OFPSA Digital Magazine: Summer 2012

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Revolution summer 2012 • issue 5 ofpsa digital magazine

Bursting with innovation



4 Contributors 6 Letter from the AAFPRS President 8 Letter from the OFPSA President 31 OFPSA Membership Form FEATURED ARTICLES: 10 Social Media: Grow Your Practice

12 Search Engines:

The People vs. The Robots


16 patient education:

Patient Education Through Presentation

19 Annual Meeting:

Washington D.C. - Sept 6-7

20 Mobile Websites:

2012 - Finally the Year of Mobile Arrives

22 Web Design:

Web Design Process

24 EMR:

Going Paperless: A Whole New World

26 Patient Engagement:

Are You Up For The Patient Education Challenge?

28 Online Trends: 3 Tech Trends



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s r Copywriter: Stacey Clarke

Editor: Alex Burkholder Alex can be summed up in two words: efficient and precise.

art director: Rese cebulski Rese has been a designer for 6 years, but a designer in-themaking for 30. With hat on head, jazz in earphones, red shoes on feet, and a passion for all things modern & clean, job destination: designer was inevitable. Outside of your computer screen, you can find Rese spearheading a project with design group “the Pirates of Design,” at a jazz concert, or simply strolling the streets of Lincoln Square (in red shoes of course).

Stacey fell into the wonderful world of aesthetics when she found a place for the written word in this innovative and fascinating industry. With a background in journalism and marketing, Stacey is versed in everything from blogging and news reporting, to email blasting and writing keyword-rich website content. When her eyes aren’t glued to her monitor, you can find Stacey with her head in a book, reciting her acting monologue, or performing on her favorite karaoke stage.

Marketing: Maggie Bronny Maggie is one of the chosen few who simply looks at a promotion and runs with it. From innovative marketing tools to eye-catching promotions, she can do it all. Helping with the OFPSA Digital Magazine has been right up her ally. If she remembers to stop and take a breath, she makes sure it involves friends and good food.

Promotions: Kerry Schmidt Kerry jumped on the opportunity to promote OFPSA’s Digital Magazine, only wishing she had this resource when she worked as Director of Marketing for four Plastic Surgeons. She’s walked in your shoes and wore 10 hats at once. Sometimes she will take off her hats and lace up her Mizunos to go for a run.


Letter from the AAFPRS President Up Next... Going Digital

Tom D. Wang, MD, FACS President of AAFPRS Oregon Health & Science University Contact Dr. Wang at: 503.494.5678


The digital revolution has swept us all into the Information Age. It has transformed important aspects of our daily lives by altering the way information is packaged and distributed. One instance which marked a major turning point in this revolution was the transition from analog to digital recorded music. This shift from vinyl records and cassette tapes to compact discs fundamentally changed the way music is bought and heard. Coupled with the internet, another product of the digital revolution, we now have a huge array of listening options at our fingertips.

The field of facial plastic surgery has certainly been affected by this revolution as well. Most of us remember the transition, about 10 years ago, from film to digital photography. This transition was embraced whole-heartedly by some but met with skepticism by others. Of course, the photo quality from early iterations of digital cameras is not nearly what it is today. With the continuing improvement in quality, most of us have adapted and adopted the digital format. In addition, digital imaging technology has expanded their utility for our practices to include 3D imaging, volumetric evaluations and digital morphing. This trend will only broaden as we move into the future. Another area of impact is the shift to electronic medical records (EMR). While a number of larger practices and academic centers have made this transition, many other practitioners have been less enthusiastic. This is due to concerns related to the financial cost to purchase such a system, the associated learning curve required to use such a system efficiently and the ability to protect and maintain patient privacy and confidentiality. However, EMR has been mandated by the federal government to occur by 2014, with financial incentives to encourage this change. Each of us will have to find our way forward on this issue for a platform which meets our specific needs. Finally, we cannot overlook the impact which the internet and social networking has had upon our practices. These powerful products of the digital revolution allow all of us to reach out to a global audience with the click of a mouse. These technologies are in constant evolution and need continuous updating to keep their content fresh, current and effective. You will find in-depth coverage of these and other relevant topics related to the digital revolution throughout this entire magazine. Thank you.


Going Digital Up Next... Social Media

Fall 2011 Spring 2011

Digital dialogue:

We live in an age

where instant is no longer fast enough, pencils are passé and mobile everything is mainstream. Over the past two years alone, 328 national magazines have permanently stopped their presses*. For better or worse, we are at the epicenter of an unprecedented shift in the way the world receives information. Navigating the waters of change, the OFPSA has created a new way to speak with its members. Trading our traditional newsletters for a digital publication, we have been offering a quarterly resource packed with business solutions, sample tools and the latest industry trends. Four digital magazines have been released and focus on blending the old adage that “content is king” with the latest innovations in e-marketing. Our members are quickly adopting this new form of digital dialogue with an average of 4.5 magazine views per reader. Tools to help keep your staff at the top of their game and thrive through change are a simple click away. For those with office personnel that are currently OFPSA members, let your team know to be on the lookout for this exciting benefit. Emails arrive quarterly and have the subject “OFPSA DIGITAL MAGAZINE.” For anyone who has not yet joined, now is the time to become part of this growing community! Like technology, our organization is continually evolving. We offer our members real-world solutions to help practices adapt and thrive through these changing times. Contact Ann Jenne at aholton@aafprs.org or Marcy Simpson at marcy-simpson@uiowa.edu to learn more about having your staff become part of this dynamic group. Look for the new OFPSA website scheduled to launch May 15, 2012! We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming fall meeting, September 6-7th in Washington DC.

* http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/12/prweb9045642.htm

Winter 2012

Spring 2012

Tracy L. Drumm

President of OFPSA Office of Steven H. Dayan, MD, FACS Contact Tracy at: 312.335.1700 tracy@drdayan.com


If your practice is similar to other aesthetic practices you have a Twitter account, a Facebook page, and perhaps a Google+ account…and you are making no money off of it! This article will help your practice begin making money on Facebook and other social media platforms.

Why should I care about social media? Social marketing is superior to traditional marketing because it allows your practice to establish a two-way dialogue with your clients which traditional media cannot deliver.

Some facts:

Social media

Up Next... Search Engines

1/2 of the U.S. population uses Facebook daily. 54% of ‘active’ social media users are females OVER 30 years of age.

73% of Super Bowl advertisements in 2012 directed fans to a Facebook page instead of the company’s website.

How social media is changing medical practice marketing Social media allows your practice to establish itself as a trusted friend through this two-way communication with your clients. The most common mistake that most medical practices make in managing their social media pages is by bombarding their clients with specials offers. This commercial intrusion to your clients’ experience of catching up on friend and family updates is at least a nuisance…and at most, highly annoying! Jake Laban, MBA

Managing Partner Total Social Solutions Contact Jake at: 702.723.7774 info@totalsocialsolutions.com 10 SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA

To Summarize: You CAN build your practice through social media marketing. Just invest in some gorgeous design work, educate yourself on social marketing best practices and stockpile tons of nonpromotional content. With this, engagement with your pages will spike, and your phone will start ringing off the hook!

7 steps to grow your practice with social media First, develop a social media strategic marketing plan that fits

cohesively with your practice’s marketing plan. Be consistent.

Second, write down your key messages; these should be five to seven things that people need to know about your practice. Use them throughout social media.

Third, assign one person in your office with the ultimate responsibility of managing social media platforms and what ‘good work’ looks like. Hold them accountable.

Fourth, carefully select the social media channels that best suit

your practice as there are hundreds of social media platforms to choose from. Be selective.

Fifth, create

visually attractive and informative social media pages. The visual nature of medical aesthetics and social media force you to think carefully about the look and feel of what you are creating. Hire a professional.

Sixth, create lots of engaging non-promotional content. Industry

best practices dictate that you’ll NEED at least four pieces of fresh, engaging, and interesting non-promotional content for every one piece of promotional content that your publish. Any more than this, your page is nothing more than a self-involved infomercial. BE INTERESTING.

Seventh, build your following. Then, conduct engaging promotions with them. Have fun!


Search Engines Up Next... Patient Education

The People vs

The Robots For decades, science fiction writers have warned us this day would come. There is a battle underway, and the combatants are just as predicted:

People vs. Robots.

Merrill Whatley

CTO NKP Medical Marketing Contact Merrill at: 866.539.2201 webmaster@nkpmedical.com

12 SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA

What the futurists failed to tell us was that, in this iteration, the fight is not for survival but for your attention. The fight is not in an urban wasteland but online. And, while your life is not at stake, your marketing dollars and resources are. Of course, I am speaking of the ever-evolving field of online marketing via your website and what it takes to satisfy both the search engines (the “robots”) and prospective patients (the “people” in our battle).

Who Is Your Primary Audience - The People or The Robots? To answer this question, let’s look at certain aspects of your web design and content and see how each audience feels about it. Well-Written, Modern, Clean Code CSS and JQuery, Lightweight and Accessible People like this because it means fast page loads, the same experience across various browsers, easy navigation and readable content. Robots like this because they value the fast page loads even more than people do. They like the fact that images and styles are moved to stylesheets and that the code on the page is lean, efficient and gets straight to the point - the content. So in this case, The People and The Robots agree — we’ll have to explore deeper to discover your main audience.

Answering Questions At a Glance -

Who Are You, How Can I Get in Touch With You, and What Are Others Saying? People like an easy-to-find phone number, obvious ways to email you and seeing that people are talking about you on Social Networks.

Robots like all of this as well! The phone number helps identify your business for listing purposes. Easy-to-find online forms show your site is not just a one-way street of information but that you listen to your visitors. Social networking links and review links show that you are a good Internet citizen, not trying to create an island and, more than ever with the convergence of search and social, this factor is growing in importance. Again, The People and The Robots agree. To answer our main question, we must dig deeper. 13

Is the Site Visitor In Control of the Experience? People like being in control for a number of reasons. Most importantly, visitors like to feel they are controlling their online experience in general. To explain this, it may be best to give examples of what users do not like: • Auto-playing videos, especially with audio (always imagine the visitor to your website being at work with colleagues nearby, and your site immediately begins blaring information about cosmetic surgery procedures — you just lost a potential patient) • Splash pages that have no content, just a nice logo or a pretty picture — a user does not want to have to click again or wait just to see the information for which they came. • Websites that don’t care what kind of device you are on — check your analytics to see how many mobile visitors you are getting (more on this in a moment). Robots like to see that you put people in control of their experience, but they have their own reasons for disliking the same options listed above: auto-playing videos greatly slow page load and require unneeded and unrequested bandwidth to be used, splash pages only show the search engine that you have nothing to say, and being indifferent to different devices shows you aren’t considering page load and user experience factors for a large portion of the population. Again, The Robots and The People agree — and this is the point. The answer to our overarching question is this: doing good work on your website and with your online marketing means that you are pleasing both audiences. Thoughtful, intentional effort in this respect will benefit your practice and its online presence in the eyes of both potential patients and search engine giants.

One Additional Note on Mobile Websites: Too often, “mobile-friendly” merely means “your site, stripped of anything visually interesting.” While that’s a quick way to make your information readable on a mobile device, we believe that you should consider a user’s desired actions instead. Give them easy-to-use mobile navigation, familiar mobile behaviors, the ability to text, get a map and call. Ask yourself, “what am I usually doing when I look something up on my phone?” Search engine robots, by the way, will recognize a mobile sitemap or a mobile redirect, and they appreciate your thoughtfulness. 14

Patient Education Up Next... Annual Meeting

Patient Education through Presentation

With over a decade of producing the highest quality touch screen presentations for luxury real estate developments, the founders of TouchMD saw the need to diversify their operation. Using the same concept, they adapted the real estate model to a medical application and developed TouchMD. 16 SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA


This innovative medical tool provides an interactive experience while educating the patient in the exam room. In addition to educating, it also enhances the relationship between the doctor and patient. It was imperative that TouchMD involve physicians in the development of the content and delivery of the technology. They identified physicians who are pioneers in their specialties and invited them to become consultants and partners, creating a product that is literally “built by doctors for doctors.” A diverse platform, they offer product lines in Plastics, OBGYN, Dermatology and Orthopedics and continue to grow and develop other specialties. The revolutionary TouchMD system incorporates the presentation in the exam room, web portal and an email/marketing program – all of this by a simple touch on the screen. TouchMD is customized for the doctor and highlights the practice through video or still images. This information allows the patient to become comfortable with the doctor and their staff. Patient information is captured allowing for future contact with patients over time through email. This builds patient loyalty and increases new and existing patient visits all while amplifying revenue. Some other unique tools are the topic library, anatomy, patient gallery, camera and drawing tools, document section and more. One of our most innovative tools for patients is myTouchMD.com. Using myTouchMD, patients can learn more about the doctor, their staff and facility. It allows people to relive the consultation at home.

A remarkable thing about myTouchMD.com is that 87% of patients log back into the doctor’s website to access this information within 48 hours of visiting the office and, on average, log in four additional times. TouchMD recently released the newly developed mobile app for the Apple iPad. This app gives the doctor the ability to take TouchMD wherever they go. The app is a mobile version of successful desktop software. Similar to its desktop counterpart, the mobile version offers many of the same great features. The TouchMD app will continually be updated with new concepts and features that are unique to the device. The app is currently available for plastic surgery practices with new editions in development. Now in over 200 offices, TouchMD was launched with resounding success. To ensure product viability and continued growth TouchMD is patent pending. We invite you to visit our website at www.TouchMD.com for more information. Jason Whitesides Managing Partner TouchMD Contact Jason at: 435.867.0077 jason@touchmd.com


Annual meeting Up Next... Mobile Websites




POLITICS OF BEAUTY OFPSA Annual Meeting WASHINGTON DC | SEPTEMBER 6-7 Featured Speaker Meet Val Monroe

Sept 6 1pm

val mon roe pres ents

sticky media

Beauty Director at O, the Oprah Magazine Valerie Monroe has been beauty director at O, the Oprah Magazine since September, 2001. In over 35 years of magazine journalism, she has been an editor at Ms., Redbook, Self, and Parenting magazines, and, among others, a contributing writer at Parents and Entertainment Weekly. She is the author of two books: Citykids (Simon & Schuster) and In the Weather of the Heart (Doubleday). In October 2007 she was honored at the Skin Cancer Foundation’s Skin Sense Award Gala for her commitment to beauty and skin health. You may recognize her name from the Ask Val page in O Magazine where much of her time is spent poring over thousands of emails from women asking – how do I feel pretty? Having interviewed hundreds of internationally renowned experts of all kinds – from makeup artists to dermatologists, plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists, hair stylists and hair specialists – she has discovered that beauty is much more than skin deep. It comes straight from the heart. 19

Mobile websites Up Next... Web Design

With the advent of the smartphone and tablet,

Mike Wilton

Internet Marketing Manager Plastic Surgery Studios Contact Mike at: 909.758.8300 20 SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA

more consumers are using mobile devices to access the internet than ever. Our cosmetic medical internet marketing company, Plastic Surgery Studios, is well prepared to change with the times. In a recent study conducted by our company, we found that mobile traffic made up nearly 16% of the total traffic to our clients’ (aesthetic practices across the country) websites on average. While the ranges varied by region and audience, there wasn’t a single site in our portfolio that went without some sort of mobile traffic. Whether they’re on the road or sitting in front of the TV, patients are using mobile devices to learn more about you and your practice. With a reported 125 percent increase in mobile usage to access health related information, this number is sure to grow in 2012. With such a stunning growth in mobile usage, now is the time to start thinking about how this fast growing trend will impact your practice and its website.

Setting Your Site Up For a Mobile Future When it comes to mobile visitors, user experience is key. Websites are typically designed for users on a desktop computer meaning that the experience on a smaller handheld device may change drastically. Consideration for things like how your site is navigated, visibility of content and the ability to render properly quickly becomes a concern when you bring that same website into a mobile environment. When seeking a mobile website or service, consider the following:

Are you being sold a mobile website or a mobile app? Remember, an app is an actual application for a smartphone. A mobile website is a website optimized for the mobile experience. Oftentimes, practices opt for the wrong thing.

Does the site render on various devices? The market is larger than just the iPhone and iPad. Your mobile site should render on various mobile devices and not just the market leaders.

Is the content of your mobile site SEO friendly? A mobile website can easily be rendered to look pretty on a mobile device, but they aren’t always search engine friendly. Unless your designer is using responsive layouts, make sure that individual pages of content can be crawled by the search engines. The last thing you want is a single page housing your entire mobile experience. Make 2012 the year you embrace mobile. The sooner you do, the better off you and your practice will be. Not sure how your site displays on a mobile device? Google’s Go Mo initiative let’s you test your site for free at howtogomo.com If you’d like to learn more internet marketing tips for your practice, check out our blog at plasticsurgerystudios.com/blog/. 21

Web Design Up Next... EMR

s e D Web

s s e c o r P n g i OFPSA Site Launch

Over the years, Surgeon’s Advisor has launched hundreds of websites for facial plastic surgeons, plastic surgeons and dermatologists, as well as a few academies and societies. For those of you not familiar with web design, I thought it might be beneficial and interesting to explore what goes on behind the scenes.

Launching a website has three main stages:

Strategy design implementation But the goal usually includes one important thing: to make a dynamic site that speaks volumes about the company and/or the individual it represents, while at the same time, engaging its visitors. A great example is the recent design of the OFPSA website. When President Tracy Drumm came to us for help, Surgeon’s Advisor was enthusiastic about the new project. Before we began, our staff met with Tracy and discussed OFPSA’s goals. She made it clear that she wanted to be involved and this is important. A client who is engaged with their vendor will always have a better chance of getting just what they’re looking for. Robert Baxter

CEO Surgeon’s Advisor Contact Robert at: 305.763.8011 rbaxter@surgeonsadvisor.com 22 SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA

While creating the site, the developer should pay close attention to strategy, design and implementation. Ask these questions: What is the purpose of the website? How will users interact? What should it look like from an aesthetic perspective? What kind of functionality should it have?

Strategy Paramount to the website build-out process is to have a strong strategy. At Surgeon’s Advisor, we fully understand that the site had to communicate exactly what the organization does and its mission. Also, it was important that the site be modern and engaging.

Design The design of the site also needed to be visually appealing. It is crucial the website captured the essence of the OFPSA and carry out the proper mix of aesthetics, while still maintaining functionality. Early on, we determined that the OFPSA site needed to have login capabilities and a special section for members. These pages provide exclusive content specifically for their staff and physician audience. We wanted the site to be user friendly to minimize the bounce rate and maximize the time spent by visitors on the site.

Implementation The final step of building the website was the implementation and testing phase. We asked ourselves: “how would users log in?� How would various sections of the site be formatted? Which platform should be used to build the site? After the design and various other components were implemented, we needed to ensure proper functioning of the site. To do this, we ran a variety of tests which verify contact forms, login capabilities and load time to make sure the site works properly. In the end, we made sure things were running smoothly and everything worked out.

Building and designing a website does not have to be a daunting process with the proper planning and testing. We are proud to have designed the OFPSA site and look forward to its launch on May 15th! 23

EMR Up Next... Patient Engagement

Going Paperless: a whole new world The construction workers called her offi­ce the Taj Mahal of medical offices when she broke ground on her Lone Tree, Colorado location. To Tanya Atagi, MD, FACS, the patient experience was paramount to her office design and environment. She was determined to make any patient who walked through her door feel relaxed. Coming from a large plastic surgery practice that used antiquated software and nearly drowned in paper charts, Dr. Atagi did not want her staff affected by the shortcomings of an outdated medical office. While most practices struggle with a huge “EMR” undertaking, Dr. Atagi went paperless from the very beginning when she became PatientNow’s first customer in 2004. 24

The software was amazing when we started and keeps getting better

-- Dr. Atagi

To somebody who considers time her gold standard, Dr. Atagi hit the jackpot. Her office personified efficiency. She established herself with an uncluttered and pristine appearance, and her patients continually lauded the difference between her office and other medical offices. Dr. Atagi can remote into a patient’s chart from an outside surgery center instead of hand carrying a paper chart. From home or on the go, she can remotely refill prescriptions, order labs, respond to communications and complete notes. Before and after photos are tagged and saved directly into the EMR during the appointment. The patients can then immediately view their own photo, as well as the virtual photo gallery to review similar procedures – an immediate marketing opportunity. To expedite documenting, consents and other forms are reviewed and signed on tablet computers. Patients can elect to receive copies via email directly from the EMR system. Templates are setup based on her style and work flow allowing her to complete consults and encounter notes and charges before patients leave her o­ffice. Automatic email and text appointment reminders also help to keep her patients on time and greatly reduce no shows. Product sales have become a nice enhancement to revenue and keep patients coming in. The EMR system uses barcode scanners with sophisticated inventory management to check patients out quickly and keep track of point of sale activity. Dr. Atagi is more than satisfied. “The software was amazing when we started and keeps getting better. Training, service and support are top notch.”

Jerry Jacobsen

CEO/Founder PatientNOW Contact Jerry at: 800.436.3150 jjacobson@patientnow.com

If the above examples would work well in your medical offi­ce, it might be time to “Dr. Atagi” your practice and add an EMR and Practice Management system from PatientNOW. Learn more about PatientNOW at www.patientnow.com, (800) 436-3150 x1, or sales@patientnow.com. SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA 25

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Up Next... Online Trends

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Imagine this scenario: You are a patient who just received an email survey from your physician regarding your recent Botox® treatment. You’ve never received an email survey from this physician, but you quickly offer your feedback and click “send”. Mere minutes later, you receive a call. It’s your physician.

“I just received your survey and I noticed that you marked your treatment as ‘not so good’. I’m very sorry to hear that. Did something go wrong?” You are shocked and confused, yet impressed by the high caliber of service at the same time. You had intended on giving all good remarks, but must have chosen incorrectly in your haste. “Dr., I must have made a mistake. I am incredibly pleased with your services. In fact, I just referred my friend to you for the same treatment.”


Staff Writer Office of Steven H. Dayan, MD, FACS Contact Stacey at: 312.335.1700 stacey@drdayan.com 26 SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA

Thanks to Solutionreach, this physician-patient interaction really happened. The patient engagement platform that began as an email and text-based messaging system has elevated its services over the past few years. Their mission? Create a service that makes it easy for any practice to acquire, retain and reactivate patients.

Here are just a few ways Solutionreach can benefit your practice:

Post Appointment Survey What is more powerful – and helpful – than your patient’s opinion? Based on message settings you determine, a customized survey is sent to your patient via email. Your practice will receive immediate notification when completed surveys arrive. The physician can choose to follow up or not, but the patient who receives an immediate follow up after a complaint, or even a compliment, is guaranteed to be engaged.

Patient Portal Here is a novel idea. Give patients a way to easily connect with you from the comfort of their home. SR Portal from Solutionreach provides online bill pay, secure messaging for easy communication, patient images and forms upload for access to everything from before and after pictures to insurance documents. Patient engagement? Check!

SR Video SR Video is an in-office video capability that captures patient testimonials and instantly uploads them to popular video sharing sites like YouTube, Google Videos and Yahoo! Video. Besides the immense SEO benefits reaped from having video files for your website, this digital feature is making your patients feel valued by your personal request for their opinion. The engagement only spreads from there as online customers have face-to-face interactions with other happy customers. Solutionreach takes patient engagement seriously. In this competitive industry, they recognize the importance of going the extra mile. They provide the engagement tools your practice needs. Now all you need to do is ask yourself - How are you going to use these tools to engage your patients and prospects? Who are you losing by not using Solutionreach in your practice? For more information about Solutionreach, visit www.solutionreach.com, call 866-605-6867 or email sales@solutionreach.com.


Online Trends Up Next... Membership


Tech Trends The three technology trends discussed here have had a significant impact on my business and will, I believe, last for years to come. By extension, I believe that these tech-related changes in my practice are universally relevant and should be con-

Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS Lam Facial Plastics Contact Dr. Lam at: 972.312.8188 samlammd@yahoo.com 28 SUMMER 2012 / OFPSA

sidered priorities in any fast-paced, contemporary facial plastic surgery practice.

Trend #1

Managing Online Reputation Service I am trying: Robert Baxter’s Aesthetic Reviews Online reputation has become a makeor-break issue for many surgeons. Those who have not had a negative review simply have not been in practice long enough, do not draw from an international patient base or are extremely fortunate. The goal of reputation management is to win the war, not the battle. As Matt Cutts from Google says, “We have to fight bad speech with more speech.”I have made it my goal this year to focus on diluting negative words with positive ones and not take anything written about me too personally.

The goal of reputation management is to win the war, not the battle.”

Trend #2

Moving Toward a Mobile Environment Service I am trying: Visual Apps With the rise of the iPad and iPhone culture, we can no longer ignore the importance of how people search our name, practice and website. My second goal in 2012 is to focus heavily on the mobile sphere. There are 250 million IOS devices alone. Because Steve Jobs has literally killed Flash in the mobile sphere, it will be dying a slow but inexorable death on computer browsers too. Accordingly, I am moving my entire site from Flash videos to MP4 based format. I am also creating Apps for my facial plastic surgery and hair restoration practice that will work on iPhone, iPad, Android and RIM platforms. Because Apple has introduced the human finger as the normal way to navigate the web on a smartphone or tablet, I am creating mobile web sites that are easily finger-driven to achieve that objective.

Trend #3

Implementing Electronic Medical Records Service I am trying: NexTech Starting in November 2011, my office has finally transitioned over to electronic medical records (EMR). At first, I thought that the transition would be very painful and that I would actually lose efficiency, especially since I take no insurance, and therefore, am ineligible for Obama’s kickback. However, I truly love the experience. The cluttered charts are no longer necessary and the time and space needed to handle them has been curtailed and is soon to be eliminated. The clarity of charting and accessibility are a wondrous boon to my practice. I do have a young lady on staff that helps me customize the EMR program on a daily basis. Without this level of tech support, I could imagine that EMR would be substantially more painful for other practices. I would highly recommend all offices to consider moving to EMR when it becomes feasible to do so in their practice.


Secrets of the Most

Successful Aesthetic Practices POST fall meeting course offered by expert consultant Karen Zupko! Offered the Saturday following our annual fall meeting in Washington DC

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Team attendance is your best investment. When everyone is “on the same page,” needed changes are more likely to occur. •  Plastic surgeons who want to develop and lead a top notch team. •  Managers eager to adapt and expand their skill set and knowledge. •  Patient Care Coordinators who are goal oriented with a desire to be great, not good.

HOW BENEFICIAL IS THIS SESSION? Look at it this way: If you schedule just one or two additional cases or noninvasive procedures a month – at an average of $5,000 – that’s additional revenue of between $60,000 and $120,000 a year. So, is the training worth it? You bet. Small investment, big payoff.

Washington DC – Sept. 8, 2012 University Club of Washington DC

Advanced registration is required; fax or register online at www.karenzupko.com. Faxing your registration holds your space for (5) business days while we await the receipts of your check payment or your credit card payment clears. Please make checks payable to KarenZupko & Associates, Inc. and mail to KarenZupko & Associates, Inc., 625 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2225, Chicago, IL 60611


Organization of Facial Plastic Surgery Assistants American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery OFPSA Membership Application Form Sept. 1, 2012 – Aug. 31, 2013 Name: Title: AAFPRS Sponsor Name: Practice Name: Practice Address: Practice Telephone: Practice Fax: E-mail*:

How Long in Position: Number of Staff: Number of Physicians:

*Please provide an email address, since OFPSA information and updates are sent via email.

Categories of Membership: Individual – $100 Office – $150 list below office members and their e-mail addresses included in this membership

Members shall be a dues paying representative of an active member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery who support the objective and purposes of the Organization. They shall enjoy all rights and privileges, duties, and obligations of membership in OFPSA. Annual dues shall be paid by the end of August of each year prior to the annual meeting. Checks should be made payable to American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery AAFPRS.

METHOD OF PAYMENT in U.S. dollars only Check enclosed made out to the AAFPRS Visa Mastercard American Express Card No. Exp. Security Code Signature Print Name on Card

Checks may be mailed to: AAFPRS P.O. Box 759019 Baltimore, MD 21275-9019 Credit Card Payments may be mailed to: 310 S. Henry Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Attn: Ann Jenne or faxed to 703-229-8898 31

For questions or to submit ideas for the next magazine, please contact: TRACY DRUMM OFPSA PRESIDENT 312.335.1700 OR TRACY@DRDAYAN.COM




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Articles or presentations signed by their authors express the views of those authors only and do not necessarily express official policy of the Academy and the OFPSA. The Academy does not necessarily endorse the products, programs, and services that appear in paid, non-AAFPRS, non-OFPSA advertisements.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.