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Get back to school ready

It might seem like the summer has only just started butthe new school term will be rolling around soon enough.Here are our top tips for getting back to school readywith as little anxiety as possible.

Keep the kids’ minds active

With work and life in general taking up most of your time, you likely don’t have the energy for making sure the kids are keeping their minds active during the school holidays and we’re sure they would much rather be out and about with their friends or relaxing in front of the TV. One way to make sure they are ready to return to school is to make sure their minds don’t stagnate over the holidays and you can do this without making them give up the things they want to do. You could get them to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge, challenge them to watch a documentary or two during the week or if they’re going out, talk to them about any wildlife they have spotted along the way. By doing this, they will be in good shape for returning to lessons in September.

Gradually reintroduce routines

Ok, so we all deserve a lie in or two after a hectic summer term but one way to make sure everyone is prepared for early mornings once September rolls around is to slowly reintroduce your term time routines. Start by bringing in a morning routine and set times for lunch and bed, this will make the transition back to school much easier.

Get your equipment ahead of time

While you might want to wait to get your uniform and shoes (kids have this annoying habit of growing at the most inopportune times!) until as late as possible, with the rising cost of living, it is always worth spreading the cost of everything you need out across the summer holidays. That way you can make sure you have pens, pencils, pencil cases, PE Kits and uniforms all ready to go by the time they go back.

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