Midsomer Norton Life Autumn 2013

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Autumn 2013 Issue 8

Sponsored by Midsomer Norton Town Council

A GUIDE TO LOCAL LIFE DON’T MISS Youth Sport Review Meet The New Town Councillor New Garden of Friendship

See inside for details of the new Midsomer Norton Community Plan


s ever it’s been a busy quarter since the last issue of Midsomer Norton LIFE.

Cllr Sara Box joined the Council team in August to fill a vacancy and is already taking the lead on building stronger links between the Council and younger people. The Midsomer Norton Forum, which is developing the town’s first comprehensive Community Plan, piloted the questionnaire in August and is on schedule to issue questionnaires to every household in the town in October. This important project will enable everyone in the town to have a say on the future development of Midsomer Norton. We recently signed a lease on the Catholic Church Garden which will make this wonderful oasis of green space, at the heart of the town, available for all. The Community Trust launched on the 24th June and we appointed a Community Development Manager to manage community spaces, organise events and work with community groups. Already negotiations have opened with the Midsomer Norton & District Carnival Association to work in partnership on the traditional Christmas event as well as a new summer event for 2014. Finally, we recently visited our French partners in Ambarès et Lagrave and as well as signing a new twinning agreement we discussed plans to expand our twinning activities for all ages. We hope you enjoy this latest issue of LIFE. Cllr Paul Myers & Cllr Michael Evans Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Midsomer Norton







































The next edition of Midsomer Norton Life will be in November 2013. If you would like your group to be included in the next edition, please contact us on 01761 410141 before the deadline. If you have difficulty reading the print please contact the Town Clerk for a large print copy. You can also view Midsomer Norton Life on the council’s website at www.midsomernortonlife.co.uk Midsomer Norton Life is produced by Ignyte Ltd, Suite 7, Westfield Court, Third Avenue, Westfield Trading Estate, Radstock BA3 4XD Tel 01761 410141. While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Midsomer Norton Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.






n October all households in Midsomer Norton will be contacted and asked to complete a questionnaire, to have their say on all aspects of the town and our community. This is the first time Midsomer Norton has ever had such a detailed consultation to create a community plan. Why have a plan? Since being elected the Town Council has been working hard to tackle some of the urgent issues facing the Town within existing policy frameworks. However, for Midsomer Norton to move forward as a community it is vital that the direction of travel reflects the view of the general people. Questions, which were piloted with 200 houses in August, cover all aspects of town life from community group participation, economic development and green space facilities to the town environment and young people. Whilst in the past there have been many

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consultation workshops and promises – the big difference this time is that the Town has a very focused team in the form of the Town Council which has already shown that with hard work it can move things forward. The survey, whilst being funded by the Town Council, is being carried out by an independent team of volunteers representing all community groups under the banner of the Midsomer Norton Forum. However, the Forum, as well as emphasising that the results will be acted upon, is also seeking to manage expectations as to what is actually possible. Over 5,000 questionnaires will be delivered by volunteers – one to every house in October with various collection boxes for their return located around the town. There will be assistance available for anyone seeking help in completing the questionnaire in the form of a help line as well as braille copies.


To ensure as many different views as possible are collected, the project organisers are requesting that the questionnaires are filled out with as many of the household members of all ages as possible present and giving input – rather than it being the views of a single member. There will be a prize draw to enter for those returning questionnaires which will then be processed and the aggregated results published for everyone to see. If you have any questions or require help completing the form, please contact us on (01761) 418701.

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The new Board of Trustees

Alex: New Community Development Manager



fter two years of planning, the new Midsomer Norton Community Trust launched on Monday 24th June 2013 in the Town Hall. The aim of the new Trust is to help build a vibrant community in Midsomer Norton. It will have three main roles: managing community buildings and spaces on a day to day basis, organising community events and activities and encouraging community groups in the town. Following a fantastic response to the Town Council’s appeal in the press in 2012 for volunteer Trustees, it has been possible to appoint a steering group which has been working for the last five months to create the Trust which will apply to register as a charity.

With a combination of a membership scheme and use of Facebook, Twitter and traditional posters and mailers, the aim is to ensure that everyone of all ages is aware of what’s going on and so can join in Midsomer Norton’s vibrant community life. It’s an exciting time for Midsomer Norton given the number of projects initiated by the Town Council coming together under the banner of this new organisation.

Buildings and Spaces – Rather than

relying on uncertain grants from B&NES to fund community buildings, the Town Council believes that by working in partnership with the community as a town we can manage these important assets more effectively in the long term. In the coming months the Town Council


is hoping to secure the future of the Town Hall as a community hub and centre of the arts by negotiating a 100 year lease with B&NES. At the same time talks will include the future of the Orchard Hall and the Hollies Garden.

Activities and Events – community activities and events such as the on-going arts programme and the Christmas Lantern Fayre require a huge amount of effort to pull together. With modern rules and regulations to ensure public safety, an organisation like the Community Trust will be able to provide leadership and management skills and help smaller organisations to take part. Community Groups – Midsomer Norton has over 100 community groups which are constantly in need of funding to develop and bring forward new initiatives. The Trust will be looking at ways to identify a wide range of funding sources and help groups put together funding bids.


Personalised updates on activities within the town through email, texts or a quarterly newsletter.


The latest news on the community groups within the town.


The chance to have a say about the future direction of community activity at our Annual Trust Meeting.



Special offers for certain community events.

For further details visit: www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk

INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? Call Zoe on: 01761 410141

Community Development Manager Appointed – To support the Trust in its early years, the Town Council has awarded a grant to the new Community Trust to employ a full time Community Development Manager.

Following the advertising of the new post, Alex Davis was appointed and will be working for the new Trustees in the coming months to realise their ambitious plans. “I’m Midsomer Norton born and bred and so have belonged to many of the local groups that I will now be working with. It’s a fantastic opportunity to be able to take part in shaping the development of the new Community Trust from the very start and I look forward to working to make Midsomer Norton more vibrant than ever before” said Alex Davis.

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Community Trust Card – The new

Trust has created a community card membership scheme. By becoming a card carrying member of the Community Trust you will be kept up-to-date with community activity like never before and receive:

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ne way that many towns and cities promote themselves is through a national accreditation scheme known as the Purple Flag. The programme recognises excellence in the management of towns and city centres at night, providing significant recognition for people, businesses and organisations who deliver initiatives and services associated with the evening and night-time economy. The programme is positive, dynamic and practical and is designed to benefit all who get involved. The aim of Purple Flag is to raise the standard and broaden the appeal of town and city centres at night, changing public perceptions surrounding the evening economies resulting in a better night out for all. The scheme is a fresh approach to managing nightlife. It is linked to the standards that people expect from their town centres at night, and its methodology is based on years of research, pilot initiatives, national and international good practice. Since it was created in April 2011, Midsomer Norton Town Council has worked closely with the Midsomer Norton Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) to address issues surrounding under aged and irresponsible drinking of alcohol and related anti-social behaviour in the town. Many residents will remember how the area has been portrayed in the past with a negative image being painted of our town and surrounding areas. The work of the CAP and the Town Council has included the engagement of Street Marshals who

patrol the town centre on Friday and Saturday nights and the successful application to make a Designated Public Place Order (DPPO). The emphasis of the CAP’s work has been to improve the night-time environment in the town in order to encourage a broader range of people to enjoy the venues offered. Despite some resistance, the reduction in anti-social behaviour has resulted in a measurable drop in crime in the town centre. The DPPO is not aimed at stopping people from enjoying themselves or preventing businesses from operating on a profitable basis. The Town Council wishes to promote Midsomer Norton as an attractive and safe place to enjoy an evening out for as many people as possible. At its June 2013 meeting, the Town Council voted to provide funding over the next two years for the purpose of acquiring Purple Flag status for the town. The process will require the area to be reviewed by trained independent assessors who will measure it against clear criteria such as: • Does the area have clear policies in place to manage the night time economy? • Does the area appear to be safe and welcoming? • Can people get home safely after an evening out and can people move around on foot with ease? • Does the area offer a vibrant choice of leisure and entertainment for a diversity

A step in the right direction....


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Once the assessment is completed, an accreditation panel will consider all of the evidence and make a decision as to whether a Purple Flag may be awarded. Many towns and cities now fly the Purple Flag and have reported a range of benefits including: • A raised profile and an improved public image • A wider patronage, leading to increased expenditure • Lower crime and anti-social behaviour • A more successful mixed use economy in the longer term of ages, lifestyles and cultures, including families and older people? • Does the area offer a blend of overlapping activities that encourage people to mingle and enjoy the place?

Midsomer Norton Town Council has begun working towards this prestigious award in partnership with the Community Safety Manager for B&NES. B&NES successfully achieved Purple Flag status in 2011 for Bath city centre - one of the first city centres to do so.






group of families visited France this year on an exchange with our twin town Ambarès et Lagrave. The strength and warmth of the bond between our two towns is perhaps hard to understand until you witness it first hand – but when the two communities meet everyone enjoys sharing food, drink, trips out, cultural activities and above all friendship. 2013 is a very special year as it marks 30 years since the first Twinning Charter was signed with Ambarès et Lagrave. However, since the Community Governance Review, Midsomer Norton Town Council, by working in partnership with the Twinning Association, has ensured that twinning links have continued and not just for people who live in the town but for anyone who lives in Radstock, Westfield or the Somer Valley. At this year’s

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ceremony in France there was a signing of a new Twinning Charter between Midsomer Norton and Ambarès et Lagrave as well as the renaming of their Town Park to ‘Midsomer Norton Park’.



The Mayor of Midsomer Norton presented Ambarès et Lagrave with a fine piece of handmade Bristol Blue glass which was well received and will be displayed in the French Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall). “Twinning is a fantastic way for people of all ages to form links with other countries and exchange new ideas and ways of thinking. However, if such cultural exchanges are to continue into the future we need to open up the benefits of twinning for more people to enjoy - particularly to the young and members of our many community groups”, said Paul Myers, Mayor of Midsomer Norton. During the week, discussions took take place between representatives of the French and English town councils and twinning groups on the future of the exchange. Ideas to use new technologies such as Skype to provide links between schools and exploring a joint Anglo-French Twinning Charter with a town in China were just two of the proposals on the agenda. For further details on twinning please visit www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk

Travellers in Bordeaux can now enjoy a journey on ‘Midsomer Norton’ following a tram naming ceremony in France during the recent twinning visit. The ceremony took place as part of a civic day to celebrate 30 years of twinning and the signing of a new Charter with Midsomer Norton. The tram not only carries the Midsomer Norton name but the new civic emblem of the town as it travels on one of the world’s most technologically advanced tram networks.


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idsomer Norton truly bloomed this summer thanks to a partnership between the Town Council and horticultural contractor Flowers by Nicola underpinned by support of local volunteers. The transformation of the flower beds is all the more remarkable when you think back to what things were like just a few years ago - and the change is not just confined to the town centre. In the Hollies Gardens the main front bed brimmed with flowers creating a sea of colour with the town’s name beaming out with pride. Originally intended as a one-off feature, the Midsomer Norton floral sign was included again this year by popular demand. New box hedging was planted outside the original 18th century Hollies House frontage which at the same time frames the logo of the new Midsomer Norton Community Trust.



Eighteen months of negotiations were completed to replace these by a single sign, transforming this eyesore and freeing up another green space which could be used for a floral display next year. Another project recently has been to prune the shoots from the bases of the historic lime trees in St John’s Church Yard in order to cut the ivy back which threatens to get into the crowns and risks the trees being brought down in winter gales.

There is a new bee hive feature, aimed at encouraging a greater awareness of the desperate plight of the bee in 2013. This theme will be continued in 2014 with links being developed with local bee keeping groups in order to advise the Council on how best to create bee friendly environments.

When the surprise hot weather in July struck, Council contractors, staff, volunteers and Community Payback all put their energies into watering the displays every day. If you would like to help keep Midsomer Norton blooming, either with ideas or by volunteering some time, please contact Clive Stilwell, the Town Clerk, on 01761 418701.

All along the river the tubs and main planters were planted to match the display of hanging baskets funded by local businesses through the Chamber – bringing a burst of colour to the streetscape. Further afield beds by the Telephone Exchange with its coal truck, Rackvernal Road and at the town gateway signs mean that there is no missing Midsomer Norton’s floral renaissance this summer. Meanwhile, work continued to tackle some of the remaining areas which ‘let the side down’ – such as the multitude of signs at the entrance to the Midsomer Enterprise Park on Radstock Road.

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ith many of you returning to school in September, have you thought about taking up a sport and joining one of Midsomer Norton’s many sports clubs? In this special section on youth sport, we focus on only some of the opportunities to join flourishing and exciting sports sections in and around the town. There are many other sports clubs which can be found on the internet and the Council fully supports all of their efforts to provide younger residents in the town with a healthy and rewarding insight into sport.

Midsomer Norton Football Club

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Midsomer Norton Football Club is an FA Charter Standard Club that continues to provide children with the opportunity to train and play football from 5 a side games on small pitches for Under 7 and 8’s progressing up to full 11 a side games for the older age groups all under the guidance of qualified coaches. The club has entered teams at six different age groups from Under 7 to Under 15 in the local football leagues for season 2013/14 Most of the teams trained throughout the summer and winter training commences in October through to March at Writhlington and Norton Hill schools. New players are always welcome to come along and join in. To find out more about the club please visit the website www. midsomernortonfootballclub.co.uk or contact the club secretary Bruce Stephen on 07762 365696.



in the many organised junior competitions and matches throughout the year on both courses as well as playing men’s and ladies’ competitions on the 18 hole course once they have reached the required standards. They are also encouraged to play junior opens and county events at away clubs. In 2012/13 we had 7 junior county champions

Midsomer Norton Rugby Club The Club has a thriving Junior Section which has over 230 members and provides coaching, training and competitive games for boys and girls from 7 to 12 in its Mini Section on Sunday mornings. There are also teams for each age group from U13s to U17s. Each October, the Club hosts a Festival for Minis when local teams are invited to play. MNRFC takes the welfare of children in its care very seriously and has recently been awarded the RFU Seal of Approval which confirms that proper Coaching and Child Protection standards are in place. The Club’s website can be found at www.midsomernortonrfc.co.uk

Golf Farrington Park Junior Programme Farrington Park received the Golfmark High Achiever status in 2009 to reflect its policy as a family and junior friendly club open to all. The mission of the golf club is to encourage juniors to join the club and progress in the development of their game. We aim to provide an environment where male and female juniors play golf in a safe, friendly and welcoming atmosphere. We will try to make junior golf rewarding and enjoyable through learning, caring and achieving:-

Junior Coaching Sunday Tiger Club – every Sunday aimed at juniors starting their golfing career - from 10.00am. For ages 3 and upwards. Tiger Club – invitees only – every Thursday and Friday 5.00pm Junior Holiday Sessions – During school holidays and half terms. Individual Junior Coaching also available. For more information on the Farrington Park Junior Programme please call the pro shop on 01761 451596 ext 110.

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Learning: We aim to provide professional coaching in a safe, friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The juniors are provided with free or reduced rates on all group and individual coaching.


Caring: We have appointed a Junior Welfare Officer who will be available to deal with any problems or have a friendly chat. We also ask all Juniors to sign up to the Junior Code of Conduct.


Achieving: The juniors are encouraged to play



Swimming Norton Radstock Swimming Club has existed in the area for over 50 years and is affiliated to the Somerset County Amateur Swimming Association and the ASA South West. We are a Swim 21 Teaching Club, forming the base of the competitive pyramid. This meets our agreement with Aquaterra, the demands of the local community and fits in with the availability of Swim21 Skill Development Clubs and a Competitive Club within the local swimming community. Our unique selling point is that we teach excellent stroke technique in the form of Total Immersion drills across all ability groups. The dedication of the Head Coach and the teachers, all of whom are volunteers, is measureable by the success of all our swimmers. The club holds two internal competitions, the

Annual Gala in November and Sprint Gala in March which provide all swimmers with the opportunity to enter competitive events and set personal best times. The squad has had an excellent year, winning the Winter League, finishing 7th in their Cotswold League group, out of 22 teams, and 6th overall in the A final at Hutton Moor on 4 May. Swimmers identified by the Head Coach are encouraged to enter open meets and county meets as individuals.


The ASA acknowledged Liam Wilcox’s commitment to volunteering by naming him 2012 SW Aqua Force Young Volunteer and he was runner up in the national awards. He was also accepted to join the National Young Coaches Development programme which supports and develops the potential of twenty young coaches. In January 2013 the club was delighted when former Norton Radstock member and 2012 Olympic Team GB swimmer Stacey Tadd accepted Life Membership. This endorsement has inspired the swimmers and given them self-belief, that anything is possible through hard work and commitment. We do not operate a waiting list, if you require further information please e mail Kay Willcox team-manager@nrsc.info or to arrange an assessment Kay Harvey enrolmentsecretary@ nrsc.info


Midsomer Norton Cricket Club The Cricket Club headquarters are in Withies Lane and the Club runs a flourishing youth section. With three juniors teams at Under 11, 13 and 15 age groups there are opportunities for young cricketers to become involved and the Club runs up to 5 weekend Men’s teams that rely on a healthy junior section to recruit its future stars. More details will be provided in Midsomer Norton LIFE as we near the 2014 season.

INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? Call Zoe on: 01761 410141

Athletics Somer Athletic Club is now approaching its Autumn / Winter training, which is held in Norton Hill sports hall and as some Juniors are aware it is much different from the Spring / Summer training. Rich and Jacqui, two of our qualified coaches, make sure that our juniors train and compete safely and in accordance with our membership of Clubmark and we have a code of conduct for our juniors. All our sessions integrate running activities which include relays, sprints and hill reps. Occasionally we also do a steady run of 1½ miles approx. We also do other activities in our sessions which include circuit training, obstacle relays, basketball shoot out, team games and much more! We welcome all juniors from 9-16 years. We currently have 28 members and have 15 - 20 at least at each session. Our training sessions are designed to keep children interested in fitness and also to be fun at the same time. The club web site is www.somerac.org.uk so find out some more and come and join us!

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he Midsomer Norton renaissance continues with the launch of the Midsummer Theatre Company. The aims of the new Company are to enable all ages to take part and create engaging theatre whilst at the same time bringing regular live performance to the town. The town’s new Community Trust has been instrumental in securing the services of experienced Theatre Director Petra Schofield. “This is a fantastic opportunity to develop a community based theatre in the Somer Valley; theatre not only brings people together, it enables them to have a choice and a pride in what they produce and allows them to share their creativity with their local community. What’s also unique about this company is its commitment to ensure that all its work is firmly rooted in the Somer Valley and its culture – both past and present” said Petra. Based at the Town Hall and Orchard Hall in Midsomer Norton, the new theatre company

is the idea of Alex Davis, newly appointed Community Development Manager. Petra Schofield has a long string of credits to her name both locally in places like Peasedown St John and nationally with ‘Music Is Life Productions’ touring new musical theatre. Petra also runs the youth section of the renowned Merriman Theatre Company as well as her own venture Magic Penny Productions. The initiative is being led by the newly formed Midsomer Norton Community Trust. Core funding is being provided by the Midsomer Norton Arts Project grant – a joint initiative between Bath & North East Somerset Council and Midsomer Norton Town Council which has been responsible for a wide range of arts initiatives in the town over the last six months. For further details on how register your interest for the Midsomer Theatre Company, visit midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk


NEW CINEMA PROGRAMME AUTUMN 2013 The Community Cinema team have an exciting new cinema programme for Autumn 2013 – containing more films than ever before! As well as the monthly Evening Showcase, September sees the return of our Family Showcase (matinee slot) on a Saturday afternoon and the launch of a new Classic Showcase. You can see a quick preview of the full autumn line-up by visiting: www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk whilst a list of screenings is provided:

Evening Showcase - Saturday 28th September 26th October 23rd November

Les Miserables Hitchcock Song for Marion

Family Showcase - Saturday 28th September 26th October 23rd November

Oz the Great and Powerful Wreck-it Ralph Ice Age 4: Continental Drift

Palladium Classic - Friday 13th September 11th October 8th November 20th December

Brief Encounter Kind Hearts & Coronets Bringing up Baby It’s a Wonderful Life

CLASSIC FILM COMING TO A SCREEN NEAR YOU A new classic film season on Friday afternoons is being launched as part of the Midsomer Norton Community Cinema’s fortnightly Autumn Programme. Designed to complement the already established Saturday Matinee and Evening Showcase, the new slot on a Friday afternoon at 2pm will explore not just the Golden Age of Hollywood but also British


Greats starting with Noel Coward’s legendary Brief Encounter on Friday 13th September. It’s a bold step with the jury out on whether there is a market for great films from the past which many remember as packed full of emotion, turbulence and passion – but which still more have never even heard of. By introducing each screening with a short talk and by including free tea and cake in the ticket price, the aim is to appeal to a wide audience from film aficionados to those to have never considered watching older films and who are simply looking for a warm and cosy autumn afternoon. “Until you’ve seen Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard fall in love on the big High Definition projection screen it’s difficult to imagine the appeal of these legendary classic films which our parents and grandparents flocked to the cinema to see in their day. Whilst the challenge is getting people to take the plunge and come along for the first time – thereafter these films I know will work the magic their creators in the golden age of cinema intended”, said Paul Myers, Mayor of Midsomer Norton. Certainly there’s no better way to explore film greats like Brief Encounter, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Bringing up Baby and It’s a Wonderful Life than in the way they were intended – on a large screen and as a shared audience experience But for those who prefer the latest releases then the new Saturday evening Showcase beginning on the 31st August at 7.30pm can look forward to a comedy with Hyde Park on the Hudson (a change from the previously advertised film of Mamma Mia) followed by Les Miserables, Hitchcock and Song for Marion. Complementing this will be the Saturday afternoon Matinee slot beginning on the 28th September at 4pm with ‘Oz the Great and Powerful’ followed by Wreck it Ralph and Ice Age 4: Continental Drift. Full details of the programme with links to trailers at www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk





idsomer Norton Town Council has reached an agreement with the Downside Abbey Trust to take a 30 year lease on the Catholic Church Gardens in Midsomer Norton to create a Garden of Friendship, open to all residents and visitors as a quiet and peaceful haven in the centre of the town. The Council has no plans to change the look or layout of the gardens but will bring its capabilities and logistical skills to maintain and improve this beautiful green space for more people to use it for the next 30 years. The Garden has already seen

a commemorative oak tree planted in 2012 as a part of the town’s twinning links with the town of Ambarès et Lagrave in South-West France. The Church and the barn have a rich history. The building was built and owned by the Augustinian Canons at Merton Priory, Surrey. It is the secondoldest existing building in Midsomer Norton (after the old priory itself), dating back to the 15th century. Following Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries in the mid-16th century, the barn was handed over to the King and became part of the patrimony of Christ Church, Oxford. By 1886 it was no longer needed for the storing of tithes in kind and was sold to a private owner in auction. In 1906 the building was purchased by Downside Abbey for use as a church. The barn had been used as a kennels, a stable and even a chicken


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THE WANSDYKE PLAY ASSOCIATION The Wansdyke Play Association (WPA), are a local, voluntary sector organisation with a reputation, both locally and nationally, for positive work to support the development of communities through play schemes. Their mission is to empower local communities through provision of quality play services which include Community Play Rangers, Holiday Play schemes, Inclusive After School Clubs and young people’s activities and clubs. house and was by now in a very poor state. Abbot Edmund Ford engaged the services of the architect Giles Gilbert Scott to plan restoration and conversion of the building. Scott had previously been appointed, controversially, as the architect for the Anglican cathedral in Liverpool (despite being a Roman Catholic) and was the designer of the iconic K6 red telephone kiosk. The barn was blessed as a church on the 17 May 1913. The Garden will be available for everyone to enjoy and the Town Council is considering how to enhance it, by renovating some of the paths and improving the hedges and fencing. Maybe the Garden could be further enhanced by relocating one of the town’s K6 Phone Kiosks there, bringing two of Giles Gilbert Scott’s works together?

Several activities are run with ongoing provision for five to nineteen-year-olds. They have an extensive school holiday club and at their building at Redfield Rd they offer coffee mornings,play sessions, children’s parties and a Saturday club. Visit the website: www.wpa-play.com or call: 01761 568242 for more information



THE RURAL RECOVERY HUB Developing Health and Independence (formerly known as the Drugs and Homeless Initiative) is a local charity that was set up in 1999 to help people out of the cycle of homelessness, social isolation and drug or alcohol abuse. Our aim is to offer people a wide range of services that help them gain control of their lives again and live independently. During that time DHI have helped thousands of people to build a better future. We work in Bath and North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Swindon, Wiltshire, and Somerset. DHI runs a Recovery Hub in Midsomer Norton, a building that houses a variety of services that we and other organisations run in order to offer a full service to local people who need support. The Hub is partly funded by Bath & North East Somerset Council. Our Reach Support Service provides practical and emotional support to people who have difficulties with their accommodation, or who may be homeless or at risk of homelessness. The service helps people to live independently

and develop useful life skills. The Hub offers a range of other services: • DHI and the Specialist Drug and Alcohol Services organisation offer services for people with alcohol or drug problems, including counselling, group sessions, psychological therapies, advice and information, prescribing services and support for families and carers. • The Clean Slate Training & Employment organisation finds temporary and permanent jobs for long-term unemployed people who may have a history of homelessness, mental illhealth, offending, or drug or alcohol misuse. • Project 28 helps young people in B&NES who have drug issues. • DHI’s advice and information and money management services help people budget and deal with debt issues, with the help of the Credit Union organisation. The Rural Recovery Hub is open from 9.00am4.30pm from Monday to Friday (to 7.00pm on Tuesdays). People looking for help can drop in at the Hub or make contact by ringing 01761 419086. The service is free and confidential and open to people who live in Bath and North East Somerset. For more details see www.dhi-online. org.uk/do/bath/midsomer-norton


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idsomer Norton Town Council has co-opted a new Town Councillor, following the departure of former Town Councillor, Simon Wellington. Local resident, Sara Box, joins the Council as an Independent, winning with a clear majority when put to the co-option vote at the June 2013 Town Council meeting. After being declared the successful candidate from a total of three who applied after the vacancy was formally announced in the local media, Sara said, “I have always been interested in the local area and closely followed the events which enabled Midsomer Norton to have its own Town Council. I feel I have a lot to offer Midsomer Norton as an Independent Town Councillor. I am keen to put energy into building strong links between young people and the Council. I have been an active member of the community, having been involved in a number of projects, including generating revenue for Somer Valley FM, to most recently becoming a Trustee on the Midsomer Norton Community Trust. I have a background in sales and marketing and would like to put


this to use through event planning. My two children attend Somervale School and are involved in many after-school clubs in the town, so I have an idea of what is available for the younger community. I would also like to encourage them to become involved in local events and gain an interest in local issues.” Sara will be leading on youth and children’s matters, bringing a fresh perspective to the Council’s thinking about its future electors. She is keen to develop some new approaches and has been researching where the Council’s efforts might be best placed. “Youth Councils have been successfully introduced in different areas around the country and perhaps it might be something that could help more of our younger residents understand local government and at the same time help the Council to understand their needs. But I am also keen to try some new ideas such as providing a platform for some of our students to try their hand at running a business as part of their work experience, broadening the appeal of some of the Community Trust’s events and also looking at some innovation around child care, such as a Saturday morning facility to enable mums and dads to get to the shops on their busy weekends”.

Live Music, DJs, Comedy Club, Real Ale, Surreal Cider, Staffed Mobile Bar for Events





place. But in case you didn’t know, the table on the right is aimed at helping you contact the right council or organisation. If you are in doubt, please feel free to call the Town Council on 01761 418701 and one of the Officers will direct you to the right organisation or help you with your question. Useful web sites and e-mail addresses: Town Council www.midsomernortontowncouncil.co.uk


any residents of Midsomer Norton contact either the Town Council or Bath & North East Somerset Council (our Local Authority) with questions about services or to find out how they can access help and support. The Town Council Officers will always help residents to direct their questions to the right

Town Clerk townclerk@midsomernortontowncouncil.co.uk Town Warden townwarden@midsomernortontowncouncil.co.uk B&NES – www.bathnes.gov.uk B&NES Main Switchboard – 01225 477000






Curo Housing - 01225 366000 or curo-group.co.uk

Highway repairs Refuse collection & recycling permits Pest control Overgrown rights of way and paths/pavements

BANES - 01225 394041 or

Planning and building control


Public health Trading standards Council tax and benefits Dog warden Births, deaths and marriages Representing Midsomer Norton Voice on B&NES wide bodies Developing Community Plan (Forum) Midsomer Norton planning Managing green spaces West Clewes Recreation Ground Garden of Friendship Town Park Project

Midsomer Norton Town Council

River Somer in the town centre

01761 418701

Planting & maintenance of flower beds


Allotments and link to new Association War Memorial Public Convenience - Town Hall Town Warden Service General issues affecting the streetscape Street Marshals inc CAP Litter and graffitti Grants to local groups Midsomer Norton LIFE




27th - Lower The Flags - Scorching rock. The Wunderbar, High St, MSN. 28th - What’s The Point? - Old school punks. The Wunderbar, High St, MSN.


28th - Matinee Family Showcase. Oz the Great and Powerful at the Town Hall, 4pm.


29th - Train rides at Somerset and Dorset railway 10am-4pm.

13th - Midsomer Norton Palladium, Palladium Classics. Brief Encounter at the Town Hall, 2pm.

29th - Harvest Service followed by lunch, 10.30am and 12.30pm. Harvest Service 6pm. Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, High St.

18th - Somervale School Open Evening. Guided tours start from 6pm, Heads address at 7.30pm.

29th - Harvest Festival Service at Somervale School, Welton Baptist Church, 10.30am - 12.15pm.

19th - Norton Hill School Open Evening. 4.45pm till 7.30pm. Guided tours from 5pm, Heads presentation at 6pm and 7pm.


19th - The World of the Midsomer Norton Knight c1300. 7.30pm at the Town Hall. Midsomer Norton Society

28th - Midsomer Norton Palladium, Evening Showcase. Les Mis at the Town Hall, 7.30pm.

3rd - First Thursday Afternoon Social. 2pm at Welton Rovers Football Club. 4th - Paradis Trio, 12.30-1.30pm at the Town Hall

22/23rd - Railways on the air weekend taking place at the Somerset and Dorset railway.

5th - Welton Rovers v Shepton Mallet. 3pm West Clewes Ground.

24th - Welton Rovers v Chard Town 3pm West Clewes Ground.

5th - Midsomer Farmers Market in The Hollies from 9am to 1pm.

25th - Free business and advice support sessions (1hr long appointments 10am-4.pm) Business West, Midsomer Enterprise Park. info@growthwest.co.uk.

7th - Full Council meeting at 7pm Midsomer Norton Town Hall Beauchamp Room.

26th - Comedy Night- A selection of 5 brilliant live stand up acts currently on the circuits, WunderBar, High St. 27th - Macmillian Coffee Morning, Crossways, Redfield Rd, Midsomer Norton. Kids Disco and Party Games from 3-5 pm. 27th - Macmillian Coffee morning, Health Club, Centurion Hotel from 8am. 27th - Mendip Male Voice Choir performing with Somervale School choirs at Somervale School, Midsomer Norton, 7.30pm.

7th - Chocolate Party, from 8pm in aid of Leukaemia and Lymphoma. Centurion Hotel, Midsomer Norton. 8th - Welton Rovers v Portishead 7.30pm West Clewes Ground. 8th - Give Blood at the Somer Centre, Gullock Tyning. Contact the National Blood Service to make an appointment. 1.30pm to 3.30pm and 4.30pm to 7.15pm. 9th - Book start and baby bounce and rhyme 0-3 years Midsomer Norton library 10:30am-11am. 10th - Welton Village Group, 7.30pm. The History of Welton Bag. Venue TBC.


11th - Midsomer Norton Palladium, Palladium Classics. Kind Hearts and Coronets at the Town Hall, 2pm. 12th - Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, 8am, Midsomer Norton Methodist Church Centre. 19th - Welton Rovers v Keynsham Town 3pm West Clewes Ground. 21st - Midsomer Norton Photographic Society, Exhibition at the Methodist Hall, Midsomer Norton 10am – 4pm 21st - Planning Committee Meeting at 7pm Midsomer Norton Town Hall Beauchamp Room. 23rd - Give Blood at the Somer Centre, Gullock Tyning. Contact the National Blood Service to make an appointment. 1.30pm to 3.30pm and 4.30pm to 7.15pm. 24th - 7.30pm, St Johns Church visit from Weston Bath. 25th - Charity Halloween Fancy Dress Party with Gypsy, Mardons Social Club.


8th - Midsomer Norton Palladium, Palladium Classics. Bringing Up Baby at the Town Hall, 2pm. 9th - Little Pickles Market from 10-30am-noon, The Somer Centre, Gullocks Tyning, Midsomer Norton. 9th - Fireworks at the Farm - Bring friends and family for Fireworks, live band, bonfire and food. Welton Baptist Church At Manor Farm, Strattonon-the-Fosse 7pm - 9pm. 10th - Remembrance Parade Midsomer Norton High Street. 14th - Midsomer Norton Carnival 7.30 pm. 16th - Open Day, Norton Radstock College 10am-1pm. 18th - Planning Committee Meeting at 7pm Midsomer Norton Town Hall Beauchamp Room. 23rd - Matinee Family Showcase. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift at the Town Hall, 4pm.

26th - Matinee Family Showcase. Wreck-it Ralph at the Town Hall, 4pm.

23rd - Midsomer Norton Palladium, Evening Showcase. Song for Marion at the Town Hall, 7.30pm.

26th - Midsomer Norton Palladium, Evening Showcase. Hitchcock at the Town Hall, 7.30pm.

28th - First World War Memorial Names, 7.30pm at the Town Hall. Midsomer Norton Society.


30th - Christmas Concert at 7:30pm Midsomer Norton Methodist Church.

1st - Paradis Trio, 12.30-1.30pm at the Town Hall 2nd - Midsomer Farmers Market in The Hollies from 9am to 1pm.


2nd - Cats Protection League Christmas Fayre, Midsomer Norton Methodist Church.

5th - First Thursday Afternoon Social. 2pm at Welton Rovers Football Club.

4th - Full Council Meeting at 7pm Midsomer Norton Town Hall Beauchamp Room.

6th - Paradis Trio, 12.30-1.30pm at the Town Hall.

7th - Give Blood at the Somer Centre, Gullock Tyning. Contact the National Blood Service to make an appointment. 1.30pm to 3.30pm and 4.30pm to 7.15pm. 7th - First Thursday Afternoon Social. 2pm at Welton Rovers Football Club.

6th - Midsomer Norton Christmas Event and Lights Switch on in the Evening. 20th - Midsomer Norton Palladium, Palladium Classics. It’s a Wonderful Life at the Town Hall, 2pm.




THINGS TO DO MONDAY 20.20.20 classes at South Wansdyke Sports centre at 11am, every Monday Aqua Aerobics at South Wansdyke Sports Centre 8pm to 8.45pm Café 3:16 from 3.30pm-5.30pm at Town Hall; youth café open to teenagers to hang out for a couple of hours after school. FISH Trampoline Club at Norton Hill Sports Centre Juniors 5pm to 6pm, Adults 7pm to 8pm. Five-a-side football from 9pm - 10pm at Norton Hill School with Welton Baptist Church, Five-aside football in the Gym.

Music with Mummy at the Methodist Church every Monday from 10am to 2.30pm for more information call Justine on 0171 413039. Norton Radstock U3A at Somer Centre, Midsomer Norton. Speaker-meeting every second Monday 2-4pm, Coffee morning every last Monday 10.30-12pm. Open swimming at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 6.30am to 11am, 11.30am to 1.30pm, 2.30pm to 8pm and 9pm to 10pm. Passport to Health sessions are held at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 11am to 2pm. Playzone (parent & toddler group) Longvernal Primary School 1.15am – 3pm Term Time Only 01761 418226. Somerset and Dorset Railway Heritage Trust is open every Monday from 1pm to 4pm, for viewing only contact 01761 411221. Spinning classes at South Wansdyke Sports Centre at 6.30pm. Storytime: Stories for 0-5 year olds for Free. 11am - 11.30 am at Midsomer Norton Library.

Healthy Back, stretch and tone classes at South Wansdyke Sports Centre at 12 noon.

The Early Shift Café at Longvernal School. Coffee and cake in conjunction with Longvernal Tweenies group for parents or carers of preschool and school aged children 8.45am to 10.45am.

Job Centre Plus Midsomer Norton Childrens Centre 9.30am - 3pm. Appointments or drop in.

Tummy Gym Sessions are held at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 5.45pm to 6.15pm.

Kettle Ball classes to strengthen and tone at South Wansdyke Sports centre from 6pm.

Veterans Football League at Norton Hill Sports centre at 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

Little Puma’s Tae Kwon Do group at Norton Hill Sports Centre ages 4 to 6 from 5.15pm to 6pm, juniors and adults 6pm to 7pm.

Wesley Guild at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church from 4pm fortnightly, a Christian services, devotional, cultural, social and musical interests with invited speakers.

Longvernal Play Session Orchard Vale Hall Every Monday @ 3.30pm After school fun & activities with the Play Rangers – Wansdyke Play Association 01761 420660. Monday youth club (term time only) at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, 6.15pm for children in years 3 to 6 and 7.45pm for children in years 7 and above.

TUESDAY 50+ swimming at South Wansdyke Leisure Centre 11am to 12 noon. Aqua Aerobics at South Wansdyke Sports Centre 10am to 10.45am.



Box circuits classes at South Wansdyke Sports Centre at 7.30pm.

Centre from 2.30pm to 4.30pm and 7.00pm to 9pm contact 01761 418400.

Dance class with the Desert Divas at St John’s Church Hall from 7pm to 8.30pm. For more information call 01761 416671.

Somer Athletic Club at Norton Hill Sports Centre for adults 7pm to 9pm.

Drop in Baby Clinic Midsomer Norton Children’s Centre 10am – 11.30am. Football with a qualified coach can be played at South Wansdyke Sports Centre every Tuesday from 5.30pm to 6.30pm on the outdoor pitch. Gentle exercise classes at South Wansdyke Sports centre at 10.45am. Golden-Oldies singing session at Greenacres Community Room, Greenacres, Midsomer Norton BA3 2RD every Tuesday 2-3pm. Open to all, voluntary donation of £1 per session. Please call the office to check your session is on and for more information 01761 470006. Housegroups with Welton Baptist Church from 7.45pm, a chance to meet in smaller groups for prayer, bible study and general this and that. Mass is celebrated at St John the Baptist from 12 noon every Tuesday. Methodist Church Women’s Fellowship meet fortnightly from September to June at the Methodist Church Centre at 3pm, for more information contact 01761 235970. Midsomer Norton Townswomen’s Guild meets on the third Tuesday of each month at St John’s Church Hall at 2pm. For more information call 01761 413528. Open swimming at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 6.30am to 10am, 12 noon to 1.30pm, 2.30pm to 4pm. Playtots from 10am - 11.30am at the Town Hall for pre-school children,babies and their carers. Senior Rugby training at Midsomer Norton Rugby Club at 7.30pm, contact 07773567887 or 01761 419750. Short mat bowls every Tuesday at The Somer

Spinning classes at South Wansdyke Sports centre at 6.45pm Stop off at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church for morning coffee and lunches from 11am to 1pm. Tummy Gym Sessions are held at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 6pm to 6.30pm.

WEDNESDAY Café 3:16 at 3.30pm-5.30pm in the Town Hall, a youth café open to teenagers to hang out for a couple of hours after school. Dynamos from 6.30pm-7.45pm at Welton Baptist Chapel a childrens’ group for age 6 to school year 4. FISH Trampoline club for Juniors at Norton Hill Sports Centre from 5pm to 7pm. Junior badminton coaching every Wednesday at Norton Hill Sports Centre from 5pm to 6pm for 11 to 14 years, 6pm to 7pm for 14 years and over. Music with Mummy at the Methodist Church every Wednesday from 10am to 12 pm, for more information call Justine on 01761 413039. Open swimming at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 6.30am to 10.30am, 11.30am to 1.30pm, 3pm to 6pm. Passport to Health sessions are held at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 10am to 2pm. Superchargers at 6.45pm-8pm in St. John Ambulance Hall from childrens’ group for school years 5 & 6. Toddlers group at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church at 12.30pm term time only. Voltage from 7pm-9pm in the Town Hall for Teens group for school year 7 to age 14.



Wives Group at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church Centre meets alternate Wednesdays at 2pm. Various speakers and topics. For more info or confirm date ring 01761 436770.

THURSDAY Aqua Aerobics at South Wansdyke Sports Centre 12.45pm to 1.30pm. and 8pm to 8.45pm. Body conditioning classes at South Wansdyke Sports Centre at 10.30am. Chilcompton Ladies Choir every Thursday at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church Centre from 7.30pm to 9pm contact 01761 416127. Citizens Advice Bureau 3rd Thursday of the month at The Childrens Centre Midsomer Norton 01225 396858 for appointments. Early support stay and play group at Midsomer Norton Children’s Centre every Thursday from 1.30pm to 3pm, for more information contact 01225 396660. Family First (for parents and carers of children with additional needs) 1.30pm to 3pm. Come along on the first Thursday of every month to Midsomer Norton Children’s Centre. Gentle Exercise classes at South Wansdyke Sports Centre at 9.15am. Golden-Oldies singing session at Welton Vale Community Room, Welton Vale , Midsomer Norton, Radstock BA3 2BG every Thursday 10.3011.30am Open to all, voluntary donation of £1 per session. Please call the office to check your session is on and for more information 01761 470006.

Music with Mummy at the Methodist Church every Thursday from 10am to 12pm, for more information contact Justine on 01761 413039. Open swimming at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 6.30am to 11am, 11.30am to 2pm, 3pm to 10pm. Passport to Health sessions are held at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 8pm to 10pm. Playtots from 10am - 11.30am in the Town Hall. For pre-school children,babies and their carers. Senior Rugby training at Midsomer Norton Rugby Club at 7.30pm, contact 07773567887 or 01761 419750. Somer Athletic Club at Norton Hill Sports Centre for adults and juniors at 7pm to 9pm. Somer Valley Gardening group meet at the Town Hall on the 2nd Thursday of every month, for more information call 01761417252. Spinning classes at South Wansdyke Sports Centre at 7.45pm St John Ambulance adults and cadets: cadets can be aged 11 to 16 and meet at 6.30pm to 7.45pm and the adults meet at 7.45pm onwards: St John Ambulance Hall, Radstock Road. The Old Bakery artists meet on the last Thursday of every month except December at The Fromeway in Radstock, for more information call 01761 418956. Welton Vale over 50’s club meet in the Community Room from 2pm to 4pm, for more information call 01761 417960.


Health and Beauty Group at St John’s Church Hall at 7.30pm to 8.30pm all ages welcome from 30’s to 80’s. Contact Annette on 01761 414163.

Adult social badminton club, every Friday at Norton Hill Sports Centre from 6pm to 9pm.

Jenny Peplow singers meet every Thursday at 7.15pm at the Somer Centre, for more information call Jenny on 01373 812093.

Bosom Babes (breastfeeding group) Midsomer Norton Children’s Centre, Pows Orchard, Midsomer Norton at 12pm to 1.30pm.



Café 3.:16 at the Town Hall from 7pm to 9pm. A youth café open to teenagers to hang out for a couple of hours in the evening.


Choir practice at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church from 7.30pm.

Active 8 Saturday Kids Club at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 9.30am to 12.30pm for 8 to 12 year olds.

Inflatable session in the swimming pool at South Wansdyke Sports Centre every Friday from 6pm to 7pm. Children 8 to 15 years old. Junior and adults Tae Kwon Do at Norton Hill Sports Centre from 7pm to 8pm. Meet for prayer at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church at 9.45 am. Open swimming at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 6.30am to 1.30pm, 2pm to 8.30pm.

Children’s Dance classes every Saturday afternoon at the Town Hall, contact Paula on 07860 839560 for more details. Inflatable session in the swimming pool at South Wansdyke Sports Centre every Saturday from 4pm to 5pm. Children 8 to 15 years old. Mass is celebrated at St John the Baptist from 9am every Saturday.

Pop In for coffee at Midomer Norton Methodist Church at 10am.

Midsomer Norton Methodist Cricket Club, meet every Saturday in season, for more information contact John on 01761 412328.

Short mat bowls every Friday at The Somer Centre from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Contact 01761 418400.

Open swimming at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 11.30am to 5pm and 6pm to 7.00pm.

Spinning classes at 6.30pm at South Wansdyke Sports Centre.

Passport to Health sessions are held at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 9am to 2pm.

Stay & Play 9.30am – 11am at The Children’s Centre. The Early Shift from 8.30am-10.30am in the Town Hall for parents or carers (after doing the school run) to have an early coffee and a cake and a bit of a chin wag! Tummy Gym Sessions are held at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 6pm to 6.30pm. Whist Club at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church from 2pm to 4pm. Yoga fitness at 11am at South Wansdyke Sports Centre. Zumba at South Wansdyke Sports centre at 1pm

Saturday Club @ The Somer Centre Midsomer Norton. A range of activites for disabled & non disabled children 10am – 2pm Wansdayke Play Association 01761 420660. Saturday Night Praise at 7.30pm on 3rd Saturday each month at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church. Spinning classes at South Wansdyke Sports Centre at 10am. The Local Churches Men’s Breakfast Fellowship meets monthly ( 2nd Saturday excluding July and August) at 8.30am ( breakfast from 8am) venues vary. For more information call Midsomer Norton Methodist centre on 01761 401450. Tricknology testing at Midsomer Norton Skate park, contact MOJO for more details on 07840 904 083.



SUNDAY Aqua Aerobics at South Wansdyke Sports Centre 6pm to 7pm. eNeRGy groups at 10.30am at Somervale School for groups for all ages from 3-11 during the main morning service. Evening Service from 6pm at St John the Baptist. Evening Worship from 6pm at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church. Family Sung Mass and Sunday School at St John the Baptist Church at 9.30am. Gener8 at Midsomer Norton Methodists takes place on the 1st Sunday in the month in November and December and the 2nd Sunday in the month for the rest of the year from 9.30am, includes activities, lively bible stories etc.

morning worship service for all ages. Morning Worship Youth church and crèche from 10.30am at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church. Open swimming at South Wansdyke Sports Centre from 10am to 1.30pm and 2.30pm to 8pm Said Mass at 8am at St John the Baptist Church. Somerset and Dorset Railway Heritage Trust is open every Sunday from 10am to 4pm contact 01761 411221. Welton Baptist Church Evening Service 6pm at Somervale School; evening service “café style.”

ADVERTISE YOUR EVENT HERE Call Zoe on: 01761 410141

Ignite (14-18’s) at 8pm-9.30pm at Welton Baptist Chapel for young People’s group for age 14 – 18. Junior Badminton Coaching every Sunday at Norton Hill Sports Centre. 10am to 11am for 7 to 11 years, 11am to 12pm for 11 to 14 years and 12pm to 1pm for 14years and over. Junior Rugby games and training at Midsomer Norton Rugby Club at 10.30am, contact 07773567887 or 01761 419750. Morning Service at 10.30am at Somervale School

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he Avon Dance Academy has announced that they are moving to Midsomer Norton Town Hall in September. Based in the Town Hall Assembly Room they will initially focus on Tap Dance classes for all ages on a Thursday evening. Founded in Midsomer Norton in the early 1970’s – Janine Veale took over the ‘The Carolyn Payne School of Dancing 17 years ago when she returned home from dancing professionally. In 1999 she


took over the Avon Dance Academy and The Chew Valley Dancing School. Over the years the Academy has grown substantially and now trains pupils with the Royal Academy of Dance and The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance – two of the most recognised exam boards in the world. Pupils are prepared for examinations and awards and take part in large dance productions the next one being due to take place in November. “We are passionate about dance and want to pass on our love of dance in a safe, professional way with the highest quality of teaching. It’s very exciting to be moving our classes back to Midsomer Norton’s and we’re looking forward to being part of the community and taking an active part in the town”, said Janine Veale, Principal of the Avon Dance Academy. For Midsomer Norton, the acquisition of this latest group marks a major step forward in the development of its cultural offering. “Our approach is to focus on creating a broad range of groups and activities under the banner of a Town Hall Community Hub for the benefit of the whole Somer Valley. We are keen to hear from anyone interested in launching a new group or activity as we can offer start up packages on hall hire fees to help groups get their projects off the ground”, said Alex Davis, Midsomer Norton Community Development Manager. For further details of the classes starting in September visit www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk



MIDSOMER NORTON FARMERS MARKET Many new stalls have arrived at the monthly Farmers Market along with musical entertainment. Every month, there will now be a fishmongers, Sea-Foods, who were voted the best in the South West. Moonacre Farm, a Kilmersdon based company, will be providing a range of biodynamically grown salads,vegetables,herbs & flowers plus free range eggs and own salami’s and cured meats. Refreshments and a seated area on the grass are provided which enable people to stay and linger and this has helped turn it into a social day out a place to meet up often with local musicians creating a welcome ambience! New musicians playing will be Bath based guitarist, Benji Bartlett and Vintage Diva from Bristol who play music from the past 3 decades.

LIONS GOLF DAY Members of other clubs throughout the area were welcomed when the Lions Club of Radstock and Midsomer Norton held their 10th Charity Golf Day. The wonderful day was organised by Geoff Moore and Derek Yelling. Farrington Park members J. Eke and G. Marsh won the competition with a score of 46 followed by 3 pairs of 45. Ladies B. R ylance and K. Clarke scored 43. The putting competition was won by B. Palfrey with a score of 10. The Great Western Air Ambulance Charity received the day’s proceedings when Penny Lawrence, Events and Community Fundraiser accepted the £1000.00 cheque from the Lions Club thanking them for their hard work and choosing her charity as a beneficiary. A raffle was held after the competition and the top prize of tea for two at Ston Easton Park was won by Chris Liberty.

The quality of local food however must take centre stage and in 2010 it was shortlisted as one of the best in Somerset and many of the stall holders have won there own recent awards for the quality of their products For more information about the market visit www.somersetfarmersmarkets.co.uk



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ince it was formed in 2011, Midsomer Norton Town Council has managed the allotments at Radstock Road, setting and collecting rent, administering waiting lists, managing the boundaries and open spaces and ensuring that allotment holders operated within a set of rules. As such the Town Council has a duty to provide allotments where there is a demand. In tune with many local councils, the Town Council has reached agreement with the allotment holders to transfer the day to day running of the facility, including collecting rents, to a newly formed Community Allotment Association. A lease was jointly developed and signed by the Council and representatives of the Association in July 2013. The Council will continue to supply water, maintain the boundaries and open spaces and insure the site. The Allotment Association has been granted initial funding to assist with its start-up costs from the first year of individual plot rents and it will continue to retain an element of future years’ rent to cover its on-going operating costs. The actual level to be retained will be agreed each year at a review meeting between the Town Clerk and the Association and the level of individual plot rents may also be reviewed. In return, the Council will no longer have to administer the allocation of plots from a waiting list and collect rent – a saving to the rate-payer through the reduction in administration costs. The waiting list is now quite short - and the Association is looking for volunteers to help run it. Contact martin.peter@fsmail.net.


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ne of the features of running a Town or Parish Council is the need to work in partnership with a range of other organisations to achieve improvements in service, increase investment, enhance the Town’s appearance or deliver benefits to the electors. The Town Council works with many other bodies and some of the successful joint ventures are set out below.

Working with Businesses to Improve the Town When visitors or residents approached Midsomer Norton along the Radstock Road, one of the very first sights to greet them was an unkempt collection of business signs on the corner of the entrance to Midsomer Enterprise Park. These had grown in number as businesses in the park sought to make sure that customers and delivery lorries could find them. The Town Council began a process of engagement with the businesses and landlords who own the park’s 20 or so units. The approach required close liaison with B&NES Highways Department as the land on which the signs were erected belonged to them. B&NES were considering removing these illegal signs and sending them to the tip as they were unsightly and posed a potential line of sight obstruction at the busy junction.

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By working with the landlords, Frome Signs and the Highways Department at B&NES, Town Clerk Clive Stilwell developed a solution of a large unit sign at the corner and an index sign set back from the road. The new sign now greets visitors and residents alike with a smart and clutter free entry point – the Council has plans to create a further flower display to finish off the job!

Partnership with the Chamber of Commerce When part of the South Road car park was temporarily closed in early 2013, the Town Council worked with the Chamber to develop a plan for alternative parking for town centre workers and opened the new car park at West Clewes as an overflow. As a result, the closure had little impact on business in the town as customers were able to continue to use the free parking facility despite its reduced capacity.

the limits on sales of goods that would directly compete with High Street businesses are key if the future regeneration is to retain the strong tradition of independent retailers in the town.

Maximising the Green Spaces in the Town The Town Council has been working with the Trustees of Downside Abbey and the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership to explore how the Catholic Church Garden and St Chad’s Well could be enhanced and access opened up to provide residents and visitors with green spaces around the town. A lease has been agreed with Downside on the Church Garden and the Council has offered to take ownership of St Chad’s Well in order to ensure that both areas can remain quiet and accessible havens just yards from the High Street.

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The Council helped with signage and temporary permits for town centre workers as well as promoting the alternative arrangements with businesses in the High Street area. In addition, the Town Council has worked with B&NES to agree the requirements of the town centre with regard to the possible impact of a new supermarket being built on the South Road car park site. The principles of free parking and


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ne of the reasons why Midsomer Norton has achieved so much in recent years is due to the contribution of local volunteers. They’ve have given the impetus to getting things done – and there are lots more opportunities for people to get involved.

Changing perceptions For many, the word volunteering conjurs up images of sitting in committees – but things have changed. The approach in Midsomer Norton is to encourage flexible volunteering where you can offer as little or as much time and energy as YOU choose – rather than agreeing to open ended commitments. We work on the principle that many hands make light work. In terms of the opportunity to do things the possibilities are many and varied. From working hands on out and about in the town to bringing skills that are needed to help voluntary organisations understand everything from accountancy to making curtains for the Town Hall. Even joining in to help make the tea for a group of volunteers who’ve been working is still incredibly valuable and when you see their faces when they see the tea tray you’ll know how valuable!

So what are the benefits? Often volunteering is presented simply in terms of what YOU can do for the community – when in fact many people probably get far more out than they put in if you count the opportunities to feel part of a team, make new friends, develop new skills and really making a difference. When you can walk down Midsomer Norton High Street and say – ‘I helped plant that flower bed’ or when you’re at a concert at the Town Hall and can say ‘I helped put the chairs out’ – the feeling is priceless. So even if you can only offer an hour a month or every three months – please get in touch to see how you can make a difference to Midsomer Norton. Let’s make it happen! Ring the Town Council office on 01761 418701.

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CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE Cruse Bereavement Care run a support group in Midsomer Norton for those who have recently been bereaved. It is an informal and welcoming group for people who are in this situation. They meet from 10.30-12 noon on the second and fourth Monday of each month and include coffee or tea and biscuits during the morning. Contact 01761 417250 to find out more.


LIONS PRESIDENTIAL HANDOVER The 37th annual handover dinner for the Radstock and Midsomer Norton Lions Club was held recently at The King William Inn, Tunley. Unfortunately the event was held with the absence of President Robert Briggs due to illness, which tinged the evening with sadness. Richard Munden, a past President, read Robert’s ‘thank you’ speech and then welcomed Trevor Hipwood as the new President. Trevor has been a member of the Lions for over twenty years; within that time he has served on all the committees for the benefit of the Club and community.






tudents at Midsomer Norton Sixth Form have had another year of outstanding A Level results. Students achieved a pass rate of 100% and a quarter of all results were either A* or A grades, and over 52% of students achieved A* - B grades. Students obtained an average UCAS point score of 303 equivalent to BBB, with 80% of students scoring A*-C grades. Students who sat the Cambridge Pre-U courses achieved exceptional results and guaranteed themselves places in the top Russell Group universities. Students sat the Pre-U examinations in a range of subjects including History and Economics. The qualification allows students to achieve grades above the A* grade available at A level. Those who took this qualification improved on impressive results seen last year, with 75% of students achieving A* - B grades.

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Over 15% of students obtained at least AAB in their A level qualifications including Brixton Hamilton who gained A*AA and is going to study Computer Science at Newcastle University, Francesca Morgan who gained A*AA and is going to study Criminal Justice and Criminology at the University of Leeds, and Eloise Davis who is going to study International History and Politics at the University of Leeds and achieved AAA. Other successes include Lantz White who studied the Pre-U and A levels and is going to study Social Policy at Bristol University after achieving AABB, Alice Neathway who gained AAA*B studying the Pre-U and A Levels and is going to study Philosophy at Exeter University and Fianna Le Marchand who is going to study Psychology at Sussex University and achieved A*AB. Universities attracting large numbers of Midsomer Norton Sixth Form students include Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth, Reading, Southampton, York, Birmingham, and Leeds.


Sixth Form GCE Exam Result Summary:

Average point score 303 – equivalent to 3 B grades Average points per entry equivalent to a B grade A*-E 100%

A* - C 80%

A*-B 52%

A*-A 25%

Pre-U – (A*-B equivalent) – 75% BTEC – 100% D* - IT and Music Performance (D=Distinction)

Students with Exceptional Results: Francesca Morgan - A*AA Leeds University to study Criminal Justice and Criminology. Brixton Hamilton – A* A A Newcastle University to study Computer Science and Game Design. Eloise Davis – AAA – Leeds University to study International History and Politics. Fianna Le Marchand – A*AB Sussex University to study Psychology. Amber Manley - AAB to study Drama at Central School of Speech and Drama, London.


Ben McCarthy - BAA to study Biology at Southampton University.

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Lantz White –A, D3, B, M2 to study Social Policy at Bristol University . Sarah Iley –Hazelgrove – to study Psychology at Sheffield. Alice Neathway A, A, D2, M2 – to study Philosophy at Nottingham University.





istory Teacher Dan McGilloway was invited by the Cambridge International Examination body as a guest speaker to present to a conference of delegates at Kings College, London, about the acclaimed Cambridge Pre-U which is taught at the Midsomer Norton Sixth Form. The Cambridge Pre-U consists of 26 different subjects run by the Cambridge International Examination Board (CIE). These consist of Mathematics, Foreign Languages, History, Economics and the GPR. The Cambridge Pre-U has run as part of the Midsomer Norton Sixth Form Curriculum for five years. The difference in choosing this course as opposed to A levels is that the course runs for two years with the exams taken at the very end of the course, something which the Government is currently debating to re-introduce. When the Pre-U was introduced to the Norton Hill Sixth Form (as it was then in 2007), Norton Hill was the first state school nationally to run the Pre-U. This remains the case today in many respects, with the sixth form still being the only sixth form in the region to offer the Pre-U, which it is extremely proud to do. Nationally, 150 schools offer the Pre-U course, and this is set

to rise significantly in the next 12 months. Dan McGilloway was invited to present to the 30 delegates from schools from across the country, due to the outstanding success demonstrated by the students and staff at the Midsomer Norton Sixth Form. Dan outlined the benefits of the Pre-U, examining in-depth the achievements of students who choose to study a Pre-U course and the differences between A level and Pre-U. Dan also made it clear that despite preconceptions of the Cambridge Pre-U being seen as elitist and only for high achieving students, that this was not the case. The Pre-U is designed to embrace students who are passionate about their subject, to develop each student’s analytical questioning and personal research. Students of varying abilities in the Sixth Form are enjoying the course and are achieving fantastic results.




student from Midsomer Norton Sixth Form is about to graduate from Bristol University’s ‘Pathways to Law’; Thomas Morgan has completed the 2 year scheme and attended a graduation ceremony in July.


Graduating Sixth Former Thomas Morgan said; “Pathways to Law has given me the best possible insight into Law. The highly regarded course has given me the opportunity to get my foot through the door at leading law firms. During the course, I have been on a summer school at Warwick University with students from London, Southampton, Manchester and Leeds. I have also been on trips to Bristol Crown Court and the Inner Temple in London”. Four Midsomer Norton Sixth Form students in Year 12 who are aspiring to a career in Law, have just completed their first year of the course. Alex O’Driscoll from Bristol University, who organises Pathways to Law stated; “Roxanne Diamond, Paige Matthews, Demelza Clegg and Azima Begum… have all been a pleasure to have on the programme. All are very friendly and enthusiastic. We have been very impressed with how they have all engaged with the content and hope to see them all studying at the University in the future!”


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n June, four Year 12 students from the Midsomer Norton Sixth Form Public Services course were invited to Avon Fire & Rescue Services Centre based at Lansdown, Bath, to be involved in a ‘simulated’ light aircraft crash. The four students’ role within this mock incident was to take part in Command Assessment, working alongside staff from Avon Fire & Rescue Service. The lucky four students were Callum Bicknell, Ellie Stiles, Toyah Chaplin and Ben Anderson.

had to drive (via computer simulation) to the incident and discuss plans and actions on the way. They received phone calls and radio messages about the incident whilst driving. From this information, each of the candidates had to envisage a picture of the incident and to form a potential plan of action. Once they had arrived, the candidates were taken to view four different simulated views of the plane crash to show the severity of the incident. The candidates were then taken to the Command Unit (which on this occasion was a small coach parked indoors) where they were expected to take control of the situation. Each candidate was then bombarded with different issues to see how they would react under pressure. Following on from this, the officer was asked to go to Police Headquarters (still at Lansdown) and chair a ‘Gold’ level command meeting with Police, Ambulance and other agencies.

The interview exercise was designed to run for approximately two hours for each of the four candidates applying for the job. The centre at Lansdown uses hi-tech computer simulation with a mix of actors and fire service staff to test its managers in realistic emergencies The simulation involved a 12 seater aircraft which had crashed into the Mall at Cribbs Causeway Shopping Centre, Bristol. The officer candidates


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NEW HOME FOR OFF THE RECORD Off the Record, has announced that it is moving its Midsomer Norton base into the Town Hall. They provide a range of free, confidential and independent service for children and young people that support the development of their emotional health and well-being. The service will primarily cater for people aged 18-25 on an appointment basis. “We been considering a move for some time from the premises we’ve occupied behind Midsomer Norton High Street. The Town Hall not only offers a perfect range of meeting rooms – but also the opportunity to be part of a vibrant community hub at the heart of


the town”, said Ruth Sexton from Off The Record. Adam Nicholas who has been with Off The Record for 16 years stated “I started as a volunteer and became a counsellor in 2006. Over the years I’ve helped hundreds of young people and the service is needed more than ever today when young people so often just need someone to listen to them and help them find their own way to improve their emotional health and well-being”. If you are a young person and want information or support, or you are an adult who wants to refer a child or young person please visit www.offtherecordbanes.co.uk

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their special day in the grand surroundings of the 1860s Italianate Town Hall Assembly Room - newly kitted out with Bechstein grand piano, antique signing tables and wedding chairs purchased specially for this new venture. “With the nearest register offices being located in Bath, Shepton Mallet, Trowbridge and Frome the only other alternative until now has been to buy a wedding package from a local hotel or follow the traditional church route. We can now offer couples a very affordable venue package which they can tailor to their specific needs”, said Alex Davis, Community Development Manager of the Midsomer Norton Community Trust. The venue is available for civil weddings and civil partnership ceremonies as well as hire for wedding receptions. For further details visit the Trust’s new website at www.midsomernortoncommunitytrust.co.uk.


he first ever civil wedding ceremony took place in the newly licensed Midsomer Norton Town Hall on the 7th July 2013. Couples now have an affordable venue to have a civil ceremony in the heart of the Somer Valley and ever since the bookings have been literally flooding in. The happy couple on the 7th July were Donna Best and Mathew Shephard, who chose to have

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LOCAL COMMUNITY MINIBUS The Community Minibus has been running for many years and takes local groups (not individuals) to lunch clubs, church services and other events. They are now recruiting for new drivers and are looking to the local community for help. You must be under 70 years old and available throughout the week. The positions would suit an early retired person who likes driving and meeting new people. Drivers of the Community Minibus work on a voluntary basis and will be DBS checked and assessed. For enquiries about the position or for bookings you can contact Stephen Powell on 01761 413975 or David Shearn on 01761 413473.

HELPING THE RUH CANCER APPEAL Making people happy, helping local causes and responding to major disasters are just some of the aims of Lions International. These comments were emphasised by President Robert Briggs when presenting a cheque for £3153.50 to Zoe Tainton for the Forever Friends Appeal. The Forever Friends appeal is raising £5 million towards a new Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospital in Bath. A staggering £2000 was raised by the Presidents Charity, which added to the profits raised from the two spring concerts. The new Cancer Centre will be providing an environment that is holistic, soothing, relaxing and essential for reducing stress and anxiety for patients and their families.

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or the first time since it formed in April 2011, the Town Council has taken a summer recess this year and the Full Council and its Planning Committee did not meet in August. Whilst business continues and we continue to deliver our services along with our partners, the Officers have had a small window to get on with some much needed catching up on a variety of issues. One of the main projects has been the development of our Information Technology systems. In partnership with Eye Tech IT we have improved the wi-fi network in the Town Hall and enabled our server to handle emails, calendars and electronic filing more efficiently. This has also enabled me to log in from home occasionally on a secure link to check for urgent e mails. Despite the rather traditional bureaucracy that is often associated with local Councils,


we have also been looking at how we can use electronic versions of documents by circulating large sets of papers on memory sticks to save on paper and postage. In the coming year, we are expecting the Government to allow more electronic business to be enabled by Town and Parish Councils so we can almost eliminate hard copies of papers. Our web site continues to evolve as we look at how we can provide more and more people with information in the best possible way. Not that we are going to stop hard copies – I think you can expect the reassuring thud of the new edition of LIFE hitting your door mats for some time to come! As you read this we will be starting the whole process of setting the Town Council’s budgets for the next Municipal year and we will provide you all with more details in the Winter edition. All that we can be sure of is that pressure on public funds is going to continue and the Council will have yourto local someContact difficult decisions make onpolice how Council ratepayers’ money is team! best spent. We will do our best in the Council office to make beatmsn@avonandsomerset.pnn.police.uk sure we are as efficient as we can be so that more funds can be diverted to delivering you the services you expect. Clive Stillwell Town Clerk

MEET YOUR LOCAL POLICE TEAM! Midsomer Norton Town Hall (River Room) Every Wednesday 10am-12noon Contact your local police team! beatmsn@avonandsomerset.pnn.police.uk





Brian Lawrence Finance Area: Redfield

Jane Lewis Planning Area: Welton North

John Slade IT and planning Area: Welton Centre

Linda Dunford Community groups & activities Area: Charlton Park

Lynda Robertson Comminuty groups & activities Area: Welton Centre

Clive Stilwell Town Clerk

Michael Evans Law & order Area: Town Centre South

Paul Myers Mayor; Civic Area: Redfield

Pete Mocock Planning Area: Hayes Park

Richard Robertson Allotments & Transport Area: Welton Centre

Steve Plumley Sport & Culture Area: Radstock Road

Sara Box Children & Young People Area: Withies Park

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