Ignas Uogintas

Page 1


keisti daugiabutÄŻ ?

ignas uogintas 2014 lapkritis


Svajonė “Cheremushki”, 1962


40 % uĹžstatyto ploto sovietiniai daugiabuÄ?iai


Vakarai gali! Paris 17°, Tour Bois le Prêtre, Druot, Lacaton & Vassal


Pašilaičių rajono schema





6500 gyventijĹł coverage volume density

69 000 m2coverage 2 517 500 mvolume 0.8 density

69 000 m2 517 500 m2 0.8


4500 gyventijĹł coverage volume density

266 500m2coverage 2 930 000 mvolume 1.4 density

266 500m2 930 000 m2 1.4

age categories

age categories family status

family age categories status

age family categories status

family status


nationality education

education nationality

nationality education


income income source

income source



income income source


income income source

Centras VS PaĹĄilaiÄ?iai


120V tipo daugiabutis




LT identitetas autorÄ—: liaud. men. Veronika DaukutienÄ—


Individualumo išraiška šiandien foto: Norbert Tukaj


+ pridėti

uždaro bloko principas


kotedžo principas

Ar išeitų sukurti kokybišką būstą, jei paliktume kiemą, turį ir esamus gyventojus?


praturtinti esamą tūrį

“Tai tikras bunkeris!”


Torben Lange

120V namo tipo strukūriniai elementai

Lauko sienos

Vidaus sienos



Keisti iš vidaus: konstruktyvas

“Jungtis - stipriausia � konstruktyvo dalis

Olga Popovich

Kertinis mazgas





padėti šalia


pridėti prie šono




8 principai struktūros intervencijos


4 principai architektūrinė išraiška


įrankių dėžė




seniūnijos iniciatyva

namo bendrijos iniciatyva

individuali iniciatyva


• lifted entrance • no lock ( usually with obvious lock code) • garbage box next to the entrance • entrance to the basement on the outside • repetitive entrances to all volumes in Pasilaiciai rayon (107 ha)

• cleaned space - no walls nor staircases to the basement - cleaner and safer design • canopy provides shelter and identifies the entrance zone • each entrance should be personalized with unique materiality • garbage boxes are moved further away from the entrance

• ground floor is lifted 1.5 m from the surrounding landscape leaving the possibility only to look out, but not reach out • small balconies have unpleasant spaces underneath • the only entrance is via the main staircase

• to provide link with surroundings personal entrances created • by cutting openings in existing interior walls bigger spaces can be created that are necessary for facilities, like office space • terrace to the south facade (intermediate space)

+ existing entrance generic condition for all entances

• brings unique character and aesthetics • creates space for bike parking • shelter from wind, snow and rain • new post box

cleanded entrance optimised entrance with moved garbage boxes (underground)

• separate structure with function, such as small room for kids to play or postal box might be added • brings unique character and aesthetics • creates space for bike parking • shelter from wind, snow and rain • post box

existing situation ground floor

• by sacrificing one room the whole staircase might benefit with a direct link to the landscape on the south side • a ramp for disabled people might be introduced to access the elevator and the staircase

+ expressed entrance self supporting structure, more dignified entrance

studio space with separate entrance and terrace creating personal entrances and intimate spaces

• the structure is linked with the main lobby and has a direct entrance from the landscape • it might facilitate housing community center or other functions that might need bigger space • large terrace next to the park • ramp for disabled people that links with the main staircase and lift

+ entrance with function self supporting structure, additional function integrated

staircase connected with the landscape via community room

Pirmo aukšto modifikacijos

community space concrete structure on the ground floor


• poor insulation • aged materials • monothonic facades in massive scales

• individualized interventions, like enclosed wintergardens and new window frames (already happening) • brings diversity, but interventions are not synchronized, lack of quality and common aesthetics

• existing facade untouched • passive insulation layer (in winter it acts as a warm buffer zone that reduces heat loss, in summer it can be opened ad ventilated • moving shaders open/ close on demand

• self supporting structure, existing structure will not be compromised in any way • new entrances and inner path created - direct physical link from apartment to the park • apartments can vary in size, as rooms can be linked via new corridor • inter-reaction between neighbors as move along the south facade

existing facade element 35 mm thick monolitic exterior walls

personalised facade owners of apartments are doing local interventions

extra layer on top new structure mounted on top leaving the existing exposed

new entances and balconies (hepth - 2.5 m) bigger balconies and second entance via active facade

• more sunlight into the rooms via bigger window openings • facade is insulated (15 cm of insulation layer, 5 cm of finish) • additional elements are cleaned providing even more sunlight inside

• depth of balcony is adjustable, therefore it might be just a balcony for one resident while the other might have extended living space towards the facade • strong urban outer facade system created • more light and greater sense of space is created • extension of living space • tempered environment that is adaptable to seasonal changes

• more sunlight into the rooms via bigger window openings • facade is insulated (15 cm of insulation layer, 5 cm of finish) • acording to personal needs owners could chose from range of options their facade element preference: none, balcony, wintergarden, extension of living space

+ clean facade insulated and with bigger openings

• height of balcony varies, therefore different terraces are more intimate and personalized • strong urban outer facade system created • more light and greater sense of space is created • extension of living space • tempered environment that is adaptable to seasonal changes

+ small additions insulated, with bigger openings and modular elements

personalized winter-gardens (hepth - 4.5 m) self supporting structure with balconies and wintergardens


lifted islands (hepth - 4.5 m) personalization of winter-garden space


• terraced roofs are not used at all • roof scape forms an urban composition in the overall micro-rayon masterplan scheme, but is irrelevant in the smaller scale • empty wall facade towards the street and west side • heat loss is most evident in the top floor apartments, it is being lost not only via thin facades but also housing roof

• roof terraces for communal activities • openings in facade and roof can be created to provide access onto roof terraces both from private apartment and from communal staircase

• activate the roof with terraces • all the spaces on the roof would have a private entrance • variety of facilities could emerge (small studios, communal terraces, small facilities for residents) • roof deck might be easily accedes from the internal staircase

• lightweight structures might be added on the roof to provide bigger apartments or bring more functions, • a separate entrance to the facilities via the roof • roof deck might be easily accedes from the internal staircase

+ existing situation stepping roof of the volume

cut openings and add terraces access onto roof terraces

• changing the facade element on the upper floors does not compromise overall structure • provide views and access to the giant roof terrace from flats and main staircase • insulation of west facade • roof deck might be easily accedes from the internal staircase

• extension of the apartment • roof terraces and convenient entrance to the terrace from the main staircase • provide views and access to the giant roof terrace from flats and main staircase • insulation of west facade

open up the closed facade changing the facade element

structure on the facade bigger apartments and community room

add stairs on top prefabricated steel and timber structure

add volumes on top prefabricated steel and timber structure with facilities

• taking out existing elements brings the standard volume roof to range a of unique private and communal terraces • the apartments are loosing square meter spaces • new additions might also provide necessary roof insulation

• a new multisorey lightweight structure might be added onto existing • additional flats, studios, other facilities might be located there • 120v is designed to withstand the loads of a 9 storey building

take some elements out removal of existing elements

add structure on top a new multisorey lightweight structure

Stogo modifikaicjos


• asphalt surface dominates (lots of cracks) • pedestrian paths are very narrow (0.8 m)

• brings new, more individual, identity to the inner street • more generous sidewalk (cars become guests - 3.25 m for cars) • street lighting for bigger safety at night • new character with for the space with plants (alnus glutinosa) • porous stone or brick pavement for slower car movement, better water penetration and easier maintenance

• volume is lifted 1.5 m above the ground • generic landscape surrounds the volume • no sense of individuality • no intermediate scale - private apartments and all the rest is public

• connection between apartment and public space brings a feeling of ownership to the public space • volume is stronger fixated with surrounded public space

existing situation generic green around the volume segment (120v-33/1)

connecting base ground floor apartments have personal staircases connecting with the landscape

+ existing situation width - 6.25 m; sidewalk - 1.5 m

• wide enough for the emergency car to move (4.5 of clean space) • lighting polls and urban furniture for the community to gather in the public space • new character for the space with plants (tilia cordata) • applied in the places near the entrance to the house, therefore public space becomes more articulated

shared street width - 3.25 m; parking - 2 m; sidewalk - 2 x 2 m

• soft pebble surface might change existing concrete tiles in the landscape • transition between hard and soft surfaces diminishes • better water penetration

• brings a feeling of ownership and safety to the public space around • community might decide how to use and maintain communal landscape • community space might facilitate functions, like playgrounds for kids, barbecue, flower gardens

+ pedestrian buleward width - 6.5 m

pebble path with - min 1.6 m

• connection between apartment and public space brings a feeling of ownership to the public space • apartment owners maintain their garden and look after the public space around it

+ communal garden housing community is sharing a garden next to the volume

Kiemo erdvė

private gardens residents on the ground floor have their own private terraces


Pilotinis projektas


Fasadas prieš


Fasadas po


Pirmas aukštas prieš


Pirmas aukštas po


Laiptinė prieš


Laiptinė po


Daugiabutis prieš


Daugiabutis po


aÄ?iĹŤ ignas.uogintas@doarchitects.lt + 370 620 96610

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