Ignatian Solidarity Network Annual Report 2021-2022

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• ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022 •



Now more than ever, our world needs communities of people committed to imagining new and creative paths forward together, to build a more just world that reflects the values of God’s kingdom.

Over the last year, our world continued to grapple with challenges old and new. And ISN, with our dynamic network, rooted in the spirit of Ignatian imagination, did this work, responding to the needs of each moment and the signs of the times in innovative ways.

In imagining this path forward, ISN was able to sustain our mission as the conveners of a network committed to faith and justice. In the pages that follow, we invite you to walk with us through a glimpse into our in-person, virtual, and hybrid

programming, campaigns, and opportunities for action, each designed to meet the reality of our world in that moment and form leaders and advocates for justice.

As we look toward the future, we invite you to continue to imagine a path forward with us as we creatively continue and deepen the work of justice.

ISN’s network of member institutions—high schools, colleges, parishes, and other partner organizations across the U.S. and beyond—make a generous annual commitment to sustain the work of ISN.



Alpha Sigma Nu

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Young Adult Ministry

Bellarmine Chapel (OH)

Bellarmine College Preparatory (CA)

Bishop O’Dowd High School (CA)

Bon Secours Volunteer Ministry

Boston College

Boston College High School

Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School (IN)

Brophy College

Preparatory (AZ)

Canisius College (NY)

Canisius High School (NY)

Carondelet High School (CA)

Cheverus High School (ME)

Church of Saint Ignatius Loyola (NY)

Church of the Gesu (OH)

CLC-USA (National Christian Life Community of USA)

College of the Holy Cross (MA)

Creighton Preparatory School (NE)

Creighton University (NE)

Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (IL)

Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (MD)

Cristo Rey San Jose Jesuit High School

De Smet Jesuit High School (MO)

Fairfield University (CT)

The Father McKenna Center

Fordham Preparatory School (NY)

Fordham University (NY)

Georgetown Preparatory School (DC)

Georgetown University (DC)

Gonzaga College High School (DC)

Gonzaga Preparatory High School (WA)

Gonzaga University (WA)

Holy Trinity Catholic Church (DC)

Jesuit College Preparatory School (TX)

Jesuit High School Portland Jesuit High School (CA)

Jesuit Schools Network

Jesuit Social Research Institute - Loyola University New Orleans

Jesuit Volunteer Corps Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest

John Carroll University (OH)

Kino Border Initiative

Le Moyne College (NY)

Loyola Academy (IL)

Loyola Blakefield (MD)

Loyola High School of Los Angeles

Loyola Marymount University (CA)

Loyola School (NY)

Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Maryland

Loyola University New Orleans

Marquette University (WI)

Marquette University High School (WI)

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice Notre Dame San Jose Notre Dame School of Manhattan

Old Saint Joseph’s Church (PA)

Regis High School (NY)

Regis Jesuit High School (CO)

Regis University (CO)

Rockhurst High School (MO)

Rockhurst University (MO)

Sacred Heart Preparatory (CA)

Saint Agnes Catholic Church (CA)

Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez Church (MD)

Saint Anthony’s Parish (NY)

Saint Bonaventure’s College (NL)

Saint Francis Xavier (College) Parish (MO)

Saint Ignatius Catholic Community (MD)

Saint Ignatius College Prep (IL)

Saint Ignatius College Preparatory (CA)

Saint Ignatius High School (OH)

Saint John’s Jesuit High School and Academy (OH)

Saint Joseph’s Academy (MO)

Saint Joseph Academy (OH)

Saint Joseph Parish (WA)

Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School (PA)

Saint Joseph’s University (PA)

Saint Louis University (MO)

Saint Louis University High School (MO)

Saint Mary AcademyBay View (RI)

Saint Mary Student Parish (MI)

Saint Paul’s High School (MB) Saint Peter Catholic Church (NC)

Saint Peter’s Preparatory School (NJ) Saint Thomas More Catholic Church (GA) Saint Ursula AcademyCincinnati Salesianum School (DE) Santa Clara University (CA) Scranton Preparatory School

Seattle University (WA) Sisters of Mercy of the Americas University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy University of Detroit Mercy University of San Francisco University of Scranton

Villa Maria Academy High School (PA)

Villanova University (PA) Walsh Jesuit High School (OH)

Xavier High School (NY) Xavier University (OH)

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carlos Aedo Vince Caponi Jim DeGraw Christina Dominguez Betty Anne Donnelly Colleen Dulle Annie Fox Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu Andrea Hattler Bramson Vince Herberholt Richard Hogan Dave Johnson Ashley Klick Dayne Malcolm, S.J. Maggie Murphy Stockson Ted Penton, S.J. Deborale RichardsonPhillips, Ph.D. Mary Wardell-Ghirarduzzi STAFF
Catholic Ethical Purchasing Alliance Coordinator Clarissa Aljentera Director of Education for Justice Erin Brown Program Director Kim Coleman Director of Integrated Marketing and Campaigns Brenna Davis Director of Integral Ecology Sharayle Forest Assistant Director of Development Christopher Kerr Executive Director Jorge Palacios Jr. Migration Coordinator for Youth Engagement AJ Rowe Digital Communications Coordinator Ann Smrekar Administrative Assistant Kelly Swan Communications Director
sue baber associate provincial assistant for secondary and pre-secondary education jesuits east
Universal Apostolic Preferences
journeys with youth
hope-filled future,
youth to work collaboratively
create that future. For your vision, your commitment, and your work, thank you.
ISN lives the Jesuits’
ways, and not only
towards a
but empowers

ignatian family teach-in for justice

In October and November of 2021, more than 2,800 individuals “committed to the common good” gathered virtually and in-person for the 24th annual Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice (IFTJ).

The 2021 theme—Imagining a Path Forward: Reflection. Reckoning. Kinship.—invited attendees to consider the ways in which the pandemic has exacerbated and laid bare injustices in the world, and to take action in ways that center the needs of the most vulnerable and builds a deeper sense of kinship and community.

^ ^ PICTURED: (Above Left) IFTJ attendees join in a vigil outside of the White House to pray for an end to Title 42—the policy being unjustly used to turn away asylum seekers at the U.S. border (Left) A day-long virtual event and a dynamic week-long high school track featured on-demand content and networking opportunities. (Opposite Page) Paul Campion, a graduate of Loyola University Chicago and climate organizer, speaks at the 2021 IFTJ Public Witness. (Above Right) Fr. Bryan Massingale delivers a keynote address.



forming + connecting leaders along the path

Throughout its history, ISN’s core approach to programming has been getting folks into the same room. Each year, ISN does this in a host of ways, including a series of summits designed to bring together specific groups to network, pray, and imagine new ways to approach justice work.

“We often feel helpless seeing the current political ideologies, and feel pressured by the fear to keep it all to ourselves, but the Undocu Network Summit is that safe space where we realize the universality of our migrant story and can have our human dignity restored.”

undocu network summit participant


In February of 2022, 18 college students gathered at the Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos in California for ISN’s first Undocu Network Summit.

Each of the attendees gathered had an immigration story—identifying as undocumented, a DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) or TPS (Temporary

Protected Status) recipient, or were members of mixed-status families. The gathering was designed to provide attendees—all students at Jesuit or other Catholic institutions— with a safe space to build community, share concerns, seek advice, and grow in organizing skills.



For more than a decade, ISN has been connecting high school students from across the U.S. at annual Arrupe Leaders Summits—empowering student leaders to enact positive social change in their schools, home communities, and beyond.

to putting faith


gabriel guido, saint ignatius high school

On June 15, 2022, 103 parish staff and parishioners from 48 parishes in the Jesuit and broader Catholic network across the U.S. gathered virtually for the Ignatian Solidarity Network’s 2022 Ignatian Parish Justice Summit.

The 2022 theme was Moving Forward Together, emphasizing the need for renewal and revitalization as a network and community of collaborators working for a more just world.

The three 2022 summits brought 133 high school students and 39 faculty and staff together—all with a shared commitment

in action to build a more just world.
“No matter where we are in life, what class, what race, what gender, what socioeconomic status…we can all come together under God to [work for] justice”


implications of those decisions, from both a human and ecological perspective.

The memory of her dehumanizing experience of working in a chicken processing plant informs her work today— as a worker-owner and shift lead for Opportunity Threads, a worker-cooperative textile mill in North Carolina connected to a larger ethical production initiative in the region, The Industrial Commons.

Some 500 miles away, a Catholic university is considering the same issues through a different lens—institutional purchasing. Kate Giancatarino, the director of Villanova’s Center for Service and Social Justice, has been integrally involved in the work of deeply considering the products sold and food consumed on campus, and the

Lopez and Giancatarino are connected to a broader movement beyond their own workplaces and communities through a new initiative—the Catholic Ethical Purchasing Alliance (CEPA).

Launched in the fall of 2021, CEPA emerged from an ongoing partnership between ISN and Ethix Merch, an ethical promotional products supplier. The partnership serves a very specific purpose— to support Catholic institutions and individuals in integrating the values of Catholic Social Teaching with their purchasing practices.

In March of 2022, students from two Jesuit universities—John Carroll University and Fordham University—participated in the first CEPA immersion experiences to visit partners in North Carolina. Students visited textile manufacturers to learn about ethical and sustainable production that centers around a triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit.

Also in the spring of 2022, the University of Dayton became the first Catholic university in the U.S. to bring CEPA products into their campus bookstore. “Our job as a central procurement

organization is to understand the requirements on campus and give people the tools to make good [purchasing] choices when it comes to each sourcing decision,” shared Sara Harrison, executive director for procurement and payable services for UD. “The partnership with CEPA is just a beginning…it is clear that there is a lot of potential.”

Maricela Lopez is deeply familiar with the ways in which workers’ rights are violated in the U.S.
“Partnerships with worker-led initiatives is a unique opportunity for Catholic institutions to put into practice a commitment to sustainability, economic justice, and workers’ rights.”
christopher kerr, isn executive director

On this Holy Thursday, we are returned to Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.

I often connect with Peter, who in his own exclamation of things “not being in his plans,” continues to misunderstand Jesus, and get things wrong: cutting off someone’s ear, denying Jesus, hiding in the upper room. Peter’s frustration is so palpable to me; the confusion of the injustice around us can be suffocating at times. We approach Easter, and yet our world does not seem any closer to ending wars, changing the course of climate change, eradicating systemic racism, or managing pandemic outbreaks.

As Jesus ate his last supper, the world around him was not moving towards greater peace, but that did not stop him from offering a model of how to respond to the confusion and frustration we might find ourselves in. Jesus models a way to channel our frustration, by washing each other’s feet. In service to one another, we might channel our frustration into Holy Frustration

During Lent, writers from the Jesuit and broader Catholic network reflected on each day’s lectionary readings to respond to the question: how do we turn our frustration into holy frustration?

Nearly 15,000 subscribers committed to renewing each day throughout Lent their commitment to care for both our fellow human beings and our common home.

Explore our collection of ethically-made resources and products that work for justice— caring for both people and planet. igsol.net/store


On April 27, 2022, the Ignatian Solidarity Network welcomed honorees and guests in New York City for Ignite: A Celebration of Justice to honor Marie Dennis and Fr. Bryan Massingale.

Both were presented with the Robert M. Holstein Faith Doing Justice Award, given annually to individuals who have demonstrated a significant commitment to leadership for social justice grounded in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus.


Other honorees at the event included Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor, presented with the Legacy of the Martyrs Award, and two young alumni of Jesuit institutions, James Havey (Marquette University ‘11) and Amanda Montez (Loyola Marymount University ‘15), presented with the Moira Erin O’Donnell Emerging Leaders for Justice Award.

“I want my church to be what it says it is—to be Catholic, to be universal. Where all belong, where all matter, where all gather around the table and all are included—and we’re not there yet. But there’s hope.”
fr. bryan massingale




As members of a network committed to faith and justice, ISN has developed resources and programming that confronts white supremacy and systemic racial injustice.


Just Conversations with Jamal and Nate—ISN’s podcast exploring the intersections of race, faith, and Catholic education—highlights historical and current events in the realm of diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism. Episode topics have included the hope and challenges of DEI work, response to raciallymotivated violence, African American creativity and poetry, and more. igsol.net/just-convos


ISN hosted a series of virtual programs for lay and ordained leaders from churches across the U.S. to explore ways to bring racial justice work to life in parishes through reflection,

conversation, prayer, and action. Nearly 500 people representing more than 150 parishes, religious orders, and community groups joined four events in 2021-2022.


ISN conducted a survey to help understand the contexts of race, equity, and justice within Jesuit and Catholic institutions. The data gathered will aid in the development of a Racial Justice Action Plan partially aimed at supporting and networking Ignatian network institutions in racial justice work.


Educators and administrators from across the U.S. joined with DEI+A experts for Zoom discussions and to share best practices. Topics included examining alternative break trips and whiteness in Jesuit education and creating student, parent, and alumni affinity spaces.


The Ignatian network continued to respond to Pope Francis’ call to care for creation throughout 2021-2022.

Through weekly challenges and reflections, Laudato Si’ Lent drew participants more deeply into the implementation of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

Using an interactive online Advent calendar, the Advent Simplicity Challenge explored ways to live simply while preparing hopefully for the coming of Jesus and the restoration of the earth.

Renewing the Earth: Living Laudato Si’ in the Year of Ignatius, honored the 500th anniversary of the conversion of St. Ignatius by inviting the Ignatian family to learn, pray, act, and connect for ecological justice.



Brittany Lorgeree, Stonehill College

ISN’s web presence is working around the clock to keep you connected to a network that does justice.
unique website visitors
provided online networking opportunities and resources in response to the repeal of DACA, school shootings, and family separation at the U.S.-Mexico border. 56,000+ followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
The Ignatian Solidarity Network has transformed my life and my faith. I share resources from ISN regularly in my work and personal life; the reflections speak to me— I always walk away inspired.



In April, Education for Justice, ISN’s subscription-based social justice resource library, launched a dynamic new website, designed to more effectively bring resources into the hands of educators, ministers, and other subscribers. Check it out at educationforjustice.org

our generous donors


$50,000+ United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

$25,000+ Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States John and Barbara Schubert


Vince And Robyn Caponi Jim DeGraw

Ethix Ventures Inc.

Vince Herberholt and Cathy Murray

Loretta Holstein Peter Albert and Charlotte Mahoney

USA Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus

$5,000+ Creighton University Jesuit Community

The College of Saint Francis Xavier High School

U.S. Central and Southern Province of the Society of Jesus Ann Magovern and Kate Carter Mary Jebara

$2,500+ Elaine Burke

Catholic Climate Covenant Andrea Hattler Bramson

Holy Trinity Catholic Church Jesuit Community of Loyola University Maryland Robert and Jackie O’Donnell

Saint Peter Jesuit Community Santa Clara University Sisters of the Precious Blood USA Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus

$1,000+ Marilyn Antonik

Bruce Baber

Rita and Tim Carroll

Cincinnati Jesuit Community Melissa Collins Di Leonardo

Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis

Daughters of Charity MinistriesProvince of St Louis

Dominican Sisters of San Rafael Betty Anne Donnelly

Mary Dulle

James Haggerty

Richard P. Hogan, Jr. and Jennifer Ruch Hogan

Jesuit Community at Boston College High School

Jesuit Community of Brebeuf Karen Kelly

Pamela Kennedy

Annette Lomont

Chris Lowney Dennis Lucey

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers

Michael McGonagle

Maureen Meehan O’Leary

Meredith Panzica Manning and Joe Manning

Martha Pawlikowski

Pere Marquette Jesuit Community

Suzanne Polen Marya Pulaski

Dennis Ruppel

John Sealey Seattle University Robin Smith St. Ignatius Jesuit Community

Maria Stephan Stevens and Patricia Trainer

Kerry Weber Xavier Jesuit Community Brian Zaiger George Zeltner


Sue Baber Cara Caponi Deborah Champlin Carol Corgan Bill Cotter James Curtis Marie Dennis Jim DiPiero

David Fox Barry Gilman

Cecilia González-Andrieu and Jean-Paul Andrieu

Bill Hobbs

Mary Kay Homan

Christopher Hsu

James Hug, S.J. Jesuit Community of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

David Johnson Charles Johnson Steve Latham

Jerrold Ledesma

Lizabeth MacDonald

Bill and Stacia Masterson

Joseph and Linda Michon

Sharon Miller Sharon Mollerus

Dennis Mulvihill

Laura Myler

Joe Naylor and Yosuke Chikamoto Dr. Bob Niles

Paul Parks

William Rutt

Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland

Elizabeth Teefy

Annmarie Uselmann

Annette Venables

Joanna and Matthew Williams


Carlos Aedo Matthew Allen Michael and Marie Allison

Archdiocese of New York

Theresa Avila-John Jessica Belica

Leo Bistak

Sharon Bramante Brandon Fitzsimmons

Sharon Brandt Lorie Bronson

Stephen Callahan Eric Carlson

Greg Carpinello

Richard Casazza

Karen Cavagnini

Jessica Chilin Church of St. Dominic Dr. Charles Conlon Gail Dapolito Nirmala David Myles Duffy Minette Duran

Robert Ellsberg

Maria Estrada Fairfield Jesuit Community Susan Fernald Richard Fiesta Sabina Fila

James Fitzpatrick and Barbara Carroll

Joseph Forte

Annie Fox

Mary Pat Fox

Jessica Fuentes

Thomas Gannon

Charlie Gibson

Susan Haarman and Leslie Watland

Molly Gradowski Herrera Karen Habersky

Lisa Hagerty Finegan

Nancy Healy

Catherine Huston and Jerry Hurtubise

Jesuit Community at University of Detroit Mercy Michael Karam Larry and Dolores Kerr John and Kelly Kleiderer Ashley Klick

Jeff Korgen

Jerry and Mary Caye Lagomarsino

Joseph Lavin Brinton Lykes

Julie Maloni Christine Meyer Ted Miles

James Moore

Joseph Mulligan, S.J. Margaret Murphy Stockson and Gilbert Stockson

Nick Napolitano and Michelle


Kevin O’Brien

Sr. Virginia O’Brien, S.U. Edward Penton, S.J. Rev. John Reiker

Reilly Family Adria Renke Marise Robertson

Joan Rosenhauer

Saint Francis Xavier Church

Aimee O’Donnell Saunders

Hank Shea

Kristin Shewfelt

Boreta Singleton

Clayton Sinyai Ann Smrekar

Thomas Suddes

National Catholic Reporter Maurizio Tomasetti and Cinzia

Grey Carie Weeks Scott Wright

$100+ Abigail Abysalh-Metzger

Kat Albrandt

Francisco Altamirano

Janice Andersen

Michael Anderson, M.D.

Paul Antor

Elaine Archangelo

Elizabeth Asaro

Carol Aschenbrener

Elaine Asevedo

Dale Auffenberg

Lisa Badran

Peter Bagnall

Michael Bertsch

Lynn Blackstone

Christine Bobek

Eileen Bole

Laura Boysen-Aragon

Danitria Bradley

Jamey Brogan

Don Buchal Peter Buck

Helen M. Bursley-Fournier

Ed Byrne

John Campione

John and Sally Cantwell

Daniel Cardozo

Teresa Cariño Petersen

Margie Carroll

Catherine Carroll

Joe Cartwright

Patricia Casey

Theodore Cassidy Crystal Catalan

Anastasia Cates-Carney

Abby Causey

Sandra Cavendish

Sr. Cecile Roeger

Lena Chapin

Dominic Cirincione, Ph.D. Deacon Clarke Cochran

Brian Cloyd

Shirley Cody

Michael Coffey

Thomas Colacchio

Heather Collins

Mavis and Robert Connolly

Guy Cordonier

Timothy Daaleman

Kristen Darmody

Tom Davies

Greg Dembski

Kathy Desmond

Patricia Diaz

Katie DiPiero

John Doctor Sue Donnelly Valerie Downing Anne Dunn

Xavier Estevez and Maura Toomb Estevez, Ed.D.

Joan Etbauer

Robert Fambrini, S.J.

Nancy Fava

Christine Firer Hinze

Dr. Greg Fisher and Jeanette Fisher

Julie Fissinger

Stan Fitzgerald

Paul Fitzgerald, S.J.

Joseph Foley

Taylor Fulkerson, S.J.

Patricia Fuller

Sylvia Funni

Kate Gaertner

Maria Garcia and Noemi Orozco

Elizabeth Goeke

Gonzaga Jesuit Community

Frances Gray

Christopher Grubach

Brenda Harris

Kate Haser

James Havey

Ashley Hawkin

Billie Jo Hickey

Chala Hill

Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters

Kenneth Homan, S.J.

Tom And Eileen Houlihan

Michael Hutchinson

IHM Sisters

InterReligious Task Force on Central America

Richard Jackson

Paris Jones

Dr. Joanne Jordan

Jorge Kamine

Margaret and Denis Keating

Marian Kelly

Joseph Kelly

Christopher Kerr and Jill DiPiero

William Robert Kiser

Marilyn Klizs

Dr. Eileen Knight

Susan Koesters

Tom Kosanke

Joanne LaPorte

Bonnie Lass Wojno

Philip Lauer

Dr. Mary Laver Angela Lawton

John J. Leary

Dr. E.A. Leone

Nancy Lorence

Fran Ludwig

Mary Jo Lupica

Kathleen Maas Weigert

Donald MacMillan, S.J.

Melanie Maczka

Sean Magarelli

Michelle Manzano

María Teresa Martinez

Susan Maxwell

Liz McCarthy

Jamie McCaw

Barbara Mccrabb

Shane McDermott

Amy McKenna

Cory McNallan

Judy Michalek

Mary Patricia Michel

Jason Monaco

Susana Montermoso

Maggie Montez

Marge Morone

Peggy Moylan

Kenise Neill

Lawrence O’Brien

Maureen O’Connell

Janet O’Driscoll

Robert O’Sullivan

Amy O’Neil

Thomas Orth

Jeanne Ortiz

Brent Otto, S.J.

Augie and Trena Pacetti

Richard Paden

Leslye Padilla

Jennifer Paquette

Gina Parnaby

Camille Passarella

Greg Pellegrini

Diane Peters

Sally Peters

Susan Petrak

Mary Alice Phelan

Keldon Pickering

Ronald and Rosemary Plue

Christine Poe Obermeier

Sarah and Jack Raslowsky

Dennis Reeder

John Render

Maura Reynolds

Dr. Deborale RichardsonPhillips

Patrick Rombalski

Richard Roos

Rosemary Hawkins

Jeanne Rossomme

Aurora Santiago

Joan Schultz Curtrice Scott Georganne Serico Seymour Family

Erin Shuler

Sarah Signorino

Sisters of Saint Joseph of Watertown

John Slattery

Giovanna Slon

Terrence Smith

Ethelyn Smyley

Joe Snyder

Jennifer Spangler Kenneth Stella Elizabeth Stewart

Celeste Sullivan

Elsie Sze

Bienvenido Tan

Sr. Anita Tavera

Del Mar Taylor

Marie Terrot

John Tierney

Dolores Troy-Quinn and Terrence Quinn

Mary and David Tschantz

Kevin Tuerff

Louis Tullo

Miriam Uribe

Josh Utter

Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy

Teresa Vaughn Philip Verveer

John Vu and Greg Ripa

Edward Vuylsteke

Liz Wallinger Mark Walljasper

Weinandy Family

Margaret Whalen Kelly

Justin White

Ashley Wilson

Megan Wilson-Reitz

Richard Woolery Kathleen Yadrick Mary Yelenick


Tom Abels

Charise Alexander Adams

Anne Agee Rev. Michael Agliardo Hala Ahwach Beth Ajlouni

Andrea Albert Muriel Alexander

Teresa Aley Amazon Smile Sr. Ann Howard Douglas Arnold

Stephen Baccari Candace Backer

Thomas Baier John Balbi

Joe Balbier

Sharon and Shawnee Baldwin Florence Balog Joseph Bardusk Mary Barnum

Megan Barry Rev. John Baumann, S.J. John Bauscher

Chloe Becker Michael Beiermeister

Cecelia Beirne Margaret Benze Shannon Berry Meg Beugg

AnnMarie Boccuzzi Jonathan Brady Christine Bridenbaker Marilyn Brink Sr. Florence Bryan Paul Buckley

Paula and Edmond Burgan Kristen Busa

Joan Byrne

Donna Cabral

Francis Canfield, S.J. Patricia Carter Anderson Rosemary Cavanaugh

Joe Cayen

Julie Cervantes

Jennie Cheng Stephen Chesterton Carole Chicoine Ghipsel Cibrian Margaret Cieslinski Gary Ciuba Pat Clark

Donald Clarke Andrew Cochran

Jeanne Colford Jocelyn Collen Greg Conderacci

Tom Connolly Rev. Francis Conroy Carolyn Conti

Richard Conway

Joan Conway Emily and John Corpos Elizabeth Cotter

Ryann Craig

Sr. Betty Cawley, C.S.J. Maria Cressler

Janice Crum

Patricia Cuthbertson Mary Dahl Ray Daull

Sylvia Davalos

Zac Davis

Sr. Mary Frances Davisson Virginia Day Rosa De Anda

David de la Fuente

Frank Deguire

Bill DeHaven

Allaine Dela Cruz

Christopher Derby

Lynn Devine

Mary Ann Dobe

Diane M Dobitz Sr. Mary Dolan

Cecilia and John Dougherty Lenore Dowling

Shannon Doyle Marion Drake

Thomas Drexler

Leticia Duenas Dennis Duffell Moira Egan

Ruth Eggering

Mary Eldredge

Mary Ellen Sinkiewicz

Roslyn Ellington

Michelle Enciso

Sandra Epley

Carol Even

Gerry Fagoaga

Walter Fircowycz

Jacqueline Fitzgerald

Nicole Flaherty

Carol Fox

Mary Frances Ross

Sr. Frances Lombaer

Mary Fratto

Charlie Freel

Frank and Mary Frost

Christine Gallagher

Sr. Sue Gallagher

Marianne Gallagher

Gerald Galloway

Dick Garber

Elia Garcia McComie Amelia GarcÍa-Ruiz

Andrea Garritano

Kelly Gauthier

Bob Gedert

Emily Gelfman

Jim Gilroy

Richard Giovanelli

Sr. Catherine Glackin, I.H.M. Marty Gleason

Gregory Glenn

Pyda Gonzalez

Oliver Goodrich

Coleen Gowans

Angela Grady Scott Graham

Timothy Green

Jane Greiling

Gerard Grimaldi

Jon Gromek

Catherine Grosso

Sr. Julie Grote

Patricia Grundy

Catherine Guinan

Dan Gunther

Joan Guthrie

Marcia Hadad

Bob Haisman

Theresa Hambel

Adrienne Hamill

Patricia Hammarth

Mary Ann Hanicak

Leo Hanifin

Tom Hannan

Mary Jill Hanson

Dorothy Harrelson

Maryellen Harrington Michael Harris

Thomas Hartle

Sr. Lorna Hays, I.B.V.M.

Mary Hembrow Snyder

Teresa Hennessy

Pete Henriot, S.J.

Noreen Hernan

Suzanne Hill

Allison Hinde

Thomas Hinsberg

Bill Hodgetts

Elaine Hogan

Olga Hoja

David Hollenbach, S.J. Mary Homan

Margaret Hosmer Martens

Rochelle House

Michael Howden Jill Howe

Kathryn Hudson

Adelina Huerta Kelly Hughes

Joseph Iannone

Gerry Ifkovits

Patricia Indelicato-Monaco

Bill James

Deborah James

RoseMary Januschka

Chelo Jarme

Carlos Jiménez

Louise and James Johnson

Anna Johnson

Susan Kaiser

Sr. Joan Kaucher

Mary Kay Kenney

Laura Keating Mary Kelly

George Kelly

Donna Kelly

Patricia Kennish

Helen Kerner

John Kerr

Gretchen Kessler

Margaret Kindling

James J. King, S.J. Kathleen Kinkela-Love

Rosella Kinoshameg

Odetta Klopfer

Lorraine Knight

Marie Kochek

Jon Koehler

Bernadette Koenig

Connie Kollasch

Marilyn Kott

Ann Krilcich

Janet Kuciejczyk

Brian Kudro

John Kupsky

Bridget Kurtt DeJong

Yurllen Landeros

Br. Robert Lavelle

Bri Lazarchik

Martin Leach

Joe Leblanc

Jane Leingang

Kristin Linden

Mary Ann Louison

Ann Lynch

Vivian Macaspac

Joan Macdonnell

Mariaelena Macgregor Sevilla

Dorothy Maleski

Tom Mallinger

Chris Manahan

Wendy Manganiello

Daniel Marcin

Sheryl Marcouiller

Lynda Markham

Vince Maro

John Marshall

Susan Marticello

Dr. Rosemary Marusak

Pablo Matta Colleen Ryan Mayrand

Kimberly Mazyck

Kathy McCaffery

Michael McCann and Edward McCann

Mary Mcdevitt

Alice And Brad Mcdonald

Mary Ann McDonald

Michael McGarry

Kathleen McGourty

Aileen McGovern

Elizabeth McGowan

Dr. Kathleen McGrail

Loretta McIver Mary Mckenna Kira McLaughlin

Kathleen Mcmahon

Elizabeth Medeiros

Jimmy Menkhaus, Ph.D. Therese Mierswa

Greg Miller James and Judith Miller

Michael Miller Sarah Miller Wayne Miller Maurine Minnis

Eileen Miranda Sr. Eileen Mitchell Julie Mizener

John Monczunski

Morgan Morris Lauren Morton Ileana Moyano Grainne Mulholland Silvia Munoz

Ella Munoz

Kathleen Murphy Thomas Murray Marian Nangle

Robert Nasser Mary Naylor Rebecca Newlin Mary Nicholas

Leo Nicoll, S.J. Rev. Ellen Notehelfer

Patrick Nugent

Edmund Nunez

Fr. John O’Callaghan Donna O’Connell

Nancy O’Connor Ellen O’Connor

Patricia O’Dell

Tom Orth Helen Ortmann

Tish Osborn

Jeff Otto Janet Paprocki Killick

Judith Parker Susan M Paschke

Sr. Patricia Wilson Jack Patrizio Deena Pavinato

Jeff Peak Loretta Pehanich

Jane Pellegrino

Christopher Pesavento, Jr.

Vincent Petti

Joanne Petz William Philipp Cinta Porter

Scott Powers

Patricia Powers

Clare Pratt John Procaccino Tessa Pulaski

Neil Purcell

Judy Quanty

Paula Radmacher

Barbara Reardon

Rebecca Swartz

Mary Anne Rees

Julia Regalbuto

Jack Reichmeier

Dolores Reiss

Mike and Jennifer Richwalsky

Annie Riggs

Deacon Robert Gontcharuk

Anna Robertson

Denise Robinson

Carlos Rodriguez

Loretta Romanow

Sr. Rosalie Carven

Amanda Rosas

Elizabeth Rose

Cathy Rowe

Reid Ruble

John Ryan

Graham Ryan Gilbert Sabater

Marsha Salley

Seán Patrick Sanford

Monica Santos Kathleen Savage Guy Savastano

Jennifer Sawyer Beth Scanlon

Marie Schimelfening Michael Schuck Craig Schulte Nancy Schwartzenburg Teresita Scully

William Segal Margaret Seleski

Mary Shantz

Michael Shaughnessy Robert Shine

Cathe Shoulberg

Anna Sichmeller

Sr. Lucy Silvio, C.S.J. Melissa Simon

Sisters of IHM Social Justice

Sisters of St. Joseph - Sophia Community

Elizabeth Smith

Diane Sneve

Sally Staff

Julia Steed Mawson

Brian Stefan-Szittai

Ellen Stein

Brian Stokes

Jerry Struzik

Catherine Sullivan

Bart Sullivan

Jeffrey Sullivan

Trevor And Darla Swan

Kelly Swan Rev. Thomas Smith Mary Thompson Mike Tighe

Joan Tolley Edward Tomezsko Nelly Torres-Ibanez

Gail Tovrog Dr. Travis Scott Tom Ulrich Angie Urenda

Ursuline Provincialate Eastern


Gloria Vaquera-Little

Angela Verghese

Marian Viviano

Celeste Wahl

Kristine Walentik Meave Ward

Bruce Weaver

Robert Weber

Debbie Webers

Elfriede Wedam

Jim Wehan Max Wendell Lorrie Wenzler

Judeth Wesley Bette Jayne Wheaton

Lindsay Willert Brian Williams Mark Wilson

Dennis Woods and Eileen Dooley Kay Woolfolk

Bernard Worth

Melanie Wreczycki

Margaret Yu Mary Yuen Chanelle Zak

In Honor of: Maya Altman

Susan Baber

John Bohlinger

Greg Boyle, S.J. Erin Brown

Robyn and Vince Caponi

Charlene Casazza

Oscar and Danna Cevallos

Lena Chapin

Brenna Davis

Fr. Ken De Groot

Marie Dennis

Christina Dominguez Thomas Donnelly Barbara Hagan

Sr. Marianna Halsmer

James and Mary Harris Danielle Harrison

Loretta Holstein

Ken Homan, S.J. Breck and Dian Hosmer

Dorothy Houlihan

Nick Kara

Christopher Kerr

Jim King, S.J. Ashley Klick

Mary Lou Kownacki, O.S.B. Sr Nadine Koza

Gap LoBiondo, S.J.

Don MacMillan, S.J.

Denis McNally, S.J.

Joanne Miya

Winston Montermoso

Anne and Dan Mueller

Lucas Navarro

Herb Pilhofer

AJ Rowe

Paul Schmidt

Dr. Agustin Sevilla Ramos

Jerry and Sue Stewart

Dominic Totaro, S.J. Timothy Turner

Dan and Beth Vaughn

Jennifer Williams Andria Wisler

George York Elaine Zagorski

In Memory of:

Melvin A Schulte

Debra Almond

Marie Anne Sawaya

Ricardo Antoncich, S.J.

Pedro Arrupe, S.J.

James B. Malley, S.J.

John Bennett, S.J.

Joseph and Helen Bobek

Joseph Brennan, S.J.

Donald R. Campion, S.J.

Mary Campione

Clara Cantone

Pat and Cartan Clarke

Jim Connor, S.J.

Margaret Conti-Casazza

Cesar Cruces y Antonio Torres

Charlie Currie, S.J.

Christopher Dahl

Patricia DeHaven

Ann Dunleavy-Gannon

Ted Eggering

Fernando Estrada Samano

Odetta Fischer

Joseph Funni

Jean Guss

Joseph A Habersky

Joseph Hacala, S.J.

Mildred Haisman

Leah Hall

Roger and Janet Hanson

Zelma Harris

Carl Hattler

Margaret Healy Bay

Helen B. Heumann

Emmett Holmes, S.J.

Bob Holstein

Josephine Horning

Frances Houlihan

Mikey Iafrate

Christopher J. Patrizio

Fr. James Hoffman, O.F.M.

Jesuit Martyrs and Elba and Celina Ramos

Jim, Aileen, Earl, and Patrick James Arthur Johnson, Sr.

Norma Kerr

Felix and Lorraine Konecki

Charles L. Johnson, Sr. and Bette

J. Johnson

Quentin Lauer, S.J.

Henry Lavin, S.J.

George Liang

Jessie C Lichauco

John Lyster Nicholas

Vincent MacDonnell

George Maloney, S.J.

Patricia McGovern

Robert F. McGovern

Horace McKenna, S.J.

Dennis McNally, S.J. George Menke, S.J.

Jack Morris, S.J.

Michael Murray, S.J. Liam Nelson

Leo and Marie Nicoll

Brian O’Donnell

Moira O’Donnell

Betty O’Neill

Carole Orth

Sr. Maureen Petrone, C.S.J. H. Frank Powers


Susanne Robicsek

Carlos E. Rodriguez

Julius Rychlick

Holly Sateia

Rev. Gerald Sabo, S.J. Marjorie Schumann

Tim Shephard, S.J. Donald Shewfelt Kit and Charley Shoulberg Armanda Silveira

Charlie Stang, S.J. Mary Catherine Stevenson

William Thompson, S.J. Louis Twomey, S.J. Joann Westwater, R.S.G. Jack White, S.J. Doreen Williams Carol Zeltner

2021 Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice Sponsors



Boston College School of Theology and Ministry


Catholic Women Preach Equal Exchange EthixMerch Jesuit Conference Office of Justice and Ecology

National Catholic Reporter Sojourners University of San Francisco McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education


Augsburg University Center for Global Education & Experience Catholic Theological Union Catholic Volunteer Network Georgetown University Kalmanovitz Initiative for the Working Poor Jesuit Refugee Service / USA Saint Joseph Worker Program Villanova University Campus Ministry Xavier University


Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities

Bread for the World Catholic Climate Covenant Franciscan School of Theology at the University of San Diego Jesuit Schools Network Jesuit Volunteer Corps Maggie’s Place Magis Americas U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking

2022 Ignite: A Celebration of Justice Sponsors


Loretta Holstein


Church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola (NYC)

Regis High School St. Ignatius Parish (CA)


Peter Albert and Charlotte Mahoney

The Bramson Family

Vince and Robyn Caponi Jesuit West Santa Clara University The University of Scranton Orbis Books


Anonymous Bellarmine College Preparatory

Kate Carter and Ann Magovern Catholic Climate Covenant

Ignatian Young Adult Ministries

USA East Province of the Society of Jesus Loyola University Chicago

The Church of St. Francis Xavier Xavier University

Bob and Jackie O’Donnell

Jeannie Anderson-West and David West Jesuit School Sacramento

Very Rev. Robert Hussey, S.J. Jesuit High School

Bob and Jackie O’Donnell

Saint Francis Xavier Church, NYC

Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary - Ontario Province Xavier University

income ($1,204,495): expense ($1,181,576): Grants 22% Individual Donors 19% Institutional Membership 7% Jesuit Conference & Province Support 6% Other Income 2%
Programming, Campaigns, and Educational Resources 83% Total Development 10% Total Management 7% Program Participation Fees 29% Program Sponsorship 13% Audited financial statements and copies of IRS 990 forms are available upon request. Investment Gains 1%


Network, educate, and form advocates for social justice animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and their companions.

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