An Introduction to Nanotechnology

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An Introduction to Nanotechnology by Ignition Technology Consulting

About the Authors Ignition Technology Consulting provides technical advice, services and solutions to promote commercial success. Our science and engineering skills are used by multi­national companies, start­ups and investment firms in the pursuit of improved growth, profit and returns. This guide is part of our Technical Intelligence series. Further information can be provided on request:

Getting Started in Nanotechnology Nanotechnology has been a technology buzzword for the last decade: Its revolutionary potential is enormous, yet the range of technologies and applications that are classed as nano can make it hard for the non­expert to get an understanding of what nanotechnology is and how it could benefit them. Read on for a beginner’s guide to nanotechnology:

What is Nanotechnology?

Why now?

Nanotechnology is the catchall term for technical solutions that rely on structures that are below 100 nano­meters in size and the special phenomena that arise at this scale. It also encompasses technology for imaging, measuring, modelling and manipulating matter at this scale.

Nanotechnology has risen to prominence over the last 30 years on the back of significant developments in microscopy which have enabled scientists and technologists to observe and manipulate things at the nano­scale.

Why is it so exciting? Nano­materials and structures exhibit very different characteristics to larger things and have unusual properties and functionality as a result. Two phenomena are responsible for these unusual properties: • The isolation of quantum effects resulting in changes to optical, magnetic and electrical properties. • The presence of disproportionately large surface areas resulting in greater chemical reactivity and changes to strength, electrical and thermal properties. Consequently metals can be made transparent, stable materials become catalytic, materials can become super­strong and insulators can become super­conductive (to give just a few examples).

Jargon Buster Nano Nano refers to the nanometre scale. There are 1 billion nano­metres (nm) in a metre, and the average human hair is about 100,000 nm wide. A good way of conceptualising this scale is provided by the US Government’s National Nanotechnology Initiative.


Carbon Nano-Tubes (CNTs)

Graphene is a two­dimensional material (only one atom thick) which was first isolated in a lab in 2004. It is over 200 times stronger than steel, ultra heat and electrically conductive, virtually transparent, flexible and only permeable to water. These properties mean it could be integral to a huge variety of revolutionary applications.

Carbon Nano­Tubes are tubular carbon­allotrope based materials (in fact made from rolled graphene) where the diameter of the tubes is nano­scale. They were first identified in 1991. They can be single walled or multi­walled tubes with varying length scales. They are extremely strong, highly electrically conductive (being either metallic or a semi­conductor) and are very flexible. They also have unique chemical properties which can be tuned according to use.

Graphene was the first 2D­crystalline structure identified, but various others have been proposed by researchers (e.g. silicone, germanene, stanene, and phosphorene) which may also have various super­properties which would be of particular interest because they could behave as semi­conductors.

CNTs are already available in bulk quantities, although it is still not possible to manufacture tubes of a highly consistent size which limits their application. Various other inorganic nano­tubes have also been identified which have different enhanced properties.


Quantum (or nano-) dots

Nano­particles are generally defined as being particles less than 100nm in diameter and they exhibit different properties to larger particles of the same material. By mixing nano­particles into other conventional bulk materials, new improved properties can be conferred upon the bulk material. In this way nano­particulates are already in quite widespread use in various applications.

A quantum dot (or nano­dot) is a crystal particle of a semi­conductor material generally only a few nano­meters in diameter which owing to its tiny scale is strongly influenced by quantum effects determining its electrical and optical properties. These properties could make them useful for screen, imaging and anti­counterfeiting technologies. Nano­dots and nano­particles can assemble into so­called nano­wires which can also confer special properties to materials.

When will nanotechnology change the world? Some nanotechnology applications and products have been on the market for some time but the truly revolutionary stuff is still in the future. Some people predict that nano­materials such as graphene will unleash a new industrial revolution, but with many challenges still to overcome before these technologies become main­stream this revolution is still a long way off.

First wave Existing products and applications usually rely on nano­composites and are first wave nano­technology. By mixing nano­particles into conventional bulk materials (such as polymers or metals) it is possible to dramatically change the bulk material’s properties. Sometimes these materials are used as thin coatings. For example titanium dioxide nano­particles are routinely put into sunscreen emulsions to provide a transparent UV barrier. Other widely used nano­particulates include nano­clays, metals such as gold and silver as well as the slightly less widely used quantum dots and Carbon Nano­Tubes (CNTs). A handful of products have also been launched which use graphene based particles. More first wave products are likely to emerge when the quality of nano­particles (which act as fillers) can be made more consistently and at a much lower cost than today.

Second wave The next generation of nanotechnology applications will see more revolutionary functionality which will rely on components made directly from nano­materials (rather than mixing nano­particulates or nano­tubes into bulk materials). For example these applications might use sheets of graphene (perhaps bound within other laminate materials) or organised Carbon Nano­Tubes bound to a surface or woven into a yarn or sheet. These components will offer new enhanced properties and revolutionary applications.

CNTs might be designed to give them specific functionality. For example, other functionalised molecules (such as drugs) could be encapsulated within or bonded to the tubes and delivered to highly targeted sites. Scientists are also predicting the existence of 2­dimensional materials other than graphene. These alternative materials are currently being researched and include for example; silicone; germanene; stanene and phosphorene. If it is possible to manufacture these materials consistently and cost effectively they might unlock more revolutionary applications. There are many second wave applications being researched in laboratories around the world, but as yet no commercially available second wave products. Before second wave products can truly breakthrough, bulk production processes will need to improve, manufacturing supply chains will need to develop capabilities to handle and manipulate the new materials and costs will need to align with market requirements. Significant research and development efforts are being made to address all these challenges. The proliferation of second wave products and applications could be the start of the forecast nanotechnology industrial revolution. Based on current progress it seems likely that this is at least 10 years away.

Third wave In the future, a third generation of nano­technology is forecast which will emerge based on highly controlled manipulation of materials at the nano­scale. In this scenario devices might be designed from molecular scale building blocks creating nano­scale devices. This may be considered an evolution of the emergence of MEMs (Micro­Electromechanical systems) which are miniaturised devices that feature tiny sensors, valves, gears and actuators integrated into single computer chips. The new devices will be known as NEMs (Nano­Electromechanical systems). More complex devices are sometimes conceptualised as nano­robots which might be used in all manner of ways. In a more futuristic scenario components of or even whole devices might be capable of self­assembly. This possibility is currently known as Molecular Manufacturing and is a growing field of research alongside molecular electronics.

Applications The list of potential applications is infinitely long as nanotechnology super materials might eventually be incorporated into virtually any object or product. Below we identify some of the existing applications of nanotechnology and show some of the more exciting potential applications expected to appear in the future.

Personal Care Nano­particles of Titanium Dioxide are regularly used in sunscreen to provide transparent UV protection.

Silver nano­particles are being used in soaps, lipsticks and other beauty products to provide anti­bacterial properties.

Toothpastes are on sale in various countries containing a variety of nano­particles which confer antibacterial, whitening and sensitivity reduction benefits.

Moisturisers boasting liposomes are effectively benefiting from nano­ingredients. They are usually used to encapsulate moisture and to penetrate deeper within skin tissue. Nano­gold is reportedly being used in moisturisers for its alleged anti­oxidant and healing properties.

Household Care

Various anti­bacterial cleaning products are emerging which contain nano­particles.

Various surface coatings containing nano­particulates and CNTs give products water repellancy and self­cleaning properties.

Food & Nutrition Anti­microbial coatings featuring silver nano­particles are already in use on food contact surfaces such as chopping boards.

Nano­additives are already being used in various products to improve emulsification and as flavour enhancers.

Nano­particles are starting to be used in various plastic food packaging materials to extend product life by improving barrier and anti­microbial properties. In future, simple low cost nano­sensors will be used to monitor exposure conditions (temperature and humidity) and detect when food is rotten. In future nano­ingredients might provide healthy replacements to traditional ingredients.

Researchers propose that in future nano­encapsulation of nutrients and additives might improve biological take­up within the body.

Advanced Materials

Nano­composites (based on particles and fibres) are already being used to coat materials to give them water­ or dirt­repellancy and flame or chemical retardency and anti­bacterial properties. In the future more sophisticated materials should facilitate other smart fabrics.

Ultra­strong, lightweight components made from nano­composites are already appearing in vehicles and aircraft (in polymers, steels and glass) and as second wave materials become commercially viable, we can expect to see more and more components made from nano­materials.

Environmental Protection Low energy water purification: Various nano­composites and nano­materials make particularly effective water purification membranes (e.g. graphene is only permeable to water) suggesting there will be many novel water purification technologies and new desalination systems.

The same types of devices could also be used for air purification and pollution capture.

Functionalised nano­particles and materials can be tuned to attract specific compounds and might be used for environmental remediation for example mopping up oil and other pollutant spills.

Various nano­materials might be used to capture carbon and pollution.

Themo­electric nanomaterials might faciliate waste heat regeneration in industrial processes.

Buildings & Construction Nano­particulates are already widely used in paints and surface coatings to provide self­cleaning and biocidal properties. As costs come down, and more sophisticated nano­materials become commercially viable more widespread use in construction materials is expected for improved strength, crack resistance, and durability and to confer self­healing and insulation properties. It should also be possible to reduce the amount of raw material required for a given application and reduce energy required for production.

Energy Systems Researchers have demonstrated that various nano­materials (e.g. CNTs, nano­dots and graphene) could improve the performance of solar cells in a variety of ways. For example by improved electrode conductivity, transparent electrode designs in polymer cells, trapping more sunlight and as photo­electric materials. CNTs are already being used on a limited scale to enable faster charging and improved battery life. It is forecast that using nano­materials and composites in batteries could deliver breathroughs in size, weight and performance to enable the wide­scale take up of electric cars and dramatically improve battery performance in general. Nano­materials could be used to make fuel cells more viable by improving electrode and membrane performance, making containing walls more gas­tight, storing hydrogen and improving catalysts used for fuel production.

CNTs are already being used to increase the energy storage capacity of capacitors. Further improvements are predicted as nano­materials mature.

Electronics Nanomaterials are expected to be widely used in screen technology. CNTs are already being used within ultra­thin, low power OLED displays, but a whole new class of displays known as Field Emission Displays could be the future for large area, high definition, low cost screens. They capitalise on the photo­luminescent properties of CNTs. Nano­materials could also replace INT currently used as the transparent electrodes for touch screens. Nano­particulates are already used to reduce the size and improve the performance of various computer chips and components. In future a variety of nano­materials will yield yet more improvements facilitating extremely small, high power devices.

Nano­wires and materials are being demonstrated as part of thin, flexible electronic components.

Anti-Counterfeit Solutions

Nano­scale barcodes can be printed on bank notes (and other items) to create a covert authentication mark.

Nano fingerprinting is already possible by creating unique markers using nano­particulate based coatings.

Individual RFID tags have nano­scale variations which could be detected and identified during data reading tasks.

Laser surface authentication allows objects/materials to be recognised by scanning their unique nano­surface structures.


Various nano­materials change their properties in the presence of very small quantities of other molecules. This, combined with nano­innovation in electronics, should lead to a profusion of small, low­cost, ultra­sensitive sensors tuned to detect all manner of different substances.

Medical Technology

In the future, specialised drugs could be encapsulated or attached to nano­carriers which are designed to travel to specifically targeted cells and are unloaded by a controlled trigger.

Nano­sctructured scaffolds show promise for better and faster bone and tissue regeneration.

Extremely small and highly sensitive sensors based on many different functionalised nano­particles could be tuned to respond to the presence of specific bio­molecules as part of small­scale diagnostic devices used in surgeries or even within the body.

High resolution imaging should be possible by deploying highly targeted nano­compounds to act as tracers within the body.

Nano-robots (NEMS) Much further in the future, ultra small robotic devices which might self­assemble or be made from ultra small components could be used in a huge variety of ways which would need to be carefully controlled from an ethical standpoint. For example, in­vivo medical robots might be a good thing but similar robots deployed as part of biological warfare could be extremely problematic.

Barriers to adoption of nanotechnology At the current time the major barriers to uptake of nanotechnology are an absence of manufacturing capability and prohibitively high costs. Some nano­materials such as Carbon Nano­Tubes are available in bulk already, but they remain expensive and more research and development is required to develop capabilities for manufacturing­scale manipulation to make the most of their potential in real­world products. Furthermore, manufacturers still find it difficult to control the quality of CNTs which also restricts their application. Meanwhile no cost­effective industrial scale graphene production method has yet been implemented. A further barrier is the safety risks inherent in handling the materials. This could further limit the emergence of nano­applications and products. The mobility and reactivity of nano­materials means their free release into the environment or people’s bodies can be extremely hazardous. Regulations and protocols to mitigate these risks will be needed.

Further reading Here are a few websites which provide easily accessible further reading: More in depth information from these publications: ACS Nano (journal) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (journal) Nanotechnology (journal) Nano Letters (journal)

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