Westfield Warbler Spring 2018

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Produced for Westfield Parish Council

Westfield Parish Council

2 - The Westfield Warbler

Message from Contents the Chairman As this edition is distributed in February, it seems a bit late to be wishing you a Happy New Year, but I will anyway, as it is the first edition of 2018. 2017 was a good year for Westfield, with the regular events of the Fun Day and Christmas lights switch on taking place, the Neighbourhood Plan being almost completed, after an enormous amount of work, and three new Heritage Walks being created. The parish has two new defibrillators – one has been installed at Mardons and the other is to be put outside the Fire Station. This gives the people of Westfield more assurance that there is help where needed. Many community organisations have benefited from grants offered by the Parish Council and I have further donated the Chair’s allowance to a few organisations to enable them to continue providing the support that is so much needed by various parts of the community. If you have a community group that would have a use for some extra funding why don’t you keep an eye out for the next round of grant giving later this year? Although it seems a long time off, the Fun Day on 3rd June will soon be upon us. This event is growing year by year and we are led to believe that there will be some new attractions this year, so watch this space! The small number of people that help to put this event together would really appreciate some help, so if you have any spare time at all – however much time you are prepared to give is up to you and would be more than welcome – then please contact Cllr Phil Wilkinson. There is an article later in this edition with his contact details. This year we have created an award for an ‘Inspirational Citizen of Westfield’. As we often have residents of Westfield putting a lot of effort into improving their environment we thought it would be a way of thanking them. In order to do this, we need you to nominate someone that you think deserves to be recognised for their contribution. The award will be presented at the Annual Parish meeting, which will be held on Monday 23rd April, starting at 7pm. This meeting is an opportunity for all residents to find out about what the Council is working on in Westfield, and to have the chance to make any points that they think should be considered by the Council. We look forward to seeing as many people there as possible.

Cllr Geoff Fuller Chair of Westfield Parish Council


Meet the grant recipient


A plan for Westfield


Defib at Mardons


Dragons’ Den is here

10-11 Developments for Fun Day 13

Spending in Westfield

16-17 Inspirational Citizen Award 18

New VR experience comes

to Radstock

22-23 Whats On 25

Appreciation goes to....


Spring into boules


Your Parish Council

The next edition of The Westfield Warbler will be in May. If you would like your group to be included, please contact us on 01761 410141 before the deadline of the 1st May. You can view The Westfield Warbler on the Council’s website at www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk The Westfield Warbler is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, G5 Second Ave, Westfield Industrial Estate, Westfield, Radstock, BA3 4BH. Tel 01761 410141. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher or it’s editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte Media and Westfield Parish Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

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Westfield involvement in It’s Your Neighbourhood Award in November 2016. The group also achieved ‘Outstanding’ in two categories in 2017. Westfield Primary School achieved the standard of ‘Thriving’ in 2017 for their work on their school garden. Any group that is working together to brighten up their local environment is welcome to apply to the RHS for recognition. The kind of thing that groups have done in the past are: • Restoring a churchyard The Royal Horticultural Society’s It’s Your Neighbourhood campaign is part of the wider Britain in Bloom initiative, providing an opportunity for smaller community groups to get involved. RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood is a unique scheme for volunteer led community gardening projects/ groups who are focused on improving their local environment through community gardening. They can be working in their local street, estate where they live or a back alley they share with their neighbours. Almost any outdoor site being looked after by the local community qualifies for this scheme. RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood is an inclusive, non-competitive scheme, a group can be made up of any number of community volunteers. The picture is of members of Westfield Allotment Group receiving their award from Cllr Geoff Fuller

• Converting a derelict area into a useable green space • Improving and maintaining the green spaces on a residential estate • Transforming a residential back alley into a community garden (often reducing incidents of anti-social behaviour in the process) • Encouraging residents to spruce up their front gardens, running window tub or hanging basket workshops or providing free plants to get people started Westfield’s community spirit is very much on the increase and any project would add to that real sense of identity in the wider region of the Somer Valley. To find out more, visit their website at https://www.rhs.org.uk/communities/ campaigns/it-s-your-neighbourhood/getinvolved

Lighting Up Westfield Residents responded magnificently to the Westfield Christmas Lights display by lighting up their own homes last Christmas. Apart from the display along the A367, extended in 2016, and the trees and living Christmas tree at Elm Tree Avenue, people lit up their properties with plenty of bright, colourful designs. The range of lights was so outstanding and the feedback so good, that the Parish Council would like to start an award next Christmas for the best lit home. 4 - The Westfield Warbler

Chair of the Council, Cllr Geoff Fuller said, “when we see our neighbourhood lit up during these dark evenings it really adds to the Christmas cheer. Thank you everyone for being so public spirited, the lights were amazing in Westfield this year”. So watch this space in the autumn edition of the Warbler for more information and maybe start thinking about how you could be part of the show next Christmas.

Meet the Grant Recipient Name of recipient Teddy Bear Nursery, based on the Nightingale Estate in Westfield. What is the main purpose of your organisation? The nursery was established in 1973 to provide pre-school care for children in and around Westfield. We care for children aged 3-4, helping them to develop and grow and prepare for school. In 2015 we moved from St Peter’s Church hall to the newly built Mardons community building next to Mardons Social Club. We love our new purposebuilt home with easy access to the kitchen, office and outside area. How was the grant from Westfield Parish Council used? We are lucky to have received a number of grants from the Parish Council over the years. This year we used a grant for the purchase and installation of artificial grass outside and last year we used the grant towards a canopy for our outside area. Both of these purchases enhance the experience of the children by enabling them to play outside in all weathers and mean that the area remains easy to maintain. Were there any extras for which you had to find funds or did the grant cover the whole project? The grant covered half the price of the canopy and

we funded the rest. The grant for the artificial grass covered the whole cost. What are the main benefits you have seen as a result of the grant funding? In the past few years since we moved into our new home, grants from Westfield Parish Council have helped us to purchase outside play equipment (musical outside activity centre, a new water play tray and two scooters), chairs for the children, a canopy to make provision for an outside classroom and the artificial grass. All these have helped us to enhance the new facility and give the children an even better experience while they are with us. How did you find the process of applying for a grant? Was it easy, did it take much time? The process of applying is really easy and it didn’t take very long. What are your organisation’s plans for the future and how important is grant funding in those plans? The grant funding has been so important to our future plans. We don’t run to make a huge profit, so the grants have enabled us to do lots of things that we wouldn’t have been able to do. We are so grateful to Westfield Parish Council.

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A Plan For Westfield We have looked at the progress that has been made towards the Westfield Neighbourhood Plan on several occasions in the Warbler before, and it has been a tremendously demanding process‌. But something so important needs to have time spent on it to ensure it truly represents what we want for our children, our jobs, our houses, and the spirit of community for which Westfield has become known. Well, the time has been spent, and the process has been followed to the letter, and the Plan has been submitted to B&NES in what is known as a Pre-Submission Draft which enables B&NES officers to examine it in detail. Not to change the content or intent of the decisions the community have reached in preparing it, but to make sure it 6 - The Westfield Warbler

dovetails exactly into the other processes and plans that rule our local governance, such as the new Joint Spatial Plan and other regional development proposals. The Plan will then be submitted to an independent examiner for comment and observations before final submission for local referendum. At that time we can all read the content and vote to accept the Plan for adoption as an important and mandatory part of the B&NES planning and communities process, ensuring our views and wishes are inexorably linked with into the planning process. We’ll keep you informed of progress and of course the date of the referendum, but be assured this long and complex process is a great investment in our community’s future.

Defibrillator goes live at Mardons Club

Many thanks to Mardons Club for undertaking the weekly checks of the equipment, which are vital to keep it in use in the community. This is just another fine example of the community spirit which is so important to the residents of Westfield.

Commitment to the local community has been shown by Mardons Club in working with Westfield Parish Council on the installation and maintenance of a new defibrillator. Located just outside the front door, the defibrillator is kept in a secure metal cabinet and the emergency services will ensure people have the access code in the event of an emergency. Chair of the Council, Cllr Geoff Fuller said, “the Parish Council is committed to installing defibrillators at regular points throughout the parish. Our first defibrillator, located at the local shops at the top of Elm Tree Avenue, was donated to the local community by Waterside Carnival Club in June 2013. Our second defibrillator has just been installed at Mardons Club and it is an important asset to those living around Nightingale Way. The third defibrillator in the Parish is to be installed shortly at the Fire Station on Wells Road. We know how valuable this equipment is in saving lives and having three across the parish will be fantastic.â€?

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Pictured are Hunnie Swift, Ben Wright, Poppy Davies from Westfield Primary and William Collins and Isaac Taylor from Fosse Way

Children’s joy at Christmas festivities The annual switching on of the Christmas lights in Westfield was a resounding success with children from the two local schools

doing the honours and powering up the festive displays. The star at the top of the tree, donated by the Big Local, finished off the display this year. Huge thanks must go to all those who contributed to the event by giving their time, either to speak, serve coffee, play the parts of Santa and his helper or make sure the lights came on and that the sound systems worked. The Westfield Ladies Choir, together with Westfield Primary school choir led the singing, accompanied by the ever supporting Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band.

Learn English Folk Dance Come and learn the dances Jane Austen danced and wrote about ! The dances you picture in the Pump Rooms in Bath or the grand halls of the mansion houses of the gentry!

was also a pastime of humbler village folk and maybe took place on village greens or in barns with just a sole musician on his (or her) fiddle or pipe. All of these can and do feature in our programme of dancing!

Fortunately nowadays, ladies, we do not need to dress up in beautiful gowns, wear lace gloves right up to our elbows, sport fancy hair-dos......... unless you want to of course! All you need on a Thursday afternoon in Westfield is a comfortable pair of shoes!! Men in the grand halls used to wear frilly shirts with velvet waistcoats,and pointy shoes with buckles .......sadly, no more........again unless you want to of course!

On Thursdays the dances are carefully taught, walked through as much as we need before we dance to the music.

We have a wonderful heritage of dances and the music which accompanies them which can be traced back to the 17th century and even earlier. Dancing 8 - The Westfield Warbler

Come along and give it a try! No age limits........ people in their 80s and 90s still enjoy it.... but not with zimmer frames!! Many people make new friends through dancing. Dancing will be fortnightly from January 25th. Thursday afternoons, 2pm till 4pm St.Peter’s Hall, Westfield. Any enquiries, ring 01761 411309.

Dragons’ Den 6 is here Dragons’ Den 6 will take place on Friday the 20th April 2018 in Victoria Hall. 4pm to 7pm. Free buffet! Tons of fun for all the family! Residents and organisations are invited to take part to win up to £500 to make good things happen in our community. We are very happy to help you to prepare your idea and advise on other ways to raise funds and increase your impact - please get in touch. Our Dragons’ Den is designed to enable individuals and organisations to receive money to carry out projects that you believe will benefit and improve the communities of Radstock and Westfield, which include Writhlington, Clandown, Tyning and Haydon. Importantly, it’s the residents themselves who will decide which projects are their priorities. We believe that from small acorns, grand oak trees will grow, creating opportunities to inspire, engage, stimulate and entertain local residents - 50 projects have already been supported! Calling Westfield Community Organisations Following a partnering with the popular and local radio station Somer Valley FM, we have a unique opportunity to offer 10 hours of media training for a group of up to four people from your organisation. This could include: • Project and task management - working to time deadlines • Verbal communication skills, using a microphone, interview skills, creating a script, editing skills • Production skills, editorial decision skills, production planning and techniques.







Radstock Museum have recently completed the training and are now hosting a weekly radio programme showcasing what the museum has to offer. We believe this is a great way to share your good news stories and also learn some transferable skills! Please let us know if you would like to take up this opportunity so we can arrange the first session: info@radstockwestfield.org.uk or tel: Sarah on 07845 756 700

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The Westfield Warbler - 9

Exciting Developments For Fun Day In Westfield The 6th Annual Fun day will take place on Sunday June 3rd at Westhill Recreation Ground. Last year we were lucky enough to see demonstrations from Bathampton Morris men, Susan Hill School of Dance and DWEAMAH dance group as well as Tae Kwondo displays and everyone was welcomed by the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band playing us in for the day. There were the usual multitude of stalls and static displays of vintage cars and motorcycles. This year is going to be bigger and better than ever before, with several fabulous new attractions – watch this space for more information - and, of course, Scruffs Dog Show, looking for the best pooch in Westfield. A trusty band of volunteers have worked tirelessly for the last 5 years and put on a tremendous show – even with the bad weather that we had last year 10 - The Westfield Warbler

for the first time. Our appeal goes out to anyone who might be able to give this friendly team a helping hand this year. It doesn’t take too much of your time – just as much as you are able to give. If you would like to get involved, the meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of the month, 7pm at Westhill Club. If you have any fresh ideas, if you just want to help out on the day, or if you are interested to see what is planned and are prepared to offer your time to get that item set up then please get in touch with the Parish Council on 01761 410669, or email council@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk. Alternatively

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Photo of Norwest bowlers at the 2017 County Presentation where our very own Aaron Delamont picked up the County Unbadged Champions Trophy. Photo: L to R: Clayton Rich, Jamie (Aaron’s son), Aaron, Mark Kite and Eric Collins

Norwest Bowls Club I don’t know about you but my exercise gene is sadly missing. I never was one to see the fun in running around after a ball, especially when it was followed by a rather lethal looking hockey stick. I choose a more gentle, less energetic game, one where there are no sticks, rackets or bats are involved and I certainly don’t run. So what is my sport and what do I get out of it? It’s Lawn bowls and yes, I can hear all the rude comments already and no you don’t have to be ancient to do it, although I admit lots of us are getting on a bit. I get fresh air, gentle exercise, lots of fun and loads of new friends. Another good thing about Bowls is that you can choose how seriously you want to take it. Me, I do it just for fun! 12 - The Westfield Warbler

So what about you? Doesn’t matter whether you’re 9 or 90, a bit of exercise never goes amiss and at Norwest you’d be very welcome to pop along and have a go. Our 2018 season will start on April 16th and during that week we will be holding some open days when we’d love anyone remotely interested to come along for a chat and to maybe try it out. We have bowls which you can borrow so all you need are flat shoes. If you’d like further information you can visit our website: www.norwestbowlsclub.co.uk or give me a ring on 01761479310 and as an added bonus: if you decide you’d like to join us your first year’s membership is free. So you’ve absolutely nothing to lose and maybe a whole lot to gain.

Spending in Westfield 2018/19 This year, Westfield Parish Council has introduced a small increase in its precept (a levy on residential properties in the area) which will amount to a £1.39 increase per annum on the 2017/18 rate for a Band D equivalent home. The increase in the total precept for Westfield is 1.13% from £181,953 to £184,000. The purpose of this leaflet is to set out the main areas of our work and to highlight where the public money is spent within the Parish Council. Why are we increasing the Band D Equivalent this year? Westfield Parish Council carefully monitors its expenditure and management costs, and this has enabled us to create healthy reserves which, together with good long term investments, have enabled us to ensure we foster a spirit of community in which residents can be justifiably proud. However, changes in central government devolved funding to Local Authorities has led to severe reductions in B&NES’, our Local Authority’s, income and this in turn is reflected in their ability to support parish level activities. This tough financial outlook has required us to look closely at all aspects of our plans, and to incorporate funding for fundamental issues such as youth support, street scene maintenance etc. and some difficult decisions have needed to be made. These costs will continue to need to be reviewed over the next few years as the effects of the reduction in central government funding become more severe.

However, despite this, the increase in our precept this year is still well below the nationally published rate of inflation and we hope that residents will understand the Parish Council’s decision to impose a small increase of 1.41% for 2018/19. What services does the Parish Council offer? • The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications and provides a local voice on highways and environmental matters. • It is working towards a Neighbourhood Plan for Westfield, which, once approved by referendum this year, will direct future developments in the Parish. • The Parish Council manages sports and leisure facilities at Norton Hill Recreation Ground and Westhill Recreation Ground. • These facilities offer football pitches, a tennis court, play areas, BMX track, table tennis, boules, basketball and bowling (with one rink open to non-bowling club members). • It encourages community spirit by funding events such as the Christmas Lights and the Switch-on event and the summer Fun Day. • It supports the parish environment by funding the hanging baskets and the planting schemes in the decorative pit trucks around the parish as well as the raised beds at Jubilee Green shops. • The Parish Council supports local organisations through grant funding. • The Parish Council provides and, in partnership with community organisations, maintains three public access defibrillators in the parish.

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How did the Parish Council perform in the last year? Throughout 2017 the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group worked hard to bring together the emerging Plan and to consult at the various stages. The group was delighted by the number of responses to the Options Consultation in June/July and following the pre-submission consultation in October/ November the Working Group is now working on final amendments before submitting the draft Plan for final consultation and examination. Following scrutiny by the independent inspector, residents can expect to be voting on approval of the Plan later this year. Another project undertaken by the Parish Council this year was the creation of the Westfield Heritage Walks. There are three routes around the Parish of varying lengths and there are four boards at different points on the route giving information about the Parish’s history. A downloadable flyer is available on the Parish Council website. The Parish once again enjoyed a (rather wet) Fun Day at Westhill Recreation Ground and the return of the Fun Fair to Norton Hill Recreation Ground. Volunteers to join the organisers of the 8th annual Fun Day on 3rd June 2018 are very welcome.

14 - The Westfield Warbler

We welcomed a new flowers contractor this year and were delighted with the beautiful, longlasting baskets and flower displays. The Parish Council decided to invest in new automatic watering systems to the various baskets and planted areas and this made the contract much more appealing. Meanwhile residents continued to present beautiful gardens for the annual Front Garden Competition in July which is kindly judged by horticulture specialists from Bath College and was won by two residents in Waterside Road. In addition a special award was given to the residents of Rowan Court collectively for a beautiful group of gardens. The Parish Council continued to support youth provision in the Parish and has seen B&NES’ Youth Connect service take the activities offered

in Westfield to a whole new level with young people having enjoyed first aid courses, cookery lessons, DJ workshops, rugby training and above all, a safe space to meet with other people of their own age. The Parish Council takes the safety and well-being of its residents seriously so the decision was taken this year to purchase a further two defibrillators for the Parish. The new defibrillators at Mardons Club and the Fire Station join the defibrillator at Westfield Pharmacy which has been used on numerous occasions. Finally, we rounded off 2017 with yet another enjoyable Christmas Lights switch-on event. A record number of residents joined Westfield Ladies Choir and the Silver Band singing carols, enjoying mulled wine and mince pies and seeing in the start of the festive season. What is new for 2018/19? Next year the Parish Council plans to work closely with B&NES and Curo to enhance the maintenance of the grass areas. This is an issue that is often reported to the Parish Council and it is hoped that by working together the Parish will look tidier and even more appealing in 2018. With the Neighbourhood Plan now approaching completion residents can expect a referendum

in 2018 to approve the Plan which will then become part of Planning Policy for the Parish. The Parish Council continues to fulfill an aspiration to provide more allotments in the Parish. Two sites are being considered and pursued and residents have been consulted. It is hoped that more volunteer snow wardens can be recruited to undertake gritting of public walkways in icy weather. On the subject of volunteers the Parish Council is launching its Inspirational Citizen Award which will be made an annual event to celebrate the unsung volunteer work going on in the Parish. Lastly, the Parish Council will continue to provide the now-popular annual events such as the Fun Day and Christmas Lights Switch-on and plans are underway to add to the festive lights so that the display of lights on lampposts stretch the length of the Parish for Christmas 2018. Your Parish Council is working to provide the best possible environment and services for the people of Westfield. We positively encourage your views and suggestions for the future of our Parish. Residents are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and you can view our 2018/19 budget at any time on our website.

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The Westfield Inspirational Citizen Award 2018 • Nominations can be made by any individual, of any age. • Nominations can be made for any individual, of any age, resident in Westfield. • The closing date for nominations is 26th March 2018. • The successful award winner will be decided by Westfield Parish Council. • Westfield Parish Council reserves the right to not make an Award, at its discretion. Whether it is gritting the pavements, watering the flower displays, helping at the allotment site or singing at the Christmas Lights Switch On, Westfield has a proud history of public spirited residents. To foster our community spirit, the Westfield Inspirational Citizen Award recognises the achievements of the extraordinary people who voluntarily and selflessly improve the lives of those around them. In giving the Award, we recognise that these people are an inspiration to us all. Do you know someone whose service to the community should be recognised? Someone whose voluntary work has made a difference in our parish? If so, please complete a straightforward one page nomination form, which can be downloaded at www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk or overleaf. Nomination forms should be received by 26th March 2018 and the Award will be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting on 23rd April 2018. Guidance notes • Nomination forms should be returned to the Parish Council at council@ westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk or The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield BA3 3BX. 16 - The Westfield Warbler

• The Award will be made at the Annual Parish Meeting on 23rd April 2018. • The award winner will receive a certificate. • The names of those receiving the Award will be recorded in an online roll of honour at www. westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk All personal information will only be used for the purposes of the administration of the Westfield Award. With the exception of the roll of honour which will be retained on line, all personal information will be destroyed at the conclusion of that year’s award.

The Westfield Inspirational Citizen Award 2018 Nomination form The Westfield Inspirational Citizen Award recognises the achievements of extraordinary people who voluntarily and selflessly improve the lives of those around them. Thank you for taking the time to nominate a resident of Westfield, but before you begin, please fill in your details so that we can contact you if we need further information: Your name:.................................................................... Your address:................................................................. Your phone number:................................................... Your email address:.....................................................

Nominee details Name:............................................................................. Address:.......................................................................... Phone number:............................................................. Email address:............................................................... How do you know of this person?......................... Please describe, in no more than 200 words, the contribution to the community made by this person, including the nature of their contribution, how long this has been for, and who has benefited.

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Plunge Deep Down Into The Radstock Coalmines With Museum’s New Virtual Reality Experience Have you ever wondered what it might have been like deep underground in the coalmines of Somerset? A new Virtual Reality (VR) attraction at Somerset Coalfield Life at Radstock Museum will take you on a ride down into the mines of Radstock and on a journey back in time through the mine tunnels in a brand new, unique and exciting experience. Take your seat for the fully 3 dimensional trip, pop on the lightweight headset, which fits comfortably over glasses, you will find yourself in the cage (the lift) which took the miners down underground and then your descent begins…….! You are now in the role of a miner clunking and bumping down the mineshaft in the cage dropping at a rate of 60 feet per second, taking you deep underground. Once down at the pit bottom, you find yourself travelling in a coal truck along rails on the underground roadway. Turn your head to look all around you and see the pit pony stables and miners eating their meagre lunches. Pass by miners cutting away at the coalface with picks and make way for a pit pony as it comes towards you pulling its load of coal to the bottom of the shaft. A sudden rock fall in one of the coal seams off the roadway sends miners shouting and trying to escape with their lives and in another seam a group of miners has accidentally blasted through into an old, disused flooded mine tunnel and water rushes in leaving miners once again racing to escape. The VR ride is the ambitious work of two students: Georgina Hill and Barry Lewis from Bath College, Somer Valley Campus in collaboration with Radstock Museum. Georgina and Barry have developed and implemented the ride for the final project of their course, gaining them both 18 - The Westfield Warbler

a Foundation Degree in Applied Computing. The final project required the students to draw on all the computing skills they had acquired during the course as well as to demonstrate skills in areas such as project management and collaborating with a third party and client. Barry and Georgina discovered that they work so well as a team that they are already planning a new and improved 2nd generation of the ride where you the rider will be able to interact further by picking up implements and using them, plus more! They are both continuing to the full Bachelor Degree currently. Come and try our new ride available free to all visitors (weekends only) from February 10th 2018. www.radstockmuesum.co.uk

 

Providing positive activities, advice and support for young people who need it most

 

Cookery project, D.Jing, Time To Talk - mental health eion, alenne Day art an cra


Half Term – closed


Making pancake, bowling game, D.Jing, LGBT hitory awarene an informaon eening


Closed ue to taff training


Outreach aroun the Wethill area - eang iorer awarene informaon


Cookery project, elf-harm awarene week, D.Jing, making tre ball


Cookery project, rug an harm, anxiety an paranoia informaon eening, D.Jing, roa afety game


Eater Holiay - closed


Eater – trip week


Eater egg hunt, rug awarene, cookery project


lanning an conulng with young people


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8 The Street, Radstock, BA3 3PL The Westfield Warbler - 19

Somerset and Dorset Railway at Midsomer Norton Station begins another year More track laid by volunteers at Midsomer Norton Station has increased the length of running line by 50%. This means that visitors will soon be able to travel almost up to the Chilcompton tunnel by train. The next event in March will be an opportunity to ride behind a Jinty tank engine. • March 10th 11th Spring Gala with the Jinty 47406 giving train rides alongside our resident Sentinel steam loco Joyce 7109 • March 17th Real Ale train behind the Jinty – tickets available on the website or at the station • March 22nd Footplate course with the Jinty locomotive. See website for details • April 1st and 2nd Easter Bunny weekend • May 6th and 7th Celebrating Somerset weekend Volunteers are busy making sure that visitors have an all round experience when they visit the station. 20 - The Westfield Warbler

The station is open on Sundays and Mondays for volunteers to work but with the shop, buffet car, and Museum also open to the public. The Railway welcomes men and women of all ages from teens to eighties to join their volunteers, especially if they are local. Posing for our photo from the left are John and Tony and Kirsteen who work in the garden. Linda in the front is found in the gift and railwayana shop, Doug with the wheelbarrow is a gardener then at the back is Keith, a painter and carpenter, then Barry and Rich on the back right are helping to renovate the Midland coach in which they are standing. For more details about Midsomer Norton Station volunteers call 01761 411221, drop in on a Sunday or Monday or visit the website www.sdjr.co.uk


Monday 23rd April, commencing at 7pm Westfield Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Wells Road With presentation of the first

‘Inspirational Citizen Award’ Please come along and share your views about the Parish you live or work in. Refreshments available Westfield Parish Council The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield BA3 3BX www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk 01761 410669


17th Trinity Methodist Church, Westfield will be serving a Full English breakfast from 9.30am.

12th Environment & Development meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome

17th – Finger Buffet - live band. Mardons Social Club, from 7.30pm

21st Finance & Personnel meeting. 7pm in the


Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome

11.30-1.30pm. Trinity Methodist Church, Westfield

24th Tarantula - live band. Mardons Social Club, from 7.30pm

27th - Hotwells Howlers 7.30pm - An evening of foot-tapping traditional music. Free entry with ticket - early booking advised. Midsomer Norton Library

St Patrick’s Day Irish Stew lunch from

21st Finance & Personnel meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome

26th March DEADLINE for nominations to the Westfield Inspirational Citizen Award


30th Walk of Witness Our Good Friday Walk of

3rd Quiz Night, Teams of 4, 5 or 6. St Peter’s Church Westfield, Entry Fee £2.50 per person, this includes Light Refreshments. Tel: 433261 to book your table 7pm

Witness will start at Trinity Methodist Church,

3rd Roadhouse Roosters + DJ Rockin Ronnie.  Radstock Working Mens Club Radstock BA3 3PR. Start at 7.30.


Westfield and be followed by a light lunch in the church hall. Trinity Methodist Church, Westfield 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

1st Easter Sunday Communion Service 10am, St. Peter’s Church Westfield.

5th Parish Council Meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome 8th – 5 Years of The Tom Talks Show

3rd Parish Council Meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome

Featuring: Saint Loe, Wade Merrit, Joe Carreyett, Jack Moore, Georgia Mann & The Jenny Peplow Singers. Tickets: £10 adults, £8 students, £6 kids/Concessions Mardons Social Club, from 7.30pm

the Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office,

11th Mothering Sunday Service, 10am, St. Peter’s Church Westfield. All ladies present will receive a posy of flowers.

Boardroom, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield.

22 - The Westfield Warbler

9th Environment & Development meeting 7pm in Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome

18th Finance & Personnel meeting. 7pm in the Residents welcome

20th Dragons’ Den - Take part and earn up to £500 for your community group. From 4.30pm, Victoria Hall, Radstock 23rd Annual Parish Meeting at the Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Westfield starting at 7pm. All residents welcome

26th- Special Storytelling event. Evening event details to be confirmed (For more information call into the library or look at www.bathnes.gov.uk/ events ) Midsomer Norton Library


8th Parish Council Meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome

14th Environment & Development meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, Westfield Parish Council, Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents welcome

Regular events over the coming months Boules Every Tuesday from April 24th. Norton Hill Sports Ground - 6pm until dusk

Friday Club 2nd Friday of the month, 2-4pm Trinity Methodist Church, Westfield

Community Bus Every Tues in term time, 9:30 am – 11:30 am at Westhill Club Car Park

Westfield Ladies’ Choir Every Wednesday, 7:15 pm – 9:00 pm at St Peter’s Church

Messy Church Art Group Every Saturday, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm at Radstock Baptist Church

English Folk Dance Fortnightly Thurs from the 25th Jan, 2pm - 4pm at St Peter’s Church

Westfield TT Running Group Every Weds from 7pm, meets outside St Benedicts School. All abilities

Baby Bounce and Rhyme First Thursday of the month at Radstock Library. Sing along nursery rhymes for under 3’s, 11-11.30am.


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Radstock Folk Dance Club Every Friday, 8.00 pm to 10.00 pm at St Peter’s Church Hall

Coffee Morning 1st Friday from 10am-12 noon, Trinity Methodist Church, Westfield



Knit and Natter Every Tuesday, 2-4pm, Trinity Methodist Church, Westfield

The Westfield Warbler - 23

St Peter’s Church It is hard to imagine, that a year ago on the 30th Jan 2017 my wife and I came to Westfield, where I was then licenced as the new parish priest. It is true when they say that ‘time flies when you are enjoying yourself’. The last year has been one of great excitement as we have got to know a new area and a new church family and we have enjoyed meeting so many new people in the local community. Although this has been a time of change for us, it has also meant a few changes for St Peter’s church, especially the change in service time to 10am every Sunday, in a bid to help make our services more accessible. There is a more relaxed service, led by our music group, on the first Sunday of the month, whilst the other Sundays are Holy Communion.

Having spent our first Christmas here, we were very pleased to see so many new faces coming to the various Christmas services held at St Peters, in some cases even doubling our normal attendance. If this last year is anything to go by, we are looking forward to all that 2018 has in store. It would be great if you could join us as we enter this new chapter in the life of St Peter’s Church, Westfield. You can always be assured of a warm welcome. If you wish to find out more about St Peter’s or would like to enquire about a wedding or baptism – then please contact me at rev.ian.stpeters@gmail.com or via the St Peters Facebook page at http:// www.facebook.com/westfield.radstock Many Blessing to you, Rev Ian Rousell


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24 - The Westfield Warbler


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Photo here of Joan being presented with flowers, with left to right, Cllr Ron Hopkins (Chair of Neighbourhood Plan group), Cllr Eleanor Jackson (B&NES Councillor for Westfield) and Cllr Geoff Fuller (Chair of Westfield Parish Council)

Appreciation goes to…….. …..Mrs Joan Pack for her work in helping to put together the Westfield Neighbourhood Plan and the recent display at Radstock Museum about the history of Westfield. Mrs Pack has been part of the Neighbourhood Plan process since it began in July 2015. Her knowledge of local matters has been invaluable and her work in putting together historical information tireless. She also helped enormously with the museum exhibition, putting together display boards and gathering information. The Parish Council acknowledged her contribution with a bouquet of flowers, presented to her at a Council meeting recently. Chairman, Geoff Fuller, said “In a parish like Westfield those residents who are community spirited enough to help out with issues and ideas are more than welcome.

Everyone has a chance to get involved in Parish matters but only a handful of people go ahead and do so. Thank you, Joan, for all you have done.” Joan has been nominated for Volunteer of the Year at the BaNES Chairman’s awards so we at Westfield Parish Council will be rooting for her.


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The Westfield Warbler - 25

Spring Into Boules

Profile on Cllr Pat Williams

As the evenings start to lighten, we begin to look forward to the new season of Boules. It is hard to believe that this will be our fourth year. What a lovely way to while away a couple of hours on a (hopefully) sunny evening. The format remains the same, everyone is welcome, no previous experience required. There are no fees, no dress code, just turn up if and when you feel like it, and play. Norton Hill Recreation Ground every Tuesday throughout the summer at 6pm. This year we will start on Tuesday April the 24th, so come along and give it a try. We would love to see you.

Do you find it rewarding to be a Westfield Parish Councillor? Yes I do. I have lived in the Westfield area since November 1970 when I moved here with my late husband. A few years into retirement when a vacancy occurred I decided to apply to enable me to hopefully put something back into the community. I have had many people contact me with varying problems and whatever they may be I try and see them through to the end and keep the person informed. As a Councillor we can’t work miracles but it gives a good sense of satisfaction when you can help.

Of course, if you can’t make Tuesday evenings, please remember that the court is available to all at any time. If you would like to have a chat about it first, I’d be happy to. Just give me a ring on 01761 415155. Diana Cooper.

What do you think are the best things about Westfield? From the day I moved to Westfield I fell in love with the area. Although it has grown tremendously in size over the years, having come from a city I have always appreciated the beautiful countryside around us. What would you improve about Westfield? I think a big must is a Community Centre. The Fun Day and the Christmas Lights switch on are proving more popular year on year which shows there is a good community spirit. With a purpose built Centre it would open up numerous opportunities for the local people. Outside being a Councillor what are your hobbies & interests? I am an active member of the local U3A and also run a group within the organisation for single people. I enjoy carrying out charity work throughout the year for Marie Curie and The Royal British Legion.

26 - The Westfield Warbler

Pratten Bowls Club Many readers may well have seen either indoor or outdoor bowls on television; Prattens Bowls Club plays outdoors only. Membership of our Club is open to both males and females of any age; the season starts mid April and continues until mid September. Matches for ladies are played mainly in the afternoons; for men, mainly evenings and Saturday afternoons; mixed matches are mainly on Sunday afternoons and some evenings. We hold regular social events such as skittles or quiz nights. Our 2017 season was particularly successful with two of our ladies reaching the finals of the County pairs at Leamington, as one of two teams representing Somerset. Although both teams were defeated at Leamington, Prattens Ladies did win the Somerset County Final at Taunton Deane. Prattens Men also gained promotion to Division 1 of the Somerset County League; both of these

were fantastic achievements for a small Club such as Prattens. Prattens pre-season meeting is on Saturday 24th March at 10.30am in the Clubhouse. Members old and new will be warmly welcomed. If you would like to try bowls why not come along to our Club night - Mondays from 6pm. Coaching can be arranged by our Club Coaches – bowls can be borrowed so you just need to wear a pair of flat shoes. If you cannot make a Monday evening, other coaching is available by arrangement. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Barrie or Pauline Dando on 01761 412705 for more information, or come along to our pre-season meeting. Prattens Bowls Club is situated behind the neatly trimmed hedge on the opposite side of the car park to Prattens Westfield Sports and Social Club.

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Westfield Ladies Choir News January 2018 Wednesday nights at St Peter’s church Hall from 7:15 to 9:00pm.

We are delighted to announce that the proceeds from our concert “Music for Maggie” which was held in memory of Maggie Collins, were over £1700. We were pleased to present the cheque to a representative from Dorothy House at our last rehearsal of the year. The Christmas season was very busy for us, attending carol services at Writhlington and Coleford, visiting our one time soprano and president at Coombe Leigh to entertain the residents to an afternoon of carols, and a visit to Fosse Way school to sing for (and with) the children. We braved a very cold night to lead the carols at the Westfield lights switch on and we also spent a happy hour with the Mendip Male Voice Choir singing carols at the entrance to Tesco’s in aid of the Childrens Hospice South West. The collection for the day was £655.41 of which £206.34 was taken during our hour of singing. We are looking for a new accompanist and would like to hear from anyone who thinks they could help. We are always happy to welcome new members (no auditions) – our rehearsals are on 28 - The Westfield Warbler

If you would like to join us, or maybe you would like to book us to sing for your organisation/group, please contact Lesley Schofield on 01761 419540 or Jane Dyson on 0761 232715 or jane_dyson@live.co.uk

Fosse Way School Judged ‘Outstanding’ by OFSTED for 6th Consecutive Time! Following a one day OfSTED inspection at Fosse Way Special School on 7th November, inspectors have confirmed that the school remains “outstanding”. OfSTED inspector Tonwen Empson reports that Fosse Way’s leadership team “has maintained the outstanding quality of education in the school since the last inspection.” Praise was extended to all who work at Fosse Way. The inspectors had found that teamwork across the school is “very strong”. It was also noted that “Relentless efforts by staff to look for creative solutions ensure that every pupil is able to thrive.” Elsewhere in the report the inspectors conclude that “Determination is a typical characteristic of staff.” It goes without saying that all staff who work at Fosse Way are elated that their dedication to providing a first class education for all students has been recognised in this way. Furthermore, the OfSTED team concluded that “The real commitment to ensure that pupils build not just their academic skills also develops their confidence and independence so that they can go on to lead fulfilling lives.” One other characteristic intrinsic to the Fosse Way’s provision that inspectors found to be a “real strength” is “the outward-looking approach and the partnerships that are formed with other schools and business providers.” The inspectors were impressed too by Fosse Way’s facility for its most academic students based at Norton Hill School. This provision currently enables seven students to access full-time mainstream education, with the support of Fosse Way teaching staff who are based at Norton Hill. The inspectors noted, “…many have gained up to eight GCSEs; and some have gone on to universities following their successes.” Indeed one former Fosse Way student has gone on to

graduate from Oxford, having achieved success at A level through this innovative venture. Focusing on the facilities available to students on Fosse Way’s main Longfellow Road campus, the report states that: “Work experience in the café supports pupils’ study of courses such as BTEC National Diploma in hospitality.” These experiences have enabled pupils to gain employment in the catering industry or go on to college placements in this area. Tonwen Empson concludes that: “With these exciting opportunities well established, the school is a positive and purposeful place. Teachers and support staff understand the education, health and care needs of pupils very well.”

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The Westfield Warbler - 29


Parish Clerk I am writing this article at the start of January and, as so often is the case at this time of year, the mind turns to new beginnings. For the Parish Council this takes the form of the setting of the budget and precept for 2018/19. The community aspirations which emerged from the Neighbourhood Plan consultation last year make this task all the more vital. Budgetary provision now for some of the items which arose through the consultation is critical if we are to see them come to fruition. So, for example, the protection and enhancement of our green spaces may take several forms – last

year we introduced three heritage walks of various lengths in the parish. Next year we would like to see an increase in allotment provision and the rejuvenation of the BANES owned Shakespeare Road Play Area – the only play area in the parish to the north of the A367. A nature trail leading to the proposed new park in Midsomer Norton was also highlighted as an endeavour for the future. I hope you will find time to come to the Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm on 23rd April at the Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Westfield. This event will see the presentation of Westfield’s first Inspirational Citizen Award, some interesting speakers on matters relevant to our neighbourhood, a question and answer session followed by free refreshments. It would be good to see you there.

Lesley Welch Parish Clerk


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30 - The Westfield Warbler

Your Parish


Cllr Andrew Butcher 07814 530 723 abwpc10@gmail.com

Cllr Diana Cooper 01761 415155 dianacooper18@btinternet.com

Cllr Kevin Docherty 07826 170147 kevindocherty1966

Cllr Lesley Mansell 07980 695117 cllrlesleyamansell@yahoo.co.uk

Cllr Ron Hopkins 01761 435852 sueron1@sky.com

Cllr Geoff Fuller 01761 439198 / 07540 998603 geoffrey.fuller@outlook.com

Cllr Eleanor Jackson 01761 438968 eleanor_jackson@bathnes.gov.uk

Cllr James Honess jameshoness@hotmail.co.uk

Cllr Bryan Wallbridge Vice Chair 07974 939776 westfield.wallbridge@gmail.com

Cllr Phil Wilkinson 01761 431355 / 07803 927626 philipdwilkinson@btinternet.com

Cllr Pat Williams 01761 432630 patwilliams21@talktalk.net

The Oval Office, Cobblers Way St Peters Business Park, Westfield BA3 3BX Telephone: 01761 410669 Email: council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk @westfield_pc Westfield Parish Council The Parish Council is open from Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4.30pm. Due to the small number of part time staff it is advisable to telephone before visiting. The Parish Council is accessible to the public, with a lift to the first floor office. The Westfield Warbler - 31

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