Jockey Club ifva Everywhere Carnival

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ifva Everywhere 是一個與城市有着緊密聯繫的項 目,過往四年間,我們把戲院、藝術館、課室帶到街 上,在星光下草地上樓梯旁斜路邊舉辦露天放映,在 公共空間舉辦大型媒體藝術展覽。

ifva Everywhere is a project that has always had close connections with this city. In the past four years, we have brought cinemas, art galleries and classrooms to the streets of Hong Kong, and have held outdoor screenings under the stars and on lawns, beside staircases and on sloping streets as well as organised large-scaled media art exhibitions in public spaces.

過往一年多面對很多突如其來的挑戰,改期、取消成 為常態。與其繼續冒着改期或取消的風險,不如重奪 主權,順應變遷。活在當下,就得緊貼時代步伐,策 劃一個不一樣的影像藝術體驗。

ifva 團隊繼2016及2018年選址中環,眺望維港,以

高樓大廈作背景,舉辦戶外「ifva 影像嘉年華」,今 年首次跨越實體與虛擬疆界,移師線上線下作同步 發放。 「出口等」手機遊戲是一個互動故事旅程,與觀眾一 同穿梭於真實與虛擬世界,經歷十二份全新媒體藝術 作品。故事中的「你」是一名失物尋找師,協助放棄 肉身的主角Eva尋找失物。人類放棄肉身這種看似陳 腔濫調的科幻電影橋段,活在今天的世界裡,我們何 不是已經從早到晚都以網絡身份去溝通? 藝術家、策展團隊及創作夥伴將於三場「尋找『出

Over the past year, we have faced many unexpected challenges, with rescheduling and cancellations becoming the norm. Rather than taking the risk, we have decided to take back the initiative and go with the flow. Living in the moment means we have to keep up with the times so as to present a distinctive audio-visual art experience to audiences. In 2016 and 2018, the ifva team selected a location in Central, with high-rise buildings as the background overlooking Victoria Harbour, as the outdoor venue for “ifva Carnival”. This year, we will traverse physical and virtual boundaries for the first time and conduct the programme online and offline simultaneously. “FindingEva” is an interactive story on a mobile app, taking the audience back and forth between the real and virtual worlds and in the process of presenting 12 new media art experiences. “You” are a lost property manager, assisting Eva, the protagonist who abandons her physical body, to find something she has lost. People abandoning their physical bodies is a familiar trope in sci-fi movies, but hasn’t it become an everyday reality nowadays, with people communicating with one another using their online identities?

口』的起源」分享會,深入探究這趟全新藝術互動 體驗;並有多節「藝術家,在線等!」Instagram直 播,藝術家與嘉賓及觀眾會作即時對談。 沒有露天大銀幕和電影帳蓬的「人民影院」,換上一 個心理測驗,為觀眾挑選合乎心情的ifva 得獎短片及 動畫。 我們早習慣了在網絡上多按幾下就有外賣美點送到府 上。今年的「光影學堂」也會啟動直送服務,足不出 戶的你也可以享受創作的樂趣。 去年的「48小時短片製作挑戰賽」最終無奈停辦,

Artists, curatorial teams and creative partners will have three sharing sessions entitled “Searching for the Heterotopia” to delve into the inspirations behind this project and to explore this new artistic interactive experience; there will also be several “Book an Artist” Instagram live sessions in which artists conduct real-time conversations with guests and audiences. This edition’s “Film Tent” will not feature open-air screenings and tents, but instead, we will conduct a psychology quiz to select for the audience award-winning ifva short films and animations. We are already very used to ordering food from the internet to be delivered to our homes. Our “Experience Zone” this year will provide order from home service that allows you to experience the joys of creativity.

今年挑戰賽形式不再,除了考慮到各種困難和限制, 更重要的,是在紛擾亂世之中,我們最需要的不再是 競爭的對手,而是同行的夥伴。所以,今年挑戰賽將 由50位動畫創作人協作完成一部短片,延續團隊創 作力量。

ifva Everywhere,不限地方,任何場合。觀眾在哪

Last year’s “48 Hour Film Challenge” was unfortunately cancelled, and this year, due to the many difficulties and restrictions, the challenge will take on a different format, which is fitting considering the fact that living in such trying times, we need like-minded collaborators much more than competitors. This year, the challenge will involve 50 animators who will collaborate on a short film together and in the process realise the power of collaboration.

裡,節目就在哪裡。 ifva Everywhere is not restricted by locations or occasions - our programmes follow wherever the audience goes.



支持機構 SUPPORTING ORGANISATION 灣仔區議會 文化及康體事務委員會 Wan Chai District Council Cultural and Leisure Services Committee








節目及策展團隊 PROGRAMME & CURATORIAL TEAM: 范可琪 Kattie Fan、杜以樂 Tobe To、黎穎珊 Sandy Lai、 鄭慧明 Colin Cheng 、黃銘樂 Danson Wong、黃欣妍 Sammy Wong、倪寶瑤 Bobo Ngai 支援團隊 SUPPORT TEAM: 司徒頌欣 Samantha Szeto、劉麗琪 Kate Lau、 黃家彥 Chloe Wong 延伸活動及「藝術家,在線等!」策劃 EXTENDED PROGRAMME & “BOOK AN ARTIST” CONCEIVED BY: 黃嘉淇 Alice Wong 公關 PUBLIC RELATIONS: 黃錦添 Tim Wong、許熙瑜 Ernest Hui、陳嘉衡 Peggy Chan 編輯 EDITORIAL: 蕭恆 Siu Heng、容康頤 Dominica Yung、杜以樂 Tobe To、黃欣妍 Sammy Wong 應用程式設計 APP DESIGN: 鄭凱韻 Ashley Cheng @ Juicyapp 插畫 ILLUSTRATION: Patpatkate 製作及技術支援 PRODUCTION & TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 製樂所有限公司 Glee Workshop



Future humans in Sci-fi movies have

The future in now.

the body and mind separated.

Have you ever talked to strangers online? How can you be sure that they are human beings?

They no longer sleep,

Or if they are neo-humans

no longer worry about wrinkles,

who exist merely as consciousness?

no longer fear of epidemic. No sickness, no pain, no ageing.

You are a lost property manager. Today you received a request from Eva to search


Escape from the burdens of physical needs.

for an item that is more bizarre than valuable.

Elevate to strive for spiritual satisfaction.

Eventually you are led to this realm of mystery.

1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day +852 6280 2152

Begin your experience 3

Cinematic Playground


城市生活形態每天在變,城中人努力適應之餘,也在努力令城市變得美好一點。十二 個本地藝術單位以創作回應幻變之城,由裝置藝術、聲景旅程等實體經驗,至發展於 虛擬空間的數碼問卦、特長線上直播等,跨越虛實邊界,建構出有別於過往的關係。 City life is in evolution, its people strive to adapt to its changes. A city with multiple layers is eventually in shape. Twelve local art creatives respond to this mutating cosmopolitan through real life experiences like installations and soundscape tours, and virtual adventures such as digital fortunetelling and prolonged online live broadcast. A new kind of bonding is constructed in this realm of mixed-reality.

候鳥 Migratory Birds 候鳥遷徙是大自然的奇蹟。隨着日照時間漸短,黑夜愈長, 和暖豐饒的居所漸入寒冬,候鳥感應家園變成異鄉,不得不 越洋飛行一萬公里以上,遷徙至另一容身之處。本作模仿候 鳥遷徙時的飛行型態,牠們規律地拍動翅膀,飛越汪洋。 Bird migration is a miracle in nature. When daylight shortens and night extends, the originally warm and fertile homeland turns foreign, they would travel ten thousand kilometers to migrate to another place. This work simulates the flying motions of birds on migration. They flip their wings with constant rhythms to cross the oceans. 1 - 30 Nov

12:00 - 22:00

尖沙咀海港城海運觀點 Ocean Terminal Deck, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui

陳家俊 Chan Ka-chun Joseph 陳氏曾學習機械工程學,並畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院。他游 走於工程、科學和藝術之間,在一片廣闊奇特的世界中持續探索。 Joseph Chan was trained in mechanical engineering and graduated from the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong. Travelling across engineering, science and art, he finds an extraordinary world of explorations and imaginations. 延伸活動 Extended Programme 文學回應《候鳥》A Literature Response to Migratory Birds 作家余文翰將以新詩回應作品《候鳥》,並於展覽現場派發,展覽之參與人士可 隨機獲得詩句。

New poems will be written by writer Marvin Yu in response to the work. Different lines of the poems will be distributed randomly to visitors at the exhibition venue.


腳踏投影機 Pedal Power Projector 單車,曾經和人力車並行,比電車更早出現在香港的街道。踏上這 台被視為現代單車始祖的大小輪腳踏車,重溫舊時單車於我城街道 遊走的影像。(特別鳴謝:陳果導演) Bicycles used to co-exist with rickshaws on streets of old Hong Kong prior to trams. Ride on this Penny-farthing, the father of modern bicycles, and travel back in time to cruise down the old streets of the city through moving images. (Special Thanks: Director Fruit Chan) 08:30 - 17:00 (Mon - Fri) 09:00 - 18:00 (Sat & Sun)

1 - 30 Nov

FabCafe Hong Kong 上環新街10號地舖 G/ F, 10 New Street, Sheung Wan

張瑋晉 Cheung Wai-chun Kevin 張瑋晉畢業於香港理工大學主修產品設計,其後投入升級再造 (upcycling) 產品 開發,擅長將一般人眼中的廢料蛻變成耐看、耐用的藝術品和產品。 Kevin Cheung graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in Product Design. He is enthusiastic in developing different upcycling products by turning trash into art pieces and products that are sustainable and durable.

Mood Piano 最早期的電影不會說話,故稱「默片」。樂師會在放映時根據內容, 現場奏出不同風格的音樂。同一段影像,配上截然不同的音樂,可會 變成另一個故事?《Mood Piano》是一座大型手搖音樂盒,左右兩 邊,高音部份奏出愉快旋律,低音部份是恐怖吊詭的音樂。 Early cinema were all “silent films”. Live music accompaniment was adapted to add extra flavours to the films. Will a different story be told if the same images are accompanied by different genres of music? Mood Piano is an enormous hand crank music box with two channels: the treble part which plays light-hearted melodies, and the bass part that plays haunting tunes. 1 - 30 Nov

08:30 - 17:00 (Mon - Fri) 09:00 - 18:00 (Sat & Sun)

FabCafe Hong Kong 上環新街10號地舖 G/ F, 10 New Street, Sheung Wan

林若曦 Lam Yeuk-hei Alize 林若曦畢業於諾丁漢特倫大學時裝設計系,透過利用 「廢物」及循環再造物料,創作各種簡單樂器和玩 具,希望大眾將升級再造融入生活。 Alize Lam graduated from the Department of Fashion Design at Nottingham Trent University. By recycling wasted materials, she has created a whole range of simple musical instruments and toys, hoping the public would apply upcycling in their daily life.


Birds Sing Louder in the City 時代喧囂,提高聲浪的不只是雀鳥。

馮程程(概念、人聲) Vee Leong (Concept, Voice)

《Birds Sing Louder in the City》邀請觀眾於此處與彼



Text-based and intermedia artist.


黎蘊賢(概念) Orlean Lai (Concept)


獨立創意製作人及策劃人,成立orleanlaiproject, 強調「混雜協作」的跨域合作。

In this city of hustle and bustle, not only birds are singing at the top of their lungs. Birds Sing Louder in the City invites audience to walk, listen, speak and be present here and there, to make harmonic screaming and to take the reverberation for their own. Daily resonances, field recordings, voice performances, and sound creations all come together as a call-out to people on the road. 11 - 14 Nov

按登記時間 As registered

中環,路線詳情於登記時公佈 Central, route to be announced upon registration 登記 Registration:


Independent creative producer and curator. She has founded orleanlaiproject to focus on curating hybrid collaborations across arts genre. 共同創作 Developed with 簡僖進 AK Kan, 謝金寶 Kampo Tse, 吳子昆 Ng Tsz-kwan 音響設計 Sound Design 簡僖進 AK Kan 聲線指導 Voice Coach 林伶慧 Cherry Lam 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 香港兆基創意書院 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity

不日常路線 Let it Ride 異托邦客運服務正式開通,由異托邦導賞員接載旅客

麥曦茵 Mak Hei-yan Heiward



合真實統計數據與虛構都市傳說,帶領乘客由現實直 達異托邦。不日營業,只因荒謬每天上映。 The Heterotopia Express is now launched. Tour guides will take our travellers for a ride along an ordinary route to unveil the extraordinary tales. By mixing genuine statistics with fictive urban legends, passengers will breakthrough from reality and dash straight into the heterotopia of complexity. Absurdity never subsides, so we are always in business. 5, 12, 22, 26 Nov

按登記時間 As registered

城市某處,視乎汽車遊走路線而定 Somewhere in town, as the car strolls around 登記 Registration:

色組成群像,透露青年與成人之間的矛盾與精神面 貌。 Hong Kong film director and scriptwriter, her productions are always dominated with multiple narratives and characters to tell the differences and mentalities of youth and adults. 異托邦導賞員 Heterotopia Tour Guide 岑珈其 Sham Ka-ki 香港演員,主演多部本地電影及電視劇集。 Hong Kong actor who leads in several local films and TV dramas. 張進翹 Manson Cheung 香港演員,同時亦參與影像配樂及音樂創作。 Hong Kong actor, film composer and singer-songwriter.


聖彼得的壁櫥 St. Peter’s Cupboard 作品一如眾生,有出生的月日時辰。它的降生受天

葉文華 Yip Man-wah Mick



般來說,一個月只有一次月圓。2020年11月,在特 定日子的晚上,於特定地點仰望天空,你將同時看 到兩個月亮。 This work is born on a particular date, just as all beings do. Its birth is determined by the power of the astronomical objects which reflects its fate and character. There would only be one full moon each month, usually. In November 2020, on particular dates and in a specific place, look up and two full moons will be seen. 月圓時刻表將於11月在 ifva Facebook專頁及Instagram帳號公佈 Full moon timetable to be announced in November via ifva Facebook and Instagram account


我小強。2002年畢業於香港城市大學創意媒體學院, 接觸新媒體前修讀應用物理學。 People who work with me call me Mick; I create in the name of Yip Man-wah; my childhood friends call me Siu Keung. Graduated from the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong in 2002. Yip studied applied physics prior to that. 延伸活動 Extended Programme 星聲月影 A Sound Journey: The City Has Turned Upside Down 詳情請參閱本冊子第 21頁。

For more details please refer to P.21 of this brochure.

聽海電車 Tramwaves 聽說,在二十年代,坐電車沿着港島北岸行走時,會

郭達麟 Dylan Kwok



你會碰上一位彷彿來自上世紀二十年代的探險家,幻 想一列沿海行走的電車,依稀回顧消失了的海岸線。

介入空間的問題。 Dylan Kwok is a designer, a maker and a communicator. He likes to intervene public space in whimsical manner.

Do you know that we could hear the waves when riding on trams in Hong Kong back in the 1920s? Travelling along the northern tracks, you may encounter a fellow passenger, dressed in the attire of an explorer of the last century, viewing the shoreline as if it was nearby. 4, 14, 21, 28 Nov

由朝到晚 Morning & afternoon

堅尼地城至筲箕灣,沿電車路線來回遊走 Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, along tram route

延伸活動 Extended Programme 「泊岸」導賞團 “Docking” Guided Tour 藝術家導賞員劉學成將為參加者講舊故、話從前,介紹西上環一帶的 老香港軼事。

This guided tour will be led by local artist Hanison Lau, who will be the storyteller to take participants to walk along some historical streets in Sai Wan and Sheung Wan and share their relevant historical tales. 14 Nov

10:30 / 17:30

堅尼地城電車總站 Kennedy Town Terminus 登記 Registration: 活動約長1.5小時,適合15歲或以上人士參與。 Activity runs for about 1.5 hours. Suitable for participants aged 15 or above.


ONLY3MATTERS 一台由數據推動的印刷裝置,

a data driven generative art print installation,


a live stream,


a digitalisation of traditional Fu Ji (spirit writing),


a blessing without blessing,


a free art print,


a message encrypted into graphic,


a brand new world after years of ideology. 鄭智禮 Chilai Howard 鄭智禮,混合媒體藝術工作者,畢業於香港城市 大學創意媒體學院(批判性跨媒體實驗室)及香港科 技大學(創意傳播),不斷研究,探索及體驗不同的 藝術媒介。 Chilai Howard is a Hong Kong mixed - media art worker graduated from the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong (Critical Intermedia Laboratory) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Creative Communication), who loves to explore speculative affairs and experience different artistic media. 1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day

LoopOut Radio




空間。《LoopOut Radio》以 YouTube直播頻道播放動

Digital spirit writing takes place in specific time slot


with daily quota. Please refer to website for details.

屏幕畫面延伸至平行世界,寓言般記錄結局;場景跟 細節串連,時間空間隨即交疊,構成另一種故事線。 In this twisted city, the only realness may lie within the fantasy behind cameras. LoopOut Radio is an amination YouTube live stream that runs indefinitely to investigate the realness beyond such “live broadcast”. Images are extended from screens to a parallel universe where the ending is recorded like a fable. Temporal and spatial elements like sets and details overlap which give birth to a new narrative. 崔嘉曦 Tsui Ka-hei Haze 崔嘉曦,與弟弟組成崔氏兄弟,專注多媒體創作,身兼監製、 動畫導演、作者、視覺藝術家。現為《離騷幻覺》電影動畫之 監製及《奶茶通俗學》系列導演。 Haze Tsui, the elder of The Tsui Brothers, focuses on crossmedia projects. Producer, animation director, author and visual artist. Now working as the producer of Dragon’s Delusion and director of the Milktealogy animation series.


1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day LoopOut Radio

床上的賽車場 The Car Race on the Bed 疫情當下,家中一切物件幻化成一個又一個地形,

黃進曦 Wong Chun-hei Stephen



好的被鋪,高低起伏的褶皺想像成虛擬賽車遊戲的 地景,利用攝影加上電腦繪圖,睡房將有一場賽事 展開。 During the pandemic, domestic objects turn into imaginary landscapes on Instagram. The folds of bedsheet and unfolded duvet give form to the landscape of a virtual car race video game, which with a combination of photography and computer rendering turns the bedroom into a race track. 延伸活動 Extended Programme 「尋找微空間」攝影工作坊 “In Search of Micro-space” Photography Workshop 香港藝術家賴朗騫將帶領參加者運用「微觀察」的方法,觀看這座 城市,並體驗攝影的另一種可能。

專注香港郊野寫生,描繪人與自然之間的角力和共 存。 Stephen Wong graduated from the Department of Art of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008. His recent works focus on local countryside sketching which depicts the wrestling and coexistence of men and nature. 1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day @carraceonbed

15 Nov

10:30 / 14:30

咕嚕館 glue Wan Chai 灣仔電氣街1號1A舖 Shop 1A, 1 Electric Street, Wan Chai 登記 Registration:

Hong Kong artist Lai Lon-hin will introduce the method of “microobservation” to look at the city and explore the possibilities of photography. 活動約長1.5小時,適合15歲或以上人士參與。 Activity runs for about 1.5 hours. Suitable for participants aged 15 or above.


When you are being alone... 「獨處」是一個人困在一個空間裡的時間,在這個

鄧學麟 Tang Hok-lun Cyrus



麼?作品收集受訪者獨處時聽見或出現於腦海的聲 音,經分析轉化成圖像,於Instagram結集成一份關 於「獨處」的聲音影像拼貼。

Noisy Miner,繼續探索聲音更多的可能性。 Cyrus Tang, Hong Kong sound designer for motion picture and video. With his own workshop Noisy Miner, he explores the possibility of sound in an image

Being alone can be seen as the time when one’s trapped in a space. What would be the sound that one could hear in such condition? And what would be the images that emerged in mind? A collection of interviews on the sounds and images of “being alone” is gathered, and analysed through a computer programme to transform into graphics, which give birth to a sound and image collage of “being alone” on Instagram.

oriented society. 1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day @whenbeingalone

延伸活動 Extended Programme 「聽聽畫畫-我看聲音」工作坊 “Draw the Sound” Workshop 由導師黃嘉淇帶領下,5至10歲小觀眾及家長將把室內及室外的聆聽經驗轉化成圖像創作。活動約長1小時。 Led by tutor Alice Wong, kids aged 5 to 10 and their parents will participate in an outdoor and indoor listening experience and the observations will then be transformed into graphic creations. Activity runs for 1 hour. 8 Nov

10:30 / 14:30 香港藝術中心何鴻章排練室 Eric Hotung Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre

登記 Registration:

尋物啟事 / 線 索 / 逃離

LOST / CLUES / ESCAPE 三組動畫創作貫穿《出口等》互動故事旅程的宇 宙,在異世界中尋找失去之物。《尋物啟事》為故 事 揭 開 序 幕 ;《 線 索 》 展 示 藝 術 家 對 異 空 間 的 想 像;《逃離》出現在旅程最終章,揭示主角的一段 過去。 The artist creates three animation works to complete the universe of interactive story FindingEva, where the lost would be found in the end. LOST leads to the opening of the story; CLUES is a showcase of the artist’s imaginative universe; ESCAPE reveals the past of the protagonist towards the end of the journey. 何慧君 Ho Wai-kwan Jun

1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day

在《出口等》互動故事旅程內(詳情參閱本冊子第3頁) Embedded in FindingEva (For details please refer to P.3 of this brochure)

何慧君,畢業於香港理工大學設計學院數碼媒體設計系。現 於華納唱片公司(香港)任Creative Executive。 Jun Ho graduated from the School of Design of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in Digital Media Design. Currently works as Creative Executive at Warner Music Hong Kong.


藝術家,在線等!Book An Artist Instagram Live 藝術家將於Instagram Live回答嘉賓提問,同時開放觀眾留言,作即時線上互


動導賞!藝術家、嘉賓及直播時間等節目詳情,請參閱本冊子封底時間表。 Artists will answer questions from collaborating guests and audience in each instagram Live session. Join us at these instant online interactive guided tours! For line-up details, please refer to the timetable on the back of this booklet.

「尋找『出口』的起源」藝術家分享 “Searching for the Heterotopia” Artist Sharing 一場結合虛擬地域與實體空間的混合實境媒體藝術嘉年華究竟是怎樣誕生 的?參與創作的藝術家以及一眾合作單位,將以實體分享會談談這場藝術

現場參與 On-site Participation 登記 Registration:

互動體驗,分享會將同步於網上直播。 How did this mixed reality media art festival come into shape? Participating artists and collaborating parties will talk about their experience in sharing sessions that welcome audience to join on location and via online live.

網上直播 Online Live ifva



Artworks that Flow Along the Streets of the City

Reconstructing Experiences: Virtual and Reality

委約藝術家 Commissioned Artists

委約藝術家 Commissioned Artists

Space Making

麥曦茵 Heiward Mak

《不日常路線》Let it Ride

崔嘉曦 Haze Tsui

LoopOut Radio

郭達麟 Dylan Kwok


鄭智禮 Chilai Howard


馮程程 Vee Leong

Birds Sing Louder in the City

黎蘊賢 Orlean Lai

Birds Sing Louder in the City

主持 Moderator 黃宇軒 Sampson Wong

城市研究學者 Urban Studies Scholar

主持 Moderator 黃宇軒 Sampson Wong

6 Nov


溫室旺角店 Desk-one Mong Kok 旺角山東街47-51號中僑商業大廈23樓 23/F, 47-51 Shantung Street, Mong Kok

城市研究學者 Urban Studies Scholar

8 Nov


FabCafe Hong Kong 上環新街10號地舖 G/F, 10 New Street, Sheung Wan

策一場跨越真實虛擬的藝術節 Sculpt a Mixed Reality Media Art Festival 合作夥伴 Collaborative Parties 鄭正宇 Chris Cheng @ Juicyapp

《出口等》及人民影院概念開發 FindingEva and Film Tent Concept Development

陳永鍵 Vincent Chan @ Juicyapp

《出口等》及人民影院數碼策略 FindingEva and Film Tent Digital Solution

李凱儀 Alice Lee @ StoryTeller

《出口等》故事創作 FindingEva Narrative Creation

楊禮豪 Lio Yeung @ Young and Innocent

ifva影像嘉年華視覺主題設計 Art Direction of ifva Carnival

委約藝術家 Commissioned Artist 何慧君 Jun Ho

主持 Moderator 范可琪 Kattie Fan 8 Nov

《尋物啟事/ 線 索/ 逃離》LOST/ CLUES/ ESCAPE ifva 總監 ifva Director 16:30

FabCafe Hong Kong 上環新街10號地舖 G/F, 10 New Street, Sheung Wan


Film Tent 人民影院 劇情荒誕離奇、翻天覆地、震盪連連的「現實世界2020」轉眼來到第四季。回顧過 去三季,又越過高山又越過谷,大家應該成長了不少。由ifva特設之「人民影院:睇 片?睇心情!」心理測驗,除了揭露你在逆境與亂世中的隱藏情緒和生活態度,更會 為你推薦最貼近心情之ifva得獎短片及動畫作品。睇戲,真可解千愁也。 The most dramatic, catastrophic, and shocking “Real World 2020” has come to its fourth season, in a blink of an eye. We have buckled up to take the ride over the past three seasons, which certainly enriched our personal growth, in all sense. ifva has designed this “Film Tent: Films for your Mood” personality quiz, not only you could take a good look at your inner emotions, a wide range of ifva award-winning short films and animations would be recommended in accordance to your heart. Moving images do heal broken souls. 1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day

觀照 Behind the Schoolbag 彩色 Col / 9’ 30” / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十一屆ifva比賽動畫組金獎 The 21st ifva Awards Animation Category Gold Award

《觀照》是一個關於救贖自己的故事。阿舜 在成長中曾經受過傷害,他為求自保,便封 閉自己的心靈,與周圍的人保持距離。要懂 得自我治療,才能活在當下。

Behind the Schoolbag is a story about salvation of oneself. Shun has experienced painful days during his youth, so he deliberately keeps a distance from others. Only through self-therapy can one live a life at present. 何振宇 Ho Chun-yu 何振宇,動畫創作人,現為INTOXIC STUDIO動畫導演。《觀照》曾 於法國安錫國際動畫影展、法國克萊蒙費朗短片節等放映。 Ho Chun-yu, animation creator, currently works as the animation director of INTOXIC STUDIO. Behind the Schoolbag was officially selected by Annecy Animation Festival, Animac, Clermont Film Festival, etc.


寂靜無光的地方 Leave Them High and Dry 彩色 Col / 30’ 00” / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十一屆ifva比賽公開組入圍作品 The 21st ifva Awards Open Category Finalist

「要讓融合教育的學生與我們在同一條起跑 線開始。」但制度卻從一開始就帶頭欺侮他 們。新人陳老師負責融合教育的特殊學童, 由師資培訓、資源調配到實際成效,他一直 存疑但從不過問,直到爆發校園欺凌,才見 識到這制度邪惡至極。

Inclusive education is meant to cater for students with special education needs (SEN), but the system itself is bullying SEN students. New teacher Mr. Chan, assigned to take care of SEN students, has doubts but never speaks up. Not until the outbreak of bullying on campus that he realises how evil the system is.

黃飛鵬 Wong Fei-pang 黃飛鵬,獨立電影導演,導演作品《冬蟬》為第三十五屆香港電影金 像獎最佳電影《十年》(2015) 其中一個短篇,監製作品則有港、日、 韓合拍電影《落葉殺人事件》(2019)。 Wong Fei-pang, independent film director. His directorial short film Season of the End is part of the 35th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Picture Ten Years. He is the producer of The Murder of Oiso (2019), a Hong Kong, Japan and Korea co-production feature.


眼袋 Eye Bags 彩色 Col / 5’ 45” / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十二屆ifva比賽動畫組銀獎 The 22nd ifva Awards Animation Category Silver Award

透過獨白,塔利亞分享了她患有慢性失眠症 的故事。她一直都不知道是甚麼原因引致失 眠。她最後結識了一條住在她眼袋裏的金魚 阿金。她們之間展開了一段微妙有趣的關 係。

Through the monologue, Talia tells her experience of having a chronic insomnia problem. She does not know the reasons that cause this problem and eventually she meets Ah Gum, the goldfish who lives in her eye bags. They develop an interesting relationship. 何慧君 Ho Wai-kwan Jun 何慧君,畢業於香港理工大學設計學院數碼媒體設計系。《眼袋》 獲2017辛丹斯電影節:香港短片比賽評審團大獎,亦為2018辛丹斯 電影節 Animation Spotlight 競賽作品。現於華納唱片公司(香港)任 Creative Executive。 Jun Ho graduated from the School of Design of Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in Digital Media Design. Eye Bags was awarded Jury Award at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival: Hong Kong Short Film Competition, and was in competition at 2018 Sundance Film Festival Animation Spotlight. Currently works as Creative Executive at Warner Music Hong Kong.

積雲 Piled Cloud 彩色 Col / 25’ 53” / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十三屆ifva比賽公開組銀獎 The 23rd ifva Awards Open Category Silver Award

從前出海行船的林冬已經退休,家人也不在 了。一個人的生活,就像個異鄉人一樣。一 天,從北京來港讀電影的鄭洋分租了林冬家 的一間房。自此,林冬家裡住了另一個異鄉

Ex-sailor Lam Dong has retired and lives alone in the city like an outsider. He sub-lets his apartment to Zheng Yang, a film student from Beijing. Since then, there seems to be a foreigner living in Dong’s apartment.

人。 黃勺嫚 Wong Cheuk-man 黃勺嫚,生於香港。憑《積雲》獲第11屆鮮浪潮國際短片節最佳編 劇,並入圍第四十七屆法國克萊蒙國際短片節國際競賽組。 Wong Cheuk-man was born in Hong Kong. Piled Cloud was awarded Best Script at the 11th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival, and competed at the 47th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival International Competition Category.


一毛所有 Kin’s Hair 彩色 Col / 5’ 51” / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十四屆ifva比賽動畫組金獎 The 24th ifva Awards Animation Category Gold Award

講述堅叔與他僅有的一條頭髮,並以堅叔的 脫髮過程,帶出香港過往廿年的大小事回 憶。最後在自我釋懷下,堅叔把自己珍而重 之的頭髮捨棄。

This film depicts the story of Kin and his one remaining hair. Through the process of Kin’s hair loss, the story brings out many major and minor incidents in Hong Kong over the past 20 years. Having achieved some kind of release, Kin gets rid of his one treasured hair. 陳冠聰、鄭思蘊、王子妍 Chan Kwun-chung, Chang See-wan, Wong Tsz-yin 畢業於香港公開大學,主修動畫及視覺效果。他們的創作幽默而歡 樂,並以喜劇手法書寫日常。 Graduated from The Open University of Hong Kong, majoring in Animation and Visual Effects. Humorous and optimistic, their works engage a comedic style and integrate daily life scenarios.

香城幸存者 Survival HK 彩色 Col / 7’ 06” / 英語對白,英文字幕 In English with English subtitles 第二十五屆ifva比賽動畫組特別表揚 The 25th ifva Awards Animation Category Special Mention

颱風吹襲期間,小課室內正在舉行英文聆聽 測驗。學生努力保持專注,思緒卻在錄音內 外遊走。

An English listening test takes place in a small classroom while a typhoon rages outside. Students struggle to keep their eyes on the test paper. 包靖怡 Louise Pau 包靖怡,香港動畫藝術家,作品曾於多個國際動畫節參展。她的創作 是一場與後殖民主義及權力結構轉移的搏鬥


Louise Pau is a moving image artist from Hong Kong. Her works have been screened at different animation festivals around the world. Her works grapple with post-colonialism and shifting power structures — a daily reality for a Hong Konger.


獅語 Lionverse 彩色及黑白 Col & B&W / 3’ 27” / 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles 第二十五屆ifva比賽動畫組入圍作品 The 25th ifva Awards Animation Category Finalist

60年 代 香 港 , 一 個 「 賺 得 一 蚊 得 一 蚊 」 的 年代,獅子山精神是大家努力「一蚊一蚊」 地慢慢儲起來,盼望有天得到回報。下一代 開始成長,大家不再共同努力,而是自食其 力,獅子山精神逐漸被遺忘、分解⋯⋯

Hong Kong in the 1960s was an “each penny counts” era. The Lion Rock spirit represents the “bit by bit” collective effort, hoping one day would pay off. While the next generation is growing up, they no longer work collectively but rather they make a living on their own. The Lion Rock spirit is gradually forgotten and broken down. 莫震熙 Mok Chun-hei 莫震熙,香港城市大學創意媒體學院一級榮譽學位畢業,主修動畫, Spicy Banana Creations創辦人。曾參與製作不同類型之廣告、電影、 展覽及藝術創作。 Mok Chun-hei graduated from the School of Creative Media of City University of Hong Kong with first class honour majoring in Animation, founder of Spicy Banana Creations. He has participated in different types of creative works such as advertisements, films, exhibitions and artworks.

Little Thinks 彩色 Col / 5’ 01” / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十五屆ifva比賽動畫組評審推薦 The 25th ifva Awards Animation Category Jury Recommendation

動畫以影像為詩,道出「從不同視點看世 事,自會有不同解讀」的道理。多享受生活 的有趣瞬間,多欣賞他人的優點。

Little Thinks is a visual poem that illustrates the teaching that everything can be seen differently from different perspectives. Enjoy every interesting moment in life, and appreciate the good in every person. 張小踏 Step Cheung 張小踏生於香港,於紐約、巴黎、加拿大先後主修插畫及動畫製作。 作品充滿奇幻,人際關係是常見母題。 Step Cheung studied in New York, Paris and Canada majoring in illustration and character animation. Her works are filled with fantasy with human relationships being the ultimate motif.


一 一 Ward 11 彩色及黑白 Col & B&W / 16’ 00” / 粵語及英語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese and English with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十五屆ifva比賽公開組銀獎 The 25th ifva Awards Open Category Silver Award

《一 一》講述了不論在夢中或現實,長久相 伴抑或永遠分離的狀態。白無瑕的床單下, 捕捉一對舞伴的影子,穿越艱險的旅程。情 人躺著一動不動,彼此輕聲細語、聆聽對 方,即使在最枯燥乏味時,愛的絮語、對話 和笑聲從未止息。

Aloneness is not the same as being lonely. Lying beneath the white sheets, Ward 11 holds the tale of forbidden love, unconditional love, in dreams and in reality, always together forever apart. Tracing and arresting a dance couple’s shadows, encountering the dance, trekking the terrains of their adventures. Lying motionless in Ward 11, the lovers listen, whisper, even at the dullest moments, words of love, conversations continue to flow, and laughter fills the ward. 曾翠珊 Tsang Tsui-shan 2012香港電影金像獎最佳新晉導演,作品多以人文關懷視點出發。由 2008年起先後完成長片《戀人路上》、《大藍湖》、《河上變村》等 得獎作品。電影新作《非分熟女》於2019年上映。 As the Best New Director of the Hong Kong Film Award 2012, Tsang Tsui-shan’s works demonstrates her care for humanity. She has made award-winning feature films such as Lovers On the Road, Big Blue Lake and Flowing Stories starting from 2008. Her latest film The Lady Improper was released in 2019.

世外 Another World 彩色 Col / 14’ 01” / 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles 第二十五屆ifva比賽動畫組金獎 The 25th ifva Awards Animation Category Gold Award

在陰間,從來沒有必然發生的事,這就是無 常。

In the underworld, nothing is meant to happen. This is impermanence. 吳啟忠 Ng Kai-chung Tommy 吳啟忠,香港動畫導演,先後創作《逆石譚》及《長不高的孩子》等 得獎作品。2017年為本地電影《今晚打喪屍》創作動畫。最新作品《 世外》於第21回DigiCon6 ASIA大賞中奪得最高殊榮DigiCon6 ASIA Grand Prize。 Ng Kai-chung Tommy, Hong Kong animation director with awardwinning animation shorts such as Tale of Rebellious Stone and Shear Marks. In 2017, he devoted his animation craft for Hong Kong movie Zombiology: Enjoy Yourself Tonight. Another World was awarded ASIA Grand Prize at the 21st DigiCon6 ASIA Award.


Experience Zone 當熟悉的城市以不曾見過的模樣呈現於眼前,不如落手落 腳,將城市與其中的人記錄下來。 以下三款影像教具,由三組本地藝術創作人設計及開發, 開放予公眾分享。數量有限,每人可登記索取一套。


When the city no longer looks familiar, why not join us to create a record of her and the people inside? Here are three sets of education tool kit designed and developed by three groups of local art creatives. Each audience would be eligible for one set.

登記索取 Registration and Redeem:

《獨後感》手翻書 Book Reveals Flip Book


李柏誼 Lee Pak-yee Aggie



的書了嗎?認識到自己鮮為人知的另一面了嗎?《獨後感》手翻書給你選 擇,讓你發揮想像小宇宙,做自己的作家! Reading is a torture of one’s own. Local artist Aggie Lee shared the same view until she encountered Chien Mu, Xi Xi and Chekhov, from those works she realised that books could be full of humour, imagination and reflection. Have you encountered your favourite book yet? Did you get to know the other self inside you? Book Reveals is a flip book set that lets you create your own story. 20

畫藝術影響,尚在遊戲中學習。 Aggie Lee, born in Hong Kong in 1989, is deeply influenced by Eastern European culture and its animation history. She is now stretching herself to build her playground.

《画時代》手作神奇暗箱 Upside Down Contemporary Camera Obscura 《画時代》的概念,源於15世紀藝術家用作繪畫的輔助工具—「暗箱」 (Camera Obscura),它亦是現代照相機的前身。光線透過鏡片折射出顛倒 城市的影像,讓我們以筆勾勒出時代的真相。

Upside Down was originated from the camera obscura – an assisting tool for painters in the 15th century, which is also the predecessor of modern cameras. Light beams enter the machine through the lens, and are refracted to form an upside down image of the city. With this in hand, we could outline the truth of our era.

盧煒麟、吳啟忠 Lo Wai-lun Alan, Ng Kai-chung Tommy 盧煒麟,香港電影導演, 吳啟忠,香港動畫導演。 Alan Lo, local film director. Tommy Ng, local animator.

延伸活動 Extended Programme 星聲月影 A Sound Journey: The City has Turned Upside Down 劇作人石俊傑邀請觀眾帶着《画時代》手作神奇暗箱,來到葉文華的裝置作品 《聖彼得的壁櫥》前,傾聽他的故事,察看到底是這座城市倒轉了,還是我們一 直對她有所誤解,從來看到的都只是她的倒影。 Playwright Shek Chun-kit invites audience to bring along their Upside Down Contemporary Camera Obscura to visit Yip Man-wah’s installation St.Peter’s Cupboard, where stories about the city will be told. It is left for the audience to rethink whether it is the city that has turned upside down, or we have always been merely looking at her reflections.

按登記之日期、時間及場地 According to registered date, time and venue 登記 Registration: 活動以粵語進行,每節約長30分鐘。適合12歲或以 上人士參加。 Activity would be conducted in Cantonese, each session runs for approximately 30 minutes. Suitable for participants aged 12 or above.

《聖彼得的壁櫥》作品詳情,請參閱本冊子第8頁。 For more details on St.Peter’s Cupboard, please refer to P.8 of this brochure. 文本創作 Creative Writing: 石俊傑 Shek Chun-kit


《Stop & Move》流動定格動畫箱 Stop & Move Stop-motion Animation Toolbox

黃照達 Wong Chiu-tat, Justin

Justin Wong, political comic writer who received his BA (Fine Arts) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2007, he started creating comics and illustrations for newspapers and magazines.

黃照達,政治漫畫家。畢業於香港中文大 學藝術系。2007年起替報章及雜誌創作 漫畫及插圖。

《Stop & Move》是一個製作定格動畫的工具箱,適合任 何人使用。工具箱內除了一些尋常物料如鐵線、泥膠等, 工具箱本身亦可化作小型攝影棚。一眾新手定格動畫創作 人,可妙用簡單的物料和工具,製作出不同角色,亦可因

《Stop & Move》定格動畫工作坊 Stop & Move Stop-motion Animation Workshop 藝術家黃照達將指導參加者運用《Stop & Move》工具箱創作獨特 的定格動畫。由人物角色及外型創作到場景設計,至即場使用定格




Justin Wong will lead this tutorial on how to produce a personal

Stop & Move is the essential toolbox for making stopmotion animation, suitable for all. The toolbox includes ordinary materials such as wire and clay, while the toolbox itself serves as a mini studio. All amateur stopmotion animators can create their wire puppets with these simple materials and tools, and enrich their story by adding visual elements and backgrounds. By using a special filming mobile phone app, you can now shoot your own stop-motion animation. 22

延伸活動 Extended Programme

stop-motion animation by using the Stop & Move toolbox. From character creation and scenario design to onsite shooting, it will be an intensive class that you do not want to miss. 22 Nov

12:00 / 15:00 / 17:00 香港藝術中心何鴻章排練室 Eric Hotung Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre

登記 Registration:

創作一個有生命的角色,承載着的,除了是一種個性、一 種態度,更重要是賦予了與角色相應的靈魂。無論是昂首 闊步,還是踽踽而行,本地動畫角色走過的每一步,都是 一眾創作人在創作路上的軌跡。 今年「48小時短片 製作挑戰賽 ( 動畫 ) 」連結 50位活躍 的香港動畫創作人,一同挑戰極限,以「秘密房間」為 框架,聯手製作一齣本土原創動畫短片。挑戰賽由動畫 師張小踏制定創作大綱,並擔任後期製作合成的監督指 導。ifva更邀請到本地獨立樂隊RubberBand為動畫創作 歌曲,輕快旋律陪伴眾人踏上路途。動畫師各自在狹小房 間中,一筆一線埋首創作,在動畫世界裡,角色總會步履 不停,邁步馳騁。

Personalities, attitudes, and most important of all, souls, are the elements that bring characters to life. For every step, be it huge or small, made by local animation characters on screen, they also actually walk in the footsteps of their creators. This year’s Jockey Club ifva Everywhere 48 Hour Film Challenge (Animation) gathers 50 active local animators to co-create an original animation short film in the framework of “secret room”. Animator Step Cheung will design the creative outline, and work as the post-production director. ifva has also invited local indie band RubberBand to compose for the animation as the touring background music along the road of creation. While animators usually work alone in their own tiny space, their characters never stop taking their next step in the world of animation.

完整動畫將於11月公開放映。敬請留意 ifva 最新公佈。 The animation will be screened in November. Stay tuned for more details.


ifva ifva,前名為「香港獨立短片及錄像比賽」,於

ifva, formerly the Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video


Awards, was founded by the Hong Kong Arts Centre in 1995. Over


the years, ifva has established itself as Asia’s pioneering force in


short film, animation and media arts, by providing a unique and professional platform for Hong Kong and Asian creative talents to

年度項目包括以專業性見稱的「ifva獨立短片及 影像媒體比賽」及每年三月舉行的「ifva獨立短 片及影像媒體節」,ifva亦舉辦一系列延伸節目, 包括從學術角度出發的「CINEMA 2.0媒體藝術 展覽」、捍衛多元文化的「影像無國界」、旨在普 及影像藝術的「賽馬會 ifva Everywhere」,以及 推廣影像教育的社區及學校巡迴放映等,涵蓋藝 術以至普及層面,致力承傳影像文化及獨立創作 精神。

unite, exchange and promote their works.

With the aims to promote short film and media arts and defend independent creative spirit, every year, in addition to the professionally renowned ifva Awards and ifva Festival, ifva also organises a series of extended programmes including the followings: “CINEMA 2.0” media arts exhibition examines different subject matters at the intersection of arts, culture, technology and society; “All About Us” celebrates diversity and the creative voices of young people from the ethnic minority backgrounds; “Jockey Club ifva Everywhere” makes film and media arts accessible to people from all walks of life; and Community and School Tour encourages students to experience and appreciate different media art forms. ifva

香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 彰顯多元藝術 薈萃創意靈感

The relevant destination for arts and


HKAC is a multi-arts centre that fosters artistic exchanges locally


and internationally, bringing the most forward creations to Hong


Kong and showcasing homegrown talents abroad.

中心更是本地唯一獨立自主的非牟利多元藝術機 構,一直致力鼓勵、推廣創意,竭力促進本地與 國際的藝術交流;透過舉辦不同形式的藝術活動 及跨界合作,把香港和世界聯繫起來。

creative inspirations in Hong Kong

HKAC stimulates innovation and promotes creativity. Being Hong Kong’s only independent non-profit multi-arts institution, HKAC offers exhibitions, screenings and performances, connecting the arts of Hong Kong to the rest of the world through programmes and collaborations.


Come to HKAC to experience, appreciate, learn and be inspired


by arts. Hong Kong Arts Centre

誠邀曾參與 / 及參觀是次影像嘉年華之藝術作品及體驗的觀眾,填寫網上問卷,留下您的寶貴意見! Audience who have joined / and visited our artworks and experiences, you are invited to fill out the questionnaire and share your thoughts with us!


Event Schedule 活動一覽 作品/活動 Artwork/Activity

日期 Date

時間 Time

場域 Site

1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day

WhatsApp: 62802152

互動故事旅程 Interactive Story 出口等 FindingEva 互動藝術展影場 Cinematic Playground 床上的賽車場 The Car Race On The Bed

Instagram: @carraceonbed

When you are being alone… LoopOut Radio

Instagram: @whenbeingalone 1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day

Embedded in FindingEva


候鳥 Migratory Birds Mood Piano

腳踏投影機 Pedal Power Projector 12:00 - 22:00

1 - 30 Nov

08:30 - 17:00 (Mon to Fri) 09:00 - 18:00 (Sat & Sun)

FabCafe Hong Kong 上環新街10 號地舖 G/F, 10 New Street, Sheung Wan



Morning & afternoon

Kennedy Town to Shau Kei Wan, along tram route

4, 14, 21, 28 Nov

不日常路線 Let it Ride

5, 12, 22, 26 Nov

聖彼得的壁櫥 St. Peter’s Cupboard


1 - 30 Nov

聽海電車 Tramwaves

Birds Sing Louder in the City

YouTube: LoopOut Radio



11 - 14 Nov

Ocean Terminal Deck, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui

城市某處,視乎汽車遊走路線而定 按登記時間

Somewhere in town, as the car strolls around

As registered

中環,路線詳情於登記時公佈 Central, route to be announced upon registration

月圓時刻表將於 11 月在 ifva Facebook 專頁及 Instagram 帳號公佈

Full moon timetable to be announced in November via ifva Facebook and Instagram account

延伸活動 Extended Programme 文學回應《候鳥》 A Literature Response to Migratory Birds

「聽聽畫畫–我看聲音」工作坊 “Draw the Sound” Workshop

「泊岸」導賞團 “Docking” Guided Tour 「尋找微空間」攝影工作坊 “In Search of Micro-space” Photography Workshop


1 - 30 Nov

12:00 - 22:00

8 Nov (Sun)

10:30 / 14:30


14 Nov (Sat)

10:30 / 17:30

堅尼地城電車總站 Kennedy Town Terminus

15 Nov (Sun)

10:30 / 14:30

咕嚕館 glue Wan Chai 灣仔電氣街 1 號 1A 舖

Ocean Terminal Deck, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui Eric Hotung Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre

Shop 1A, 1 Electric Street, Wan Chai

藝術家,在線等!“Book an Artist” Instagram Live 馮程程、黎蘊賢 x 黃溢濠 Vee Leong, Orlean Lai x Yatho Wong

12 Nov (Thu)

麥曦茵 x 黃溢濠 Heiward Mak x Yatho Wong 崔嘉曦 x 周小龍 Haze Tsui x Herbert Chow

22:30 - 23:00 20 Nov (Fri)

張瑋晉、林若曦 x 小朋友觀眾 Kevin Cheung, Alize Lam x Kiddo audience

21 Nov (Sat)

陳家俊 x 小朋友觀眾 Joseph Chan x Kiddo audience 黃進曦 Stephen Wong x COME INSIDE 鄧學麟 Cyrus Tang x COME INSIDE

20:00 - 20:30

22:00 - 22:30 12:00 - 12:30

Instagram: @ifva_hk

14:00 - 14:30 22 Nov (Sun)

22:00 - 22:30 22:30 - 23:00

「尋找『出口』的起源」藝術家分享會 “Searching for the Heterotopia” Artist Sharing 於城市流動的藝術創作 Artworks that Flow Along the Streets of the City

6 Nov (Fri)

經驗的重構:在實體與虛擬之間 Reconstructing Experiences: Virtual and Reality Space Making


19:30 14:30

8 Nov (Sun) 16:30

Sculpt a Mixed Reality Media Art Festival

溫室旺角店 Desk - one Mong Kok 山東街 47- 51 號 23 樓 23/ F, 47-51 Shantung Street FabCafe Hong Kong 上環新街10 號地舖 G/F, 10 New Street, Sheung Wan

人民影院 Film Tent 十部得獎 ifva 短片及動畫

Ten award-winning ifva short films and animations

1 - 30 Nov

全日 All day

光影學堂 Experience Zone 《獨後感》手翻書 /《画時代》手作神奇暗箱 / 《Stop & Move 》流動定格動畫箱 Book Reveals Flip Book / Upside Down Contemporary Camera Obscura / Stop & Move Stop - motion Animation Toolbox

全天候派發 On demand all month

星聲月影 A Sound Journey

按登記之日期、時間及場地 According to registered date, time and venue

The City Has Turned Upside Down

《Stop & Move 》定格動畫工作坊 Stop & Move Stop - motion Animation Workshop

活動將於11月1日起於 開放予公眾登記。 Registration starts on 1 Nov at

22 Nov (Sun)

12:00 / 15:00 / 17:00

香港藝術中心何鴻章排練室 Eric Hotung Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre

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