Westfield Warbler Autumn edition

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AUTUMN2016 2017 -ISSUE Winter Issue2421

Produced for Westfield Parish Council

Westfield Parish Council

2 - The Westfield Warbler

Message from Contents the Chairman Welcome, everyone, to the summer edition of the Westfield Warbler. May saw the return of the Fun Fair to the Recreation ground at Norton Hill and yet again this was attended with large crowds, especially families and although the rain fell, most of the time the weather was fair and the feedback has been really positive.


Grant Applications


Neighbourhood Plan


Youth Service

10-11 Front Garden Competition winners 13

Celebrating Westfield

Early June the Fun Day took place at the Westfield Recreation Ground. The event was opened by local business man Mr Brian Mitchard of Mitchard’s butchers. Also the Chair of BANES, Cherry Beath, came along and thought that Westfield put on a marvellous show. It was such a pity that the weather was not with us on the day. That led to the cancellation of ‘Scruffs’, the dog show for local pooches, but never fear, the competition will make its debut next year.


Heritage Trail

18-19 What’s On 21

WAGS Open Day


Westfield Fun Day


Fix My Street

The hanging baskets have been put up around Westfield this year and local man Rob Wicke has worked very hard to put on a good display.


Mayor supports Westfield School

This year’s Front Garden competition was very close, with a few gardens vying for the top spot of winner of the Front Garden and winner of the best container. See the article further in this edition for details.


Your Parish Council

If you would like to join me I will be leading a walk around one of the new Westfield Heritage trails during the Somer Valley walking festival. We will be meeting at the shops at Elm Tree Avenue, Westfield at 2pm on Saturday 16th September to do the 4 mile walk. The Neighbourhood Plan postcards were sent out to invite all residents to complete the consultation. The returning date was 31st July so I hope as many residents as possible took the time to fill it in as this will reflect on the future of Westfield. Cllr Geoff Fuller Chair of Westfield Parish Council

The next edition of The Westfield Warbler will be in November 2017. If you would like your group to be included, please contact us on 01761 410141 before the deadline of the 20th October 2017. You can view The Westfield Warbler on the Council’s website at www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk The Westfield Warbler is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, G5 Second Ave, Westfield Industrial Estate, Westfield, Radstock, BA3 4BH. Tel 01761 410141. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher or it’s editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte Media and Westfield Parish Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. The Westfield Warbler - 3

PARISH COUNCIL NOW OPEN FOR GRANT APPLICATIONS It’s that time of year when the Parish Council invites applications for grants of up to £1000 from organisations working in or for Westfield. We are keen to hear from as diverse a range of applicants as possible so residents are encouraged to consider whether their organisation could benefit from a grant. There are a few criteria that organisations must meet in order to apply, mainly that the organisation or project is of benefit to the residents of Westfield. The organisation need not be based in the parish but the application must demonstrate local support or need. For example, the West of England MS Therapy Centre is based in Bristol and has twice been successful in its application for funding towards therapies for Westfield residents which access their support.

Grant for upkeep of St Nicholas Church graveyard 4 - The Westfield Warbler

Last year the Parish Council was pleased to support a wide range of needs which included funds towards the purchase of new instruments for MSN & Radstock Silver Band, new sheet music for Westfield Ladies’ Choir, a monthly coffee morning for carers and weekly activities for young people in Westfield.

While some organisations have plans for large projects and apply for the full £1000 others have more modest needs with grants as low as £200 being given, such as one to NR Chess Club for the purchase of new equipment.

The Parish Council would be very happy to discuss potential applications and are available to answer any queries. Full details of the criteria as well as the application form can be found on the Parish Council website www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk/grants or by calling the office on 01761 410669. The deadline for applications is 2nd October 2017.

The Way We Lived Then. The History of Westfield 1860-2017 Sandwiched between Radstock, a settlement since the Iron Age, and the mediaeval Norton, Westfield has often been overlooked, despite its strategic importance, first straddling the Fosse Way, driven through what is now Westfield in AD49, and now the vital arterial road, the Bath-Wells A367. Herein lies the challenge for the Westfield councillors and volunteers creating this exhibition. How do we demonstrate what is distinctive about Westfield as an historic community with deep roots in the industrial past? Why should people today be proud to say that they come from Westfield? Westfield already contributes outstanding educational institutions for local residents and the wider Somerset community, and entrepreneurship and small businesses flourish, but there is much more to Westfield than that,

or its four well designed housing estates and conservation area. With the help of so many people who have come forward with stories, scrapbooks, artefacts and excellent local knowledge of the ancient paths and so on, we are putting together an exhibition to show the richness of ordinary life, lived by ordinary people, which has built up the common good. The ‘world we have lost’ will be represented by the mining heritage, the Wells Hill independent Methodist Chapel , the Westfield Temperance Society and working people’s clubs and societies as well as the rural landscape on the Waterside. The aspirations of today’s residents will be illustrated with the connection to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan and by displays of today’s community and charity work. The Westfield Warbler - 5

A Neighbourhood Plan for you..! Over the last few weeks you will have received in the post a card from Westfield Parish Council, your parish council, that asks you to complete a questionnaire for a process known as a NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN I thought it would be useful to take this opportunity to explain in a straightforward, no jargon, way exactly what good news this is for all of us here in Westfield. A Neighbourhood Plan is not something cooked up by BANES or the Parish Council, it’s part of national process that was started in 2011 called the Localism Act and this came about because of huge pressure on the central government to ensure that local residents could have a clear and legally enforceable right to influence the way their community was planned and managed.

In simple terms, the Westfield Neighbourhood Plan will (honestly) give you real power to influence decision making in your own community. We should all be proud that our own Westfield Parish Council was one of the first to start on the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan. This questionnaire was one of the final stages of the process, and will ensure that your hopes and opinions for the future of our community are clearly recorded. When the plan is completed it will be voted on by the community to ensure it’s what the majority want and then will be adopted by BANES to become a really key part of the planning process, as a legal requirement on them. So, in the next few weeks the final Draft of the Westfield Neighbourhood Plan will be released. This will be your final chance to make sure your

6 - The Westfield Warbler

opinions and wishes are incorporated, so please take the small amount of time needed to comment on the document. Simply telephone the Parish offices on 01761 410669 and one of the team will arrange for the draft Plan to be delivered to your address and even arrange to collect the completed responses from you – couldn’t be simpler could it… I’m sure you have strong views on what should be built in our community, where it should be built, and what it should look like. Likewise, I’m sure you have views on how our children should be educated, how traffic and pollution effects your family’s life, how public transport runs, what shops/restaurants/ leisure facilities we have, what provision we make for youth, and so on, the list is very long and your opinion really will count….

This is really important for all of us so please, please, please, let us have your comments on the final Draft Plan. Thanks – Cllr Ron Hopkins

That number to ring again 01761 410669

The Westfield Warbler - 7

Providing positive activities, advice and support

Youth Service in Westfield As reported in the Warbler last edition, the Youth Service in Westfield is going from strength to strength. Since April 2017 they have made contact with a further 74 young people, adding to the 77 that they had seen up to then. Retention is still very good with an average of 25-30 young people attending the church session each week. They have had to recruit an extra member of staff due to the numbers attending. They currently meet on Tuesdays in the Trinity MethodistWESTFIELD Church Hall, Wells Road from 7pm until 9pm, and for 2017 the summer are July-September doing an outreach service on Mondays from 4pm to 6pm. July Monday 3rd

BBQ - B���i���� - ������ll ki�s

Things to look out for are Bath Rugby DJ skills - Ale��s ��-�i�u�e �e�ls - M��s���ll�� ��ss Tuesday 4th ���e Urban rugby project in providing their Monday 10th ��ui� ke���s ��� �e�l��� e���� �ui� -cooking, R�u��e��s September at Westhill Club and jewellery Tuesday 11th making, DJ Skills - anti-bullying, Ale��s ��-�i�u�e �e�ls internet - B���ele� ��ki�� safety and issue based workshops at the Monday 17th Ul����e ��is�ee - C���u�e ��e ��� - �e�� ���es church hall. DJ Skills - Ale��s ��-�i�u�e �e�ls - ���es �i��� ��i� Tuesday 18th

August - SeptemberActivities Activities July September July Activities July- --September September Activities

July Activities July -- September September Activities IN WESTFIELD... IN IN WESTFIELD WESTFIELD......


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Tuesday 29th

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September Monday 4th

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Tuesday 5th

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Tuesday 12th

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Tuesday 19th

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Tuesday 26th

DJ skills - �e�l��� �el����s�i�s

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Long may it��u�� continue! For any further Monday 24th C���e�� Su��e� C��� information please contact Katy Roberts Tuesday 25th SUMMER CAMP on 07966 880422 Monday 31st

for young people who need it most

Providing positive activities, advice and support Providing positive activities, advice and support for young people who need it most Providing positive activities, advice and support for young people who need it most Providing positive activities, advice and support for young people who need it most for young people who need it most

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August Monday 21st 7th Monday

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Monday 14th Monday 28th

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Tuesday 15th Tuesday 29th

DJ skills - I��e��e� s��e�� - B����ie ���ki�� DJ skills - ��ki�� �e�l��� ���kies

September 8 - The Westfield Warbler

WESTFIELD METHODIST CHURCH HALL, WELLS ROAD, RADSTOCK BA3 3UT Please check out our Facebook page @ Youth Connect Somer Valley

50p Per Session - First Session is FREE Tuesday Wednesday

7 - 9pm 7 - 9pm

Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Neighbourhood Watch is about you and your neighbours, coming together to have a say in the issues that matter to you in your community. Avon and Somerset Police has been committed to supporting Neighbourhood Watch throughout the force since its introduction in 1982.

Benefits of Neighbourhood Watch There are clear benefits to joining a neighbourhood watch scheme for you and your local community: • It shows that members of a community are looking out for each other.

Phil Day Traditional Family Butchers

Fresh and local pork, beef, lamb and chicken and of course homemade pies and sausages.

• Keeps you up to date with what’s going on in your area. • Working closely with the police, helps to prevent and tackle crime. • You could save money on your home insurance. Avon and Somerset Police is keen to expand the number of Watches in the area and would be pleased to hear from residents interested in signing up to the scheme. Please contact Trevor Wilmot, Neighbourhood Watch Administrator on 01179 286063 or trevor.wilmot@avonandsomerset.police.uk


01761 433130

8 The Street, Radstock, BA3 3PL

We are a smaller than average school and pride ourselves on our caring approach and our ability to meet every child’s needs, helping them develop and ensure they reach their full potential, whilst growing in the love of Christ. We welcome children of all faiths. We also offer wrap-around care as well as an independent on-site Nursery

The Westfield Warbler - 9

Almost a clean sweep from waterside road in this year’s westfield front garden competition

2017 best garden Waterside Road

There were some stunning entries into this year’s front garden competition in Westfield, with the green fingered residents battling it out for first prize. The winner of the Best Garden category was Mrs Kay Wilcox of Waterside Road, who pipped Mr and Mrs Jennings of Nightingale Way to the post by one point. The judge, Mr Dave Vallance of Bath College, said: “It was an extremely close call this year, with the overall winner getting the extra point for the maturity of the garden and the structure and excellent balance between hard landscaping and planting. 10 - The Westfield Warbler

Wells Square

Taking the best container award was Mr and Mrs Wilkinson of Waterside Road. Mr Vallance said: “These were two beautiful hanging baskets with a lot packed in. There was depth and a good range of flowers and foliage.” Mr and Mrs Wilkinson’s containers narrowly beat another Waterside Road, entry by Mr and Mrs Chandler, into second place. Their baskets were judged as being extremely colourful, with no clashing colours at all.

Waterside Road


Both winners received vouchers kindly donated by Thomsons Hardware in Radstock as well as a commemorative cup. The second placed garden will stand a great chance next year as it grows in maturity”. Mr and Mrs Jennings received a certificate of commendation for the design of their garden with good colours, textures and scent and contrasting colours and foliage.

The Chairman of Westfield Parish Council, Cllr Geoff Fuller, said: “We are delighted to see so many entries into the competition, which is going from strength to strength. Well done to the winners and I hope residents of Westfield enjoy seeing the gardens as they pass by.”

Waterside Way The Westfield Warbler - 11

Changes to your rubbish collection service from 6 November 2017 What is changing? Most households across Bath and North East Somerset will be changing to every other week collection for their rubbish from 6 November. We will be providing a 140 litre wheeled bin for the storage and collection of rubbish. We realise that one size does not fit all, so in a small number of cases where a 140 litre wheeled bin is not suitable for your property, or family situation, we may provide a larger bin or a re-useable rubbish bag to contain rubbish for collection. Recycling collections, including food waste will remain weekly and our emphasis will be on encouraging you to use this weekly service to its full potential. Over 70%of UK councils including all our neighbours in Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset, Wiltshire and South Gloucestershire, are already running every other week collections for rubbish (in wheeled bins) and weekly recycling collections. They are seeing the benefits including reduced street mess, cost efficiencies and collecting more recycling (instead of rubbish). Collection days and times may change as we will need to redesign the routes so that they are as efficient as possible.

We know that some residents RUBBISH EVERY can recycle more OTHER WEEK than they are currently doing – about 75% of a household’s waste can be recycled using the current collections, but we still find that over half of an average rubbish bag consists of items that could have been recycled. Our local research RECYCLING EARNS shows that if you recycle all you can you will still have space left in your rubbish bin when collected every other week. RUBBISH EVERY



The change will help to encourage everyone to use their food recycling collection – only about 50% of households currently use this. About a third of the waste in black sacks currently is food. 3. To save EVERY money RECYCLING EARNS RUBBISH COSTS RUBBISH OTHER Every lorryWEEK load of waste costs £100 £1000 to dispose of whilst every lorry load of recycling earns an income of £100, so reducing the amount put out as rubbish is essential.





Why are we introducing the changes?

Find out more

1. To keep our streets cleaner Containing rubbish in a bin or bag will prevent animals and birds ripping open bags and making a mess which is unpleasant for everyone and costs us to clear up.


2. To recycle more We have a very comprehensive recycling collection where you can already recycle 17 different types of household waste every week. 12 - The Westfield Warbler



Our £1000 website is being updated as details are confirmed and more FAQs added so please check back here www.bathnes.gov.uk/recycle for updates.

Celebrating Westfield Established in 2011, the parish of Westfield will be 10 years old in four years’ time.

It seems like a long way off, but the Parish Council is looking for local residents with ideas and enthusiasm for a big 10th Anniversary Celebration in Westfield. Perhaps it might be a Carnival or a parish-wide street party – whatever your ideas please contact us.

Do you have any ideas how Westfield can celebrate its 10th Birthday?

We would like to form a Group to lead and organise the celebrations, supported by the Parish Council. So even if you do not have any ideas at this stage, but would like to lend your skills whether they are for admin, publicity, social media, stewarding or more, please do contact us and we will be very pleased to hear from you.

Can you spare some time to help with an event? Then give us a call

Many thanks Westfield Parish Council 01761 410669 council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

01761 410669 Westfield Parish Council


ONE OFF CHARGE OF £5 PER PERSON GIVES UNLIMITED PLAY ON INFLATABLES. WHY NOT BRING YOUR PICNIC AND MAKE IT A FAMILY AFTERNOON Westfield parish council fun day committee In working with jumping jo inflatables. (Working to bring a community spirit to Westfield with social events)

Westhill Recreation Ground, Westhill Road, Westfield. The Westfield Warbler - 13

BATH & NORTH EAST SOMERSET SUGAR SMART LAUNCH A SWEET SUCCESS Radstock and Westfield welcomed the community launch of SUGAR SMART Bath & North East Somerset, where hundreds of residents found out about reducing sugar in their diets, and won healthy goodies through the Human Fruit Machine. Bath and North East Somerset have become the latest community to embrace the Sugar Smart UK initiative, helping residents make informed choices about their food and drink. Following extensive local research, the areas of Radstock & Westfield were found to have some of the highest rates of obesity and tooth decay among young people. As a result, The Radstock & Westfield Big Local team have made a commitment to reduce the amount of sugar consumed in their community.

On Saturday 20th May, the Radstock and Westfield Big Local team joined forces with the Virgin Care Healthy Lifestyle Service at the Round-about Radstock Community Festival to share advice and freebies to inspire local residents to cut down on sugar. A follow up event at Westfield Fun Day was held on Sunday 4th June. Despite the rainy weather, the team connected with well over 300 residents between both events, who learned about healthy alternatives to sugary drinks, downloaded the SUGAR SMART free app and took part in family-friendly activities. The highlight of the events was certainly the Human Fruit Machine, which handed out delicious fruit and goody bags to help people on their SUGAR SMART journeys. Sarah Westell, Big Local Programme Coordinator, added: “One mum had approached us to say that her daughter dragged her friends out of their houses to come and play the Human Fruit Machine. It was such an opportunity to make a difference in our community.”

Class 4 MOT Testing centre in Radstock

info@mcmotcentre.co.uk www.mcmotcentre.co.uk

01761 415501

Unit 1, Second Avenue, Westfield Trading Est. BA3 4BH Next door to Porkies Cafe

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm Saturday: 8am - 1pm Sunday: CLOSED 14 - The Westfield Warbler

Are you inspired to take action in your area to help reduce sugar over consumption? Join SUGAR SMART and get the resources you need to make a difference in your community.

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HERITAGE TRAIL The idea for a Heritage Trail in Westfield came out of the Neighbourhood Plan. Joan Pack on the Working Group led the exploration of Westfield’s fascinating heritage, and the vision of capturing all this information in a Trail was born. Given the wealth of history in this area the Trail soon expanded into three separate routes, to cover the whole of Westfield and a range of walking abilities. Information boards along the way give glimpses of life in days gone by, from Roman times, right up to the Second World War. The first trail is called ‘Pit Stops,’ a 1.5 mile walk, taking about half an hour and including a number of cafes and play areas on the way – perfect for families with pushchairs.

This year, for the first time, Westfield is part of the BANES Walking Festival on the weekend of 16th and 17th September. Chair of Westfield Parish Council, Cllr Geoff Fuller is leading a walk along the ‘Waterside Valley Route’ on the 16th September. Cllr Fuller said, “This was a childhood playground for all the children of Westfield. Damming the river, swimming by the waterfall and playing in and around the batch area through the valley. An exciting time in our lives.” If you would like to join him on the Waterside Valley walk please see www.tryactive.org/ group_activity/somervalleywalkingfestival or www.facebook.com/somervalleywalking/ for more details.

And why not find out more about our local history and take in our beautiful scenery by following some of these trails yourself? One of the information boards is printed in the centre pages of this Warbler – all routes are circular, so join at your nearest point and we really hope you enjoy it.

Then there is the ‘Miners’ Trail’ which is 2.95 miles and takes about an hour and a half. It takes you around the fascinating history of the collieries with information about the Wellsway and Norton Hill pit disasters, the pit pony stables, engine winding house and a glimpse of what life might have been like in the days of the Somerset coalfields. Finally the ‘Waterside Valley walk’ is some 4.5 miles long and takes about 2 hours, some of the views on this walk are truly breathtaking. Follow the footsteps of the miners who used part of this route to reach the pool, Radstock town hall and market place. The Second World War Pill boxes can be seen en route and this Heritage Trail goes on to take you almost all the way around the boundary of Westfield. The Westfield Warbler - 15

Westfield Heritage Trail Waterside Valley Board

Fishponds Pool

View of South Hill and Waterfall

Significant Steps:

Walking along Snail’s Bottom valley, one of the steepest slopes in the area, you can find a Bronze Age barrow, earthworks and Iron Age ditches and pits, four water old ‘Fishponds’ at Snail’s Brook, ancient woodland (Grove Wood), a spoil tip, and plenty of wildlife. By walking this section you are following in the footsteps of mine followed the valley to reach the pool, town hall and marketplace.

Radstock’s Fishponds were originally made to provide a head of water to operate the waterwheel at Manor Farm. The pool itself is 6ft deep at the weir end, sloping deep at the inlet. Snail’s Brook rises at Stratton-on-the-Fosse and flows to Radstock through this picturesque twisting and turning valley. In the late 1800’s the Fishp became a local attraction for families, miners and professional swimmers. Radstock Urban District Council took over the Fishponds in the early 1900’s providing cha rooms, a spring diving board and a life guard, closing it due to health and safety regulations. Further upstream is a redbrick bridge with another waterfall which mad popular picnic spot. Keep an eye out for the Second World War pill boxes; you can see three along here, including one that has been transformed into a garden! The pill boxes are concrete bunkers that were built as part of the GHQ anti-tank defence line.

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Westfield Parish Council Established 2011









1. Short ‘Pit Stops’

1.5 miles

30 mins

2. Medium 2.95 miles ‘Miners’ Trail’

1.5 hours

3. Long 4.5 miles ‘Waterside Valley’

2 hours

Walks 2 & 3 require sturdy footwear due to uneven ground. Fields waterlogged in wet weather Trail Boards A permanent record of the Somerset Coalfield can be found in the museum where they pay tribute to the miners who gave this community its industrial heritage and special character Pill Boxes © Crown Copyright 2016 OS 100057816EUL You are permitted to use this data solely to enable you to respond to, or interact with, the organisation that provided you with the data. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form.

WHAT’S ON August 12th Cream teas Afternoon 3 to 5pm. St Peter’s Church 16th Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11 am at Midsomer Norton Library. Free

8th Coffee and chat at Trinity Methodist Church Tea and coffee will be served and if you need transport to the event then let us know and we can arrange that. Come along to meet people, let us know what you think of the group and help us to make it grow and serve those that would get something from it. 2 - 4pm

8th Race Night at Mardons Social Club, Spinal Muscular Atrophy fundraiser - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours only).

19th Music at Mardons, classics from the Dale Fender Band - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours only).

11th Environment & Development Committee meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

25th Quiz Night at Mardons Social Club, in aid of 1st Radstock Scouts - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours only).


13th Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11 am at Midsomer Norton Library. Free

1st Coffee Morning at Trinity Methodist Church,

16th Live at Mardons Social Club, Purple Fish, classic rock tribute band - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761


412137 (during club hours only).

8 - 10am, Come along for a chat and a cuppa. Catch up with friends and meet new ones. Bring along your knitting, sewing etc and join us for coffee and a chat while you enjoy your craft, or learn new ones. You might catch Musicians South West doing some pieces on some of the dates

2nd Live at Mardons Social Club, party band The Stiff Upper Lips - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours only).

3rd Inflatable Picnic in the park, 12-4PM, One off charge of £5 per person, Gives unlimited play on Inflatables Why not bring a picnic and make a family afternoon of it. Westhill Recreation Ground, Westhill Rd.

19th Science in Radstock Talk at Radstock Working Mens Club, 7.30pm. Current research into light emitting diodes. By Duncan Allsop, Reader in Electronic Engineering University of Bath. All funds raised go to Radstock Museum.

20th Finance & Personnel Committee meeting, 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

22nd Quiz Night at Mardons, in aid of the RUH Cancer Care Centre - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours only).

23rd Live at Mardons Social Club, Crawlin Kingsnakes, rockabilly and rock n roll - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours only).

4th Parish Council meeting, 7pm at the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobbler’s Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

30th Rip it Up + DJ Rockin Ronnie at Radstock Working Mens Club. Tickets £5 in advance or £7 on the

7th Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 11 am at

door, contact Marc on 01761 417890 or facebook page

Radstock Library. Free

‘somer valley rock ‘n’ roll club’.

18 - The Westfield Warbler



1st Harvest Festival Service at 11am followed by lunch

2nd Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 11 am at

in the hall. St Peter’s Church

Radstock Library. Free

2nd Parish Council Meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

5th Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 11 am at Radstock Library. Free

6th Parish Council Meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

8th Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11 am at Midsomer Norton Library. Free

7th Live at Mardons Social Club, covers band, Panama From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours

11th The Discoveries at Radstock Working Mens


Club. Tickets £5 in advance or £7 on the door, contact Marc on 01761 417890 or facebook page ‘somer valley rock ‘n’

9th Environment & Development Committee

roll club’.

meeting in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

11th Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under- 3s. 10.30-11 am at Midsomer Norton Library. Free

13th Environment & Development Committee meeting in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

14th Westfield Ladies Choir concert, 7:30pm at St Peters Church 14th Live at Mardons Social Club, party band, For the Record

17th Science in Radstock Talk at Radstock Working Mens Club, 7.30pm. Exploring Giant Waves in the Atmosphere over the Mountains of the Andes, Antarctica and the Islands of the Southern Ocean. By Professor Nick Mitchell, University of Bath. All funds raised go to Radstock Museum.







18th Finance & Personnel Committee meeting, 7pm in the Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

23rd Meet at Radstock Miners’ Wheel. Annual Family Fossil Hunt. Details www.radstockmuseum.co.uk nearer the time

28th Halloween Night Party at Mardons Social Club with Limited Edition - From 7.30 pm. Telephone: 01761 412137 (during club hours only).

Fosseway Press email: fossewaypress@btconnect.com

7 Frome Road Radstock BA3 3PT

Tel: 01761 431919 www.fossewaypress.com

The Westfield Warbler - 19

Community Challenge B&NES Community Challenges are mainly offered as a whole day activity to B&NES staff, councillors and other organisations to help make a difference to a community project. In previous years this has included painting a play area or community space or helping with community meal as examples, but the list is endless.

The Community Challenges are organised in partnership with the Volunteer Centre and involve other organisations and local businesses who take part on the day.

The Challenges took place in June this year and Westfield Allotments was one of the 20 community projects selected by B&NES. A team of seven from B&NES Customer Services signed up to the challenge and undertook the painting of the shed and the raised beds. Community Engagement Officer Alison Wells said, “We had a great time and what a beautiful day for it! Thank you again for your welcome and hospitality.”

20 - The Westfield Warbler

Fun open day at Westfield allotments Westfield Allotments and Garden Society was held an open day on July 16th to launch their gardening for children project. The WAGS have been working hard over the last 6 months developing raised beds and were excited to unveil them at the open day. The gardening project is designed for children of all ages to introduce them to growing their own vegetables and to learn about healthy eating. They can leave their phones and computers at home and experience some good old fashioned fresh air instead! There was a bouncy castle, BBQ and lots of stalls to be enjoyed by Westfield residents and the event was very well attended. The Chair of BANES councillor Cherry Beath commemorated the opening by planting a tree. A lot of interest for the raised beds was generated from the open day however people can still apply and contact us via email at westfieldallotments@ hotmail.co.uk.


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The Westfield Warbler - 21

WESTFIELD FUN DAY 2017 Showers of rain failed to dampen the spirits of hardy Westfield residents who turned out regardless to enjoy the sixth annual Westfield Fun Day. The day commenced with a minute’s silence, led by new Chair of B&NES Council, Cllr Cherry Beath, in memory of those that had lost their lives in the terrorist events of the previous week. Then well-known local butcher, Brian Mitchard opened the Fun Day with fond reminiscences of Westfield past and present. to enjoy, among other things, donkey rides, the teacups and the inflatable slide. The plant stalls were almost happy in the rain giving their displays a healthy glow! Luckington Carnival Club worked tirelessly at the BBQ and visitors were treated to tours of a working fire engine and Police van and got to talk to police and fire fighters.

Despite the inclement weather, entertainment continued in the show ring and visitors were treated to displays from Bathampton Morris Men, Sue Hill Dance, Des TKD Taekwondo and DWEAMAH Dance. The tombola did its usual

roaring trade as did the raffle where prizes included entry to Weston pier, At Bristol and Hayes Motor Museum and vouchers for local food outlets Whitstones and Domino’s Pizza. Children were not deterred from the side shows as they continued 22 - The Westfield Warbler

The only disappointment was the forced cancellation of Scruffs Dog Show due to a first aid incident as well as an almighty downpour which seemed to put off most of the dogs that had registered! But organisers are undeterred; Scruffs will most certainly return for its debut next year so Westfield dogs and beyond have a whole year to work on that trick, waggy tail and resemblance to their owner!

The Fun Day committee will start planning next year’s event in the autumn and would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to be involved in organising next year’s Fun Day.

Councillor Profile Eleanor Jackson In the 1960s Jesus was portrayed as ‘the man for others’ with the Church existing to serve others. My faith is not a hobby, but shapes my world view, and I am a member of Christians Together in Radstock and Westfield. I left university armed with three degrees in theology and convinced I should try to serve others. Forty years later I find myself a B&NES ward councillor and a Westfield Parish Council councillor. I love the job, even if it effectively means being on call all hours, and get great satisfaction solving problems. Even when it takes years. I love the depths of neighbourliness Radstock

and Westfield people show, and what we might call ‘community mindedness’. I worry about the lack of aspiration in some of our young people, and though pleased at what is being achieved in Westfield, would like a full youth service available to all. I find poverty and deprivation very unfair, not least its impact on the health of our residents. So I work hard on the health scrutiny panel. Hobbies? What is a hobby? My passion for gardening has become a personal campaign to improve allotments (I have two) and organising SW in Bloom entries.

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The Westfield Warbler - 23

Fix my Street

This report gets sent directly to B&NES Council Connect for them to pass to the relevant department for action.

B&NES have put a new process in for reporting issues you may find in the parish, for example if you see lights not working or litter not being cleared. This is called ‘Fix my Street’ and all you have to do now is go online to fixmystreet.com, find the street you are raising the issue about and report it – simple!

Each of the issues raised in the area is on the map so you can see whether it has been reported before and see other items raised in the parish. If you are not happy with doing this online, you can still call Council Connect on 01225 394041, or report it to Westfield Parish Council on 01761 410669 and we will report it for you.



.com 24 - The Westfield Warbler


Mardons host numerous Charity Events Mardons Social Club continues to thrive, having recently celebrated at the second anniversary of moving into the new premises. So far this year, the club has played host to a number of charity events and has already raised thousands thanks to the generosity of their members and guests. The recent night in aid of the RUH Cancer Care Centre, ‘Ted’s Big Band Night Out’ was a great success. Locals Becky Brooks and Karen Burge worked with the club to put on the event as part of their Peru trek fundraising and the pair are returning to the club for ‘Ted’s Big Quiz’ on Friday, 22nd September. Popular quizmaster, Glyn Young, is setting the questions and hosting the night. Teams of 4-6 people are welcome, entry is £2.50 per person.

This is to raise money for disabled facilities (showers and toilets) so that they are able to welcome all people to scouts regardless of their abilities/disabilities. Currently, a young lad who comes to scouts, finds it difficult to stay for sleepovers and overnight activities at the scout hall. Andrew’s boys are putting their £2 each towards posters and supplies to run the quiz night, so please go along and show them your support. Keep up to date with all that’s happening at Mardons, check them out on Facebook: Facebook.com/mardonsclub or on their website: www.mardonsclub.co.uk

On Friday, 25th August, club member, Andrew Mobbs is organising a Quiz in aid or 1st Radstock Scouts. As a fundraiser, each beaver, cub and scout from 1st radstock scouts has been given £2 to turn into a profit over the summer, be it from a bake sale, car wash or any other fund raising activity.

Running Club Westfield TT running groups are going from strength to strength with all the running groups and celebrating with our new team colours. Tuesdays meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield at 7pm beginners group. Wednesday from outside St Benedicts school Westfield at 7pm. Lower mileage running group, Intermediate running group and an advanced running group.

Thursday 7-30pm.5 mile gentle pace runners. Friday 7pm. From outside St Benedicts school Westfield - intermediate and advanced trail running. Saturday meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield at 7-30am hill reps on Ebbor gorge Priddy. Sunday 9am meeting outside St Benedicts school Westfield for local trail run. The Westfield Warbler - 25

Westfield Ladies Choir News August 2017 We have had a number of changes this year. Geoff Miles, our musical director, retired at Easter, and Ruth Horler has taken over from him, with Jenny Liddle as our pianist Our first performance with Ruth and Jenny at the helm was at the Fosse Way school in March for National Sing Up Day. After singing a few songs from our repertoire, the children joined in for a spirited rendition of “He’s got the whole world in his hands”, with actions. A very good time was had by all. Since then we have sung for Chilcompton Golden Hour and Pensford Evergreens and both concerts were very well received. One of the aims of the choir is to support local charities and organisations, and to this end we shall be holding a concert in St Peter’s, Westfield

on the evening of October 14th. We have decided to do this to raise funds for Dorothy House, in memory of one of our members who recently spent some time there before losing her life to cancer. The evening will include a mixed program of music, from the choir and friends. We are always happy to welcome new members (no auditions) – our rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at St Peter’s church Hall from 7:15 to 9:00pm. If you would like more information regarding the concert, or joining us, or maybe you would like to book us to sing for your organisation/ group, please contact Lesley Schofield on 01761 419540.

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History of Stars in Westfield their Cars Exhibition A group of local people have been working tirelessly on a History of Westfield Exhibition at the Radstock Museum which, at the time of writing this, is scheduled for 18th September until 28th November. Well worth a visit, this exhibition will cover the Roman Road, the Mining Heritage, the churches and prime buildings in the parish together with the industry and employment which have been features of the Parish in more recent years. Look out for articles in the local papers or contact the Parish Council for more information.

Swan Transport’s dedicated and award winning team of volunteer drivers are truly ‘Stars in their Cars’. Between January and June 2017 our drivers have provided 2,330 journeys getting people out and about to activities and appointments directly combating social isolation and improving health and wellbeing for people in towns and rural areas. Our drivers support those within the B&NES area who are older, frail or disabled and on a low income, by taking them to health appointments and social activities enabling individuals to have their transport needs met. We receive lots of positive comments about our drivers, including how our passengers really appreciate being able to get out and about, especially if they find it difficult to use the bus or are not on a bus route. We always welcome enquires from individuals and voluntary groups needing transport. We can signpost and refer people to other transport providers if we are not the best service to meet their need. We are also keen to hear from people who would like to drive with us and join our team of ‘Stars in their cars’. Please ring us on 01761 439548 or email swan.transport@btconnect.com

If you look after someone, who looks after you? The Carers’ Centre provides free advice, support and breaks for people who care for family or friends. If you’re looking after someone who is ill, disabled or frail, we’re here for you. Call weekdays 10am —1pm on 0800 0388 885 for advice, or visit banescarerscentre.org.uk

One of our drivers Carol Curtis is organising a charity fashion show to be held at M&Co in Midsomer Norton on Thursday 21st September at 7.00p.m. To raise funds for SWAN Transport. There will be refreshments and a raffle on the night and 10% discount on M&Co clothing which will last for a week. If anyone would like to donate a raffle prize we would be very grateful. Tickets for the show are £7.00 and can be purchased in advance from SWAN please contact us by phone on 01761 439548 or email swan.transport@btconnect.com.

The Westfield Warbler - 27

Mayor supports ‘Fantastic Futures’ for young people at Westfield School West of England Mayor Tim Bowles visited Westfield Primary School in the Somer Valley as part of its ‘Fantastic Futures’ week (July 10 – 14). Fantastic Futures has been developed by the school to raise the aspirations of its pupils and give them the best possible opportunities for their future lives. During the week a number of professionals went to talk to the children about their work, with hands-on opportunities putting core learning such as literacy and maths into real-life contexts. Mangorolla ran a session called ‘I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here’, and there was also sessions with Wessex Water; GKN; KeepMoat Regen; BT; Theatre Royal, Bath; CFH; Bath College; Bath Spa University; University of Bath; University of the West of England, and Norton Hill School. Tim Bowles said: “This really is a fantastic initiative, and something that will make a tangible difference to the lives of these young people. “I’m passionate that we take a positive message to the next generation about the great career opportunities that exist in the region. We have a

diverse range of exciting and fulfilling jobs across many different industries, with dynamic new businesses choosing the West of England as their home. We must plan ahead, working in this way with schools, colleges and businesses large and small, not only to ensure that our residents have the skills employers needs today, but that we’re planning for the skills they will need in 10 or 20 years.” Simon Mills, head teacher, said: “Research has shown that primary school children often have fixed and narrow ideas about careers. Children start to rule career options in and out at an early age and girls hold stereotypical views about male and female careers by the age of 7. “By introducing children to successful professionals working in different roles and industries, we aim to broaden their horizons, increase awareness of the opportunities open to them and boost their confidence.” The school will carry out a survey of pupil’s career choices before and after the week place to show impact and help inform future activities.


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28 - The Westfield Warbler


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WALK WITH GEOFF We all went for a long walk with Geoff who is a council man. We walked up lots of hills and walked down hills. We walked in really long grass which we found out was a crop called wheat. We walked up steps and walked down them. We found out that we were on an old miners’ track that the miners walked across to get to work and back. All of us walked into a muddy, dirty forest where there was a river under the ground. Many years ago, St Nicholas School had to close because they were worried that all the water from the river might make the batch collapse.

We crossed the boundary between Radstock and Westfield. When we arrived back at school, lots of parents were at the gate. After that, we had an ice lolly. We had a great time. Thank you Geoff. By Chardonnay Meggatt and Chloe Porter from Westfield Primary School.

Norton Radstock chess club Do you run a club or association based in Westfield? Have any events you want to share? Tell us about yourself at julie@ignyte-uk.co.uk

Last season we enjoyed a good result in the Somerset disconnect two with our first team winning two matches and drawing one out of six in all. Our second team in division three struggled to win any matches but we hope for better results this season. The Frome chess congress in May brought a great result for our top board Andy Gregory. He won the Open tournament and so qualified to play in the British chess championship held in July /August. We wish him good luck in this. We are a friendly chess club welcoming anyone who plays chess or wants to learn. We run two teams in the Somerset leagues and have our on going club championship during the season from September to April. We also hold a quick play tournament near to Christmas. We will be starting again on the last Thursday in September at 7.30 pm in St. Peter’s church hall, Westfield. The Westfield Warbler - 29


Parish Clerk The Westfield Front Garden Competition is going from strength to strength, with a record number of entries this year and extremely high standards, presenting a very difficult job for the judges. Well done to all who take part, bright and vibrant front gardens cheer us all up. Have you come across the website and app ‘Fix My Street’? If not, then it is well worth a look www.fixmystreet.com It is a quick and easy way to accurately report a problem. You just enter a street name or postcode, locate the problem on a map, describe the problem and if you like you can send a photo as well. Then Fix My Street sends the report directly to Bath and North East Somerset Council and logs it on the map for you. You can look at the map at any time and see what other problems

have been reported to the Council. Here at the Parish Council we have started to report problems to BANES in this way, simply because it means that everyone can see what has been reported and it just helps communication with residents. So next time you see a pothole or an overgrown footpath, why not report it via Fix My Street. I hope you have been enjoying the flower display in Westfield this year. A new local person has taken on this task and at the time of writing the flowers are looking good. New automatic watering devices should help to ensure that the problems we have encountered in previous years are overcome. Thank you to all who completed the Neighbourhood Plan Options Consultation recently. It was a long document, but well worth the time in feeding back your thoughts, and will shape the future of Westfield.

Lesley Welch Parish Clerk


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Your Parish


Cllr Andrew Butcher 07814 530 723 abwpc10@gmail.com

Cllr Diana Cooper 01761 415155 dianacooper18@btinternet.com

Cllr Kevin Docherty 07826 170147 kevindocherty1966

Cllr Lesley Mansell 07980 695117 cllrlesleyamansell@yahoo.co.uk

Cllr Ron Hopkins 01761 435852 sueron1@sky.com

Cllr Geoff Fuller 01761 439198 / 07540 998603 geoffrey.fuller@outlook.com

Cllr Eleanor Jackson 01761 438968 eleanor_jackson@bathnes.gov.uk

Cllr James Honess jameshoness@hotmail.co.uk

Cllr Bryan Wallbridge Vice Chair 07974 939776 westfield.wallbridge@gmail.com

Cllr Phil Wilkinson 01761 431355 / 07803 927626 philipdwilkinson@btinternet.com

Cllr Pat Williams 01761 432630 patwilliams21@talktalk.net

The Oval Office, Cobblers Way St Peters Business Park, Westfield BA3 3BX Telephone: 01761 410669 Email: council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk @westfield_pc Westfield Parish Council The Parish Council is open from Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4.30pm. Due to the small number of part time staff it is advisable to telephone before visiting. The Parish Council is accessible for the public, with a lift to the first floor office. The Westfield Warbler - 31

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