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Keynsh a Walk ing Fest ival Ret urns ... and this year it ’s FREE
he Keynsham Walking Festival will return in spring 2020. The event will follow its usual format with seven walks, a social evening and family friendly finale spread over the final weekend in April. T
Following with tradition, the festival begins with a History Walk around the town on the Friday evening. There will be three more walks on Saturday and Sunday respectively; all of varying length with something suitable for all abilities. The walks will be led by experienced leaders, who will point out places of interest along the way.
In 2020, for the first time ever, the festival will be completely FREE with voluntary donations being collected at the beginning of each walk.
There will be a social evening on the Saturday, and
a walk finale in the Memorial Park on the Sunday afternoon. Full details of the festival will be published on the Keynsham Walkers are Welcome web-site once they are finalised: e-voice.org.uk/ keynshamwalkersarewelcome/.
The group are always thankful to Keynsham Town Council for their continued support; it is the awarding of a Council grant that enables the Keynsham Walking Festival to take place.