IFMSA-Egypt End Term Report 2017/2018

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End Term Report 20172018

End Term Report 20172018

Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Message from the President Introduction to IFMSA-Egypt IFMSA-Egypt Team of Officials 2017/2018 Local Committees Partners IFMSA-Egypt Meeting IFMSA-Egypt Representation in IFMSA Standing Committee on Professional Exchange/ Standing Committee on Research Exchange 9. Standing Committee on Public Health 10. Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS 11. Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace 12. Standing Committee on Medical Education 13. Projects Support Division 14. Capacity Building (Training Support Division) 15. Publications and New Technologies Support Division

End Term Report 20172018

Message from the President Dear Medical Students in Egypt & IFMSA-Egypt Family, On behalf of IFMSA-Egypt Team of Officials, it gives me great pride and honor to present to you IFMSA-Egypt End Term Report for the term 2017/2018. The 30th of September 2017, marks the end of a journey of 15 motivated medical students whom spared no effort to serve you and this Federation. We are hereby, thanking you for trusting us and providing with a life changing experience, and wishing the best for the next term team of officials, whom will continue our efforts and will invest all their efforts to serve, empower and inspire Medical Students in Egypt. Throughout this term, IFMSA-Egypt has worked hard in the fields of Professional & Research Exchange, Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Medical Education and Human Rights and Peace. In this report, we are sharing with you IFMSA-Egypt; mission, vision, teams, local committees and all our work and achievements that took place by medical students all over Egypt from the 1st of October 2017 till 30th of September 2018. Last but not least, we hope to have provided you with the IFMSA-Egypt you want and have been up to your expectations. We will always be available for IFMSA-Egypt and for all medical students in Egypt. Finally, we wish the best for the next team of Officials for the term 2018/2019. On behalf of IFMSA-Egypt Team of Officials 2017/2018, IFMSA-Egypt President 2017/2018 Ahmed Taha.

End Term Report 20172018

IFMSA-Egypt in Brief IFMSA-Egypt is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit student-run organization that represents more than 80,000 Medical Students all over Egypt. IFMSA-Egypt is represented through more than 4500 Medical Students in 25 Local Committees in the following Medical Schools: Azhar-Assiut , Ain Shams, Alexandria, Assuit, Aswan, AzharCairo , Benha, Beni Sweif, Damietta, Fayoum, Helwan, Kasr ElAiny, Kafr El-Shiekh, Kena, October 6th, Masr University for Science & Technology, Mansoura, Menofia, Menia, New Giza, Sohag, Port Said, Suez Canal, Tanta and Zagazig.

Our mission in IFMSA-Egypt is to offer future Egyptian Physicians a comprehensive introduction to global health issues by taking part in the international medical students’ community to broaden their spectrum and reach their full potential. Our themes cover all major Health topics and Medical-students-related interests and they are: Public Health, Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS, Human Right & Peace, Medical Education and Professional & Research Exchange. Consequently, the goal of the federation is to serve society and medical students all over Egypt through its member organizations by: • •

Empowering medical students to use their knowledge and capacities for the benefit of society. Providing a forum for medical students throughout Egypt to discuss topics related to individual and community health issues, education and science and to formulate policies from such discussions, as well. Promoting and facilitating professional and scientific exchanges as well as projects and extracurricular trainings for medical students, thereby sensitizing them to other cultures and societies and their health problems. Providing a link between members, medical students’ associations within Egypt and international organizations, and to encourage the cooperation between them for the ultimate benefit of society.

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End Term Report 20172018

Local Committees IFMSA-Egypt has been growing and now we are proud to be present in 25 medical Schools in Egypt in 18 Governorates

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End Term Report 20172018

Our Partners

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IFMSA-Egypt General Assemblies for the Term 2017/2018 1st GA, October 2017 Hosted by AMSA-Azhar Cairo

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2nd GA and Winter Camp, February 2018 Hurghada

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3rd GA, April 2018 Hosted by MSSA-Menofia

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4th GA, September 2018 Hosted by SSS-Kasr el Ainy, Cairo

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Representation with IFMSA

IFMSA-Egypt is a full National Member Organization of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) which is the only official body of Medical Students worldwide, it was founded in May 1951 and currently it is made up of 137 National Member Organizations from more than 100 Countries spanning the 6 continents. IFMSA is officially recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations (UN) and it is also recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the official international forum for medical students. For more information about IFMSA, press here. IFMSA-Egypt has been represented with delegations in all IFMSA Meetings; EMR14 Morocco, August Meeting 2018 Montreal and was honored to be the host of March Meeting 2018 Egypt. Within IFMSA, IFMSA-Egypt had members, for the term 2017/2018, as; o Abdelrahman Adly (SCORE Regional Assistant for EMR) o Omnia El Omrani (SCOPH Regional Assistant for EMR) o Menna ElRefaay (SCORP Regional Assistant for EMR) o Mahmoud Masoud (CB Regional Assistant for EMR) o Lina Hassanien (SCOME Developmental Assistant) o Ahmed Saleh (Gender Based Violence Program Coordinator) o Mohab Orz (MSI Content Editor)

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Eastern Mediterranean Regional Meeting 2018, Morocco

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March Meeting 2018, Egypt

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August Meeting 2018, Egypt

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Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE)/Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE) IFMSA- Egypt First Incoming Marketing Campaign: Our incoming marketing campaign with the slogan, Explore the Key of Life, started as soon as the term started with discussions and outline and timeline setting in the 1st GA and was implemented throughout the term with several phases starting with assigning a coordinator and a team to work on the campaign. The campaign was successful was successful to an extent that brought a nearly 50% increase in our Quota this year.

End Term Report 20172018

End Term Report 20172018

Outgoing Marketing Campaign: This year our outgoing campaign with the slogan, An Exchange For Life, A Memory To Thrive, was one of kind where participation in all LCs was very high that nearly all contracts were assigned to students and even more with minimal amount of cancellations. The campaign started by the start of the term by assigning a coordinator and discussing the outline and timeline in the first GA. Then It was implemented for nearly a month were all LCs participated.

End Term Report 20172018

IFMSA-Egypt First Exchange Fair Our first ever National Exchange fair took place in April during the 3rd IFMSA-Egypt GA in Menoufia were each LC participated by showing more details about their cities’ exchange by providing materials that show off their academic quality, social programs as well as the trips they organize. This fair came in a manner of implementing the international SCOPE standards of exchange activities in the IFMSA GAs on the National scale to provide for our region and the IFMSA how IFMSA-Egypt is leading in the Exchange worldwide as well as the other standing committees.

End Term Report 20172018

IFMSA-Egypt Exchange Booth during EMR14 Exchange Fair IFMSA-Egypt represented its exchanges regarding all aspects during the exchange fair held in the EMR14, Morocco exchange sessions by the collaboration of the National Exchange Officers, Nasr, Naggar & Amr as well as other exchange members attending the Exchange sessions during the meeting. We used a poster which was prepared before the EMR with materials and souvenirs showing all aspects of our exchange and promoting our country in the best possible way. IFMSA-Egypt Exchange Booth during MM18 Exchange Fair IFMSA-Egypt Exchanges were again represented in the MM18 Exchange Fair on a wider scale with a larger audience where more materials and souvenirs where brought in preparation for our quota. Collaboration between the National Officers and the exchange members during the meeting was fruitful were we already started setting plans for the quota and achieving preliminary contracts deals with several NMOs

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IFMSA Egypt Exchange Booth during AM18 Exchange Fair and Contracts Fair. Months of preparations prior to the AM18 as well as disseminating our Incomings Marketing Campaign as wide as possible ended up with an amazing representation of our exchanges and an extraordinary quota with more than 255 SCOPE contracts and more than 120 SCORE contracts. Thanks to the amazing efforts of the whole hierarchy of IFMSA-Egypt Exchange starting by the exchange teams’ members and contact persons, LEOs, National Coordinators and the National Officers who spared no efforts to provide the best Image for our exchanges that lead us to such one of a kind quota. IFMSA-Egypt Exchange Activities and Trainings. IFMSA-Egypt National Exchange Officers where so keen to provide as much trainings as possible during the exchange sessions in each NGA as trainings for contact persons and for LEOs on how to prepare for the exchange seasons and how to provide a high-quality exchange, which had its impact on our quota, as well as many other trainings in different aspects of the exchanges. Also, LC visits to support the exchange teams in every LC specially during the preparations for the summer season providing Pre-Departure Trainings as well Upon-Arrival Trainings.

End Term Report 20172018

IFMSA-Egypt Summer National Weekends Ă˜ July NWE- Siwa Ă˜ August NWE- Dahab A national trip to Siwa during the third week of July and another one to Dahab during the last week of August were held by the organization of 2 different National OCs under the supervision of the NEO-In where the structure of the OC was changed with the NEO-In as a treasurer. Both trips included a lot of activities that were not usual to IFMSA-Egypt previous NWEs and with a participation of around 50 students for each trip. Both trips where media covered by IFMSA-Egypt talented photographers through photos and videos. Both trips as well came up with a profit that was added to the budget of IFMSAEgypt after adopting the financial reports prepared by the NEO-In for both trips.

End Term Report 20172018

Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) World Diabetes Day On the 17th of November 2017, IFMSA-Egypt carried out a celebration for the WDD which was hosted by NGUMA - New Giza University. The main aim of that event is to raise awareness and about diabetes on the premises of New Giza University of NGUMA. as well as a mass screening for diabetes for the attendees. The attendees were about 375 members. (16 Local Committees and one Organization)

End Term Report 20172018

Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) Training of Trainers On the 24th of February 2018, IFMSA-Egypt carried out an AMR TOT hosted by TSSATanta. This training targets mainly capacity building to ensure sustainability of the project in the upcoming years. Moreover, the trainers would be eager to constantly ensure that their knowledge and skills are up to date to give AMR workshops whenever needed. The attendees were about 30 members from different LCs. Trainers were then given certificates to certify that they are AMR advocators and represent the project in their respective local committees.

Caritas Egypt Collaboration A health promotion program that took place during May 2018 in cooperation with Caritas Egypt to promote health seeking behavior between the asylum seekers and refugees community. It took place in Alexandria, Damietta and Mansoura where we discussed public health issues such as Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Personal Hygiene, health diet and antibiotic resistance.

End Term Report 20172018

BADELHA Badelha is a campaign initiated by EgNCDA; a NCDs alliance that IFMSA-Egypt is part of. It started in Ramadan 2018, where campaigns took place to encourage people to replace smoking habit with other healthier charity and community-helping habits. Our members joined in these campaigns every Monday and Tuesday for the holy month of Ramadan in 57357 hospital and ended by a celebration that took place in "Republican Guards Club" in Cairo to mark World No Tobacco Day; the day included "Iftar" and activities about smoking for children from different orphanages and a "Sohoor" for different organizations participating in this initiative.

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End Term Report 20172018

World Cancer Day 57357 Visit took place in March 2018. 15 IFMSA Egypt members joined the visit, where they attended a session on cancer, where they were provided with more information on this topic and were allowed to ask questions to understand more. Finally, a video was shot with one of the doctors there, where she provided basic information about the topic

End Term Report 20172018

World Hepatitis Day On 28th of July 2018 IFMSA-Egypt carried out a celebration for WHD at Al Azhar Park in coordination with the World Health Organization where the members established awareness campaigns about Hepatitis c. We finally could approach about 1000 person with our message. Additionally, at the end of the day there was a Marathon in which our members participated.

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End Term Report 20172018

Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS (SCORA)

HIV & WAC: - HIV/AIDS Workshop by UNAIDS: at the early beginning of the term we had the chance to have a funded workshop by UNAIDS Egypt for our members “25 members” - UNAIDS Booth: We participated actively with UNAIDS Egypt in organizing a booth in one of their events - Post Exposure Prophylaxis workshop by UNAIDS & WHO We attended workshop discussing Post Exposure Prophylaxis as an invitation by WHO and UNADIS Egypt

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World AIDS Day celebration with Arab League Run on 1st of December with UNAIDS

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Religious Leaders Role meeting with UNAIDS


World AIDS Day celebration 2017 at Diplomatic Club

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Consultation HIV/AIDS Related Stigma & Discrimination in Health Care Settings

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Promoting sexual and reproductive health for women living with HIV/AIDS

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Breast Cancer: - Run for a cause - Breast Health workshop by wafi Center FGM: - The Girls Generation training about FGM - Anti-FGM Workshop “ Funded with NGOs Union “

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Adolescence Health: - Celebration with Love matters on 10th of December for the 16 days of activism - CSE Workshop

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Child Abuse Prevention: - Training with Save the Children - GBV Workshop with Plan international

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General: - UNFPA workshop attended by 3 IFMSA-Egypt members - Make Sense workshop with UNFPA

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Caritas HIV Project Closing in Ain Sokhna


Sexual & Reproductive health training by Plan International for doctors International Day of Zero Tolerance ( OC & Attendance ) - International Women’s Day Celebration
 Zero Discrimination Day “ Movie Screening “ Family Planning Workshop in the Pre Winter Camp

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Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) Disaster Medicine Workshop in the Pre-Winter Camp

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Mental Health and Psychological First Aid Workshop in Summer Camp

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Mental Health Project “conjoint with SCOPH� -A national workshop was hosted by FMSA-Fayoum for 2 days and had different sessions. -A national online campaign was held for 5 days.

-Local awareness campaigns were held in different LCs.

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Together Against Stigma Project -A national workshop was hosted by MSSA-Menofia.

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-A national online campaign was held to raise awareness about how to deal with the blind, declaring blind people rights and showing some blind celebrities.

- Physical awareness campaigns were held in different LCs.


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End Term Report 20172018

Home-mates Project -This term’s target was: SDG No.3 “Good Health and Wellbeing” and No. 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation” -A national workshop was hosted by SCMSA-Suez Canal and there were sessions conducted by AIESEC-Egypt and Life From Water.

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-A national online campaign was held for 4 days including videos and posts about people’s awareness about SDGs and our previous activities regarding them.

-Many physical campaigns and medical convoys were held in different villages.

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Local Activities Blood Donation Campaigns:

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Cancer Patient Reinforcement:

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Child Abuse Prevention:

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International Human Rights Day Celebration:

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Share Your Inside “Peace Project”:

Local SCORP Camps:

End Term Report 20172018

Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) Towards Better Medical Education: The medical education process aims mainly to generate a competent, accountable doctor who is able to meet our community needs with a strong base of knowledge and skills. In Egypt, most of the medical schools are going with the traditional discipline-based system and using out-of-date curricula and biased methods of assessment. The teaching methods depend mainly on theoretical lectures with minimal levels of clinical exposure of students. On the other hand, medical students in Egypt don’t play their role in the medical education development process. Most of them don’t pay much attention to the quality of their education and its accreditation, and they are not oriented about their importance. In this project, we propose ideas and plans to empower the Egyptian medical students to be an active participant in the education development process. This way, we can achieve the utmost goal of the medical education process. The project shall reach its desired target in two ways; The first is to put the medical students in the right track as a major stakeholder, together with the medical education administrators. And the second is to capacitate the medical students and orient them about the core values of the medical education. This was Achieved through: 1- Online Campaign:

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2- National Medical Education Camp

3- The Medical Education Forum – Late September

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Evidence Based Medicine: Link: Curricula are now an integral part of medical education which are taught in various formats and to students of various medical disciplines, defined as the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. EBM teaching usually takes the form of journal clubs or encouraging residents to use EBM summaries of original articles. Both have significant limitations. Residents and other physicians recognize that understanding statistics is important for interpreting results. Unfortunately, they report low self confidence in this area reflected by studies that show poor skills. Aim: It aims at integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systemic research and patient values to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

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End Term Report 20172018

First Aid for All: Link Learning First Aid can save lives. Everyone can learn First Aid and everyone should. That’s why we aim to help people realize the importance of First Aid. As stated by the British Red Cross," Every year in the UK, thousands of people die or seriously injured in accidents. Many of these accidents could be prevented if first aid is given before emergency services arrive". So, first aid can mean the difference between life and death, rapid versus prolonged recovery, and temporary versus permanent disability. So we want to teach everyone simple, lifesaving skills through our project. We will not only address how to deal with the different injuries: wounds, cuts, burns, accidents ... etc. but we address the ways and techniques of prevention. The project aims at increasing medical students’ knowledge about First aid & its importance through Building a well-trained team of medical students about the essentials of first aid and organizing local workshops in different medical schools to increase the knowledge of students about first aid. Then, spreading the awareness of essential, basic first aid skills among non-medical population, mainly school students & teachers and non-medical college students through wide physical and online awareness campaigns.

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Capacity Building within SCOME Training Medical Education Trainers(TMET) This is the second TMET to occur in Egypt yes, but this is the FIRST TMET for IFMSAEgypt SCOMEdians purely. The aim of this workshop was to provide all LCs in IFMSAEgypt with Medical Education Trainers to carry on the torch of Medical Education Capacity Building for years to come. And WE DID IT!!!

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SCOME Webinars.

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Trainers Database and Tracking System:

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SCOME Manual.

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SCOME International Representation: Winning EMR Presentation Fair with “Towards Better Medical Education Project.

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Anti-Microbial Resistance Non-Communicable Diseases Safe Liver Adolescents’ Health Anti-FGM Child Abuse Prevention Mr. & Ms. Breastestis Evidence-Based Medicine Towards Better Medical Education Home-mates Together Against Stigma Mental Health First Aid For All

IFMSA-Egypt 1st National Weekend: In coordination with the TO and stepping our first phase towards improvement & to ensure effectiveness of the National Team. Our aim was to prepare the National Team including National Projects’ Coordinators & National Assistants by providing them with all skills needed.

End Term Report 20172018

• Projects’ Management Workshop “Projects’ Management, Monitoring & Evaluation” Workshop was conducted during the IFMSA-Egypt 8th Winter Camp and there are 28 Certified IFMSA-Egypt Projects’ Managers added to the results of the workshop. Projects’ Management Workshops were conducted in IFMSA-Egypt General Assemblies throughout the term.

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• Projects’ Management in Local Committees “Projects’ Management, Monitoring & Evaluation” Workshops were conducted in many Local Committees throughout the term by Certified IFMSA & IFMSA-Egypt Projects’ Managers to ensure improvement of local activities’ implementation and effectiveness. • Monitoring & Evaluation of Projects Making sure with all National Officers & National Coordinators with their teams that all phases were implemented in a right way and according to the adopted plan & timeline. Monitoring was conducted in the form of following up with the National Coordinators that everything was done smooth and Evaluation was done through regular reports.

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• IFMSA-Egypt Projects’ Management Manual Kit It was our pleasure to introduce the 1st Manual Kit for IFMSA-Egypt Project Managers. In Coordination with Certified and Experienced IFMSA-Egypt Project Managers. All we hope is to help you in conducting Project Management Sessions and know how to deliver any project successfully. This Manual is produced for those who want to develop projects and who are able to refer to their own experience and own project.

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• IFMSA-Egypt Projects’ Bank A drive folder full of all documents regarding IFMSA-Egypt Projects including: Proposals, Annual Timeline Plan and other important documents that will ensure smooth handover and great reference for IFMSA-Egypt. • Activities’ Fair & Activities’ Presentation Competition They were done during IFMSA-Egypt 8th Winter Camp in January, 3rd GA in April and EndTerm GA in September, 2018. Quality Assurance of Local Committees Activities through allowing Activities’ Coordinators such an opportunity to show their projects/activities at any phase and introduce their activities to the other members of IFMSA-Egypt, gain the inputs for further development of the activity on wider scale through an exhibition of activities.

End Term Report 20172018

Training Support Division

IFMSA Egypt 1st National Weekend: The idea for the NW, hosted by ASSA Alexandria, came when the TO saw the importance of prepping the national teams for the term from assistants to project coordinators to help bring some top notch work throughout the term.

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Regional Camps: As a part of covering up the shortage in the trainers: members ratio we started up our own series of regional camps to graduate local trainers to help with the capacity building in their local committees 2 Regional Camps were held one in Upper Egypt hosted by ASSA Assuit, and one in Delta region held in Port Said.

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SWG: As a part of keeping the trainers in IFMSA involved in every step in the process came the idea of starting a series of SWG to serve IFMSA Egypt and at the same time keep them with the international trends of SWGs. Started the series with the very first IFMSA Starter Pack that would help with the capacity building of new members in every LC and was followed by 4 more.

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Trainers’ database and Google Drive: For the very first time an up to date database with every single trainer there ever was and their current statues.

Setting up IFMSA Egypt Google drive that will facilitate the handover for the upcoming terms with every file needed for the division.

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TNT Workshop in IFMSA Egypt Winter Camp Graduating 31 AMAZING new trainers who have been roaming Egypt an heling with the capacity building in the different LCs.

NGAs: Applying a new registration, monitor & evaluation in the National GAs and trying to increase the capacity as much as possible at the same time ensuring the quality.

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IFMSA 1st Summer Camp: In IFMSA Egypt first Summer Camp the Capacity Building Division held a TOT after a very long time where IFMSA Egypt trainers went through a series of advanced sessions to upgrade their skills.

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Publications and New Technologies Support Division 1- SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGNS DESIGNS Breast Cancer Campaign We held a campaign providing some facts and correcting false believes that people think about breast cancer. World AIDS Campaign The campaign was about the difference between AIDS and HIV and some awareness about the prevention of AIDS.

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Child Abuse Campaign In this campaign we had true stories about child abuse. Anti FGM Campaign

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Mental Health Campaign Together Against Stigma Campaign

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Diabetes Campaign First Aid for All Campaign

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Evidence Based Medicine Campaign Towards Better Medical Education Campaign

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IFMSA-Egypt Recruitment Campaign

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Printed Publications First Aid for All Flyer Safe Injection Flyer

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Diabetes Campaign Flyer Mental Health Flyer

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Together Against Stigma Flyer

End Term Report 20172018

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