Post Graduate Opportunities Manual

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Post Graduate Opportunities manual Choose your way!



Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Introduction

A Message from Our NOME "Develop a passion for Education. If you do, it will never cease to grow”. We have found our passion in medical education where SCOME gave us the tools not only to start asking the right questions but also to take actions to make a change. I’m Mahmoud Nassar, IFMSA-EGYPT NOME for term 2020-2021, and on behalf of my national team, we are presenting to you this series of manuals which aims to educate different medical students in medical education topics and promote our latest activities we are doing for a better development of medical education in Egypt. In addition, those manuals would be the gate to IFMSA and nonIFMSA medical students to know more about our medical education projects and bring them closer to the work and activities that enormous NGOs as IFMSA-Egypt are initiating to improve the quality of future health professionals in the fields of public health and medical education. I would like to thank everyone who worked and contributed to this marvelous work which would stand for the upcoming years as a reference to come back while looking for a credible and comprehensive resource for topics as First-Aid, Evidence-BasedMedicine,Post Graduate Opportunities or Medical Education topics.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Introduction

A Message from the National Coordinator “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended with diligence.” – Abigail Adams We're paving our ways through medical school to fulfill our unbounded thirst for knowledge about medicine which was by one of the many ways facilitated through SCOME. I'm Haidy Tabikha, PGO Initiative Coordinator for the term 2020-2021, and on behalf of initiative booklet team, we are presenting this booklet which has created easier access to postgraduate opportunities and options medical students have after graduation. This booklet shows all paths any student may want to consider and hopefully covering all concerns that may pop up in their minds and that would assist them making the right choice towards a better future in medicine full of accomplishment and truimph. I would like to thank my team for their contribution and the time they offered to get out such excellent work on the booklet which expectantly will be a reference to thousands of medical students in Egypt.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Introduction

A Message from the Manual Team We all hope this booklet 'll help you and answer to all your questions, help you to determine your way well, to prepare for the future to have a good live you need and serve the humanity, as well. Mostly in this booklet, every thing was written in detail and with many sources below, so that you can collect information you need easy. The medical field is a long and difficult journey, but the real journey begins after graduating. Being a medical student requires energy to keep up on the track of the continuous learning process, but we have to ensure that the energy is in the right direction. The challenge facing most students is the variety of opportunities and pathways after graduation.This may confuse the students and lead them astray. Hence, the need to create an easily accessible booklet for all medical students. This will let them know their options once they graduate, rather than spending years in an unsuitable pathway. It's our team honor to deliver this booklet. Everyone on the team worked hard and put a lot of effort to provide a framework for all of the postgraduate medical opportunities, whether national or international, to ensure that all medical students have a big picture about their opportunities. Each passionate person in the team wrote each sentence based on up to date and reliable source information, that can serve to be a guide for all future Medical students in Egypt.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Introduction

As a doctor, you always have the best position, the best appreciation and the best income of all the jobs all over the world. Our reason to join this faculty were different, because of its position, money, your high grades in 3rd grade secondary, and because of your parents' happiness or because you want to serve humanity. Whatever the reason was, all of us want to have a good live to do our work very well with love and sincerity, and the more we live well the more we can serve others and the humanity and achieve all what we want. And to have a good live, you should prepare for it very well. If you are IFMSA-member, of course you have heard about PGO project, Post graduate opportunities, and its importance for all medical students, whether pre graduates or postgraduate. If you don’t know it, we 'll tell you. PGO is a project which concerns with all opportunities and available options for medical students to work after graduation, whether here in our deer country Egypt or overseas. As an Egyptian doctor you can work in many countries PGO, Postgraduates Opportunities, is the most important knowledge you should gain for your medical work in the future. It means all opportunities and options you can seek to, for your forthcoming medical work. PGO is an important topic for both postgraduates and all medical students studying here, not only for postgraduates, as most people think. Because many opportunities, we 'll talk about in this booklet, require many arrangements and preparation you should make so that you can exploit these options. For example, traveling overseas, it may require different studying and languages, and this may take time from you to do. For that reason, it's important for medical students to prepare well to determine their future. Fortunately, our job, especially Egyptians, you have many options you can exploit, either here in Egypt or overseas in any country, and these are changed each period and some of them become more easier than before. We all know that Egyptian doctors are so clever and well experienced here and needed all over the world, and many people overseas are pleased to be examined by Egyptians. To determine your way, you should know that you have two directions, opportunities and options inside Egypt, and this is called internal opportunities and these overseas, outside Egypt in other countries, this is called external opportunities.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt About Us

The IFMSA was founded in 1951 in Copenhagen as a result of the post-war wave of friendship among international students and has evolved to represent more than One Million medical students from all continents, and over 123 nations. The IFMSA is affiliated to the United Nations system as a non-political and non- governmental organization, and is recognized by the World Health Organization as the official .international forum for medical students since 1969 Since 1951, IFMSA exists to serve as a forum for sharing ideas and expertise among medical student organizations pertaining to public health, medical education, reproductive health and human rights. IFMSA also serves as an action platform to formulate policies and coordinate activities by its member organizations. IFMSA aims to serve medical students all over the world through its member organizations, to promote and facilitate international co-operation in professional training and to contribute to the development .of culturally aware and socially responsible physicians. IFMSA-Egypt is a full member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA) which is the only official body of medical students worldwide made up of 123 countries spanning all continents. It is a NonGovernmental Association related to the World Health Organization, recognized as WHO IFMSAEgypt is represented by medical students from a wide range of medical schools all over Egypt IFMSA-Egypt consists of 25 Local Committees in all medical schools around Egypt.

Medical Education should be a concern of every medical student as it shapes not only the quality of future doctors but also the quality of healthcare. The IFMSA has a dedicated organ which aims to implement an optimal learning environment for all on medical students around the world standing committee on MEdical Education (SCOME). Through all our joint efforts we work to creates sustainable changes around the world, for ourselves as medical students, for the generations to come and for our future patients and our communities who are in fact the final beneficiaries of our education. Vision Medical students attain an optimal professional and personal development to reach their full potential as future doctors for better healthcare worldwide. Mission Our mission is to be the frame in which medical students worldwide contribute to the development of medical education. Students convene iv SCOME to share and learn about medical education in order to improve it as well as benefit the most from it on a personal and professional basis.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Contents

Contents Introduction___________________________________________________ 2 About Us ______________________________________________________ 6 Egypt __________________________________________________________ 9 USA ___________________________________________________________ 13 United Kingdom_______________________________________________ 17 Germany______________________________________________________ 38 Australia ______________________________________________________ 41 New Zealand__________________________________________________ 67 Canada________________________________________________________ 74 Emirate________________________________________________________ 78 Qatar__________________________________________________________ 82 Kuwait_________________________________________________________ 91 Saudi-Arabia __________________________________________________ 96 Bahrain _______________________________________________________ 109 Oman _________________________________________________________ 112 Sweden _______________________________________________________ 120 Finland________________________________________________________ 130 Norway _______________________________________________________ 136 Switzerland ___________________________________________________ 150 France ________________________________________________________ 158 Belgium_______________________________________________________ 170 Sources _______________________________________________________ 177


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Introduction

At first, internal opportunities, these are all available doctors' options to work in Egypt, public work like in university hospitals, governmental hospitals, health care units and military hospitals, or private work, clinics or private hospitals. Because of the apparent shortage of doctors and increase requirement for doctors, the Ministry of Health had changed many things in education and employment system, so that it can solve this problem. Previously, education system in Egypt was six years of study, three for only academic study and three for clinical study, and only one intern year. Education was based on subjects' study, studying each subject alone, and then one intern year, a training year in university hospital. And now, Education system had been changed for 3 year, called integrated system, it's five years of study, half of them for academic study, and the other half for clinical study, and two intern years. it's based on link all subjects with each other, studying more than two subjects in a form called block, so that you can understand them very well and each subject helps you understand the others. In addition to that, it's based on increasing training period for pre-graduates, so that they gain more and more experience and skills to raise doctors' level. The disadvantages of this system After graduation, to be employed in any place we said before, you need to know the differences that the ministry has made it recently, so you can choose your way. The Ministry has found that there is a shortage of doctors because they travel overseas after graduation, there is few doctors in some specialties like anesthesia and especially family medicine, which is related to Comprehensive insurance system, this will make a breakthrough in Egypt here and solve many problems which face the ministry and hospitals here, so it seek to implement this system and change rules and licenses so that they make doctors stay in Egypt more time than before.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Egypt

EGYPT ‫ﻣﺼﺮ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Egyptian Medical License Exam EMLE Previously, the system was that you graduate from college, finish your intern year, submit your paper to obtain a license to practice the profession and register in The Doctors Syndicate directly without any exams or other need. Now, you must do a professional exam to obtain this to work. It started in September 2019, and The Ministry explained its details: 1. It is a uniform examination over the Republic, fall or pass, for only Egyptians. 2. It's MCQ system, consists of 150 or 100 questions, internal medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, obstetrics and emergency medicine, and it's said there are few questions about public health and infection. And it's said to be 100 MCQs. Also, it will be held online, provided that the result appears immediately after the exam. 3. It's 3 hours and over one day, in February. 4. you can enter the exam 3 times and it is calculated and counted for you the time he passed, get a 50% success rate. 5. If you fail, the exam will be repeated in September 6. It costs 100 pounds, only if you repeat the exam three times, the first two times for free, it's still controversial because the syndicate demand to increase the free times. 7. It's done 4 times every year. 8. For a period of 5 years, renewable for a similar period.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Egypt

Egyptian Fellowship In the old system, after the intern year, you work as a GP, general practitioner, for two years in a health unit and after that you go back to the hospital to work as a resident doctor, After that, you take the step to choose a specialization and progressing to the prosecution movement. Now, it's completely different. This is an (assignment, representation, and Egyptian fellowship) in one program and one step. In the new system , after graduating, you will be able to choose your specialty directly without spending two years in a health unit, and you will also automatically join the Egyptian fellowship program, which after completing the exams and passing the exams, you 'll be promoted to a specialist. After 2 intern years, you submit list of specializations you want online, all the batch at the level of the Republic, like the high school system. Your specialty 'll depend on your grades, GPA of all your studying years, and the specializations the ministry and the numbers they need, to solve the shortage in doctor numbers. More details about it. You should know that this is a new system, and there are many changes every time so you can follow the ministry and news websites to know these changes: 1. It's compulsory, the doctor will not go to the health unit without gaining experience. 2. After spending the internship period, you apply through the website designated for that. Coordination between applicants is made according to the legal group, needs, and training places available in the fellowship. Physicians are nominated for training, in one of the approved hospitals for training in the governorate of his assignment.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Egypt

3. It's 3:6 years according the specialty, it's said each specialty is five years except family medicine, it's three or four years. For graduates with low grades and GPA, one year 'll be added. You spend 9 months in the hospital and the other three in a health unit in your geographical scope, except family medicine, the first year you spend 6 in family medicine center and 6 in a hospital, after that it return 9 and 3. The urgent specialties, anesthesia and intensive care, you spend all the year in the hospital. 4. You mustn't submit for any diplomas or any equivalents, if you are in this program. Also, you mustn’t travel till you finish the program, you must commit to this. If you don’t commit to this, you must pay 6000 pounds for each year in the program. In the program, you 'll be paid well, 3400 pounds, however if there is work interruption, you 'll be fined 500 pounds. 5. It's said that if you don’t need your specialty and want to change it, you 'll wait for the next movement, the next year, according to your grades and the places available for training at the time of movement, for one time only. 6. You 'll be a specialist, then you can get promoted to consultant through years of experience. There are 3 exams before you finish this program. 7. You 'll need Toefl or AMIDST, through 6 months from beginning the program, this certificate should be available for 3 years. Also, you need an ICDL certificate or your pass paper in exams for how to use word and power point. 8. If you want to apply for this to take the specialty you need, you can do it but it ‘ll be on you or wait for the next year and see if there is available places and numbers. Also this is according to your place if you want to change it.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Egypt

If you don’t want to apply for Egyptian Fellowship, you have two directions: The first one is to work in university hospitals, to be a lecturer there or deputy for 3:5 years and then return for Egyptian Fellowship, but with decrease 2 years from the program. The second one is to resign from the ministry after obtaining a license to practice your job, but you must work in a health unit for 2 years as a general practitioner, GP, then you 'll be a free doctor. Now, you can travel to any country through Arabic board or any equivalents.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt USA

USA ‫أﻣﺮﻳﻜﺎ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

The United States of America is a country of 50 states covering a vast swath of North America. For an IMG seeking to complete his medical education abroad, America would be the best choice as it takes the crown of the top 10 countries with the best doctors in the world.

Lifestyle The estimated living cost is around 20,000$/year, which averages around 1500$/month. This includes your accommodation, food, travel, textbooks, and entertainment expenses as well.

Work style Internship & Residency: The internship is the first year of a medical residency. Interns are doctors, but they may only practice medicine with the guidance and supervision of attending physicians. Residents work 40–80 hours a week depending on specialty and rotation within the specialty. A residency may last from three to seven years, for doctors in internal or family medicine, residency is complete after three years. Such specialties as anesthesiology, dermatology, and obstetrics/ gynecology have four-year residencies. A general surgery residency lasts five years, while neurosurgery has the longest residency at seven years. Doctors usually take Step 3 USMLE, a final exam for licensure, during or after internship. Doctors who pass the test are licensed to independently practice medicine, but residency continues.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt USA

Fellowship: For most physicians the typical career path involves med school, residency and then a fellowship. Each medical specialty has various subspecialties, and the extra education and training required to practice a subspecialty is called a fellowship. For example, a doctor of internal medicine may specialize in such areas as endocrinology (2/3year fellowship), hematology (2-year fellowship), or oncology (also 2 years). Fellows are advanced doctors, but they are still students. They must again be supervised by attending physicians as they work with inpatients and outpatients to further their diagnostic skills. Fellows develop precise clinical judgement as they learn complicated specialty procedures and the proper use of medications. Fellowships are periods of intensive research and training, and fellows emerge as expert doctors in their fields.

Salaries Resident: 57,200$. Physician: 243,000$. Specialist: 346,000$.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt USA

Your road begins by studying for USMLE To take the USMLE, you must be a student who is expected to complete all medical degree requirements from a medical school outside Canada or the U.S. that is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools. ECFMG registration ECFMG is the organization that registers international medical graduates “IMGs” for Step 1 and Step 2. ECFMG processes your exam application and payment, verifies your eligibility, and 150$ notifies you of the outcome of your application. USMLE Step 1 It’s a one-day examination designed to measure basic science knowledge. It is divided into seven 60-minute blocks (40 MCQ/block) given in an 8-hour session. After January 26, 2022, the score reporting will transition to 1155$ pass/fail outcomes. USMLE Step 2 CK Step 2 CK is also a one-day exam to assess an examinee’s ability to apply Clinical Knowledge, skills, and understanding for the provision of patient care. It is divided into eight 60-minute blocks (40 MCQ/block) given in a 9-hour session. Minimum score required is 208 out of 318. You can take either exam in whatever order OET. To meet ECFMG’s requirements, applicants must attain a minimum score of 350 (Grade B) on each of the four measured sub-tests of OET Medicine (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) in one test administration. The Residency Match


CONGRATULATIONS! You are now ECFMG certified and ready to apply for a residency or residency program. Standard Registration Fee: 85$.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt USA

USMLE Step 3 This is the final examination in the USMLE sequence leading to a license to practice medicine in the United States without supervision. Don't apply until after the date of graduation on your medical school diploma. Step 3 is a two-day examination held only in the US. Day 1 Foundations of Independent Practice (FIP): This includes six 60-minute blocks (39 MCQ/block) given in a 7-hour session, including 45 minutes of break time and a 5-minute optional tutorial. This test day focuses on assessment of knowledge of basic medical and scientific principles essential for effective health care (similar to Step 1) Day 2 Advanced Clinical Medicine (ACM): There are ≈ 9 hours in the test session. 895$ A 5-minute optional tutorial followed by six 45-minute blocks (30 MCQ/block). Then a 7-minute CCS tutorial followed by 13 Computer-based Case Simulations, each of which is allotted a maximum of 10 or 20 minutes of real time.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

England ‫إﻧﺠﻠﺘﺮا‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

UK as a country location the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign country in northwestern Europe, off the north-western coast of the European mainland. The United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands within the British Isles. Language English is the official language in UK. Why immigrate to UK? The labor market and economy are two of the most important factors driving international migration. The UK is home to some of the top institutes of higher education. Many people, who move here to study, find jobs and stay back. The fact that English is the main language spoken here also makes the UK look more inviting to immigrants. based on an egyptian doctor's experience: Working in the NHS is totally different from what is happening here in Egypt. The role of doctors here is not just about concluding a diagnosis and prescribing medications but to consider every single aspect of a patient’s life like social, psychological, physical, etc. When I came here, I kept hearing a few words that sounded odd to my ears, in the management plan of patients like SALT, PT, OT, etc. I took a considerably long time to get used to the system here and to identify each person’s role in the hospital setting.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

In Egypt, doctors and nurses are the only ones responsible for patients in the hospitals while in the UK, you would find different people, working in the ward with you, looking after the patients for example heart failure nurse and cardiac rehab nurse collaborate with the cardiologists to take care of the cardiac patients and the same happening in the different specialties. You would hear new jobs’ titles we don’t have in Egypt.

Medical Residency Working hours per week (Average 40) Average income per year starts at (22,412£)

Salaries The average Doctor salary in the United Kingdom is 55,307£ per year or 28.36£ per hour. Entry level positions start at 36,968£ per year while most experienced workers make up to 75,000£ per year.

Cost The whole journey from your country to the UK to become a doctor there, involves a considerable sum, an investment. An investment that returns. That being said, it is imperative to know the total cost of PLAB, starting from having a passport to getting a job in the UK. Do I require all this money at once? No. As you can see the cost can be easily broken down into three steps. And moreover, you can plan the gap between your PLAB 1 and PLAB 2, or even passing PLAB 2 and applying for GMC registration or between getting GMC registration and getting a job. Do I have to have this amount of money in my bank account for the entire journey? You have 2 years after PLAB 1 to clear PLAB 2. You have 2 years after passing PLAB 2 to apply for GMC registration. So, the amount of money needed for your entire journey need not be stored in your account from the beginning of your journey. 18

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

What is the amount of money I need to show for a UK visa? Is it the same? It's very good you're thinking about it now. But let me tell you, the money you will have to spend does not HAVE to reflect on the money you will have to show in the bank account. The bank depends on the visa application.

Language Requirements As an IMG coming to work in the UK, there are different scenarios in which you’ll need to prove how well you can communicate in English. Two different tests are approved by GMC for taking PLAB exams: 1. IELTS (Academic) 2. OET (Medicine) Covid update: For GMC registration They updated their policy on English language requirements. From now until March 2023, they'll accept a recent PLAB 2 pass as evidence that you’ve maintained your English language skills, provided you meet our criteria, when you apply for registration. you'll still need either OET or IELTS to enter the PLAB1 exam.

Can I take the IELTS/OET before graduating from medical school? You can take them whenever you want. But, as IELTS/OET stays valid for 2 years, then it is logical to take IELTS/OET after finishing medical school.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

IELTS exam When will IELTS be accepted? The IELTS can be the UKVI or non-UKVI version. It must be the Academic IELTS. If you reach a score of 7.5 overall, and a minimum of 7.0 in all sections, you can use it for: 1. PLAB. 2. GMC registration. 3. Tier 2 Work visa. 4. Non-training jobs. 5. Training jobs after FY2 level (CT1/ST1 and beyond). 6. Widening Access to Specialty Training (WAST). A score of 7.5 in ALL sections is required for: 1. FY1 through the UK Foundation Programme 2. Direct entry to standalone FY2 When is the IELTS not accepted? IELTS with a score of 7.5 overall, and a minimum of 7.0 in all sections is not accepted for: 1. FY1 through the UK Foundation Programme. 2. Direct entry to Standalone FY2.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

OET exam When is the OET accepted? If you reach a minimum score of 350 or grade B in all sections, you can use it for: PLAB. GMC registration. Tier 2 visa. Non-training jobs. Training jobs after FY2 level (CT1/ST1 and beyond). Widening Access to Specialty Training (WAST). If you reach a minimum score of 400 in all sections, you can use it for: 1. Direct entry to Standalone FY2. 2. FY1 through the UK Foundation Programme. When is the OET not accepted? If you reach a minimum score of 350 or grade B in all sections, you can’t use it for: Direct entry to Standalone FY2 FY1 through the UK Foundation Programme

Exam system 1. The Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board test ( PLAB test) pathway For fresh graduates PLAB 1 PLAB 2 GMC registration Applying for Tier 2 (work) Visa UKMLA updates 2. The speciality postgraduate diploma pathway For specialists MRCS MRCP MRCPCH


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

PLAB PATHWAY PLAB 1 Requirements to take PLAB 1 To be eligible to sit for PLAB 1 you need the following things: 1. Completed Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) 2. Required score obtained in IELTS/OET You DO NOT need to have your house-job/internship completed in order to sit for PLAB 1. PLAB 1 Exam dates: Overseas, generally PLAB 1 takes place twice, in March & November. In the UK, it happens four times a year; March, June, September & November. How long does it take to prepare for PLAB 1? You can fully prepare for PLAB 1 within 3-4 months. Different people have different paces of studying, so it varies from person to person. When estimating the time keep in mind to : Understand the questions and the answers from the qbanks, as well as why other options are incorrect. Don’t rush yourself and try to simply memorize answers. Create a timeline within which you dedicate how many questions per day, etc. Allow time for reviewing adequately before the exam, and make sure to use the reference books for clarification. Manage your time by doing mocks right before the exam in proper exam-like settings (i.e. time yourself, be in a quiet room, etc).


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

Booking PLAB 1 exam If you don't have a GMC reference number you will need to setup your account and provide the following details: Primary medical qualification. Valid passport. Postal address. Email address. The setup process will take a few minutes to complete. We will send you a confirmation email including your GMC reference number once you have completed the setup process. Inputting false information to create an account is not permitted. Any accounts identified as being false will be locked. How do you cancel or change the date of the exam? You can cancel your booking in the 'My Tests' section of your GMC Online account. If you want to change the date of your exam you must cancel your place and book again. What does the exam cover? The exam covers the common, important or acute conditions (those common in emergency departments) seen by trainees entering the second year of the Foundation Programme (F2), and the management of long-term conditions seen in primary care. It excludes the advanced duties of a general practitioner (GP). How do you answer the questions? PLAB 1 is a written exam made up of 180 multiple choice questions which you must answer within three hours. Each starts with a short scenario followed by a question. You need to choose the right answer out of the five possible answers given.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

What resources should you use to prepare? 1. PLAB test blueprint The blueprint is a guide to what the exam covers and can help you to prepare. It sets out the knowledge, skills and behaviours you are expected to demonstrate in the exam and beyond. All the topics and skills needed to pass are covered in the blueprint. 2. The Foundation Programme curriculum All the topics and skill areas covered by the PLAB blueprint match those typically faced by doctors starting the second year of their UK Foundation Programme training. This is how we make sure doctors who pass the PLAB test are at the same level as UK-qualified doctors.

What can you expect on the day? When your exam is confirmed, they will tell you what time to arrive. If you are sitting your exam outside the UK you will receive this information from the British Council along with details of the venue. Due to the pandemic, it may be necessary for the venue or arrival time of your examination to change before your exam. Please look out for any updates by email and ensure you use the most up to date information when planning your attendance. If you are more than half an hour late, you will not be allowed to enter the examination room. You will not be allowed to leave the room in the first or last half hour of the examination. You can expect to be at the examination centre for at least four hours.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

What should you bring with you? Bring your Passport as a Proof of identification with you. Bring the booking confirmation that includes your GMC reference number. If the name on your identification document is different from that on the booking confirmation from the GMC or British Council, you must also bring original evidence that you are the person named in that letter. they will accept: Marriage certificate. A declaration from the awarding body which granted your primary medical qualification, stating that both names relate to you. You Don't need to bring the following into the exam: A calculator or any other equipment. Coats, bags, telephones or other electronic devices such as smartwatches. Your results Your results will be available six weeks after you take the exam. they'll send you an email to access your results in the 'My Tests' section of GMC Online. they can't give results over the phone, by fax or in person.

What do you do after you pass? If you pass PLAB 1 you can immediately apply to take PLAB 2 using GMC Online. The available PLAB 2 test dates can be seen in GMC Online once you have your PLAB 1 results. You can't apply for PLAB 2 before the results have been issued. You must pass PLAB 2 within three years of the date you passed PLAB 1


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

What do you do if you fail? If you fail PLAB 1, you can book to take the exam again provided you still meet all the requirements. You can attempt the exam a maximum of four times. If you’ve failed the exam four times, you can apply for one final attempt. You will need to demonstrate evidence of additional learning over a 12 month period and make an application. Can you have your results checked? No, this is a service we no longer offer.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

PLAB 2 What is the PLAB 2 exam? PLAB 2 is an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). It's made up of 16 scenarios, each lasting eight minutes and aims to reflect real life settings including a mock consultation or an acute ward. Dates available for PLAB 2 Unlike PLAB 1, this exam CANNOT be taken outside the UK, and it happens round the year. That means that PLAB 2 exam dates are available almost every month (less around the August and late December). The available dates for PLAB 2 can only be seen from your GMC Online account after you have passed PLAB 1. PLAB 2 takes place only in Manchester. Booking PLAB 2 : So you need the following things to be done immediately after you hear the good news of passing PLAB 1: 1. Find the available dates for booking PLAB 2 from the “My Tests” section of your GMC Online account (You can only do that after passing PLAB 1). 2. Decide on a date first that works best for you (don’t just pay and book at once). All your next steps follow this date. 3. Now, booking a PLAB 2 preparatory course. Yes, there are cases where people passed without attending a course – but if you don’t feel confident enough, I will suggest that you attend a course.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

Applying for UK Visitor Visa The standard visitor visa you will be assigned will last for 6 months, during which so much can be completed: 1. PLAB 2 academy and self-practice before the exam. 2. PLAB 2 exam itself. 3. Waiting for the result. Fun times! 4. Application for GMC registration. 5. Applying for jobs online. 6. Attending job interviews in person or online.

PLAB 1 can be taken by your own preparation, but for PLAB 2 many attend different courses/academies. Planning for them is crucial as you would want to get everything (up to your GMC registration) done in one visa (6 months) time period. Before going for PLAB 2 and potentially completing your GMC registration in the same visa period, you should ensure you have all the papers needed for GMC registration mentioned later. Let me break it down further: When the papers required for GMC are applied for in your country, chances are they will be signed, ready, and dated around 3-4 days to a week from when they were applied (depending on the speed that papers move in your country’s council) If you decide to take a PLAB 2 course You are possibly going to the UK just before your course starts. You attend the course for ~ 2 weeks. Practice for your exam ~ 2-3 weeks. Your PLAB 2 day. Waiting for your result – 4 weeks. It can easily be 3-4 months from the day you land till you can make your GMC application. 28

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

What does the exam cover? The exam covers everything a UK trained doctor might expect to see on the first day of Foundation Year Two (F2). It tests your ability to apply knowledge to the care of patients, not how well you can remember and recite facts. All the questions relate to current best practice. You should answer them in relation to published evidence and not according to your local arrangements. Names of drugs referred to in the exam are those contained in the most recent edition of the British National Formulary (BNF). The PLAB blueprint sets out the scope and content of the test. It includes the topics, skills and procedures that a doctor who passes the test would need to know and be able to do. It also provides details of the professional qualities expected of a doctor working in the UK. How do you answer the questions? After reading the instructions and patient information outside each room, you will enter the exam cubicle and complete the task outlined. There will be a timer that announces when to move on. How much time you have between stations will depend upon which centre you are completing your test. There will be at least two rest stations, allowing you to take breaks. The whole exam will take around three hours. Which PLAB 2 course/academy should I choose? People have a lot of different reasons for choosing a particular course/academy. Maybe their friends are going there, maybe they have found better accommodation nearby. So, many things come into play while choosing a course. But, in my opinion, the most important things to always consider while planning the course are: 29

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Course start and end dates that align with your PLAB 2 exam date. The dates of the course should be chosen in a way so that you have at least 3-4 weeks of practice time, AFTER the course and BEFORE the exam date. More explanations are given below. Try and find at least one reliable source to give you a review about the latest situation in the academy. Facebook reviews from the people who attended the course years ago are of little help. If you don’t personally know someone who attended the course recently, you may have to rely on what you find online. But, keep in mind anyone can be typing anything on the internet. For good measure, always ensure your course teachers hold or have previously held GMC registration. This is important because that means they’ve gone down this road before, they understand where you’re starting at and what you’re working towards, and they’ve also had to endure this type of an exam in the past. It wouldn’t make much sense to have tutors for an exam they themselves have not cleared, wouldn’t you agree? You can search for any doctor on the GMC official website to see what their status currently is on the registry. Whether they have relinquished, got their GMC registration erased, or no longer hold a license to practice. There may be other variations that are not mentioned here, but if a doctor has EVER held a GMC registration, their name will be in the register. PLAB 2 courses generally are 12-18 days including review classes and mock tests, so if you choose a course that is in the second week of March, it gives you almost 4 weeks or more AFTER the course and BEFORE the exam on 25th April. I can’t emphasize enough how vital this is to plan beforehand. The course will end and you will need that time on your own to review the materials and prepare yourself through practice.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

Do I need to attend PLAB 2 courses or academy? When we first planned for PLAB 2 everyone said – It is mandatory to join a PLAB 2 course or academy. After passing PLAB 2 and working in the UK for a couple of years, we think it is not mandatory at all. A course or academy can’t teach you anything that you can’t learn by yourself at this point in your career. Knowing the responsibilities of a junior doctor in the NHS, understanding different organisational structures, keeping in line with GMC good medical practice and national guidelines and at the same time preparing following the GMC PLAB Blueprint is all you need. What do you do after you pass? When you pass the exam, you can apply for registration with a licence to practise. You should have your application for registration with a licence to practise in the UK approved within two years of passing part 2 of the exam. This applies from the point you take part 2, not the date you get your results. If you have passed PLAB part 2 more than two years ago, you will need to provide additional evidence of your knowledge and skills. Once you have submitted your application we will contact you to let you know exactly what’s needed. What do you do if you fail? If you fail the exam, you can book to take the exam again provided you meet all the requirements. You can attempt the exam a maximum of four times. If you've failed the exam four times, you can apply for one final attempt. You will need to demonstrate evidence of additional learning over a 12 month period and make an application to us. 31

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Can you have your results checked? No; this is a service that is no longer offered. Required documents for GMC registration: The documents for GMC registration need to be ready to send to GMC via email after you have: 1. Successfully passed the PLABs. 2. Applied for GMC registration online through GMC Online. The documents : Your passport(s). PMQ (MBBS or equivalent) certificate (must be already EPIC verified/sent for verification). Evidence of your knowledge of English (IELTS/OET Test Report Form). Documents regarding your internship. The Internship completion certificate. Letter from your medical regulatory board saying your internship was under provisional registration and was accepted. Evidence of fitness to practice. Certificate of Good standing from all the countries you’ve worked or hold registration. Employer References. Any periods of non-medical work completed in the last five years. Any periods of medical work for which you did not hold any registration in the last five years.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

Certificate of good standing (CGS) This is a certificate that is issued by the current medical regulatory board/council you are fully registered to. There should be an application process to obtain this from your medical council. It differs from one to another so it’s best you contact your own. You will need to send GMC a certificate of good standing from each medical regulatory authority you have been registered or licensed within the last five years, even if you have not worked there. It should: Cover all of your work in that country/state Confirm that you’re entitled to practice medicine in that country Confirm that you’ve not been disqualified, suspended or prohibited from practicing medicine Confirm that the regulatory authority is not aware of any matters that call into question your good standing. If you are no longer registered or licensed with the regulatory authority, you may be issued with a certificate of past good standing. Certificates of good standing are only valid for three months from the date that they are signed.

Letter of Approval for your Internship This letter is basically paving your way to get FULL registration with a license to practice. You may not need to get it if your internship completion certificate mentions holding a provisional registration. Also many say to wait up to see if GMC wants it.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt England

Certificate of Completion of Internship/House job Different medical colleges and universities and different formats of this certificate are available. GMC has some criteria: The experience must have been undertaken in a resident medical capacity in posts that were approved for internship training. The medical superintendent or consultant who supervised your internship training should sign the certificates. The certificates should also confirm the dates of employment, the specialties undertaken and whether the posts were full or part-time, and that they were completed satisfactorily.”

Employer reference (GEN 1 Form) As mentioned earlier, you will need to provide a GEN1 employer reference form for: Any periods of non-medical work completed in the last five years Any periods of medical work for which you did not hold any registration in the last five years. Applying for NHS jobs Once you obtain FULL GMC registration with a license to practice, you officially can be appointed as a doctor anywhere in the UK. Congrats! So, that’s when your job hunt will begin. It is always advisable to start at a non-training job like LAS or trust grade post to get into the system rather than jumping into a training application without any NHS experience. Applying for Tier 2 (work) Visa You have aced your interviews and landed a job. Congrats again! Now the last thing on your plate is to apply for a Skilled Worker Visa . The process is much easier compared to the standard visitor visa. Your visa can last for up to 5 years before you need to extend it. You’ll need to apply to extend or update your visa when it expires or if you change jobs or employer. 34

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You can apply for a visa up to 3 months before the day you are due to start work in the UK. This date is listed on your certificate of sponsorship. As part of your application, you’ll need to prove your identity and provide your documents. You may need to allow extra time if you need an appointment to do this. You’ll find out if you need one when you start your application. UKMLA updates What is UKMLA? It is the United Kingdom Medical Licensing Assessment. It will be a requirement for both UK graduates as well as international graduates. When will it be instituted? Officially it will roll out in early 2024, but GMC will begin pilot testing and check the MLA assessments until then. PLAB will be replaced by UKMLA in 2024. What does it consist of? There will be two parts: 1. The Applied Knowledge Test (AKT). This test will be the same for all UK students and IMGs. GMC will decide the pass standard, and the exam will be held four times a year. UK medical students will face the exam in their schools, while IMGs will be able to take it at select locations around the world. It will be a computer-based test for all candidates. 2. The Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment (CPSA). This will be similar to PLAB 2 and GMC will take it at their Clinical Assessment Center in Manchester.


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The speciality postgraduate diploma pathway there is a range of exams based on speciality, you can find the list on the most common ones are : psychiatry Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) The current examination consists of 3 parts, with 2 written papers and a clinical exam (CASC). Paper A focuses on Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Psychology and theory, while Paper B focuses on Current Clinical Practice & Evidence within General Adult and the various subspecialties of Psychiatry, Epidemiology, Statistics, Critical Appraisal and Psychotherapy. surgery Intercollegiate Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) The Intercollegiate Membership examination of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons (MRCS) tests the knowledge, experience and clinical competence expected of trainees at the end of their core surgical training. Passing the MRCS examination grants membership of one of the four surgical royal colleges in the UK and Ireland, and for trainees following the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP), entry to higher specialist training. The MRCS examination has two parts: Part A: written paper. Part B: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) .


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Visa information British council Address: Agouza192, El Nil Street, Agouza, Cairo Telephone number: +20 (0)2 19789 Email: Website https: // British Embassy Address 7 Ahmed Ragheb Street,Garden City, Cairo Telephone: 0020 2 2791 6000 visa options For PLAB 2 exam you'll need a visit visa after finding a job you'll need a Tier 2 (work) Visa. Permanent Residency This is known as Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). This is awarded to people who have proved their commitment to the UK while living here on a temporary visa. An ILR permits a person to live in the UK for as long as they wish and after a certain amount of time, apply for citizenship. The requirements and processing time for the IRL depend on the visa the applicant already holds. They must have sufficient knowledge about life in the UK and should be proficient in English. Applicants who want to migrate to the UK below the age of 18 years and above the age of 65 years are exempt from this. An ILR may be revoked if the person spends more than 2 years outside the UK. After living in the UK for 5 years with an ILR, the applicant can apply for UK citizenship.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Germany


‫أﻟﻤﺎﻧﻴﺎ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Germany is the seventh-largest country in Europe with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank. Good news - doctors and other medical professionals are in demand in Germany! The need to make up for skill shortages in various specialist areas means that there are lots of opportunities for qualified doctors to find work in Germany, especially in rural areas and smaller towns. However, the medical profession in Germany is strictly regulated and there are many conditions for international doctors to meet before they can work here. Being a doctor in Germany is hard work as it is in any other country, but it is well paid work, you do not lack medicine or equipment. You need to be proficient in the German language and be recognized as a doctor in order to follow your profession. Here is a summary of the most important things you'll need to think about.

Lifestyle On average, to cover your living expenses in Germany you will need around 86€ per month (around 1,002$ US dollars). Compared to some other European countries, Germany is not very expensive. Surprisingly enough, Berlin is the cheapest of the major cities, and given that it's the capital and also one of the most exciting places in Germany.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Germany

Choosing the right visa (non-EU citizens) The EU Blue Card was introduced to help attract highly qualified professionals from non-EU countries to come and work in Germany. It's a prestigious work permit with various benefits compared to the normal work permit, including making the path to a permanent resident permit faster and easier. However, there are various conditions attached, for example you'll need a concrete job offer with a minimum salary of 38,688€ per year, and for your degree to be recognised in Germany. If the Blue Card isn't an option for you, you may still be able to get a 'residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment' (formerly 'work permit'). Depending on the reason you were denied a Blue Card, this will require more effort. But it is a valid and widely used residence permit for Germany, and although the final integration process will be slower, it gives you the same rights as the Blue Card. Getting a medical license The 'Approbation' is the medical license issued by the German state that permits doctors to work in their profession. It is valid across Germany and lasts a lifetime. Requirements: Foreign doctors need to have a concrete job offer before applying Medical German at C1 level (for normal, everyday German, B2 is sufficient). Any qualifications gained abroad must be deemed equivalent to comparable German qualifications, especially for medical diplomas issued in non-European countries. If you have a definite job offer, you can start by applying for a 'Berufserlaubnis' (temporary medical license). This allows you to work in Germany while your eligibility for the Approbation is being checked by the authorities. With the 'Approbation' or 'Berufserlaubnis' you can start working either just as a medical resident, or by working and studying your medical specialty at the same time. This can take several years depending on the speciality, but you can start earning money during this time. The process results in the German title of 'Facharzt', or medical specialist.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Germany

Language requirements In Germany, the relationship between doctor and patient is based on trust and respect, and medical diagnoses will need to be communicated in a comprehensible and sensitive way.For that, very good German language skills are essential. Because medical professions are regulated in Germany, you will need to prove that you have at least B2-level general German (some states like Hessen ask for C1). To get your Approbation, you may need to pass an exam called the Fachsprachenprüfung. Some language schools offer courses to prepare for this special exam, which tests your oral and written German medical knowledge.

Salary expectations The medical profession in Germany has high starting salaries and doctors are well paid throughout their careers. There are of course differences depending on your professional experience and the medical area you work in. Average salaries in Germany for doctors vary between 65,000€ /year for an Assistenzarzt (assistant doctor) to 80,000€ for a Facharzt (specialist). In hospitals, you are usually promoted according to the years of your professional experience, and your salary rises accordingly. Chief physicians at the top level of their career earn the most – with an average of around 278,000€ /year. But don't forget, with high salaries come high expectations doctors in Germany have a high workload and a lot of responsibility!


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Australia ‫أﺳﺘﺮاﻟﻴﺎ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Australia as a country Location the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia’s capital is Canberra, located in the southeast between the larger and more important economic and cultural centres of Sydney and Melbourne. Official Language Australian English Why migrate to Australia? Australia is a popular choice due to its quality of life and good economy. Another attractive reason for migrating to Australia as a doctor is the reputation of its health care system and the way in which medical practitioners are remunerated. Australia is also heading for an acute doctor shortage in the coming decade, especially of full-time GPs. By 2030, researchers project a shortfall of 9,298 full-time GPs which is 24.7% of the GP workforce. Opportunities exist in a number of other doctor specialties as well. There is a particularly high demand in regional areas. Many Aussie medical school graduates are reluctant to practice in rural or isolated low population places. They often do not wish to leave the city and go to the country or the bush. And if they choose to specialize they often stay in city areas for training. Therefore there is a demand for suitably qualified doctors all over Australia. 41

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Medical residency Working hours per week (40 - 60 hrs) Fee of residency (450- 2600 USD) Average income per year (48,000 - 77,000 USD) Average outcome per year (19,000 USD)

Salary Specialty Trainee Registrars working full-time in the hospital system will earn between 89,649$ as a first-year Registrar in Tasmania up to 161,766$ per annum working at the most senior Registrar level in Western Australia. General Practice Trainee Registrars working fulltime are guaranteed 75,328$ per annum in their first year of training. Going up to a guaranteed 96,724$ per annum in their 3rd and final year of training. What Other Benefits Do You Get As a Specialty Trainee? There are a range of other benefits that you get when working as an employed doctor in Australia. On top of your salary, your employer is required to pay an additional 9.5% into a superannuation fund to assist with your retirement. As an employee, you are covered by workers compensation for any injury or accident that might occur at work. Although payouts are often fairly poor and below what most professionals earn. So you may wish to consider taking out additional income protection insurance. You may get an allowance or even a mobile phone provided to you if you are required to be on call. You might get some meal allowances for shifts. If you have been seconded a reasonable distance from your normal place of appointment you will generally be provided with free temporary accommodation (you may need to pay a bond) and a travel allowance, for example, a free air ticket back home every 13 weeks or so.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

You will get at least 4 weeks of annual leave per year. Most doctors will also get one extra day off per month. Called a Rostered Day Off or RDO. If you are asked to be on-call you will get a small allowance for this and be paid if you are called back into work. You will get a certain amount of sick leave every year which you can accumulate if you don’t use. You also get access to other types of leave, such as leave to take your child to the doctor. How hard is it to get into a speciality? Some specialties are somewhat easier to get into at an earlier stage of training, examples being Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Physician Training and Emergency Medicine. Other specialties have long waiting lists where you might end up becoming a very, very senior Resident before you get onto the program. Examples here are Surgery, Ophthalmology and Dermatology.

Cost The MCQ exam costs 2,720$ per sitting and the Clinical exam costs 3,530$ per sitting Costs of training fees and exam fees can also vary significantly. Annual College fees usually start at over a thousand dollars for most Colleges. Examination fees can be a few thousand dollars to over ten thousand dollars. These costs are all tax deductible. You may also need to or find it desirable to enter a formal training course. Some Colleges make this mandatory. This will also cost you a few thousand dollars. Again. This is also tax deductible. Depending on your specialty there may be some equipment that you need to buy. For example, some of the surgical specialties utilise special equipment (think Ear, Nose and Throat).


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

language Requirements The Medical Board of Australia will accept any the following language tests and results for international medical graduates (IMGs): IELTS Academic module. The IELTS score for doctors in Australia is a minimum overall score of 7 and a minimum score of 7 in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking). OET with a minimum score of B in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking PTE Academic with a minimum overall score of 65 and a minimum score of 65 in each of the four communicative skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) TOEFL iBT with a minimum total score of 94 and the following minimum score in each section of the test: 24 for listening, 24 for reading, 27 for writing, and 23 for speaking. And in addition, for each of the above-mentioned tests, the Medical Board of Australia will now accept an aggregation of results across two separate tests. So for example, for the IELTS score for doctors in Australia, you can aggregate your scores across two tests such that you can count scores from either test to come up with 7 or more across the 4 domains. As long as you do not score less than 6.5 on any domain in either test. So if you get a 6.5 in listening on one sitting you can fix this by getting a 7 on a future test.

How long does an English Language Test last for? Generally the Medical Board will accept a test that is less than two years old. So this often means that applicants are re-sitting tests as you may sit an English test for one particular purpose, such as to do a course and by the time it comes around to applying for registration for a job your test is out of date.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Do I need an English Language Test to sit the Australian Medical Council exams? Surprisingly the answer to this question is no. Of course, both the written and clinical exams are done in English so if your English is poor you are going to struggle with them. It’s probably sensible to wait till after you pass your MCQ to sit an English test if you need to do it. This hopefully avoids the issue of the test result expiring before you are offered a position. Is there any alternatives to the language tests ? the Medical Board will also accept successful completion of any the following tests as evidence of English language competency: the New Zealand Registration Examination (NZREX) administered by the New Zealand Medical Council the PLAB test administered by the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board of the General Medical Council.

Exam system International medical graduates (IMGs) whose medical qualifications are from a medical school outside of Australia or New Zealand and who are seeking registration to practise medicine in Australia must provide evidence of eligibility to undertake one of the following assessment pathways: 1. The Standard Pathway which is a general registration pathway for doctors from any country who do not have specialist qualifications and are looking to start at junior doctor level in Australia. 2. The Competent Authority Pathway which is a restricted pathway that enables both specialist and non-specialist doctors to commence their work in Australia. 3. The Specialist Pathway which is a pathway that can ultimately lead to recognition as a specialist in Australia and requires you to be initially assessed by the relevant medical specialty college. 4. The Short Term Training in a Medical Specialty Pathway which allows for time-limited registration, so that advanced trainees and specialists from other countries can obtain some top-up training in Australia. 45

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Standard pathway The Standard Pathway is a process whereby doctors who have medical degrees from outside of Australia can apply to have their capability as a doctor evaluated in order to work in Medicine in Australia. The process is intended to ensure that doctors are competent to the level of Australian doctors at the point at which they graduate from medical school and go onto successfully complete a provisional intern year. Which Doctors Should Apply for the Standard Pathway? The Pathway applies to international doctors who do not have specialist qualifications and who are not from one of the “competent authority” countries ( the countries are the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and the Republic of Ireland) So the majority of international doctors seeking general registration do apply for this pathway. competent authority countries are the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and the Republic of Ireland This means that if you graduated in medicine from one of these countries you have a more streamlined pathway available for being able to work as a doctor in Australia. Pathway overview 1. Apply to the AMC for Standard pathway and primary source verification. 2. Pass the AMC Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) exam. 3. Pass the AMC Clinical exam and receive AMC certificate. 4. Secure an employment offer. 5. Apply to the MBA for provisional registration. 6. Complete 12 months supervised practice. 7. Secure an employment offer. 8. Apply to the MBA for limited registration. 9. Complete 12 months supervised practice.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

What Are the Australian Medical Council Examinations? The AMC examinations are set at the level of attainment of medical knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes required of newly qualified graduates of Australian medical schools who are about to begin intern training. They consist of : 1. A computer adaptive test (CAT) multiple-choice question (MCQ) examination. 2. Structured clinical examination of the Australian Medical Council (AMC). It is an important thing to note here is that the AMC Exams are clinical exams and do not involve being tested around matters of basic science. The AMC Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) MCQ Examination is a computer-administered fully integrated multi-choice question examination delivered in one 3.5-hour session in examination centre worldwide. The examination consists of 150 A-type MCQs (one correct response from five options) It focuses on essential medical knowledge involving understanding of the disease process; clinical examination and diagnosis; and investigation, therapy and management. You are expected to complete all 150 items. Failure to complete all 150 scored items in the examination may lead to insufficient information for a reliable determination of your ability and therefore a result on the AMC adaptive scale. The examination result is recorded as ‘Fail—Insufficient data to obtain result’. The MCQ Examination Specifications booklet gives more information on the computer adaptive testing (CAT) blueprint and format.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

The AMC Clinical Examination It is an integrated multidisciplinary structured clinical assessment. The examination comprises 16 assessed stations and 4 rest stations. It is administered either online via a video conferencing format at a location organised by the candidate, or when health restrictions allow, at the National Test Centre in Melbourne (NTC). Candidates will rotate through a series of stations and will undertake a variety of clinical tasks. All candidates in a clinical examination session will be assessed against the same stations. Most stations are of 10 minutes duration (Comprising two minutes reading time, and eight minutes assessment time). Stations may use actual patients, simulated patients, or videotaped patient presentations. Other relevant materials, such as charts, digital images and photographs may also be used in the examination. Pre-requisites for the clinical examination: Candidates must have passed the MCQ examination before being eligible to proceed to the clinical examination. Assessment criteria for clinical examination: Stations will assess clinical skills relating to presentations of medical, surgical, women’s health, paediatrics and mental health problems. These will be in a variety of settings including community and hospital. Each station has a single broad “predominant assessment area”. These are: history taking examination diagnostic formulation management/counselling/education


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Examples of material that could be included in the stations are: Taking the history of a patient with symptoms of shortness of breath [history taking station]. Taking a history from a third party such as the parent or carer of a patient (history taking station). Physical examination of a patient with symptoms of suspected vascular disease [examination station]. Interpretation of a laboratory report result [diagnostic formulation station]. Diagnosis of a common skin lesion [diagnostic formulation station]. Educating an asthmatic patient on the use of an inhaler [management/counselling/education station]. Counselling a patient with obesity [management/counselling/education station]. Presenting a management plan for a patient presentation (management/counselling/education station). Online clinical examination The format of examination stations has been developed for online delivery. The assessment blueprint and criteria remain the same as the in-person NTC examination with the exception of hands-on components of physical examination. The candidate will be required to exhibit clinical reasoning, interpretation and detailed description of physical examination techniques and process. The candidate may be delivering this information to either the examiner, medical student, patient, family member, carer or health professional.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

When Can I Sit the AMC Examinations? You can sit for the AMC Examinations any time after you graduate from your medical school. All that is needed to sit is proof of a primary medical degree. You must sit and pass the first AMC Exam. The MCQ test. Prior to being able to sit for the Clinical Examination. Do I Need to Sit An English Test to Sit the AMC Examinations? Surprisingly the answer to this question is no. You won’t need an IELTS test or one of the other 3 acceptable tests in order to sit the examination. However, you will likely need one in order to apply for a job and become registered. How Often Can I Sit the AMC Examinations? You can sit as many times as you wish to. But you can only be preparing for and registered to sit one particular exam at a time. How Hard Are the AMC Exams? The MCQ exam is relatively ok with around about a 60% pass rate per sitting. The Clinical Examination is notoriously difficult with a pass rate of around 28%. When Is the Best Time to Sit the AMC Exams? The AMC Exams run constantly throughout the year with a bit of a break over the Australian summer period. There is no best time to sit from this perspective. What’s the Best Way to Prepare for the AMC Exams? In the AMC exams you compete against a standard. Not other candidates. So most doctors who have been successful in the AMC exams will tell you that one of the best ways to prepare is to form a small study group. Generally, most candidates prepare by using examples of past questions. You can purchase some official questions from the AMC. But there are also a number of other MCQ questions and Clinical stations floating digitally around the internet as many AMC candidates do attempt to recall questions after their exam. 50

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Given the expense of the exams themselves, it may be difficult to afford to pay for additional resources such as textbooks and online and face to face courses. Most international doctors do recommend purchasing a copy of Professor Murtagh’s book on General Practice as this covers a lot of the Australian specific knowledge for both the MCQ and Clinical. There are also a number of online tutoring and courses available as well as face to face courses and opportunities to undertake observerships if you are able to afford these. When Can I Apply for a Job? As soon as you are successful in the AMC Part 1 you can begin applying for a medical position. Most doctors recommend this strategy and not waiting until you complete the Clinical Examination. This is because it can often take a lot of time and persistence to obtain a position. The downside of this approach is that you will probably get a lot of rejections and find yourself in a big group of candidates who all just have the AMC Part 1 exam. What Are the Best Jobs to Apply For? What job you apply for may depend on where you are intending to head in your career, particularly if you are looking at general practice. Bear in mind however that most of the doctor jobs in Australia will not be available to you until you have obtained general registration. The most common type of job that will be available is called a resident medical officer (RMO) job. These are often advertised at times during the year when hospitals have had vacancies in their ranks. The RMO role is normally a position that is one more year advanced than the intern position. But you are generally doing the same roles as interns, i.e. acting as the most junior member on the team looking after the day to day patient issues on the ward. A key phrase to look for in any job description which will indicate that you can apply for a position is: “eligible for registration”


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

How Can I Improve My Prospects of Gaining a Job? Some of the key things are: 1. Having a really well put together resume 2. Establishing networks to identify ad hoc job opportunities 3. Being prepared to look outside of the major cities 4. Preparing for job interviews When Can I Apply for Training Positions? Once you have completed the process, ie. you have your full AMC Certificate and a satisfactory 12 month’s supervised practice you will be able to apply for general registration. Once you have general registration you will be eligible to apply for most of the specialty training schemes. There are some exceptions to this where you also require permanent residency. For example, the Australian General Practice Training Scheme and the College of Surgeons training programs. So, if you are aiming for these you will need to consider alternatives or wait a few more years till you can obtain permanent residency.

Can the USMLE or PLAB Substitute For the AMC Exams? Yes. But only if you complete all the steps required and in the case of the PLAB undertake at least 12 months supervised placement in the UK or in the case of the USMLE undertake at least 24 months in an accredited residency program. Otherwise, these exams are of no use and you have to sit all of the AMC Exams.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Competent Authority pathway The competent authority (CA) pathway essentially recognises that doctors that come from other healthcare systems, with similar systems, and processes and standards to the Australian context, have a level of equivalence. The competent authority pathway is for both non-specialist as well as specialist doctors. It is a streamlined process for becoming granted registration in Australia. The board has approved a number of international authorities as competent in their assessment of doctors for medical registration. Arguably these countries do have medical training systems that are equivalent to Australia. The approved competent authorities are: 1. General Medical Council (United Kingdom - for the PLAB examination or for graduates of GMC-accredited medical courses in the United Kingdom). 2. Medical Council of Canada (LMCC). 3. Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates of the United States (USMLE). 4. Medical Council of New Zealand (NZREX). 5. Medical Council of Ireland (graduates of medical courses in Ireland accredited by the Medical Council of Ireland). 6. National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (COMLEX-USA). So if you have primary qualifications in medicine awarded by a training institute, which is recognised in the competent authority jurisdictions and also recognised by the Australian Medical Council you will normally be permitted to apply to work as a doctor in Australia under this pathway. This is on the proviso that you have completed some clinical training or assessment within that authority. This differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but is either a year of training or two. So, for example, in the UK, that would be the first foundation years. Whereas in the US it would mean completing 2 residency years in an ACGME accredited post. 53

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Why Is The Competent Authority Pathway Attractive? If you are eligible for the Competent Authority Pathway in Australia this is generally a good thing as it is considered to be the easiest pathway to getting registered and being able to start working here. If you are eligible for the Competent Authority pathway essentially all you need to do is convince an employer to offer you a suitable position and have the intended supervision for this position assessed by the Medical Board of Australia. Once you are approved for registration you work for 12 months under provisional registration and will need to complete satisfactory supervisor reports. If all goes well at the end of this process you are able to apply for general registration. There’s no need for examinations or other forms of assessment (other than supervisor reports). (It should be noted that sometimes doctors from CA countries who are applying for specialist registration also work for 12 months under this pathway. In this situation you do not gain general registration at the end of the process you gain specialist registration in your particular specialty.) Pathway overview: 1. Competent Authority pathway. 2. Secure an employment offer. 3. Apply to the AMC for primary source verification. 4. Apply to the MBA for provisional registration. 5. Complete 12 months supervised practice. 6. Apply to the MBA for general registration. Please note that IMGs who qualify for provisional/general registration via the Competent Authority pathway are NOT eligible to apply for limited registration. Following satisfactory completion of 12 months of supervised practice (minimum of 47 weeks of full-time service), Competent Authority pathway registrants may be eligible to apply for general registration with the Board. 54

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

The Specialist pathway The Specialist pathway is for the following international medical graduates (IMGs): Overseas-trained specialists applying for assessment of comparability to the standard of a specialist trained in that specialty in Australia (specialist recognition). Overseas-trained specialists applying for an area of need specialist level position in Australia (area of need). Eligibility If you currently hold, or previously held, general registration you are not eligible to apply for the specialist pathway. You can complete the requirements for specialist registration while holding general registration, through a separate process. You are not eligible to apply for limited or provisional registration to complete the specialist recognition process. Process for applying for Specialist pathway (specialist recognition or area of need or both): 1. Apply to the AMC for primary source verification. 2. See how to apply for PSV at the AMC website. 3. Apply to the relevant specialist medical college for assessment. 4. Download an application form from the college website (specialist recognition or area of need or both). 5. Complete your application form. 6. Attach the supporting documentation including primary medical qualifications. 7. Ensure your supporting documents meet college requirements i.e. copies of documents are correctly certified, documents are translated into English (if required) by an authorised service. 8. If you are applying for an Area of need assessment, ensure you attach the area of need declaration, position description, offer of employment and location details. 9. Review your application before you submit. 10. Supporting documents must be attached and meet the document requirements of the college. 55

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11. Payment of the fee must be included. 12. Incomplete applications will result in delays to your assessment and may incur a fee. 13. Submit your application to the college. 14. Incomplete applications will not be progressed. 15. College confirms receipt of your applicationThis is not a confirmation of assessment. 16. College sends you the assessment outcome. 17. Your assessment outcome will determine whether you can apply to the Medical Board of Australia for limited or provisional registration or specialist registration. Primary source verification Before applying for the Specialist pathway, IMGs must apply to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for primary source verification of their qualifications. The AMC verify qualifications through the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPIC). There are two pathways within the Specialist pathway: 1. Specialist pathway - specialist recognition: the IMG applies directly to the relevant specialist medical college who assesses comparability against the criteria for an Australiantrained specialist in the same field of specialty practice. The outcome of the specialist medical college's assessment will determine the relevant registration type. The relevant specialist medical college will require the IMG to undertake a period of supervised practice, which may include other requirements such as workplace-based assessments, training or examinations, before recommending that the IMG be granted recognition as a specialist.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

2. Specialist pathway - area of need: The IMG applies directly to the specialist medical college who assesses their qualifications and relevant experience against the specified requirements of a position in a confirmed area of need. Area of need is determined by the relevant state or territory health authority (the AMC, the college and the Board have no role in determining which areas are declared area of need). This pathway does not lead to specialist registration. IMGs on the Specialist pathway - area of need can also be on the Specialist pathway - specialist recognition if they wish to gain specialist registration with the Board.

The Short Term Specialist Training Pathway This option is not as well known to IMGs as the other 3 options. And this is perhaps because it is not a pathway to permanent registration in Australia. This pathway is limited to IMG doctors who are either already specialists or in the advanced or final phase of their specialty training. Ostensibly the pathway is designed to facilitate additional “top-up” training or experience, i.e. it is designed to give a specialist from another country some additional training and experience to help when they return to their own country. The pathway is therefore strictly limited to 2 years and you generally have to complete a form indicating that you are intending to return to your own country at the end of this period of registration. To be eligible for this pathway you first need to secure a job offer (usually an Advanced Training post) from an employer. Like all other pathways, you need to verify your degree with the AMC. You also need to apply to the specialist college for assessment of your credentials against the post you have secured. Unlike the specialist pathway the college assessment is only paper based, requires less information and generally easier to pass. 57

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Is Short Term Specialist Training A Pathway to Working Permanently in Australia? Even prior to the advent of the one Medical Board there were registration categories in existence that enabled trainee doctors from other countries to come to Australia and work for a limited period of time. It was not uncommon for these doctors to take the opportunity whilst working in Australia to pursue other forms of registration and the case is the same still with the Short Term Specialist Training Pathway. So, whilst the pathway itself is designed to be time limited and there is a requirement to state your intention to return at the end of your registration period. There is really no way of enforcing this and there is nothing to say that you might change your mind halfway through the process. There are a number of IMG doctors who use this particular pathway as a “stepping stone” to a more permanent registration category. Whilst, specialist colleges are not permitted to take into account any experience you have gathered under the Short Term Specialist Training Pathway, it is hard for them to ignore the fact that you have already worked successfully in the Australian context and also hard to ignore references from Australian College Fellows attesting to your capability. Similarly, if you have proven your work capability in an Australian health service then this tends to dramatically improves your prospects with employers in Australia for other jobs over and above most other things, including things like qualifications and observations.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Short-term training process An internationally qualified specialist or international specialist-intraining can undertake short-term training in Australia without having to obtain an AMC Certificate or to undergo a full comparability assessment by the relevant specialist medical college. 1. The IMG applies directly to ECFMG’s Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPIC) for verification of medical qualifications. 2. The IMG applies online to the AMC to establish an AMC portfolio. 3. The IMG applies directly to the relevant college for a training position by using the form AAMC–30 Application for assessment by a medical college, available on the Board’s website 4. The specialist medical college assesses the suitability of the training position for the applicant. 5. The IMG applies to the Board for limited registration for postgraduate training or supervised practice.

Speciality system Few key points: 1. The process of becoming a specialist doctor in Australia is termed “specialty training” and in most cases is conducted via one of the 16 specialist medical colleges. 2. Residency training, which is often what doctors from places such as North American and Asian countries refer to when they are talking about specialty training, does not exist as a concept in Australia. And in fact, being a “resident medical officer” means something quite different here. 3. There are around 64 different medical specialties to choose from in Australia, and this includes general practice, which is recognised as a specialty in its own right.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

How and when do local graduates enter into specialty training? Medical school has been rapidly evolving in Australia of late with the majority of schools phasing out the old MB BS programs in favour of 4 or 5 year MDs. Some of these are graduate programs. So its not surprising to hear that for some the process of choosing and targeting a particular specialty begins early in medical school. However, unlike say the North American system you can’t simply apply for specialty training at the end of your medical school. Upon graduating there is a requirement for a minimum of one year supervised training which is referred to as an “internship”. It is only after you satisfactorily complete your internship that you gain general registration. Doctors from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland would be familiar with something similar. The Australian medical training system has largely been adapted from the UK system. The internship period is heavily supervised and there are formal training and assessment processes, with oversight provided by bodies in each State and Territory called Prevocational Medical Councils. This prevocational period often extends for at least another year and we call it prevocational training. Resident Means Something Different in Australia. A Resident or Resident Medical Officer, or RMO in Australia is a doctor in their second year out of medical school, i.e. someone who has completed their internship. Whilst it is technically possible to enter into some specialty training programs as a Resident (Psychiatry and General Practice being examples) generally most doctors wait until the end of their second year to enter into training. And in the case of some particularly competitive specialties, such as surgical specialties and anaesthesia, may wait several more years to get on to a training scheme.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

A doctor who is still a resident in their third year is generally referred to as a Senior Resident. For most senior resident doctors, there is no set standard or oversight for training. So the quality of support provided can vary quite considerably. And it can often be left up to the individual to develop their own program. This situation has unfortunately led to some fairly famous recent cases of exploitation of doctors working what are termed “unaccredited posts”. These are posts that are not oversighted as an official training post by a college. Often referred to as service roles. It’s for this reason that doctors in Australia are often relieved when they finally make it into a specialty. For International Medical Graduates coming via the standard pathway or in some cases also the competent authority pathway. It's a Resident post that you are looking to fill as your first job in Medicine in Australia, i.e. a pre-specialty training position. Key Requirements for Specialty Training. The requirements for entry into specialty training differ between colleges and this post is not intended to address each one specifically. But let’s look at some of the general requirements. You Must Have General Registration to Enter Specialty Training. One thing that every doctor must have to enter into specialty training in Australia is general registration. So for local graduates, this means completing an internship first. For IMGs this means completing a provisional year, normally as a resident, either via the standard pathway or competent authority pathway, after which you will also be granted general registration. This is why I often tell IMG candidates that once you have completed your supervised year you are almost on an equal footing with local graduates. 61

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You Generally Need at Least 2 Year’s Experience. Most but not all colleges require you to have gained a minimum amount of clinical experience prior to applying. The most common requirement is for 2 years. Whether this is a valid requirement or not is somewhat questionable. As noted some colleges now allow doctors to apply after completing an internship. A key driver for maintaining a second-year residency in Australia is the need for doctors to fill service level roles. But to be fair many doctors themselves also value having 2 years to consolidate after medical school. Having Permanent Residency Or Citizenship Can Also Be A Requirement. In some cases, for example, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, you will also need to prove that you are a Citizen or permanent resident. So this can be a discriminator against IMG doctors. I am often asked why there is this discrimination in place. To be fair to the colleges they are really only applying the Australian law which essentially dictates that jobs must be provided to citizens and residents first before being offered to someone on a visa. Many other countries have similar arrangements for their own citizens. The Application Process Itself. The application process itself is similar to a normal job recruitment process. There are 2 main ways to get selected into specialty training in Australia. College Goes First. The first way is to get selected by the College first. This is the approach that most Colleges adopt. Examples include RACS, RANZCO, RANZCOG and RANZCP. For trainee doctors, this selection process may be the most rigorous job interview that they ever encounter, with many colleges employing scoring criteria for both your CV, as well as referees and submitting candidates to psychometric testing and a multiple mini interview approach. 62

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Employer Goes First (Alone). If you are applying for Physician training or Radiology training then you will start off by interviewing for a training post which is held by a hospital or health services. This will generally be a more standard affair, with an online application, CV and referee checks and interviews. Normally it's just a panel interview but there has been a trend lately to make some of these recruitments multiple mini interviews. There will generally be representatives of the respective college on the selection panel. Once you have gained a post you will apply to be recognised as a trainee by the relevant college. In the case of Physicians, you can even do this beforehand. The process is generally just an application and fee and rarely are doctors rejected. General Practice Selection. General Practice Selection is a whole beast to itself, with many pathways. The main pathway into GP training is conducted by the regional training providers, which are separate from the GP colleges. Selection is quite rigorous and also involves both psychometric testing as well as formal interviewing. Once selected, candidates then apply for one or both other College training programs for which they have already been deemed eligible bypassing the training selection process. What Specialties Can You Apply For? If we take the latest view from the Medical Board of Australia there are 64 recognised specialties for medicine in Australia. And below that many hospitals and employers will recognise even more subspecialties. That seems like a lot of choices. But actually the initial choice is made a little bit easier by virtue of the fact that many specialties break their training up into Basic and Advanced Training. Basic Training is usually around 2 or 3 years and more generalised. Once you complete Basic Training you can specialise further in Advanced Training. Which usually requires you to undertake an additional selection step.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

Let’s look at some of the more popular specialty choices in Australia. For General Practice. As indicated there are a number of pathways but the main pathway is the Australian General Practice Training Program under which you train for a Fellowship with either the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or Australian College of Rural Remote Medicine. For both Adult Medicine and Paediatrics you commence Basic Training with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. After which you can choose to stay general in your Advanced Training or do one of many different specialties. The RACP also looks after some other smaller training programs, including Occupational Health and Rehabilitation Medicine. For Radiology, you apply to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiology. This is a relatively straight forward specialty. There are really only two options. Diagnostic Radiology and Radiotherapy. For Psychiatry, you apply to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. For Emergency Medicine, it’s the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine. Surgery is a little different. Because its such a competitive specialty trainees have generally completed a lot of experience and courses just to get in. So you apply directly for “SET” (Surgical Education Training) in either of General, Vascular, Orthopaedics, Ear Nose and Throat, Paediatrics, Cardiothoracic, Neurosurgery, Urology or Plastic Surgery. How Long Does Specialty Training Run For? Most training programs are around 5 or 6 years minimum. Although General Practice can be as little as 3 years.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

How Are Specialists From Overseas Treated?

Specialists from other countries can apply directly to the relevant college for an assessment of their capability to work as a specialist in Australia. This is known as the specialist pathway. Visa information Australian embassy Address: World Trade Centre 11th Floor, 1191 Corniche El Nil, Boulaq, Cairo. Tel: +202 2770 6600 Fax: +202 2770 6650 Email: Facebook: Website: Opening Hours: The Embassy is open from 8:00am to 4:30pm Sunday to Wednesday and from 8:00am to 1:30pm on Thursday. The Embassy is closed on public holiday

Visa options There are two main categories for skilled migration to Australia for Doctors: 1. The General Migration stream (GMS) which encompasses a range of permanent points-tested visas such as: Skilled Independent visa (Subclass 189). Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190). Skilled work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491). The highest scores under the current test are for occupations in demand requiring specialised training, and then for general degree levels. Points are then awarded on a scale for age, English proficiency and other factors including Australian work or study experience, regional living and study, partner qualifications or state or territory government nomination.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Australia

2. Employer Sponsored migration which allows employers to nominate/sponsor personnel from overseas to work in Australia in skilled occupations through a number of visa options on a permanent basis. The following categories apply: The Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) (Subclass 186)—allows Australian employers to nominate overseas workers for permanent residence in Australia to fill skilled vacancies in their business. The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) (Subclass 187) — designed to encourage migration to regional and low population growth areas of Australia. Employers in these areas can nominate overseas workers for permanent residence to fill skilled vacancies in their business. Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa – This visa enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in skilled workers where employers can’t source an appropriately skilled Australian worker. What is the Best Temporary Visa For a Pathway to Permanent Residence in Australia? The Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) this visa is the most common pathway for migrating to Australia as a doctor and requires that you be sponsored by an Australian medical practice or hospital. Can I Sponsor My Family When Migrating to Australia as a Doctor? With Permanent Visas in Australia you can include direct family members in your application when you apply. The family members you can include are: Your partner. Your dependent child or stepchild. Your partner’s dependent child or stepchild. The dependent child or stepchild of your or your partner’s dependent child or stepchild. This means that you are not able to sponsor other members of your family. For example, your parents or brother or sister or grandparents. 66

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt New Zealand

New Zealand


2020-2021 SCOMEdian

New Zealand as a country location is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main landmasse: the North Island and the South Island and more than 700 smaller islands Official language English & Māori Why immigrate to New Zealand New Zealand (NZ) has a strong healthcare system and good working conditions for doctors, it's highly coveted by international doctors seeking a change of scenery. To put it in perspective, the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) registers more than 1,500 doctors each year, with already over 17,000 international doctors registered coming from more than 100 countries – that’s 40% of all of NZ’s doctors! Medical Residency Basic information Working hours per week (Average 38). Fee of residency (0 - 3000 USD) Average income per year (50,000 - 250,000 USD). Average outcome per year (60,000 USD). Salaries Salary of the first year is 4600$ NZD (3300 USD) after tax, then it increases every year. Average Single person savings 2000 USD. 67

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt New Zealand

Cost IELTS exam: 170 - 200 USD NZREX exam: 3833 NZD (= 3000 USD). It's expensive but there are no fees to apply for work after passing it. Travel ticket from Egypt 1300 USD. Living cost of a week in it: 200 - 300 USD.

Language Requirements IELTS (Academic) is the only English test approved by the Council. Scores: 7.5 in speaking. 7.5 in listening. 7.0 in writing. 7.0 in reading. How long is it valid? All NZREX clinical candidates must have attained their IELTS within the last 2 years of the intended examination date for new NZREX candidates, or 5 years of the intended examination date for repeat NZREX candidates.

Exam system There are three main types of registration (what we call scopes) 1. General scope. 2. Vocational scope. 3. Special scope. Within each scope there are multiple application pathways. Each of these has specific requirements you need to meet in order to be registered.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt New Zealand

General scope Medical practitioners registered within the General scope of practice (or the Provisional General scope of practice, which precedes it) are typically resident doctors, resident medical officers (RMO) and doctors undergoing vocational training. NZREX (New Zealand Registration exam) It is a clinical exam formed of 16 stations (7-8 History or Examination stations in the presence of an examiner who may ask you questions, 2 communication skills stations, and about 6 writing stations(MCQs) like case scenarios and asking about investigations (interpreting Xray or CBC Management of acute cases or Prioritization of acute symptoms). When & where can I apply for the exam? The exam is done 4 times per year (Usually March, June, September and November) they usually publish the exact days in August of each year. The exam location at Auckland city of New Zealand What are the requirements of applying? 1. IELTS exam. 2. One of following passed within last 5 years: USMLE step 1 and 2ck. OR Australian MCQ exam. OR PLAB part 1. Therefore this path can be used as plan B for any of them. What documents do I need to apply? Certified copy of documentation demonstrating name change, if applicable. Four colored passport sized photographs are endorsed as a true likeness of the applicant: any friend (not a relative can sign it for you and write his details on the application form. Your photographs should be recent (not older than 4 months). 69

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt New Zealand

Certified copies of all medical qualifications with certified English translations, if applicable. Includes your medical transcript and Internship certificate. These documents can be sent as original: 1. Certified copy of IELTS. 2. Certified copy of USMLE step 1 & 2ck OR Australian MCQ exam or PLAB part 1. Certified copy of your passport (A recently added requirement) What are the Components of NZREX EXAM? 16 stations (10 minutes per station with 2 min off between them and 30 minutes break after finishing the half) i.e. total exam time 3 hours and a half; divided into (11 clinical scenarios and 5 Static stations). 11 clinical cases You will be asked only to take a history or to do a certain physical exam like examine the chest of a patient or do a procedure like urinary catheter,PV or PR exam or suturing in a manikin or interpret a test to patient and long term management …etc. There is an examiner who supervises you while talking to and examining the patients that you do this in a professional manner with good communication skills then at the end of each station the examiner may ask you about the provisional diagnosis or differential diagnosis. 5 Static stations: MCQ stations with no examiner around. Each station 4-5 MCQs such as showing CxR of pleural effusion or ECG of MI or CBC or iron deficiency or B12 def or MSU of UTI or a case scenario then what is the best to do admit or refer to outpatient clinic or GP or discharge on oral antibiotics OR Skin disease lesions or Graphs (usually all from Murtagh textbook of general practice, etc).


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt New Zealand

What is the material needed for studying? To study for NZREX you need the following: 1. Clinical book: Talley O'Connor of clinical examination: which is how to take history and do examinations. Or you can only listen to videos because it contains all system examinations. 2. Clinical cases book: London PLAB 2 Osce Handbook Hemanth Kaukuntla. 3. Medical information; Either Murtagh textbook of general practice or oxford handbook of clinical medicine and clinical subspecialty. How long does it take to prepare for NZREX? Depends on how much you study but usually 3 - 4 months enough (Practice with friends). When will I get my exam results ? Usually 5 days after exam date. what to do after passing? After Passing NZREX Applying for work by yourself (30-40 NZ hospitals) or through an agent. Time between passing NZREX and Work is an average of 2 months. After passing NZREX you can apply to be a 1st year house officer or at an International Medical graduates (IMG) program. IMG programs: It is a government funded program run by Auckland Hospital 2 times per year (6 months in June and in December).It is useful because it familiarizes you with NZ hospital health system. IMG program is not a must to familiarize yourself with the NZ health system but it may be useful for easy integration to clinical work if you are away for a period of time for any reason like doing research. It will take about 2 - 4 weeks to understand a hospital system and you will find who will direct you.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt New Zealand

Vocational scope Vocational registration is a form of permanent, specialist registration which allows you to work independently in New Zealand.

Special purpose scope Special purpose registration is a temporary form of registration, for specific purposes. You should apply for this scope when you want to work in New Zealand for a specific purpose such as research, further training or to assist with a disaster.

Residency system Training Programs are the same in Newzealand and Australia and follow the same organisation that is called Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP)or surgeon. Formed of The College's Physician Readiness for Expert Practice (PREP) program that provides comprehensive education and training to the majority of medical specialties represented by the College. The PREP Program requires a minimum of 6 years to complete divided into: 3 years of Basic Training (Ex. Internal medicine . Almost = to USA residency) College Written and Clinical Examinations 3 OR more years of Advanced Training (Ex. Internal medicine Subspecialty like Cardiology. Almost = To USA fellowship) Successful completion of training results in admission to Fellowship of the RACP. Entry criteria for PREP To be eligible to apply to join the PREP program trainees must meet the following criteria: Completed a medical degree .


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt New Zealand

Completed an intern year: the first post-graduate year (post MBBS/MBChB) Appointed to a hospital accredited by the College for basic physician training ( almost all NZ hospital are accredited ) Discussed their application with and received approval from the relevant hospital or DPE/DPT/DPPT* Been successful in selection process conducted by the DPE/DPT/DPPT at the local level * Director of Physician Education (DPE) | Director of Physician Training (DPT) | Director of Paediatric Physician Training (DPPT) .

Visa information New zealand Embassy Location Level 8, North Tower Nile City Towers 2005c Corniche El Nil, Ramlet Beaulac,Cairo, Egypt Tel: +20(2)24616000 Fax: +20(2)24616099 Email: Office hours The New Zealand Embassy has suspended non-essential services to the public until further notice. Visa options The type of visa needed is a working visa. Cost is 260 USD.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Canada



2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Canada is a country in North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9.98 million km2 making it the world's second-largest country by total area. The path to medical residency in Canada 1. Make sure you meet the basic eligibility requirements The basics include having Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status, successfully completing exam requirements, and demonstrating language proficiency. You’ll meet the language requirements if you attended a medical school where the language used for instruction was English or French. If you attended a program that was taught in another language, you’ll need to complete an assessment. Students need to complete the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam (MCCQE) Part 1 and the National Assessment Collaboration Examination (NAC) before applying to residency programs through the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS). This process was streamlined in 2018, and IMGs are no longer required to complete the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE). MCCQE Part I To apply, you must open an account at and submit all the requested documentation. After your application is accepted, you will have one year to take the exam. The exam session includes 2 components: Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) > 4 hours Clinical Decision-Making (CDM) > 3.5 hours 74

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NAC exam The NAC is a one-day exam that assesses your readiness to enter a Canadian residency program. It’s an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) consisting of a series of stations, each station is 10 minutes long with two minutes to read the candidate instruction and three minutes between stations. At each station, a brief written statement introduces a clinical problem and outlines your tasks (e.g., take a history, describe a physical examination, etc.). In each station, there is at least one Standardized Participant (SP) and a Physician Examiner (PE). The stations include clinical scenarios in: Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Ob/Gyn, Psychiatry, Preventive Medicine and Public Health. MCCQE Part II You must take and pass the MCCQE Part II to obtain the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC).The MCCQE Part II, similar to NAC, consists of a series of clinical stations. You can take the MCCQE Part II in either English or French. 2. Address province specifics You really need to pay attention to the details when you start deciding where you want to attend residency, because different provinces have their own eligibility criteria. You may have to take additional steps to verify your medical degree, complete additional examinations, or enter into a service agreement that commits you to practicing in a particular area for a specific amount of time.

1. Make yourself stand out Very few people would argue IMGs have it easy when attempting to match for a medical residency in Canada, so anything you can do to boost your visibility would be wise. If possible, take advantage of opportunities near where you would like to practice. Building relationships with doctors and residents could be the key to securing a spot in a program later on. 75

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1. APPLY TO CANADIAN RESIDENCY PROGRAMS AND ATTEND INTERVIEWS You’ll apply for residency positions using the Canadian Resident Matching Service (CaRMS). “It’s one central application system and that sends out your application to multiple schools,” Dr. Kamikovski explains. Though you can start selecting programs before you’ve gathered all of your materials, it’s important to note that everything must be completed by a specific date in November to be considered on time. The CaRMS has a timeline you may find useful for staying on track. After programs have a chance to evaluate applications, they’ll begin to host interviews during January and February. As with medical school interviews, preparation is key. Take advantage of any mock interviews your medical school offers and make sure you do your research on individual programs. 1. RANK PROGRAMS, THEN WAIT FOR YOUR RESULTS The CaRMS uses the same algorithm the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) relies on to match applicants to programs. You can’t outsmart the system, so you will want to create a rank order list based on your true preferences. Your interviews should have provided you with most of the information you need to rank your selections. If you start second-guessing your choices, you may want to consult with a trusted mentor. It’s also smart to remind yourself of what it is you’re looking for in a Canadian residency program. For example, Dr. Hart says the University of Toronto is a good option for those who are interested in a niche area of medicine. After you submit your rank order list, you may feel a bit anxious. It’s true that matching is difficult, but it’s not impossible. According to the Canadian Post-MD Education Registry (CAPER), hundreds of IMGs begin Canadian post-graduate medical training every year.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Canada

Lifestyle There are certain provinces in Canada that are quite costly to live in, for example, Toronto, although voted the 8th most liveable city to live in in the world is also the most expensive city to live in Canada. Vancouver, takes 2nd place, followed by Victoria. On the other end of the spectrum, Québec City is the 3rd cheapest city to live in North America, followed by Montreal and Winnipeg. The estimated living cost is around $30,000/year, which averages around 2500$/month.

Work style Under the current duty-hour restrictions in Canada, with maximum shift lengths of 26 hours and a maximum call frequency of one shift every four days, residents can work 70 hours per week.

Salaries Resident: 60,000$. Physician: 255,754$. Specialist: 363,000$.

TAKE THE NEXT STEP You now have a better understanding of how to get a residency in Canada. It requires some additional steps, hard work, and a certain amount of luck, but it’s not an impossible task. A medical residency in Canada could be in your future. Also keep in mind that it’s possible to practice medicine in Canada after completing residency training in the US. While there are a few extra steps, this is a feasible path for IMGs.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Emirates



2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Equivalent Exams for acquiring a medical license: The fees associated with entering the exam are relatively little compared to other foreign exams. It should also be mentioned that you don’t have to travel to the UAE and you can take the exam in certified centers in Egypt. According to people who have undergone the exam, it is quite easy and it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll succeed. In short, the UAE is a great place for individuals looking for a better living, and a better paying, without much experience, (Only two years of experience are required at the least). Study methods and style The studying methods are quite ordinary, similar to ours in Egypt which will be more than sufficient to pass the exam. Some cheap sources to study from for the UAE exams for medical license: 1. Master the boards USMLE step 2 CK: - One of the most recommended books to get prepared for HAAD, MOH, DHA, and DHCC exams. 2. Umm Al-Qura University SLE Questions:


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Emirates

- A very comprehensive book that will help you immensely due to its wide variety of common questions which appear frequently in exams in many chapters including: 1. Cardiology 10. ENT 2. Pulmonology 11. Ophthalmology 3. Gastroenterology 12. Dermatology 4. Neurology 13. Family and Community Medicine 5. Nephrology 14. Basic Medicine 6. Endocrinology 15. Obstetrics and Gynecology 7. Rheumatology 16. Pediatrics 8. General Surgery 17. Orthopedics 9. ENT 18. Psychiatry 3. USMLE Step 2 CK Question Banks. 4. First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK: 1. First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK

Cost As for the medical license fees, you’ll have to pay 100 AED (27.23 USD) for applying, and 3000 AED (816.78 USD) for issuing the license.

Exams HAAD-Health Authority of Abu Dhabi The HAAD (Health Authority of Abu Dhabi) is responsible for maintaining the level of medical services in the UAE at the highest standards possible. You have three attempts after which you will not be able to apply for any of these exams under any circumstances. Firstly, you’ll have to pay 100 AED (27.23 USD) as an application fee, and about 348.93 AED (95 USD) paid to the center in which you’ll be taking the exam. The fees of the exam differ from one specialization to another.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Emirates

DHA-Dubai Health Authority To be able to acquire a job in any government facility in Dubai you’ll have to take a bunch of exams to assess your level of education. As for DHA Exams: You have 3 attempts only as well. Registration starts from 3020 AED (822.22 USD), the rest of the DHA fees differ from one specialization to the other, you can find all of them by clicking this link. DHCC-Dubai Health Care City This is a separate licenses to practice medicine inside the Dubai medical city only. Fees start from 240 AED (65.34 USD). MOH-Ministry of Health Certificate to acquire a medical license in the rest of the UAE (Al Sharqa, Oman, Umm EL Qyon, Al Fujayra, Ras Khyma). The exam fees start from 100 AED only. Language requirements Fortunately Arabic is the native language of the entire UAE so you won’t need to learn any new languages. But you may find it difficult (at first) to understand the foreign dialect. Exam system With MCQ exams. The passing score is 60% and time isn’t a problem, usually the time is more than enough, the average time for exams is 120 minutes.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Emirates

Healthcare system Healthcare in the UAE has undergone some massive developments in recent years, which makes working in the UAE as a doctor all the more attractive! The UAE stands now on number 27 in the world health system ranking according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Today the UAE has 50 public hospitals compared to only seven in 1970! This is thanks to the multimillion – dollar program undertaken by the ministry of health in order to expand health facilities and hospitals. You can work in a public or private hospital or even a private health center. Usually work is 5 days a week, 9 – 6 hours a day. Life there and salaries 60,000 AED/month (16,335 USD) for health consultant. For doctors working in government institutes and hospitals the salary can be very high starting from 17,000 AED/month (4,628 USD) for a general practitioner. Life in the UAE is expensive but also enjoyable as it’s one of the most famous tourist destinations, attracting tourists from around the globe. Doctor’s position Medicine is quite respected as a profession in the UAE, although you may find some racism from some people (as with any country in the world). Taxes Not stable but it’s 12% of your income on average.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar



2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Qatar is member of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council, the Arab League and the United Nations. The official language is Arabic, but English is widely used. The religion is Islam; the society draws its traditions and values from Arab and Muslim culture. The legal system is based on the Sharia Law; crime rate is one of the lowest in the world. The streets are safe and private property is seldom vandalized. Qatar has a desert climate, characterized by long hot summers and short winters with very little rain. The land is generally flat with the exception of a few hills in the North West. Vegetation is sparse, though some farms have been established in the North. In recent years the Qatari government had continued to invest heavily into the healthcare system. The Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) is the main provider of secondary and tertiary healthcare in Qatar and one of the leading hospital providers in the Middle East for more than three decades. The gulf state is committed to providing a world class health system for its population, and therefore doctors jobs in Qatar tend to offer lucrative remuneration and benefit packages to lure in highly skilled individuals.

Equivalence This service enables applicants to apply to get an equivalency letter from Department of Healthcare Professions (DHP) which states what their (healthcare related) academic certificate is equivalent to by comparing it against the standards and legislations regulating the certificate equivalency in the state.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

The applicant must view the details and fill in the attached form and submit it along with the other required attachments to the relevant authority at the Ministry of Public Health. The three processes a candidate has to complete in order to work in Qatar are as follows: The Credential Approval. All health professionals applying for licensure are credentialed in accordance with the QATAR PROMETRIC Professional Qualifications Requirements (PQR). Qatar Prometric exam for doctors, The PQR is a comprehensive document which sets out the standards of education, qualification, training, and professional experience that are required for specific health professional categories. Primary Source Verification by Dataflow The process through which the QATAR PROMETRIC validates credentialing information from the institution that originally conferred or issued the credential (e.g. authenticity of educational degrees). This is done through Qatar Medical Specialty Board (OMSB) partnership with Dataflow group. Qatar Prometric exam for doctors, All health professionals must undergo the PSV process upon initial licensure application or license renewal (for licensed health professionals whose qualifications had not previously undergone PSV). Please note that each document only requires being verified once. Health professionals may be required to repeat the PSV process for verification of newly acquired credentials/qualifications as required for credentialing purposes (e.g. Acquisition of new educational degree). QATAR PROMETRIC Examination Registration for Doctors undertake exam registrations for QATAR PROMETRIC exam for Doctors. To book the online test the applicant has to submit the application online through QATAR PROMETRIC. Qatar Prometric exam for doctors, Once the credentialing process and payment for PSV is completed, the applicant will be issued an Eligibility Number, which is required to complete the online application, a book for the test date DHP-MOPH provides computer-based examination (Prometric) for 15 categories of healthcare practitioners as follows: 83

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

Document Required: A cover letter requesting equivalency of the applicant’s academic certificate Academic certificate and transcripts Copy of Passport/QID

Exams All practitioners under this category shall pass the qualifying exam after completing not less than five years of experience and meeting the registration and licensing requirements. Listed below are the qualifying exams that exempt applicants from the State of Qatar’s qualifying exam of Physician provided that the applicant succeeded in the exam not earlier than the last five years. Australian Medical Council Multiple Choice Questionnaire Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) Part 1 United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Part 3 Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part 1 Hamad Medical Corporation National Board Examination.

Prometric Exam (qualifying exam) The Qatar Prometric exam is the major criterion for getting license to practice in the medical and paramedical fields of the State of Qatar. From October 2014, medical licenses have been recognized across the Qatar, allowing medical professionals to work in any emirate. Qatar Prometric exam for doctors, This means that Doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals with licenses from OMSB (QATAR PROMETRIC) can now practice in any emirate without any additional tests or exams. What are the certificates needed for Qatar Embassy attestation? The following certificates and documents are needed for Qatar Embassy attestation: Degree/Diploma Certificate Final Year Marklist Verification letter from the college (Bonafide Certificate) Passport copy Photo 84

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

How can I book the exam date for Qatar Prometric Examination? You can book the exam dates according to the available dates in the exam centre. For how long are the Qatar Prometric test results valid? Oman Prometric exam results are valid for three years. What do you mean by ‘Data Flow’ procedure in Qatar Prometric Exam? ‘Data Flow’ is the process of attestation of the Highest Qualification Certificates of the candidate by the Qatar Embassy. What is the total duration of Qatar Prometric Exam? The total duration of the Qatar Prometric Exam is 2:30 hours.

Primary source verification (PSV) Is the process of checking the educational background, training, experience as well as other credentials of all healthcare practitioners applying for registration and licensing in the State of Qatar Primary source verification (PSV) ensures that all healthcare practitioners’ credentials are verified as genuine. Primary source verification (PSV) means that those applicants who present false or misleading credentials are discovered early and prevented from practicing. It also allows the DHP to warn other registration authorities of fraudulent applicants. The ultimate goal of DHP is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and will not risk the safety of the public by allowing a person to practice before the results of the verification process are known, in addition to, ensuring validity and safety of the services provided to citizens and residents of the State of Qatar. “Dataflow” and “Gulf Bridge Services” are considered to be the approved service providers from DHP to conduct the primary source verification process to all documents for healthcare practitioners as one of the mandatory requirements for registration and licensing to work in the State of Qatar.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

IFOM exam This exam qualifies you to apply for job offers or trainings. What is IFOM exam? The IFOM (International Foundations of Medicine) exams are standardized, objective exams that are used in various countries (Ukraine, Panama, and Oman, among others) as an international standard to measure the academic performance of their medical graduates. The IFOM exams consist of a Basic Science Exam (BSE) and a Clinical Science Exam (CSE), which are both developed and conducted by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)–the same body that administers the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Each IFOM exam comprises 160 multiple-choice questions presented in clinical vignette style to assess a student’s ability to not just recall but also apply their acquired knowledge. The exam consists of two parts: a multiple choice question (MCQ) written exam, and a clinical skills component. How to apply? 1. Confirm that the registration period is open before applying. 2. Log in to your My NBME account (if you do not yet have an account, you can create one on that page). 3. Purchase your exam (fees are listed below). 4. Download the Status Verification Form, which will become available after purchase. You will send this form to your medical school. Officials at your medical school will then complete the form and send it directly to the ECFMG. The ECFMG must receive the required paperwork no later than one week prior to the start of the test window or you will not be permitted to take the exam. 5. After your eligibility is verified, you will receive a testing permit by email and can then visit the Prometric website(link is external) to choose a test site and time. 86

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

Fees Fee for Individual IFOM Examinations at Prometric Test Centers (Per Exam). IFOM Basic Science Exam - 200$ IFOM Clinical Science Exam - 300$ To apply for job or training you have to pass this exam (more than 60%), this exam will be valid for 2 years. If you intend to work as a specialist, you have to be with at least 3 years working experience. * For more detailed information about IFOM exam individual administration, please read the Candidate Brochure.

ABHS exam The Arab Board of Health Specializations is a training program for doctors to get the certificate of the Arab Board of Health Specializations, it is such a license to practice medicine to work in any Arab country that is affiliated with the Arab Board of Health Specializations. for registration: 1. Arabic language. 2. Completing the academic study of medicine and obtaining a bachelor’s degree from a university recognized by one of the Arab countries participating in the Council. 3. Registration with the Ministry of Health and obtaining a license to practice the profession of medicine. Training system and Arab board exams The Arab Board program is primarily a training program, meaning it is not like the master’s system in Egypt, which is based on lectures and theoretical exams. Once you are registered with the Arab Board, you take a schedule and are distributed for training and work in hospitals affiliated with the Arab Board Program.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

The duration of the training program in the Arab Board is not less than 4 years and reaches 6 years in some specialties such as neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, and during this period, the Arab Board exams are completed to obtain the certificate. The Arab Board exams consist of 3 parts: Initial written exam This exam you will enter after a full year of your submission to the Arab Board and the training program, which is an MCQ exam, and this exam has two times per year. But keep in mind, if you passed two years and did not enter this exam without presenting an acceptable excuse, your registration on the Arab Board will be considered null, and if you want to complete it, you must apply from the beginning and the new one, You have 3 attempts to pass the exam. Success in this exam is out of 60%, and your score still valid for 6 years. If you do not take the final written exam during this period, you will repeat the initial exam again. Written final exam Of course, this exam will be after your success in the initial written exam, which is also an MCQ exam, the time is according to the training program and exams will be once a year, and you have 4 attempts to enter this exam, and if you did not pass this exam, you can enter again after two years from the last exam. Success in this exam is out of 60%, and your score still valid for 5 years. If you do not take the clinical and oral exam during this period, you will repeat the final written exam again. Clinical and oral exam Held two times per year, a regular session and an exceptional one. you have 4 attempts to enter this exam and succeed in it, if you do not succeed. After the 4 attempts, you will go back to the final written exam again, and you will have two attempts. If you do not succeed, you will be dismissed from the program. But if you pass the final written exam again, you will enter the clinical exam, and you will have two more attempts. If you fail, you will be dismissed from the program. 88

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

Fees Registration – 150$ For each training year – 300$ Logbook – 15$ For each exam – 300$ For certificate and verification – 600$

Language English: ILETS or TOFEL

Work system Just like most other Middle-Easters countries, weekends are on Fridays and Saturdays. So, as a doctor, nurse, or medical technician here, you will be generally required to work from Sunday to Thursday for 8-10 hours per day. Many of the healthcare facilities have rotational shifts where all the staff members get 1 or 2 days off per week.

Life there and salaries What is the Lifestyle in Qatar? Qatar is Expensive While necessities like electricity and water are highly affordable, Qatar is mostly an expensive country. So, while searching for healthcare a, do make sure that you select an employer that pays a decent salary and offers accommodation allowance. While Qatar is one of the richest per capita countries in the world, it is also one of the smallest. The total area of Qatar is just 11,571 square kilometers. But the lifestyle here is unlike what you’d experience in Saudi Arabia. While it shares cultural beliefs with other Islamic countries, it is more liberal. For instance, liquor sale is not illegal in Qatar. There is a permit system that allows ex-pats to purchase liquor, but it can only be used at home. Some of the high-end hotels and clubs also serve alcohol. Most of these are located at Doha, which is the capital and also the most populated city in Qatar. Moreover, Qatar is also known to have a lively nightlife. 89

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Qatar

There are also beaches, malls, gardens, resorts, and shopping centers that are densely crowded with locals and ex-pats during the weekends. How is the Weather of Qatar? Like most other Middle-Eastern countries, Doha has a desert-type climate. The summers are generally sweltering, with temperatures reaching up to 45°C during the summer months of May to October. Winters are mild, and the average temperature ranges between 15°C to 25°C. Rainfall is scarce and less than 100mm per year. A person working in Doctor / Physician in Qatar typically earns around 36,900 QAR per month. Salaries range from 13,500 QAR (lowest average) to 62,200 QAR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

Doctors' position there The population respect doctors but as an Egyptian you may feel some racism from some people. But here in Qatar it’s less than any other state of gulf states.

Taxes Tax Laws: There is no income tax. Money Transfer: Transferring money from Qatar to India does not attract any income tax. The only thing you have to pay is the transfer fee, and that too can be taken care of, depending on your bank.

Visa The visa process for QATAR is quite simple and hassle-free. In case you are married or want to take dependents (wife, kids, parents, etc.), you will have to apply for their visas as well. If the required documents are available with you, the visa process won’t be much of a hassle. To start with, get in touch with Dataflow to start your primary source verification PSV. Having this done first will shorten the time required to get it, and the employer will be on hand to assist the process. 90

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Kuwait



2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Study methods and style Recommended Text Books for KMLE Medicine Text Book of Medicine Ed. A.L. SouhaMi, J. Moxam Or equivalent text book Supplementary Revision Guides: 1. The Cleveland Clinic Intensive Review of Internal Medicine Ed. J. K. Stoller, M. Ahmed, D. Longworth 2. Pretest medicine: Pretest Self-assessment and Review 3. Pretest Step 2 Simulated Exam.“Latest Edition” McGraw Hill Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1. Williams Obstetrics (Latest Edition) 2. Comprehensive Gynaecology Arthur L. Herbst et al Paediatrics 1. Illustrated textbooks of Paediatrics Tom Lissauer and Graham Clayden 2. Practical PaediatricsM.J. Robinson and D.M. Roberton Surgery 1. Principles of Surgery –Schwartz, latest Edition 2. Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, latest Edition Note: After passing KMLE you will apply in MOH for Physician License. Criteria is different for both Government and Private hospital.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Kuwait

If it want a language or not You’ll need to learn no language but you may find It hard to understand the dialect clearly

Exam system KMLE is a one day written examination in English, composed of two MCQ papers. The professional competencies of candidates are evaluated by means of the following examination tools: Paper 1 This is an MCQ paper of 100 questions. 25 questions are derived from each of the 4 major disciplines (Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology). Questions on Psychiatry, Community Medicine and Primary Care are included in the major disciplines. Each question has 5 answers, of which ONE is correct. The total mark for this paper is 100. There is NO negative marking. The time allowed is 2.5 hours. Paper 2 This paper consists of 40 questions, 10 from each of the major disciplines, and deals with clinical problem-solving exercises. Each question has 5 answers, each of which may be true or false. Each has to be marked as true or false on the special answer sheet. The total mark for this paper is 200. There is no negative marking. The time allowed is 2.5 hours.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Kuwait

Work system Eligibility OR Criteria for Government sector: The applicant’s scientific certificates must be approved by the Ministry of Higher Education The professional license from the Ministry of Health must be obtained The applicant must pass the personal interview at the Ministry of Health, for non-Kuwaiti doctors Required Documents Letter from the applicant to the Ministry of Health requesting to issue professional license Applicant’s scientific certificates Certificates of experience Copy of the professional license in the applicant’s home country Copy of the passport Three (3) personal photos Document stating that the applicant is a member in Kuwait Medical Association, for Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti doctors. Procedures 1. Visit the Medical License Department of the Ministry of Health and submit the required documents 2. Fill the service application form 3. Pay the fees (20) KD due to issue the required license after being registered in the Department records Note: You may pay the fees due using cheques provided that the cheques are certified by the bank. Eligibility OR Criteria for Private Medical Sector: The medical institution or the applicant must submit the request The applicant must pass a personal interview The applicant must pass a medical check-up A primary approval must be obtained from the Medical License Committee The scientific certificates and certificates of practical experience must be authenticated to request the professional license. 93

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Kuwait

Required Documents License request letter from the medical institute. Curriculum vitae. Authenticated scientific qualifications, stating the date of issuance and the source, and the authenticated certificate of practical experience. Copy of the civil ID. Membership receipt in Kuwait Medical Association. Equivalence of scientific certificate. Copy of the nationality certificate, for Kuwaiti applicants. Copy of the passport, for non-Kuwaiti applicants. Four 4 personal photos. Procedures 1. Visit the Medical License Department of the Ministry of Health and submit the required documents and the application form 2. Fill the service application form. The documents are reviewed in the department and scientific certificates are sent to the Ministry of Higher Education for equivalency. Then, the request is presented to the specialty committee for an interview 3. After passing the interview, the request is presented to the Medical License Committee for issuing primary approval and temporary license, for Kuwaiti applicants. Non-Kuwaiti applicants, also, obtain residence in work location. Note: For Kuwaiti applicants, the applicant in person or the applicant’s employer (Dispensary/center/hospital) may submit the request. For non-Kuwaiti applicants, the clinic owner, the Kuwaiti physician, or the medical institutions may submit the request * Pay the fees (50) KD due; the permanent license is issued. This license is valid for five years, for Kuwaiti applicants; and for two years, for non-Kuwaiti applicants. Note: You may pay the fees due using cheques provided that the cheques are certified by the bank. 94

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Kuwait

Life there and salaries Positive Points of Kuwait: 1. Doctor Minimum salary for Only MBBS is 1500 KWD/Month 2. Specialist minimum salary is 2500 to 2800 KWD/Month 3. Maximum consultant Doctor pay – 6000 KWD to 15000 KWD/Month 4. Pathologists are more in demand with higher pay compared to other MD doctors 5. Demand of doctors in Kuwait by Country wise (United States, Canada, India, France, Germany, Australia/New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan and other European Countries). 6. Free accommodation and food. * Hot climate so it’s not easy for many people to live there Average salary for Doctor Specialist / Kuwait is 31,950 KWD per year. The most typical earning is 35,394 KWD. All data are based on 17 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 34,089 KWD. Women receive a salary of 29,391 KWD. The most paid careers are Health Care & Medical with average income 31,950 KWD and n/a with income n/a. Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with Doctorate Degree with salary of 40,963 KWD. The second most paid education level is Masters Degree with salary of 25,641 KWD. Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 12 - 16 Years of experience receive salary of 41,962 KWD. Employees with 20+ Years of experience receive 37,498 KWD.

Doctors' position there The population respect doctors but as an Egyptian you may feel some racism from some people.

Taxes 15% in average.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia


2020-2021 SCOMEdian

There are great opportunities for doctors to work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The diversity of career and lifestyle opportunities available range from large tertiary hospitals in the major capital and regional cities, to smaller hospitals in regional locations, providing exposure to a wide spectrum of clinical and social experiences. The government of Saudi Arabia has given high priority to the development of health care services at all levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. As a consequence, the health of the Saudi population has greatly improved in recent decades. The Ministry of Health operates 62% of the hospitals and 53% of the clinics and centers; the remaining facilities are operated by government agencies, including the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard, the Ministry of the Interior, and several other ministries, as well as by private entities. Healthcare is regarded as one of the fastest growing sectors in the Middle East. The majority of opportunities in the Gulf are at consultant level or grades of doctors Specialist Doctor / Registrar, Senior Registrar & Medical Officer are also available however Consultant grades are predominant, working in hospitals or specialist clinics, both government and private. The qualifications and experience needed to practise as a consultant depends on where you did your training. If specialist training was done in the UK (a Tier 1 country) you need to have 2 years post-CCT experience to work as a consultant. Tier 2 countries require 8 years’ experience post specialisation.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Unfortunately, there are no real opportunities for Junior Doctors to go to the Gulf. There are only a few training hospitals, and they are focused on training local physicians, not offering places for overseas graduates. Also, Consultant-led care is the norm across the region, further limiting opportunities. There are varies ways for working in KSA as: IFOM exam This exam qualifies you to apply for job offers or trainings in KSA. What is IFOM exam? The IFOM (International Foundations of Medicine) exams are standardized, objective exams that are used in various countries (Ukraine, Panama, and Oman, among others) as an international standard to measure the academic performance of their medical graduates. The IFOM exams consist of a Basic Science Exam (BSE) and a Clinical Science Exam (CSE), which are both developed and conducted by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)–the same body that administers the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Each IFOM exam comprises 160 multiple-choice questions presented in clinical vignette style to assess a student’s ability to not just recall but also apply their acquired knowledge. The exam consists of two parts: a multiple choice question (MCQ) written exam, and a clinical skills component. How to apply? 1. Confirm that the registration period is open before applying. 2. Log in to your MyNBME account (if you do not yet have an account, you can create one on that page). 3. Purchase your exam (fees are listed below). 4. Download the Status Verification Form, which will become available after purchase. You will send this form to your medical school. 97

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Officials at your medical school will then complete the form and send it directly to the ECFMG. The ECFMG must receive the required paperwork no later than one week prior to the start of the test window or you will not be permitted to take the exam. After your eligibility is verified, you will receive a testing permit by email and can then visit the Prometric website(link is external) to choose a test site and time. Fees Fee for Individual IFOM Examinations at Prometric Test Centers (Per Exam). IFOM Basic Science Exam - 200$. IFOM Clinical Science Exam - 300$. To apply for job or training you have to pass this exam (more than 60%), this exam will be valid for 2 years. If you intend to work as a specialist, you have to be with at least 3 years working experience. For more detailed information about IFOM exam individual administration, please read the Candidate Brochure. * You haven’t to apply for IFOM if you have a British fellowship or American board ABHS exam The Arab Board of Health Specializations is a training program for doctors to get the certificate of the Arab Board of Health Specializations, it is such a license to practice medicine to work in any Arab country that is affiliated with the Arab Board of Health Specializations. For registration: 1. Arabic language. 2. Completing the academic study of medicine and obtaining a bachelor’s degree from a university recognized by one of the Arab countries participating in the Council. 98

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

3. Registration with the Ministry of Health and obtaining a license to practice the profession of medicine.

Training system and Arab board exams The Arab Board program is primarily a training program, meaning it is not like the master’s system in Egypt, which is based on lectures and theoretical exams. Once you are registered with the Arab Board, you take a schedule and are distributed for training and work in hospitals affiliated with the Arab Board Program. The duration of the training program in the Arab Board is not less than 4 years and reaches 6 years in some specialties such as neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, and during this period, the Arab Board exams are completed to obtain the certificate. The Arab Board exams consist of 3 parts: Initial written exam This exam you will enter after a full year of your submission to the Arab Board and the training program, which is an MCQ exam, and this exam has two times per year. But keep in mind, if you passed two years and did not enter this exam without presenting an acceptable excuse, your registration on the Arab Board will be considered null, and if you want to complete it, you must apply from the beginning and the new one. You have 3 attempts to pass the exam. Success in this exam is out of 60%, and your score still valid for 6 years. If you do not take the final written exam during this period, you will repeat the initial exam again. Written final exam Of course, this exam will be after your success in the initial written exam, which is also an MCQ exam, the time is according to the training program and exams will be once a year, and you have 4 attempts to enter this exam, and if you did not pass this exam, you can enter again after two years from the last exam. Success in this exam is out of 60%, and your score still valid for 5 years. If you do not take the clinical and oral exam during this period, you will repeat the final written exam again. 99

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Clinical and oral exam Held two times per year, a regular session and an exceptional one. You have 4 attempts to enter this exam and succeed in it, if you do not succeed. After the 4 attempts, you will go back to the final written exam again, and you will have two attempts. If you do not succeed, you will be dismissed from the program. But if you pass the final written exam again, you will enter the clinical exam, and you will have two more attempts. If you fail, you will be dismissed from the program. Fees Registration – 150$. For each training year – 300$. Logbook – 15$. For each exam – 300$. For certificate and verification – 600$. The government medical sector (one of common job offers) this is through your contracting with the province (Riyadh for example), there is a fixed salary (picture below) and and there is a central or peripheral distribution in remote places. There is also a self-employment, and this will be a contract with a specific hospital, and the salary can be negotiated in this case (this is usually in senior levels). Other government sectors such as the National and Military Guards, university hospitals and medical cities, contracting for these opportunities should be in Egypt through the Saudi Employment Office of the Saudi Embassy in Cairo.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

GP exam Saudi medical licensing examination for general practitioner to work as a general practitioner doctor inside Saudi Arabia you need to write Saudi medical licensing examination or SMLE. Later you need to register under Saudi commission, and they will issue the license. Saudi medical licensing examination-FAQs What will be the duration of SMLE? They will be 300 multiple choice questions, 6 hours duration. The SMLE is an exam that assesses your readiness to practice and/or proceed to postgraduate training. It consists of 300 MCQs which may include up to 10% pilot questions. It is a six-hour MCQ examination with scheduled breaks. It is divided into three sections of 100 questions each with time allocation of 120 minutes for each part. There are two scheduled breaks between section one-two and section two-three with a pool total time of 45 minutes to be divided between these two breaks based on candidate preference. These MCQs have four options from which the candidate will choose one best answer. The examination shall contain recall questions that test knowledge and questions with scenarios that test other skills (interpretation, analysis, decision making, reasoning and problem solving). What is the pass score needed? 60% for MO, 70% for specialist n 80% for consultants Score 560 or 60 percent. Step by step process SMLE. Step 1: Data flow Dataflow Group is the official Verifying partner for Saudi Commission. You need to verify all your documents with dataflow. It includes your original degree certificate, Complete work experiences etc. They will issue verification report in PDF form.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Data flow Saudi FAQs: How much experience needed to apply for Saudi medical licensing examination for GPs? You need an experience of 1 year post house job. How much time it will take to finish dataflow Saudi? It will take about to 2 to 8 weeks, to finish dataflow. Step 2: Create new account in Mumaris plus Mumaris Plus is a unified portal for all the practitioners inside the Saudi. it is the one stop destiny for all the services from Saudi Commission for health specialties. you can easily update your personal data, apply for eligibility number, classification and registration services etc. Through the Mumaris plus. After creating account it willl show you,You need to do professional classification.Start the pathway, Update your personal details, then start uploading your documents. Documents Needed: Original degree certificate. Certificate of registration Issued by the authority. Transcript of your qualification. Passport size photo. Your passport copy. Iqama copy If you are staying inside Saudi Arabia. Current sponsor identification letter (if u are dependent in Saudi/under an employer came in visa) Pay 200 riyals as administration charges to proceed, later it will take 2 weeks to 2 months to review application. Pay another 900 riyals to move further. You can use SADAD payment if you stay inside Saudi Arabia. After paying they will issue eligibility number to write exam (Update will come in email, also visit mumaris plus frequently). The Examination will be with Pro-metric and it will show validity of eligibility number also. Visit Pro-metric website. You can schedule your exam date using eligibility number. 102

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Step 3: Write Prometric examination: 1. You need to visit Prometric examination website Look for availability. 2. Choose your examination as Saudi Commission for health specialties (SMLE). 3. Type your eligibility number, first four letters of your last name. 4. Schedule your date 5. Fee will be 280 dollars. 6. Results will be published within 2 to 6 weeks. How many attempts are allowed to clear SMLE examination? There will be 3 attempts in one year If you are sitting examination from outside KSA. Same time if you are appearing examination inside the KSA, 3 attempts in 6 months duration. Verify qualifications (dataflow) The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently introduced a process know as DATAFLOW to verify qualifications. All candidates seeking to work in the Kingdom must commence this process prior to their application being considered. If you are intending to work as a doctor in Saudi Arabia, please go to the DATAFLOW web site to: Create a login account Verify your account through the e-mail you used Upload personal details, qualification documentation and complete mandatory requirements. Upload passport copy. Upload signed "Letter of Authorization". Pay through credit card (400SR for physicians, 350SR for nonphysicians). It is important to print the receipt which was sent to your e-mail to supply to employers as evidence that you have commenced the process. Without this evidence, your application may not be progressed.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Visa To work in Saudi Arabia there are a few stages you need to go through to get your visa and qualify your credentials. It’s a good idea to have all the documents you can ready as digital copies before you start the application process to stop unnecessary delays. To start with get in touch with Dataflow to start your primary source verification PSV. Having this done first will shorten the time required to get you over to Saudi. Once that is complete you will have to apply for your license from the Saudi commission for health specialties, however this is generally done by the employer and at the very least the employer will be on hand to assist.

Cost of Living You’ll soon notice that there are a lot of construction projects going on in Saudi Arabian cities, as apartment blocks and family houses are being built in great numbers and at great speed to cater to the growing urban population. Most expats live in compounds: low-rise apartment blocks that form some sort of gated community. The more luxurious among them come with their own swimming pool, tennis courts, gym, children’s playground, shops, and restaurant. The apartments themselves are usually spacious and well maintained. Whatever type of accommodation you are going for, make sure it provides covered parking facilities to protect your vehicle from sand, dust, and high temperatures.Foreign residents have only been allowed to own property in Saudi Arabia since 2011, therefore most expats live in rented accommodation. A lot of big companies with a significant share of foreign employees have special deals with local landlords or estate agents, which enable them to offer a certain contingent of accommodation to their expat staff. The renting process itself is relatively straightforward, though you should make sure to have a certified English translation of the Arabic contract. Most accommodation is unfurnished, and there are short and longterm contracts available, ranging from one month to one year. As per usual, any damage done to the property exceeding the boundaries of fair wear and tear will have to be paid for.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Language You’ll need to learn no language but you may find It hard to understand the dialect clearly. If your medical study wasn’t in English you have to pass ILETS with score not less 6.5

Leave Time You are entitled to receive minimum 30 days annual leave and other holidays per year. This allows ample opportunity to take extended trips to your home country or to see the world and experience international travel at its best. Free Hospital Housing As an International employee you are entitled to receive either free Hospital housing or a housing allowance (some restrictions apply). As you will not be making rental or mortgage payments here in the Kingdom, this gives yet another boost to your monthly salary with money in your pocket! Official Holidays (10 - 18 days, vary by hospital) Ramadan Days (5 - 7 days/service year). Hajj Days (5 - 10 days/service year). National Day (1 day/service year).

Life there and salaries Weather like in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is a desert country with, believe it or not, a wide range of temperatures. Riyadh, which is in the centre of the Kingdom and set in the middle of the desert sees the greatest temperature differences with an average low of 8C-21C (46F-70F) in the winter and an average high of 42C (108F) in the summer.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Jeddah is slightly cooler than Riyadh but also more humid thanks to its location along the Red Sea. Jeddah sees an average low of 18C29C (64F-84F) in the winter and an average high of 37C (99F) in the summer. When you leave the city on your camping/hiking/touring adventures, be sure to bring a heavy sweater. The desert can actually get quite chilly at night. Accommodation in Saudi Arabia Most expatriate staff live in housing on the hospital grounds, or in a private housing complex (commonly called a “compound”). A compound is an area of private property that is like a gated community. The sizes of compounds vary. Some will have only the residential facilities, while others will have pools, fitness facilities, tennis courts, salons, and grocery stores. Like a gated community, you’re free to come and go as you please (bear in mind, however, that some compounds have late-night curfews). People leave the compound to work, shop, visit friends who live on other compounds, attend cultural events (e.g., concerts at embassies), dine out, go sightseeing. Physicians and most senior level positions are entitled to non-shared housing. All other contracts usually receive shared accommodations, with one or (rarely) two other housemates. Cutlery, dishes, pots, pans, a kettle, and toaster usual come with the apartment, as do basic appliances such as a fridge and stove. Depending on your accommodations, washers and dryers are either in the individual apartment unit or in a communal laundry room (there is no charge). Utilities are usually included, and basic TV channels are included. If you want more channels you can purchase satellite packages that include stations such as ESPN, CNN, BBC, the Movie Channel, etc. Long distance phone calls are not included. Many people view online or download their favorite shows via networks or other services.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Social Life Like anywhere else, the social life in Saudi Arabia is what you make of it. There are organized trips to historical sites, sports competitions, and other recreational activities. Dinner parties, desert trips, and beach parties are common. There are concerts at embassies and expatriate-operated amateur theater and musical ensembles. It must be noted, however, that unmarried couples may not travel or dine together off-compound without being in the company of a married couple (there are many married couples in Saudi Arabia). See our video or article about social life opportunities. The expatriate community in Saudi Arabia is made up of citizens from around the world: Americans, Canadians, Australians, Kiwi’s, British, German, Irish, Egyptians, Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Filipinos, Malaysians, South Africans, etc. In 2018, the CIA World Factbook estimated Saudi Arabia’s population to be 33 million, of which around 37% are expatriates. A person working in Doctor / Physician in Saudi Arabia typically earns around 39,300 SAR per month. Salaries range from 14,400 SAR (lowest average) to 66,300 SAR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Salaries vary drastically between different Doctor / Physician careers. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, see below for salaries for specific job titles.

Doctors' position there The population respect doctors but as an Egyptian you may feel some racism from some people.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Saudi Arabia

Taxes Income tax in Saudi Arabia. There is no income tax deducted in Saudi Arabia. However, your foreign income may be taxed in your home country: Americans are excluded from paying taxes on any amount up to US 105,900$ (tax year 2019) if the person was out of the country for at least 330 full days out of 365 days of a consecutive 12month period. Exclusion amounts are subject to change.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Bahrain

Bahrain ‫اﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﻦ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Language You’ll need to learn no language but you may find It hard to understand the dialect clearly Exam system Bahrain Licensure Examination Once your application has gone through the verification process and evaluated, you will receive an email from NHRA to let you know whether you need to take the Bahrain Licensure Examination (BLE) or if you are exempt from it. If you need to take the exam, you will be given an eligibility code. Use the eligibility code to register for the BLE – please note that it is valid for 3 months and is for single-use only. An eligibility code can be reused if an applicant failed the exam. In this instance, it will be reactivated. Take the BLE and wait for the results. Take note that you can only take the exam with the approval of the NHRA. Without authorisation, results will not be accepted for licensure. Previous Prometric results are not acceptable. A pass mark for Nurses is 50% or above, whilst it is set at 60% for Physicians, Dentists, Pharmacists, and Optometrists.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Bahrain

What Qualifications do I need to apply for a Doctors job in the Bahrain? To practice as a consultant in Bahrain you have to prove that you have the following certifications as a doctor: 1. Generally speaking, the ideal candidate would possess CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training), or equivalent certification, in their specialist area. The equivalents accepted from other countries include: American / Canadian Board Registration. Facharzt (German). French Board DES. Australian or New Zealand Fellowships. In certain cases, equivalent qualifications from the Indian subcontinent are also accepted. In addition, the candidate will also have a minimum of 3 years’ substantive post experience. 2. A grasp of the Arabic language is always helpful but all hospitals will expect excellence in spoken English or an IELTS score. 3. Female doctors are preferred for some specialisms, especially Obstetrics and Gynaecology roles, Dermatology and IVF and Fertility Medicine

Work system Working Hours & Overtime The working week in Bahrain tends to vary between 40 and 48 hours, depending on the particular company’s policy. Office hours are usually from 8.30 or 9.00 am to 5.30 or 6.00 pm. There are no differences in time keeping between summer and winter. In the month of Ramadan, the working day is reduced to six hours and legally this should apply to all staff, but many companies only apply it to Muslims, who fast during daylight hours. 110

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Bahrain

Friday is the Muslim rest day and, if your company has a five-day working week, the other day off will probably be either Thursday or Saturday. Saturday is the more popular choice for international companies, as taking Thursday off would mean a reduction in the number of operational days in common with much of the rest of the world. Conversely, other companies insist on Thursday, as the school ‘weekend’ is Thursday and Friday.

Life there and salaries Doctor / Physician in Bahrain typically earns around 3,470 BHD per month. Salaries range from 1,280 BHD (lowest average) to 5,860 BHD (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

Doctors' position there The population respect doctors but as an Egyptian you may feel some racism from some people.

Taxes 15 – 19%


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

Oman ‫ﻋﻤﺎن‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

The Sultanate of Oman, shortly known as Oman, is often referred to as the lesser-known, slightly more traditional cousin of the UAE. Bound by the waters of the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf, Oman is a diverse nation with a large immigrant population (over 45% of all residents are immigrants). The capital of Oman, Muscat, is a large thriving metropolitan city with over 1.3 million residents. Besides Muscat, Salalah is the other big city that is home to a large number of immigrants. Though Arabic is the official language of the country, English is also widely spoken. Oman has one of the best universal healthcare systems in the world, and the country offers free primary healthcare to all Omanis and subsidizes care to foreign residents. The healthcare sector in the country is overseen by the MoH (Ministry of Health) and the Central Quality Control Laboratory. All medical specialists – doctors, dentists, nurses, medical technicians, etc. – aspiring to work in Oman must get certified by the OMSB (Oman Medical Speciality Board). They have to take the Oman Prometric Exam along with obtaining a license from the MoH. Healthcare professionals – doctors, registered nurses, medical technicians – looking to take up employment in Oman can do so only under the visa sponsorship program. To qualify for this program, the applicant must be aged between 21 and 60 and must have a confirmed job offer from a hospital/clinic in Oman. The employer is the visa sponsor.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

Once you are selected for the job, the employer must obtain a clearance from the Ministry of Manpower. The employee must meet several approval criteria – clearance from a professional healthcare association, meeting the Omanization quotas (this is the minimum number of Omani nationals that a company must employ), and more. The duration of the work visa issued to all foreign workers – including healthcare professionals is two years from the date of entry.

language You’ll need to learn no language, but you may find It hard to understand the dialect clearly. OMSB - OMAN MEDICAL SPECIALTY BOARD In Oman, the Oman medical specialist board (OMSB) is the entrusted administrative body that has to maintain the best possible criteria and quality standards in the healthcare system. It is a social healthcare committee that is responsible for the proficiency and license of the professionals. All local and foreign experts aspiring to work in the medical field of Oman must get a professional certification and register for the OMSB exam. The healthcare professionals in order to get a permit and practice in Oman has to clear the OMSB exam. The Exam is conducted either oral or online by Prometric. Who needs an OMSB license? Everyone from physician to technician needs a license to work in the health care field of Emirates of Oman. Physicians (General / Specialist / Consultant) Dentists (General / Specialist / Assistant) Nurse / Midwife All Allied Health Professionals


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

License eligibility The Oman Prometric exam (OMSB) eligibility criteria differ based on the area of your specialty. To get the license you have to pass the Prometric exam with the required percentage in the field of your specialty. Following the examination, you have to get the documents verified for the issue of license. The general documents that you have to produce to get the license are as follows: Course Certificate (Professional Certificate from recognized authority). Mark list (Transcript). Experience Certificates. Good Standing Certificate (produced by the medical council of your present working country –Less than six months valid). License from the present working country. Passport copy (Front and Back Side). Passport Size Photo with White Background. Log Files- this is essential only if you are a surgery specialist Doctor only. What is the cost of the exam? 175 USD for Technicians and Technologists. 195 USD for Physicians. How long is the exam? 2 hours (70 MCQs), a few other exams have 2.5 hours (100 MCQs). How many times am I allowed to take the test? You can take the exam up to three times in one calendar year.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

IFOM exam This exam qualifies you to apply for job offers or trainings. What is IFOM exam? The IFOM (International Foundations of Medicine) exams are standardized, objective exams that are used in various countries (Ukraine, Panama, and Oman, among others) as an international standard to measure the academic performance of their medical graduates. The IFOM exams consist of a Basic Science Exam (BSE) and a Clinical Science Exam (CSE), which are both developed and conducted by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)–the same body that administers the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Each IFOM exam comprises 160 multiple-choice questions presented in clinical vignette style to assess a student’s ability to not just recall but also apply their acquired knowledge. The exam consists of two parts: (A multiple choice question (MCQ) written exam, and a clinical skills component). How to apply? 1. Confirm that the registration period is open before applying. 2. Log in to your MyNBME account (if you do not yet have an account, you can create one on that page). 3. Purchase your exam (fees are listed below). 4. Download the Status Verification Form, which will become available after purchase. You will send this form to your medical school. Officials at your medical school will then complete the form and send it directly to the ECFMG. The ECFMG must receive the required paperwork no later than one week prior to the start of the test window or you will not be permitted to take the exam. 5. After your eligibility is verified, you will receive a testing permit by email and can then visit the Prometric website(link is external) to choose a test site and time. 115

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

Fees Fee for Individual IFOM Examinations at Prometric Test Centers (Per Exam) IFOM Basic Science Exam - 200$. IFOM Clinical Science Exam - 300$. To apply for job or training you have to pass this exam (more than 60%), this exam will be valid for 2 years. If you intend to work as a specialist, you have to be with at least 3 years working experience. For more detailed information about IFOM exam individual administration, please read the Candidate Brochure. You haven’t to apply for IFOM if you have a British fellowship or American board ABHS exam The Arab Board of Health Specializations is a training program for doctors to get the certificate of the Arab Board of Health Specializations, it is such a license to practice medicine to work in any Arab country that is affiliated with the Arab Board of Health Specializations. For registration: 1. Arabic language. 2. Completing the academic study of medicine and obtaining a bachelor’s degree from a university recognized by one of the Arab countries participating in the Council. 3. Registration with the Ministry of Health and obtaining a license to practice the profession of medicine. Training system and Arab board exams The Arab Board program is primarily a training program, meaning it is not like the master’s system in Egypt, which is based on lectures and theoretical exams. Once you are registered with the Arab Board, you take a schedule and are distributed for training and work in hospitals affiliated with the Arab Board Program.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

The duration of the training program in the Arab Board is not less than 4 years and reaches 6 years in some specialties such as neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, and during this period, the Arab Board exams are completed to obtain the certificate. The Arab Board exams consist of 3 parts: Initial written exam This exam you will enter after a full year of your submission to the Arab Board and the training program, which is an MCQ exam, and this exam has two times per year. But keep in mind, if you passed two years and did not enter this exam without presenting an acceptable excuse, your registration on the Arab Board will be considered null, and if you want to complete it, you must apply from the beginning and the new one. You have 3 attempts to pass the exam. Success in this exam is out of 60%, and your score still valid for 6 years. If you do not take the final written exam during this period, you will repeat the initial exam again. Written final exam Of course, this exam will be after your success in the initial written exam, which is also an MCQ exam, the time is according to the training program and exams will be once a year, and you have 4 attempts to enter this exam, and if you did not pass this exam, you can enter again after two years from the last exam. Success in this exam is out of 60%, and your score still valid for 5 years. If you do not take the clinical and oral exam during this period, you will repeat the final written exam again. Clinical and oral exam Held two times per year, a regular session and an exceptional one. you have 4 attempts to enter this exam and succeed in it, if you do not succeed. After the 4 attempts, you will go back to the final written exam again, and you will have two attempts. If you do not succeed, you will be dismissed from the program. But if you pass the final written exam again, you will enter the clinical exam, and you will have two more attempts. If you fail, you will be dismissed from the program.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

Fees Registration – 150$. For each training year – 300$. Logbook – 15$. For each exam – 300$. For certificate and verification – 600$. verify qualifications (dataflow) DATAFLOW is a process to verify qualifications. All candidates seeking to work in Oman must commence this process prior to their application being considered. If you are intending to work as a doctor in Oman, please go to the DATAFLOW web site to: Create a login account. Verify your account through the e-mail you used. Upload personal details, qualification documentation and complete mandatory requirements. Upload passport copy. Upload signed "Letter of Authorization". Pay through credit card. It is important to print the receipt which was sent to your e-mail to supply to employers as evidence that you have commenced the process. Without this evidence, your application may not be progressed. Lifestyle For many who have worked in the Gulf States, they have had the experience of a lifetime, made lifelong friends, travelled the world and returned home financially secure. With the professional language being English, a multi-national workforce and the working methods often mirroring those of European countries, you should find settling into your work easier than you might expect.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Oman

Average salary for Doctor / Oman is 19,220 OMR per year. The most typical earning is 16,168 OMR. All data are based on 13 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 16,521 OMR. Women receive a salary of 23,539 OMR. The most paid careers are Health Care & Medical with average income 19,220 OMR and n/a with income n/a. Based on education, the highest salaries receive people with Masters Degree with salary of 26,010 OMR. The second most paid education level is Doctorate Degree with salary of 20,517 OMR. Different experiences affect earning as well. People with 20+ Years of experience receive salary of 35,684 OMR. Employees with 4 - 8 Years of experience receive 24,997 OMR. Visa To work in Oman there are a few stages you need to go through to get your visa and qualify your credentials. It’s a good idea to have all the documents you can ready as digital copies before you start the application process to stop unnecessary delays. To start with, get in touch with Dataflow to start your primary source verification PSV. Having this done first will shorten the time required to get it. Once that is complete you will have to apply for your license, however this is generally done by the employer and at the very least the employer will be on hand to assist.

Doctors' position there The population respect doctors but as an Egyptian you may feel some racism from some people.

Taxes Oman will become the first gulf state to introduce income tax on high earners in 2022 as the country tries to restore finances due to low oil prices. 119

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sweden

Sweden ‫اﻟﺴﻮﻳﺪ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Medical education system in Sweden: Medical studies in Sweden consist of five and a half years of basic training at a university or college, which results in a medical degree (MD. In order to obtain a license to practice as a doctor of medicine, an additional 18 months of medical internship is required as well as the satisfactory completion of a written and an oral exam. Once the medical license has been obtained, an additional five years of specialist training awaits. Once the medical license has been obtained, an additional five years of specialist training awaits. Foreign doctors who have received their medical licenses abroad have to fulfill certain criteria to qualify to become a Swedish doctor. Doctors coming from countries outside Europe have different requirements than doctors coming from an EU, European Economic Area (EEA) member state or Switzerland. Requirements for applying as a healthcare practitioner in Sweden: Doctor from outside an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland: 1. Assessment of foreign education: To make it possible to obtain a licence The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare needs to assess the education you received in Egypt and determine whether it is equivalent to the Swedish education level, length and content. To get your education assessed you will need to fill out an application form and send it to the Socialstyrelsen along with several required documents (Send copies not the original documents themselves, 120

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sweden

If the original documents are required for any reason, the Socialstyrelsen will let you know. The application must contain: An application form for assessment of education abroad A copy of the first page of your valid passport or a copy of your valid Swedish ID card. Please also send copies of the following documents, in both the original language and translated to Swedish or English: A copy of a certificate of completed education, for example your diploma. A copy of a certificate that lists the courses you took and how long the programme lasted. A copy of a certificate that shows any changes you have made to your first or last name after completing the programme. Post your application and all documents to Socialstyrelsen Behörighet 106 30 Stockholm After providing your application to the Socialstyrelsen, They will send you a confirmation email to the email address that you have provided. Confirmation is sent only vial email. Note: It takes about 3 months to get your education assessed. An email will be sent to you once a decision has been made. 1. Certified knowledge of the Swedish language (By taking a Swedish proficiency test): Once your education has been assessed, the next step is to take a proficiency test. The test will determine whether your proficiency meets the requirements for successfully completing the remaining steps. The test is administered in Swedish and you will have to know Swedish in order to pass the test.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sweden

Umeå University arranges the test on behalf of the Socialstyrelsen and sends the results to them. The test contains a theoretical part and a practical part. You have to pass the theoretical part before you can do the practical part. You will receive a decision from the Socialstyrelsen by e-mail when you have passed both parts of the proficiency test. Sign up for the proficiency test at Umeå University. Conduct the test on site at Umeå University. When you have passed both parts of the test, you can move on to the next step. 2. Take a course in Swedish laws and regulations: Once you have received a decision that you have passed the proficiency test, the next step is to take a web course in Swedish laws and regulations. The course focuses on the laws and regulations to which the healthcare system is subject. The course is free of charge. Follow these steps: 1. Sign up for the course in Swedish laws and regulations at Umeå University. 2. Take the course full-time or part-time – you choose yourself. 3. Undergo clinical training: During your clinical training period you demonstrate your practical knowledge and skills and your suitability for the profession. At the same time, you will see how the Swedish healthcare system works. The training in Sweden is a job position, so you need to apply to a job to get employed. You need to call the head of the department of the clinic you wish to work at or look out for ads on the hospital or clinic websites or in Läkartidningen. You need to first secure a job offer and obtain a work permit before you can even enter the country. You’ll need to look for work remotely, which can make it difficult to become a doctor in Sweden.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sweden

As a non-EU citizen, you normally need to have secured a job offer before you can apply for a work permit. The requirement is also to have a monthly salary of at least $1,480 equivalent before taxes, and that your position includes health insurance, life insurance and social security. To obtain a work permit, you must have an offer of employment in Sweden. Your employer must have advertised the job in Sweden and the EU/EEA and Switzerland for at least ten days before the offer of employment was made. Your employer in Sweden initiates the work permit application by completing an offer of employment. Your employer needs information about your name, date of birth, citizenship, education and your email address. It is important that you have access to the email address you give your employer until you have received a decision regarding your application. The Swedish Migration Agency will use this email address to communicate with you throughout the application period. When your employer has complete an offer of employment you will receive an email with information about how to apply for a work permit. In the application you provide information about yourself. If your family is coming with you to Sweden you apply for permits for them at the same time. You should also check that the information about your employment terms in the offer of employment corresponds with what you and your employer have agreed on. Are to be scanned or photographed and sent with your application Copies of the pages in your passport which show your personal information, photograph, signature, passport number, passport issuing country, the passport's period of validity, bar code on the identification page and whether you have permission to live in countries other than your country of origin A power of attorney in the event you are representing the applicant. 123

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sweden

If your passport is about to expire, you should extend it because you are not able to get a permit for longer than your passport is valid. What is a power of attorney? A power of attorney can be a signed letter in which the person applying for a permit allows another person to represent him or her. A power of attorney can, for example, give someone the right to apply, be informed of the reasons for a decision, or lodge an appeal for someone else. The power of attorney must be signed by the person who gives their power of attorney to another person, and must be presented in the original if required by the Swedish Migration Agency. In order to give another person power of attorney, you will need to send a letter to the Swedish Migration Agency stating That it is a power of attorney The name, date of birth and address of the person giving someone else the power of attorney. What the person who has the power of attorney has to do The name, personal identity number and address of the person who is given the power of attorney. The signature of the person giving someone else the power of attorney. The date and place where the power of attorney is signed.

If your family will accompany you and you are applying for them at the same time, you will also be required to submit the following Copies of the pages in their passports which show their personal information, photograph, signature, passport number, passport issuing country, the period of the passport's validity, bar code on the identification page and whether they have permission to live in countries other than their country of origin. Copies of marriage certificates or the equivalent (applies to married couples or registered partners). Documents showing that you have lived together in your country of origin (applies to cohabiting partners). 124

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sweden

Birth certificates for children Consent from the other custodial parent, if they are not also coming to Sweden, stating that the child is allowed to move to Sweden Documents showing that children above the age of 21 are financially dependent on their parents Adoption documents if the child was adopted Power of attorney if you are representing all members of the family who are over 18 years and who are co-applicants. The above-mentioned documents should be translated into Swedish or English by an authorized translator. You should always submit both a copy of the original document a copy of the translation. Consent: A statement of consent is a signed letter from the parent who has custody but will not be accompanying the child to Sweden, in which he or she agrees that your child should be granted a residence permit to settle in Sweden. The statement of consent should contain The name, date of birth and address of the parent who consents The name and date of birth of the child to which the statement of consent relates A statement that the parent agrees that the child should be granted a residence permit to settle in Sweden The signature of parent consenting, along with his or her name in printed letters. In most cases you must pay a fee. You can pay using Visa or Mastercard. When the fee is paid you submit your application. You and your employer will receive an email confirming that your application has been submitted. The Migration Agency will contact you if it needs more information. For the Swedish Migration Agency to make a decision about your application, all the details need to be filled in and all necessary documents enclosed. This means that the processing time will be shorter if all the necessary information is included from the start than if information is added afterwards. 125

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* If you change your mind and no longer want to apply. * If you want to withdraw your application, you must say so in a written letter to the Swedish Migration Agency. In the letter, you must state your name, date of birth, personal identity number (if you have one) and your case number. Also state your telephone number and address so that the Swedish Migration Agency can reach you if they have any questions. You must sign the letter. If you have given a power of attorney to someone, that person can withdraw the application on your behalf. * If you are granted a permit for more than three months you will receive a residence permit card. The card proves that you have permission to reside in Sweden and contains information such as your fingerprints and photograph. You need an entry visa for travel to Sweden, you should therefore visit the Swedish embassy or consulate-general as soon as possible to be photographed and fingerprinted. You need to do this even if you have previously had a residence permit card, as the information is not saved. If your family is also applying for permits, the family members also need to be photographed and fingerprinted at the embassy or consulate-general. Always contact the embassy or consulate-general prior to your visit. If you do not apply online! If you are unable to apply online, fill out Application for Swedish work permit – for applicants currently outside Sweden, number 149011, and turn it in to a Swedish embassy or consulate-general in the country where you are living. The application form indicates the documents you need to enclose. If there is no possibility to apply in your country, you should apply at the embassy or consulate-general nearest to the country where you live. Before you submit your application you should contact the embassy or consulate-general. Each member of your family who plans to accompany you to Sweden must turn in an application of their own to a Swedish embassy or consulate-general.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sweden

When you have found a workplace, your employer must apply for special authorisation. When you have completed your training, your manager and your supervisor will fill out a certificate for your clinical training (in swedish). You must also sign the certificate. Enclose the certificate when you submit your application for a licence in the next step. Note: Your period of clinical training will last for 6 months, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) does not give any financial aid during your clinical training. Pay and send your application to the Socialstyrelsen (The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare): When you have gone through all the steps it is time to apply for a licence. Follow these steps: 1. Fill out the application form to obtain a licence and make sure you have all the required documents. 2. Pay the application fee. 3. Send the application by mail. Your application should contain: A completed application form. A copy of the first page of your valid passport or a copy of your valid Swedish ID card. A copy of your certificate of Swedish proficiency. Please also enclose one of the following documents in original: A certificate that you have successfully completed clinical training. A certificate that you have successfully completed internship. A certificate that you have successfully completed trial clinical training. Pay the application fee when you send your application The fee to apply for a licence is SEK 2900 (350.51USD) (Discussed in more detail in the “Cost” section). Deposit the fee to bank giro account 790 - 3750 when submitting your application. 127

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Include your Swedish personal identity no. (yyyymmddxxxx) in the message box without any hyphens or spaces. Note: You do not need to be able to speak Swedish to have your education assessed, step 1. But to pass steps 2 – 5, you need to be able to speak Swedish. You send a certificate of your language skills at the latest when you apply for your licence, step 5. If you would like to practice as a specialist, you will need to be licensed as a doctor of medicine first. The length of time it takes to complete the various steps that lead to a Swedish licence will vary according to your particular situation. Usually it takes 2 – 4 years.

Cost and payment methods Application for work permit for employees Work permit, EU Blue Card, ICT permit, seasonal work: SEK 2,000 (241.73 USD) Extension of work permit: SEK 2,000 (241.73 USD) Application for family members of persons applying for or holding a work permit Adult: SEK 1,500 (181.30 USD) Child under 18 years of age: SEK 750 (90.65 USD) Paying online When you apply online, you pay the fee with a credit card in connection with the application. The same applies if you are applying to extend your permit. The card must be enabled for Internet payment. Contact your bank for more information. Paying at an embassy or consulate-general If you are applying at an embassy or consulate-general, you pay the fee when you hand in your application. For more information about the fee, contact the embassy or consulate-general where you are applying, as they do not have the same fees and terms of payment as the Migration Agency. 128

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Paying to bankgiro If you are not applying online, you pay the fee to bankgiro number 5223-7005. The IBAN for the account is SE6912000000012810106908 and the BIC/SWIFT code is DABASESX (Danske Bank). In the box for messages to the recipient, you write the name and surname of the person the application fee is for, as well as their personal identity number and/or case number. If you are paying the fees of several people at the same time, write the personal identity number and/or case number for each of them. Also write on the application form when and how you paid the fee. If you have paid the wrong application fee You can get money back if you have paid the wrong application fee. For example, you may have accidentally paid the fee twice. If you have applied online or on paper, you should contact the Migration Agency and request the money back. If you have submitted an application to an embassy or consulate-general, you should contact them. A license for a doctor of medicine: The fee to apply for a license is 2900 SEK (350.51 USD).

Life and Salaries Sweden performs very well in many measures of well-being relative to most other countries in the Better Life Index. Sweden ranks above the average in all dimensions: environmental quality, civic engagement, education and skills, work-life balance, health status, subjective well-being, income and wealth, jobs and earnings, housing, personal safety, and social connections. When asked to rate their general satisfaction with life on a scale from 0 to 10, Swedes gave it a 7.3 grade on average. A person working as a Doctor / Physician in Sweden typically earns around 106,000 SEK (12812.12 USD) per month. Salaries range from 38,900 SEK (4701.71 USD) (lowest average) to 179,000 SEK (21635.10 USD) (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). 129

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Finland

Finland ‫ﻓﻨﻠﻨﺪا‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Finland, country located in northern Europe. Finland is one of the world’s most northern and geographically remote countries and is subject to a severe climate. Nearly two-thirds of Finland is blanketed by thick woodlands, making it the most densely forested country in Europe. Finland also forms a symbolic northern border between western and eastern Europe: dense wilderness and Russia to the east, the Gulf of Bothnia and Sweden to the west. In order to work as a medical doctor in Finland, you must have an authorisation (licence to practice a profession) from Valvira. In order to be eligible for licensing, you must complete an internship and sit a three-part licensure examination as mandated by Valvira to ensure that your qualification is equivalent to medical training in Finland. The applicant shall not complete the employment, the supplementary studies, the internship or three-part examination required by Valvira, before Valvira has inspected and approved applicant’s degree and education. Conditions for licensing: You have completed a qualification in a country that is not an EU/EEA Member State Medical training for a medical doctor’s profession completed abroad. Sufficient language skills. At least six months of internship at a Finnish hospital or health centre maintained by a public body (central government, municipality, joint municipal authority). Three-part examination. 130

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Language skills As a medical doctor, you must have sufficient spoken and written language skills to be able to carry out your duties. The official languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish.

Internship An internship for qualification recognition is an internship in a Finnish hospital or health centre maintained by a public body with a job description equivalent to the internship required of Finnish medical students. The internship should last at least six months, but Valvira can specify both the length and the content of your internship as necessary. You have to have begun and finished your internship within the three years immediately preceding your taking of the Tampere examination. Valvira does not serve as an employment exchange for internships: you must obtain your own internship position yourself, for instance by contacting hospitals directly and agreeing on your internship with the hospital. You do not need permission from Valvira to begin your internship.

Examination The Decree on Health Care Professionals requires foreign medical doctors to pass an examination to confirm that their qualifications are equivalent to those provided by medical training in Finland. Doctors who have completed a minimum of six months of practical hospital training in Finland and who have passed a language proficiency test in Finland in either the Finnish or Swedish language are eligible to sit the examination. The examination is organised jointly by Valvira and the University of Tampere Faculty of Medicine and Technology. It consists of three tests, which shall be completed separately:


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Finland

1. Clinical knowledge: This is a written test designed to test basic knowledge of clinical medicine and health care. Candidates will be asked to respond to written questions on the core medical specialties presented in the form of patient case histories that are of an equivalent standard to the final examination for the Finnish degree of Licentiate of Medicine. 2. Health care in Finland: This is a written test on administrative topics central to the practice of medicine in Finland, including social welfare and health policy, legislation, health care systems, forensic medicine and the supply and distribution of medicinal products. 3. Clinical skills: The purpose of this practical test is to ensure that the candidate is in possession of the necessary communication skills, is capable of applying the knowledge and skills acquired during his/her training in a primary health care setting and has command of the key working methods of a competent general practitioner. The clinical skills test takes place at the teaching health centre of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tampere. The tests are given in Finnish or Swedish and must be completed in the order given above. Sitting the examination The tests on clinical knowledge and health care in Finland can be taken a maximum of ten times. If you have failed three consecutive attempts, you must wait one year before re-taking the test. If you fail the test on clinical knowledge or health care in Finland ten times, you are no longer eligible to re-take it. The clinical skills test may be taken a total of three times. If you fail your first attempt at the clinical skills test, you must wait six months before re-taking it. If you fail your second attempt as well, you must wait a year before taking the test for a third time.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Finland

During that year, you must complete a six-month period of supervised practice at a publicly run hospital or health centre. You must also supply Valvira with a statement from your employer concerning the practice period completed. If you fail the clinical skills test on your third attempt, you are no longer eligible to re-take it. Application procedure You must only register with Valvira for the clinical knowledge test. Please notify in writing if you wish to have the questions in Swedish. When registering for the test, you must provide Valvira with the following: A copy of your language proficiency certificate. A certificate of your supervised practice. A statement from your supervisor including an evaluation of your performance. Valvira only accepts document copies that have been officially authenticated (by a notary public). The registration form must be submitted to Valvira at least three weeks before the date of the test. For the test on health care in Finland, you should register directly with the University of Tampere Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology. The date for the clinical skills test should be agreed with the Faculty. The tests on clinical skills and health care in Finland are given four times annually, in February, May, September and November. Limited license After you have passed the first test in your examination, you may be granted a limited license to practice at a hospital maintained by a public body. After you have passed the second test in the examination, you may also be granted a limited licence to practice at a health centre. A limited licence is granted for a specific speciality and a specific facility, and for no more than six months at a time. Generally, limited licences are only granted for a maximum total of two years. 133

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Licensing Once you have passed all the parts of your licensure examination, you may be licensed to practice as a licensed medical doctor. In order to be licensed to practice your profession as a medical doctor, you must submit an application to Valvira. Your application must be in Finnish, Swedish or English, and it must be dated and signed.

Processing time The application processing time is roughly 4 months and it begins to run once Valvira has received all necessary documents.

Decision fee All decisions will be given in Finnish or Swedish. Even rejected applications will be charged in some cases. Half of the application processing fee will be charged for the cancelled application. Recognition of professional qualification (prior to language proficiency test): 300 EUR Licensing for medical doctor following placement in Finland: 400 EUR Licensing for medical doctor or dentist (qualification outside the EU/EEA area): 900 EUR Evaluation of your education done by a Finnish institute of education (qualification outside the EU/EEA area): 200 - 600 EUR Registration of training: 200 EUR Requirement for further training as a condition to professional licensing: 300 EUR. Work Specialising in medicine in Finland Specialist training in Finland is in the form of postgraduate professional education at a university. Specialist training is provided by the faculties of medicine at the universities of Helsinki, Eastern Finland, Oulu, Tampere and Turku. Specialist medical training in Finland for foreign medical doctors depends on the Faculty of Medicine. The medical specialist degree programme lasts 5–6 years and principally involves practical work in the specialist field in question. 134

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A foreign medical doctor can also complete a post-graduate Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree at the universities listed above. M.D. studies lasts 6 years in university. If you only intend to engage in scientific research, it is not necessary for you to be licenced to practice medicine. There are salaries during Specialist medical training: For fully qualified trainees around 3200€ , those not yet qualified around 2000€. Overtime is paid, but usually other arrangements are preferred: to take leave etc.

Salaries Salaries vary drastically between different Doctor / Physician careers. Salaries range from 4,050 EUR (lowest average) to 18,600 EUR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). type of contracts are there & long of working and on-calls times Contract types vary greatly depending on specialty. Usually doctors work in 8 hours shifts day time and on-call from 8 to 24 hours.

Life in Finland Finland is the 3rd best country in the world when it comes to quality of life. Out of 163 countries, Finland scores highly on almost every index on the report, from basic needs and foundations of wellbeing to personal freedoms. Finland scores highest in shelter and inclusiveness. Social Progress Index measures quality of life in three dimensions of social progress: basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing, and opportunity. Some info about average of cost in Finland: Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment: 103.77 EUR. Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL): 23.95 EUR. Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre: 732.53€. Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre: 578.17€. Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre: 1,215.85€. Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre: 950.07€. 135

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

Norway ‫اﻟﻨﺮوﻳﺞ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Why Become a Doctor in Norway? Despite the high living standard in Norway, the country has a shortage of doctors and has long accepted immigration from neighboring states like Denmark and Sweden. They are therefore very open to doctors coming in from abroad, although it is much easier to establish yourself as a doctor if you have completed your medical studies in the country and are familiar with the system. Since you’ve had an education in Egypt (from outside the EU/EEA) you will be subject to additional requirements before authorisation can be granted. These additional requirements include: Language requirements. Course on Norwegian health services, health legislation and society. Course in safehandling of medicine. The proficiency test. Verification of diploma and transcript from ECFMG: Each applicant must hand in an application to the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) for the verification of diploma and transcript, and receive an EPIC (Electronic Portfolio of International Credential) account in the US. Applications for authorisation will not be processed until your education is verified by ECFMG. Once ECFMG has processed your request and established your EPIC Account, ECFMG will e-mail you login information so you can access your EPIC Account. 136

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You must attach these documents when you apply: 1. Diploma. 2. Transcript/Diploma Supplement. 3. The document must be issued in your name. 4. The document must contain an overview of all subjects included in your education with the number of hours dedicated to each subject/subject area. 5. Documentation of completed internship and the duration and subject area covered in the internship. Possible additional documentation: 1. You should attach the authorization/license (approval showing that you have the full professional right to practice) from the country of education and/or another country. 2. The same applies to documentation in the form of a certificate that refers to relevant work experience earned after graduation. The certificate must contain information about the type of position and work. 3. Detailed overview in the form of a syllabus that shows the specific subject content (not just the names of the subjects) and the length of the education. a) Theoretical content must be stated in learning objectives for the individual subjects and the scope must be stated ECTS or the number of hours for each subject. The number of internships / clinical internships that show the length of the individual period, objectives, arena (form of teaching) and evaluation results must also be stated. b) Internships must be stated in the number of weeks / hours or ECTS within each field of practice / department and areas / institutions where you have had an internship. They must also state the form in which the practice was carried out (skills training, observation, patient-oriented practice or patient simulation).


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

c) The syllabus must be issued by the institution of education and must be valid for the years the education was taken. The syllabus must also list the contact information for the institution of education. Please note the following regarding your documents: All documents must be scanned copies of the original documents - PDF format. If an original document has multiple pages, all scanned pages must be collected in one document and in the correct order. All pages need to be rotated correctly. All original documents that are not in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English must be translated into one of these languages by a state-authorised translator. The translation must be scanned/submitted in the same file as the original document. There is only one authorized translator for translation of documents from Arabic to Norwegian: Arabisk - Norsk translatørtjeneste: Goran Hajo You apply electronically on Altinn: Application form: Authorisation and licence ( Note: Applicants without a Norwegian national ID or ID number must use alternative login to Altinn. Scanned colour copy of passport or European ID card must be attached to the application. User manual Altinn - Application for authorisation and license (PDF) You pay the processing fee when you apply You must pay a processing fee of NOK 1,665 (191.97 USD). You pay the fee in Altinn when you register your application for authorisation. * You can expect an answer within 9 months. The processing time may be longer if, for example, the application lacks the necessary information or documentation. 138

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The order and deadline for additional requirements: The order for implementation: Language requirements must be completed in order to be eligible for admission to the other requirements. There are no requirements for the order in which the other additional requirements are implemented. We recommend that you start your Norwegian training before applying for authorisation. For some of you, three years may be short time to learn Norwegian at the level required, especially for those who do not have previous knowledge of Norwegian language at the time of application. The deadline for implementation: Additional requirements must be made during a period of three years from when the education is considered equal or otherwise has proven to possess the necessary skills. You have in total three attempts to complete and pass each course, and if necessary, a proficiency test. The costs for implementing additional requirements: The costs of the courses and tests is to be covered by the applicant. Submission of documentation after completing the additional requirements: You must not reapply for authorisation when you have completed all additional requirements within the three-year deadline. Documentation of completed additional requirements must be submitted by e-mail to for a final processing of your original application for authorisation. You must send in the following documentation: Documentation of completed language requirements (See more information about the language requirement below. The language requirement is an independent requirement that must be documented even if you have completed the additional requirements)


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

Documentation of completed course on Norwegian health services, health legislation and society (Kurs i nasjonale fag) with course in safehandling of medicine for Pharmacist, Medical Practitioners, nurses and dentists Documentation of completed proficiency test for nurses, medical practitioners and dentists. Remember to mark the subject field in your e-mail with your previous case number. If you have not completed the additional requirements by the threeyear deadline, you must re-apply for an authorisation.

Language requirements You must pass an approved Norwegian test at level B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference of languages (CEFR) to be granted authorisation in Norway. Approved language tests that can be measured as level B2 language skills is «Test in Norwegianhigher level» (Norwegian: Test i norsk – høyere nivå) Also called «Bergenstesten» (passed both oral and written test), and the Norwegian language test by «Kompetanse Norge» (formerly VOX) with B2 on all subtests. Course Fees: A written test costs about NOK 2400 (276.72$ USD) and an oral test costs about NOK 1000 (115.30$ USD). Course on Norwegian health services, health legislation and society (Kurs i nasjonale fag) You must complete and pass «Kurs i nasjonale fag». The course content provides you knowledge on Norwegian health and care services, health, social security and social rights, cultural understanding, and national focus areas. The Norwegian Directorate of health has signed an agreement with following supplier of courses on Norwegian health services, health legislation and society: Folkeuniversitetet 140

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The course is organised every spring and autumn. If you have already accomplished the course, you must enclose the course certificate when you apply for authorisation. Course fee: About NOK 13,100 (1510.43 USD). You must complete and pass the course in safehandling of medicine. The course in safehandling of medicine contains regulations on pharmaceuticals and requisition law, drug handling and medication calculation. The course will be set in conjunction with the national course. The medical proficiency test (Medical Practitioner) You must complete and pass the medical proficiency test. The medical test is a practical and oral test that measures whether you have the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for working in the Norwegian health care system. The medical proficiency test is arranged by the University of Oslo and the course duration is two days. The proficiency test will be available during the spring and during the autumn semester. Course fee: About NOK 49000 (5649.71$ USD). Extension of the deadline to undergo the additional requirements Upon application, the Norwegian Directorate of Health may extend the deadline to undergo the additional requirements by up to one year in the event of a delay due to long-term illness or maternity leave. An application for extension of the deadline must be documented. Sensitive information should not be sent by e-mail. We therefore request that the application be sent by mail to: Helsedirektoratet, v/Avd. Autorisasjon Postboks 220, Skøyen 0213 Oslo


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

After you obtain your medical licence you will have to apply for a residence permit and a work visa in order to be able to enter the country, which requires you to find a job offer even before you have stepped foot in the country Temporary Residence Permit. This is the type of Permit you receive when you first move to Norway. It is valid for 1-3 years and is renewable. The most common are: - Residence Permit for Work (aka Norway Work Visa). - Residence Permit for Family Reunification. Permanent Residence Permit. This is the Permit you receive after you have lived in Norway continuously for the last three years. You can then live and work there indefinitely, and just renew the Residence Card every two years. Norway Temporary Residence Permit Requirements To be eligible for a Temporary Residence Permit for Norway, you have to fulfil the conditions related to why you want to move to Norway. For example: Since you are moving for work: You need to have a job with a Norwegian employer and have a qualifying salary (Norway work Visas will be discussed further down below). Documents Required for a Norway Residence Permit Application To apply for a Residence Permit, you must submit the following documents: Your passport. Along with your original passport, attach copies of the personal information page and all used pages (ones with entry stamps or visas on them). The Cover Letter. After you complete the online application, you will receive this on your email, and you simply print it your and attach it to your application. Passport-size pictures. The pictures should be recent and have a white background. Proof of accommodation. Submit a rental agreement or another proof that you have somewhere to live after you move to Norway. The Offer of Employment Form. 142

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Proof that your salary meets the income requirements. Proof of your academic qualifications. Proof of previous employment experience. Your CV. Note: You have to submit both the originals and copies of each document. The documents you submit should be in English or Norwegian. If they are not, have them translated and submit the translation along with the original document. Some documents, such as diplomas or birth/marriage certificates have to be legalized via an Apostille Stamp. For any document that you are unable to submit, enclose a written explanation for why. Ideally, try to bring all the required documents. How to Get a Residence Permit for Norway? 1. Apply online. You have to register on the UDI website (Norwegian Directorate of Immigration) and complete the online application. Once you complete it, you will receive an email along with a Cover Letter, which you have to submit to the Embassy. 2. Pay the application fee. On the UDI website, you also have to pay the Residence Permit fee via a debit or credit card. See Norway Residence Permit Fees below. 3. Submit the documents. After you have gathered all the documents and completed the online application, make an appointment at the nearest Norwegian Embassy/Consulate or a Visa Application Center. Submit the documents and enter an interview, if required. The Embassy/VAC will forward the application to the UDI. 4. The UDI processes the application and notifies you of the outcome. * If you need an entry visa: The UDI will issue an entry visa for you, which you can pick up at the Embassy or Visa Application Center and use it to travel to Norway. 143

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

After you arrive in Norway Once the Norwegian Embassy or the VAC notifies you that you have received the residence permit, you have to make an appointment with the Norwegian police so you can pick up your Residence Card when you arrive. You make the appointment via the UDI website. Ideally, schedule it within the first week of your intended arrival. Then, after you get to Norway, you have to go to the local police station and pick up your Residence Card. Norway Permanent Residence Permit Requirements To get a Permanent Residence Permit in Norway, you must meet the following conditions: You must have lived in Norway continuously for at least three years. This means: You can’t have been without a residence permit longer than three months total during the past three years. You can’t have been outside Norway longer than seven months total during the past three years. You must have held a Temporary Residence Permit which forms “the basis for a permanent residence permit”*. As such, you can apply for permanent residence only if you had one of the following residence permits: - Residence permit for work (skilled workers and selfemployed) - Residence permit for family reunification - Residence permit on the grounds of asylum or protection or for “strong humanitarian considerations”. At the time of application, you must have a valid temporary residence permit. You must be able to sustain yourself financially. You must not have received financial assistance from the NAV (økonomisk sosialhjelp) in the past year. You must have a clear criminal record. You must not have an order for enforced psychiatric treatment. You must pass a test on Norwegian language and social studies if you are between 16 and 64 years of age. 144

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

How to Get a Permanent Residence Permit in Norway? To apply for your Permanent Residence Permit in Norway, you must: 1. Collect the required documents. 2. Complete the online application on the UDI Application Portal. 3. Pay the application fee. 4. Hand in the documents at the local police service for residence permits and protection or the service centre for foreign workers, depending on the area in which you live. Required Documents for Permanent Residence Application in Norway The documents you have to submit when applying for a Permanent Residence Permit are: Proof of your income. Depending on your situation, your income can be: - From employment. - From self-employment. Proof you have not received financial assistance from NAV (økonomisk sosialhjelp) Proof you have completed the tuition hours and passed the Norwegian language and social studies test. Any other additional documents that the UDI required. Depending on your specific situation. Norway Residence Permit Processing Time It usually takes about eight weeks to process your Residence Permit from the time the UDI receives your completed application. Depending on specific circumstances, such as your nationality, the type of Permit you need, whether all your documents are in order, and even the time of year it is, it can take longer or shorter. Norway Residence Permit Fees The fees for a Norway Residence Permit are as follows: Residence Permit for Work – NOK 6,300 (appx. 695 USD). Permanent Residence Permit (adults) – NOK 4,700 (appx. 518 USD). Permanent Residence Permit (minors) – Free of charge. 145

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Norway Residence Permit to Norwegian Citizenship You can apply for Norwegian citizenship once you have lived in Norway for at least seven years out of the last ten years. At the time of application, you must have a valid Permanent Residence Permit, and each of the Residence Permits you have held while you were living in Norway in the previous ten years must have had a validity of one year or longer. You must also pass a language test and a social studies test, to prove your knowledge of Norwegian language and culture, and have a clear criminal record.

Salaries in Norway: A person working as Doctor / Physician in Norway typically earns around 1,440,000 NOK (166,032 USD) per year. Salaries range from 528,000 NOK (60,878 USD) (lowest average) to 2,430,000 NOK (280,179 USD) (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

Clinical Psychologist 1,960,000 NOK. Correctional Treatment Specialist 1,140,000 NOK. Counseling Psychologist 1,430,000 NOK. Dermatologist 1,770,000 NOK. Dietitian 1,130,000 NOK. Doctor 1,560,000 NOK. Emergency Department Physician 1,350,000 NOK. Exercise Physiologist 1,370,000 NOK. Forensic Pathologist 1,630,000 NOK. General Medical Practitioner 1,200,000 NOK. Genetic Counselor 948,000 NOK. Internist 1,890,000 NOK. Interventionist 1,750,000 NOK. Invasive Cardiologist 2,480,000 NOK. Mental Health Therapist 1,000,000 NOK. Naturopathic Physician 1,840,000 NOK. Neurologist 1,890,000 NOK. Neurophysiology Technologist 545,000 NOK. Nuclear Medicine Physician 1,530,000 NOK. Obstetrician / Gynecologist 1,650,000 NOK. Occupational Health Safety Specialist 855,000 NOK. Ophthalmologist 1,240,000 NOK. Optometrist 1,220,000 NOK. Pediatrician 1,430,000 NOK. Physical Therapist 998,000 NOK. Physical Therapy Director 1,110,000 NOK. Physician - Anesthesiology 2,200,000 NOK. Physician - Cardiology 2,270,000 NOK. Physician - CCU 1,240,000 NOK. Physician - Dermatology 1,860,000 NOK. Physician - Emergency Room 1,340,000 NOK. Physician - Endocrinology 1,650,000 NOK. Physician - Family Practice 1,220,000 NOK. Physician - Gastroenterology 1,600,000 NOK. Physician - Generalist 1,360,000 NOK. Physician - Geriatrics 1,130,000 NOK. 147

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

Physician - Hematology / Oncology 1,520,000 NOK. Physician - Immunology / Allergy 1,790,000 NOK. Physician - Infectious Disease 1,470,000 NOK. Physician - Internal Medicine 1,900,000 NOK. Physician - Maternal / Fetal Medicine 1,470,000 NOK. Physician - Nephrology 1,910,000 NOK. Physician - Neurology 1,840,000 NOK. Physician - Nuclear Medicine 1,500,000 NOK. Physician - Obstetrics / Gynecology 1,690,000 NOK. Physician - Occupational Medicine 1,260,000 NOK. Physician - Ophthalmology 1,140,000 NOK. Physician - Otolaryngology 1,140,000 NOK. Physician - Pain Medicine 1,020,000 NOK. Physician - Pathology 1,380,000 NOK. Physician - Pediatric Cardiology 1,650,000 NOK. Physician - Pediatric Neonatology 1,510,000 NOK. Physician - Pediatrics 1,460,000 NOK. Clinical Psychologist 1,960,000 NOK. Correctional Treatment Specialist 1,140,000 NOK. Counseling Psychologist 1,430,000 NOK. Dermatologist 1,770,000 NOK. Dietitian 1,130,000 NOK. Doctor 1,560,000 NOK. Emergency Department Physician 1,350,000 NOK. Exercise Physiologist 1,370,000 NOK. Forensic Pathologist 1,630,000 NOK. General Medical Practitioner 1,200,000 NOK. Genetic Counselor 948,000 NOK. Internist 1,890,000 NOK. Interventionist 1,750,000 NOK. Invasive Cardiologist 2,480,000 NOK. Mental Health Therapst 1,000,000 NOK. Naturopathic Physician 1,840,000 NOK. Neurologist 1,890,000 NOK. Psychologist 1,630,000 NOK.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Norway

Psychometrician 1,350,000 NOK. Radiologist 1,640,000 NOK. Registered Respiratory Therapist 969,000 NOK. Skin Care Specialist 891,000 NOK. Urologist 2,130,000 NOK. Vision Rehabilitation Therapist 979,000 NOK. Advanced Nutrition Aide 889,000 NOK. Advanced Practice Provider 812,000 NOK. Allergist 1,140,000 NOK. Behavioral Health Specialist 648,000 NOK. Chiropractor 700,000 NOK. Clinical Psychologist 1,960,000 NOK. Correctional Treatment Specialist 1,140,000 NOK. Counseling Psychologist 1,430,000 NOK. Dermatologist 1,770,000 NOK. Dietitian 1,130,000 NOK. Doctor 1,560,000 NOK. Emergency Department Physician 1,350,000 NOK. Exercise Physiologist 1,370,000 NOK. Forensic Pathologist 1,630,000 NOK. General Medical Practitioner 1,200,000 NOK. Genetic Counselor 948,000 NOK. Internist 1,890,000 NOK. Interventionist 1,750,000 NOK. Invasive Cardiologist 2,480,000 NOK. Mental Health Therapist 1,000,000 NOK. Naturopathic Physician 1,840,000 NOK. Neurologist 1,890,000 NOK. Psychologist 1,630,000 NOK. Psychometrician 1,350,000 NOK. Radiologist 1,640,000 NOK. Registered Respiratory Therapist 969,000 NOK. Skin Care Specialist 891,000 NOK. Urologist 2,130,000 NOK. Vision Rehabilitation Therapist 979,000 NOK.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Switzerland



2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Diplomas for medical professions outside the EU / EFTA Anyone with a diploma in human from outside the EU / EFTA cannot have this recognized in Switzerland, except through: Indirect recognition If a contracting state recognizes a third-country diploma (acquired outside the EU / EFTA), one speaks of indirect recognition “recognition of recognition”. Requirements for recognition: Switzerland can recognize this recognition if the applicant: Is a citizen of Switzerland or a signatory state (EU / EFTA), or your spouse has one of these nationalities; Has acquired current clinical work experience of at least 3 years in the recognition state and / or in Switzerland. If these conditions are met, an application can be submitted through “Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG” Acquisition of a federal diploma People whose foreign diploma cannot be recognized have the opportunity to acquire the federal diploma. The federal diploma can be obtained regardless of the applicant's nationality. The federal medical examination is organized by the Federal Office of Public Health and is composed of: The theoretical part including all spectrum of knowledge; multiple choice questions in two parts 150

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Switzerland

Clinical skills test: This is an OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) exam. Guidelines and pattern of examination and content of the examination Responsible body and specifications The MEBEKO Medical Professions Committee defines: the admission requirements for the federal examination. whether all or only parts of the federal examination are to be taken and takes into account previous professional experience. Requests are subject to a fee and must be addressed to MEBEKO, Training Department (Federal Office of Public Health, MEBEKO, Training Department, 3003 Bern). People whose foreign diploma cannot be recognized in Switzerland have three options for obtaining the federal diploma in human medicine: 1st possibility Acquisition of a master's degree in human medicine at a Swiss university and successful completion of the federal examination in human medicine: “The university can make admission to the master’s level dependent on additional studies / exams (including those from the bachelor’s level)”. “Admission to the course is in the competence of the universities. A decision by MEBEKO, Education Department, regarding admission to examinations does not give any legal entitlement to admission to the course: In order to receive a place on the course, the general admission requirements set by the university must be met.”


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Switzerland

2nd possibility If at least 36 months of clinical activity (calculated based on 100% level of employment) in Switzerland (as a resident) can be proven by submitting the application, MEBEKO, Training Department, will grant direct admission to the federal examination. The federal examination must be taken in full and passed. 3rd possibility If at least 60 months of clinical activity (calculated based on 100% level of employment) in Switzerland (as a resident) can be proven with the submission of the application, the MEBEKO, Education Department, will grant direct admission to the federal examination. Only the theoretical part of the federal examination (MC individual examination consisting of two partial examinations) has to be taken and passed. Note on the 2nd and 3rd possibility The registration deadline for the federal examination is March 31 of the respective examination year. Applications for a formal decision regarding direct examination admission can be submitted continuously (at least 6-8 weeks before the registration deadline) to the MEBEKO office, training department. Submission of applications The following documents must be enclosed with an application to MEBEKO, Training Department: completed and signed application form. Curriculum vitae. Proof of identity (e.g. passport copy). Diploma copy and official translation. List of exams passed during the course and official translation. If available, proof of professional experience abroad and official translation. If available, proof of professional experience in Switzerland (each with precise information on the start and end of the activity, the function and the level of employment). 152

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Fees The fee for processing an application will be between CHF 800 and CHF 1,000 (the fee will be determined by MEBEKO's decision). The federal examination for human is carried out once a year. It can only be taken in German or French. an application can be submitted through “Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG” Registration of non-recognizable diplomas in the medical professions all university medical professionals working in Switzerland must be entered in the medical professions register (MedReg), after all previous steps. For License/registration of doctors outside EU/EFTA Countries Fill the application form for authorization to practice “BAG”. Original or certified copy of the medical degree translated into German, French orItalian. Original a recent criminal record in the country of origin (if less than 6 months in Switzerland) and Swiss (not older than 6 months). Medical certificate attesting to the physical and mental fitness to practice. Recent curriculum vitae. Detailed plan of training. Certificate in German, French or Italian (B2 level required). Foreign medical graduate can get registration but they will work as assistant physician if they meet all requirement. Foreign doctors should have specialist qualification (with appropriate postgraduate training) to work in Switzerland independently only after getting Federal postgraduate title by The Commission on Medical Professions (MEBEKO) which sets the conditions for obtaining federal corresponding title after contacting the concerned organizations responsible for postgraduate training sector. After getting the required qualification, doctors register MedReg to practice medical profession in Switzerland (can find here registration to medical profession). 153

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Switzerland

Specialty You can apply to the specialty of choice for training, which lasts on average 6 years, after which one becomes “Facharzt” or a Specialist. If your chosen specialty is a surgical or medical one, it is often desireable to have a year’s experience in General Surgery or General Medicine respectively, before applying to the specialty of choice. This is particularly true for competitive and specific specialties.

Duration of Specialty Training Specialty training lasts between 5-6 years for a single specialisation, of which 2 years have to be spent a category A hospital: Hospitals are categorised into A, B, or C depending on size/caseload and academia. You can do most or all of your training at a single large teaching hospital (category A), but the maximum time that can be spent at a category B and C hospitals is 3 and 1 years respectively. This is to ensure that all trainees spend at least a portion of their training in a large teaching hospital as well as a smaller hospital.

Flexibility of Speciality Training Dual-Specialisation In Swizterland it’s not uncommon to be dual-qualified in two related specialities and receive two “Facharzt” or specialist titles. Usually the duration for dual-specialisation is full training time + 3 years. For instance if one does 5 years of internal medicine and qualifies as Facharzt in Internal Medicine, a further title of Facharzt in Gastroenterology can be obtained by only 3 more years in Gastroenterology specialty training. Time-Flexibility Training can be interrupted and resumed at any point. If you start at a hospital and don’t like the town or the hospital after a few months – you can quit, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The reason this is possible is because in Swizterland training doesn’t happen in fixed year blocks. The year doesn’t start and end at the same time for all trainees in the country.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Switzerland

Medical Hierarchy and Equivalent nomenclature: Assistenzarzt/in = aka. Resident, a doctor in Training for specialty Facharzt = Specialist Oberarzt = Consultant like in the UK Chefarzt = Departmental Chief doctor. He or she is 100% in charge of everything in the department. They do the hiring and firing, they set the policies, etc. Their word is final in everything.

Language Medical professionals who want to practice their profession in Switzerland must have at least B2 level in German, French or Italian. Language skills can be entered in the medical professions register (MedReg). Applications must submitted in official Swiss language (German, French or Italian).

Salary A person working in Doctor / Physician in Switzerland typically earns around 291,000 CHF per year. Salaries range from 107,000 CHF (lowest average) to 492,000 CHF (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). Example monthly salary of doctor in 1st year of specialty training: Basic Salary CHF 6,981.00 Per sat/sun on-call CHF 47.501 Per Nightshift (midweek) CHF 47.50 Total CHF 7,076.10 * 1 Frank (CHF) = 0.91 EUR

Life in Switzerland Swiss cities consistently rank among the best places to live in the world, scoring especially high for personal safety, natural beauty, infrastructure, and earning potential. Located in the heart of Europe, it has outstanding transport infrastructure. Looking at the purchasing power, the country ranks 3rd after Luxembourg and Norway (SwissInfo, 2016). With simple words, it is possible to buy a lot of stuff with your monthly salary! 155

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Switzerland

Some info about average of cost in Switzerland” Geneva”: Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment: 219.24 Fr. Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL): 59.96 Fr. Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre: 1,974.34 Fr. Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre: 1,556.68 Fr. Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre: 3,655.78 Fr. Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre: 2,819.98 Fr. * 1 Frank (CHF) = 0.91 EUR.

Visa Switzerland is different from many European countries in that you need to have a residence permit before you apply for your entry visa for work purposes. Your prospective employer applies for the permit on your behalf. This means that you need to have a job in place before making your Swiss visa application. The Switzerland work visa is the Schengen category D visa for stays of more than 90 days. Requirements To be eligible for a work visa in Switzerland, you will need to meet the following requirements: Have a job offer in place in Switzerland. Be either a manager, specialist, or highly qualified worker (i.e have degree-level qualifications and several years of professional experience). You are applying at a time when annual work permit quotas are not full. There is nobody available in Switzerland or any EU/EFTA country for the job. Your job offer has the same salary and work conditions that would apply to a Swiss resident. For many jobs, authorities consider additional criteria such as language skills, ability to integrate into Swiss society, criminal record, and ability to support yourself and any family members joining you. 156

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Switzerland

How to apply? Once you have found a job in Switzerland, your employer applies to the immigration authority at their local Swiss canton for your work permit. This gives you the right to live and work in Switzerland. The application is then sent for approval to the SEM. You can begin your application for your Switzerland work visa through the Swiss embassy or consulate in your home country as soon as you have found a job. However, you must have the work permit before your visa is granted. If your work permit application is successful, the cantonal migration authority will contact the embassy/consulate with visa clearance. In addition to submitting your visa application form, you must provide: Photocopy of your passport or valid travel ID Proof of your job offer (e.g an offer letter, copy of the employment contract). Your CV and copies of educational and work qualifications in German, French, Italian, or English (translated by an official translator if necessary). The visa application usually takes around 8–10 weeks to process. Visa costs A category D visa currently costs 88 CHF.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

France ‫ﻓﺮﻧﺴﺎ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

We don’t need to talk about how beautiful of a country France is, however, salaries in France are not that good, an average salary of 7000€ a month which is cut down to 2800€ after the 40% taxes, is not considered that good. But there are things you can do to improve your salary such as taking on night shifts, a night shift usually pays about 119€ and if taken on a Saturday or a Sunday (the official weekend in France) it pays about 130€. Getting a medical license in France is much easier for specialists than it is for fresh graduates. Then why study medicine in France? The road to obtain a medical license in France is relatively short and not that expensive, the only cost you’ll have to worry about is that of the language exam, internship fees, and your residence there, (also you will be sending most of your documents by mail so you’ll have to cover that as well). The French work visa requirements can be as little as a hotel reservation with a bank account that can be charged for 65€ for every day that you will stay in France. Or if you have a relative that you can stay with, they can send you an invitation letter, and you’ll need a bank account that can be charged for 33€ for every day you will stay in France. The documents you will need: If you are a specialist who’s lucky enough to have a European nationality from any European country, then your only concern will be the language requirements, even if you’ve had your education and medical licence in a non-European country like Egypt. 158

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

For those with a European nationality from any European country, Must be a specialist, you’ll have to fill out one of two forms called HOCSMAN and DRESSEN depending on where you had your degree: 1. For all candidates An application form for authorisations to practice the profession, set out in Annex 1 to the Decree of 25 February 2010 (JORF of 5 March 2010 as amended) setting out the composition of the file to be provided, duly completed and showing, where applicable, the speciality in which the candidate submits his application. A legible photocopy of a valid identity document on the date of submission of the file; A copy of the evidence of training enabling the profession to be practiced in the country of obtaining the profession and, where applicable, a copy of the specialist's training title. Where applicable, a copy of the additional diplomas. All useful documents justifying continuing education, experience and skills acquired during the professional practice in a Member State of the European Union or another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or in a State outside the European Union (certificates of functions, activity report, operating report, etc.). In the context of functions performed in a State other than France, a declaration by the competent authority of that State, less than one year old, attesting to the absence of sanctions. 2. Candidates of nationality outside the European Union who hold evidence of training qualifications awarded by a Member State of the European Union or a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Candidates of nationality outside the European Union and holders of evidence of training awarded by a Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area do not have to take the tests to obtain a permit to practise in France. They must submit a file to the competent authorization committee. In addition to the exhibits mentioned in I, they must submit the following exhibits:


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

A detailed curriculum vitae; For diplomas meeting the minimum training requirements laid down in the European Directive, a certificate of conformity. Any document proving that a professional practice, where applicable in the specialty A certificate of proficiency in the French language (TCF – DELF) (As discussed in Canada). Hocsman * In addition to the documents mentioned in I, for persons of Community nationality holding evidence of education and training awarded by a State outside the European Union but recognised by a Member State of the European Union The recognition of evidence of formal qualifications and, where appropriate, of evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist, established by the authorities of the Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area which have recognised those evidence of formal qualifications. Such recognition must enable the beneficiary to practise his profession there, where appropriate, in the specialty. A copy of the certificates of the authorities which issued the training title, specifying the level of training and, year by year, the details and hourly volume of the courses followed as well as the content and duration of the validated courses. A certificate proving that the profession has been practised for a period of three years (full-time equivalent), where appropriate in the specialty, within the Member State which has recognized the evidence of education and training. Dreessen * In addition to the documents mentioned in I, for persons of Community nationality holding a diploma awarded by a Member State of the European Union which does not comply with European directives. 160

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

A copy of the training title and, where applicable, the specialist's title. A copy of the certificates of the authorities which issued the training title, specifying the level of training and, year by year, the details and hourly volume of the courses followed as well as the content and duration of the validated courses. Additional details: The supporting documents must be drawn up in French, or translated by a translator accredited before the French courts or authorized to intervene with the judicial or administrative authorities of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or of the Swiss Confederation, or, in the interest of candidates residing in a State outside the European Union. , have been translated as certified by the French consular authorities The files must be sent, in duplicate, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the National Management Centre – Competition Department, authorization to practice, mobilityprofessional development-cell in charge of the commissions of authorization to practice - 21 B, rue Leblanc 75737 Paris Cedex 15. In order to facilitate the investigation of the files, it is recommended that a summary of the documents in the file be submitted in the order of the above-mentioned list. In view of the large number of cases to be investigated, any case that does not present the required elements will be considered incomplete.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

If you’re not fortunate enough to have a European nationality from any European country then you will have to acquire what is called “PAE” which is the authorization of medical practice whether you are a specialist or a fresh graduate, even if you’ve had your education and got your degree in a European country, before looking into the documents you will need to acquire a PAE the following requirements must be met (In the following order): A level of at least 2B in French in either (TEF/TCF) or (DALF/DELF) as discussed in Canada. Next you have to do the EVC exam (Épreuves de vérification des connaissances) - The documents required for this exam change from year to year so you’ll have to visit the CNG website to check CNG | Knowledge Verification Tests (CVEs) ( - Registrations are traditionally held in May, with events taking place in the fall. However, candidates will have to check the exact dates in the opening order. Registration files should be sent to the ARS. Note: Applicants should add the words "EVC" to the envelope - To participate in the tests, candidates must comply with the rules of the tests available Here. These rules will be recalled at the beginning of each test. - There are two tests for all candidates. Candidates take 2 written tests of 2 hours each, scored out of 20, and assigned the same coefficient. The first test focuses on basic knowledge, the second on practical knowledge. - There are two types of this exam called List A, and List B: List B is open only to persons who can be justified as political refugees, stateless persons, beneficiaries of territorial asylum, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection or French nationals who have returned to the national territory at the request of the French authorities.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

You will find, by clicking on the link below, Annex II of the Decree of 5 March 2007, establishing the list of regulatory texts, defining, for each profession, the programs of the tests of fundamental and practical knowledge The written tests are the same for all candidates of the same specialty, regardless of their registration list (A or B). The correction is anonymous. The A list test is a competition. The opening order specifies the maximum number of candidates likely to be accepted for each profession (doctor, dental surgeon, pharmacist, midwife) and for each specialty. The list B test is an examination. The specialties are the same as those opened in list A. You must obtain a score above or equal to the average (10 out of 20) to be a winner. The Subjects of the basic knowledge verification tests as well as the practical knowledge tests differ from each year but you can find the subjects for previous years as well as the winners on the website of the CNG (CNG | Knowledge Verification Tests (CVEs) ( Contacts: Phone : 01 77 35 62 97 Address 1: Address 2:


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

How to apply for the EVC exam? All supporting documents accompanying the application must be drawn up in French or translated by a translator approved by the French courts or authorized to intervene with the judicial or administrative authorities of a Member State of the European Union or another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or have been the subject of a translation certified by the French consular authorities. The application file must be submitted or sent to the headquarters of the ARS of your place of residence by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt during the registration period provided for by the order opening the competition. If the candidate resides abroad, he sends his application under the same conditions to the ARS of his choice. You will find the opening order of the contest as well as the addresses of the headquarters of the ARS under the heading "Registration for the contest" on the CNG website. Every year the needed specialties and the number of required doctors for each specialty is announced on the CNG website. the temporary authorisations procedure for doctors with non-EU diplomas involved in a university hospital activity of at least 3 years in their country of origin wishing to exercise teaching and research functions in France. And finally you have to apply for training with any approved private or public establishment for at least 3 years in France.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

After completing the previous requirements you should should be able to send the documents required for the PAE: An application form for authorisation to practise the profession, set out in Annex 1 to the Decree of 25 February 2010 (JORF of 5 March 2010 as amended) setting out the composition of the file to be provided, duly completed and showing, where applicable, the speciality in which the candidate submits his application. A legible photocopy of a valid identity document on the date of submission of the file; A copy of the evidence of training enabling the profession to be practiced in the country of obtaining the profession and, where applicable, a copy of the specialist's training title. Where applicable, a copy of the additional diplomas. All useful documents justifying continuing education, experience and skills acquired during the professional practice in a Member State of the European Union or another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or in a State outside the European Union (certificates of functions, activity report, operating report, etc). In the context of functions performed in a State other than France, a declaration by the competent authority of that State, less than one year old, attesting to the absence of sanctions. A detailed curriculum vitae. A copy of the notification of the results obtained in the knowledge verification tests.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

The original of the certificates drawn up by the director of the establishment concerned indicating the status under which the candidate has performed his duties and the working time counted in weekly vacations for associate attachés and in weekly half-days for practitioners covered by the other statutes. Candidates who begin the functions mentioned in Articles D. 4111-6 and D. 4111-7 of the Public Health Code from 25 September 2014 perform these functions in full in the specialty under which they apply for the authorization to practice; The evaluation report contained in Annex 2 to the amended Order of 25 February 2010. Please provide the test (TCF) or the diploma (DELF) of French language in your file. Additional details: The supporting documents must be drawn up in French, or translated by a translator accredited before the French courts or authorized to intervene with the judicial or administrative authorities of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or of the Swiss Confederation, or, in the interest of candidates residing in a State outside the European Union. , have been translated as certified by the French consular authorities The files must be sent, in duplicate, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the National Management Centre – Competition Department, authorization to practice, mobilityprofessional development-cell in charge of the commissions of authorization to practice - 21 B, rue Leblanc 75737 Paris Cedex 15. * In order to facilitate the investigation of the files, it is recommended that a summary of the documents in the file be submitted in the order of the above-mentioned list. In view of the large number of cases to be investigated, any case that does not present the required elements will be considered incomplete. 166

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

Salaries A person working as a Doctor / Physician in France typically earns around 116,000 EUR per year. Salaries range from 42,800 EUR (lowest average) to 197,000 EUR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). Advanced Nutrition Aide 67,000 EUR. Advanced Practice Provider 61,800 EUR. Allergist 88,000 EUR. Behavioral Health Specialisti 55,100 EUR. Chiropractor 60,100 EUR. Clinical Psychologist 148,000 EUR. Correctional Treatment Specialist 92,900 EUR. Counseling Psychologist 109,000 EUR. Dermatologist 147,000 EUR. Dietitianj 91,900 EUR. Doctor 124,000 EUR. Emergency Department Physician 108,000 EUR. Exercise Physiologist 111,000 EUR. Forensic Pathologist 128,000 EUR. General Medical Practitioner 89,500 EUR. Genetic Counselor 81,400 EUR. Internist 152,000 EUR. Interventionist 143,000 EUR. Invasive Cardiologist 185,000 EUR. Mental Health Therapist 84,300 EUR. Naturopathic Physician 150,000 EUR. Neurologist 148,000 EUR. Neurophysiology Technologist 41,300 EUR. Nuclear Medicine Physician 126,000 EUR. Obstetrician / Gynecologist 138,000 EUR. Occupational Health Safety Specialist 66,600 EUR. Ophthalmologist 106,000 EUR. Optometrist 98,500 EUR. Pediatrician 115,000 EUR. Physical Therapist 81,700 EUR. Physical Therapy Director 92,000 EUR. 167

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Physical Therapy Director 92,000 EUR. Physician - Anesthesiology 167,000 EUR. Physician - Cardiology 175,000 EUR. Physician - CCU 106,000 EUR. Physician - Dermatology 147,000 EUR. Physician - Emergency Room 107,000 EUR. Physician - Endocrinology 133,000 EUR. Physician - Family Practice 99,800 EUR. Physician - Gastroenterology 132,000 EUR. Physician - Generalist 103,000 EUR. Physician - Geriatrics 86,600 EUR. Physician - Hematology / Oncology 131,000 EUR. Physician - Immunology / Allergy 142,000 EUR. Physician - Infectious Disease 118,000 EUR. Physician - Internal Medicine 155,000 EUR. Physician - Maternal / Fetal Medicine 121,000 EUR. Physician - Nephrology 144,000 EUR. Physician - Neurology 140,000 EUR. Physician - Nuclear Medicine 128,000 EUR. Physician - Obstetrics / Gynecology 132,000 EUR. Physician - Occupational Medicine 99,600 EUR. Physician - Ophthalmology 91,200 EUR. Physician - Otolaryngology 92,200 EUR. Physician - Pain Medicine 83,800 EUR. Physician - Pathology 104,000 EUR. Physician - Pediatric Cardiology 138,000 EUR. Physician - Pediatric Neonatology 129,000 EUR. Physician - Pediatrics 113,000 EUR. Physician - Physiatry 120,000 EUR. Physician - Podiatry 119,000 EUR. Physician - Pulmonary Medicine 91,400 EUR. Physician - Radiation Therapy 146,000 EUR. Physician - Radiology 142,000 EUR. Physician - Rheumatology 135,000 EUR. Physician - Sports Medicine 131,000 EUR.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt France

Physician - Urology 165,000 EUR. Physician Assistant 74,900 EUR. Physiotherapist 90,000 EUR. Podiatrist 86,200 EUR. Preventive Medicine Physician 119,000 EUR. Psychiatrist 127,000 EUR. Psychologist 129,000 EUR. Psychometrician 108,000 EUR. Radiologist 130,000 EUR. Registered Respiratory Therapist 81,000 EUR. Skin Care Specialist 74,200 EUR. Urologist 166,000 EUR. Vision Rehabilitation Therapist 78,600 EUR.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Belgium

Belgium ‫ﺑﻠﺠﻴﻜﺎ‬ 2020-2021 SCOMEdian

Belgium, a country in northwestern Europe. It is one of the smallest and most densely populated European countries. Culturally, Belgium is a heterogeneous country straddling the border between the Romance and Germanic language families of western Europe. In order to exercise your profession in Belgium (temporarily or definitely), you need to obtain a Belgian specialist RIZIV-number. Step 1: validation of your medical degree. For doctors from countries outside the EEA, you require the recognition of the equivalence of your degree from NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre of the Government of Flanders. One of the conditions for NARIC to recognise the equivalence of your diploma is that you are sufficiently fluent in Dutch. The level required is European level B2. NARIC has 2 different procedures: for professional work as physician, nurse, etc.. requires Specific recognition What documents do you need for submitting your registration application ? 1. Copy of your identity card “with copy in Dutch, French, English or German” 2. Copy of your qualification: a diploma is an official document proving that you successfully completed your training programme


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Belgium

1. Copy of an overview of all subjects taken together with the results for each subject and the number of teaching periods per subject “with copy in Dutch, French, English or German”. 2. Copy of the official study programme with a description of the contents of the subjects (only mandatory for the specific recognition procedures) “with copy in Dutch, French, English or German”. 3. Copy of your curriculum vitae. 4. Copy of your certificates of work placements (obligatory for medical and healthcare professions, recommended in other cases). 5. Copy of documents supporting your relevant professional experience (obligatory for medical and healthcare professions, recommended in other cases). Step 2: Visa. After requesting the recognition of the equivalence of your degree from NARIC, you will have to apply for a visum from the FOD yourself. You must first request an equivalence of your foreign diploma to one of the Communities. For Dutch-speaking applications, you can contact NARIC Vlaanderen(link is external) For French-speaking applications, you can contact the Equivalences department of the Fédération WallonieBruxelles(link is external) For German-speaking applications, you can contact the Germanspeaking Community Then apply for your visa using the Dutch form or the French form.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Belgium

Step 3: Registration with the ‘Orde der artsen’ ‫ﻧﻘﺎﺑﺔ اﻻﻃﺒﺎء‬ Next, you need to enroll at the Nationale Raad (national council of the order of doctors). After approval, you receive the information to register with the ‘Orde der artsen Vlaams-Brabant’ (Order of the doctors of Flemish Brabant). What do you need (Foreign diploma) for “Orde der artsen” registration “Outside the EEA” ? 1. Ministerial Decree on the equivalence of the diploma. 2. Visa number (issued by FPS Public Health). 3. Extract from criminal record (not older than 3 months). 4. Statement from disciplinary body of country of origin. 5. Copy of identity document. Timing 3-6 months After that you obtain approval as a General Practitioner or certain specialist through applying for training. Language As a medical doctor, you must have at least B2 level in Dutch, French or German. Fees For Dutch-speaking applications, “NARIC” : 180 EUR. For German-speaking applications: 180 EUR. For French-speaking applications: 200 EUR. Specialities general practitioner. What does a general practitioner do? The general practitioner is the first point of contact for health problems in the broadest sense. It is up to him to keep an overview of the overall state of health of his patients, he is the coordinator of all the care they require. 172

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Belgium

What conditions must you meet to obtain approval as a general practitioner? Approval is a title which demonstrates that its holder has successfully completed theoretical and practical training. You need a license if you want to be able to work as a general practitioner under the compulsory health care insurance in Belgium, so that your services can be reimbursed to your patients. To be able to obtain approval, you must meet the following conditions: Hold a medical degree. Hold a visa that allows you to practice the profession. Be registered with the Ordre des médecins(link is external). Have completed specific training in general medicine which has been approved and followed by the accreditation committee. This training lasts at least 3 years and consists of an internship and a theoretical part. The internship is followed in practice by an approved internship supervisor. Specialist physicians A patient is usually seen by a specialist physician by appointment. An appointment can be obtained either following a referral from their GP or an individual healthcare provider or by establishing a direct contact. Specialist physicians may conduct services in both their own private practice or in the recognised healthcare institution where they‘re contracted to. Specialist physicians don’t carry out home visits. What conditions must you meet to be approved as a medical specialist? Approval is a title which shows that the holder has successfully followed the theoretical and practical training. You need a license to be able to work as a specialist doctor within the compulsory health care insurance in Belgium, with a view to reimbursing your services to your patients. To obtain approval, you must meet the following conditions:


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Belgium

Have a doctor's diploma. Have a visa that allows you to practice the profession; Be registered with the Order of Physicians(link is external). Follow theoretical and practical training specific to your specialty, which is approved and followed by the Accreditation Commission for this specialty.

Salaries A person working in Doctor / Physician in Belgium typically earns around 13,800 EUR per month. Salaries range from 5,370 EUR (lowest average) to 23,100 EUR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.

Life in Belgium Living in Belgium is a popular choice for many expats. It is a relatively small but densely populated country with an estimated population of just over 10 million people. The country consists of three separate and almost autonomous regions, each of which has different languages: Flanders is situated in the North of the country and is the majority of Belgium’s industrial resources. People here predominantly speak Dutch/Flemish. Approximately 58% of the population resides here. Wallonia is the country’s southern French-speaking region, and approximately 11% of the country's inhabitants can be found here. Brussels, the capital and home of the European Union, is officially recognized as bilingual.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Belgium

Some info about average of cost in Belgium “Brussels”: Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment: 132.46 EUR. Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL): 44 EUR. Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre: 850.90€. Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre: 709.14€. Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre: 1,528.40€. Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre: 1271.92€.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt

PGO Manual Team

Mohammed Tag El-Din Coordinator SMSA-Sohag

Yousef Gamal Data Collector ASSA-Asuit

Hend Shaaban Data Collector MSSA-Menofia


Mohammed Diaa El-Din Designer MMSA-MUST

Abdulrahman El-Najjar Data Collector MSSS-Mynia

Abdulrahman El-Gendy Data Collector BSSS-Banha

Eman Sherif Data Collector ASSA-Alexandria

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Egypt 1. 2. 3. 9%86%D9%8A-%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%B7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%A9%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%A8%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1 4. 84%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%87%D9%86%D8%A9%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A1%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1.1338/ 5. D8%AA-%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%87%D9%86%D8%A9/4846192 6. 7.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

1. 2. 3. 9%86%D9%8A-%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AD%D8%AF%D8%B4%D8%B1%D8%B7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%A9%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%A8%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1 4. 84%D9%88%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%87%D9%86%D8%A9%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A1%D9%81%D9%8A-%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1.1338/ 5. D8%AA-%D9%85%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%84%D8%A9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%87%D9%86%D8%A9/4846192 6. 7. 8. 08418/ 9.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

1. %D9%8A%D9%82-%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%AF%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A1%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%AF%D8%A8%D8%A8%D8%B1%D9%86%D8%A7/ 2. 86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A1%D9%83%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%87.1193/ 3. /1660107/-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A9%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%86%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B5%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B7%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A1%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B2%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84%D 8%A9 4. 5. 6. 563285/


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

USA 1. 2. 3.

UK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Orl o 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ref=share 180

Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Germany 1.

Australia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

New Zealand 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Canada 1. 2. 3.

Emirate 1. 2. onals/Fee/New%20HRD%20Fees-2012.pdf 3. 4.

Qatar 1. 2. Pages/servicesdetails.aspx?serviceId=214 3. Qatar Prometric Requirement|Qatar Prometric Requirement License for Medical Professionals-Digi Prime Tech – Overseas Healthcare Consultant 4. Qatar Prometric Exam for Doctors – Overseas Healthcare Consultant 5. Department of Healthcare Professions (DHP) - Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) - State of Qatar | Prometric 6. Ministry of Public Health (Qatar) | GHDx


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Kuwait 1. 2. mitsHumanDentalMedicinepPublicSector.aspx 3. mitsHumanDentalMedicine.aspx

KSA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Bahrain 1. andler/documents/departments/HCP/Applications/Licensure%20 examination.pdf


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Oman 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Finland 1. ghts/qualified_outside_the_eu_eea_member_state/doctor 2. 3. loc=73&loctype=1&job=13&jobtype=2 4. 5. country=Finland


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Sweden 1. 2. -for-lakare/ 3. 4. dc61478e2/1610027352434/Fullmakt_en_107011.pdf 5. 6. 7. 8. ba63110a9/1612962810350/atutifran_149011_en.pdf 9. 81a185493/1600677704772/atmedsokande_133011_en.pdf 10. 11. 12.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Norway 1. 2. from=&ipsender=&kind=&q=&specialgo=1&submit=&to=&tx_rttp _pi1%5Bid%5D=50&cHash=f74126cf28382eca0f4737133e60a567 3. gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwbjj_dyr3gIVQbUYCh0FIQtBEAAYASAAEgKQH fD_BwE 4.

Switzerland 1. 2. erland/ 3. 4. 5.

France 1. nexe2-3.pdf 2. nexe1.pdf 3. 4. 5. ramme_PAE.doc 6.


Post-Graduate Opportunities IFMSA-Egypt Sources

Belgium 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. loc=21&loctype=1&job=13&jobtype=2


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