iFour Consultancy Software Testing Training
Functional Testing https://www.ifourtechnolab.com/microsoft-technology
Types of Testing : Functional ⚫ Functional ⚫ Regression ⚫ Retest
⚫ Sanity ⚫ Smoke
⚫ Ad-hoc ⚫ Integration
⚫ Acceptance testing
Regression Testing ⚫ Regression Testing is a type of testing which is done to verify that a changing in
code into a one feature/module doesn’t impact on existing code/functionality of other feature items. ⚫ This testing is done to make sure that new code changes should not have side
effects on the existing functionalities. It ensures that the old code still works once the new code changes are done. ⚫ In Regression testing, tester needs to test/re-execute already executed test cases.
Regression Testing Need of Regression Testing ⚫ Change in requirements and code is modified ⚫ New feature is added to the Feature/Project ⚫ Integration test cases which include all the major components.
⚫ Test cases which frequently fail or recent testing defects were found in the same. ⚫ Performance issue fix
Regression Testing How much Regression testing required for project? ⚫ It is mainly depends upon scope of newly added code in feature item or changes in
code for bug fixing. ⚫ If the scope is too large then the application area to being affected is also quite large so the testing should be performed thoroughly including all the application test cases. ⚫ Regression test cases should be selected very carefully so that maximum functionality is covered in a minimum set of test cases. These set of test cases need continuous improvements for newly added functionality.
Regression Testing Techniques Retest All Regression Test Selection Regression Testing
Test-case Prioritization Hybrid
Regression Testing ⚫ Retest All ⚫ Created all test cases in the test suite has to re-executed to ensure and reverify that
there are no bugs that have occurred because of a change in the code or bug fixing. ⚫ Regression Test Selection ⚫ In this method, some of selected test-cases to be re-executed. Selection of test cases is
done on the basis of code change in the module. ⚫ Test cases are divided into two categories, one is Reusable test cases and another one is obsolete test cases. The reusable test cases can be used in future regression cycles whereas obsolete are not used in the upcoming regression cycles.
Regression Testing ⚫ Test-case Prioritization ⚫ Test-cases execution done by the priorities. So, Test-cases with the higher priorities will
be executed first, then medium and lastly low priority test-cases will be taken. ⚫ Priority of test case depends on its criticality and its functionality of product. ⚫ Hybrid ⚫ The hybrid technique is a combination of Regression test selection and Test case
Prioritization. Rather than selecting the entire test suite, select only the test cases which are re-executed depending on their priority.
Regression Testing What to do in Regression Check? ⚫ Re-run previously executed test-cases ⚫ Compare results with current executed test-cases and previously executed testcases ⚫ A best practice is to conduct a regression test after the sanity or smoke testing and at the end of functional testing for a short release. �
Note: Run automated test cases every day in the evening so that any regression side effects can be fixed in the next day build. This way it reduces the release risk by covering almost all regression defects at an early stage rather than finding and fixing those at the end of the release cycle. https://www.ifourtechnolab.com/microsoft-technology
Regression Testing Benefits ⚫ It improves the quality of the Product. ⚫ It makes sure that issues which are already fixed do not occur again. ⚫ It ensures that any bug fix or enhancement that is done does not impact the existing functionality of the Product. ⚫ Automation tools can be used for this testing. Disadvantages ⚫ It has to be done for a small change in the code as well because even a small change in the code can create issues in the existing functionality. ⚫ If in case automation is not used in the Project for this testing, it will be a time consuming and tedious task to execute the test cases again and again. https://www.ifourtechnolab.com/microsoft-technology
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