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Henry is an 8 year old from Midsomer Norton who loves to be independent and make people smile. At 12 months old he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy spastic diplegia which most noticeably affects Henry’s lower limbs making him unable to stand or walk unaided. This has never stopped Henry aiming for better mobility and independence with his determined nature helping him along the way. Henry has received weekly therapy since diagnosis which has become a big part of his life, teaching him the skills to sit, crawl, walk with a walker and now learning to walk with just sticks thus increasing his stamina to go even further. These are skills we all take for granted but Henry worked extra hard to achieve.
Thanks to everyone`s support and help with fundraising he was able to have SDR in July 2020 at the Portland Hospital London. Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery is a procedure that treats muscle spasticity caused by abnormal communication from the brain to the muscles. It achieves this by cutting the nerve rootlets in the spinal cord, thus reducing spasticity while improving the range of motion and functional mobility. Following SDR there is an intense rehabilitation period of 3 years and without this Henry will not gain the full benefits from the operation. He has been working so hard before and after and deserves the chance to improve his mobility and independence. Just4Children are still trying to raise funds to continue to allow Henry to access the therapy he needs and any equipment and orthotics to aid his independence. You can help by either donating to www. justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/just4children/ helpinghenry or why not join in the the firewalk that’s happening on the 8th October at MSN Cricket Club.
If you would like to volunteer to walk on fire and raise some well needed funds, contact helpinghenry6@gmail.com