IFLA Europe Treasurer's report 2013

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Treasurers report 2013

Purpose of Report: To inform the General Assembly (GA) of the final accounts for 2012 and the current accounting position at end of, 31th July 2012. Review of accounts 2011 for approval: The Accounts for the 2012 financial year were concluded at the 31st December 2012. Appendix 1 shows the main figures of income and expenditure for the year as well the forecast budget for 2012. The financial accounts are shown in Appendix 2. Last the figures for 2012 are compared to the accounts from 2011, as shown in Appendix 3. Details are presented in Appendix 4, note 1-3. Income: The total income of 78,632.48 € deviates from the budget and following remark is to be made to the member’s fees, as this is the main reason for the deviance. The reduced income in members’ fees is related to the fact that again this year several associations have asked for a reduction in fee due to the financial situation in their respective countries (The background being that many of their members were unable to pay their national fee). Six associations have not paid the invoiced contribution and other two members have paid a symbolic or reduced contribution due to an agreement made in 2009 regarding a revision of fee structure. The six outstanding payments are activated in the balance. It is up to the General Assembly to discuss how this should be resolved (i.e. to give remission for the missing payment or not) and then determine the result of the year and final balances.

Expenditure: The total expenditure is in total 4.423 € less than expected. This is mainly related to a general modesty in spending amongst all EXCO officers and staff. Activities in the working groups have been high and the outcome of the work is visible to all, even though the expenditure for the projects in total is much below budget. Another remark to be made on the 2012 accounts is that the general assembly is more expensive than budgeted for, almost a 50% increase (as was the case in 2011). As venue rent, rooms and subsistence were at a fixed rate, the only explanation to the over spending is to be found in airfares from Europe to St. Petersburg are more expensive than anticipated plus the fact that visas were not budgeted for. As a result, and in order to have a flexible and operational budget the budget sum for GA was raised last year to € 25.000. Result: The final balance shows a deficit of € -2.117,93. The GA is asked to approve that this is added taken from the risk reserve account. The reserve account is hereafter € 47.302.15 Accounts to 31st June 2013 orientation The accounts to the end of July 2013 are shown in Appendix 5. IFLA EUROPE | AVENUE LOUISE 149/24 | 1050 BRUXELLES / BRUSSELS | BELGIUM WWW.EUROPE .IFLAONLINE .ORG | IFLA_EUROPE@SKYNET.BE

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Income: The fee income remains as anticipated with some fluctuations, mainly due to the reasons mentioned in Income. At the end of 2nd quarter more than 80% of the fees have been received. The running sponsorship agreement with Van den Berk is now in operation since 2012. In September 2013 a meeting is to be held to further investigate and improve this sponsorship. Expenditure: The common office is running with the 40/60 division of expenditures between EFLA and IFLA. The forecast shows that the office expenditure after 1st quarter is at almost at 50%. However the total expenditure for the office is expected to under budget, mainly due to the new virtual office. The expenditure for EXCO meetings, EXCO work, our working groups and projects is below the budgeted figures, but will increase during the year, as meetings in all groups are still to be held. The EXCO anticipate that the working groups will have a busy and productive year. Expenditure is expected to be on budget. Result: The financial result of this year is expected to be a balance or a small surplus, with the new virtual office in function, the final costs of the GA, not known at present, and the fluctuations in income taken in mind. Budget 2013 for approval The Budget is shown in appendix 6. The proposed fee for 2013, based on the IFLA fee model, is shown in appendix 7. Finally, a detailed budget for workings groups is in appendix 8. The budget differs from earlier years in its entire setup, as it now operates with a single fee structure approved last year in St. Petersburg. Income: It is proposed that the base rates in the fee model are kept at level with 2013. The total income from fees will be slightly increased, due to associations again seeing more members and Hungary joining IFLA Europe as a full member. The income from Sponsors remains at € 10,000. It is hoped this might be improved upon during the year’s activities. Expenditure: IFLA operations are kept as a fixed fee of € 25,000 until the report on the new structure is final and a new model for operations within IFLA World is set. The GA budget is increased to €28,000 in order to reflect a more realistic level of cost (as recent experience has shown). The increase is due to air fares becoming more expensive in recent years. Office expenditure is budgeted at 27.000 €, again to reflect the recent years expenditure. The staff, both bookkeeper and Executive Secretary have cut cost where possible and also the new virtual office will see a reduction in cost. The working groups; Education, Professional Practice and Communication, all have raised budgets of € 5,000 each. This is done in order to ensure that the groups can function and meet physically at least once a year. Also there is a budget sum for the PQD, as the ExCo finds this work to be essential for EFLA. IFLA EUROPE | AVENUE LOUISE 149/24 | 1050 BRUXELLES / BRUSSELS | BELGIUM WWW.EUROPE .IFLAONLINE .ORG | IFLA_EUROPE@SKYNET.BE

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The remaining positions in the budget remain unchanged. The treasurer and ExCo will continue to reduce costs and overheads wherever possible in the hope that this can be reflected in the fees charged to members. Result: The estimated outcome is a small surplus.

Signed Treasurer Jeremy Andrew Dennis


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