Cabo Marine Guide

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Fall Winter 2007/08


Baja Sur Sportfishing Means Business


CMG Interwiew


Los Cabos Maps


2007-2008 Sportfishing Tournaments


Marina Services Guide


Cabo Golf Courses


Sport & Activities Guide


Cabo Dive Sites


Shopping & Dining Guide


Marina Golden Zone


UpSouth Cup 2007


La Paz Maps


Hotel & Resort Guide


Baja Rewind


Managing Editor Sergio Igartua Contributing Editors Richard Archer Daniella Coria Art Director Marty Olver Designer Guillermo de Lara Photography Sigi Pablo Pineda Geno Perches Contact Cell 624 122 39 03 / 624 147 72 97 LOS CABOS MEXICO

Two All Rights Reserved. Cabo Marine Guide is a registered trademark ® of Grupo Igartua S.C. Reproduction or redistribution of this publication, in part or in full, by any electronic or mechanical means is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from Grupo Igartua S.C. Articles, content and advertising is the sole responsibility of their respective contributing authors. Grupo Igartua S.C. assumes no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained as a result of the information in this publication’s print or online versions. Printed in México . TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS © 2008 09. Cabo Marine Guide es una marca registrada ®. La presentación y disposición en conjunto y de cada página de Cabo Marine Guide son propiedad de Grupo Igartua S.C. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción parcial o total por cualquier sistema o método mecánico y/o electrónico sin autorización previa y por escrito de Grupo Igartua S.C. El contenido de los artículos y de la publicidad es responsabilidad de los autores. Grupo Igartua S.C. no asume ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida, daño o inconveniencia que pueda generar la información de esta publicación impresa o en línea. Impreso en México .

Fall Winter 2007/08


Baja Sur Sportfishing Means Business


CMG Interwiew


Los Cabos Maps


2007-2008 Sportfishing Tournaments


Marina Services Guide


Cabo Golf Courses


Sport & Activities Guide


Cabo Dive Sites


Shopping & Dining Guide


Marina Golden Zone


UpSouth Cup 2007


La Paz Maps


Hotel & Resort Guide


Baja Rewind


Managing Editor Sergio Igartua Contributing Editors Richard Archer Daniella Coria Art Director Marty Olver Designer Guillermo de Lara Photography Sigi Pablo Pineda Geno Perches Contact Cell 624 122 39 03 / 624 147 72 97 LOS CABOS MEXICO

Two All Rights Reserved. Cabo Marine Guide is a registered trademark ® of Grupo Igartua S.C. Reproduction or redistribution of this publication, in part or in full, by any electronic or mechanical means is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from Grupo Igartua S.C. Articles, content and advertising is the sole responsibility of their respective contributing authors. Grupo Igartua S.C. assumes no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained as a result of the information in this publication’s print or online versions. Printed in México . TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS © 2008 09. Cabo Marine Guide es una marca registrada ®. La presentación y disposición en conjunto y de cada página de Cabo Marine Guide son propiedad de Grupo Igartua S.C. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción parcial o total por cualquier sistema o método mecánico y/o electrónico sin autorización previa y por escrito de Grupo Igartua S.C. El contenido de los artículos y de la publicidad es responsabilidad de los autores. Grupo Igartua S.C. no asume ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida, daño o inconveniencia que pueda generar la información de esta publicación impresa o en línea. Impreso en México .

Baja Sur


Sportfishing Means Business

Due to its favorable geographic location, Baja California Sur’s extensive coastline is teeming with an abundance of marine life. No matter what the season of the year, there’s something for everyone; from amateur fishermen (and fisherwomen) to tournament pros. Here, where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean, fishing has become an extraordinary sport. In these waters, visitors can put their skills to the test fishing for yellow tail, tuna, Wahoo, dorado, sailfish and the legendary black, blue and striped marlin.

Welcome to Los Cabos Mexico! Could anything be more beautiful than the desert green after summer rains? As you relax under brilliant blue skies and appreciate the cooler temperatures that accompany the fall and winter months, you’ll also enjoy the towering cardones that stand guard over bugamvilia and lush green native vegetation. The hillsides are a marvel at this time of year and the September hurricane season provided us with a remarkable present.

Baja Sur fishing tournaments have become a big business and the 2007 season is already underway. In their twentyfive year run, the world-renowned Bisbee’s Black & Blue tournaments have produced some record-breaking prize money: the first million dollar payout for blue marlin (2003), the first double million dollar payout (2005) and the largest single payout in sport fishing history (2006) — $3.9 million US dollars.

Fall and winter events in Los Cabos will leave you with a scrapbook full of wonderful memories. Sailing and fishing aficionados have a treat in store with the October Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament. Be sure to check out the article on page 4 for dates and deadline information. You’ll also want to read about two incredible marinas — one in Cabo San Lucas and the other in San Jose del Cabo.

Bisbee’s East Cape Offshore Tournament ran from July 31st through August 4th and 64 boats caught 320 billfish. The cash awards totaled $351,300 and the Tournament Award went to Captain Ramon Tamayo and angler Julio Cota aboard the 28-foot 3 Hermanos who landed a 418 pound blue marlin! The total cash netted by this single catch was $97,646, which works out to $233.60 per pound!

After a “hard day” of fishing, enjoy world class dining and shopping. You’ll find all your questions answered on the following pages. And if by chance you have another lingering question, drop us a line. We want to make our publication number 1 on your list of “must reads.”

Bienvenido a Los Cabos México! No hay nada más bello que ver reverdecer el desierto después de una abundante época de lluvias. Aquí estamos en medio de la belleza desértica y marina de la Baja Sur, rodeados de bugambilias, cardones y un esplendoroso sol, esperando la fresca brisa del invierno. Después de un arduo día de diversión, pesca y sol no puede faltar la buena comida y la buena bebida. Te tenemos excelentes sugerencias, en nuestras guías de restaurantes y actividades.



La temporada de invierno nos dejará, sin duda, grandes aventuras que escribir en nuestras memorias. Bienvenido seas a este paraíso que llamamos la Baja Sur.

Baja Sur


Sportfishing Means Business

Due to its favorable geographic location, Baja California Sur’s extensive coastline is teeming with an abundance of marine life. No matter what the season of the year, there’s something for everyone; from amateur fishermen (and fisherwomen) to tournament pros. Here, where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean, fishing has become an extraordinary sport. In these waters, visitors can put their skills to the test fishing for yellow tail, tuna, Wahoo, dorado, sailfish and the legendary black, blue and striped marlin.

Welcome to Los Cabos Mexico! Could anything be more beautiful than the desert green after summer rains? As you relax under brilliant blue skies and appreciate the cooler temperatures that accompany the fall and winter months, you’ll also enjoy the towering cardones that stand guard over bugamvilia and lush green native vegetation. The hillsides are a marvel at this time of year and the September hurricane season provided us with a remarkable present.

Baja Sur fishing tournaments have become a big business and the 2007 season is already underway. In their twentyfive year run, the world-renowned Bisbee’s Black & Blue tournaments have produced some record-breaking prize money: the first million dollar payout for blue marlin (2003), the first double million dollar payout (2005) and the largest single payout in sport fishing history (2006) — $3.9 million US dollars.

Fall and winter events in Los Cabos will leave you with a scrapbook full of wonderful memories. Sailing and fishing aficionados have a treat in store with the October Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament. Be sure to check out the article on page 4 for dates and deadline information. You’ll also want to read about two incredible marinas — one in Cabo San Lucas and the other in San Jose del Cabo.

Bisbee’s East Cape Offshore Tournament ran from July 31st through August 4th and 64 boats caught 320 billfish. The cash awards totaled $351,300 and the Tournament Award went to Captain Ramon Tamayo and angler Julio Cota aboard the 28-foot 3 Hermanos who landed a 418 pound blue marlin! The total cash netted by this single catch was $97,646, which works out to $233.60 per pound!

After a “hard day” of fishing, enjoy world class dining and shopping. You’ll find all your questions answered on the following pages. And if by chance you have another lingering question, drop us a line. We want to make our publication number 1 on your list of “must reads.”

Bienvenido a Los Cabos México! No hay nada más bello que ver reverdecer el desierto después de una abundante época de lluvias. Aquí estamos en medio de la belleza desértica y marina de la Baja Sur, rodeados de bugambilias, cardones y un esplendoroso sol, esperando la fresca brisa del invierno. Después de un arduo día de diversión, pesca y sol no puede faltar la buena comida y la buena bebida. Te tenemos excelentes sugerencias, en nuestras guías de restaurantes y actividades.



La temporada de invierno nos dejará, sin duda, grandes aventuras que escribir en nuestras memorias. Bienvenido seas a este paraíso que llamamos la Baja Sur.

By: Richard J. Archer

Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament ran from October 19 through October 21 and fishing was from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. This year’s cash awards totaled $273,120. The big event of the season was Bisbee’s Black & Blue Marlin Tournament, which ran from October 23rd to October 27th, with fishing on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This year’s cash awards totaled more than $3.8 million and 166 teams took part in the competition. The top prize of $734,415 went to the team of Angel and the Badman II for a 620 lb. blue marlin. October also saw the first annual La Paz Gold Cup Black & Blue Marlin Tournament with prizes totaling $1.5 million pesos and a new Ford Lobo (F-150) pickup. First Place went to Mark Rayor, who caught a 395 lb. blue marlin. If you weren’t in Cabo for the tournaments, or if you’re not into competitive fishing, don’t worry. You can still experience the thrill of “landing the big one” by contacting one of the many charter services based in our local marinas. Baja Sur boasts some of the best fishing in the world and a total of 850 different varieties swim our seas. Fish on!

La Pesca Deportiva en la Baja Sur



El sur de la península de Baja California, localmente conocida como la Baja Sur, se toma de la mano con el Mar de Cortés creando un paraíso que ofrece a viajeros nacionales como internacionales actividades diversas en cualquier época del año. Esta hermosa extensión de mar ofrece la mejor pesca deportiva en el mundo para los novatos y profesionales de la pesca, quienes sin duda se divertirán pescando enormes Marlins, Dorados y Atunes de inigualable belleza. Si deseas ser parte de esta hermosa experiencia llamada la Baja Sur y tener la oportunidad de pescar un pez gigante como los que año con año generan millones de dólares a los ganadores de torneos de pesca, como el Bisbees, entre otros, empaca tus maletas y te esperamos en la Baja!

By: Richard J. Archer

Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament ran from October 19 through October 21 and fishing was from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. This year’s cash awards totaled $273,120. The big event of the season was Bisbee’s Black & Blue Marlin Tournament, which ran from October 23rd to October 27th, with fishing on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This year’s cash awards totaled more than $3.8 million and 166 teams took part in the competition. The top prize of $734,415 went to the team of Angel and the Badman II for a 620 lb. blue marlin. October also saw the first annual La Paz Gold Cup Black & Blue Marlin Tournament with prizes totaling $1.5 million pesos and a new Ford Lobo (F-150) pickup. First Place went to Mark Rayor, who caught a 395 lb. blue marlin. If you weren’t in Cabo for the tournaments, or if you’re not into competitive fishing, don’t worry. You can still experience the thrill of “landing the big one” by contacting one of the many charter services based in our local marinas. Baja Sur boasts some of the best fishing in the world and a total of 850 different varieties swim our seas. Fish on!

La Pesca Deportiva en la Baja Sur



El sur de la península de Baja California, localmente conocida como la Baja Sur, se toma de la mano con el Mar de Cortés creando un paraíso que ofrece a viajeros nacionales como internacionales actividades diversas en cualquier época del año. Esta hermosa extensión de mar ofrece la mejor pesca deportiva en el mundo para los novatos y profesionales de la pesca, quienes sin duda se divertirán pescando enormes Marlins, Dorados y Atunes de inigualable belleza. Si deseas ser parte de esta hermosa experiencia llamada la Baja Sur y tener la oportunidad de pescar un pez gigante como los que año con año generan millones de dólares a los ganadores de torneos de pesca, como el Bisbees, entre otros, empaca tus maletas y te esperamos en la Baja!

CMG Interview

Plan Your Next Company Event in Los Cabos!

Creating a successful meeting or incentive program is a complicated process. It takes planning, knowledge and attention to detail but it also requires an intimate knowledge of the meeting site and the surrounding area. It takes an expert!

Adam Lawhorne created Meeting Incentive Experts because he saw a need for a total service solution in the Los Cabos area. Recently, Cabo Marine Guide had an opportunity to chat with Mr. Lawhorne about his company, the destination management industry and Los Cabos. CMG: So, Adam, what exactly is a destination management company, anyway? AL: In a nutshell, a destination management company or DMC plans, organizes and executes events for groups in specific geographic locations or destinations. Typical events include company meetings, incentive programs and team-building retreats. CMG: What kinds of services does your company provide? AL: Since attendees typically travel long distances to attend these events, our job is to arrange every detail of the event in advance. This can include airline consulting, ground transportation, hotel accommodations, theme parties, meeting services, activities, tours and team building events. CMG: That sounds like a big job! What makes your company different from your competitors? AL: Because we have offices in both the United States and Mexico, we can effectively and efficiently coordinate with our clients during the planning process.


CMG Interview

Plan Your Next Company Event in Los Cabos!

Creating a successful meeting or incentive program is a complicated process. It takes planning, knowledge and attention to detail but it also requires an intimate knowledge of the meeting site and the surrounding area. It takes an expert!

Adam Lawhorne created Meeting Incentive Experts because he saw a need for a total service solution in the Los Cabos area. Recently, Cabo Marine Guide had an opportunity to chat with Mr. Lawhorne about his company, the destination management industry and Los Cabos. CMG: So, Adam, what exactly is a destination management company, anyway? AL: In a nutshell, a destination management company or DMC plans, organizes and executes events for groups in specific geographic locations or destinations. Typical events include company meetings, incentive programs and team-building retreats. CMG: What kinds of services does your company provide? AL: Since attendees typically travel long distances to attend these events, our job is to arrange every detail of the event in advance. This can include airline consulting, ground transportation, hotel accommodations, theme parties, meeting services, activities, tours and team building events. CMG: That sounds like a big job! What makes your company different from your competitors? AL: Because we have offices in both the United States and Mexico, we can effectively and efficiently coordinate with our clients during the planning process.


Planea tu próximo evento ejecutivo en Los Cabos! Crear un programa de eventos, reuniones e incentivos no es tarea fácil, se requiere de largos procesos de planeación, conocimiento, experiencia y sobre todo, conocer cada rincón del destino en dónde se realizará tu evento empresarial. Esto y más te ofrece Adam Lawhorne, por medio de su empresa Once the event begins, our experienced Los Cabos team is onsite to make sure everything goes as planned and to handle any unexpected surprises that might come up. We’re also proud of our ability to customize programs to meet each of our client’s goals and objectives. We like to say that, for a short time, we become a business partner that provides knowledge, creativity, service and results. In other words, an expert! CMG: It sounds like you’ve put together a unique service, Adam. What kind of background prepares you for all this? AL: Well, I’ve been in the business for more than fifteen years and personally planned more than 750 events and trips to places such as California, New Orleans, the Caribbean and thirteen unique destinations in Mexico. I’m past president of the Chicago chapter of the Society of Incentive Travel Executives and I’m an active Board Member on the Mexico Board of Tourism. And finally, I love to travel and I enjoy sharing that passion with others.

Meeting Incentive Experts (Expertos en Eventos e Incentivos por sus siglas en inglés). Hace quince años Adam vio la necesidad de crear una empresa la cual ofreciera estos servicios en trece destinos turísticos en México, entre ellos, Los Cabos, Cancún y Puerto Vallarta, así como en el Caribe, Nuevo Orleáns y California en Estados Unidos.

USA Phone: 312 842 3600 MEXICO Phone: +52 1 (624) 355 3379 Los Cabos Puerto Vallarta Cancun

Planea tu próximo evento ejecutivo en Los Cabos! Crear un programa de eventos, reuniones e incentivos no es tarea fácil, se requiere de largos procesos de planeación, conocimiento, experiencia y sobre todo, conocer cada rincón del destino en dónde se realizará tu evento empresarial. Esto y más te ofrece Adam Lawhorne, por medio de su empresa Once the event begins, our experienced Los Cabos team is onsite to make sure everything goes as planned and to handle any unexpected surprises that might come up. We’re also proud of our ability to customize programs to meet each of our client’s goals and objectives. We like to say that, for a short time, we become a business partner that provides knowledge, creativity, service and results. In other words, an expert! CMG: It sounds like you’ve put together a unique service, Adam. What kind of background prepares you for all this? AL: Well, I’ve been in the business for more than fifteen years and personally planned more than 750 events and trips to places such as California, New Orleans, the Caribbean and thirteen unique destinations in Mexico. I’m past president of the Chicago chapter of the Society of Incentive Travel Executives and I’m an active Board Member on the Mexico Board of Tourism. And finally, I love to travel and I enjoy sharing that passion with others.

Meeting Incentive Experts (Expertos en Eventos e Incentivos por sus siglas en inglés). Hace quince años Adam vio la necesidad de crear una empresa la cual ofreciera estos servicios en trece destinos turísticos en México, entre ellos, Los Cabos, Cancún y Puerto Vallarta, así como en el Caribe, Nuevo Orleáns y California en Estados Unidos.

USA Phone: 312 842 3600 MEXICO Phone: +52 1 (624) 355 3379 Los Cabos Puerto Vallarta Cancun

Donde sí esta lo que tu quieres y nadie más te puede ofrecer, la última tendencia de la moda, tentadoras joyerías, restaurantes gourmet, almacenes exclusivos, diversión fantástica, comodidad, espacio, buen gusto y servicio para darte una experiencia única.

Puerto Paraíso, el shopping mall de Los Cabos

En la marina de Cabo San Lucas Tel: 1443000 •

Donde sí esta lo que tu quieres y nadie más te puede ofrecer, la última tendencia de la moda, tentadoras joyerías, restaurantes gourmet, almacenes exclusivos, diversión fantástica, comodidad, espacio, buen gusto y servicio para darte una experiencia única.

Puerto Paraíso, el shopping mall de Los Cabos

En la marina de Cabo San Lucas Tel: 1443000 •

2007 TOURNAMENTS La Paz Gold Cup Black & Blue Marlin Tournament October 4 - 7, 2007 La Paz, BCS - hosted by Costa Baja Resort and the Maravia Resort Chuy’s Catch and Release Tournament October 5 - 8, 2007 East Cape, BCS hosted by Hotel Buena Vista Los Cabos Billfish Tournament October 16 - 20, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Playa Grande Resort Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament October 19 - 21, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Villas Beach Resort Bisbee’s Black & Blue Marlin Tournament October 23 - 27, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Cabo Villas Beach Resort Western Outdoor News Tuna Jackpot November 7 - 10, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Cabo Wabo Cantina

2008 TOURNAMENTS Bisbee’s East Cape Offshore Tournament July 29 August 8, 2008 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Spa Buena Vista Beach Resort Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament October 17 - 19, 2008 Los Cabos, BCS

Photo: ©

Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament October 21 - 25, 2008 Los Cabos, BCS

2007 TOURNAMENTS La Paz Gold Cup Black & Blue Marlin Tournament October 4 - 7, 2007 La Paz, BCS - hosted by Costa Baja Resort and the Maravia Resort Chuy’s Catch and Release Tournament October 5 - 8, 2007 East Cape, BCS hosted by Hotel Buena Vista Los Cabos Billfish Tournament October 16 - 20, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Playa Grande Resort Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament October 19 - 21, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Villas Beach Resort Bisbee’s Black & Blue Marlin Tournament October 23 - 27, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Cabo Villas Beach Resort Western Outdoor News Tuna Jackpot November 7 - 10, 2007 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Cabo Wabo Cantina

2008 TOURNAMENTS Bisbee’s East Cape Offshore Tournament July 29 August 8, 2008 Los Cabos, BCS hosted by Spa Buena Vista Beach Resort Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament October 17 - 19, 2008 Los Cabos, BCS

Photo: ©

Bisbee’s Los Cabos Offshore Tournament October 21 - 25, 2008 Los Cabos, BCS

Marina Services Guide

Aby Charters Sportfishing Fleet Call Helio Garcia for an unforgettable sportfishing trip! They’ve been around for over 10 years and fishing with them is always a great experience. Their staff is very friendly and they have some of the best rates in Cabo! Located at the Cabo San Lucas Marina at the Main Dock, next to the Flea Market. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 144-4203

Bad Company Sportsfishing Took 3rd place overall in the 2007 Bisbee’s Black & Blue Tournament, Cabo San Lucas. The team and crew also took all the day one jackpots and the day three $10,000 daily jackpot with a 539 lb. blue marlin worth a total of $1,421,752.50 in prize money! Located at Plaza Bonita at Alexander’s Restaurant. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: 044 (624) 147-5973

Cabo Fishing Cabo Fishing offers world class sportfishing, fly fishing, light and snipping tackle trips and cruise shore excursions. Their exclusive Cabo sportfishing charters offer catering for almost any size group, budget and time frame. Look for them at the Cabo San Lucas Marina. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Phone: 01-800-822-4577

US: (866) 348-6286

Cabo Magic Sportsfishing This company has been around since 1999 setting new standards in Cabo San Lucas. The fleet offers First Class ~ Affordable Private Cabo San Lucas Fishing Charters. Choose from their pangas, cruisers, sportfishers or yachts. Located on Lazaro Cardenas Street at the intersection of Matamoros next door to the Corner Café. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 105-0403 US: (888) 475-5337

Cabo Sportfishing Fleet Live to fish is what they say. Their boats are perfectly equipped with Penn international & Shimano Reels for all kinds of fish. They offer English-speaking captains and a professional crew. Located in downtown Cabo San Lucas on Vicente Guerrero Street a few steps away from Cabo Wabo.

Photo: ©

Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: 044 (624)141-6030


Gladiador Charters Top of the line Cabo San Lucas luxury sport fishing charters take you in style! You and your guests will experience the ultimate tournament style deep sea sportfishing on luxury yachts. Located at the north end of the Cabo San Lucas Marina, in the Cabo Yacht Center Building. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 143-9712

US: (866) 702-6337

Marina Services Guide

Aby Charters Sportfishing Fleet Call Helio Garcia for an unforgettable sportfishing trip! They’ve been around for over 10 years and fishing with them is always a great experience. Their staff is very friendly and they have some of the best rates in Cabo! Located at the Cabo San Lucas Marina at the Main Dock, next to the Flea Market. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 144-4203

Bad Company Sportsfishing Took 3rd place overall in the 2007 Bisbee’s Black & Blue Tournament, Cabo San Lucas. The team and crew also took all the day one jackpots and the day three $10,000 daily jackpot with a 539 lb. blue marlin worth a total of $1,421,752.50 in prize money! Located at Plaza Bonita at Alexander’s Restaurant. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: 044 (624) 147-5973

Cabo Fishing Cabo Fishing offers world class sportfishing, fly fishing, light and snipping tackle trips and cruise shore excursions. Their exclusive Cabo sportfishing charters offer catering for almost any size group, budget and time frame. Look for them at the Cabo San Lucas Marina. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Phone: 01-800-822-4577

US: (866) 348-6286

Cabo Magic Sportsfishing This company has been around since 1999 setting new standards in Cabo San Lucas. The fleet offers First Class ~ Affordable Private Cabo San Lucas Fishing Charters. Choose from their pangas, cruisers, sportfishers or yachts. Located on Lazaro Cardenas Street at the intersection of Matamoros next door to the Corner Café. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 105-0403 US: (888) 475-5337

Cabo Sportfishing Fleet Live to fish is what they say. Their boats are perfectly equipped with Penn international & Shimano Reels for all kinds of fish. They offer English-speaking captains and a professional crew. Located in downtown Cabo San Lucas on Vicente Guerrero Street a few steps away from Cabo Wabo.

Photo: ©

Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: 044 (624)141-6030


Gladiador Charters Top of the line Cabo San Lucas luxury sport fishing charters take you in style! You and your guests will experience the ultimate tournament style deep sea sportfishing on luxury yachts. Located at the north end of the Cabo San Lucas Marina, in the Cabo Yacht Center Building. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 143-9712

US: (866) 702-6337

Hook Up Cabo Sportfishing Charters Captain Martin Vigil, who has been fishing Cabo waters since age 14, and angler Paul Bender, with 41 years ocean fishing experience, teamed up to make your Cabo Sport Fishing adventure the very Best! Downtown Cabo San Lucas on Lazaro Cardenas Ave. across form the Mar de Cortez Hotel. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local: (624) 143-3311

Paradise Sportfishing Paradise Sportfishing provides optimum customer service and quality yachts. Our highly experienced English’speaking captains and deckhands are at the frontline to provide the comfort, safety and hospitality you deserve. Located downtown on Cabo San Lucas Ave. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local: (624) 143-8838

Photos: ©

Marlin Masters Sportsfishing Marlin Master Sportfishing is committed to maximizing your fishing experience in paradise. Customer service is their highest priority. Their top quality takle and boats will surely guarantee you a great catch! Located at the Puerto Paraiso Mall by Johnny Rockets. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 144-4481

US: (770) 573-0334

Minerva’s Baja Tackle “Everything for the Fisherman” means everything! Here you will find tackles, artificial lures, hooks, snaps, swivels, belts, sleeves, top quality sportfishing charters and the best crews in town. Located on Francisco I. Madero & Boulevard. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 143-1282

Picante Bluewater Sportfishing Cabo’s finest fishing fleets. They offer top quality luxury sport fishing yachts. They are also dealers for Cabo Yachts and have accumulated over three million dollars in tournament winnings. Located in the Puerto Paraíso Mall on the marina side. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 143-2474 US: (714) 572-6693

Cabo San Lucas Country Club 18 holes Km 3.6 Los Cabos Corridor Highway Cabo San Lucas, BCS Cabo del Sol Golf Course 9 holes Ocean course by Jack Nicklaus 9 holes Desert course by Tom Weiskopf Km 10.3 Los Cabos Corridor Highway Cabo San Lucas, BCS Cabo Real Golf Course 18 holes by Robert Trenton Jones Jr. Km 19.5 Los Cabos Corridor Highway Los Cabos, BCS El Dorado Golf & Beach Club 18 holes by Jack Nicklaus Los Cabos Corridor Highway Los Cabos, BCS

Pisces Sportfishing This is a 20 year old Cabo fishing company! They are favorites because they promote the conservation of billfish.They’ve received numerous awards from the Billfish Foundation, for releasing the most striped marlin worldwide throughout the year. Located at the Cabo Maritime Center Marina 8-6, Suite D-1. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local phone: (624) 143-1288 US: (619) 819-7983

Palmilla Golf Course 27 holes by Jack Nicklaus Los Cabos Corridor Highway San Jose del Cabo, BCS

Hook Up Cabo Sportfishing Charters Captain Martin Vigil, who has been fishing Cabo waters since age 14, and angler Paul Bender, with 41 years ocean fishing experience, teamed up to make your Cabo Sport Fishing adventure the very Best! Downtown Cabo San Lucas on Lazaro Cardenas Ave. across form the Mar de Cortez Hotel. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local: (624) 143-3311

Paradise Sportfishing Paradise Sportfishing provides optimum customer service and quality yachts. Our highly experienced English’speaking captains and deckhands are at the frontline to provide the comfort, safety and hospitality you deserve. Located downtown on Cabo San Lucas Ave. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local: (624) 143-8838

Photos: ©

Marlin Masters Sportsfishing Marlin Master Sportfishing is committed to maximizing your fishing experience in paradise. Customer service is their highest priority. Their top quality takle and boats will surely guarantee you a great catch! Located at the Puerto Paraiso Mall by Johnny Rockets. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 144-4481

US: (770) 573-0334

Minerva’s Baja Tackle “Everything for the Fisherman” means everything! Here you will find tackles, artificial lures, hooks, snaps, swivels, belts, sleeves, top quality sportfishing charters and the best crews in town. Located on Francisco I. Madero & Boulevard. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 143-1282

Picante Bluewater Sportfishing Cabo’s finest fishing fleets. They offer top quality luxury sport fishing yachts. They are also dealers for Cabo Yachts and have accumulated over three million dollars in tournament winnings. Located in the Puerto Paraíso Mall on the marina side. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 143-2474 US: (714) 572-6693

Cabo San Lucas Country Club 18 holes Km 3.6 Los Cabos Corridor Highway Cabo San Lucas, BCS Cabo del Sol Golf Course 9 holes Ocean course by Jack Nicklaus 9 holes Desert course by Tom Weiskopf Km 10.3 Los Cabos Corridor Highway Cabo San Lucas, BCS Cabo Real Golf Course 18 holes by Robert Trenton Jones Jr. Km 19.5 Los Cabos Corridor Highway Los Cabos, BCS El Dorado Golf & Beach Club 18 holes by Jack Nicklaus Los Cabos Corridor Highway Los Cabos, BCS

Pisces Sportfishing This is a 20 year old Cabo fishing company! They are favorites because they promote the conservation of billfish.They’ve received numerous awards from the Billfish Foundation, for releasing the most striped marlin worldwide throughout the year. Located at the Cabo Maritime Center Marina 8-6, Suite D-1. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local phone: (624) 143-1288 US: (619) 819-7983

Palmilla Golf Course 27 holes by Jack Nicklaus Los Cabos Corridor Highway San Jose del Cabo, BCS

Sports & Activities Guide

Baja Outback Explore Baja as you maneuver a Hummer H2! Now that's style! Visit La Verdad, a working farm in Baja, or, visit “Cañon de la Zorra” during winter months and walk right up to a waterfall of fresh water squirting out of granite boulders. Located at Plaza Las Palmas 35-A on the tourist corridor in San José del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 142-9200 ext. 228

Cabo Expeditions Look these guys up! They will guarantee a great time in Cabo! They are the local pros when it comes to snorkeling, whale watching, wave runners, ecosnorkeling, snuba underwater tours, parasailing, anything that you can do in these beautiful Cabo waters! Local Phone: (624) 143-2700

Cabo Extreme Their mission is to provide high quality tours while promoting and preserving the natural wonders of the Peninsula. Have some real fun: Jeep tours, custom kayak trips, hiking at the Sierra La Laguna, Kite boarding and wave runners! Located at the Cabo San Lucas Marina on Dock 1, next to Capitan Tony’s. Local Phone: (624) 122-1698

Cabo Rey Helicopter Rides See the sights from the sky – Cabo San Lucas, its marina, Lover’s Beach, Land’s End, the tourist corridor and San Jose del Cabo! This exclusive tour will allow you to see Cabo San Lucas in an entirely different way. Located in the Tesoro Los Cabos building on the marina in Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 143-8260

Cacti Mundo If you are eco-friendly, this is a Cabo must for you! This lovely company promotes and cultivates desert plants of Mexico and other species from around the world. Visit this eco-effort and support Baja’s cacti. Located on Boulevard Antonio Mijares in San Jose del Cabo by the cementery. Photos: © Joseph A. Tyson - Tyson Promotions Inc

Photo: ©

Local Phone: (624) 146-9191


Desert Park This eco-friendly company states, “It is possible to find peace and beauty while riding an ATV” and it sure is! Ride into the desert mountain range through pristine canyons and sand arroyos up to Desert Park natural oasis. The unique flora and fauna of this reserve will leave you with an unforgettable experience. Located across from the Cabo Real Resort on the tourist corridor Km. 19.5.

Sports & Activities Guide

Baja Outback Explore Baja as you maneuver a Hummer H2! Now that's style! Visit La Verdad, a working farm in Baja, or, visit “Cañon de la Zorra” during winter months and walk right up to a waterfall of fresh water squirting out of granite boulders. Located at Plaza Las Palmas 35-A on the tourist corridor in San José del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 142-9200 ext. 228

Cabo Expeditions Look these guys up! They will guarantee a great time in Cabo! They are the local pros when it comes to snorkeling, whale watching, wave runners, ecosnorkeling, snuba underwater tours, parasailing, anything that you can do in these beautiful Cabo waters! Local Phone: (624) 143-2700

Cabo Extreme Their mission is to provide high quality tours while promoting and preserving the natural wonders of the Peninsula. Have some real fun: Jeep tours, custom kayak trips, hiking at the Sierra La Laguna, Kite boarding and wave runners! Located at the Cabo San Lucas Marina on Dock 1, next to Capitan Tony’s. Local Phone: (624) 122-1698

Cabo Rey Helicopter Rides See the sights from the sky – Cabo San Lucas, its marina, Lover’s Beach, Land’s End, the tourist corridor and San Jose del Cabo! This exclusive tour will allow you to see Cabo San Lucas in an entirely different way. Located in the Tesoro Los Cabos building on the marina in Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 143-8260

Cacti Mundo If you are eco-friendly, this is a Cabo must for you! This lovely company promotes and cultivates desert plants of Mexico and other species from around the world. Visit this eco-effort and support Baja’s cacti. Located on Boulevard Antonio Mijares in San Jose del Cabo by the cementery. Photos: © Joseph A. Tyson - Tyson Promotions Inc

Photo: ©

Local Phone: (624) 146-9191


Desert Park This eco-friendly company states, “It is possible to find peace and beauty while riding an ATV” and it sure is! Ride into the desert mountain range through pristine canyons and sand arroyos up to Desert Park natural oasis. The unique flora and fauna of this reserve will leave you with an unforgettable experience. Located across from the Cabo Real Resort on the tourist corridor Km. 19.5.

Long known as a world-class sport fishing destination, the Los Cabos area also features some excellent scuba and snorkeling sites. In addition to the sites shown in our Land’s End map, there are a number of sites along the “corridor” between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. These include Inner and Outer Chileno Bay (20'-80'), the Blow Hole (30'-80'), Santa Maria Cove (20'-40'), Twin Dolphin (20'-50') and Whales Head (25'-60'). Tours are also available to the beautiful Cabo Pulmo National Marine Preserve, Gordo Banks and the remote and pristine Socorro Islands where you can dive with the giant Pacific manta rays, dolphins, seven species of sharks and – if you’re lucky – maybe even a migrating humpback whale! Cabo dive operators provide a full complement of services, training and equipment and range in size from small, local shops to larger PADI International Resort facilities. Tours are available for every level of diver, including non-divers. There are “resort” courses for first-time divers and certification programs for all levels through Dive Master. For the more experienced diver, wreck dives and night dives are also available.

Long known as a world-class sport fishing destination, the Los Cabos area also features some excellent scuba and snorkeling sites. In addition to the sites shown in our Land’s End map, there are a number of sites along the “corridor” between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. These include Inner and Outer Chileno Bay (20'-80'), the Blow Hole (30'-80'), Santa Maria Cove (20'-40'), Twin Dolphin (20'-50') and Whales Head (25'-60'). Tours are also available to the beautiful Cabo Pulmo National Marine Preserve, Gordo Banks and the remote and pristine Socorro Islands where you can dive with the giant Pacific manta rays, dolphins, seven species of sharks and – if you’re lucky – maybe even a migrating humpback whale! Cabo dive operators provide a full complement of services, training and equipment and range in size from small, local shops to larger PADI International Resort facilities. Tours are available for every level of diver, including non-divers. There are “resort” courses for first-time divers and certification programs for all levels through Dive Master. For the more experienced diver, wreck dives and night dives are also available.

Shopping & Dining

Desperados Restaurant and Cantina Desperados invites you to join us in the heart of Cabo San Lucas for the ultimate dining and entertainment experiece. Combining age old recipes and only the finest local ingredientes, Desperados offers continental cuisine, authentic Mexican and modern Mexican cuisine. Located on Morelos St. across from the Love Shack Bar. Local Phone: (624) 143-4313 Open Daily from 11 am to 2 am

La Dolce Ristorante Italiano-Pizzeria Italian food, gourmet pizzas, and a wide selection of fine wines. Located on Hidalgo St. on the corner of Zapata. Reservations strongly advised.

Local Phone: (624) 143-4122 Open Daily 5 pm-11 pm

Lorenzillo’s Restaurant A vacation in Los Cabos is never complete without a visit to Lorenzillo’s, the Live Lobster House, for a traditional lobster meal. Located on Blvd. Marina, Plaza UltraFemme 2nd floor. Reservations strongly advised. Local Phone: (624) 105-0212 Open Daily 4 pm-12 am

Mi Casa Restaurant & Cantina Set in the oldest adobe building in Cabo in the historic center of Cabo San Lucas, this beautiful restaurant overwhelms you with its original mexican ambiance and colorful folkloric decoration. Authentic regional mexican food. Located on Avenida Cabo San Lucas. Reservations strongly advised.

Photo: ©

Local Phone: (624) 143-1933 Open Daily Dinner daily 5:30 pm-10:00 pm

Nick-San: Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar

Nick-San is not just the most popular sushi restaurant and bar in Los Cabos, it is recognized around the world and best defined for serving “Stylistic Sushi and Seafood Dishes.” Two locations: Cabo San Lucas at Plaza de la Danza, Blvd. Marina and Palmilla. Reservations strongly advised. Local Phone: (624) 143-4484 Open Daily 11:30 am-10:30 pm

Señor Sweets Señor Sweets features over fifty flavors of Italian gelato, cakes, pastries, breakfast treats and all forms of gourmet coffees and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. All are made on the premises. Located at the Puerto Paraiso Mall by the Marina.


Local Phone: (624) 105-0102 Open Daily: 7:30 am-12 pm

Shopping & Dining

Desperados Restaurant and Cantina Desperados invites you to join us in the heart of Cabo San Lucas for the ultimate dining and entertainment experiece. Combining age old recipes and only the finest local ingredientes, Desperados offers continental cuisine, authentic Mexican and modern Mexican cuisine. Located on Morelos St. across from the Love Shack Bar. Local Phone: (624) 143-4313 Open Daily from 11 am to 2 am

La Dolce Ristorante Italiano-Pizzeria Italian food, gourmet pizzas, and a wide selection of fine wines. Located on Hidalgo St. on the corner of Zapata. Reservations strongly advised.

Local Phone: (624) 143-4122 Open Daily 5 pm-11 pm

Lorenzillo’s Restaurant A vacation in Los Cabos is never complete without a visit to Lorenzillo’s, the Live Lobster House, for a traditional lobster meal. Located on Blvd. Marina, Plaza UltraFemme 2nd floor. Reservations strongly advised. Local Phone: (624) 105-0212 Open Daily 4 pm-12 am

Mi Casa Restaurant & Cantina Set in the oldest adobe building in Cabo in the historic center of Cabo San Lucas, this beautiful restaurant overwhelms you with its original mexican ambiance and colorful folkloric decoration. Authentic regional mexican food. Located on Avenida Cabo San Lucas. Reservations strongly advised.

Photo: ©

Local Phone: (624) 143-1933 Open Daily Dinner daily 5:30 pm-10:00 pm

Nick-San: Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar

Nick-San is not just the most popular sushi restaurant and bar in Los Cabos, it is recognized around the world and best defined for serving “Stylistic Sushi and Seafood Dishes.” Two locations: Cabo San Lucas at Plaza de la Danza, Blvd. Marina and Palmilla. Reservations strongly advised. Local Phone: (624) 143-4484 Open Daily 11:30 am-10:30 pm

Señor Sweets Señor Sweets features over fifty flavors of Italian gelato, cakes, pastries, breakfast treats and all forms of gourmet coffees and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. All are made on the premises. Located at the Puerto Paraiso Mall by the Marina.


Local Phone: (624) 105-0102 Open Daily: 7:30 am-12 pm

624 Bar Relax in our stress-free and spacious water front bar. Sit back and unwind to Cabo’s marine breeze as you enjoy a nice cold cerveza or a frozen margarita! Open Daily from 7 am-to midnight.

Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8000

Presto Fast & Casual Cuisine Visit Presto where the sounds and aromas of the Italian cuisine are blended fresh everyday to create authentic Italian dishes that you’ll enjoy sharing with family and friends. Premium quality Italian pastas, pizzas, salads and wraps. We are located on the Marina Golden Zone in Cabo San Lucas. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 11 am-10 pm Reservations: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8017

Los Deseos Restaurant Bar Ambiance, food and space are mixed to create a full atmosphere of color and magic. Our menu combines Mexican tradition, color, flavor and flair. We are located on the Marina Golden Zone in Cabo San Lucas. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 7 am-11 pm Reservations: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8011

Los Corsarios Steak House and Sports Bar Los Corsarios is a restaurant with exquisite cuisine and extraordinary service in a casual atmosphere. View your favorite game as you enjoy our Angus certified prime cuts, our delicious BBQ ribs, or sink your teeth into a delicious fresh grilled lobster! Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 11 am-10 pm Reservations: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8014 Fri-Sat ’til 2 am

Fish and Shrimp Cabo Restaurant Bar Savor fresh fish and the best appetizers in town while you enjoy our fascinating marina front terrace. We are located on the Marina Golden Zone in Cabo San Lucas. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Specialties: ceviche, clams, mahi-mahi, tuna, shrimp. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 7 am-11 pm Local Phone: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8013

Museo del Tequila Come to Museo del Tequila and learn about the art of tequila making. Sample complimentary tequila tasting as you journey through a virtual tour of tequila distillation, the culture of the aguave and its curative properties. Open Daily from 9 am-10 pm. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8020

624 Bar Relax in our stress-free and spacious water front bar. Sit back and unwind to Cabo’s marine breeze as you enjoy a nice cold cerveza or a frozen margarita! Open Daily from 7 am-to midnight.

Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8000

Presto Fast & Casual Cuisine Visit Presto where the sounds and aromas of the Italian cuisine are blended fresh everyday to create authentic Italian dishes that you’ll enjoy sharing with family and friends. Premium quality Italian pastas, pizzas, salads and wraps. We are located on the Marina Golden Zone in Cabo San Lucas. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 11 am-10 pm Reservations: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8017

Los Deseos Restaurant Bar Ambiance, food and space are mixed to create a full atmosphere of color and magic. Our menu combines Mexican tradition, color, flavor and flair. We are located on the Marina Golden Zone in Cabo San Lucas. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 7 am-11 pm Reservations: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8011

Los Corsarios Steak House and Sports Bar Los Corsarios is a restaurant with exquisite cuisine and extraordinary service in a casual atmosphere. View your favorite game as you enjoy our Angus certified prime cuts, our delicious BBQ ribs, or sink your teeth into a delicious fresh grilled lobster! Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 11 am-10 pm Reservations: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8014 Fri-Sat ’til 2 am

Fish and Shrimp Cabo Restaurant Bar Savor fresh fish and the best appetizers in town while you enjoy our fascinating marina front terrace. We are located on the Marina Golden Zone in Cabo San Lucas. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Specialties: ceviche, clams, mahi-mahi, tuna, shrimp. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Daily 7 am-11 pm Local Phone: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8013

Museo del Tequila Come to Museo del Tequila and learn about the art of tequila making. Sample complimentary tequila tasting as you journey through a virtual tour of tequila distillation, the culture of the aguave and its curative properties. Open Daily from 9 am-10 pm. Marina Cabo San Lucas, BCS Local Phone: (624) 145-6020 Ext. 8020

The Upsouth Cup 2007 is the first annual event in which sail boats in Los Cabos, BCS, compete to win the coveted UPSOUTH trophy. This year only 6 crews participated in class J-24 launches, 24-foot rigs operated by 4 or 5 person crews. These ships are particularly entertaining because of their synchronized teamwork among crew members, which allows them to carry out feats in the best time possible. These “single design” ships are required to have identical measurements and specifications in order to assure that none has an advantage over its competitors. This makes the abilities of crew members determine their advantage over other crews. Participants in this first great regata launch in Los Cabos hope the excelent practice conditions, brought on by Los Cabos’ sea and wind characteristics, will establish the strongest sailboat community for the event.

The Upsouth Cup 2007 is the first annual event in which sail boats in Los Cabos, BCS, compete to win the coveted UPSOUTH trophy. This year only 6 crews participated in class J-24 launches, 24-foot rigs operated by 4 or 5 person crews. These ships are particularly entertaining because of their synchronized teamwork among crew members, which allows them to carry out feats in the best time possible. These “single design” ships are required to have identical measurements and specifications in order to assure that none has an advantage over its competitors. This makes the abilities of crew members determine their advantage over other crews. Participants in this first great regata launch in Los Cabos hope the excelent practice conditions, brought on by Los Cabos’ sea and wind characteristics, will establish the strongest sailboat community for the event.

La Copa UpSouth 2007 La revista UpSouth, el Club de Yates de Los Cabos, A.C. y muy distinguidos patrocinadores hicieron posible la primera Copa Upsouth 2007. Se celebró el día 25 de noviembre como un evento sin precedente, que sin duda, marcará historia en Los Cabos. Compitieron 6 tripulaciones en embarcaciones clase J-24 de 24 pies de eslora, operados entre 4 y 5 tripulantes para ganar el codiciado trofeo UpSouth. This type of event is a wonderful family activity, promoting teamwork, a competitive spirit and ecológical awareness. Sailing’s characteristic wind propulsion is particularly harmless to our environment!

Estos barcos “one design” permiten destacar la habilidad de las tripulaciones mientras compiten y coexisten en armonía con el Mar de Cortes ya que su único medio de propulsión es el viento.

Future UPSOUTH Cups hope to attract many more participants of differing age groups (beginning at age 8) and many more categories, encouraging more aficionados and promoting advanced sailing skills.

Las futuras regatas prometen mayor número de competidores, diversidad de embarcaciones y categorías desde los 8 años de edad para que participen los pequeños adeptos a la vela!

The first annual event was brought about thanks to Upsouth magazine, Club de Yates de Los Cabos, A.C. and numerous sponsors and supporters of this project.

For more information contact: UpSouth Magazine 624 143 5835

La Copa UpSouth 2007 La revista UpSouth, el Club de Yates de Los Cabos, A.C. y muy distinguidos patrocinadores hicieron posible la primera Copa Upsouth 2007. Se celebró el día 25 de noviembre como un evento sin precedente, que sin duda, marcará historia en Los Cabos. Compitieron 6 tripulaciones en embarcaciones clase J-24 de 24 pies de eslora, operados entre 4 y 5 tripulantes para ganar el codiciado trofeo UpSouth. This type of event is a wonderful family activity, promoting teamwork, a competitive spirit and ecológical awareness. Sailing’s characteristic wind propulsion is particularly harmless to our environment!

Estos barcos “one design” permiten destacar la habilidad de las tripulaciones mientras compiten y coexisten en armonía con el Mar de Cortes ya que su único medio de propulsión es el viento.

Future UPSOUTH Cups hope to attract many more participants of differing age groups (beginning at age 8) and many more categories, encouraging more aficionados and promoting advanced sailing skills.

Las futuras regatas prometen mayor número de competidores, diversidad de embarcaciones y categorías desde los 8 años de edad para que participen los pequeños adeptos a la vela!

The first annual event was brought about thanks to Upsouth magazine, Club de Yates de Los Cabos, A.C. and numerous sponsors and supporters of this project.

For more information contact: UpSouth Magazine 624 143 5835

Cabo Azul Resort & Spa

Hotel & Resort Guide

Ocean Front, Five-Star beach resort located in San Jose del Cabo. It redefines high-luxury resort living, offering first class villa amenities, a variety of dining options, as well as spectacular spa and wedding services in an idyllic location. San Jose del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 163-5189

US: (877) 216-CABO

Cabo Surf Hotel Ocean Front, Five-Star beach and surf resort located in San Jose del Cabo. This stunning hotel offers beach weddings, surf lessons and plenty of relaxation under the Baja sun.

San Jose del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 142-2676 US: (858) 964-5117

Esperanza Hotel & Resort An exclusive luxury resort and private residential community in San Jose del Cabo. Esperanza boasts 50 casitas and six luxury suites offering spectacular views of the sea of Cortez. Rooms feature original artwork and handcrafted furnishings. The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 145-6400 US: (866) 311-2226

Fiesta Americana Grand Los Cabos Ocean Front, Five-Star resort located on the tourist corridor. This Grand resort elevates the famed Fiesta Americana experience to a new level offering outstanding architecture at a prime destination surrounded by luxury. The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 145-6200

US: (800) FIESTA1

Finisterra Hotel Perched on a hill, the hotel overlooks the town of Cabo San Lucas, with the Sea of Cortez to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The location offers incredible views from tastefully appointed rooms and suites complemented by a feeling of seclusion.

Photo: ©

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 143-3333


US: (866) 417-5039

Hacienda Encantada Resort & Spa Ocean Front, Five-Star resort located on the tourist corridor. It has a stunning Land’s End view and is a seven minute drive from downtown Cabo San Lucas. Its Hacienda-style décor will charm you.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 104-3614 US: (866) 360-9003

Cabo Azul Resort & Spa

Hotel & Resort Guide

Ocean Front, Five-Star beach resort located in San Jose del Cabo. It redefines high-luxury resort living, offering first class villa amenities, a variety of dining options, as well as spectacular spa and wedding services in an idyllic location. San Jose del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 163-5189

US: (877) 216-CABO

Cabo Surf Hotel Ocean Front, Five-Star beach and surf resort located in San Jose del Cabo. This stunning hotel offers beach weddings, surf lessons and plenty of relaxation under the Baja sun.

San Jose del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 142-2676 US: (858) 964-5117

Esperanza Hotel & Resort An exclusive luxury resort and private residential community in San Jose del Cabo. Esperanza boasts 50 casitas and six luxury suites offering spectacular views of the sea of Cortez. Rooms feature original artwork and handcrafted furnishings. The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 145-6400 US: (866) 311-2226

Fiesta Americana Grand Los Cabos Ocean Front, Five-Star resort located on the tourist corridor. This Grand resort elevates the famed Fiesta Americana experience to a new level offering outstanding architecture at a prime destination surrounded by luxury. The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 145-6200

US: (800) FIESTA1

Finisterra Hotel Perched on a hill, the hotel overlooks the town of Cabo San Lucas, with the Sea of Cortez to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The location offers incredible views from tastefully appointed rooms and suites complemented by a feeling of seclusion.

Photo: ©

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 143-3333


US: (866) 417-5039

Hacienda Encantada Resort & Spa Ocean Front, Five-Star resort located on the tourist corridor. It has a stunning Land’s End view and is a seven minute drive from downtown Cabo San Lucas. Its Hacienda-style décor will charm you.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 104-3614 US: (866) 360-9003

Las Ventanas al Paraiso

Playa Grande Resort & Spa

An exclusive luxury resort overlooking the Sea of Cortez. It is a window to Paradise. Las Ventanas has redefined luxury and pampering, reaching out with special touches that are the hallmark of refined hospitality.

Ocean front, Five-Star resort located in Cabo San Lucas with a view to the Pacific Ocean, Sea of Cortez and Downtown. Uniquely located on a private, secluded beach only a 10-minute walk from shopping and Cabo San Lucas nightlife.

San Jose del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 144-0300 US: (888) ROSEWOOD

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 145-7575

US: (800) 344-3349

Marina Fiesta Resort & Spa

Pueblo Bonito Rose

Five-Star resort is located on the Cabo San Lucas Marina with a view to the pier and downtown. Nestled in the heart of San Lucas this resort is a centerpiece of Cabo San Lucas.

Experience the many colors of Land’s End. Stroll into town, walk on the beach or watch the daylight fade to shades of crimson poolside or from your private balcony. Discover a restful place where warm hospitality and beauty harmonize. Walking distance from downtown.

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 145-6020

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 142-9898

US: (877) 243-4880

US: (800) 990-8250

Marquis Los Cabos Beach Resort

Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach

Ocean Front, Five-Star resort located on the tourist corridor. This resort offers its guest utmost luxury and service, spectacular amenities and breathtaking views. Marquis Los Cabos is dedicated to surpassing our guests’ expectations. Member of The Leading Hotels of the World®

Situated on the western side of the tip of Baja, overlooking the Pacific. Set away from the concentration of hotels along the Sea of Cortes, the resort’s 50-acre site and expansive private beach provides guests with a uniquely tranquil and secluded setting.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 144-2000

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 142-9999 US: (800) 990-8250

US: (877) 238-9399

ME by Meliá

Tesoro Los Cabos

Designed to raise eyebrows, blur boundaries, tempt, tease and seduce, ME is an experience beyond mere accommodation. In-room amenities range from free pre-tuned iPods to home theaters and private Jacuzzis. Inspiring global cuisine.

Located squarely in the center of all the action in magical, mesmerizing Los Cabos, is Tesoro Los Cabos, the all-inclusive resort hotel where those in the know flock to bask in the sun and have some serious Mexican fun.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 145-7800

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 173-9300 US: (866) 99TESORO

US: (866) 43-MELIA

Melia Cabo Real Beach & Golf Resort

Westin Resort & Spa Los Cabos

Tucked away on a tranquil sandy cove along Los Cabos’ colorful sapphire coast, Meliá Cabo Real All Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort lies between the spectacular scenery of the exotic desert and the only protected safe swimming beach in the area.

As guests arrive, a celebrated rendition of the Arch opens to the Sea of Cortez, offering guests a rewarding peek of what awaits them. The good life is just outside your door. Plus, you can fall asleep to the sound of waves against the shore.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 144-2222

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 142-9000

US: (888) 956-3542

US: (877) W HOTELS

One & Only Palmilla

Vistazul Suites & Spa

An exclusive luxury resort and private residential community overlooking the Sea of Cortez. A verdant oasis where the gracious style of Old Mexico is quietly nestled amidst swaying palms, birds of paradise and other tropical blooms.

A boutique SPA in Los Cabos with a perfect location along the Corridor. The Aquazul Holistic Spa features the very best of natural therapies including Temazcal, a pre-Hispanic treatment. The charming, fully-equipped suites are comfortable, spacious and decorated in contemporary Mexican-style.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 146-7000 US: (866) 829-2977

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 144-4727 US: (877) 292 8207

Las Ventanas al Paraiso

Playa Grande Resort & Spa

An exclusive luxury resort overlooking the Sea of Cortez. It is a window to Paradise. Las Ventanas has redefined luxury and pampering, reaching out with special touches that are the hallmark of refined hospitality.

Ocean front, Five-Star resort located in Cabo San Lucas with a view to the Pacific Ocean, Sea of Cortez and Downtown. Uniquely located on a private, secluded beach only a 10-minute walk from shopping and Cabo San Lucas nightlife.

San Jose del Cabo Local Phone: (624) 144-0300 US: (888) ROSEWOOD

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 145-7575

US: (800) 344-3349

Marina Fiesta Resort & Spa

Pueblo Bonito Rose

Five-Star resort is located on the Cabo San Lucas Marina with a view to the pier and downtown. Nestled in the heart of San Lucas this resort is a centerpiece of Cabo San Lucas.

Experience the many colors of Land’s End. Stroll into town, walk on the beach or watch the daylight fade to shades of crimson poolside or from your private balcony. Discover a restful place where warm hospitality and beauty harmonize. Walking distance from downtown.

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 145-6020

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 142-9898

US: (877) 243-4880

US: (800) 990-8250

Marquis Los Cabos Beach Resort

Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach

Ocean Front, Five-Star resort located on the tourist corridor. This resort offers its guest utmost luxury and service, spectacular amenities and breathtaking views. Marquis Los Cabos is dedicated to surpassing our guests’ expectations. Member of The Leading Hotels of the World®

Situated on the western side of the tip of Baja, overlooking the Pacific. Set away from the concentration of hotels along the Sea of Cortes, the resort’s 50-acre site and expansive private beach provides guests with a uniquely tranquil and secluded setting.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 144-2000

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 142-9999 US: (800) 990-8250

US: (877) 238-9399

ME by Meliá

Tesoro Los Cabos

Designed to raise eyebrows, blur boundaries, tempt, tease and seduce, ME is an experience beyond mere accommodation. In-room amenities range from free pre-tuned iPods to home theaters and private Jacuzzis. Inspiring global cuisine.

Located squarely in the center of all the action in magical, mesmerizing Los Cabos, is Tesoro Los Cabos, the all-inclusive resort hotel where those in the know flock to bask in the sun and have some serious Mexican fun.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 145-7800

Cabo San Lucas Local Phone: (624) 173-9300 US: (866) 99TESORO

US: (866) 43-MELIA

Melia Cabo Real Beach & Golf Resort

Westin Resort & Spa Los Cabos

Tucked away on a tranquil sandy cove along Los Cabos’ colorful sapphire coast, Meliá Cabo Real All Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort lies between the spectacular scenery of the exotic desert and the only protected safe swimming beach in the area.

As guests arrive, a celebrated rendition of the Arch opens to the Sea of Cortez, offering guests a rewarding peek of what awaits them. The good life is just outside your door. Plus, you can fall asleep to the sound of waves against the shore.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 144-2222

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 142-9000

US: (888) 956-3542

US: (877) W HOTELS

One & Only Palmilla

Vistazul Suites & Spa

An exclusive luxury resort and private residential community overlooking the Sea of Cortez. A verdant oasis where the gracious style of Old Mexico is quietly nestled amidst swaying palms, birds of paradise and other tropical blooms.

A boutique SPA in Los Cabos with a perfect location along the Corridor. The Aquazul Holistic Spa features the very best of natural therapies including Temazcal, a pre-Hispanic treatment. The charming, fully-equipped suites are comfortable, spacious and decorated in contemporary Mexican-style.

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 146-7000 US: (866) 829-2977

The Corridor Local Phone: (624) 144-4727 US: (877) 292 8207

B A Message from the Past – Cave paintings are one of the many tourist attractions found throughout the Baja Peninsula and scientists have little information on these paintings because they have only been studied for about 20 years. Baja’s first settlers where amazed by the beauty of this rich land and they painted full stories for generations to come. It is believed that they are thousands of years old and spread throughout a 12,000 sq km territory, mainly in the central region of the Baja Peninsula. The settlers depicted human shapes, hunting scenes, manta rays, fish, sea lions, whales, deer, snakes and hares, usually painted in yellow, black and red colors. These paintings are found in La Paz, Todos Santos, Loreto, Santa Rosalía and Mulegé. They are usually located in secluded areas and guided tours are always recommended. Ask your concierge about cave painting tours while visiting Los Cabos. A tour will probably take you away from your hotel in Cabo for a day or two but it will be an adventure to remember!

Las pinturas rupestres son una de las tantas atracciones turísticas que ofrece la península de Baja California. Poco se sabe de estas pinturas y de las culturas que las hicieron ya que sólo existen 20 años de investigación al respecto. Los primeros habitantes de la Baja debieron estar muy impresionados con todo aquello que los rodeaba puesto que se vieron obligados a plasmarlo dejando así un testimonio silencio para generaciones venideras. Se cree que estas pinturas datan de miles de años y se encuentran en la región central de la península en un territorio que abarca 12,000 kilómetros cuadrados. Estos pobladores primitivos dibujaban figuras humanas, escenas de cacería, manta rayas, pescados, lobos marinos, ballenas, venados, serpientes y liebres. Los colores que más encontramos en estas pinturas son el negro, rojo y amarillo. Es posible encontrar pinturas rupestres en La Paz, Todos Santos, Loreto, Santa Rosalía y Mulegé, generalmente se encuentran en localidades remotas por lo que se recomiendan visitas guiadas.


B A Message from the Past – Cave paintings are one of the many tourist attractions found throughout the Baja Peninsula and scientists have little information on these paintings because they have only been studied for about 20 years. Baja’s first settlers where amazed by the beauty of this rich land and they painted full stories for generations to come. It is believed that they are thousands of years old and spread throughout a 12,000 sq km territory, mainly in the central region of the Baja Peninsula. The settlers depicted human shapes, hunting scenes, manta rays, fish, sea lions, whales, deer, snakes and hares, usually painted in yellow, black and red colors. These paintings are found in La Paz, Todos Santos, Loreto, Santa Rosalía and Mulegé. They are usually located in secluded areas and guided tours are always recommended. Ask your concierge about cave painting tours while visiting Los Cabos. A tour will probably take you away from your hotel in Cabo for a day or two but it will be an adventure to remember!

Las pinturas rupestres son una de las tantas atracciones turísticas que ofrece la península de Baja California. Poco se sabe de estas pinturas y de las culturas que las hicieron ya que sólo existen 20 años de investigación al respecto. Los primeros habitantes de la Baja debieron estar muy impresionados con todo aquello que los rodeaba puesto que se vieron obligados a plasmarlo dejando así un testimonio silencio para generaciones venideras. Se cree que estas pinturas datan de miles de años y se encuentran en la región central de la península en un territorio que abarca 12,000 kilómetros cuadrados. Estos pobladores primitivos dibujaban figuras humanas, escenas de cacería, manta rayas, pescados, lobos marinos, ballenas, venados, serpientes y liebres. Los colores que más encontramos en estas pinturas son el negro, rojo y amarillo. Es posible encontrar pinturas rupestres en La Paz, Todos Santos, Loreto, Santa Rosalía y Mulegé, generalmente se encuentran en localidades remotas por lo que se recomiendan visitas guiadas.




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