3 Victorian critical infrastructure sectors
The Strategy describes a vision of arrangements for Victorian critical infrastructure resilience, founded on a strong partnership between government and industry sectors, that limit disruption to the supply of essential services to the Victorian community. The Strategy recognises eight critical infrastructure sectors and encourages resilience building activities within and between each of these sectors. Each of the eight critical infrastructure sectors has been assigned to a portfolio department whose role is to provide the primary interface between government and critical infrastructure owners or operators and lead planning for their sector. Machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2019 have assigned portfolio responsibility for the transport, communications and food supply sectors to new portfolio departments. Table 1: Critical infrastructure sectors and respective portfolio department as at 1 January 2019 SECTOR
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Banking and finance
Department of Treasury and Finance
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Food Supply
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Department of Health and Human Services
The following sections describe the eight critical infrastructure sectors which deliver services to the Victorian community, and examples of recent emergency events which impacted on their operations where appropriate. These descriptions are included to provide readers with an overview of the services, assets, networks and systems within each critical infrastructure sector. IGEM avoids identifying particular infrastructure or the owners or operators given security implications and commercial sensitivities.