2 minute read
Midsomer Norton Churchyard
The Churchyard in Church Lane has monuments from the 19th century and in the early 1900s, extra land was gifted by members of the church congregation over a number of years, so that burials could still take place in Midsomer Norton when the land around the church became full.
There are 14 war graves from the first and second world wars in the cemetery.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St John's Church is responsible for the maintenance of the Churchyard including regular grass mowing, upkeep of equipment and tree maintenance. We are very grateful to CFH Docmail who kindly provide people to cut and strim the grass. Were it not for this, the PCC would be unable to cover the costs of maintaining the churchyard. In addition, essential maintenance of the trees can cost up to £3000 to fell a single tree. In 2022, we had to fell 2 large trees due to disease. Wansdyke council used to make up any deficit incurred, however B&NES no longer offer this support, so all costs have to be met by the PCC.
In 2022 a working party of church members was created. They have enthusiastically worked on clearing the paths, trimming bushes and low hanging branches above the paths. The mound at the bottom of the churchyard previously occupied by badgers has now been cleared and has been seeded as a wildflower patch.
There is much more work to do over the coming year including clearing overgrown areas, trimming hedges and further developing the wildflower area. If anyone is interested in joining our friendly working party team, you would be most welcome. Or if you would like to make a donation to meet the continuing maintenance cost of this community asset, please contact the Parish Office on 01761 411216 or at msnparishoffice@gmail.com