Tokyo 179 Shooting Stars Never Return 280 A Short Film About War 45 Short Profile: Emily Vey Duke & Cooper Battersby 198 Short Profile: Sandro Aguilar 197 Short Stories: Animal Magnetism 200 Short Stories: Funny Games 202 Short Stories: Make Believe 203 Short Stories: Oh Stranger 204 Short Stories: Sea of Desire 206 Short Stories: Sons and Daughters 207 Short Stories: Teens and Trabbis 208 Shrimp Boat Log 179 Shuang qi zhen dao ke 322 Shutter 183 El Sicario Room 164 89 Silence 246 Silencio 246 Silent Sonata 105 Silent Souls 111 Silent Things 174 Simon Werner a disparu... 72 Six Easy Pieces 218 Six Strands 215 Skateistan: To Live and Skate Kabul 288 The Sky Above 25 Sky’s Black Out! 246 Slave Ship 156 Sleep 132 The Sleeping Beauty 104 Sliding Past 209 Slow Action 44 A Small Town Called Descent 87 Small Town Murder Songs 71 Snake 267 Sodankylä Forever 326 Sodankylä ikuisesti 326 Die Söhne der Großen Bärin 309 Soiko 192 Somewhere 106 Son of God 109 Song and Solitude 235 Songs of Love and Hate 113 The Sons of Great Bear 309 Une sorte de journal vidéo 292 Soul of Sand 93 South Asian Shorts: Inhabited Spaces 211 South Asian Shorts: Real and Surreal 213 South Asian Shorts: Solance of Loneliness 214 South Asian Shorts: SRFTI Kolkata 216 Souvenirs d’une année à Marienbad 338 Speak 98 Sta ik 175 De stad die nooit rust 326 Stardust 40 Stasis 214 State of change 226 Station 187 A Stoker 103 The Story of Elfranko Wessels 45 The Story of Wong Fei-hung, Part 1: Wong Feihung’s Whip That Smacks the Candle 316 The Strange Case of Angelica 109 Strange Messengers 218 Strange outsider 164 Stranger 189 String Theory 282 Studien zum Untergang des Abendlands 138 Studies for the Decay of the West 138 Subverses 271 Sudsanan 160 Sukati 170 Summer of Goliath 128 sun moon stars rain 164 Sun suk shan kim hap 321 Surviving Life 135 Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzoy sredi svoikh 307 The Swordsman in Double Flag Town 322 The Swordswoman of Huangjiang 315 Szelid teremtes - A Frankenstein terv 125


Tai ping chuan 171 Tal al-nesyaan 172 A Tale of Heaven 170 Tame Time 170 Tape 82 Taulukauppiaat 208 Tee-rak 27 Tegels 228


s 214




index fiLms & ComPiLation Programmes

Los teleféricos 189 Temporal Meditations 280 Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project 125 The Tent 209 Terribly Happy 160 Teta, alf marra 224 Thalé 162 That We Can No Longer Do 157 Then I See Tanja 207 These Hammers Don’t Hurt Us 47 Theta Rhythm 210 Think About Wood, Think About Metal 155, 196 The Thirteen 304 This Is England ‘86 123 This Is Not Dying 181 This Quality 228 Three 136 Three Hours 189 Three Poems By Spoon Jackson 152 Three Weeks Later 57 Threesome 184 Threnody 235 Throbs 332 Through a Fine Screen 221 Tianxia diyi quan 318 Tiger Eyes 225 The Tiger Factory 137 Tiles 228 Till det som är vackert 80 Tilva Ros 82 Tilva Rosh 82 Time and Again 339 A Time Shared Unlimited 169 Tiong Bahru 192 Der Tod der Maria Malibran 330 Todos tus muertos 30 Tokyo - Ebisu 180 Toujours moins 192 Traject 154 Trans Trans (Transformers Transformed) 221 Trans Transformations 220 Transeunte 130 Tras el cristal 253 Travelogue 151 Tre ore 189 Treasure of the Bitch Islands 244 Tres semanas después 57 Le trésor des îles chiennes 244 Triband 220 Trinadtsat 304 The Trip 266 Triptiek - Beelden van een koninkrijk 223 Triptych - Images of a Kingdom 223 Triste 237 Truce 129 Trypps #7 (Badlands) 144 Tse 43 Tsumetai nettaigyo 134 Tuesday After Christmas 125 TV Dinners 343 Twin Brothers 53 Scenes from a Childhood 68 Tyrannosaur 67


unc. 333 Underworlds 222 Unplugged 78 The Unprecedented Thirst for Freedom of Private L.B. 219 Unter Dir die Stadt 114 Upload Cinema 224 A Useful Life 96 Utopia 223


Vakratunda Swaha 212 Valdrift 359 Vanishing Point 173 Varfix 193 Variationen 178 Variations 178, 233 Venice Pier 334 Venusville 336 Verano de Goliat 128 Verdenskvinne 164 Versions 42 Vestiaire 359 Vete más lejos Alicia 29 La vida útil 96

Vilay 212 Villaronga: Applied Poetics 259 Villaronga: Early Film Works 257 Ville Marie 182 Virgin Goat 126 The Visitation 235 La vitesse et la pierre 283 Vladivostok 246 The Voice of God 219 Les voisins 191 Voodoo 198 Votul meu 140 Voulez-vous coucher avec God? 328 La voûte 151 The Voyagers 194 Vstrecha u staroy mecheti 305


A Walk with Nigel 156 Walking from Munich to Berlin 151 Wall and Tower 195 The Wanderer 92 Wasted Youth 31 Wasteland 148 The Water at the End of the World 92 Water Hands 94 Weights of Sorrow 227 When China Met Africa 269 When Love Comes 52 When the End of Winter Is Almost Spring 149 When We Dead Awaken 227 Where Is My Dog? 168 Where Is the Black Beast 340 Where the Boys Are 201 Whiteboard Jungle 343 White Sun of the Desert 306 Windows 4:3 217 Winter 236 The Winter of the Odd Ones Out 73 Winter Vacation 121 The Wolves 43 Woman of the World 164 Woman’s Show - Fall/Winter 1999-2000 290 Woman’s Show - Spring/Summer 2002 291 Women’s Show - Fall/Winter 2004-05 291 Women’s Show - Spring/Summer 1997 289 Women’s Show - Spring/Summer 1998 290 Women’s Show - Fall/Winter 1998-99 (Extract) 290 Women’s Show- Fall/Winter 1993-94 289 Wonderwood 281 Wong Fei-hung juen chi bin fung mit juk 316


Xun huan zuo le 100


Year Without a Summer 56 Yip Man 323 Yogera 98 Yoshido (Les autres vies) 204 Yoshido (The Other Life) 204 You Are Here 66 You’re Coming Right? 359


Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City 124 Zebraman: Zebura City no gyakushuu 124 ZedCrew 141 Zefir 63 Zephyr 63 Zhest 187 Zohra: A Moroccan Fairytale 129 Zona inquinata 247 Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain 321 ZUT 265





DO w in so

Er zijn landen waar mensen niet mogen zeggen wat ze willen zeggen en niet kunnen zijn wie ze willen zijn. Ont wikkelingsorganisatie Hivos geef t deze mensen een stem. Het Huber t Bals Fonds is een par tner van Hivos. Dit fonds ondersteunt getalenteerde filmmakers in Afrika, A ziĂŤ en Latijns-Amerika en is initiatiefnemer van het Raiding Africa programma.

Steun Hivos. Ga naar w w

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DOEN congratulates IFFR

DOEN Foundation congratulates the International Film Festival Rotterdam with its 40th anniversary. DOEN Foundation’s ambition is to help to build a liveable world in which everyone can participate by supporting both small and large initiatives. DOEN concentrates chiefly on the initiatives of sustainable, socially-committed and cultural pioneers. DOEN supports the Hubert Bals Fund since 2000 with the revenues of the National Postcode Lottery. The Hubert Bals Fund is an initiative of the International Film Festival Rotterdam that provides subsidies to remarkable cinema projects in various stages of completion. By doing this the Hubert Bals Fund improves the independent local film industry in Asia, Africa, Latin-America, the Middle-East and parts of Eastern Europe by supporting film projects, local distribution initiatives, workshops and trainings. A strong, healthy and prosperous film industry is important because this can stimulate social awareness and can lead to the development of a democratic and pluriform society.

Weena 335, 3013 aL RotteRdam


Wie regisseert uw beeld, geluid & licht?

Professionele audiovisuele partner Uw (live) event, tv-uitzending of theaterproductie verdient het beste. U heeft vaak immers maar één kans om iets onvergetelijks neer te zetten. Als u samenwerkt met de professionals van MK2 Rental & Staging bent u verzekerd van scherp beeld, uitstekend licht en geluid.

(buiten) HD projectie

(Show) Led


MK2 Rental & Staging biedt voor iedere situatie de juiste audiovisuele oplossing. Wij zijn een full service organisatie en kunnen u ook ondersteunen bij totaal producties.

MK2 Rental & Staging is onderdeel van de MK2 Group Kuiperbergweg 26




088 – 652 65 65




LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2 LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1 LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 7 Cinerama 1

Cinerama 6 Cinerama 6 Pathé 6

Cinerama 5 Cinerama 5 Pathé 5

Cinerama 1 Cinerama 1 Pathé 4

Pathé 6 Pathé 6 Pathé 3

Pathé 4 Pathé 4 sChouwburg grote ZaaL Pathé 5 Pathé 5 Pathé 2

Pathé 3 Pathé 3

Pathé 2 Pathé 2

sChouwburg sChouwburg grote ZaaL Your sPaCe grote ZaaL

Pathé 4

Pathé 1

Your sPaCe Your sPaCe

Pathé 4 Pathé 4

Pathé 1 Pathé 1



Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan



Enrique Collar

12:15 Novena 12:15 Novena Enrique Collar







21:00 Essential Killing







15:15 Pure Asia 15:15 Pure Asia



19.00 19:15 Morgen


112’ 112’

Li Hongqi

18:30 Winter Vacation 18:30 Winter Vacation Li Hongqi


91’ 91’





83’ 83’


Malcolm Murray

21:30 Bad Posture 150’ 21:30 Bad Posture Malcolm Murray


oF 93’ 93’




83’ 83’



22.00 Jerzy Skolimowski 22.00 21.00 VPRO Filmnacht

21:15 Essential Killing

gekoppeld – en draaide in China 19:15 vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm. Het publiek VPRO Filmnacht Morgen Marian Crisan 19:30 Marian Crisan Pillow Fight Party plukt de vruchten van deze bijzondere filmische samenwerking. 100’

15:30 El invierno de los raros 15:30 El invierno de los raros Rodrigo Guerrero

Rodrigo Guerrero

15.00 BF

Katashima Ikki De synergie tussen mode en film blijkt even sterk als verrassend. Katashima Ikki TheWorldFamous Ike JANUARY PUBLIC SCREENINGS THURSDAY 27 Het festival onderzoektTheWorldFamous de creatieve kruisbestuiving tussen jonge Ike


Jerzy Skolimowski

150’ 150’

Jerzy Skolimowski

Dorsky, vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, is een klassieke NK Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met een oeuvre om stil van te worden.

19:30 Pillow Fight Party

SIGNALS: NATHANIEL DoRSKY 19:30 Pillow Fight Party

21:15 Essential Killing Jerzy Skolimowski


22.00 AV 22.00




23.00 23.00


23.00 23.00

24.00 24.00


24.00 24.00









Rotterdam op zijn breedst. Het festival selecteerde actueel, krachtig 96’ en vernieuwend 9:00 10.00 13.00regisseurs. 14.00 15.00 werk uit alle windstreken,11.00 van veteranen12.00 tot minder bekende




18:15 Behind the 21:15 Genpin BF RT 18:15 Behind 21:15 Kawase theDoor GenpinNaomi Red Motel Red Motel Door Kawase Naomi 108’ 92’ 92’ 108’ 92’ 92’ 16:30 20:00 Reign 22:30 Les amours 17.00 BF of Assassins 21.00 WI Curling 16.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 22.00 23.00 SP 24.00 designers, de gevestigde fashion-industrie en20:00 de onafhankelijke 16:30 22:30 Les amours Reign of Assassins Curling imaginaires Su Chao-pin / Johncinema. Woo Denis Côté imaginaires 19:15 Su Chao-pin / John Woo Denis Côté VPRO Filmnacht Morgen Xavier Dolan 95’ 120’ 92’ Xavier Dolan Marian Crisan 95’ 120’ 92’ 17:30 Small Town 20:00 Tyrannosaur BF BF BF 100’ 17:30 Small 20:00 Tyrannosaur MurderTown Songs Paddy Considine Murder Songs 15:30 El invierno de los raros 18:30 Winter 21:30 91’ Paddy Considine Bad Posture Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’ Vacation Ed Gass-Donnelly Li Hongqi Rodrigo Guerrero Malcolm Murray 75’ 91’ 13:15uit 16:15 Gravity Was SP BF112’ BF Butterfly L’Attesa Gentil 91’ De kracht van kort: films van een tot 59 minuten lang, alle windstreken. Het westerngenre blijkt helemaal19:15 niet Jean zo in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht.22:15 The Last Buffalo 93’ BF 13:15 Butterfly 16:15 Gravity 19:15 Laura 22:15 The Jean Gentil Everywhere HuntLast WasBack Then Lee Buffalo Anne Schmitt / Tonino DeL’Attesa Bernardi Amelia Guzmán Ze worden als voorfilm bij lange films vertoond, inBernardi combined programme’s. Ook Sovjets met enAmelia indianen. Communistische westerns Lee Brent Green Everywhere Backde Then HuntLynch Lee Anne Schmitt / 76’ / Israel Cárdenas 12:15 15:15 Pure Asia 18:15 raad Tonino De Laura Guzmán Novena of gebundeld Behind thecowboys 97’ 72’ wisten 84’ 21:15 Genpin Brent Green Lee Lynch Motel Door / Israel Cárdenas Enrique Collar Katashima Ikki Kawase Naomi 97’ 72’ 84’ 76’ uit de Sovjet-Unie en deRed satellietstaten. 17:00 22:45 Tres BF SP Fleurs TheWorldFamous Ike 19:45 Film 96’ 108’ du mal 92’ socialisme 92’ semanas RT 17:00 David 19:45 Jean-Luc 22:45 Tres FleursDusa du mal Film socialisme después semanas José Luis Godard después Torres Leiva José Luis 60’ 16:30 Les amours 20:00 22:30 Curling David Dusa Jean-Luc Godard Reign of Assassins 100’ 101’ imaginaires Su Chao-pin / John Woo 101’ DenisTorres Côté Leiva 100’ 60’ 17:00 20:00 Dad SP SP RT Chantrapas Xavier Dolan 95’ 120’22:30 Oki’s Movie 92’ 17:00 Otar 20:00 Vlado 22:30 Hong Chantrapas Dad Skafar Oki’s Sang-Soo Movie Cinema met de paplepel ingegoten krijgen? Dat kan in deze unieke ‘kinderopvang’, Iosseliani 20:00 Vlado Otar17:30 Iosseliani Skafar Hong Sang-Soo Small Town Tyrannosaur 122’ 71’ 80’ waar jong & oud een filmische verjongingskuur ondergaan. Historisch overzicht van wuxia, bij 122’ ons beter bekend alsConsidine martial arts-cinema. Murder Songs Paddy 71’ 80’ 20:00 El mar 22:30 El niño de la luna AV AV Ed Gass-Donnelly 91’ Magistraal spektakel uit China75’en Hongkong. 20:00 Agustí 22:30 Agustí El marVillaronga El niñoVillaronga de la luna 13:15 Butterfly L’Attesa 16:15 Gravity Was 19:15 Jean Gentil Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga Buffalo 107’22:15 The Last 118’ Everywhere Back Then Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / Tonino De Bernardi Laura Amelia Guzmán 107’ 118’ 18:30 Sodankylä Forever Brent Green Lee Lynch / Israel Cárdenas 97’ 72’ 84’ 76’ 18:30 Peter Sodankylä Forever von Bagh 17:00 Fleurs du mal 22:45 Tres semanas Peter von Bagh 19:45 Film socialisme 270’ después Jean-Luc Godard 270’José Luis EenDavid duikDusa in de filmgeschiedenis uitTiger de schatkamer van de cinema. 15:45 Tiger Awards 19:45 IFFR Live Muziek Awards Torres Leiva 100’ met parels 101’ 22:00 60’ 15:45 Competition 19:45 Competition 22:00 IFFR Live Muziek Tiger Awardsfor Short Films 1 Tiger Awardsfor Short Films 2 combined programme combined programme Competition for Short FilmsChantrapas 1 91’ Competition 17:00 20:00 22:30 Oki’s Movie Dad for Short Films 2 90’ 120’ combined programme combined Otar 91’ Iosseliani Vladoprogramme Skafar Hong Sang-Soo 90’ 120’ 12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1 14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2 16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3 18:00 The Atomic 20:00 Short Stories: 22:00 NL International 122’ 71’ 80’ 12:00 combined 14:00 combined 16:00 combined 18:00 The 20:00 Short 22:00 combined Voorfilmsprogramme Blok 1 Voorfilmsprogramme Blok 2 Voorfilmsprogramme Blok 3 Atomic NL International Sublime Make Stories: Believe programme Sublime Make 20:00 combined 22:30 El combined programme combined programme El marBelieve niño de la 75’ luna Jesse Lerner programme 76’ 105’ combined programme 101’ combined programme 97’ 72’ Jesse Lerner combined programme 76’ Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga 105’ 101’ 97’ 72’ 75’ 11:45 Homecoming 13:45 (Un)covered 15:45 Re-constructions 17:45 Free Radicals - a 19:45 Lost Stories: 107’ Short 118’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 21.0022:00 23.00 24.00 11:45 combined 13:45 combined 15:45 combined 17:45 Free 19:45 combined 22:00 Short Homecoming (Un)covered Re-constructions Lost History of 18.00 Experimental Radicals -a Sea22.00 ofStories: Desire programme programme programme programme


Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film van filmmakers waarvan het festival in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht.


daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma gebundeld.

12.00 12.00


SIGNALS: RAIDING AFRICA PUBLIC SCREENINGS THURSDAY 27 JANUARY PUBLIC SCREENINGS THURSDAY 27 JANUARY 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 Afrikaans 17.00 20.00aan veteranen 21.00 talent werd 18.00 door het festival19.00 op Chinese bodem

9:00het begin 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 van hun carrière een Tiger Award-nominatie ten deel viel (of 14.00 de prijs

9:00 10.00 11.00 9:00 10.00FUTURE 11.00 BRIGHT



21:00 Essential Killing De Spaanse cineast Villaronga onderzoekt Het Kwaad in al zijn 21:00 Essential Killing SP Jerzy Skolimowski SIGNALS: REGAINED Jerzy Skolimowski verschijningsvormen, in een compact en soms controversieel oeuvre. Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de Essential cinema. Killing 21:15


Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig minuten zijn geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.

TIGER KoRTE TS 9:00RoTTERDAm 10.00 11.00AWARDS 12.00ComPETITIE 13.00 14.00 FILm 15.00 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00



Historisch overzicht van wuxia, bij ons beter bekend als martial arts-cinema. SIGNALS: WESTERNS Historisch overzichtRED van wuxia, bij ons beter bekend als martial arts-cinema. Magistraal spektakel uit China en Hongkong. Magistraal spektakel uithelemaal China enniet Hongkong. Het westerngenre blijkt zo in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht. Ook de Sovjets wisten raad met cowboys en indianen. Communistische westerns REGAINED SIGNALS: oSSANG uit de Sovjet-Unie enF.J. de satellietstaten. SIGNALS: REGAINED Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis parels van uit de van de cinema. Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekendmet als zanger deschatkamer Franse formatie Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema. MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig SIGNALS: WATER TIGER INNuniversum met sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction. Historisch overzicht van wuxia, bij ons beter bekend als martial arts-cinema. Magistraal spektakel uit China en Hongkong.


Prijzen de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde filmmakers strijden NoTvoor KIDDING met hun eerste of tweede film om drie gelijkwaardige Tiger Awards, dit jaar Cinema met de paplepel ingegoten krijgen? Cultuurfonds. Dat kan in deze unieke ‘kinderopvang’, mogelijk gemaakt door het Prins Bernhard waar jong & oud een filmische verjongingskuur ondergaan.




De kracht van kort: films van een tot 59 minuten lang, uit alle windstreken. Ze worden als voorfilm bij lange films vertoond, of gebundeld in combined programme’s.

waar jong & oud een filmische verjongingskuur ondergaan. SPECTRUm SHoRTS waar jong & oud een filmische verjongingskuur ondergaan.

programme day by day



12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1

SH 14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2

14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2 14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2 105’ 105’ 11:45 Homecoming 13:45 (Un)covered 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 11:45 Homecoming 13:45 combined (Un)covered combined programme programme combined programme combined programme 83’ 83’ 12:00 South Asian Shorts: 14:00 Rear View Mirror 12:00 South 14:00 combined Rear Viewprogramme Mirror Asian Shorts: Real and Surreal combined programme Real and Surreal combined programme 82’ combined programme 82’


Film socialisme Jean-Luc Godard

18:30 Sodankylä Forever / Israel Cárdenas





82’ 13.00


14:00 Rear View Mirror



16:30 Kitchen Secrets

combined programme 17.00 76’ 16.00

16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light

FiLmFESTivALRoTTERdAm.Com 15:30 El invierno de los raros

88’ 15.00




20:00 Get a Life



Quick, Quick Slow Marian Crisan


NK VPRO Filmnacht


combined programme

22:00 Pictures of Light

87’ 21.00


Matt Hulse & Friends 100’

20:00 Parental Guidance: NK 18:30 Tv dinners: NK 19:15 Morgen


PUBLIC SCREENINGS THURSDAY 27 JANUARY combined programme combined programme

combined programme 12.00

Real and Surreal

12:00 South Asian Shorts: SH




Kitano Takeshi

9:45 Outrage





Christoph Hochhäusler


12:00 Unter Dir die Stadt



15:15 Pure Asia


18:15 Behind the Red Motel Door


21:15 Genpin

Ágnes Kocsis

14:15 Adrienn Pál



16:30 Les amours 17.00 16.00 18.00 imaginaires 17:00 BF Xavier BF The Piano in a Factory Dolan 95’


22:30 Reign of Assassins 21.00 Curling 20.00 22.00 Su Chao-pin / John Woo Denis Côté 21:45 Cold120’ SP Fish Danis Tanovic Sono Sion 20:00 Tyrannosaur 113’ Paddy Considine 91’

19:15 Cirkus Columbia


Enrique Collar Ikki Kawase Naomi TheWorldFamous Ike PRESS & INDUSTRYKatashima SCREENINGS THURSDAY 27 JANUARY

12:15 Novena

21:30 Bad Posture




LantarenVenster 6

Cinerama 2

LantarenVenster 3

Pathé 4

LantarenVenster Burgerzaal 2

Doelen Willem

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7

Real and Surreal

12:00 South Asian Shorts:

combined programme

11:45 Homecoming


combined programme

12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1

combined programme

14:00 Rear View Mirror

combined programme


13:45 (Un)covered

combined programme

14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2


16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light

combined programme


15:45 Re-constructions

combined programme

16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3

combined programme

Competition for Short Films 1

15:45 Tiger Awards



History of Experimental Cinema Pip Chodorov

17:45 Free Radicals - a

18:00 The Atomic Sublime Jesse Lerner 97’



Peter von Bagh

Competition for Short Films 2


combined programme

20:00 Get a Life


combined programme 76’ combined programme

19:45 Lost

20:00 Short Stories: Make Believe

combined programme

19:45 Tiger Awards

18:30 Sodankylä Forever


combined programme

combined programme 22:00 Pictures of Light

22:00 Short Stories: Sea of Desire

combined programme

IFFR Live Muziek 22:00 NL International











118’ 24.00



SP 92’

Zhang Meng 17:30 Small Town 109’ 105’ 136’ 105’ FiLmFESTivALRoTTERdAm.Com Murder Songs 42 10:00 The Mill and 12:00 Qarantina 14:15 Imagens de uma SP BF SP Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’ Pathé 4 the Cross cidade perdida Oday Rasheed 13:15 Butterfly 19:15 Jean Gentil 22:15 The Last Buffalo Lech Majewski 91’ 90’ L’Attesa Jon Jost 92’16:15 Gravity Was Pathé 6 Everywhere Back Then Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / Tonino De Bernardi Laura Amelia Guzmán 9:15 Blinding 21:00 Club Zeus SP 10:45 Ishii Yuya Short SH 12:15 Tyrannosaur BF BF RT Lee Lynch SH 76’ Brent Green Anyang, Paradise Grande Hotel BF 84’ Triptiek / Israel Cárdenas 97’ City BF 16:00 Characters 72’ 18:00 Neverquiet BF 19:30 Cinerama 2 - Beelden van een (Film of Wonders) Film Collection Steve Sanguedolce Paddy Considine Park Chan-Kyong Son Kwang-Ju Lotte Stoops David Verbeek koninkrijk Ishii Yuya 17:00 Fleurs du mal 19:45 Film socialisme67’ 22:45 Tres semanas 59’ various directors 72’ 68’ 91’ 102’ 99’ 65’ 75’ Cinerama 1 después José Luis David Dusa Jean-Luc Godard 11:45 Attenberg 14:00 The 16:15 ZedCrew SH 18:15 Carancho 20:30 Verano de Goliat101’ 22:30 Passerby BF SH RT SP Torres Leiva 100’ 60’ Cinerama 3 Painting Sellers Athina Rachel Tsangari Pablo Trapero Nicolás Pereda Eryk Rocha Noah Pink 17:00 Chantrapas 20:00 Dad 22:30 Oki’s Movie Juho Kuosmanen 59’ 95’ 45’ 107’ 76’ Cinerama 5 Otar Iosseliani Vlado Skafar Hong Sang-Soo 10:00 Hoy como ayer SP 11:30 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère 15:00 Karate-Robo Zaborgar SP SP 122’ 71’ 80’ Cinerama 7 Bernie IJdis Jan Willem van Dam Iguchi Noboru 20:00 El mar 22:30 El niño de la luna 70’ 150’ 101’ Cinerama 6 Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga

Doelen Willem Burgerzaal Pathé 5

Pathé 4

Pathé 3

18:30 Winter Vacation



Your sPaCe sChouwburg grote ZaaL

LantarenVenster 6


22:45 Tres semanas 270’ después 270’José Luis IFFR Live Muziek Torres Leiva IFFR Live Muziek 22:30 Oki’s Movie


Lee Lynch

Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis uitTiger de schatkamer van de cinema. 15:45 Tiger Awards 19:45 Awards 100’ met parels 101’ 22:00 60’ 15:45 Tiger 19:45 Tiger 22:00 Competition Competition Awardsfor Short Films 1 Awardsfor Short Films 2 combined programme combined Competition for Short FilmsChantrapas 1 91’ Competition for Short Films 2 90’ 17:00 20:00 Dad programme 120’ combined programme combined Otar 91’ Iosseliani Vladoprogramme Skafar Hong Sang-Soo 90’ 120’ 16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3 18:00 The Atomic 20:00 Short Stories: 22:00 NL International 122’ 71’ 80’ 16:00 combined 18:00 The 20:00 Short 22:00 NL Voorfilmsprogramme Blok 3 Atomic International Sublime Make Stories: Believe combined programme Sublime Make 20:00 combined 22:30 El combined programme El marBelieve niño de la 75’ luna Jesse Lerner programme 76’ 101’ combined programme 97’ 72’ Jesse Lerner combined programme 76’ Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga 101’ 97’ 72’ 75’ 15:45 Re-constructions 17:45 Free Radicals - a 19:45 Lost Stories: 107’ Short 15.00 16.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 21.0022:00 23.00 15:45 combined 17:45 Free 19:45 combined 22:00 Short Re-constructions Lost History of 18.00 Experimental Radicals -a Sea22.00 ofStories: Desire programme programme Cinemaof History Experimental Pip Chodorov of Desire 18:30 RG Sodankylä82’ Forever combined programme combined programme 21:00 Essential 101’ combined programme 86’ 84’ 81’ Killing Sea Cinema Pip Chodorov Peter von Bagh 101’ 86’ 82’ 84’Skolimowski combined programme 81’ Jerzy 16:00 Dorsky 1: Two 20:00 Get a Life 22:00 Pictures 83’of Light 270’ 16:00 Dorsky 20:00 combined 22:00 Pictures Two Get a Lifeprogramme Light Sides of1:Light combinedof programme Sides 15:45 19:45 Tiger combined TS 76’ TS Essential combined programme IFFR Live Muziek Awardsof Light Awards programme programme 21:15 88’ Tigercombined 87’ 22:00 96’ Killing for Short Films 1 76’ Competition for Short Films 2 Jerzy combined programme 88’ Competition 87’Skolimowski 96’ 16:30 18:30 Tv dinners: 20:00 Kitchen Secrets Parental Guidance: 90’ combined programme combined programme 91’ 120’ 83’ 16:30 Kitchen Secrets 18:30 Tv 20:00 Parental Guidance: Quick, Quick Slow dinners: Matt Hulse & Friends Quick, Quick Slow Pillow Matt Hulse & Friends 22:00 NL SH 16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3 SH 18:00 The100’ RG 19:30 SH Atomic Short Stories: 60’20:00Fight 120’International SH Party Sublime Make Believe combined programme combined programme 100’ 60’ 120’ Jesse Lerner combined programme 76’ 101’ 97’ 72’ 75’ 150’

David Dusa

17:00 Fleurs du mal


18:30 Sodankylä Forever Peter von Bagh SIGNALS: REGAINED Peter von Bagh 19:45

Brent Green

programme combined programme PUBLICcombined SCREENINGS WEDNESDAY 26 JANUARY

combined programme

12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1 12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1 combined programme


combined programme combined programme 105’ VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: NOVENA + CHANTRAPAS SIGNALS-ROUTE: EL MAR + EL NINO DE LA LUNA VANAF 11:30 WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE 21:00 VPRO FILMNACHT: 127 HOURS + LES AMOURS VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: NOVENA + CHANTRAPAS SIGNALS-ROUTE: EL(Un)covered MAR + EL NINO DESH LA15:45 LUNA VANAF 11:30 WHITEBOARD 12722:00 HOURS LES AMOURS 11:45 13:45 17:45 FreeJUNGLE, 19:4521:00 SH SH RG SPACE SH SH Homecoming Re-constructions Lost VPRO FILMNACHT: Short + Stories: Radicals - a yOUR IMAGINAIRES LantarenVenster + 3 MUzIEK, SCHOUWBURG 22:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... MET ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 22:00 DIVERSE BANDS, LV History of Experimental Sea of Desire combined programme programme 22:00 DIVERSE combined programme combined programme IMAGINAIRES + MUzIEK, SCHOUWBURG 22:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... MET ERNEST,combined SCHOUWBURG BANDS, LV Cinema Pip Chodorov combined programme 83’ 101’ 86’ 82’ 84’ 81’

LantarenVenster Your sPaCe2

Your sPaCe Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster Pathé 41

Cinerama 7 Pathé 1

LantarenVenster 3 LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2 LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1 LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 7 Cinerama 1

programme day by day












Casus belli

Attenberg Athina Rachel Tsangari


148’ BF



De Spaanse cineast Villaronga onderzoekt Het Kwaad in al zijn Talk 19:30 Big SP SP L’ illusion comique Alejandro González Iñárritu verschijningsvormen, in een compact en soms controversieel oeuvre. Mathieu Amalric

16:00 Biutiful

daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma gebundeld.

Ágnes Kocsis

9:00het begin 10.00 11.00 12.0013:00 Adrienn 13.00 Pál viel (of 14.00 van hun carrière een Tiger Award-nominatie ten deel de prijs






19.00 20.00 AV Pa negre Big Talk Agustí Villaronga 19:30 L’ illusion comique 108’ Mathieu Amalric




BF The 16.00 Piano in a Factory17.00 Meng 16:00 Zhang Biutiful

15.00 16:00










22.00 Reign of Assassins 23.00 WI Su Chao-pin / John Woo 22:15 Tyrannosaur


21:45 Les amours imaginaires


Manoel de Oliveira



22:30 O estranho caso de Angélica

Paddy Considine



22:15 Tyrannosaur

Dorsky, vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, is een klassieke PUBLIC SCREENINGS FRIDAY Denis 28Côtémet JANUARY Xavier Dolan Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast een oeuvre om stil van te worden. Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan



Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekend als zanger van de Franse formatie MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig universum met sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.






Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1








19.00 19:45





12:00 Executioners from Shaolin

76’ 23.00


Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt /84’

Lee Lynch 88’ 21.00 22.00 21:45 Underworlds


Katashima Ikki 22:00 Lost combined programme 22:15 The Last Buffalo

22:30 Films & 22:00 Pure Asia Performances 1




122’ 19:45 Tiger Awards Competition Short Films 4 20:00 I Love for you combined programme Alexander Rastorguev 89’ / Pavel Kostomarov 72’ 20:00 Homecoming combined programme 20:15 Karma







15:45 Tiger Awards Competition for Short FilmsWater 3 14:30 Imagens de uma 17:00 Hands combined programme 84’ cidade perdida Vladimir Todorovic Lau Kar-leung Jon Jost 100’ 92’ 96’ 10:00 (Un)covered 12:00 Tiger Awards 14:00 Tiger Awards 16:00 The Future 18:00 The Atomic Competition for Short Films 2 Competition for Morgen Short Films 1 Is History combined programme 12:15 14:45 17:15 Pinoy SundaySublime Jean Gentil combined programme combined programme Ho 101’ combined 79’Wi-ding Jesse Lerner Lauraprogramme Amelia Guzmán 90’ Marian Crisan 91’ / Israel Cárdenas 13.0084’ 100’ 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 85’ 11:45 Re-constructions 13:45 Free Radicals 15:45 Short Stories: -a





105’ 120’ Alejandro González Iñárritu Paddy Considine 148’ 118’ 91’ 13:00 Film socialisme 15:30 Pyuupiru 2001-2008 OF 18:30 Aanteni 21:30 Mina SP OF BF Pathé 2 belli Black Swan op Chinese En el futuro22:30 O estranho Jean-Luc Godard Matsunaga Daishi 20:00 Casus Afrikaans talent werd door het festival bodem aan veteranen DoeLen Darren Aronofsky Mauro Andrizzi caso76’ Attenberg 101’ 93’ 112’ de Angélica Jurriaanse ZaaL Athina Rachel Tsangari gekoppeld – en draaide in China vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm. Het publiek 106’ Manoel de Oliveira 95’ 12:15 Behind the 15:15 Pencil Against Ants 18:15 Tre ore 21:15 Tender Son - The BF BF BF SP Pathé 3 Olifantenvoeten Lucía A Little Closer Red Motelwaarvan Door Frankenstein Project plukt de vruchten van18:30 deze bijzondere filmische samenwerking. Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film van filmmakers het festival 21:45 Les amours sChouwburg Niles Atallah Matthew Petock TheWorldFamous Ike Kornél Mundruczó Curling 92’ 100’ 84’ 105’ imaginaires in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht. grote ZaaL Denis Côté Xavier Dolan 105’ 95’ 13:30 When Love Comes 16:30 Qarantina 19:30 Club zeus 22:00 Cold Fish RT BF RT SP Pathé 4 Chang Tso-chi Oday Sono Sion 13:00 Adrienn Pál 16:00 The Piano 19:00 Pa negreDavid Verbeek 22:00 Reign in aRasheed Factory of Assassins Pathé 1 107’ 90’ 75’ 146’ Ágnes Kocsis Zhang Meng Agustí Villaronga Su Chao-pin / John Woo 136’ 105’ 108’ 120’ 9:45 Winter Vacation 12:45 La belle endormie SP 15:45 The Crab 21:45 Small Town SP BF BFals verrassend. BF Gesher De synergie tussen mode18:45 enAanteni film blijkt even sterk Pathé 5 Mina Murder Songs Li Hongqi Catherine Breillat Rona Mark Vahid Vakilifar 13:00 15:30 18:30 21:30 Film socialisme Pyuupiru 2001-2008 Pathé 2 Het festival102’ onderzoekt de creatieve Rotterdam op zijn breedst. krachtig en Gass-Donnelly Black Swankruisbestuiving84’tussen jonge En elEd futuro 91’ Het festival selecteerde actueel, 82’ vernieuwend 75’ Jean-Luc Godard Matsunaga Daishi Darren Aronofsky Mauro Andrizzi 101’ 93’ 112’ 76’ gevestigde fashion-industrie en de onafhankelijke cinema. werk10:15 uit alle windstreken, bekende 13:15 16:15 Pulsar designers, deRT 19:15 Passerby 22:15 Cirkus Columbia BFvan veteranen tot minder SP SP SP Veranoregisseurs. Gravity Was Pathé 6 Pencil Against Ants Tre ore Everywhere Back Then de Goliat Alex Stockman Eryk Rocha 12:15 Behind the 15:15 18:15 21:15 Tender Son - The Danis Tanovic Pathé 3 Brent Green Lucía A Little Closer 72’ 76’ 94’ 125’ 113’ Red Motel Door Nicolás Pereda Frankenstein Project Niles Atallah Matthew Petock TheWorldFamous Ike Kornél Mundruczó 92’ 100’ 84’ 105’ 12:30 Meek’s Cutoff 15:30 Flying Fish 18:30 Headshots 21:30 Simon Werner RT TG TG BF Pathé 7 a disparu... Kelly Reichardt Sanjeewa Pushpakumara Lawrence Tooley 13:30 When Love Comes 16:30 Qarantina 19:30 Club zeus 22:00 Cold Fish Pathé 4 Fabrice Gobert 125’ 92’ 87’ Chang Tso-chi104’ Oday Rasheed David Verbeek Sono Sion De kracht van kort: films van een The totEarrings 59 minuten lang, uit alle windstreken. Het westerngenre blijkt helemaal niet zo in-en-in-Amerikaans 107’ 90’ 75’als wel gedacht. 146’ 9:15 Genpin 11:45 14:15 Les voisins 17:00 My Perestroika 19:45 El invierno de los raros 22:30 Karate-Robo zaborgar SP RT BF BF BF BF Cinerama 1 Ze worden als voorfilm bij lange films ofbelle gebundeld in combined OokRobin de Sovjets metGesher cowboys en indianen. Communistische21:45 westerns Julienprogramme’s. The dayvertoond, i disappeared Kawase Naomi Hessmanwisten raad Rodrigo Guerrero 9:45 12:45 La 15:45 The Crab 18:45 Winter Vacation endormie Small Town Iguchi Noboru Pathé 5 Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi Gaël Lépingle 92’ 76’ Breillat 91’ 87’ 112’ 101’ Murder Songs Li Hongqi Catherine Rona Mark Vahid Vakilifar uit de Sovjet-Unie en de satellietstaten. Ed Gass-Donnelly 91’ 82’ 102’ 84’ 75’ 17:30 Chantrapas 20:15 Autumn 22:45 Dad SP BF SP Cinerama 4 Otar Iosseliani Aamir Bashir Vlado Skafar 10:15 Gravity Was 13:15 Verano 16:15 Pulsar 19:15 Passerby 22:15 Cirkus Columbia Pathé 6 Everywhere Back Then 122’ 99’ 71’ de Goliat Alex Stockman Eryk Rocha Danis Tanovic Brent Green Nicolás Pereda 72’ 76’ 94’ 125’ 113’ 12:00krijgen? 14:30 Imagens de uma 17:00 Water Hands 20:00 I Love you 22:00 Pure Asia WIunieke ‘kinderopvang’, SP BF BF SP Executioners Cinema met de paplepel ingegoten Dat kan in deze Cinerama 5 from Shaolin cidade perdida Vladimir Todorovic 18:30 Headshots Alexander Rastorguev 21:30 Simon Werner Katashima Ikki 12:30 15:30 Flying Fish Meek’s Cutoff waar jong & oud een filmische verjongingskuur Historisch overzicht van wuxia, ons beter bekend alsKostomarov martial arts-cinema. Pathé 7 / Pavel Lau Kar-leung Jon Jost 100’ 92’ 96’ bijTooley 72’ a disparu... 108’ Kellyondergaan. Reichardt Sanjeewa Pushpakumara Lawrence Fabrice Gobert 104’ 125’ 92’ 87’ Magistraal spektakel en Hongkong. 20:15 12:15 Jean Gentil 14:45 Morgen 17:15 Pinoy 22:15 The Last Buffalo BF BF BF BF BF Sunday uit China Karma Cinerama 6 9:15 Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / Laura Amelia Guzmán Ho Wi-ding Prasanna 11:45 The Earrings 14:15 Les voisinsMarian Crisan 17:00 My Perestroika 19:45 El invierno 22:30 Genpin de los Jayakody raros Karate-Robo zaborgar Cinerama 1 Lee Lynch / Israel Cárdenas Julien The day i disappeared 84’ 100’ 85’ 88’ 76’ Kawase Naomi Robin Hessman Rodrigo Guerrero Iguchi Noboru Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi Gaël Lépingle 92’ 76’ 91’ 87’ 112’ 101’ 10:00 Fortune Teller 13:30 Tape 17:00 Villaronga: Early Film Works 19:30 Studien zum Cinerama 7 Untergang des Abendlands Xu Tong Li Ning combined programme 17:30 Chantrapas 20:15 22:45 Dad Autumn Cinerama 4 Klaus Wyborny 157’ 168’ 118’ 80’ Iosseliani Aamir Bashir Vlado Skafar Een duik inOtar de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema.

Pathé 1 Luxor

sChouwburg grote ZaaL

DoeLen Jurriaanse ZaaL



Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig minuten zijn geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.






Prijzen voor de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde filmmakers strijden met hun eerste of tweede film om drie gelijkwaardige Tiger Awards, dit jaar mogelijk gemaakt door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.



programme day by day






Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi 76’

The day i disappeared


Li Ning

13:30 Tape

Julien Gaël Lépingle



Robin Hessman



87’ 17:00 Villaronga: Early Film Works combined programme 17:30 Chantrapas

Rodrigo Guerrero Studien zum Untergang des Abendlands 20:15 Autumn

88’ 112’


Iguchi Noboru





12:00 Get a Life




Kitano Takeshi

16:45 Outrage



Marian Crisan Derek Cianfrance

19:1519:30 Morgen Blue Valentine

LantarenVenster Pathé 26

100’ 114’

Danny Boyle

22:15 127 Hours SPVPRO Filmnacht



combined programme 12.00

14:00 No Expiration Date 15:30 16:00 dorsky SH El invierno de los raros ND 2: Songs


Christoph Hochhäusler

14:15 Unter Dir die Stadt





22:45 Dad Klaus Wyborny Aamir Bashir 157’ 168’ 118’ 80’ Iosseliani Vlado Skafar Een duik inOtar de filmgeschiedenis met parels122’ uit de schatkamer van de cinema. 99’ 71’ 15:45 Tiger Awards 19:45 Tiger Awards 22:30 Films & Competition for Short FilmsWater 3 Competition Short Films 4 12:00 Executioners 14:30 Imagens de uma 17:00 20:00 22:00 Pure Asia Performances 1 Hands I Love for you combined programme combined programme 84’ 48’ from Shaolin cidade perdida Vladimir Todorovic Alexander Rastorguev 89’ Katashima Ikki / Pavel Kostomarov 72’ Lau Kar-leung Jon Jost 100’ 92’ 96’ 108’ 10:00 (Un)covered 12:00 Tiger Awards 14:00 Tiger Awards 16:00 The Future 18:00 The Atomic 20:00 Homecoming 22:00 Lost Competition for Short Films 2 Competition for Morgen Short Films 1 Is History combined programme combined programme combined programme 12:15 14:45 17:15 Pinoy SundaySublime 20:15 22:15 Jean Gentil Karma The Last Buffalo combined programme combined programme Ho Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt /84’ 101’ combined 79’Wi-ding Jesse Lerner 72’ Lauraprogramme Amelia Guzmán 90’ Marian Crisan 91’ Prasanna Jayakody 83’ Lee Lynch / Israel Cárdenas 13.0084’ 100’ 88’ 76’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 85’ 19.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 11:45 Re-constructions 13:45 Free Radicals 15:45 Short Stories: 19:45 Utopia 20.00 21:45 Underworlds -a Sea of combined programme combined programme combined programme 21:00 Essential Killing 10:00 Fortune Teller 13:30 TapeHistory of Experimental 19:30 Studien BF BFDesire 17:00 Villaronga: Early Film Works AV SP zum Cinema Pip Chodorov combined programme combined Untergang des Abendlands 86’ 82’ 81’ 116’ Jerzy89’ Skolimowski Xu Tong Li Ning programme Klaus Wyborny 83’ 157’ 168’ 118’ 80’ 12:00 Africa Blue 14:00 memory and Loss 16:00 South Asian Shorts: 20:00 South Asian Shorts: 22:00 Short Stories: combined programme Teens combined programme 15:45 Tiger Solance 19:45 Tiger inhabited 22:30and Trabbis TS TS Essential Killing SH Awards of Loneliness Awards Spaces21:15 Films & combined programme combined combined programme Competition for Short Films 3 Competition for programme Short Films 4 Jerzy Performances 182’ 90’ 72’ 87’ 87’Skolimowski combined programme combined programme 83’ 84’ 89’ 48’ 14:15 Unter Dir die Stadt 16:45 Outrage 19:30 Blue Valentine 22:15 127 Hours Hochhäusler Kitano Takeshi Derek Cianfrance Danny Boyle 19:30 10:00 (Un)covered 14:00 Tiger Christoph 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 SH 12:00 Tiger Awards TS TS SH RG SH SH Pillow Fight Party The Future The Atomic Homecoming Lost Awards Competition for Short Films 2 Competition for Short Films 1 105’ 114’ 94’ Is History Sublime 109’ combined programme combined programme combined programme combined programme combined programme 79’ Jesse Lerner 150’ 101’ combined programme 90’ 91’ 72’ 83’ 84’ 12:00 Get a Life 14:00 No Expiration Date 16:00 dorsky 2: Songs 18:00 Fragments of Seeing 20:00 Human Condition 22:00 Trans ofStories: the Earth Transformations combined programme combined combined programme combined programme 11:45 Re-constructions 13:45 Free Radicals 15:45 Short 19:45 Utopia 21:45 Underworlds SH RG SH SH SH - aprogramme combined programme combined programme 78’ 87’ History of Experimental 87’ Sea of Desire 70’ 93’ combined programme 95’ combined combined programme programme Cinema Pip Chodorov combined programme 86’ 82’ 81’ 89’ 116’ 15:30 Kids in Space & Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners 20:30 Parental Guidance 12:00 Africa Blue 14:00 memory and Loss SH 16:00 South Asian Shorts: SH 20:00 South Asian Shorts: SH 22:00 Short Stories: SH SH combined programme 150’ 90’ Teens and Trabbis150’ Solance of Loneliness inhabited Spaces combined programme combined programme 17.00 combined programme 21.00 combined programme 23.00 90’ 72’ 87’ 87’ 82’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 22.00

Xu Tong

92’ 10:00 Fortune Teller

Kawase Naomi




18:30 Winter 18:00 Fragments 22:00 RG 20:00 Human Condition 21:30 SH Bad SH Vacation Posture of Seeing Trans of the16.00 Earth Transformations Rodrigo Guerrero Liprogramme Hongqi Malcolm Murray combined programme 15.00 combined combined programme 21.00 14.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 combined programme 70’ 112’ combined programme 91’ 93’ 78’ 87’ 87’ 93’ 95’ 14:30 Small Town 16:30 My Joy 19:30 Big Talk 22:15 Cold Fish Luxor Dharma Murder15:15 Songs Sergei Loznitsa Sono SionNK 12:15 Novena 21:15 15:30 20:30 Parental NK18:1518:30 NK Guns PureKids Asiain Space & Kitchen Behind the Genpin Secrets TV Dinners Guidance 3 YourPathé sPaCe F.J. Ossang Ed Gass-Donnelly 127’ Door 123’ Red Motel Enrique Collar Katashima75’Ikki Kawase Naomi 96’ 108’ 92’ 90’ 92’ 150’ 150’ TheWorldFamous Ike 19:45 Unter Dir die Stadt 22:15 Noir océan DoeLen Christoph Marion Hänsel 16:30 Les amours 20:00 22:30 ReignHochhäusler of Assassins Curling Pathé 4 Jurriaanse ZaaL 105’ 90’ imaginaires Su Chao-pin / John Woo Denis Côté Xavier Dolan 95’ 120’ 92’ 16:15 The Swordsman 18:45 Dragon Gate Inn 21:15 127 Hours 23:15 yip Man sChouwburg in Double Flag Town King Hu Danny Boyle Wilson Yip 17:30 Small Town 20:00 Tyrannosaur Pathé 5 grote ZaaL He Ping 91’ Songs 111’ 94’ 107’ Murder Paddy Considine Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’ 91’ 9:00 12.0013:00 Carancho 13.00 14.00 15.00 16:00 La nostra 16.00vita 17.00 18.0019:00 19.00 20.00 21.00 23.00 24.00 10:15 10.00 22:00 Post22.00 Cirkus Columbia 11.00 A Stoker mortem Pathé 1 Big Talk Danis Tanovic Pablo Trapero L’Attesa14:30 Daniele Luchetti Alexey Balabanov Pablo22.00 Larraín 13:15 16:15 19:15 22:15 16:30 19:30 Butterfly Jean Gentil Gravity The Last Buffalo Small Town 15.00 MyWas Joy Cold Fish 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 23.00 24.00 9:00 Pathé 6 Luxor Guns 80’ Everywhere Back Then Hunt 113’ 107’Songs 98’ 98’ Anne Schmitt / Murder Tonino De Bernardi LauraDharma Amelia Guzmán Sergei Loznitsa SonoLee Sion Lee Lynch / Israel 11:45 Zebraman 2: 14:00 Noir océan SP SP F.J.Cárdenas Ossang Pure Green Ed Gass-Donnelly 97’ 72’ BF 84’ 76’ 75’ 16:15 Brent 127’ 123’ Doelen 12:30 15:30 When Love Comes 18:00 Mistérios de Lisboa Silent Attack on Zebra CitySouls Marion Hänsel Lisa Langseth Pathé 2 Alexey Fedorchenko106’ Chang Tso-chi Jurriaanse zaal 17:00 Fleurs du mal 98’Raúl Ruiz 19:45 Film 22:45 22:15 Noir Tres semanas Untersocialisme Dir die Stadt océan Miike Takashi 90’ Cinerama 1 DoeLen después José Luis 75’ 330’ David107’ Dusa Jean-Luc ChristophGodard Hochhäusler Marion Hänsel Jurriaanse ZaaL Torres Leiva 11:30 My Joy 14:15 Songs of 16:30 Essential Killing SP SP SP 100’ 101’ 60’ 105’ 90’ Doelen Willem 18:15 Songs of 21:15 Oki’s Movie Love and Hate Sergei Loznitsa Jerzy Skolimowski Pathé 3 Love andDragon Hate Gate Inn20:00 Dad HongHours Sang-Soo 22:30 Oki’s Movie Burgerzaal 17:00 Chantrapas 16:15 The Swordsman 18:45 21:15 127 23:15 yip Man Katalin Gödrös 127’ 89’ 83’ Cinerama 5 sChouwburg Katalin Gödrös 89’ Vlado Skafar 80’ Sang-SooWilson Yip in Double Flag Town Otar Iosseliani Hong King Hu Danny Boyle grote ZaaL 11:45 A Stoker SP He Ping 122’ 71’ 80’ 91’ 111’ 94’ 107’ Pathé 4 10:30 Bad Posture 13:30 Breakfast, 16:30 Tiong Bahru 19:30 Wasted youth 22:30 zephyr Alexey Balabanov Pathé 4 Lunch, Dinner Malcolm Murray Belma 20:00Papadimitro22:30 10:15 Cirkus 13:00 Carancho 16:00 La nostraGrande 19:00 A StokerArgyris 22:00 Post El mar El niñoBas de la luna Columbia vita Hotel mortem 80’ Cinerama Pathé 6 1 poulos / Jan VogelVillaronga Lotte Stoops various directors 93’ 87’ 87’ 98’ 93’ Agustí Agustí Villaronga Danis Tanovic Pablo Trapero Daniele Luchetti Alexey Balabanov Pablo Larraín 9:15 Sodankylä Forever 13:45 Soul of Sand 16:00 New Jerusalem 18:00 Breakfast, En esperaBF 20:15 Hinter RG BF 98’ BF SP 107’22:15 Butterfly L’Attesa 118’ 113’ 107’ BF 80’ 98’ Cinerama 2 12:45 L’ illusion comiqueSidharth Srinivasan 15:45 zohra: 21:45 Winter Vacation Karate-Robo zaborgar A Lunch, 18:45 Dinner diesen Bergen Peter9:45 von Bagh R. Alverson Tonino De Bernardi Pathé 5 Las marimbas del infierno Moroccan Fairytale Iguchi Noboru Mathieu 18:30directors 12:30 Silent 15:3099’When Sodankylä Forever Souls Amalric Love Comes Mistérios de Lisboa Michael Krummenacher 76’ Li Hongqi 240’ 92’18:00 various 87’ 97’ Cinerama Pathé 7 2 Julio Hernández Cordón Barney Platts-Mills 101’ 88’ 80’ 87’ 91’ Alexey Fedorchenko Chang Tso-chi Raúl Ruiz Peter von Bagh 11:45 Majority 14:00 16:15 La 18:15 The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu 22:00 Oki’s Movie BF BF BF 107’ SP RT vida útil 270’ 75’ Zephyr 330’ Toujours moins Cinerama 3 10:15 Headshots 13:15 Tender Son - Belma 16:15 Federico 22:15 The Bas Fish Seren Yüce Veiroj Andrei Ujica 19:15 Bleak Night HongFlying Sang-Soo Pathé 6 La vida útil Frankenstein Project Lawrence Tooley Yoon Sung-Hyun Sanjeewa Pushpakumara 15:45 19:45 22:00 18:15 Songs of 21:15 180’ IFFR Live Muziek Tiger Awards Oki’s Movie 102’ 93’ Tiger Awards 61’ 80’ LantarenVenster Pathé 31 Federico Veiroj Kornél Mundruczó Competition for Short Films 1 Competition for Short Films 2 116’ 92’ 105’ 75’ 125’ Love and Hate Hong Sang-Soo combined programme combined programme 10:00 DINAMO P&I SH Katalin Gödrös 91’ 90’ 120’ 89’ 80’ lantarenVenster 6 9:30 Autumn Screening 1 12:00 Biutiful 15:30 The Image Threads 18:30 Incendies 21:30 Tras el cristal Pathé 7 Aamir Bashir Alejandro González Vipin VijayVoorfilms Denis Villeneuve Agustí Villaronga 14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2 16:00 18:00 The Atomic 20:00 youth 22:00 10:30 Bad 13:30 Breakfast, 16:30 Tiong 19:30 Wasted Blok 1 Iñárritu BlokBahru 3 Short Stories: NL22:30 International Posture 85’ 12:00 Voorfilms zephyr combined programme LantarenVenster Pathé 42 Hotel104’ 99’ 130’ 110’ Sublime Make Believe Lunch, Dinner combined programme combined148’ programme combinedGrande programme combinedBelma programme Malcolm Murray Argyris PapadimitroBas / Jan Vogel programme98’76’ Lotte Stoops Jesse Lerner combined various 105’ directors 101’ 97’ 72’ poulos 75’ 93’ 87’ 87’ 93’ 9:15 Mina 11:45 Tre ore 14:15 Virgin Goat 17:00 Ámár 19:45 Maya 22:15 Qarantina Cinerama 1 En espera En el futuro A Little Closer Hinter diesen Bergen La BM du Seigneur Murali Nair Oday Rasheed 11:45 Homecoming 13:45 (Un)covered 15:45 Re-constructions 17:45 Free 19:45 Lost 9:45 12:45 L’ illusion comique 21:4522:00 Short Stories: Radicals18:45 -a Karate-Robo zaborgar zohra: A Winter Vacation LantarenVenster 3 Pathé 5 Mauro Andrizzi Matthew Petock Jean-Charles Hue History of Experimental 87’ 84’ 97’ 90’ Las marimbas del infierno Sea of Desire Moroccanprogramme Fairytale Michael Krummenacher combined programme combined combined programme Iguchi Noboru 76’ Mathieu84’ Amalric combined programme Li Hongqi Cinema Pip ChodorovJulio Hernández Cordón combined programme 91’81’ 83’ 101’ Barney Platts-Mills 82’ 84’ 101’ 88’ 80’86’ 87’ 17:30 Passerby 20:15 Majority 22:45 13 Assassins Cinerama 4 Toujours moins Eryk Rocha Miike Takashi 12:00 South Asian Shorts: 16:0016:15 20:00 Get aSeren 22:0022:15 10:15 Headshots 13:15 Tender 14:00 19:15 Bleak Night Dorsky 1: Two Life Yüce Pictures of Fish Light Son - Rear The View Mirror Flying LantarenVenster Pathé 6 Laofvida útil 125’ 102’ Sides Light Frankensteincombined Project programme Real and Surreal combined programme combined programme Lawrence Tooley Yoon Sung-Hyun Sanjeewa Pushpakumara

grote ZaaL

LantarenVenster sChouwburg5

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 4

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 5 LantarenVenster Your sPaCe2

LantarenVenster 4 LantarenVenster Pathé 41

Pathé 1 Cinerama 7

LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

programme day by day













Derek Cianfrance 114’




Danny Boyle

22:15 127 Hours

combined programme

22:00 Short Stories: Teens and Trabbis150’

RT 16:15


Christoph Hochhäusler

90’Dir die Stadt 19:45 Unter





18:45 Dragon Gate Inn



21:15 127 Hours

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Agustí Villaronga 14:30

Fuck Them All








Wilson Yip







23:15 yip Man


Marion Hänsel

22:15 Noir océan 150’



9:30 Butterfly L’Attesa

11.00 11:45


Després de la 108’ pluja Agustí Villaronga

combined programme 94’ Short Profile:

13.00 13:45



14:00 Tiger Awards 16:00 Competition for 99.9 Short Films 3 14:45 combined programme 84’ Agustí Villaronga

83’ Mark Rona


South Asian Shorts:




Perfectfor CutShort Films 6 Competition 20:00 22:15 Varfix Wen Yimin combined programme 87’ Out of Fashion Magazine: Hot as Hell: the deadbeat march Okuda Yosuke Fairytales Freak Me Out 83’ 18:00 Studien zum 102’ 20:00 Short Stories: 22:00 120’ Short Stories: Emily vey duke & 17:15 Verano Untergang des Abendlands FunnyPinoy GamesSunday Make Believe 20:15 22:30 Pulsar Klaus Wyborny combined programme 71’ Cooper Battersby combinedAlex programme 67’ de Goliat 80’ Ho Wi-ding Stockman76’ Nicolás 106’ 76’ 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 15:45 Short Stories: 17:45Pereda 19:45 Strange 20.00 21:4585’Apart Together ishii Yuya Short








Competition for Short FilmsThe 5 17:00 Crab



Alexander Rastorguev 12:00 First Spring / Pavel Kostomarov Une72’ sorte de journal Tonino De Bernardi video agnès b. 97’ 60’ 10:00 Short Stories: 12:00 The Future Oh Stranger Is History combined programme 79’ combined programme







Pablo Trapero


Danis Tanovic

9:00het begin 11.00 12.0013:00 Carancho 13.00 10:15 10.00 SPAward-nominatie RT Cirkus Columbia van hun carrière een Tiger ten deel viel (of 14.00 de prijs

WI The Swordsman in Double Flag Town

Dorsky, vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, is een klassieke King Hu JANUARY Danny Boyle PUBLIC SATURDAY 29 He Ping Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met een oeuvre om stil van te worden. Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers dieSCREENINGS aan


waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.

16:00 dorsky 2: Songs 18:00 Fragments of Seeing 20:00 Human Condition 22:00 Trans of the16.00 Earth 14.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 Transformations combined programme 15.00 combined programme 19.00 combined programme 21.00 combined programme combined 87’ 70’ 93’ Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig 87’ minuten zijn De Spaanse cineast Villaronga onderzoekt Het Kwaad in al zijn Talk 14:30 Small Town 16:30 My Joy 19:30 Big 22:15 BF SP OS 95’ Cold programme Fish Dharma Guns Murder Songs Sergei Loznitsa Sono Sion 15:30 18:30 20:30 Kids in Space & Kitchen Secrets TV Dinners Parental Guidance geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, verschijningsvormen, in een compact en soms controversieel oeuvre. F.J. Ossang Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’ 127’ 123’

Kitano Takeshi

16:45 Outrage

19:30 Blue Valentine

Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekend als zanger van de Franse formatie 20:00 South Asian Shorts: 150’ 90’ Solance of Loneliness inhabited Spaces met MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig universum combined programme combined programme 87’ sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.


16:00 South Asian Shorts:


combined programme 89’ 19:30 Blue Valentine 22:15 127 Hours Derek Cianfrance 18:00 The Atomic 20:00 22:00 Lost Danny Boyle Homecoming 114’ Sublime 109’ combined programme combined programme Lerner of Seeing72’ 83’ 22:00 Trans 18:00 Jesse 20:00 Human Condition Fragments Transformations combined programme combined programme 19:45 Utopia 21:45 Underworlds combined programme 93’ combined programme 95’ combined programme 89’ 18:30 TV Dinners 20:30 Parental Guidance


12.00 combined programme

RoTTERDAm TIGER AWARDS FILm 12:00 Get a Life ComPETITIE 14:00KoRTE No Expiration Date


Christoph Hochhäusler

14:15 Unter Dir die Stadt


Competition for Short Films 1

14:15 Unter Dir die Stadt 14:00 Tiger Christoph Awards Hochhäusler

Prijzen voor de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde filmmakers strijden 12:00 Africa Blue 14:00 memory and Loss programmeTiger Awards,combined met hun eerste of tweede film om driecombined gelijkwaardige dit jaarprogramme 90’ mogelijk gemaakt door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.


Competition for Short Films 2

12:00 Tiger Awards

combined programme 84’ 16:45 Outrage 16:00 The Future Kitano Takeshi 105’ Is History programme programme programme 79’ 101’ combined 90’ 14:00 combined 91’ 16:00 combined 12:00 Get a Life No Expiration Date dorsky 2: Songs ofStories: the Earth combined programme combined 11:45 Re-constructions 13:45 Free Radicals 15:45 Short - aprogramme 87’ History of Experimental 87’ Sea combined of Desireprogramme 70’ combined programme Cinema Pip Chodorov 86’ 82’ 81’ 15:30 Kidscombined in Spaceprogramme & Kitchen Secrets


combined programme

10:00 (Un)covered

15.00 16:00 La nostra 16.00vita 17.00 18.0019:00 A Stoker 19.00 21.0022:00 Post22.00 23.00 SP SP20.00 SP mortem Big Talk Daniele Alexey Balabanov PabloCold Larraín 14:30 Small Town 16:30Luchetti 19:30 22:15 My Joy Fish daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal113’ jubileumprogramma gebundeld. 107’Songs 98’ 98’ Dharma Guns 80’ Murder Sergei Loznitsa Sono Sion F.J. Ossang Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’ 127’ 123’ 12:30 Silent Souls 15:30 When Love Comes 18:00 Mistérios de Lisboa RT SP Pathé 2 Alexey Fedorchenko Chang Tso-chi Raúldoor Ruiz het festival op 19:45 22:15 Unter Dir die Stadt Noir océan Afrikaans talent werd Chinese bodem aan veteranen 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 75’ 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 Christoph20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 9:00 DoeLen 107’ 330’ Hochhäusler Marion Hänsel Jurriaanse ZaaL gekoppeld – en draaide in China vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm.21:15 Het publiek 11:45 Zebraman 2: 14:00 Noir océan 16:15 Pure 90’ 18:15 Songs of SP RT Oki’s105’ Movie Doelen on Zebra City Marion Hänsel Lisa Langseth Pathé 3 Love and Hate Hong Sang-Soo plukt de vruchten van deze bijzondere filmische samenwerking. Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film Attack van filmmakers waarvan het festival Jurriaanse zaal 16:15 18:45 21:15 23:15 The Swordsman Dragon Gate Inn 127 Hours yip Man Miike Takashi 106’ 90’ 98’ sChouwburg Katalin Gödrös 89’ 80’ in Double Flag Town King Hu Danny Boyle Wilson Yip in de toekomst nog veel 11:30 goedsMyverwacht. grote ZaaL 14:15 Songs of 16:30 Joy Essential He Ping 91’ 111’ TG 94’ Tiong BahruKilling 10:30 Bad Posture 13:30 Breakfast, Love and 16:30 19:30 Wasted youth 22:30 zephyr BF BFHate BF BF Doelen Willem Jerzy Skolimowski Pathé 4 Grande DinnerKatalin Gödrös Malcolm Murray Sergei Loznitsa Belma Bas Burgerzaal 10:15 Cirkus 13:00 CaranchoLunch, 16:00 19:00 A StokerArgyris Papadimitro22:00 Post mortem Columbia vita Hotel 127’ directors 89’ La nostraLotte 83’ Pathé 1 poulos / Jan Vogel various 93’ 87’ 87’ 98’ Danis Tanovic Pablo Trapero Daniele LuchettiStoops Alexey Balabanov Pablo Larraín 11:45 A Stoker 113’ 12:45 L’ illusion comique SP 107’ 98’ 80’ 98’ En espera 9:45 Karate-Robo zaborgar SP 15:45 zohra: A 21:45 Winter Vacation SPsynergie tussen SP Pathé 4 De mode18:45 en film blijkt even sterkBF als verrassend. Alexey Balabanov Pathé 5 Las marimbas del infierno Moroccan Fairytale Iguchi Noboru Mathieu Li Hongqi 12:30 Silent 15:30 When 18:00 Mistérios de Lisboa Souls Love Comes 80’Amalric Julio Hernández Cordón Pathé 2 onderzoekt de creatieve kruisbestuiving tussen jonge Rotterdam op zijn breedst. Het actueel, krachtig en88’vernieuwend Barney Platts-Mills Het festival 101’ festival selecteerde 80’ 87’ 91’ Alexey Fedorchenko Chang Tso-chi Raúl Ruiz 9:15 Sodankylä 13:45 75’ 16:00 New Toujours 18:00 Breakfast, 22:15 Butterfly L’Attesa Soul of Sand Jerusalem Hinter 107’de gevestigde 330’ moins designers, fashion-industrie en de 20:15 onafhankelijke cinema. werkForever uit alle windstreken, vanTGveteranen tot minder bekende 10:15 13:15 16:15 22:15 Flying Fish BF TG Headshots Tenderregisseurs. Son - The SrinivasanSP Cinerama 2 Lunch, Dinner 19:15 Bleak Night diesen Bergen Peter von Bagh Sidharth R. Alverson Tonino DePushpakumara Bernardi Pathé 6 La vida útil Frankenstein Project Lawrence Tooley Yoon Sanjeewa 18:15 21:15 Oki’s76’ Songs of Movie various directors 240’ 99’ 92’ 87’Sung-Hyun Michael Krummenacher 97’ Pathé 3 Federico Veiroj Kornél Mundruczó 92’ 105’ 75’ 116’ Love and Hate Hong Sang-Soo 11:45 Majority 14:00 Zephyr 16:15 La vida útil 18:15 The 22:00 Oki’s Movie Autobiography of Nicolae Katalin Gödrös 89’ Ceausescu 80’ 9:30 Autumn 12:00 Biutiful 15:30 The Image Threads 18:30 21:30 Tras el cristal BF SP TG AV Incendies Cinerama 3 Seren Yüce Belma Bas Federico Veiroj Andrei Ujica Hong Sang-Soo Pathé 7 Tiong Bahru Aamir Bashir10:30 Bad Posture Alejandro González Iñárritu Vipin Denis Villeneuve 13:30 102’ 19:30 Wasted youth 22:30 zephyr Breakfast, 93’ Vijay 16:30 61’ 180’ Agustí Villaronga 80’ Pathé 4 99’ 110’ Grande Hotel104’ Lunch, Dinner 148’ Murray Argyris Papadimitro- 130’ Belma Bas De kracht vanMalcolm kort: een tot 59 minuten lang, uit alle windstreken. westerngenre 87’ blijkt helemaal niet zo in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel poulos / Jan Vogel LotteHet Stoops 10:00 DINAMO P&I films van various directors 98’ gedacht.22:15 Qarantina 11:45 Tre ore93’ 14:15 Virgin Goat 87’ 17:00 Ámár 19:45 Maya BF BF SP BF BF BF lantarenVenster 6 9:15 Mina Screening 1 Cinerama 1 ZeKarate-Robo worden als zaborgar voorfilm bij lange films gebundeld in combined OokHinter de Sovjets metEncowboys en indianen. westerns En el futuro A Littlevertoond, Closer diesenwisten Bergen raad La BM du Communistische Seigneur espera Muraliprogramme’s. Nair Oday Rasheed 9:45 12:45 L’ofillusion 15:45 zohra: A 18:45 21:45 comique Winter Vacation combined programme 85’ Pathé 5 Mauro Andrizzi Matthew Petock Mathieu84’ Michael Krummenacher 84’ Jean-Charles Hue 87’ 97’ 90’ Las marimbas del infierno Moroccan Fairytale Iguchi Noboru 76’ Amalric Li Hongqi uit de Sovjet-Unie en de satellietstaten. Julio Hernández Cordón Barney Platts-Mills 101’ 88’ 80’17:30 Passerby 87’ 91’ 20:15 Majority 22:45 13 Assassins SP BF Cinerama 4 Eryk Rocha Seren Yüce Miike Takashi 10:15 Headshots 13:15 Tender Son - The 16:15 Toujours moins 19:15 Bleak Night 22:15 Flying Fish Pathé 6 125’ 102’ Sanjeewa Pushpakumara La vida útil Frankenstein Project Lawrence Tooley Yoon Sung-Hyun Federico Veiroj Kornél Mundruczó 92’krijgen? 116’ First Spring All 9:30 Butterfly 12:00 14:30 Fuck Them105’ 17:00 The Crab75’ 20:00 Perfect Cut SP AV BF OF 22:15 Varfix BF CinemaL’Attesa met de paplepel ingegoten Dat OF kan in deze unieke ‘kinderopvang’, Cinerama 5 Després de 15:30 la pluja Out of Fashion Magazine: Une sorte de journal Tonino De Bernardi Rona Mark 9:30 Autumn 12:00 Biutiful 18:30 Incendies 21:30 Tras el cristalHot as Hell: the deadbeat The Image Threads waarBashir jong & oud een filmische verjongingskuur Historisch overzicht van wuxia, bij ons beter bekend als martial video agnès b. ondergaan. Pathé 7 Fairytales Freak arts-cinema. Me Out Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga Vipin Vijay94’ 97’ 102’Villeneuve 120’ march Okuda Yosuke 83’ Aamir Alejandro González60’ Iñárritu Denis 99’ 148’ 99.9 130’ 110’ Magistraal spektakel uit 14:45 17:15 104’ 22:30 Pulsar AV SPChina en Hongkong. 20:15 Pinoy Sunday BF RT Verano Cinerama 6 Mina Tre ore Ámár Maya de Goliat Agustí Villaronga Ho Wi-ding Alex Stockman 9:15 11:45 14:15 Virgin Goat 17:00 19:45 22:15 Qarantina Cinerama 1 Nicolás Pereda 106’ 76’ 85’ En el futuro A Little Closer Hinter diesen Bergen La BM du Seigneur Murali Nair Oday Rasheed Mauro Andrizzi Matthew Petock Michael Krummenacher 84’ Jean-Charles Hue 76’ 84’ 97’ 90’ 12:00 Water Hands 14:30 Sodankylä Forever 87’ 19:45 Déjà vu, 22:15 voulez-vous Cinerama 7 coucher Times Vladimir Todorovic Peter von Bagh 17:30 Passerby 20:15Two 22:45avec Majority 13 God? Assassins Hirsh / Christie Cinerama 4 combinedSeren programme 96’ 270’ 74’ Rocha Yücevan Miike Takashi69’ Een duik inEryk de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer de cinema. 125’Tiger Awards 102’ 22:30 Red Heroine 11:00 I Love you 13:30 Pa negre 15:45 Tiger Awards 19:45

Pathé 1 Luxor

sChouwburg grote ZaaL

DoeLen Jurriaanse ZaaL

Luxor Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6

LantarenVenster 5

LantarenVenster 4

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 5 LantarenVenster 2





94’ 24.00












programme day by day



LantarenVenster 6

LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 2

lantarenVenster 6

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 3

Cinerama 7

Cinerama 2

Doelen Willem Burgerzaal Cinerama 6

Doelen Jurriaanse zaal Cinerama 5

Cinerama 1

Pathé 6

Pathé 5

4 YourPathé sPaCe

Pathé 3 DoeLen grote ZaaL

Pathé 26 LantarenVenster

Your sPaCe sChouwburg5 LantarenVenster grote ZaaL


grote ZaaL LantarenVenster 4

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 5 Your sPaCe2 LantarenVenster

LantarenVenster 4 Pathé 41 LantarenVenster

Pathé 1 Cinerama 7

LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4






A Little Closer Matthew Petock





Hinter diesen Bergen Michael Krummenacher


84’ 19:45 SIGNALS: REGAINED 17:30 Passerby



Solance of Loneliness

16:00 South Asian Shorts:


15:30 El invierno de los3:raros 16:00 Dorsky SH Songs



95’ 150’


Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’

Adventures of mr. West in

Laura Amelia Guzmán / Israel Cárdenas


Paddy Considine

20:00 Tyrannosaur


Su Chao-pin / John Woo



Real and Surreal

12:00 South Asian Shorts:

combined programme



combined programme

14:00 Rear View Mirror

combined programme


13:45 (Un)covered

combined programme

14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2


Vlado Skafar


16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light

combined programme


15:45 Re-constructions

combined programme

16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3


History of Experimental Cinema Pip Chodorov

17:45 Free Radicals - a

18:00 The Atomic Sublime Jesse Lerner 97’



combined programme

20:00 Get a Life


combined programme 76’ combined programme

19:45 Lost

20:00 Short Stories: Make Believe

19:45 Tiger Awards 102’ Competition for Short Films 2 combined programme 90’



Hong Sang-Soo Sivaroj Kongsakul

22:30 Eternity

22:30 El niño de la luna 112’

combined programme

combined programme 22:00 Pictures of Light

22:00 Short Stories: Sea of Desire

combined programme

22:00 NL International



270’ The Wanderer Avishai Sivan IFFR 107’Live Muziek



Agustí Villaronga BF 22:30 Quality Control SP 107’ Kevin Jerome Everson


Tres semanas







105’ 118’



94’ 24.00



80’ TG

23.00 después José Luis Torres Leiva 60’ 22:30 Oki’s Movie

22:45 22.00

22:15 The Last Buffalo Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / Lee Lynch 76’


21.00 Vlado Skafar 71’ Hawi Ibrahim El Batout

20:00 El 92’mar


20:00 Dad

19:45 Film socialisme 19.00 20.00 Jean-Luc Godard

Agustí Villaronga 18:00 Nainsukh BF BF 19:30 Fortune Teller Amit Dutta Xu Tong 18:30 Sodankylä Forever 112’ 75’ Peter von Bagh 18:15 Tilva Rosh 20:30 Sensation SP BF Nikola Lezaic Tom Hall

15:45 Tiger Awards 84’ 71’ Competition for Short Films 1 combined programme 91’

16:15 Dad

Rodrigo Guerrero


SP 100’


Derek Cianfrance 17:00 Chantrapas 100’ 114’ Otar Iosseliani 16:30 Somewhere SP 18:30 Je suis un122’ No Man’s Land Sofia Coppola Thierry Jousse 98’

17:00 Blue Valentine

du mal 16.0017:00 Fleurs 17.00 David Dusa

15:30 El invierno de los raros



Laura Amelia Guzmán / Israel Cárdenas

14:00 Jean Gentil

Lee Anne Schmitt


Darragh Byrne

14:15 Parked

13:45 The Last Buffalo Hunt




Edgar Honetschläger


14:30 AUN - The Beginning SP and the End of All Things

Brent Green


Denis Côté

22:30 Curling NK


Kawase Naomi

20:00 Assassins 20:30of Parental NK Reign Guidance

92’ the Land of the Bolsheviks

Genpin 20:00 The Extraordinary 21:15RW

21:30 Bad Posture 20:00 Crisis? 22:00 SH No Expiration Date SH Malcolm Murray What Crisis? combined programme 91’ 93’ combined programme 84’ 87’


19:15 Jean Gentil

18:30 TV Dinners

TheWorldFamous Ike

18:15 Behind the Red Motel Door

Hongqi combinedLiprogramme

18:30 Condition Winter Vacation 18:00 Human SH

17:30 Small Town Murder Songs

Everywhere Back Then

16:15 Gravity Was

Xavier Dolan

16:30 Les amours 15:30 Kids in Space & Kitchen Secrets imaginaires


112’ 84’


Adventures mr. West 20:00 memory 22:00 Sliding Past SH SH in SH andof Loss the Land ofprogramme the Bolsheviks 86’ combined combined programme 82’ 72’ 87’ 18.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 18:30 20:30 TV Dinners 19.00 Parental Guidance 19:15 Morgen 21:45Filmnacht OF SP VPRO SP Drei zebraman 2: 150’ Marian Crisan 90’ Attack on zebra City 150’ Tom Tykwer 100’ 119’ Miike Takashi 103’ 106’

18:00 Reprise

Darren Aronofsky

Rodrigo Guerrero in Another Time combined programme 82’ 15:15 Pure Asia Katashima Ikki



combined programme 17.00 81’ Kids in Space 87’ 15.00 16.00 15:30 & Kitchen Secrets 16:45 Black Swan BF


combined programme

14:00 Blind Spots

Xavier Dolan

14:15 Les amours imaginaires

Tonino De Bernardi


combined programme

Karma Prasanna Jayakody


12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1


11:45 Homecoming






Bogdan George Apetri

12:00 Outbound

Katell Quillévéré

TheWorldFamous Ike




11:30 Behind the Red Motel Door


Peter von Bagh


14:00 Farewell

116’ 13.00


13:15 Butterfly L’Attesa

Enrique Collar

11:45 Un poison violent


combined programme

12:15 Novena

Murali Nair

14:30 Sodankylä Forever 87’

PUBLIC SCREENINGS THURSDAY 27 JANUARY combined programme combined programme

Competition for Short Films 4

12:00 Tiger Awards


combined programme




Vladimir Todorovic

12:00 Water Hands

11:30 Underworlds


combined programme

10:00 DINAMO P&I Screening 2

Otar Iosseliani

9:30 Chantrapas

Jesse Lerner

9:15 The Atomic Sublime

Pang Ho-cheung

9:45 Love in a Puff

Denis Côté

9:30 Curling




85’ La BM du Seigneur Oday Rasheed Jean-Charles Hue 97’ 90’ 22:15 voulez-vous Déjà vu, coucher Times 20:15Two 22:45avec Majority 13 God? Assassins Hirsh / Christie combinedSeren programme 96’ 270’ 74’ Rocha Yücevan Miike Takashi69’ Een duik inEryk de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer de cinema. 125’Tiger Awards 102’ 22:30 Red Heroine 11:00 I Love you 13:30 Pa negre 15:45 Tiger Awards 19:45 Perfectfor CutShort Films 6 Competition for Short FilmsThe 5 Competition Alexander Rastorguev Agustí Villaronga 9:30 Butterfly L’Attesa 12:00 First Spring 14:30 Fuck Them All 17:00 20:00 22:15 Varfix Wen Yimin Crab combined programme / Pavel Kostomarov Une72’ 83’ Mark 87’ Després de la 108’ pluja combined programme Rona Out of Fashion Magazine: sorte de journal Hot as Hell: the deadbeat Tonino De Bernardi video agnès b. march Okuda Yosuke Fairytales Freak Me Out Agustí Villaronga 97’ 60’ 94’ Profile: 83’ 10:00 Short Stories: 12:00 The Future 14:00 Tiger Awards 16:00 Short 18:00 Studien zum 102’ 20:00 Short Stories: 22:00 120’ Short Stories: Competition for 99.9 Short Films 3 Emily vey duke & 17:15 Verano Untergang des Abendlands FunnyPinoy GamesSunday Oh Stranger Is History Make Believe 14:45 20:15 22:30 Pulsar combined programme Klaus Wyborny combined programme 71’ Cooper Battersby combined programme 79’ combined programme 79’ combinedAlex programme 84’ 67’ de Goliat 80’ Agustí Villaronga Ho Wi-ding Stockman76’ Nicolás 106’ 76’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 11:45 South Asian 13:45 Utopia 14.00 15:45 Short Stories: 17:45Pereda 19:45 Strange 20.00 21:4585’Apart Together Shorts: ishii Yuya Short Messengers Real Water and Surreal Film Collection combined programme combined programme 21:00 12:00 14:30 22:15 voulez-vous BF RG 19:45 Déjà RG Essential Killing RG Hands Sodankylä Forever Sons and Daughters vu, combined programme Ishii Yuya combined programme combined programme 76’ 82’ 68’ 77’ Jerzy Skolimowski coucher avec God? Times Two Vladimir Todorovic 81’ Peter von Bagh89’ Hirsh 83’ / Christie combined programme 74’ 96’ 270’ 20:00 69’ 11:30 Underworlds 14:00 Farewell 16:00 South Asian Shorts: 18:00 Reprise 22:00 Sliding Past memory and Loss combined programme combined programme combined 21:15 11:00 I Love you 13:30 Pa negrecombined programme 15:45 Tiger Solance 19:45 Tiger combined 22:30 programme BF AV TS TS Essential Killing WI Red Heroine Awards of Loneliness Awards programme combined programme 116’ 81’ 87’ 82’ 72’ 87’ Jerzy Skolimowski Competition for Short Films 5 Competition for Short Films 6 Alexander Rastorguev Agustí Villaronga Wen Yimin combined programme combined programme / Pavel Kostomarov 72’ 108’ 83’ 87’ 21:45 zebraman 2: 83’ 14:15 Les amours 16:45 Black Swan 19:15 Drei Attack on zebra City SH Tom Pillow Tykwer 19:30 10:00 Short Stories: 12:00 The Future 14:00 Tiger imaginaires 16:00 Short Profile: Darren 20:00Fight 22:00 SH SH TS SH Aronofsky18:00 Studien zum SP SH Short Stories: Awards ShortParty Stories: Xavier Dolan MiikeMake Takashi 95’ Emily vey duke & 103’ 119’ 106’ Competition for Short Films 3 Untergang des Abendlands Funny Games Oh Stranger Is History Believe combined programme Klaus Wyborny combined programme 71’ Battersby 150’ combined programme 79’ 12:00 Tiger combined programme 79’ combined programme 84’ 16:00 Cooper 80’ 20:00 Crisis? 14:00 Blind Spots 18:00 Human Condition 22:00 No Dorsky 3: Songs 67’ Expiration Date 76’ Awards for Short inStories: Another TimeSH What Crisis? SH combined programme combined 11:45 SouthCompetition 15:45 Short 17:45 ishii Yuya 19:45 Strange 21:45 Apartcombined SH Films 4 13:45 Utopia SH SH SH Togetherprogramme Asian Shorts: Shortprogramme combined programme programme combined programme 89’ combined programme 82’ 84’ 95’ Messengers 84’ 87’ Sonscombined and Daughters Real and Surreal Film Collection combined programme combined programme Ishii Yuya combined programme combined programme 76’ 81’ 89’ 82’ 68’ 77’ 20:00 The Extraordinary

En el futuro Mauro Andrizzi

programme day by day













Bogdan George Apetri

19:45 Outbound


Lisa Langseth

17:15 Pure




De Spaanse cineast Villaronga onderzoekt Het Kwaad in al zijn Talk 17:00 19:30 Big SP SP Somewhere The Mill and the Cross oeuvre. Sofia Coppola verschijningsvormen, in een compact en soms controversieel Lech Majewski 160’ 98’ 122’

16.00 16:45


sChouwburg Luxor grote ZaaL


17.00 Je suis un No Man’s Land 17:00 Somewhere

BF 18.00














Pang Ho-cheung

22:15 Love in a Puff


Sergei Loznitsa

22:15 My Joy

Yuen Woo-ping


22:15 Drunken Master










13:45 Kaidan - Oldrich Horror Lipsky Classics

9:00het begin 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 Lemonade van hun carrière een Tiger Award-nominatie ten deel viel14:15 (of 14.00 de prijs Joe 15.00RW

20:00 Karma

Dorsky, vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, is een klassieke Prasanna Jayakody PUBLIC SCREENINGS SUNDAY 30 JANUARY Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met een oeuvre om stil van te worden. Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan



Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekend als zanger van de Franse formatie MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig universum met sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.






24.00 110’



20.00 BF 21.00 24.00 19:15 19.00 21:45 Essential22.00 Sensation Killing SP 23.00 Big Talk Tom Hall Jerzy Skolimowski 19:30 22:15 Drunken Master daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma gebundeld. Thierry Jousse The Mill and the Cross 98’ 92’ 107’ various directors Sofia Coppola Yuen Woo-ping 83’ Lech Majewski 160’ 98’ 122’ 110’ 10:15 zebraman 2: 13:00 Fong Sai yuk 16:00 Unter Dir die Stadt 19:00 AUN - The Beginning 22:00 Songs of SP WI SP SP SP Pathé 1 Attack on zebra City and the End of all Things LoveMy andJoy Hate Yuen Kwai Christoph Hochhäusler 17:15 Pure 22:15 Outbound Afrikaans talent werd door het festival op19:45 Chinese bodem aan veteranen DoeLen Miike Takashi Edgar Honetschläger Katalin Gödrös 106’ 100’ 105’ 100’ 89’ Lisa Langseth Bogdan George Apetri Sergei Loznitsa Jurriaanse ZaaL gekoppeld – en draaideRTin China vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm. Het21:30 publiek 98’ 87’ 127’ 10:00 Kids Only 17:15 Estacao 19:00 El passatger clandestí AV AV Aro Tolbukhin - En Pathé 2 semanasvan después la mente del asesino combined programme Agustífilmische Villaronga Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film van filmmakers waarvan het festival plukt deTres vruchten deze bijzondere 20:00 samenwerking. 22:15 Karma Love in a Puff DoeLen wiLLem José Luis Torres Leiva various directors 90’ 75’ 96’ Prasanna Jayakody Pang Ho-cheung 98’ in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht. burgerZaaL 88’ 103’ 9:15 Meek’s Cutoff 12:00 Legend of the Mountain 16:15 Out of Fashion: 18:15 Cinema 21:15 No One Wanted to Die RT WI OF SH RW Pathé 3 Reloaded Fashion Competition Kelly Reichardt King Hu Vitautas 14:15 Lemonade Joe 16:45 Film 19:15 Sensation 21:45 Zalakiavichus Je suis un No Essential Killing sChouwburg combined programme Tom combinedMan’s programme 104’ 91’ 60’ Hall 107’ Land Oldrich Lipsky 184’ Jerzy Skolimowski grote ZaaL Thierry Jousse 98’ 92’ 107’ 83’ 10:30 Flying Fish 13:30 Bleak Night 16:30 VeteDe 19:30 22:00 Wasted youth TG TG TG tussen mode en film blijkt TG mássynergie Eternity even sterk als verrassend.TG Pathé 4 Alicia Sanjeewa Sivaroj Kongsakul 10:15 zebraman 13:00 Fong SaiYoon 16:00 Unter Dirlejos, 19:00 AUN - The 22:00 Argyris 2: Pushpakumara yuk Sung-Hyun die Stadt Beginning Songs Papadimitroof Pathé 1 poulos / JanHate Vogel Het de creatieveand kruisbestuiving tussen jonge 105’ RotterdamAttack op zijn breedst. Millerfestival onderzoekt 125’ actueel, 116’ 67’ 98’ on zebra CityHet festival selecteerde the End of all Things Love and Yuen Kwaikrachtig en vernieuwend ChristophElisa Hochhäusler Miike Takashi Edgar Honetschläger Katalin Gödrös 106’ tot minder 100’ 105’ 100’ 89’ designers, de gevestigde fashion-industrie en de onafhankelijke werk uit alle windstreken, van veteranen 9:45 12:45 Ámár bekende regisseurs. 15:45 Tiong Bahru 18:45 Maya 21:00 cinema. SP BF BF BF SH La belle endormie Tiger Pathé 5 Hinter diesen Bergen Grande Hotel La BM du Seigneur Eyes Catherine 10:00 17:15 Estacao 19:00 21:30 Aro Tolbukhin - En Kids Breillat Only El passatger clandestí Pathé 2 Michael Krummenacher 84’ Lotte Stoops Jean-Charles Hue Frank Scheffer 87’ 97’ 53’ del asesino Tres semanas después la mente combined programme82’ Agustí Villaronga José Luis Torres Leiva various directors 90’ 75’ 96’ 98’ 10:15 The Image Threads 13:15 The Crab 16:15 Parked 19:15 Breakfast, 22:15 Headshots TG BF BF BF TG Pathé 6 9:15 Lunch, Dinner Vipin Vijay Rona Mark Byrne Tooley 12:00 Legend of the Mountain 16:15 Darragh 18:15 Cinema 21:15 No One Wanted toLawrence Meek’s Cutoff Out of Fashion: Die Pathé 3 various directors Reloaded 104’ 102’ 87’ 92’ Fashion Film Competition 90’ Kelly Reichardt King Hu Vitautas Zalakiavichus De kracht van kort: films westerngenre helemaal niet zo programme combinedHet programme 104’ van een tot 59 minuten lang, uit alle windstreken. 184’ 91’ blijktcombined 60’ in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht. 107’ Casus belli 9:30 12:30 Ashes of Time Redux 15:30 Rainy Seasons 18:30 The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu 22:00 Tilva Rosh BF WI TG SP BF Pathé 7 Ze worden alsFlying voorfilm gebundeld in combined programme’s. Majid Barzegar met cowboys indianen. Communistische westerns Attenberg Wongof Kar-wai Ujica 19:30 en Lezaic 10:30 13:30 Bleak 16:30 VeteOok 22:00 Nikola Fish bij lange films vertoond, Night más de Sovjets wisten raadAndrei Eternity Wasted youth Pathé 4 Athina Rachel Tsangari 106’ 104’ 86’ 180’ 102’ lejos,uit Alicia Sanjeewa Pushpakumara Yoon Sung-Hyun Argyris Papadimitrode Sovjet-Unie en de satellietstaten. Sivaroj Kongsakul poulos / Jan Vogel Elisa Miller 125’ 116’ 67’ 105’ 98’ 9:15 Les voisins 11:45 A Stoker 14:15 Soul of Sand 17:00 The Baron 19:45 El Sicario 22:15 Varfix BF SP BF SP BF BF Cinerama 1 Julien Hot as Hell: the deadbeat march Room 164 Alexey Balabanov Sidharth Srinivasan 15:45 Tiong Bahru Edgar Pera 9:45 La belle endormie 12:45 Ámár 18:45 Maya 21:00 Tiger Pathé 5 Okuda Yosuke Gaël Lépingle Gianfranco Rosi Hinter80’ diesen Bergen Grande 99’ Hotel 94’ La BM du Seigneur 84’ 83’ Eyes Catherine Breillat 91’ Michael Krummenacher 84’ Lotte Stoops Jean-Charles Hue Frank Scheffer 53’ 87’ 97’ 12:00krijgen? 15:00 Dharma Guns 17:30 The Wanderer 20:15 Oki’s Movie 22:30 zephyr OS BF RT BF White Sun Cinema met de paplepel82’ingegoten Dat kan inRW deze unieke ‘kinderopvang’, Cinerama 4 of the Desert 13:15 The Crab F.J. Ossang Avishai Sivan Hong Sang-Soo Belma Bas 10:15 The Image Threads 16:15 Parked 19:15 Breakfast, 22:15 Headshots waar jong Vipin & oud een filmische verjongingskuur Historisch overzicht van wuxia, bij86’onsLunch, beterDinner bekend als martial arts-cinema. Pathé 6 Vladimir Motylondergaan. 85’Mark 93’ Byrne 80’ 93’ Vijay Rona Darragh Lawrence Tooley various directors 104’ 102’ 90’ 87’ 92’ Magistraal spektakel 9:30 Pure Asia 12:00 La nostra vita 14:30 Fuck Them All 17:00 20:00 out of Fashion 22:15 zohra: A SP SP AV SP uit China en Hongkong. OF SP Quality Control Cinerama 5 Casus belli Ikki magazine: Conceptual Spaces Després de 15:30 la pluja Fairytale Daniele Kevin Jerome Everson 18:30 The Autobiography of Nicolae 9:30 Katashima 12:30Luchetti 22:00 TilvaMoroccan Ashes of Time Redux Rainy Seasons Ceausescu Rosh Pathé 7 combined programme Agustí Villaronga Majid Barzegar Barney Attenberg 108’ 98’ 94’ 71’ 87’ 80’ Wong Kar-wai Andrei Ujica Nikola LezaicPlatts-Mills Athina Rachel Tsangari 106’ 104’ 86’ 180’ 102’ 9:45 The Piano in a Factory 12:15 Dad 14:45 When Love Comes 17:15 O estranho 19:30 Chantrapas 22:15 13 Assassins Cinerama 6 9:15 Les voisinsZhang Meng Varfix caso de Angélica Chang Tso-chi Otar El Iosseliani 11:45 A Stoker Vlado Skafar 14:15 Soul of Sand 17:00 The Baron 19:45 22:15 Miike Takashi Sicario Cinerama 1 Manoel de Oliveira Julien Hot as Hell: the deadbeat march 105’ Alexey Balabanov 71’ 107’ 95’ 122’ 120’ Room 164 Sidharth Srinivasan Edgar Pera Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema. Okuda Yosuke Gaël Lépingle Gianfranco Rosi 91’ 80’ 99’ 94’ 84’ 83’ 9:30 My Perestroika 12:00 Déjà vu, 14:30 The Story of Wong 17:00 voulez-vous 19:30 This Is England ‘86 Cinerama 7 Fei-hung, 1 coucher Times Sun Two Robin Hessman Shane Meadows 12:00 White 15:00 Part 17:30avec 20:15 Oki’s Movie 22:30 zephyr Dharma Guns TheGod? Wanderer Cinerama 4 Wu Pang F.J. Ossang 72’ Hirsh / Christie combined programme 74’ 87’ 192’Bas of the Desert Avishai Sivan69’ Hong Sang-Soo Belma Vladimir Motyl 85’ 93’ 86’ 80’ 93’ 19:45 Tiger Awards 22:30 Films & LantarenVenster 1 2 Competition for Short Films 7 9:30 Pure Asia 12:00 La nostra vita 14:30 Fuck Them All 17:00 Quality Control 20:00 22:15 zohra:Performances A out of Fashion Cinerama 5 combined programme combined programme magazine: Conceptual Spaces Després de la pluja 96’ 100’ Moroccan Fairytale Katashima Ikki Daniele Luchetti Kevin Jerome Everson programme 21.00 Agustí Villaronga Barney Platts-Mills 23.00 108’ 94’ 16.00 71’ 87’ 80’ 9:00 10:00 Short 10.00 11.00 13.0098’ 15.00 16:00 Short 17.00 18.00 19.0020:00 combined 20.00 22.00 24.00 12:00 Tiger12.00 14:00 Tiger14.00 22:00 South Stories: Profile: Short Stories: Asian Shorts: Awards Awards

DoeLen wiLLem burgerZaaL

DoeLen Jurriaanse ZaaL



Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig13:45 minuten zijn Kaidan - Horror Classics variousfilm, directors geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.






Prijzen voor de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde filmmakers strijden met hun eerste of tweede film om drie gelijkwaardige Tiger Awards, dit jaar mogelijk gemaakt door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.



programme day by day

Athina Rachel Tsangari

Robin Hessman


Vladimir Motyl

80’ 12:00 Déjà vu, Times Sun Two 12:00 White combined programme 74’ of the Desert

Wong Kar-wai

12:15 Dad 11:45 A Stoker Vlado Skafar 105’ Alexey Balabanov

108’ 106’




14:30 The Story of Wong Fei-hung, 1 15:00 Part Dharma Guns Wu Pang F.J. Ossang 72’

Sidharth Srinivasan


94’ Majid Barzegar

104’ 14:45 When Love Comes Chang Tso-chi 14:15 Soul of Sand

Andrei Ujica

87’ 180’

17:00 voulez-vous coucher 17:30avec TheGod? Wanderer Hirsh / Christie Avishai Sivan69’ 93’


Hong Sang-Soo

19:30 This Is England ‘86 Shane Meadows 20:15 Oki’s Movie

95’ 122’ 164 Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uitRoom de schatkamer van de cinema. Gianfranco Rosi 94’ 84’

19:30 Chantrapas SIGNALS: REGAINED Otar El Iosseliani 19:45 Sicario

71’ 86’ 17:15 O estranho caso de Angélica 17:00 The Baron 107’ EdgarManoel Pera de Oliveira


Nikola Lezaic

80’ 102’

22:30 zephyr 192’Bas Belma

Okuda Yosuke


Hot as Hell: the deadbeat march

22:15 13 Assassins Varfix Takashi 22:15 Miike


9:30 Pure Asia

Fuck Them All

17:00 Quality Control



PUBLIC SCREENINGS WEDNESDAY 26 JANUARY Daniele Luchetti Kevin Jerome Everson

12:00 La nostra vita





Enrique Collar 12.00

11:30 Kids in12:15 SpaceNovena










combined programme 72’ 112’

15:1515:30 PureKids Asiain Space

Katashima Ikki 14.00 15.00 170’ 14:30 End of Animal Jo Sung-Hee


Late Quartet Rodrigo Guerrero

16:00 dorsky SH 15:30 El invierno de los raros ND 4: The

combined programme

14:00 Blind Spots


La 18:30 dernièreWinter énigmeVacation OS

NK Behind 18:15 TV Dinners the Red Motel Door 18.00

F.J. Ossang

100’ 98’




Kawase Naomi 21.00





combined programme Malcolm Murray

22:00 21:30 SH Sliding Past Bad Posture

20:30 Parental 21:15 Guidance Genpin

combined programme

20:00 Film Travel



L’ affaire des divisions morituri Li Hongqi


combined programme

inhabited Spaces

12:00 South Asian Shorts:







Jurriaanse ZaaL9:15 I Love You 11:00 Virgin Goat 13:00 1001 Irans 15:00 Ocaso 20:15 Rose and Jasmine 22:30 Moamba Chinesa BF SP SH BF BF 18:00 Novena SP RA 80’ 107’ Gravity Was 90’ 122’ BF 71’ Cinerama 2 12:15 Outbound Grandma, a Thousand Times 15:15 18:15 New Jerusalem O imigrante Everywhere Back Then Alexander Rastorguev Murali Nair ThéoOcaso Court Enrique Collar Michael Pilz 21:15 Out of Fashion: Pathé 3 Maison Margiela Bogdan Apetri Kaabour Théo Court 21:45 Martin 20:00 El mar 22:30 El the Seed Doesn’t Outrage niño de la luna BrentIfGreen / Pavel Kostomarov 72’ Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ 80’ 87’ GeorgeMahmoud 90’ 80’16:45 72’ Die R. Alverson 19:15 Illégal96’ 106’ sChouwburg Cinerama 6 combinedKitano programme 87’ 80’ Sinisa Dragin 92’ Agustí Villaronga 118’ Olivier Masset-Depasse Takeshi Agustí Villaronga grote ZaaL 14:00 Off the Beaten Track BF 16:15 Pinoy Sunday 20:30 The 90’ BF 18:00 Shelter BF SP Red Eagle 115’ 109’ 107’ 118’ Cinerama 3 11:30 immigrant Cities: 13:30 Vete másDieter Auner 16:30 19:30 Je vis dans le rêveWisit 22:30 Bleak Night Characters de ma mère Ho Wi-ding Dragomir Sholev Sasanatieng Pathé 4 lejos, Alicia Guangzhou & Rotterdam Son Kwang-Ju Jan Willem van Dam Yoon 10:15 Qarantina 13:00 Lucía 19:00 Merry-Go-Round 22:00 The Red Eagle 18:30 Sodankylä violent Forever 93’16:00 Un poison 85’ 88’ 130’Sung-Hyun Pathé 7 1 Cinerama combined programme Elisa Miller 82’ 67’ 99’ 150’ 116’ Oday Rasheed Niles Atallah Katell Quillévéré Mak Yan Yan / Cheng Clement Wisit Sasanatieng Peter von Bagh 10:00 DINAMO P&I SH 90’ 100’ 92’ 124’ 130’ 270’ lantarenVenster 6 9:45 Tyrannosaur 12:45 Random Strangers 15:45 Black Blood 18:45 I Am Jesus 21:45 Carancho Screening 3 Pathé 5 Drexciya Toujours moins Boulistes 9 & 10Live Muziek Gravity Was Everywhere Paddycombined Considineprogramme Zhang Miaoyan / Tiger Awards Pablo Trapero 10:00 12:30 En espera 15:3015:45 18:30 HawiValerie Gudenus 21:30 Les22:00 19:45 IFFR Tiger Awards 95’ LantarenVenster Pathé 21 Back Thendel Brent Green Heloisa Sartorato Competition Imagine, the Sky La vida útil My Father’s House Competition for Short Films 1 for Short Films 2 91’ 90’ 128’ 75’ 107’ Las marimbas infierno Ibrahim El Batout Julio Hernández Cordón combined combined programme Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky Federico Veiroj programme 89’ 87’ 75’ 112’ 90’ 91’ 90’ Zhao Dayong 120’ 10:15 out of Fashion 13:15 Rainy Seasons 16:15 Eternity 19:15 Love Addiction 21:30 The Journals of Musan Pathé 6 magazine: Living on the Edge 12:0012:15 Majid Barzegar SivarojBlok Kongsakul Park Jung-Bum 14:00 Voorfilms Blok 215:15 Ocaso 16:00 Voorfilms 18:0018:15 20:00 Short Stories: 21:15 Out of 22:00 Outbound New Jerusalem Uchida Nobuteru Fashion: Voorfilms Blok 1 3 The Atomic NL International LantarenVenster Pathé 32 combined programme 88’ combined 86’ 105’ 127’ Maison Martin Margiela Sublime Make Believe92’ Bogdan George Apetri Théo Court combined programme R. Alverson programme combined programme combined programme combined programme Jesse Lerner 87’ 80’ 92’ combined programme 76’ 118’ 105’ 101’ 97’ 72’ 75’ 9:30 Dharma Guns 12:30 Pa negre 15:30 Gromozeka 18:30 year Without 22:15 Pure Pathé 7 F.J. Ossang Vladimir Kott16:30 Characters Lisa Langseth 11:3011:45 13:3013:45 22:30 15:45 17:45 Free Radicals - aa Summer 19:3019:45 22:00 Short Vete(Un)covered más Je visLost dans le rêve de ma mère Bleak Night Homecoming Re-constructions Stories: immigrant Cities: Agustí Villaronga LantarenVenster Pathé 43 Tan Chui Mui History of Experimental 93’ 108’ 90’van programme 98’ lejos,combined Alicia programme Sea of Desire Guangzhou & Rotterdam Son Kwang-Ju 104’ Jan Willem Dam Yoon Sung-Hyun combined programme combined programme combined Cinema 99’ combined programme Pip Chodorov Elisa Miller combined programme 82’ 83’ 67’ 150’ 116’ 101’ 86’ 82’ 84’ 81’ 9:15 The Mill and 11:45 Machete 14:15 The High Life 17:00 Virgin Goat 19:45 The Old Donkey 22:15 Sleep Cinerama 1 Random Strangers 14:00 RearZhao the 9:45 CrossTyrannosaur Maidens Murali Nair Li Ruijun Sakaguchi Katsumi 12:45Shorts: 15:4516:00 18:45 I Am Jesus 21:4522:00 12:00 20:00 BlackDorsky Blood1: Two Carancho ViewDayong Mirror Get a Life Pictures of Light SouthUnleashed! Asian LantarenVenster Pathé 56 Lech Majewski MarkReal Hartley Gravity Was 84’ Everywhere combined programme 96’ Sides 87’ Valerie Gudenus / 112’Pablocombined 96’ of Light and Surreal Paddy Considine 92’ Zhang Miaoyan Trapero programme combined programme


TheWorldFamous Ike Big Talk 96’ 108’ 92’ 90’ 92’ 150’ 17:00 Never Let Me Go 19:30 Luxor The20:00 Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu Mark Romanek 16:30 Les amours 22:30 Curling Reign of Assassins 4 Andrei Ujica VERDER Pathé VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: THE PIANO IN... + UNDER DIR DIE STADT SIGNALS-ROUTE: THE WHITE SUN... + LEMONADE JOE 10:00 KIDS ONLy VANAF 14:00 LIVE PERFORMANCES INN, DE 114’imaginaires 103’ 210’ DOELEN VANAF Su Chao-pin / John Woo IN WATER TIGER Denis Côté XavierLINSSEN), Dolan 95’BIG TALK CHARLOTTE RAMPLING, MICHAEL yORK &120’ 14:30 WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE 15:00 CRITICS’ TALK-SPECIAL OUT OF THE COMFORT zONE (DEBAT OLV DANA LV 19:30 LECH MAJEWSI OVER THE 92’ MILL 19:45 Parked 22:15 Sensation DoeLen Darragh Byrne Tom Hall 17:30 Small 20:00 Tyrannosaur Town AND THEPathé CROSS, REKVELD, yANNIS KyRIAKIDES EN ANDy MOORE, LV 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG 5 OUDE LUxOR 22:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... MET ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 22:30 OPTREDEN LICHENOMETRy VAN JOOST Jurriaanse ZaaL 90’ 107’ Murder Songs Paddy Considine Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’ 91’ 16:45 If the Seed Doesn’t Die 19:15 Illégal 21:45 Outrage sChouwburg Sinisa Dragin OlivierGentil Masset-Depasse 16:15 16.00 22:15Takeshi Butterfly L’Attesa 14.00 Jean Gravity Was The Last Buffalo 10.00 11.00 12.00 13:1513.00 15.00 17.00 18.00115’ 19:15 19.00 20.00 90’ 21.00 Kitano 22.00 23.00 24.00 9:00 Pathé 6 grote ZaaL Everywhere Back Then Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / 109’ Tonino De Bernardi Laura Amelia Guzmán Brent Green Lee Lynch / Israel Cárdenas 20.0084’ 9:30 TG Rainy Seasons 72’ 76’ 11.00 12.0013:00 Lucía13.0014:00 Merry-Go-Round 14.00 97’ 15.00 SP 16.00 17.00 18.0019:00 Merry-Go-Round 19.00 21.0022:00 The 22.00 23.00 24.00 9:00 Doelen 10:15 10.00 Qarantina Red Eagle Majid Barzegar Mak Yan Yan / Clement Cheng 16:00 Un poison violent Pathé 1 Big /Talk Oday Rasheed86’ Niles Atallah Katell Mak Yan19:45 Yan Chengsocialisme Clement Wisit Sasanatieng 14:30 End of Animal 19:30 Jurriaanse zaal 17:00 Fleurs 22:45 Tres semanas Never Let Me Go du mal Film 124’ Quillévéré Luxor Cinerama 1 The Autobiography después José Luis 90’ 100’ 124’Ceausescu 130’ Jo Sung-Hee Mark Romanek David Dusa92’ Jean-Luc Godard of Nicolae Torres Leiva Andrei Ujica 9:45 The Joy 12:15 If theEn 14:45 Pulsar 17:30 Animal Kingdom BF RT RT 114’ BF Seed Doesn’t Die 103’ 210’ 100’ 101’ 60’ Drexciya espera Doelen Willem 10:00 12:30 15:30 Toujours moins 18:30 Hawi 21:30 Les Boulistes 9 & 10 Felipe Bragança / Sinisa Dragin Alex Stockman David Michôd Pathé 2 Imagine, the Sky La vida útil 94’ My Father’s House Las marimbas del infierno Ibrahim El Batout113’ 19:4520:00 22:1522:30 Burgerzaal 17:00 Chantrapas Parked Sensation Dad Oki’s Movie Marina Meliande 100’ 115’ DoeLen Cinerama 5 Julio Hernández Cordón Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky Federico Veiroj Zhao Dayong Tom Hong 89’ 87’ 75’ Otar Iosseliani 112’ 90’ Darragh Byrne Hall Sang-Soo Vlado Skafar

YourPathé sPaCe 3

LantarenVenster Pathé 26


grote ZaaL

VERDER VANDAAG THEBF PIANO IN... + UNDER DIR DIE STADT SIGNALS-ROUTE: + LEMONADE 10:00 ONLy VANAF 14:00 LIVE PERFORMANCES IN WATER TIGER INN, DE DOELEN 9:15 BF/SP-ROUTE: 11:45 14:15 Morgen THE WHITE SUN... 16:45 Never JOE 21:45 SP BF SP SP VANAF 19:1519:30 Autumn Noir océan Let Me Go KIDSSP Post mortem Incendies VPRO Filmnacht Morgen LantarenVenster sChouwburg5 Bashir yOUR SPACE 15:00 CRITICS’ MarionTALK-SPECIAL Hänsel Marian CrisanzONE (DEBAT OLV DANA Mark Romanek LV 19:30 BIG TALK CHARLOTTE Pablo Larraín Denis Marian Crisan 14:30 WHITEBOARDAamir JUNGLE, OUT OF THE COMFORT LINSSEN), RAMPLING, MICHAEL yORK & Villeneuve LECH MAJEWSI OVER THE MILL

LantarenVenster 1

80’ 93’ 19:45 Tiger Awards 22:30 Films & 2 Competition for Short Films 7 20:00 22:15 zohra:Performances A out of Fashion Cinerama 5 combined programme combined programme magazine: Conceptual Spaces Després de la pluja 96’ 100’ Moroccan Fairytale Katashima Ikki programme 21.00 Agustí Villaronga Barney Platts-Mills 23.00 108’ 94’ 16.00 71’ 87’ 80’ 9:00 10:00 Short 10.00 11.00 13.0098’ 15.00 16:00 Short 17.00 18.00 19.0020:00 combined 20.00 22.00 24.00 12:00 Tiger12.00 14:00 Tiger14.00 22:00 South Stories: Profile: Short Stories: Asian Shorts: Awards Awards LantarenVenster 2 Competition for Short Films 5 Comes Competition Sons and Sandro Oh Stranger21:00 Essential SRFTI 9:45 The Piano 12:15 14:45 19:30 Chantrapas BF SP6 RT Aguilar 17:15 O estranho SP SP Killing22:15 SP in a Daughters Factory Dad for Short Films When Love 13Kolkata Assassins Cinerama 6 Pathé 1 combined combined programme combined combined programme caso combined programme combined 82’ 87’ 83’ 79’ de Angélica 79’ 109’ Zhang Meng programme Vladoprogramme Skafar Chang Tso-chi Otar Iosseliani Miikeprogramme Takashi Jerzy Skolimowski Manoel de Oliveira 105’ 71’ 107’ 95’ 122’ 120’ 83’ 11:45 Farewell 13:45 Short Stories: 15:45 New Arrivals 20:00 Neverending 22:00 Strange Free Radicals - a LantarenVenster 3 Animal magnetism Stories‘86 Messengers combined 9:30 My Perestroika 12:00 14:30 The Story of Wong WI combined programme 17:00 voulez-vous BF RG RGHistory of Experimental 19:30 This Is England SP 21:15 Essential Killing Déjà programme vu, Cinerama 7 Pathé 4 combined programme combined programme Jerzy combined programme 76’ Fei-hung,71’ Part 1 coucher avec God? 81’ 122’ Cinema Pip Chodorov 82’ Shane Meadows 86’Skolimowski Times Two Robin Hessman Wu Pang Hirsh / Christie combined programme 74’ 87’ 72’ 69’ 192’ 83’ 9:15 Autumn 11:45 Noir océan 14:15 Morgen 16:45 Never Let Me Go 19:30 Post mortem 21:45 Incendies LantarenVenster 5 Aamir Bashir Marion Hänsel Marian Crisan Mark Romanek PabloTiger Larraín Denis Villeneuve 22:30 Films & TS SH 19:3019:45 Pillow Fight Party Awards LantarenVenster Your sPaCe1 99’ 90’ 100’ 103’ 130’ Performances 2 Competition for Short Films98’ 7 combined programme combined programme 96’ 100’ 150’ 12:00 South Asian Shorts: 14:00 Blind Spots 16:00 dorsky 4: The 18:00 La dernière énigme 20:00 Film Travel 22:00 Sliding Past LantarenVenster 6 L’ affaire des divisions morituri Quartet inhabited Spaces combined programmeTS programme programme 10:00 Short Stories: 12:00 Tiger 14:00 Tiger 16:00 Late 20:00 combined 22:00 combined SH TS SH SH SH Short Profile: Short Stories: South Asian Shorts: Awards Awards LantarenVenster 2 F.J. Ossang combined programme combined programme Competition for Short Films 5 82’ Competition for Short Films 6 87’ 72’ 94’ 104’ SRFTI Kolkata 87’ Sons and Daughters Sandro Aguilar Oh Stranger combined programme combined programme combined programme combined programme 79’ combined programme 79’ combined programme 82’ 87’ 83’ 109’ 11:30 Kids in Space 15:30 Kids in Space 20:30 Parental Guidance TV Dinners Your sPaCe 11:45 Farewell 13:45 Short Stories: 15:45 New Arrivals 20:00 Neverending 22:00 Strange SH SH SH RG SH SH Free Radicals - a LantarenVenster 3 Animal magnetism History of Experimental 170’ 90’ 150’ Stories Messengers combined programme combined programme programme 71’ 15.00 Pip Chodorov 19.00 combined programme 21.00 combined programme 23.00 81’ 13.00 combined14.00 82’ 86’ 76’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 16.00 17.00 122’ Cinema 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00

Cinerama 4

9:45 The Piano in a Factory Cinerama 6 9:15 Les voisinsZhang Meng Cinerama 1 Julien Gaël Lépingle 91’ 9:30 My Perestroika Cinerama 7

programme day by day



TG 122’


La dernière énigme

TV Dinners

F.J. Ossang


L’ affaire des divisions morituri

Free Radicals - a

combined programme



combined programme 76’

22:00 Strange Messengers

combined programme 96’ 22:00 Sliding Past Film Travel combined programme programme 22:00 combined Short Stories: South Asian Shorts: 104’ SRFTI Kolkata 87’ Oh Stranger combined programme 79’ combined programme 109’ 20:30 Parental Guidance

20:00 Neverending 90’ Stories

20:00 20:00 94’

SIGNALS: History F.J.of Experimental oSSANG Cinema Pip Chodorov

12:00 South Asian Shorts: 14:00 Blind Spots 16:00 dorsky 4: The Quartet Spaces programme 12:00 inhabited 14:00 combined 16:00 Late Short Profile: Tiger Awards Tiger Awards combined programme 72’ combined programme Competition for Short Films 5 82’ Competition for Short Films 6 87’ Sandro Aguilar combined programme combined programme combined programme combined programme 79’ 82’ 87’ 83’ 11:30 Kids in Space 15:30 Kids in Space 11:45 Farewell 13:45 Short Stories: 15:45 New Arrivals Animal magnetism 170’ combined programme combined programme combined programme 71’ 81’


10:00 Short Stories: Sons and Daughters







11:30 Kids in Space

combined programme

inhabited Spaces

14:00 Blind Spots




combined programme

16:00 dorsky 4: The





combined programme 72’

Late Quartet

15:30 Kids in Space



TV Dinners

F.J. Ossang

20:00 Film Travel



L’ affaire des divisions morituri





combined programme

22:00 Sliding Past


20:30 Parental Guidance

combined programme


12:00 South Asian Shorts:





19:45 Parked





22:15 Sensation


Majid Barzegar


14:00 Merry-Go-Round



16:45 If the Seed Doesn’t Die


19:15 Illégal


21:45 Outrage

Mak Yan Yan / Clement Cheng vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, is een klassieke Kitano Takeshi SinisamoNDAY Dragin Olivier Masset-Depasse PUBLIC SCREENINGSDorsky, 31 JANUARY Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met een oeuvre om stil van te worden. Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan

9:30 Rainy Seasons




Doelen Willem Pathé 1 Burgerzaal Luxor




















Felipe Bragança / Oday Rasheed Marina Meliande

9:45 The Joy 10.00 12:15 12.00 14:45 Pulsar 15.00 If the Seed Doesn’t Die 9:00 11.00 13.00 10:15 van 13:00 Lucía 16:00 BFTiger Award-nominatie Qarantina het begin hun carrière een ten deel viel (of 14.00 de BF prijs

115’ 90’ 109’ Animal Kingdom 16.00violent 17:30 17.00 19.00 20.00 SP 21.0022:00 The 22.00 23.00 SP 24.00 BF David Michôd18.0019:00 Merry-Go-Round Un poison Red Eagle Sinisa Dragin Alex Stockman Big /Talk Niles Atallah Katell 94’ Quillévéré Mak Yan Yan Cheng Clement Wisit Sasanatieng 14:30 End of Animal 17:00 Never Let Me Go 19:30 100’ 115’ 113’ daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma gebundeld. Jo Sung-Hee The Autobiography of Nicolae 90’ 100’ 92’ 124’Ceausescu 130’ Mark Romanek Andrei Ujica 9:15 I Love You Drexciya 11:00 Virgin Goat 13:00 1001 Irans 15:00 Ocaso Toujours moins 114’Gravity Was 18:00 Novena 20:15 Rose and Jasmine 22:30 Moamba Chinesa 103’ 210’ Cinerama 2 10:00 12:30 En espera Grandma, a Thousand 15:30 18:30Collar 21:30 Les Boulistes 9 & 10 O imigrante BF BF BF SPMichael Pilz RA Hawi Times Everywhere Back Then Alexander Rastorguev Théo Court Enrique Pathé 2 Imagine,72’the Sky Murali Nair La vida útil 80’ BrentAfrikaans My Father’s House Las marimbas del infierno Ibrahim El Batout 19:45 22:15 Parked Sensation Mahmoud Kaabour Green / Pavel Kostomarov Henrique Narciso ‘Dito’ talent werd door het festival op Chinese bodem aan veteranen 87’ 90’ 72’ 96’ 106’ 80’ DoeLen Julio Hernández Cordón Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky Federico Veiroj Zhao Dayong Tom Hall 89’ 87’ 75’ 112’ 90’ Darragh Byrne Jurriaanse ZaaL 14:00 Off the Beaten Track 16:15 Pinoy Sunday 18:00 20:30 The RedHet Shelter Eagle gekoppeld – en draaide in China vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm. publiek 90’ 107’ Cinerama 3 12:15 Outbound 15:15 Ocaso 18:15 21:15 Out of Fashion: BF BFWi-ding BF OF New Sholev Jerusalem Dieter Auner Ho Dragomir Wisit Sasanatieng Pathé 3 Maison Margiela 130’ Bogdan George Apetri het festival Théo 93’ Court R. Alverson Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film van filmmakers waarvan de vruchten van deze bijzondere filmische samenwerking. 16:45 plukt 19:15 Illégal 21:45 Martin If the Seed Doesn’t Die Outrage 85’ 88’ sChouwburg combinedKitano programme 87’ 80’ Sinisa Dragin 92’ 118’ Olivier Masset-Depasse Takeshi in10:00 de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht. grote ZaaL DINAMO P&I 115’ 90’ 109’ lantarenVenster 6 11:30 immigrant Cities: 13:30 Vete más 16:30 Characters 19:30 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère 22:30 Bleak Night RA TG BF SP TG Screening 3 Pathé 4 lejos, Alicia Guangzhou & Rotterdam Son Kwang-Ju Jan Willem van Dam Yoon Sung-Hyun 10:15 13:00 Lucía 16:00 Un poison 19:00 Merry-Go-Round 22:00 The Red Eagle Qarantina violent combined programme 95’ Pathé 1 combined programme Elisa Miller 82’ Niles Atallah 67’ 99’ 150’ 116’ Oday Rasheed Katell Quillévéré Mak Yan Yan / Cheng Clement Wisit Sasanatieng 90’ 100’ 92’ 124’ 130’ 9:45 Tyrannosaur 12:45 Random Strangers 15:45 Black Blood 21:45 Carancho BF BF BF BF als verrassend. RT I Am Jesuseven sterk De synergie tussen mode18:45 en film blijkt Pathé 5 moins 9 & 10 Gravity Was Everywhere PaddyDrexciya Considine Zhang Miaoyan Pablo Trapero 10:00 12:30 En espera 15:30 Toujours 18:30 HawiValerie Gudenus / 21:30 Les Boulistes Pathé 2 Back Thendel Brent Green Heloisa Sartorato Het festival onderzoekt de creatieve kruisbestuiving Rotterdam op the zijnSky breedst. actueel, krachtig en90’ vernieuwend Imagine, La vida útil My Father’s House 91’ Het festival selecteerde 128’ 75’ tussen jonge 107’ Las marimbas infierno Ibrahim El Batout Julio Hernández Cordón Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky Federico Veiroj Zhao Dayong 89’ 87’ 75’ 112’ 90’ fashion-industrie de onafhankelijke cinema. werk10:15 uit alle van bekende regisseurs. 13:15 16:15 Eternity designers, de gevestigde 19:15 Love en 21:30 The Journals of Musan TG OFveteranen tot minder TG TG TG Rainy Seasons Addiction outwindstreken, of Fashion Pathé 6 magazine: Living on the Edge Majid Barzegar Sivaroj Kongsakul Park Jung-Bum 12:15 Outbound 15:15 Ocaso 18:15 New Jerusalem Uchida Nobuteru 21:15 Out of Fashion: Pathé 3 combined programme 88’ 86’ 105’ R. Alverson 92’ 127’ Maison Martin Margiela Bogdan George Apetri Théo Court combined programme 87’ 80’ 92’ 118’ 9:30 Dharma Guns 12:30 Pa negre 15:30 Gromozeka 18:30 year Without 22:15 Pure OS AV TG RT BF Pathé 7 a Summer 19:30 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère F.J. Ossang Vladimir Kott16:30 Characters Lisa Langseth 11:30 immigrant Cities: Agustí Villaronga 13:30 Vete más 22:30 Bleak Night Pathé 4 Tan Chui Mui 93’ 90’van Dam 98’ lejos, Alicia 108’ Guangzhou & Rotterdam Son Kwang-Ju 104’ Jan Willem Yoon Sung-Hyun De kracht van kort: films vancombined een tot programme 59 minuten lang, windstreken. Het westerngenre blijkt Elisa Miller 82’ uit alle 67’ 99’ helemaal niet zo in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht. 150’ 116’ 9:15 The Mill and 11:45 Machete 14:15 The High Life 17:00 Virgin Goat 19:45 The Old Donkey 22:15 Sleep SP RG BF SP BF SP Cinerama 1 Strangers in combined ZeTyrannosaur worden als voorfilm bij lange films vertoond, of gebundeld programme’s.15:45 Black Blood OokMurali de Sovjets metI Am cowboys westerns the 9:45 Cross Maidens Unleashed! Zhao Dayong Nair wisten raad Li Ruijun Communistische21:45 12:45 Random 18:45 Jesus en indianen. CaranchoSakaguchi Katsumi Pathé 5 Lech Majewski Mark Hartley Gravity Was 84’ Everywhere 96’ Miaoyan 87’ 112’ 96’ Paddy Considine 92’ Zhang Valerie Gudenus / Pablo Trapero uit de Sovjet-Unie128’ en de satellietstaten. Back Then Brent Green Heloisa Sartorato 91’ 90’ 75’ 107’ 10:00 El passatger clandestí AV 12:30 AUN - The Beginning 15:00 Le trésor des 17:30 The Thirteen 20:15 The Wanderer 22:45 The Law and the Fist RW SP OS RW BF Cinerama 4 and the13:15 End of all Things îles chiennes 16:15 Eternity Agustí Villaronga Mikhail Romm 10:15 19:15 Love Addiction Avishai Sivan 21:30 The Journals of MusanJerzy Hoffman / Rainy Seasons out of Fashion Pathé 6 Edward Skórzewski Edgar Honetschläger F.J. Ossang magazine: Living on the Edge96’ 109’ 87’ Uchida Nobuteru 93’ Majid Barzegar 100’ Sivaroj Kongsakul Park86’Jung-Bum combined programme 88’ 86’ 105’ 92’ 127’ 9:30 Soul 12:00krijgen? 14:30 Rose and Jasmine 17:00 out of Fashion 20:00 The Ghost with 22:15 Killer Clans BF ingegoten SP OF WI WI of Sand Robinson in Ruins Cinema met de paplepel Dat kan in dezeRTunieke ‘kinderopvang’, Cinerama 5 magazine: iconic inspiration Six Fingers: Part One Sidharth Srinivasan Patrick Michael Pilz 15:30 Gromozeka Chu Yuan 9:30 Dharma 12:30Keiller 18:30 year Without 22:15 Pure Guns Pa negre jong & oud een filmische verjongingskuur ondergaan. Pathé 7 Historisch bij ons beter bekend als martial arts-cinema. combinedoverzicht programme van wuxia, Chan Lit-ban 99’ 101’ 85’a Summer 94’ 103’ F.J.waar Ossang Agustí Villaronga Vladimir Kott 106’ Lisa Langseth Tan Chui Mui 93’ 108’ 104’ 90’ 98’ Magistraal uit China 9:45 zephyr 12:15 The Swordsman 14:45 Jean Gentil 17:15 Tilvaspektakel 22:30 Tras el cristal BF WI BF BFen Hongkong. 20:15 Off the Beaten Track BF AV Rosh Cinerama 6 9:15 Belma Bas Nikola Dieter Auner Agustí Villaronga 11:45 Machete in Double Flag Town 14:15 The HighLaura 17:00 Virgin 19:45 The Old Donkey 22:15 Sleep The Mill and Life Amelia Guzmán GoatLezaic Cinerama 1 / Israel Cárdenas Ping 93’ 91’ 84’ 102’ 93’ 110’ the Cross Maidens He Unleashed! Zhao Dayong Murali Nair Li Ruijun Sakaguchi Katsumi Lech Majewski Mark Hartley 92’ 84’ 96’ 87’ 112’ 96’ 9:30 The Earrings 12:00 Quality Control 14:30 Imagens de uma 17:00 Son of God 19:45 Blinding 22:15 Etrangère Cinerama 7 Chassis The10:00 day i disappeared cidade perdida Kevin Jerome Everson various directors Steve Sanguedolce 12:30 AUN - The Beginning 15:00 Le trésor des 17:30 The Thirteen 20:15 The Wanderer 22:45 The Law and the Fist El passatger clandestí Cinerama 4 Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi Adolfo B. Alix Jon Jost îles chiennes 76’ 92’ 70’ 72’ and the End71’ of all Things Agustí Villaronga Romm Avishai Sivan JerzyJr.Hoffman / 86’ Een duik inMikhail de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema. Edward Skórzewski Edgar Honetschläger F.J. Ossang 96’ 100’ 109’ 87’ 86’ 93’ 21:00 IFFR Live Muziek LantarenVenster 1 9:30 Soul of Sand 12:00 Robinson in Ruins 14:30 Rose and Jasmine 17:00 out of Fashion 20:00 The Ghost with 22:15 Killer Clans Cinerama 5 magazine: iconic inspiration 120’ Six Fingers: Part One Sidharth Srinivasan Patrick Keiller Michael Pilz Chu Yuan combined programme Chan Lit-ban 99’ 101’ 106’ 85’ 94’ 103’ 10:00 Short Stories: 12:00 Tiger Awards 14:00 South Asian Shorts: 16:15 Loaded and 18:00 NL International 20:00 Short Profile: 22:00 Neverending LantarenVenster 2 Funny Games Reloaded SRFTI Kolkata Sandro Stories Competition for Short Films 7 9:45 zephyr 12:15 14:45 Jean Gentil 17:15 Tilva Rosh combined programme 20:15 22:30 Tras el cristal The Swordsman Off Aguilar the Beaten Track Cinerama 6 programme 71’ combined programmeNikola combined programme combined programme combined combinedAgustí programme 109’ 69’ Lezaic 75’ 79’ in Double Flag Town 96’ Belmacombined Bas Laura Amelia Guzmán Dieterprogramme Auner Villaronga 86’ He Ping 93’ 91’ 84’16.00 102’ 19.00 93’ 110’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 / Israel Cárdenas 15.00 17.00 20.00 21.00 22.001 23.00 24.00 9:45 Africa Blue 11:45 Short Profile: 13:45 Apart Together 15:45 Short Stories: 17:45 Raiding 18.00 19:45 Short Stories: 21:45 Raiding Africa Africa 2

Doelen sChouwburg Jurriaanse zaal grote ZaaL


DoeLen Byrne Tom Hall IN DE SCHOUWBURG AND THE CROSS, NIGHT... MET ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 22:30 OPTREDEN yANNIS KyRIAKIDES EN ANDy MOORE, LV 23:00 MUzIEK 10.00VPRO LATE 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00LICHENOMETRy 16.00 VAN JOOST 17.00 REKVELD, 18.00 19.00 Darragh 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 9:00LUxOR 22:00 Jurriaanse ZaaL OUDE


170’ 90’ 150’ Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig minuten zijn De Spaanse Het Kwaad in al zijn Talk 14:30 End of Animal 17:00 19:30 Big BF SP onderzoekt SP Never Let cineast Me Go Villaronga The Autobiography of Nicolae Mark Romanek geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, Jo Sung-Hee verschijningsvormen, in een compact 14:00 en soms controversieel oeuvre.Ceausescu Andrei Ujica VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: THE PIANO IN... + UNDER DIR DIE STADT SIGNALS-ROUTE: THE WHITE SUN... + LEMONADE JOE 10:00 KIDS ONLy VANAF LIVE PERFORMANCES IN WATER TIGER INN, DE 114’ 103’ 210’ DOELEN VANAF waarin drie gelijkwaardige te winnen zijn. 14:30 WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE 15:00 prijzen CRITICS’ TALK-SPECIAL OUT OF THE COMFORT zONE (DEBAT OLV DANA LINSSEN), LV 19:30 BIG TALK CHARLOTTE RAMPLING, MICHAEL yORK & LECH MAJEWSI OVER THE MILL

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6

Prijzen voorTHE de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde Franse punkpoëet, bekend als zanger van dePERFORMANCES Franse formatie IN VERDER VANDAAG PIANO IN... + UNDER DIR DIE STADTfilmmakers SIGNALS-ROUTE: 10:00 KIDS ONLy VANAF 14:00 LIVE WATER TIGER INN, DE DOELEN VANAF 9:15 BF/SP-ROUTE: 11:45 14:15strijden 16:45 Deze 19:30 21:45 Autumn Noir océan Morgen THE WHITE SUN... + LEMONADE Never JOE Let Me Go Post mortem Incendies LantarenVenster 5 Bashirhun Hänsel Marian Mark Romanek Pablo Larraín Denis 14:30 WHITEBOARDAamir JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE 15:00 CRITICS’ OUTAwards, OF THEdit COMFORT LINSSEN), LVProvisoire, 19:30 BIG bouwt TALK CHARLOTTE RAMPLING, MICHAEL & Villeneuve LECH MAJEWSI OVER THE MILL met eerste of tweede film omMarion drieTALK-SPECIAL gelijkwaardige Tiger jaar CrisanzONE (DEBAT OLV DANA MKB Fraction aan een eigenzinnig universum met yORK 99’ 90’ 100’ 103’ 98’ 130’ AND THE CROSS, OUDE LUxOR VPRO NIGHT... MET ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 22:30 OPTREDEN LICHENOMETRysterke VAN JOOST REKVELD, yANNIS KyRIAKIDES EN ANDy MOORE, LV 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG mogelijk22:00 gemaakt doorLATE het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. invloeden vanLahet Duits Expressionisme en science fiction. dernière énigme

LantarenVenster 3

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 2

programme day by day



LantarenVenster 6

LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 2

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7

lantarenVenster 6

Cinerama 6

Cinerama 3

Cinerama 5

Cinerama 2

Doelen Willem Burgerzaal Cinerama 1

Doelen Jurriaanse zaal Pathé 6

Pathé 5

Pathé 4

Pathé 3

YourPathé sPaCe 2

grote ZaaL

LantarenVenster sChouwburg6

LantarenVenster 5

LantarenVenster 3

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster Your sPaCe2

LantarenVenster 5 LantarenVenster Pathé 41

Cinerama 7 Pathé 1

LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

Paula Siero






combined programme

10:00 DINAMO P&I Screening 4

José Maria de Orbe

9:30 Aitá

Yes! That’s Us

9:15 Speak

09:45 El agua del fin del mundo

Sérgio Borges




Sofia Coppola

9:30 The Sky Above TG



10:00 Somewhere

Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi 76’ Agustí Villaronga



91’ Maidens Unleashed! Mark Hartley 84’ 12:00 Quality Control Kevin Jerome Everson 12:30 AUN - The Beginning and the End71’ of all Things Edgar Honetschläger 96’








14:15 Unter Dir die Stadt



combined programme 66’


16:45 yip Man


Hours and the days


16:00 dorsky 5: The


Katashima Ikki

15:15 Pure Asia


16:30 Les amours imaginaires

Rodrigo Guerrero



combined programme60’


TheWorldFamous Ike

100’ 18:15 Behind the Red Motel Door





Real and Surreal

12:00 South Asian Shorts:

combined programme

14:00 Rear View Mirror

combined programme



combined programme

14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2

13:45 (Un)covered


Aamir Bashir

14:00 Autumn

Edgar Pera

13:45 The Baron


Everywhere Back Then

Marian Crisan

16:15 Morgen


16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light

combined programme

15:45 Re-constructions

combined programme

combined programme

16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3





History of Experimental Cinema Pip Chodorov

17:45 Free Radicals - a



Peter von Bagh

Adolfo B. Alix Jr.

Competition for Short Films 2


combined programme

20:00 Get a Life


combined programme 76’ combined programme

19:45 Lost

20:00 Short Stories: Make Believe

combined programme

19:45 Tiger Awards

18:30 Sodankylä Forever

18:00 The Atomic Sublime Jesse Lerner 97’


Marius Holst


Vlado Skafar 20:30 When Love Comes 71’ Chang Tso-chi 20:00 El112’ mar Agustí Villaronga

84’ 20:00 Dad

BF 18:15 King of Devil’s122’ Island

Otar Iosseliani

Competition for Short Films 1





various directors



combined programme

combined programme 22:00 Pictures of Light

22:00 Short Stories: Sea of Desire

combined programme

IFFR Live Muziek




22:30 107’ El niño de la luna

Agustí Villaronga

Hong Sang-Soo

22:30 Oki’s Movie RT

22:00 NL International









22:15 The Last Buffalo Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / 21:00 Hot as Hell: the BF Lee Lynch Silent Sonata SP 84’ 76’ Deadbeat March Janez Burger 19:45 Film socialisme Okuda Yosuke 96’ 75’ 22:45 Tres semanas 75’ después José Luis Jean-Luc Godard Torres Leiva BF 60’ 20:15 Presa 22:15 Belkibolang BF SP 101’

Laura Amelia Guzmán

19:15 Jean Gentil

Fukada Koji

18:00 La BM du 100’ Seigneur Frank Scheffer17:0053’Chantrapas Jean-Charles Hue


16:00 Tiger Eyes

Mathieu Amalric 17:00 Fleurs du mal David Dusa


19.0020:00 Tyrannosaur 20.00 Paddy Considine

/ Israel CárdenasSP 18:45 Hospitalité

Ed Gass-Donnelly

17:30 Small Town 18.00 17.00 Murder Songs

BrentL’Green 16:30 illusion comique 72’ SP

16:15 95’ Gravity Was



15:45 Tiger Awards



Argyris Papadimitropoulos / Jan Vogel

14:15 Wasted Youth 97’



Svetlana Proskurina

14:30 Truce


Tonino De Bernardi


combined programme

combined programme




Denis Côté

22:30 Curling


Kawase Naomi

21:15 Genpin

Su Chao-pin / John Woo



22:15 Crisis? SH Filmnacht SH VPRO What Crisis? combined programme 115’ 84’


Derek Cianfrance

22:00 Blue Valentine

104’ 21.00



22:00 Parental Guidance 21:30NK Parental Guidance: NK Bad Posture Because We Are Visual Gabriel Lester Prelude ShowMalcolm Murray 90’ 91’ 90’ 90’ 93’


20:00 Reign of Assassins

Herman Li HongqiAsselberghs

NK 18:30 Winter TV Dinners Vacation

combined programme Marian Crisan


19:45 Meek’s Cutoff


19:45 Kino Climates RG 19:15 Morgen

Future Kodachrome 1

107’ 18.00

18:00 once and


16:30 15:30 El invierno de los Kitchen raros Secrets

14:00 Trans SH Transformations combined programme 78’ 96’


13:15 Butterfly 104’ L’Attesa

12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1

11:45 Homecoming


Jeanne Crépeau


11:45 La fille de Montréal

José Torres Leiva

11:30 Tres semanas RT

Sergio Caballero

12:00 Finisterrae

Vipin Vijay




Enrique Collar

12:15 Novena


PUBLICChristoph SCREENINGS THURSDAY 27 JANUARY Hochhäusler Wilson Yip Kelly Reichardt

combined programme

11:45 The Image Threads



Marion Hänsel

12:15 Noir océan


Zhao Dayong

14:30 Imagens de uma cidade 15:00perdida Le trésor des Jon Jost îles chiennes F.J. Ossang 100’


12:00 Pictures of Light


The10:00 day i disappeared El passatger clandestí


102’ 93’ Murali Nair Li Ruijun Sakaguchi Katsumi 87’ 112’ 96’ 17:00 Son of God 19:45 Blinding 22:15 Etrangère Chassis various Steve Sanguedolce 17:30directors 20:15 22:45 The Law and the Fist The Thirteen The Wanderer Adolfo B. Alix 92’ 70’ 72’ Mikhail Romm Avishai Sivan JerzyJr.Hoffman / 86’ Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema. Edward Skórzewski 109’ 87’ 86’ 21:00 IFFR Live Muziek 9:30 Soul of Sand 12:00 Robinson in Ruins 14:30 Rose and Jasmine 17:00 out of Fashion 20:00 The Ghost with 22:15 Killer Clans magazine: iconic inspiration 120’ Six Fingers: Part One Sidharth Srinivasan Patrick Keiller Michael Pilz Chu Yuan combined programme Chan Lit-ban 99’ 101’ 106’ 85’ 94’ 103’ 10:00 Short Stories: 12:00 Tiger Awards 14:00 South Asian Shorts: 16:15 Loaded and 18:00 NL International 20:00 Short Profile: 22:00 Neverending Funny Games Reloaded SRFTI Kolkata Sandro Stories Competition for Short Films 7 9:45 zephyr 12:15 14:45 Jean Gentil 17:15 Tilva Rosh combined programme 20:15 22:30 Tras el cristal The Swordsman Off Aguilar the Beaten Track programme 71’ combined programmeNikola combined programme combined programme combined combinedAgustí programme 109’ 69’ Lezaic 75’ 79’ in Double Flag Town 96’ Belmacombined Bas Laura Amelia Guzmán Dieterprogramme Auner Villaronga 86’ He Ping 93’ 91’ 84’16.00 102’ 19.00 93’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 / Israel Cárdenas 15.00 17.00 20.00 21.00 22.001 23.00 9:45 Africa Blue 11:45 Short Profile: 13:45 Apart Together 15:45 Short Stories: 17:45 Raiding 18.00 19:45 Short Stories: 21:45 Raiding Africa Africa 2 EmilyQuality vey dukeControl & magnetism 21:00 Teens combined programme combined programme programme combined programme 9:30 The Earrings 12:00 14:30 17:00 Son of God combined 19:45 Animal 22:15 Etrangère BF SP SP and Trabbis SP SP Essential Killing SP Imagens de uma Blinding combined programme 71’Jerzy Skolimowski Cooper Battersby combined programme various Chassis The day i disappeared 90’ 67’ 77’ 82’ directors 90’ 87’ cidade perdida Kevin Jerome Everson Steve Sanguedolce Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi 76’ Adolfo Jon Jost 71’ 92’ 70’ 72’ 86’ 83’ B. Alix Jr. 10:00 Somewhere 12:15 Noir océan 14:15 Unter Dir die Stadt 16:45 yip Man 19:45 Meek’s Cutoff 22:00 Blue Valentine Sofia Coppola Marion Hänsel Christoph Hochhäusler Wilson Yip Kelly Reichardt 21:0021:15IFFR Derek Cianfrance Live Muziek Essential Killing 98’ 90’ 105’ 107’ 114’ Jerzy104’ Skolimowski 120’ 83’ 12:00 Pictures of Light 14:00 Trans 16:00 dorsky 5: The 18:00 once and 19:45 Kino Climates 22:15 Crisis? Hours and the days Future Kodachrome 1 Transformations What Crisis? programme combined programme 10:00 Short Stories: 12:00 combined 14:00 16:15 18:00 20:00 22:00 SH TS SH SH SH SH SH 19:30 South Asian Shorts: NL International Short Profile: Neverending Loaded and Pillow Fight Party Tiger Awards combined programme 66’ combined combined programme 78’ combined programme Funny Games Reloaded 60’ 115’ Stories 84’ SRFTI Kolkata Sandro Aguilar Competition for Short Films 7 96’ combinedprogramme programme combined programme 71’ combined programme 69’ combined programme combined programme combined programme 79’ combined programme 96’ 109’ 75’ 86’ 150’ 16:30 Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners 22:00 Parental Guidance: Parental Guidance Herman Asselberghs Because We Are Visual 9:45 Africa Blue 11:45 Short Profile: 13:45 Apart Together SH 15:45 Short Stories: 17:45 Raiding Africa 2 19:45 Short Gabriel 21:45 Raiding Africa 1 SH SH SH RA SHPrelude Show RA Stories: Lester Emily vey duke & Animal 100’programme 90’ magnetism 90’combined programme 90’ Teens and Trabbis combined programme combined programme combined combined programme 71’ Cooper Battersby combined programme 90’ 67’ 77’ 82’ 90’ 87’

the Cross Lech Majewski The Earrings





110’ 24.00



programme day by day















19:45 year Without a Summer







Los teleféricos 19:15 19.00 Talk SilentBigSonata 19:30 Janez22 Burger mei

20.00 SP

21.00 21:45




Marius Holst


22:15 King of Devil’s Island














Iván Fund / Santiago Loza 95’

Truce 17.00 Svetlana 17:00 LosProskurina labios

16.00 16:45


19:45 A Stoker SP Dorsky, vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, Alexey Balabanov is een klassieke 80’ Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met een oeuvre om stil van te worden.





daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma gebundeld.



De Spaanse onderzoekt Het Kwaad in al zijn Talk 17:00 19:30 Big RT RT Los labioscineast Villaronga 22 meicontroversieel oeuvre. Iván Fund / Santiago Loza verschijningsvormen, in een compact en soms Koen Mortier 100’ 118’


9:00het begin 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 van hun carrière een Tiger Award-nominatie ten deel viel (of 14.00 de prijs

Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan



Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekend als zanger van de Franse formatie MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig universum met sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.





22.00 23.00 24.00 SP Merry-Go-Round Mak Yan Yan / Cheng Clement 22:15 King of Devil’s Island 124’ Marius Holst Koen Mortier 100’ 118’ 112’ 14:00 zephyr 19:30 Surviving Life 22:00 Poetry BF SP SP Pathé 1 Belma Bas Jan Svankmajer Lee Chang-Dong year Without Afrikaans talent werd door het festival op19:45 Chinese bodem aan veteranen DoeLen 93’ 105’ 135’ a Summer Jurriaanse ZaaL gekoppeld – en draaide in China vervolgens een Het21:30 publiek Tanlowbudgetfilm. Chui Mui 90’ 9:30 El Sicario 12:30 The Red Eagle 15:30 Hospitalité 18:30 Mouse Palace BF BF SP SP SP Sleep Pathé 2 you Are Here filmische Room 164 Wisit Sasanatieng Fukada Koji Sakaguchi Katsumi Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film van filmmakers waarvan het festival plukt de vruchten van deze bijzondere samenwerking. 19:45 A Stoker DoeLen wiLLem Daniel Cockburn Gianfranco Rosi 84’ 130’ 96’ 88’ Balabanov 96’ Alexey in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht. Random Strangers burgerZaaL 80’ 12:15 15:15 The Joy 18:15 A Small Town 21:15 La fille de Montréal SP SH BF BF Pathé 3 Tiger Eyes Called Descent Felipe Bragança / Jeanne Crépeau 16:45 Truce 19:15 Los teleféricos 21:45 Merry-Go-Round sChouwburg Marina Meliande Frank Scheffer Jahmil XT Qubeka Silent Sonata106’ 71’ 100’ Proskurina 92’Clement Svetlana Mak Yan Yan / Cheng grote ZaaL Janez Burger 95’ 89’ 124’ 10:30 Mistérios de Lisboa 16:30 Finisterrae 19:30 22:30 Eternity SP BF TG Adrienn De synergie TG tussen mode en film blijkt even sterk Pál als verrassend. Pathé 4 Raúl Ruiz Sergio Caballero Ágnes Kocsis 14:00 zephyr 19:30 Surviving 22:00 Poetry Sivaroj Kongsakul Life Pathé 1 Het festival onderzoekt de creatieve kruisbestuiving Rotterdam op zijn breedst. Het festival selecteerde actueel, krachtigBelma en vernieuwend 312’ 80’ 136’ Lee Chang-Dong 105’ Bas Jan Svankmajertussen jonge 93’ 105’ 135’ Les Boulistes 9 & 10 designers, de gevestigde fashion-industrie en de onafhankelijke cinema. werk uit alle windstreken, van veteranen tot12:45 minder bekende regisseurs. 9:45 15:45 Paraísos artificiales 18:45 1001 irans Khosrovani 21:45 Les Boulistes 5 & 6 RA RA BF BF SH Gesher Pathé 5 Palace My Father’s Imani Vahid Vakilifar Yulene Olaizola 9:30 El Sicario 12:30 The Red 15:30 Hospitalité 18:30 Mouse 21:30 Sleep Eagle House & Grandma, a Thousand Times Pathé 2 Dayong Caroline Kamya you Are Here Kaabou Mahmoud 84’ 90’ 90’ 90’ 88’ Room 164 WisitZhao Sasanatieng Fukada Koji Sakaguchi Katsumi Daniel Cockburn Gianfranco Rosi 84’ 130’ 96’ 88’ 96’ 10:15 Gromozeka 13:15 The Tiger Factory SP 16:15 Club zeus 19:15 Septien 22:15 Duel to the Death WI TG RT BF Pathé 6 Vladimir Kott David Verbeek Michael Tully Ching Siu-tung 12:15 Random Strangers Woo Ming Jin 15:15 The Joy 18:15 A Small Town 21:15 La fille de Montréal Pathé 3 104’ Tiger Eyes 84’ 75’ 79’ 86’ Called Descent Felipe Bragança / Jeanne Crépeau De kracht van kort: films van een tot 59 minuten lang, uit alle Het100’westerngenre blijktJahmil helemaal niet zo in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht. Marina Meliande Frank Scheffer XT Qubeka 71’ windstreken. 106’ 92’ 12:30 Je suis un No 15:30 The Sky Above TG 18:30 El agua del 21:30 Shelter BF BF BF Pathé 7 Ze worden alsMistérios voorfilmdebijLisboa lange films vertoond, gebundeld in combined programme’s. Sérgio Borges16:30 Finisterrae Ook de Sovjets wisten raadfin met indianen. Man’sofLand delcowboys mundo Dragomir Sholev 10:30 19:30 en 22:30 Eternity Adrienn Pál Communistische westerns Pathé 4 Thierry Jousse Paula Siero 92’ 72’ 84’ 88’ Raúl Ruiz Sergio Caballero Ágnes Kocsis Sivaroj Kongsakul uit de Sovjet-Unie en de satellietstaten. 312’ 80’ 136’ 105’ 9:15 Bad Posture 11:45 New Jerusalem 14:15 The Birds Know 17:00 Rosa 19:45 Primordial Ties 22:15 Presa BF SP BF BF BF SP Cinerama 1 5 & 6B. Alix Jr. Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from Paraísos artificiales Hoy como ayer Malcolm R. Alverson 12:45 Les Boulistes 9 & 10 Otto Buj Adolfo 9:45 Murray 15:45 18:45 1001 irans Khosrovani 21:45 Les Boulistes Gesher Pathé 5 a Childhood Axel Danielson Yulene Bernie IJdis My Father’s Imani 93’ 92’ House 96’ Olaizola 81’ 90’ 86’ Vahid Vakilifar & Grandma, a Thousand Times Zhao Dayong Caroline Kamya Mahmoud Kaabou 90’ 90’ 90’ 88’ 10:00 Cirkus 12:30 Dat 15:00 Lemonade Joe 17:30 Die Söhne der 20:15 Aro Tolbukhin - En 22:45 El mar SP krijgen? BF ‘kinderopvang’, RW RW AV AV The Wanderer Cinema metColumbia de paplepel84’ingegoten kan in deze unieke Cinerama 4 Großen Bärin la mente del asesino DanisGromozeka Avishai Sivan Oldrich Lipsky 16:15 Club zeus Agustí Villaronga 13:15 The Tiger Factory 19:15 Septien 22:15 Duel to the Death waar10:15 jong &Tanovic oud een ondergaan. beter bekend als martial arts-cinema. 98’ Pathé 6 Josef Mach van wuxia, bij ons various directors 113’ 98’Historisch overzicht 98’Michael Vladimir Kott filmische verjongingskuur Woo Ming Jin86’ David Verbeek Tully Ching Siu-tung 104’ 84’ 75’ 79’ 86’ Magistraal China en Hongkong. 12:30 Nainsukh 14:30 out of Fashion magazine: OF 17:00 19:30 Anyang, Paradise City BF 22:00 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère BF OF SP Pyuupiruspektakel 2001-2008 uit Cinerama 5 Fairytales Freak me out Amit Dutta Matsunaga Daishi Park Chan-Kyong 12:30 Je 15:30 18:30 El agua del 21:30 Shelter Jan Willem van Dam suis un No The Sky Above Pathé 7 combined programmeSérgio Borges 75’ 89’ 93’ del mundo 102’ Dragomir Sholev Man’s Land fin Thierry Jousse Paula Siero 92’ 72’ 84’ 88’ 12:15 Pinoy Sunday 14:30 El niño de la luna 17:15 Aitá 20:00 Off the Beaten Track 22:30 Hawi Cinerama 6 9:15 Know Ho Wi-ding Agustí Villaronga Dieter Auner Ibrahim El Batout 11:45 New Jerusalem 14:15 The Birds 17:00 RosaJosé Maria de Orbe 19:45 Primordial 22:15 Presa Bad Posture Ties Cinerama 1 Hoy como ayer Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from 85’ 118’ 85’ 93’ 112’ Malcolm Murray R. Alverson Otto Buj Adolfo B. Alix Jr. Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema. a Childhood Axel Danielson Bernie IJdis 93’ 92’ 96’ 81’ 90’ 86’ 10:30 Fortune Teller 14:15 The Ghost with 17:00 Kommander Kulas 19:45 The Baron 22:15 Belkibolang Cinerama 7 Khavn De Die La Cruz Six Fingers: One Joe Xu Tong Edgar PeraAro Tolbukhin - En various 10:00 Cirkus Columbia 12:30 The Wanderer 15:00 Part 17:30 20:15 22:45directors Lemonade Söhne der El mar Cinerama 4 Chan Lit-ban Oldrich Lipsky 94’ 94’ Großen Bärin 80’ la mente del asesino Danis Tanovic Avishai Sivan157’ Agustí Villaronga 87’ Josef Mach various directors 113’ 86’ 98’ 98’ 98’ 9:30 I Am Jesus 11:45 The High Life 14:30 Illégal 19:45 zona Inquinata 21:00 IFFR Live Muziek LantarenVenster 1 Tryptique du Valerie Gudenus / Zhao Dayong Olivier Masset-Depasse 12:30 Nainsukh 14:30 out 17:00 Pyuupiru 2001-2008 19:30 Anyang, 22:00 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère Paradise City of Fashion magazine: Cinerama 5 Heloisa Sartorato Fairytales Freak me out 75’ 96’ 90’ 51’ 120’ Amit Dutta Matsunaga Daishi Park paysage Chan-Kyong Jan Willem van Dam combined programme 75’ 89’ 16.00 93’ 102’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 14.00 18.00 19.0020:00 Characters 20.00 21.00 22.00 24.00 9:45 Robinson 12:15 12.00 14:45 Tre ore 15.00 17:15 17.00 22:30 in Ruins Rose and Jasmine13.00 L’ illusion comique Carancho 23.00

sChouwburg Luxor grote ZaaL

DoeLen wiLLem burgerZaaL

DoeLen Jurriaanse ZaaL



Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig minuten zijn geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.






Prijzen voor de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde filmmakers strijden met hun eerste of tweede film om drie gelijkwaardige Tiger Awards, dit jaar mogelijk gemaakt door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.



programme day by day




Danis Tanovic

9:00 9:45


10.00 Robinson in Ruins Patrick Keiller

Valerie Gudenus / Heloisa Sartorato

9:30 I Am Jesus

Man’s Land Thierry Jousse






Fairytales Freak me out

14:15 The Ghost with Six Fingers: One Joe 15:00 Part Lemonade Chan Lit-ban Oldrich Lipsky 94’ 86’ 14:30 Illégal Olivier Masset-Depasse 14:30 out of Fashion magazine:

90’ 89’


89’ Sérgio Borges

Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes from a Childhood Axel Danielson

92’ 14:30 El niño de la luna Know Agustí Villaronga 14:15 The Birds

93’ del mundo fin Paula Siero

17:00 Kommander Kulas Khavn De Die La Cruz 17:30 Söhne der Großen Bärin 80’ Josef Mach 98’

Amit Dutta

Ho Wi-ding 12:30 Never Let Me Go Mark Romanek BF

12:15 12.00 Rose and Jasmine13.00 MichaelSunday Pilz 12:15 Pinoy BF


A Little 14:30 El niño de laCloser luna Matthew Petock 106’ Agustí Villaronga

combined programme 14.00 14:45 Tre ore 15.00

AV 84’


José Maria de Orbe

88’ 85’

93’ 18.00 17:15 17.00 L’ illusion comique Amalric 17:15 Mathieu BF Aitá

17:00 Pyuupiru 2001-2008


Adolfo B. Alix Jr. 86’ 19:45 The Baron 22:15 Belkibolang Edgar PeraAro Tolbukhin - En various 20:15 22:45directors El mar 94’ la mente del asesino Agustí Villaronga 87’ various directors 98’ 98’ 19:45 zona Inquinata 21:00 IFFR Live Muziek Tryptique du 19:30 Anyang, 22:00 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère Paradise City 51’ 120’ Park paysage Chan-Kyong Jan Willem van Dam 102’ 19.0020:00 Characters 20.00 21.00 22.00 22:30 Carancho 23.00 Son the Kwang-Ju Pablo Trapero 20:00 Off 22:30 Hawi 21:00Track BF Killing Beaten Essential 99’ Dieter Auner Ibrahim El Batout Jerzy Skolimowski

88’ 22:30 Hawi Ibrahim El Batout 22:15 Presa

102’ Dragomir Sholev

85’ 93’ Buj EenBernie duik IJdis in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uitOtto de schatkamer van de90’ cinema. 81’


Off the Beaten Track SIGNALS: REGAINED19:4520:00 Dieter Auner Primordial Ties

72’ 17:15 Aitá 17:00 RosaJosé Maria de Orbe Hoy como ayer 118’




12:30 The Wanderer Avishai Sivan157’

113’ 11:45 The High Life Zhao Dayong 12:30 Nainsukh

R. Alverson

12:15 Pinoy Sunday Ho Wi-ding 11:45 New Jerusalem

SP 107’ 112’



Mark Hartley Xu Tong

10:00 Machete Maidens Unleashed! 10:30 Fortune Teller



Steve Sanguedolce

9:30 Blinding



combined programme


14:00 Raiding Africa in Context 2

16:00 Dorsky 15:30 RA El invierno Two de los1:raros Sides of Light Rodrigo Guerrero 93’



YourPathé sPaCe 3






Katashima Ikki 15.00

15:15 Pure Asia



16:30 Kitchen Secrets

Look 19.00 Red Jungle Motel Door 18.00



Sidharth Srinivasan 99’

cidade perdida Malcolm Murray Jon Jost 93’

22:15 Imagens de uma 21:30 Bad Posture BF


Enrique Collar 12.00

12:15 Novena

18:1518:30 NK TV Dinners: Behind the

Cities: Guangzhou Li Hongqi & Rotterdam 62’

18:00 immigrant 18:30 Winter RAVacation19:45 Soul of Sand

programme combined programme PUBLICcombined SCREENINGS WEDNESDAY 2 FEBRUARY

11:30 Raiding Africa in Context 1 RA



21:15 Genpin NK 22:00 Parental Guidance: NK Parental Guidance: Waters Freyer Hun Afrika Kawase Naomi Sasha 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 Chekhov for Children TheWorldFamous Ike 100’ 90’ 90’ 96’ 108’ 92’ 90’ 92’ 14:30 King of Devil’s Island 17:00 Un poison violent 19:30 13 Assassins 22:45 El invierno de los raros Luxor Marius Holst Katell Quillévéré Miike Takashi Rodrigo Guerrero 16:30 Les amours 20:00 22:30 Curling Reign of Assassins 4 VERDER Pathé VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: EL SICARIO + THE TIGER FACTORy SIGNALS-ROUTE: MACHETE MAIDENS UNLEASHED! + LEMONADE JOE VANAF JUNGLE, VANAF 14:00 LIVE 112’imaginaires 92’ 11:30 WHITEBOARD Su Chao-pin / JohnyOUR Woo SPACE141’ Denis Côté Xavier Dolan 95’ 120’ Los teleféricos PERFORMANCES IN WATER TIGER INN, DE DOELEN 16:00 CRITICS’ TALK ILLEGAL/OLIVIER MASSET-DEPASSE, LV 19:30 BIG TALK KOEN MORTIER OVER 22 MEI, OUDE LUxOR 21:00 OPTREDEN22:15 VAN THE Ex EN F.J. OSSANG92’& 19:30 Incendies DoeLen Silent Sonata Denis Villeneuve 17:30 Small Town 20:00 Tyrannosaur MR. NASTI, LV 522:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... MET ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG Pathé Jurriaanse ZaaL Janez Burger 130’ 89’ Murder Songs Paddy Considine Ed Gass-Donnelly 75’ 91’ 14:15 Chingachgook, 16:45 El agua del 21:45 The Red Eagle sChouwburg die große Schlange fin del mundo Wisit Sasanatieng 16:15 16.00 19:15 19.00 22:15 Butterfly L’Attesa 14.00 Jean Gentil Gravity Was The Last Buffalo 10.00 11.00 12.00 13:1513.00 15.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 9:00 Pathé 6 grote ZaaL Paula Everywhere BackSiero Then Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / 91’ 84’ 130’ 24.00 Tonino De Bernardi Richard Groschop Laura Amelia Guzmán Brent Green Lee Lynch /TG Israel Cárdenas 20.0084’ 11:45 Headshots 17:30 TG 13.0014:00 Vete14.00 TG más Flying Fish 18.00 97’ 72’ 76’ 11.00 12.00 15.00 16:00 Aurora 16.00 17.00 19.00 21.0022:00 Tender 22.00 23.00 24.00 9:00 Doelen 10:15 10.00 19:45 A Letter to Outbound Son - The Lawrence Tooley 13:00 Essential Killing lejos, Alicia Sanjeewa Pushpakumara Pathé 1 Elia Kent Jones / Frankenstein Project Bogdan George Apetri Jerzy 92’ Skolimowski Elisa Cristi Puiu 17:00 Fleurs Jurriaanse zaal 14:30 19:3019:45 22:45 Tres Un poison violent 13 Assassins El invierno du mal Film socialisme semanasde los raros MillerKing of Devil’s 67’ Island 125’ Luxor Cinerama 1 Martin Scorsese Kornél Mundruczó después 87’ 83’Marius Holst 179’ José Luis 105’ Katell Quillévéré MiikeJean-Luc Takashi Rodrigo Guerrero David Dusa Godard 60’ Torres Leiva 9:30 Paraísos Rosa 16:00 Love Addiction 18:00 Todos tus92’ TG TG TG TG artificiales BF 11:15 The Journals of Musan Bleak Night muertos 112’ 141’ 100’ 101’ 60’ Doelen Willem 10:00 15:30 Shelter Uchida Nobuteru 18:30 21:30 Golden Swallow DieSung-Hyun Le Grand’Tour Yulene Olaizola Park Jung-Bum 12:30 If the Seed Doesn’t Yoon Carlos Moreno Pathé 2 Los teleféricos Hoy como ayer 90’ Sinisa Dragin Dragomir Sholev Jerôme le Maire Chang Cheh Burgerzaal 19:30 90’ 22:1522:30 17:00 Chantrapas 20:00 Dad Incendies Oki’s Movie 116’ 92’ DoeLen Cinerama 5 Bernie IJdis Silent Sonata 81’ 115’ 88’ 98’ Skafar Denis Villeneuve Otar Iosseliani Vlado Hong Sang-Soo 108’ Jurriaanse ZaaL9:15 Septien 16:00 Characters 18:15 Chassis 20:00 The Old Donkey BF 11:00 Le Grand’Tour BF 13:00 A Little Closer BF 14:30 En el futuro BF BF BF BlackBurger Blood 130’ 22:15 Janez 89’80’ BF 122’SP 71’ Crosscuts Cinerama 2 15:15 Passerby 18:15 Adolfo 21:15 Toujours moins Michael Tully Jérôme le Maire 12:15 Love in a PuffMatthew Petock Mauro Andrizzi Son Kwang-Ju B. Alix Jr. Li Ruijun Zhang Miaoyan Pathé 3 La 21:45 vida útil Neverquiet Pang Ho-cheung 14:15 72’ 16:45 El agua del 22:30 Chingachgook, Eryk Rocha The Eagle El niño de la luna 79’ 98’ 62’ 99’ 73’ 20:00 El mar 112’Red 128’ sChouwburg Cinerama 6 (Film of Wonders) Federico Veiroj 103’ die große Schlange 125’ 69’ 75’ fin del mundo Wisit Sasanatieng Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga grote ZaaL 11:45 A Small Town 14:00 PostRichard 21:00 Tras el cristal 107’ BF RT AV Mortem Meek’s Cutoff Groschop SP Paula Siero 91’ 16:15 Haru’s Journey 84’SP 130’ 118’ Cinerama 3 10:30 Los labios 13:30 Rainy Seasons 16:30 19:30 Vete más 22:30 Finisterrae TodosMasahiro tus muertos Called Descent Pablo Larraín Kobayashi Agustí Villaronga Kelly Reichardt Pathé 4 lejos, Alicia Iván Fund / Santiago LozaJahmil XT Qubeka13:00 Essential106’ Majid Barzegar Carlos Moreno Sergio Caballero 10:15 Outbound 16:00 19:45 22:00 18:30 Killing Aurora Tender Son The Sodankylä Forever A Letter to 98’ 134’ 104’ 110’ Pathé 7 1 Cinerama Elisa Elia Miller 100’ 86’ 90’ 80’ Kent Jones / 67’ Frankenstein Project Bogdan George Apetri Jerzy Skolimowski Cristi Puiu Peter von Bagh Martin Scorsese Kornél Mundruczó 270’ 87’ 83’ 179’ 60’ 105’ 10:00 Nainsukh 12:45 Aardvark 15:45 Gesher 18:00 Kaidan - Horror Classics 21:45 Hospitalité Pathé 5 Rosa Dutta Sakurai VahidAwards Vakilifar various Fukada Koji Live Muziek 10:00 Amit 12:30 If theKitao 15:3015:45 18:30directors 21:30 Golden 22:00 Seed Doesn’t Die Shelter Le Grand’Tour 19:45 Tiger Awards Swallow IFFR Tiger LantarenVenster Pathé 21 Hoy como ayer Competition Competition for Short 75’ 80’ 160’Films 2 96’ Sinisa Dragin Dragomir Sholev for Short Films 184’ Jerôme le Maire Chang Cheh combined programme 88’ 91’ combined Bernie IJdis 81’ 115’ 98’programme 108’ 90’ 120’ 10:15 Love Addiction 13:15 New Jerusalem 16:15 Majority 19:15 Silent Souls 22:15 Le trésor des Pathé 6 Crosscuts moins NL International îles chiennes Uchida Nobuteru R. Alverson Seren Yüce Alexey Fedorchenko 12:0012:15 14:00 Voorfilms Blok 215:15 Passerby 16:00 Voorfilms 18:0018:15 20:00 Short Stories: 21:15 Toujours22:00 Love in a Puff Voorfilms Blok 1 Blok 3 The Atomic LantarenVenster Pathé 32 F.J. Ossang La vida útil combined Neverquiet 92’ combined 92’ 102’ 75’ 109’ Sublime Make Believe Pang Ho-cheung Eryk Rocha combined programme programme combined programme programme of Wonders) 72’ 69’ Federico Veiroj Jesse (Film Lerner combined programme 76’ 125’ 97’ 75’ 105’ 103’ 101’ 75’ 9:30 Haru’s Journey 12:30 The Sky Above 15:30 Tuesday, After Christmas 18:30 22 mei 21:30 My Joy Pathé 7 Kobayashi Masahiro RaduRe-constructions Muntean Sergei Loznitsa 10:30 Los labios 16:30 Todos tus muertos 22:30 11:45 HomecomingSérgio Borges13:3013:45 15:45 17:45 Free Radicals - aKoen Mortier19:3019:45 22:00 Rainy Seasons VeteLost más Finisterrae (Un)covered Short Stories: LantarenVenster 3 Pathé 4 History of Experimental 134’ 72’ 88’ programme 127’ lejos,combined Alicia Sea of Desire Iván Fund / Santiago Loza Majid Barzegar programme Carlos Moreno 109’ Sergio Caballero combined programme combined combined programme Cinema Elisa Miller combined programme 100’ 86’ 90’ Pip Chodorov 67’ 80’ 83’ 101’ 86’ 82’ 84’ 81’ 9:30 Pencil Against Ants 11:45 The Old Donkey 14:15 Behind the 17:00 Over your Cities 19:45 En espera 22:15 Varfix Cinerama 1 Lucía Hot as the deadbeat Las marimbas Motel Door Grass Will Grow Li Ruijun 10:00 Nainsukh 12:45Shorts: 15:4516:00 18:00 Kaidan - Horror Classics 21:4522:00 12:00 14:00 RearRed 20:00 Aardvark Gesher Hospitalité View Mirror Dorsky 1: Two Get a Lifedel infierno Pictures ofHell: Light South Asian LantarenVenster Pathé 56 Julio Hernández Cordón marchprogramme Okuda Yosuke Niles Atallah TheWorldFamous Sophie Fiennes 100’ 92’ Sides 94’ 87’ 83’ of Light Real and Surreal Amit Dutta Kitao Sakurai 112’ Vahid Vakilifar various directors Fukada Koji combined programme Ike combined programme combined

LantarenVenster Pathé 26

VERDER VANDAAG EL SICARIO + 11:45 THE TIGER FACTORyBF SIGNALS-ROUTE: MACHETE MAIDENS UNLEASHED! + LEMONADE JOE WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE 14:00 9:15 BF/SP-ROUTE: 14:15 Verano 16:45 Dharma 22:00 VANAF 19:1519:30 BF SP OS VANAF 11:30 BFVPRO SP Pure Outbound Guns Animal Kingdom zebraman 2: LIVE Filmnacht Morgen LantarenVenster sChouwburg5 de Goliat AttackTHE on zebra CityF.J. OSSANG & Lisa Langseth Bogdan George Apetri F.J. Ossang David Michôd Crisan PERFORMANCES DOELEN 16:00 CRITICS’ TALK ILLEGAL/OLIVIER MASSET-DEPASSE, LV 19:30 BIG TALK KOEN MORTIER OVER 22 Marian MEI, OUDE LUxOR 21:00 OPTREDEN VAN Ex EN grote ZaaL IN WATER TIGER INN, DE Nicolás Pereda Miike Takashi 98’ 87’ 76’ 93’ 113’ 106’ 100’ MR. NASTI, LV 22:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... MET ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG

Cinerama 7 Pathé 4

LantarenVenster 3

118’ 93’ 83’ 15:00 Drexciya 17:15 The Earrings 22:15 Time and Again Imagine, the The day Kulas i disappeared combined programme BF 14:15 The Ghost with 17:00 Kommander 19:45 The Baron 22:15 Belkibolang 21:15 WI Sky SP SP Essential Killing Atousa Brigitte Khavn De LaBandeh Cruz Ghiasabadi 76’ 103’ 89’ 72’ Six Fingers: Part OneUttar Kornetzky Edgar Pera Jerzy Skolimowski various directors Chan Lit-ban 157’ 94’ 80’ 94’ 87’ 83’ 9:15 Pure 11:45 Outbound 14:15 Verano 16:45 Dharma Guns 19:30 Animal Kingdom 22:00 zebraman 2: LantarenVenster 5 Inquinata de Goliat Lisa Langseth Bogdan George F.J. Ossang Davidzona Michôd 9:30 11:45 The 14:30 19:3019:45 BF BF BF OS 21:00 I Am Jesus High Life Apetri Illégal IFFR Live Attack Muziekon zebra City Pillow Fight Party LantarenVenster Your sPaCe1 Nicolás Pereda Miike Takashi Tryptique du 98’ 87’ 76’ 93’ 113’ 106’ Valerie Gudenus / Zhao Dayong Olivier Masset-Depasse paysage Heloisa Sartorato 75’ 96’ 90’ 51’ 120’ 150’ 9:30 Blinding 11:30 Raiding Africa in Context 1 14:00 Raiding Africa 16:00 Dorsky 1: Two 19:45 Soul of Sand 22:15 Imagens de uma 18:00 immigrant LantarenVenster 6 Cities: Guangzhou cidade perdida SteveRobinson Sanguedolce programme Sidharth Srinivasan 9:45 12:15 14:452 Tre ore 20:00 22:30 BFSides of Light 17:15 L’ illusion comique RT combined SP in Context SP BF RT in Ruins Rose and Jasmine Characters Carancho LantarenVenster 2 & Rotterdam combined programme combined programme 76’ Jon Jost A Little Closer93’ 72’ 111’ 99’ 92’ 62’ Patrick Keiller Michael Pilz Mathieu Amalric Son Kwang-Ju Pablo Trapero Matthew Petock 101’ 106’ 84’ 88’ 99’ 107’ 16:30 Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners: 22:00 Parental Guidance: Parental Guidance: Your sPaCe Drexciya The Earrings SashaTime Waters Hun Afrika 10:00 Machete 12:30 Never Let Me Go 15:00 17:15 22:15 BF BF Jungle Look RG SP and Freyer Again - RG LantarenVenster 3 Chekhov for Children Imagine, the Sky The day i disappeared combined programme 90’ 100’ 90’ 90’ Maidens Unleashed! Mark Romanek Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky 16.00 Mark10.00 Hartley 84’ 103’ 89’ 76’ 72’ 9:00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00

Cinerama 6 Pathé 1

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

93’ 10:30 Fortune Teller Xu Tong 10:00 Cirkus Columbia

Cinerama 6 9:15 Bad Posture Cinerama 1 Malcolm Murray

programme day by day








12:30 Never Let Me Go

Mark Romanek TIGER AWARDS ComPETITIE Mark Hartley



Michael Pilz

11:30 Raiding Africa in Context 1 combined programme 12:15 Rose and Jasmine

TG 90’



Chekhov for Children combined programme

90’ 72’

120’ 22:15 Imagens de uma cidade perdida 22:30 Carancho Jon Jost 99’ Son Kwang-Ju Pablo Trapero 99’ 22:00 Parental Guidance: Parental Guidance: SashaTime Waters Hun Afrika 22:15 and Freyer Again -

51’ 19:45 Soul of Sand Sidharth Srinivasan 20:00 Characters


90’ 14:00 Raiding Africa 16:00 Dorsky 1: Two 18:00 immigrant Cities: Guangzhou in Context Sides of Light 17:15 L’ illusion comique 14:452 Tre ore & Rotterdam combined programme combined programme 76’ A Little Closer93’ 62’ Mathieu Amalric Matthew Petock 106’ 84’ 88’ 16:30 Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners: Drexciya The Earrings Jungle Look 15:00 17:15 Imagine, the Sky 100’ The day i disappeared Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi 76’ Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky 103’ 89’


10:00 Machete Maidens Unleashed!

Heloisa Sartorato 75’ 9:30 Blinding SteveRobinson Sanguedolce 9:45 in Ruins 72’ Patrick Keiller 92’






combined programme

11:30 Raiding Africa in Context 1

14:00 Raiding Africa in Context 2



16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light






Sidharth Srinivasan

19:45 Soul of Sand


Jon Jost


22:15 Imagens de uma cidade perdida


18:30 TV Dinners: 22:00 Parental Guidance: Parental Guidance: Sasha Waters Freyer Jungle Look 19.00 Hun Afrika 18.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 Chekhov for Children 100’ 90’ 90’ 90’ De Spaanse onderzoekt Kwaad in al zijn 17:00 19:30 13Het 22:45 El invierno de los raros BF SP Un poisoncineast violent Villaronga Assassins

Cities: Guangzhou & Rotterdam

18:00 immigrant


16:30 Kitchen Secrets



Steve Sanguedolce

9:30 Blinding

Denis Villeneuve

19:30 Incendies

17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 SIGNALS: NATHANIEL DoRSKY




Silent Sonata

22.00 Janez Burger ND






Doelen sChouwburg Jurriaanse zaal grote ZaaL





















14:00 Vete más 14:15 RW lejos,Chingachgook, Alicia große Schlange Elisa die Miller 67’


11:45 Headshots RETURN oF THE TIGER Lawrence Tooley

24.00 89’ 17:30 Flying Fish 16:45 El agua del Sanjeewa 21:45 The Red Eagle BFPushpakumara SP Dorsky, vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, is een klassieke fin del mundo Wisit Sasanatieng 92’ 125’ Richard Paula Siero 91’ 84’ 130’ Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met een oeuvre om stil van te worden. Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aanGroschop 9:30 11:15 11.00 Paraísos artificiales The Journals of Musan Bleak Night 14.00 Love16.00 Addiction tus muertos 19.00 9:00 12.0013:00 Essential 13.00 15.00 16:00 17.0018:00 Todos 18.00 21.0022:00 Tender 22.00 23.00 24.00 10:15 10.00 16:00 Uchida 19:45 A Letter to20.00 BF RG SP Doelen Willem Outbound Killing AuroraNobuteru Son - The het begin van hun carrière een Tiger Award-nominatie ten deel viel (ofSPde prijs Yulene Olaizola Park Jung-Bum Yoon Sung-Hyun Carlos MorenoSP Pathé 1 Elia Kent Jones / Frankenstein Project Bogdan George90’ Apetri Jerzy Skolimowski Cristi Puiu 17:00 Un poison92’violent Burgerzaal 14:30 King of Devil’s Island 19:30 90’ 22:45 El 13 Assassins invierno de los raros 116’ Luxor Scorsese daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma gebundeld. 83’Marius Holst Kornél Mundruczó 87’ 179’ 60’ Katell Quillévéré MiikeMartin Takashi Rodrigo Guerrero 105’ 9:15 Septien 11:00 Le Grand’Tour 13:00 A Little Closer 14:30 En el futuro 16:00 Characters 18:15 Chassis 20:00 The Old Donkey 22:15 Black Blood 112’ 92’ 141’ Rosa 12:30 If the Seed 15:30 Shelter Son Kwang-JuBF 18:30 21:30 Golden Swallow SP le Maire RT Mauro Andrizzi BFLi Ruijun Cinerama 2 Doesn’t Die LeB.Grand’Tour Michael10:00 Tully Hoy como ayer Jérôme Matthew Petock Adolfo Alix Jr. Zhang MiaoyanWI Pathé 2 Sinisa Dragomir Sholev le Maire Cheh 19:30 22:15 Los teleféricos Afrikaans talent het festival op73’Incendies Chinese bodem aan veteranenChang 112’ 98’ Dragin 72’ 62’ 99’ werd doorJerôme 128’ DoeLen Bernie IJdis79’ Silent Sonata 81’ 115’ 88’ 98’ 108’ Denis Villeneuve Jurriaanse ZaaL Janez Burger 11:45 A Small Town 14:00 Post Mortem 16:15 Haru’s Journey 21:00 gekoppeld – en draaide in China vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm. Het publiek Meek’s Cutoff Tras el cristal 130’ 89’ Toujours moins 12:15Descent 15:15 Passerby 18:15 Crosscuts Kelly Reichardt 21:15 SP Pablo Larraín SP BF BF Cinerama 3 Love in a Puff Called Kobayashi Masahiro Agustí Villaronga Pathé 3 La 21:45 vida útil Neverquiet Ho-cheung Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film Jahmil van filmmakers waarvan het bijzondere filmische samenwerking. 14:15 Chingachgook, Eryk Rocha 16:45 plukt El aguade delvruchten van deze The Red Eagle XTPang Qubeka 106’festival 98’ 104’ 110’ sChouwburg (Film134’ of Wonders) Federico Veiroj 103’ die große Schlange 125’ 69’ 75’ fin del mundo Wisit Sasanatieng in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht. grote ZaaL Richard Groschop Paula Siero 91’ 84’ 130’ 10:30 Los labios 13:30 Rainy Seasons 16:30 Todos tus muertos TG 19:30 Vete más 22:30 Finisterrae RT TG TG TG Pathé 4 lejos,A Alicia Iván Fund / Santiago Loza Barzegar Sergio Caballero 10:15 Outbound 13:00 EssentialMajid 16:00 Aurora Carlos Moreno 19:45 22:00 Tender Son Killing - The Letter to Pathé 1 Elisa Elia Miller 100’ 86’ 90’ 80’ Kent Jones / 67’ Frankenstein Project Bogdan George Apetri Jerzy Skolimowski Cristi Puiu Martin Scorsese Kornél Mundruczó 87’ 83’ 179’ 60’ 105’ 10:00 Nainsukh 12:45 Aardvark 15:45 Gesher 18:00 Kaidan 21:45 Hospitalité BF BF SP SP - Horror DeBFsynergie tussen mode en film Classics blijkt even sterk als verrassend. Pathé 5 Rosa Dutta Sakurai Vahid Vakilifar various Fukada Koji 10:00 Amit 12:30 If theKitao 15:30 Shelter 18:30directors 21:30 Golden Seed Doesn’t Die Le Grand’Tour Swallow Pathé 2 Het festival onderzoekt de creatieve kruisbestuiving tussen 160’ jonge Rotterdam op zijn actueel, krachtig en vernieuwend Hoy como ayerbreedst. 75’ Het festival selecteerde 80’ 84’ 96’ Sinisa Dragin Dragomir Sholev Jerôme le Maire Chang Cheh Bernie IJdis 81’ 88’ 98’ 108’ fashion-industrie de onafhankelijke cinema. werk10:15 uit alle windstreken, vanTGveteranen tot minder bekende regisseurs. 115’BF 13:15 16:15 Majority designers, de gevestigde 19:15 Silenten 22:15 Le trésor des BF SP OS Love Addiction New Jerusalem Souls Pathé 6 îles chiennes Uchida Nobuteru R. Alverson Seren Yüce Alexey Fedorchenko 12:15 Love in a Puff 15:15 Passerby 18:15 Crosscuts 21:15 Toujours moins Pathé 3 F.J. Ossang La vida útil 92’ 92’ 102’ Neverquiet 75’ 109’ Pang Ho-cheung Eryk Rocha (Film of Wonders) Federico Veiroj 103’ 125’ 69’ 75’ 9:30 Haru’s Journey 12:30 The Sky Above TG 15:30 Tuesday, After Christmas SP 18:30 22 mei 21:30 My Joy SP RT SP Pathé 7 Kobayashi Masahiro Sérgio Borges13:30 Rainy Seasons Radu Muntean Koen Mortier19:30 Vete más Sergei Loznitsa 10:30 Los labios 16:30 Todos tus muertos 22:30 Finisterrae Pathé 4 134’ 72’Barzegar 88’ 127’ lejos, Alicia Iván Fund / Santiago Loza Majid Carlos Moreno 109’ Sergio Caballero De kracht van kort: films van een tot 59100’ minuten lang, uit alle windstreken. Het westerngenre blijkt helemaal niet zo in-en-in-Amerikaans Elisa Miller 86’ 90’ 67’ als wel gedacht.22:15 Varfix 80’ 11:45 The Old Donkey 14:15 Behind the 17:00 Over your Cities 19:45 En espera 9:30 Pencil Against Ants BF BF BF SP BF BF Cinerama 1 Ze worden als voorfilm bij lange films vertoond, of gebundeld in combined programme’s. OokGrass de Sovjets wisten raad- Horror met cowboys Communistische westerns Lucía Hot as Hell: the deadbeat Las marimbas del infierno Red Motel Door Will Grow Li Ruijun 10:00 12:45 Aardvark 15:45 Gesher 18:00 21:45 Nainsukh Kaidan Classics en indianen. Hospitalité Pathé 5 Julio Hernández Cordón march Okuda Yosuke Niles Atallah TheWorldFamous Ike Sophie Fiennes 100’ 92’ Vakilifar 94’ 87’ 83’ Amit Dutta Kitao Sakurai 112’ Vahid various directors Fukada Koji uit de 84’ Sovjet-Unie en de satellietstaten. 75’ 80’ 160’ 96’ 12:30 Meek’s Cutoff 15:00 La fille de Montréal SP 17:30 Hawi 20:15 Pedicab Driver 22:45 Outrage RT SP WI SP Cinerama 4 Kelly Reichardt Jeanne Crépeau 16:15 Majority Ibrahim El Batout Sammo Hung 10:15 Love Addiction 13:15 New Jerusalem 19:15 Silent Souls 22:15 Le trésorKitano des Takeshi Pathé 6 104’ 112’ Fedorchenko 95’ îles chiennes Uchida Nobuteru R. Alverson Seren92’ Yüce Alexey 9:30 Eternity 11:45 Headshots 14:00 Vete más 15:30 Gromozeka 17:30 Flying Fish F.J. Ossang 92’ 92’ 102’ 75’ 109’ 12:00 14:30 17:00 Color perro 19:30 Out of Fashion: 22:00 First Spring OF BFdeze unieke ‘kinderopvang’, BF BF OF Doelen Septien Ocaso Cinema met de paplepel ingegoten krijgen? Dat kan in lejos, Alicia Sivaroj Kongsakul Lawrence Tooley Vladimir Kott Sanjeewa Pushpakumara Cinerama 5 huye Maison Martin Margiela Michael Jurriaanse zaal 9:30 Haru’s Journey 12:30 Tully 15:30 Tuesday, After Christmas que104’ 18:30 22 mei 21:30 My Joy Une sorte de journal The Sky Above Elisa MillerThéo Court 67’ 105’ verjongingskuur 92’ 125’ waar jong & oud een filmische ondergaan. Historisch overzicht van bij ons beter bekend als martial arts-cinema. Pathé 7 video agnès b. Andrés Duque combined programme 80’ 70’ wuxia, 118’ 60’ Kobayashi Masahiro Sérgio Borges 79’ Radu Muntean Koen Mortier Sergei Loznitsa 9:30 Paraísos artificiales 11:30 Finisterrae 13:30 16:00 18:00 21:45 Bleak Night Love Addiction Todos tus muertos The Journals of Musan 134’12:15 72’ 109’ spektakel uit China en Hongkong. 88’ 127’ Magistraal 17:15 Je suis 20:00 Merry-Go-Round 22:30 The Joy WI Nobuteru BF SP Jung-Bum BF Doelen Willem The Law and the Fist RW un NoCarlos Moreno Yulene Olaizola Sergio Caballero Yoon Sung-Hyun 14:45 King Boxer Uchida Park Cinerama 6 En espera VarfixFelipe Bragança / Man’s Land Jerzy Hoffman / Jeong Chang-Hwa Mak Yan Yan / Cheng Clement Burgerzaal 11:45 14:15 17:00 19:45 22:15 9:30 Pencil Against Ants The Old Donkey Behind the Over your Cities 90’ 80’ 116’ 92’ 90’ 127’ Cinerama 1 Meliande Thierry Jousse Lucía 93’ 97’ 92’ 124’ Hot asMarina 100’ Hell: the deadbeat Las marimbas del infierno Red Motel Door Grass Will Grow Li Ruijun Edward Skórzewski Julio Hernández Cordón Niles Atallah 9:15 Septien 11:00 Le 100’ 13:00 A Little Closer 14:30 16:00 20:00 The Old Donkey 22:15 march Grand’Tour En el futuro Black Okuda BloodYosuke TheWorldFamous Ike Fiennes 18:15 Chassis 112’ 92’ Characters 17:00 Sophie 94’ 87’ 83’ Etrangère Rough Boy Mouse Palace 9:30 12:00 Anyang, Paradise Matthew 14:30 Mauro 19:45 Red Li 22:15 The Cinerama 2 City Poppies Last Buffalo Michael Tully Jérôme le Maire Petock Andrizzi Son Kwang-Ju Adolfo B. Alix Jr. Ruijun Zhang Miaoyan Cinerama 7 Chassis Speak you Are Here Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / of Issyk-Kul Park Chan-Kyong 12:30 Meek’s 17:30 Hawi 20:15 Pedicab Driver 22:45 Outrage La fille de62’ Montréal 79’ 98’ Cutoff 72’ Yes!15:00 99’ 73’ 112’ 128’ Cinerama 4 Lee Lynch Kitano Takeshi 76’ Adolfo B. Alix Jr. That’sJeanne Us Crépeau Daniel Cockburn Shamshiev 86’ 102’ 94’ Kelly Reichardt El Batout 88’ Sammo Hung Een duik inIbrahim de filmgeschiedenis met parels schatkamer vanTras de85’cinema. 11:45 Aénigme 14:00 Post104’ 16:15 Haru’s 18:45 Meek’s 21:00 Small Town Mortem Cutoff el cristal 95’ 92’Journey 112’ 11:15 La dernièreCalled 22:00 IFFR Live Muziek Cinerama 3 Descent Pablo Larraín Kobayashi Masahiro Kelly Reichardt Agustí Villaronga LantarenVenster 1 First Spring L’ affaire12:00 des divisions morituri 14:30 Ocaso 17:00 Color perro 19:30 Out of Fashion: 104’ 22:00 Septien XT Qubeka 106’ 98’ 134’ 110’ Cinerama 5 F.J. OssangJahmil 120’ Une sorte de journal que huye Maison Martin Margiela Michael Tully 94’ Théo Court video agnès b. Andrés Duque combined programme 79’ 80’ 70’ 118’ 60’ 9:45 Made in Rotterdam 1 12:15 Made in Rotterdam 3 14:45 Made in Rotterdam 5 17:15 Made in Rotterdam 7 20:00 End of Animal 22:30 Sensation LantarenVenster 2 combined programme programme programme Sung-Hee Hall 12:15 combined 14:45 combined 17:15 combined 20:00 Jo 22:30 Tom The Law and the Fist King Boxer Je suis unprogramme No Merry-Go-Round The Joy Cinerama 6 111’ 111’ 111’ 111’ 114’ 107’ Man’s Land Jerzy Hoffman / Jeong Chang-Hwa Mak Yan Yan / Cheng Clement Felipe Bragança / Edward Skórzewski13.00 93’ Marina Meliande Thierry Jousse 97’ 124’ Les Boulistes 100’ 9:00 11.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 92’ 19.00 20.00in Context 121.00 24.00 5 & 6 23.00 9:45 Made in 10.00 12:15 12.00 14:45 Made in 15.00 19:45 Raiding Africa 22:15 22.00 Rotterdam 2 Made in Rotterdam 4 Rotterdam 6 Black Blood



MR. NASTI, ZaaL LV 22:00 9:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... 23:00 MUzIEK IN14.00 DE SCHOUWBURG 10.00 MET ERNEST, 11.00 SCHOUWBURG 12.00 13.00 15.00 Jurriaanse



Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig minuten zijn 14:30 King of Devil’s Island SP Katell Quillévéré Miike controversieel Takashi Rodrigo Guerrero geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, Marius Holst verschijningsvormen, in een compact en soms oeuvre. VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: EL SICARIO + THE TIGER FACTORy SIGNALS-ROUTE: MACHETE MAIDENS UNLEASHED! + LEMONADE JOE VANAF VANAF 14:00 LIVE 112’ 92’ 11:30 WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE141’ waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn. teleféricos PERFORMANCES IN WATER TIGER INN, DE DOELEN 16:00 CRITICS’ TALK ILLEGAL/OLIVIER MASSET-DEPASSE, LV 19:30 BIG TALK KOEN MORTIER OVER 22 MEI, OUDE LUxOR 21:00 OPTREDEN VAN Los THE Ex EN F.J. OSSANG &

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6

de SICARIO nieuwe generatie. VijftienFACTORy genomineerde filmmakers Franse bekend als zanger van de Franse formatie VERDER VANDAAG + 11:45 THE TIGER SIGNALS-ROUTE: MACHETE MAIDENS UNLEASHED! + LEMONADE JOE VANAF 11:30 WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE 14:00 9:15 BF/SP-ROUTE: 14:15strijden 16:45 Deze 19:30 22:00 VANAF Pure Prijzen voorEL Outbound Verano Dharma Guns punkpoëet, Animal Kingdom zebraman 2: LIVE LantarenVenster 5 Goliat AttackTHE on zebra CityF.J. OSSANG & Langseth Bogdan George Apetri F.J. Ossang David Michôd PERFORMANCES INLisa WATER TIGER INN, DOELEN 16:00 TALK Tiger ILLEGAL/OLIVIER MASSET-DEPASSE, LV 19:30 BIG TALK KOEN MORTIER OVER 22een MEI, OUDE LUxOR 21:00met OPTREDEN VAN Ex EN met hun eerste ofDE tweede film om drieCRITICS’ gelijkwaardige Awards, ditde jaar MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan eigenzinnig universum Nicolás Pereda Miike Takashi 98’ 87’ 76’ 93’ 113’ 106’ MR. NASTI, LV 22:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG mogelijk gemaakt MET door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.

LantarenVenster 3

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 2

programme day by day



LantarenVenster 6

LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 2

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7

Cinerama 6

Cinerama 5

Cinerama 3

Cinerama 1

Cinerama 2

Doelen Willem Burgerzaal Pathé 6

Pathé 5

Pathé 4

Pathé 3

YourPathé sPaCe 2

grote ZaaL

LantarenVenster sChouwburg6

LantarenVenster 5

LantarenVenster 3

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster Your sPaCe2

LantarenVenster 5 LantarenVenster Pathé 41

Cinerama 7 Pathé 1

LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 3

Cinerama 2 Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

Tan Chui Mui

09:30 Year Without a Summer

Tan Chui Mui

9:30 Year Without a Summer

Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky

9:15 Imagine, the Sky BF

Rona Mark

9:45 The Crab





Enrique Collar

9:30 Novena









Katashima Ikki 108’

16:30 Les amours imaginaires



TheWorldFamous Ike

Li Hongqi

18:30 Winter TV Dinners Vacation

Kawase Naomi

21:15 Genpin

Su Chao-pin / John Woo

90’ 91’

97’ 100’



Denis Côté

22:30 Curling







Animating Flashbacks matti Kutt - Sky Song Malcolm Murray

21:45Filmnacht Presa VPRO Adolfo B. Alix Jr.

Nikita Mikhalkov 22.00

Strangers, a Stranger at Home

22:00 At Home Among

95’ 21.00

20:30 Parental Guidance 22:00 21:30 Bad Posture igor Kovalyov -



20:00 Reign of Assassins



F.J. Ossang Marian Crisan

19:15 Morgen Docteur Chance

Manoel de Oliveira 19.00 20.00

19:30 O estranho caso de Angélica

18:15 Behind the Red Motel Door



Ishii Yuya

Rodrigo Guerrero



Film Collection


combined programme 70’

of the Earth


16:00 dorsky 2: Songs ND 17:30 ishii Yuya Short SH


15:30 El Kids in Space invierno de & losKitchen raros Secrets


15:15 Pure Asia


14:15 Surviving Life


Enrique Collar

12:15 Novena

Li Ning

12:00 Tape

90’ 13.00




Real and Surreal

12:00 South Asian Shorts:

combined programme

11:45 Homecoming

Agustí Villaronga

combined programme

14:00 Rear View Mirror

combined programme


combined programme

14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2

14:00 Pa negre

Agustí Villaronga


13:45 (Un)covered





combined programme

12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1

F.J. Ossang

F.J. Ossang


11:45 Dharma Guns



16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light

combined programme


15:45 Re-constructions

combined programme

combined programme

16:00 108’ Voorfilms Blok 3



History of Experimental Cinema Pip Chodorov

17:45 Free Radicals - a



Peter von Bagh


Competition for Short Films 2

Agustí Villaronga

20:00 El mar

Vlado Skafar

20:00 Dad



combined programme

20:00 Get a Life


combined programme 76’ combined programme

19:45 Lost

20:00 Short Stories: Make Believe

combined programme

19:45 Tiger Awards

18:30 Sodankylä Forever

18:00 The Atomic Sublime Jesse Lerner 97’

Otar Iosseliani

17:00 Chantrapas

Competition for Short Films 1



15:45 Tiger Awards



combined programme

combined programme 22:00 Pictures of Light

22:00 Short Stories: Sea of Desire

combined programme

IFFR Live Muziek 22:00 NL International





Agustí Villaronga

Hong Sang-Soo 22:30 El niño de la luna

22:30 Oki’s Movie


100’ 128’









107’ 100’ 24.00


17:30 Small Town 18.00 17.00 19.0020:00 Tyrannosaur 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 Murder Songs Paddy Considine 12:00 Gromozeka 14:15 The High Life 16:30 Julien BF TG BF BFGass-Donnelly18:45 El BF 20:30 Zohra: A SP BF My Perestroika Ed 75’Sicario 91’ Room 164 Moroccan Fairytale Vladimir Kott Zhao Dayong Gaël Lépingle Robin Hessman 13:15 Butterfly104’ 16:15 Gravity Was 19:15 Jean L’Attesa Gianfranco RosiGentil Barney Platts-Mills 102’ 96’ 80’ 84’ 80’22:15 The Last Buffalo 87’ Everywhere Back Then Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / Tonino De Bernardi Laura Amelia Guzmán Brent / Israel Cárdenas 11:30 I Am Jesus 13:15 Out of 15:00 19:30 BF SH BF Green 17:15 Elmina RA SP SH Lee Lynch Kommander Primordial Ties 76’ BF 97’ Water Hands 72’ 84’ 21:15 Our Thin Air Farooqui / Kulas Newspaper Valerie Gudenus / Vladimir Todorovic Emmanuel Apea Jr. Otto Buj 17:00 Fleurs du mal 19:45 socialisme Hassanwalia Heloisa Sartorato Eline Flipse KhavnFilm De La Cruz 75’ 50’ 96’ 104’ 80’ 58’ 22:45 Tres semanas 90’ después José Luis David Dusa Jean-Luc Godard Torres Leiva 11:45 Dharma Guns 14:00 Pa negre OS AV 100’ 101’ 60’





Darragh Byrne

11:45 Parked




93’ 97’ 92’ 124’ Hot as Hell: the deadbeat Las marimbas del infierno Red Motel Door Grass Will Grow Li Ruijun Julio Hernández Cordón march Okuda 11:00 Le 100’ 13:00 A Little Closer 14:30 16:00 20:00 22:15 Black Grand’Tour En el futuro The Old Donkey BloodYosuke TheWorldFamous Ike Fiennes 18:15 Chassis 112’ 92’ Characters 17:00 Sophie 94’ 87’ 83’ Rough Boy Mouse Palace 12:00 Anyang, Paradise Matthew 14:30 Mauro 19:45 Red Li 22:15 The City Poppies Last Buffalo Jérôme le Maire Petock Andrizzi Son Kwang-Ju Adolfo B. Alix Jr. Ruijun Zhang Miaoyan Speak you17:30 Are Here Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / of 20:15 Issyk-Kul Park Chan-Kyong 12:30 15:00 La fille de62’ 22:45 Meek’s Cutoff Montréal Hawi Pedicab Driver Outrage 98’ 72’ 99’ 73’ 112’ Lee Lynch Kitano Takeshi 76’ Adolfo B. Alix Jr. Yes! That’sJeanne Us Crépeau Daniel Cockburn B. Shamshiev 86’ 102’ 94’ 85’ Kelly Reichardt Ibrahim El Batout 88’ Sammo Hung Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema. 11:45 Aénigme 14:00 Post104’ 16:15 Haru’s 18:45 Meek’s Cutoff 21:00 Tras el cristal 95’ Small Town Mortem 92’Journey 112’ 11:15 La dernièreCalled 22:00 IFFR Live Muziek Descent Pablo Larraín Kobayashi Masahiro Kelly Reichardt Agustí Villaronga L’ affaire12:00 des divisions morituri 14:30 Ocaso 17:00 Color perro 19:30 Out of Fashion: 104’ 22:00 First Spring Septien XT Qubeka 106’ 98’ 134’ 110’ F.J. OssangJahmil Une sorte de journal que huye Maison Martin Margiela Michael Tully 94’ Théo Court video agnès b. Andrés Duque combined programme 79’ 80’ 70’ 118’ 60’ 9:45 Made in Rotterdam 1 12:15 Made in Rotterdam 3 14:45 Made in Rotterdam 5 17:15 Made in Rotterdam 7 20:00 End of Animal 22:30 Sensation combined programme programme combined programme combined Jo Sung-Hee Tom Joy Hall 12:15 combined 14:45 King 17:15 Je 20:00 Merry-Go-Round 22:30 The The Law and the Fist Boxer suis unprogramme No 111’ 111’ 111’ 111’ 114’ Man’s Land Jerzy Hoffman / Jeong Chang-Hwa Mak Yan Yan / Cheng Clement Felipe Bragança / Edward Skórzewski13.00 93’ Marina Meliande Thierry Jousse 97’ 124’ Les Boulistes 9:00 11.00 14.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 92’ 19.00 20.00in Context 121.00 5 & 6 23.00 9:45 Made in 10.00 12:15 12.00 14:45 Made in 15.00 19:45 Raiding Africa 22:15 22.00 Rotterdam 2 Made in Rotterdam 4 Rotterdam 6 Black Blood Boy Palace Imani combined programme combined programme combined programme ZhangMouse Miaoyan programme 9:30 Etrangère 12:00 Anyang, 14:30 Rough 17:00 19:45 combined 21:00 SP BF BF RW BF Paradise City BF Red Poppies Essential Killing22:15 The Last Buffalo 111’ 111’ 111’ Caroline Kamya Chassis Speak you Are Here 128’ 111’ 88’ Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / of Issyk-Kul Park Chan-Kyong Jerzy Skolimowski Lee83’ Lynch Adolfo B. Alix Jr. Yes! That’s Us Daniel Cockburn B. Shamshiev 86’ 102’ 14:15 94’ 88’ 85’ 76’ 11:45 Parked 19:30 O estranho 22:00 At Home Surviving Life Among énigme Byrne OS caso de Angélica Strangers, Stranger at Home Jan Svankmajer 11:15 La dernièreDarragh 22:00 21:15 Essential IFFR Livea Muziek Killing Nikita Mikhalkov Manoel de Oliveira 90’ 105’ 95’ Jerzy Skolimowski 98’ L’ affaire des divisions morituri F.J. Ossang 94’ 83’ 9:30 Novena 12:00 Tape 16:00 dorsky 2: Songs 17:30 ishii Yuya Short 19:15 Docteur Chance 21:45 Presa Film Enrique Collar Li Ning F.J. Ossang Alix Jr. 9:45 12:15 14:45 Made in Rotterdam 5 of the Earth 17:15 Made 20:00Fight 22:30 19:30 BFAdolfo B. Made in Rotterdam 1 Made in Rotterdam 3 in Collection Rotterdam 7 EndParty of Animal Sensation Pillow Ishii Yuya 96’ 168’ 68’ 97’ combined programme combined programme combined programme combined programme 70’combined programme Jo Sung-Hee Tom Hall 86’ 111’ 111’ 111’ 111’ 114’ 15:30 Kids in Space & Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners 20:30 Parental Guidance 22:00 150’ igor Kovalyov Les Boulistes 5&6 Animating Flashbacks Kutt - Sky1Song 9:45 Made in Rotterdam 2 12:15 Made in Rotterdam 4 14:45 Made in Rotterdam 6 19:45 Raiding Africamatti 22:15 RA RA BF in Context Black Blood Imani 150’ 90’ programme 150’ combined programme combined programme combined programme Zhang Miaoyan combined 111’ 111’ 111’ Caroline Kamya 128’ 111’ 88’

Lucía Niles Atallah 9:15 Septien Etrangère 9:30 Michael Tully Chassis

programme day by day













Pang Ho-cheung


13:30 The Journals of Musan 12:00 Kort Rotterdams combined programme 13:00 Love in aPark PuffJung-Bum 59’ Pang Ho-cheung 110’ 103’ 12:45 Nainsukh BF




HonetschlägerPark Jung-Bum combined Edgar programme 100’


La BM du Seigneur 92’ Jean-Charles Hue


60’ Amit Dutta 75’ 12:30 The Elusive RW Avengers 13:15 Finisterrae Edmond Keosayan 78’ Sergio Caballero

Martin Scorsese




Alex Stockman

19:45 Pulsar



The Birds Know

19.00 20.00 Haru’s Journey Talk Kobayashi Masahiro 19:30 Big El Sicario Room 164 Gianfranco Rosi 96’ belli Casus


16:30 Tuesday, After Christmas



Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes 113’ from a Childhood Axel Danielson


16.00 Animal Kingdom David Michôd17:00





22.00 SP 23.00 Silent Souls 22:00 Alexey KaidanFedorchenko - Horror Classics 75’ various directors



Pablo Larraín

22:15 Post mortem

17:00 Majority 20:00 De stad 21:45 Fong Sai yuk BF RG Dorsky, die nooit rustis een klassieke Yuen Kwai Seren vaak Yüce omschreven als een boeddhistisch filmmaker, vonvan Barsy 102’ met een oeuvre Andor 57’ Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast om stil te worden.










Nikita Mikhalkov

98’ 84’ 90’ 17:30 Off the Beaten Track BF 20:15 Docteur Chance 22:45 Herz aus Glas RW OS Dieter Auner F.J.Die Ossang Werner Herzog 19:15 If the Seed Doesn’t 22:15 Love Addiction 98’ 93’ Sinisa Dragin 97’ Yuen Woo-ping Uchida Nobuteru 110’ 115’ 17:00 Septien 19:30 Les Boulistes 7 & 8 22:00 Neverquiet BF BF RA Elmina (Film of Wonders) Michael Tully Historisch overzicht van79’wuxia, bij ons beter bekend alsJr.martial arts-cinema. Emmanuel Apea various directors 114’ 65’





Strangers, a Stranger Home 16:15at Drunken Master


En el futuro Radu Muntean Het westerngenre blijkt109’ helemaal niet zo in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht. Mauro Andrizzi 76’ 17:00 Paraísos artificiales BF 19:45 The Swordswoman WI 22:15 The Seventh RW OokYulene de Sovjets metThe cowboys en indianen. Communistische21:45 westerns Bullet of Huangjiang Olaizolawisten raad 18:45 Tiger Factory Primordial Ties Chen Kengren Ali Khamraev 75’ Jerôme le Maire 90’ 80’ 84’ Woo Ming Jin Otto Buj uit de Sovjet-Unie en de satellietstaten.



15:00 At Home Among

Heloisa Sartorato


134’ 114’ 18:30 21:30 Film socialisme BF SP Godard 19:45 Pulsarbodem aan veteranenJean-Luc22:15 Post mortem Afrikaans talent werd doorAttenberg het festival op Chinese Athina Rachel Tsangari Alex Stockman 106’ 101’ Pablo Larraín gekoppeld – en draaide in China vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm. Het publiek 94’ 98’ 18:15 Over your Cities 21:15 Todos tus muertos TG SP Grassbijzondere Will Grow filmische Carlos Moreno plukt de vruchten van deze 17:00 20:00 samenwerking. 21:45 Majority De stad Fong Sai yuk Sophie Fiennes 94’ die nooit rust 90’ Seren Yüce Yuen Kwai Andor von Barsy 57’ 102’ 100’ 16:30 Tuesday, After Christmas SP 22:30 Mina BF TG En el futuro Radu Muntean 16:00 Animal Kingdom 19:00 Haru’s Journey 22:00 Silent Souls Mauro Andrizzi 127’ 109’ 76’ David Michôd Kobayashi Masahiro Alexey Fedorchenko 113’ 134’ 75’ 15:45 Le Grand’Tour 21:45 Primordial Ties BF SPals verrassend. BF Theblijkt Tiger Factory De synergie tussen mode18:45 en film even sterk belliMing Jin Jerôme le Maire Buj 18:30 CasusWoo 21:30 FilmOtto socialisme Het festival tussen jonge Attenberg kruisbestuiving84’ 98’ onderzoekt de creatieve 90’ Jean-Luc Godard Athina Rachel Tsangari 106’ 101’ de gevestigde fashion-industrie de Doesn’t onafhankelijke cinema. 16:15 Drunken designers, 19:15 If theen 22:15 Love Addiction WI RT TG Master Seed Die Yuen Woo-ping 18:15 Over your Cities Sinisa Dragin 21:15 Todos tus muertosUchida Nobuteru 110’ Grass Will Grow 115’ 92’ Carlos Moreno Sophie Fiennes 94’ 90’


15.00 16:00

De kracht van kort: films van een tot 59 minuten lang, 59’ uit alle windstreken. 127’ 11:45 A Letter to 14:15 I Am Jesus RT RG BF Genpin Ze worden als voorfilm bij lange films vertoond, of gebundeld in combined Maya Elia Kent Jones12:45 / Kawase Naomi Valerieprogramme’s. Gudenus / 9:45 15:45 Le Grand’Tour Nainsukh

9:30 King of Devil’s Island

12:30 AUN - The Beginning SP SP SPECTRUm SHoRTS and the End13:30 of allThe Things Marius Holst 12:00 Kort Rotterdams Journals of Musan

Sergio Caballero

werk uit alle windstreken, van veteranen tot minder bekende regisseurs.TG 13:15 Finisterrae

La BM du Seigneur Amit Dutta Jean-Charlesop Huezijn breedst.97’ Rotterdam Het festival selecteerde actueel, krachtig75’en vernieuwend



David Dusa

10:15 Fleurs du mal

Vers bloed. Eerste of tweede film van filmmakers waarvan het festival in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht.


daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal110’jubileumprogramma gebundeld.

David Dusa

9:00het begin 12.0013:00 Loveten 13.00 10:15 10.00 BF Award-nominatie SP Fleurs du carrière mal 11.00 in adeel Puffviel (of 14.00 van hun een Tiger de prijs



De Spaanse cineast Villaronga onderzoekt Het Kwaad in al zijn BF The Birds Know Talk 17:00 19:30 Big 22:00 Kaidan - Horror Classics BF El Sicario Room 164 oeuvre. Twin Brothers, 53 Scenes in from various directors verschijningsvormen, een compact en soms controversieel a Childhood Axel Danielson Gianfranco Rosi 96’ 114’

PUBLIC SCREENINGS THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan



Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekend als zanger van de Franse formatie MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig universum met sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.









Cinerama 5 Pathé 7


9:30 Ocaso 12:00krijgen? 14:30 out of Fashion OF MacheteDat kan inRG Cinema met deBF paplepel ingegoten deze unieke ‘kinderopvang’, magazine: iconic inspiration Maidens Unleashed! Théo Court 9:30 King 12:30 AUN of Devil’s Island - The Beginning waar jong & oud een combined programme Mark Hartley 80’ filmische verjongingskuur 84’ Things 85’ and ondergaan. the End of all Marius Holst Edgar Honetschläger 112’ 100’ Magistraal spektakel uit China 12:15 Shelter 14:45 Aitá 17:15 Songs 20:00 A Small Town 22:30 Pinoy Sunday BF BF SP en Hongkong. BF BF of Cinerama 6 9:15 Love artificiales and Hate Called Descent José Maria de Orbe Ho Wi-ding 11:45 A Letter to Dragomir Sholev 14:15 I Am Jesus 17:00 Paraísos 19:45 The Swordswoman 22:15 The Seventh Genpin Cinerama 1 Katalin Gödrös Jahmil XT Qubeka Elia Kent Jones / 88’ 85’ 89’ 106’ 85’ Bullet of Huangjiang Kawase Naomi Valerie Gudenus / Yulene Olaizola Martin Scorsese Chen Kengren Heloisa Sartorato Ali Khamraev 92’ 60’ 75’ 90’ 80’ 84’ 12:00 The Story of Wong 14:30 Color perro 17:00 1001 irans Khosrovani 19:45 Water Hands 22:15 Executioners Cinerama 7 Fei-hung, Part 1 que huye from Shaolin Vladimir 12:30 The Elusive 15:00 At Home Among 17:30 Off 20:15 Todorovic 22:45 Herz aus Glas the Beaten Track Docteur Chance & Grandma, a Thousand Times Cinerama 4 Wu Pang Avengers 72’ Andrés Duque Lau Kar-leung Kaabour 90’ 96’ 100’ Strangers, a 70’ Stranger at Home Auner F.J. Ossang van de cinema. Werner Herzog EenMahmoud duik inDieter de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer Nikita Mikhalkov Edmond Keosayan 78’ 98’ 93’ 97’ 94’ 10:00 zona Inquinata 11:30 Olifantenvoeten 22:30 IFFR Live Muziek LantarenVenster 1 Les Boulistes 7 & 8 Curling 9:30 Ocaso Tryptique du 12:00 Machete 14:30 out of Fashion 17:00 Septien 19:30 22:00 Neverquiet Cinerama 5 paysage Denis CôtéMaidens Unleashed! 105’ Elmina magazine: iconic inspiration 51’ 120’ (Film of Wonders) Théo Court Michael Tully combined programme Emmanuel Apea Jr. Mark Hartley various directors 80’ 84’ 85’ 79’ 114’ 65’ 9:45 Kommander Kulas 12:00 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère 15:00 Blinding 17:15 No One Is Illegal 19:30 Characters 22:00 Black Blood LantarenVenster 2 Tiger Eyes Khavn De La Cruz Jan Willem van Dam Son20:00 Kwang-Ju Zhang Miaoyan 12:15 14:45 Aitá Steve Sanguedolce 17:15 Songs 22:30 Shelter of A Small Town Pinoy Sunday Cinerama 6 Frank and Scheffer 80’ 150’ José Maria de Orbe 72’ 78’ 99’ 128’ Love Hate Called Descent Dragomir Sholev Ho Wi-ding Katalin Gödrös 18.00 89’ JahmilRosa XT Qubeka 85’16.00 85’ 24.00 9:00 10.00 11:00 Aurora 11.00 12.00 13.00 88’ 14.00 15:00 Tilva15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 106’22:15 22.00 23.00 17:30 20:15 20.00 Rosh Chingachgook, Ashes of Time Redux

Cinerama 4 Pathé 6

Cinerama 1 Pathé 5

Pathé 7 Pathé 4

Pathé 6 Pathé 3

Pathé 5 Pathé 2

Pathé 2 DoeLen Jurriaanse ZaaL Pathé 3 sChouwburg grote ZaaL Pathé 4 Pathé 1

Pathé 1 Luxor

sChouwburg grote ZaaL

DoeLen Jurriaanse ZaaL



Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig minuten zijn geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.






Prijzen voor de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde filmmakers strijden met hun eerste of tweede film om drie gelijkwaardige Tiger Awards, dit jaar mogelijk gemaakt door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.



programme day by day






Elia Kent Jones / Martin Scorsese 60’ 12:00 The Story of Wong Fei-hung, 12:30 Part The1Elusive Wu Pang Avengers 72’


85’ 89’ 106’ 85’ Bullet of Huangjiang Valerie Gudenus / Yulene Olaizola Chen Kengren Heloisa Sartorato Ali Khamraev 75’ 90’ 80’ 84’ 14:30 Color perro 17:00 1001 irans Khosrovani 19:45 Water Hands 22:15 Executioners que huyeAt Home Among from Shaolin Vladimir 15:00 17:30 Off 20:15 Todorovic 22:45 the Beaten Track Docteur Chance Herz aus Glas & Grandma, a Thousand Times Andrés Duque Lau Kar-leung Kaabour 90’ 96’ 100’ Strangers, a 70’ Stranger at Home Auner F.J. Ossang van de cinema. Werner Herzog EenMahmoud duik inDieter de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer Nikita Mikhalkov Edmond Keosayan 78’ 98’ 93’ 97’ 94’ 10:00 zona Inquinata 11:30 Olifantenvoeten 22:30 IFFR Live Muziek Curling 9:30 Ocaso Tryptique du 12:00 Machete 14:30 out of Fashion 17:00 Septien 19:30 Les Boulistes 7 & 8 22:00 Neverquiet paysage Denis CôtéMaidens Unleashed! 105’ Elmina magazine: iconic inspiration 51’ 120’ (Film of Wonders) Théo Court Michael Tully combined programme Emmanuel Apea Jr. Mark Hartley various directors 80’ 84’ 85’ 79’ 114’ 65’ 9:45 Kommander Kulas 12:00 Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère 15:00 Blinding 17:15 No One Is Illegal 19:30 Characters 22:00 Black Blood Tiger Eyes Khavn De La Cruz Jan Willem van Dam Son20:00 Kwang-Ju Zhang Miaoyan 12:15 14:45 Aitá Steve Sanguedolce 17:15 Songs 22:30 Shelter of A Small Town Pinoy Sunday Frank Scheffer 80’ 150’ José Maria de Orbe 72’ 78’ 99’ 128’ Love and Hate Called Descent Dragomir Sholev Ho Wi-ding Katalin Gödrös 18.00 89’ JahmilRosa XT Qubeka 85’16.00 85’ 24.00 9:00 10.00 11:00 Aurora 11.00 12.00 13.00 88’ 14.00 15:00 Tilva15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 106’22:15 22.00 23.00 17:30 20:15 20.00 Rosh Chingachgook, Ashes of Time Redux Hoy como ayer große Schlange Cristi Puiu 12:00 The Story of Wong WI Nikola Lezaic Wong Kar-wai 14:30 Color perro 17:00 1001 iransdie 19:45 Water Hands 21:00 BF SH BF WI Essential Killing22:15 Executioners Khosrovani Bernie IJdis Jerzy Skolimowski Richard Groschop Fei-hung, Part 1 179’ 102’ & Grandma, 91’ 81’ 93’ que huye from Shaolin Vladimir Todorovic a Thousand Times Wu Pang Andrés Duque Lau Mahmoud Kaabour 72’ 70’ 90’ 96’ 100’ 83’Kar-leung 10:00 Los teleféricos 12:45 Poetry 16:30 22 mei 22:00 Meeting at zona Inquinata Sonata OS 11:30 Olifantenvoeten the22:30 Old Mosque Lee Chang-Dong Koen Mortier 10:00 Silent 21:15 Essential Killing SP IFFR Live Muziek Janez Burger Sukhbat Khamidov Curling Tryptique du 89’ 135’ 88’ 87’ Jerzy Skolimowski paysage Denis Côté 51’ 105’ 120’ 83’ 9:30 Anyang, Paradise City 12:00 Belkibolang 14:15 Quality Control 16:00 dorsky 5: The 17:30 Son of God 19:00 Drexciya 22:00 once and Is Illegal Imagine, the SkyFight Party Hours and the days17:15 No One Future Kodachrome 2 Park Kommander Chan-Kyong Kulas SP various directors Kevin Jerome various directorsSH 9:45 12:00 Je 15:00 Everson 22:00 Black 19:30 Pillow SP SP BF BF vis dans le rêve de ma mère Blinding Characters Blood combined programme 66’ Tiger Eyes combined programme 60’ Brigitte Uttar Khavn De La Cruz 102’ 87’ 71’ 70’ 89’ Jan Willem van Dam Steve Sanguedolce SonKornetzky Kwang-Ju Zhang Miaoyan Frank Scheffer 80’ 150’ 72’ 78’ 99’ 128’ 150’ 16:30 Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners 20:30 Parental Guidance 11:00 Aurora 15:00 Tilva Rosh 17:30 Chingachgook, 20:15 Rosa 22:15 Ashes of Time Redux WI SP SP BF RW 100’ 90’ Hoy como ayer die große Schlange Cristi Puiu Nikola Lezaic Wong Kar-wai 150’ Bernie IJdis Richard Groschop 179’ 102’ 91’ 81’ 93’

Kawase Naomi



Park Chan-Kyong

9:30 Anyang, Paradise City





various directors

12:00 Belkibolang







Rodrigo Guerrero 15.00 16.00




Li Hongqi 18.00





Malcolm Murray 21.00 22.00



combined programme 60’

Future Kodachrome 2

22:00 once and VPRO Filmnacht

20:30 Parental Guidance 21:30 Bad Posture






Imagine, theCrisan Sky Marian

Drexciya SP 19:0019:15 Morgen

NK 18:30 Winter TV Dinners Vacation

various directors

17:30 Son of God

combined programme 66’

Hours and the days

16:00 dorsky 5: The

16:30 15:30 El invierno de los Kitchen raros Secrets

Kevin Jerome Everson

14:15 Quality Control SP



90’ 150’ 91’ 93’ 19:00 Aurora DoeLen 12:15 Novena 15:15 Pure Asia 18:15 Behind the Cristi Puiu 21:15 Genpin Pathé 3 Jurriaanse ZaaL VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: KING OF DEVIL’S... + I AM JESUS SIGNALS-ROUTE: SILENCIO + DOCTEUR CHANCE 10:00 ROTTERDAM FILM COURSE: + KILLER CLANS + REIGN OF ASSASSINS, PATHE VANAF 11:30 Red MotelLEzING Door Enrique Collar Katashima Ikki Kawase Naomi179’ TheWorldFamous Ike IN WATER 108’ 92’ 92’ WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE UPCINEMA-DAG: SOMEWHERE + BIUTIFUL EN96’EEN ANDERE FESTIVALKNALLER, PATHE 14:00 LIVE PERFORMANCES 16:00 16:45 UnVANAF 19:15 Animal Kingdom TIGER INN, DE DOELEN 21:45 Cold poison violent Fish CRITICS’ TALK POETRy/ LEE sChouwburg Katell Quillévéré David Michôd Sion 16:30 LesNIGHT... 20:00 22:30 amours Reign of Assassins CurlingIN DE SCHOUWBURG CHANG-DONG, MET ERNEST, SCHOUWBURG 22:30 SERIOUS TANGO NIGHT, LVSono 23:00 MUzIEK Pathé 4LV 19:30 BIG TALK GIANFRANCO ROSI OVER EL SICARIO: ROOM 164 (OVB), OUDE LUxOR 22:00 VPRO LATE grote ZaaL 92’ 113’ 146’ imaginaires Su Chao-pin / John Woo Denis Côté Xavier Dolan 95’ 120’ 92’ 10:30 Outrage 13:00 Film socialisme 16:00 Essential Killing 19:00 Black Swan 21:30 Surprisefilm Pathé 1 Kitano Takeshi Jean-Luc Godard Jerzy Skolimowski Darren Aronofsky 17:30 Small Town 18.00 9:00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 101’ 15.00 16.00 17.00 19.0020:00 Tyrannosaur 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 Pathé 5 109’ 83’ Murder Songs Paddy Considine 112’ 9:15 Twin 11:30 20:00 The Day 22:15 22.00 BF BF 75’ BF Bad Posture 12.00 Father’s Sleep I Ed Gass-Donnelly 91’ 9:00Brothers, 53 10.00 11.00 13.0014:00 My14:30 14.00 RA 15.00 16:00 Tape16.00 17:00 Over17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 23.00SP 24.00 Estacao BF Cinerama 2 19:30 22:00 13 Assassins your Cities The Seventh Disappeared House Illégal Scenes from a Childhood Malcolm12:15 Murray Li Ning Sakaguchi Katsumi Pathé 2 Tres semanas después Olivier Masset-Depasse MiikeThe Takashi 19:00 13:15 16:15 Gravity Was Grass Will Grow 19:15 22:15 Aurora JeanBullet Gentil Atousa Bandeh Last Buffalo Axel Danielson Zhao Dayong 85’ 93’ Butterfly L’Attesa 63’ 168’ 61’ 96’ DoeLen Pathé 6 José Luis Torres Leiva Sophie Khamraev Then Fiennes Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / 75’ De Bernardi 90’ Everywhere Back 94’ 84’ 120’ CristiLaura PuiuAli Tonino Amelia Guzmán Jurriaanse ZaaL Brent Green / Israel Cárdenas 179’ Lee Lynch 97’ 72’ 84’ 76’ 12:15 I Love you 15:15 Mouse Palace 18:15 A Letter to 21:15 Never Let Me Go Pathé 3 you Are Here Elia Kent Jones19:15 / Alexander Rastorguev Mark Romanek 16:4517:00 21:45 19:45 Kingdom Un poison Animal Cold Fish 22:45 Tres semanas Fleurs violent du mal Film socialisme sChouwburg Cinerama 1 Martin Scorsese / Pavel Kostomarov 72’ Daniel Cockburn después 88’ 60’ 103’ José Luis KatellDavid Quillévéré David Michôd Sono Sion Dusa Jean-Luc Godard grote ZaaL Torres Leiva 92’ 113’ 101’ 146’ 100’ 60’ 10:30 Wasted youth 13:30 Blue Valentine 17:00 Pyuupiru 2001-2008 19:30 Todos tus muertos 22:00 The Journals of Musan Pathé 4 Argyris PapadimitroDerek Cianfrance Matsunaga Daishi Carlos Moreno Park Jung-Bum 10:30 Outrage 13:00 Film socialisme 16:00 Essential Killing 19:00 Black Swan 21:30 Surprisefilm 17:00 Chantrapas 20:00 22:30 Dad Oki’s Movie Pathé 5 1 Cinerama poulos /Takeshi Jan Vogel 98’ 114’ 93’ 90’ 127’ Kitano Jean-Luc Godard Jerzy Skolimowski Otar Iosseliani Darren Aronofsky Vlado Skafar Hong Sang-Soo 109’ 101’ 83’ 112’ 71’ 122’ 80’ 9:45 End of Animal 12:45 Breakfast, 15:45 Paraísos artificiales 18:45 The Baron 21:45 The Crab Pathé 5 Jo Sung-Hee Yulene Olaizola 17:00 Over your Cities Edgar Pera Rona13 Mark 12:15 Estacao Lunch, Dinner 14:30 Illégal 19:30 The 22:00 20:00 22:30 Seventh Assassins El mar El niño de la luna Pathé 6 2 Cinerama various directors 114’ 87’ Olivier Masset-Depasse 90’Will Grow Tres semanas después Grass Bullet Agustí94’ Miike Takashi Villaronga Agustí Villaronga 102’ José Luis Torres Leiva Sophie Fiennes Ali Khamraev 75’ 90’ 94’ 84’ 120’ 107’ 118’ 10:15 The Sky Above 13:15 Virgin Goat 16:15 Docteur Chance 19:15 Love Addiction 22:15 The Image Threads Pathé 6 Sérgio Borges Murali Nair F.J. Ossang Uchida Nobuteru 12:15 I Love you 15:15 Mouse Palace 18:1518:30 21:15 Never Let Me Go Vipin Vijay Sodankylä Forever A Letter to Pathé 7 3 Cinerama you Are Here Elia 72’ 87’ 97’ 92’ 104’ Kent Jones / Alexander Rastorguev Mark Romanek Peter von Bagh Martin Scorsese / Pavel Kostomarov 72’ Daniel Cockburn 88’ 60’ 103’ 270’ 9:30 Gromozeka 12:30 Majority 15:30 Somewhere 18:30 Truce 21:30 zu: Warriors from Pathé 7 the22:00 MagicThe Mountain Vladimir Kott10:30 Wasted youth Seren Yüce 13:30 Blue Valentine SofiaTiger Coppola Svetlana Proskurina 17:00 Pyuupiru 2001-2008 19:3019:45 15:45 Todos tusAwards muertos Journals of Musan IFFR Live Muziek Awards Tiger LantarenVenster Pathé 41 Tsui Hark Park Jung-Bum Competition for Short FilmsMatsunaga 198’ Competition 104’ 102’ 95’ for Short Films 2 97’ Argyris PapadimitroDerek Cianfrance Daishi Carlos Moreno combined programme 90’ 90’ poulos / Jan Vogel 98’ 114’ combined programme 93’ 127’ 91’ 120’ 11:45 The Old Donkey 14:15 Threesome 17:00 Grande Hotel 19:30 Le Grand’Tour 22:00 Hospitalité Cinerama 1 FleursBlok du mal Li Ruijun Fukada Koji 9:45 End of Animal 12:45 15:4516:00 18:45 The Baron Jerôme 21:4522:00 12:00 14:00 Voorfilms 20:00le Maire Breakfast, Paraísos artificiales The Crab Voorfilms Blok 1 2 Voorfilms Blok 3 Lotte Stoops 18:00 The Atomic Short Stories: NL International LantarenVenster Pathé 52 Davidprogramme Dusa 110’ 67’ 98’ 96’ Lunch, Dinner 112’ Sublime Make Believe Jo Sung-Hee Yulene Olaizolaprogramme Edgar Pera Ronacombined Mark combined programme combined combined programme various directors 105’ Jesse Lerner combined 114’ 87’ 90’ 94’ programme 76’ 101’ 97’ 72’ 75’ 102’ 12:30 Pedicab Driver 15:00 Villaronga: 17:30 Time and Again 19:45 Killer Clans 22:15 zohra: A Cinerama 2 combined programme Applied15:45 Poetics Moroccan Hung Virgin Chu Yuan 10:15 The Sky Above 16:15 Docteur Chance 19:15 Love 11:45 HomecomingSammo 13:15 13:45Goat 17:45 19:45 22:0022:15 Addiction ImageFairytale Threads (Un)covered Re-constructions Lost ShortThe Stories: Free Radicals -a LantarenVenster Pathé 63 Barney Platts-Mills History of Experimental 95’ programme combined programme 93’ 72’ 103’ 80’ Sea Vipin of Desire Sérgio Borges Murali Nair Ossang Uchida Nobuteru Vijay combined programme combined combinedF.J. programme combined programme Cinema combined programme 72’ 87’ 97’ Pip Chodorov 92’ 104’ 83’ 101’ 86’ 82’ 84’ 81’ 17:30 Aitá 20:00 Golden Swallow 22:45 99.9 Cinerama 4 José Maria de18:30 Orbe Truce Chang Cheh Agustí Villaronga 9:30 Gromozeka 12:30 21:30 zu:22:00 12:00 South 14:00 Rear View Mirror 15:30 Somewhere 16:00 Dorsky 1: Two 20:00 Get Majority Warriors fromof Light a Life Pictures Asian Shorts: LantarenVenster Pathé 76 108’ combined 106’ the Magic Mountain Sides of Light Real and Surreal Vladimir Kott Seren Yüce Sofia Coppola Svetlana85’ Proskurina combined programme combined programme programme

YourPathé sPaCe 2

grote ZaaL

LantarenVenster sChouwburg6


LantarenVenster 3

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster Your sPaCe2

LantarenVenster 5 LantarenVenster Pathé 41

Cinerama 7 Pathé 1

LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

programme day by day




102’ 80’


Denis Côté 105’ 12:00 Belkibolang directors 12:00 various Je vis dans le rêve de ma mère 87’ Jan Willem van Dam




14:15 Quality Control 16:00 dorsky 5: The 17:30 Son of God 19:00 Drexciya 22:00 once and Is Illegal Imagine, the Sky Hours and the days17:15 No One 2 Kevin Jerome various directors 15:00 Everson 19:30 Characters 22:00 Future Blinding Black Kodachrome Blood combined programme 66’ Tiger Eyes combined programme 60’ Brigitte Uttar 71’ 70’ 89’ Steve Sanguedolce SonKornetzky Kwang-Ju Zhang Miaoyan Frank Scheffer 150’ 72’ 78’ 99’ 16:30 Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners 20:30 Parental Guidance 15:00 Tilva Rosh 17:30 Chingachgook, 20:15 Rosa 22:15 Ashes of Time Redux 100’ 90’ Hoy como ayer die große Schlange Nikola Lezaic Wong Kar-wai 150’ Bernie IJdis Richard Groschop 179’ 102’ 91’ 81’


11:00 Aurora

9:30 Anyang, Paradise City Park Kommander Chan-Kyong Kulas 9:45 Khavn De La Cruz





various directors

12:00 Belkibolang


Kevin Jerome Everson

14:15 Quality Control


Hours and the days

16:00 dorsky 5: The

various directors

17:30 Son of God










16:30 Kitchen Secrets

combined programme 66’



Imagine, the Sky


18:30 TV Dinners








combined programme 60’

Future Kodachrome 2

22:00 once and


20:30 Parental Guidance


Park Chan-Kyong

9:30 Anyang, Paradise City


19:15 Animal Kingdom


Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

Cinerama 6 Cinerama 2

Cinerama 5 Cinerama 1

Cinerama 4 Pathé 7

Cinerama 2 Pathé 6

Cinerama 1 Pathé 5

Pathé 7 Pathé 4

Pathé 6 Pathé 3

Pathé 5 Pathé 2

Pathé 2 DoeLen Jurriaanse ZaaL Pathé 3 sChouwburg grote ZaaL Pathé 4 Pathé 1

Pathé 1


RT 16:00


21:45 Cold Fish


Jean-Luc Godard

13:00 Film socialisme






Olivier Masset-Depasse




Over17.00 your Cities Grass Will Grow Sophie Fiennes




19.00 19:30 The Seventh 20.00RW 19:00 Aurora Bullet 94’ 84’ Cristi PuiuAli Khamraev

18.00 SP

19:00 Black Swan


16.00 17:00

Essential Killing



22.00 13 Assassins Miike Takashi

21:30 Surprisefilm

23.00SP 120’









Mouse Palace





you Are Here Daniel Cockburn






Alexander Rastorguev / Pavel Kostomarov 72’

12:15 I Love you





179’ 18:15 A Letter to 21:15 Never Let Me Go BF RG SP Elia Kent Jones19:15 / Mark Romanek 16:45 Afrikaans 21:45 Un poison violent Animal Kingdom Cold Fish talent werd door festival op Chinese bodem aan veteranen Martinhet Scorsese 88’ 60’ 103’ Katell Quillévéré David Michôd Sono Sion gekoppeld – en draaide in China vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm. Het publiek 92’ 113’ 146’ 10:30 Wasted youth 13:30 Blue Valentine 17:00 Pyuupiru 2001-2008 OF 19:30 Todos tus muertos TG 22:00 The Journals of Musan TG SP TG Argyris Derek Cianfrance Matsunaga Daishi van deze bijzondere Carlos Moreno Park Jung-Bum Vers bloed. Eerste ofPapadimitrotweede film van filmmakers waarvan het festival plukt de vruchten samenwerking. 21:30 Surprisefilm 10:30 13:00 16:00 Essential Killing 19:00 Blackfilmische Outrage Film socialisme Swan poulos /Takeshi Jan Vogel 98’ 114’ 93’ 90’ 127’ Kitano Jean-Luc Godard Jerzy Skolimowski Darren Aronofsky in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht. 109’ 101’ 83’ 112’ 9:45 End of Animal 12:45 Breakfast, 15:45 Paraísos artificiales BF 18:45 The Baron 21:45 The Crab BF BF SP BF Jo Sung-Hee Yulene Olaizola 17:00 Over your Cities Edgar Pera Rona13 Mark 12:15 Estacao Lunch, Dinner 14:30 Illégal 19:30 The Seventh 22:00 Assassins various directors 114’ 87’ Olivier Masset-Depasse 90’Will Grow 94’ 102’ Tres semanas después Grass Bullet Miike Takashi José Luis Torres Leiva Sophie Fiennes Ali Khamraev 75’ 90’ 94’ 84’ 120’ 10:15 The Sky Above TG 13:15 Virgin Goat 16:15 Docteur Chance 22:15 The Image Threads SP OS TG TG De synergie tussen mode en film 19:15 blijktLove evenAddiction sterk als verrassend. Sérgio Borges Murali Nair F.J. Ossang Uchida Nobuteru 12:15 I Love you 15:15 Mouse Palace 18:15 A Letter to 21:15 Never Let Me Go Vipin Vijay Het festival onderzoekt deKent creatieve Rotterdam op zijn breedst. Het actueel, krachtig en vernieuwend you Are Here Elia 72’ festival selecteerde 87’ 97’ 92’ 104’ Jones / kruisbestuiving tussen jonge Alexander Rastorguev Mark Romanek Martin Scorsese / Pavel Kostomarov 72’ Daniel Cockburn 88’ 60’ en de onafhankelijke cinema. 103’ designers, de gevestigde fashion-industrie werk uit alle windstreken, van veteranen tot Majority minder bekende regisseurs. 9:30 Gromozeka 12:30 15:30 Somewhere 18:30 21:30 zu: Warriors from TG BF SP SP WI Truce the22:00 MagicThe Mountain Vladimir Kott10:30 Wasted youth Seren Yüce 13:30 Blue Valentine Sofia Coppola Svetlana Proskurina 17:00 Pyuupiru 2001-2008 19:30 Todos tus muertos Journals of Musan Tsui Hark Park Jung-Bum 104’ 102’ 98’ 95’ 97’ Argyris PapadimitroDerek Cianfrance Matsunaga Daishi Carlos Moreno poulos / Jan Vogel 98’ 114’ 93’ 90’ 127’ 11:45 The Old Donkey 14:15 Threesome 17:00 Grande Hotel BF 19:30 Le Grand’Tour 22:00 Hospitalité BF BF BF SP Fleurs du mal Li Ruijun 12:45 Breakfast, Fukada Koji 9:45 End of Animal 15:45 Paraísos artificiales Lotte Stoops 18:45 The Baron Jerôme le Maire 21:45 The Crab David Dusa 67’ 98’ 96’ Lunch, Dinner 112’ Jo Sung-Hee Yulene110’ Olaizola Edgar Pera Rona Mark De kracht van kort: films van een lang,directors uit alle windstreken. Het westerngenre blijkt helemaal niet zo in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht. 114’tot 59 minutenvarious 87’ 90’ 94’ 102’ 12:30 Pedicab Driver 15:00 Villaronga: 17:30 Time and Again RG 19:45 Killer Clans 22:15 zohra: A WI AV WI SP Ze worden alsSky voorfilm of13:15 gebundeld in combined programme’s. Ook de Sovjets wisten raad met cowboys enAddiction indianen. combined programme Applied Poetics 16:15 Docteur Chance Moroccan Sammo Hung Chu Yuan Communistische westerns 10:15 The 19:15 Love 22:15 The Above bij lange films vertoond, Virgin Goat ImageFairytale Threads combined programme F.J. Ossang BarneyVijay Platts-Mills 95’ 93’ uit de Sovjet-Unie en de satellietstaten. 72’ 103’ 80’ Sérgio Borges Murali Nair Uchida Nobuteru Vipin 72’ 87’ 97’ 92’ 104’ 17:30 Aitá 20:00 Golden Swallow 22:45 99.9 BF WI AV José Maria de18:30 Orbe Truce Chang Cheh Agustí Villaronga 9:30 Gromozeka 12:30 Majority 15:30 Somewhere 21:30 zu: Warriors from 108’ Mountain 106’ the Magic Vladimir Kott Seren Yüce Sofia Coppola Svetlana85’ Proskurina Tsui Hark 104’ 102’ 98’ 95’ 97’ Boulistes 7&8 10:00 Lesmet 16:30 Novena 19:30 Aardvark 22:15 El agua del RA krijgen?12:45 BF BF BF Fortune Tellerunieke ‘kinderopvang’, BF Cinema de paplepel ingegoten Dat kan in deze Elmina fin del mundo Enrique Kitao Sakurai 11:45 The Old Donkey Xu Tong 14:15 Threesome 17:00Collar 19:30 Le 22:00 Hospitalité Grande Hotel Grand’Tour waar jong & oud eenJr.filmische verjongingskuur ondergaan. Historisch overzicht96’ van wuxia, bij ons beter bekend als martial Emmanuel Apea Paula Fleurs du mal 114’ 157’ 80’arts-cinema. 84’ Li Ruijun Lotte Stoops Jerôme le Maire Fukada KojiSiero David Dusa 112’ 110’ 67’ 98’ 96’ Magistraal spektakel 14:45 The Eighth 17:15 Die Söhne 20:00 La nostra vita 22:30 The Actress, the dollars RW RW RW en Hongkong. SP der uit China Großen andAthe Transylvanians ZakoVillaronga: Heskiya 12:30 Pedicab Driver 15:00 17:30 19:45 KillerDaniele 22:15 zohra: Clans Luchetti TimeBärin and Again Mircea Fairytale Veroiu Josef combined Mach programme 107’ 98’ 98’ 97’ Applied Poetics Moroccan Sammo Hung Chu Yuan combined programme Barney Platts-Mills 95’ 93’ 72’ 103’ 80’ 9:30 Red Poppies 12:00 Crosscuts 14:30 Butterfly L’Attesa 17:00 Studien zum 19:45 Etrangère 22:15 Presa Chassis Neverquiet Untergang des Abendlands of Issyk-Kul Tonino De Bernardi Adolfo B. Alix Jr. 17:30 Aitá 20:00 Golden Swallow 22:45 99.9 (Film of Wonders) Klaus WybornyMaria de Orbe Adolfo B. Alix Jr. B. Shamshiev 85’ 69’ 97’ 80’ Chang Cheh Agustí Villaronga 86’ Een duik inJosé de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de86’cinema.108’ 85’ 106’ 19:45 127 Hours 22:30 IFFR Live Muziek Les Boulistes 7 & 8 Danny Boyle 10:00 12:45 Fortune Teller 16:30 Novena 19:30 Aardvark 22:15 El agua del Elmina 94’ 120’ fin del mundo Xu Tong Enrique Collar Kitao Sakurai Emmanuel Apea Jr. Paula Siero 114’ 157’ 96’ 80’ 84’ 10:30 This Is England ‘86 14:45 Rough Boy 17:15 The Piano in a Factory 20:00 Color perro 22:00 Tuesday, After Christmas Speak quenostra huye vita Shane Meadows Zhang Mengder Radu Muntean 14:45 The 17:15 Die 20:00 La 22:30 Eighth Söhne The Actress, the dollars Yes! That’s Us Andrés Duque 192’ 94’ 105’ 70’ Großen Bärin and the Transylvanians 109’ Zako Heskiya Daniele Luchetti Mircea Veroiu 23.00 Josef Mach 107’ 97’24.00 9:00 11.00 13.0014:00 Les Boulistes 14.00 9 & 10 15.00 16:00 Tape16.00 17.00 18.00 98’ 19:30 19.00 20.00 21.0098’ 22:15 22.00 9:30 11:30 Son of God 10.00 Los labios 12.00 Poetry Tras el cristal

José Luis Torres Leiva daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma 75’gebundeld.

Tres semanas después

9:00het begin 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 Estacao RT deel viel (of14:30 Illégal van hun carrière een Tiger12:15 Award-nominatie ten de prijs

Kitano Takeshi

Dorsky, vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch Jerzy Skolimowski Darren Aronofsky filmmaker, is een klassieke PUBLIC SCREENINGS FRIDAY 4 FEBRUARY Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met een oeuvre om stil van te worden. Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan

RETURN oF THE TIGER 10:30 Outrage SP



16:45 Un poison violent



100’ 90’ 150’ Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig: 28 films korter dan zestig minuten zijn De Spaanse cineast Villaronga onderzoekt 19:00 SP Aurora Het Kwaad in al zijn DoeLen Cristien Puiu geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competitie voor korte film, verschijningsvormen, in een compact soms controversieel oeuvre. Jurriaanse ZaaL VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: KING OF DEVIL’S... + I AM JESUS SIGNALS-ROUTE: SILENCIO + DOCTEUR CHANCE 10:00 ROTTERDAM FILM COURSE: LEzING + KILLER CLANS + REIGN OF ASSASSINS, PATHE VANAF 11:30 179’ waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.+ BIUTIFUL EN EEN ANDERE FESTIVALKNALLER, PATHE VANAF 14:00 LIVE PERFORMANCES IN WATER TIGER INN, DE DOELEN 16:00 CRITICS’ TALK POETRy/ LEE WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE UPCINEMA-DAG: SOMEWHERE

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6

Prijzen voor de nieuwe generatie.+Vijftien genomineerde strijden + DOCTEUR CHANCE Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekendLEzING als zanger van de Franse VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: KING OF DEVIL’S... I AM JESUS SILENCIO 10:00 ROTTERDAM FILM COURSE: + KILLER CLANSformatie + REIGN OF ASSASSINS, VANAF 11:30 teleféricos 10:00 Los 12:45 SIGNALS-ROUTE: 16:30 22:00 MeetingPATHE Poetry filmmakers 22 mei at LantarenVenster 5 Silent Sonata the OldCRITICS’ Mosque TALK POETRy/ LEE Lee KoenMKB Mortier WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE UPCINEMA-DAG: + Chang-Dong BIUTIFUL EN EEN FESTIVALKNALLER, PATHE VANAF 14:00 LIVE PERFORMANCES IN WATER TIGER INN,met DE DOELEN 16:00 met hun eerste of tweede film omSOMEWHERE drie gelijkwaardige Tiger Awards, ditANDERE jaar Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig universum Janez Burger Sukhbat Khamidov 89’ 135’ 88’ 87’ CHANG-DONG, LV 19:30 BIG TALKgemaakt GIANFRANCO EL SICARIO: ROOM 164 (OVB), OUDE LUxOR 22:00 VPRO LATE NIGHT... MET ERNEST, 22:30 SERIOUS TANGO NIGHT, LV 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG mogelijk door hetROSI PrinsOVER Bernhard Cultuurfonds. sterke invloeden van hetSCHOUWBURG Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.

LantarenVenster 3

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 2

programme day by day


Sammo Hung

Tonino De Bernardi

Applied Poetics combined programme 95’ 14:30 Butterfly L’Attesa




Neverquiet (Film of Wonders)



combined programme 107’ 98’ 98’ Moroccan Fairytale Chu Yuan Barney Platts-Mills 93’ 72’ 103’ 80’ 17:00 Studien zum 19:45 Etrangère 22:15 Presa Chassis Untergang des Abendlands Adolfo 17:30 Aitá 20:00 22:45B. Alix Golden Swallow 99.9Jr. Klaus Wyborny Adolfo B. Alix Jr. B. Shamshiev 85’ 69’ 97’ 80’ 86’ Maria de Orbe Chang Cheh Agustí Villaronga 86’ Een duik inJosé de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer van de cinema. 85’ 108’ 19:45 127 Hours 22:30 IFFR Live Muziek Danny Boyle 10:00 Les Boulistes 7 & 8 12:45 Fortune Teller 16:30 Novena 19:30 Aardvark 22:15 El agua del Elmina 94’ fin del mundo Xu Tong Enrique Collar Kitao Sakurai Emmanuel Apea Jr. Paula Siero 114’ 157’ 96’ 80’ 84’ Rough Boy 10:30 This Is England ‘86 14:45 17:15 The Piano in a Factory 20:00 Color perro 22:00 Tuesday, After Christmas Speak quenostra huye vita Shane Meadows Mengder Radu Muntean 14:45 The 17:15 Zhang 20:00 La 22:30 Eighth Die Söhne The Actress, the dollars Yes! That’s Us Andrés Duque 192’ 94’ 105’ 70’ Großen Bärin and the Transylvanians 109’ Zako Heskiya Daniele Luchetti Mircea Veroiu 23.00 Josef Mach 107’ 9:00 11.00 13.0014:00 Les Boulistes 14.00 9 & 10 15.00 16:00 Tape16.00 17.00 18.00 98’ 19:30 19.00 20.00 21.0098’ 22:15 22.00 9:30 11:30 Son of God 10.00 Los labios 12.00 Poetry Tras el cristal Etrangère My14:30 Father’s HouseL’Attesa various directors Iván Fund Crosscuts / Santiago Loza BF Lee Chang-Dong 9:30 Red 12:00 17:00 Studien zum 19:45 RW SPLi Ning SP SP 21:00SP Poppies Butterfly Presa Villaronga Essential Killing22:15 Agustí Zhao Dayong Chassis Neverquiet Untergang des Abendlands 70’ 100’ 168’ 135’ of Issyk-Kul Tonino De Bernardi90’ Adolfo B. Alix Jr. Jerzy Skolimowski (Film of Wonders) Klaus Wyborny Adolfo B. Alix Jr. B. Shamshiev 85’ 69’ 97’ 80’ 86’ 86’ 83’ 9:45 A Small Town 12:00 La vida útil 14:00 year Without 16:15 La fille de Montréal 19:00 Adrienn Pál 22:15 Les amours Called Descent a Summer imaginaires Federico Veiroj Jeanne Crépeau Ágnes Kocsis 19:45 127 Hours SP Essential Killing22:30 21:15 IFFR Live Muziek Jahmil XT Qubeka Tan Chui Mui 106’ 61’ 90’ 92’ 136’ Skolimowski Xavier Dolan 95’ Danny Boyle Jerzy 94’ 83’ 9:30 Rose and Jasmine 11:45 Kommander Kulas 13:45 Der Tod der 16:00 dorsky 4: The 22:00 Upload Cinema combined programme Late Michael Pilz 10:30 This Is England ‘86 Khavn De La Cruz 14:45 Rough Boy 17:15 The Piano in a Factory 20:00Fight 22:00 Tuesday, SP Maria Malibran BF Quartet BF BF 19:30 Pillow Color perro After Christmas SP Party combined programme 72’ Werner Schroeter Speak 80’ 104’ 61’ que huye Shane Meadows106’ Zhang Meng Radu Muntean Yes! That’s Us Andrés Duque 192’ 94’ 105’ 70’ 109’ 150’ 15:30 Kids in Space & Kitchen Secrets 18:30 TV Dinners 20:30 Parental Guidance Les Boulistes 9 & 10 9:30 Son of God 11:30 Los labios 14:00 16:00 Tape 19:30 Poetry 22:15 Tras el cristal SP RT RA BF SP AV My Father’s House 150’ 90’ 150’ various directors Iván Fund / Santiago Loza Li Ning Lee Chang-Dong Agustí Villaronga Zhao Dayong 70’ 100’ 90’ 168’ 135’

9:30 Red Poppies of Issyk-Kul

106’ 120’






Michael Pilz

9:30 Rose and Jasmine


12:15 Novena

11:45 Kommander Kulas SP Khavn De La Cruz



Werner Schroeter

13:45 Der Tod der Maria Malibran


15:15 Pure Asia

Rodrigo Guerrero

combined programme 72’

Late Quartet

16:00 dorsky 4: The


FiLmFESTivALRoTTERdAm.Com 15:30 Kids in Space & Kitchen El invierno de los raros Secrets



Li Hongqi


18:30 Winter TV Dinners Vacation

18:15 Behind the



Marian Crisan

19:15 Morgen

90’ 91’ 21:15 Genpin

Malcolm Murray



150’ 93’

22:00 Upload Cinema SH VPRO Filmnacht combined programme

20:30 Parental Guidance 21:30 Bad Posture




LantarenVenster 6

LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 2

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7

Cinerama 6

Cinerama 5

Cinerama 1

Pathé 6


Pathé 5

Pathé 4

Real and Surreal

12:00 South Asian Shorts:

combined programme

11:45 Homecoming


combined programme

12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1

combined programme

14:00 Rear View Mirror

combined programme


13:45 (Un)covered

combined programme


14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2

Tonino De Bernardi

13:15 Butterfly L’Attesa



16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light

combined programme


15:45 Re-constructions

combined programme

combined programme

16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3




History of Experimental Cinema Pip Chodorov

17:45 Free Radicals - a





combined programme

20:00 Get a Life


combined programme 76’ combined programme

19:45 Lost

20:00 Short Stories: Make Believe

combined programme

19:45 Tiger Awards

Competition for Short Films 2

Agustí Villaronga

20:00 El mar

Vlado Skafar

20:00 Dad

Jean-Luc Godard


19:45 Film socialisme

Laura Amelia Guzmán / Israel Cárdenas

Paddy Considine

20:00 Tyrannosaur

Su Chao-pin / John Woo

20:00 Reign of Assassins

19:15 Jean Gentil

Peter von Bagh



18:30 Sodankylä Forever

18:00 The Atomic Sublime Jesse Lerner 97’

Otar Iosseliani

17:00 Chantrapas

David Dusa

Competition for Short Films 1

15:45 Tiger Awards


Ed Gass-Donnelly

17:00 Fleurs du mal

Brent Green

Everywhere Back Then

16:15 Gravity Was

17:30 Small Town Murder Songs FiLmFESTivALRoTTERdAm.Com

Xavier Dolan

16:30 Les amours imaginaires



Denis Côté


combined programme

combined programme 22:00 Pictures of Light

22:00 Short Stories: Sea of Desire

combined programme

IFFR Live Muziek 22:00 NL International





Agustí Villaronga

22:30 El niño de la luna

Hong Sang-Soo

22:30 Oki’s Movie

22:45 Tres semanas después José Luis Torres Leiva

22:15 The Last Buffalo Hunt Lee Anne Schmitt / Lee Lynch 76’


22:30 Curling






46Pathé Your sPaCe 2

grote ZaaL

LantarenVenster sChouwburg6


VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: FILM SOCIALISME + yOU ARE DER TOD DER... + THE LATE QUARTET VANAF JUNGLE, yOUR SPACE VANAF 14:00 LIVE IN WATER 9:45 A Small Town 12:00 14:00 year Without 16:15 19:00 Adrienn 22:15 PERFORMANCES BF BF SIGNALS-ROUTE: RT SP 11:30 WHITEBOARD BF BF La vida útilHERE La fille de Montréal Pál Les amours LantarenVenster 5 Called Descent a Summer CUT: ALExANDER FURy, imaginaires Veiroj Jeanne Crépeau Ágnes KocsisLV 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG TIGER INN, DE DOELEN 18:00 TIGER AWARDS CEREMONy,Federico OUDE LUxOR 20:00 THE PERFECT DE UNIE 22:30 VERRASSINGSOPTREDEN, Qubeka Tan Chui Mui Xavier Dolan 106’ 61’ 13.00 90’ 136’ 9:00 Jahmil XT10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 92’ 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 95’ 24.00

LantarenVenster 3

Your sPaCe

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster Your sPaCe2

LantarenVenster 5 LantarenVenster Pathé 41

Cinerama 7 Pathé 1

LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

programme day by day





Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

Cinerama 6 Cinerama 3

Cinerama 5 Cinerama 2

Cinerama 4 Cinerama 1

Cinerama 3 Pathé 7

Cinerama 2 Pathé 6

Cinerama 1 Pathé 5

Pathé 7 Pathé 4

Pathé 6 Pathé 3

Pathé 5 Pathé 2

Pathé 3 sChouwburg grote ZaaL Pathé 4 Pathé 1

Pathé 2 Luxor

Pathé 1

sChouwburg grote ZaaL






13:00 When Love Comes



Alejandro González Iñárritu

13:30 Biutiful

RT 16:00










King Hu

19:30 Dragon Gate Inn


Denis Villeneuve

16:45 Incendies






























15.00 18.00 19.00 SP 20.00 21.00 24.00 15:30 18:30 21:30 SP 17.00 BF 23.00 Surviving Life16.00 Winter Vacation Sensation 22.00 the Cross Li Hongqi 19:30 Primordial Ties Tom Hall zebraman 2: 12:00 Tyrannosaur 14:30 La belle endormieJan Svankmajer 17:00 Karate-Robo zaborgar 22:00 daadwerkelijk wonnen) in een speciaal jubileumprogramma gebundeld. Lech Majewski 103’ Paddy 92’ 105’ Attack on zebra City 107’ Considine Catherine Breillat Iguchi Noboru Otto Buj 91’ Miike Takashi 91’ 82’ 101’ 19:15 90’ 106’ 9:45 Todos tus muertos TG 12:15 Finisterrae 15:15 The Joy 21:15 Aardvark TG BF TG BF Vete más lejos, Alicia Gate Carlos Moreno Sergio Caballero 13:30 Biutiful Felipe Bragança / Kitao Sakurai 16:45 Afrikaans 19:30 22:00 La nostra vita Incendies talent werd door het festival Inn aan veteranen op Dragon Chinese bodem Marina Meliande Elisa King MillerHu 90’ 80’ 100’Villeneuve 67’ 80’ Alejandro González Iñárritu Denis Daniele Luchetti gekoppeld – en draaide in China 130’ vervolgens een lowbudgetfilm.TGHet publiek 148’ 16:30 111’ 98’ 10:30 The Sky Above TG 13:30 Gromozeka 19:30 Wasted youth 21:45 Bleak Night TG TG TG The Journals of Musan Sérgioof Borges Vladimir Kott Jung-Bum Argyris PapadimitroYoonBlue Sung-Hyun Vers 10:15 bloed.Drei Eerste tweede film van filmmakers waarvan het festival plukt de vruchten van deze bijzondere filmische samenwerking. 13:00 16:00 Reign of Park 19:00 O estranho 22:00 When Love Comes Assassins Valentine poulos / Jan Vogel 72’ 104’ 127’ 98’ 116’ caso de Angélica Tom Tykwer Chang Tso-chi Su Chao-pin / John Woo Derek Cianfrance in de toekomst nog veel goeds verwacht.119’ Manoel de Oliveira 107’ 120’ 95’ 114’ 9:45 Hinter 12:45 My Perestroika 15:45 Twin Brothers, 53 18:45 El Sicario 21:45 Gesher BF BF BF BF BF diesen Bergen Room 164 Scenes from a Childhood Robin Hessman Vahid Vakilifar 10:00 12:30 The Mill 15:30 Surviving 18:30 Winter 21:30 Sensation Love in a Puff and Life Vacation Axel Danielson Michael Krummenacher Gianfranco Rosi 87’ 85’ 84’ 84’ the Cross Pang Ho-cheung 76’ Jan Svankmajer Li Hongqi Tom Hall Lech Majewski 103’ 92’ 105’ 91’ 107’ 10:15 The Image Threads 13:15 Eternity 16:15 Flying Fish 22:15 Rainy Seasons TG TG TG en film 19:15 TG TG De synergie tussen mode blijktHeadshots even sterk als verrassend. Vijay Sivaroj Kongsakul Sanjeewa Pushpakumara Majid Barzegar 9:45 Todos tusVipin 12:15 Finisterrae 15:15 The Joy 19:15 Lawrence 21:15 Aardvark muertos Vete másTooley Het festival onderzoekt de tussen jonge Rotterdam op zijn breedst. Het festival actueel, krachtig en vernieuwend 104’ selecteerde 105’ Felipe Bragança / 125’creatieve kruisbestuiving 92’ 86’ lejos, Alicia Carlos Moreno Sergio Caballero Kitao Sakurai Marina Meliande Elisa Miller 90’ 100’ 67’ 80’ designers, de fashion-industrie en de werk uit veteranen tot Truce minder bekende80’regisseurs. 9:30 Adrienn 12:30 15:30 Poetry 18:30 21:30 Illégal BF SP SPgevestigde BF onafhankelijke cinema. BF Pálalle windstreken, van Parked Ágnes Kocsis10:30 The Sky Above Svetlana Proskurina Lee Chang-Dong Darragh Byrne Olivier Masset-Depasse 13:30 Gromozeka 16:30 The Journals of Musan 19:30 Wasted youth 21:45 Bleak Night 136’ 95’ 135’ 90’ 90’ Sérgio Borges Vladimir Kott Park Jung-Bum Argyris PapadimitroYoon Sung-Hyun poulos / Jan Vogel 72’ 104’ 127’ 98’ 116’ 11:45 Club zeus 14:15 Fleurs du mal 17:00 By the Law 19:45 A Stoker 22:00 End of Animal 10:00 Kort Rotterdams RT BF RW SP BF combined programme David Verbeek David Dusa Lev Kuleshov Alexey Balabanov Jo Sung-Hee 9:45 Hinter 12:45 My Perestroika 15:45 Twin Brothers, 53 18:45 El Sicario 21:45 Gesher 75’Hessman 100’ from a Childhood 80’ 80’ 114’ 59’ diesen Bergen Room 164 Scenes Robin Vahid Vakilifar DeMichael krachtKrummenacher van kort: films lang, uit alle windstreken. Het westerngenre blijkt helemaal niet zoRosi in-en-in-Amerikaans als wel gedacht. Axel Danielson Gianfranco 76’ van een tot 59 minuten 87’ 85’ 84’ 84’ 10:15 Raiding Africa 1 12:45 Raiding Africa 2 15:00 Sleep 17:30 The High Life 20:15 Belkibolang 22:30 Robinson in Ruins RA RA SP BF BF RT Ze worden alsImage voorfilm bij lange films vertoond,combined of13:15 gebundeld in combined programme’s. Ook de Sovjets en indianen.various Communistische westerns programme programme Sakaguchi Katsumi16:15 Flying Fish Zhaowisten Dayong raad met cowboys directors Patrick Keiller 10:15 combined 19:15 Headshots 22:15 Rainy The Threads Eternity Seasons 87’ 96’ Pushpakumara 96’ Lawrence Tooley 87’ 101’ Vipin Vijay Sivaroj Kongsakul 90’ Sanjeewa Majid Barzegar uit de Sovjet-Unie en de 125’ satellietstaten. 104’ 105’ 92’ 86’ 10:00 The Actress, the dollars RW 12:30 Haru’s Journey 15:30 Les Boulistes 7 & 8 20:00 Somewhere 22:15 King Boxer RA 17:45 Un poison violent SP BF SP WI Elmina and the Transylvanians Kobayashi Masahiro Katell Quillévéré Sofia Coppola Jeong Chang-Hwa 9:30 Adrienn Pál 12:30 Truce 15:30 Poetry 18:30 Parked 21:30 Illégal Mircea Veroiu Emmanuel Apea Jr. 97’ 134’ 114’ 98’ Masset-Depasse 97’ Ágnes Kocsis Svetlana Proskurina Lee Chang-Dong Darragh Byrne 92’ Olivier 136’12:15 95’ 135’ 90’ 90’ 9:45 16:30 Eika Katappa 19:30 Le trésor des BF RW unieke14:15 RW RG OS 21:45 Aurora SP The Piano TheDat Elusive The Eighth Cinema metindea Factory paplepel ingegoten krijgen? kan in deze ‘kinderopvang’, Avengers îles chiennes Zhang Meng Heskiya Werner CristiEnd Puiuof Animal 11:45 Club zeus 14:15 Zako 17:00Schroeter 19:45 22:00 10:00 Fleurs du mal By the Law A Stoker Kort Rotterdams waar jong & oud een filmische105’verjongingskuur ondergaan. 78’ Historisch overzicht van wuxia, bij als martial arts-cinema. Edmond Keosayan F.J. bekend Ossang 107’ 144’ons beter 109’ 179’ combined programme David Verbeek David Dusa Lev Kuleshov Alexey Balabanov Jo Sung-Hee 59’ 75’ 100’ 80’ 80’ 114’ Magistraal spektakel 10:00 Les Boulistes 5 & 6 12:30 Raiding Africa 14:45 The Tiger Factory SP 17:00 RA RA OF China en Hongkong. OF 22:15 El invierno de los raros BF 20:00 Perfect Cut out of Fashion magazine: uit Imani Out of Fashion Magazine: Conceptual Spaces in Context 2 Africa 2 Woo Sleep Ming Jin Rodrigo Guerreroin Ruins 10:15 12:45 15:00 17:30 The 20:15 22:30 Raiding Africa 1 Raiding High Life Belkibolang Robinson combined Zhao programme Fairytales Me Out Caroline Kamyaprogramme 88’ combined programme 87’ 112’ 120’ combined combined programme 93’ Sakaguchi Katsumi 84’ Dayong variousFreak directors Patrick Keiller 87’ 12:15 90’ 14:45 96’ 17:15 96’ 19:45 87’ 101’ 10:15 Karma 22:30 Simon Werner Shelter Aro Tolbukhin - En El mar El niño de la luna Les Boulistes 7 & 8 la mente del asesino a disparu... Prasanna Jayakody Dragomir Sholev Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga 10:00 The Actress, the dollars 12:30 Haru’s Journey 15:30 17:45 Un poison violent 20:00 Somewhere 22:15 King Boxer various directors Gobert Elmina 88’ 98’ 107’ 118’ 87’ and the Transylvanians Kobayashi Masahiro 88’ Katell Quillévéré Sofia Coppola van de cinema. JeongFabrice Chang-Hwa Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer Mircea Veroiu Emmanuel Apea Jr. 97’ 134’ 114’ 92’19:45 98’ 97’ 12:00 1001 irans Khosrovani 14:30 Speak 17:00 you Are Here Legend of the Mountain Yes! That’s Us Daniel Cockburn King Hu 9:45 The Piano in a Factory 12:15 14:15 The Eighth 16:30 Eika Katappa 19:30 Le trésor 21:45 Aurora The Elusive des & Grandma, a Thousand Times Mahmoud Kaabour 90’ 85’ 78’ 184’ Avengers îles chiennes Zhang Meng Zako Heskiya Werner Schroeter Cristi Puiu Edmond Keosayan F.J. Ossang 105’ 78’ 107’ 144’ 109’ 179’ 10:30 Dorsky 3: Songs 5&6 in Another Time 10:00 Les Boulistes 12:30 Raiding Africa 14:45 The Tiger Factory 17:00 out of Fashion magazine: 22:15 El invierno de los raros 20:00 Perfect Cut Imani combined programme Out of Fashion Magazine: 84’ Conceptual Spaces in Context 2 Woo Ming Jin Rodrigo Guerrero combined programme 18.00 Fairytales Kamya combined programme 88’ 93’ 14.00 84’16.00 87’ 112’24.00 120’ 22.00 9:00 10:00 Caroline 10.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 20.00Freak Me Out 21.00 23.00 18:00 Short Film Marathon 19.00 Short Film Marathon 11.00 Part One Part Two

Pang Ho-cheung

9:00het 11.00 12.00 13.00 10:00 12:30 SPTiger Award-nominatie SP (of 14.00 Love10.00 in ahun Puff carrière The Mill and ten begin van een deel viel de prijs



Daniele Luchetti

22:00 La nostra vita

Miike Takashi


22:00 zebraman 2: Attack on zebra City



19:00 O estranho 22:00 Blue Valentine WI SP Reign of Assassins Dorsky, caso de Angélicafilmmaker, is een klassieke Su Chao-pin / John Woo vaak omschreven als een boeddhistisch Derek Cianfrance Manoel Oliveira om stil van 120’ 95’ te worden. Amerikaanse avant-garde cineast met eendeoeuvre


Iguchi Noboru Otto Buj verschijningsvormen, in een compact en soms controversieel oeuvre.

De Spaanse cineast Villaronga onderzoekt Het Kwaad 17:00 19:30 Primordial SP BF Karate-Robo zaborgar Tiesin al zijn


Deze Franse punkpoëet, bekend als zanger van de Franse formatie MKB Fraction Provisoire, bouwt aan een eigenzinnig universum met sterke invloeden van het Duits Expressionisme en science fiction.


Chang Tso-chi PUBLIC SCREENINGS SATURDAY 5 FEBRUARY Ter gelegenheid van de veertigste editie is nieuw werk van filmmakers die aan

Tom Tykwer



La belle endormie SP Catherine Breillat


Prijzen voor kort maar krachtig:12:00 28 films korter dan zestig 14:30 BF minuten zijn Tyrannosaur Considine geselecteerd voor de Rotterdam TigerPaddy Awards Competitie voor korte film, 91’ waarin drie gelijkwaardige prijzen te winnen zijn.






Prijzen voor de nieuwe generatie. Vijftien genomineerde filmmakers strijden met hun eerste of tweede film om drie gelijkwaardige Tiger Awards, dit jaar mogelijk gemaakt door het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.



programme day by day





RG 87’ 97’

112’ 101’



10:30 Dorsky 3: Songs Les Boulistes 5&6 in Another Time 12:30 Raiding Africa 14:45 The Tiger Factory 17:00 out of Fashion magazine: 22:15 El invierno de los raros 20:00 Perfect Cut Imani combined programme Out of Fashion Magazine: 84’ Conceptual Spaces in Context 2 Woo Ming Jin Rodrigo Guerrero combined programme 18.00 Fairytales Kamya combined programme 88’ 93’ 14.00 84’16.00 87’ 112’24.00 120’ 22.00 9:00 10:00 Caroline 10.00 12.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 20.00Freak Me Out 21.00 23.00 18:00 Short Film Marathon 19.00 Short Film Marathon 11.00 Part One Part Two combined programme combined programme 10:15 12:15 Shelter 14:45 Aro Tolbukhin - En 17:15 El mar 19:45 El niño de la luna 22:30 Simon Werner 21:00 Essential BF BF AV AV AVKilling BF Karma 350’ 350’ la mente del asesino a disparu... Prasanna Jayakody Dragomir Sholev Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga Jerzy Skolimowski various directors 88’ 88’ 98’ 107’ 19:45 118’ 22:15 83’Fabrice Gobert 87’ 9:30 Paraísos artificiales 15:00 The Swordswoman 17:30 Julien Tilva Rosh zohra: A Yulene Olaizola Gaël Lépingle Nikola Lezaic 12:00 1001 irans Khosrovani SH 14:30 Speak of Huangjiang 17:00 you Are Here 19:45 Legend 21:15 Essential Killing Moroccan WI BF BF WI Fairytale of the Mountain Chen Kengren Barney Platts-Mills 90’ 80’ 80’ 102’ 80’ Yes! That’s Us Daniel Cockburn King Hu Jerzy Skolimowski & Grandma, a Thousand Times Mahmoud Kaabour 90’ 85’ 78’ 83’ 184’ 9:30 Surviving Life 11:45 Ashes of Time Redux 14:15 22 mei 16:45 Silent Souls 19:00 Animal Kingdom 21:30 Cold Fish Jan Svankmajer Koen Mortier Alexey Fedorchenko David Michôd Sono Sion 10:30 Dorsky 3: Songs 19:30 NDWong Kar-wai Pillow Fight Party 105’ 93’ 88’ 75’ 113’ 146’ in Another Time combined programme 84’ 150’ 10:00 Short Film Marathon Part Two 18:00 Short Film Marathon Part One combined programme combined programme 10:00 Short Film Marathon Part One 18:00 Short Film Marathon Part Two SH SH 350’ 350’ combined programme combined programme 350’ 350’ 21:00 The King’s Speech TomBF Hooper 9:30 Paraísos artificiales BF 15:00 The Swordswoman WI 17:30 Julien 19:45 Tilva Rosh 22:15 zohra: A BF SP Moroccan 111’ Fairytale of Huangjiang Yulene Olaizola Gaël Lépingle Nikola Lezaic Chen15.00 Kengren Barney Platts-Mills 23.00 90’ 11:30 80’ 80’ 102’ 80’ 9:00 10.00 11.00 13.00 14.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 24.00 15:30 Kids in Space16.00 18:30 20:30 Kids in Space12.00 & Kitchen Secrets TV Dinners: 19.00 Parental Guidance Leaving the Nest 9:30 Surviving Life 11:45 Ashes of Time Redux WI 14:15 22 mei 16:45 Silent Souls 19:0019:15 21:30 SP RT SP BF SP Animal Kingdom Cold Fish VPRO Filmnacht Morgen 170’ Mortier 150’ 150’ Jan Svankmajer Wong Kar-wai Koen Alexey Fedorchenko DavidMarian Michôd Sono Sion Crisan 90’ 105’ 93’ 88’ 75’ 113’ 146’ 100’

Zhang Meng

Mircea Veroiu

and the Transylvanians

9:45 The Piano in a Factory


87’ 120’ combined programme 93’ Sakaguchi Katsumi 84’ Zhao Dayong various directors Patrick Keiller 87’ 12:15 90’ 14:45 96’ 17:15 96’ 19:45 87’ 22:30 Simon Werner Shelter Aro Tolbukhin - En El mar El niño de la luna Les Boulistes 7 & 8 la mente del asesino disparu... Dragomir Sholev Agustí Villaronga Agustí Villaronga 12:30 15:30 17:45 20:00 22:15 KingaBoxer Haru’s Journey Un poison violent Somewhere various directors Gobert Elmina 88’ 98’ 107’ 118’ Kobayashi Masahiro 88’ Katell Quillévéré Sofia Coppola van de cinema. JeongFabrice Chang-Hwa Een duik in de filmgeschiedenis met parels uit de schatkamer Emmanuel Apea Jr. 97’ 134’ 114’ 92’ 98’ 12:00 1001 irans Khosrovani 14:30 Speak 17:00 you Are Here 19:45 Legend of the Mountain Yes! That’s Us Daniel Cockburn King Hu 12:15 14:15 The Eighth 16:30 Eika Katappa 19:30 Le trésor 21:45 Aurora The Elusive des & Grandma, a Thousand Times Mahmoud Kaabour 90’ 85’ 78’ 184’ Avengers îles chiennes Zako Heskiya Werner Schroeter Cristi Puiu Edmond Keosayan F.J. Ossang 105’ 78’ 107’ 144’ 109’

combined programme 88’

10:15 Karma Prasannathe Jayakody 10:00 The Actress, dollars

09:45 Made in Rotterdam 1

La dernière énigme

F.J. Ossang

L’ affaire des divisions morituri 12:15 Novena

94’ Enrique Collar 12:15 Made in Rotterdam 3 11:30 Kids in Space




18:15 Behind the Red Motel Door Katashima Ikki TheWorldFamous Ike 96’ 108’ 14:45 Made in Rotterdam 5 17:15 Made in Rotterdam 7 15:30 Kids in Space 18:30 TV Dinners: 16:30 NK NK & Kitchen Secrets Les amours 111’ 111’ 111’ Leaving the Nest imaginaires Xavier Dolan 170’ 150’ 95’ Made in Rotterdam 6

15:15 Pure Asia

Tom Kawase Hooper Naomi

111’ 92’ 22:30 Sensation TomNK Hall 22:30 Curling

93’ 22:00 IFFR Live Muziek 21:0021:15 SP The King’s GenpinSpeech

92’ 20:00 End of Animal Jo Sung-Hee 20:30 20:00 NK Reign of Parental AssassinsGuidance





LantarenVenster 6

LantarenVenster 3

LantarenVenster 2

LantarenVenster 1

LV 7 6 Cinerama

LV 6 5 Cinerama

LV 5 3 Cinerama

Enrique Collar

09:30 Novena

09:45 Made in Rotterdam 2


Real and Surreal

12:00 South Asian Shorts:

combined programme

11:45 Homecoming


combined programme

12:00 Voorfilms Blok 1

Li Ning

12:00 Tape

Darragh Byrne


combined programme

14:00 Rear View Mirror

combined programme


combined programme

14:00 Voorfilms Blok 2


Jan Svankmajer


16:00 Dorsky 1: Two Sides of Light

combined programme


15:45 Re-constructions

combined programme

16:00 Voorfilms Blok 3

combined programme

Competition for Short Films 1

15:45 Tiger Awards

of the Earth





History of Experimental Cinema Pip Chodorov

17:45 Free Radicals - a




combined programme

20:00 Get a Life

combined programme

19:45 Lost



combined programme 76’

combined programme

20:00 Short Stories: Make Believe



Competition for Short Films 2

19:45 Tiger Awards

Peter von Bagh F.J. Ossang

Manoel de Oliveira

Vlado Skafar

19:4520:00 Raiding DadAfrica in Context 1

19:30 O estranho 20:00 El mar caso de Angélica Agustí Villaronga


19:15Forever 18:30 Sodankylä Docteur Chance

18:00 The Atomic Sublime Jesse Lerner 97’

Otar Iosseliani

17:00 Chantrapas


16:00 dorsky 2: Songs

14:45 Made in Rotterdam 6

14:15 Surviving Life


13:45 (Un)covered

12:15 Made in Rotterdam 4

11:45 Parked


combined programme

combined programme 22:00 Pictures of Light

22:00 Short Stories: Sea of Desire

combined programme




IFFR Live Muziek 22:00 NL International


Adolfo B. Alix Jr.

21:45 Presa

107’ Nikita Mikhalkov

Strangers, a Stranger at Home Agustí Villaronga

Caroline Kamya

Les Boulistes 5 22:1522:30 Oki’s Movie Imani Hong Sang-Soo

22:00 At Home 22:30 Among El niño de la luna






111’ 114’ 107’ Su Chao-pin / John Woo Denis Côté 90’ 150’ 120’ 92’ 09:45 Made in Rotterdam 2 12:15 Made in Rotterdam 4 14:45 19:45 Raiding Africa in Context 1 22:15 Les Boulistes 5 LV 3 Imani 17:30 Small Town 20:00 Tyrannosaur 5 Caroline Kamya VERDERPathé VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: TyRANNOSAUR 111’ + BIUTIFUL SIGNALS-ROUTE: By THE PERFORMANCES IN WATER TIGER INN, DE DOELEN VANAF 14:30 WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, 111’ LAW + DRAGON GATE INN VANAF 111’ 14:00 LIVE 111’ 88’ Murder Songs Paddy Considine Ed 23:00 Gass-Donnelly 75’ DE 91’ 22:00 yOUR SPACE 17:00 LIVE MUzIEK DOOR KEVIN TOMA By THE LAW, CINERAMA 20:00 PERFECT CUT: MARC ASCOLI, CINERAMA SLOTFEEST, DOELEN 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG 11:45 BIJ 14:15 THE 19:30 Parked Surviving Life O estranho At Home Among LV 5 La dernière énigme de Angélica Strangers, a Muziek Stranger Darragh Byrne 11:15 22:0022:15 13:15 Butterfly L’Attesa Jan Svankmajer 16:15 Gravity Was 19:15 Jeancaso IFFR Gentil TheLive Last Buffalo at Home LV 6 1 Pathé NikitaHunt Mikhalkov Oliveira 90’ 105’ Everywhere Back Then 95’ 98’ L’ affaire des divisions morituri Lee Anne Schmitt / Tonino De Bernardi LauraManoel Ameliade Guzmán F.J. Ossang Brent Green Lee Lynch / Israel Cárdenas 94’ 120’ 97’ 72’ 84’ 76’ 09:30 Novena 12:00 Tape 16:00 dorsky 2: Songs 19:15 Docteur Chance 21:45 Presa LV 6 Enrique Collar Li Ning F.J.19:45 Ossang Adolfo B. Alix22:45 Jr. 09:45 12:15 14:45 Made in Rotterdam 5 of the Earth 17:0017:15 20:00 22:30 Made in Rotterdam 1 Made in Rotterdam 3 Made in Rotterdam 7 of Animal Sensation Fleurs du mal Film End socialisme Tres semanas LV 1 2 Cinerama 96’ 168’ 70’ Dusa 97’ José Luis Jo Sung-Hee Tom después Hall 86’ David Jean-Luc Godard Torres Leiva 111’ 111’ 111’ 111’ 114’ 107’ 100’ 101’ 60’

LV 1 DoeLen Pathé 3 grote ZaaL LV 2 YourPathé sPaCe 4

VERDER VANDAAG BF/SP-ROUTE: TyRANNOSAUR + BIUTIFUL SIGNALS-ROUTE: By THE LAW + DRAGON GATE INN VANAF PERFORMANCES IN WATER 14:30 WHITEBOARD JUNGLE, 10:00 Short Film 15:30 ElSH 18:30 21:30 VANAF SH Marathon Part Two Short Film Marathon Part One TIGER INN, DE DOELEN invierno de los raros 14:00 LIVE 18:00 Winter Vacation Bad Posture LantarenVenster Pathé 26 combined programme Rodrigo Guerrero Liprogramme Hongqi DE DOELEN 23:00 MUzIEK IN DE SCHOUWBURG Malcolm Murray yOUR SPACE 17:00 LIVE MUzIEK DOOR KEVIN TOMA BIJ By THE LAW, CINERAMA 20:00 THE PERFECT CUT: MARC ASCOLI, CINERAMA 23:00combined SLOTFEEST,

Your sPaCe LantarenVenster sChouwburg5 grote ZaaL


LantarenVenster 3 grote ZaaL

LantarenVenster 6 LantarenVenster 2

LantarenVenster 5 LantarenVenster Your sPaCe1

Cinerama 7 Pathé 4

LantarenVenster 3

Cinerama 6 Pathé 1

LantarenVenster 2

Cinerama 5

LantarenVenster 1

Cinerama 7 Cinerama 4

Cinerama 6 Cinerama 3


programme day by day


In Addition to the Programme Thursday 27 january

from 11:30 21:00 22:00 22:00

Whiteboard Jungle Your Space VPRO Filmnight: 127 Hours, Les amours imaginaires and live music (Balthazar, DJ Brutus, Lola Kite, DJ Sandeman, Grasscut, Hudson Mohawke), Schouwburg VPRO Late Night... with Ernest, Schouwburg Live music (Hausmagger, Half Way Station, DJ’s: Pim Pam Pettes), LantarenVenster

Friday 28 january

from 11:30 from 14:00 17:15 17:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 22:30 23:00

Whiteboard jungle, Your Space Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen Critics’ Talk Nathaniel Dorsky, LantarenVenster Free screening Villaronga: Early Film Works, Cinerama 7 Big Talk Mathieu Almaric on L’illusion comique, Oude Luxor The Perfect Cut: Dino Dinco, De Unie (Out of Fashion lecture) VPRO Late Night... with Ernest, Schouwburg Coolhaven Performance, LantarenVenster Music and dancing (Shimla Pinks, Mind Eye, Jules Deelder, Transformers, L’Azizzi), Schouwburg

Saturday 29 january

10:00 from 14:00 from 14:30 15:30 19:30 20:00 20:00 22:00 22:30 23:00

CJP serveert, Pathé Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen Whiteboard Jungle en Paul Butler Collage Party (continous), Your Space Critics’ Talk Pa negre, Agustí Villaronga, LantarenVenster Big Talk F.J. Ossang on Dharma Guns, Oude Luxor Opening Red Westerns with the Metropole Orchestra, de Doelen The Perfect Cut: Zach Gold, Cinerama (Out of Fashion Lecture) VPRO Late Night... with Ernest, Schouwburg Live musical accompaniment by Devil Music Ensemble to Red Heroine, LantarenVenster Music and dancing (Martin Roedolf – tape lounge, Dvd of the Wall, DuvelDuvel Live), Schouwburg

Sunday 30 january

10:00 14:00 from 14:30 15:00 19:30 22:00 22:30 23:00:00

Kids Only Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen Whiteboard Jungle, Your Space Critics’ Talk Special: Out of the Comfort Zone (debate with Dana Linssen), LantarenVenster Big Talk: Charlotte Rampling, Michael York & Lech Majewski about The Mill and the Cross, Oude Luxor VPRO Late Night... with Ernest, Schouwburg Performance Lichenometry by Joost Rekveld, Yannis Kyriakides and Andy Moore, LantarenVenster Music and dancing (Colonel Red & Band, Cutnice, Hans Merts & Doreen, Kaus & Kosa), Schouwburg

Monday 31 january

from 11:30 16:00 19:30


21:00 22:00 23:00

Whiteboard Jungle, Your Space Critics’ Talk Unter dir die Stadt, Christoph Hochhausler, LantarenVenster Big Talk Andrei Ujica on The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu , Oude Luxor Live performance Lee Ranaldo and Leah Singer, LantarenVenster Award Ceremony Rotterdam Tiger Awards Competition for Short Films during VPRO Late Night...with Ernest, Schouwburg Music and dancing (Scotty Pippens Live, David Vunk, Pop on Acid), Schouwburg



Tuesday 1 february

from 11:30 from 14:00 16:00 19:30 21:00 22:00 23:00

Whiteboard Jungle, Your Space Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen Critics’ Talk Illégal, Olivier Masset-Depasse, LantarenVenster Big Talk Koen Mortier on 22nd of May, Oude Luxor Performance by The Ex, Zea, Anne James Chaton, F.J. Ossang and mr. Nasti, LantarenVenster VPRO Late Night... with Ernest, Schouwburg Music and dancing (Oom van Marc, Emme & Jos le Bont, DJ Okkie), Schouwburg

Wednesday 2 february

from 10:30 from 11:30 from 14:00 16:00 22:00 22:00 23:00

Raiding Africa Day, Van Cappellen Zaal de Doelen Whiteboard Jungle, Your Space Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen Critics’ Talk Surviving Life, Jan Svankmajer, LantarenVenster VPRO Late Night... with Ernest, Schouwburg Live music (Boys of Summer – Yacht Rock DJ’s), LantarenVenster Music and dancing (Hugo Borst & Wilfried de Jong, Nino & Frankie, Aquisition), Schouwburg

Thursday 3 february

10:00 from 11:30 from 14:00 from 14:30 16:00 19:30 19:45 22:00 22:30 23:00

Rotterdam Film Course: Wuxia lecture, Killer Clans, Reign of Assassins, Pathé Whiteboard Jungle, Your Space Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen UPCinema-dag: Somewhere, Biutiful and Blue Valentine, Pathe 3 Critics’ Talk Poetry, Lee Chang-Dong, LantarenVenster Big Talk Gianfranco Rosi on El Sicario: Room 164 (to be confirmed), Oude Luxor Live musical accompaniment by Kevin Toma to The Swordswoman of Huanjiang, Cinerama 1 VPRO Late Night... with Ernest, Schouwburg Live music: Hoy como ayer Serious Tango Night, LantarenVenster Music and dancing (Humobisten, Rory Phillips, Margret West), Schouwburg

Friday 4 february

from 11:30 from 14:00 18:00 20:00 22:30 23:00

Whiteboard Jungle, Your Space Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen Tiger Awards ceremony, Oude Luxor The Perfect Cut: Alexander Fury, De Unie (Out of Fashion lecture) Surprise act, LantarenVenster Music and dancing (Guido & Lucky, Jeremain S b2b Hitmeister d, Jeff Solo & Alain du Lon, club zonder filter), Schouwburg

Saturday 5 february

from 14:00 from 14:30 15:00:00 17:00 20:00 23:00 23:00

Live performances in Water Tiger Inn, de Doelen Whiteboard Jungle, Your Space Live musical accompaniment by Kevin Toma to The Swordswoman of Huanjiang, LantarenVenster 3 Live musical accompaniment by Franz Reisecker to By the Law, Cinerama The Perfect Cut: Marc Ascoli, Cinerama (Out of Fashion lecture) Music and dancing (Stijn live, Black Cruella, Shitmeister T.), Schouwburg Closing Party, de Doelen



He st


G d


New Arrivals NTR is initiator van New Arrivals, online competitie voor korte films. Stuur je film in en maak kans op de New Arrivals Award en vertoning op IFFR. Surf naar









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Geef, word donateur! Het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds zet zich in voor

cultuur en natuurbehoud. Jaarlijks steunen we financieel ruim 3.500 projecten op grote en kleine schaal. Denk aan muziek, toneel, beeldende kunst, letterkunde, natuur en monumentenzorg. Naar welke vorm van cultuur gaat uw interesse uit? Als u donateur wordt, steunt u daarmee de cultuur die u raakt. Donateur bent u al vanaf â‚Ź 3,- per maand of â‚Ź 25,- per jaar. Word nu donateur: ga naar

Fotografie: Victor Nieuwenhuijs (De Zingende Toren), Rob Reijnen - Foto Natura (uiltjes), Elly Oostrum (Slot Zuylen)

Het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds steunt de Tiger Awards 2011





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MANY HAPPY RETURNS The International Film Festival Rotterdam is celebrating its fortieth birthday. And we want to be first in line to congratulate it. De Volkskrant has been the main sponsor of this leading festival for thirty years now. We’re very proud of that. We also sponsor other major film festivals in the Netherlands: • Nederlands Film Festival • Cinekid

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