1 minute read
1.3 Approach
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) Hume City Council Inspector-General Emergency Management (Queensland) Metropolitan Fire and Emergencies Services Board (MFB) Moyne Shire Municipal Association of Victoria Murrindindi Shire Council
Parks Victoria
Queensland Reconstruction Authority Victoria Police (VicPol) VicRoads
Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES)
Impact assessment and consequence management are two discrete but related initiatives in Victorian emergency management. Both initiatives are concerned with understanding the implications of the emergency for the community. The review considers each initiative separately before considering opportunities for improved integration. Impact assessment and consequence management are currently subject to continuous development activities. In both cases, EMV is the lead agency responsible for this development. IGEM has worked with the impact assessment and consequence management project leads to ensure the observations, findings and recommendations of this review reflect this development. The impacts and consequences of emergencies are felt across the three operational tiers of emergency management; local, regional and state. The review considered information from all tiers to draw conclusions based on differences between and interactions across the tiers. IGEM considered documents from emergencies escalated to local, regional and state levels.
Lines of enquiry
The methods used in the review were planned to generate findings and recommendations to support continuous improvement in the sector. The review was designed to address the following lines of enquiry: To what extent is there clear governance, accountability and direction across the emergency management sector to support effective impact assessment and consequence management? What legislation, policies and guidelines govern the definition and operationalisation of impact assessment and consequence management? What plans, practices and tools support impact assessment and consequence management for emergency management in Victoria? To what extent are arrangements coordinated and collaborative?