Sept./Oct. 2013
to the re-launch issue of Inside God’s Best Magazine. I’ve missed talking with you and hope that you have been fulfilling the things that God has called you to. It is my prayer that you will read something that will INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE, UPLIFT and PUSH you into your destiny. Remember, you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV
Now that we’re back let’s go INSIDE! 2
5 COVER STORY: LIFE AFTER CANCER By Dracy Lockett DEPARTMENTS 12 Business 15 Palace Living 19 Train Up A Child 23 Kingdom Reads 25 Man of Valor 26 Making a Joyful Noise
ON JAMIE: T.J. Maxx JEWERLY: Her Own PHOTO: Mindy Mays
Contact Us 414.760.3744/
“One of the things that makes a woman a woman are her breast and cancer had taken them away”.
To know Jamie is to love her. She’s poised, a true fashionista, she’s funny, beautiful and most importantly she’s a survivor. On the day of our interview it’s a sweltering 85 degrees outside and she looks amazing! Wearing a bright red sundress, white accessories and navy stilettoes. As we drive to our shoot location I jump right into the interview because I wanted to know more about this funny and beautiful lady that I have come to know. With no history of breast cancer in her family and clear mammograms Jamie wanted to know why her breasts were leaking. After a doctor’s visit and tests, Jamie heard those dreaded words…BREAST CANCER. In search of a second opinion she remained hopeful. But on February 5, 2010 it was just as the first doctor had predicted she had stage 3 Inductile Carcinoma breast cancer. She was just 26 years old. Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), sometimes called infiltrating ductal carcinoma, is the most common
type of breast cancer. About 80% of all breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinomas. Invasive means that the cancer has “invaded” or spread to the surrounding breast tissues. Ductal means that the cancer began in the milk ducts, which are the “pipes” that carry milk from the milk-producing lobules to the nipple. Carcinoma refers to any cancer that begins in the skin or other tissues that cover internal organs — such as breast tissue. All together, “invasive ductal carcinoma” refers to cancer that has broken through the wall of the milk duct and begun to invade the tissues of the breast. Over time, invasive ductal carcinoma can spread to the lymph nodes and possibly to other areas of the body. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 180,000 women in the United States find out they have invasive breast cancer each year. Most of them are diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. Continued on page 8
Although invasive ductal carcinoma can affect women at any age, it is more common as women grow older. According to the American Cancer Society, about two-thirds of women are 55 or older when they are diagnosed with an invasive breast cancer. Invasive ductal carcinoma also affects men. (
cal health. She had to leave her job with Delta Airlines as a flight attendant and move back home with her parents. She needed round the clock care. Her mother, who Jamie calls an angel had to bath and feed her after her treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. Jamie’s team of doctors were very optimistic and attacked her cancer aggressively. She started chemotherapy and radiation immediately and soon After hearing those words and receiving her diagno- that beautiful, funny, and vibrant 26 year old started to lose her hair, eyelashes and packed on the pounds sis Jamie was not only shocked she was devastated. Her initial thought was that she was going to die. But from the steroids. The physical transformation was something that Jamie had a hard time dealing with. she soon realized that she not only had a great team of doctors but she had the ultimate physician on her When she looked in the mirror she saw a young woman with no hair, skin burned and dis-colored side. Jesus Christ, Chief Physician and Healer. She from the radiation and wondered if she would or then had the daunting task of telling her family that could bounce back. Through it all her parents contintheir funny, vibrant, beautiful 26 year old daughter ued to love her, encourage and prayed for their had breast cancer. The news hit them like a ton of bricks. They couldn’t understand how someone who daughter. was not a smoker, was not a drinker and did not do drugs could have breast cancer. Jamie prided herself Continued on page 9 on eating healthy, exercising and was in good physi-
“Things in life get bumpy and you may not love the ride, but you will love the destination”.
I asked Jamie how her diagnosis affected her emotionally and she said, “there were times when I was mean, angry and distant.” “Then there were times when I was happy, laughing and joyful”. “My poor parents didn’t know what kind of mood I would be in from day to day. Chemotherapy was the cause of her mood swings but she was determined to push through.
I asked Jamie if she could say something to that 26 year old young lady who had just been told that she has breast cancer what you she say? She said, you will survive, it’s a different time and cancer is not the death sentence that it use to be. Jamie reflects often on something a pastor told her years ago, “things in life get bumpy and you may not love the ride, but you will love the destination. That’s what I want that 26 year old young lady to know. God has the final say and if you want to live you have to fight and trust Jamie knew that she had a lot more life to live and was ready to fight. Jamie says, “one of the things that God to see you through. makes a woman a woman are her breast” and the cancer had taken them away. She underwent a right So what’s next for Jamie and how is she paying it breast mastectomy with reconstruction in January of forward? She is currently writing a book about her 2012. Because of her age the probability of the can- life’s journey, and is working with the Jane Cremer cer returning within the next five years is high. She Foundation to see how she can help other’s in their continues to see her doctor every nine months. She fight against cancer. She recently went back to school celebrated three years of being cancer free on April to finish her Psychology degree, and returned to her 27, 2013. job at Delta airlines as a flight attendant.
Keisha Roper is one of Milwaukee’s sought after make-up artists. She is responsible for the fabulous look of our own CEO/Publisher. She has created looks for Singer/Songwriter Le’Che Martin, Jacob Latimore and done print work for celebrity designer Asia Mynor. She has done runway and film work for Karma Soul designs. Contact Keisha at:
londa D. Glover, Ph.D. (ABD) has over 20 years of experience in managing complex human, organizational development and change management issues in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. She has proven expertise in social entrepreneurship, performance improvement trainings, business management consultation and talent management (social construction of reality theory approach), board development & governance, meeting facilitation, and program development. Her leadership development, strategic planning & implementation processes with entrepreneurs have won her numerous local and national awards, notably with the Milwaukee Urban Entrepreneurial Partnership, Inc., 2008 North Star Award and the U.S. Small Business Administration, 2008 Wisconsin Small Business Champion Award. Mrs. Glover has an exceptional ability in assessing the leadership and organizational needs of an organization in order to achieve mission driven results. She is a strategic thinker who works efficiently to integrate an organization’s mission and vision with their day-to-day operations by creating a “value excellent” environment at every level. She received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and African-American studies from Indiana University and her master’s degree in Business Management from Cardinal Stritch University, her graduate thesis included creating an Effective Diversity Leadership Management Program, which has been used by both local and national organizations in developing their diversity training program. As a change maker in the workplace, she was featured as a diversity expert and her article Improving Workplace Diversity in Milwaukee appeared in The Business Journal. Currently, she is a 2013 PhD candidate at Benedictine University, College of Business, Organization Development & Change Program in Lisle, Illinois and is an adjunct professor in the Lubar School of Business at UW-Milwaukee. Mrs. Glover is a certified assessment, strategic “implementation” planning facilitator and coach through Leadership Management Inc. As the President/Chief Strategy Officer for a strategy management consulting firm, TriSuccess Management Institute, Inc. (TSMI), we exist to educate, equip and empower for profits and nonprofits with strategy and technology management consulting and trainings services for whole system change. Her professional commitment rests in assisting organizational leaders to develop the strategy decision-making skills and tools necessary to produce data-driven outcomes to improve their profitability and productivity.
MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES: Technology Management Consulting & Training: Without a vision of how technology will be valued, embraced, used and maintained by individuals within your organization, you will not have an efficient or effective network. It can be used for just getting the job done or making a process easier. More importantly, it can be used to achieve the ultimate goal, merging people and their unique gifts (human capital: skills, talents) with technology to enhance and deliver the end product in an easier more digestible way to the client (customer). Each technology service is customized to fit your specific business goals while technology training is offered to support the implementation and management of your new or existing technology. We provide:
Technology Strategic Plan & Design Technology Assessments & Findings Report Personal & Group Trainings Technology Support/Maintenance Network Installation Computer Rebuild
Strategy Management Consulting & Training: Performance measured through objectives is performance improved. Our Strategic Management Success Model (SMSM) consists of analysis, development, planning and management of your organization’s objectives. We will help leaders create buy-in and feedback from their organizations through our customized trainings, the constructing of key-initiatives to be implemented and an organizational (strategic or business) plan for your future. We provide:
Organizational Assessments Strategic Planning & Design (with Annual Plan) Feasibility Study (including Business, Technology, Economic, Operational and/or Resource studies) Business Management Coaching Business Development & Planning (with for profits & nonprofits) Board Development & Governance Consulting & Trainings Process & Performance Management Project Management Organizational (Group) & Personal (Leadership) Development Trainings For More Information Contact: Ylonda D. Glover, Ph.D. (ABD) President/Chief Strategy Officer 13
Dry Cleaning Specials
3727 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 414.445.5050 Mon.-Sat. 10:00 am– 6:00 pm 14
Rich Interiors
Photo credit Sheila Rich Interiors
hen I think of rich interiors, I envision the jewel tone color palette (crimson, indigo, eggplant, gold, emerald), plush floor coverings (Persian rugs, Italian marble tile, Brazilian hardwoods), silk drapes, Chippendale sofas, Bergere chairs, chaise lounges, antiqued patinas, organic topiaries, tapestries, walls of plated glass, limestone walls, water features, fire places, spa baths and fine arts. continued on page 16 15
Such interior design elements create elegant, luxurious, classic living spaces. The price point can run into the hundreds of thousands, or, if you prefer chic on a budget, fall under fifty-thousand. Regardless the amount of money you spend ‘decking your halls’, don’t neglect the most important element: you!
and can be used according to the will of God for His glory.
Another element of the rich interior life is daily Bible study. God’s Word is essential to your spiritual maturity. I recently heard a pastor say, “Every day, you should be changing.” The change she was referring Your interior design style is what creates a living to is spiritual growth. Reading, studying and meditatspace that uniquely expresses your personality, artis- ing the Word of God leads to living a life reflective tic flare, personal interests and tastes. Or rather, it of the Word. The Lord even promises to bring the should. If you love reading but don’t have an extra Word to your remembrance when needed (St. John room to erect a serene reading space, you could uti- 14:26 New International Version). But you have to lize your living room as your home library. Four to put something down on the inside for Him to work six plush, comfy club chairs surrounding an ottoman with. that doubles as a table plus a desk completes the seating arrangement. A gas or natural fireplace adds am- Each saint of God is commanded and commissioned biance and warmth. Posh rugs underfoot affords to spread the gospel through witnessing to the lost comfort. If you are a music lover, perhaps a music (St. Mark 16:15 New International Version). It is our room is in order. Are you an artist? Every available purpose. Soul winning is our destiny. The rich interiwall space throughout your home is a blank canvas or life is made beautiful by the obedience of having where you can design an artistic gallery. Is your hus- won souls to Christ! The Bible says, “He who wins band into sports? Think Man Cave! You can incorpo- souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30 New King James Verrate his favorite colors, sport memorabilia, comforta- sion). ble, durable furniture and the widest screen T.V. you can find, into a space he’ll soon call home. The crea- Rich interiors, whether our living spaces or our spirit tive mind will relish a craft studio. Into antiques? lives, are made beautifully authentic by arranging Pepper them through your space. You can still main- within them elements that help us express our pertain a modern design with the introduction of ansonal style and unique character. tiques if they are thoughtfully selected and complement the space. And if cooking is your thing, why not go for a restaurant grade kitchen? Think stainless, six burner gas cooktop, grill and griddle, pot filler, vegetable sink, double oven - the list goes on and on. Whatever your interests, be bold and incorporate them in your home interior design. Your pleasure and comfort are the most important factors to consider when designing your living spaces. Functionality is a close second. Consider how each living space is used or how you want it to be used. Fabric textures and finishes, floor covering color, furniture construction and floor space are all elements important to how well your space will function with the furnishings you place within. There’s another interior space we must pay close attention to designing: our interior life. What makes a rich interior life? Daily prayer. Your prayer life must be cultivated each day by spending time with the Father in praise, singing, worship, supplication, intercession and thanksgiving. You will want to incorpo- Lisa Hightire is a staff writer. She lives in Wisconsin with her family. rate the many aspects of prayer into your life each day to ensure you pray according to the Word of God 16
This look was created using colors from the 10 piece "Ultra Bright" pigment collection by 423
Sitting in the AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) office on my daughter’s second birthday was truly no way to celebrate her birth. After all, she was planned and prayed for by my former husband and I. I’d taken time off work to be an “at home” mom and immersed myself fully in the role of being mother to her and my son, who was seven months old at that time.
bottles, snacks, toys, carrier, all in tow. Trips to the restroom to potty, keeping tired babies occupied, fed and happy was likely the furthest consideration from their minds. My soul looks back and wonders how I made it through that day alone.
The reality was, that as I completed paperwork to get the assistance for the TEMPORARY situation I was experiencing, I noticed wordIt didn’t matter to them that I ago- ing on the documents that made nized over the fact that I had to me realize that the system was set apply for aid, or that I was going up to keep a sista down. The through a divorce, and was not forms included a range that your there by choice. They could have income had to be UNDER in order cared less about my degree from to get the help you needed. In orthe university, the fact that I der to stay eligible, you had to reworked my way through college port regularly that you were still in with part time retail and modeling the prescribed LIMITS. I felt a gigs…nor did it phase them that sense of indignation at the thought I’d worked professionally in bank- of being within someone else’s ing and management prior to land- definition of who I was, and living ing in this room with a number in within boundaries that were creatmy hand…waiting to be called on. ed to limit me to an existence that They probably didn’t realize how did not fully recognize who I was difficult it was spending nearly a created to be. It was one of those full day in that building with two “mental notes” I made as I navismall children as well all of their gated the maze and the red tape, to essentials - diaper bag, diapers, make sure I was able to buy gro-
ceries and eventually get day care assistance allowing me to return to the world of work. Perhaps it took that day to be a defining moment in my life. That two year old and seven month old are now young adults. My daughter is now a senior in college, premed/bio major/chemistry minor at an HBCU college…preparing to apply to medical school. My son is a recent high school graduate and is on the threshold of his journey into college athletics and a career. Perhaps it was the feeling of defiance at “income limits” that pushed me to make a choice to teach my children that they didn’t have to be “statistics” and could do WHATEVER they set their minds to do. It was definitely the understanding of who I am and whose I am, that I endured that process temporarily, on my way to a better life. My soul looks back and wonders, even today, how I made it through that time in my life.
Continued on page 20 19
It was my goal, my desire and my expectation to live “happily ever after” in marriage to my then husband. We married shortly before graduation from college. Little did I know that things would not turn out as expected. Unfortunately, on my fifth wedding anniversary, I knew there would not be a sixth. Despite Pastoral counsel, prayer, reading my bible, tears and frustration, my marriage ended in divorce. I’d never lived on my own as an adult prior to marriage, so talk about a scary situation. Two little people to take care of, all on my own. They needed a sense of stability and normalcy, and I was determined to stand through the storm. Perhaps it was during that time in my life that I developed a compassion for other single mothers… specifically those that didn’t have a support system or didn’t know of resources to help make their journey a little easier to bear. Because I had my parents nearby, I always had someone to help with my children, and they provided much needed stability for us during that time. I look back, and I am grateful, because I can only imagine how difficult it could be without some sort of support. There was also the community support that we experienced by being members of a church family. What a great help it was to have a sense of certainty that better days were coming, because my trust was in the Lord. How comforting it was that my children felt loved and cared for. They received guidance in ways that would help them become well grounded, caring and compassionate young adults. Over time, I found myself moving from the seat of the student, to that of the teacher because I’d learned to apply the lessons found in scripture and developed a passion for helping others do the same. Perhaps it took all of that to lead to the moment when I accepted the call to ministry and preached my first sermon as a single mother with two small children, having been transformed in my thinking and being….from tears to triumph. Yes, my soul does look back and wonder. Today, as I reflect on life as it was back then I understand it better now. I understand that nothing I went through has been wasted. Never would I have imagined that the pain and the tears I experienced would become distance memories, replaced by strength and endurance. Hope resides in my heart, where fear for
tomorrow once lived. I feared for my own future, as well as that of my children. Knowing the negative statistics that are often attributed to single mothers, and children raised in single parent homes, I was afraid for them - afraid of the possibility of my daughter being a teen mother, and my son a victim of the streets. I am so grateful that someone (a dear cousin of mine) gave me advice that I remember to this day. She told me that I had to trust God to be THEIR God and that I had to entrust them to him. That was probably the BEST advice I’ve ever received! Although there are so many external factors that concern us, it truly makes parenting easier when your reinforcement is from above. Now that my children are young adults, that advice is still relevant. My daughter is eighteen hours away from home attending school. She went there sight unseen, because we felt that it was the best choice for schools for her to prepare for her profession. We’ve had to trust God for provision for tuition, supplies, travel and thankfully we can declare that God has continued to make a way for her. There was even a point when I was unable to pay the balance of the tuition bill from first semester, and she had to return to start the second semester, trusting God to make a way. I had no idea where the funds would come from, but she got on that plane and when she arrived, I instructed her to go to financial aid and explain the situation…reminding them that she was a hard working, high achieving scholar, and that she needed additional aid. I had no idea what the outcome would be, but God instructed me to send her back and to trust him. My soul looks back and wonders….he did it to both of our amazement! What a lesson in trusting God that she was able to experience herself! What a blessing to witness him at work in our children’s lives!
Continued on page 22 20
Now that my daughter is well on her way, I am applying the same wisdom with my son. He has not yet decided where he will be going, but his mind is made up that he IS going to college. Additional prayer goes up for many sons, lacking their fathers in their lives….mothers feeling they aren’t well equipped for the job of raising boys to become men. I recognize that I am not a father, and frankly, I don’t try to be. So many women fall into the trap of thinking they’re fulfilling the role of mother and father, but I strongly disagree with that thinking. My role is mother. That’s what I was created and equipped to be. That is all that is expected of me by God. Where there is any gap due to the absence of their dad, HE fills it.
It’s amazing how quickly time passes. It’s funny how you can go from not thinking you’re going to make it, to thanking God for bringing you through! Yes, my soul looks back and wonders, how I made it this far….while at the same time, knowing EXACTLY where my help came from.
Daphne Johnson is a staff writer. She resides in Wisconsin with her family.
We’ve dealt with our share of challenges, changes, and uncertainty. Even today, those things still exist. But, we are not defined by circumstances. We understand that as a family, we’re good. We’re better than good because we have a strong foundation of faith and trust in God. We have each other as well as family that supports us and expects the best for us.
By Cassandra Woods
Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis In this humorous and perceptive exchange between two demons, C. S. Lewis delves into moral questions about good vs. evil, temptation, repentance, and grace. Each chapter deals with temptations that we all have faced at some point in our life. C.S. Lewis captures the inner struggle where we don't fight against flesh but principalities in “low” places. Screwtape Letters expands your conscience to examine and filter every thought.
Fresh Baked Manna Volume II by Melva Henderson
In this continuation from Fresh Baked Manna volume 1Melva Henderson reveals her personal conversations with God to write another 90 day personal devotion. Melva’s personal conversations with God has helped others receive insight into having a deeper relationship with God. Fresh Baked Manna II will leave you hungry for more of Him.
Never Chase Another Paycheck by Robert Watkins Are you tired of living from paycheck to paycheck? Unable to live the life you desire? Making money for everyone except for yourself? Robert Watkins gives you practical techniques to establish 8 different revenue incomes. The economic crisis have left many of us jaded. These principals can have you operating in your God given purpose without the fear of failure.
The recent urban definition leans to mean: exude confidence, a certain style, presence, a walk, well put together, the whole package. These are just a few words to help make clear the urban use of this word. Though woefully over-used in this writer’s opinion, it’s the chosen focus of this article. I offer it as an acronym.
homework on product quality. Start with the basics to build a foundation. Neutral colors and modern twists on classic styles are great building blocks. Be mindful that dressing to impress is a head to foot experience. It includes being well groomed, properly fragranced, and sharply shoed.
Smart isn’t an inference of one’s intelligence. This word has now become colloquial in application. Choose your color combinations and accessories The informality of the expression proves this as it is wisely. A minimum of patterns and accessories is a safe base. A few, tasteful jewelry pieces can speak used in almost every situation to express an events successful completion. Da bomb is what my genera- volumes and shout gaudy. Scripture says that a soft answer turns away wrath. Let your dress speak softly tion used to express great pleasure in an expression. Though this word actually has a formal meaning, the and leave a lasting positive impression. Cologne urban perspective has little in common with it. I offer should be experienced by those in your presence. If the following: S.W.A.G (Speak, wearing, appropriate, you smell it on you, you probably have too much on. Wearing a watch is classic. Find a nice timepiece. gear). Checking your smartphone for the time could give the All occasions call for certain dress expectations. wrong impression and lead to distractions. The party With today’s liberality, these once definitive lines are you are entertaining may conclude that your attention blurred. I am making a clarion call to reinforce the is on your texts, tweets, and beeps. code…dress code. There is still such a thing as, “you A clean look encompasses properly fitted clothes and only get to make a first impression once.” Let me coordination of colors, patterns and accessories. pose a few questions: Your appearance will build the expectation of your Does your current look reflect where you desire character. Make sure you are comfortable with whatto be? ever you wear. Your entire demeanor is detected Does your attire need sharpening up? within the opportunity to impress and or express who Does my wardrobe consist of quality of quantity? you are. Let your S.W.A G speak before you do. Do I “dress to impress”? Men are just as conscientious about their appearances as women. Our desired appearance is often dictated by our economic reality. With a little guidance and research, this goal can be reached inexpensively. Decide upon the lifestyle and persona you want to project. This is a driving factor of fashion choices. Remember these three words when beginning to build your image: Sophisticated, Smart, and Clean. A sophisticated approach doesn’t have to mean expensive. There are many outlet stores and online clothiers for every budget. Just remember to do your
W. Douglas Turner is a staff writer. He lives in Wisconsin with his family.
The first national release of Keith Williams, "Tone for Worship" on the EPM Music Group Label. Featuring 11 soul stirring tracks that will take you from Monday morning all the way to Sunday morning church. For more information visit
Grateful for all of the love and God’s favor, Todd is excited to now deliver an Exclusive Musical Treat to his supporters and beyond. “Trusting In You” will be available for download on iTunes and aired on several key Gospel Entertainment media sites and radio stations. Also, connect with Todd Dulaney on his new interactive website: Facebook: Twitter: @ToddDulaney Instagram: ToddDulane
"The people sat down to eat...and rose up to play" (1 Cor. 10: 7).
Jelly Belly Tour Train Are you tired of sitting on the couch watching the history channel about historical iconic features in Milwaukee? If so, find out fast facts about Milwaukee for free at several museum attractions. Why not just stay local and let the tour guide do the talking, while you do the riding on a Jelly Belly Tour. Although Jelly Belly was not originally founded in Wisconsin it has its roots here. Jelly Belly has its origins dating back to 1869 when Gustav Goelitz, a German immigrant founded an ice cream parlor. The official Jelly Belly idea was later cultivated in 1976 in Los Angeles. Another plant was later built in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin about 45 minutes outside of Milwaukee. Both distribution centers in California and Wisconsin, account for all the jelly belly beans disseminated around the world.
For most of us that has a sweet tooth, that has a mind of its own, let the Jelly Belly Tour do the trick. Though Jelly Belly beans take between 7 to 21 days to make, you can instantly cure your sweet tooth with a 30-minute tour. According to, “You'll start from Jelly Belly Junction, and hop on board the Jelly Belly Express train for a tour inside the large warehouse and distribution center. The 30-minute ride makes stops at a variety of Stations with large screen videos showing the company's century of candy making and the process of making candy corn, jelly beans, taffy, gummies and more.” Did you know that, Jelly Belly has more than 50 official flavors and enough beans are eaten annually to circle the earth 5 times? During the tour you will learn more exciting facts like, you’re not the only person with a Jelly Belly craze. Jelly Belly has been distributed all around the world including in outer space. In 1983 Jelly Belly was sent on a space shuttle Challenger voyage by former president, Ronald Reagan. Don’t let the Jelly Belly craze pass you by, it’s a once in a lifetime experience. Take a FREE tour daily between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Kinyatta Wright is a staff writer. She lives in Wisconsin.
The Bible provides specific principles regarding money management that work-regardless of the current economic climate. 1. God Owns it All We are simply managers of His resources God can take whatever He wants, whenever He wants Every spending decision is a spiritual decision Stewardship cannot be faked “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 24:1 2. Set Long-Term Written Financial Goals “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 3. Spend less than you earn “Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.” Proverbs 13:11 4. Avoid the use of debt “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7 5. Avoid a consumptive lifestyle “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 5:10 Other Scriptural References to Financial Planning: “In the wilderness He fed you manna which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do good for you in the end. Otherwise, you may say in your heart, ‘My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.’ But you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you the power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy 8:16-18 “For the Lord loves justice, and does not forsake His godly ones; they are preserved forever; but the descendants of the wicked will be cut off. The righteous will inherit the land, and dwell in it forever. Mark the blameless man, and behold the upright; for the man of peace will have posterity. But transgressors will be altogether destroyed; the posterity of the wicked will be cut off.” Psalm 37:28-29, 37-38 Continued on page 32 29
“For he sees that even wise men die; the stupid and the senseless alike perish, and leave their wealth to others. Their inner thought is that their houses are forever; and their dwelling places to all generations; they have called their lands after their own names. But man in his pomp will not endure; he is like the beasts that perish. Do not be afraid when a man becomes rich, when the glory of his house is increased; for when he dies he will carry nothing away; his glory will not descend after him. Though while he lives he congratulates himself -and though men praise you when you do well for yourself–he shall go to the generation of his fathers; they shall never see the light. Man in his pomp, yet without understanding, is like the beasts that perish.” Psalm 49:10-12, 16-20 “The rich and the poor have a common bond, the LORD is the maker of them all.” Proverbs 22:2 “If therefore you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous mammon, who will entrust the true riches to you? And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own? No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Luke 16:11-13 “…while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 “Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philipians 4: 11-1 3 “Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.” 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Posted on: 01-3-2008 by: johncgay Source: Kingdom Advisors
Bishop Darrell and Pastor Pamela Hines are the quintessential couple in faith building ministries and share a commitment to teach, encourage, inspire and uplift the family in their local church and around he world. Christian Faith Fellowship Church was founded by the duo in January 1989 with the commitment to include a four point plan through what is referred to as CORE: Community, Outreach, Resource and Education, coupled with a vision to proclaim the Word of God , uplift the family and provide ministry to the total man. Through dependency upon the Word of God, the families that make up the congregation of Christian Faith Fellowship Church are taught and encouraged to positively affect the community.
If you have a need in your life take it to Jesus. If you need healing, a breakthrough, deliverance take it to Jesus. Most importantly if you need salvation Jesus is just a prayer away. If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior simply pray this prayer: Father in the name of Jesus I know that I’m a sinner and I’m lost without you. I believe in my heart that Jesus died on the cross and on the third day was raised again. So I accept you today to be the Lord of my life. Satan you no longer have any legal rights to anything about me. As of this moment I belong to Jesus Christ and I’m off limits to you. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!
It’s that simple and if you believe in your heart the prayer you just prayed you are now saved! Now go tell somebody and walk in this new life!
Inside God’s Best Staff: Lisa Hightire, Staff Writer Daphne Johnson, Staff Writer Mindy Mays, Staff Photographer
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