1 minute read

YouNg CARERS HavE THEir vOiCE s HEard in HOusE OF C OMMOns

Local charity, The Carers’ Centre support 15 young carers to have their voice heard by national policy makers.

Independent charity, The Carers’ Centre supported 15 young people, who tirelessly care for their loved ones to engage in social action. The young carers were able to attend the House of Commons with thanks to Wera Hobhouse MP and Bath Philharmonia.

The young carers performed their own song as part of an orchestra with Bath Philharmonia on 10 July 2023, which showcased the incredible impact of music-making on young carers.

Their song, ‘Listen’ was a hit with the Lords, Ladies and MPs in attendance and the group’s message to be heard was loud and clear.

“We will try everything,

“Let’s keep going ‘til we reach our goal, “Nothing’s gonna stop us, we’re on our way, “We’re young carers, we are the greatest!”

Anyone that cares for a relative or friend, due to an illness, disability or addiction can face enormous challenges, especially as a child. Young

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