IFMSA-Egypt End Term Report 2015-2016

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1. Message from the President. 2. Introduction to IFMSA-Egypt. 3. IFMSA-Egypt Team of Officials 2015 – 2016. 4. Local Committees. 5. IFMSA-Egypt Meetings. 6. IFMSA-Egypt Representation in IFMSA. 7. IFMSA-Egypt Projects. 8. Standing Committee on Public Health. 9. Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS. 10.Standing Committee on Medical Education. 11.Standing Committee on Human Rights & Peace. 12.Standing Committees on Professional & Research Exchanges. 13.Capacity Building. 14.Research in IFMSA-Egypt.

Dear Medical Students in Egypt & IFMSA-Egypt Family, On behalf of the IFMSA-Egypt Team of Officials, It gives me a great honor & pleasure to share with you the IFMSA-Egypt End Term Report for the term 2015 – 2016. Today, 30th of September 2016, marks the end of a short journey by a team of 12 people who did not spare any effort for this Federation. Today, we are saying goodbye to a life changing experience to all of us, wishing the best for the next team of officials to continue leading the federation that works tirelessly to serve the society and empower Medical Students in Egypt. Through this term, IFMSA-Egypt has achieved a lot in the fields of Public Health, Reproductive Health, Medical Education, Human Rights & Peace, Professional & Research Exchanges and Research. Through this report, you shall be introduced to IFMSA-Egypt, its mission, vision, teams, local committees and all the work & achievements that took place by the Medical Students all over Egypt from 1st of October 2015 until 30th of September 2016. Finally, we wish that we have been up to your expectations, we will always be there for IFMSAEgypt and for you, and we wish the best for the next Team of Officials during the next term. On behalf of IFMSA-Egypt Team of Officials 2015 – 2016, IFMSA-Egypt President 2015 – 2016 Moemen M. Nader.

IFMSA-Egypt in Brief: IFMSA-Egypt is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit student-run organization that represents more than 80,000 Medical Students all over Egypt. IFMSA-Egypt is represented through more than 4500 Medical Students in 23 Local Committees in the following Medical Schools: Azhar-Assiut , Ain Shams, Alexandria, Assuit, Aswan, Azhar-Cairo , Benha, Beni Sweif, Damietta, Fayoum, Kasr ElAiny, Kafr ElShiekh, Kena, October 6th, Masr University for Science & Technology, Mansoura, Menofia, Menia, Sohag, Port Said, Suez Canal, Tanta and Zagazig.

Our mission in IFMSA-Egypt is to offer future Egyptian Physicians a comprehensive introduction to global health issues by taking part in the international medical students’ community to broaden their spectrum and reach their full potential. Our themes cover all major Health topics and Medical-students-related interests and they are: Public Health, Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS, Human Right & Peace, Medical Education and Professional & Research Exchange. Consequently, the goal of the federation is to serve society and medical students all over Egypt through its member organizations by:  

Empowering medical students to use their knowledge and capacities for the benefit of society. Providing a forum for medical students throughout Egypt to discuss topics related to individual and community health issues, education and science and to formulate policies from such discussions, as well. Promoting and facilitating professional and scientific exchanges as well as projects and extracurricular trainings for medical students, thereby sensitizing them to other cultures and societies and their health problems. Providing a link between members, medical students’ associations within Egypt and international organizations, and to encourage the cooperation between them for the ultimate benefit of society.

IFMSA-Egypt 1st GA 2015/16 Date: 29th & 30th of October 2015. Venue: Beni Suef University – Conference center. Hosted by BMSA-Beni Suef. Attendants: 300.

IFMSA-Egypt 6th Winter Camp “Research It Out” & 2nd GA 2015/16 Date: 6th – 11th February 2016. Venue: Pyramids Park Resort, Cairo. Attendants: 600.

IFMSA-Egypt 3rd GA 2015/16 Date: 28th & 29th April 2016. Venue: Benha University, Faculty of Medicine. Host: BSSS-Benha. Attendants: 350.

IFMSA-Egypt Extraordinary GA 2015/16 Date: 1st July 2016. Venue: Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine. Host: AUSSS-Ain Shams. Attendants: 50.

Adoption of the Task Force on IFMSA-Egypt Reform Report:  Working on the job description of the TO members.  Changing the structure of the TO by adding 3 new TO positions:  Publications SDD.  Fundraising SDD.  Research SDD.  Working on the timeline of IFMSA-Egypt GAs to ensure proper handover period after the end term GA.  Working on the projects timeline to start the projects work by the beginning of the term and to avoid any delay.

IFMSA-Egypt End Term GA 2015/16 Date: 8th & 9th of September 2016. Venue: Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia. Hosted by: SCMSA-Suez Canal. Attendants: 400.

IFMSA-Egypt is a full National Member Organization of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) which is the only official body of Medical Students worldwide, it was founded in May 1951 and currently it is made up of 123 National Member Organizations from more than 100 Countries spanning the 6 continents. IFMSA is officially recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations (UN) and it is also recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the official international forum for medical students. For more information about IFMSA, Kindly visit:

IFMSA-Egypt has been represented in all IFMSA meetings for the term 2015/2016; EMR12 Jordan, MM16 Malta & AM16 Mexico, in addition to having members in IFMSA Delegations to other meetings as the World Health Assembly. Within IFMSA, IFMSA-Egypt had members in: 

 

IFMSA Team of Officials: o Karim Abu Zied, IFMSA President. o Ahmed Reda, IFMSA EMR RD. o Karim El Sayed, IFMSA LRP. IFMSA EMR Team: o Omneya Mostafa, SCOPH EMR RA. o Sarah El Sayed, SCORA EMR RA. Program Coordinator: Ahmed Taha. VPPRC Assistants: Mohamed Elhenidy & Ammar Orabi.

IFMSA EMR12 Jordan IFMSA-Egypt was represented with 20 delegates which was the biggest delegation in EMR12. IFMSA-Egypt was awarded the 2nd Place in the EMR12 Activities Fair with NCDs Project.

IFMSA March Meeting 2016 Malta IFMSA-Egypt was represented by 20 delegates during M16, Malta. IFMSA-Egypt was awarded:  

Activities Fair : 3rd Place in with "Kids Medical Club" Project. Poster Fair: 3rd Place with "NCDs: Tobacco Use among Medical Students".

IFMSA August Meeting 2016, Mexico IFMSA-Egypt was represented by 14 delegates during AM16 Mexico. IFMSA-Egypt was awarded:  

Rex Crossley Award: 1st Place with NCDs Combating Tobacco Consumption & Industry. Scientific Poster Fair: o 1st Place: Epidemiological factors and RTA. o 3rd Place: Anti FGM.


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Projects Management workshops were conducted during IFMSA-Egypt 6th Winter Camp and in many local committees during the Term. Projects Reform Process took place through the term with updating the projects proposals. Evaluation process to all projects.

Non-Communicable Diseases Action Against Communicable Diseases in Children Road Traffic Accidents Safe Liver Anti-FGM Anti-Sexual Harassment Women Around the Clock Mr. & Mrs. Breastestis Child Abuse Prevention Together Against Stigma Refugees …. Home mates. Good Medical Practice Evidence Based Medicine Post-Graduation Opportunities Students’ Rights.

Standing Committee on Public Health National Projects:    

Action Against Communicable Diseases in Children NCDs RTA Safe Liver

National Events: 

The World Diabetes Day

The World Diabetes Day was held on the 14th of November at El Azhar Park hosted by AMSA Azhar Cairo and in Coordination with the Arab Medical Union in Egypt. The main Aim of the celebration was to raise awareness of the public about prevention, as well as, management of diabetes. The event’s attendees exceeded 150 delegates from most LCs.

For more photos please check the album through:

The World Cancer Day:

The World Cancer Day was held on the third day of IFMSA Egypt Winter Camp where there was a competition between different LCs to set a booth explaining different public health methodologies when implementing awareness about a certain type of Cancer especially in our country when the world cancer itself is scary to the public. The competition was proceeded with a speaker’s speech from Misr Foundation on Health and Sustainability explaining how preventive medicine is now taking the upper hand to clinical medicine.

The World Health Day The World Health Day was held on the 7th of April and was hosted by the Ministry of Health under the slogan of “Win over Diabetes”. IFMSA Egypt got acknowledged of its activities and efforts combating diabetes in different populations in Egypt.


The World No Tobacco Day This World No Tobacco Day Celebration was a unique one, where we established a Facebook Page addressing Public Awareness and Interaction supporting recent quitters and advocating for smoking cessation methodologies. The page establishment is with cooperation of the Egyptian Coalition on Tobacco Control which consists of professor doctors specialist in Tobacco Cessation Programs. In the first month we got over 1 million engagement and have treated 20 people through messaging. Now our impact is increasing.

The World Hepatitis Day The World Hepatitis Day took Place on the 28th of July in cooperation with WHO Egypt where IFMSA Egypt members established campaigns to raise awareness about Hepatitis C to families and patients of the hepatology and tropical medicine departments in university hospitals allover Egypt. Additionally, on the 29th of July, IFMSA Egypt shared in the mega advocacy cycling event attended by Dr. Jean Jabbour and lots of other WHO Egypt representatives.


The World Heart Day

The world Heart Day is approaching and this year we couldn't overlook it specially with our new consideration to Heart Diseases as part of the NCDs at which tobacco consumption is a major risk factor. On the 27th of September, a national Forum will be held to advocate for policies against NCDs and their Risk Factors. This event will a high level meeting and many figures will attend. Also a coalition will be established against smoking consisting of the Egypt Health Foundation, Misr Foundation for Health and Sustainability, Egyptian Heart Association, Rotary District Egypt, Utopia Company, the Ministry of Health and Egyptian Higher Institute on Public Health. Moreover on the 30th of September, a mega health day will be established where different awareness methodologies will be implemented to different age groups advocating for tobacco cessation and with the same partners stated above. From puppet educational show for kids to cycling, marathon and verbal messages convening we will deliver the united health message to the public.

National Forum on NCDs:

Also on the 29th of September we joined the international competition set by the World Heart Day Federation to the best pictures explaining the World Heart Day.

 RTA Mega Advocacy Event The first mega event for RTA Project was held in cooperation with NADA Foundation on Road Safety and the AUB under the sponsorship of Vodafone and in organization with the outstanding Cairo LCs: AMSA Azhar Cairo, AUSSS, SMA O6U and SSS. The event took place in the Smart Village where a number of celebrities attended and a panel was established between different bodies addressing the issue and setting further recommendations to solving it in the future.

 6th SCOPH Congress This year’s congress was one of a kind. It fulfilled the true vision of a congress to gather all relevant bodies concerned by a public health issue in a place to discuss it and brainstorm recommendations. The issue tackled was the RTA.

National Workshops: 

National Rheumatic Fever and Pneumonia Workshop

National and Regional Motivational Interviewing in Tobacco Cessation Campaigns Workshop by the Egyptian Coalition on Tobacco Control. National Workshop on policies against Tobacco Consumption in Healthcare Facilities in the Egyptian Medical Syndicate by the MOH. National Safe Liver Workshop in IFMSA Egypt Winter Camp by Vacsera National Workshop on Drug Abuse in Drama Scenes and its relation to Sexual Behavior. National Workshop in Public Health Interventions in Diabetes Awareness by the Arab Medical Union.

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National Pre Winter Camp Workshop on Health Systems by our lovely Former IFMSA Egypt President Dr. Menna El-Beheiry. National Pre Winter Camp Workshop on Climate Change

Acknowledgment:    

MOH Acknowledgment at the World Health Day. EMR12 Jordon: Second Place Activities Fair: NCDs Campaigning Activities. MM16 Malta: Second Place Scientific Poster: KAP Study on Tobacco among Medical Students. AM16 Mexico: First Place Scientific Poster Fair: RTA & First Place Rex Crossly Award: NCDs Ermeha Activities.

SCOPH Local Activities: Non-Communicable Diseases:

Workshops & local campaigns.

Anti-Smoking Workshops & Campaigns:

World Diabetes Day:

Action against Communicable Diseases in Children:

Road Traffic Accidents:

Safe Liver:

Cancer Awareness: Shine a light on lung cancer

Teddy Bear Hospital

Build Your Body

Medical Campaigns

X-Large “Obesity� Project

Operation Smile: At Operation Smile we believe every child suffering from cleft lip or cleft palate deserves exceptional surgical care. (

Anemia with Misr Institution

World Kidney Day

NOSA (No Slum Areas) NOSA campaign launched its visits to Ezbet Khairallah which included raising awareness of 40 families about Hypertension and Breast cancer.

Students’ Stress & Drug Abuse:  

To aware medical and paramedical students about management of stress during exams and side effects of drugs and stimulants. To advertise about “time management “training and workshop about “effective study, drug abuse and management of stress “.

Public Health Conferences AAMSS Annual Conference “Fight Infection”

ASSA-Alexandria Congress on Organ Transplantation

Excellences in Pharmaceutical Vigilance in Benha University.

Diabetes Conference in Kafr El Sheikh University

Standing Committee on Sexual & Reproductive Health Including HIV/AIDS  Maternal health and access to safe abortion training

 SCORA Camp with UNFPA including (SRHR & Theatre based awareness TOTs)

- WAC 2015 (with UNAIDS) Local Campaigns within all IFMSA-Egypt Local Committees.

- FGM (with NGOs Coalition against Violence) 

National TOT



- Against Child abuse (with NGOs Coalition against Violence) 

National TOT

Online campaign


- Anti-sexual harassment (with GIZ)  

National TOT Campaigns

- Women around the clock Partner: UNFPA Steps: National TOT

Training for medical students Recruiting for non-medical students Training for non-medical students Campaigns for medical and non-medical students.



FGM conference at the opening of Pre-winter camp


Partners: NGOs coalition against FGM Misr foundation for health and sustainable development

Journal’s reports

TV reports:   

- 1st annual SCORA Conference (with UNFPA). Organizations: 1- MA3LOOMA 2- YPEER 3- Etihah

TV reports Journal reports

Reasearch -

Developing protocol of the effect of Calcium and vitamins deficiency on pregnancy with the help of research team with UNFPA.

SCORA Local Activities: Woman Around The Clock

World AIDS Campaign

Anti- FGM

Online Campaign

Anti-Sexual Harassment

Mr. & Mrs. Breastestis


Breast Feeding

Youth Health

Standing Committee on Medical Education National Activities: Capacity building: Through series of trainings and workshops held in national GAs and winter camp as well as the regular discussions about SCOME and its mission and vision Training sessions held:         

Learning how to learn. Negotiation and Advocacy. Motivation and Recruiting. Students centered learning and self-learning. Developing habits and fitting ambitious with abilities. Exams preparation, study tips and self-assessment. Strategic planning. Teaching and learning theories. Assessment and Evaluation.

These workshops were held during IFMSA-Egypt general assembly meetings and the 6th Winter Camp “Research It Out” in addition to some workshops hosted by our local committees.

National Workshops held: Evidence Based Medicine

Evidence based medicine

The project aimed to introduce the concept of evidence based medicine to medical students in Egypt due to lack of that concept in our curricula. Step1: online campaign speaking about EBM. Step 2: National Workshops.

Good Medical Practice

Step 3: Local Workshops & Awareness Campaigns.

Post-Graduation opportunities: The Goals of the projects: 1- Providing a framework for students to know all the details of post-graduate opportunities whether national or international 2- Providing an up-to-date reliable source of information regarding regulations & procedures of various post-graduate options 3- Insure medical students know how to seize these opportunities in their lives 4- Helping the students by guiding them how to be well prepared for each separate pathway.

This project aimed to aware the medical students about the most possible opportunities after graduation whether in Egypt or abroad. Step 1: online campaign on IFMSA-Egypt & LCs Social Media. Step 2: National Conference. Step 3: Local Events in the local committees including awareness campaigns and conferences to aware the medical students all over Egypt about the available opportunities after graduation. A booklet containing data of the countries, exams and required documents was printed and distributed to the medical students in Egypt.

SCOME Local Activities: Post-Graduation Opportunities: Conferences were held all over Egypt through our local Committees where the booklets were distributed among the Students.

Good Medical Practice: Goals of the project: 1- Advocating for the importance of Good Medical Practice among medical students. 2- Increasing awareness regarding medical ethics and topics enhancing the good medical practice and basis of proper medical conduct. 3- Advocacy towards integrating a strong medical ethics and conduct curriculum. 4- Researching the size of the problem of unethical conduct and patient abuse.

Evidence Based Medicine: Goals of the Project: 1- Apply the factors involved in clinical decision making as they relate to an individual patient. 2- Determine which source of evidence is most appropriate for answering a particular clinical question. 3- Phrase a clinical question so it fits into one of the four main areas (diagnosis, prognosis, intervention and harm) and can be answered by finding and using the best evidence. 4- List factors that make a study / article valid, important and applicable.

Students’ Rights: The project aims at making Medical Students allover Egypt aware with quality standard of medical education and the importance of regular evaluation and asking for the better.

First Aid for All: The projects aim at spreading the awareness of essential, basic first aid skills among medical students first and then the general population.

Emergency Medicine Conference in Suez Canal University:

“ABC Medicine� in Beni Suef University:

Humane Doctor at Al-kasr Alainy University: An event was created with an online campaign promoting for a workshop conducted by our professor Dr. Sherif Hosni. The workshop included doctor-patient relationship, doctor’s communication skills and medical ethics. The number of applicant for this workshop was aroud 25 students of different educational years.

Kids Medical Club: A week-long educational course aimed at the children of primary school was held in El Salam Language School in March, delivering to the class of students the simplified contents of a First Aid course, and the full-fledged common mistakes session, as well as sessions about hygiene and general health, common diseases in children of this age, and a general knowledge session.

IPPCR Course: Early in October, the committee eased access to the NIH IPPCR (Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research) course content, viewed online by the audiences as we are a remote site. The course spans three months at the beginning of the term with lectures on a weekly basis, and was followed by an exam that includes an authentic certificate from the National Institutes of Health, the world-famous research center in Maryland, USA. This was a grand opportunity worth administering to the interested students in the immediate environment.

Clinical course at Tanta University: Informing the students about the course & its importance by showing them some emergent cases & asking them how to deal with these cases.

Standing Committee on Human Rights & Peace

Training of New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT): 1- History and Declaration of HRs. 2- Health as a Human Right. 3- Responsibility. 4- Disaster Risk Management. 5- Advocacy.

World Human Rights Day Celebration (Online Celebration): Date: From 7th to 11th of December, 2015. Description: We launched the online event and posted our data through it. The data was created by IFMSA-Egypt members and included videos, pictures and quotes.

“Together against Stigma” A workshop was held including the following sessions:     

Autism session Down syndrome and psychological support and Session about Orphans. Session about Cancer patients Blind Patient Support Meditation session

Then it was followed by a Down Syndrome Campaign organized in partnership with “ Zayee Zayak” at Darb 1718 then followed by a 3 days online campaign on IFMSA-Egypt & the local committee FB Pages.

Child Abuse Prevention 


Child abuse TOT, 3-days training about child abuse, the training was conducted by trainers from save the children organization, funded by NGOs union against harmful practices on women & children and attended by members from 13 LCs. Awareness Campaigns were held by the local committees using the national materials designed by the national team.

Refugees … Home-mates Refugees Seminar: Speakers: - Refugees situation in Egypt by Ms.Rasha Ehshahawy from UNHCR. - Refugees’ psychological support by Ms.Rana Moharam from PSTIC. - Refugees; Children Support by Ms.Sali Hafez from Save the Children.

After the National Seminar, Local workshops were conducted and the local committees started organizing campaigns to help the refugees where some LCs worked with the UNHCR. Online Campaigns were held on IFMSA-Egypt and the local committees FB pages.

SCORP Local Activities: Together Against Stigma


Down Syndrome

Blind Rights:


Elderly Rights:

Cancer Patients Reinforcement:

Patients’ Rights:

Refugees UNHCR simulation game of a refugee's struggle in Ain Shams

Epilepsy Anti-Stigma Campaign:


Blood Donation Campaigns:

Local TNHRTs:

HR Workshop & Online Campaigns:

Child Abuse Prevention:

Share your inside Share Your Inside is a project about sharing everything inside you with others: words, feelings, situations and any other thing you want to share but cannot find the right time, place, or even person to share with. This is exactly what is done during sessions; we try to express all what we feel and listen to each other in the scope of particular topics. So far, we've twice discussed Stress and once discussed Fear.

The village / Charity Work

Yard Sale Mansoura

Peace Campaign

Health Child Academy Children are brought to college and fundamental projects such as nutrition, sports, hygiene and child abuse are discussed in an atmosphere where knowledge meets fun.

Global School Initiative

The term started with the national exchange meeting hosted by SSS-Alkasr Alainy on 26th of December 2015 to discuss the strategy and timeline of the exchange work through the term.

Representation in IFMSA Meetings AF Markets: EMR12 Jordan / MM16 Malta / AM16 Mexico

Outgoing campaign

Under the title of “A life you’re gonna live, A story you’re gonna tell” we started our exchange outgoing campaign on 21st of October 2016.The campaign included Physical campaigns in the Local Committees and exams for applicants followed by contracts distribution according to the results. During the campaign, previous exchange experiences and promotions for the countries were shared on the Event to encourage medical students to know more and participate.

Incoming campaign Under the title of “Like an Egyptian�, we began our incoming campaign including testimonials and promotional videos to promote our exchange and encourage students to visit Egypt.

Testimonials: Salaam Aleikum! What Can I say about my experience in Egypt? It was just awesome! I had one of the best months in my life! I know it can sound repetitive once speaking about an exchange, but Egypt was a great surprise! I expect to have a good time, make some friends, live the hospital environment, but what I found there was a complete break of expectations. I had much more than I could imagine!

The month that I spent in Egypt, was one of the most amazing ever. It was a nice experience, I have learned new things and also I had the chance to meet very nice and kind people. Living there even just for one month make you love the country, their culture and the people. I thank them all for the beautiful month that we spent together!

July National weekend The first national weekend was in Sharm El-Sheikh and Dahab. The program lasted for 4 days including boat trip, Saint Catherine mountain and water sports.

August National weekend: It was held in Newebae city where the incoming students had camps overlooking the sea directly and enjoying a lot of camping and sea activities like diving & snorkeling and many places with marvelous natural scenes.

Exchange Local Activities: Outgoing Division

Incoming Division


Starting the Term with 70 trainers. TNT in the Pre-Winter Camp leading to 24 new skillful trainers. Supporting Local Training Camps. Capacity Building Events locally and regionally. Supporting the Standing Committees with needed trainings. Training sessions during IFMSA-Egypt General Assembly Meetings. Encouraging members to attend TNTs held throughout the year nationally and internationally.

Local Capacity Building Events:

   

National Research Workshops. Local Research Workshops. National Research Projects. Involving Research in IFMSA-Egypt already existing National Projects.

National Research Projects:

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