IGDS FACT SHEETS - Issue I - Sexual Harassment and Consent

Page 11

USEFUL LINKS & RESOURCES The Sexual Offenses Act


The Occupational Safety and Health Act


The Equal Opportunity Act


The Equal Opportunity – Guidelines on 
 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


The Offenses Against the Persons Act


The UWI Policy on Sexual Harassment


UN Women Definition of Sexual Harassment http://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/pdf/whatissh.pdf

“Why we need sexual harassment laws in the Caribbean?” 
 by Tracy Robinson. Stabroek News 21 July 2009 https://www.stabroeknews.com/2009/features/07/21/why-we-need-sexual-harassment-laws-in-the-caribbean/

Institute for Gender and Development Studies, St Augustine Unit, Trinidad and Tobago Prepared by Angelique V. Nixon & Sue Ann Barratt. Published February 2020.

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