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We have incredible performers in East Texas who gave of their time and talents to spend this evening with us, and we were able to feature our theater groups, our music groups, and our ballet together on the same stage," said Cavazos. "That in itself made this one of the most special evenings in our Cultural District."
Established in 2019, Arts!Longview has always been part of the Cultural District. Cavazos says this lofty designation was made possible only through the efforts of arts partner groups who have sown and nurtured a strong arts community.

"We would not have a Cultural District today without our arts partners organizations and without visionary leaders like Pat George Mitchell, who first helped spark a love of the arts, history and culture in our community," said Cavazos.
Arts!Longview pursues an objective of sowing and developing a widespread love of arts, history, and culture so as to celebrate and creatively expand the artistic community. For more information on Arts!Longview visit www.artslongview.org.