4 minute read

Four reasons to shop small versus big box

The importance of small businesses to the economy cannot be overstated. Though national chains often garner publicity, local businesses are equally, if not exceedingly, worthy of attention. Here’s a deep look at why small businesses are so vital, and why consumers should direct more of their purchasing power to local companies.

1. Autonomy and diversity


The layout and offerings and look at national chains will be identical whether you live in the mountains or at the beach. On the other hand, an independent business offers the products and services that are reflective of the customers and the community they serve.

2. Local hiring strategy

Certain big box retailers will hire local residents but hiring policies may push for promoting from within the organization. Small businesses may be more inclined to hire residents they know and keep hiring centralized to the local area something that keeps more resources and money in the community.

3. Adaptability and change

Local businesses can move more quickly to respond to economic factors that require change. Since they are focused more on the needs of their customers rather than stockholders, changes can be implemented rapidly without having to go through red tape, meetings, and updates to corporate policies.

4. Investing in the town

Shopping at locally owned businesses rather than big box retailers keeps more money in the community. This helps raise overall value for homeowners and can even reduce their taxes. The funding helps keep police, fire and school departments functioning properly. The benefits of a thriving small business sector are numerous. Consumers can do their part by patronizing these firms more frequently. .

From the day you find out to the day you deliver, there’s nothing more important to Longview Regional Medical Center than your and your baby’s health and well-being. This is why we provide extra amenities such as private rooms, spacious birthing suites, childbirth classes and breastfeeding support. And if you and your newest addition need a little extra help, we offer perinatal services that include maternal-fetal medicine specialists and a Level III NICU.

From the day you find out to the day you deliver, there’s nothing more important to Longview Regional Medical Center than your and your baby’s health and well-being. This is why we provide extra amenities such as private rooms, spacious birthing suites, childbirth classes and breastfeeding support. And if you and your newest addition need a little extra help, we offer perinatal services that include maternal-fetal medicine specialists and a Level III NICU.

From the day you find out to the day you deliver, there’s nothing more important to Longview Regional Medical Center than your and your baby’s health and well-being. This is why we provide extra amenities such as private rooms, spacious birthing suites, childbirth classes and breastfeeding support. And if you and your newest addition need a little extra help, we offer perinatal services that include maternal-fetal medicine specialists and a Level III NICU.

For more information about our labor and delivery services, visit LongviewRegional.com/baby.

For more information about our labor and delivery services, visit LongviewRegional.com/baby.

For more information about our labor and delivery services, visit LongviewRegional.com/baby.


Hello Everyone, We hope that you are doing well with your families and friends. We are excited to bring you another edition of infinitieplus magazine. In this issue we have a collage showing the places we have been and stories we have covered.

Our cover story is about Johnston McQueen, their international baccalaureate program and what they did for the module project. Please read about their 1st graders who took on the task of sending Marsha to school. Marsha is from Uganda, and she could not go school for lack of funds. Besides, girls like Marsha are not highly thought of in Uganda. It is not a big deal if she does not attend school because she is a girl. The 1st graders at Johnston McQueen took on this global project through Trevor Burgmann of We Help Two, a social enterprise. The students sold socks and sent Marsha to school. The story is from page 6.

Most of the people on the magazine cover are elected officials and businesses who attended the Longview Chamber of Commerce

Elected Officials reception. It is an annual event that gives businesses the opportunity to meet elected officials face to face and have discussions about whatever they think is important. Sometimes, businesses just want to say thank you to elected officials for their hard work on behalf of their enterprises. But wait there is more.

Our Business and Finance pages are a must read. It is all about money, money and more money that benefits anyone no matter what your financial stage is in life. Check it out for some financial nuggets.

By the way, did I mention the grubs page? Please do not miss that recipe. There are still other interesting stories in this issue. Flip the magazine and read about ZONTA, a service club that caters to all things women.

With that said, we wish all women a Happy Mother’s Day. Thanks for reading. You can download the magazine on your phone from www.infinitieplusmag. com

We look forward to serving you again in June by God’s grace.

Publisher J

oycelyne Fadojutimi PhD

The Magazine for Living Life Beyond, Plus One…

Publisher / Editor

Joycelyne Fadojutimi, PhD


Joycelyne Fadojutimi

Graphic Designer Kuneho Designs

Contributing Writers

Glenn Miller

Mechele Agbayani Mills

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For advertising Email: joy@infinitieplusmag.com www.infinitieplusmag.com


To enrich the local-global community with the “just in time knowledge,” to assure future successes


To become an information oracle of functional and constructive reports that serves the needs of businesses and communities.

Submission Deadline: The first of every month prior to month of issue. infinitieplus magazine is not responsible for any discrepancies or changes since the publishing of this issue. At the time of publication, to the best of our knowledge, all information was accurate though not guaranteed. The entire contents of infinitieplus magazine is copyrighted 2023. Any reproduction or use in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. infinitieplus magazine reserves the right to edit and make appropriate modifications. The opinions published by contributing writers do not necessarily reflect the views of infinitieplus magazine or its advertisers.

P. O. Box 12473

Longview, Texas 75602-2473 www.infinitieplusmag.com

Phone: 903.918.7706

Shea Vogel Dr. Michael Guido VOLUME 13 | ISSUE 5

Features In Every Issue

Women Today


Business and Finance


Grubs Up

Community Connections


About the Cover

Our cover story is about Johnston McQueen, their International Baccalaureate program and what they did for the module project. Marsha is from Uganda, and she could not go school for lack of funds. Besides, girls like Marsha are not highly thought of in Uganda. It is not a big deal if she does not attend school because she is a girl. The 1st graders at Johnston McQueen took on this global project through Trevor Burgmann of We Help Two, a social enterprise. The students sold socks and sent Marsha to school.

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