Third Call - Application Manual of IFMSA-Québec 2020-2021

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Application Manual of IFMSA-QuĂŠbec Local Officers National Positions 2020-2021 Third call for applications, position descriptions, required documents, deadlines. Eight Call for National Positions.

Updated by:

Emily Oulousian Vice-President for Activities 2020-2021 Original version by :

David Alexandre Galiano Vice-president for internal affairs 2013-14


INTRODUCTION This guide is designed to be a helpful resource for anyone interested in applying for the Local Officers positions and remaining National Positions. Please find below the task descriptions, the application process, a short description of IFMSA-Québec's committees and whom to contact for any information requests. On every campus, there are 4 Projects Committees (Global Health, Reproductive Health, Public Health, and Human rights and Peace) and 3 Exchanges Committees (Clinical, Research and Immersions). A fifth project committee on Medical Education exists. But no local officers are nominated. IFMSA-Québec is currently recruiting for Local Officers, to form a dynamic team of medical students committed to social involvement.

HOW TO APPLY Your application must be sent in .pdf at before Tuesday, October 6th, 2020, 11:59 p.m. It should contain: 

A one-page maximum motivation letter, explaining why would like the position and what you wish to accomplish during the 2020-2021 term;

A two-page maximum curriculum vitae (CV), with your contact information;

A conflict of interest declaration detailing the other decision-making bodies where you sit (if relevant).

Nominated applicants must attend a training given by a member of the national team to make-up for the training given during the last fall general assemble for the local coordinator. Attendance is MANDATORY to take over the Local Officer's functions.

CONTACT INFORMATION For any question regarding the application process, please email: François-Pierre Marcoux at For any question regarding the committees, please email: Public Health: Jeanne Lavallée at Global Health: Sophie Fournier-Marcoux at Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS: Jimmy Chau at Human Rights and Peace: Adam Benabdesselam at Clinical Exchanges: Yihong Yu and Juliette Labelle at Research Exchanges: Nancy Jiang and Xiao Yu Xie at Immersions : TBD Medical Education: Farouk Benadada,


IMPORTANT: Any late candidature won’t be considered and will be automatically rejected.


TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPPORT AND PROJECT TEAM………..........................................................................................6 Alumni Direction…………………………..................................................................................6 Healthy and Proud Coordinators ...……..................................................................................6 Curious Easters…..……………................................................................................................6 Spot It!................…………………………..................................................................................6 SCOI...……………………………………………………………………………………………………..7 FMSS-SCOI………………………………………………………………………………………………..7 OPEN LOCAL POSITIONS ..............................................................................................................8 Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) Standing Committee on Global Health (SCOGH) Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health Including HIV/AIDS (SCORA) Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) Standing Committee on Professional Exchanges (SCOPE) Standing Committee on Research Exchanges (SCORE) Standing Committee on Immersions (SCOI) Description of the committees INCOMMUNITY INTERNSHIP COORDINATORS .......................................................................12

Join the team and be part of the family!




We are still recruiting motivated members to complete the national team! The application deadline is October 6th 2020, 11:59 p.m. In line with section A.7 of IFMSA-Québec’s bylaws, a candidature is considered valid once all the following documents have been sent to, in French and/or English: ● Curriculum Vitae (maximum of 2 pages) ● Motivation letter (maximum of 1 page) ● Plan of action (maximum of 1 page under bullet points) ● Declaration of conflicts of interest Moreover, the candidates applying for an elected position (for this call, NOI and FMSS-SCOI only) must submit a 2-minutes candidature video to introduce themselves to the IFMSA-Québec members. This video will act as the candidate’s speech, and will be shared online in a folder to allow the members to watch the videos. The candidates for nominated positions (support team and projects team) DO NOT have to submit a candidature video. Listed below are the conditions for the video: ● The video must be filmed in a landscape format ● The video must not last more than 2:00 minutes ● The video must be in a MOV or MP4 file ● The video can be in English, French or both ● The file of the video must bear the following name: CAND ["position"] ["name of the candidate"] ● The video must be sent along with the candidature documents by email at with the following subject: CAND ["position"] ["name of the candidate"]


SUPPORT AND PROJECT TEAM ALUMNI DIRECTION (1 position available) IFMSA-Québec’s Alumni division unites all the alumni of Québec’s medical faculties, particularly IFMSA-Québec’s former members who wish to continue being involved in the organization. The Alumni Direction must organize social events for IFMSA-Québec’s former members, allowing current members to meet their predecessors. They also promote IFMSA-Québec’s events across the Alumni networks, and identify new possibilities of financial support. Questions?

HEALTHY AND PROUD COORDINATORS (2 positions for the Montreal region) Healthy and Proud (Fiers et en Forme) aims to tackle the subject of body image through interactive workshops for adolescents in high school (Secondary 1 to 5). The workshop is divided into three sections. The first defines the concepts of body image and self-esteem and explores the effects from family, social and cultural influences. The second workshop teaches the young adults about normal development in puberty, and factors that influence size and weight. It also deals with sensitive issues such as acne. The third section assists young people in their aim to accept their body by giving them advice regarding diet and physical activity and demystifying the yo-yo diets and dietary supplements. CURIOUS EATERS (1 position for the Québec region) The Curious Eaters project is a fun and interactive workshop for children in kindergarten, first and second grade. Two main themes are addressed: the discovery of fruits and vegetables as well as the various ways fun to be active. SPOT IT! (2 positions for the Québec region) 2 positions for the Montreal region The SPOT It! project is a peer education project dedicated to teaching high school students about the negative health impacts associated with exposure to UV radiation, as well as skin cancer and available options to prevent harmful exposure.


VACANT NATIONAL POSITIONS NATIONAL OFFICER FOR IMMERSIONS (1 position available) The committee aims to give the opportunity to medical students across the globe to participate into an exchange program. The committee also strives to offer an educative cultural experience that goes beyond the traditional medical school curriculum, allowing medical students to know the different ways. FMSS-SCOI (1 position available) The FMSS/SCOI program coordinator is responsible for the dealings implicating the Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé de l’Université Sherbrooke as they relate to pre-departure trainings for UdeS students. He/she is tasked with coordinating the training team as well as planning the pre-departure trainings.

***Reminder: These positions require a video submission***


OPEN SPOTS IN LOCAL COMMITTEES IFMSA-Québec is composed of 7 local committees on each medical campus. The Local Officer of the Project Committees (2 for each campus and each committee except SCOME) are responsible for initiating, continuing and coordinating activities for the committee they oversee on their campus. They are supported by the National Officer in charge of their committee and work with their colleagues from the other campuses. This is a non-exhaustive list of activities that can be held throughout the year for each committee: 

Public Health (SCOPH): activities aiming to raise awareness for mental health, nutrition workshops in elementary schools, talks related public health topics such as noncommunicable diseases and epidemiology, mental health workshops in high schools, etc.;

Global Health (SCOGH): talks on global health topics, social determinants of health, climate change awareness workshops, attending global health conferences such as the Canadian Conference on Global Health, etc.;

Reproductive Health (SCORA): sexual health awareness workshops in high schools (Sexperts!), HIV/AIDS awareness activities, raising awareness towards sexual diversity, dinner talk on urban health, etc.;

Human Rights & Peace (SCORP): talks on human rights matters, such as world geo-politic conflicts and migration, raising awareness towards refugees and migrants health, social justice campaigns, etc.

Medical Education (SCOME): new committee this year that will serve to relay international opportunities in medical education, while creating various activities locally

The Exchanges Committee Local Officers (2 for each campus and each committee) are responsible for organizing and managing the exchanges happening on their campus throughout the year. Specifically, they:    

make sure all the internships offered by IFMSA-Québec run smoothly on their campus; prepare the applications of the outgoing students and ensure they are complete; welcome incoming students' and manage their internships; work, with the support of the Social Program Coordinator, towards developing a social program on their campus.

The time devoted to the position varies from week to week and depends on your campus reality (exam schedule, vacations, etc.). One should expect 1 to 3 hours of involvement per week on average. Please note that some weeks will be less busy than others, which will be highly dependent on how you decide to plan the activities of you committee throughout your mandate.


COMMITTEES PRESENTATION Each projects committee (in the IFMSA World: Standing Committee on...) focuses on a specific axis of health and aims at raising awareness about its theme on campuses using diverse tactics. The same committees exist at the international level, which facilitates communication and knowledge and ideas sharing across the world.

Public Health ( The public health committee aims at promoting and preserving health of the population by acting upstream on the social determinants of health, such as life habits, access to proper healthcare, education and environment. Specifically, the committee organizes educational activities for the university community, offering an exchange platform for discussions on public health matters. Abbreviation: Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) Positions still available (1 to 2 vacant spots): Mauricie, Saguenay, Moncton

Global Health ( The committee intends to raise awareness and mobilize medical students and the general population towards global health issues and health injustice. We aim at training a generation of citizens aware of their role on the global scale and their impact on health by organizing talks on the different campuses and by educating elementary school children on how climate changes issues can impact on health. Abbreviation: Standing Committee on Global Health (SCOGH) Positions still available (1 to 2 vacant spots): Saguenay

Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS ( The sexual health and AIDS committee of IFMSAQuĂŠbec brings together medical students that wish to promote sexual health among the general population as well as among future health professionals. The committee aims at raising awareness towards HIV, maternal and reproductive health, female genital mutilations, and gender and sexual diversity. Abbreviation: Standing Committee on Reproductive health including AIDS (SCORA) Positions still available (1 to 2 vacant spots): UdeM, Mauricie, Saguenay, McGill

Human Rights and Peace ( The committee works towards human rights respect in a health perspective. It tries to demonstrate the direct relationship between human rights and social determinants of health with awareness campaigns, talks and community internships with diverse populations. Indigenous health, refugee rights, access to medication, urban population issues and world conflicts putting healthcare access at risk are all issues covered within this committee. Abbreviation: Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) Positions still available (1 to 2 vacant positions): Moncton, Sherbrooke

Medical Education ( The committee works mainly in medical education capacity building. SCOME believes in medical students as important stakeholders in creating, developing and implementing medical education systems. Its mission is to help medical students to contribute to the development of medical education. Students share and learn about medical education in order to improve it as well as benefit the most from its on a personal and professional basis. Abbreviation: Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) Important: Please note that SCOME does NOT recruit local officers this year. More information on how to participate in this committee will be shared on our Facebook page.


EXCHANGES COMMITTEES Exchanges committees are responsible of organizing clinical, research and immersive internships in more than 30 countries. They are in charge of finding internships for incoming students; of assisting students with the application process, organizing pre-departure trainings and supporting the incoming students as well as the outgoing ones from when they apply until they complete their internship.

Clinical Exchanges ( The committee aims at giving the opportunity to medical students across the globe to participate in an exchange program. The committee also strives to offer an educative cultural experience that goes beyond the traditional medical school curriculum, allowing medical students to discover different ways of practicing medicine as well as health-related challenges in other countries. Abbreviation: Standing Committee on Professional Exchanges (SCOPE) Positions still available (1 to 2 vacant positions): Mauricie, McGill, Sherbrooke

Research Exchanges ( The committee aims to give an opportunity to students worldwide to participate in a research exchange program of IFMSA and to offer an educative experience, which goes beyond the traditional medical school curriculum. Abbreviation: Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE Positions still available (1 to 2 vacant positions): Sherbrooke, Laval

IMMERSIONS ( The committee is responsible of preparing and overseeing clinical immersions in low resource settings. Having at heart the necessity of rigorous pre-departure trainings that include teaching about the ethical components of international placements, SCOI added to its mandate the promotion of pre-departure trainings for all students going abroad. The SCOI has also extended its activities outside of the exchange programs of IFMSA-QuĂŠbec, more specifically to the four faculties of medicine. Abbreviation: Standing Commitee on Immersions (SCOI) Important: please note that SCOI does NOT recruit local officers through this call. Only previous participants of the program are eligible to apply. This section about SCOI has been added to provide information about the variety of committees within IFMSA-QuĂŠbec.


INCOMMUNITY STREAM COORDINATOR ( The INcommunity team is recruiting coordinators for the five following internships: Migrant, Offender, Urban, Aboriginal, Women in vulnerable conditions. A motivation letter (1 page) and a CV (2 pages) must be sent to before October 6th, 2020, 23h59. Please note that a good working knowledge of French is required. Remark: The positions for Offenders and Women remain vacant as of October 1st. INcommunity is a immersion program oriented towards learning about neglected and marginalized communities in Quebec. In an action paradigm oriented towards local needs, four week internships, preceded by a few days of formation, are offered to students during the summer period amongst one of the five populations: migrants, offenders, urban populations, indigenous communities and women in vulnerable conditions. Internship Coordinator (5 positions available) Each INcommunity internship is supervised by one coordinator. The coordinator’s tasks are divided into three parts: internship planning, selection and support of applicants, and participation in the INcommunity team. Although the internships are all located in Montreal, communications are done by email and call, so any student from the four faculties of medicine in Quebec can apply for one of the positions. 1. INTERNSHIP PLANIFICATION In the year preceding the internship, the coordinator:  reviews the feedback given by participants from previous years to improve the internship;  if necessary, with the national coordinator, updates the objectives and reflection questions for the internship;  if necessary, with the national coordinator, updates the documents related to the organizations associated with the internship;  contacts partners to verify their availability and to confirm their participation in the program for the year;  contacts new organisations that could be interested in offering internships for students and whose activities fit the intended objectives of the internships;  keeps documents related to the organizations up to date and accessible to other coordinators (through INcommunity’s Google Drive folder). He must include the contact information of the organizations as well as a contact person and document as thoroughly as possible any past partnerships. A few weeks before the start of the internships, the coordinator:  contacts partners to remind them of their participation in this year’s program, as well as to confirm their precise availabilities;  makes the schedules for the internships;  if necessary, updates the information codex for the internships by adding relevant readings and by finalizing the list of partners;  if necessary, updates the feedback document for the internships.


2. SELECTION AND SUPPORT OF APPLICANTS Before the internship, the coordinator:  promotes INcommunity internships among students;  participates in the selection of applicants;  participates to the INcommunity training day, wherein he can meet the applicants and explain to them the details of their internships. During the internships, the coordinator:  follows up regularly with the participants via email or phone to ensure that any issues with the internship progress are dealt with swiftly and efficiently;  reminds the participants the importance of assisting to the debriefing meetings, as well as to do the required readings in the codex;  participates in the debriefing meetings as often as his/her schedule allows it and stimulates discussions using the debriefing guide;  remains available to listen to and answer the participants’ questions and difficulties. After the internship, the coordinator:  thanks the partners for their participation;  reads the participants final reports; in light of them, he ensures that the required modifications to the internship, the codex or the training are taken into account as soon as possible to ensure the best and most relevant internship experience possible.

3. PARTICIPATION IN THE INCOMMUNITY TEAM All through the year, the coordinator:  participates to the INcommunity team meetings to the utmost of his/her capacity;  assists the project coordinator in his/her tasks;  keeps other coordinators updated on the progress of the planification of the internships. If you have any questions, please contact Feriel Rahmani, INcommunity coordinator for the year 2020-2021 at

For all enquiries: François-Pierre Marcoux Vice-President for Internal Affairs | ©2020-2021


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