Message from NOME
Introduction to IFMSA/IFMSA-EGYPT
Develop a passion for Education. If you do, it will never cease to grow”. We have found our passion in medical education where SCOME gave us the tools not only to start asking the right questions but also to take actions to make a change.
I’m Mahmoud Nassar, IFMSA-EGYPT NOME for term 20192020, and on behalf of my national team, we are presenting to you this series of manuals which aims to educate different medical students in medical education topics and promote our latest activities we are doing for a better development of medical education in Egypt. In addition, those manuals would be the gate to IFMSA and non-IFMSA medical students to know more about our medical education projects and bring them closer to the work and activities that enormous NGOs as IFMSA-Egypt are initiating to improve the quality of future health professionals in the fields of public health and medical education. I would like to thank everyone who worked and contributed to this marvellous work which would stand for the upcoming years as a reference to come back while looking for a credible and comprehensive resource for topics as First-Aid, Evidence-BasedMedicine, or Medical Education topics.
National Projects
Internal Communication
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LOME’s Guide
SCOME Manual Team
Introduction To
IFMSA The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), founded in 1951, is one of the world’s oldest and largest student-run organizations. It represents, connects and engages every day with medical students from 135 NMOs in 125 countries around the globe. Our work is divided into four main global health areas: Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Medical Education, and Human Rights and Peace. Each year, we organize over 13,000 clinical and research exchanges programs for our students to explore innovations in medicine, healthcare systems, and healthcare delivery in other settings. IFMSA brings people together to exchange, discuss, and initiate projects to create a healthier world. It trains its members to give them the skills and resources needed to be health leaders. It advocates for the pressing issues that matter to us to shape the world we want. And it does deliver: our projects, our campaigns and our activities positively impact the physicians-to be, the communities they serve, as well as the health systems around the world in which they practice as a trainee and eventually a medical doctor.
The IFMSA experience shows students that they are not merely passive subjects in a rapidly globalizing world, but rather valuable individuals with a potentially powerful role to play in global health. IFMSA hence offers medical students a taste of the real and pressing health issues worldwide, and help them learn that their idealistic goals can be achieved with readily attainable knowledge and commitment.
IFMSA-EGYPT IFMSA-Egypt is a non-political, non-religious, and non-profit student-run organization that represents more than 80,000 Medical Students all over Egypt. IFMSA-Egypt is represented through Medical Students in 25 Local Committees all over Egypt. IFMSA-EGYPT is a full member of The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) which represents medical students from 135 NMOs in 125 countries around the globe. Mission: 1. IFMSA-Egypt unites medical students in Egypt to lead initiatives that impact positively the future physicians and their communities 2. IFMSA-Egypt connects medical students in Egypt with the international medical student community to broaden their spectrum and reach their full potential. 3. IFMSA-Egypt represents the voice of future health professionals in the fields of public health and medical education through formulating policies and collaborating with external partners. 4. IFMSA-Egypt empowers medical students and equips them with the skills and values to take on health leadership roles by building capacity through training, research, projects, and exchange opportunities.
IFMSA SCOME acts as a discussion forum for students interested in the different aspects of medical education in the hope of pursuing and achieving its aim.
M i s s i o n
a n d
v i s i o n
SCOME Vision Our vision is that medical students attain an optimal professional and personal development to reach their full potential as future doctors for better health care worldwide.
SCOME Mission Our mission is to be in the frame in which the students worldwide contribute to the development of medical education. Students convene in SCOME to share and learn about medical education in order to improve it as well as benefit the most from it on a personal and professional basis. We support active involvement in education on an individual level encouraging students to take the initiative and responsibility for their education both curricular and extracurricular, through: 1. Seeking educational experiences and opportunities for further development 2. Participate in extracurricular activities that simultaneously enrich them and benefit their peers or the community 3. Collaborating with the faculties by forming and expressing informed opinions and providing appropriate feedback in an effort to elicit necessary change, as well as with national and international bodies in order to contribute to global improvement of medical education. 4. We organize projects that provide and promote opportunities and tools for medical students to 5. improve their knowledge and pursue their goals 6. Provide information to students about relevant issues in their education 7. Centralize students’ opinions 8. Facilitate the communication with the faculties or other institutions. We seek to promote best evidence medical education practices for efficient delivery, advocate for improvements in faculties, national medical education systems, and international guidelines. Through all our joint efforts we work to create sustainable changes around the world, for ourselves as medical students, for the generations to come and for our future patients and our communities that are in fact the final beneficiaries of our education.
International SCOME Each Standing Committee is headed by an International Director, who is supported by an international team generally consisting of one Liaison Officer (who is responsible for communication with relevant external partners) and five Regional Assistants (one from each of IFMSAs five regions) and one development assistant. The International Director is the main responsible for the activities and capacity building of his/her standing committees. He/she is in charge of the standing committee sessions at the General Assemblies, and mandated to represent his/her field of work within the Team of Officials. The Regional Assistants assume majorly the communications with the National and Local Officers of their respective regions. They are in charge of the standing committee sessions at their Regional Meetings and can be asked, by the Director, to contribute to general tasks related to the development of their standing committee.
National SCOME As every NMO, IFMSA-EGYPT elects a national officer on medical education (NOME) who is responsible for the following tasks: 1. coordinate & encourage local or national activities in his/her country. 2. Communicating with and reporting to SCOME director 3. attend the international IFMSA meetings at March & August at these meeting they can network with other NOMEs, exchange ideas and attain new knowledge and motivation to bring back home
National te a m 2019-2020
International Team 2019-2020 Development Assistant: Ali Channawi (
General Assistant: Abdullah Al-khafajy (
Regional Assistant for Africa: Landry WendpouirĂŠ Ouedraogo ( Regional Assistant for Americas: Bianca Quintella Ribeiro CorrĂŞa Amaro ( Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific: Sanjana Taneja ( Regional Assistant for the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Mohamed Sayed Mohamed ElBadry ( Regional Assistant for Europe: Eve Claudie J. Fouarge ( Liaison Officer for Medical Education Issues: Alaa Dafallah ( Director of the Standing Committee on Medical Education: Marouane Amzil (
National officer on medical education: Mahmoud Nassar 2 General assistants: Mohamed Dawood & Mohamed Medhat Development assistant: Abdelrahman Khaled 3 National coordinators: 1. Ahmed Hassan (Evidence Based Medicine), 2. Aya Adel (Towards Better Medical Education) 3. Dina Tarek (First Aid For All)
Zakaria Medhat Heaiba
Aya ehab mostafa
Mohamed Samier
Mohammed Sadeq
Esraa Maghrabia
AAMSS-Azhar Assiut
AMSA Azhar Cairo
Dina Tarek Bekhiet
Amr Abdelazim
Zade Sadek
Mohamed Dawood
Mohamed hosny
AUSSS-Ain Shams
OSSS-O6U mohameddawod2022@gmail.
Maryam Moemen
Mohammed Ayman
Shaimaa Yousry Arafa
Mohammed El hammal
Hager Elsobky
SCMSA-Suez Canal
SMSA sohag
SSS-Kasr Elainy
Mahmoud Farid BMSA- Beni Suef
Mahmoud Samy
Hager Elsherbiny
Omar Mahfouz
Ahmed Fouda
Mohamed H Elfiky
HMSA - Helwan
KMSA Kafrelsheikh
Our LOMEs’
What does SCOME offers you? If you are a medical student SCOME can develop you in personal & professional side through the following: • clinical & medical skills teaching: 1. 2. 3. 4.
First aid Basic & advanced life support Basic clinical skills Training in hospitals
workshops, seminars & conferences
But clinical and medical skills alone don’t make a great physician, a great physician also needs:
• • • • • •
Knowledge Medical ethics Proper communication with patient Evidence-based medicine Breaking bad news Soft skills
Opportunities International Conferences ‘AMEE’
International GA’S
Opportunities National GAs
National Workshops
O p p o r t u n i t i e s11 Opportunities Local Activities
International Trainings TMET
Medical students have a big role in the educational process, SCOME provides medical education training sessions to: • Increase medical students knowledge about all elements of the medical education process • Help them to play their role in their medical education in a proper way • Advocacy for medical education development: SCOMEdians exert great advocacy efforts to develop medical education, acting the linking channel between administrations & students and representing students opinions, feedback &recommendations for a satisfactory, beneficial education process SCOME also provides other opportunities such as: • Attending AMEE conference • Conducting TMETs to be an international medical education trainer
Opportunities Regional Meetings
“Medical Education should be a concern of every medical student as it shapes not only the quality of future doctors, but also the quality of healthcare. In Egypt, the medical education level hasn’t been satisfactory for decades. Most of the medical schools are going with the traditional discipline-based system and using out-of-date curricula and biased methods of assessment. The teaching methods depend mainly on theoretical lectures with minimal levels of clinical exposure of students. On the other hand, medical students in Egypt don’t play their role in the medical education development process. They lack the knowledge about the other continuously developing medical education systems in the world, most of them don’t pay much attention to the quality of their education and its accreditation, and they are not oriented about their importance. Goals 1. Building a strong capacity of well-oriented medical students around Egypt about the core medical education aspects 2. In coordination with IFMSA-Egypt RSDD conduct a study on the medical reform program application in the medical education process . Achievements 1. Holding online campaigns to introduce basic medical education values and the medical education reform program to the medical students, through IFMSAEgypt and LCs pages 2. Organizing a series of online medical education trainings delivered by the international medical education trainers about the core values of medical education to be a permanent audio-visual database. 3. Making IFMSA-Egypt Towards better medical education manual.
FIRST AID FOR ALL Introduction Studies have found that the knowledge of first aid amongst medical students have always been a neglected subject. Hence, it should not be surprising to note that even junior doctors at certain hospitals cannot perform the first aid skills satisfactorily. As the incidence of medical emergencies are on the rise in recent years it is important to ensure that health personnel are adequately trained to deal with such events. Goals 1. Having +25 national FA certified IFMSAEgypt trainers by the end of February. 2. Spread the awareness about FA essential and basic skills among +5000 School students and teachers by the end of April 3. Spread the awareness among +10000 of public including the non-medical students and highlighting the raising awareness of parents by the end of May. 4. Spread the awareness among +10000 social media users through 2 Waves one in February and the other in June. Achievements 1. Organizing a national TOT targeting +25 medical students from IFMSA-Egypt members. 2. Make a 2 waves online campaign where one of them is to be targeted to raise awareness about Child FA only where this topic isn’t highlighted in our society. 3. Update first aid toolkit and manual
Evidence-based medicine, sometimes referred to as clinical epidemiology, has grown rapidly over the last 20 years, partially as a result of better-quality research, systematic methods to accumulate and summarize these data, and easy access to high-quality databases such as the Cochrane collaboration or EBM-based guidelines that allow health professionals to quickly access evidence when considering patient management. Sackett and his colleagues describe evidence-based medicine as the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. One of the major changes in teaching and practicing medicine has been the rapid growth in evidence-based medicine (EBM), so it is crucial for clinicians and researchers to make sense of the wealth of data available. e practice of evidence-base.
Goals 1. A situational analysis for EBM Knowledge among IFMSA students and students taking the EBM module. 2. Work on capacity building and equip the students with the skills needed to master EBM skills. 3. Raise the awareness of EBM knowledge to a vast majority of the target population being the medical students, maintain easier control for gathering the information and spreading it, and maintain the sustainability over a great period.
1. Conduct a national TOT on the 21St, 22nd,23rd of November and another series of local workshops 2. making a deal with NCRT for 25% discount for IFMSA students 3. Conducting a national online campaign on 2 phases; the first phase in the period of 13th and 14th of November, and the second phase in the period of March to May. The campaign will include online publications on different social media platforms and medical forums. 4. Updating IFMSA-Egypt Evidence-Based Medicine manual
Getting Acquainted with SCOME
LOMEs guide
• SCOME sessions in the 4NGAs "Sessions conducting by SCOME national team and trainers about most important medical education topics" • Medical Education forum “annually held event which keeps us updated about SCOME related topics and partners “ • Periodically held webinars on IFMSA-Egypt channel on YouTube
1. Making SCOME familiar to old and new members by raising their awareness of its benefits to them. 2. Providing them with the adequate orientation about medical education topics and ethics to be the future agents of change.
1. Recruiting new members by organizing with the other board members a recruitment campaign and attracting them through numerous activities and games. 2. Preparing a well-established SCOME core team to lead it afterward. 3. Introducing to the members any local and national opportunities especially SCOME SWGs. 4. Motivating them to represent SCOME in national GAs and SCOME TOTs. 5. Reviving their motivation by making competitions for the most active members, local coordinators, and best projects. 6. Conjoint other committees to make benefit of their capacities and enhancing the bonds between the members 7. Restricting and finishing all the phases of the projects according to the national schedule as much as possible considering and respecting other committees' timelines. 8. Motivating creative thinking of the members and supporting their innovative ideas to add to the projects to be more effective. 9. Continuous monthly meetings with the core team to discuss the committee's issues and projects and keep them updated. 10. Adding local projects
• SCOME Facebook Group “that contains the updates from National team, local officers & local coordinators ( IFMSAEgypt.SCOME/ ) • IFMSA-EGYPT SCOME server : • International SCOME server: • SCOME international Facebook group: SCOME/ • National officer on medical education email: you can send any questions related to IFMSA-EGYPT SCOME to this email.
1. Representing SCOME in all national GAs and any external meeting. 2. Trying to host one of the national SCOME events through the term. 3. Collecting points as much as possible according to the scoring system to keep SCOME in his/her LC among the first places. 4. Applying to any opportunity to deliver sessions in national events.
International role:
• Spread the awareness of members of SCOME webinars and how they are really important to introduce them to the international team and SCOME partners worldwide. • Trying to participate in international SCOME SWGs and representing their LCs. • Increasing the number of internationally certified members in SCOME by encouraging their members to apply for TMET.
Role with Externals
• Attending meetings with the faculty administration for educational quality assurance. • Leading the advocacy efforts in his/her medical school for medical education development and student involvement. • Approaching externals that might be of benefit in supporting SCOME activities. • Getting official recognition for their LC projects or workshop certificates.
Why SCOME? Certainly, somewhere within your journey in IFMSA, your brain wanderly inquired about the reasons which rendered you to participate in such a committee. And the possibilities of those questions can be endless and infinite, just like our universe. And as each human on earth has his one mindset, and his own exquisite method of thinking, so to respond accurately to this question, you need to bear along this article to explore the answer. Unfortunately, before reading any further, it will be advisable to think about some questions before proceeding. Firstly, did it ever ponder your head when the concept of medical school emerged ? Why was it all initiated ? Is it developing or it is stationary ? Whether students in different countries study similarly ? Does the information we study will help us later as future physicians ? Do we really need to learn each and every word in our curriculum or do we only need to comprehend it ? Do we necessarily need to spend seven years pondering our minds on vast amounts of knowledge or can we focus exclusively essential knowledge ? All these questions and many more usually are disdained and neglected by us, our instructors and every one in the medical education system.
SCOME is the standing committee on medical education, for those who are not acquainted with the terminology. Assuredly, it discusses something related to medical education, which most of us consider it unbearable and devastating. However, if you lend yourself but some moments to discover the depth of such an excruciating term, you will be astonished by its magnificence and perplexity. To put it in an comprehensible form, it is merely everything about what you have devoted years of your adolescence to be, years of demolishing hardships and stern concentration and the remaining years of your life. It entails your path, which you will be pondering in the future. Allegedly, it discusses your curriculum, your formal/informal exams, your clinical apprenticeship and the entire immense time you spend in your medical school. It emphasizes on innovative and more effective approaches in all of the concerning fields in medical school, such as lectures, exams, evaluations, rotations, studying and even psychological support. It entails all of the concerns of you as a medical student, endeavouring to proficinece your performance as a current medical student and a future, well educated physician. Here, we discover our daily problems in medical school, whether in what we are studying, or what we are being examined on, or what we should learn for our future selves. If you inquired any SCOMDIan about the reasons he/she got entangled in SCOME, assuredly he will gladly provide an answer, as the answers are numerous and infinite, just like the questions. The latter was merely scratching off the peel from the mountain summit, but if you endeavoured to plunge deeper in the oceans of SCOME, you will find the answer which is befitting you, precisely as your mind comprehends. Writtine by : Mohammed Medhat Moniur NOME General Assistant
SCOME Manual Team Abdelrahman Khaled
Mohammed Medhat
Manual coordinator
Graphic Desigher
19 Mahmoud Farid
Haidy Tabikha
Hady Tarek
Scientific team
Scientific team
Scientific team
Shaimaa Yousri
Omar Rabie
Scientific team
Proofreading team
Omar Mahfouz Proofreading team