Face to Face 4.12

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Volume 4.12 December, 2015

Monthly e-Newsletter of IFIM Institutions

IFIM welcomes students from ESC Rennes, France to Bangalore

VISION To be the most sought after destination for quality management education in India

MISSION Nurture holistic, socially responsible and continuously employable professionals

Editorial Board Managing Editor – Dr. Madhumita Chatterji, Director Email: director@ifimbschool.com Mob: +91 9844171648 Chief Editor – Prof. Chowdari Prasad, Dean-Academics Email: chowdari.prasad@ifimbschool.com Mob: +91 9482549472 Editor - Mr. Venkatesh B. B. , Assistant Professor & NSS Programme Officer Email: venkatesh.bb@ifimcollege.com Mob: +91 9845372576 Executive Editor – Ms. Marushka Monette Email: marushka.monette@ifimbschool.com Mob: +91 9900535880 Designer - Mr. Shivashankar N. E-mail: shivashankar.n@ifimbschool.com Mob: +91 9886598145

Face to Face brings out its new edition of the newsletter to provide information on various activities and events at IFIM Group

Contents ±

Students and employees of IFIM Institutions: Setting Milestones in Corporate Social Responsibility with Actionaid India for Chennai Flood Relief Fund

± Ms. Vanaja Hiremath, is now a certified lead auditor for the latest version of ISO:9001:2015 ± IFIM is the first educational organization in India to opt for D2L Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS).

± Karnataka State Law University representatives visit IFIM Law College ± Dr. Srividya Raghavan won the first prize in the Marketing Category of the ISB-Ivey Global Case Competition 2015

± Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai and Disaster Management & Mitigation Department, Government of Tamil Nadu organized a one day National Seminar

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Alumni Connect: in conversation with Ms. Pallavi Lal IFIM Law College conducted its first Governing Council Meet on December 2, 2015 IFIM Law College conducted its second MDP along with hands-on workshop on so ware patents Mr. Mahadev, Sr.Librarian at IFIM presented a paper entitled ‘Research Trends in Total Quality Management: A Scientometrics Study of Publication Productivity’. IFIM Toastmasters Club hosts workshop on ‘How to convert our vague ideas into concrete speeches’ IFIM’s signature Personality Enhancement Program (PEP) term end activity refines student’s on-ground marketing skills.

± Pre Republic Day Parade Selection Camp 2015-16 at University College, Mangaluru ± National Integration Camp 2015-16 @NSS Bhavan, Jnanbharati Campus, Bangalore University. ± Prof. Venkatesh B. B. presented a paper in a two day international conference ± Dr. V. K.Gupta conducted a seminar on Shareholders' Value Management for IFIM Business School students ± Mr. Ajeya Krishna won the 5th Place at the Dewang Mehta Business School Affair Awards 2015 ± Staff of the Quarter: Congratulations Ms. Shwetha P. from Admissions Team ± IFIM student Roshan Nelson & Vishak, won First Place in ‘Table Tennis’ championship held at IIHMR-Bangalore

± ±

Hostel Day Celebration International Immersion : Prof. M. H. Sharieff visits Nepal

‘TRANSFORM AT IFIM’ is our theme that enables us to focus and integrate all our actions towards a single-minded purpose of ‘Transforming our Students’ - over the two years, from orientation to convocation. On graduation, they are armed not just with a management degree but also with wings to y.

Students and employees of IFIM Institutions: Setting Milestones in Corporate Social Responsibility with Actionaid India for Chennai Flood Relief Fund

At IFIM, we believe that life is not all about how much you can take from this world, but how much you can give back to it. All the members of the IFIM Family including the students, faculty, staff and management team instilled with desire to make a difference in the world that they live in. Dr. Madhumita Chatterji, Director IFIM Business School said, “In November 2015, the state of Tamil Nadu had witnessed a disastrous flood and many families were struggling to recover and meet their basic needs. At IFIM, we decided that both students and employees should contribute in some way to help. Thus, we decided to partner with Actionaid India and harmonize our efforts towards the contribution for the Chennai Flood Relief Fund.” IFIM employees realized that if not physical volunteering, the least that could be done to be helpful was by donating one day’s salary to Actionaid India to help those who are

starving for food and living without shelter. As a result of this drive, IFIM Institutions have raised and donated INR 1,56,749/- in total towards the Chennai Flood Relief activity. Students of IFIM Institutions as well participated in “Chennai Flood Relief Activity” starting from donations of Rs. 50 per person up to Rs. 1000, along with a contribution of a lot of essentials. Besides a total contribution there was also a donation of medicines, packed food products, sanitary pads, bed sheets, towels, mattresses, shorts and lungis. Students of IFIM Institutions also undertake a large number of CSR activities throughout the year, which include IFIM Kanyathon, Shiksha Aadhar, S.A.F.E, Tree plantation, World Heart Day awareness, Swach Bharat Abhiyan activities, Legal Aid Cell, Lake cleanup, Voting awareness drive and much more

Ms. Vanaja Hiremath, is now a Certified Lead Auditor for the latest version of ISO:9001:2015 Ms. Vanaja Hiremath, Quality Manager and MR (Management Representative) at IFIM is now a certified lead auditor for the latest version of ISO:9001:2015. She was earlier qualified for the 2008 version which is in vogue and being replaced with 2015 version soon. We are confident that her new achievement will be beneficial in future audits and set new benchmarks in quality.

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IFIM College Affiliated to Bangalore University

Essay Writing Competition Preliminary test for a mega event during Aura 2016 (PU and UG Levels)

Cash Prizes worth Rs.2,50,000/- and more



Growth of e-commerce in India Or Are we as a country becoming intolerant? Perception Vs. Reality

Euthanasia/Mercy Killing- should it be made legal? Or Should Capital Punishment be banned in India?


Information Technology

“Journalists are to report, not support” - Analyse Or Issues of ethics in journalism

Is “Digital India”, a myth or a real possibility in our country? Or “Pros and cons of Digital India”

Best Essay Winner Cash Prize Rs.25,000/PU/10+2 Equivalent Level

UG Level

P First prize from each theme cash prize of Rs.15,000/P Second prize from each theme cash prize of Rs.10,000/P Two consola on prizes from each theme

P First prize from each theme cash prize of Rs.15,000/P Second prize from each theme cash prize of Rs.10,000/P Two consola on prizes from each th eme

AURA 2016


First round of competition will be held at respective college Annual Management, IT & Cultural Fest th th campuses for a minimum participation of 15 students per college January 29 and 30 2016 Essay should not exceed 2500 words A maximum of ve from each college will be selected for the nal round @ the IFIM Campus

Student Coordinators Mr. Gagan Bopanna Ms. Amreen Sultana Mob.: 8553085018

Mob.: 8861268378

Faculty Coordinators Prof. Bhavesh Kumar Prof. Venkatesh B. B. Mob.: 9986675352

Mob.: 9845372576

IFIM College 8P & 9P, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronics City, Phase I, Bangalore - 560100 080 - 41432800/897 | ug@i mcollege.com | www.i m.edu.in

IFIM is the first educa onal organiza on in India to opt for D2L Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS). In conversa on with Mr. Anandarup Kar, Head e-Learning and Technology, Get Ahead Educa on about IFIM implemen ng the interna onal standard D2L Brightspace LMS. 1. What is LMS and why is it necessary in an Ins tute? In today’s scenario, academic ins tu ons are striving to find the right combina on of students, facul es, protocols and systems to manage their learning programs. Learning management systems are becoming an interface for handling course registra on, managing course contents (to ensure uniform delivery of content), assessing students through assignments, conduc ng quizzes, surveys and exams, for smooth func oning of ins tute administra on, evalua on and report genera on.

content before coming to the class. At IFIM we opted for D2L Brightspace LMS. Brightspace is one of the leading LMS used across globe. We are their first client in India.

3. Kindly explain the details about the workshop / training you conducted?

2. What is the advantage of shi ing to LMS system, which one have you opted for? Learning Management System works as central repositories to address all types of educa onal needs. By implemen ng LMS at IFIM, the major areas that will get a d d re s s e d a re C u r r i c u l u m P l a n n i n g , C o n t e n t Management (content can be in form of text, PDF, presenta on, spread sheet, videos, audio, etc), Evalua on and Learner Engagement. LMS helps students to access content on the go. Besides personal computer, students can access content, take exams, check class schedule from tabs and mobile phones. LMS helps in implemen ng flipped classroom model where students get access to the

With help of Exigo Knowledge Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (they are the authorized partner of D2L in India) we conducted a 3 day workshop on LMS. Day 1 was all about different Learning Management Systems and what all a faculty can do. Day 2 & 3 was hands on training on Brightspace pla orm.

Karnataka State Law University representa ves visit IFIM Law College An inspec on team from Karnataka State Law University (KSLU) – Hubli, Karnataka visited IFIM Law campus on December 9, 2015 for renewal of affilia on. The team consisted of three members headed by Dean of Law Department, KSLU Prof. (Dr.) C.S.Pa l. Team members inspected the college records, moot court hall, class room, canteen, library and other buildings and found the working sa sfactory. The team members assured themselves with bright future of students and wished success to IFIM Law College.

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Dr. Srividya Raghavan won the first prize in the Marke ng Category of the ISB-Ivey Global Case Compe on 2015 Dr. Srividya Raghavan, Associate Professor (Marke ng) at IFIM Business School won the first prize for her case tled ‘HCL Technologies: How Far Can We Push the Billion Dollar Website? She a ended the award ceremony which was hosted by the Confedera on of Indian Industry (CII) - the event partner, as part of their 5th University-Industry Congress: Global Higher Educa on Summit 2015 in New Delhi, on December 1 and 2, 2015. The response to this year’s compe on was overwhelming, with 86 entries pouring in from India, Singapore and the United States. The cases spanned the spectrum of management studies, from more tradi onal subjects such as Strategy, Marke ng and Leadership, to growing areas of interest such as Social Enterprise, Family Business and Governance. With such high-quality cases in the running, the compe on this year was par cularly intense. As the winner in the Marke ng category of the ISB-Ivey Global Case Compe on 2015, she received the following: • An award of US$2,000 subject to taxes - Sponsored by Amazon • A cer ficate from the ISB and Ivey Business School. She was invited to par cipate in the 5th University-Industry Congress: Global Higher Educa on Summit 2015 in New Delhi as invited guest of ISB and Ivey Business School Her case is published by Ivey Publishing as an ISB-Ivey co-branded case study. Addi onal, by an abstract of her case will be published on the homepage of the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Case Development (CTLC), ISB. Her case will also be published on and distributed via the Ivey Publishing website (www.iveycases.com).

Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai and Disaster Management & Mi ga on Department, Government Of Tamil Nadu organized a One Day Na onal Seminar on “Disaster Management and LawIssues and Challenges” on the eve of Interna onal Day of Disaster Reduc on. Dr. Sujatha S. Pa l, Principal of IFIM Law College, Chaired the Technical Session-I as a Chair person and also presented a paper on “Disaster Management In India: A Human Rights Perspec ve” It was discussed that India is one of the most disaster prone countries of the world. Droughts, floods, famines, cyclones, earthquakes, landslides, pest infesta on, industrial, chemical & biological disaster air collisions, rail and road accidents, forests fires and mine fires are the major disasters both natural and manmade, that are increasingly affec ng India. Out of the 35 States/Union Territories in the County, 24 are disaster prone and 139 districts have been iden fied as mul ple- hazard prone. Experience has shown that destruc on from disasters can be minimized by a well func oning disaster management system. In this context, it is necessary to look in to the judicial contribu on to disaster management. This seminar helped to establish a few guidelines and framework for a disaster management system in India.

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Alumni Connect

Name: Ms. Pallavi Lal Designa on: Research and Content Management Lead Organisa on: Accenture Batch: PGDM 1995-97

Q1. Tell us about your domain and your work profile? I’ve 18 years of experience in strategic business research in the area of Resources (Chemicals, U li es, Energy) and Public Sector. I'm passionate about shaping, delivering and presen ng impac ul research that supports business objec ves. I’m adept at managing large, complex mul -country research programs on me and budget. Senior stakeholder management, Economic and Policy Analysis, Digital Index Development, Research Project Management are some of my core competencies. Q2: Can you please briefly tell us about your career path so far? I’ve been fortunate to be associated with organiza ons that believed in the power of knowledge to stay ahead in their game. It started with the conglomerate named Reliance, which gave me an opportunity to tap the best knowledge sources in the area of resources. I had an enriching career spanning Reliance Industries, Ernst & Young and Accenture. I have had a very steep learning curve and growth. I began as an Analyst in Reliance and now I lead the Research & Content Management Team. Q3: Is industry work different from what you learn at Bschools/ IFIM? Well Prac cal aspects always have a different flavor and are rooted in the dynamics of the market. However a wellrounded B-School curriculum forms a strong founda on, which enables a fresher just out of B school to apply the learnings in prac cal situa ons’. Q4. From your experience, please share how did your internship experience help you at your first job? I had my internship at a Pharma company and I got firsthand experience of primary research right from ques onnaire design to analysis and report wri ng. Synthesis of market data and analysis of the findings was a very good experience. It also involved wri ng a report with recommenda ons to the company to enhance its presence. In my view this experience was extremely helpful in business research.

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Q5. How do you think your MBA/PGDM Programme has added value to your life, both professional life and social/personal life? PGDM program has undoubtedly equipped me to deal with business situa ons in the corporate world. A combina on of theory as well as prac ce exercises and case studies brought to us the real world business dilemmas. Such a rich founda on, helped professionally especially in the beginning of my career. Q6: You must have spent memorable me at IFIM. Do you miss being a part of it? Please share a few good memories? Indeed I cherish the me I spent at IFIM. It was extremely rewarding from both an academic perspec ve as well as from a personal growth dimension. I have very fond memories of some of my professors like Prof Vijaya Sarathy, Prof Sridhar and Prof Ravi who taught me, Marke ng, Accountancy and HR respec vely. The field trips, life in hostel, full blast music from adjacent boys hostel, which made us wonder ‘when will they ever improve!’ were some of the fun parts. Q7. What was your ini al thought process when you joined IFIM? With hopes and dreams to make it big in life, I was super excited to join IFIM. I was determined to give my best during my me in B School and come out with good grades as well as with confidence to face the real world. I could see the management and faculty fully commi ed to the objec ve of developing the students. This reaffirmed my belief that I joined a good ins tute. Q8. Briefly take us through your life at IFIM campus, both academic and non-academic life? Despite the ini al teething problems that are a part of any ins tu on building, I’d say life at IFIM was a good mix of rich academic curriculum and an opportunity to develop oneself personally. Academic life was chock-a-block with classes, case study prepara on and project presenta ons. The li le me that we did get outside of studies was spent exploring Brigade Road and MG Road, watching movies once in a while and some field trips to nearby places.

Q9. You are a proud alumni of this top B-school. What is the best part of this B-school from a student perspec ve? A robust curriculum and excellent teachers that make learning fun! Q10. Tell us one of your IFIM student life secrets and ps, which can be shared with the future aspirants? Focus and giving ones best in every aspect of life whether student life or personal or professional life is quite important. While one does that one should also enjoy the journey and not worry about the des na on. Stay posi ve and enjoy every bit of being an MBA student. Q11. How would you like to give back to society and what are your future plans? Any sugges on/guidance for the future aspirants? I think giving back to the society can be done while working. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ini a ves of organiza ons provide an avenue for people working in the corporate sector to do their bit for the

society at large. Even outside of corporate life, being involved with NGOs that promote social causes is another good avenue to contribute to society. I’d like to be associated with interna onal organiza ons like United Na ons which provide an opportunity to apply one’s experience and skills in promo ng Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)-which range from eradica ng extreme poverty, to universal primary e d u c a o n t o p ro m o n g g e n d e r e q u a l i t y a n d environmental sustainability. Having experience in technology for Educa on as well as extensive experience in gender research, I find this as a natural extension of the areas that I’m most equipped to contribute to. Q12. Could you share with us a li le informa on about your family and hobbies? I’m married to Raghavendra, who is heading the Infrastructure group in Honeywell Interna onal. I have two children, Aayush (9 yrs.) and Arihant (4 yrs.). I’m fortunate to have very loving and suppor ve parents and in laws. Singing, Travelling and playing with kids are my hobbies.

IFIM Law College conducted its first Governing Council Meet on December 2, 2015 IFIM Law College conducted its first Board of Governance mee ng on December 2, 2015 in the IFIM campus. A healthy discussion held pedagogy, conduc ng workshops, social ac vi es, moot courts compe on and personality enhancement programs for law students. Board members appreciated the progress of IFIM Law College and various ac vi es and achievements of Law College. Following were the board members who a ended the mee ng:Mr. Sanjay Padode, Secretary - CDE Prof. M. S. Laxmi Naraynan, Director- University Educa on, IFIM College Dr. Sujatha S. Pa l, Principal, IFIM Law College Dr. O. V. Nandimath, Professor of Law & Registrar, NLSIU-Bangalore Dr. C. S Pa l Dean, Karnataka State Law University-Hubballi Dr. Prathima, Principal, C.M.R Law College, Bangalore Mrs. Bindu Sharma, Founder & CEO, Origin IP Solu ons LLP, Bangalore Dr. Anindya Sircar, AVP & Head of IP Cell, Infosys, Bangalore Dr. Waseem Khan, Principal, Al-Ameen Law College, Bangalore Mr. Partha Mandal, Managing Partner Universal Legal, Bangalore Col. Rajesh Jasial, Project Head- Get Ahead Educa on

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IFIM Law College conducted its second Management Development Program along with hands-on workshop on so ware patents on December 12, 2015 The objec ve of the workshop was to increase the awareness of IPR and the train the par cipants on latest valua on method used in calcula ng the revenue genera on of so ware patents. The workshop was a roaring success and received many posi ve tes monials from par cipants who a ended the workshop.

Tes monials “IFIM Law College chose a specific topic of patent which was relevant to every IP Professional. The examples covered both product and business method patent. Excellent presenta on and very relevant.”

Mr. Binni Manohar Sr.Execu ve Keypoint Technologies, IPR division, Hyderabad.

“I was looking for such kind of workshop from a long me. Thanks to IFIM Law College for conduc ng such workshop. Excellent resource person, up to date examples to reinforce ps and concepts. Effec ve presenta on with current examples to reinforce concepts on so ware valua on method.” Mr. Amit Kumar Mishra Patent Prac oner & Innova on Consultant for WIPRO, Bengaluru Area, India

Mr. Mahadev, Sr.Librarian at IFIM presented a paper tled " Research Trends in Total Quality Management: A Scientometrics Study of Publica on Produc vity”. A Na onal Conference on “Adapt-Change-Evolve” sponsored by University Grant Commission (UGC) was organized by New Horizon Group of Ins tu ons, Bangalore on December 4th and 5th 2015, at NHCE Bengaluru, Karnataka. Around 150 Delegates have a ended this conference from all over the country. 35 members presented papers on sub theme of the topics. The Progress of a Na on and Society depends mainly upon the quality of its library professionals and for this reason library and educa onal services is considered as the noblest amongst all the professions. The educa on of a Library profession is never complete. The librarian is prepared for his/her profession before he/she enters but he/she must also be prepared again and again to keep abreast with latest developments. Now Globaliza on, changing needs of the society, advent of informa on and communica on technology (ICT) have significantly altered the very nature of the educa on and its components like Services, Recourses, User’s A tude, Research, Administra on and Professional Development in 21st century. Due to this the Library professionals have to constantly strive hard to keep in touch with latest trends in Library and Informa on Science to a ain true spirit of professionalism. Objec ves of the Conference: • Provide pla orm to the Library Professionals how to adapt, change and evolve current technology. • Create an environment for enriching professional skills. • Opportunity to learn E-Library management, library services on cloud compu ng. • How to take up library profession as ongoing Research. 12 |

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Transform and get the Industry Edge

Admissions 2016 IFIM

BBA | B. Com. | BCA | BA (Journalism)


Affiliated to Bangalore University



Law College

Affiliated to KSLU and Approved by BCI

The IFIM Edge • • • • • • • • • •

Located in the business technology hub of Bangalore Delivered by top-notch faculty with proven credentials Well-equipped Computer Labs & well-resourced Library facility Projects and internships in the real-time business world Coaching sessions to help students prepare for entrance exams Syllabus is integrated with co-curricular interventions World-class infrastructure with separate hostels for Boys and Girls Large network of successful and well-placed alumni spread across the globe Placement facilitation across industry sectors And, many more features that provide a unique learning and living experience to all students

IFIM Institutions 8P & 9P, KIADB Industrial Area, Electronics City, Phase I, Bangalore - 560100 080 - 41432800/888 | +91 9900067702/6 | ug@i mcollege.com | www.i m.edu.in

IFIM Toastmasters Club hosts workshop on “How to convert our vague ideas into concrete speeches” The evening of December 2, 2015 was a new learning experience for IFIM Toastmasters Club at the workshop on “How to convert our vague ideas into concrete speeches”. This workshop was conducted by District-92 and was a ended by members from Infosys, Wipro, Siemens, Capgemini and other Toastmaster’s Clubs in District-92. Mr. Santhosh Sharma, Area Director of Toastmaster’s Interna onal commenced the workshop with a pleasing introductory note also touching upon some ps on how one can achieve the goal of accomplishing all the required speeches in the confined me frame. Mr. Arjun Raj U.R.S, our Guest of Honor shared his experience on how he started his toastmaster’s journey. He expressed the nostalgic moments of his first speech and emphasized, “A man who knows why to do something will always do the work no ma er what the situa on is”. He put across a ques on to the audience, “Why am I in Toastmasters?” Quickly we could see few hands shoo ng up with answers like, he wanted to get rid of the fear of public speaking, to improve upon his public speaking skills and he was very passionate about the joyful interac ons. He acknowledged the candid comments and men oned that if our “Why” is important, then we will achieve it and if our “How” is strong, then we will find excuses. He divided the speech into 3 parts - Mining, Refining and Defining. Mining is where we find the topics and suggested us to not to google but to follow FIP, (Family, Interest, and Profession). Mr. Arjun presented his 10 speeches and how he prepared his own speeches using FIP. He gave some very good inputs to the mentors on how they can significantly improve their mentee’s CC1 speeches and shared few CC1 speeches also with us. The ac ve audience was also put to a task where he divided us into 10 groups and each group was given a newsle er with a specific ar cle. We had to pick up relevant topics from the paper aligning the same with the given ar cle within the meframe of 10 minutes. As for the refining part, he suggested us to create an outline and a meline to prepare our speech. For the defining part, we were to draw an opening, body and a conclusion. He concluded the workshop defining Fear with 2 contrary perspec ves: FEAR- Fear Every Athing And Run & FEAR - Face Everything And Rejoice. This workshop has added immense value to our first steps and made us ponder upon structured ideas on how to construct concrete speeches. We were fortunate to also connect with newer toastmasters. By Srivatsa Sridhar & Raagav Dharane (IFIM B School Batch 2015 -17)

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IFIM’s signature Personality Enhancement Program (PEP) term end ac vity refines student’s on-ground marke ng skills On 29th November 2015, IFIM faculty conducted the PEP 1 Term End ac vity, "LIME and SIP". This ac vity involved preparing lemonade and selling it to the people of Bangalore at various places and the team that can maximize their profit, wins. Following were the highlights of the ac vity1) The students were to divided into groups of 10 (The Brand Bengaluru Groups were retained). 2) Each group was given a budget of Rs 500 (maximum), within which they were manage their expenses.

3) The ac vity was divided into Pre- Execu on Stage, Execu on Stage and Post Execu on Stage. 4) During the pre-execu on stage the groups had submi ed their en re plan, including loca on, price, promo onal strategies, break even analysis, cost analysis, etc. 5) During the execu on stage the students actually went to their selected loca ons and sold their lemonades. 6) During the post execu on stage, they will have to present about their experience and learning (PEP 1 End term examina on).

Professor Chowdari Prasad, Dean – Academics presented a research paper tled “Managing Business Compe veness among B-Schools in India through Big Data” co-authored with Dr KS Srinivasa Rao at the 6th Interna onal Conference organized by Achrya Bangalore B-School, Bengaluru on 17th and 18th December 2015.

Pre Republic Day Parade Selec on Camp 2015-16 at University College, Mangaluru

Hosted by : Youth Empowerment & Sports Department NSS Cell, Govt. of Karnataka

Ms. Caroline Philomena Ashe, (B. Com. II Year) December 2015|

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Na onal Integra on Camp 2015-16 @NSS Bhavan, Jnanbhara Campus, Bangalore University, Bengaluru

Hosted by: Youth Empowerment & Sports Department NSS Cell, Govt. of Karnataka

Mr. M. Hameem Raheem H S Jalwathy, BCA II Year Mr. Venkatesh B. B. , Assistant Professor & NSS Programme Officer at IFIM presented a paper in a two day Interna onal Conference on “Emerging Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (EAMELT)”

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Dr. V.K.Gupta conducted a seminar on Shareholders' Value Management for IFIM Business School students This topic on Shareholders' Value Management is one of the latest trends in modern mes. Dr. V.K. Gupta is a Professor in the area of Finance and Accoun ng from IIM Indore. He has been serving in this field over two decades and it was an enlightening experience to have an eminent financial expert in the IFIM campus. The session was informa onal and inspiring for the enthusias c students.

Mr. Ajeya Krishna won the 5th Place at the Dewang Mehta Business School Affair Awards Mr. Ajeya Krishna, Ex-President - Student Council at IFIM Business School, won the YES Bank 5th Place at the Dewang Mehta Business School Affair Awards 2015 in the ‘Best Student in Management’ category. The event took place at Taj Lands End , Mumbai on Saturday, 28th November 2015. There were 26 par cipants from all over the country. The first place was bagged by IIM - Bangalore (91% Marks), the second place went to NMIMS, Mumbai, the 3rd and the 4th places were for two Girl par cipants (as per their Kanya Shak policy). Ajeya secured 87 % and was awarded the Yes Bank 5th Place, during the award ceremony. He defeated par cipants from IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Kozhikode and many other pres gious Ins tu ons.

Staff of the Quarter

Ms. Shwetha P. of our Admissions Department has been declared as the “Best Staff for the Quarter”

IFIM student Roshan Nelson & Mr. Vishak, of IFIM Law College won First Place in “Table Tennis” on 15th of November 2015 held at IIHMR–Bangalore

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Hostel Day Celebra The Hostel day of IFIM ins tu ons was held on 27th Nov 2015 with the gathering of IFIM students across courses like PGDM, MBA, BBA. LLB, B.com, BCA, BA (Journalism) etc along with teaching and non teaching staff and alumni. The hostel day is an annual ceremony celebra ng the life in the wonderful and sophis cated hostel of IFIM. The hostel is indeed a home away from home for all the hos li es who were lucky enough to experience student life at this fantas c abode. The hostel day started off with the some sports event between the batch of 2014-16 PGDM students and the junior batch of 2015-17. A set of events like volleyball, throwball, relay for both boys and girls, an innova ve mixed relay and tug of war. Both the batches fought shoulder to shoulder with the junior batch prevailing in all except in volleyball and mixed relay race. The momentum shi ed towards the event of the day the inaugura on of HOSTEL DAY 2015. The event was graced on stage by Mr. Sanjay Padode- Secretary CDE, Mr. Hemant Kulshetra (IFIM Business School Alumni 1997-99 batch), Dr. Madhumita Cha erji (Director, IFIM Business School), Prof. Chowdari Prasad (Dean- Academics), Mr. V N Mohan (Associate Director- Centre for Con nuous Employability) and Col Vijay Bakshi (HOD- Personality Enhancement Program). The event started with a prayer by Ms. Aishwarya Mynampe of the 2014-16 PGDM batch. This was presided by hostel awards which are always the highlight of the annual ceremony. The awards were given to various inhabitants of the hostel in categories such as best room (single and double inhabitants for both boys and girls) and best hos li e , male and female. Best hos li e (Female) was given to Arpita Chowdhary (BBA. LLB) and Best Hos li e (Male) was secured by Ritesh Joseph (PGDM) . There were special men ons given to the people who have maintained the hostel and have made it to the high standards it boasts of. Leadership awards were given to the Hostel Vice presidents Abdul Aqeeb Arshad and Lakshmi Durga Same a. The hostel community along with the facul es praised the organizing commi ee of the Hostel day heaping special praise for the father figure for the students Mr. Raju Poojary (Warden and Manager, Students Counselling Services). The day was followed by a customary bonfire along with dance and music which brought to an end to an excellent day which was a triumph of perfect planning and the wonderful hostel in itself.

tions - 2015 November 29, 2015

Interna onal Immersion Prof. M. H. Sharieff visits Nepal Under IFIM’s interna onal faculty exchange arrangements, IFIM deputed M H Sharieff, Associate Professor (IB) to deliver a full course in Global Business subject to 60 students in Uniglobe College of Management an affiliate of reputed Pokhara University, Nepal. IFIM Professor successfully delivered the course and assessed students from December 25, 2015- January 9, 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

(L-R) Dr. Radhe Shyam Pradhan, Prof. & Academic Director, Prof. M. H. Sharieff & Dr. Narbhadur Bista, Principal & Director

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