5 minute read
Community Business Four reasons to shop small versus big box
The importance of small businesses to the economy cannot be overstated. Though national chains often garner publicity, local businesses are equally, if not exceedingly, worthy of attention. Here’s a deep look at why small businesses are so vital, and why consumers should direct more of their purchasing power to local companies.
1. Autonomy and diversity
The layout and offerings and look at national chains will be identical whether you live in the mountains or at the beach. On the other hand, an independent business offers the products and services that are reflective of the customers and the community they serve.
2. Local hiring strategy
Certain big box retailers will hire local residents but hiring policies may push for promoting from within the organization. Small businesses may be more inclined to hire residents they know and keep hiring centralized to the local area something that keeps more resources and money in the community.
3. Adaptability and change
Local businesses can move more quickly to respond to economic factors that require change. Since they are focused more on the needs of their customers rather than stockholders, changes can be implemented rapidly without having to go through red tape, meetings, and updates to corporate policies.
4. Investing in the town
Shopping at locally owned businesses rather than big box retailers keeps more money in the community. This helps raise overall value for homeowners and can even reduce their taxes. The funding helps keep police, fire and school departments functioning properly. The benefits of a thriving small business sector are numerous. Consumers can do their part by patronizing these firms more frequently. .

From the day you find out to the day you deliver, there’s nothing more important to Longview Regional Medical Center than your and your baby’s health and well-being. This is why we provide extra amenities such as private rooms, spacious birthing suites, childbirth classes and breastfeeding support. And if you and your newest addition need a little extra help, we offer perinatal services that include maternal-fetal medicine specialists and a Level III NICU.
From the day you find out to the day you deliver, there’s nothing more important to Longview Regional Medical Center than your and your baby’s health and well-being. This is why we provide extra amenities such as private rooms, spacious birthing suites, childbirth classes and breastfeeding support. And if you and your newest addition need a little extra help, we offer perinatal services that include maternal-fetal medicine specialists and a Level III NICU.
From the day you find out to the day you deliver, there’s nothing more important to Longview Regional Medical Center than your and your baby’s health and well-being. This is why we provide extra amenities such as private rooms, spacious birthing suites, childbirth classes and breastfeeding support. And if you and your newest addition need a little extra help, we offer perinatal services that include maternal-fetal medicine specialists and a Level III NICU.
For more information about our labor and delivery services, visit LongviewRegional.com/baby.
For more information about our labor and delivery services, visit LongviewRegional.com/baby.
For more information about our labor and delivery services, visit LongviewRegional.com/baby.

Hello Everyone, It is already Back-to -School. We welcome students, teachers, parents, guardians, friends and well wishers to a new school year.
The talk about artificial intelligence is ramping up and students plan on making use of AI going forward. AI, as most will agree, is still in uncharted waters. But that is not how some teens view AI.
For this reason, we brought you a story on Junior Achievement and their back-to-school survey of teens using AI to do schoolwork. The story is from page 6.
Furthermore, check out the feature story on Lynne Henderson . Ms. Lynne Henderson is the president of Junior Achievement of East Texas. Henderson is extremely passionate about Junior Achievement, (JA). She has over two decades of experience as president of Junior Achievement of East Texas, (JAET). President Henderson has lived in east Texas for 28 years. She is married to Kirk Henderson and the couple have 2 daughters. Besides presiding over JA, she is a sustainer in the Junior League of Longview. Her story is from page 7.
In addition, we have a heartwarming story of 2 new Longview ISD female principals- Shemeika Allen, interim

LHS principal and Mary Taylor, Foster MS principal. The story is from page 12. Okay, so we want nutritious meals. If that is the case for you, flip over to page 20 and read 4 ways to make your nourishment more nutritious. Pretty easy to do and not expensive at all. I call it a win-win.

Have you seen this label in the supermarket when shopping for groceries? This is usually found on chicken. Well, the grocery stores and their chicken suppliers have been playing with words and we have been paying for the words. All those different labels have no meaning at all. We are paying more money for labels that mean nothing. No hormones added right? This label is meaningless because federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones in chicken. Period. Any cut or brand of chicken can be labeled "raised without hormones.” Check out the story from page 8 when you flip this magazine.
There are more stories. We hope that you will flip this magazine and read about Dr. ShaLonda Wilcott-Adams.
Infinitieplus mag welcomes everyone back to school. Thanks for reading and we look forward to serving you again in September by God’s grace.
The Magazine for Living Life Beyond, Plus One…
Publisher / Editor
Joycelyne Fadojutimi, PhD
Joycelyne Fadojutimi
Graphic Designer
Kuneho Designs
Contributing Writers
Glenn Miller
Mechele Agbayani Mills
Mary Hunt
Robert Goldman
Dr. Michael Guido
For advertising Email: joy@infinitieplusmag.com www.infinitieplusmag.com
To enrich the local-global community with the “just in time knowledge,” to assure future successes

To become an information oracle of functional and constructive reports that serves the needs of businesses and communities.
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P. O. Box 12473
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“Every child deserves a champion – an unwavering adult who understands the power of connection and insists on helping them become the best version of themselves." Ms. Shemeika Allen
Grubs Up
Community Connections
Features In Every Issue About the Cover
"I am filled with immense excitement and genuinely grateful for the opportunity to provide our students with the best possible learning experiences, serving the students, staff, and community of Foster MS.” Ms. Mary Taylor
Ms. Lynne Henderson is the president of Junior Achievement of East Texas.
Henderson is extremely passionate about Junior Achievement, (JA). She has over two decades of experience as president of Junior Achievement of East Texas, (JAET). Ms. Henderson has lived in east Texas for 28 years. She is married to Kirk Henderson and the couple have 2 daughters