Asia-Pacific Regional Yearbook 2011-2012

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The IFMSA Asia-Pacific

Regional Yearbook 2011 - 2012




Editor in Nations’ Chief recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Airin Aldiani, Indonesia system Worlda comprehensive Health Organization well, it is a student chapter is to offerand futurethe physicians introduction to and globalas health issues. Editor our programs and opportunities, we develop culturallythan sensitive ofThrough the World Medical Association. For more 60students of Mariam Parwaiz, New Zealand medicine, intent onhas influencing the to transnational inequalitiesthe that global shape the health of years, IFMSA existed bring together Coordinator Imprint Regional our planet. Renzo Guinto, Philippines medical students community at the local, national and Editor in ChiefLayout/Design Objectives:level on social and health issues. international Omar H. Safa,Airin Egypt Aldiani, Indonesia

• To expose all medical students to humanitarian and health issues, providing them with the opportunity to education themselves and their peers; Content Editors Publisher • To facilitate partnerships between the physician in training community and Helena Chapman, Dominican Rep. International Federation of international organization working on health, education and social issues; Jatinder Narang, IFMSA-Grenada Medical Students’ Associations is to offer future physicians a comprehensive New Zealand • To give all medical students the opportunity to take part in clinical and research Mariam Parawiz, General Secretariat introduction to global health issues. Through our Ahmed Zaher, Egypt IFMSA c/o wma exchange around the world; B.P 63 • To provide a network links active medical acrossculturally the globe, including programs andthat opportunities, westudents develop 01212 Photography EditorFerney-Voltaire France student leaders, project managers and activists, so that they can learn from and be Phone: +33 450 404 759 sensitive students of medicine, intent on influencing Bronwyn Jones, Australia motivated by each other; Fax: +33 450 405 937 the transnational thatmedical shapestudent the projects healthcan be realized; • To provide an international inequalities framework in which Email: Design/Layout • To empower and train medical students to become advocates in leading social change . of our planet. Omar H. Safa, Egypt

ission of IFMSA

The mission of IFMSA

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a nonprofit, non-governmental and The International Federation of Medical Students’ (IFMSA) is a nonnon-partisan organization representing associations of medical studentsAssociations internationally. IFMSA was founded in 1951profit, and currently maintains 106 National Member organizations from aboutrepresenting 100 countries across six continon-governmental and non-partisan organization associations nents with over 1,2 million students represented worldwide. IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organiof medical students internationally. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently zation within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and as well, 106ofNational Member organizations from 100 countries across it is amaintains student chapter the World Medical Association. For more than 60 about years, IFMSA Imprint has existed to bring together global medical students community at the local, national six continents with the over 1,2 million students represented worldwide. IFMSA is and international level on social and health issues.


• To expose all medical students to humanitarian and health issues, providing them with the opportunity to education


Proofreading Contacts Betty Huang, Taiwan Pushpa Hossain, Egypt

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Contents 05


The “PULSE” of Asia-Pacific



Brief History of IFMSA Asia-Pacific



General Assemblies in the Asia-Pacific



Key IFMSA leaders from Asia-Pacific throughout History


Priorities for the Next Decade


IFMSA Projects in the Asia-PAcific Region


Asia Pacific Regional Meeting


NMO Profiles


Advocacy, Education, & Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region


Regional Team


Message from the Regional Coordinator

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International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations

IFMSA Standing Committee IFMSA in the AsiaPacific Region


Message from the

Regional Coordinator

Greetings to my beloved Asia-Pacific family! Welcome to the wild and wacky world of IFMSA! For more than 60 years, the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations has been opening new and uncommon doors to medical students worldwide – including us from the Asia-Pacific region. IFMSA is recognized by the United Nations and WHO as the international platform of medical students, while more than 10,000 of us participate in exchange programs across the world. But just like what the predictions say about the global order, the center of gravity is also shifting eastward in IFMSA. More and more medical students emerge to become leaders in global health, while our friends from other continents come and visit us to partake in our conferences and projects.We hope to do more for the world and for the region in the years and decades to come. As a final gift to the region, the IFMSA Asia-Pacific Regional Team for the term 2011-2012 worked very hard in order to gather the information contained in this brochure. This short publication showcases the vibrancy of IFMSA in the Asia-Pacific region – from our fun-filled meetings and relevant projects to the meetings we previously hosted and the student leaders that travelled this road before us. In your hands is the past, present, and future of IFMSA in the Asia-Pacific region. Remember the history, cherish the present moment, and shape the next chapter that is about to unfold.

Towards a healthier Asia-Pacific,

RENZO Ramon Lorenzo Luis R. Guinto, MD Regional Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations 4

International Federation of

Medical Students’ Associations The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is an independent, nongovernmental and non-political federation of medical students from 114 National Member Organizations in 107 countries across six continents. Founded in 1951, the IFMSA is officially recognized as an international nongovernmental organization by the United Nations and the World Health Organization, and serves as the international forum for medical students. The mission of IFMSA is to “offer future physicians a comprehensive introduction to global health issues.” It also aims to “develop culturally

sensitive students of medicine, intent on influencing the trans-national inequalities that shape the health of our planet.” The goal of the Federation is to serve society and medical students all over the world through its member organizations by: Empowering medical students in using their knowledge and capacities for the benefit of society

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Providing a forum for medical students throughout the world to discuss topics related to individual and community health, education and science and to formulate policies from such discussions


Promoting and facilitating professional and scientific exchanges as well as projects and extracurricular trainings for medical students, thereby sensitizing them to other cultures and societies and their health problems


Providing a link between members, medical students’ associations and international organizations, and to encourage co-operation between them for the ultimate benefit of society



IFMSA Standing Committees

matters in which the standard logos can ogos are only used by exception!

d will be concerning promotional matters in coloured background (e.g. T-shirts).


SCOME is the standing committee for all things related to medical education. Its members, known as SCOMEdians, work towards improving medical curricula around the world through advocacy, peer education, and project development, amongst other things. Our members are students who are intent on ensuring that the doctors of tomorrow are competent, global health-conscious individuals who really care.


SCOPE is the standing committee devoted to facilitating the clinical exchange of students from all over IFMSA. It is also by far the largest student exchange program in the world. Beyond the exchange of students, it is a platform for exchange of ideas and culture, all while bringing medical students all over the world closer than ever.

SCOPH is a group of dedicated students around the world, working on developing, implementing and improving public health in their communities and societies. It brings together medical students from all over the world to learn, build skills, cooperate, explore, and share ideas when it comes to addressing all issues related to public health. Our members have one vision: fight diseases, improve health, save lives, thousands at a time.

s in

IFMSA Standing Committees

SCORE is a standing committee which prepares all medical students to be ready for a brighter future in research. It provides training in research, as well as facilitates research exchanges across the IFMSA world. SCORE hopes to develop physicianscientists who can lead the further enhancement of health research in order to improve global health.

SCORA is a network of students from around the world who have a strong will to take an active part in addressing reproductive health issues, including HIV-AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, and women’s and LGBT health. Some of our students support people living with HIV-AIDS, campaign against gender discrimination, and conduct peer education to promote deepened awareness of reproductive health.

SCORP is a dynamic standing committee that deals with human rights, refugees, and peace issues. These are issues that are continuously changing under the ever-present influence of politics, nature, and many other factors. The standing committee holds human rights workshops and local campaigns to spread awareness in communities worldwide.


IFMSA in the Asia-Pacific Region

The Asia-Pacific region is the fastest growing regional network within the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). Now comprised of 18 countries and territories, IFMSA Asia-Pacific represents the largest population of medical students, especially with the recent membership of China and recruitment of India. Our medical students hail from a huge diversity of cultures, geography, and societies, ranging from the ancient civilizations of Japan and Korea to the exciting islands of the Philippines and Indonesia. Each year, new countries join the IFMSA Asia-Pacific, as more opportunities for global health learning and action open up to our medical students. The


region has been an active participant in exchange programs, a host to many General Assemblies, and an organizer of various learning activities such as the annual Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Diseases, Outbreaks, Natural Disasters, and Refugee Management (ACTION). Currently, the region seeks to effect a greater impact on the peoples of AsiaPacific through launching initiatives on advocacy, education, and policy engagement. In this day and age, the IFMSA AsiaPacific hopes to provide a venue for medical students in the region for greater global health learning – understanding shared health issues and recognizing their common solutions.

Moreover, the region aims to elevate this shared educational experience into joint action towards addressing local, national, and regional health problems, ranging from lingering infectious diseases to deep-seated health inequalities. The Region will also provide medical students with an alternative opportunity for holistic development and acquisition of 21st century skills for health leadership, education, and service, especially directed to the peoples of Asia-Pacific. Ultimately, IFMSA hopes that all these efforts will result in lasting friendships and more partnerships among medical students in Asia-Pacific, even beyond medical school.

Priorities for the Next As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, the IFMSA AsiaPacific faces a new set of emerging challenges. Hence, the Region hopes to prioritize in addressing these new and relevant areas:


Further recruitment of countries in the Region. Even if we already have the two biggest populations of medical students – China and India, we want better representation and distribution of our membership in the Region. We still have around 10 countries to recruit, and we are serious in expanding our regional network

and to reach out to every medical student in every island of the AsiaPacific region. Improve efficiency, communication, and organization in the Region. We hope to finalize all efforts pertaining to increasing efficiency and accountability within the Region, including the drafting of guidelines and protocols governing communication, hosting of regional meetings, structure of the Regional Team, publications, etc. These will be achieved through the smart use of technology as well as adoption of effective managerial skills and tools.


Decade 3

Increasing involvement of medical students in advocacy, education, and policy work in the Region. In IFMSA, we recognize that real changes in global health, whether at the national or regional levels, can be best achieved if we partake in campaigns, educational activities, and even lobbying work to policy makers and community leaders. The Region is devising ways for better coordination of efforts as well as for equipping our medical students with skills necessary for genuine social change.


Asia Pacifc Regional Meeting

The Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting (APRM) is an annual conference of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) in the Asia-Pacific region. It serves as the gathering of the region’s medical students to engage in dynamic and fruitful discussions, learn from outstanding leaders in medicine and public health in the region, and participate in cultural and knowledge exchange beyond the four walls of medical school.


Date March 2004 March 2005 March 2006 March 2007 August 2008 March 2010 June-July 2011

Venue Manila, Philippines Phuket, Thailand Jakarta, Indonesia Osaka, Japan Taipei, Taiwan Bangkok, Thailand Hong Kong, China

Theme Adolescent Health

Mental Health Climate Change Alternative Medicine Traditional & Complementary Medicine; First Joint Conference with the Asian Medical Students’ Association – International (AMSA) September 2012 Penang, Malaysia TRANSITIONS 2012: Doctors-in-training changing the global health landscape of Asia-Pacific


Advocacy Education Policy in IFMSA



In an era when health is not only determined by biological mechanisms but also by social, economic, political, and environmental determinants, in an era when health challenges transcend borders and require collective global action from across disciplines, locations, and levels, we, medical students of Asia-Pacific, believe that future doctors should be equipped not only in working for the cure of organic diseases, but also in addressing the social and political forces shaping the health of our populations through the triad of advocacy, education, and policy engagement. We find this era as an opportune time to realize the vision of Rudolf Virchow, the Father of Social Medicine: “Medical education does not exist to provide students with a way of making a living, but also to ensure the health of the community.�

Hence, the IFMSA Asia-Pacific envisions launching a new generation of medical students and future doctors who will actively participate and take leadership in health issue advocacy, policy engagement and global health education in order to create changes leading to a healthier Asia-Pacific region. The work entails achieving the following mission: To engage and equip medical students with knowledge, attitudes, skills, and tools in advocacy, policy work and global health education. To define key areas and propose key strategies for advocacy, policy engagement and global health education work for NMOs in Asia Pacific. To create a regional culture and provide a regional framework for advocacy, policy and education in addressing regional health issues in the Asia Pacific region.


Some of the actions already being initiated include:


Establishing the IFMSA Asia-Pacific Think Tank, a core group that will spearhead regional advocacy and policy efforts by creating regional stands on health issues, developing resources and run local education and skill training. Drafting the IFMSA Policy Statement on Disasters and Emergencies, adopted by NMOs during the 61st General Assembly August Meeting in Mumbai, India



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Holding the first-ever IFMSA Global Health Debate during AsiaPacific Regional Meeting 2012 Publishing the Health in Asia-Pacific Primer, an educational material reachable to medical students outlining the key global health trends, determinants, and issues in Asia Pacific Holding of Global Health Sessions during the March and August 2012 General Assemblies


The “PULSE� of Asia-Pacific Pulse is the official magazine of the IFMSA Asia-Pacific region. The magazine is released every quarter, and each issue covers a particular theme that is relevant to the medical students of the region. Articles range from IFMSA international events, NMO projects, personal opinions and experiences, global campaigns, and more.


Brief History of

IFMSA Asia-Pacific



First Asian to be an IFMSA official –Felipe Chua from the Philippines becomes director of the Standing Committee on Student Health (SCOSH); Asia-Pacific established as a separate region 1961-



Asian Regional Medical Students Association (ARMSA) was born; existed for only 7 years


2010Joint Conference with the 2011First Asian Medical Students’ Association – International (AMSA) in Hong Kong, China (June/July 2011) with the theme “Traditional and Complementary Medicine”

Asia elects a Regional Vice President – Lee WahHin (Singapore)

First General Assembly in Asia – 22nd General Assembly/44th Executive Officers Meeting (Singapore, August 1973); Asian Regional Seminar on Population Overgrowth held


First Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting in its current form was held in Manila, Philippines on March 2004

1974- First Asian president of 1975 IFMSA – Alex Ooi (Singapore); Voluntary work camp held in Thailand



General A


in the

25th General Assembly 50th Executive Officers Meeting

22nd General Assembly 44th Executive Officers Meeting

Singapore, August 1973

Asia-Pacific Region

Hong Kong, August 1976 Taipei, Taiwan (2002) Mandurah, Australia (2007)

30th General Assembly th 60 Executive Officers Meeting

Katoomba, Australia, August 1981

51 August General Assembly “Alternative Medicine” st

Bangkok, Thailand (2010)

56th March General Assembly “Rural Remote Health” MM 2007

Jakarta, Indonesia (2011)

MM 2010 59 March General Assembly “Complementary and Alternative Medicine” th


60th March General Assembly “Health Inequalities and Disparities within the MDGs” MM 2011

Key IFMSA leaders from Asia-Pacific throughout history President

Regional Vice Presidents

1974-1975 Alex Ooi - Singapore

1969-1970 1970-1971 Lee Wah Hin - Singapore

2000-2001 Sanjeeb Sapkota - Nepal

1978-1979 Patrick Dwyer - Australia

1972-1973 Cheong Pak Yean - Singapore

1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 Maxine Whittaker - Australia

2002-2003 Yu-Chen (Tony) Tsai - Taiwan

1973-1974 Richard Rawson - Australia

1984-1985 Bajrang Soni - India


1974-1975 Yigal Gat - Israel

1986-1987 Julia Racquel Rimando Philippines

Vice President for Internal Affairs

2010-2011 Heng-Hao (Leo) Chang Taiwan

1971-1972 Tsang Chiu Wah - Hong Kong

1976-1977 Lilian Pusavet - Thailand










Regional Coordinator for Asia and Oceania

2008-2009 Kazuhiro Abe - Japan

2002-2003 Joel Buenaventura - Philippines

2009-2010 Jen-Hsiang (Roy) Shen - Taiwan

2011-2012 Anneliese Willems - Australia

Regional Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific

2011-2012 Ramon Lorenzo Luis (Renzo) R. Guinto - Philippines

2006-2007 Farid Abdul Hadi - Indonesia

2010-2011 Mineyoshi Sato - Japan

2012-2013 Vincent Khor Wei Sheng Malaysia

1961-1962 Felipe Chua - Philippines

Director of SCOPH 1991-1992 Kritantali Bandari - Nepal 1998-1999 1999-2000 SanjeebSapkota - Nepal

Projects Support Division Director

2010-2011 Nicholas Watts - Australia The logo Elements2011-2012 of the logo Phillip Chao - New Zealand Official Logo The IFMSA logo consists of two parts: a graphical sign and a word sign. The graphical sign is a globe with the Asklepios snake. The word sign is the abbreviation IFMSA and the name International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations. For the abbreviation the font Univers is used and for the text ‘International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations’ the font Futura is used. Preferably the logo should be always used in the format as it is displayed here.


It should not be redrawn, digitally manipulated or altered. The logo must always be reproduced from a digital master reference. This is available in eps format.

Vertical Logo The IFMSA vertical logo is developed for matters in which the standard logo can not be used in any way. So the vertical logo is only used by exception! Most situations in which it will be used will be concerning promotional matters in which the logo has to be displayed very large (flag, banner i.e.) or very small (stick or pencil i.e.).

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Director of SCOSH

2003-2004 Utchariya (DeeDee) Anantamongkol - Thailand 2004-2005 Fauziah Asnely Putri - Indonesia

2005-2006 Akihito Watabe - Japan



Training Support Division Director 2011-2012 Hai Hua Chuang - Taiwan

Publications Support Division Director 2004-2005 Akihito Watabe - Japan

Liaison Officer for Human Rights and Peace Issues 2004-2005 Tariq Jawaid Alam - Pakistan

Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues

Public Relations and Recruitment (Asia) 1994-1995 Eric Lin - China

Homepage 1996-1997 Yulun Liu - Taiwan

2010-2011 Anny Huang - Australia

2011-2012 2012-2013 Altynay Satylganova Kyrgyzstan

Editor in Chief, VAGUS

Liaison Officer to the World Health Organization

Liaison Officer to the Asian Medical Students’ Association

Supervising Council

2007-2008 Eric Tam - Hong Kong

1996-1997 HanakoTerui - Japan 2012-2013 Kota Ichikawa - Japan Ramon Lorenzo Luis (Renzo) R. 2001-2002 Guinto - Philippines Toshiaki Baba - Japan

2001-2002 Yimin Wang - Taiwan

2003-2004 Yu-Chen (Tony) Tsai - Taiwan 2006-2007 Akihito Watabe - Japan 2007-2008 Akihito Watabe - Japan


IFMSA Projects in the

Asia-Pacific Region

The IFMSA Asia-Pacific has plenty of projects spanning all levels – local, national, and regional. Regional projects include the yearly Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Diseases, Outbreaks, Natural Disasters, and Refugee Management (ACTION) and Indonesia and Japan’s Asian Community Health Project. Furthermore, every NMO prides at least one project dealing with relevant national health issues, such as Australia’s Red Party, China’s Serving the Underserved, Indonesia’s International Tropical Medicine Summer School, Japan’s Hiroshima Summer Camp, and Thailand’s Easy AIDS.

1st 2nd 3rd

2007 Phuket, Thailand

August 2008 Manila, Philippines “Typhoons”


August 9-15, 2009 Jakarta, Indonesia “Infectious Disease”

Asian Collaborative Training on th August 23-29, 2010 Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Manila, Philippines Natural Disasters, and Refugee “Health Management in Hospitals Management and Beyond in Times of Emergen-


For the past seven years, IFMSA Asia-Pacific has been organizing the Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Diseases Outbreaks, Natural Disasters, and Refugee Management. Popularly called ACTION, this transnational project served as a venue for medical students from Asia-Pacific to study about medical and public health responses to emergencies. This was conceptualized in recognition of the ever-present threat of natural disasters, epidemics, and conflict in the Asia-Pacific region.


2006 Indonesia



August 15-21, 2011 Malang, East Java, Indonesia “The New Wave in Disaster Medicine for the Management of Earthquake”


August 10-16, 2012 Taipei, Taiwan “Hydrological Disaster Control – International Relief against Natural Hazards”

International Tropical Medicine Summer School

Asian Community Health Project The Asian Community Health Project (ACHP) is a transnational project between CIMSA-Indonesia and IFMSA-Japan. The aim of the activity is to improve public health conditions in West Sumatra, which was hit by an earthquake on 30th of September 2009. Some of the activities conducted by students include installation of new toilets, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) education, oral rehydration solution (ORS) program, water condition analysis, and feeding program.

Hiroshima Summer Camp IFMSA-Japan’s Hiroshima Summer Camp aims not to only enable participants to learn about the health and social effects of bombs and how medical professionals should approach irradiated patients, but also to engage in profound discussions and deepen understanding of the plight of the victims and spread these messages

CIMSA-Indonesia’s International Tropical Medicine Summer School (ITMSS) is annually organized by Faculty of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The aims of the summer school are to: broaden the students’ knowledge of emerging tropical medicine diseases; and enable students to perform physical examinations, laboratory findings, as well as perform diagnosis and treatment through a modified Problem Based Learning (PBL) system. Some of the topics covered include dengue hemorrhagic fever, malaria, and tuberculosis.

to others. The camp takes up topics such as: the biological effects of an atomic bomb explosion; the influence of radioactivity today; the atomic power plant; and the issues concerning world peace. This year, the camp is collaborating with the Student Congress of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).


Summer Course on Post Disaster Medicine and Management The Summer Course on Post Disaster Medicine and Management provides an interdisciplinary overview to the field of disaster medicine and management, especially the post disaster medicine and management, which includes post-acute management, refugee management, and rehabilitation. This is annually event made by CIMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada every July. The course is structured following an advanced, internationally accepted curriculum standard. Parts of the class learning session will include lectures from national and international faculty and speakers who are members of International Training Consortium on Disaster Risk Reduction (ITC-DRR).

Research Methodology Workshops The Research Methodology Workshops is a project of IFMSA-Pakistan under SCOME. These workshops aim to equip medical students in their early years of medical education with tools and skills to perform research. Participants are also taught medical writing to assist them in publishing their findings in peer-reviewed journals, allowing them to share knowledge about various health-related issues in Pakistan to an international audience.

World Tuberculosis Day NMSS-Nepal along with other organizations commemorated the World Tuberculosis Day. Activities included a symposium and an inter-medical college marathon. This occasion served to enhance awareness among members of the community regarding the vital importance of addressing tuberculosis.


AIDS Prevention Project The AIDS Prevention Project aims to prevent spread of HIV in Pakistan by raising awareness to the public. Pakistan is a country where discussion of anything sexual is taboo. This means vital information is not readily available, especially to that part of the population most at risk. The project hopes to remedy this stigma through the publication of accessible literature, organization of competitions, surveys, and workshops, and peer education.

Easy AIDS Easy AIDS National Project is the collaboration of SCORA SCOPH and SCORP in IFMSA-Thailand. The aim of the project is to raise awareness in HIV-AIDs problem, people’s rights to National Health Service, and the problem of social inequality faced by HIV-AIDs patients. The campaign was organized by medical students from 13 universities. Each region of Thailand was hit by flash mobs, in addition to mini-exhibitions, games, free condom distribution, and collection of donations for HIV-AIDS patients in Thailand.


AMSA-Australia NMO Name in English: Australian Medical Students’ Association NMO Name Abbreviation: AMSA-Australia Year Founded: 1960 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: Unknown Membership Status: Full Member Office Address: 42 Macquarie St. Barton, ACT 2600 Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: James Churchill Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President: James Churchill Vice President (External): Catherine Pendrey Vice President (Internal)(Acting), Rural and Indigenous Officer: Rachael Purcell Secretary: Bharat Ramakrishna Treasurer: Martin Hua Public Relations Officer: Zoe Stewart Sponsorship Officers: Rahul Barmanray and Jasmine Zhu National Coordinator: Jessica Dean Internal Communications Officer: Alexander Clarke Community and Wellbeing Officer: Katherine King Publications Officer: Anjie Hansa Global Health Officer: Freya Langham Engagement and Promotions Officer: Amy Wong Events Coordinator: Matt Harvey Current projects: 1. AMSA National Convention An annual event that brings together over 1000 medical students for a week of both academic and social activities. The academic program consists of key note speakers, panel discussions, debating and workshops, while the social program gives medical students from around Australia the opportunity to network and relax together.


Description: The Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) is the peak representative body for medical students in Australia. The key mandate of AMSA is to connect, inform and represent each of Australia’s 17,000 medical students at Australia’s 20 medical schools. AMSA’s core operations include advocacy, events and programs, and publications. AMSA advocates for medical students through policy development, advocacy campaigns and representation to governments, universities and relevant medical bodies. Additionally, AMSA organises renowned educational, social and leadership opportunities for students. These include programs aimed at improving medical student health and wellbeing and others to increase awareness of community, rural and global health issues. 2. AMSA Vampire Cup Annual blood donation competition between universities, in which each university competes to have the highest proportion of its medical students donating blood within a certain time frame.

BMSS-Bangladesh NMO Name in English: Bangladesh Medical Students’ Society NMO Name Abbreviation: BMSS Year Founded: 2009 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2010 Membership Status: Candidate Member Description: Bangladesh Medical Student’ Society, with its motto of ‘Famulus Clementia Serving Humanity’, looks to make the world a safer and a better place - a disease free world of peaceful and health people!

Current projects: 1. Day-long Seminar on ‘Injudicious use of Drugs’ This involved sessions on proper prescription and patient compliance, the day ended with a wonderful open discussion on the theme, with Prof. Subagata Choudhary, as the moderator. 2. First responder A BLS training in association with The United States Embassy of Bangladesh and Operation Smile, Professor Benard from Tulane University and his Associates, conducted a BLS TNT course for the members of BMSS. The main concept is to create trainers who would train civilians for BLS skills and developing first responder system in Bangladesh! 3. Global Health Education Workshop


IFMSA-China NMO Name in English: International Federation of Medical Students’ China NMO Name Abbreviation: IFMSA-China Year Founded: 2009 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2009 Membership Status: Full Member Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Zhixing Li Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President: Zhixing Li (Eric) Vice President: Jianing Li Secretary: Xiuhui Ye Treasurer: Meng Yu NPO: Jing NORA: Junsheng Guo NEO: Yingyun Yang NOME: Yuxi Li NORP: Xi Yuan Description: IFMSA-China is a new-established NMO. Our goal is to give the Chinese medical student an international view of the global health, medical education and reproductive health issues. China is a big developing country and we hope we can make it better by our own efforts. Current Projects: We would like to start professional exchanges and research exchanges in China, and have more IFMSA style domestic projects!


AMSA-Hong Kong NMO Name in English: Asian Medical Students’ Association Hong Kong NMO Name Abbreviation: AMSA-HK Year Founded: 2003 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2005 Membership Status: Associate Member Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Amy Tsai Contact Email for President: Description: AMSAHK aims to cultivate a global awareness towards relevant health issues and beyond. We enable medical students to foster a global perspective, to explore pertinent health issues and to form lasting bonds with students from a wide array of different backgrounds. Last summer, we organized an unprecedented Joint Conference in Hong Kong that was attended by 500 medical students from 25 countries and it was a success. WE LOVE AMSAHK!

List of Officers President: Yung Hoi Wing (Minnie) Vice-President (NMO President of IFMSA): Tsai Kuo Yue (Amy) Regional Chairperson (of AMSA International): Liu Katherine Standing Committee of Exchange Directors: Li Sam, Wong Dicken Local Exchange Managers: Shek Karen, Kumamoto Wataru, Ho Pak Lam Martin, Chang Hsu Wei SCOPH Directors: Leung Cassie, Yeung Gloria LPO: Leung Magdalene, Lai Stephanie

Ellen, Cheung Benedict, Keung Hoi Ying Amy

Academic Department Honorary Councillor: Lai Hon Yee Councillor: Wat Noel Secretaries: Wong John, Tang Esther, Wong Jeffrey, Cheung Stephanie Finance and Administration Department Councillor: Lee Tsz Shun Toria Secretaries: Cheung Eric, Lie Ignatius Information Technology Department Councillor: Lee Alex Secretaries: Wong Esther, Woo Jacqueline Candace

Public Relations Department Councillor: Mak Renata Kiri Secretaries: Yeung David, Cheung Tom Publications and Promotion Department Councillor: Yip Stefanie Secretaries: Yim Vivian, Yiu Rachel Year 2 Representatives: Chan Catherine, Lee Carolyn, Chang Karen, Wong Emmanuel Current Projects: 1. SCOPH Social Service With the theme ‘Mental Health and Active Lifestyle’ we aim to raise awareness in mental health management and to promote active lifestyle of children with developmental disabilities though carnivals at two special schools for the mentally disabled. This year they were held on 14 March at Po Leung Kuk Centenary School (Choi Hung) and 31 March at Chan Nam Chong Memorial School (Kwai Fong)


MSAI-India NMO Name in English: Medical Students’ Association of India NMO Name Abbreviation: MSAI-India Year Founded: 2010 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2012 Membership Status: Candidate Member Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Pratap Naidu A Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President and Chief Executive Officer: Pratap Naidu A. Vice President- Internal Affairs: Abhijeet Sharma Vice President- External Affairs: Sushmitha Kothapalli Vice President- Government Affairs: Alisha Gupta Secretary: Esha Gupta Treasurer: Pooja Chouhan Team of Officials NPO: Anjali Reddy NOME: Niharika Pant NEO: Abhijeet Sharma NORE: Nishtha Sehra NORA: Mitha Naik NORP: Soumya Sachdeva Current Projects: 1. International Interactive Workshop

The International Workshop on Public Health,“Global Health & Medical Education, for better Public Health Standards in Developing Nations – Towards a Better Tomorrow.” This workshop, based primarily on the public health scenario of India and its future prospects with medical education witnessed some of the finest key-note lectures, delegate presentations and poster presentations on the said topic.


Description: Medical Students’ Association of India (MSAI) is the largest medical student organization for the Indian subcontinent, involving more than 7000 students from over 100 different medical colleges. IFMSAIndia follows the three-tier system for coordinating its operations throughout the Country. College representatives are at the grass root level, the Regional Boards function in all the 5 regions viz. North, South, East, West and Centre and the Executive Board supervises all the regional activities and maintains communication with IFMSA-International. MSAI Operations wing comprises of 6 Standing Committees, which are actively working in their respective spheres.

2.AIDS Candle Light Memorial The event was organised in 6 cities of India, as a commemoration for both the past as well as our present fight to end the scourge of AIDS.

CIMSA-ISMKI NMO Name in English: Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities NMO Name in Local Language: Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities-Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia NMO Name Abbreviation: CIMSA-ISMKI Year Founded: 2001 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2001 Membership Status: Full Member Official Address: 1st floor library, Faculty of Medicine-University of Indonesia, Salemba Raya no.6, Central of Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia. Official Website: Name of Current President: Asri Kartika Putri Contact Email for President: Description: Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities (CIMSA) is an independent, non-governmental, non-political, and nonprofit organization. With thousands of its member, CIMSA annually holds 3 National Meetings. They are National Leadership Summit, May Meeting and October Meeting, which each has different focused issues and specific goals of the meeting. CIMSA was established in 2001 and is having a purpose of “Empowering Medical Students, Improving Nation’s Health”. Be ACTIVE with CIMSA!

List of Officers President: Asri Kartika Putri Vice President for Internal Affairs: Tita Rashida Vice President for External Affairs: Christopher Christian Halimkesuma Secretary: Ardina N. Pramudhita Treasurer: Leonita Ariesti Putri NOME: Zulva Fuadah NEO Incoming: Mufqi handari NEO Outgoing: Farhan Mar’I Isa NORE: Adelya Ulya NPO: Ervandy Rangganata NORA: Jauhara NORP: Ida Ayu Narayani Human Resources & Development Director: Ari Sri Wulandari Research & Development Director: Gia Noor Pratami Project Development Director: Fatmala Haningtyas Alumni Director: Diko Anugrah Marketing, Campaign & Advocacy Director: Bethari K. Abianti Media Communication Director: Akmal Akbar Fundraise and Merchandise Director: Adetya Rahma Dinni LO IDI (Indonesian Doctors Association): Yehezkiel Nathanael S LO DIKNAS (National Education Ministry): Candrika Dini Khairani LO WHO: Andi Putra Kevinsyah LO Student Organization: Oktavia Utami Supervising Council: Niko Kristianto, Rivano Pandaleke, Bobbi Juni Saputra

Current Projects: 1. MDGs Month As CIMSA is also focusing on MDGs, especially point 4, 5, and 6, MDGs Month is a big national event, conducted by all locals (LMOs) in certainly same period of time. One of the goals is to gather all the spirit of Indonesian medical students to make a movement, together hand-in-hand, towards MDGs issue. Each local will conduct any kind of projects related to MDGs, so that, these MDGs projects will be held at the same time, with the same theme, but in different types of projects and in different regions of Indonesia. 2. Indonesian Disease Today (IDT) A national event, conducted by SCOPH CIMSA, to gather CIMSA members, discussing and creating some positive output towards one big happening local public health issue. The first-yet the latest-theme of IDT was about Dengue Hemorrhage Fever, held in Yogyakarta. The event consists of several agendas, live-in method experience, grand lectures, trainings, group discussion with stakeholders and other public health care service.



NMO Name in English: International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations Japan NMO Name in Local Language: 国際医学生連盟日本(kokusaiigakuseirenmei-nihon) NMO Name Abbreviation: IFMSA-Japan Year Founded: 1999 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2000 Membership Status: Full Member Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Shota Yamamoto Contact Email for President:


List of Officers President: Shota Yamamoto NEO: Hang Li, Hiroki Akamatsu NORE: Yuichi Murayama, Chihiro Takaoka NPO: Naomi Sonoda NOME: Shinya Tanaka NORA: Haruno Ueda NORP: Hinako Kato Description: We have 6 Standing Committees, SCOPE, SCORE, SCOPH, SCORA, SCORP, and SCOME. There is 80 medical universities and colleges, and 52 of them are joined us now. We have about 500 official members. Visit our Website! =>

Current Projects: 1. SCORA General Assembly 52 SCORAngels in IFMSA-Japan gathered on Nagoya, and held peer education workshops on the topics of HIV/AIDS, Sex Workers, safe sex and other such topics. 2. IFMSA-Japan Seniors’ Club Party We have an IFMSA-Japan Alumni association, the Seniors’ Club. Recently, a Seniors’ Club party was held!

KMSA-Korea NMO Name in English: Korean Medical Students’ Association NMO Name in Local Language: 대한의과대학/의학전문대학원학 생연합 NMO Name Abbreviation: KMSA Year Founded: 1994 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2010 Membership Status: Full Member Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Ki-Hoon Nam Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President: Ki-hoon Nam Vice President: Michelle You-sun Kang, Kyu-jeong Lee Description: The Medical Students Association of Korea (KMSA) represents all the medical school students in Korea. Current Projects: 1. The Smile Project This was our biggest event this year. The project includes events including ’The Smile Campaign’, ‘The Smile Load’, ‘The Smile Orchestra’ amongst many other such activities.


MSPA-Kyrgyzstan NMO Name in English: MSPA-Kyrgyzstan NMO Name in Local Language: Obshestvennoe Ob’edinenie StudentovMedikov (Kirgizstan) NMO Name Abbreviation: MSPA-Kyrgyzstan Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2010 Membership Status: Full Member Official Email Address: Contact Email for President:


SMMAMS-Malaysia NMO Name in English: Society of Malaysian Medical Association Medical Students NMO Name Abbreviation: SMMAMS Year Founded: 2004 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2011 Membership Status: Full Member Official Addres: 4th Floor, Bangunan MMA, 124 Jalan Pahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Deenish Muniandy Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President: Lutfi Fadil Lokman Vice President of Internal Affairs: Deenish Muniandy Vice President of External Affairs: Carol Lee Pei Shin Honorary Secretary General: Izza Arsyika Abd. Rahim Honorary Treasurer: Yeap Hsiao Hui SCOPH Director: Priya Darshene Raj SCOME Director: Jayanthi Selvam Regional Directors in charge of Medical Schools

Region 1: Mohd. Yuhairi Jamaludin Region 2: Tan Qing Yu Region 3: Adrian Low Sheng Kian ICT Director: Naavin Kumar Description: Malaysian medical students are represented through their own democratic, policy making body: the Society of Malaysian Medical Association Medical Students (SMMAMS). SMMAMS strives to be the medical students’ leading voices to strive for the betterment of medical graduates, advancing health care and advocating for the future of Medicine. With activities, projects and programs, SMMAMS will pursue being: i) The advocate for medical students; ii) The leading medical students’ organi-

zation for advancing issues of medical education, community service, ethics and health policy; iii) The principal source for obtaining and disseminating information for medical students regarding medical education; iv) A vibrant organization that provides values for its medical student members. Current Projects: 1. The 4th Malaysian International Medical Student Conference (MIMSC) The largest national-level meeting of Malaysian medical students. Attended by over 200 medical students from across the country, it also marked the election & installation of the new committee for SMMAMS which will be leading the society for the 2012/2013 session. 2. Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting 2012 Planning is well underway for this muchanticipated event, with SMMAMS eager to mark its official ascension to the greater IFMSA community by organising an event to remember.



NMO Name in English: Mongolian Medical Leaders’ Association NMO Name in Local Language: МонголынАнагаахынМанлайлаг чдынНийгэмлэг NMO Name Abbreviation: MMLA

List of Officers President: Tsolmon Mendsaikhan Vice President of Internal Affairs: Bilguun Erkhemochir Vice President of External Affairs: Enkhzaya Ganbold Secretary General: Year Founded: 2007 Enkhsumya Nyamjonkhor Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2010 Treasurer: Battuya Bazarragchaa Membership Status: Candidate Member NOME: Dorjsuren Tsagaankhuu Official Email Address: NORA: Taivan Nanzaddorj Description: Name of Current President: The Mongolian Medical Leaders’ AssociaTsolmon Mendsaikhan tion (MMLA) based on medical students Contact Email for President: club titled ‘Leader’. MMLA is one of the most active medical associations in Mongolia which achieved success in very short time and includes both young doctors and medical students. Now MMLA has 9 executive members and total of around 500 members, which includes 400 medical students from all of medical universities of Mongolia. All member conference is organized every year, in May and September.


Current Projects: 1.Reproductive Health of Adolescents This is a SCORA project at the suburban high school where we teach students age 14-18 about reproductive health of 14-18 of age and improve their knowledge of and approach tosexually transmitted diseases 2. MMLA Festival This takes place at the end of every school year and this is where we promote and report MMLA’s work to the Faculties, Universities, Students and public


NMO Name in English: Nepal Medical Students’ Society NMO Name Abbreviation: NMSS Year Founded: 1985 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 1985 Membership Status: Full Member Official Address: Tribhuvan University, Institute Of Medicine, Maharajgunj Medical Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal, P.O. Box:4240 Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Dr. Punya Hari Dahal (Acting President) Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President: Dr. Rakesh Kumar Gami Vice President: Dr. Punya Hari Dahal Secretary General: Shankar Raj Lamichhane Treasurer: Raju Kumar Shah Member: Dr. Pranawa Koirala Dr. Mohan Bhusal Jaffar Ahmad Nitesh Shrestha Suraj Ghimire Khem Narayan Chalise

Current Projects: 1. Free Health Camp A free health camp was conducted on 2nd June 2012 with the aim of providing free health services to local people in a remote village (Dhungekharka VDC) of Kavre district. A total of 32 volunteers (doctors and medical students) were present and a total of 155 poor patients of the rural community were benefitted and also provided with free drugs too. 2. World Blood Donor Day World Blood Donor Day was celebrated on 14th June with blood donation program as well as felicitation to 3 persons with highest number of blood donations in Nepal. Total of 51 people donated blood in the premises of Tribhuwan University Teaching Hospital, who were given certificate of appreciation by NMSS.

Description: Nepal Medical Students’ Society is a representative organization of bachelor level medical students of Nepal established with the aim of providing rightful and timely guidance to the education activities, providing adequate knowledge and skills to the concerned students for serving mankind by the prevention and treatment of diseases and elevation of general health status. NMSS is an internationally recognized, non-profit making, non-political and purely professional organization of medical students of Nepal. It is guided in its action by two main principles: student welfare and social service. Since its establishment in 1985, NMSS has not only played an important role in uplifting academic environment but also conducted various activities like blood donation, rural health camps, student exchange, cultural programs and celebration of various international days. Our mandate is to work for overall development of the medical students and young doctors so that they can work as responsible health professional in near future.


NZMSA-New Zealand NMO Name in English: New Zealand Medical Students’ Association NMO Name Abbreviation: NZMSA Year Founded: 1972 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2009 Membership Status: Full Member Official Address: 26 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011, New Zealand Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Michael Chen-Xu Contact Email for President:

List of Officers Vice President External: Ari Pfeiffenberger Vice President Internal: Sigourney Taylor Secretary: Maeve Hume-Nixon Treasurer: Zeyin Li Communications Officer: Marise Stuart Policy Officers: Lauren Brown, Mariam Parwaiz Membership Services Officer: Ekta Bhindi Sponsorship Officer: Matthew Slijp Projects Officer: Maria McDowell-Hook Trainings Officer: Josephine Mak OUMSA President: Johnny Mitchell CMSA President: David Palmer WMSA President: Sue Ong AUMSA President: Craig Riddell Description: The New Zealand Medical Students’ Association (NZMSA) is the peak representative body for New Zealand’s medical students. It represents the 2,500 medical students studying at New Zealand’s two medical schools: The University of Auckland and The University of Otago. NZMSA has three main roles: advocating on behalf of medical students, providing support and membership services to medical students, and building collegiality amongst the medical student body.


Current Projects: 1. NZMSA Conference The New Zealand Medical Students’ Association (NZMSA) hosted its 7th annual conference, NZMSA Conference Catalyst for Change in Rotorua over the 18th-20th May. Themed ‘catalyst for change’, the conference focussed on inspiring and empowering medical students to be the changes they want to see on important issues facing the health sector, such as health equity, global health and the wellbeing of health professionals. Eminent speakers at the conference, including Associate Professor Phillipa HowdenChapman from the University of Otago Wellington and Dr Judith McCool from the University of Auckland urged medical students to be strong advocates for health equity and public health. 2. NZMSA Sports Exchange The New Zealand Medical Students’ Association (NZMSA) hosted the 3rd annual NZMSA Sports Exchange over the weekend of the 21-22nd of July. This event brought over 200 medical students from across the country to Wellington, the capital city, for two days of fierce competition in a variety of sports, including football, netball and rugby sevens.


NMO Name in English: International Federation of Medical Students’ Association - Pakistan NMO Name Abbreviation: IFMSA-Pakistan Year Founded: 2001 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2001 Membership Status: Full Member Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Arslan Inayat Contact Email for President: Description: IFMSA-Pakistan is very active in Projects. It is progressing and flourishing day by day and has been highly active since last year.

List of Officers President: Arslan Inayat Vice President - External Affiars: Syed Jawad Hussain Vice President - Internal Affairs: Amber Zakreen Secretary General: Amra Rehman Treasurer: Nauman Shams Ul-Haq SCOPH Director: Khalil Rehman SCOME Director: Saad Ayub Khan SCORA Director: Maryam Rehman SCORP Director: Tayyaba Nasim SCOPE Director: Reema Rasul Project Support Division Director: Faseeh Shahab

Current Projects: 1.Tobacco Prevention Project A workshop on the topic of prevention of Tobacco happened recently. Key activities in the workshop were: A. Interactive session with an external speaker B. Quiz regarding Tobacco risk and consequences C. Games which sensitized the importance of the topic 2. AIDS Prevention Project (IFMSA Endorsed Project) We organized a duo of competitions; an essay writing competition and a poster designing competition. The topic for the essay writing competition was ‘AIDS in our Society’ and it was organized online. The poster designing competition was orchestrated as a fun, interactive way to get people thinking about AIDS issues. Participants were provided with paints, A2 sheets of paper and were given free rein to conjure up creative images invoking ‘AIDS Awareness.’



NMO Name in English: AMSA-Philippines NMO Name Abbreviation: AMSA-Phil Year Founded: 1981 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 1999 Membership Status: Full Member Official Address: 547 Pedro Gil Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Ryan Magtibay Contact Email for President:

List of Officers Liaison Officer for IFMSA: Orven Dumaoang Regional Chairperson for AMSA-International: Karina Santosr Internal Vice President: Alicia De Castro External Vice President: Kyla Janika Nerva Secretary General: Michelle Ann Sy Treasurer: Erika Tania Domingo NOME: Karl Martin Salcedo NPO: Lloyd Mesina NORA: Madison Dominguez NORE: Jonnel Poblete NORP: Ethel Joy Agaid NEO: Glenn Wilson Ng AMSEP National Director: Davidson Pastrana

Description: Committed to the parallel goals of service and excellence, AMSA-Philippines has always provided different avenues for Filipino medical students in their pursuit to become holistic and relevant physicians of the future. The association also seeks to serve as a platform for advocacy among medical students, pushing for better health care and social justice in the Philippines. It has continuously sought to develop deepened social consciousness and a sense of active participation and contribution among its members, not only in relation to pressing health issues but also to other relevant issues affecting our society as well. AMSA-Philippines’s holistic approach to health and its dynamic knowledge cultivated through education, research, and professional exchange has always been its defining core.

Current Projects: 1. National Medical Students’ Conference 2012 This is a venue where Filipino medical students meet, learn, and have fun! 2. The Second AMSA-Philippines Research Competition This provides an opportunity for research done by medical students in the country to be presented to an audience and published.


SLMSA-Sri Lanka

NMO Name in English: Sri Lanka Medical Students’ Association NMO Name Abbreviation: SLMSA Year Founded: 2012 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2012 Membership Status: Candidate Member Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: M. C. Kaushila Thilakasiri Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President: Modarage Chathuri Kaushila Thilakasiri Vice President - External Affairs: Kesigan Sayalolibavan Vice President - Internal Affairs: Maharanwilige Tharaka Chathuranga Premarathne Secretary General: Sawanawadu Dilantha Neomal De Silva Treasurer: Herath Mudiyanselage Theekshana Sameera Abayawickrama Alumni Relations Director: Selvanayakam Janakan Publications Director: Ayesh Umeshana Hettiarachchi New Technologies Director: Thavaneswaran Jeganathan Trainings Director: Hettigewatta Gamaralalage Suranka Nayanapriya Premarathne Projects Director: Elabadage Manavi Deshani

Description: Sri Lanka Medical Students’ Association (SLMSA) is a Non-Profit, Non- Political & Non- Governmental Organization of, for and by the Sri Lankan medical students. SLMSA works very closely with many of its partner Universities and other organizations with its primary objectiveto improve medical education within Sri Lanka, promoting awareness & implementation of public health issues, and encouraging communication & synchrony in the global health community. Current Projects: 1. Student Medical Journal We organize the publication of the Student Medical Journal of Colombo University 2. Social Determinants of Health Workshop We organized a workshop for medical students on Social Determinants of Health which ran in parallel to the APACPH international conference.

SCOPH Director: H.M. Mahendra Neranjan Bandara Herath SCOME Director: Kesupathy Jeewarathan SCORA Director: Wanarathnalage Jithendra Srinath Kumara SCORP Director: Amalaratnam Joy Danicious SCOPE Director: Dilan Lahiru Fernando SCORE Director: Herath Mudiyanselage



NMO Name in English: Federation of Medical Students - Taiwan NMO Name in Local Language: 台灣醫學生聯合會

NMO Name Abbreviation: FMS-Taiwan Year Founded: 1988 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 1995 Membership Status: Full Member Official Address: No.1, Sec. 1, Ren’ai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Yen-Hao Chu Contact Email for President:


List of Officers President: Ricky Hsu Vice President on International Affairs: Heng-Wei Chang Vice President on Internal Affairs: May Wu, Sandy Hsieh Vice President on External Affairs: Isaac Chu Secretary General: Hsieh, Po-Yu Treasurer: Kuo, Yu-Hsuan Publication Directors: Chen, Chih-Wen; Chen, Mu-Wei Information Technology Directors: Liu, Yu-Hsin; Lo, Meng-Yun Alumni Director: Tsai, Chu-Wei Training Director: Chiu, Hao-Ning Assistant to the Training Director: Sung, Heng-You NEO: Ho, I-Hung NORE: Huang, Chun-Pang; Hsu, Yi-Yu NPO: Jeng, Yu-Jr; Lye, Yee-Hern NORP: Chang, Han-Pi; Chang, Ting-Wei NORA: Deng, Zhao-Xiong; Lum, Chih-Yean NOME: Lin, To-wei; Yeh, Heng

Description: FMS-Taiwan has been very active in all 6 SCOs as well as the training division. Domestically we have athletic Cup and the Medical Students’ Literature Award and many other activities or projects. We are also actively engaged in IFMSA affairs, holding this year’s ACTION as well as the APMSS (Asia Pacific Medical Students Symposium).

Current Projects: 1. GA on Complementary and alternative medicine A fruitful occasion where medical students from all around Taiwan gather and discuss complementary and alternative medicines. This is also a chance for medical students from different schools to get to know each other, and work together to complete a project. 2. Peer Education of Taiwan SCORA We educate LORAs in Taiwan, and the LORAs go on to carry out peer education projects for junior high school students. In this first SCORA PE project in Taiwan, topics including respect towards other gender groups and condom usage were taught.


NMO Name in English: International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations - Thailand NMO Name in Local Language: สมาพันธ์นิสิตนักศึกษาแพทย์นานาชาติแห่งประเทศไทย NMO Name Abbreviation: IFMSA-Thailand Year Founded: 2002 Year NMO Joined IFMSA: 2002 Membership Status: Full Member Official Address: 2 Prannok Road, Siriraj, Bangkoknoi, Official Website: Official Email Address: Name of Current President: Kittipos Wongnisanatakul (Gob) Contact Email for President:

List of Officers President: Kittipos Wongnisanatakul Secretary General: Pakorn Roongsaenthong, Kittichote Duangnum VPI: Quankamon Dejatiwongse Na Ayudhya VPE: Atikom Traitipudomchai Treasurer: JidapaIamwat NEO Incoming: Apirada Thongsing NEO Outgoing: Nutdanai Neti NORE Incoming: Tanaporn Unjitti NORE Outgoing: Panupong Hansriviit NPO: Suppachok Kongtian NORP: Pitchaya Worapongsatitaya NORA: Pongkasem Wintakorn NOME: Vongkanok Kowatanamongkon Technology Director: Nutnicha Pongchanapibool Publication Director: Mantita Tippawanich Training Director: Thagoon Kanjanopas Project Director: Siwapol Thitayarasa Fundraising Director: Nattawut Jiraaram

Description: IFMSA-Thailand was established in 2002. Our mission is to improve altruism and skills in Thai Medical Students so that we can contribute to Thai society in the future. Our activities are mainly focused on Projects, Exchanges, and our meetings each year. Current Projects: 1. National Meeting 2011 With the theme “Easy Aids”, over 100 medical students gathered in Nakhon Nayok for our National Meeting of 2011. 2. IFMSA August Meeting 2012 12 Thai Delegates were able to join the IFMSA General Assembly of August 2012 in Mumbai, India.


Synergy for a Healthier Asia-Pacific:

The IFMSA Regional Team for the Asia-Pacific 2011-2012

Ramon Lorenzo Luis Rosa Guinto (Renzo) AMSA-Philippines

Regional Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific

Betty Pei Chun Huang FMS-Taiwan


Josephine Hoi Yan Mak NZMSA-New Zealand

Development Assistants for NMO Development

Rennie Qin

NZMSA-New Zealand

Development Assistant for Advocacy, Education and Policy

Mariam Parwaiz

NZMSA-New Zealand

Airin Aldiani


Development Assistants for Publications and Communications



Briliansy Mulyanto (Ansy)

Bronwyn Jones

Public Health (SCOPH)

Medical Education (SCOME)

Terrence Ho

Alessandro Alfieri

Professional Exchange (SCOPE)

Reproductive Health including AIDS (SCORA)






Atikah Isna Fatya (Tya)

Maharita Pandikasari (Panpan/Pandika)

Research Exchange (SCORE)

Project Support Division




Slogan/Tagline in different visual composition.


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