WINTER 2016 2017 ISSUE 25 21 Winter - Issue
Produced for Westfield Parish Council
Westfield Parish Council
Building better futures... Building better futures...
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2 - The Westfield Warbler
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Message from Contents the Chairman Now that we have gone through the Autumn season and are entering the winter months, Westfield Parish Council are asking for volunteers to become Snow Wardens to help keep the pavements of Westfield clear at times of snowfall. Those interested in the scheme should contact the Parish Council office. At the moment there is an exhibition of the history of Westfield being held at Radstock Museum. This was opened in September by Michael Eavis and is definitely worth a look. Those interested in the past history of Westfield should go along. It is on view until November 29th. In September I took a group of people on the first Westfield heritage trail. This is a four mile walk around the Parish, which everyone enjoyed. There are two shorter walks in the Parish as well that can be found on the new heritage signs near all the footpaths with the colour coded arrows to direct you. Walks are easy to navigate and you might be surprised to find things about Westfield that you didn’t know! Westfield Parish Council has just invested in a new defibrillator which is to be placed on the outside of Mardons Club. This will benefit all residents in this area. Christmas is creeping up on us and on the 30th November Westfield Parish Council will hold its annual Christmas light switch on. This will be held around the Christmas tree at the top of Elm Tree Avenue, starting at 6:30pm. Come along and sing some carols, meet Father Christmas and have some complimentary mince pies and mulled wine. Cllr Geoff Fuller Chair of Westfield Parish Council
Have your say on Westfield’s future
History of Westfield
Councillor Profile
Heritage Walks
New Neighbourhood Plan
WPA in Westfield
20-21 Whats On 22
Westfield Youth Project
Radstock Scouts Group
Marathon Man does it again
Trinity Westfield Methodist Church
The next edition of The Westfield Warbler will be in February 2018. If you would like your group to be included, please contact us on 01761 410141 before the deadline of the 20th January 2018. You can view The Westfield Warbler on the Council’s website at The Westfield Warbler is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, G5 Second Ave, Westfield Industrial Estate, Westfield, Radstock, BA3 4BH. Tel 01761 410141. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher or it’s editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte Media and Westfield Parish Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. The Westfield Warbler - 3
Have your say on Westfield’s future People of Westfield are asked to have their say on the pre submission draft of the Neighbourhood Plan for Westfield. Neighbourhood Plans were introduced under the Localism Act as a new way to help local communities influence the planning of the area they live and work in. If a plan is prepared and agreed by the community it becomes part of the development plan for the neighbourhood and is used in the determination of planning applications.
Cllr Ron Hopkins, Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group said, “This is a real opportunity to plan for the future of our parish and our families, and to ensure that the quality of living in Westfield, which we have a grown to love, is enhanced and developed in a way that we all want in the foreseeable future. The plan should enhance employment opportunities, the availability of housing at all levels, further education, schools and youth activities, entertainment, and leisure activities.”
The Westfield Plan sets out a framework for the future of the parish, including housing, green spaces, local employment, transport, parking and the protection of historically important buildings.
Chair of the Council, Cllr Geoff Fuller said, “What we need to do now is make sure that everyone who is affected by the plan is aware of it and has the opportunity to comment.”
During the summer the Options Consultation in Westfield elicited some really helpful and positive suggestions from local people, many of which have shaped the Plan into this, its pre submission draft. All comments can be viewed on the Westfield Parish Council website at
When the publicity period has finished on 11th December 2017, the plan will go to independent external examination, and after satisfying that, a referendum will be organised to enable the community to have a final say.
4 - The Westfield Warbler
People living in the parish who are registered to vote in local elections will be able to vote in the referendum, and if more than 50 per cent of those voting support the plan then it will come into force. Once a neighbourhood plan is in force, it carries real legal weight. Decision-makers will be obliged, by law, to take what it says into account when they consider proposals for development in the neighbourhood.
Please send your comments on the Plan to Westfield Parish Council, the Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield BA3 3BX or email them to The comments and names of all who comment will be made public and all contact details will be sent to the Independent Examiner. The deadline is 12 noon on 11th December 2017. Thank you.
Anyone wanting to view and comment on the Westfield Neighbourhood Plan should visit the Neighbourhood Plan page of the Council’s website at, or call in to the Reception area of the Oval Office, Cobblers Way Monday to Friday 9-5pm, where the Plan is on display or phone 01761 410669 to arrange to visit the Parish Council office where you can view the Plan.
The Westfield Warbler - 5
The Way We Lived Then:
The History of Westfield 1860-2017 In the fifth in the series on Communities and Villages at Radstock Museum a small group of volunteers has delved into the archives, lofts and memories of Westfield residents and pulled together the many threads in its long history which stretch from the Romans’ building of the Fosse Way through the quiet years of agriculture to the dominance of coal mining which supported varied minor industries, to today’s flourishing small businesses and entrepreneurship and the creation of its own civic parish in 2011.
Starting with the infamous Roman Fosse Way, laid around 1800 years ago and passing straight through Westfield, the exhibition moves forward through the Parish’s varied history with mining playing a huge part in shaping the character of the area and the heritage of its residents. Indeed, records show that from the time industrial coalmining was established in 1763 through to the 1970’s when the mines closed, over 10,000 men and boys had been employed in the local pits. Two of the most infamous pit disasters happened in Westfield and many of the pill boxes, built as an outer defence perimeter for the pits, still stand today and can be visited on the Westfield Heritage walk. Does anyone remember the iconic elm tree 6 - The Westfield Warbler
that stood near the centre of Westfield? Some said that it was haunted and one account from 1875 reported that “three of us could walk into it upright and gaze straight up to the leaves above.” The exhibition details the history of the four different church traditions in Westfield as well as the seamless shift in industry from the closure of the mines to the growth of such well-known businesses as Clarks, Prattens, Mardons, Edgells, Charltons, Mitchards; the list goes on and indeed continues today with the thriving industrial neighbourhood which is home to international brands such as Dickies and Sun Chemical. Did
you know that the airless tyre was invented and produced in Westfield? This and many more artefacts are on display.
continue to be used for football, tennis, boules and children’s play areas today.
Exploring the war years, the exhibition presents stories of war exploits from those who lived and worked in the Parish, including Downside monk and priest of St Hughs, Fr Joseph Coomb-Tennant who won the Military Cross and went on to a career in MI5 before becoming a monk. Edward Greenman RN of Westhill Gardens witnessed not only the wartime sinking of the Scharnhorst but also the 1945 Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay and the 1952 testing of the Atom Bomb. Meanwhile his brother Pip remembers hiding under the kitchen table during bombing raids over Radstock and collecting souvenirs from a plane that was shot down. Once a German pilot crash landed in Westhill Gardens and the pilot was paraded along Cedar Terrace to the taunts of onlookers.
History is not only what we can remember and record and Westfield residents did not sit around waiting for events to unfold; they used their ingenuity to make things happen. Delving back into our ancient Roman history right through to the present day, the exhibition is interwoven with the personal stories of Westfield folk who made this a community of which they can be proud. Huge thanks go to those who contributed to the exhibition and especially to Cllr Eleanor Jackson who was instrumental in pulling the display together. In particular the Parish Council would like to thank Joan Pack; without Joan’s dedication, eye for detail and particular awareness of what would be of interest to local people the exhibition would not have gotten off the ground or indeed reached the standard and breadth that it has.
Finally, recreation and ecology; what would Westfield be without its beautiful recreation grounds and expansive Waterside Valley? Purchased by the Miners’ Trust, two plots of land were set aside for leisure and recreation and
There are lots of opportunities throughout the exhibition for visitors to share their knowledge and identify faces in photos. We would love to hear from you and hear what you thought of the exhibition, which runs until 29th November. The Westfield Warbler - 7
Diana Cooper Councillor Profile Do you find it rewarding being a Westfield Parish Councillor? Yes, but also frustrating at times! Of course it is extremely rewarding helping the community. My particular interest lies in the environment, and therefore it is my aim to help make Westfield a clean, safe and pleasant place to live. We are very fortunate in having some beautiful walks either side of Westfield, and safeguarding them is vital. It has also been very satisfying working with my colleagues to get the annual Fun Day, and the Christmas Lights switch on, to the popular community events that they are. What do you think are the best things about Westfield? As I have said above, the beautiful countryside that surrounds Westfield. Also the green spaces within, and in particular, the two recreation grounds. I feel it is important that people have places where they can take time to relax and breathe. The recreation grounds are a hive of activity, and a safe environment for children (of all ages) to play. The Westfield Industrial Estate, is of vital importance to Westfield. My husband and
I were one of the first small businesses to open on the estate in 1981, and we have watched it grow and develop ever since, to the hub of employment that it is today. What would you improve about Westfield? A Community Centre, of course, this is our goal. We are the only parish within BANES not to have a community centre, and it is desperately needed. We need a permanent home for the council offices, and a place to hold community events, with a sports hall for the young people to enjoy. Outside being a Councillor, what are your hobbies and interests? Having been the prime instigator in creating a Petanque Court at Norton Hill Recreation Ground (amongst other things), I have to say boules! The Westfield Petanque Club has been running for three years, and goes from strength to strength. I am also a keen gardener, so take a close interest in the flower displays that brighten up the Westfield street scene. My husband and I are keen walkers, I also run a book club, and enjoy the cinema and theatre.
THE FRIDAY CLUB Meeting the second Friday of the month at Trinity Westfield Methodist Church Hall from 2 – 4pm, our numbers are increasing. We celebrated our first birthday in July, enjoying each month with various themes such as Holiday Memories and more recently Harvest. We have quizzes along with a sing song at times and readings and not forgetting a lovely ‘cuppa’ with 8 - The Westfield Warbler
delicious home made cake. All very relaxed and friendly. We shall be looking forward to a Christmas Meal outing in early December. The company is mixed, so don’t be shy, come along and join us if you are alone or need company – a chat and a laugh lifts the spirit.
An appeal for Snow Wardens for Westfield It’s getting to that time of year again, where we can’t be sure what the weather is going to throw at us, maybe making pavements around the parish difficult to negotiate. (This is being written as Hurricane Ophelia is about to hit us and the sky is the strangest colour!) We have a team of dedicated snow wardens, who are on hand to clear pavements and pathways when there has been a fall of snow or particularly hard frost in the area. The last few winters have been very mild, but the wardens have been available to help out where necessary.
There are four gritters in the parish, three of which are housed at snow wardens’ homes, and the other in the garage at Norton Hill Recreation Ground on the Fosseway. Salt for spreading is provided by BaNES. Some vacancies on the team have arisen so if you feel you could help out in any way with this invaluable service then we would love to hear from you. We would be particularly interested to hear from anyone who lives around the Waterford Park area, but any interest would be welcome. Contact us on 01761 410669 or if you are able to help.
General Motor Repairs & Servicing FOUR WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS BE PREPARED THIS WINTER, BOOK YOUR SERVICE NOW. 19a Fourth Avenue, Westfield Industrial Estate, Midsomer Norton, Radstock BA3 4XE
01761 418562
The Westfield Warbler - 9
Bye Bye Boules Sadly, Tuesday evening Boules in Westfield has ended until next April, beaten, as usual, by bad light. Undeterred the Tuesday regulars retreated to a local hostelry, to enjoy the traditional end of season cheesy chips! The boules court is there to be used thoughout the year, and anyone is free to use it at anytime. What could be nicer than a game of boules on a fine sunny winter’s day. It has been a mixed bag this year, with the rain seeming to prefer to fall on a Tuesday evening. We did, however enjoy some balmy evenings, with a birthday being celebrated on a particularly hot Tuesday evening in July. Our plans for next year, include the Wells Boules Tournament, and a long awaited return match against our friends from Ambares et Lagrave.
During the winter, we will once again be holding our regular skittles evenings. They are on the third Monday of every month at Mardons Social Club at 7pm. Anyone is welcome to join us. Boules will return to Norton Hill Recreation Ground next April, and anyone wishing for more information, please contact Diana on 01761 415155.
Community Infrastucture Levy (Cil) Quality Meat at Affordable Price
All Beef, Pork and Lamb from local farms. Prize winning sausages, pies and faggots. Gold awards for our home cured bacon from pigs reared on the Mendips. Home produced cooked meats.
Turkey - Goose - Duck - Home cured Hams 10 - The Westfield Warbler
The Community Infrastructure Levy, or CIL as it is commonly known, is the money that is given to councils from developers of properties in their town/parish to put towards the environment for the benefit of residents. In 2016/7 Westfield Parish Council received ÂŁ762, which was put towards the cost of the CCTV Cameras at Norton Hill Recreation Ground. These cameras have proved to be effective in their use, with several anti-social behaviour incidents being picked up and passed on to the local police.
Enjoy Three New Heritage Walks Around Westfield You may have noticed that there are now three new Westfield Heritage Trails around the Parish. The trail boards can be found at four key locations around the Parish’s footpaths and there are three suggested walks of varying length and catering for all abilities.
boundaries of the Parish and gives a taste of, on one side the beautiful Waterside Valley, and on the other views towards Old Mills batch. Finally, the 4.5 mile Waterside Valley trail spans the whole of the Parish from Prattens to St Nicholas graveyard and from the Waterside Valley across to Fosseway Gardens and the edge of the batch beyond.
Local community workers, Sarah Westell and Rob Wicke (pictured with Parish Council Chairman, Geoff Fuller) have delved into the Parish’s past to produce beautiful, informative boards giving snippets of local information and a taste to find out more at Radstock Museum. The Pit Stops trail is a gentle 1.5 mile walk on pavements and footpaths around the centre of Westfield; the Miner’s Trail, described as medium length at 2.95 miles, covers the East and West On 16th September, ramblers taking part in the Somer Valley Walking Festival were treated to a walk around part of the Waterside Valley trail led by Parish Council Chairman and life-long resident of Westfield, Geoff Fuller. It was a beautiful early autumn day and participants young and old enjoyed the sights and sounds of the picturesque Parish on a walk peppered with local knowledge and memories from Cllr Fuller. As well as the boards there are waymarker signs to direct you around the trails and the maps can be downloaded from the Parish Council website: The Parish Council would love to hear feedback from anyone that has done the trails, please get in touch. The Westfield Warbler - 11
Westfield Ladies Choir Now the holiday season is over, we have been very busy rehearsing for our concert, and will soon be looking forward to Christmas when we are much in demand to sing for groups and at some of the local churches. We had a lovely evening at Norton Down Church on October 8th. The minister and congregation make us so welcome, it is always a joy to go there. And then it was our concert on October 14th. “Music for Maggie” which we held in memory of Maggie Collins, one of our members who sadly died this year. St Peter’s church was full to overflowing. We enlisted the support of flautist, Hannah Deacon-Church, and the group Up Front
and Casual, to produce an evening of music for all tastes. The proceeds of the evening will go to Dorothy House. The final total isn’t in, but should be well in excess of £1000. We are always happy to welcome new members (no auditions) – our rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at St Peter’s church hall from 7:15 to 9:00pm. If you would like more information regarding the concert, or joining us, or maybe you would like to book us to sing for your organisation/ group, please contact Lesley Schofield on 01761 419540.
Remembrance Sunday Just a reminder that although we don’t have a Remembrance service in Westfield, there is a Remembrance stone at which residents of Westfield are welcome to spend some time of quiet reflection. There is also a place in front of it for those who wish to leave a cross or poppy in remembrance of someone special. The stone is to be found by the living Christmas tree at the top of Elm Tree Avenue. 12 - The Westfield Warbler
Twist In The Tale Of The Westfield Front Garden Competition! While this year’s Front Garden competition was a great success, there was one area that Westfield Parish Council felt went unnoticed. There was no prize for a collection of gardens. While on his travels around Westfield the judge, Mr Dave Vallance of Bath College, said “It is lovely to see a close that, on the whole, has a variety of plants that are well maintained and colourful”. This referred to Rowan Court, whose residents are keen to keep the area vibrant.
their morning cuppa. It’s lovely to see it looking tidy and full of happy plants. Mr Fuller awarded each resident with a certificate from the Parish Council and the decision has been taken to create another category in next year’s Front Garden competition. Watch this space!
Chair of Westfield Parish Council, Mr Geoff Fuller, said “We thought that we should show our appreciation for the efforts of the residents of Rowan Court to keep their gardens neat and colourful. It is a pleasure to walk past the close and it gives you a spring in your step when on your journey past.” The residents said that there was a certain sense of pride when they looked out of the window with
Geoff Fuller presenting residents of Rowan Court with their certificates.
Personalised care from your family owned, local independent vet Now offering acupuncture and laser therapy. Call for details t 01761 412132
e w The Westfield Warbler - 13
New Neighbourhood Plan Every so often life presents an opportunity to make a real change to the way our society works and the future we can look forward to personally and for our children. Just such an opportunity was given to us when central government passed the “Localism act” in 2011. This act paved the way for a process that would allow communities such as ours here in Westfield to research and set up a set of guidelines and principles that would be used by planners when decisions were made about all aspects of our community including health, education, transport, roads, industry and employment opportunities etc amongst many others. This process know as “Neighbourhood planning” has been accomplished by a team of Westfield
residents and has taken over two years to research and complete to this stage. The next step is a full community consultation over the proposals outlined in the plan which started on the 30th October. This is to ensure that the ideas we have proposed in the new Westfield Neighbourhood Plan are really what the community wants for their future. As we said above this is one of those key moments to really take the opportunity to have real influence over our community’s future, so PLEASE read the information and if you have any comments let us know. It’s easy too, as there are several ways you can send in your opinions, please see the article on page 4 for more information.
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Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. A member of the Association of British Insurers. For security and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded and monitored.
14 - The Westfield Warbler
Westfield at Play! Wansdyke Play Association as a locally-based children’s charity has been in existence for 25 years and already the early autumn play activities in Westfield have been welcomed and enjoyed by the community, led by WPA Playrangers offering free fun, laughter and creativity for all ages. At WPA, staff and Trustees are all passionate about play and how it can support good physical and mental health for children, young people and adults alike. With huge thanks to funding from Quartet Community Foundation and Bath Half Marathon, free outdoor play sessions have been running on regular Tuesdays 3-5pm at Norton Hill Rec, Fosseway, Westfield since 19th September with the final session on 24th October. There have been opportunities to take part in activities such as music, paper aeroplane races, sports, games, archery, drawing murals, autumn-inspired crafts, junk modelling and den building. As a treat, pop-up hot chocolate and healthy snacks is often provided.
Play Rangers also supported the Big Local’s Youth Consultation during the early sessions by handing out copies of a survey for families to complete giving feedback about how youth work is carried out in Westfield. Over the last year, WPA have worked with the University of Bath Community Matters Programme with funding awarded by South West Foundation and researching the way in which WPA’s outdoor, outreach Play Services helps alleviate play deprivation across the community by enabling access and opportunity for adults and children to come together and strengthen relationships. Results were showcased at an event To check out upcoming free Playranger sessions, events and groups see, Facebook or for further information.
The Westfield Warbler - 15
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16 - The Westfield Warbler
* Children fro to switch on * New star to donated by B
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the Living Christma
g Christmas Tree
ristmas at 6.30pm at the top of Tree Elm Tree Ave
Thurs 30th Nov at 6.30pm
* Father Christmas * Words by Revd Ian Rousell of St Peter’s Church * Somer Valley FM will be doing a live broadcast and talking to stmas grant recipients and members of the public
* Father Christmas * Words by Revd Ian Rousell of St * Somer Valley will be doing a live grant recipients and members of
* Westfield Ladies Choir and West to sing carols accompanied by th
evd Ian Rousell of St Peter’s Church ey will be doing a live talking to * Westfield Ladies Choirbroadcast and Westfieldand Primary School Choir to sing carols accompanied the Midsomer Norton and ents and members of the by public Radstock Silver Band * Free mince pies and mulled wine, or soft drink
Thurs 30th N
adies Choir and Westfield Primary School Choirs * Children from Westfield Primary and Fosse Way schools ls accompanied by the Midsomer Norton and to switch on the lights lver* Band New star to be put on the top of the Christmas tree – donated by Big wine, Local or soft drink pies and mulled
For more information, om Westfield Primarycontact and Fosse Way schools the Parish Council on n the lights 01761top 410669 be put on the of the Christmas tree – The Westfield Warbler - 17 Big Local
18 - The Westfield Warbler
Squidgy chocolate French pear pudding Onion Soup This hot, gooey chocolate pud, with dark chocolate and canned pears, can be made ahead and frozen - a perfect no-fuss dinner party dessert.
This Parisian soup recipe not only makes a great start to a dinner party, it’s a perfect winter warmer.
• • • • • • • • • •
200g butter, plus extra for greasing 300g golden caster sugar 4 large eggs 75g plain flour 50g cocoa powder 410g can pear halves in juice, drained 100g plain dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids) 25g flaked almonds (optional) Cream or ice cream, to serve
Method 1. Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Lightly grease a roughly 20 x 30cm shallow ovenproof dish. Put the butter in a large saucepan and place over a low heat until just melted. Remove the butter from the heat and stir in the sugar until well combined. 2. Whisk the eggs together in a large bowl. Gradually add the eggs to the butter and sugar, beating well with a wooden spoon in between each addition. Sift the flour and cocoa powder on top of the egg mixture, then beat hard with a wooden spoon until thoroughly combined. 3. Pour into the prepared tin or dish and nestle the pears into the chocolate batter. Put the chocolate on a board and cut into chunky pieces roughly 1.5cm with a large knife. Scatter the chocolate pieces over the batter and sprinkle with almonds, if you like. Can be frozen at this stage.
• • • • • • • •
2 tbsp olive oil 6 large onions, about 1.6 kg (3½lb), finely sliced 2 tsp fresh thyme leaves, plus extra to garnish 500 ml (17fl oz) cider 1 tsp caster sugar 1.4 l (2½ pints) good-quality vegetable stock 6 small slices white bread 150 g (5oz) gruyère cheese, grated
Method 1. Gently heat oil in a large pan. Add onions, thyme and a large pinch of salt. Cover and cook over low heat for 30min, stirring occasionally, until onions are soft. 2. Pour over the cider and add the sugar. Turn up the heat and bubble, stirring frequently, until the cider has evaporated and the onions are well caramelised, about 30-40min. 3. Add stock and heat through. Check the seasoning. Preheat grill to medium. Put bread on a baking tray and lightly toast both sides under the grill. Divide the cheese equally among the toasts and grill until melted and bubbling. 4. To serve, divide the soup among six warmed soup bowls. Top each bowl with a cheese toast and garnish with thyme leaves and black pepper.
4. Bake in the centre of the oven for 30 mins or until the mixture is crusty on the surface and lightly cooked inside. Do not allow to overcook, as the cake will become spongy rather than gooey in the centre. Serve warm with cream or ice cream
The Westfield Warbler - 19
DECEMBER 1st - 3rd Display of Angels and Nativity Scenes at Trinity Westfield Methodist Church
NOVEMBER NOW UNTIL 29th Autumn Exhibition “The Way We
2nd - Christmas Fair 10am-4pm at Radstock Museum,
Lived Then.” The History of Westfield 1860-2017. Usual
FREE admission with lots of Christmas gift stalls including
visitor museum admission prices apply, all tickets are
jewellery, books, crafts and pottery plus festive music
annual. Venue: Radstock Museum.
including “Sing Your Heart Out” Choir and Farrington
Memories will be stirred by the interesting pictures and
Gurney Primary School choir.
artefacts the group have amassed. An exhibition not to be missed.
2nd Westfield Sports Christmas Quiz, Entry £15 per team
11th Supper and Film Evening at 6pm. Trinity Westfield Methodist Church
14th Environment & Development meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
(maximum of 6). 7.30pm start. Raffle, Games and more. £50 cash price. Please contact 07703674428 with a team name to book a table. Westhill Sports and Social Club, Westhill Rd
2nd Growler, 7.30pm, Mardons Social Club. 3rd 10th and 17th Santa at the Station. Santa
18th Coffee Morning for Julian House 10am to 12noon. St
will be here at the station and all children who visit him
Peter’s Church Hall, Westfield.
will receive a present! Booking essential. Trains running. Somerset & Dorset Railway, Silver St
Kurling and Supper at Trinity Westfield Methodist
Church from 7pm
4th Council Meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
18th Hair of the Dog, 7.30pm, Mardons Social Club. 6th - Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11am 22nd Nov – Finance & Personnel meeting. 7pm in the
at Midsomer Norton Library. Free
Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
24th Quiz Night (raising funds for Radstock Museum) at Radstock Working Men’s Club. Arrive at 7pm for 7:30pm start. Teams of 4. Tickets £5 per person to include a buffet
7th - Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 11am at Radstock Library. Free
A Victorian Christmas 2- 4:30pm Venue: Radstock
supper. Small cash prizes for winners, runner up and
Museum. FREE festive family event packed with Victorian
loser prizes. Raffle. Bar available. To book a team, email
Christmas crafts to make and music. See the miner’s cottage by 19th November
ready for Christmas, what special goodies will be on offer in the old Co-op shop? All the volunteers will be in Victorian
25th Christmas Bazaar at 11am St Peters Church,
costume. In the tearoom you can enjoy warming winter
refreshments and the museum shop will be open for those last minute unique Christmas gifts.
25th No Mean Feat, 7.30pm, Mardons Social Club. 9th Honky Tonks, 7.30pm, Mardons Social Club. 20 - The Westfield Warbler
11th Environment & Development meeting. 7pm in the
17th Finance & Personnel meeting. 7pm in the
Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents
Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents
13th Finance & Personnel meeting.
7pm in the Boardroom,
- Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11am
Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
at Midsomer Norton Library. Free
16th Up Your Brass, 7.30pm, Mardons Social Club.
17th Christingle Service 4pm St Peter’s Church, Westfield. 24th Crib Service 3pm St Peter’s Church, Westfield. 24th Midnight Communion Service 11:30pm St Peter’s Church, Westfield.
1st - Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 11am at Radstock Library. Free
Spring Exhibition. An opportunity to see some of the
interesting articles from the museum’s collection, which are not usually on display. Included will be the contents of a country doctor’s bag in the 1930’s, Radstock Museum
25th Christmas Day Communion Service 10am St Peter’s
5th Council Meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office,
Church, Westfield.
Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
12th Environment & Development meeting. 7pm in the
2nd Council Meeting.
Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents
7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office,
Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
- Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11am
at Midsomer Norton Library. Free
21st Finance & Personnel meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
- Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 11am at
Radstock Library. Free
8th Environment & Development meeting.
7pm in the
Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome
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Tel: 01761 413394 The Westfield Warbler - 21
Westfield Running Youth Project group keep growing Youth Connect have launched and been running Westfield Youth Project for the last year now and it’s been going from strength to strength and is well used by young people in the area of Westfield.
Westfield Youth Project runs on a Monday evening at the Westhill club field from 5.30-6.30pm and on a Tuesday evening at the Trinity Westfield Methodist Church Hall from 7-9pm. Currently we are working with Bath’s urban rugby project on a Monday evening, this has been going very well. Young people have been encouraged to take part in rugby sessions where they learn new skills in the sport and also team work. There will be a chance to play matches and a trip to a rugby stadium at the end of this project. On a Tuesday evening we run a number of varied projects including healthy eating, food and nutrition, and D.J skills alongside issues based sessions, arts workshops and information and support around drugs and alcohol. Please contact Katy on: 07966880422 for more information.
Westfield TT running group has gone from strength to strength over the last year training local people to gain their confidence in running. Runners have been entering numerous events both locally and as far as New York, Canada, Budapest to name just a few while representing the Westfield community.
Our weekly schedule is Tuesday - group activity night with team competitions at 7pm in Prattens hall Westfield. Wednesday - meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield at 7pm -4 running groups representing various pace levels. Thursday - 7-30pm meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield for steady 4-6 mile run. Friday - meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield at 7pm for trail run . Saturday - meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield at 7-30am for hill rep session on Ebbor Gorge. Sunday - meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield at 8am for various running activities. Schedules can be found on Westfield TT on Facebook weekly.
We are a smaller than average school and pride ourselves on our caring approach and our ability to meet every child’s needs, helping them develop and ensure they reach their full potential, whilst growing in the love of Christ. We welcome children of all faiths. We also offer wrap-around care as well as an independent on-site Nursery.
22 - The Westfield Warbler
Want to be included in the next issue of Westfield Warbler? Call us on 01761 409831
1st Radstock Scout Group say ‘Thank You’ and ‘Let us help you BE PREPARED for Christmas’ 1st Radstock Scout Hall is nestled away in its own lovely grounds just off Wells Hill. It’s at the top of a long driveway and out of a lot of people’s sight and minds. However, it is a very busy building which is home to a thriving Scout Group comprising Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and also Mercury Explorer Unit. Young people between the ages of 6 and 18 are catered for on a weekly basis with fun filled activities based around a balanced programme. All of our young people get the opportunity to experience nights away from home, whether it be a Beaver sleep over or, in the case of the Explorer Unit, a summer trip to Croatia. Scouting teaches young people a lot about each other and about themselves. By the end of a week at summer camp, the Scouts can cook a three course meal on an open fire – not many adults can do that! The 1st Radstock Scout Group has been in existence for well over 100 years and the demand for Scouting is growing all the time. A fundraising campaign has been underway for the best part of this year to build extra storage at the back of the hall and to change the toilet facilities to include disabled toilet and shower facilities. The young people were given a challenge over the summer holidays to grow £2 and they have all done a fantastic job in their individual ways. Some have baked and sold their goods, some have organised quizzes, others have sold sweets and done their own personal challenge in the form of a sponsored walk. Thank you to everyone who has supported them in their individual ventures whether you be traders, members of the family or friends. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. The hall is already available for hire but with these extra facilities we will be more accessible to others in the community and in Scouting who may wish to use the hall as a base when visiting the area. All of this is good news for the town.
and so many good causes have their fundraising events too but do please come and visit us at the hall where the children can visit Father Christmas for £3 and receive a quality present. Come and be tempted by the hot chocolate and gingerbread stall, homemade cakes and sweet stalls, various gifts, Christmas products, numerous fun stalls and the chance to win our lovely Adult and Children’s Christmas Hampers and Christmas cake with many other prizes too. There is plenty of fun to be had by all. Enjoy a hot turkey, sausage, stuffing and cranberry roll or try some mulled wine. We will also be joining our fellow Scout Groups in the area again this year to offer a Christmas postal service so watch out for more information about this. All cards are delivered in the presence of an adult so as long as the addresses are clear and complete, they will reach their destination. The Scout Group wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to meeting some of you soon. If you would like to know more about joining the Scout Group please contact Janet Turner on or phone 01761 417374.
The Festive Season is one of our favourite times of year at 1st Radstock. Everyone is busy at Christmas The Westfield Warbler - 23
News from Norwest Bowls It’s been an amazing season for the lads at Norwest with them reaching the finals in four County competitions. They just lost out in the Wedmore Plate to St. Andrews from Weston Super Mare while local rivals Purnell’s, pipped them at the post in the Mid-Somerset league final. Even so, I have to say coming second was an amazing achievement. They were triumphant in the Floodlight Charity Bowls league when revenge was sweet, as they lifted the trophy from Purnell’s and, last but by no means least, was the County Unbadged competition where ‘our lad’ Aaron claimed victory when he met Terry Priddle again from Purnell’s, at Taunton on a somewhat chilly Sunday morning. Brilliant job, Aaron, Norwest is proud of you. In the County League East Division 1 the A Team finished comfortably in fifth position but, and this
Families required to accommodate short stay Dutch, Belgian, French & German students. Students stay 2/3/4 days - 2/3/4 students per family. Students depart daily 8.20am - returning 6.30/7pm. 3 students x 4 nights £174.00 From 1st April 2018 4 students x 4 nights £232.00 A great fun way to increase your family income! For further details please contact Carol: 01749 840821 mob: 07877717408 Or Hannah: 01761 436576 mob: 07720 572047
24 - The Westfield Warbler
was the nay blip, the B team was relegated. Unfortunately, our girls didn’t have a very good season. They suffered from a lack of players and a lot of those they did have were fairly inexperienced. Despite this our ladies seem to have enjoyed their season and the good thing to come out of it is that they have all gained valuable experience. So how about joining us for the 2018 season. We always welcome new players and would love you to either come along to one of our open evenings (watch the Journal for dates), give me a ring on 01761479310 or take a look at our website: We’d love to hear from you and like many before once you give it a try you’ll wonder why you haven’t tried bowls before.
Norton Radstock Photographic Society Are you a keen photographer in need of contact with others with the same interests?
always enjoy our annual dinner in late January after the excesses of the Christmas season.
The Norton Radstock Photographic Society is a small group of friendly people who meet regularly at 7.30pm at Midsomer Norton United Services Club on most Thursdays throughout the year. Basic details can be found on the NRPS website, but in case you were looking to join a group of like minded people, and develop your skills and interest in all forms of photography the following information might prompt you to look us up.
Often small groups plan short excursions in the local area or further afield to cities of interest such as London last Spring and Liverpool in the summer.
Evenings at the club are varied throughout the year and punctuated by monthly print and digital competitions that are well supported and judged by those in other clubs. Focus evenings include opportunities to hear outside speakers who illustrate their talks with their own work, to enjoy some informal instruction from fellow members with specific skills in street photography, still life and landscape to name but a few. Sometimes there is the opportunity to “show your own” without the pressure of competition, or to admire the work of others locally who have succeeded at higher levels in specific fields. We are friendly and informal and
Determined to fill the summer gap between NRPS regular meetings, six members travelled to Liverpool on 2nd August to spend four days together exploring the city with cameras. Needless to say the recent Club completion featuring subjects beginning with “The Letter L” was awash with Liverpool scenes but also featured a number of portraits of local ladies whose names began with L!! The first few meetings after the summer break have featured a look at the WCPF portfolio of winners, photo essays, and an interesting talk by wildlife photographer David Kjear. This month’s competition winners featuring studies of “Old and New” will be announced shortly, and in the meantime members are preparing to meet the challenges of “Keys” and “Tombstones” on 2nd November and there will be hot competition for the first “Open” print competition of the Autumn to be judged on 16th. Jenny Short will lead a practical evening on still life photography later in the month and we still have Jill Toman’s travels to look forward to in the New Year!. These are just some of the creative endeavours prompted by the enthusiasm of NRPS members , determined to learn and improve. If you want to join us please come along-you will be made very welcome. The Westfield Warbler - 25
A call for new drivers Swan Transport’s brilliant team of volunteers are so busy that we need new volunteer drivers to come and join our award winning team and help to get people who have no transport of their own to take journeys across the BANES county. For example hospital trips or visiting friends or attending local clubs. If you have use of a car and want to stay healthy and boost your wellbeing consider becoming a volunteer driver with Swan. Whether you’re a young driver or an older driver we would love to hear from you and whatever time you can give will be valued. We pay mileage expenses based on the Inland Revenue rates and training is provided. Tom who joined three years ago says ‘I drive for SWAN doing a couple of journeys each week and apart from that I spend time in my huge garden, play a little golf , play a lot of trumpet, cook and having the odd snooze. I take the view that as I have a wonderful life, full of music, good food, holidays and good health. I can do something to ease the life of someone who doesn’t have the same good fortune – so I do a bit of driving’
Phil Day Traditional Family Butchers Fresh and local whole turkeys, boneless turkey breast, free range cockerels, geese, pork, beef and lamb. Local delivery also available. Christmas orders now being taken
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8 The Street, Radstock, BA3 3PL 26 - The Westfield Warbler
Please ring us on 01761 439548 or email and talk to Sarah or Ann who can explain a bit more and answer your questions. Swan Transport is part Swan Advice Network charity number 1141396 Co No 6883950.
Colliers Way Cycling Group Colliers Way Cycling Group’s autumn excursion was to Burnham-on-Sea. The group crossed the Somerset Levels to approach the coast through Highbridge, enjoying a traffic-free ride around the Brue estuary and along to Burnham. It was a warm sunny day with only a light breeze so ideal for a relaxing refreshment break on the promenade. The trip to the seaside was lacking in just one feature …. the sea itself! The return route circled around Brent Knowle, then continued with flat easy cycling across to Godney for another coffee stop before returning to Wells and the inevitable hilly climb back over the Mendips. New members are always welcome and starter sessions are available for those who may not be quite ready for group rides. The Burnham trip was an extended day out but the group’s regular rides are just 20 to 30 miles starting from Radstock every Tuesday and Thursday. There’s a different route and café each ride, always cycling on quiet country lanes. For more information, please email: or visit:
Marathon Man does it again!
John started the Westfield TT running group which has grown from strength to strength over the last 18 months, where they offer advice to anyone who wishes to run -from complete beginners to experienced runners. It has developed into a brilliant social group with amazing results on achieving personal goals. They have outfits with distinctive colours now which frequently appear in the local
Fosseway Press email:
7 Frome Road Radstock BA3 3PT
Tel: 01761 431919
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@ WHAT’S ON Radstock Hall and Victoria
On 1st September, John set off from Westfield and after one of the toughest runs to date, he finished 59.5 hours later, 30 minutes ahead of schedule -smashing the record.
John is also a patron for the amazing local charity, Time is Precious, which massively supports the childrens wards in the RUH, Bath, Childrens hospital Bristol and Yeovil. His aim is to get Westfield firmly on the map and known for what can be achieved as a community. John’s schedule is hectic and when he can get a break from work which involved 50-55 hours a week, he visits local schools to encourage positive goals and sporting activities. In May 2018, John plans to take on one of the best ultra runners in the world by beating his record of 396miles in four days. Training is non stop with the groups out every night of the week and weekends after work. With our community getting bigger from all the new builds, John thinks we can really stand out as a community and be proud of what we can achieve. He truly is an inspiration.
EY ARTS SOMER VALLTown Hall & Midsomer Norton
He has increased the mileage on the ultra marathon running from 82 miles/day to a massive 100 miles. After several training runs leading up to 150 miles in just 36 hours, John set himself the challenge of running 250 miles non stop in just 2.5 days which he thought look impossible at one stage of training.
media/radio and at most major running events nationally.
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The Westfield Warbler - 27
Fosse Way Sixth Form Students Harvest Art and Food for St. Peter’s Church Eight community-minded sixth form students from Fosse Way School in Westfield have made a tremendous contribution to this year’s Harvest celebration at nearby St. Peter’s Church on Longfellow Road. One important hallmark of Fosse Way’s sixth form is its commitment to forging meaningful links with the local community. With this goal in mind, the group of students who comprise tutor group 5EJ decided to involve themselves in the church’s events for the annual Harvest celebration.
by the American pop artist Andy Warhol at the height of his fame in the late 1960s. Following the sixth formers’ Harvest delivery Lynne Waton commented: “On behalf of St. Peter’s Church I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the collection of food and other goods for the Julian House charity. I was absolutely delighted to meet with 5EJ yesterday to receive the donations and was blown away by their generosity! The students unpacked and displayed the produce, where it will form part of our Harvest celebrations, before being delivered to Julian House in Bath. 5EJ have also produced some wonderful harvest themed artwork which is now on display in the church.” St. Peter’s Harvest service took place on Sunday 1st October. An informal and convivial event to which all-comers were welcomed, the service was led by the church’s music group.
The students set about collecting a variety of long-life foods and toiletries that will ultimately support homeless people via the Julian House charity in Bath. Donations swiftly arrived from members of the Fosse Way community including students, parents and staff. Having amassed a bountiful collection of items the students carried their Harvest offering to Westfield Church on Thursday 28th September where it was gratefully received by Church Warden and retired Fosse Way teaching assistant, Lynne Waton. In addition to this admirable endeavour, the talented students found time to create some striking pieces of artwork for display in St. Peter’s Church. Each student produced illustrations and paintings on the topic of ‘Harvest’, a number of which evoke the ‘Campbell’s Soup’ pictures made 28 - The Westfield Warbler
Lots to do at Trinity Westfield Methodist Church Trinity Westfield Methodist Church welcomes you to morning worship at 10.30am Sundays. We have had another busy year. Our monthly coffee mornings, breakfasts and lunches are going from strength to strength. We have contributed greatly to a number of charities over the past few months including, SWALLOW, serving High Teas, The British Heart Foundation and Macmillan. September saw us serving over 60 cream teas and raising £600 for Breast Cancer care. Throughout the darker evenings we continue our Supper and Film Evenings. Why not join us and catch up on a film you have missed at the cinema. Our latest venture is held every Tuesday from 2-4pm when around 12 of us bring our knitting and over a cup of tea catch up on all the gossip!
Anyone, male or female would be most welcome. Friday Social Club is held on the 2nd Friday of the month and is very well supported. The next big event will be held at the beginning of December when there will be a display of “Angels and Nativity Scenes”. The Church will be open all weekend for you to pop in and browse other stalls, buy a raffle ticket and enjoy lots of homemade festive food and drink. Please see our notice board, and banners on the railings to keep you updated on all our Events.
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Parish Clerk As I write this article the autumn sunshine is showing Westfield at its best and what a lovely time it is to make the most of the beautiful walks on our doorstep. Last month saw the launch of the three new Westfield Heritage Trails. You may have seen some of the way-marker signs and maps around Westfield and I hope that you find time try them out. The photo above shows one of the World War II pill boxes, which can be seen from the Waterside Valley, marking this historic line of defence which went across the parish. Thanks to the work of the Parish Council’s Finance Officer, the Annual Return, which outlines the finances and corporate governance of the Parish Council, was certified by the auditor. We now move into the season of budgeting in readiness for the next financial year.
Plans are in place for the Westfield Christmas Lights Switch On which grows in popularity each year and is a lovely way to get into the Christmas spirit. Please join us on 30th November at 6.30pm at the top of Elm Tree Avenue / Wells Road for the switch on event and refreshments courtesy of the Parish Council. Following that, the Parish Council is planning to display a Christmas Tree at the Trinity Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival 8th-10th December at the Trinity Methodist Church, Radstock. Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year. Lesley Welch Parish Clerk
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30 - The Westfield Warbler
Your Parish
Cllr Andrew Butcher 07814 530 723
Cllr Diana Cooper 01761 415155
Cllr Kevin Docherty 07826 170147 kevindocherty1966
Cllr Lesley Mansell 07980 695117
Cllr Ron Hopkins 01761 435852
Cllr Geoff Fuller 01761 439198 / 07540 998603
Cllr Eleanor Jackson 01761 438968
Cllr James Honess
Cllr Bryan Wallbridge Vice Chair 07974 939776
Cllr Phil Wilkinson 01761 431355 / 07803 927626
Cllr Pat Williams 01761 432630
The Oval Office, Cobblers Way St Peters Business Park, Westfield BA3 3BX Telephone: 01761 410669 Email: @westfield_pc Westfield Parish Council The Parish Council is open from Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4.30pm. Due to the small number of part time staff it is advisable to telephone before visiting. The Parish Council is accessible for the public, with a lift to the first floor office. The Westfield Warbler - 31