Adolescents' Health Trainers Toolkit

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Adolescents' Health Trainers Toolkit Spread your wings.

Toolkit Coordinator: Malak Yasser

Acknowledgment: I would like to express my deepest thanks and gratitude for the work of each SWG member and for the continuous support from our marvelous NORA Ms.Shaimaa Adel , without whom this toolkit wouldn't have come to light. For all those who will have the chance to read, benefit and share what they have learnt from this toolkit and from the adolescents' health project , always remember to work for your goal and to do your best because you are all shining stars in the big SCORA sky.

Sincerely; Malak Yasser

SWG Coordinator

Malak Yasser

SWG Members

Abdulrahman Mustafa

Ahmed Khalawy

Mariam Bahaa

Muhammed Khaled

Ahmed Selema

About the toolkit: As the adolescents' health project is one of the biggest -topic wiseprojects, this toolkit is here to save you from being lost in the sea of information. The toolkit aims to introduce to each Adolescents' health trainer and facilitator an easy way to prepare his/her session and new ideas to include in each topic in order to enrich the content introduced. The main purpose of the toolkit is to lay out the objectives that should mainly be covered -annexed by resources-, in order to facilitate the searching process , including; Manuals, Videos, research papers and other resources that are of a great benefit. Along with each session is a section for activities that can be conducted throughout the session to ensure participants' engagement. In the end of the toolkit you will find a presentations folder included as an example and a resource for the most important sessions and you can freely use them in your sessions as well. I hope the toolkit helps you through your journey of being an extraordinary trainer.

Disclaimer: The team have made sure to look carefully through the resources in order to make sure they are trusted, scientifically based and relative to the topic and age group as well , to ensure that all the information we introduce to the members are scientific and evidence based. All the included manuals and presentations are as well trusted from international organizations and websites such as the WHO-UNCIEFNCBI and others. Some of the topics are a part of other projects such as; Gender Equality & Gender-based Violence- HIV, AIDS & Other STIs -Mental health and others, thus the objectives chosen are the ones relevant to the adolescents' age group. In regards to the sessions' presentations included in the end of the toolkit, they were created by the national coordinator- Ms.Malak Yasser- and are available for the use of SCORA trainers and facilitators in conducting Adolescents' Health Sessions and Workshops.

Tootkit content:

The toolkit includes all aspects covered in the adolescents health project:

Sexual health: Introduction to CSE Safe sex an STIs Masturabtion and wet dream Pornography Virginity Sexual desires Sexual consent Gender identity

4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15

Developmental and psychological health: Cognitive development theories "Piaget Theory" Moral development "Kohlberg Theory" Psychosexual development "Erik Erikson & Freud"

17 19 20

Physical and nutritional health: Puberty and related misconceptions Menstrual hygiene and vaginal discharges Self-hygiene Physical activity


23 26 28 29

Tootkit content:

Nutritional health and eating disorders Chronic diseases in adolescents

30 31

Psychosocial and social norms: Parent-teen relationship Relationships Harassment and bullying Body image and body shaming Interpersonal violence Maladaptive behaviors

34 35 37 40 41 43

Other aspects of health: Adolescents' Mental Health Educational pressure Social media & Adolescents

Prepared Presentations


45 47 48


Sexual Health Introduction to CSE Safe sex an STIs Masturabtion and wet dream Pornography Virginity Sexual desires Sexual consent Gender identity


1-Introduction to CSE Objectives: 1-What is CSE? 2-What are the aspects or key concepts CSE includes? 3-How can CSE be implemented in the teen community and how can it benefit them? 4-Debunking myths about adolescents' sexuality. d1xTwUqM5/view?usp=sharing Activities: Divide the participants to 3 groups each with a topic of CSE and make them brainstorm on the best way they would introduce it to a teen group. Use cinematic scenes from Egyptian Movies to point out how the culture acts with different aspects of CSE. On a flipchart write down the 6 key concepts of CSE and write the topics on sticky notes and stick them all around the room and the participants get one and stick it in the right key concept.


2-Safe sex and STIs Objectives: 1-What is safe sex? 2-Means of safe sex and different methods? 3-Safe or unsafe practice? “An activity”. 4-Classification of STIs. 5-Symptoms and treatment of STIs.

Activities: Pre-assessment by asking True or False questions on the audience and who he thinks the answer is true goes to the right side and the answer is no goes to the left side. Mention different types of sex practices and make the participants guess if it's safe or not.


3-Wet dreams and Masturbation Objectives: 1-What are wet dreams”nocturnal emissions” and when do they happen? 2-"Myth or fact" about wet dreams. 3-What is masturbation? 4-[Psychologically normal and health neutral], Medicine point of view. on-side-effects 5-Benefits and harms of masturabtion.


Activities: Using a flipchart, write down a comparison between benefits and harms of masturbation and take answers from participants. Divide the participants into two and conduct the debate between them. Using wooclap or menti give them a quiz of true or false on masturbation and wet dreams.


4-Pornography Objectives: 1-What is pornography? 2-Statistics about pornography worldwide. 3-Signs of pornography addiction and how to overcome it? Activities: Use videos to make a discussion and brainstorm with the members. A situation analysis , by dividing the attendees to 3 groups each with a situation to analyze and present the best possible solution.


Example on situations: 1-A father entered his son’s room and he was surprised by his son watching porn how could he deal with this situation? 2- Your adolescent friend complained to you that he was addicted to pornography, what can you do to help him ? 3- We are medical students and are going in a physical campaign to raise awareness about pornography addiction, how can we deliver the issue to adolescent or teens in schools?


5-Virginty Objectives: 1-Virginity definition. What Is Virginity & The Hymen? | Losing Your Virginity ( 2-Virginity Myths & Facts. "An activity" 7 Virginity Myths and What You Should Know Instead ( 3-Hymen definition & Types. Definition and types: Diagrams (To be used in the methodology mentioned below):

4-Virginity in Social Norms.


Activities: Use videos to make a discussion and brainstorm with the members. A myth or a fact , draw a line on the floor and right is for fact and left for myth then ask questions on virginty and make the participants move to the side they think is right. A situation analysis , by dividing the attendees to 3 groups each with a situation to analyze and present the best possible solution. Example: 1. A girl is being forced to have a virginity examination how can you as a physician elaborate to her what virginty is and the different types of hymen? 2. A father is asking you how he can find out if his daughter is a virgin because she is about to get married, how can you explain to him what virginty is? 3. A husband is coming to you accusing his wife that she is not a virgin because she didn't bleed at the first night , how can you correct this misconceptions to him?


6-Sexual Desires Objectives: 1-What is sexual desire or "Libido"? Sexual desire is a motivational state and an interest in sexual objects or activities, or as a wish, or drive to seek out sexual objects or to engage in sexual activities. Sexual desire is an aspect of a person’s sexuality which varies significantly from one person to another, and also varies depending on circumstances at a particular time. Not every person experiences sexual desire. 2-How sexual desire is formed and factors affecting it? 3-Comparison between men and women's sexual desire? Examples: Men think more about sex.


Men seek sex more avidly. Women's sexual turn-ons are more complicated than men's. Women's sex drives are more influenced by social and cultural factors Women take a less direct route to sexual satisfaction. Women experience orgasms differently than men. Women's libidos seem to be less responsive to drugs. Not every person experiences sexual desire; those who do not experience it may be labelled asexual.

4-How to handle sexual desire as an adolescent ? Activities: Fact/Fiction: At the end,Individuals or small groups develop a series of true or false statements based on the information covered. Once the statements are written, participants exchange lists and then attempt to identify which statements are true and which are false.


7-Sexual Consent Objectives:

1-Important definitions (e.g. consent, coercion, assault, rape). 6mew6CV/view?usp=sharing 2-Consent basics. erstanding-consent-is-as-easy-as-fries-consent 3-Sexual Consent.

Activities: Use this video as a start to brainstorm with the participants and extract main definitions on consent. Video: (307) Tea Consent - YouTube


8-Gender Identity Objectives: 1-Differentiate between gender, sex, and sexual orientation. 2-Define gender identity and expression. 3-Enumerate different examples of genders . 4-Enumerate different types of sexual orientations. 5-Define gender dysphoria and compare it to gender nonconformity. Activities: The think and match game : By giving the participants different definitions or flags and their corresponding words/meaning and have them try to match it correctly .


Developmental and Psychological health Cognitive development theories "Piaget Theory" Moral development "Kohlberg Theory" Psychosexual development "Erik Erikson & Freud Theory"


1-Cognitive Development Theories Objectives: 1-Meaning of cognitive development. edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=mspresentation (page 38-39) 2-Cognitive development stages “Piaget theory”. 3-Point out most common changes from previous stages. edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=mspresentation 4-Difference between boys and girls. ER/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=mspresentation (page 42) 5-Common risky behaviors that may occur. ER/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=mspresentation (Page 44-45)


Activity: [Practice Makes Perfect] Trainer asks the class to form two concentric circles, with each person facing a partner. With the first partner, they share their answers to this question: “What has changed the most in the way you make decisions since you were an adolescent until now?", Once each partner has given an answer, the inner circle rotates one person clockwise, and the new partners discuss the same question. Finally, in small groups, ask participants to generate a series of learning points to help them retain the skills they learn from that particular class.


2-Moral Development Theory Objectives: 1-Define the levels of moral development and their timing throughout life. hapter/kohlbergs-stages-of-moral-development/ 2-Discuss the main stage that happens during adolescence. Activities: Create an open discussion with the participants on how we can pass the negative effect of wronged moral development and how the community affects that.


3-Psychosexual Development Theory "Erik Erikson & Freud" Objectives: 1-To know the meaning of “libido/Sexual Desire”. 2-To discuss the stages of psychological development. 3-To realize each value that evolves during each stage. /view?usp=sharing 4-To identify the stages of psychosexual development and what normally happens in each stage. 20proposed%20that%20personality%20development,different%20par ts%20of%20the%20body. 5-To realize the effect of wronged development in each stage and how it will appear later in life. 6-Identify the phrases ``Id- Ego- Superego '' and how it forms the self. 7-To discuss the meaning of identity status theory.


Activites Discuss the stages of psychological development after watching the video and brainstorm with participants. Divide the participants into 4 groups and give each 2 values and have them guess in which stage of psychological development it belongs. Ask the participants which stage of identity crisis theory is best and create a discussion between them.


Physical and nutritional health Puberty and related misconceptions. Menstrual hygiene and vaginal discharges. Self-hygiene. Physical activity. Nutritional health and eating disorders. Chronic diseases in adolescents.


1-Puberty & related misconceptions Objectives: 1-Identification of Male and Female Reproductive Systems and the hormones released from it and it’s MOA. 2-Definition of Puberty. ekbIr/view?usp=sharing 3-Features of physical growth in boys and Girls (Adolescent growth spurt, Pubertal development, Weight gain, Factors affecting it, Features of growth in each stage of Adolescence). 4-Impact of Early and late Maturation in boys and Girls. BrGO/view?usp=sharing 5-Abnormal Puberty in boys and girls. 6-External and Internal Changes In Boys and Girls and their concerns.


7-Myths and Misconceptions (Masturbation, hormone-driven need for sex, Penis sizes, Premature ejaculation in Males and Menstruation irregularities, Vaginal discharges, Breast sizes, hymen and Virginity in Females). Activites: Divide the boys and girls into separate groups and make the boys write down the puberty changes in girls and vice versa and one of each group will present.


Give each participant a sticky note and make them write down a myth about puberty that they used to believe was right for a long time during their teen years. Discuss with the participants the effect of social norms and society on changes that occur during puberty whether it was negative or positive.


2-Menstural hygiene & Vaginal discharges Objectives: 1-Menstrual Hygiene Tips. _yTwJcbLlaYewQNPQ3qLCg/edit 2- Menstrual hygiene materials. 3-Vaginal odor & normal Vaginal discharges (Menstrual changes). 4-Abnormal Vaginal discharges. 5-When to see a doctor?


Activites: Using colored paper make an artistic work with different colors of vaginal discharge with important notes under each on what it indicates. Using visual aids show the participants different menstrual hygienic materials and what is better used in each situation.


3-Self-hygiene Objectives: 1-Self-hygiene for girls/women. 2-Self-hygiene for boys/men. 3-Sex organs hygiene (Dos and Don’ts). 4-Pubic and Armpit hygiene. 5-Myths about Self-hygiene. Activities: Do's or Don'ts activity on hygiene with sex organs. Use flipcharts and sticky notes while explaining myths.


4-Physical Activity Objectives: 1-What is meant by physical activity? 2-Effect of physical activity on adolescents. _physical_activity_and_health_a_systematic_review 3-Bad effect of physical inactivity on adolescents. 67808 Activities: Suggested methods are using visuals or flipcharts.


5-Nutritional Health & eating disorders Objectives: 1-To discuss different nutritional needs of adolescents and most common unhealthy nutritional behaviors “through a game”. 2-Most common eating disorders between teens. Activities: El-Abakeraa Game ‫ﻟﻌﺒﺔ اﻟﻌﺒﺎﻗﺮة‬: By turning your first objective into questions , divide your participants into 2 teams and start asking the questions just as in the Abakeraa game and give points to the winning team."Questions can be found in the presentation in the end"


6-Chronic Diseases in Adolescents Objectives: 1-Statistics about chronic disease in adolescents. About 2 million adolescents (6% of persons aged 10-18 years) in the United States have a chronic health condition that results in limitation of daily activities or disability.

2-Defining chronic disease in adolescence.

3-Most common chronic diseases in adolescents.

4-The treatment and management of chronic conditions during adolescence. 95704/en/

5-How to get help when your teenager has a chronic health condition.


Activites: The World Wide Web Review: The trainer uses mind-mapping theory for a review technique that’s called “World Web.” She separates participants into 2 groups then assigns each group an object discussed in class , and designates a scribe to write the object in the center of the poster with a box or bubble around it. When The trainer says begin, each team has two minutes to “web” or branch off that object to any related characteristics or points they can recall from the session. When the two minutes are up, each team starts to discuss the object .


Psychosocial health and social norms Parent-teen relationship Relationships Harassment and bullying Body image and body shaming Interpersonal violence Maladaptive behaviors


1-Parent-teen relationship Objectives: 1-To identify the main changes that happen to both teens and their parents during adolescence. 2-Know the factors affecting the course of the relationship. 3-To identify the circle of healthy or unhealthy conflicts between parent and teen. Wav0KjY/view?usp=sharing Activities: Make sure to make the session open and a safe space in order to share with the participants life experiences and how they worked out their conflicts with their parents.


2-Relationships Objectives: 1-Identify the importance of human relationships and enumerate the major types of interpersonal relationships. 2-Give an overview of personality and how it affects interpersonal relationships. 3-Define friendship, characteristics of a good friendship, differentiating between friendships across the life cycle [could be explained in conjunction with the Erik Erikson model of development], addressing gender differences in friendships, and difficulties that face a friendship. 4- Define the triangular theory of love, and the different types of love.


5- An overview of familial theories in sociology, functions of family, different types of familial relationships, how family can affect us negatively or positively, stages of family life, and toxic familial relationships. 6-An overview on conflicts in relationships, the nature, course, and outcomes of conflicts. 7- An overview of toxic relationships, signs of toxic relationships, how to avoid being a toxic person, and how to deal with toxic people.

Activites: Make each participant say 3 fundamental things he/she must find in a relationship and 3 thing they think are trivial for them. On a flip chart write "Toxic relationship" and give participants sticky notes and let them write whatever they think make a relationship toxic and stick it.


3-Harrasment & Bullying Objectives: 1-Def. of Harassment and Bullying (similarities and differences). 2-Types and Forms of Harassment and Bullying. 3-Prevalence in Egypt.


4-Causes (Society Attitudes and Roles). 5-Impact on Victims and how to deal with them. 6-Prevention & Reporting. 7-Services and Laws to prevent harassment in Egypt.


Activities: Present a cinematic short movie regarding bullying and harassment and start asking the participants how do they feel, how do they think that affacted the teenagre? Using flipcharts draw symbolic drawings for different types of bullying and start explaining. Divide the the participants into 2 groups giving each a situation one is considered bullying and the other not , and make each group form a defender and prosecutor as in a court. Brainstorm with the participants on different means and methods that can prevent harrassment and bullying.


4-Body Image & body shaming Objectives: 1-Definition of body image and its history. 2-Effect of social media on body image (positive and negative). 3-Body image and depression & statistics. 4-Dealing with body image and self esteem. Activites: By creating a safe space between participants make each write down an experience that happened to him/her and read them anonymously - for those who prefer to give their papers-


5-Interpersonal Violence Objectives:

1-Definition and Types.

2-Scope of the problem.

3-Warning signs of Abuse.

4-Impact on Victims and it’s long term health effects (Role of GPs).

5-Confidential services to those affected by interpersonal violence. 6-Emergency help.

7-Attitude of the Community & Society. 8-Prevention by Victim Recognition and Treatment (Role of GPs).


Activites: The guessing game , give each participant a paper with one of the warning signs of abuse and don't let them show their papers to each other. Then each participants will act out what's written in his/her paper and the others will guess what does it mean. To make it more hard let them act without using words. Make a discussion between the members of the role of community in abuse and violence whether it's negative or positive impact.


6-Maladaptive Behaviors Objectives: 1-Knowing the definition of maladaptive behavior of adolescents. Maladaptive behaviors are those that stop you from adapting to new or difficult circumstances. They can start after a major life change, illness, or traumatic event. It could also be a habit you picked up at an early age. 2-Examples and types of maladaptive behaviors of adolescents. 3-Causes of maladaptive behaviors. 4-Treatment of maladaptive behaviors.

Activites: Ask the participants what do they know about maladaptive behaviors, and make them put sticky notes on a flipchart for examples and contributing factors. The trainer asks participants to write about how they prefer to get instruction and orders from their parents in their adolescence . At the end of the game we can understand why teens struggle to bond with their parents.


Other aspects of health Adolescents' Mental Health. Educational pressure. Social media & Adolescents.


1-Adolescents' Mental Health Objectives: 1-Main psychological and mental changes that occur during adolescence - covered in the psychological theories of development-. 2-Most common mental health disorders occurring during adolescence and their prevalence. 3-Common symptoms and signs that appear during mental illness. 4-How to reach out and how to give psychological first aid. 5-Do's and Don'ts with someone having mental health issue. lnesses,people%20aged%2015%E2%80%9324%20years 6-Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents’ mental health.


Activities: Divide the participants into 3 groups each with a situation as; 1. You find a friend of yours with cutting marks on his/her wrist but he/she is trying to hid it, what will your approach be? 2. You enter a room and find a colleague crying hysterically on the floor, what will you do? 3. One friend sends you a massage saying he/she is going through a really hard time and thinking of committing suicide due to deep family issues, what will you say to him/her? Give each participant a sentence or a comment of the "Do's and Don'ts and have them guess if it is right or wrong to say to someone having mental issues. Divide the participants into 2 teams and make each make a short role play regarding mental health in teens making sure to cover; causes, effect and how the surrounding contribute to that.


2-Educational Pressure Objectives:

1-The impact of online education on adolescents due to COVID-19. Youth.pdf

2-Effect of non-go to school on their mental health.

3-The risks involved in studying online at home.

4-How to deal with this pressure. Activites: Doing a discussion and asking the audience about their teenage siblings and if they notice a change in their siblings when they attend school and during that time at home due to COVID-19 and making a comparison.


3-Social Media & Adolescents Objectives: 1-Effect of social media on adolescents.

2-Statistics on social media use by teens.

3-Benefits and harms of increasing social media use.

4-Main mental health effects of social media.

5-How to limit social media use? “An open discussion”. Activities: By dividing the participants into two groups create a debate, while one side is with parents' limitation to social media use amongst their children and the other team is is against that.


Presentations for sessions:

For the presentation click on the picture


"Adolescence represents an inner emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human wish to cling to the past and the equally powerful wish to get on with the future." - Louise J. Kaplan


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