IFMSA-Egypt's Recommendations for Sustainable & Climate Friendly Physical Events

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I FMSAEgypt ' s Recommendat i onsf or

Sust ai nabl e&Cl i mat eFr i endl y Physi calEvent s


I nt er nat i onal Feder at i on of Medi cal St udent s’ Associ at i ons-Egypt i s an i ndependent , non-gover nment al and non-pol i t i calf eder at i on,and t he key r epr esent at i ve ofmedi calst udent si n Egypt ,pr esenti n 26 medi calschool s acr oss t he count r y and mor e t han 80, 000 medi calst udent s.We ai m t o o er f ut ur e Egypt i an physi ci ans a compr ehensi ve i nt r oduct i on t o publ i c heal t h i ssues by t aki ng par ti n t he i nt er nat i onal medi cal st udent communi t yt o br oaden t hei rspect r um andr eacht hei rf ul lpot ent i alandenabl e t hem t obecomeadvocat esf orourf ocus ar eas. Among ot her s, I FMSA Egypt i ncl udes t he St andi ng Commi t t ee on Publ i cHeal t h ai mst o pr ovi demedi cal st udent s wi t ht he opt i malski l l s and knowl edge t o cont r i but et owar ds t he maki ng of heal t hi er , mor e awar e communi t i es as medi calst udent s and f ut ur e heal t hcar e pr ovi der s.


Cont r i but or s

Rani aHar her a ( cl i mat echangenat i onal coor di nat or )

Mennar agab

Moaazr af at

Layoutdesi gn

Tasneem Abdel r ahman

Publ i sher I nt er nat i onalFeder at i onofMedi cal St udent s’Associ at i ons-Egypt ( I FMSA-Egypt )

I nt r oduct i on



For ewor d page8

Recommendat i ons page9

Accommodat i onandvenue page9

Tr anspor t at i on page1 3

Food,bever ageandf ood ser vi cewar e page1 6

Mat er i al s page20

Mar chandi seandpr omot i on page23

Fi nalr emar ks page25

Theonet hi ngweneed mor et hanhopei sact i on. Oncewest ar tt oact ,hope i sever ywher e.

Gr et aThumber g

I nt r oduct i on I n2009,t hefir stLancetCommi ssi oncal l ed cl i mat echange“t hebi ggest gl obalheal t h t hr eat( of )t he21 stcent ur y, ' 'st at i ngt hatt he i mpact s of cl i mat e change on heal t h wi l l exacer bat e soci al , economi c and gender i nequal i t i es.I ti spr ovent hatcl i mat echange put st he l i ves and wel l bei ng ofbi l l i ons of peopl eati ncr easedr i sk.Heal t hi mpact scan bedi r ect l ymedi at edt hr oughweat herevent s, ori ndi r ect l ymedi at edt hr ought hee ect son economi es, access t o heal t hcar e, soci al st r uct ur e and ecosyst ems. Ther e exi st s uni ver sal pol i t i cal , sci ent i fic and publ i c heal t hconsensust hatcl i mat echangei sbot h men-madeand occur r i ng atunpr ecedent ed r at es,posi ngaver ysi gni ficantt hr eatt ot he heal t hofgl obalpopul at i ons. Theheal t hi mpact svar ybet weengeogr aphi calr egi onsandamongsoci oeconomi c gr oups,wi t hsomear easbei nga ect edmor enegat i vel yt hanot her s.Egypti sone oft hepot ent i alvul ner abl ecount r i est ot hee ectofgl obalwar mi ng,andr egar di ng as t he fif t eent h most popul at ed count r y i n t he wor l d wi t h suscept i bl e human-i nducedofenvi r onmentt hatwoul dwor sent hepr eval entpr obl ems:

31 st

i nt ot alemi ssi on - Egyptr anked as t he 31 sti nt ot alemi ssi ons wi t h 221 . 1mi l l i on t ons ofcar bon di oxi de CO2 emi t t ed year l y,maki ng Egypti sr esponsi bl ef or 0. 6% of gl obal emi ssi ons


decl i nei nwat er -Most of t he f ut ur e pr oj ect i ons i ndi cat et o decl i ne i n wat er avai l abi l i t y r each i n somecasest o70%.


1 0. 5%

f or cedf r om t hei rhomes -A r i seof1 . 0m woul d floodone-f our t h oft he Ni l e Del t a, f or ci ng about 1 0. 5 per centof Egypt ’ s popul at i on f r om t hei rhomes

Ther ef or e,i nt hi sdocument ,I FMSAst at esi t s r ecommendat i onst ol i mi tt hecl i mat eandenvi r onment al i mpactofI FMSAmeet i ngsi nt hef ol l owi ngkeyar eas:





Accommodat i on& venue

t r anspor t at i on

f ood&bever age

mat er i al s


mar chandi seand pr omot i on


For ewar d: I n t he past year s, our Gener al Assembl i es, Regi onal Meet i ngs, and ot her act i vi t i es have si gni ficant l y i ncr easedi nsi zeandquant i t y. Wi t ht hi s i ncr ease,t hei mpactofouract i vi t i eson ourenvi r onmenthasi ncr eased,t oo.As t he heal t h of t he pl anet di r ect l y i nfluencest heheal t hofi t si nhabi t ant s, i ncl udi ng humans, a gr oup of I FMSA-Egyptvol unt eer sdeci dedt oset t hefir stst epst oagr eenandsust ai nabl e I FMSA-Egypt . We hope t hat t hi s documentwi l lpr ovi det heor gani sat i on and i t smember swi t ht hesetoft ool s and r ecommendat i ons t o st ar t t o r ef or m t he ways I FMSA-Egypt meet i ngs and ot her act i vi t i es ar e or gani sed. Thi s document pr esent s r ecommendat i onst ol i mi tt hecl i mat e i mpact of I FMSA meet i ngs i n t he f ol l owi ng key ar eas:Accommodat i on and Venue,Tr anspor t at i on,Food and Bever age,Mat er i aluse&Mer chandi se.



Accommodat i on andvenue

Bui l di ngsar er esponsi bl ef oratl east40% of ener gy use i n most count r i es.I n Egypt , ener gyusei nbui l di ngshasgr owni nt he ast20year smai nl yduet ot hei ncr easesof ofener gyi sused l bybui l di ngs popul at i on,numberofhousehol ds,aswel l asi ncr easei nser vi cedemand,suchasmor e ai r condi t i oner s, mor e comput er s, and l ar gerhouses.


CO2emi ssi onsi nEgypt : I n201 8Egyptemi t t ed250mi l l i ont ons ( Mt ) of CO2, t her eby r anki ng 27t h among t he count r i es oft he wor l di n t er msofener gy-r el at edCO2emi s s i ons , wi t has har eof0. 75% ofgl obal emi s s i ons and2. 5t onsofCO2emi s s i onspercapi t a.


Themosti mpor t antsour ceofCO2emi ssi onsi n bui l di ngsi s el ect r i ci t y.Theel ect r i calpowergener at i onsect ori nEgypti s r esponsi bl ef orappr oxi mat el y40% oft hecount r y’ st ot alCO2 emi ssi ons.Accor di ngt ot hemostr ecentr epor tof2020,Egypt hasanel ect r i ci t y-gener at i ngcapaci t yof60GW t hati sf r om a r angeofsour ces( nat ur algas,r enewabl es)


Addi t i onal l y,peopl e’ sbehavi our ,l i f est yl e,and cul t ur e have a maj or i mpact on how ener gy e ci ent a bui l di ng i s . Ther ef or e, var i ous i mpr oved t echnol ogy,such as ener gy e ci ent bui l di ngshel l s,appl i ances,andbui l di ngdesi gns, ar e st r ongl y expect ed t o cont r ol ener gy consumpt i on i n r esi dence and commer ci al sect or s. Meanwhi l e,canbecl assi fiedi nt ot hr eekeyar eas: bui l di ng mat er i al s, r enewabl e ener gy f or bui l di ngs and bui l di ng desi gn. These t echnol ogi es ar er el evant f or al lr esi dent i al , commer ci aland i ndust r i albui l di ngswhi ch ar e cal l edsust ai nabl evenues. Butwhati ft hese sust ai nabl e venuesar e notavai l abl e?I t ’ sal laboutsome behavi ourandl i f est yl ei mpr ovement .Char act er i st i csoft hel owerener gyuse bui l di ngsar ewi ndowst hatcanbeopenedf ornat ur alvent i l at i on,par tt i me& par tspacecont r olofi ndoorenvi r onment( t her malandl i ght i ng) ,andvar i abl y cont r ol l abl ei ndoort her malpar amet er s( t emper at ur e,humi di t y,i l l umi nat i on andf r eshai r ). Andal sof orhot el sbyt heent ai lofexpensesofl aundr y,l i nenand suppl y.

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Recommendat i ons 1

sel ectaccommodat i onandvenuei nwal ki ngdi st ancewi t han opt i ont oact i vet r anspor tornextt opubl i ct r anspor t at i on.


Sel ectaccommodat i onandvenuet hatar eener gy-e ci ent oratl easthaveopt i onsf orener gyr educt i onsuchas wi ndowst hatcanbeopenedandl i ght st hatcanbeswi t ched o aut omat i cal l yorl i ght swhi chhavel ow el ect r i c

3 4 5 6

I fi t ’ sl ongaccommodat i on,encour agehot el st osel ectnon t oxi candgr eenl abel l edcl eani ngpr oduct s,l i mi t at i onof t oxi cchemi cal sandpr ovi det heopt i onofnotcl eani ngt he r oom ever yday.

Encour agehot el st hati t ’ snotnecessar yt ogi veever yguest awel comepackage.

Sel ectaccommodat i onandvenuet hathavemeasur esi npl ace t or educeThegener at i onofwast eandt oReuse,r ecycl eand/ or r epur poseUnavoi dabl ewast eorpr ovi dear ecycl i ngcompany oror gani sat i ont hatwi l lmanaget hewast eoft heeventasa whol e.

Tr yi ngt oi ncr easet henumberofpeopl eshar i ngt hesame r oom ,f orexampl e4i nt hesamer oom t or educe consumpt i on.

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Recommendat i ons 7

Sel ectaccommodat i onandvenuet hathaveawat er managementpol i cyoropt i onsi npl ace


Encour agehot elt ot akemeasur est of ost ereconomi c,soci al andenvi r onment albenefit sf ort hel ocalcommuni t y,and mi ni mi sedi sr upt i on( e. g.usel ocal l ypr oducedf oodand goods)


Tr yt oconductt hesessi onsi nopenai rpl aceorar oom wher et hesuncoveral lt hedayt or educet heconsumpt i on ofel ect r i ci t y

1 0

Tel lyourpar t i ci pant st obr i ngt hei rnecessar yt ool ssuch ast oot hpast e,t oot hbr ush,soap,t owel s, . . . . .asi twon' tbe a or dedbyt hehot el .

1 1

Encour agepar t i ci pant st omakeuseoft heopt i onso er edby t heaccommodat i onandvenuet hatl i mi tt hei renvi r onment al i mpact .

1 2

Tel lyourpar t i ci pant si ft her ear esmoker st ot r yt ol i mi t smoki ngdur i ngt hei raccommodat i onandi nt hel ocat i on ofsessi ons.

page1 2


t r anspor t at i on

CO2 emi s s i ons f r om t r ans por tcont ai n emi s s i ons f r om t he combus t i onoff uelf oral lt r ans por tact i vi t y,r egar dl es soft he s ect or , except f or i nt er nat i onal mar i ne bunker s and i nt er nat i onal avi at i on. Thi s i ncl udes domes t i c avi at i on, domes t i c navi gat i on, r oad,r ai land pi pel i ne t r ans por t ,and cor r es pondst oI PCCSour ce/ Si nkCat egor y1A 3.I n addi t i on, t he I EA dat a ar e not col l ect ed i n a way t hat al l ows t he aut opr oducer cons umpt i ont obes pl i tbys peci ficend-us eand t her ef or e,aut o pr oducer s ar es hown -as a s epar at ei t em ( Unal l ocat edAut opr oducer s ) . I nEgypti n201 8t het r anspor t at i onsect or wasr esponsi bl ef orappr oxi mat el y20% of t hecount r y’ st ot alCO2emi ssi ons.


CO2emi ssi onsf r om t r anspor t( % oft ot al f uelcombust i on)i nEgyptwas22. 55asof 201 4.I t shi ghestval ue overt he past43 year swas29. 33i n 2000,whi l ei t sl owest val uewas1 7. 59i n1 976.

Usual l ypeopl echooset heeasi estwayt o t r avel and choose fli ght sr at her t han ot hermet hods.I nf actFl yi ngt akesal ot ofener gy,whi chmeansr el easi ngal otof car bondi oxi dei nt ot heat mospher e.I ti s r esponsi bl e f or 1 2% of al l car bon emi ssi onsf r om al lt r anspor tsour ces.

page1 3

Toavoi dal lt hi shar mf ulr esul tf r om t r anspor t at i onwe can go f orpubl i ct r anspor t at i on and avoi d si ngl ecar dr i vi ng. Publ i ct r anspor t at i on i s one of t he most ear t h-f r i endl ywayst ogetsomewher ef ast .Wi t hbuses near l y mat chi ng t he speed ofcar s and some t r ai ns exceedi ngi t ,t heenvi r onment alcostofcar r yi ngmany peopl eal latoncei sgr eat l yr educed wi t houtamaj or t i mel oss.Al sot r avel i ngbyt r ai ni seco-f r i endl y.

80% l essemi ssi on

Theemi ssi onsf r om t het r ai ni s80% l esst hanot her met hodsoft r anspor t at i on.Thi swasf ort r avel i ngt o t he meet i ng venue i t sel f ,and we can al so do t r anspor t at i on bet ween l ocat i onsdur i ng t heevent bypubl i ct r anspor torbi ki ngorsel ect i nganear by l ocat i onf r om t hebegi nni ng.

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Recommendat i ons 1

Al wayst hi nkaboutt hei mpactyourt r anspor t at i onhas! Pr i or i t i seopt i onswhi chuset hesmal l estamountof f uel / ener gywhi l et r anspor t i ngmor epeopl eatonce.Avoi d si ngl e-carr i des,whenyoucan,andencour agecar pool i ng


I ft hesi t eoft heeventi sf ar awayt hei rhome,encour age t hem t ouset r ai nsaspossi bl et heycanandt r yt omaket he mor et hanonedel egat i onuset hesamet r ai n


Fort het r anspor t at i ondur i nganeventandmovi ngbet ween venues,consi derPr ovi di ngenvi r onment al l yf r i endl y opt i ons,f orexampl e,Bi cycl esorpubl i ct r anspor t at i on,I f possi bl e.


Themai nmeet i ngl ocat i ons( accommodat i onf aci l i t yand Meet i ngvenue)shoul dbei deal l yI nt er connect ed,orcl ose t oeachot her ,t or educet heneedf oraddi t i onal Tr anspor t at i onofpar t i ci pant sbet weenThesel ocat i ons.


Tr yt oavoi dai rfli ght sasmuchaspossi bl eyoucanandi f t her ei snoot herchoi ce,choosedi r ectfli ght.

page1 5


Food,bever age andf ood

Egyptpr oduces5. 4mi l l i ont onsofpl as t i c annual l y, maki ng i tt he bi gges t pl as t i c pol l ut eri nt heAr abWor l d.Ar ecentr epor t byt heWWFal s or eveal edt hatEgypti st he bi gges ts our ce of pl as t i c pol l ut i ng t he Medi t er r anean,wi t hatl eas t970, 000t ons of pl as t i cwas t e pr oduced annual l y, accor di ngt omedi as t at ement si n201 8by t he Egypt i an Pl as t i c Technol ogy Cent r e, a l i at ed t ot heMi ni s t r yofI ndus t r yand Tr ade.

5. 4mi l l i on

t ons ofpl as t i c

The wast ei s most l y pr oduced by si ngl e-use pl ast i c pr oduct s l i ke pl ast i c bags. Si ngl e-use pl ast i cs i ncl udegr ocer ybags,f oodpackages, bot t l es,st r aws,cont ai ner s,cupsand cut l er y.Af t erbei ng used once,t hey ar edi sposedoforr ecycl ed. Theuseof pr oduct scanbesi gni ficant l yr educed by awar enessand educat i on oft he user s. Fur t her mor e, i ncr easi ng r eusi ng and r eusabl e pr oduct s cul t ur ei n t he communi t y woul d si gni ficant l yhel p

page1 6

Agr i cul t ur e and f ood pr oduct i on i n Egypt ar e a ect ed by Cl i mat e change gr eat l y,wi t h many wavesoffloodsand st or msi nr ecentyear s.The f ood and wat er secur i t y si t uat i on i s ext r emel y vul ner abl eduet o wat ershor t age,l i mi t ed ar abl e l ands( 93% ofEgyptar eai sdr oughtdeser t ) ,hi gh popul at i on r at ei n addi t i on t ot he t hr eat eni ng i mpact s ofcl i mat e change and gl obalwar mi ng.

73kgf oodwast e perper son annual y

Food wast ei s pr eval enti n Egyptas- j ust1 3. 8% of r espondent sdecl ar et hatt heydonott hr ow anyf ood. Dat ashow t hatf oodwast ei ncr easesdur i ngt hef ast i ng mont hofRamadan. Themostwast edf oodpr oduct sar e f r ui t s,veget abl es,cer eal sandbaker ypr oduct s.Egypt cl i mbst het opoft hehi ghestcont r i but i ngcount r i est o f oodwast eper cent ageswi t h73ki l ogr amst ot alannual amountofgl obalf oodwast eperper son. Thepr esence ofani malpr ot ei ni ndi et si ssuggest edt obet hemai n sour ce of envi r onment al i mpact ( mai nl y due t o met hane emi ssi ons) ,r esour ce wast e,pol l ut i on and gr eenhousee ect .

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Recommendat i ons 1

St i mul at epar t i ci pant st obr i ngt hei rper sonalr eusabl e bot t l es,pl at es,spoons,mugset c.


Repl acepl ast i cwat erbot t l esbywat erst at i onst or educe pl ast i cwast e,wecanal somakej ui ceones.


Askdel egat esi nadvancef orf oodpr ef er encest oensur e di et ar yopt i onsatt heevent .


Cr eat eamenupl ani nadvance,consi der i ngdi et ar y pr ef er ences,numberofpar t i ci pant sandst a ,t oavoi d f oodwast e.


Repl acepl ast i cpl at esbyr eusabl eones,l i kemet alpl at es, car t oonboxeset c.


Avoi dser vi ngmeatpr oduct sandpr omot et heuseofl ocal , seasonalandf r eshpr oduct sf oral lmeal s.

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Recommendat i ons 7

Cl ear l yannounceyourwast emanagementpl anst ot he eventst a ,associ at edper sonnelanddel egat esoft heevent .


Avoi danyunnecessar ypackagi ng,suchast heusageof pl ast i cbags( ormul t i pl epl ast i cbags)f orf oodt r anspor t at i on orst or age,avoi dusi ngl unchboxesf ormeal s,unl esst hey ar e1 00% compost abl es


Al l ocat er ecycl ebi nst omanageal lwast eanddel i veri tt o r ecycl i ngcompani es.

1 0

Educat eal lt heeventst a andassoci at edper sonnelabout whywast emi ni mi zat i onpr act i cesar ebei ngi mpl ement ed att heeventandwhatar et hest r at egi est odoso.

page1 9


Mat er i al sBei ngused dur i ngt heevent

Dur i ngt heI FMSA-Egyptevent s ,wenat ur al l yus eavar i et yof mat er i al s( fli p-char t s ,paper ,mar ker s ,s t i cker s ) ,mos t l y paper ,t oai di nouract i vi t i es ,wor ks hops ,t r ai ni ngs es s i ons anddeci s i onmaki ng.

However ,t hi spr oducesamassi veamountofwast easEgypt pr oducesanest i mat ed1 2000t onsofwast epaperever yday buti mpor t sr ecover ed paperand pul pf ori t s pr oduct i on i ndust r y. Accor di ngl y,wi se consumpt i on ofsuch mat er i al woul dr educeourcar bonf oot pr i ntsi gni ficant l y.


Recommendat i ons 1

Li mi tpr i nt i ng-pr i ntmat er i al sonl ywhennecessar y-and ot hermat er i al suseasmuchaspossi bl e.


Swi t chf r om physi calfli pchar t st ot heuseofwhi t eboar ds, r ecycl abl eal t er nat i vesordi gi t alopt i onssuchas t ouchscr eens.


Foract i vi t i es,got owar ddi gi t alopt i ons( eg.Ment i )r at her t hanusi ngpapermat er i al s.


Whenyouknow t hatpr i nt -out swi l lbeusedf oranact i vi t y whi chcanber epr oducedi nt hef ut ur e,youcanpr i ntyour mat er i al sonbet t erqual i t ypaperandr e-uset hem agai n.


Makeonl i nef eedback,pr e-eval uat i onandpost -eval uat i ont o l i mi tpaperuse.


Al l ocat eafiberbagi never yr oom,sot hewast eofever y sessi onwi l lbecol l ect edi ni ti mmedi at el yaf t ert hesessi on t obedi st r i but edl at eri nt her ecycl i ngbi ns.


Recommendat i ons 7

Al l ocat i ngspeci albi nsf orsaf edi sposalofmasksandgl oves.


Recycl eal lt her ecycl abl epr oduct s( paper ,pl ast i cet c. )of yourevent ,i fpr ovi dedbyt hevenue.


Forpost erf ai r s,act i vi t ypr esent at i onsandanyot hert ype ofact i vi t ywhi chr equi r espar t i ci pant st odi spl ayt ext and/ orpi ct ur es,consi derswi t chi ngt owar dst heuseof whi t eboar dsordi gi t alopt i onsasmoni t or s.



Mar chandi seand pr omot i on

Our cons umpt i on and was t es have a mar kede ectont hecar bonemi s s i onand abs ol ut el y cl i mat e change. Egypt s ol i d was t ehasbeenes t i mat edt obe60mi l l i on t onsever yyear ,mor et han 44% oft hem cons i s t ofmat er i al s ,paper ,pl as t i c and met al sweus eus ual l yasmer chandi s eand gi f t si nI FMSA-Egyptevent s .

60mi l l i ont ons ofsol i dwast e ever yyear

Hi ghl evel sofconsumpt i onr equi r ehi gherdemandsonener gy andcr eat ehi gheramount sofwast epr oduct s( pl ast i cwast e, t oxi cchemi cal s,cot t onwast e) ,whi chwear eunabl et or ecycl e as a usef ulr esour ce.How does t hi sr el at et o pr omot i onal mat er i al s?Onaver age,peopl egetr i dofpr omot i onalmat er i al s wi t hi n 6 mont hs.Thi si squi t ea shor tl i f econsi der i ng t he envi r onment ali mpact s associ at ed wi t h manuf act ur i ng and di sposal .


Recommendat i ons 1

‘ ’Lessi smor e‘ ’-t r yt osetl i mi t sont heamountofphysi cal pr omot i onalmat er i alused.


Reducet henumberofpr i nt edpost er s,adver t i sementflyer s andbookl et s,byr epl aci ngt hem wi t ht hei rel ect r oni c equi val ent s( e. g.power poi ntsl i de,adver t i sementi nan el ect r oni ci nvi t at i onpackage,adver t i sementpi ct ur eon


Fort heOC,whenpr ovi di ngwel comebagsatanevent : -Reducet heamountofpr i nt edadver t i sement s( e. i nt t headver t i sement si nst eadi nsi det he( el ect r oni c)Wel come Bookl etormakeonebi gadver t i sementpost ert obepl aced ont hewal l ) . -Repl acet hecl assi calI Dbyabr acel etgi vent oeach del egat i onwi t hdi er entcol or s. -Repl acet hepaperagendabyadi gi t alone -Encour agepeopl et or et ur ncont entf r om t hei rwel come bag,i ft heydon’ twant / needi t .


Swi t chf r om physi calgi f t st osymbol i c,di gi t alor exper i ent i algi f t s


avoi dpr ovi di ngbadges/l anyar dsasmuchasyoucan, however ,i fpr ovi di ngbadgesorl anyar dsuser eusabl eones andcol l ectt hem( f orr euse)att heendoft heevent .


Fi nalr emar ks

“Cl i mat echangei scent r alf or t hef ut ur eofourpl anet ” Bel i evi ngi nt hi squot e,weputt hepr evi ousr ecommendat i onsf orcl i mat ef r i endl y event st o pr ot ectour pl anet ,save our envi r onmentand gai n wi der heal t h benefit s.I tgoesbeyondani deaandext endst oact ualpr act i cesai mt oi mpr ove ourmeet i ngsandphysi calevent sf ort hebenefit sofourcommuni t i es. I naddi t i on t opr evi ousr ecommendat i ons,wewoul dl i ket osuggestf oral lt heor gani si ng commi t t eest o appoi ntan OC per son r esponsi bl ef orpl anni ng,managi ng and eval uat i ngt hei mpl ement at i onoft heseenvi r onment -f r i endl ymeasur esout l i ned i nt hi sdocument .Weadvi set oconsi derappoi nt i nganEnvi r onment alOfficerf or t heevent ,t hatwi l lgi veadvi ceandgui det heOCi nanopt i mali mpl ement at i onof t heser ecommendat i ons. Fi nal l y,wewoul dl i ket oext endoursuppor tandgr at i t udet oal lt heor gani si ng commi t t eeswhi chwi l lf ol l ow andi mpl ementt hi sdocument . Asaf ol l ow upt ot hi s document ,weai mt ocr eat eal i stofevent swhi chsuccessf ul l yi mpl ement edt hese r ecommendat i ons.Hence,wei nvi t eand encour ageyou t o shar et hesesuccess st or i eswi t hust omovef or war dasust ai nabl eandcl i mat e-f r i endl yappr oacht o I FMSA-Egyptevent s


Resour ce Abdal l ah,L.andEl -Shennawy,T. ,2020.Eval uat i onofCO2emi ssi onf r om Egypt ’ sf ut ur epowerpl ant s.Eur o-Medi t er r aneanJ our nalf orEnvi r onment al I nt egr at i on,5( 3) . At ag. or g.2021 .Fact s&figur es.[ onl i ne]Avai l abl eat : <ht t ps: / / www. at ag. or g/ f act s-figur es. ht ml #: ~: t ext =The%20gl obal %20avi at i o n%20i ndust r y%20pr oduces, car bon%20di oxi de%20( CO2) %20emi ssi ons. &t ext =Avi at i on%20i s%20r esponsi bl e%20f or %201 2, t o%2074%25%20f r om%20r oa d%20t r anspor t >[ Accessed25May2021 ] . Bi pat ,C. ,2021 .How Bui l di ngsPr oduceCar bonEmi ssi ons. . .AndHow t oSt op Them.[ onl i ne]Ny-engi neer s. com.Avai l abl eat : <ht t p: / / www. ny-engi neer s. com/ bl og/ how-bui l di ngs-pr oduce-car bon-emi ssi ons-and-how-t o-st op-t hem>[ Accessed25May2021 ] . I ndexmundi . com.2021 .Egypt-CO2emi ssi onsf r om t r anspor t( % oft ot alf uel combust i on) .[ onl i ne]Avai l abl eat : <ht t ps: / / www. i ndexmundi . com/ f act s/ egypt / i ndi cat or / EN. CO2. TRAN. ZS> [ Accessed25May2021 ] .


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