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Once again, another gardening year starts and we have a busy time ahead. Keynsham Town Council are introducing a Spring Show to be held at the Scout HQ on Saturday 25th March commencing at 12.00 noon.

If you wish to get involved, please email Dawn Drury at keynshaminbloom@icloud.com or myself at catherinemarywoodman@gmail.com. Keynsham

In Bloom have a stall and there will be a flower show, a cake stall plus many other interesting things to see and enjoy.

At this time of year, our town’s gardens and flower containers are sleeping but our volunteers have been busy at work ready for the warmer weather. The old plants from the High Street have been removed and very soon, the containers will be topped up with fresh compost and replanted with spring flowers. The flowerbeds at Keynsham Station are restocked with donated plants from lovely local people and the containers are planted and looking healthy.

The Pocket Park has also had donated plants added, and when the weather is warmer, this will spring into life. Queens Road containers have been planted with violas, polyanthus, and bulbs;

Holmoak Road containers have had extra alpines added together with crocus and Tête-à-tête bulbs and Chandag Road shop containers are filled with alpines and looking forward to bursting into flower.

Of course, we couldn’t achieve any of these projects without the support of our lovely volunteers and l take this opportunity to thank them and wish you all a very Happy New Year. If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact the email addresses above or pop into the council offices in Temple Street.

Lin, Mary and Anne.

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