Westfield Warbler Summer 2018

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Produced for Westfield Parish Council

Westfield Parish Council

2 - The Westfield Warbler

Message from Contents the Chairman 4

Two more defibrillators in Westfield


John Reynolds wins award


Westfield goes global


Dragons’ Den round up


Grant recipient

This year’s Fun Day is to be held on Sunday 3rd of June. This will be the seventh Fun Day that the committee has worked on and the event is going from strength to strength. There is only so much that the same group of people can do each year though, and they are still looking for volunteers to make it an even bigger success. So, if you feel that you can contribute, please contact the Parish Council office.


Westfield Fun Day


Garden Competition


Cafe play sessions


Whats On

Last year we welcomed a new flower contractor who put on a great display around the parish with the hanging baskets, coal trucks and displays at Jubilee Green which have all had automatic watering systems fitted to make sure that our great volunteers don’t have to carry endless watering cans across the area any longer! We hope to see a great display this year.


Man Engine

Welcome to the May edition of the Warbler and let’s all look forward to a good summer.

Westfield Parish Council held its Annual Parish meeting in April and this was well attended, with the combined presentation of the first Westfield Inspirational Citizen’s award in which our own Westfield ‘Marathon Man’, John Reynolds, was honoured. This was a truly well-deserved award for a man who has inspired so many to keep fit and enjoy the health benefits of doing so.

Don’t forget the front garden competition which was well contested by many entries in 2017 and we look forward to seeing some of Westfield’s best efforts in bloom this year. Westfield Parish Council has had, at this point, two new defibrillators installed - one at the Mardons club and one at the fire station. There is another one that is to be installed shortly at the surgery in Waterford Park. This makes four defibrillators in the parish of Westfield, including the existing one outside the Elm Tree Pharmacy. Cllr Geoff Fuller Chair of Westfield Parish Council

The next edition of The Westfield Warbler will be in August. If you would like your group to be included, please contact us on 01761 410141 before the deadline of the 20th July. You can view The Westfield Warbler on the Council’s website at www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk The Westfield Warbler is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, G5 Second Ave, Westfield Industrial Estate, Westfield, Radstock, BA3 4BH. Tel 01761 410141. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher or it’s editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte Media and Westfield Parish Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

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Brave volunteers weather the storm Back in March a group of brave volunteers, organised by Cllr Diana Cooper, got together to do the first community litter pick in various parts of Westfield. The first date was snowed off, and it looked for a little while that the second date might succumb to the conditions, but the hardy crew went out, braved the elements and tackled the areas worst affected by strewn litter. At 10am when the first group set forth, the snow was beginning to fall. By 10.15am when the second group met it had developed into a full blown snow storm, which fortunately did not last long, even though it remained bitterly cold. Eventually, all five groups had met and carried on, collecting an amazing 29 sacks of litter between them. Our grateful thanks go to them all, for helping to make Westfield look even better, and for proving once again, that the community spirit is alive and well in Westfield.

how many more litter bins are needed in Westfield, for which the Parish Council has been campaigning for some time.

Chairman, Geoff Fuller, said “Our grateful thanks to all residents and Councillors that turned out in the cold weather to take part in the Westfield Litter Pick. When you see how much litter was collected it goes to show

An elderly resident of Shakespeare Road called the Parish Council to ask us to pass on her thanks to those that were out collecting. It’s nice to know that their efforts are appreciated by residents.”

Two further defibrillators in Westfield A new defibrillator has been installed at the Fire Station on Wells Road. A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart through the chest wall to someone who is in cardiac arrest. Chair of Westfield Parish Council, Geoff Fuller, said: “I’m really pleased that we have been able to provide another potentially life-saving piece of equipment in Westfield. It’s a great example of us working with our local fire station to make the parish safer.” Watch Manager at Radstock Fire Station, Richard Ball, said: “There’s been a defibrillator at the other end of the town for a little while now and when Westfield Parish Council got in touch to see if we could help by agreeing to have one installed outside the fire station, we thought it was a great idea.

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The fact that it is right outside the fire station is also beneficial as everyone in the area knows where we are and this should help in those crucial minutes if the defibrillator is ever needed.” There are plans going ahead to also install one outside the Doctor’s surgery on Waterford Park. This, again, is a location that makes sense as people will think of the surgery as being a sensible place to look for a lifesaving piece of equipment. That will make four defibrillators in the parish of Westfield - one at Westfield Pharmacy, Mardons Club, the Fire Station and Doctor’s surgery, thereby ensuring that there is enough cover in the parish for emergencies.

John Reynolds is awarded the first Inspirational Citizen Award in Westfield It was with great pleasure that Chair of the Parish Council, Geoff Fuller, presented local resident and ‘Marathon Man’ John Reynolds with the first ever Westfield Inspirational Citizen Award. This is richly deserved: John’s creation and commitment to Westfield TT running group, which has inspired over 500 people to take part and improve their health and well-being, is amazing. Presenting the Award at the Westfield Annual Parish Meeting, Cllr Fuller said: “John started Westfield TT Runners club 3 years ago with 6 members. There are now over 500 people who are part of the club and enjoying the healthy pursuit of running. His commitment to the health and well-being of local people, while promoting Westfield countrywide at running events is the reason he was chosen as the first ever Westfield Inspirational Citizen.”

are worn at events countrywide and always attract the attention of the commentators, who remark upon them. John talks regularly at local schools and some of the older students are now runners in the club, which shows how he is actively supporting the health and fitness of young people.

In his acceptance speech, John said that the success of the club was down to team work and the team philosophy that no one is ever left behind. In events the last team member to cross the line is always supported by all the other runners. The team colours

The award of Westfield Inspirational Citizen will be open again next year in time for the Annual Parish Meeting. If you know of anyone that would deserve recognition for their work in the community please let us know.

Westfield Youth Project The work of the Youth Support Officers in Westfield is tireless and helps and supports so many of the young people in the parish. The project is continuing to run at Westfield Trinity Methodist church hall, and is continuing to meet with high numbers of young people from Westfield. Meeting day is on a Tuesday evening from 7-9pm during term time. Planning is always done after discussion, taking into account what the young people want to do. An event involving outdoor activities, arts, music and food is being planned for this July. It’s not quite ready for this

edition of the Warbler, but it will be well advertised so keep an eye out for it. The current timetable and any future timetables and information about events and activities can be found on the Parish Council noticeboards in Westfield – at Elm Tree Avenue shops and the entrance to Nightingale Way. The Westfield Parish Council website also shows an activity list – www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk If you are interested in finding out more, the first point of contact is Katy from Youth Connect, and you can reach her on: 07966880422

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Westfield goes global When Westfield, Massachusetts contacted us suggesting a radio link up to help them celebrate the 350th birthday of their city next year, we were intrigued. It made us think about our historic connection with this seemingly unrelated city in America. Having evolved through agricultural history and being a fairly common place name in this country, was the name ‘Westfield’ taken across the Atlantic with the Pilgrim Fathers, as was the case with so many other British place names? It made us wonder if Westfield, Massachusetts, has a record of how their city was named. Was it a memory of a place in Britain, or did it emerge, as it did here, as a description of the area? In our case it described the land west of the former Manor House, where the College now stands. It was, literally, the west field. The English language forges links between cultures: our shared language can evoke shared responses. Does our shared name do the same? We look forward with anticipation to talking this over in a radio link up with Westfield, Massachusetts which will be recorded in December, in time to go on air on New Year’s Eve. It is

Mischief Makers, Summer Reading Challenge 2018 Your local libraries will be running the Reading Agency’s Summer Reading Challenge again this Summer.

with great pleasure that we will be one of the first to wish Westfield, Massachusetts well at the start of their year of celebrations of the 350th birthday of their city. Many thanks to Somer Valley FM for helping us with this project and making this possible. Looking at the future of our two ‘Westfields’ we would like to draw in some young people to talk about what their future looks like, living where they do. Do they like living in Westfield? What do they dislike and what do they value? If you live in Westfield and are aged approximately 14-20 years and would like to take part in the radio recording, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Westfield Parish Council on: 01761 410669 or: council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Children receive special rewards each time they finish a book and there’s a certificate for everyone who completes the Challenge. The Summer Reading Challenge is open to all primary school aged children and is designed for all reading abilities. The Summer Reading Challenge 2018 will be called Mischief Makers, inspired by the much-loved iconic children’s title Beano, which celebrates its 80th anniversary.

The Summer Reading Challenge runs between 14th July and 9th September encourages children aged 4 to 11 to read six library books during the long summer holiday.

To find out about our special Summer Reading Challenge events visit our website http://www. bathnes.gov.uk/services/libraries-and-archives/ events-and-activities/childrens-events-year/ summer-reading-challenge

There is a different theme each year. Children can read whatever they like - fiction, fact books, joke books, picture books, audio books - just as long as they are borrowed from the library.

For more information visit The Reading Agency’s Summer Reading Challenge website, https://readingagency.org.uk/children/quickguides/summer-reading-challenge/

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Dragons’ Den 2018 - A Good News Story The Radstock & Westfield Big Local Dragons’ Den is an amazing way to get local people involved and aware of your community project – we have now helped to make 60 projects happen within Radstock & Westfield! What a show of community spirit! This fun-filled, familyfriendly event showcased the participants, each of them having 90 seconds to pitch their idea to the local residents in the audience who then in turn chose which projects they would like to make happen… it is surprising how much information can be got across in such a short timeframe. The bleacher seating in the Victoria Hall was full of warm, smiling faces eager to support their favourite projects. The three kind dragons were Becky Brooks, Editor of the MNR Journal, Claire Wynne Hughes the Philanthropy Executive for the Quartet Community Foundation and Anna Parry owner of local independent music business “The Loft”. They were there to help each and every participant explain their project to the audience further. Each participant applied to pitch for up to £500 per project idea - £5000 of funding was given away to 10 varied project ideas! The 6th Radstock & Westfield Big Local Dragons’ Den received 17 applications each indicating how it would benefit the Radstock & Westfield community. There were some unsuccessful participants but the Radstock & Westfield Big Local team will be pointing them in the direction of other funding pots - now with the added bonus that they have local support and evidence that the local residents also wanted those projects to happen.

The robust voting system is transparent and fair with each local resident in the audience having to vote for their 5 favourite projects, this means that if they were present mainly to support one project, they also support 4 others. The votes were counted and the 10 project ideas with the most votes were awarded with certificates during the event. Successful applicants were: SWALLOW Charity – Silver Celebration Birthday Ball – SWALLOW have been supporting young people with learning difficulties for the last 25 years and they have received the funding to celebrate this milestone. Funding has ensured that Confessions of the Youth Theatre Company can flourish and continue to subsidise free or affordable theatre for children aged between 4-15 years, the additional support will also enable them to showcase the talents of its members through an original musical, alongside professional support from a local band and an appropriate performance space. Residents from Writhlington, Radstock will not only be clearing Wellow Brook river with support from the Bristol & Avon Rivers Trust but they will be highlighting the accumulation of plastic waste that has drifted down steam out of sight (and mind), though the creation of an 8ft wire mesh fish which will contain all the plastic uncovered. This “Plastic Fish” will then be paraded through the town in collaboration with the Natural Theatre Company to highlight this colossal environmental issue of plastic waste at a local level. The Westfield Warbler - 7

Trinity Church Primary School, Radstock now have the funds to make the embankment slide possible and provide some simple climbing equipment, offering a fun space for the current 192 pupils to play and boost learning opportunities such as times tables and forces, providing a great incentive for the children to get outside and get active. In addition they are also determined to revamp a currently unused allotment bed, encouraging the children to work together, problem solve and learn about ecology, weather, plants, recycling and nutrition. The Norton Radstock Amateur Boxing Club, Clandown have secured funds to refurbish the gym floor which is wearing thin from all that ducking and diving. It will enable them to continue to give the budding young boxers the opportunity to develop their skills, confidence and personal pride. This funding will take them over the finish line – as they have raised further funds through a Just Giving page and a donation from an ex-founder of the club. The support from local residents during the Dragons’ Den event means that the local all-inclusive theatre company Exit Stage Left have added to their all-embracing efforts to raise the funds required to pay for the huge performing rights, hall and band hire required to put on the most popular show in the world “Grease”. The musical will be staged at the Dragonfly Theatre in Writhlington during November 2018, bringing joy of this well-known production to performers and audience alike.

Westfield Ladies Choir brought a smile to the audience in the bid to show that they have stepped out of the Women’s’ Institute era and with the Dragons’ Den funding they intend to modernise and rebrand as “Westfield Voices” allowing them to reach out to a wider age range and involve more local residents. Westfield Voices will be showcasing this rebranding on July 28th 2018 in St Peter’s Church, Westfield with a new PA system and uniform to unite and entertain. The amazing Westfield Allotments and Gardening Society (WAGS) have successfully started the fund-raising process for creating a footpath, leading from the raised flowerbeds to the summer house, to ensure inclusion and access for wheelchair dependent children and adults to the gardening club which is due to start in the summer. If you live or work in the Radstock & Westfield community then why not have your say on how the money should be spent, talk to the community workers, Sarah and Rob, to find out how you can get involved: Tel 07845 756 700 Read about some of the projects supported via Dragons’ Den: http://radstockwestfield.org.uk/ category/dragonsden/

Personalised care from your family owned, local independent vet Now offering acupuncture and laser therapy. Call for details t 01761 412132

e enquiries@midsomervets.co.uk w www.midsomervets.co.uk 8 - The Westfield Warbler

What is the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme and how can it help you? Many companies in the Somer Valley have had to close or relocate in order to get adequate broadband speeds, but having to move out of local communities is about to become a thing of the past with the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme. The scheme, a Government initiative which aims to increase full fibre coverage across the UK, offers vouchers to small businesses and local communities surrounding them to contribute to the installation cost of a gigabit capable connection. The vouchers allow businesses to claim up to £3,000 against the cost of connection either individually or as part of a group project. Residents can benefit from the scheme as part of a group project which also includes businesses and can claim for up to £500. A number of suppliers across the region have signed up which means that businesses using the vouchers can choose which deal works best for them. In order to help local firms get the best deal possible, the Somer Valley Chamber of Commerce has set up a sign up form, where interested businesses can register, then when enough businesses have entered their details, they will contact each supplier before presenting the options back to local companies. Alistair Slade, the Midsomer Norton Town Councillor liaison with the Chamber of Commerce, said: “I am keen to make sure that all businesses get the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the broadband provision in and around the town, even if they are on contract with existing suppliers. If we can all pull together, it will mean that when the contracts are up for renewal, there will be more cost effective options available, to ensure this is the case, we encourage all local organisations to apply for the voucher.” Want to know more? Visit gigabitvoucher.culture.gov.uk Want to register your interest? Visit www.somervalleychamber.co.uk

Gardening Heritage at Midsomer Norton Station It’s a busy time of year for gardeners at Midsomer Norton Station. They have been doing their usual Monday work of weeding and mulching, as well as planting new seeds and hanging baskets. The bank border of Perennials by the buffet has been trimmed, weeded and mulched and that will continue during spring flowering time. The front border needs light weeding at the station building end as spring weather encourages the seeds lying dormant. A strong team of students is helping to extend the front border down to the traffic lights by carting composted material down to fill in the gap. The hedge plants are already in position ready to be planted when they are finished. One of the early spring tasks was to plant young hedge plants along the field boundary of the railway line. The hedge plants have all been donated by members of the Somerset and Dorset Heritage Trust and are all native ranging from Hollies Hawthorns and Field Maples to Dogwood and Beeches. Volunteer Gardener and Trustee, Gail Coleshill, would like to welcome more volunteers for the gardens. She said: “Midsomer Norton Station was always known for its gardening skills when the Somerset and Dorset Railway was running. We are keeping up the tradition and have also extended the garden area – and we sell plants. Anyone who would like to help come up on a Sunday and Monday and you will be very welcome.” The photos shows Doug Auckland, David Lacey Goodman, Tony White and John Bridges, volunteer gardeners on their way to plant the boundary fence through the nature reserve. Don’t forget to check the website, www.sdjr.co.uk to keep updated of all the latest events.

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Meet the Grant Recipients – Trinity Girls’ Brigade The purpose of the organisation is to provide a safe space for girls of the community to meet and grow to their potential and provide a safe space where young people can gain life skills. As well as provide friendship and support to vulnerable individuals ,such as those from socially deprived backgrounds, those with learning difficulties and special educational needs.



Westfield Radstock BA3 3XS

Tel 01761 412109


Most of the grant was put towards the cost of a coach to Uffculme, Devon, for a regional event called A Splash of Hope to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the National Girls’ Brigade. We also used some of the grant towards the cost of a stock of camp beds for our summer camp. Some went towards subsidising entrance fees for the event, but we also asked for a contribution from parents and did carol singing at Christmas and had a table top sale to raise extra funds. The theme of the event was Community Hope, focusing on social action such as food banks and community voluntary work. Inspired by the event, we will be doing a litter pick at our last meeting before half term with B&NES kindly supplying all the equipment we need. Applying for the grant was easy, it was a very simple form to complete and Westfield Parish Council were very accommodating as we enquired at the last minute just before the deadline! We are passionate about serving the community and are blessed to have seen Trinity Girls’ Brigade grow considerably in recent years with girls coming from Westfield, Radstock and beyond. We have an open policy and welcome all. We love to see new members; all girls of school age are welcome to come along for a taster session. We keep it an affordable activity at just £1 per child per week. To find out more about what Girls’ Brigade is all about, readers can visit the national website: www.girlsb.org.uk

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10 - The Westfield Warbler

27/06/2017 08:19

8 1 0 2 Y A D N U F D L WESTFIE

oks weather lo e h t , e it r re As I w p and we a see u l il g w in 8 m r 1 a 0 st to be w d J une 2 to our mo d d n r a Sunday 3r a w ic r s u fo t looking colour, m yet! So pu y a l il D h n a wash of t u s F e s W itiou ss smells at ry and cro er amb h ia t d a r g u e delicious o y w as the date in n Ground ld unshine! s e r fi Recreatio t fo s e g in W h l t every h ann ua for our 7t Fun Day.

The Westfield Warbler - 11

Donkey rides

The event kicks off at 12pm, opened by none other than Mr Michael Eavis CBE, local farmer and festival host extraordinaire!! This exciting opening will be followed by rousing tunes from Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver Band and a jam-packed schedule of performances in our show ring from new and old favourites. Throughout the day we have all sorts of exciting events going on. As well as the lovely donkeys of Danny Donkey & Pals, the display of classic cars, inflatables, Spiderman, raffle,

tombola, skittles and BBQ, this year we are excited to be joined by Disney Royalty! Yes, Princess Elsa will be there from 1.30-2.30pm to meet you and pose for photos. And if that wasn’t enough for you, this year we are delighted to be able to bring you a stunning interactive birds of prey display, where you can not only see these magnificent creatures, but hold them and touch them as well. Meanwhile we will have a fairground organ to put you in the holiday mood and you will also be able to visit not one but two fire engines – one classic and one brand new – and meet crew from our local fire station. Last but not least, we know what those Westfield pooches have been waiting to hear - Scruffs Dog Show will go ahead this year! After being rained off at the end of last year’s Fun Day, we are determined that this year’s inaugural dog show will go ahead without a hitch. Kindly judged by Nick and Kayleigh from Canine Class Dog grooming, dogs will be able to enter categories such as waggiest tail and dog most like its owner. Please find the entry form available in this edition of the Warbler, on our website, www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk and available from the parish council, call 01761 410669. So get the date in your diary and slap on the suncream in preparation for a scorcher at Westfield Fun Day on 3rd June.

Meet Princess Elsa and have your photo taken with her 1.30-2.30pm 12 - The Westfield Warbler

Show ring schedule 12.00

Grand opening by Michael Eavis


Westfield Ladies’ Choir


Midsomer Norton and Radstock Silver Band


Susan Hill School of Dance


Bath Spa Band


Limelight Dance School


Jamie Woodland Academy


Bathampton Morris Men


Scruffs Dog Show

Please note this schedule could be subject to change.

Scruffs Dog S 3.15pm

h ow

Birds of Prey The Westfield Warbler - 13


It’s that time of year again. Once again the people It’s It’sthat thattime timeof ofyear yearagain. again. Once Onceagain againthe thepeople people It’sWestfield that time will of year again.toOnce again people of be vying receive the the honour of of Westfield Westfield will will be be vying vying to to receive receive the the honour honour of of of of Westfield will be vyingintoWestfield’! receive the Of honour of having the ‘best garden course, having the the ‘best ‘best garden garden in in Westfield’! Westfield’! Of Of course, course, having havingisthe ‘best in Westfield’! Of course, there also a garden prize for the best container in there is is also also aa prize prize for for the the best best container container in in there there is also a don’t prizeyou for shout the best in Westfield. Why aboutcontainer your lovely Westfield. Why Whydon’t don’tyou youshout shoutabout aboutyour yourlovely lovely Westfield. Westfield.garden, Why don’t you shout your lovely colourful or shout about about one that you see colourful garden, garden, or or shout shout about about one one that that you you see see colourful colourful garden, shout aboutyour one that see on a daily basisorthat makes heartyou sing? on aa daily daily basis basis that that makes makes your your heart heart sing? sing? on on a daily basis thatresidents, makes your heart sing? Entry is open to all businesses and Entry is is open open to to all all residents, residents, businesses businesses and and Entry Entry is open to all residents, businesses and community groups in Westfield. communitygroups groupsin inWestfield. Westfield. community community groups by in Westfield. Prizes are donated Thomsons Hardware . Prizesare aredonated donatedby byThomsons ThomsonsHardware Hardware.. Prizes Prizes are donated Hardware . Get in touch beforeby theThomsons closing date of 5th July Getin intouch touchbefore beforethe theclosing closingdate dateof of5th 5thJuly July Get Get in touch before the closing date of 5th July 2018. 2018. 2018. 2018.

Last year’s winners : Last Lastyear’s year’swinners winners Last year’s winners

14 - The Westfield Warbler

Events at Trinity Westfield Methodist Church A warm welcome is guaranteed when you visit our Church for Sunday worship or one of many events we regularly enjoy. Monthly coffee mornings are held on the first Friday of the month or, if a Charity event, moved to a Saturday. The Friday Social Club is held on the Second Friday of the month where you can join in with quizzes, beetle drives, sing songs and there is always a cup of tea and a slice of homemade cake. If that wasn’t enough, every Tuesday we can be seen knitting and nattering. More of the latter I hasten to add! Our breakfasts, lunches, supper and film evenings are very popular, too. In March, a very successful Craft Fayre was held in our hall and Easter weekend saw the Good Friday walk of witness take place in appalling weather. The full congregation was moved inside and the Radstock Silver Band led a moving service with a light lunch served to over 50 people in the hall after the service. For St Patrick’s Day, we served Irish Stew to lots of hungry people. Moving on to April, we served afternoon High Teas and the Church Hall was absolutely buzzing with activity. Sometimes it was standing room only!

Fresh and local pork, beef, lamb and chicken local delivery available. WE CAN ALSO PROVIDE HOG ROASTS AND BBQ’S

The Church also raised £500 for Swallow, a local organisation who support teenagers and adults with learning disabilities. This brings us up to date, but for more details of our Church life please visit our new website: www.radstockwestfieldmethodists.co.uk and for a full list of events, take a look at the What’s On pages. Sue Tandy

High Tea at Trinity Westfield.

Tel: 01761 433 130

8 The Street, Radstock, BA3 3PL

Adult Community Learning computer courses Bath College Adult Community Learning courses are for people who are 19 years of age or older and who would like to improve their skills, gain qualifications or boost their confidence levels. Courses are provided free of charge for: those actively looking for work or considering their work options for the future, those who would like to improve their skills to support their families and those who would like to gain skills to live more independently Courses are offered in small groups in a supportive setting by experienced tutors. The next set of courses are as follows: Moving on with Computers, 6 June - 27 June, (Wednesdays 1:15-4:30), Microsoft Word, 7 June (Thursday 9:30-2:30), Microsoft Excel, 14 June (Thursday 9:30-2:30), Microsoft PowerPoint, 21 June (Thursday 9:30-2:30), Microsoft Outlook, 28 June (Thursday 9:30-2:30). All courses take place at the Somer Valley Campus, Westfield, BA3 3RW. To book your place call 01225 328822.

If you look after someone, who looks after you? The Carers’ Centre provides free advice, support and breaks for people who care for family or friends. If you’re looking after someone who is ill, disabled or frail, we’re here for you. Call weekdays 10am —1pm on 0800 0388 885 for advice, or visit banescarerscentre.org.uk The Westfield Warbler - 15

Welcome to the Venue Westfield Sports & Community Centre, formerly known as Westhill Club, is undergoing some major new changes and offering the community some exciting new facilities for all ages. The community centre has a family room with pool table, licensed bar, dartboard, jukebox and occasional entertainment in the bar for all the family to enjoy opening every evening. @The Venue is a separate mainly adult based function suite available for private hire for all kinds of events, as well as showcasing some of the best entertainment and Cabaret artists on the circuit. Lee, Nicola, Terry & Annette warmly welcome you to join us at the heart of the community. Weekly events include Cash Bingo Sunday nights from 7:30pm, Saturday adult entertainment @ The Venue, also Tuesdays & Wednesdays is our popular mother and

toddler sessions 10am till midday. We would also like to invite you to our new Thursday afternoon Social event which takes place the last Thursday of every month. Come and enjoy some entertainment, refreshments and a game of bingo between 2pm and 5pm and hopefully meet some new friends? Both Terry and Lee have years of experience in the entertainment industry and can help when it comes organising any special event or music hire. Annette & Nicola can offer advice and hire on all aspects of catering, Table decoration, balloons, chair covers, Bouncy castle & inflatable activity hire, Wedding services and much much more…. Many groups and charities use the facilities, including karate sessions and locally-based charity SWALLOW, which welcome new members. We will also be introducing after school clubs and a fantastic Summer Activity Programme available for children of all ages to sign up during the school holiday times. For Booking, please call: 07517160181, general enquiries email: westfieldcommunitycentre@yahoo. com and for Entertainment tickets or info email: thevenueatwestfieldcc@yahoo.com

Café Play Sessions in Westfield What fun Wansdyke Play Association have in Westfield! Following on from the outdoor play sessions at the Norton Hill Rec and with thanks to Fosse Way School for their support, WPA have had a busy few weeks providing free pop-up pre-school play sessions at the Longfellow Café, which opened last year. This has provided free and inclusive opportunities for young children and their parents to spend quality time with others and access an inclusive group supporting additional needs. The café sessions have complimented the café provision and been very well supported. The bubbly, bustling environment of activities and creative play have included sand excavation, building blocks, costume making, Christmas decorations, card making, Ice World play, building blocks, paper and paint pockets, playdough making, leaf/texture rubbings. Come along and join us, 9.30am -10.30am term-time only (children must be accompanied by a parent/carer). We would love to see you.

16 - The Westfield Warbler

With massive thanks to Westfield Parish Council for their support, do look out for WPA Playrangers at your Fun Day on Sunday 3rd June and for more dates coming soon for free outdoor play sessions in Westfield.

Updates from SWALLOW SWALLOW is a local charity supporting teenagers and adults with learning disabilities. The organisation was founded in 1993 by a group of people with learning disabilities who wanted more choice on where they lived and what they did. Together they managed to raise enough money to start the charity and along with the support of the Sperring Trust, SWALLOW was born. The first service was Base House, which is a training house, members come to stay one night a week and learn independent living skills. Over the years many other services have been developed, all in response to what local people with learning disabilities have asked for, including supported housing, outreach support in the community, day activities including art, drama and cookery and social events. Giving members the skills to contribute through work is also a key priority and four years ago the SWALLOW Community Café was opened where members train both front of house and in the kitchens. It is now a vibrant community hub offering affordable healthy food and drink and members who have trained there have gone on to get jobs locally. We also have a gardening group which plants and sells hanging baskets these are available to buy for £10 each, please ring Justin on 01761 414 034. The charity is looking for individuals and companies to support it in this very special year. They are recruiting cyclists to ride in Bike Bath on 1st July, reduced price entries are available for the challenge of riding 25, 50 or 80 miles. If you think this could be you please contact Nicky on 01761 414 034 or email nickyt@swallowcharity.org

Bev Craney SWALLOW’s Chief Executive said “ There are so many people that have helped the charity in its 25 year history, we would like to thank them all and hope that they can join us in our celebrations this year.”

Art studio opening August 2018




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Sing Up Day 2018 Fosse Way School had a great day celebrating National Sing Up Day! In addition to the Sing Up Day theme of ‘Be The Change’, we also had our own ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll’ theme to celebrate our young instrumentalists in school! In the morning everyone was invited to attend a range of singing workshops with Tim Parker from the B&NES Music Hub, where they learned some rock ‘n’ roll classics like Bon Jovi’s ‘Living On A Prayer’ and practised their air guitar! You could hear the singing all around the school… It was great to see so much enthusiasm!

pupils and Jane’s music groups. This was a very popular showcase which attracted so many pupils and families that there was standing room only at the back of the hall! What a great turn out - Thank you to all who attended and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! All pupils involved in the performance should be very proud of

Some groups also attended a Ukulele Workshop led by Jody Prewett. This was a great opportunity to get a feel for our lunchtime Ukulele Club and lots of pupils came away proud that they had learned to play ‘a tiny guitar’! The orchestra were getting ready in the morning for their first live performance… so there was a great atmosphere in the hall as they practised together! Various musical activities were taking place all around the school, from ‘Guess the lyrics’ challenges to ‘Be the change’ activities… It was brilliant to see pupils walking around the school with their lyric sheets, reading and singing the lyrics to some well known rock ‘n’ roll songs!

We also had ‘Singing Star Challenges’ to complete and I am proud to say the winning tutor group was… 2LD! They earned an amazing 93 singing stars, which has to be a new record! They earned a special commendation for recording a secret video of our Head of School singing… Great teamwork! Another highlight was our Rock ‘n’ Roll photobooth, where there was the chance for pupils to strike a rock pose with their favourite instrument/inflatable prop! This was great fun and prompted some musical instrument exploration! In the afternoon we held our first ‘Marvellous Live Music Showcase’, featuring the Orchestra, Ukulele Club, Tiny Trebles Choir, Showstoppers Choir, Instrumental 18 - The Westfield Warbler

themselves and were an inspiration to many, so well done everyone! The orchestra also gave their first ever public performance, where they remembered their parts and played with rhythm… so ‘stay tuned’ for their next performance!

Finally, I would like to say thank you to the BANES Music Hub for their continued support – to Tim for bringing so much excitement about singing, Jody for encouraging our young instrumentalists and leading our great Ukulele Club and Tara for giving our new orchestra the confidence to perform together. We truly are a Golden Singing School! Becca Tranter – Music Co-ordinator

The Bishop of Bath and Wells visits local Westfield church Members of St Peter’s church in Westfield were delighted to welcome the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Rt Revd Peter Hancock, on Monday 9th April to take their confirmation service. It was a very happy occasion, which saw eight people confirmed by Bishop Peter. The church, which is situated on Longfellow Road, opposite Westfield Primary School, houses a diverse congregation, which is growing in number since the new vicar joined the church just over a year ago. “We are a warm and welcoming bunch of people who enjoy fellowship and socialising together. More and more families are coming along to join


us, particularly with the family service, which is preceded by breakfast from 9am. Come along and say hello, enjoy a croissant, coffee and warm welcome,” said Ian Rousell, Vicar The Sunday service runs at 10am each week with a more relaxed family service on the first Sunday of the month, when the music group play. More details can be found on the St Peter’s Church Westfield Facebook page or contact Lynne Waton: 414731

New Waitrose granted English Folk Dance Quite a few ladies responded to my invitation 24-hour licence to come and join us dancing in St Peter’s Hall The new little Waitrose, located in the Shell Garage in Westfield, has been given a 24-hour licence.

The BANES Licensing Sub-Committee met to make a decision on the application for the provision of alcohol available in the garage. The application was agreed. Sub-Committee Chair, Cllr Les Kew, said the decision could be reviewed in the future if issues are reported, but he hoped that would not be the case. The shop will expand its range of groceries, spirits, beer, cider and wine. The retailer will provide around 600 products in a dedicated section of the existing Shell site, which will comprise around two thirds from its own label ranges with the remainder consisting of some of its most popular brands.

on (alternate) Thursday afternoons. Happily, we have one gentleman who keeps the ladies company and I am sure the ladies would welcome more! The increase in numbers means we can at last learn the wonderful ‘longways’ dances where everyone can join in ‘longways for as many as will ‘ was the enticing invitation! These longways dances in particular feature in television costume dramas. Dates for the summer are: • May 10th and 24th • June 14th and 28th • July 12th and 26th We start at 2pm, have a tea/coffee/chat break at about 3pm and at about 4pm we go home! Lesley Corbett The Westfield Warbler - 19


Midsomer Norton & Radstock Community Service Vehicle Trust If you are part of a group that has difficulty getting around without the assistance of a vehicle and driver, then the Community Mini Bus could be what you’re looking for! Founded in April 1967, the bus was commissioned to enable the elderly, disabled and small groups of the public who found difficulty in getting to and from their houses to go to their Lunch Clubs, Church Services, outings etc. without worry! This, in turn, helped them to feel part of society, and not to miss out on events around the area or appointments. If you would like to know more, would like to use the Mini Bus or, perhaps, become a volunteer driver, please contact the Co-ordinator, Debbie Gunfield, on 01761 416910 for information or our Transport Manager, Nick Rogers, on 01761 413872. Registered Charity No. 276166.

20 - The Westfield Warbler




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Sun Chemical and Unite pay respect to Miners Sun Chemical and Unite the Union team up to pay respects to Miners who lost their lives at work. Unite the Union and Sun Chemical have celebrated 40 years of the Workplace Safety Representative together by remembering those workers who perished whilst at work. Sun Chemical is now built on the Norton Hill Colliery site, which in 1908, at around 10pm on April 9th, suffered an explosion. Among those that died was 25-year-old newly-wed, Gilbert Jones, who had been married only five weeks, as well as Ernest Jones and his 16 year-old brother, Stanley. The youngest victim was 14-year-old Harry Sage, a powder boy who had just left school to work in the pits. Rescuers, including the colliery owner, Frank Beauchamp, and a relay of doctors, toiled overnight to evacuate the trapped workers, risking their own lives. Many of them collapsed in the process, overpowered by toxic fumes, just 19 of those 29 workers in the mine were saved. Incredibly, more employees were not killed in the accident, thanks mainly to the heroic efforts of the rescuers and the modern cable system that allowed men to be transported swiftly to the surface in cages.

beautiful flowers was followed by a minute’s silence in the factory’s garden. Rebecca’s Flower Shop, in Radstock, created a miner’s helmet made of flowers which was presented at the memorial. Attending the ceremony were: Tony Hulbert (Unite Regional Officer), Matthew Lanfear, Steve Dixon and Kevin Horler, (Sun Chemical Unite Representatives) John Law (Company Director) Robin Hapgood (Site Manager) and representatives from the Sun Chemical Health and Safety Committee, Manual Handling Support Group and Laboratory Development group. Nick Hall, from Radstock Museum and Rebecca Bolton, from Rebecca’s Flower Shop, also attended. With thanks to all.

Following some poignant words from Tony Hulbert, Unite’s Regional Officer, a tree has been planted along with the burying of a time capsule. A commemorative plaque and the laying of some The Westfield Warbler - 21


2nd Funk Husky at Mardons Social Club. Top new band, super

funky music, free entry




Parish Council Meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.


Environment and Development Committee meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

Westfield Fun Day will see a wash of colour, music and delicious smells at Westhill Recreation Ground. 12pm – 4pm. With Michael Eavis and Scruffs Dog Show

12th English Folk Dance at St Peter’s Church from 2pm

4th Parish Council Meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval


Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

9th Honky Tonks at Mardons Social Club. Great local band,

free entry


Environment and Development Committee meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

14th English Folk Dance at St Peter’s Church from 2pm 15th

Midsomer Norton Carnival Association Skittles Night fundraiser at Mardons Social Club


6pm Cosmopolitan Evening with musical entertainment, at Westfield Trinity Methodist Church. Come along and enjoy food from around the globe.

14th Full English Breakfast at Westfield Trinity Methodists 18th

Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.


Cllrs Cooper and Williams will be at Mardons Club for Councillor’s surgery on Saturday 21st July from 11am – 12pm.


Big Mama’s Banned, music and laughs at Mardons Social Club, free entry.

26th English Folk Dance at St Peter’s Church, from 2pm 27th Westfield Voices Concert, St. Peter’s Church. Time TBA 28th

16th Wired4Sound at Mardons Social Club. Great party band,

Coffee Morning at Westfield Trinity Methodist Church from 10a.m.

20th Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting

Summer Party Night with the Stiff Upper Lips at Mardons Social Club. Celebrate the social club’s anniversary, free entry.

free entry

7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

22nd Mardons Carnival Club Quiz Night at Mardons Social

Club. Teams welcome.


St Peter’s Church Fete is on Saturday 23rd June 11:30am – 2pm.


Cllrs Jackson and Mansell will be at St Peter’s Church Fete for a Councillor’s surgery on Saturday 23rd June 12pm – 1pm.


Radstock Museum fundraiser: Mendip Male Voice Choir Concert 7.30 p.m, Radstock Methodist Church. Tickets £8 in advance or £10 on the door to include a soft drink and biscuit, www.radstockmuseum.co.uk for details.

23rd Tundra at Mardons Social Club. Party band, free entry 28th English Folk Dance at St Peter’s Church from 2pm 22 - The Westfield Warbler




Radstock Museum Children’s Summer Event, 10-12 noon at Radstock Museum. A summer holiday theme, details tbc. Adults £3 and up to 3 children free. Check www.radstockmuseum.co.uk for details nearer the time.

4th Coffee Morning at Westfield Trinity Methodist 10am-12 noon


Coffee Morning for British Heart Foundation at Westfield Trinity Methodist 10am – 12 noon

18th Coffee Morning at Westfield Trinity Methodist 10am 18th

The Skinny Dippers at Mardons Social Club, covers from all eras and genres free entry

25th Coffee Morning at Westfield Trinity Methodist 10am 25th

, For The Record at Mardons Social Club, exceptionally talented covers band, free entry.


• Radstock Folk Dance Club Every Friday until the end of July, St Peter’s Church Hall, 8-10pm. All sessions are led by a caller who explains the moves. Experience is not necessary, although enthusiasm helps. For further information, contact Dick and Jean Shilton, 01458 841400.

Parish Council Meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.


• Friday Social Club 2-4pm at Trinity Westfield Methodist Church, 2nd Friday of every month.

3rd Radstock Museum’s Radstock Miners’ reunion www. radstockmuseum.co.uk

• Coffee Mornings 1st Friday of the month, Trinity Westfield Methodist Church, 10 – 12 noon. Unless being held for charity, then on a Saturday, check local listings.

8th 1st Coffee Morning at Westfield Trinity Methodist from

• Westfield Ladies’ Choir Every Wednesday 7.15pm -9pm at St Peter’s Church



Environment and Development Committee meeting. 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.

• English Folk Dance Fortnightly Thursday 2-4pm at St Peter’s Church • Baby Bounce and Rhyme First Thursday of the month at Radstock Library. Sing along nursery rhymes for under 3s, 11-11.30 am.

November, Radstock Museum’s Exhibition, WW1 and how it changed us, 1914-1924. The exhibition will include contributions from Paulton, Shoscombe, Clapton and Buckland Dinham along with the Percy Hurd Diaries and the Beauchamp Girls’ story by Museum Trustee and local historian, Tom Randall. Check www.radstockmuseum.co.uk

18th -30th

• Radstock Museum’s Exhibition: Radco 150 years 1st May – 1st September Packed with artefacts, old photos, paintings and memories plus much more of Radstock Co-op and all the little Co-ops in our surrounding villages. Plus a new book on the history of Radstock Co-operative Society to be launched this summer. www.radstockmuseum.co.uk for more details.

18th Radstock Museum’s Science in Radstock Talk – 7.30 pm

• Westfield Sports and Community Centre - Sunday nights Bingo from 7:30pm.

at Radstock Working Men’s Club, Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Human Interaction by Rob Wortham, University of Bath.


Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting 7pm in the Boardroom, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield. Residents Welcome.


Coffee Morning for Macmillan at Westfield Trinity Methodist from 10am – 12 noon.

Regular events • Knit and Natter Every Tuesday, 2-4 pm, Trinity Methodist Church, Westfield • Westfield TT Running Group Every Wednesday, four running groups, St Benedict’s School, 7pm, various paces from gentle to fast runners Beginner’s Group – St Benedict’s School, 7pm every Thursday, learning basic running techniques and a steady running group covering 4-5 miles Every Friday, Running Group – St Benedict’s School, 7pm Trail running on local footpaths in two groups, steady and faster runners welcome to explore our amazing local countryside.

• Westfield Sports and Community Centre - Tuesday and Wednesday Mother and Toddler sessions 10am – midday. • Westfield Sports and Community Centre Thursday afternoon Social events. Every Thursday from 2pm to 5pm. Come along and enjoy entertainment, refreshment and a game of bingo, and hopefully meet new friends. • Boules Every Tuesday from 6pm until dusk at Norton Hill Recreation Ground. No experience or equipment needed. Just turn up and enjoy.


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... find out more learn more: facebook.com/mardonsclub The Westfield Warbler - 23

Big Bank Holiday at Mardons It’s going to be a big bank holiday weekend at Mardons Social Club as MMMBOP present their Tribute To The 90s on Friday, 25th May. The club is especially excited as MMMBOP are actually a ‘supergroup’ formed from members of two of the club’s most loved bands - Freeze and Limited Edition. They will debut their brand-new set, which includes Let’s Get Ready To Rumble, Keep On Moving and Stop Right Now so join them to look back at this fun decade.

to get the club on their feet and dancing. The six-piece funk/soul party band avoid the obvious covers and put a funkin’ twist on carefully chosen songs, including Do Your Thing by Basement Jaxx and Giddy Up by Tahuna Breaks.

Then it’s a ‘Sunday Funday’ on the 27th May as Mardons invites the whole family to join them for the afternoon. There will be a family BBQ available, a mini disco and probably the funniest puppet and magic show around with fabulous kids’ entertainer Johhny G.

With a great mix of music always on offer and suited to all ages and tastes, the social club is keen to be as inclusive as possible and to allow all guests an enjoyable night out in a safe environment. The weekly entertainment is free to everyone, members and nonmembers alike, new faces are always welcomed at Mardons.

Regular entertainment comes at pace as Mardons continue to fill their Saturday night slots with the leading bands around, established favourites as well as exciting new names. Bristol-based, Funk Husky will make their debut in June, coming highly recommended, they plan

July will see the social club celebrating their third anniversary with another Big Summer Party. This year the ever-popular Stiff Upper lips will be on hand providing a sensational set list and plenty of bangers to make the night go with a bang.

Keep up to date with everything that’s happening by liking the Facebook page: Facebook.com/mardonsclub

Westfield Ladies Choir News May 2018 New Look for Old Choir After more than 70 years as Westfield Ladies Choir, we have decided on a new name to go with our new programme to bring us firmly into the 21st century. As we wanted to keep our association with Westfield, we decided we should become Westfield Voices. Thanks to a grant from Radstock and Westfield Big Local, we are looking forward to updating our uniform and investing in recording equipment to enable us to sing more easily for outdoor events, such as Westfield Fun Day and Holcombe Gala. Our first concert as Westfield Voices will be at St Peter’s Church on Fri 27th July, and we hope to see you there. In addition to the concert, we have a busy schedule this summer singing for various clubs and groups in the area. And we always try to find the time to go into Fosseway 24 - The Westfield Warbler

School to sing to and with the children, who are some of our biggest fans. As is becoming a tradition, we visited them this March for National Sing Up day to the enjoyment of all. What has not changed is the warm welcome we give to new members. If you have ever fancied singing with a choir come and join us (no auditions). Or, if you can play the piano, we are still looking for an accompanist, to replace our current accompanist who is leaving us due to family commitments. Our rehearsals are on Wednesday nights at St Peter’s Church Hall from 7:15 to 9:00pm. If you would like to join us, or maybe you would like to book us to sing for your organisation/group, please contact Lesley Schofield on 01761 419540 or Jane Dyson on 01761 232715 (jane_dyson@live.co.uk.).

WESTFIELD FUN DAY Sunday 3rd June 2018 SCRUFFS DOG SHOW 2018 3.15pm in the Show Ring

Entry Form

-----------------------------------------------------------------Dog’s Name:


Dog’s breed:


Dog’s age:


Owner’s Name:


Entry is free! Please tick all the categories you would like to enter: Best Trick Young Handler Waggiest Tail Dog that looks most like its owner Dog the judges would like to take home Rosettes will be presented for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category (only one prize for dog the judges would like to take home) Return the form to: Westfield Parish Council, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield BA3 3BX or council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk by Thursday 31st May, 4pm or register on the day The Westfield Warbler - 25

Grass cutting Brownies in Westfield Earlier this year, officers of B&NES highlighted the fact that they can no longer afford to cut grass which it does not own unless paid to do so by the landowner. It identified about 15 such pieces of land in Westfield and, where the landowner could be identified, started talks with them. As I write this article at the end of April, these talks are still ongoing. In April, the Parish Council decided to keep local people informed via letters which went out to all residents whose homes are adjacent to these green spaces. In a number of cases, the landowner can no longer be identified and the Parish Council has offered to arrange a meeting with the residents surrounding such pieces of land and B&NES officers so that we can look ahead collectively. Speaking at the Annual Parish Meeting on 23rd April, Chair of the Parish Council, Geoff Fuller, said: “As a Parish Council, we are committed to working with B&NES and with local people to resolve these issues. We will be arranging a meeting shortly so that local people can raise ideas and hear and discuss this matter with B&NES officers.”

The members of 3rd Westfield Brownie unit spent their 90 minute meeting on the evening of Thursday 26th April tidying up in the Westfield area. They were supplied with litter pickers, gloves and bags from the council and their hard work resulted in 7 bags full of rubbish. Brownie leader Sharon Purnell said ‘the Brownies were shocked at just how much litter there was and they said it will discourage them from dropping their own litter in the future’.

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26 - The Westfield Warbler



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Fosse Way School ‘Bake Off’ Raises Funds for Cancer Research All of the ingredients for a highly successful fundraising event were in the mix at Fosse Way School’s spectacular ‘Bake Off’ competition, held on Thursday 22nd March. Staff and students alike displayed liberal helpings of talent and creativity in their entries for the competition, the proceeds from which are to be donated to Cancer Research UK. The popular event was organised by the outstanding special school’s residential manager, Jason Towells. Throughout the week many members of the school community had been meticulously preparing their entries. Yet it was only on the big day itself that the true scale of Fosse Way’s collective culinary capabilities became apparent, since all were required to do their baking entirely at home. On the day a multitude of mouth-watering entries were brought to the school’s staff room, which had been specially decorated for the occasion to resemble the popular television programme with an array bunting, balloons and brightly coloured table cloths. Early on the morning of the contest a message was despatched by Mr. Towells urging everybody concerned to resist the gnawing temptation to take a furtive nibble of their delicious creations before morning break. Come break time staff and students were at last able to enjoy the wonderfully aromatic cakes and biscuits they had produced. One entrant had even created a tantalising selection of chocolate scotch eggs! All who took part in the pleasurable consumption of this bounteous feast were asked to make a donation to Cancer Research UK, either in cash or via a ‘Just Giving’ page set up on the internet by Mr. Towells for the event.

much deliberation the judges selected three entrants as the winners of this year’s ‘Star Baker’ awards. The successful entrants were: residential team member, Marilyn Plummer for her impressive ‘Stand Up to Cancer’ cake, teaching assistant, Lee Morris for his novel chocolate Guinness cake and Key Stage Four student, Gina Matthews for her delicious carrot cake. Commenting on Gina’s success, Debbie Lockley remarked: “She delivered on both appearance and taste.” Having received news of her success Gina Matthews responded enthusiastically: “I love baking cakes and could do it all day long!” Aside from the Stand Up to Cancer charity, perhaps the greatest winners were the Bake-Off’s judges, each of whom, in the interests of reaching an informed decision, sampled a portion of every entry to the competition. A replete Jason Towells commented: ‘All the cakes were delicious and it was a really difficult decision choosing a winner. We hope this event raises a lot of money for Stand Up to Cancer and that everybody at Fosse Way School enjoys eating what so many have made.” At the end of the school day Mr. Towells was delighted to announce that thanks to the generosity of the Fosse Way School community the competition had raised a grand total of £222.49 for Cancer Research UK.

Before break time the judges had assembled to appraise the abundant baked delights and select the winners. The panel comprised Jason Towells, school administrator Sharon Hall and manager of Longfellows’, the school’s popular café, Debbie Lockley. After The Westfield Warbler - 27

Man Engine wows crowds at Somer Valley Campus Last month, 36-foot tall mechanical puppet Man Engine came to Bath College Somer Valley Campus to put on an amazing show, all the while giving an insight into our mining history. The sun was shining at the ‘Afternooner’ performance which brought in hundreds of local families. Crowds were entertained by The Natural Theatre Company and the Midsomer Norton & Radstock silver band. The ‘Afterdarker’ performance continued to thrill crowds with the added spectacle of uplighting and pyrotechnics. Nicki Smith attended the evening performance and said “What a fantastic experience! Inspiring story-telling, incredible engineering and poignant details. Thank you for coming to the Somerset coalfields.”

The Man Engine show told the story of 14-year-old Harry Sage, who worked as a powder boy at the colliery at Norton Hill and was brought to life by a young actor in the performance. The colliery had a good safety record, however in 1908 a pit explosion killed 10 miners. The event was very well received and brought thousands of local people to the Somer Valley Campus. Daisy Walsh, Commercial Director at Bath College said of the event: “We were delighted to host Man Engine at Bath College. “Somer Valley Campus was the perfect location to host this impressive machine as it is the home of our Engineering Provision covering apprenticeships and 16+ learners and also our Construction Centre. It was lovely to see the local community enjoying a family day out and taking advantage of having such an exciting event on their doorstep. We thought the Man Engine show was so impressive and really brought the local mining history alive.

28 - The Westfield Warbler

Norwest Bowls Club Are you a local? Do you descend from one of the men who worked in the coal pits at Westfield? In amongst your family archives would there be any records or photographs of miners who played bowls at Norwest? If you have then we’d love to hear from you as it’s our birthday this year. We’ll be 90 and although we have records and some bowlers going back quite a way, we have nothing about the founders of our club. Our club badge reflects the beginnings of our club by depicting the pit head wheel, the miners’ tools and a canary, which was used to detect gas. We’re very proud of our heritage, but would love to know a little more. So please have a rummage through your old photos and please let us know if you can help. So, what about Norwest today? Yes, 2018 is a big year for Norwest Bowls Club as we will be celebrating our 90th year of bowling, and we are still a thriving club today, who enjoy a good game of bowls. We have some members who relish the cut and thrust of County competition and some who just enjoy a relaxed friendly game with local rivals or friends. That’s the thing at Norwest, it doesn’t matter which type of bowls you fancy, everyone is welcome, so if you’re interested just pop along any time when you see someone at the club, have a chat and who knows where it may lead you? County Champion, World Champion or even just into the clubhouse for a social drink and a bit of banter. To celebrate our 90th birthday, we have invited the County Patrons to join us for a special birthday game. It’s

always a great afternoon when we meet our old friends from the Patrons and I’m sure this will be no exception. Although none of those present will be quite old enough to remember the club’s beginnings, I’m sure there will be lots of shared memories of games gone by. So what else do we do at Norwest? Well, during the season we enjoy away days: this year we are going to Weymouth and Poole and in May we went for our annual Bowls Tour to Bournemouth where we had a great time and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Obviously, we play a lot of bowls at Norwest, but we also enjoy lots of social events and not least amongst these is our ‘Funday’ which this year is on Sunday, August 5th and as usual we’ll be having hot dogs, playing game like ‘hurling at haggis’, ‘fishing for ducks’ and ‘curly bowls’ as well as partaking in a few bevvies and enjoying lots of banter. Then in the off season we play in our ‘Fish and chip skittle league’ which is run by Keith and Dennis and also enjoy lots of social events, so all in all we are kept very busy. Well that’s all about us at Norwest, but what about you? Have I whetted your appetite? If so, we’d love to welcome you to join us as either a playing member or just a social member. It doesn’t matter if you’re a couple or a single, young or old, you’ll all be just as welcome. So why not come and join us, you’ll be very welcome. Nora Holmes

The Westfield Warbler - 29


Parish Clerk T

hanks to our flower contractor for the great spring flower display through Westfield. The daffodils on the ground have spread and tied in with the planters which this year were absolutely bursting with golden daffodils. We look forward with great anticipation to the summer display and here in the office have been making arrangements for the hanging basket brackets to be weight tested and strengthened and the irrigation system at Jubilee Green to be finished. Whilst on the theme of flowers, the Front Garden Competition has been going from

strength-to-strength and we hope that you will consider nominating any front gardens in Westfield which you feel stand out. Details will go up on our website shortly: www.westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk There are a number of green areas in Westfield which Bath and North East Somerset Council will no longer be cutting due to the fact that they do not own the land. The Parish Council has had meetings with B&NES to make sure that they try to set up a cutting schedule with the landowners so that the green spaces which are such a feature in the Parish do not suffer. We also put letters through the doors of those residents living nearest to these grass areas so that they at least are informed of the change. We hope that the weather is kind at the Westfield Fun Day this year and you will find time to come along and take part at Westhill Recreation Ground on Sunday, 3rd June 124pm.

Lesley Welch Parish Clerk

Parish Councillors’ Surgeries Westfield Parish Councillors will be holding surgeries in Westfield for residents to approach them for advice and guidance on issues within the parish. The first two of these will be held in June and July. Cllrs Mansell and Jackson will hold a surgery at St Peter’s Church Fete on Saturday 23rd June at 12pm – 1pm. Cllrs Cooper and Williams will hold a surgery 30 - The Westfield Warbler

at Mardons Club on Saturday 21st July at 11am – 12pm. This is an ongoing initiative and further dates will be published in the next Warbler and in the Journal. There is no need to make an appointment, but if you would like to advise Councillors that you will be attending and what you would like to talk about then please contact them direct. Contact details for Councillors are at the back of the Warbler.

Your Parish


Cllr Andrew Butcher 07814 530 723 abwpc10@gmail.com

Cllr Diana Cooper 01761 415155 dianacooper18@btinternet.com

Cllr Kevin Docherty 07826 170147 kevindocherty1966

Cllr Lesley Mansell 07980 695117 cllrlesleyamansell@yahoo.co.uk

Cllr Ron Hopkins 01761 435852 sueron1@sky.com

Cllr Geoff Fuller 01761 439198 / 07540 998603 geoffrey.fuller@outlook.com

Cllr Eleanor Jackson 01761 438968 eleanor_jackson@bathnes.gov.uk

Cllr James Honess jameshoness@hotmail.co.uk

Cllr Bryan Wallbridge Vice Chair 07974 939776 westfield.wallbridge@gmail.com

Cllr Phil Wilkinson 01761 431355 / 07803 927626 philipdwilkinson@btinternet.com

Cllr Pat Williams 01761 432630 patwilliams21@talktalk.net

The Oval Office, Cobblers Way St Peters Business Park, Westfield BA3 3BX Telephone: 01761 410669 Email: council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk @westfield_pc Westfield Parish Council The Parish Council is open from Monday to Thursday, 9am - 4.30pm. Due to the small number of part time staff it is advisable to telephone before visiting. The Parish Council is accessible to the public, with a lift to the first floor office. The Westfield Warbler - 31

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