Con t en t s M AY 2017 8 12
PGA of Alberta: News & Notes
Central Alberta Golf: A One Word Description Is Just Too Tough
Picture Butte Gets Behind Junior Golf
PGA of CanadaLife Member Kenneth Matson Remembered As The "Ultimate Professional"
Instruction Tip: Mastering Your "Lies"
RBC PGA Scramble National Final Headed To Cabot Links
Western Canada's "Go-To" Golf Vacation Company
Precision Pro Making Waves
The Southern Alberta Report
PGA of Alberta: Names In The News
Members On The Move
Ponoka? Small Town Atmosphere With "Big Time" Amenities.
Desert Blooms For Gerlitz In First Event Of The Season
The Golf Canada Centre: Calgary?s Complete Golf Facility
The New Rules
New PGA President Realizes Change Is Coming To The Game Chambers Bay: World-Class Playability, World-Class Sustainability Instruction Tip: Get Your Putter In Shape Before You Play
PGA Of A l b erta Launch es I nstagram A ccount The PGA of Alberta has now added Instagram to their communication lineup. You can now follow the Association on the quickly growing platform under pgaofalberta. Instagram is a fantastic way to share your favourite photos and videos with others in the golf industry. Click h er e to follow the PGA of Alberta on Instagram. Members are encouraged to include # pgaofalberta in their posts and their picture may be reposted on the Association?s page.
Th e PGA 'S New " A ce" I nsurer The PGA is excited to announce Foster Park Brokers Inc. as the new Hole in One Insurance Provider of the Association!
#HI O 2018 Sh ow Dates Set Mark your calendars now for the 2018 #GolfShow dates: #YEG ? March 10/11, 2018 #YYC ? March 24/25, 2018. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
2017 " PGA On Wh eel s" Dates All Sport One Day - Calgary Sat, June 17, 2017
Spruce Grove Canada Day Parade - Jubilee Park Sat, July 1, 2017 Jumpstart Games - Soccer Centre, Calgary Thurs, July 20, 2017
The PGA is excited to announce a new partnership with Of f cou r se Golf w h o m ak es apps f or golf er s an d golf cou r ses alik e. Golfers all over the world use Offcourse powered apps to track scores, stats and handicap plus interact with friends & courses. Courses use Offcourse apps to reach their customers via mobile and so drive sales on the tee sheet, in the pro shop, clubhouse, and halfway house. For more information on Offcourse Golf, please click here.
The Association is pleased to announce a partnership with O?Neill Canada as presenting sponsor of the PGA of Alberta Bursary Program. O'Neill's set of cor e valu es ? in n ovat ion in st yle an d t ech n ology ? has seen the brand devote itself wholeheartedly to the evolution of action sports. The same quality and high performance features common to all O?Neill products are found in the O?Neill golf styles. Click here for more information on O?Neill.
Cen t r al Al ber t a Gol f : A VACATION On e Wor d Descr i pt i on BY JEFF Is Just Too Tough SUTHERLAND THERIGHTGOLF
I f you h ad to ch oose one w ord to descri be gol f i n Central A l b erta, i t w oul d come dow n to a coi n toss betw een ?v ari ety," ?v al ue? and ?accessi b i l i ty." The variety comes in the six courses that make up the Central Alberta group: Alberta Springs Golf Resort, Innisfail Golf Club, Pine Hills Golf Club, Ponoka Golf Club, River Bend
Golf Course and Wolf Creek Golf Resort. Each brings its own unique character, challenging elevations, immaculate fairways, scenic river fronts, or Scottish style links. The value comes in the packages they are able to put together with the local accommodators. From the Black Knight Inn to the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Ramada Red Deer Hotel & Suites to the Baymont Inn & Suites Conference Centre Red Deer to the Sheraton Red Deer, there is a room and roof exactly tailored to meet your
needs. One round of golf and one night?s accommodation start at $99.95. The accessibility is not only the region?s easy access from anywhere in Alberta but also CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
accommodations for one night, cocktail party & dinner the central location of Red Deer and the hotels within the held at The Sheraton Hotel plus many prizes! There are region. Each course is within also some sponsorship an hour ?s drive of the central hub making getting to any tee opportunities as well where the value of the sponsorship time a breeze. A custom golf experience any way you slice far exceeds your cost. Click on the 2017 Pro-Am button at it. golfcentral If you want to "Why drive 100?s of or add a little kilometres and pay email Todd competition to sky-high green fees Fiske at your vacation, when the best golf deal then the 2017 in Alberta is right at for more info. Invitational your doorstep?" Don?t miss out Pro-Am Golf on the fun this Tournament will be right up summer. Why drive hundreds your alley. A Pro Purse worth of kilometres and pay sky-high $15,000 (based on full field) will see some of the province?s green fees when the best golf deal in Alberta is right at your top PGA of Canada doorstep? Discover why over Professionals tee it up with 60,000 satisfied golfers have amateurs in a Stableford format tournament Aug 30th already booked at Innisfail GC and Aug 31st at Alberta?s best Golf Deal. RiverBend. Cost is $300 and Visit golf cen t r alalber t t o that gets you the two rounds m ak e you r book in g of golf, power cart, CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE
Mast er i n g Your "Li es"
Gol f ers on occasi on may l i e about th ei r scores or ev en create tal l tal es ab out th ei r greatest round or best sh ot. But th e l i es I ?m goi ng to tel l h ere are actual l y th e truth ? and th at i s h ow to pl ay unev en l i es. There are five types of lies that you will generally have during a round: flat, uphill, downhill, sidehill with ball above your feet and sidehill with ball below your feet. Then, there are varying degrees of slope the lie has that make it more or less difficult to hit. The two that I?m going to focus on are the uphill and downhill lies and their setup adjustments. In order to hit successful uphill and downhill shots you want to try and create a level lie by making your body lines follow the lay of the land. One of the biggest omissions to a golfer ?s setup in preparation of an uphill
and downhill lie is the need to adjust their spine angle/tilt in the direction of the slope. You want to get your shoulders and body feeling as parallel as possible to the ground for the shot at hand. You want to get your body feeling like you are on ?flat ground?as best as you can.
Th e Uph i l l Li e On an uphill lie in order to get this feeling of a flat lie, you would need to tilt your spine back slightly. This means that you want it tilted behind the ball and more towards the trail side of your body. This should give you a feeling that your shoulders and body are parallel to the slope. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
The next step that you want to take is to get your weight slightly more on your target side of the body (weight going into the hill) to help maintain balance during the swing. Ball position should be placed slightly forward and more club may be needed (example: 7 iron instead of 8 iron) to hit the shot the correct distance. The tendency of an uphill shot is for the ball to go shorter and move to the left after being struck. Adjust your aim slightly to the right to compensate for the pull tendencies of this shot.
Th e Dow nh i l l Li e On a downhill lie, the spine should be tilted slightly down the slope. You will feel like it is tilted to your front side making your shoulders and body parallel to the slope. Once you adjust your tilt, your weight will naturally move towards your front side. You want to try and maintain balance without all of the weight distribution on the front side. Next step is to place the ball position slightly back from its
normal position in the setup. Using one club less than your normal selection may be necessary in order to hit the shot the correct distance (example: 8 iron instead of 7 iron). The tendency of a downhill shot is to go right because you are extending the swing down the slope. This tends to lessen the amount of club rotation. To compensate for this aim a little left of your target. On both shots the key is you want to build your stance in a fashion that the body lines match the slope of the ground. When you set up correctly you?ll give yourself a better chance to make solid contact off of an uneven lie. Doing this you?ll play better golf and wouldn?t need to lie about your score anymore! Sw eet Sw i n gi n g! Ryan Anderson is the 2016 PGA of Alberta Teacher Of The Year and Head Teaching Professional at the Glencoe Golf & Country Club. He can be reached at 403-240-7390
RBC PGA Scr am bl e Nat i on al Fi n al Headed To Cabot Li n k s BY JEFF SUTHERLAND amateurs and a PGA of Canada professional? playing in the 54-hole national final. ?We couldn?t be more excited to be heading to Cabot Links and Cabot Cliffs for the RBC PGA Scramble National Final,? said PGA of Canada president Taking place Oct. 12-14, Cabot Steve Wood. ?It?s widely known Links and Cabot Cliffs will see the golf at both Cabot Links and Cabot Cliffs are teams from across the world-class, however, the country? comprised of four
Th e coun t r y ?s m ost t al k ed-about gol f i n g dest i n at i on w i l l pl ay h ost t o t h i s y ear ?s RBC PGA Scr am bl e Nat i on al Fi n al .
The RBC PGA Scramble starts with a national series of team entire Cabot Links resort events featuring amateur experience? lodging, dining, golfers and PGA of Canada east coast charm? is also truly professionals taking place at exceptional.? more than 100 golf facilities ConfirmedWesternCanada around the QualifyingSitesAsOfMay1st,2017 country. CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE
Local Qu alif yin g ? BC The Rise GC June 18, 2017 Nicklaus North GC July 4, 2017 Ledgeview GC July 15, 2017 Summerland G&CC TBD Talking Rock GC TBD Crown Isle GR TBD Local Qu alif yin g ? Alber t a Lloydminster Golf&CC June 18, 2017 Riverview GC July 9, 2017 Collicutt Siding GC Aug 7, 2017
Whitecourt G&CC TBD Lacombe GG&CC TBD Springbank Links TBD The Hamptons TBD The Winston GC TBD Local Qu alif yin g ? Sask at ch ew an Elk Ridge Resort July 20, 2017 Local Qu alif yin g ? M an it oba St. Boniface GC June 24, 2017 Rossmere CC Members-Only Quarry Oaks TBD
These events expect to draw thousands of amateur golfers? who will form their own team of four players. Teams will look to make it through local and regional qualifying with the ultimate goal of playing in the national final with a PGA of Canada professional playing on their CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Th e en t r y f ee f or a Local team at one of Qual i f i er i s $29.95 pl us t ax. Canada?s greatest Al l RBC PGA Scr am bl e of golf courses. Can ada l ocal qual i f y i n g The RBC PGA even t s i n 2017 w i l l h ave Scramble National Final promises to be guar an t eed pr i ze t abl es f or a golf trip of a t h e t op t h r ee t eam s. For m or e, lifetime and will vi si t r bcpgascr am bl include a festival of special events, prizing, meals, activities and much more. Cabot Cliffs ranked No. 1, while Cabot Links ranked No. 4 on SCOREGolf ?s 2016 Best Golf Courses in Canada list. Cabot Cliffs also debuted 19th on the World?s Top 100 Courses list by Golf Digest.
of Canada to create exceptional events to support the growth of golf in Canada.?
The entry fee for a Local Qualifier is $29.95 plus tax. Applicable green fees may be charged by the hosting golf course. All RBC PGA Scramble of Canada local qualifying events in 2017 will have ?We are thrilled to support grassroots golf initiatives like guaranteed prize tables for the top three teams. For more the RBC PGA Scramble in information about the RBC communities across the country? ? said Matt McGlynn, PGA Scramble and how to register to participate, visit Vice President, Brand Marketing RBC. ?This is just another example of how RBC works together with the PGA
Pr eci si on Pr o Mak i n g Waves Pr eci si on Pr o (di st r i but ed by Gol f Tr en ds i n Can ada) i s pr ovi di n g af f or dabl e, qual i t y l aser r an gef i n der s t h at ar e n ot sh or t on f eat ur es. For 2017, Pr eci si on Pr o i s of f er i n g t h e n ew NX7 Pr o. Th i s un i t h as f eat ur es n or m al l y f oun d on l y on t h e t op un i t s:
Pulse when locked on to the target so you know what you?ve hit.
- Adapt ive Slope Tech n ology - Allows you to toggle between elevation measuring Slope and tournament legal Non-Slope modes. Provides (play as) distances in Slope mode.
- 1/ 10 Yar d M easu r em en t s An added layer of accuracy gives you confidence that your distance is correct.
- Pu lse Vibr at ion Tech n ology - Gives a quick
- Tar get Acqu isit ion Tech n ology Scans your field of view and locks in on the target to ensure you get the yardage to the target, not what?s behind the target.
- High Speed SD Laser Picks up distance readings in under 1 second. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
- 400 Yd. M easu r in g Ran ge; Accuracy to +/- 1 Yard - 2 Year War r an t y If anything happens to the NX7 Pro Rangefinder during
the normal course of use we will quickly replace or repair the product for you. - 6X M agn if icat ion Brings the target 6 times closer to you for improved viewing and target acquisition. - M u lt i Dist an ce M ode - Easily switch between yards and meters depending on your unit of measure. - Fr ee Bat t er y Replacem en t provides free battery replacement for the life of your product. More information about the NX7 Pro and everything else Precision Pro offers can be found on their website at Precision
PGA of Al ber t a Nam es In Th e New s
New Board M embers Joi n Rank s At the PGA of Alberta AGM held March 6, Gar et t Jen k in son (Golf Performance Canada at Elbow Springs) was elected to the Board of Directors. Tr evor Goplin (The Derrick G&WC), Gr eg M cGar r y (Glendale G&CC) and Tah lon Sw een ie (Jasper Park Lodge GC) were all re-elected. Sam Kir k n ess (Priddis Greens G&CC) was elected to the Assistants?Board of Directors. Kevin Ch ow (Blackhawk GC) and Sean Th om pson (Calgary G&CC) were both re-elected.
Th e " P.A .T." (Pl ayi ng A bi l i ty Test) Cor bin Adam s (Jagare Ridge GC) has received a P.A.T. Exemption and has completed the application requirements.
25-Year M embers Recogni zed at th e 2017 A nnual General M eeti ng Congratulations to the following Members for reaching the 25-year milestone as a Class "A" Member of the PGA of Canada: Pier r e Beau ch em in , Ter r y Car t er , Bill For sh n er , Rober t M acDon ald, Blair M cDow ell, Br ian M iller an d Br ian Kollm an .
Th e PA CE Program... Congratulation to the following who have completed the Core Competencies of the PACE Program and has obtained Class ?A? status: Pat Wilm ot , Jar on Higgen s, Aar on Bu ch n er , Nevin Du n f ield, Con n or Lu n ge, Jef f M cDow all, Jor dan M u r ph y, M ich ael Pau lson , Geof f Sear , M at t Seif er t , Wade Wat er s, an d Joey Bu set t o.
New PGA Pr esi den t Real i zes Ch an ge Is Com i n g To Th e Gam e I t?s not l i k e Trev or Gopl i n, th e presi dent of th e PGA of A l berta, i s about to v enture i nto unch arted w aters i n h i s new rol e, but at th e same ti me h e does admi t h e i s w i l l i ng to step outsi de th e b ox on occasi on.
Having spent time on the PGA of Alberta?s board of directors since 2008 and ?really enjoying being part of the association and some of the decisions that are made,? were the key reasons Goplin, the head pro at the Der r i ck G& WC in Edmonton, chose to seek the lead role. ?For me, it?s being involved, giving back, networking. I find all of that helps me do my job here,? he added. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Having served his fellow professionals for the past nine years, Goplin noted there have been some changes during that time and how those have helped shape the local association.
?The board has been a little more hands on than it was in the past. That helps you see the challenges of the association, being a provincial zone. I guess it?s how a provincial zone works in relation CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
to a national body. How we fit in. We?re our own entity but a part of PGA Canada and having a better understanding of how we can play a role in affecting the national standpoint.? To that end, the public view of the association through campaigns such as the PGA on Wheels, have been hugely successful in helping identify what golf professionals do. ?If you?re looking to learn about golf, or more about golf, it?s a PGA professional you?re chatting with whether it?s at a public, resort, or a private golf club,? said Goplin. ?I like to think the golf professionals are the go-to when it comes to golf and that?s showing. I like to
think we?re the most trusted resource in golf, which is our mantra.? While those that walked this path in the lead role of the Alberta PGA before him have steered the ship in the right direction, Goplin noted the game, and the world around the game, continues to change. As such, he realizes some gentle manoeuvring, rather than keeping things status quo, is going to be needed. ?I think we have to be cognizant of the economy and sponsorship. In some cases looking outside the box a bit from the promotional standpoint with respect to our Consumer and CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Gopl i n (R) Sh ow n Gi v i ng A Poi nter Duri ng Th e Free Lesson Cl i ni c A t Th e Edmonton Gol f Sh ow Earl i er Th i s Year
Buying Shows. It?s not a cut-and-paste. We don?t think like that. There?s some interesting conversations that need to happen to keep things going forward. ?There are a lot of people that will tell you that golf is stagnant or going downhill ? I?m not really sure what to make of that. Golf professionals are going to have to be creative at their facilities,? to continue to drive business and to keep the public interested in the game given all the recreational activity choices they have today. Having spent so much time on this board, Goplin pointed out that the work he, and other board members do, pays off in the long run for all the clubs across the province. ?You certainly have to have the support of the club you?re working at; that they understand the time you?re putting in is a
benefit to yourself individually but that they?re going to get something out of it as well.? Part of that giving back to the
Cl i ck A bov e To See I nterv i ew Wi th Trev or A f ter Bei ng A w arded Th e M urray Tuck er A w ard I n 2012. clubs where they work is the strengthening of the mentorship role that seasoned golf professionals play with the new guys on the block. Goplin pointed out that idea now has more structure to it, more than ?just meeting for a beer and talking.? ?The 35 or 40 individuals that passed their PAT last year, they?ve CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
?I like to think the golf professionals are the go-to when it comes to golf and that?s showing. I like to think we?re the most trusted resource in golf, which is our mantra.?
been assigned throughout the province geographically, mentors. They have their own mentor at their club, they have their own boss. This is simply somebody off-site. Our assistants?board has championed this, made it happen. It will be very helpful for our new members.? The one thing that pleases the new president greatly about the recently elected Board of Directors is its diversity.
?Our one new member is Garrett Jenkinson, a teaching professional. We didn?t have a teaching professional before. The board is well represented. Now we?ve got the resort, public, private courses. The avenues of the golf business are well covered on our board. We?re kind of seeing it from all angles. You?re looking at your association promoting golf and we cover off on a number of clients, members, golfers.?
So all in all, while the board has sailed fairly smoothly along over the past things are changing in the industry, so clubs had better learn to adjust and accept, a philosophy the new president believes in. ?If you?re cutting and pasting from year to year in your operation, don?t expect to grow. How we promote the game and promote our facilities, you might have one foot inside the box because of the traditions of the game, but are you at least somewhat straddling? It?s not the same at every facility but people have different expectations - like music on the golf course. Years ago you didn?t have that, but guess what? Music?s here to stay. Dress codes. Rules of golf. There?s traditions and you don?t want to lose traditions so if you can combine those with a welcoming environment at your facility, that should be the goal.?
Nor t h er n Bear cl aw s i t s w ay back on t o t h e Edm on t on gol f scen e
Once agai n, North ern Bear Gol f Cl ub h as been brough t back f rom th e bri nk .
though, it has seen every problem imaginable from water shortages to the latest issue, a lack of mortgage/ equipment payments by the former Vancouverbased owners. That issue sent the playground into receivership in late 2016.
TheNicklausSignatureFacilityIsConsideredByMany ToBeTheBest InTheGreater - EdmontonArea The Jack Nick lau s signature course that sits just outside of Sherwood Park is viewed by many as the best track in the greater-Edmonton area.
Ir v William s though stepped up to take over ownership and things are now looking as sweet as a tree full of honey for ?The Bear ?.
Over its 15-year history,
Continued On Next Page
Continued From Previous Page The Fort McMurray businessman put his money on the line and with the new ownership and renewed interest in the facility, players are flocking back to the club to take their best
Golf Club, said it?s exciting to see the course survive to play another day. ?I don?t think there was ever a doubt it wouldn?t come back but ultimately we are excited for the new owner and what we have planned for the future,? he stated.
We?v e b een l uck y th at i t w as i n good sh ape and i s a great product. I t?s not l i k e i t w ent dow nh i l l and needs a w h ol e bunch of w ork to get i t b ack to w h at i t w as. Bottom l i ne, i t?s a great f aci l i ty, a great v enue. Blai r McDow ell, Execut i ve Pr of essi on al, Nor t her n Bear
shot at the outstanding layout that first swung its doors open in 2002. Blair M cDow ell, the club?s new executive professional who moved into the role after a year in Stony Plain and 12 at the Fort McMurray
McDowell and Williams knew each other from the northern community and as such, the pro said he feels a couple of factors came into play with the purchase. Continued On Next Page
Continued From Previous Page ?He?s a huge golfer and really enjoys the game. It?s one of the better golf courses in Western Canada and that likely entered into the decision. I think he was looking for a new adventure in life and being an avid golfer, and able to buy a golf course gives him the best of both worlds." The thing about the ownership transition, McDowell explained, is that the course was in fine shape when the exchange took place so no unexpected repair / maintenance costs have been driven their way. ?The course in the past couple of years has been in very good condition. The superintendent (who will remain at the course) kept it in very good shape regardless of any money
issues. We?ve been lucky that it was in good shape and is a great product. It?s not like it went downhill and needs a whole bunch of work to get it back to what it was. Bottom line, it?s a great facility, a great venue.? When word got out that the course had changed hands and was ready to go for the start of the 2017 season the renewed interest in the product has been outstanding, said McDowell. ?We?re seeing old members come back and lots of new people. People know how good this golf course is,? he emphasized, noting everyone on staff at the facility, as well as the public at large, is happy things now appear to be on solid financial ground going forward.
Get Your Put t er In BETTERGAME Sh ape Bef or e You Pl ay ! BY GARETT JENKINSON
A f ter a w i nter aw ay f rom gol f you need to get your touch back as soon as you can. Putting can drive you crazy in the early season when you are trying to figure things out in the middle of a round. To simplify and learn to practice your putting you should separate putting into two categories? Putts inside of 10 feet and putts outside of 10 feet. You need to have a different mindset and approach for each. Putts inside of 10 feet are putts you are trying to make every time. Putts outside of 10 feet you
Dri l l #1: Th e 2-bal l , 10-Foot Ch al l enge - place 5 tees at 10 feet around a sloped hole (different locations to have 5 different types of putts) - use 2 balls - sink two balls in a row from the
are still trying to make but you are mostly trying to ensure a 2 putt at worst. Knowing that you should work at making more putts inside of 10 feet and work on having great distance control at putts outside of 10 feet. These drills should help!
Garett Jenkinson is Head Teaching Professional at Golf Performance Canada at Elbow Springs GC. The 2014 Alberta Teacher of the Year can be reached at 403-453-GOLF or by visiting
first tee - if you fail to make both move 1 foot closer and so on until you make 2 in a row - once you make 2 in a row leave Continued On Next Page
Continued From Previous Page a marker at that spot to mark your completion distance - continue until all five locations are complete - your score is the total combined feet left at all 5 locations, 50 feet is the top score
Dri l l #2: Th e Putti ng Ladder - place a tee 20 feet from a hole - place 10 tees progressively further one pace from 20 feet (10
tees one yard further creating a ladder, last tee will be approximately 50 feet) - putt from 20 feet - if you are one club length from the hole move back one tee - keep moving back if you get your ball within one club length - miss at any tee then start over from 20? - how far back can you get without fail Try these games and see what happens in your next round of golf.
For 2017, th i s 27-h ol e Cl ub j ust north of Leth bri dge i s al l -i n f or j uni or gol f . It starts with a limited number of " Fr ee Ju n ior Golf M em ber sh ips" (Contact Jamie Gerlitz 403-732-4157 x 1 for complete details). For the tykes (Ages 4 - 7 yrs) the S.N.A.G (St ar t in g New at Golf ) Program is just $30 + GST and includes the SNAG Equipment for two 45 minute lessons over a two week period (max 6 students per class).
Pi ct ur e But t e Get s Beh i n d Jun i or s The Ju n ior Sw in g Lesson Pr ogr am - (Ages 8 - 17 yrs) offers 45 minute lessons by a PGA of Canada Certified Instructor on the driving range over 3 consecutive weeks ($40 + GST). Something unique is the Junior 9-h ole Playin g Lesson where for $20 + GST, kids ages 8-17 receive 30 minutes of instruction on the driving range followed by 9 holes of on course instruction (clubs included if needed). The new Ju n ior Su m m er Cam ps teach basic fundamentals, rules, etiquette CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
and give junior golfers an opportunity to play a full 9 holes of golf each day $50 + GST again for ages 8 -17 yrs. If this isn?t enough, they are also offering a free High Sch ool Golf Leagu e (maximum 20 participants aged 12 17 yrs. with golf experience). This $200 value sees participants receive a half-hour golf clinic and play a few holes on the golf course each week.
Contact Kris Zubiak Junior Golf Coordinator for full details at 403-732-4157 x1 or pbgolfshop
PGA of Can ada Li f e Mem ber Ken n et h Mat son Rem em ber ed As Th e "Ul t i m at e Pr of essi on al " PGA of Canada Life Member, Kenneth Matson passed away on March 14, 2017 at the age of 80. He is survived by his wife, Bernice; daughters Brenda, Diana and Rhonda as well as eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Master Professional Bill Penney summed the feelings of many about the long-time Broadmoor Head Professional, ?? Ken was the ultimate Professional and someone that all PGA members looked up to and tried to emulate. I have so many wonderful memories (that I) will cherish forever? ? Born on December 13, 1936 in Toronto, Ontario, Ken began his
KENNETHMATSON(1936-2017) love affair with golf as a teenager caddying at York Downs G&CC in Toronto. However, it wasn?t until he was almost 30 years old that Ken decided to take on golf as a career and n 1967 while at the Northwood CC, he became a Member of the CPGA. In those years in the Toronto area, he was fortunate enough to play and discuss the game with some of the great players in Canadian golf history including CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
employing some of the kids in a variety of roles around the Moe Norman, Al Balding, Stan course. Among the juniors and Leonard, and George Knudson. young professionals that Ken In 1968, Ken, along his wife helped mentor as they began Bernice and daughters, made his their careers in the way to Alberta golf industry were A "Celebration of when a spot Gary Ward, Grant Life" will be held on opened up at the Cammidge, Chad Broadmoor GC in May 23rd at 1:00 PM and Tyler Rumpel, Sherwood Park. at Northern Bear Bob Halvorsen, Peter Cushner, It was here his joy Golf Club. Garry Meyer, for his profession Henry Hemmes, Bruce Vermee, was fully realized. Ken loved Ron MacLeod, Gregg Schubert, meeting people and getting to Jeff Sveen, David Adam, Wayne know them, sharing his stories and theirs. He simply loved being Hall, and Cyril Zupan. around the golf course. Ken In a posting to Ken?s on-line would arrive at 8:00 every obituary, Bob Halvorsen wrote morning and often stay until about Ken?s impact, ?Ken was a 11:00 or midnight every night. special person who Bernice would help him out in the demonstrated so much love for shop, taking the early morning his family, friends, profession and shift on weekends before going all the golfers who he trained and home to look after their three welcomed into his life. We all daughters. Eventually, all three of know where Ken will be when he Ken?s children would end up arrives in heaven... on a very working at the golf course over special course. Take care Kenny, the course of their teenage years. we will all see you and your smile Ken was always involved with the junior program lessons and
on the other side.? CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Expanding on Matson?s early mentorship, Grant Cammidge, now executive professional at the Edmonton Petroleum Club, said Ken was the man that introduced him to the industry , ?Ken probably had more impact on other junior guys at the Broodmoor than me, because I was more interested in baseball early in my junior days. But, on a go-forward basis Ken was always extremely respectful. He was a big supporter of junior golf and just a first-class guy. He?s one of those guys that got me into the golf business, that?s for sure.? Although Ken was more into teaching and club repair, he was a capable player as well, with one highlight being a high finish at the Tar Sands Open... an event where Dave Barr, Dan Halldorson, and Moe Norman were frequent competitors. Ken was also active on the Alberta PGA Board, serving in the early 1970?s with the likes of Frank Fowler, Bill Quilley, and Derek Gibson.
Ken resigned from Broadmoor in 1989 after 21 seasons and then spent much of his time in semiretirement, but remained in the industry. In 1999, a friend who owned Terrae Pines asked Ken to help out, and he did so for six seasons until 2004, the same year he was recognized as a Life Member of the PGA of Canada. In recent years, Ken helped at Northern Bear GC as a starter where he continued to make his mark on many PGA Members. After his passing in March, a celebration of Ken?s life would be held, in his wife?s words, ?? when the grass is green?. That "Celebration of Life" will occur at Northern Bear Golf Club (who has graciously offered their facility) on May 23rd at 1:00 PM. If you would like the opportunity to speak contact Garry Meyer at In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the charity of your choice. Please click here for more on Ken?s great contributions to the Golf Industry.
West er n Can ada's "Go-To" Gol f Vacat i on Com pan y I f th ere i s one ?Go-To? gol f v acati on company w i th th e personal touch , i t h as to be BCgol f gui Now in its 20th year, it was the brainchild of golf enthusiast Ross Marrington. ?It started as a hobby when
the Internet was in its infancy," he recalls with a smile. ?The site was a hodgepodge of content, primarily course listings, course reviews, hole-in-one profiles, a buy and sell, and CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
golf contests. For the first few years there was no business focus, the site simply served the golf community that was slowly turning to the web for golf related resources.? Things changed in 2001 when Ross and family moved to Kelowna to establish new roots. ?We owned a furnished rental home property that was posted onto the site and
We?r e pr oud t o say BCgol f gui h as becom e t h e m ost act i ve an d l ar gest gol f t r avel com pan y i n West er n Can ada an d n ow of f er s t r i ps t o al l r egi on s of BC, Al ber t a Rock i es, USA an d i n t er n at i on al dest i n at i on s. If y ou ar e pl an n i n g a t r i p, con si der accessi n g BCgol f gui - Wh er e w e m ak e Gol f Tr avel Easy !? Owner Ross Marrington
within days golfers from Alberta and the lower mainland were booking a golf trip. From that point it was evident what would become.? Fast forward to 2007 when the number of happy customers was accelerating with new destinations and more options for hotels also being added. From that time on, more and more resources have been expended to reinvent the site?s look and style as well as the need to enhance admin tools that provide better management of golf and hotel details, online payments, billing and reporting. ?It?s all been about the website visitor experience,? says Marrington. ?The site has gone through many more improvements / CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
enhancements for managing the growth of our bookings. We?re proud to say has become the most active and largest golf travel company in Western Canada and now
offers trips to all regions of BC, Alberta Rockies, USA and international destinations. If you are planning a trip, consider accessing - Where we make Golf Travel Easy!?
Nan t on ... A Cl ub In Th e Coun t r y Nanton Golf Club, an hour south of Calgary, prides itself on being a premier 18-hole public golf course that combines the natural beauty of the Foothills with the relaxed, friendly environment of a small town. nantongol f cl ub .ca Collicutt Siding is ?your home for prairie golf ? located just 20 minutes north of Calgary in the town of Crossfield. Enjoyable and affordable, the golfing experience includes two very different nines
Nanton Head Pro Dave Henzie talks about how they view the club?s role, ?Our vision is to provide both local members and visitors with the unique golf experience of a Club in the Country ? Not a Country Club.? Nanton offers four different weekly leagues. where anyone is welcome, members or non-members. Green fee rates for League (18-holes) are just $35. Their Monday Deal for $50 gets you 18 holes including cart.
Col l i cut Si di n g Is Pr ai r i e Gol f Cl ose To Tow n
? a straightforward front followed by a challenging links-style back. If you are 55+, you qualify for their senior rates plus can play in their casual competition Seniors Club. col l i cuttgol f .com
Coch r an e Gr eat For Sn eak i n g A Qui ck Ni n e Located just 20 minutes from downtown Calgary and a stone's throw from the banks of the beautiful Bow River, the semi-private Cochrane Golf Club is a place where sneaking in 9 holes after work is no problem, even heading into the fall months. coch ranegol f cl ub .com Located a little north of Lacombe just off of Hwy. 2 (an equal distance from either Edmonton or Calgary), The Nursery Golf Course is an easy drive from almost anywhere.
To double your fun, play the course twice Monday ? Thursday for just $57. The Cochrane Players Card lets you load the rewards card with $300+ and get 10% off all non-sale merchandise, preferred booking plus 10% off regular priced/posted green fees and power carts. Don?t use it all? Unused amounts can be carried forward to the following year.
Nur ser y An Easy Dr i ve Fr om An y w h er e
The drive on their Hole #11 is a different matter. At 782 yards, this hole plays as a par six? the only one in the country. A 250-yard drive followed by two 200-yard woods would still leave you 130 coming in on your approach! FYI? Sometime in mid 2017 they will be taking their range out of play to start making room for a new RV park. nurserygol f .com
The In glew ood Club locat ed r i ght on t he ban ks of t he Bow Ri ver i s dedi cat ed t o pr ovi di n g excellen t golf , cur li n g an d soci al act i vi t i es i n a f r i en dly en vi r on m en t . And becoming a member here is a great deal. You can try it out with their Annual Associate Membership which includes a driving range pass and club storage for the season at a very competitive price of $3,400 (plus GST). You ballot for tee times just as a Certificate Member would, 4 to 7 days in advance and may play in Men's Night or Ladies Days as well as all club tournaments. The intent here is to give you a sense of just what it is to be a full Certificate Member.
I ngl ew oodGol f Cl
Confirms GM Jason Stanier, ?We want you to get an honest impression of what a Certificate Membership entails, so as an Annual Associate you are exactly that - a Certificate Member for one year.? To become a Certificate Member right away is only $6,500 and that includes your 2017 annual dues and the purchase of your share certificate (an $800 value). Corporate memberships are also available for $8,999 where one designate plays for free in 2017 & receives 20 guest green fees with cart. Corporate memberships are transferable and you can add on an additional designate for only $2,000 more!
NEWS&NOTES M embers On Th e M ov e... (since March 1st, 2017)
Execu t ive Pr of ession als Blair M cDow ell has moved from Executive Professional at Stony Plain GC to Northern Bear GC. Gr eig Bu r n ie has moved from the Hinton GC and been named Executive Professional at the Highwood G&CC. Jef f Cu t h ber t son has been promoted to Executive Professional from Head Professional at Stony Plain GC. Br ian M iller has moved from the Red Deer G&CC and been named Executive Professional at the River Bend G&RA.
Head Pr of ession als Jay Bar r et t (Head Professional) has moved from Raven Crest G&CC to Northern Bear GC. Aar on M iller has been named Head Professional at Wolf Creek . Nevin Du n f ield has been named Head Professional at The Links of
GlenEagles. Geof f Du n n (Head Professional) has moved from the Woodside GC to the Athabasca G&CC. Kevin Gr af (Head Professional) has moved from The Links of GlenEagles to Serenity GC Robb Jam es (Associate Professional) has been promoted to Head Professional at the Stony Plain GC. M at t Kom ada has moved from the Northern Bear GC and been named Head Professional at the Hinton GC. Dale Tom lin son has moved from the River Bend G&RA and been named Head Professional at The Winston GC. Ch r is Pask in has been named Executive Professional at the Desert Blume GC. Wade Wat er s has been named Head Professional at Desert Blume GC. Ku r t is Foot e has moved from the Earl Grey GC and been named Head Professional at the Woodside GC. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Class A Pr of ession als
Josh Copelan d (Head Professional) has moved from The Derrick Golf & Winter Club to the Wainwright GC.
Br ian deBr u in (Class A Professional) has moved to the Highwood G&CC. M ar k Hillcof f (Class A CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
the Inglewood G&CC.
Professional) has moved from the Sirocco GC to the Heritage Pointe GC.
Jar on Higgen s (CFM) has moved from Blue Devil GC to Turner Valley GC.
Jor dan M u r ph y (Class A Professional) has moved from the Whitecourt G&CC to the Stony Plain GC.
St eph en Yan it sk i (CFM) has moved from the Jagare Ridge GC to the Royal Mayfair GC.
Sh au n Lu opa (Class A Professional) has moved from the River Spirit GC to the Blue Devil GC.
Teach in g Pr of ession als Pau l M acLeod (Teaching Professional) has moved to the Golf Performance Canada at Elbow Springs.
Can didat es For M em ber sh ip Sh aw n Hof m an (CFM) has moved from the Cougar Creek GR to the Trestle Creek GR.
Ch ad Feen er (CFM) has moved from The Quarry to the Leduc GC. New In Th e Pr ovin ce Br en dan Collin s (Class A Professional) has transferred from the PGA of Ontario to the Country Hills GC. Tr avis Gou lar d (CFM) has transferred from the PGA of BC to the RedTail Landing GC. Br aden Ch ow n (CFM) has transferred from the PGA of BC to Desert Blume GC.
Rein st at ed
Jon n y Hopf n er (CFM) has moved from the Nevada Bob?s Golf (Edmonton) to River Ridge GC.
Blair Sh et t ler (Class A Professional) has reinstated to the Serenity GC.
Alber t Pist or iu s (CFM) has moved from the River Spirit GC to Pinebrook G&CC.
Adam Peder son (Class A Professional) has reinstated to Edmonton Garrison Memorial G&CC.
Scot t St iles (CFM) has moved to
Pon ok a? Sm al l Tow n At m osph er e Wi t h "Bi g Ti m e" Am en i t i es. Wh en player s com e t o Pon ok a lat er t h is su m m er f or t h e Alber t a Am at eu r (Ju ly 18-21), t h ey w ill be com in g t o w h at u sed t o be on e of Alber t a?s " best -k ept secr et s," bu t as t h ey n ow pu t on t h eir w ebsit e? ?t h e w or d got ou t !? Located in the scenic Battle River valley, the course offers a mix of parkland and rolling links-style holes which, after your first visit, will leave you wanting more. At 6,700 yards (from the back tees) this course could be considered a little short for top players, but features like the undulating greens keep this layout more than challenging. The Ponoka Community Golf Club is the result of hard working residents who possessed a love for the game
of golf. Ponoka was established in 1929 ? just six holes ? by a group of doctors from the adjacent hospital. In 1936, it was expanded to nine holes. In 1987, famed golf architect Bill Robinson oversaw the addition of nine new holes as well as the renovation of the existing nine. Architect Robert Kains has been entrusted to oversee and map out changes and tweaking since 2000. Most recently, the course has taken on a new look with 250 yards of added length and three new lakes all to enhance
the playability and beauty of the course. And the tweaking has been noticed. Stanley Koi visited the course and commented, ?The course has seen dramatic improvements on an already excellent track. It is one of the nicest courses you could play for the dollars you spend. Excellent facilities and a friendly, welcome atmosphere await golfers and it has one of the best views in central Alberta for lunch.? Rob Macpherson, PGA Of Canada Professional and
... w e h ave t h at sm al l t ow n ?X f act or ? t h at can n ot be r epl i cat ed or m an uf act ur ed: t h e gr eat at m osph er e devel oped f r om f r i en dl y , h ospi t abl e peopl e.? General Manager sees there being a lot of little things that combine to make golfing at
Ponoka such a great experience. ?Conveniently located in Central Alberta on the Highway 2 corridor, we make for a great day away, but not so far you?ll need overnight accommodations. And at a quick 45 minutes from Edmonton, we?re a great getaway for a round with your golf buds, or as the venue for your all-important outing. You?ll feel at home the moment you arrive. You?ll also find our staggered tee system favourable for your handicap. Overall, Ponoka is a decent challenge for all golfers ? novice to advanced ? and why it?s host for many provincial amateur and professional events but best of all, we have that small town ?X factor ? that cannot be replicated or manufactured: the great atmosphere developed from friendly, hospitable people.?
ponok agol f .com
TOURNAMENTRESULTS Deser t Bl oom s For Ger l i t z In Fi r st Even t Of Th e Season
Florkowski of Medicine Hat G&CC and Mark Corrigan of Mickelson National GC. New Desert Blume Head Pro Wade Waters was the big, and only, Skins Winner of the event taking home two worth $300 each.
Desert Bl ume GC i n M edi ci ne Hat pl ayed h ost to th e f i rst Gol f Suppl y House Prof essi onal Seri es ev ent of th e season on M ay 15th . 35 players tee?d it for a purse set at $4,650. At Host Professional WadeWatersWithWinner day?s end, Picture JamieGerlitz(PictureButteGC) AndSponsor Butte GC?s Jamie CliveGrant (Golf SupplyHouse) Gerlitz took first Results place in a five-hole Professional Facility Score Money playoff over Albert Gerlitz, Jamie Picture Butte GC 71 $650.00 Pistorius of Pistorius, Albert Pinebrook G&CC 71 $540.00 Pinebrook G&CC. Florkowski, Jesse Medicine Hat G&CC 72 $400.00 Each shot a Corrigan, Mark Mickelson National GC 72 $400.00 one-under 71, a Hart, Samuel Hamptons GC (The) 73 $300.00 shot ahead of Jesse
Th e Gol f Can ada Cen t r e: Cal gar y ?s Com pl et e Gol f Faci l i t y If t her e i s a com plet e golf f aci li t y an yw her e i n Can ada, i t has t o be t he Golf Can ada Cen t r e.
special events. The range here has 52 enclosed tee boxes (40 of which are heated), 50 grass tees in the summer along with night lighting and target It starts with a Les Fu r ber designed 9- hole, par 3 course greens to allow you every that winds along the banks of opportunity to perfect your swing. the Bow River. Water on six If you need any help, there holes and many green-side bunkers will test your skill but are seven PGA of Canada Professionals on staff who championship sized greens can instruct in luxury teaching keep it fair. Multiple tees let stalls that provide indoor you vary the difficulty. Used for organized adult and junior comfort any time of the year. For something a little more leagues (which anyone can slow paced, a 9-hole putting join), it?s also ideal for corporate tournaments and CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Director of Golf Operations, Ch ad Ru sn ak is proud of all course has a spectacular this facility has to offer, ?Here waterfall, meandering ponds, at Golf Canada Centre we and lavishly planted gardens. pride ourselves on the high Challenges range from a quality of magnificent golf, rippled fairway to a mountain superb amenities and tunnel. outstanding service that we To round out the golfing offer our valued customers. options, they offer Trackman We have worked hard over the E6 Golf Simulators where you years to become a staple of can play courses from Pebble the community, and in the to St. Andrews. process we have earned If you're looking for recognition as one of the equipment, this has also been region's premier golf home to Ted an d Dave experiences.? Cu st om Golf since 2003. Prices are reasonable but you 9-h ol e put t i n g cour se can save even more with their loyalty program. CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE
h as a spect acul ar w at er f al l , m ean der i n g pon ds, an d l avi sh l y pl an t ed gar den s.
To f in d ou t m or e visit Golf Can adaCen t r
Th e R&A an d t h e USGA ar e pr oposi n g som e of t h e bi gger ch an ges t o t h e Rul es of Gol f ever con t em pl at ed. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
AsOfJanuary1st,2019, ThisWill LikelyBeALegal Drop
While the Rules are revised every four years, the recent set of proposals is the first fundamental review in more than 30 years and is intended to? ?ensure the Rules fit the needs of today?s game and the way it is played around the world.? In particular, these changes have the goals of increasing the Rules? overall consistency, simplicity and fairness making them easier for everyone to understand and apply. This, in turn, would increase speed of play and player enjoyment. The release of the proposed rule changes in early March sets in motion a clearly defined timetable. It starts with a
six-month feedback and evaluation period during which all golfers worldwide can learn about the proposed changes and provide input before they are finalized in 2018. Implementation will then occur January 1st, 2019. This process actually started back in 2012 when a working group of key R&A and USGA Rules administrators, professional tour officials and other Rules experts convened. According to Victoria, BC?s Dale Jack son , (right) past Rules Chair for Golf Canada and a member of that core group, from the start nothing was off the table. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
?We started the process with completely open minds, no idea was too radical and everyone was committed to looking into every nook and cranny of all the rules.?
extremely important and underlies everything we have proposed.?
The result is 24 new Rules (reduced from the current 34) written in a user-friendly style with shorter While we are sentences, From changing how proposing a commonly used you take a drop to fixing significantly phrases, bulleted spike marks, no stone / different set loose impediment has been lists and of rules, we left unturned. explanatory also quickly headings. This committed to simplified approach is very having the new code still honour intentional. The Rules are now the game of golf as we all know delivered in more than 30 it. Having the fundamental languages, and the proposed challenges and appeal of the game remain intact was CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Comingisa?Player?sEdition? of theRulesthat ismorevisual
Best New(Proposed) RuleThat Will NoLonger BeJust "Local"
wording will support easier translation worldwide. When adopted, the Rules will be supported by technology that allows the use of images, videos and graphics. Also the USGA?s and R&A?s near constant use of the word
?proposed? should be duly noted. In the last major change to the rules in 1984, there was a bit of a ?top-down? approach to thinking about what should be done. ?Not so this time. They are even encouraging individual golfers and clubs to provide their CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
thoughts and reactions. Clubs are encouraged to run non-formal competitions utilizing the new rules to see how they work.? Continues Jackson, ?We really encourage all golfers to look at our proposals and provide their comments. Feedback from all levels of golf is critical to making sure the new rules are the best they can possibly be when they are implemented on January 1, 2019. ? There will be some areas that were not addressed that players may think should have been.
SeeAVideoFromTheR&AExplainingThe ProposedChangesAbove You will still play the ball as it lies. The thinking here is that it is a fundamental challenge of the sport to deal with whatever position your ball comes to rest in ? whether good or bad. In particular, there will be no relief from divots. Aside from the essential character of the game concerns, there was also some issue with deciding what is the difference between an irregularity of surface and an old divot hole. Equipment issues have not been addressed. This CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
every major organization and tour has been positive and kudos does not mean they are not must go to both the USGA and being looked at, just that they are R&A for spending the time to get not being addressed as part of this right. Just how much thought this process. has gone into every aspect of this The big one is the ?stroke-and can be summed up in the -distance? penalty conclusion to Ch eck Out Th e Top Fi ve for ball lost or their report on out of bounds. Key Ch an ges Accor di n g ?Certain Topics or To Th e USGA an d R&A + Proposals Not According to Jackson, there Rul es & Suggest i on s Addressed in the Proposed New was a lot of Rel at ed To Pl ay er discussion but no Con duct & In t egr i t y On Rules of Golf for viable solution Th e Pages Fol l ow i n g... 2019?? was found that ?One of the did not create more problems guiding themes throughout our than it addressed. review has been that, in ?Stroke-and-distance procedure considering any possible change creates issues for pace of play. in the Rules, golf ?s essential For that reason we have looked principles and character must be hard at possible alternatives that preserved. We believe that these would not require players to go proposals strike the right balance back to play from the previous ? enhancing golf ?s important spot. Unfortunately we have not traditions, while updating the yet found any solution that we Rules of the sport. The good think is effective and consistent news from the reactions to-date with the principles of the game, is that, even if all of the changes but we are continuing to pursue proposed in this Modernization this.? Initiative are taken forward, it will Thorny issues aside, the bottom line is that response from almost
still look and feel entirely like golf.?
Th e Top Fi ve Key Ch an ges Accor di n g To Th e USGA an d R&A #1
Top Fi ve Key Ch an ges Accor di n g To Th e USGA an d R&A (con t i n ued)
Rul es An d Suggest i on s Rel at ed To Pl ay er Con duct An d In t egr i t y
Ch am ber s Bay : Wor l d-Cl ass Pl ay abi l i t y , Wor l d-Cl ass Sust ai n abi l i t y IMAGES COURTESY CHAMBERS BAY
Located j ust south of Tacoma, Wash i ngton on th e sh ores of Puget Sound, Ch ambers Bay i s w i del y recogni zed as one of th e f i nest muni ci pal l y ow ned gol f courses i n th e Uni ted States. From the beginning, Chambers Bay was designed to be a course worthy of attracting golfers from every corner of the globe, including the world?s greatest golfers as host of the 2015 U.S. Open.
Open ed: 2007 Design er : Rober t Tr en t Jon es II (Yar dage: 7,585 yar ds (Par : 37-35 72) Recogn ized by GOLF M agazin e an d Tr avel+Leisu r e Golf as t h e t op n ew golf cou r se in Am er ica. Cer t if ied by Au du bon In t er n at ion al in 2007 as Silver Sign at u r e San ct u ar y
However, equally important was the desire to create a course that would become CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
the standard for sustainable golf course design and maintenance. When course architect Robert Trent Jones, Jr., first set eyes on the land that he would eventually shape into Chambers Bay, he found what he called a ?depleted site,? but one that showed tremendous promise. With its natural sand, location and a climate reminiscent of the birthplace of the game, a traditional links-style design
Planned from the outset as a site intended to host a U.S. Open, when Jordan Spieth took home the trophy in 2015, Chambers Bay became the first Open contested in the Pacific Northwest, and only the third municipally owned facility to host a U.S. Open.
evocative of the great Scottish courses was chosen. The site, a disused mining quarry since overrun with invasive plant species, lent itself to a layout incorporating natural dunes, native vegetation, and expansive bunkers. As a result, there are only 84 acres of turfgrass at Chambers Bay, compared to the 108-148 acres found at typical courses, requiring far less irrigation and maintenance than the average course. The decision to make the course walking-only in the traditional links style freed the designers from having to worry about traffic wear from carts, allowing them to use fescue grass from tee to green. In addition to providing a fast, firm, and fun playing surface, fescue?s deep 12-inch roots make it incredibly drought tolerant requiring nearly half as much water as a non-fescue course,
in addition to less mowing and the use of fewer chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides. ?We tried to re-craft nature the way she would have done it,? said Jones. ?You can?t try to
break nature?s rules, or she will break you.? And if you, as a player, don?t select the right tees when coming here, it could break you too. With more than 90 acres of bunkers (including one bunker that is more than six acres in size) and more than 95 acres of dunes, Chambers Bay is characterized by its massive features. The par-72 course stretches to an impressive 7,585 yards from the tips, including five par 4s of 465 yards or longer and two par 5s over 550 yards.
To f in d ou t m or e in Ch am ber s Bay, visit Ch am ber s BayGolf .com
Pr i ddi s St op For Gol f Suppl y House Pr o Ser i es Sees Expan ded Fi el d
Th e f i el d f or th e one-day Prof essi onal Seri es at Pri ddi s Greens G&CC on June 19th h as now been opened up to 90 pl ayers. While players will be coming from around the province, there will be six PGA of Alberta members who work at the facility in the field headlined by Ron Laugher and John Wilson.
Professional Series events are one or two day events that take place throughout the summer. At the end of the year, the top 10 money winners on the Professional Series will qualify for the 2017 Tour Championship in September. INSET IMAGE COURTESY BROWNING DESIGNS