1 minute read
from Break the Silence Teachers Toolkit 2017
by Institute for Gender and Development Studies, St. Augustine Unit
This toolkit was developed as an output of the initiative: Break the Silence Student Art Contest: Raising Awareness about Gender, Child Sexual Abuse and Implications for HIV in Trinidad and Tobago, which is spearheaded by the Institute for Gender and Development Studies (IGDS), The University of the West Indies (The UWI), St. Augustine Campus with support from The U.S. Embassy, Port of Spain from the PEPFAR Small Grants Program.
It is a compilation of existing materials and outputs developed for the 2008-2012 action-research project: Breaking the Silence: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Preventing and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse and Incest (see page 6), which was spearheaded by the IGDS at The UWI, St. Augustine, with the support from UNICEF and United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (managed by UNIFEM, now UN Women).
Sessions and activities in this toolkit have been compiled and adapted from existing manuals and curricula and are all referenced and noted throughout the toolkit and in the Bibliography. Most activity content in this toolkit was adapted from the Doorways I: Student Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response accessed at http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnado240.pdf, and Doorways III: Teacher Manual on School-Related Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response accessed at https:// www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1865/Doorways_III_Teachers_Manual.pdf Both manuals were developed for USAID’s Office of Women in Development by the Safe Schools Program.
Special thanks to Tisha Nickenig, Research Associate, IGDS, The UWI, St. Augustine for the compilation and editing of this toolkit’s contents, Dr. Gabrielle Hosein, Head, IGDS, The UWI, St. Augustine for initial conceptualization and support of the Break the Silence Student Art Contest initiative, Mr. Stephen Weeks, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Embassy Port of Spain for interest and continued support of this initiative, and IGDS, St. Augustine staff for administrative support throughout the project. Special thanks to Tricia Basdeo for project administrative support and Kathryn Chan for creation, branding and marketing of all initiative events and materials, as well as her endless support and commitment toward all BTS Campaign initiatives.
Rhoda Reddock
BTS Project Director / Professor of Gender and Social Change The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus April 2017