IFMSA-Iraq Break
SCORA Sessions Survival Kit 2020-2021
IFMSA-Iraq SCORA National Team 2020/2021
NORA Hussam Riadh DAME Fatima Haider
Contributors Zainab Ali Alaa Taha Mohammed Hayder Hebatalrahman Hussein
International Federation of Medical Students' Associations - Iraq is a non-governmental organization formed by alumni and non-alumni medical students as part of the IFMSA worldwide. It started in 2012 and became a registered NGO in Iraq in the year 2015. IFMSA-Iraq aims to connect the Iraqi medical, dental and pharmacy students to communicate, collaborate, advocate and lead initiatives that create the change we believe in, IFMSA-Iraq carries the voice of its members and empowers them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences through exchanges, external representation and a variety of opportunities and projects, to carry out meaningful student’s participation role and to shape the face of healthcare and educational systems in aspects of local, national and the international levels all together.
Mahmood Munqith
Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations - Iraq P.O.Box: 62861 Medical post office (10049) Baghdad, Iraq Tel: +964 7714396322 web:
This is an IFMSA-Iraq Publication
© 2020 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided mentioning the source.
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Disclaimer This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA-Iraq. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA-Iraq in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.
Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.
Welcoming Message
Sessions' Team Introduction
SCORA Sessions Agenda
How To Prepare
Welcoming Message
Dear SCORAngels Nationwide, Another break is coming soon, once again following online formats because the current situation with the pandemic has not yet allowed us to give a breath of peace and tranquility. Despite this, SCORA Sessions Team has been working relentlessly to ensure a one-of-a-kind experience. Preparing interactive and productive sessions according to your needs. This Break will offer you a variety of Sessions and Open Space Discussion topics to meet up with your needs and make you the shining SCORAngel that you are meant to be! The main purpose of the proposed sessions is to provide you with the opportunity to grow in areas that you feel you need more experience in. Thus, we urge you all to engage with us to learn the most you possibly can, and don’t forget to ask questions and approach any member of the sessions team if you feel confused. But most importantly relax, have fun, and enjoy this nationwide bonding experience. Remember, to advocate, advocate and advocate. Because the change is in us, we are the change. Always the best and all the love
Hussam Riadh IFMSA-Iraq NORA
Sessions' Team
Hussam Riadh
Fatima Haider
Zainab Ali
Alaa Taha
Mohammed Hayder
Rusafa LC LORA
Hebatalrahman Hussein
Mahmood Munqith
Muthanna LC LORA
Sessions' Team
Hey SRHR Advocate Nationwide, I am Hussam Riadh, 5th year medical student at University of Wasit from Kut, currently serving as IFMSA-Iraq NORA.
Hussam Riadh IFMSA-Iraq NORA
Fatima Haider
I am Super excited to meet you guys !! Let's together make this Break a unique and a memorable experience. We going to take into unique journey through Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights (SRHR), stay tuned the best has yet to come!
SCORANGELS & SRHR Advocates Welcome ! I’m over the moon to share quality time with you and make memories ! If you are a big enthusiast , passionate about SRHR and Someone who wants to make a real difference , you are on the right track. SCORA leads me to my purpose And this break journey will lead you to SCORA.
Zainab Ali
A 2nd year medical student at Babylon university college of medicine. Hello everyone as you might hear me say in every SCORA video , Hope you’re all excited for this as I am! I’m going to be with you for the best part of the break yes I mean SCORA sessions. Me and the session team have been working our best to give you an amazing experience and special exclusive sessions.
Hebatalrahman Hussein Muthanna LC LORA
A 2nd year medical student at Muthanna University College Of Medicine. Halla walla SRHR advocates!! I'm Heba, one of SCORA ST members who work along the last days to take you on GREAT break journey about SRHR! So excited to meet you all and hope we will have memorable break journey together! Red hugs❤
Sessions' Team
Alaa Taha Mosul LC LORA
Mohammed Hayder Rusafa LC LORA
A 3rd year Medical student at University of Mosul. Hello (Marhabba) SCORA Angels! It's a pleasure to welcome u Angels into our SCORA sessions ,Break 2021. I am so excited to meet you all even though it's virtually . Last Break I was attending SCORA sessions and this year I am preparing them ,so make sure that this Break will be a change point for you especially the passionate ones . It's gonna be a great advantage so I encourage you all to keep up with us along the way Red hugs ✌.
A 2nd year medical student at university of Baghdad. Dearest SCORANGELS! I'm so happy to be with you as part of the session team for the loveliest standing committee SCORA. I'm so excited for the upcoming days and what a better chance to meet you than the Break sessions! The Break has a special place in my heart as last year I had the chance to know more about SCORA during the 2020 break! Let me get back to this year's sessions We've prepared surprises for you because you are SCORANGELS and you deserve them!! Super super excited to meet you all! Redest hugs for you!
A 1st year pharmacy student at Almashreq university Hello to our lovely SCORAangels welcome to the break The fun in SCORA doesn’t stop rather than the fun topics of SCORA and the great sessions we’ve prepared for you guys, but there’s a surprise for you between the sessions stay tuned! Can’t wait to get to know everyone of you stay home stay safe and enjoy this journey as a member of the SCORA family
Mahmood Munqith Karkh LC LORA
Sessions Agenda
WELCOME TO SCORA Our Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS, as the name suggests, focuses on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). This will also be reflected by our sessions´ topics. We want to empower our members to advocate for SRHR-related issues and introduce them to different aspects of working in the field of SRHR.
SCORA Vision: SCORA Vision: a world where every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination.
SCORA Mission: To provide our members with the tools necessary to advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights within their respective communities in a culturally respected fashion. This is accomplished through building the skills and knowledge about, providing trainings on Comprehensive Sexuality Education other respective reproductive health issues, exchanging ideas and projects, as well as drafting policies and working with our external partners in order to create change in local, regional and international level.
Sessions' Agenda:
Sessions' Agenda
DAY 1 Step 1 toward CSE for all This session will be an introduction to our theme for this Break SCORA sessions. where you will learn all about CSE and start your first step in comprehenive journey about CSE.
The Role of Healthcare Providers in Quality Education In this session we will be diving with SCOMEdians into the SDG 4. talking about our role as future healthcare providers contributing to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Diving into Comprehensive sexuality education (SCORA Role) and Social accountability (SCOME).
DAY 2 Friendly services to youths’ health and well-being Good sexual and reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing in all matters relating to the reproductive system. It implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life, the capability to reproduce, and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so. To achieve these rights for every individual, number of services must be provided to live life with good SR health and well-being.
No More
Learning all about sexual harassment. What is it? Its types? What are the consequences of sexual harassment? How does it effect the survivor's mental health? And finally discuss how can we prevent sexual harassment on many levels.
Gender 101
Learning the very basics about Gender identity, expression, biological sex and sexual orientation or attraction and differentiating between them. The very different terminologies and concept. This is extremely important if you’re planning on traveling on an exchange.
Sessions' Agenda
DAY 3 Creating a culture of CONSENT .One of the essential pillars of every relationship on any kind and any interaction with people actually is consent! We’re going to look into what does it mean. Why do we practice consent and why is it important. We’re going to discuss sexual consent how to ask for it and can a given consent be invalid? But consent is not only about sexual acts it’s literally about everything as simple as asking for a hand shake! And finally we’re going to talk how to implement the culture of consent from an early age.
STIs Free Zone as future health care providers and SRHR Advocates it’s important to learn about STIs. What are they? STIs transmission, what is the difference between STIs and STDs, different STIs ,their symptoms and how to prevent them. What is AIDS and HIV? And finally we’re going to discuss STIs testing.
How to Prepare
HOW TO PREPARE: For this Break preparation will be different, nonetheless at least as important as any IFMSA-Iraq Meeting before. It is especially important to check the channels of communication regularly and stay connected.
What you need - The Essentials: An open mind and loads of motivation: Gathering all this new information might be very confusing at first. Don’t be afraid to ask us any of your inquiries. Computer, Tablet and/or other appropriate electronic devices. Keep in mind you will simultaneously be present in the sessions chat and use different interactive tools at the same time. A stable internet connection. Should you need any special online tools, etc. for a session we will The apps you will need; Zoom, Google meet, Quizizz.
What you need - others: Be ready! Open your camera and smile! Wear or bring something red us a SCORANGE . Water. Stay hydrated!
How to Prepare
Important Message: Always keep in mind that the SCORA Sessions are a Safe space, online as well: a place intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations. It’s where you can fully express yourself without fear of judgement. The space is not isolating and promotes healthy learning, listening and gratitude where physical and psychological safety is ensured. Keep this into account anytime during the overall sessions, it’s our responsibility to keep this environment!
Stay Connected: SCORA Facebook group: Here Contact Information: SCORA Sessions Group: Here