UPFR ONT Wel come to th e 1st i ssue of I nsi de Gol f 's new di gi tal eM agazi ne... an ecl ecti c mi x of w h at's goi ng on across Western Canada and around th e w orl d.
This inaugural edition includes submissions from all of our staff writers. Gord Montgomery profiles Alberta born Jen n if er Ha who is making her way on the LPGA Tour. Brad Ziemer looks at Adam Hadw in and his big plans for this year that include a marriage next month. Bryan
Outram looks at the attractive Loon ie Opt ion s that Scottsdale is offering to snowbirds while Jeff Sutherland delivers his top three golfing " Ru le Ben der s" from film and reality (TV).
Meant to be an easy read on your desktop or mobile, there are also links to expanded website versions. Or click HERE to receive iG's award-winning eNewsletter twice weekly right to your inbox.
Photo Credit: Mike West / Courtesy Vancouver Golf Tour
Cl i ck H Ou t M ERE To Fi n d o Va n co r e Ab o u t Th u v er G e o l f To u r
Th e V ancouv er Gol f Tour is m ade up of som e hardy souls who play a fun com pet it ive t ournam ent circuit t hat includes event s t hrough t he wint er. Here one m em ber finds an innovat ive way t o get a t ee in t he ground at t heir st op at Meadow Gardens during t he February cold snap.
VIDEOS Rem ovi n g Loose Im pedi m en t s (Rul e 23) Th e al w ays f unny SCGA Rul es Crew tak e you th rough th e do?s and don?ts of remov i ng deb ri s around you your gol f bal l . All golfers encounter leaves, sticks and other debris that sits in, around or on their ball after hitting a shot.
Watch the video below as our friends in the Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) Rules Crew demonstrate what's behind Rule 23 - Removing Loose Impediments.
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IMAGE COURTESY SGA / www.scga.org
But just what are we allowed to to about that? How far can you go in 'cleaning' the area around your ball so it doesn't cause your next shot to rocket off in a ridiculous direction?
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Tw o-ti me M aj or ch ampi on Joh n Dal y i s now teei ng of f usi ng a dri v er w i th v erti cal groov es. According t o Vert ical Groove Golf, t his driver reduces side spin at im pact , leading t o 40% st raight er ball flight on average, while also generat ing great er energy at im pact , result ing in a st ronger forward roll and increased driving dist ance.
?I?ve been h i t t i n g t h e bal l f ur t h er an d st r ai gh t er of f t h e t ee si n ce put t i n g t h e Ver t i cal Gr oove Dr i ver i n m y bag,? say s Dal y . For m or e on t h e Ver t ical Dr iver , Click HERE
By Brad Ziemer
Like many trying to climb the pro golf ladder, Clapp augments his income during the winter. In the past, the 29-year-old has relied mainly on teaching at his home course, Chilliwack Golf Club.
BradClappShouldHaveSome InterestingStoriesToTell WhenHe GetsBackOut OnTheMackenzieTour PGATOURCanadaCircuit ThisSpring IMAGE COURTESY BRAD CLAPP & BETSY
Chilliwack?s Brad Clapp, a winner on the Mackenzie Tour-PGA Tour Canada, is spending the winter working on a dairy farm.
Cl app Mi l k i n g Th i s Job For Al l It ?s Wor t h
But this winter he has literally moved right across the street from the course, where the family of one of his old hockey-playing buddies runs a dairy farm. ?The learning curve has been steep, but it has been a cool experience,? Clapp says. ?I like working with the cows? ?
Chilliwack'sBradClapp(L) With SomeOfHis'Cow-orkers' Click HERE For Fu ll St or y
IMAGE CREDIT - PGA Tour via Twitter (@PGATOUR)
NUMBERS Goi n g On A
St r eak I t seems to h av e been somew h at f orgotten b ut i t w as onl y si x month s ago th at now Ryder Cup Captai n Ji m Furyk posted th at 58 at th e Trav el ers Ch ampi onsh i p.
Furyk?s 58 started with a birdie at the second, an eagle hole-out at the third followed
by what would be his only par over an 11-hole stretch. Over the last six holes, he managed the five pars and one birdie required to shoot a record 58 on the par 70 layout. More recently, in early January Rory M cI l roy posted eight consecutive one-putt birdies at the BMW South African Open Championship at Glendower Golf Club. This run actually has only been bettered once ever on the PGA Tour.
RoryDuringTheInitial StagesOfAMemorableRun
M ark Cal cav ecch i a made nine birdies in a row during the 2009 RBC Canadian Open. Only three other golfers in PGA TOUR history (Bob Goalby, 1961, Fuzzy Zoeller, 1976 Dewey Arnett, 1981)have reached eight but on the European Tour, 'Rory?s Run' has been matched 11 times before including Seve Ballesteros in 1985. You can see all eight of Rory?s sub-par holes in under three
minutes by going to the European Tour ?s Facebook page by clicking the link below. When you get there, click the arrow at the bottom to see more videos and then select ?McIlroy?s Run.?
See a more complete review of Rory's run by clicking HERE (video is embedded in article Click HERE To See Video
Bi r di es, A Br i de An d May be A Wi n In Hadw i n ?s Pl an s For 2017 Personal l y and prof essi onal l y, A dam Hadw i n f i gures 2017 i s goi ng to be a great year. The form er seem s a given, as Hadwin will m arry his fiancee, Jessica Dawn (shown right ), in a lat e March cerem ony in t he Arizona desert . But Hadwin is also expect ing 2017 t o be a significant year on t he golf course. Now in his t hird year as a PGA TOUR regular, t he 29-year-old Abbot sford pro is adam ant t hat he is ready t o win on golf ?s biggest st age. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Hadwin?s second year on Tour was better than his first. He finished 85th on the FedEx Cup points list last year after being 105th in his rookie season. He was a much more consistent player last year, making 20 of 27 cuts. A hot putter helped. His putting average of 1.730 per hole was fifth best on Tour. He is hoping 2017 can start as well as 2016 ended. Hadwin began his 2016-17 season with a strong fall, which ended with a tie for 10th at the OHL Classic at Mayakoba in Mexico. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Adam also host s an annual charit y golf event at Morgan Creek GC Th e A dam Hadw i n Ch ari ty Cl assi c in support of t he CH.I.L.D. Foundat ion. Funds raised support research effort s around I.B.D., and in part icular children st ricken wit h Crohn?s Disease, Ulcerat ive Colit is, and liver disorders. Wit h Adam ?s younger brot her, Kyle, having lived wit h Crohn?s Disease since he was a child, I.B.D. hit s very close t o hom e for t he Hadwins. 2015 saw Adam and his fam ily raise $75,000 and 2016 saw t hat record shat t ered when m ore t han $134,000 was collect ed. ?Every year we wonder how we?ll t op t he previous event in funds raised, and each year t he com m unit y just blows us away by t heir show of support and com m it m ent t o our event , our charit y and our fam ily,? said Hadwin on t he event ?s fund raising goals.
?If it doesn?t happen this year it will happen soon,? Hadwin said in an interview with British Columbia Golf.
Hadwin begins his 2017 schedule Jan. 19 at the CareerBuilder Challenge in La Quinta, Calif. where he will certainly have some good memories to draw upon as he returns to the CareerBuilder tourney. He came close to earning that elusive first win there last year, when he had a share of the lead starting the back nine on Sunday. Click below to see the expanded story that includes what Adam thinks he must do differently to close out his first victory. Click HERE To See Th e Com plet e St or y
He then teamed with Ontario?s David Hearn for an 11th-place finish at the World Cup in Melbourne, Australia in late November.
?I believeverystronglyinpartneringwith brandsandpeoplethat alignwithwhoI am asaprofessional andasanindividual. My partnersaremorethanjust sponsors; we areateamconnectingonmanylevels. I am proudtosayI havedevelopedtrue friendshipswiththeamazingpeoplebehind eachoneof thefollowingworldclassbrands andI?dliketosharethestorybehindeachof thesefriendships.?
Adam Hadw i n Recent Resul ts T39
AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
Adam's last month and year has been highlighted by a 2nd place finish at the CareerBuilder 's that included being the first Canadian ever to post a score of 59
T12 $135,675
Waste Management Phoenix Farmers Insurance Open
CareerBuilder Challenge
# Of Ev ents Pl ayed
Trendi ng Stats
A nd Fi ni sh es Recently
Year To Date
Top Tens
Cuts Made
Cuts Missed
Click HERE To See Adam 's PGA St at s
Past Four Weeks
Previous 4 Weeks
Percent Of Holes Under Par
Percent of Holes Over Par
Rank i ngs
Current Scori ng A v erage
70.201 28th
Hot Stat
Click HERE To See Adam 's OWGR
30 Days Ago
Official World Ranking
Fedex Cup Ranking
Li nk s
RBC Laun ch es New Caban a Cor por at e Hospi t al i t y Of f er i n g
Th e RBC Canadi an Open h as l aunch ed a new V I P corporate h ospi tal i ty of f eri ng f or th i s year?s ch ampi onsh i p, w h i ch runs Jul y 24-30, 2017 at Gl en A b bey Gol f Cl ub i n Oak v i l l e, Ont. The Courtyard Cabanas, located between No. 16 and 17 fairways and adjacent to the new Courtyard Games
area, are all-inclusive private cabanas featuring alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as full lunch and afternoon hors d?oeuvres. The Courtyard Cabanas offer a private, Vegas-style venue featuring a sheltered interior with plush seating and outdoor patios. Available on a per day or weekly basis, hospitality buyers must pre-book Courtyard Cabanas, CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
which includes 10 tickets per day, preferred parking, as well as wait staff for food and beverage delivery. ?The Courtyard Cabanas feature VIP amenities and are paired with views of some of the most exciting golf Glen Abbey has to offer,? said Dave Kay, Director of Business Development for Golf Canada and the RBC Canadian Open. Courtyard Cabana attendees can also enjoy friendly rivalry at the new Courtyard Games area, where guests can challenge each other to cottage-style games such as Giant Jenga, Bean Bag Toss, Washers and more.
For more information on RBC Canadian Open Corporate Hospitality options, please click here.
Via Golf Canada
Last December, a 10-player Canadian contingent took part in the final stage of Web.com Tour qualifying at Orange County National near Orlando. There were nearly 1,000 entries for the tournament, which included previous Pre-Qualifying, First and Second stages that began in August. Players who finished between
Sh i n an d Yi p Am on g Four Can adi an s Ear n i n g Web.com Tour St at us Alberta'sRyanYip 11th and 45th, plus ties, earned guaranteed entry into the first eight events of the regular season before a reshuffle. Calgary?s Ryan Yip carded a final round 70 to tie for 23rd at 6-under. Justin Shin of Maple Ridge, B.C., fired a 69 for a share of 35th at 4-under.
The top five from the Mackenzie Tour ? PGA TOUR Canada also earned privileges. That includes Ontario?s Brock Mackenzie and BC's Adam Cornelson.
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If you want
ex cl usi v e t op qualit y resort golf, it ?s hard t o m at ch t he ?Mem ber for a Week" package at t he
Four Seasons Resort on Lana?i .
Golf from sunrise t o sunset on t he m agnificent Jack Nicklaus Signat ure designed Manele Golf Course, where all 18 holes, and even t he range, offer heavenly views of t he Pacific. Per week cost is $1,350 USD; accom m odat ions ext ra.
Built on lava outcroppings and featuring three holes along rugged oceanside cliffs, Manele?s signature hole is No. 12, a par 3 where the tee sits 150 feet above the crashing surf
TOUR Gol f Gr eat s To Host 2017 Ar n ol d Pal m er In vi t at i on al Pr esen t ed By Mast er car d Four of golf ?s most recognizable players will help lead Arnold Palmer ?s namesake tournament in 2017.
Pet er Jacobsen , Gr aem e M cDow ell, An n ik a Sรถr en st am , an d Cu r t is St r an ge will join former Secretary of Homeland Security and family friend Tom Ridge to host the 39th Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mastercard, taking place in Orlando March 16-19.
"Arnold was a force of nature, on and off the course, we can?t fill his shoes but we can carry on his passion for Graeme helping others." McDowell Click HERE For Fu ll St or y
OFTHEYEAR Femal e A mateur of th e Year:
Naom i Ko Ko won t he 2016 Cdn Junior Girls Cham p'ship & represent ed Canada at t he World Am at eur Team Cham p'ships in Mexico. She also was t he m edalist at her U.S. Wom en?s Open Qualifier.
As Select ed By...
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Click HERE For Fu ll St or y
OFTHEYEAR M al e A mateur of th e Year:
Jar ed Du Toi t The capt ain of t he Arizona St at e Universit y?s m en?s golf t eam elect rified t he Canadian golf world during t he RBC Canadian Open where he would event ually finish in 9t h spot .
As Select ed By...
At t h e 2016 Can adian Open ..
As Select ed By...
OFTHEYEAR Femal e Prof essi onal of th e Year:
Click HERE For Fu ll St or y
Brooke Henderson won t wice on t he LPGA Tour in 2016 including her first m ajor cham pionship ? t he KPMG Wom en?s PGA Cham pionship ? in a playoff over Lydia Ko. She also represent ed Canada at t he Olym pics in Rio.
Br ook e Hen der son
As Select ed By...
M al e Prof essi onal of th e Year:
Mack en zi e Hugh es Canada?s highest ranked m ale golfer in t he OWGR, Hughes won t wice in 2016... once on t he Web.com Tour and t hen on t he PGA Tour at t he RSM Classic.
Click HERE For Fu ll St or y
Beach Fr on t Golf In Nicar agu a
IMAGE COURTESY http://www.guacalitogolf.com
M u k u l Beach is Nicar agu a?s f ir st lu xu r y r esor t boast in g a beach f r on t golf cou r se.
Th e 18 h ol e, par 72 Guacal i to course i s an unusual l ayout i n a number of w ays. Not too many courses see you walking across a hanging bridge to the green or removing your shoes, waves lapping at your feet, as you approach the final hole. This unique golf course was designed by world-famous Scottish golf architect David McLay Kidd to
For m or e in f or m at ion , visit gu acalit ogolf .com
embrace and preserve the natural landscape. Holes wind around wise old Guanacaste, Tamarindo and Mango trees. The associated Mukul Beach resort is five
star as well making it onto Conde Nast's 2016 Hot List for best hotels in the world.
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For m or e on t h e Ver t ical Dr iver , Click HERE
PGATOUR Si x Can adi an s Qual i f y For PGA Tour Lat i on am ér i ca St at us In 2017
ClockwiseFromTopLeft: DevinCarrey, DavidRose,PatrickWilliams,Matt Hill, Russell Budd&AllyTidcombeHaveAll EarnedStatusOnThePGATOUR LationaméricaCircuit For 2017
PGA Tour Latinoamérica by way of Q-school. The Canucks were led by Nova Scotia?s Ally The final two of four PGA Tour Tidcombe, who finished 4th in Latinoamérica Qualifying Argentina & Devin Carrey of Tournaments came to a close Burnaby, B.C., whose 7th in in Argentina and Colombia on Mexico gives him status for Jan. 27th, with three more the first half of 2017. Canadians earning status in Click HERE For 2017. In total, six Canadians Fu ll St or y have earned status on the
Jen n i f er Ha
En t er s Th e
When all was said and done at t he 2017 edit ion of t he LPGA 's Q-Sch ool race, it looked like Calgary?s Jennifer Ha easily m ade it across t he finish line t o earn exem pt st at us on t our for t he 2017 season. But , looks can be deceiving... CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Aft er all, t ournam ent placings can be alt ered drast ically as a result of t he pressures of t rying t o qualify for t he biggest show in t he world in wom en?s golf and wit h only 20 full t im e spot s open and 156 players aft er t hose spot s, t here was plent y of t ension t o go around.
Ha, who played t he Sym et ra circuit for m uch of 2016, also had t hree LPGA st art s on exem pt ions and was ready for t he challenge. She had said in an earlier int erview wit h Inside Golf,
?I l ov e f eel i ng pressure and I real l y do l ov e b ei ng put i nto th ose si tuati ons.? Well, t here was plent y of pressure on her for five rounds at t he Jones and Hills courses at LPGA Int ernat ional in Florida.
Only t he t op-20 finishers (no t ies) would be grant ed full st at us on t he t our next year. Aft er t he first day Ha was T14 (2-under 70) but t hen dropped t o T41 (2-over 74) aft er day t wo.
That left her com plet ing t he m arat hon event in a t ie for eight h at 8-under par. The event winner, Jaye Marie Gree, finished only five shot s clear of Ha. Via em ail, Jennifer shared in her experiences at Q-School, and t he delight of m aking t he grade.
Cl i ck Bel ow To Read Th at Q&A Click HERE To Fin d Ou t M or e
Aft er t hat second round fall back, Ha t hen reeled off rounds of 69-67 t o be T7 aft er four days before finishing wit h an even par 72 final round.
Th e Top Th r ee "Rul e Ben der s"
Bendi ng th e rul es h as b een part of gol f ? w el l si nce gol f started. Wit h t h e U.S. pr esiden t h avin g been accu sed of r u le ben din g by ? w ell, by a lot of people, w e decided t o cou n t dow n ou r t op t h r ee of all t im e bot h f r om f ict ion an d r ealit y (TV). CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
#3 A uri c Gol df i nger In the 007 thriller by Ian Fleming from 1959, Bond sets-up a high-stakes game of golf with the world?s top gold smuggler, and treasurer for the Soviet assassination agency SMERSH, who cheats in their match by switching golf balls. In the end however, Bond beats him at his own game and wins the match. Click above to watch a video clip of the scene from the movie.
#2 Judge Smai l s The judge from Caddy Shack?s judicious use of ?Winter Rules? was the start of a primer on how to get around the course in less shots without playing any better. His #2 ranking reflects his representing the number of golfers whose ?grasp? of the rules could be termed shaky at best. For a good review of Smails' skills with the hand and foot wedge, see the associated clip from the movie above. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
#1 Th e Donal d
The Prez' has been branded a rule bender by quite a few people but here are a few of the more prominent (in no particular order): - Academy Award Nominated Actor - Sam u el L. Jack son - Oscar de la Hoya - Champion boxer in six weight divisions - Past managing editor of Sports Illustrated - M ar k M u lvoy - Sportswriter Rick Reilly, (who caddied for Trump while doing research for the book ?Who?s Your Caddy??) Donald's alleged indiscretions range from having balls magically re-appear in the fairway courtesy of complicit caddies to taking chip-in gimme?s that were not offered. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
After Samuel L. Jackson called him a "cheat" during an interview, Trump took to Twitter first claiming that he did not know Jackson and then later deriding him for having a "not athletic" golf swing (which would be hard to do if he had not at least seen let alone played with him). Rocker / Golfer Alice Cooper was only slightly more circumspect in commenting on Trump's transgressions. Asked who was the biggest cheat in celebrity golf, he responded,
" Th e w orst cel eb ri ty gol f ch eat? I w i sh I coul d tel l you th at. I t w oul d b e a sh ock er. I pl ayed gol f w i th Donal d Trump one ti me. Th at's al l I 'm goi ng to say.? For a more complete history of Trump?s shenanigans Click HERE
Top 10 At Pebbl e Gi ves Tay l or Som e Br eat h i n g Room When Abbot sf or d?s Nick Taylor won the 2014 Sanderson Farms Championship in just his fourth start as a PGA TOUR regular, he earned more than just the $720,000 US top prize.
He must finish inside the top 125 on the FedEx Cup points list to retain his status on the PGA TOUR and his performance at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am on California?s Monterey Peninsula will help him meet that goal. Taylor finished tied for 10th place at Pebble Beach, earning a paycheque of $172,800 and some valuable FedEx Cup points. He now stands 70th on the points list, giving him some breathing room. Taylor ?s finish at Pebble Beach was his third top-10 result in 73 PGA TOUR starts. You could make the argument that apart from his win at the Sanderson Farms Championship, it was Taylor ?s most impressive performance on the PGA TOUR.
Taylor was also awarded a two-year exemption on the PGA TOUR. In other words, he had that precious commodity of job security on the PGA TOUR. That exemption expires after the 2017 season, meaning Taylor is playing with some extra pressure this year. His
only other top 10 came last March when he tied for fifth at the Puerto Rico Open. That tournament, like the Sanderson Farms, is an event that is played opposite a World Golf Championship event. That means the likes of Jordan Spieth, Dustin Johnson and Jason Day -- who all competed at Pebble Beach -were not in the field at Puerto Rico or Sanderson Farms. Taylor ?s Pebble Beach cheque moved him over the $2 million mark in career earnings on the PGA TOUR. Taylor made the cut (T55) in the Genesis Open at Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades, Calif. M R. SUNDAY: Vict or ia?s Jim Ru t ledge closed the Allianz Championship on the Champions Tour with a seven-under 65. If that sounds familiar, it should.
Rutledge has made a habit of going low on Sundays. Trouble is, those fabulous Sunday finishes often follow less than stellar starts to his week. That was the case at the Allianz Championship, where Rutledge opened with an 80 before firing a three-under 69 in Saturday?s second round. He ended up tied for 62nd place and earned $2,538. Had he turned that opening round 80 into an even-par 72, Rutledge would have finished tied for 23rd and made more than $16,000. Rutledge?s 65 on Sunday came thanks to a sizzling 29, which included five birdies and an eagle, on the back nine at the Old Course at Broken Sound in Boca Raton, Fla. Click HERE For His Expan ded St at s St or y
Ni ck Tay l or Recent Resul ts AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
T10 $172,800
Waste Management Phoenix
Farmers Insurance Open
CareerBuilder Challenge
Nick has shown some improvement recently making his last four cuts and posting his first top 10 of the season at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am where he recorded 4 eagles in only three rounds.
# Of Ev ents Pl ayed
Trendi ng Stats
A nd Fi ni sh es Recently
Year To Date
Top Tens
Cuts Made
Cuts Missed
Current Scori ng A v erage Hot Stat
Past Four Weeks
Previous 4 Weeks
Percent Of Holes Under Par
Percent of Holes Over Par
Rank i ngs Click HERE To See Nick 's OWGR
30 Days Ago
Official World Ranking
Fedex Cup Ranking
Click HERE To See Nick 's PGA St at s
Li nk s
NUMBERS Resear ch On Dr i vi n g Di st an ce In Gol f Publ i sh ed The R&A and USGA have published their second annual review of driving distance. It examines driving distance data from seven of the major professional golf tours. Data from studies of
male and female amateur golfers has also been included for the first time.
A k ey f act noted i n th e paper states th at betw een 2003 and th e end of 2016, av erage dri v i ng di stance on f i v e of th e sev en tours h as i ncreased by approx i matel y 1.2%, around 0.2 yards per year w h i l e on th e oth er tw o tour i t actual l y f el l . Click HERE For Fu ll St or y
Via Golf Canada
ARIZONA Loon i e Love Con t i n ues For Can adi an s In Scot t sdal e Back by popular demand, Experience Scottsdale?s Loonie Love campaign will extend its reach (and savings) into 2017. Canadians come to Scottsdale in droves every year, and
Stretchthat Canadiandollar with great Scottsdaledeals anyone who lives north of the American border knows why. Certainly, Scottsdale has nearly perfect winter weather ? temperatures average about 22 degrees Celsius ? but the city?s world-class amenities, resorts, restaurants and outdoor adventure are also available to Canadians at terrific discounts to beef up the strength of the Canadian dollar. Take advantage of savings on
hotels, dining and activities. Best of Bou lder s ? Take advantage of the recreation that abounds at the Boulders with a $50 daily resort credit (valid through 12/31/2017) Can adian Br u n ch at Bespok e In n ? Enjoy complimentary brunch each morning at Virtu, the inn?s award-winning restaurant, when you book two or more nights. Mention ?Canadian Brunch? at the time of booking (valid through 5/31/2017) 15% of f M ou n t ain Sh adow s ? Book the ?Canadian Rate? and save 15% at the distinctive, modern boutique golf resort set between Camelback and Mummy mountains. (valid through 12/31/2017; now
Take advantage of savings on hotels, dining and activities. accepting reservations for stays beginning March 1.) Ou r Neigh bor s Up Nor t h ? This package at Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Montelucia includes 20% off the best available rate, overnight parking ($22 value), a $20 credit toward any regularly-priced golf shirt, $35 golf club rentals at Eagle Mountain Golf Club ($15 savings), as well as a waived resort fee ($25 value). 10% Savin gs on Bik e Ren t als See the desert from a mountain bike with Arizona Outback Adventures, which has more than 300 bikes in its fleet. Canadians receive 10% off all bike rentals, just for being Canadian! (valid through April 30, 2017). For a full list of offers, visit www.LoonieLovein Scottsdale.com
Hadw i n posted a 13-under 59, i n round th ree of th e CareerBui l der Ch al l enge. He now i s onl y th e f ourth pl ayer i n PGA TOUR h i story to post 59 on a par 72 l ayout. He al so ti ed Ch i p Beck f or th e most b i rdi es i n a round... 13. Here are the top seven Q&A's from his interviews after his third round and the final round runner-up finish. Af t er Sat u r day 's 59... Q. How does closing out a 59 feel compared to closing out a tournament coming down the stretch of that? ADAM HADWIN: Pretty much the same. It's not far off. You know what you have to do. Going up the last, I knew I just needed to make
Q&A Wi t h Adam Hadw i n
Adamfollowedthroughonhiscall tocome out gunningin 2017. ClickHEREfor story. par. But very similar to if I knew I just had to make par to win a tournament. I feel like sometimes it might be easier having to make birdie to tie or to win or something like that, kind of. But I think it correlates a hundred percent. It's the exact same things that I'll be feeling on the first tee tomorrow when I tee off. Q. You go out, you par the first hole then you make six straight (birdies). Okay. There's your good round. Where does your translation from a good round to a, hey, maybe this is 59? CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
ADAM HADWIN: After hole 11. I said to my caddie, I said, we need four more. And I'm not sure he knew what to respond to me at that point, because he knew I was playing well and he knew that clearly I was thinking about it. But we just went about our business and kept making putts. I guess even at that point, I guess I moved to 10-under, I knew I was playing well, I had a peak at one of the leaderboards at La Quinta, there's not many, which can be a good thing, can be a bad thing. But it was just a matter of keeping, just kind of keep the momentum going and keep making putts. And then once I walked off 11, the objective was to shoot 59. Q. You became the first Canadian on the PGA TOUR ever to do this. As you know, back home Saturday night is Hockey Night in Canada. Tonight is might be Hadwin Night in Canada. What does this mean, do you think, to the Canadian golf and did you have a lot of Canadian fans cheering you on today? ADAM HADWIN: Do you live in the desert? (reply: Q. Yeah, I do)... so you know how many Canadians are here, right? Yeah. You know
what, I've said this, I played well last year and got myself in the final group and had a chance to win going into the back nine. Somebody told me at the end of the day that I had the second loudest cheer going off the first hole besides Mickelson. So, they come out in full support for all of us Canadians. There's a lot of them down here. To be able to put a round together in front of family and friends and lots of people that I know is pretty exciting and I hope to be able to go out there tomorrow and have a chance coming up 18 to do something special. Af t er Th e Fin al Rou n d... Q. Heck of a week for you. How would you describe your final round? ADAM HADWIN: A little up-and-down. I was a little disappointed, I never quite felt comfortable on the tee box. Kind of hitting it left and right a little bit and was never able to have, I guess, fairway lies going into the greens. I would have loved to have put a little bit more pressure on Hud coming up the 18th, but just CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
to be able to get up-and-down from the lie that I had from over there was pretty impressive. And a threw a couple birdies in there and made him win it. So, big ups to him, he played well. Q. You seemed to have a lot of success here the last few years, you were in contention here before. What is it about this area? ADAM HADWIN: I think it's a bit of a second home for most Canadians. I'm living in Phoenix now, so a short drive away. And I get a ton of support here and they show up and it's pretty incredible. Other than that, I don't know, I just kind of happened to play well this week. Q. Did you hear from any of the other guys that have shot a 59 overnight? ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, Chip Beck reached out on Twitter, I noticed that. I was trying to skim through some messages as best I could. Justin Thomas, yeah, he was tweeting it. I think he was actually cheering me on to beat him, but it's pretty cool. It's a small club to be a part of and I think, I was talking about it last night with family and I don't think it had quite
sunk in just yet what I accomplished and I think it will take a few weeks to really sink in. I was just focused on trying to win a golf tournament and now I can kind of relax a little bit and go watch some football and let everything sink in. Q. Your best finish, you have the 59, overall, what does it mean to you? ADAM HADWIN: Yeah, you know, it's, I can't help but be slightly disappointed. I really wanted to come out here and kind of prove that yesterday was just kind of a continuation of some good play and kind of get it done today, but I got beat, so I felt like I did all the right things, I just a couple shots here and there and who knows what could have happened. But an incredible week, my best finish ever, so I can't be too disappointed with that.
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Bullying is unwelcome or aggressive behaviour that involves a real or perceived power imbalance and can take many forms including physical, verbal, emotional or other types of intimidating or humiliating behaviours. The behaviour is often repeated and can occur on or away from the playing field, court or arena.
British Columbia Golf signed the Declaration of Commitment to erase bullying in sport. Find out how you and your organization can take part as well by v i si ti ng th e v i aSport w ebsi te HERE and the Government of B.C. recognize that all those involved in
sport ? participants, athletes, coaches, parents, caregivers, officials, organizations, partners, volunteers, and others ? can play a role in this great cause. Click on the link to download the Declaration of Commitment from the viaSport website. Please use this Declaration of Commitment to help strengthen the work that your organization is doing to address bullying in sport and encourage members of your organization to take the pledge to #ERASEBu llyin g in Sport at w w w.viaspor t .ca/ er asebu llyin g.
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