Survival kit for local projects directors

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IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division

Survival Kit Contents 1234567-

Introduction; "Let IFMSA-Egypt PSD support you" Projects & Projects Support Division Role of Local Projects Directors Projects related events Your local projects team Important Deadlines for Projects SD Annexes a. b. c. d.

Contact list of local projects directors IFMSA-Egypt Projects Bylaws IFMSA-Egypt proposal form Project Management T-Kit

IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division

Survival Kit Introduction

Let IFMSA-Egypt PSD support you! Greetings from IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division, It is our pleasure to introduce the 1st Survival Kit for IFMSA-Egypt projects Support Division. The main goal of this kit is to offer the needed support & help for all local projects directors. Also, to help all IFMSA-Egypt Local committees in initiating the Projects Support Division within their LCs structure. Projects, the beating heart of IFMSA & IFMSA-Egypt, are the most powerful weapons for transforming dreams of medical students into real, developing them both personally and as medical doctors of future and empowering IFMSA-Egypt nationally & internationally. One of the goal of the division for the term 2013-2014 is empowering our local projects division directors, as we need well-built and active local Projects Support Division Directors in respect to IFMSA-Egypt principles.

Yours truly,

Rami Abdallah IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division Director 2013-14

IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division

Survival Kit IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division 1. The Projects Support Division is the advisory and reference body on issues related to IFMSA-Egypt Projects. 2. The Projects Support Division shall: a. Evaluate the quality of candidates for IFMSA-Egypt Projects, and the extent to which they meet the minimum criteria for IFMSA-Egypt Projects as defined in the Bylaws. b. Present a written report of candidate projects to the General Assembly. c. Advise the General Assembly whether to accept, accept pending changes or reject candidates for IFMSA-Egypt Projects d. Develop and maintain an updated IFMSA-Egypt Projects database e. Present a report with the updated list of projects, grants and events that commit IFMSAEgypt legally, to every General Assembly. The short summary, the financial status and the national coordinator contact details of each project, grant and event to the General Assembly. 3. A Director who is elected at the General Assembly Meeting leads the Support Division. The Director of the Projects Support Division shall coordinate the Project Proposal Review Committee, a peerreview body within IFMSA-Egypt.

IFMSA-Egypt National Projects 1. An IFMSA-Egypt National Project is a project, which involves at least 5 Local Committees actively engaging in national partnerships within IFMSA-Egypt for mutual strengthening. 2. IFMSA-Egypt National Projects will receive a number of benefits from IFMSA-Egypt, including: a. A written letter of recommendation from the IFMSA-Egypt Executive Board and Administrative Board coordinated through the PSDD sent no more than one month after recognition of the project. b. The use of the text “IFMSA-Egypt National Project” in the project materials. c. Project support, advice and assistance in integration with the IFMSA-Egypt, from the Projects Support Division. 3. National projects and their coordinators will be given preference for engagement with relevant IFMSA-Egypt activities and promotional opportunities. 4. National Projects can only apply for grants through the IFMSA-Egypt, and shall use the IFMSAEgypt’s banking system to facilitate this process.

IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division

Survival Kit Role of Local Projects Directors 1. Give the project coordinators all necessary advice and support required to enhance their work pertaining to project design, goal setting, proposal and grant writing, project management, and evaluation. 2. Review all local projects' proposals. 3. Advise Local Committee's Board about the quality of the contents of the project proposals. 4. Advise Local Committee's Board whether to accept the Project, reject the project, or accept it pending changes. 5. Ensure the quality of projects applying for IFMSA-Egypt Projects Fair & Presentation Competition 6. Present a report including updated list of national projects with short summary, financial report and activity report for each project. 7. Be in charge for developing tools and educating LC members about projects & project management together with local training director. 8. Be in contact with local projects coordinators, act as an advisory and supportive board about the issues they need. 9. Facilitate communication between different projects by creating systems to improve communication and idea sharing. 10. Be on contact with IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division. 11. Follow up the announcements of IFMSA-Egypt Projects and let the LC members know about calls.

Projects Related Events Projects Fair: Projects Fair is a session which takes one or two hours usually and gives the project coordinators such an opportunity to show their projects at any step. Presenting a project at the project fair, coordinators will be able to introduce the project to other members of IFMSA-Egypt, gain their inputs for further development of the project on wider scale through an exhibition of projects and distribution of promotional materials like brochures, stickers, etc.

Projects Presentation Competition: This session is dedicated for oral presentations and takes nearly 2 hours. Coordinators are welcome to make creative presentations during their time which is usually 5 minutes for each project plus 3 minutes for questions from the evaluation committee. Throughout the project presentations, coordinators will be able to show their work with a precise description of the project goals and objectives. They will also gain inputs and comments from the members of IFMSAEgypt after the presentation.

IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division

Survival Kit Projects-related Training Sessions: Project related training have been one of the most interesting sessions of IFMSA & IFMSA-Egypt meetings. Participants develop their project related skills like preparing Project Proposals, Managing & marketing of the projects.

Your Local Projects Team Your local projects team will be the corner stone of the projects division in your LC. They will act as a monitor on every projects and assists you in finishing your evaluation reports for every project. You should qualify your team with the efficient project management training to be qualified enough to manage the projects work. The job description of the team;  Monitor & Evaluate the projects through its plan of action, attend workshops, gain inputs from attendees about the quality of the sessions (for example).  Help the projects director in distributing & analysis of the evaluation sheets & feedbacks.  Help the projects director in reviewing the projects' proposals & plan of actions.  Provide the needed support for the projects coordinators.

Important Deadlines for

IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division Deadline for the candidatures of IFMSA-Egypt Projects status: Candidatures for IFMSA-Egypt National Projects must be sent to the Secretary General 2 weeks at least before April GA meeting or October GA meeting. Deadline for the candidatures of IFMSA-Egypt National Projects' Coordinators: The Project Support Division Director will open a call for applications by the 1st of November; and will announce this to the IFMSA-Egypt members within 2 weeks of the date of the call. Deadline for the half year reports of IFMSA-Egypt National Projects: All IFMSA-Egypt projects must submit an online half-year report. The half-year report must be submitted 2 weeks at least before April GA meeting and October GA meeting.

IFMSA-Egypt Projects Support Division

Survival Kit

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